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  • 8/14/2019 Mufon Ufo Journal





  • 8/14/2019 Mufon Ufo Journal



    103 Oldtowne Rd.Seguin, Texas 78155"R I C H A R D H ALL

    EditorA N N D R U F F E LAssociate Editor

    L EN STRINGFIELDAssociate Editor

    MILDRED BIESELEContributing Editor

    W A L TER H . ANDRUSDirector of MUFON


    Hu man oid Study GroupP A U L C E R N Y

    Promotion/PublicityREV. BARRY DOWNING

    Religion and UFOsLUCIUS FARISH

    Books/Periodicals/HistoryROSETTA HOLMESPromotion/Publicity :


    Landing Trace CasesJOHN F. SCHUESSLER

    UFO PropulsionDENNIS W. STACYS t a f f WriterNORMAE. SHORT


    Editor/Publishers EmeritusTh e M U F O N UF O J O U R N A L ispublished by the 'Mutual UFO Net-wo rk , Inc.,Seguin, Texas. Me mb e r -ship /Subscr ip tion rates: $15.00 pe ryear in the U.S.A.; $16.00 foreign.Copyright 1982 by the M u tu a lU F O N e t w o r k . Second class postagepaid at Seguin, Texas. POST-MASTER: Send form 3579 to advisechange of address to The M U F O NU FO J O U R N A L , 1 03 O l d tow neRd., Seguin, Texas 78155.

    F R O M T H E E D f T O RSeveral articles and letters in this issue confront the problem of hyp-

    nosis applied to UFO witnesses generally, and Prof. Alvin H. Lawson'sBirth Trauma (BT) Hypothesis for "abduction" cases specifically.These are central issues bearing on interpretation of "abduction"reports worthy of searching inquiry. Hypnosis, clearly, is a useful toolwhen properly applied, but it has its limitations and can easily beabus-ed or misused. Certainly it is naive to think that what emerges underhypnosis must be taken as "absolute truth." "Abductee" stories nodoubt contain some mixture and the proportions are critical offact , fantasy, and creative imagination. As is true of so many otheraspects of the UFO problem, we need well-qualif ied, "objective" (easyto say, hard to define) analysts to weigh the pros and cons, and to fur-nish guidelines on how to proceed in order to sort out the truth.

    In this issue'CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES" IN FACT AND FICTION .3B y Kal K. Korf f & William L . Moore


    Th e contents of The MUFON U FO J O U R N A L are determined by the editor, and dono t necessarily represent th e official position of M U F O N . Opinions of cont ributors aretheir own, and do r iot necessarily reflect those of the editor , th e s t a f f , o r M U F O N . Arti-cles m ay b e forwarded direc t ly t o M U F O N . Responses to published articles may b e in aLetter to the Editor (up to a b o ut 400 words) or in a short article (up to ab o u t 2,000words). Thereafter, the "50% rule" is applied: the article author m ay reply b ut wil l b eallowed half the wordage used in the response; the responder may answer theauthorb ut wil l b e al lowed half th e wordage used in the author ' s rep ly , etc.All submissions aresubject to editing for style, clarity, and conciseness.Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided no t more than 2 00w o r d s ar e quoted from any one article, th e au t ho r of the article is given credit , and thes ta tement "Copyright 1982 b y t he M U F O N U F O J O U R N A L , 1 03 O l d t o w n e Rd.,Seguin, Texas" is included.

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    "CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES" IN FACT AND flCTIONBy K al K . Kprffan d Will iam L : Moore(1982)

    One of the m a r k s w h i c hdistinguishes an expert yarn-spinnerfrom an ordinary storytel ler is his ex-p e r t i se in m a n u f a c t u r i n g , ex ag -gerat ing, or distort ing detai ls a t ran -dom and upon the spur of the mo-m e n t in order that he may c ontinue tosound convincing and credible to hislisteners. Given such criteria, "Ka|Korff and the Tvleier Hoax' : AResponse" by Wendel le C. Stevens(MUFON UFO Journal , Nos. 164-165)should be el igible fo r some sort ofp r i z e . E i t h e r W e n d e l l e S t e v e n sregards his shameless effor ts to foistth e M eier case upo n both legi t ima teU FOl o g y an d u n su spec t i n g U FO"buffs" al ike as some sort of t rem en -do u s ly f u n n y personal joke (i n whi c hcase let's all l au g h and forget abo ut i t ),or he honest ly thinks that those whobother to double check his "facts" andfind them wan t i n g will conceal thei rresults solely to pro tec t hi s (alreadyprecar ious) repu ta t i o n . In either case,it is our opinion that this disgracefulc harade has gone o n long enough.Stevens' "Response" to the pointsraised in Korff ' s expose of the M e i e rcase are nei ther convincing nor ter-r ibly new. Worse, his ad h o m i n e m at-tack on Korff 's alleged i m m a t u r i t yhardly befits a g en t l em an and is at thevery least i rrelevant to the matter athand. While Korff ' s anti -Meier book( T h e Meier Incident: M o s t I n f a m o u s Hoaxin UFOlogy: Town Scribe Press, 1981)m ay have put him on the map per se,hi s interest in UFO reports did notbegin when he decided to look intothe Swiss contactee case in earnestback in early 1980. Indeed, Wendel leStevens ha s k n o w n of K o r f f fo r over5 years, thei r first exchange of lettersh a v ing beg u n on S eptem ber 1 4,1976. (A c o py of this letter is inM U F O N ' s file's.)

