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/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" r ' .... _ <§reenbe It lllews lltiJiew AN INDE'PENDENT NEWSPAPER 15,000 County Children Scheduled i=or Anti-Polio Inoculations Soon By G. Amberg, Health Chairman Center School PTA Published Every Thursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc. GVHC Board ReveJrses Decision T <) s;ponsor Co-op F.lousing Bill WHAT GOES ON Some 15.000 children in Prince GeorgE.'s County are due to take in R. h!story making mass ino-::ulation in man's fight against- paralyctic polio. On Wednesday, March 30, Dr. Englar, <'nunt:; mroiC'.al officE.'r. told delegates to the School Health CounciL that plans are being made to begin the shots April 18, once the green light has been given. (Other dates have not been set yet.) He asks that all parents request slips for the vaccine be sent to- by April 4 be emphasi-red that this WWI a definite dead- line. \tol->t physicians in the county havt· bePn r<'Cruited and have vol- u:ltt·(·r<'<i freely of their time, to h··lp in this pmgram. which will rrPan 15.000 shots times three or .000 v!sits our children. Dr. RP!".Jamin Miller announced. Dr. :\h:if'!' is president of the Prince County ].f<'dical Society. my '·olunte<'rs will be needed, .\!!!'s Mar:•• Thompson, County !"<'hn;)J l"iPalth Super.;sor. stated. Slw will contact the principals in t •-,. ;;,·hools and explain the setup. T w princ;pal in turn work w thc sc·hool health chairman d wi!l r!'<'rtlit volunteers. the price of the vaccine. By Mat GVHC board of directors on Friday, March 25 votl'd unan- imously to seek the death in the 1955 Maryland General Asf·mb!y of a bill originally introrluced there at the request of GVHC and another housing co-op. Thi:s unexpected decision, to undo a move in w::1irb the :dr! GVHC board had invested $500 in lobbyist fM·s, came at the new ti rst full bu.<riness session aftf·r it was pointed out to the boa1rd that the bill as introduced contain<'d pro"lisions that would be worse for GV!ie than to have no legi:5latic n at all. vis a vis the corporatJon for this infringemf·nt on th(·ir right to sdl and r("C()ver their <'QUity. Thi:< prm·ision would r('Quirc· the· GVHC to buy back th'i' member's stakc in the co-op if it evi<:ts him. Th(• part obj<'Cted to by Bordenet and t:Jw board m(·mbers was that the GVHC would have to pay the oust- cd mt>mber "the full amount of principal. exclusive of and operating payment.-;," and ex:pens- Bernard Bord<'net. a former nH·mber, brought to the :m of the bill, as- serting the objectionable provi- sions coUild make GVHC go broke. The board motion as adopted call- ed 1'or withdrawal of the bill this year· because of an amendment in- &ert.l!d before was introduced. The bill cflS approved by the old board c·hi not contain the provi- sions objected to by Bordenet. ...i;hf',ie were inserted during nego- with members of the leg- islature before the bUl was intro- PS. The opponents of th<' bill as drawn argued that i! the housing tnarl-tet has fallen at a time when members have paid in n large part r.t the price of their hcrtnes, a Jnem- ber- wishing to sell could get mon• money by forcing GVHC to <'Viet him and buy back his home under those terms than by selling (m thl:' open market. duced March 10 by Delegates Ni- chol:J and Si.-.kle.s. l!:victlon Pl'ovlsion Tllte bill would add to the Mary- land corp10raUon law a new set of provlsion11 recognizing housing cor- porations such as GVHC and pro- viding for a method of eviction of any ·member who defaults on his mon1thly pay:nents. GVHC 1reneral counsE!l Abc Chas- anow explained th&.t paasagc of such a was necessary in hi!' opinion to· avoid running the risk of having some members taking unfair advantage of the corpora- tion under certain conditions if an opinion uttered before a Maryland circuit cc,urt judge in a case in- volving thte Potomac Heights hous- ing <:o-op is upheld. The Potomac H<>ights co-op contract is like GVHC's. But he explained alao that the members of the legislature with whon1 the bill was disc'LL88ed balk- ed ·at certain provisions includl ng one that Beemoo to be an attempt to evade the U.S. Supr<'me Cou1·t's anti- racist rulings. The- bill, as presented to the ,Jaw-makers l[or introduction, carries language . cognizillg the GVHC provls'lon dc- ..... Jying to a member the right to sell his membership to anyone un- less lhe buyer has t.he corporatio·n's approval. JWpurchaHe The bill as introduced in the h·g- islature carries provisions design- ed to com;pensatte GVHC members Bordcnet saJd this pr•::>vision "could have such a finan- cial impact upon the corpomtion that it would be sheer r11ad.neu for the to en- actm.cnt of a law any mandatory rep u r c h •l s e pro·11i- sion .. 4,. Rllti"Jt'oon tc• Provilt-ion Burgoon said that when the bill to the bc'nrd Dc:-fo:-t· its introduction. he was against the mandatory repurchaae pro\•i- sion but It W'6!1 needed by the other co-op. He stresst.'<i that the GVHC board was oppoBed to the bill a.s prP.sr·ntcd by the other co-op and that thf' old board didn't put into the bfll with the in- tent to hurt GYHC. wanted to be in on the situ11.tion. he e:ICpJ.ain<'<i. Lor.g tho t s- G\'HC, Pag•l' 2 Lake Sua rise Coa:ducted By s:enice routll young p{•oplc !rom th•· ehurch••s in c;rN·nb(·lt Rnd n{·a;·by communitiPs will conduct an Ea:o- ter Sun rise M>rvicP Sunday, April 10, at tht.• Gre.:•nbdt ln;t•·· Tho• M·rvicf' will b.·gin iil t>.:m am .. ;tnr:l will conclude around 7:31, a.m. Partic-ipating a;-,. m•·mlwrs of tht· I ;n·•·nhpl t Band, tlw Hr.tnc h- VJIJ•· Youth Cho11· a!11l of ttw J.-,·:cl f'hllrl"iJ 1:rnurs will r•·arl tlH· E·L•.t•·r -- Pictntter After-H4rJUr School Bus Plan Prc)V«!S Success jAt 'H'i- Point' High By :\IrK. J. J. BblCR" After a two months' trial ti1e "activiti£>s hus", a transporta- tion project pioneered by High Point high school. has proved to he so successful that it will be contiinued until the t•nd of th(' ,yea:.". 1rhe buses came into being last month 'ilhen a group of stu- dents approached the school principal, Allan I. Chotiner, and ask€·d il' a bus could not bt> to taltc horne students whose ac- tivitiPs kt>pt them after class("S. Chotin<'r eonferrt>d with County Supf :-:intend<'nt of Schools William Schrnidt a.nd aftf'r consideration with authorities the bus was inauguratt•d on a trial baais. S·Fold J•urpotl<ft The purpose of this undertaking Is thrPe-fold, according to Choti- nf'r. it pPrmits students to attenr:l school club mt'('tings held after cla!<Sl':i and not intPrff•re with thP rf'gular school progr·a.m. St"<'- ondly, studPnts who art' particu- la.-Jy intPrcstPr:l in project - a sciPntitic experim1•nt. for eX<un- pl<'·. may dPvotf' mor(' timf' to this work and havP the undivid,,d as- Df thP instrueto1:. Lastly, a stud••nt who may "''f"<i .:·xtra hr:tp in his work may h11ve thi11 time to hring his V.·ork up to a hight•r It-vel. As t.h .. is far !rorr. a rul:o- 1 ie trF.illsportation systt·m, a11d a.'l th!' 11t11d(•nts arP drawn !rom such widely separated ns Grl'en- hf'lt and Takoma Park. it \ll"ll.!l ••vj- d(•nt that two buscs v,·oulr:l be llP<'ded. ThPs•· two "a<·tivity ('S" lea\'c the school at :i:l:5 •t•ach aftt·rnc>{)n, nnP taking stud('rJt.'l whn Jive ir, thP WP!itPrn pur·t of th•· aro'a. tht• othcr going t'> tr · (•a.•t- (·rn .seetion. T'h•· v•·hlrk!i "'" :-•·g- tda:inn :-o-:-hoo] thPy npt-ratt• nn an .-.·h•·dul•·. a charl{•' c•f t•"1 a rid•· is marie to tht• p ,_ ·r .. .:l::...: Th1;r,n,.y 31 - RESCUE SQt ·A r > r:.."'ROL.L..c:; Arnbu- lar.c•· S<jua.j members at Po- ;.,,.. 7-10 p.m. CX>t·.:-,-ry Lr:AGt•E OF \\'(>\!EX \.OTER.<; Annual ).[•·• tm;; tn PAiu<-.ation Bldg. of F.:-< Cnurc·h. 53:00 H.tl:.mnr.• r\'1.'1', Hyatts,;l!e, f-. t.r) r 8:3.) p.m. mr--f:t- i ng:. Frichy. Apr: I 1 B P. I D G E CI FI3 MOXTH- LY TOl'K"'A.'\U;.:-.-r. CA·ntcr :-'chooJ C:tff'tc-rin_ ::l(l p.m. B< >AR!> in \\ ':1"'' tnn a i. 8 p.m. SQl"ARE D A::-.; C E SORED HY c .... ntPr School PTA !or children up to 13 in C-enter School Auditorium, 8- 10 p.m. HI c; H P 0 I::-< T HIGH SCHOOL BAND'S First An- nual Spring C011cc·rt in school gymnasium at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 2 - AlTXILIARY. GREENBELT RESCt:f: SQUAD Annual Bakl• Sale. front of Greenbelt Thf'iltrC', from 9 a.m. GREJ.:: ..... Br:L T C 0 0 P ERA- TIVE KIXDERGARTE.- .... Fa- thPrs' \Vorkahop at Center School Arts and Crafts Room, to ftn ish r('(fec,orating, 9:30 a.m. MondE.y, April f - CITY COUN- CIL MEf:::TING, in City of- ficPs. I' p.m. BA.:-.·n at Cen- tcr School, 7-8:30 p.m. C H 0 R A L G H. 0 l' P meoets at School, R.m. 201. 8:30 p.rn.- Tu,.sctay, April 5 GRE;E.""- EELT COOPERATIVE JK.DJ- DERI;AHTr::"J :!\.{ E E T G. tft.rts nnd Crafts Room ot School. Dr. Heintz of l'nivl·rsity to sp•·-tk. 1< ::;o p.m. Friday, April - (i(X)L> FRI- DAY. Hank dosPd. Co-op Help Praised For Baseball n,, Donnw \\'olf•• ';rn·nt .. ·lt v>lll h:'\\'P a "A'' lhsd>all I..<·ag1Jt• with th(' bt•st !o· tllh ;n and around \\'a.shington . 'l ],, ,g:H· ·.n;J ha\'t· a total of I< '• tfll.'- o-.6 T:r•· i•·•.l;.'l'' ..-.h(}uld .start ;·round : :·11 d•ll•· ,.f April. I •·x- ;w.·t;;: :·h{J'.\' tht• Jc..,l·al rt.'.nl t•·:tm. t 1' 1T. ,,( th•· in t ·rn•· to p.t{·h for c ;r(·•·nh••lt is ll11;.:h:, H•,·.,f'!l }w!oro• Eughi_(· ldt < ;rn·ntw;r. t•1 go into tht• St·r.·- J·.·•· h.- w "' abn11t th(• bt•.-t soft- b. til pitdwr :n thf' ar .. ;l. Thcrl' an· tl·am.' trying to gt't Hugh to pitch f<•r tlwir tf•am, bt. t we hnrw thnt HtJJ:'hic will t;.,. on the motmd !<•:- wher thp on r1pt· This y•·a r·s t<-am w:JJ b•· spo>r1son'(j by Gn.•Pnbelt Cor.sum.,rs S.·rYiCf'. It i.s Sa:m .-\,h•·lman's thnught!ulnPss :hat th• r•· w•·rp sn m:•n:v :-por.sor- •·d by ('C)-OP. Th•· Bal:w Ruth. L.llJo. L•·:q:::.•· and no·w t.!'l•· Roft- h'il! ).fo·:'l·, t•·am. \\',. ·w;u.t to th·wk A.'h··ln·, "l and •';r<·<'nhelt ('rq··: ...... um•·!" for thrir J··r,r th•·:r hr·lp it ,,,, .t. ,·r.:tr· .. ·•· to play Oo-Si-Do for You'lhs A :--q·: t.:-t• .J·c·h t• fnr tt'. : "]. )"t'":lr:-. ·,\·ili bP ':•·i-1 .:: ;,, •·· '·:•·r S•·h">nl a::<li- t(:r:<:ITI !'light tn 1(1 .,,. !I 1 iw ·.; .. ( 1.::.,.. .... f,f• .Ari··h !' ... .•. f.-,r- J!\:1-i- ... p t::- ... r• ,j ln, ···"' .•. d·c:,·, 1" J ( •• '-=( rt ,i _, .,. (,: T·T.\ John :!\fanlich, Jr., state repre- sPntativc of the National Founda- tion for Infantile Paralysis, spoke of the importance of preparing tht• children for these shots. He said in the trial experiments last year. when the c.l'1ildren were prt>- pared. they displayed little or no apprehension or crying as com- pared to those who were net pre- pare-d beforehand. He also ad- vised that mothers not be present as it might upset the youngsters. Pr. Da\'£'ns. Chief of Bureau of P:·•·\·t nti\·,. 1\.fedicine. Maryland St:ltr· Health DPpt., strC'ssed these ]'C n t": There were organizations of ev- ery surt at the meeting workin1;:, together to plan a program to heiJ,1 . our children. Official and non- official agencies. professione.! and lay groups, everyo.r:<? giving un- selfishly to help this program to bes It has Sf'rved ancl will continue to £erve as a rn!>Qef· and inspiration of what ·wo1·king together' can do. I. ThP inoculations are purely \'f :t!!lt'l!";>.'. Xo child will be given vaC'-:oination unl<'ss therf' is a si1:n(•d I'<'Qtwst from the parent. :?. The will not be given it h-:is been licf:'nsed by the X11t'l. Institute of Health. Bethes- dA. This Fedt>ral agency checks, fo1· safP usf', all biologicals made in this country. Once it has been lic,.nsed it is no long£'r in the ex- rimPntal stRge. The licensing is expectE'<j early in April. <:. Thr !'('SUits of last ycar's ex- p('rirnents with the vaccine are still bf'ing tRbulnt<'n at Ann Arbor. Ur. h·t•r·<!ty o( The re- lHilts will not bc made public until NU ly April. The report will be the del<'rmining factor as to whether th( vncdne works. If the evalua- tio, r"port is favor81ble then the prc•grarn as planned will go into etT.•ct. b. In answ£'r to questions rele- \'ar.t to the shots. Dr. Davens stated there would be three intramuscu- lar shots given over a 5 week pe- riod. To date, it is not known to wh1.t the effectiveness is los1 if o::te or two shots are misse-d. "But." he emphasized. "we do know that three are necessary." 5. The vaccine confP.rs immuni- ty ;tgainst paralytic polio. Dr. Da- vcr s stress(•d the fact that there :1re strains of polio virus. E\'o•n if a chnld ha..<1 had an attack of one strain. he would still be suscPptible to the other types of polio \-irus. This vaccine is de- sig:wd to protect against the three Vir· lSI'S, 6 Th•·r,• was some discussion 'l be ut possi blP n-aetion to the vac- ·:in··. Dr. Davens felt that from re- ports r<·eeived to date, there was :t Tlinirr.um of reaction. He com- part'Cl the possible amount of re- '1'1 ''11 to thP slight reaction of : ho· whooping cough injections :w\•.· g-i\·,·n to a!! inf.:tnts. Since t ht···· is a slight amount of peni- ··illtn in vaccine. Dr. Miller dahorat,.d some•A·hat on the pos- sibiLty that pt"nicilliJ"' sensitive pat •·nts might have a reaction. Howt·vcr. aH the doctors on the pro,;:-rnm felt that the possibility of r•·rwtio:1 to the vaccine was mini- mal. but if th<'re was any question to refl'r it to a physician. \\'hile this program is free to thP first and second grades, the \'a<·,·in<· will be released to pri- \'0 t.· physicians and clinics. As long as the manufacture of the vac<'in•· is limited, the usc of the \·arcin£' will bf' on a priority basis. Thi1: will b(' M•t up by the health dPpartm•·nt and physicians will be askt·d to comply with th<'se rf'gu- As as the output is i:,cr:•asP<L the \'accine b·o :n·.tilah: ... to a:J. Dr. :!\.filler stated that a mo·dieal advisory committee h ul wnrk•·rl on the possible f«r t:-t•' \"tccinP. H .. stated that : v d 'rl WiL!l t to be accused n! ·r fixing,' hut it was general- :t.::r•·t·d that th.- pricf• would be tlw !'I'J.::tJI:tr nlfic" chargp plus thp nf th•· \'RecinP. H<' felt it n.';:H :·pprox·mate Sl5 for the to- t .l 'f : 1 1• th:-•·" injN'tions. Again, : '1· .,.. :1 d• P"'ld on the privute ·,; . .-·:al olficC' price. and .. '; Ghost Haunts Southway Seelcing Sappy Slayer" The ghost of a flov..-ering crab tree haunts the Greenbelt roadsid€' this week searching for its mur- derer. A crude sign-obviously written with a dead twig dipped in blue sap--hangs from the decapi- tatPd sapling on Southway plead- ing "\'VHO KU.I.ED ME?" The trf'e is one of many planted last fall as part of a $3000 be2uti- fieation program to enhance the entrance to Greenbelt. A vandal cut or broke the eoon-to-bloom crab tree in half. Sic transit Gloria Southway! Trash Tour Set For Saturday For Sure·. According to councilman .!ames C. Smith, the council will tour · the city on Saturday, April 2 at 1: o'clock to inspect the trash situa- tion. It will ,be fhe first time that' the city council has taken such a tour, and it is designed to a1for'd councilmen an opportunity ·to vie,,,.. the cleanup problem as they ccver the city as a basis for possible fu- ture action. City Mc- Donald, Superintendent of PU'blie Works, Buddy Attick, Frank Last- ncr of GVHC, a..d ne>vspaper rep- resentatives will go along on the tour. Bank Closed The management of Suburban Trust Company has announc<'d that the bank will be closed Fri- day, April 8, in observance cf GOOD FRIDAY, a !ega! holiday in the State of Band·Notes By Joseph Remeniek The Greenbelt Band. gave first indoor concert for a group of very responsive parents at the C!'nter School PI'A on March 2Z. The music program, directed by ::\fichael Rru<tca, was enthusiastical- ly rPceived; many commented <m the progress the band has made in the past year. It is hoped that tht> band will have more participants !or the concerts planned in the- months ahead. Parents are asked to <'ncourage their youngsters (in the age group nine thru the teens·• to join the Community Band. A dollar registration fee and a 35c weekly rehearsal will pro- vidP your son(s) and/or daugll- terlsl a social activity offered by \'Pry few communities. A few in-. struments are still available. Sef· )fr. Hopkins at the CentPr School band room )fonday at 7:3{•_
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<§reenbe It


