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…. Lesson 3 Saul Begins Reign Samuel’s Semi-Retirement 1 Sam 11-13.

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Lesson 3

Saul Begins Reign

Samuel’s Semi-Retirement

1 Sam 11-13

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Saul’s Folly (Part 1) Ch. 13

Ammonites besiege Jabesh-Gileadvv. 1-2• Nahash – King of Ammonites• Ammonites – Related to Moabites and

Israel through Lot (Gen. 19:30-38)• Previously: Israel was not to battle them

as they entered Canaan (Deut. 2:19)• Jabesh-Gilead – East of Jordan River

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Help requested v. 3• Men of Jabesh seek treaty• Nahash’s harsh condition – give right

eye (to shame Israel)• Jabesh elders obtain 7-day reprieve to

seek help

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Message comes to Saul vv. 4-7• Messengers arrive in Gibeah• Saul returns from fields with oxen• Saul reacts; Spirit of the Lord and anger• Saul cuts up oxen and sends out the call

to arms• Saul and Samuel to lead battle

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Army assembled vv. 8-10• Fear of the Lord befalls people• They rally and force is numbered in

BezekIsrael 300,000Judah 30,000

• Word of rescue sent back to Jabesh• Jabesh responds to King Nahash

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Battle campaign v. 11• Saul divides force into three companies• Attack the Ammonite camp in the

morning watch• Battle continues to mid-day• Ammonites scattered (no two were left


Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Victory Results vv. 12-13• People request from Samuel that rebels

(10:27) be put to death• Saul speaks to spare the rebels life

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Saul’s Kinship Confirmed vv. 14-15• Samuel directs army back to Gilgal• Saul’s kingship confirmed with people• Peace offering sacrifices made (Lev. 3)• Saul and all men of Israel rejoice

Saul’s Leadership Ch. 11

Samuel’s Validates His Leadershipvv. 1-5• Samuel heeded Israel’s request for king• Samuel old and gray headed• He asks if any have witness against him• The people have nothing against Samuel• Samuel affirms Lord and king Saul as


Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel Affirms Lord’s Controlvv. 6-12

• Samuel reminds Israel of the Lord’s righteous acts

• Of Moses and Aaron delivering Israel from Egypt

• Of deliverance from Sisera (Canaanites), Philistines and Moabites during Judges

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel Affirms Lord’s Controlvv. 6-12

• How the people cried out to the Lord for their sins (for serving idols) and the Lord sent deliverance by:Jerubbaal (aka Gideon)Bedan (aka Barak)JephthahSamuel

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel Affirms Lord’s Controlvv. 6-12

• Of their most recent deliverance from Nahash and the Ammonites

• “No, but a king shall reign over us,” although the lord your God was your king.

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel’s Stipulation vv. 13-15• IF both you (the people) and King Saul

Fear the LordServe HimListen to His voiceNot rebel against His commandsTHENIt will be well (ESV)

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel’s Stipulation vv. 13-15• However,

IF you Will not listen to the voice of the LordRebel against the command of the LordTHENThe hand of the Lord will be against them

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel Calls For A Sign vv. 16-19• Samuel asks people to stand• In the wheat harvest, a dry time of year• Samuel calls to Lord to send thunder

and rain• Lord sends thunder and rain• People ask Samuel to pray for their

wickedness in asking for a king

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Samuel’s Warning vv. 20-25• Samuel consoles the people• Warns – DO NOT turn aside from

following the Lord• The Lord will not forsake His people• Samuel will not stop praying for them

Samuel’s Farewell Ch. 12

Saul’s Family I Chron. 9:35-44• Father – Kish• Wife – Ahinoam• Sons

Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malki-Shua• Daughters

Merab and Michal• Uncle – Ner• Cousin – Abner, the commander of his army

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Saul Chooses Army vv. 1-2• Saul 30(?) at beginning of reign• After 2 years of reign 3000 in army

2000 in Michmash with Saul1000 in Gibeah with Jonathan

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Jonathan Attacks Philistine Outpostvv. 3-4

• Philistine garrison at Geba• Jonathan attacks• Saul sounds the battle trumpet• Saul assembles people at Gilgal

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Philistines Counter vv. 5-7• Philistines massive military buildup

30,000 chariots6,000 horsemenInnumerable army

• Bivouacked at Michmash• Israelites fear and hide

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Saul’s Impatience vv. 8-10• Saul awaits Samuel 7 days in Gilgal• It is getting late on day 7, Samuel absent• People still fleeing• Saul makes a rash decision – sacrifice

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Saul’s Excuse vv. 11-12• Samuel arrives, “What have you done?”• Saul sheds blame

… the people were scattering from me… you did not come on time… the Philistines are at Michmash and are coming to Gilgal… I have not asked the favor of the Lord… I felt compelled (forced myself)

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

wrong is NEVER right!!!

Samuel delivers the Lord’s Judgmentvv. 13-14

• “You have acted foolishly; you have not kept the commandment of the Lord…… now your kingdom shall not endure.

• The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

The Battle Situation vv. 15-18• Saul leaves Gilgal for Gibeah with 600• Saul, Jonathan, and people in Gibeah• Philistines send out three companies of

raiders from Michmash

Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

Israel’s Disadvantage vv. 19-23• Israel at a technological disadvantage

No blacksmiths to smelt iron• Philistine would sharpen their tools• Only Saul and Jonathan had sword and


Saul’s Folly Ch. 13

(1)Anger has its place

The Spirit of the God came upon Saul and he became angry 11:6

“Righteous Indignation”Moses at Israel’s calf worship Exod. 32:19Nehemiah at oppression of poor Neh. 5:6Eph. 4:23 Be angry and do not sin…

(2) Seek out your sins and make correction

Samuel asked if any had witness against him12:3Num. 32:23 … be sure your sins will find you out.Prov. 10:9 Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his way crooked will be found out.Eccl. 12:14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

(3) The Lord desires an obedient people and leaders

IF both you (the people) and King SaulFear, serve, listen to, and not rebel against the LordTHENIt will be well (ESV)

(4) Do not blame others for your sins

Gen 3:11-13 “…and I ate”

Job 19:4 And even if it be true that I have erred, my error remains with myself.

Ezek. 18:20 The soul who sins shall die...