    As to why UFOlogy has m o re orless looked to Koriff fo r i n fo rm at i o non the Meier case, the rea son is ac-

    tually qui te simple. It is obvious fromhis wri t ings that he has thoroughlyresearched and investigated both theincident itself and those connectedwi th it. His book is an au tho r i ta t i vecom pi lation of the resul ts and conc lu-sions of that investigation. Andironically, there are more hard factsset forth therein than there are in theentire Genesis II I P l e i a d e s v o l u m e .The statement that appears inKorff ' s book to the effect that Meierha s recorded over 3,000 pages of"quotes" from th e "Pleiadeans" ismost certainly true in spite of Stevens'protestations to the contrary. Meier'scontactee ramblings consist of a totalof ele_ven volumes, five of whi c hKorff viewed himself in the presenceof Dr. Marcel Vogel. Much of thismaterial was allegedly "channeled"through Meier by the Pleiadeans viathe so-cal led "automatic wri t ing"technique.I f Wendel le ha d read Kal 's articlecareful ly, he would have noticed that

    Korff said, "He has also been givenrock and metal samples which, accor-ding to his story, defy conventionale x p l a n a t i o n . " As anyone evenremotely familiar . .with, th e Englishlanguage can tel l , the two pronounsused, "he" and "his", refer to Meierand not Stevens. E v e n morer id ic u l ous , h o w e v e r , is Steven'sboldfaced contention that the phrase"defy conventional explanation" canbe interpreted in a m a n n e r substan-tially dif ferent f rom th e words used inhi s own phrase "not immediately ex-plainable.. . in reference to our presenttechnology."Having now succeeded in m a nuf a c -turing dirt from earth, Stevens goeson to claim that neither he nor hisGen esi s I I I a s s o c i a t e s " d e c l a r e ,anywhere in the book, that al l , oreven a n y of Meier's claims are ge-nuine." Truth? Wrong again. Unlessof course Stevens expects us to

    bel ieve that the s ta tem en t 'This boois not a work of fiction," which beginthe f lapcopy, somehow got there bacc ident . And what abo u t Stevenow n s ta tem en t whi c h appears in thtext of th e book itself: "...we are impelled to a conclusion that the experience actual ly happened, that thdisc-shaped craft photographed ireally a UFO and that th& case ilegitimate"?

    Korff made no misquotat ions as tMeier's first claim s of contacts. All hpointed out was that according tStevens' book, Meier's first experiences wi th extraterrestrials begaon J a n u a r y 2 8 , 1975. U n fo r tu n ate lfo r Wendelle, this is n o t th e case. According to articles wri tten by S tevenh i m s e l f and publ ished in the nowd e f u n c t Argosy U F O m a g a z i n eMeier's first sighting of a UFO occurre d on J u n e 2, 1942 when o n l yyears old! But even granting thaGenesis Ill 's 'It all began..." s ta tem enis merely a poor choice of wordsStevens' claim that he and hiassociates were unable to includdetails a b o u t Billy Meier's earlier contactee experiences because of spacl imita t ions in the bo o k is p u r e anunadul terated hogwash! In fact, eveth e m o s t c a s u a l and i m p a r t i aobserver is able to see at once th atheir book is l i teral ly brim m ing ovew it h unused space. Even by conservative m easu rem en t (an d no t t ak i n g into ac c o u n t the unnecessari ly . largt y p e u s e d ) , there i s in theneighborhood o f 950 square inche( m o r e t han 6V i square f e e t ) of totallunused, absolutely blank space in thPle iades book!After reading Wendelle's s ta tem enthat he is not "a one-fourth pa rtner iGenesis III," w e began to fear thaStevens is either a pathological liar ois suf fer ing f rom delusions. Apparently he has forgotten that he to ld Korf

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    Contact, Continued ' ' ; < 'i n wri ting tha t he was indeed a "onefour th p a r t n e r in Genesis III." (A copyof the letter in question has been pro-vided fo r MUFON's files so that therecan be no quest ion in this m atter. )Stevens' s tatement that Meiersought no publ ic i ty f rom anyone con-cerning any of his experiences is alsodem o n st rab l y false. Meier first began. publ ishing an d offering fo r sale al lo ver Eu ro pe n u m ero u s li ttle p a m -phlets about his "encounters" inSeptember of 1976, long 'beforeStevens -was even aware of his(Meier's) existence. N ot only d o w eknow this to be a fact, but two sam pl es(o f th e well over a dozen that w epossess) of Meier's l i tera ture app earon page 27 of Korff ' s book! W end el lehas at least three copies of Kal 'sm o n o g raph, b ut still insists uponpubl ishing such statem ents. (Copies ofsome of Meier 's p rivately publ ishedpam phl e t s have been provided forMUFON's files including the issuew h e r e he claims to be the 14th disci-ple of Jesus Christ.)According to an associate of ours,M r. Fran c o Kleppe, w ho also residesin S wi tz er l an d , there ex i s t s n oevidence (in the form of official policerecords) of any assass i n at i on a t tem ptson either Meier's life or that ofWendel le Stevens. I t should bepointed out tha t Herr Kleppe is ex-t rem el y fami l ia r wi th th e Meier'sc laims, having been a devout bel ieverin them, and spent several months asa part of the Swiss contactee's "com-mune" of fo l lowers. Kleppe has evenmet th e "Pleiadean cosmonaut" Sen-jase, and has assured us tha t she is"q u i te hu m an " especial ly whenp l y i n g h e r t r a d e i n o n e o fSwitzerland's be t te r k n o wn bac kal leys.Stevens d id i n d e e d describe Meier as"a .sort of perso n who gets greats a t i s f a c t i o n o u t o f f o o l i n gauthori t ies," despi te his c laims to thecontrary. Wendel le not only to ld J imLorenzen this over b reak fast one m o r -n ing in Tucson, where among otherthings he t a l k ed abo u t Mei er ' sc r i mi n a l record, but he also toldK o r f f , Al Reed, and Paul Cerny th esame thing on August 23, 1980 in4