15,000 County Children Scheduled i=or Anti-Polio Inoculations Soon

By Ro~ G. Amberg, Health Chairman Center School PTA

Published Every Thursday By The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc.

V~.l~N~34 G~nbclt, ~~l~~·~l~~d~,~~~u~~~~~)~··~M_ru~·~~-3-1~·=1=9=~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~-·-n~~ GVHC Board ReveJrses Decision T <) s;ponsor Co-op F.lousing Bill


Some 15.000 children in Prince GeorgE.'s County are due to take ~·-Ut in R. h!story making mass ino-::ulation in man's fight against­paralyctic polio. On Wednesday, March 30, Dr. ~omas Englar, <'nunt:; mroiC'.al officE.'r. told delegates to the School Health CounciL that plans are being made to begin the shots April 18, once the green light has been given. (Other dates have not been set yet.) He asks that all parents request slips for the vaccine be sent to­~:hool by April 4 be emphasi-red that this WWI a definite dead­line.

\tol->t physicians in the county havt· bePn r<'Cruited and have vol­u:ltt·(·r<'<i freely of their time, to h··lp in this pmgram. which will rrPan 15.000 shots times three or 4~ .000 v!sits ~;th our children. Dr. RP!".Jamin Miller announced. Dr. :\h:if'!' is president of the Prince • :•·orgp~ County ].f<'dical Society. ~.J my '·olunte<'rs will be needed, .\!!!'s Mar:•• Thompson, County !"<'hn;)J l"iPalth Super.;sor. stated. Slw will contact the principals in t •-,. ;;,·hools and explain the setup. T w princ;pal in turn ,~;u work w t~ thc sc·hool health chairman a~ d wi!l r!'<'rtlit volunteers.

the price of the vaccine.

By Mat Ambi~J'K' ~

~E' GVHC board of directors on Friday, March 25 votl'd unan­imously to seek the death in the 1955 Maryland General Asf·mb!y of a bill originally introrluced there at the request of GVHC and another housing co-op.

Thi:s unexpected decision, to undo a move in w::1irb the :dr! GVHC board had invested $500 in lobbyist fM·s, came at the new bor·t:~d';;; ti rst full bu.<riness session aftf·r it was pointed out to the boa1rd that the bill as introduced contain<'d pro"lisions that would be worse for GV!ie than to have no legi:5latic n at all.

vis a vis the corporatJon for this infringemf·nt on th(·ir right to sdl and r("C()ver their <'QUity. Thi:< prm·ision would r('Quirc· the· GVHC to buy back th'i' member's stakc in the co-op if it evi<:ts him. Th(• part obj<'Cted to by Bordenet and t:Jw board m(·mbers was that the GVHC would have to pay the oust­cd mt>mber "the full amount of principal. exclusive of interc~!!'t and operating payment.-;," and ex:pens-

Bernard Bord<'net. a former boaJ~d nH·mber, brought to the boa1~d :m analys·i~ of the bill, as­serting the objectionable provi­sions coUild make GVHC go broke. The board motion as adopted call­ed 1'or withdrawal of the bill this year· because of an amendment in­&ert.l!d before i~ was introduced.

The bill cflS approved by the old board c·hi not contain the provi­sions objected to by Bordenet.

...i;hf',ie were inserted during nego­~tiorms with members of the leg­islature before the bUl was intro-


The opponents of th<' bill as drawn argued that i! the housing tnarl-tet has fallen at a time when members have paid in n large part r.t the price of their hcrtnes, a Jnem­ber- wishing to sell could get mon• money by forcing GVHC to <'Viet him and buy back his home under those terms than by selling (m thl:' open market. duced March 10 by Delegates Ni­

chol:J and Si.-.kle.s. l!:victlon Pl'ovlsion

Tllte bill would add to the Mary­land corp10raUon law a new set of provlsion11 recognizing housing cor­porations such as GVHC and pro­viding for a method of eviction of any ·member who defaults on his mon1thly pay:nents.

GVHC 1reneral counsE!l Abc Chas­anow explained th&.t paasagc of such a l~Lw was necessary in hi!' opinion to· avoid running the risk of having some members taking unfair advantage of the corpora­tion under certain conditions if an opinion uttered before a Maryland circuit cc,urt judge in a case in­volving thte Potomac Heights hous­ing <:o-op is upheld. The Potomac H<>ights co-op contract is like GVHC's.

But he explained alao that the members of the legislature with whon1 the bill was disc'LL88ed balk­ed ·at certain provisions includl ng one that Beemoo to be an attempt to evade the U.S. Supr<'me Cou1·t's anti- racist rulings. The- bill, as presented to the ,Jaw-makers l[or introduction, carries language r'~c-

. cognizillg the GVHC provls'lon dc-..... Jying to a member the right to

sell his membership to anyone un­less lhe buyer has t.he corporatio·n's approval.

JWpurchaHe A~mf'nt The bill as introduced in the h·g­

islature carries provisions design­ed to com;pensatte GVHC members

Bordcnet saJd this pr•::>vision "could have such a t•~rrtblf' finan­cial impact upon the corpomtion that it would be sheer r11ad.neu for the ·~orporation to rec~mmend en­actm.cnt of a law co:r~taining any mandatory rep u r c h •l s e pro·11i-sion .. 4,.

Rllti"Jt'oon ~d tc• Provilt-ion Burgoon said that when the bill

wa~ pN'!O~nted to the bc'nrd Dc:-fo:-t· its introduction. he was against the mandatory repurchaae pro\•i­sion but It W'6!1 needed by the other co-op. He stresst.'<i that the GVHC board was oppoBed to the bill a.s prP.sr·ntcd by the other co-op and that thf' old board membrr:~~ didn't put ~;.500 into the bfll with the in­tent to hurt GYHC. ':~hey wanted to be in on the legislativ~ situ11.tion. he e:ICpJ.ain<'<i. Lor.g r·c,~alled tho t

s- G\'HC, Pag•l' 2

Lake Sua rise Coa:ducted By

s:enice routll

Th•~ young p{•oplc !rom th•· ehurch••s in c;rN·nb(·lt Rnd n{·a;·by communitiPs will conduct an Ea:o­ter Sun rise M>rvicP o.r~ Sunday, April 10, at tht.• Gre.:•nbdt ln;t•··

Tho• M·rvicf' will b.·gin iil t>.:m am .. ;tnr:l will conclude around 7:31, a.m. Partic-ipating a;-,. m•·mlwrs of tht· I ;n·•·nhpl t Band, tlw Hr.tnc h­VJIJ•· ~!•·thodi~t Youth Cho11· a!11l m.·mh•·r.~ of ttw J.-,·:cl f'hllrl"iJ 1:rnurs will r•·arl tlH· E·L•.t•·r -~~or:.-. --Pictntter After-H4rJUr School Bus Plan

Prc)V«!S Success jAt 'H'i- Point' High By :\IrK. J. J. BblCR"

After a two months' trial ti1e "activiti£>s hus", a transporta­tion project pioneered by High Point high school. has proved to he so successful that it will be contiinued until the t•nd of th(' ,yea:.".

1rhe buses came into being last month 'ilhen a group of stu­dents approached the school principal, Allan I. Chotiner, and ask€·d il' a ~·chooll bus could not bt> USf~ to taltc horne students whose ac­

tivitiPs kt>pt them after class("S. Chotin<'r eonferrt>d with County Supf :-:intend<'nt of Schools William Schrnidt a.nd aftf'r consideration with authorities the bus ~ystf"tll was inauguratt•d on a trial baais.

S·Fold J•urpotl<ft The purpose of this undertaking

Is thrPe-fold, according to Choti­nf'r. Fir~t. it pPrmits students to attenr:l school club mt'('tings held after cla!<Sl':i and not intPrff•re with thP rf'gular school progr·a.m. St"<'­ondly, studPnts who art' particu­la.-Jy intPrcstPr:l in ~omt' project -a sciPntitic experim1•nt. for eX<un­pl<'·. may dPvotf' mor(' timf' to this work and havP the undivid,,d as­t"i~tP..nf~' Df thP instrueto1:. Lastly,

a stud••nt who may "''f"<i .:·xtra hr:tp in his work may h11ve thi11 time to hring his V.·ork up to a hight•r It-vel.

As t.h .. ~rhool is far !rorr. a rul:o-1 ie trF.illsportation systt·m, a11d a.'l th!' 11t11d(•nts arP drawn !rom such widely separated flr<'a.~ ns Grl'en­hf'lt and Takoma Park. it \ll"ll.!l ••vj­d(•nt that two buscs v,·oulr:l be llP<'ded. ThPs•· two "a<·tivity bu~­('S" lea\'c the school at :i:l:5 •t•ach aftt·rnc>{)n, nnP taking stud('rJt.'l whn Jive ir, thP WP!itPrn pur·t of th•· aro'a. tht• othcr going t'> tr · (•a.•t­(·rn .seetion. T'h•· v•·hlrk!i "'" :-•·g­tda:inn ,~ounty :-o-:-hoo] htt~·~-o..;. ~1nct> thPy npt-ratt• nn an af':.er-sc·ho~:-1 .-.·h•·dul•·. a charl{•' c•f t•"1 ·~•·nt" a rid•· is marie to tht• .'t'ld•·~:ts p ,_ ·r .. ~: .:l::...: ~h··~n

Th1;r,n,.y ~rch 31 - RESCUE SQt ·A r > r:.."'ROL.L..c:; Arnbu­lar.c•· S<jua.j members at Po­;.,,.. ~tc~tton, 7-10 p.m. Pf~ CX>t·.:-,-ry Lr:AGt•E OF \\'(>\!EX \.OTER.<; Annual ).[•·• tm;; tn PAiu<-.ation Bldg. of F.:-< :.\!v~hodist Cnurc·h. 53:00 H.tl:.mnr.• r\'1.'1', Hyatts,;l!e, f-. t.r) r ;~~r:•·;. 8:3.) p.m. mr--f:t­i ng:.

Frichy. Apr: I 1 B P. I D G E CI FI3 R8Y~trLAR MOXTH­LY TOl'K"'A.'\U;.:-.-r. CA·ntcr :-'chooJ C:tff'tc-rin_ ~ ::l(l p.m. C~;.,s B< >AR!> ~fl':f:ll ~~; in \\ ':1"'' tnn a i. 8 p.m. SQl"ARE D A::-.; C E SPO~­SORED HY c .... ntPr School PTA !or children up to 13 in C-enter School Auditorium, 8-10 p.m. HI c; H P 0 I::-< T HIGH SCHOOL BAND'S First An­nual Spring C011cc·rt in school gymnasium at 8 p.m.

Saturday, April 2 - ~·oMEN·s AlTXILIARY. GREENBELT RESCt:f: SQUAD Annual Bakl• Sale. front of Greenbelt Thf'iltrC', from 9 a.m. GREJ.:: ..... Br:L T C 0 0 P ERA­TIVE KIXDERGARTE.-.... Fa­thPrs' \Vorkahop at Center School Arts and Crafts Room, to ftn ish r('(fec,orating, 9:30 a.m.

MondE.y, April f - CITY COUN­CIL MEf:::TING, in City of­ficPs. I' p.m. BA.:-.·n REHF~AL at Cen­tcr School, 7-8:30 p.m. ~atr.:r;:-.Hr~Ll' C H 0 R A L G H. 0 l' P meoets at O~nt<'r School, R.m. 201. 8:30 p.rn.-

Tu,.sctay, April 5 GRE;E.""-EELT COOPERATIVE JK.DJ­DERI;AHTr::"J :!\.{ E E T I~ G. tft.rts nnd Crafts Room ot ~•·ntf'r School. Dr. Heintz of ~{aryland l'nivl·rsity to sp•·-tk. 1< ::;o p.m.