    Oakland, California. Wendelle's ac-c o u n t of this affair, as set fo r th in his"Response," is totally at o dds wi ththat provided by J im Lorenzen w hofirst told it to Moore a few days afterth e event and more recently recal ledprecisely the same details in aDecember 1981 in terview.Y et anothe r telling point is Stevens'ludicrous c laim that De Anza Systemsis not mentioned in his book. ("Wedid not say , nor does th e bo o k i m pl y ,that De Anza Systems 'did some ofthe analysis. ' ") Please note that in the"Acknow ledgement" section of theoriginal version of Pleiades, the fo l low-ing c learly appears:...our thanks go to De Anza Systems, Inc. ,manufacturers of the remarkable state-of-the-ar t com puter graphics systems uti l ized to betterillustrate som e of the test procedures...(Curiously this par ticular passage w asconveniently omi t ted in the so-called"revised" version of the book.) In ad-d i t i o n , a p p a r e n t l y o n e o f t h eColonel's friends responsible for do-in g l a y o u t on the book did a poor jo bof m ask i n g , fo r when one careful lychecks the "Computer and LaserPhoto E x a m i n a t i o n " s e c t i o n o fPleiades, one f inds De Anza Systemsmentioned ag ai n t hi s time at the ex-treme r i g h t edge o f c o m p u t e ren han c em en t photos No. 2 and 6(from right to lef t) depicted on page53 (also note tha t one m u s t c o u n t th epages b e c a u s e they are notn u m bered) . If this isn't an "implica-tion" that D e Anza ha d so m ethi n g tod o w i t h th e analysis, then what is it?Fo r th e record, i t was th ro u g hreading Wendel le ' s book that Korfffirst learned of De Anza Systems andthus contacted them. Both Korff andMoore conducted personal in terviewsw i t h officials of De Anza, and learnedtha t th e Genesis II I i n vo l vem en t wi ththa t c o m pan y were i n deed so m ewhatc ur ious . Stevens and his associates d idnot go to De Anza because they hadth e bes t eq u i pm en t fo r this sort ofwork, but because they c laimed thatthey w ere in terested in purc hasinge q u i p m e n t a n d w a n t e d a f r eedemonstra t i on . In the wo rds of Ken Di n -wi ddi e , th e "edge identi ficat ion" m a nreferred to by Stevens, De Anza'se q u i p m e n t is not analyt ical in nature."

    Th e sole reason that De Anza elected tdemonstrate enhancement techniqueon so m e of the Meier photos w abecause they honestly believed thathey were deal ing wi th potentiacustomers for thei r product . Stevenand Jim Dilettosb then proceeded totake photographs off of the displascreens w i th a smal l polaroid cam erand n ever re tu rn ed .A c c o rd i n g to al l ac c o u n ts , inc l ud ing Stevens to Moore in J une o1981, i t was Jim Dilettoso w h o w ath e so-called "expert" utilized byGenesis III to do thei r "testing.^' Dilettoso's impeccable credentials consisof 6 years at the U niversi ty of Conne c t ic u t wi tho u t ben ef i t of a degreeand considerable experience wi th"laser" light displays for rock concerts. A check of S c i e n c e Citations I nde(a n exhaustive index of vir tual lyevery scientif ic paper publ ished in theU.S. b y author, source, and year) fothe years 1975-1981, lists no t one s i n g lp a p e r publ ished by a James Di let tosoon the su b j ec t of c o m pu ter an a l ys iprocedures, or for that matter on anyother subject .The report by Dr. Nei l Davis thaWendel le referred to does not statethat M eier's photos, or a t least the onephoto t h a t D a v i s e x a m i n e d , a reauthentic . When Korff spo k e to DrDavis, he was informed that theanalysis was by n o m ean s c o n c l u s i vebecause, ".. . the print that Wendellegave m e, claiming it was a secondgenerat ion print , w as a t l e a s t thi rdgeneration or better. Therefore, m ya n a l y s i s w a s p r e t t y m u c h i nconclusive." Davis ' s tatement thanothing w a s fo u n d du r i n g his examinat ion of the pr i n t in quest ionwhi c h wo u l d i n d i c a te a hoax, w ass e i z e d u p o n b y G e n e s i s III toa ut om a t ic a l l y mean that there was nohoax a convenient exaggerat ion onthei r part simi lar in n a t u r e to a cubreporter concluding at the scene of ac r i m e that because no fingerprintswere fo u n d , n o c r i m e c o u l d havebeen committeed. (Copies of Davi sr e p o r t h a v e been p r o v i d e d f o rM U F O N ' s files.)Th e 2 3 "witnesses" that Stevensrefers to are , in real i ty, th e n u m b e r of

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    Contact, Continuedfo l lowers that Mei er ha s rec ru i ted .Like the "Bo an d Peep" scam of a fewyears ago, those who wish to "follow"M eier 's teachings m ust re l inquish per-sonal property and a lot of m o n e y .W e find it curious that Stevens men-t ions n o n e of this; nor does he m e n -t ion that Meier c u r r en t ly charges$50.00 per hour (Swiss F.100,oo) togra nt in terviews to the press.As to the question of the point oforigin of Billy Meier's "alien visito rs,"i f they are not f rom th e Pleiades, thenw hy are they repeatedly referred toas "Pleiadeans"? Why is Wendel le ' sbook entitled UFO ... Co n ta c t f r o m th ePle iades! Why does the text on page2 1 (again, count th e pages theyaren ' t num ber ed) c learly state, "It wasfrom the Pleiades, The Seven Sisters',that these cosmonauts came."? Whyare Semjase, Asket , Ptaal, and Plajarepeatedly referred to as "Pleiadeanc o sm o n au ts"? W h y c a n ' t . S teven seven get his story straight?The s ta tem en t tha t Korff m a d e inhi s book whi c h c l a i m s tha t th ePleiades are only "some tens ofmillions of years old" was based On in-f o r mat i o n supplied to him in a letterda te A u g u st 2 5, 1980 f rom Dr. J .Allen H yn ek . H yn ek , of all people,should know wha t he 's talk ing aboutwhen he says that the Pleiades "arejust a b o u t th e worst group of stars(for extraterrestrial life) possible."After al l , Hynek ha s been a profes-sional as t ro n o m er fo r m o re than 4 0years. For those w ho require a "lessbiased" authori ty, however, wel l -known astronomer Robert Jastrowplaces the age of the stars in thePleiades c luster at only 60 m il l ionyears in his recent book Re d Gian ts a n dWhi te Dwar fs (NY : Norton , 1979).Since the stars of the Pleiadescluster are mainly "type A", stars, itshould b e obvious to even th e m o s tc as u a l a s t r o n o m y b u f f that th echances of them being "one billionyears old" is nil. Type A stars onlyh a v e a lifespan of a b o u t 50 0 mil l ionyears, and none is know n to be m ucholder including those that exist inthe Pleiades.The notion that Meier had nofinancial resources to have hi s c am era

    repaired is paten t l y absu rd . If this isso , then how to explain his abi l i ty to,bear the costs involved in pur cha singand processing film suffic ient to pro-du c e the m o re than 800 colorphotographs he has taken of allegedPleiadean spacecraft? Even m o re a b -surd, how ever, is the fact that Stevens& Co. certainly possessed sufficientphotographic equipment during theirvisit to Mei er in Switzerland (see th em an y n o n -U FO pho to s in their book)to have been able to lend (or, giventhe al leged tremendous importance ofMeier's pictures, even give) him ac am era whi c h w a s functioning proper-ly. Are we to bel ieve that such anidea never occurred to this group ofsupposedly competent invest igators?Or is i t perhaps that Meier did notwa n t his photos to be taken with pro-perly fun ctioning equipm ent?

    Again, contrary to Steven 's c laim,th e s ta tem en t tha t w e m ade c o n c ern -in g camera optics is m o st c e r ta i n l y ac -curate. Indeed, th e s t a t e m e n t in ques-t ion w a s w r i t t e n b y Moore, w h o a tone t ime operated his own profes-sional photo service and who is qui teversed on camera, optics. However,just to prove our point, we asked Dr.Bruce Mac c abee , an optical physicistby profession and photographic con-sul tant to'MUFON, if we were in er-ror. Dr. Maccabee replied, in a letterdated January 6, 1982, that "Thestatement. . .which you have cal led tomy at tention (regarding camera op-tics) is essentially c o r r e c t . " (Copy of let terprovided fo r MU FON ' s files.)D r. Vogel did not analyze just o neof Meier's physical samples; heanalyzed three, all of whi c h werevi ewed b y Korff and Sarah Rea at thedoctor's home. Vogel obviously d idchoose to share hi s findings w i t hKorff , otherwise ho w could K al havequoted D r. Vogel in his expose? Fur -thermore, Stevens' ramblings aboutO m n i and MIT's involvement in theanalysis of the Meier samples aresimply n o t t rue . Dr. Robert Ogilvie,th e s a m e metal lurgist w ho analyzedth e f amed U b a t u b a , Brazil, U FOfragments for O m n i , did analyzeMeier's sam pl es an d fo u n d them to bem u n d a n e at best. A f u r t h e rbreak do wn of Ogilvie's findings w aspresented in the expose.

    On yet another point, can Stevenhonest ly expect us to believe t ha t hmade no attempt in his book to connect the "great structures of (Earth'history to the Pleiades" and tha t hibook "only reported a few of the connections w hi ch had a l r e a dy beemade by others...(which) were ident if ied w i t h quotes"? If this is so, thehow to e x pl a i n the fo l lowing quotenot a t t r ibuted to others which appeain the text of Ple iades !

    For the f i r s t time, a case continuallpresented known factors, not unknown.and now it presented historical connectionas well. (9 th page f r o m the end, bottom ol e f t column.)An archeological bronze medallion... (17Century B . C . ) , shows...a story of celestivisitation by beings who arrived in a disshaped c r a f t f r o m the s k y . The sevedots enclosed in a circle...is believedrepresent the Pleiades. Wendell (sic) CStevens. (3d page f r o m the e n d , bottom l e fAnd never m i n d the ti t le of thcha p t e r in quest ion, which j u s t ha p

    pens (by accident, perhaps) to be "ThPle iadean Connection." O f coursGenesis III made no a t t e m p t to co nnect the great structures of history tthe Pleiades. Everyone else merelmisinterpreted.

    Korff 's statements about Meiec laiming to have m et wi th Jesus Chriwere n o t based upon inform ation supplied to h i m by C o l m an vo n Kevicz k y . The source of th is i n fo rm at i o n ith e l i terature which Meier privatelpublishes (i n G e r m a n ) in Eu ro pe .Von K evi c z k y d id n o t spend ju"one day" in Switzerland. This is del iberate distort ion of the t ruthK e v ic zky was in Switzerland fo r f oudays an d has p revi o u s l y i n fo rm eStevens of such. Also, Colman did indeed visit one of Meier's alleged "contact" si tes. He did so in com pany wi to ne Hans Jacob, a fo rm er fo l l o we(n o w tu rn ed defec to r) of Meier,(whom Stevens c laims was "rejectedby the Pleiadeans). On pages 31-33 oKorff ' s book there appear a wholgroup of pic tures that were taken athis site. Stevens has a copy of Korffbook and even a set of these printwhich were suppl ied to h i m by K evi czky.Curious ly , in a series of photos su pposedly taken by Meier on this sit

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    Contact, Continuedan alleged UFO is show n circ ling al a rge t re e . I n v o n K e v i c z k y ' sphotographs of the same site, the tree ismissing. Stevens is on record as hav-ing given two quite dif ferent explana-tions fo r this apparent d iscrepancy. Inth e first instance, Stevens c la imed thatMeier had told him that th e tree hadbeen sub je c t e d to radiat ion f rom th ePleiadean spacecraft and had conse-quent ly d isintegrated (even thoughth e other vegetat ion in the area, andp r e s u m a b l y M e i e r as well, weremi r ac u lo u s ly unaffec ted). Stevens ' se-cond explanat ion, however, wassomewhat bet ter . This t ime, th e treew a s s im p l y t ra nsp or t e d in t o a no t h e rt im e d im e ns ion .