Friday, April ~ - (i(X)L> FRI­DAY. Hank dosPd.

Co-op Help Praised For Baseball A~id

n,, Donnw \\'olf••

';rn·nt .. ·lt v>lll h:'\\'P a Cla1:~ "A'' lhsd>all I..<·ag1Jt• with th(' bt•st !o· tllh ;n and around \\'a.shington . 'l h· ],, ,g:H· ·.n;J ha\'t· a total of I<

'• tfll.'- ;•hyi"~: o-.6 doublt··hC'ader~. T:r•· i•·•.l;.'l'' ..-.h(}uld .start ;·round : :·11 ~n d•ll•· ,.f April. I :r.·•·r~bl']t •·x­;w.·t;;: ~q :·h{J'.\' tht• Jc..,l·al (:t~:.f.: ~l rt.'.nl ;.~~H,,I ~·~!t·r,,,!l t•·:tm.

t ··~rn:Lg 1' 1T. ,,( th•· ~··rvit.·e in

t ·rn•· to p.t{·h for c ;r(·•·nh••lt is ll11;.:h:, H•,·.,f'!l }w!oro• Eughi_(· ldt < ;rn·ntw;r. t•1 go into tht• St·r.·­J·.·•· h.- w "' abn11t th(• bt•.-t soft­b. til pitdwr :n thf' ar .. ;l. Thcrl' an· ma~1y tl·am.' trying to gt't Hugh to pitch f<•r tlwir tf•am, bt. t we hnrw thnt HtJJ:'hic will t;.,. on the motmd !<•:- ~.;r•:•·nbf·lt wher thp <-.•·a~ on r1pt· r~ ~ This y•·a r·s t<-am w:JJ b•· spo>r1son'(j by Gn.•Pnbelt Cor.sum.,rs S.·rYiCf'. It i.s Sa:m .-\,h•·lman's thnught!ulnPss :hat th• r•· w•·rp sn m:•n:v t•~ams :-por.sor­•·d by ('C)-OP. Th•· Bal:w Ruth. L.llJo. L•·:q:::.•· and no·w t.!'l•· Roft­h'il! ).fo·:'l·, t•·am. \\',. ·w;u.t to th·wk A.'h··ln·, "l and •';r<·<'nhelt ('rq··: ...... um•·!" ~t·:-v11'•·s for thrir ~··n­•·!'"'l.!'~ty. J··r,r th•·:r hr·lp it glv<~s ,,,, ~~ny~ .t. ,·r.:tr· .. ·•· to play

Oo-Si-Do for You'lhs A :--q·: t.:-t• .J·c·h t• fnr yn·n~~

)•t·r·p~t ·~;) tt'. : "]. )"t'":lr:-. ·,\·ili bP

':•·i-1 .:: • ;,, •·· '·:•·r S•·h">nl a::<li-t(:r:<:ITI t'·!"':'~n;r{)·.•: !'light .~ tn 1(1

.,,. !I 1 iw ·.; .. ~'·f ( ~ 1.::.,.. .... ·.~~ f,f• .Ari··h \\"··~:····

!' ... ,~~: .•. ~ f.-,r- J!\:1-i- ... p t::­

... r• ,j ~~.-:. ~·· ~~ ln, ···"' T~·-.•. d·c:,·, 1" • J ( •• '-=( rt ,i _, .,. (,: T·T.\

John :!\fanlich, Jr., state repre­sPntativc of the National Founda­tion for Infantile Paralysis, spoke of the importance of preparing tht• children for these shots. He said ~hat in the trial experiments last year. when the c.l'1ildren were prt>­pared. they displayed little or no apprehension or crying as com­pared to those who were net pre­pare-d beforehand. He also ad­vised that mothers not be present as it might upset the youngsters.

Pr. Da\'£'ns. Chief of Bureau of P:·•·\·t nti\·,. 1\.fedicine. Maryland St:ltr· Health DPpt., strC'ssed these ]'C n t":

There were organizations of ev­ery surt at the meeting workin1;:, together to plan a program to heiJ,1 . our children. Official and non­official agencies. professione.! and lay groups, everyo.r:<? giving un­selfishly to help this program to bes uccf'~ul. It has Sf'rved ancl will continue to £erve as a rn!>Qef· and inspiration of what ·wo1·king together' can do.

I. ThP inoculations are purely \'f :t!!lt'l!";>.'. Xo child will be given ~h•· vaC'-:oination unl<'ss therf' is a si1:n(•d I'<'Qtwst from the parent.

:?. The '1.":\C'cin~ will not be given ''r].,~;; it h-:is been licf:'nsed by the X11t'l. Institute of Health. Bethes­dA. This Fedt>ral agency checks, fo1· safP usf', all biologicals made in this country. Once it has been lic,.nsed it is no long£'r in the ex­P~' rimPntal stRge. The licensing is expectE'<j early in April.

<:. Thr !'('SUits of last ycar's ex­p('rirnents with the vaccine are still bf'ing tRbulnt<'n at Ann Arbor. Ur. h·t•r·<!ty o( ~[ichigan. The re­lHilts will not bc made public until NU ly April. The report will be the del<'rmining factor as to whether th( vncdne works. If the evalua­tio, r"port is favor81ble then the prc•grarn as planned will go into etT.•ct.

b. In answ£'r to questions rele­\'ar.t to the shots. Dr. Davens stated there would be three intramuscu-lar shots given over a 5 week pe­riod. To date, it is not known to wh1.t d·~grce the effectiveness is los1 if o::te or two shots are misse-d. "But." he emphasized. "we do know that three are necessary."

5. The vaccine confP.rs immuni­ty ;tgainst paralytic polio. Dr. Da­vcr s stress(•d the fact that there :1re thr~ strains of polio virus. E\'o•n if a chnld ha..<1 had an attack of one strain. he would still be suscPptible to the other types of polio \-irus. This vaccine is de­sig:wd to protect against the three Vir· lSI'S,

6 Th•·r,• was some discussion 'l be ut possi blP n-aetion to the vac­·:in··. Dr. Davens felt that from re­ports r<·eeived to date, there was :t Tlinirr.um of reaction. He com­part'Cl the possible amount of re­'1'1 ''11 to thP slight reaction of

: ho· whooping cough injections :w\•.· g-i\·,·n to a!! inf.:tnts. Since t ht···· is a slight amount of peni­··illtn in th·~ vaccine. Dr. Miller dahorat,.d some•A·hat on the pos­sibiLty that pt"nicilliJ"' sensitive pat •·nts might have a reaction.

Howt·vcr. aH the doctors on the pro,;:-rnm felt that the possibility of r•·rwtio:1 to the vaccine was mini­mal. but if th<'re was any question to refl'r it to a physician.

\\'hile this program is free to thP first and second grades, the \'a<·,·in<· will be released to pri­\'0 t.· physicians and clinics. As long as the manufacture of the vac<'in•· is limited, the usc of the \·arcin£' will bf' on a priority basis. Thi1: will b(' M•t up by the health dPpartm•·nt and physicians will be askt·d to comply with th<'se rf'gu­lati(·n~. As ~oon as the output is i:,cr:•asP<L the \'accine ~-ill b·o :n·.tilah: ... to a:J. Dr. :!\.filler stated that a mo·dieal advisory committee h ul wnrk•·rl on the possible feC>~. f«r t:-t•' \"tccinP. H .. stated that : h· v d 'rl ~nt WiL!l t to be accused n! ·r rin~ fixing,' hut it was general­:~· :t.::r•·t·d that th.- pricf• would be tlw !'I'J.::tJI:tr nlfic" chargp plus thp .·n~t nf th•· \'RecinP. H<' felt it n.';:H :·pprox·mate Sl5 for the to-t .l 'f : 1

1• th:-•·" injN'tions. Again, : '1· .,.. :1 d• P"'ld on the privute

• ·,; . .-·:al olficC' price. and

.. ';

Ghost Haunts Southway Seelcing Sappy Slayer"

The ghost of a flov..-ering crab tree haunts the Greenbelt roadsid€' this week searching for its mur­derer. A crude sign-obviously written with a dead twig dipped in blue sap--hangs from the decapi­tatPd sapling on Southway plead­ing "\'VHO KU.I.ED ME?"

The trf'e is one of many planted last fall as part of a $3000 be2uti­fieation program to enhance the entrance to Greenbelt. A vandal cut or broke the eoon-to-bloom crab tree in half. Sic transit Gloria Southway!

Trash Tour Set For Saturday For Sure·.

According to councilman .!ames C. Smith, the cit~ council will tour · the city on Saturday, April 2 at 1: o'clock to inspect the trash situa­tion. It will ,be fhe first time that' the city council has taken such a tour, and it is designed to a1for'd councilmen an opportunity ·to vie,,,.. the cleanup problem as they ccver the city as a basis for possible fu­ture action. City ~-lanager Mc­Donald, Superintendent of PU'blie Works, Buddy Attick, Frank Last­ncr of GVHC, a..d ne>vspaper rep­resentatives will go along on the tour.

Bank Closed The management of Suburban

Trust Company has announc<'d that the bank will be closed Fri­day, April 8, in observance cf GOOD FRIDAY, a !ega! holiday in the State of Ma~yland.

Band·Notes By Joseph Remeniek

The Greenbelt Band. gave it~ first indoor concert for a group of very responsive parents at the C!'nter School PI'A on March 2Z. The music program, directed by ::\fichael Rru<tca, was enthusiastical­ly rPceived; many commented <m the progress the band has made in the past year. It is hoped that tht> band will have more participants !or the concerts planned in the­months ahead. Parents are asked to <'ncourage their youngsters (in the age group nine thru the teens·• to join the Community Band. A dollar registration fee and a 35c weekly rehearsal chargf~ will pro­vidP your son(s) and/or daugll­terlsl a social activity offered by \'Pry few communities. A few in-. struments are still available. Sef· )fr. Hopkins at the CentPr School band room )fonday nigh~s at 7:3{•_

Page 2: .. lllews lltiJiew - greenbeltnewsreview.com file/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" ' r .... ~ _


Publish•·d by tht• Greenbelt (A>Operative Publishing A~:~oc·ia~:,,n. Ir:o·.

Harry M. Zubkotr, Editor, 5SOJ

:-;Jizab{'th CreHs, Bookkeeper, ~~513 f,.],,n Dondy, A-Jvertising, 9437 .Jim O'X•·ill. Circ•JI tt.Ju". ::;:·:•;

Paul Kask:o. PhotogT«ph~·r !~)1

Editorial Cornmittt>t• .\Iiriam :-><>Jomon, 3491 1\tu:-if'l Bt..:rrow.~. !><21 H•·l•·n D·,nriy, !H73 Ros'' Bn·grr.an. ·"16•;

iJoaroil of Uirt•f•tor•. I.sadoro• Park,.r, 6!i51 }{us.~··ll < :r•·•·nb1.::1fl ·' ·'

:·Iiriam Sol'>mon. :H9J Eleanor H.it~hir·. !J275 .Juan I.J:, ~. r.-":1. v.:c;•.~ SUBSCRIPTION li:A 'I'f~: $2.00 IM"r yt·ar

~:ntered as second class matter ut the Po>t Of.Sce in Grr·€·nbelt. Marylan<i. :"_dvcrtising may be submitted by mail or deliw·red to t'w :-.:.·w:< n,._ vrew, 9 Parkway, GR. 3-3131, or to the Greenbelt Toba•Tn ~tor". Sditorial offices open after 8::10 p.m. Tu(~sday. News dPadline :s • :30 p.m. cot the Monday preceding publication.

.\larian Hatton - :i251

.\fr. and l'virs. Lawnmce Fern :·oudly announ·:~· the arrival •')n

:.r:uch 11 of Patrick 1\'Iknaet. Pat­·:ick w.·igh11d in :1t eight pounds, -1x ouncr•s in Prine(• Georges Hos­'ltal and joins threP sisters IMar­_arct fi. Kathleen 11, Maxine 14) >:ld two brothers I Billy 16, David . 7) at 9-A RidgP.

Happy hirthday to Wayne Shot­wt'll, G-..\ l'la.tA•au, who et>lebrat1"CI hi.<; fourth birthday Saturd11~y, \larch 2(;, with a party for tweh·11• r·hildrf"n. ~~ongratulatiom; to three Green-

··!t re:•idPnts who took the oath .f citizenHhip last week at a nat·· . :·ali;o;ation ceremony in Upp£•l·

:.!.ulbo,·o. Tlwy ctr<> Daphne May ;ambl•·. J3-K Hillsi<.IP, who haih:

::·om fo~ngland: tn<.l Xikolai ano: >:rna LaidV(•r. ~1-f; Laur<'l Hilt. :rom Estonia.

\'<'ry happy to IU'ar that 1'~\·elyfll :->and•·rs, 17-,J Ridgf', is now honlf• rt•cu1n•ratin~ frorn an c•mt.rgent~Y ·:appl"'tdt•(•tomy. Tf'n-:n·ar-old l<_;,..,l' .. ~yn C'amf' hom.. frorn th~ h~pltii.l Ltst Sunday wad hopt•s to retur·n lo Sf'hooJ m•xt ·wt•t-k. She wanlt~ to thank ht~r rnany friendH wb.o '"'""nt h••r <.-ards, ftowt-..1:'8 and gifts.

Did you hear that Gera.ld Kus...l-J­r .t•r, 71-L Ridge, won the T'V set c .tffled off by the Boys Club last satw-day night? Gerald is only · ;even years old:

Thf'< Harr~· Zubkofrs, 17-H RidKf', tun•e b.>e.n enjoying the visit of tht>lr brother-in-law, Mayer Lud­wig, who "arne down from Buftal•ll for a f~w days.

Congratulations are being ten­.it.•red Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence _;;hanahan . .J7-B Ridge, who really :1ave the ··tuck of the Irish." Thei:r •on, Lawre.nce Patrick, made hill :.:-but on March 17 1St. Patriek'a Day to tht' uninitiated!) In Sibley dospitat. The Shanahans also t~ave a son James 7, and a daugh .. t·•r .1\f.:ugan•t 5 .

Happy birthda~· to Debra Beth \'t-rnotf who W&IO !iix on March 30. -.;he will ha\·e a birthday party alt bt-r homP, 19-E Ridge, on Satur·· da~·, April 2.

ft':s very g-oxi to hear that Ja.me~: ShorP:;, Jr'~. l.O-A SQUthway, i8 ·:orne after spending 51 weeks ir.. ::•rinct.> G('orges Hospital. li'ivc ..

···c•ar-old .Jimmy tangled with a .ruck last :rear and was the loser. :-h· will have to undergo some .:wre operations in about three .nonths but we are delighted to 1.:,'\v(· him back in Greenbelt.

J..a ... t wN·kend the DonBuUian!'!' "ith sons Anthony and :Konald >u•nt down to Ft. Bragg, North l ·arolina. to _., their son Edward rt'«'ein• hi, wing, in the> Arm~· t•a.ratroops, 2nd ,\irbornt- Dh·i111ion. \1'-0 travPiing with them Wf're Pat

·'•Hies·, f;dwa.rd's girl and "Bool!iif'" Yatt',, Ronald's girl.