    Wendelle's re m a rk a b out h a v ingcontac ted m any of the indiv idua lslisted in the "Acknowledgements"section of Korff ' s b ook is yet a not h e rm i s s t a t e m e n t of t ru t h , as is his claimthat many of these people d id notsup p l y t h e in form a t ion a t t r ib u t e d tothem . A s p r o o f , w e openly invite anyone of the individuals thus listed tow r i t e to MU FON , o r to either of usd i re c t l y , and state otherwise if the in-f o r m a t i o n a t t r ib u t e d to them is incor-rec t .T h e s t a t e m e nt t h a t Korff obtainedfirst generation copies of Meier ' sp h ot ogra p h s is t rue . Meier freelygave' Wilfried Falk ten photos fo ranalysis by GSW Inc . Meier a l so toldFalk that he d id intend to produce abook and "...(that) th e expert opinionsof G round Sa uc e r W a t c h sh a l l h a v eits place in it." As we all k n o w ,h ow e v e r , GSWs opinions never ap-peared in Stevens' book. Instead,Genesis III chose to inc lude the resu ltsof their own "expert analysis," theresul ts of which, as we have a l readyshown, were nothing more than th ep rod uc t o f t h e i r ow n im a gina t ions .The photographs that Falk sent toGSW, and which were la ter f o r w ar d-ed to Korf f , w e re no t in slide f o r m ,nor did t h e y c om e from Hans Schutz-bach. Stevens knows bet ter , but stillinsists upon mis-represent ing thetruth. (Copies of these f irst generat ionp r in t s h a v e b e e n p rov id e d fo rMUFON's files also.) Falk never stolea ny p r in t s f rom Meier. Meier gave

    them to Falk of his own free will . It isim p or t a n t to note here also thatStevens' source for his assertion that"n o first generation copies of thephotos were let out of Meier's hands"is none other than Meier himsel f .As for the photos that Colman v o nKeviczky received from Hans Jacob,these w e r e indeed stolen from Meier.

    ' These pic tures, fo r those who are in-terested, show models of U FOs in theMeier barn, sl ightly altered Swissfarmer ' s hats m a d e to look l ike f lyingsaucers, and a whole array of otherequal ly damning evidence. Thesephotos, p l us m uc h m ore , a p p e a r inKorff 's book.When Wendel le a t tempts to tackleth e analysis that GS W di d o n Meier'sphotos, he m a k e s one very dangerousa ssum p t ion that Spatial DataSystems aided GS W i n t h e i r w ork .Any one even re m ot e l y fami l ia r w it hth e operat ion o f GS W know s t h a t th eorganizat ion contrac ts out to at leastf ive f i rms which possess imagee n h a n c e m e n t e q u i p m e n t . U n f o r -t u n a t e l y for W e nd e l l e S t e v e ns ,Spatial Data Systems w as no t the c o m -pany responsible for the w o r k per-f o r m e d on the Meier photos. And so(alas) with that revelat ion, Stevens 'l e ngt hy a rgum e nt a b out the supposedp r o b l e m s w i t h th e e n h a n c e m e n ttechniques and the alleged technicall imitat ions of the e quip m e nt use d bySpat ia l Data Systems is re d uc e d qui t eliterally to the level of abs urdity s incenone of it has a ny relevant appl icat ionto the s i tuat ion .a t hand. As of thiswrit ing, GS W has n o t authorized th erelease of the n a m e of the contrac torwho d i d p e r form th e enhancementsin quest ion, but suff ice it to say thatwe are satisfied that the work was ofhigh qual i ty .Before w e leave th e sub je c t ofSpat ia l Data Systems, however, i tseems essential here to point out thateven concerning this mat ter , th e "in-form a t ion" suppl ied by Stevens in hissupposedly authorita t ive response ap-pears to be seriously f lawed in bothqual i ty and re l iabil i ty . To begin with,Spat ia l Data Systems' video camera isby no m e a ns "cheap." Nor is their image e nh a nc e m e nt e quip m e nt . Thes t a t e m e nt by Stevens that 'Theydidn' t even have a l ight table and no

    fi l ters and lens a t tachments at all forthe camera" is pure rubbish. To i l -lustrate the point, we have providedto M U F O N a copy of the SDS catalogof their image enhancement equip-ment , which inc ludes th e l ight table,filters, th e histogram and pseudo den-sity slicing modes, etc.Perhaps even m ore indicat ive ofWendel le ' s general unrel iabil i ty is hisboldfaced s ta tement that "Spat ia lData Systems.. . (processed photossent to t h e m ) in a program designedfo r them by Dr . Bruce Maccabee.. .(and that) D r. Maccabee ha d done agood job of designing a programwhere none existed previously." Con-trary to what Wendel le says, Dr.Bruce Maccabee never d e s i g n e d a p ro-gram fo r Spat ia l Data Systems. Mac-cabee initially confirmed this (whileexpressing surprise that Stevensw ou l d e v e n m a ke suc h a s t a t e m e nt ) ina c o n v e r s a t i o n w i t h M o o r e inWashington, D.C. , o n October 2 6,1981. More recent ly he r e a f f i r m e d itto Korf f in w ri t ing as fol lows:

    / have never communica ted with S D S in regards toth e development of a p rogram fo r t h em . The SDS p r o -g ram seems to be qui te good w i t h o u t m y help.Thu s, a l thou g h I apprecia te th e c o m p l i m e n t . . . !mu st admi t that whatev er prog ram Stev en swas referring to, i t was not dev eloped by m e. Ican ' t imag in e where he got this " i n f o r m a t i o n "(emphasi s added).

    In truth, Stevens received this "in-form a t ion" from Genesis Il l 's own"computer scientist," J invDilet toso a source that even Wendelle ha spreviously charac terized (verbal ly) as"Unreliable," but by the same tokencont inues to quot e w h e ne v e r it seemsconvenient to do so.Stevens' remarks that Genesis II Iconducted an independent analysis of

    Meier's photographs are also ques-tionable. The reason that results of acompetent , impart ia l , independentscientif ic analysis of the Meier photoshas never appeared is quite s implybecause such an analysis ha s neverbeen performed. Indeed, Stevens an dGenesis II I have been challenged toprod uce their "evidence" for imp art ia levaluat ion, and have no t only refusedto do so, but have refused to even

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    Contact, Continuedprov ide the courtesy of answering thecorrespondence involved.In addit ion, even more recent ly,Stevens verbally admitted to M o o r ein Tucson that he does not possessfirst generation copies of a n y of theMeier photographs, while at the samet ime carefully sidestepping Moore 'soffer to arrange for an independentanalysis of the slides he does possess whic h he claims (upon assurancesfrom none other than Billy Meierhimself) are second generation copies.GSW's statement that some of theimages in Meier's photographs areout-of-focus is also entirely correct.This fact becomes obvious upon merev i s u a l e x a m i n a t i o n o f t h ephotographs in question. It doesn'ttake a digital computer to come tothis conclusion. In fact, w e inviteWendelle to pr ove GSW wrong onthis point or any other fo r thatmat ter , so long as he can stick to facts,trigonometrical calculations, etc.Stevens' quaint little "experiment"of having photographed a smal lmodel between 4 and 6 feet away isyet another excellent example of hisinabili ty to address the issues at hand.The question is n o t whether objectsfar away wou ld be in focus if a pic-tune w as taken of a nearby model,with the camera focused on t he m o d e l .The question is whether or not onecan obtain reasonable focus on a near-by model when th e camera is focused"just short of infinity," as (allegedly) isMeier's camera. As a matter of fact,the key to the mat t e r is the use of assmal l an "f" stop as possible. Indeed,M o o r e tried a few experiments of hisown and succeeded magnificently inproducing good quality photos of afour inch diameter plastic U FOmodel. (See photos 1 & 2 which ar ephotographed at 6 and 12 feet respec-tively. Note th e wealth of objects inphoto 1 whic h il lustrate depth of fieldfrom slightly less than 5 feet to morethan 1 5 miles.) Admit t ed ly Moore'sm o d e l is nowhere near as elaborate asMeier's, but it is sufficient to show th esort of effects than can be produced.Clearly it is possible to produce"UFO" photographs utilizing smallmodels close to the camera.

    Moore UFOModel, Test Photo No. 1

    Moore UFO Model, Test Photo No.2Concerning Wendelle's contentionthat "the Swiss sky in (Meier's) vicini-ty is usually -white" an d that such a

    sk y does no t usually cast shadows,it should be noted that there areshadows visible in m a n y of Meier'sphotos. Ad m ittedly they are slightand take some looking, but they arethere in many cases. It should bepointed out here, however, thatbefore Genesis II I published thesephotos in their book, they had them"enhanced" to make them look morepresentable (o r perhaps to hide anyhint of balloons an d support ing struc-

    tures?). Fortunately Korff acquirefirst generat ion copies of thesphotos, some of which appear in hibook.As to the mat t e r of the suspensio"string" which clearly shows up ione of GSW's enhancements, let ubegin by stating that the enhancement in quest ion is n o t cropped. N oar e there any other "artifacts" preseneither. If one looks carefully, th e strin g does indeed extend all the way uto the top of the f ra m e . A more refined enhancement was later performe

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    Contact, Continuedusing th e color c ont our ing , edgee n h a n c e m e n t m o d e , w h i c h a l sorevealed th e ent ire string a nd verifiedth e fact tha t th e "artifact" was a su p-po r t i ve wi re or thread. B ut just in casethere m ay still b e s o m e d o u b t in thism a t t e r , Moore hereby ren ews his of-fe r to arran g e a c o m peten t i n depen -den t an a l ys i s of the in ternegative inq u es t i o n , p ro vi d i n g of course thatWendel le Stevens wil l agree to s u b -m it same with no strings at tached (nop u n i n ten ded , natural ly) .A s Dr . Mac c abee has po i n ted o u t ,th e c o m p u t e r c an o n l y de tec t what isactually in the film to begin with.Since Meier appears to have usedt ran sparen t fishing l ine (as did Mo o rein his test photos) to ha ng his models,m u c h of the strings in his photoss im p l y aren ' t visible due to his use ofan advan tag eo u s pho to g raphi c angle.H o w ever , the po r t io n s whi c h a re visi-ble , havi n g been i l luminated by therays of the s u n , jus t happen ed to havebeen c lose enough for the film tohave reso l ved them . It doesn't reallym a t t e r w h e t h e r 4 inches or 4 feet ofst r ing w as detected the fact re -m a i n s tha t a string (or, if you prefer , a"support ive device") w a s detectedthro u g h c o m pu ter en han c em en ts . (Tosho w tha t no "cropping" w as do n e ,copies of the original photos show ingth e s t r i n g s have been pro vi ded fo rM U F O N ' s files.) If Stevens has anyh a rd evidence to the c o n t ra ry in thismatter , le t him presen t it . (Indeed,W en del l e actual ly a d m i t te d t o Moorebefore an au di en c e in Tucson atW o r l d U n i v e r s i t y , N o v e m b e r 2 1 ,.1981 t h a t he really didn ' t have anyhard evi den c e in the M ei er c ase, b utrather chose to rely upo n his own im-pression of things!)