Tht• f't'rt•mony, on :\larch 2;), wa.<; :t \'t•r_,. imprf'!olsh·t> onf'. A 3-star t •t'neral pinned th.- ~·in~" on Jo~d. ~ud ht• in turn pinn.-d tht>m on •1i ... tnotlwr. Anthony, who is only • ; ' ~···:\rs old, wa... drt•filsed in a 'llit~iuturt• ..\rmy uniform and lllso r·,"C·t•h·•·d win~H and tht- gPnt-ral and hi-. wif•• "hook h~\nds nith hiiTL

Thomas Lundht•inl is recovering ··:·om a slight heart attack in :'rinc .. Gt•org·es Hospital. He• and •:t.s wift• art' visiting .neir dnugh­:. ·r Joan Dicker.:ion, 6-S Hillv:idf'.

C9f!.do1Pnfi"!!! to Sam Schwimt>r "' b08f' aunt. Mrs. Ida Sh-in of New

\'nrk. pa ... M'd :.nna.)· last wo .. ·k His moUwr, :\Irs. San.h Ho'-4·nthal. !-. {'HilJiiiL;' to lin·· with thi·rn in tinw to twiJJ HH• furnily ···•·lt·hrat•· l{,.ha's hirtbduy on .\J;lril K.

Our Ne·w Nabors n~· Ut•tty Colt•rnan

\\'elcomc Earl \\'. SanrhLtlry, 2· L. Platl·au. Hugh St('wa rt. -"-(; l{t·­SParc:h. Rob('rt Kraft. 6-Z-:.! Plat•·au PLu~" and .Just·ph <;. Klingt·r. :.!t-H RidgP.

~lr. and .\lr,.._ t;ltw·rt Fo!P~ :tr(•

happ~· to ha\ •· found th•·ir houw at .-t-<i Plut•·atL Tht•y ha\·t· lin·d in f>r•·•·nhf"llt !»irwt· la ... t ~lny with thf'ir "on \\'illit· S. Fult·.... fi:!-I> Hidl{t'. Tht•)· han• anottu-r "un, \\'arrant OJikt•r ~awlton H. Fot...... at Ft. H .. h·oir, \'irA"iniu. FoJ..... i..,· •·rn­plo.\ •·d h;\· (irt·i·nht"'t < ·"""IIIIWr S.·n·it•••o; at tht• M·n·il'~ "tation.

1\Irs. Dorothy Rowles. form•·rly of 12-D Crt•sn·nt. is 11ow n·siding at ::i7-H Rid~;e \'.itll hPr daughtt>r Patric·ia Ann. agP :?. :\frs. Enwlf'.-<

is a Servict• Hepresentativ•• with the tl'lepbo:w rOmiJGI.ny.

:\Irs. Tillie 1Pint•,., fornwrl.v of x~w \'or.k, i!o; dt'lightt'ii with hf'r apartm••nt at 9-F l..aLrt·l HiJI. Jerry and Vivi.n.n PinC!> art• happy to h&\'c> hi;~~ m•othPr !'10 n~a.r and, of com·-. Carol, :\laida. &nd AJtK-.rt think thPI"t' iK nothing likp havin~~t Grandmother on hartd.. .Mrs. PinE'"s, in ordPr to k• .... P ~cupif'd. has op­f'nf'd a \'f'!ry unrLJJtuaJ busln~ c.a.U­f'd tbe "Swap Shop." PNlplf' takf' good outc.rown •clothinc to hf'r and liJJp f'<ndeJu·ors to seU lt. Sbe> want'! to mAkf· frif.>ndfi &nd will hfocOfllp &cU\·~ in tht~ Joeowi!>h Cotn­munity Ce-nter.

Jimmy .and Barbara \.,"oo<:l and son Joh:1ny • 18 mos. I, :form('dy of [..andover Hilb. ar£> now n·siding at 14-D Laurel Hi!l. Jimmy is employt>d by the telephonp com­pany in thf' llhtrlct.

.John and Borrnle Balch a.n· c>n­joylng thE·ir hoFJN> at 4-:\ Laul't"l Ifill ant.l Ilk.- Gr-nbPlt \'f'l')' much. 'I'ht>y havt> ont- daughter, Jow-1 Kay ( 2 yP.a.rs o lei l. Both are Pm ploytod at the Arm~· :\lap St•n·iN'. ,John i~ a mt>rnbf'r of thP (i~nbfolt \'olun­t••••r :t'lrP l>fopaz-trnt>~rt..

Reverend G. 'W. Samul'!son. Pastor of tho.• Gr(•,•nb>·lt Bapt:st Chapel, and faznily movl'd tn 4-E Hillsid<· F c b r· t: a r y 1. Rl'\'•'rt·~:d Samuc>lson wa:; :\Iinister of Chris­tian Education at thP Fi r.~t B<lp· tist Church. Rilv•·r Spring. H,. i.~ a gr-<lduat(· of ),Joody Bihlt• I:Jsti­tutt', has an AB in Anthrop-;logy from \Vheaton Cull•.'ge. \\'h·· 1tnr~. Illinois. und re•u·ived his \Li.-;•_;-r.-> Dt•gn•t• in RP!igious Edue.1tio:1 .1t

EastPrn Baptist ThPo!ogical S..·m­inary ir. ,Philad•·' phia. Ht· ha_, :d~" done :;r:vJuatt· work at ="·•rth­\\'P.stt•rn {"nivt·:-sity. llt·laf .r.· 1·,;. n·rsity and tho• t'nivo·r.,::y ,f 1\taryland.

:\frs. Sawu..J..,o:~ is a graJu.1to• nf f-].ob ~Tonps L~ni\'t>rs!ty. Grt .. •·:-:\·i!lt• . South Carolinn. ThP Choral ;:-~oup might ht• int.t•r,.stt'd to J<r!<JW th.ot .sh•• is a soloist.

Tht> Sam ul'lsons hu \'<' t wn .. ":: :­

drr•n Linda Ruth, 2'c an<J nrm:lld Cknn, 4 months. Tlwy think <;r•·•-·nbdt is gTand :for r.iis:ng children. Rev. Samuelson ,.;ays h•· has found the peoplt' Vt.•ry fr••.·nd!y and has received splf'ndid coopo.•ra­tion from I'V{'ryone.



GVHC from page 1 i.• ''VI b• •·n ;q::;.l;:ost the (•riginal ':•·< .. 'iU!l tO :;·.wk tho:• bi!J an«J spend ~h·· r.1o::- y

:. L-.<:~·r.·.··-; •·:,:pJa nation t f why ~- ~:,. r1dl ·.\· t...; nt·c,·.-;.-;ary. in vit-\\' of ::; · Jlldg.•-. ••prn;on that G\"HC's • '·;: r.l<'t rt .1 i :y ;;,; a land ; nstall­:r .. :.t n.>r:t r u··: ::ot a lt·as(' or ft•t: .· r·.p:e •.m.· ·.b.! not convin~e the :~(_} l rd.

i: ;r~!t·!'~t·~ .l::d (Jt:1t·r fo.·s of the '' ::,du.t.:,g- :)<.• •rd n1embprs. ar-

' ::~:.:. :.:1" i·:!J would noL m£'et 'l·· o!Jtio :p '···i ·lar.gt.·r un<.lo•r thl·

;..'·-·i ''fi:r:i~~:l 1 \"• n if that opin-,., v:.! .. J . , •... .- wh'.eh h .. -ioubt-

''"LLI.~·· : W·>·dd nH·r..-ly affect ·.-,.[. " . ..;::..! ·tfto·r tlw b:Il be­

::.• ·" : ,.,,. 1f •·nactt·d. Present .:·r••'> .':gn•··.i . .fto·r t:lt· bit be­..~ t:J·· !l"!t·mh• r ..... ~·-irl b~· peJ·_..;uad-

.... j : • tr.tdo• tho·m in for Jlt-W unl·s. I.,, ....

"t· n known Tt•rrors·· t;, •rd lll•'IlliJ<•" Phari.·.s L'c.m-

:·_,. :. ·I th •t .. \lflH.nown terro:·,;" to • •,,.

1 ;\'Ht' inq>licit in thP judge's "''' :.·•!1 ·;;ou:d bo· b"ttPr to face• ".'.1· t!l•· kr:~,·.•.:n on•·.s in thP m:l.n­·i •t·•:·:.· rt•pJr,·lns•· provision i :1 tht· •,:;J L> intro.iun·d hy Xichob and

TIJ,. n;o.•n:bo•rs discuss!'d Cor a ·.d1. ;,. how to word a proposed sub­sell 1:o· "''l'tioa that Uwv could offer tho· kgi.slators in Jipu .of the man­>lat .. ry ro·purchasL' prov1sion but ri:1 Iiiy wer._• persuaded to gi\e up ~h '·. :.tt~·mpt in viPw of thC' ;;hort r. :m. · rP:naining- in tht· G(·n••rat As­·"·rL :):y >'•'.'>Sinn and th .. ear" n·­'l"ao·d in dr.tfting su<.:h a provi-..... u::.

T-J•· C:\"HC b•xu·u also voted to: l. Appr<J\'1' a ··ontract for salo•

•d t ·11· rt•maining ll1!dt•\·,.Joped hnd. Ulo! thl• G\'HC wholly-owned land

. .,,; .. ·i:ary CLIC. to tho.· \\"a:·ner· K·,:·.r. r L.!ildt·r "nd d"vt>iopt•r ',:·:n. Tho· c·ontr·a,·t now has to go tn j '~· n~; •. s I "~··· ... ·t·}qpmPnt Cor~~ora­'''"1 'PVC•. Columbus. Ohio. for ·t 1•r· ~-, 1\·;d.

., ';r.u;t t.> tho· .Tt·wish Con·.mu­. · Y ''•·nt•·r :1n t•a_-;,•Jr.f'nt permit­. !:·.c: I("\ tr:• ll:'t• a six foot.•·ide ··.•. 1!'\ ,.f Ltnoi b•·yonol its own tPr­r 1:::. .ICC's dJ·i\·,·way to the rPar :ur;: :1:~ lot 11P,.dt·d thr· PXtra spac(', ""t l"r.so ... n · .. ·twn th1.• ,TCC buiJ.jing

pians were m.:ade. 3. Grant to a member whose

home has been occupied by a sub­lt:asor the first exception in GVFIC's hbtory from the ban on sub-let­ting for more than two years. Sudt exceptions are provided for "t the board's discretion and the

member applying for the dispen­sation wrote that he may bt~ able to return w Greenbelt and tlidn't wish to give up his "garden spot." GVHC general manager Can~pbell said the tenant's rent was n•erely enough to cover the monthly' pay­ments .

Test For Clay In Your Soil

Add a few drops of water to Firm "clgareHe" means heavy dry soli. clay.

Clay soils can be friend or foe. Only back-breaking work can CQ.ilqUE!r the pavement-like structure of heavy clay soils resulting from wea.r and tear, heavy rains, wind and sun. In their favor, c!ay ty:r.es often contain many of the plant foods lacking in sandy, more readtly worlt­ahle soils. With proper tt·eatment, they make an excellent growing medium.

ls yours a clay soil? It is easy to find out with a simple home test patterned on scientific methods of soil tPsting.

Take a small handful of soil from your garden or lawn. A little moisture is necessary, so if th~ ground is completely dry, add four or five drops of water and mix it thoroughly into the soil. If ~ou can form a "cig·arette," thcr·e is some clay con·:ent. A stiff cir:-arette means :fl. hig-hror percentage of clay than the one which insists on bending. 1

Having once established that you are working- with a clay soil, prope:r :1·,,;.:.tment can be eti'ectively determined. Florists and nurserymen kn01>o the :.dditional plant foods needed for these types. Several good formu lations, both dry and water-soluble, ai·e readily available.

Cul~i \·at ion of a good seedoed will be the hardest problem- hreakin~r the compacted soil into small particles ranging from pinhe:!d to pea ,;iw. At this time the addition of a chPmical soil conditioner is a wisE• and rnon.,y-sa ving move. It stabilizes the good s srncture won by I1ard wo1·k and enables the :;oil to 1·etain its g-ood form through sev, ral sea-l sons. The nr·xt time a spot needs .di,;dng for lllanting of shrub;; Ol' flow;.;r.;:, it v:ill turn e:\si:y. The conditioner keeps small soil partic::les .-ep:u·a,ed by ait· sr:ace,;, allowing water and plant food to penetrate as. nc:,•derl and roots to spread t~roug-!1 crumbly soi!. '

PropN· cultivation, maintenance of the good soil structure and a! ·,aJancerl diet of pbnt foods arro all necessary ingredients to successful! rard£'ning- whether lawns, tlowers, shrubs, trees or vc.;:etables. 1

ONE STOP SHOPPING your Centers CO-OP Shopping

Shop and save for groceries, Easter fineryf household and automotive needs!

liPECIAL: Men's Necktle!l 2 for •1 A •PN-laJ purrh.Jue lt>ts \IS of!pr thP!'M" ties from our ft>gular stock for the season's greatest, value.

Brand nPw, ba.ridsomely 'ltyled in the most popular patt:enJs and colors.

Dre!IS Sh11·ts

Ladies Fascination (51-·rs>

Nylon Hos;e

Manhatten •2.95 ·Fruit-of-the-Loom

reg. 79c

3 for •a. so~ ~ •1.90

2 pair for •1 Compfete selection of nE!W blouses, skirts, purses, millinery.


CO-OP RE~d Label Top Quality Meats

whole ham lb. 57c lb. 39C --------------~F~r~e~s~h~----------------r---------~=-~~~~---------------

Swift's Premium

Pork4 ~~~~~!~ers Sliced Bacon lb. 3~sc lb. sse


Page 3: .. lllews lltiJiew - greenbeltnewsreview.com file/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" ' r .... ~ _

..................................................... _ ........ .........,. ............... ~ -----------BRA.~r:;p~n;:.L·~r;.gLliAshc~ .. ·L~'"'.·. I J Birkigt's AZ..\Lt:.-\"" - har•t:•

c'-'r_.~ I field grown - all vari•·:i•·., - .-,,' ~larch 31. 1955 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Three

8 Inch Size - reg. :j;1.50 up - planting instruftion.-; fr•·•·

ESTU~ APRIL 7 98c .\lt·z•·rott Rd., Bt-~-~·n, .\Ill. AZTEC GIFT SHOP \\"t:. 5-1;17.; 'tvrn ctown :\'ff'tl.•·r•;t·_

at Balto. Blvd. ldt at la.~t st<l·· 8138 BALTnfORE BI.VD. f rd. beforr- new construction -

OJ)en 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. e\"t•ry day ' 3rd house on left.

-:~======~·~======~~~ SIDNEY RUBIN


Federal and State Income Tax Returns Prepared

Offices - 1906 M St., N.W. REpublic 7-2'J90 8A RUlside Rd. n R. 4-93&1

Potted Plants Can be planted outside, too!

TULIPS . $8.50 HY ACINTJ..!S $3.50 EASTER LILLIES $3.00 t:P AZAL:t~.'\S $2.50 (;l"

$2.50 Ul"


Cut Flowers


For Complet•! Real Estate Services





Call Robert Garin (;R. 4-7031 ---VIiiT---


$:i.OO DOZ. .~5.00-$6.00

nosEs swt:t:T l't::\s

:00.1.1~0 l I' Sidney ~:. Mensh & Co. 1613 I:YE ST. N.W. ~·!.00


Baltimore Blvd. WEbster

This Easter . '" . Parade 'Em .



' . -~

They all love to go Easter Paradin!; in

Poll- Parrot Shoes. Chances are your children did it last year and you already know how W•)nderful

Poll- Parrots are. But if this is going to be your first Poll- Parrot Easter, get re;ldy for a :real treat.

Cute, shiny new styles make them j:11st right for ' proud paradin'. Pre-Testing by rea.l girls and boys make them fit bettu, feel better, last longer. So give your youngsters the best ... give them Poll-Parrots for Easter. Get them now.

Priud auordi,1g lo

st)le a11d size



Your Income Tax By E. DonBullian

Individuals holding down two jobs will be interested in the fol­lowing ruling (2/28/55) recently made by Internal Revenue on the 1939 Code. This ruling appears to be applicable to and is implied in the 1954 Code.

Where an employee having two separate emplo~·ers is required to work on the same day, at a differ­ert location for each Hof his em­ployers. it is rPcognized that his transportation expenses in going from his first to his second place of employment constitutes ordi­nary and necessary eY.pE>nses in­cu&red on his combinE>d trade or business and in dischar?"ing his duties at both lccativns during that same day. However. the deduction of local transportation expenses. especially in .-I dual-employer situ­ation. would usually be limited to a one .. .vay trip bet-.·.r~n his local places of employment on the same day because the employee ordi­narily would not have to report back to his first pl~ce of employ­ment on that day.

The transportatio:1. expenses held to be deductible constitute or­dinary aJ>.d necessary business ex­penses. rather than traveling ex­penses "while away from horne," unreimbursed transportation ex· penses may be deducted by aJt em­ployee only in computing net in­come and then only on conoition that the taxpayer itemizes his de­(]uctions instead of eletcing the op­tional standard deduction. '

Claiming of Wife of Taxpayer As a "Dependent''

So many residents of Greenbelt have raised questions on the in­come-tax status of their wives that it seems appropriate to print the following clarificaion r e c en t 1 y publicized by Internal Revenue .

... (3/14t55)

Some people are under the im­pression that a taxpayer may claim a deduction of $600·for his wife as an exemption under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and also claim an additional deduction of $600 for her as a dependent. Oth­ers believe that a taxpayer may claim his wife as a dependent even though she has income of her own and files a separate return. Whiie a taxpayer may obtrun a de­ductic>n for the persona! exemp­tion of his wife, under no circu~­stances may he claim her as a "Dependent" on his Federal in­come tax return.

As was the ..:ase under prior law, when a joint return is filed, ·the husband and wife are each allow­ed a $600 deduction for personal exemption. If the taxpayer files a separate return, he may also ob­tain a $600 deduction for the -:>er­son·'ll exemption of his wife. a.s ~ell as a .$600 deduction for himself, provided his wife has no gross . in­come and is not the dependent of another taxpayer. The spouS(> of the uoxpayer ha.s never been in­cluded wlth the definition . of a dependent.

Questions on Income Tax .~rill be answered by c3lling GR. 3-8716.)

1 Join Membership to the \Vomen's

Auxiliary of the Greenbelt Res­cue Squad is now open to ~~~~ women. Those who ar~ i'ltcr­estc•J in joining this or?:a·1iZ.l­t:on p!r·ase contact ~'Irs. P.nbit> S'Jn. GR. 3·4723.



0nTV Repairs

§ Any 1\lake - Any lUOi.lt>l ~ hy $.. J>rofessional Electricul 'i • EngineeMJ

~ RCA Registered Del 'e:·s ~ Philco Authorizec! s'~!e:. § & Ser·tice ~ Sales on Television, Radio, ~ F:h·ctric Hanges, Refrigen:.tors

~ Ca!l § GR 3-41-31 § GR. 3-3811 TO. 9-6026 .

}r~~e!ic~!~~;ny ~~~~~

Page 4: .. lllews lltiJiew - greenbeltnewsreview.com file/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" ' r .... ~ _


The School Corner Ry .Joan Didu·r'k>n

Thr· ·.n•r•k of .!\far•·h 21-:.!.> ha..o; 1"·•·n a bu:-<y onr• at till.- r ;n·•·nb.,lt

.Jilllior High .wchr,ol.

:\1r. r;,'l&.-mh(·imer. principd.i of ~{Jad•·n~:burg Vocation a 1 High &·nool. met with those boy_<; int• .. r­<''ited JTJ a vocational course on TIH.'Hday. March 22. at Greenbelt .Junior High .Hch()()J. He .showed a hi~ an>d- ga,ye each boy a copy of th•. Ll.i.Cldlsburg .Junior H1gh School ''Scroll."

Thf" (iref>n}H•It .Junior IIIIth band ():trticipntfod in thf" :'\faryla.nd B11.11d Oa.\· Ff'"Uva.l h••ld at tht~ Uniwer­~it_\· of Ma.ryland on Tut.,.day, ;\Jareh 22. Th•· 40 hand mt:mh•·n. pla.n'd th" "Triton On·rtun," by th•· En~tliH'h c:flrn~·r,. Court1wy, "J>r•·lud•· in C Sharp Minor" by th,. Ru,.,.,ian c:omJ!)Oll>f•r, Rtu:-hman.i~ n<,ff; and "Uiw· .. in th•• nand" by It~<· .-\ nw ri r·an t·run po•u· r, 1)., I Ua­rnJJi. .\rt int•·n·••tin~t ILnd •·n;ioy­ahl" day wa ... h:.ttl hy th•·· htLJid lllf'llll,.·r- at tl1i ,,taiA·wid•· f•·,.th·a).

'Jn \\'l'<lr.~:.,.]ay, two gairhtrlU' c•nllls<·l .rs from H':;h I'"int High -~' ilrJ'>l w•·r•· at th•· Jtllli"r high .~<·i<r)<oi to h<'lp all thr,~.•· I)lanning t•• all•·JHl High I'fJiiJt next Y·l·;tr, Wi:J, th< ir co1;rsf' :-<<'l<·r·tirl!ls.

l·'riday wal'> a. hi!{ day at trw juuio1· hiJ{h l'.ehnol. Tht• llHJ<\'i¥, "Ttl!' 'I an i11 th~> I ron 1\la.sl'" ·~~·a."' l'>lwwn. Tho: JPro:fit fro1n tb•• lilm :,:-n•·" tn l'>Ul)J'Urt tht• ...:'hool's ·wur oq:han, .Jut.ta Kra.uja, In Gt•rrniLny.

Abw or. f riday, the Science Fair was held in H.oom 1 and all cla:;ses atttcnded. One <lf the most out­standing exhibits was a eo.ooo ~-olt "tt·st-a-eoil" built by Jim Drake.

Friday was also "Student Day." Elect•~d students took the pk!Lces of their teachers and taught the class~·~. The principal, vice-prin­cipal. ·.111d s;·crctary we,·c al.!jo re­plac£~ by Gail Stewart, K<~ith l\1ikr•sell. and Ralph Behrens, re­SJH·ctively. On lrlonday teachers., stwkns and the a.dministration re· turnea to their u:~ual work.

In Greenbe-lt Junior lll.gh School the third gnuling period f"nd" Ap­ril 1 and the Htudent.H will r-....f~h·e thdr n·port ca.r~s on ApriA 6J whi('h i"' tht> la!>t tlay bl•fore Ea."ter \·!,cation. School will ht•,..ln 11t1:1Lin on April 13.

Iligh Point High school partici­pateJ in the Washington Daily .:'-icws Spelling Bee Wednesday, 1\Luch 16. Bill Muglc!iton em~·rg­ed Lhe winner after spelling "bl.as­;Jh<·mous" correctly. Bill will rep­i'l'.-;r•nt High Point at the tlna.l \V11snington Bee on May 6.

·, lit• :Sational Tht"Spians Soci.•·ty Trou(lt' l·&Xl is tbe lif'jo;t national IH.u. rar~ sodt•ty to ht• t"Sta.bli~lwd al Hit.;-il l'oint. Tht· Th-piJILm~.

"··. """' t•d hy :\lr. \\'ar<ll, r•~•+n-d t 1, . .,. t'ilart"r and troUIH' IIUinliH•r '• • • ,ln,·Mla;r. :\lnr<·h 2. At tlu•ir "·•·.·ting 'l'hurMla,\', :\lu.reh 3, tht- 2:J 1'1•· · pmns ¥l<I'Ctt-tl th•· following of­.J< ,·;·:-.; J•n,sitknt, Stuart llanl•~in.

\ l. , vr•·,idt•nt, U r• \Y i t t < 'OO·kt-, s, l',hP. l'••KJO' Ford. aud Historian, .J, .;u .\1111t· 'l't•al. "\'ou ('au't Tnkt• it :. !tir You" will h•· thl' fir,.;t Jllay ;.;;, .-.1 o.' tht•· Hramatit•"' Cluh.

• :,, Hi: .. ;h l'•nnt Vars,~y Ba~f'-·~ t ,l;ll bt·g:tz1 jts ti")"lJlll:i on

.. '\1 :1r,·h ·,·. <.:oa('h is .\Ir. l!ryan. t!u·

pli~, J";!; t•duC'atiO!l t--:u·h(·r. 1~ht­

t~· t1 1 > .~ a t!~Il'f.PPn gatnP scht•dvl._• "i. n , i t h•· gam•·.s ;:r" with Hi­( ~.;.qty !~ .<n1s. 1'v,·o \\'ith \Vhe-:1~­

on :u1d o:·, _. with Lallr<-1 will round out ~fu• ".'hi'Odll•· for th<· yPar.

Thr•·•· h 1111 rl r ,. tl tw•·nt;\·-fin• • h:J :ro•n nf .:\'urth End M·hool :.:tkr;,!,.d th.. Shrirw C'in·LIS, ·~on.!::~·. ~}an h ·~x. 'lr .... (irimrn, ill< l• rirwipal. ~:! par•·nts and X t :•:· l• , . ., H<To:llp:nli•·d tlH• li\ t' !.u.-;oad" of' dtildr••!J. t:n·r·y­oon;· had a \\ und .. rful :irnt• at tl11• ( .r,·l: .... t-ating pt·anut ..... pup etTrn.

·, ·. <',l'Hly jJ,,.,, and watr·hilll{

~;It' tO:et\\'11'-t', tht· dat-".UJ.:" a4·riuli't'· ,1:1,! t..tt• e:ti'IJ~ .. !ltll ... aud lion' aucl t, . ,.~ -~. l)n 'I lh'•·"fa~ th,• .,)o~'

:1i·d ;.:;irl•ot ,,·•·rt- tran~Jutin:,.:-

1';, ·i: '''))f'ri••"'''' intu pil-turo·..,, ~·1aj· :!l.iuaaJ~, and !'"lotorit·s ahc,ut

:.lr~. :--::a\\'tt'llt·':-; l~·t gr:tdt· at <..~t·n­

t,·:· ;;,·:•, ol hHs had a 1nost appro­pr:.,:f' JH•·-B:1.st .. r· ,.,.,•nt. Tlwy had a.n .n~··dbator in their ror~n1 and 10 b:iP.\' chici<:s hatchl•d la.st Wt_'t!k.

.:\Tr>'. Butkr's and 1\.lrs. Cox's 5th-tH h I! r:HIP combinations an' plan-" ith ~:;lowing- rt•port.K of what thP.y :-;t.oltP JRgif;Ja·turc in Annapolis o:>n A;,~:J 4. M~s. Butler's brotht~r.

St:ltt' St·nator James helped the

~hr· •· :;] .

Spr111g Serenade Ti:• H ;.:;1 !'•,::.~. il.k . :.f,,

Band wilJ pn·:.•·nt ::s F.r·-,t A~:­n:rd :-:pr:r.~ c·~·J:.,_~ rt .\~)r.l

u:--.d•·:- lh( .. dJr•·r.tJ'J!1 '.f 1< ... ·• r( t: M. Pywell. Thrc· con•:•·rt ·,,·: .l ;,,. pr··-··::to·d at !I vn·l l!l tin :''·· :lo•,; gymna.siiJ.m.

Local Nine Sponsor ToSupply Uniforms

Lor~a.J construction .. r,:;: ra.···tor~. ··sinrs ttnti ()·-_._·pns." .. ,...1;1 s.por:..sor th•· to·wn's unlim1te·d m··~:'.o; ba.'i<·­bl\ll tl>am. This t••a.:-n i-; r:,,.,,. hn>l­ing tryout.~ <'VI'!")' S.atlJr•iay ur,·l

Sun<ia:o.· at 1 at BraLdt•n !-'wid

r. t••.. '-\."f""rk·., pr-act~·--~' .C,t·,· .. ~lf)l" .. , -r•lrtail•·1 by lh•· •o~.·intry hhst-< that hit tho• \\'a-'lhlngtrm :t.ro·.t. o,n!l r•·­'·'JnH• :...:. •turday at 1 pIll To· <In ,'()llf'ho•:. ••XJll·ct "I full t·;r::•Jllt -,,jth hitt_i,,: :uvl tiPirJ:.n~ pr ,, '.1•··· tlw o!"'f:•··· f thf· da:.- .·\lJ t· t~~·it·Lt:• ... ((.,.r P'•· uor .. ; ,j:-(· ur:.:,:t··i t•l .t't• :.1i

~r·· ,. t•·;lm rd &~l"'i ~JJ (' t.rr_-.- l,"'o r:,,·: ..

'r:~,. :.n.fornL..; ·, 1:J!r; lJf· ·.·:!:.t,• t.r::r.­

rtH·d In rt•d Vtit:1 rl'<f 1 ~p.~ 'L~· .• j

sto('~l!':f.:.<.: I~·:i;..!\Jf• pl:t~.· .. :.1:--t

.\fay :n tht· ~ffJ~1ti;fJn1t·r:~· • '. J:·~:.­l.A·aglu·.

grou 1; n1akP arra:~ gemr·n L; f0r t ~1P visit. Tlw boys and girl:-< 'Ln· lo ,;,_ ing- ror·.,·ard (•ag•·rly trJ tho·.r \'i,:r. tu watch StatP Gon·rnnwnt at work.

Th.- Kind••r~tart.-n at ('~·ntPr M·hool h~&s IH,.•n ,.i,.itiflJt ttw .\~tri­c•ultural Rf'~h ('t·nt.·r at n .. u ... -\'Blt• to K"l!"'. llo('quain~ with tht• tlifft•n•nt fa.nn anillll.al"'- Tht' ,..,nail hoy"' and girl.,. Wf'l't" quit<• thriliNI h;\· tht" \'iAilt, par1irularl;\· hy haby anUna.l,., Ttwy ca.rnl!" bllo('k to M'hf)()l with ltinwing repc:•ll'tloo of what thf'y had .wt-n and dn'w many wondt"r· ful pi.t'turM;.