    The notion, as put f our th b yStevens, that Meier shot all of his 800or so photos "from the hip" (since hecouldn ' t look through hi s c a m e r a ) isy et an o ther of Stevens' absurdi t ies. Itis s i m p l y an impossibi l i ty fo r an yo n eto t ak e 800 pho to g raphs o f a flyingob je c t "from the hip" and have thec r a f t c o m e out reaso n ab l y f r a m e d inevery photo. In fact, just out ofcuriosity , Moore t r ied this t ec hn i q u ew it h a k i te and a roll of t w e n t y ex -8


    ( P h o t o g r a p h s courtesy of Th o m a s P .Deuley )

    The sixth annual MUFON o f N o r thCarol ina UFO Conference w as heldJu n e 19 an d 20 a t the Winston-SalemNature Science Center sponsored byth e Tarheel U FO S tu dy Gro u p.Speakers covered th e f u l l range ofUFO topics, from an apparen t abdu c -t ion through ground and ai rbornec l o s e e n c o u n t e r s , a n d v a r i o u sanalyses of "what it all m ean s . "V e t e r a n U F O l o g i s t George D.Fawcet t led off w i t h an overviewslide show enti t led "UFOs: Opening a35-year t ime capsule."Bernard H au g en c o n t i n u ed hisongoing analysis of aero n au t i c a l andaero dyn am i c aspec t s of UFO reports;

    L i b b y C o c c h i a r e l l a r e v i e w e d"metaphysical" aspects of the prob l e m ; R o b Anderson recounted hi1975 close encounter sighting inW i n s t o n - S a l e m ; Tom D e u l e yreported on the progress and plans ofth e F u n d for UFO Researc h; a ndW ayn e L aP o r te an a l yz ed the UFOsighting "repeater syndrome," basedon his own recu rring sightings in thearea near his home.Henry W. Covington of Charlo t teN.C., reported three U F O en c o u n terhe experienced whi le a Marine Corpspi lo t in the 1950s. Du ri n g W o rl dWar II, Covington was a f lying in(Continued o n next p a g e

    po su re f i lm. He managed to get theki te in only three f rames, none ofwhich had i t centered. (One wonders,in l ight of this, whether perhapsMei er m i g ht n o t have . have "pre-exposed" hi s film befo re ever pu t t i n git in his c a m e r a . Or for tha t m at te r ,whether S teven s & C o . ever botheredto check to see if t h e , c a m e r a Billyclaimed to be u sin g ac tu a l l y w o rk ed atall? Consider th e scenario of severalof Billy's confederates pre-exposingthe U FO-m odel pic tures at leisure andthen q uiet ly passing the al re ady ex-posed f ilm to Billy, w ho then passes it. off as fresh film to "the investigators."This accom plished, he loads his t rustyc a m e r a in full view of the gullible andtoodles off in to the country-side onhi s pu t t -pu t t to shoot pic tures of"visitors f rom th e Pleiades" wi th ac a m e r a that doesn 't even w ork! Ofc o u r s e , .when th e p i c t u r e s a r edeve l o ped voila! And al l w i t h onear m too!)

    Wendel le ' s c laims that "the n eares t(photographic) lab to Meier is 80ki lometers away" doesn't seem to ringt rue ei ther especial ly when onerealizes tha t C an to n Zu r i c h (whereM e i e r l ives) i s o n l y so m e 50ki l om e t e rs across at i ts widest point ,a nd tha t three m a j o r cities, Zurich(430,000 pop.), W i n ter thu r (92 , 500

    pop.) and Schaffhausen (32 , 400 po p .al l l i e ' w i t h i n 3 0 k i l o m eters of th eMei er f a r m .S ta tem en ts (o f t repea ted verba l l yb y Stevens, but not a par t of his"Response") to the effect that theMeier f a r m is w i t h o u t benef i t o f r u nning w ater , e l ec t r i c i ty , o r b a r n are albelied by pho to s whi c h appear in theP l e i a d e s book. Evi den c e of all three iclearly visible if one t ak es th e t i m e tolook careful ly.But getting back to the photos; thephoto that Stevens says appeared inUFOs a n d S p a c e but c l a i m s w as "nosho wn by K o r f f , " does i n deed appeaon pages 8 and 9 of Korff 's bo o kAlso, th e bran c hes of the t ree in thephoto al legedly taken by Meier onM a r c h 29 , 1976 near Hasenb olL a nge nb e rg , are indeed behind the"U FO. " Edg e ehc han c em en t processin g clearly establ ishes this, and it isc lear ly visible in Korff ' s bo o k .Finally, it is our c o n si dered o p i n i o nthat Wendel le Stevens' "case" fo r B i lly Meier is l i teral ly bui l t of the stufffrom w h i c h d r e a m s are m a d e , and istherefore n o n -ex i s ten t . N o m at te rh o w m a n y "Responses" o r rebu t ta l she c ares to m ak e , there s i m pl y do esnot appear to b e a ny w a y ' h e ca nrebuild the dam ag e he has done to hisow n repu ta t i o n bec au se of his in-v o l v e m e n t in this u n f o r t u n at e af fa i r .

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    North Carolina, Continuedstructor at Pensacola Naval A ir Sta-tion. During the Korean War he wastaking a refresher course in the AU-1(prop plane) a t Cherry Point /Edonton,N.C., an d was required to get in a cer-tain number of night flying hourseach month. To do this, he would fl yup the coast to the vicinity o f N ewY o r k City, circle around for a while,then return to base.On one such night flight in mid-November 1952, Covington was enroute back to base from N ew YorkCity and had reached a point about15-20 miles west o f N o r f o l k / N e w p o r tN e w s , Va. He was at about 10,000feet when, looking west, he spottedtwo "orange dots" at lower altitudewhich changed position relative toeach other. They seemed to betravelling about 300 m.p.h., and pass-ed beneath him.