IThank...~ to Ralph B(·hn•ns. Gn•t!nbelt Junior High School. Bernie;_• I..ochstaYt!pfor. Joseph Pic­rog, and Tony Bl1ker. High Point High School. for reporting the nl"ws from I. heir S(~hools. 1

PG Count:y Red Drive Hits Half

Cross Mark

.\: ttl~· ··r.·l 'r t!:·· ::.:;:n ·i.l)' of t_hf'

:r -. •· . .Ju,.··:-•:1 \\' 1!.-ll>hll.~ . .Ir l·'·1nd

I. ~:.; • .t:o;n l'h.·c ,-,y; ,,, of th·· Pn.ncp

I;.' r..:•·S (_~,) ~~~~y l·:···i c~:-1),,_..; c·f)lH~­

• y ( h;tpt.-r. a.:-::-.,J:l~:.._ Pd th·tt a t(')­

t ... r,f Sl'7.4?I.J h.id h•·•·:'". f'(Jnt:-lbUtPd.

T!': ·.-; rr prt·:,t·r: t.-; ,-,1' .- of t:,,- .~0unty ('* · J · ,• .. t. anrj co!:.~:.-.,t_" of dor.:-t t1ons ~r ·m 6.710 tontnbutr>r-;

\',' :h but on• -,,.,.,.k til thP •·r.d of t:-.•· month. P-ahho~t •·mph.'l.o.;izcd t~~r· ~ ........ , !or d m•·t•:' ,.:-:, .. rg • .-t:;c push ., .... j ···'PP'Ht ,.,,~ th•• p.lrt of rl'si­d· ~:t" fJf thr· ~.·q•:nty ~!l th,.lr IV•d '·r,, •. , <'hap~o'r liP p<:>intNi out t :, ,. :t l:< 11p to .til ,,f ·.;,, to >'4''' that f:, I ('ru:<.~ Kd· tlw rin.ln•·la.! ~:lp­;~ ~~· •p•t ·l·S.. ... ;1.;~v l11 t t)ll~H:t~•· iL-.. i:l­',··: ,;•;•· :tn·i .';IJ•:•·•· ..... "fu! prngram of · • ;c1;{ <•lh··r.' 1-!...th;,llt urged all · •. l• ~·1r." to •·nd• tvnr l·> ( til on all

;~.;·.•·t .. · t::;· .!".Vt· l."' -.•)1·:~ :i.!--. IH)3-


J"(',, }1f 1 Jl 0, ,.

f,t fJ!At" _fi,··,•;f Utf ill lJI lit. jl'lj)t'l',

\\ ,. c·un th•· L.\Hc;t:"'T ;-.;t-:Lt:('­TIO:"\' .of r••eortl .. in thi ... art•a.

;o.;(';t; our POIII~lh·l•· ... ·lo-c·tion of t:.\STt:Jt r•-<-ord" for

~~trown-u;.-. ,\' kiddit'"

Music Time Inc. a complete record shop

5436 A:S:"\'..\J'OLIS RU.

't·-.;it U.S. 5-0-\\'a~il-Balt Pkwy 1

Char~ It!

Hr~: 9-9

~~~~ t Why let a Real Estate Broker ~

I ~~ h~~o"~~\~ b~~~ !?~~ ~<:~~! m~ts In Gn~nbfolt. fl.f'cau!W "'" can hrlp arran~ finan­cin~t for pr0!4(W<"tiYr In~•• .. ~ 1\.•·caUIM' Wf' can 1:1'\'P ~·ou ad\ l.ep with ll't"gard .. to t.a~•·"· loan ... ruUI"~ ~tnd purehw.f"'. BM-au- w~· <'an rf'lif'\'f' you of thP bunlt-n in\·olvrd in ad-\'rrti .. inl\'. dt"rnonl'>trHtin~: and ,.,,.Jiing your hom.-. ~.awwa we al"f' li<'MlM"d and bondrd n.nd know th.- intrka<'i•"" of thr l'f'ftl r~I!Rtl" busin •. .,... And t><•rau- our M"n·ice co-.~

;\'OU nothing. Comf' in and talk it o\·rr. \\'r'~.- op~>n f'\-­f"l')' day. w ...... kday,., Snturda)·!l and Sunda;\·!i.

GREEN~~~~te~w~~~~~beft.~~PANY ;} GRanit~e 3-457'1 GRanite 3-4351 ~


The Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association. Inc. publisher of the

1Greenbelt News Review


Display Advertising ST.\XD.\RO lfUTf:

S!.:25 pt:'r colurr,n ir:d1 ('0~-TH.\('T H.\ TL

.') 1.011 P• · r , 1! ; :· .. _.

'Tlw , . .,,:tract rat•· ~·~f tn\·•·rtl:"'il'~ .,'\:~·:·

f n i , l "!-:·. ' :~. .... , ' ~ . r • )·!

n~ r.~f r;, t(): :~·:1~.

·~-his (.,~~ 1:•· •• . I: I ; :1 Ollt' \',"•'·!'1-\ Cl!" :·•pr·· ,.,.i (I .t :. t··~~· :· .:. l•f r, l'!ll,;n/. 1 1 d1· ..... p··r w•.,.k f,r 1:~ w.·.•k.•,

JJu~ ;-.:,,/"I :~·r·' i.'-. •I ·Jr,.f/1,,'; (., 'f!.\j.J](I•J rt,f r ,1 -...,r

TJr ..... _tdJ'f'J"t,· ~.' r I' l.~t'~'r ./ _r,,,.. ti· r· I u.-..·t ijf , );::r•l' I rj ....

if Oil'l • .. ld1·, rfi·.r ...... d -~ /,·f,·,·,J u,dllJI I 1 ;· ,.,·.

di.~t'IJ~lil( fr)J" lJr:•ut s ~~~ L1 /II t/rt 1'.

Classified Advert1sing

Advelti,.:ing cupy J1: l\' ! .. m.:i;. d t, 'h,, Xo·w;-; J:. ·: .. ·w P.O.

Box GS. f;n(·niJ;·]t. ~~1: ... r·l·,·· .,, ·:1t· ~;r.··!~i..:· T.:.~·····~ Store. or bruught t•J t:::p ::'\, W:J f:,_.-.·i· .,,,. rJf!ic.·· ;,t :; Parkw.ty,

no latl'r than the Tu ... ~·-1:.:- , . .,·,·I:.rl:; !•rt'l'l'ding P'-l;,!i:·ati<)n.

Payment. must accomf,:Lny all •:la .. :.;,.,Jfit:'d ad;;. t•xc.·pt th<1SE'

which alt't> takC'n on a monthly b:i.."'"· For any further in· fonnation, call the News Review fJtfJC•-'· GR. 3-3131, or Harry Zubkoff, GR. 3-5801.

:\T :\

Discount Sti II or _\f O\'if'

!2~ ~p~ (fo, 1~ee.


Sec our 'advertisement JJ(·Xt week for


WA. 7-7317 UN. 4-8822 714 - 14th St. N.W.

or call Local Representativ<'

P:\lL.. K:\SKO TO. 9-6139


Prepared ~asonable

By Tax Accountant GEORGE BLOOM GB. 3-!151

I >on't miss our wondl•rful coll<'ction of budget­prico·d childn·n's elothing ... everything to makP your childn·n thl• prettiest m the EASTF:R P.-'-RADE.

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l-3, 3-6x $6.98 UP



Bea- Gay SI-IOP at the Branchville trolley terminal

next door to Johnson's

WEbster 5-3066 Mon.-Thurs., 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri. and Sat., 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.


APRIL is the time for .

A. B. c.

(April Showers)


(Cherry Blossoms)

and it's time for ...

P.R.(Pat:ronage Refund) * Patronage Rt·fund: Nearly $60,000 to be given back to

the customE'r-owners of the CO-OP Shopping Centers as their share of all savings.

A CO-OP 11scs '/OIIr sales dollars for taxes and operation;

All the rest represents a .<Iav-It i>; thi.-. srn·inus that i.\· giren hrtck to Co-op mcm-






Find out about these wc.nderful at th{· CO-OP otfice in Greenbe!L

with entrance between Drug Store

savings TODAY. Ask

(Above the Drug Store & Theater.)

GREEN IJELT(f>l'onsumer Sertice&. •He


Page 5: .. lllews lltiJiew - greenbeltnewsreview.com file/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" ' r .... ~ _

CLASS!FIED Fl !t~ r..;AL.t-: :l·-bH<!r<>nm rnrr11·r fr!l.l!!" - attic - grmrl location - ltu·g<• ltJt - many t•xtra.~. <:R. 4-£1117.

NE PTA Hears Talk On Language Arts

"Operation Safety" _';.,._, :'lLt :-;IJ,I,,~ i:.L.._ IL~~:\'t·•J

.\fJ."'.'i. r;rrlrn·~ ~~l",'.l.'];·.a.:-1 !':-.~:/ ,. 1

;. rJ~~f··-.. r ·,,·,7.·~.- :...;.~r.~~·r·v.: .. JJ:" f :-::.-

.i;::~L· t r:t.~ .. ~~-·· :. "lr.;: . .:. J,:ar~~f n~ ..: · : .. r.\ .s•· p·;~t;::~s:: th.:· prt·m-

f'J;JTHI::":<; EXCHA::'\:r;r;_ \Vzll sr:ll :>'H'' r,utgro·..,·n r:Jr,t.hin,g and b00t:<1 • 1;'1'1-l r·c•nditirnz and •·l•·an, ~l'lny ;;oo•J il'ly:-; !•-F L'tllr<-1 Hill r:R. ~­.'~432 .\!<m. & \VHJ, 7--11 3(). Tur,s. & Fri 1 -!l p.m.

ni' n.t ir:; .-·, !j()r,,J .r:..: ,, ;\~i,.j;) ·-;· r:•· t f J t L' :--; () ~ ~ :~ f-~ ::'I ( j I 'f .r\ (I i1 :"" .. :' ~

.. :,:: q:·J(.' ('f.if'll•· ~r) rnir.d I:Jt•-~~,;. · : .. ~·· th~<.;: ·1•., art· dL,tra(_ tr..j

gu·ti{P .·\ :· .. - · : 1. ..• t ~r-~~·.;rLt:; : .. ~~Jt !'h•· st;ltf·•f t ~Lit thf· _._J.-r_l'·' ~- tr, a.r:y L'\r:g"l.i'tf~~+ . "' .::.,_~, ;::r.K. :· ; .... 1~~-

r1·:.,;. ~- g,

t...·-..a.t·h•·r . .,

' "·· ~··dH.~~~.s i' -~ :-~;;~t...'i. action ., . -·! ·' t.tk• n t,, .:·-~ r1d nf h:d .. ;· · .. t~··~~- ~~-i/.ar-J-, ·.-.·t:i('h may d:s-.. :~t 1 •••• :,(j:,_. ':'_~rr.!T~··r. f happ:nPss. ··'· r. t. !·. g" ,.{ :I~

T '{Pr:\VRITER a~rvlce. Cleaning, <>• t>rhaullng, repairing. Electrir st'llldard. portable. R. F. Poland.., GP.. .'~-2r.i37, nlght.•J and weekends.'

a' .•j

~;n··· ".tJ•· 1. !. ,,..: r•·n ·.•;,:•: :,. , :~ n .. r!. th•· Hom•· Ac-·' . l ';i ·.-, nu,_ r1 t·r.!t of thf'l rn ,, r. y '· ··:; .• ; 11- ~; • , _., • r, , ~: , • , . ~- .~.. ,

r<·,vling, th•·y d• ..-f'!.,p 'l m• ,r;.: ;; -1 • j . t J' ;, ! (I j,! t~ ~ ''> -:•. L.;' '. K ::' ,•

'.r •• .. ;"·I St It•· l.l• p•,rtmt:nt of ; 1• :.' :: • ~~!"•:rs ~ !; .. fql:r.J·.••inK :--;ugw

~.:ty;r;K .•; 1 J;"·!.'1 t•'Jt '";:; J .~ !rJ , \ .:· ... :.•!:.

W ANTf;o - Houses in t;reenbelt. Havp prospective lmyers for hous­r·s an 1 apartments. \Vlll be glad to assist Greenbelters in Reiling their homr-.>. GREE:ffiELT REALTY r:OMPA.NY, 151 Centerway (for­mer Police Station), GR. 3-4571.

r• ' r • · l • :, 1 ·· 1~; r. . . . . ;... -t;tJ ;;rt !,~· • :,c rJt:r;~~·· j :·.-~th • 1~··

{ •! ' ·s .... ~.· : • · 1 1 !. :! ;..: l ·: t ; ; r~ •I)• r • · •.

. • . : l f . j ' , ~


Tl<::LEVISION SEFMCE~-~~ ft-s.<;ional electrical engineers using the finest of modern test equip­ment. RCA RegiRtered Dea!Pr. Any mak•· any model. Philco Author­ized Service. GR. ~1-4431 or GR. 3-::.~:· ..

•.:REE:-.IBELT MUTORS--8420 Bal­tml•>r•· Blvd. Used cars and truckl! zmught and sold. Phone TO. 9-9647.

TV SERVICE -F~venings, weekends, holidays. Lo­eal Home Service cails. Charges rea.o;rHtable. W o 1~ k guaranteed. Fre,. tube testing service, 14-Z-2 Laurd HilL Cal GR. 3-2113 or OL. 'l\-5476.

'I'I<::LEVISION & RADIO TUBES tf.'sted free. Replacements at 40% off li.-;t. Written guarantee with c•vPry tube. Ridding's Service, 11-J ~~g··· Hour~ 9 •'l.rn. to g p.m. GR .;~JR2

Dru:ssMAIGNG ----;~;~- a.Jtpr~~ l1~rs. Russell, 2-F \VPstwny. GR. ~-89!;1)

.. --- -· ---·- ·--INCu~n~ TAX st.•lt•~,:;;-~~~;~~ 1-d by PXpert tax ar:countant. RPa­sonable. Call f;R_ :t-2lf>1. ·--------·-------HAPPY'S ICE ClU~/\M - For pru-ti(•s, for that late sna:·!t, for family ti:Psst·rL-; - pick up your phonP and <:!11! ''Happy," GR. 3-3?.31. Fre·~ dc­Lvery. Mon., TI.U's .. \Ved., Thurs., l•'ri., :;at., Sun., 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. l'ints, quarts, half-gallons.

-------SHOP AT THE STORE that comes to your door. Sec our smart new IJne of Nationally Advertised Spring clothes. 'I'ots to Teens. E:Oys n.nd Girls. Women'.!! dresses, slldrt.'i, blonses. LU Schurr. Sl-D Ridge Rd. GR. 3-5831.

RENT A CRIB for th(• v;sltrng l:&by. roll-a-way beds fc.r- the !\-Jl.:lt... Pillows, J~olding tables, cll3;cs. str•>lh rs, hi-chairs, linens, t a1~ n.•cordr·rs, etc. Delver('(). :.-cr·J­i :c Rcntl\ls Co., JU. 8-1286, t!D} or llilgl-.t.

WE''"''""~<~"iX~--,;T;;ELE\i:;;-;~I;!':!is::';'Io=N~s"'~:-:::x=-•s=-. S.~rvin1!:' our friead.!1 In Greenbelt sfnc~ 1944, we offer first chu.a .J?J·orupt service using nt>w 1tanda.rd lll~nd pam and tubes. Ken L-ewis, WEb.ster 5-:'}718.

A'mt:P WANTED: Need EXira Mon._.y ·.• ~come an advertising representative tor our paper. We otlrer Hi% comrr.Jsslon. Call 5801 or oo-~ down to the office Tuesday E'Ve!ling. (9 Parkway.)

IF' YOU DONT' FIND your News &~view on your doorstep Thursday nite w'hen your neighbors have threirs, PLEASE phone .Tim O'Neill, our ch-..=ulation manager, at 2"36. Pwurkway. GR. S-6141.

fi,~JFJ~··~~·-- \fi·,y f~(•··'· r7 •. L!·: •l• ·. t :.·!

(~ •. , :-•· ~~-i·H. s! r•· l·, .. ;:;..: .-.:·11t-,_,~ b· • t t t !:•' J, •. ' . ( Jf t ;_.: ;;L·; I II r t. •,

j I J .'.' '-! j I' g r . ;.t ~ •' • i, ~' I tJ, :! t ~ ;.., jd<1t·lj

.. \1r.--,., .\J~·tr. (~!lJ.t:r11·r. rr.•·rLf,. r :. i• ,-fJ·ur-rn:~.r:. r• Jlt)rt• d th.d tr-:·· rr,. rr.­;u·r- fJI;J h t:·( ::--.·:u ~:~· i -~~-.7 r,r ... ,;' l•i I :: • I_ • l t ~ J 'I J • .> i:} l1· I ~: f f •ll f.r) f.: j' l ) • • _'•"

:.··, f:t:r,,.,, :~ ~)o~·.·,. ~.,,t :.-~ '· :.·• :r.•· r! • • ·: r. ~). · r ·.

·rhe Long View \\'r• dl kt~ov.· that "'th·· :., .-t

,f·!l•·nlf·;., r. ~fllf'~· .tl:d !lH'Tl h-t!lg ••!t

:t g!f'•:/." f.1~.t '•\"h"~l ~.fJft1Yth:n;._: '.1)·!

hav•· ;ll-trln•·d .J.!'•·t.--; all lou.~··d ·~p it IS 'X;l~1JH·r:tl1~1,.:- ,,-\ •·II:J;d•· uf

·.•.-,•t-l<:.; :tg•, :t lli•·,- d111r~~·r -. .. --t:--; !JPlrt 111 hor:d,r uf (~hi•·f P:-.trlaJ(olJ !1.'\ t•)

whidt I '•'<t-' nat.JrCLJiy inv;t•··l ~:ty ""n.tturaliy"' ht•>t'>llls•: :1:: th,, :nljH>rl.trtt. folks ,,., town with .~::_.-,•) 1:rJ '"'l"'lld ·,,·,.r•· on th•· ]t,;t. TIL., •·xr-lrlfl•·•l ll:tin1portant JH:()pJ •. :tll··i

_;u•qp}•· •,t,.·jt!HJ'l! $;~_.),). \\."hl(·h ;l11:!•· .. l .t dfJ\\"fl t,1) .t nj(·•· :·H.·l··,_·t j rt,,•,ji ~,f ·dJOllt 2Ui' \\'"t·lJ. h~td tJJI· ~-; ;,,)

hrd in t 11•· t··w of n.y ,hu•· 11 tt I .'. ~~ 1n ·r.·:--~ol ... · th.tt ::1~ht .lnd . .. (, ,, .: ... ,. C1J1Jl.j11"t .L!t~·:lrf.

ISt•in~.: of an in~~;·•·niotJ>. rnirul. It""­•·\f·r. I fii{Ur•'<l out how to "l "' part n r till' -":L;o, ., ta ,. in T , .. , ''"' and ··till lu· pn· .. •·nt in "llir·it at l•·a-.t. ''" 011 tit•· rnnrnin1; l>+·fnrt· I "'''Ill ;l

1\irt• to th•· Chit·f (;·orn ltalla•. whi.-!1 r .. ad, "I anc.l all th,·· ,..fwrin ... in thi,. ~~;n•at Stt&lo• of To•\th .... -rul h•· .. t wi-.J ..... und JH•r..nnal l'l'l{artl.,__ .,,j~rll'd .\1 l.f>nJC.'" with ifl .. tru.-tion ... it .,hnultl h•· llo·lh •·rt·d ju..1 a.. tlw riinno•r \\'lls .. tnrtlng. I lidu-d rny 1·hop., in nwntJ&) app,..•dtdion of 1 tl). rlo·"·•·rnt•,.., ho·rnu. .. •· I c-ould ju ... t ,.... it IM•inat l'f'lld and o•\c•r)·IHH'

rnumturing, "bn't that IAJilk tht• riP\'f"r on('."

\\'hen I got back to town, how­ever, no one slap~d me on th .. back and said. "Sa.y. that was a good wire you st>nt frG•m Tf.'xa.'f." Ho finally I had to comE~ right out and Mk Toa.stznaster La.stner if they got the wire. "No," he said, "we never got it." Then I calle-d \'kfestern Union and was told that they df.'llvered it and I owf.'<! an t•:ottra !50 cents for the Jl'('rsonal de­livery. By golly. it would havt> b·~en betttPr and cheaper it I had c:!Lncell•>d th(• trip to Te-x:as and gonf' to the dinner. It's awful hard to sav,. $3.50 when you· an' a:n important ~rson in this tc-wn. .. ·•

I...t Randay, on tfteovhJ.ou. I !44W

""",.. part of Uu"" M•\lofttconwry lli'lll'd's ato<lkholdt"n.' .,...,..tin;;:- at which thf"y ~-.,,..., ha\itllC a l'f'KU].a.r Donn.-ybrook braw-l o\·r:r tht~ Av­f'J'y-\\'olfHOn ftpt. At l'in6t cf.anOf', I thonght It WRM a ~tood old mf"m­twNhip m• .. •tln~t in Gr"""b..lt. whirh onl~· K,,.. .. to pro,r· that l>o-.n­plo• arP K-11 funny :a" ON .... nbf-ltof"J'"'I or vi <"f' "'"Tfla.

PiroTC)(}RAPHS: Children groups, wed<!ln!t'S and communion pictures. RE!&SOn.l-ble. R9.ul R. Kasko. Call 89~t1 after March 22. GR. 3-4901.

TI' and RADIO tubes teste<l r;:. ple.ccd. Record Player Needle and Cartridg-P information. Larry Mill­er. 21-::-.l' Ridge Rd. GR. 3-1A66.

Ai)\/(<;1\rrrRF.' WANTED. F..xp('­riPrw··oi. matun• man with razor·­sharp :mind and hair-triggt'r rPac·­tion.s. h,ts h•.•Pn around and know~ th<• scon•. \Viii do anything • le­gal) for money. Write to Ad\'('n­tur·e Wanted. c/o The News Re­view. P.O. &x 68, Grecnbc>lt, Md.

rr. tlw 2'• ·•···n, th..'\t t•:-.;rrl::u S'T'A TES SA VIN<;s BO:-;"IJS ha v•· bl·•~n otf<"rPd. purchr:SNI hL'l.v .. tot tl­l'd approximat .. Jy l20 billion dnl­lars. Bonds vahwd at ov•·r $:>.~ h:l­lio.n are .still in tht• hand:'J o! i nd i­vidual savf.'rs.

~XC!<~I>TIO~AI..LY firw Original oil paintings. landscarx•s and sea­sc:·a.p.•:~ done by pro!Pssional. 16" x 20" in fabulous color. You caii GR. +-e4b9: we bring collection. Swne as low as $25. 111"il KAL.<:;ER MANH 'I.'J.-wrAN Cus­tor~ Built. Pt>rfect C.ondition. Me­chnnk owns this car. GR. 4-8166 or LO. :S-4371, ask for Bob.

l!';Tr::RES'TED in " 2 lx-.-troorn ··rFI rramc hous•· or ha\'t• ;: frirnd th •t :s: No r,.a.<tr>nnbl•• off'•·r ro•!u!wrl C":lJ! ,-: R. ~-~~~ 17.

<:f.:IH \VA:-."'Tf:Ll Ir ynu l•av•• <.'"'' to s<>ll r•·a!'!on1lbly. p!l·a.~•· ph"~:·· m•· at (;R. 4-9492.

36 PACKARD. Snow Tire.'!; 11!'~­timP bat~t·ry. Radio. Ht•a.t('r. In top condition. Bt·st offPr. GR. -4-76€.1. R~·~:I~)-.T~\~\-~t~>~\~\~-l~{~~~.F~:~1.~l~~nK~~E~i.-.-H~t~JII

ntl:<,.:r.g and my forJr yl"ar ~:•ld i..q br<)k"nhMlrtl-d ,..iU pe.y pur-chast• price for it_. ~t1,1rn. GR. 4·7~1.

., ' r · • r ~ . 1 : : _\' :! ! : • ·. t

• • j ; ;1; ~;: ! , -....: rn ; .... d: ~.

. :· 1.11 ~:, ,,• L. !.,.: .n1·l t ·:-·

r 1 ~: . 1 • . ! '' · J t ! r1,, 1 ,_.,. ; f jl '<• ) • : :--t-Lt• ~ tr•· ( tp t."d·· ;n

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:t.!, ,\ '>l:lr•l_\' .:•·jdarldo•r .lcld

;··· ~.· _-. •11 iJ,;ht t.r•· tht· tns'.\···r to I'•'! d !;,;;,:-, r h••;"o· \',_·l)rking in

:1 ~·:: ; , J • ." ou\~o.,;de· r.·qt.:ir•·..; an Ill·

.; .. ': ,.,, ··• tl.•· hd-lt·r for .-rad<;-; .t:,•i 11l:1• r •i•·f•·t·t.'-, 1'h!s 1~ t.·~p•·-

l:;_. .. ·1 .•• 1! th,· :.tdrJ•·r- has b('•·\n

t• ;rn•~•-. f··~l:'t nr ·.-.·•.;od 4·•·llulo.s~·

•: I ·t. '·' ::,,.,.,. W•·'lk•·ll•·d tht· rungs '-r t<i•· ·'"!'POrts. ( :tu·cl< thP ('On­L·i,, ~ ~~r out,Jd .. :--;t.urs. raiHng.s

•: ·I i''"' i:•·-" whi· h t.ll-•· a lot of ,>~::.: ::,., :.t fr,•nl t: .... \._\' traffic and : :• .·.- •. _,_,,i, r In !Jrn•·. without .• ~, •)·• I t ~·... t fi·~td.-,. Lr.d f!(HJrUlg

HI_,_,.·-;_ .. ~t r11h~~;.:. ...... !.,.,·otn~· \\'t•alt.

:~,J! ~~~ .t.nuth•·!· ,-::• nly of \\"(IOd.

·I .1 •·iJ,:ht l••·.t~;!:g : ... trut·tur,• . :! i. :' 'I !_ ht. r•. -~ l.l •.; ( . '~ i j ,,. rt !. ..... -

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::: '"~I'' r· .... Vit·:.;•-nt .1:~ lJnse·t·n haz-~-:·. 1· ,, . J:lti 1(1r ,o,_·:t!t••'lt J•r·,~)-··r

·. ,._.Jr ·. t' , :~ •• r-:(1 1). \)r •·\···rt f:tl:tl

·: 11.: ~.- :r: •:.- rt·.,ult. Tht' vapors of ,,.,,. :'r"•l·tvlls havo·· a cumulative '!,' .. :!nt is. c:Lus.:· ::cvl'r<' dalll-

.., 'it li orgnJt>( uftpr PXtl'nd­f.'<! usage ('\'e.Jl tho·l.!gh exposure at t:•_,. u·,,, t 1n1f·· 1:-,i not proion;.:e·d

z-·1 l i'-> '.,~ t.an~:n;..~ '-t!'"hon t•·tra-!Ji,,:·. i• ;,, this <'<ttq:~ory. and art•

"t '' :i ·::-.•··! lx·~:aus•• r;( th•·ir non­:L<nirn·d·l•· c·haract··r. t: 11 fort u­tt.;td:-·. th1~ .attrihult• is morP than utf:oo-t hy tlwir to'l:ic .-tY ... <.:t. To be ~:do· wh.-n Ulling elt•nning fluids. ~nl\'t·nts. p.dnt or varnish rl·mov­•·r.,, always l":'&d and hN~ the in­~trul'tiOTl!l gi\'l'll for tht•ir ust•.

Ab-out th(• yard and garden. hid­,J,, n or u nst"'.•n ha.ul.rds ga.lort• ma.y o•:-.;i.,t. A Ji:Ood way to start your "op-o·ra.ltOJt sa(l'ty" l:hf.'rt- is hy first rakin.~ up dry lrB,\'el:l and brush which ~""m to nl'$tlf' nt>Qr the hou.~·· and otht•r l>uilc.llllj{s. Th.is will z:nt only improve the appea.r­anc•• o! your piacf" but rt:'duc<' tht• fir., hazard as well. You'll also want to sn!c>·guArd any post holes. ditch• ·"· o·x,-a,.-ations or a.biU1done-d -.--,.;1~ on th€' property. The~ are known as .. at.t.racti\'1' ha.:z-.ards" that .ul t()() fn-quP.ntly Iurr• chil­drPn to thPir dl'ath. 'To furth(•r prot•·• t ,,·htldrl'n. cht•ck swings, ~"·•·-~m-.\-,. or otht•r ~·lay I'QUipment. ..\ ron•· on a s-wing i~n 't madl' to h"t !urf"vrr. Rnd thf• tim(' to ··'J:~ro.:•· :t :s b('!ort• It snaps.

A 1-i >t word of caution conct·rn­'"K t::~•···tt•·:dt".S and bug killl'rs. ~(Jf':"""'.t• r1f ~f'..f•Sfl- .·tr4-. rPa,J:y d,ang('>T•

ott;> i1 '1ct u!M"d :tt:C"Ording to di-r•· t 1• -~: .-\: "' ltnportant to kN•p " n :r.d ._, ,,t<>r'l!;•• of th••s•• itf'n1s ,.,~ ••t' : ~1•· rt.-1\ch of chi.ldrt>n or

P<'t-" As ironic u it moly sound, p.:tr•·r:t...; .tn· notorious for thl'ir pa.:·~~!:d·::r~K ~·t!ort_.,; to p~u-<·e c.;"ndy ,,·:t r,( ~~ .. :'"••n.ch f·)f thP:T off""pr:ng

\\·!~ilt· .:--tur:r:g pois(•r.u·.ls H~lb . ...-.t..ar-:cf','i .. ,·:th.C! •·:t,,y 'lCCf'S..'i.

Satis~yYourSweet Tooth n,l ~- .t:: rd:ty April 2 thP

\\',,ry;••:,·., \ !J ~iIi:; r y nf th<' ( ;r•-· ·:·!)•·.~ r~.-- .. l'~l·· ~·;.q·::t.·J ··"·:.! ~~· !:i .... '~:.r-:·::'l~ J~~k·· S:t:•· :·:

fr,:.~ • ! ~ !;,. Gr•:t.•nb•·:t ThPfltrt· !:r·)(.,::::o~ at 9 :tIll ~or ... :ls

~~·-t.kt-.f :._:.- tht• rT1f·!nh~-~ of tht"*

..._- .. ...-~.-[" fr~•r:l 'ht• ~..;L!.- "'-~~! ht• 1.:s..,j tn <~ .. ~.f t~.P \·oJur.tr-c·~ flrP d•·· part.mr·~.! :•nd rt·s~t...t' :sqU&d

·\::-;:1:.~\· ._,:II bt• 'r>ld Pru- \

Mar-ch 31. 1955 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Five


LANHAM BACKACHE~ LandM-ape ~!·...-ic.- ~

SALES and SERVICE La.!t Week IJt This 0 rice ~

Moved to Berwyn Heights

Still SerTing Greenbelt

t'OR St:ln·Ict; CALL

Flowering Shrubs



_T_Ow_e __ r_9_-_&4_1_4_( GR. 4-9286 \V Arftf'ld 7-2171


~ 'EE-.:- --~ (_ ... ~;-.. ... ~~ ... .:-' ... ~,_, "E'h .:....,. .. "-..,.0'-S &e-.~~!: .-. '-..... E'-'"5 ~--''t:...'- ~ ...... ~E~~ !~P"'l.;""'o,~E:O ~ .......... .._ '5-.. .... "'-""'""'P!- , • .l.:."': ~"' ........ :::C ... ..i€, ~~~5,5 o<S:'"'T~E~ ~E=' -::' ·-E;: ~-E:'.;E"!t r

..:HEESE STORY j ~ ... ""' .. •'""-.:io.;)w--r ~

::..\P>o-J"'\,.""""'&:...~, .... ... ~""'"- e~Gott..:ioE,'\e ..... -r

C..\PT._.,_. ...... .,.,...,... coe ~~~~~~~--~,--~~~~~~~~ c.:·-- .v.o .:'JilfiiD

co.. ,...., iN&"·· ..a to<:OiteP " P.~~' ~rT 41'>i0 SENT Tw& ""-Je SCu~l!'•ll'o6 01-'TOO:~,

v ... ev '!E T..,e &~-~~ ~UII2:JT•6S ,,. Tl-4& ~L.O! ClEME-.V\~E:~ "1\..4!$- !'AC.t-t jLS, 11# .. 11111-~ >'OU euv ~ eo.>CKED IOOS et. II>O.IIOO.IHH> AMalfiCAiiiiS/ '>0\.1 OW& I'T


7~ -74 (')~ ()lee

VETERAN'S LIQUOR-11620 Baltimore Ave. Beltsville, Md.


i&Jtrmt 8 yr. old Bottled in Bond· REtLL Y'S MONOGRAM

Private Stock $3.69 a fifth

at store or deUvel'ed

7 yr. old Straight Bourbon 86 PROOF

$3.49 a fifth- 3 for $10 CORBY'S RESERVE 86 PROOF BLE.SDED WIDSKEY

$3.49 a fifth - 2 for $6.69


$3.59 a fifth -- 2 for $7.00

MARYLAND RARE RYE 6 years old - This fine rye wJW.key

W88 distilled under an old time fonnola -and aged in new cha.n-ed oak barrels gh·ing It rich and mellow bouq110t.

$3.19 a ftlftb - 2 for $6.19



$3.69 a fifth


$4.49 a fifth

~itttt .... :1~


58c a fifth - 2 fur $1.00

OLD GERMAN BEER $2.39 a case - 2 for $4.49

plw. ta.Ji: &: depoll>lt

Page 6: .. lllews lltiJiew - greenbeltnewsreview.com file/ f".r .. _ .... ... \ ·( ' '" ' r .... ~ _

Six GREE."ffiELT NEWS REVIEW March 31. 1955

(.':t-nf..f'r Sf-hoof R""""· (>lf>nn W. Sanu.H'tl.~

4-E llilbotdt>ltd. - HRanlt.- 4-9n-4 F:-i<;ay. April 1 - 7:30 p.m~ Vis­

it:ltion Program. Pl.-.asc meet at ·• · f , t~ ParsonagP for prn;>"t·r and vis­

:. itation assignments.

ErH:· T. ftraund. Rotw·rt C. Hull, Ml.ni!~ot.-r..

t:ljr..al>M.b (i-<loP'bf•, ~flni,..t.Pr of ::'\fu. .. k- lUlld s...c.rr·tary

:\·-·, :...--· Tdf-pbon,. - GR. 3-M-t-6 Sunday. April 3 - Palm SUnday,

:\1'ornlng Worsh:p at 9 and 11: Sund11.y, April 3 - 9:~ a.m .. ~~In­

day school. Cl.a&ses for all •llges including nursery for crib be.bies and toddlf'rs. John S. Stewart, ;rr., Superintendent. 11 a.m.. M·om­!nf: Worship. Sermon by the Pas­tor, "In The Upper Room." Ob­servance of the Lord's Supper. 6 p.m.. Training 'Union. Jffrs. John S. Stewart. Jr., Director. Unions for all agf's. 7 p.m., Evening ~f()r­ship. Informal song service and a short rnf'ssage by Pastor S111l­uelson. "R<>lf'ase Barabbu.s, Crlld­fy Jesus."

Sacramo:t o! Ba.pti!!l'In and t~· Re­a·ption o! Adu~t Mf'm~·r.-~ at both S..rvice-.s. Rev. Braund prE"~!.Chlng "Wh('n Christ v~·ept." Children ~;u b{• C'Qnfirn:u"CC at thf' s~ial Confirrnahon ~Mrk~ in the eve­ning at 7:30. P1e-dgc cards ·.~;n be rccPiv('d again th1s Sunooy a.nd bo:.H,-s of offt>ring f'nvelope-s !or th£' nr•w church j"f"ar l'ldl! b-e given out at all S<'n;ef's. Church School as follows: 9 Rnd 11 Xu rsPry Kin­rlPrgarten. and Primary; 10 Junior Junior and Senior High. Confirma­tion Cla.ss. College Age, and Adult.<>. 6 p.m .. Ju,.1ior High F!'l-10\'I'Ship; 7:30 Confirmation &·rv­ice.

Tuesday, April 5 - 7:45 p.m., Bible Class taught by Mrs. James Wilson will be held at the homP ·of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hajdasz, +S··A Crescent. Pastor Samuelson will tPach important truths regardir1g the T111bernacle.

:\fond.'l.y, April ' - 8 p.m .. Church School Tea•:he-rs Meeting; 8 p.m .. Boarrl of Trustees :\!e<>ting.

Thursday. April 7 - !\ p.m .. EH· ning \V•1rship with thP. Sacram(·nt of Holy Co::nmunion; Cha.ncd Choir will sing \Vessel's "Calvary." the Seven Last ~{ords of Christ.

Thursday, April 7 - 7:30 p.m., Prayer Meeting at the Parsonage. 8:30 p.m., Choir Rehearsal.

~~Cie~ Sunday, April 3 - Palm Sund.11.y.

9:45 a.m., Sunday school and &dlllt Bible Cla..ss. Classes are held J~or all age groups. Raymond Carriere, Superintendent. 8:30 a.m., Matins service. U a.m., Service of wor·­ship with the celebration of the Rite of Confirmation. Sermon top­ic: As For Me. A nurs-ery is main­tained for the bcneflt of parer.1ts with small children.

cta~k- §a'lnet Mb. JDvebon E. Clark, 73- M

RidgP, announces the marriage 4>f' her daughter Evelyn Louise Clar·k to .John Garnet of Marion, Penn­sylvania. The wedding will talt:e place at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at Pet worth Baptist Church in Washington, D. C. The couple plan to reside in Greenbelt.

Royal Delicatessen & Luncheonette

WAKE UP to · LOX &

BAGELS! DELIVERED to your door

FREE Sunday a.m. (or anytime)

CALL - UNion 4-5790 <for Sun. a.m. delivery - c:>Jl

Sat. eve.>

This weekend SPECIA Kosher

Passover begins April 6 We have e\·erytblng you need -quality brands - complete line of foods for thP Holiday.

- We 'II Deliver -

5440 AnnapGiis Rd. (U.S. 50 e"it on Wash.-BaJto.


Store Holll'K Mon. thru Sat. . 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday .. . .... 7 a.m.-to p.m.

Friday, April 8 - 12 noon to 3. Pr1·n, hing &·r••icc on the &'"'.'Pn La.~t v.-ords ot Christ with guf'st pn·.ac-lwrs of Gr('ol>n~lt and vicini­ty. Spedal music.

t'AI ... t-f"r Sunday, April 10 • Morn­ing \Vor:ship at 8:-iS, 10. and 11:15.

~orth End Sehoof Stanlf"y F. Knock. .Jr.., ~lni'ltl'r

.f2-L l~ld~tfl Road, Phont> 9-UO

Sunday, April 3 · 9:30 a.m .. Sun­day School &>n·icc. Classes for all ages. Ho~rbert Irvin, Supf"rintend­ent. 11 a.·m .. morning won•hip con­ducted by Rev. Knock. &·rmon entitled "The Danger of Being In­telligent.'' A nurnery is provided for smaller childr~n. 6 p.m .. :'.f\ ... F meets at .Mrs. Bailt:>y's, 21-P 'R.idge.

.Monday, April 4 - 4:30 p.m., Membership Training Class. Par­sonagf'. 42-L Ridge. ~ p.m .. \\'SC.S Monthly meeting, Room 22.'5, Cen­ter schoo:t. The apeal<cr will be :\Irs. J. Dennett Guthrh~. PresidPnt of United Council of Church \Vo­men for Greater v,;ashington.

We-dnesday, April 6 - 4:30 p.m .. Membe!"Ship Training Class. 8 p.m., Quarterly Conference mPeL~ in the Social Room. dcov.-nst.air!<. Center school. Dr. Philip C'. F...d­wards will preside.

Thursday, April 1' - 8 p.m .. Holy Communion Service h•~ld at the Xorth End school.

Friday. April 8 - Noo11 to 3 p.m .. Community 3-hour Good Friday Scn·ice at Greenbelt Community Church.

Baptist Service Taped For Sick And Shut-Ins

The morning worshi~· s-ervicP. of thP Greenbelt Baptist Cha.pd V.<1.s

tape-recorded last Su:1.day morn­ing to enable those who are shut­ins and thP sick to receive th(' b('n· cfit of the S<'rvice.

The hour-long :'lervic<'. tapf· rl·­cordt•d by the nev.· cboir dirt'ctor, Albert Xierney('r, indudt•s thf' con­gn•gational singing, Scripture !"<'ading and pastoral prnyer. choir anth<'m and e. sermo-r1 by thP pas­tor. Revcn·nd Glenn V.'. S&Inuf'l­son.

Any per11<m in -:lrecn'belt who d('­sires to ht~ar the Bf'rviCf' in his home may )>hone ~iemeyt>r, 2092 or ReverPnd Samuelson, 9i24.

Bernard's Adelphi Beauty Salon

Formerly with Antoine's oJ~ Ga.rftnckei's


2422 Vnh·.-l"'lli~· l.ant> AdPiphi Shopping C{'nt•·r

Open daily 9 to 6 Wed .. and Fri. to 9

Phone HArrison 2-3275 for appointment

j ------------·-·· ·- ·-

Catholic Church f;n·, \ kl'or ,J, D~'Jti.s!lo, F'BI'itor

GR. 3-5911 S 1':.:rday April 2 · Solem:1 Holy

:f·n:~ ;,t '' n'do-ck. closing Mf'n's .\~ ~ .. ~;n:. r~!"....fc-.ssions: Saturday .~:•rn<><'n from 3 3J) to 5:30. 3 p.m., L •··~'li:'l~ nf small childr('n b.;r Mis­", r,r. pnf'st.

.". ::·HiHy. Apr.l 3 - Ma:>s<-s: 7:30. ~ !V•. 9·3(o and 11 a.rn. This i~ Com­

:-t~·~:-:ion S'..:nday for &nior BodeJi­:v Ht i·JO Mas..s; Junior Sodality ,, : <i 30 .'iEISR. Pa r:ish LJbra:-y op-,.~ ;.ftPr all Mft.S'.Sf'S Sunday, Palm S::ndft.y· Blf'SSing of Palm.s :>efore ~' · ;~, :.\!ns.'l ~itb distribution after thi' !>!:\~ a.nd alter 11 r.-'cloek :\f~<$5,

r~'lpti~ms: Sunday, 1 p.m. P~. "'111 t~ct F11 t hc·r Dowgia.Uo before­hand.

1VE'd!'1esday, April 6 - Mira.:ulous Me-dal Novena at. 8 p.m .• follO'Wed by Benedict.:on of the Most Blessed Sacramc·nt.

Holy Thul"'Sday, April 7 - High :\tass sung by St. Hugh's Hchool e:-:lldN·n at 9 o'c!ock. follow·~d by Snl•·mn Proc ... s~ion. Adoration all c~ay and night until 7 a.m., Good Friday morning. Holy Commun­ion will also be distributE'<~ at 7 a.m. Holy Thurse . .ay mornin8·.

r;ooct Friday. April 8 - Mass of tlw pre-sanctified at 9 a.m. Ven­•·rat.ion of the cress all doay. Sta­tions of the Cross at 2 p.m. a.nd 8 p.m. for the paziBh.

HEBREW SERVICES H!'bT'I"w Sf'n·ic<':3 Friday r. ight,

April 1 at tht> JCX:' building, 8 p.m. Can dl("lighting tim,~ 5:59 p.m. Due to o·.zr la.-k of facilities Youth 8en·­;cr·.' will be .suspendt>d this Sltur­day morning. but will continu(· the foll!'lwing Saturday. April 7 and 8 art· th•• first tv.·o days of Passover. Thl' first &-<IN is the night of Ap­ril 6.

On April 3 th£' JCC will hold a :\fod>·l St-df'r !or the Hebrew school in t:1P social roo~: of the Center ~cho.:>l. Arnold Bognt>r. the Hc­hrr·w teachPr. will :>fficia.te.

Thf'!"f> will be a Sabbath Serv­lc't•;< Trainin~· Program in the fall as a r<"gUII!.r f('atun• to tra.in chil­d rr·n to conduct Saturday mon1lng child rf'n·s S-f'n·ices. U in teN'! ted, c,'\JI Cherlf'y DIU'Iish or Sam V•~rn­off.

BeautiFul Greenbelt.

Your Community If your job takes you from Greenbelt, the GVHC Sales

Office is anxious to assist you.

Come in to discuss market possibilities. Wwting lists

are maintained of applicants for all types of unitso

Service charge for obtaining a purchaser is 21,2% of

original list price of dwelling.

If your friend or business associate is looking for a

home, send him to the GVHC Sales Offic& Both

Original homes and Defense homes are available.

Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 weekdays

10:00 to 6:00 Saturdays and Sundays

Greenbelt: Veteran Housing Corporation HA:.'\ULTO:S PL.4.CE, GREEl\'BELT, MARYL.~"D

GRanite 3-4161 GRanite 9-2781





Over Variety Store near City Offices

OFFICE HOURS Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 7:30 to 9:30 Sat. 10:00 to 12t06

PHONE GR. 3-2481

We BuiiQl For The Future

w • I

t h



F a • J

t h

We ask you to share with us this work for Cod. Your investment will be ~ of

faith for our children and our community. What better way can we build for the fu­turE!? Crive what you can in the true cooperative spirit of our city.

REMEMBEir THESE DATES Tl1ursday, March 31, thru Sunday, April 3


Mowatt Memorial Methodist Church Parsona.ft4~: 42-L Ridge Road

GRanite 4-94"!0