    As he turned to investigate, the ob-jects changed color, flashing pastelshades of pink, green, and blue, andfinally brilliant white. H is attemptedpursuit w as broken off when th e ob -jects put on a burst of speed,est imated at 2,000 m.p.h., and lefthi m fa r behind. O ne made a right-angle turn south and the other con-tinued east, disappearing in thedistance. I t was a clear night with nomoon.Continuing on toward Edonton,Covington then saw in his overheadm ir ror a light trailing him. When hemade a quick 180 turn to check itout, the object "backed away" withzig-zag turns and disappeared. Whenhe again turned toward base, the ob-jec t followed him. About 1 0 miles o uthe called the control tower andreported that an object w as followinghim. The tower could see his planeand the light from an unident if ied ob-jec t .

    As Covington landed, the objectstopped an estimated mile away andhovered at about 1,000 feet, starlikein appearance. He told the pilots inthe ready room to go outside and takea look, b ut they were skeptical andresponded slowly. By the time someof them went outside th e object ha ddisappeared, and Covington tooksome kidding about his report.

    Ex-Marine pilot Henry Covington

    Pat Eudy describes apparent abductionAbout three weeks later, in

    December, Covington was in a four-plane flight commanded b y a MajorAllen, flying about 25 miles south ofPhiladelphia. Suddenly Major Allensa w a huge orange light approachingand shouted out, "My God, pull up!"A huge orange disc with dome on topshot past beneath the f light. The otherpilots, intent on flying close forma-t ion, had not seen it approaching. Thedisc appeared to be about 50 feet indiameter an d 15 feet thick.

    In 1953 Covington was stationed aK -6 base south of Seoul, Korea. Sinche was scheduled for the first flight othe day, he went out to look up at thclouds. There hovering overhead waa disc-shaped orange object dark ith e center, giving it an almosdoughnut- l ike appearance. It seemeto be at about 1,000-1,500 feet. Covington rushed inside to obtain othewitnesses, and this time eleven othepilots and crewmembers also saw th

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    North Carolina, Continued'U F O . As they stood watching, itmoved aw ay slowly to the north on azig-zag flight pattern.Patr ick M. Eudy of Monroe, N.C.,a Cadi l lac - Oldsmobi le sa lesman ,described his apparent abduct ion ex -perience of March 9, 1979. Then 43,Eu dy was re t u rn in g home abou t 3:00a.m. driving a 1979 Cutlass Supremewhic h ha d abou t a q u ar t e r of a tank ofgas. He was on Sykesville Road inStanley County ab out 18 -20 m ilesfrom Mon roe .As he c a m e to a one-lane steelbridge, a bril l iant light like a"floodlight" appeared overhead. LaterE u d y "woke up " driving slowly dow nth e road in a different location, dazed,his eyes burning badly. He could no ta ccount for a period of t ime, nor howhis car got from th e bridge to the newlocat ion. Next m orning he felt that heha d been on board a craft of somekind but had no clear recollection ofit . For a few days a f t e rwards , he hadan unusual rash an d itch on his fingersand ankles. He was also puzzled thatthe car had not used enough gas tocover the distance involved.Later he began to w a k e up in them i d d l e o f t h e n i g h t , h a v i n g"flashbacks" l i g h t f l a s h e s . . . a,room...a chair...panels...a being. Itw as "like being there again," he said,"except that i t was like TwilightZone... a semi-conscious gray area."A b o u t July 1981 he sought help andw as hypnotized by Dr. Richard Pin-neau, research psychologist. Underhypnosis, he described being in abright room with blinding light, tw oseats, an d panels. A being in uniform-like clothing and "helm ent" w ith visortook hi m into a dark room where hethinks tests were conducted on him.In answer to questions, Eudy saidthe experience "bothers" him and thathe still ha s flashbacks.W hy him? He feels that he wassimply isolated an d vulnerable, atarget of opportunity, in effect.Because of the location, the lack ofgasoline used, an d other factors, hethinks the car was lifted off theground with him in it and finally se tdown in the new location where he"woke up."Dr. Richard Pinneau, who hyp-10

    notized Eudy, later spoke on settinggoals fo r M U F O N an d UFOlogy. Inhis view, hypnotic regression is "notof mu c h va lue in providing evidence"bu t can be a source of new ideas. Herelates U FO experiences to psychicevents, "metaphysical" processes,altered states of consciousness, lifeafter life, reincarnation, and the like.He feels that it is "essentially al lbeyond us."As positive goals, he proposed: (1 )pulling together al l concepts ofphysics, matter, etc.; (2 ) stop labelingof peoples' viewpoints, divisiveness;(3) increase public awareness and raise

    (Continued o n next p a g e ) Dr. Richard Pinneau

    Conference Planning Committee: I. to r., Gayle McBride, Rob Ander-son, Larry Boozer, George Fawcett, Libby Cocchiarella, Ray Rhein (notshown Bob and Mickey Hair, Jayne Ware, Erline Rhein)

    Panel discussion: I. to r., Richard Pinneau, Tom Deuley, Richard Hall,Wayne LaPorte, George Fawcett, Ben Haugen

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    MULTIPLE WITNESS SIGHTING OF STRUCTURED UFOBy Richard D. Seifried( M U FO N - O h i o State SectionDirector)

    (Editorial. Note: Sightings of struc-tured UFOs, especial ly by m u l t i p l ewitnesses, are at the core of the UFOm y s t e r y . We are indebted to DickSeifried for his investigation, in -cluding signed wi tness reports on fileat M U F O N , and to art i st James R .L emi n g for his renderings of thewitness sketches and the composi tecover i l lustration.)"I was in the ki tchen when m y hu s-band cal led. . . that there was a planeon f ire out b a c k . I ran out, and a son,w h o w a s w o r k i n g on his car, ra n too.A dau g hter ra n ou t f rom th e l ivingro o m an d a yo u n g er so n c am edownstai rs. . ."The above narr at ive explains howon an evening in October of 1963,southeast of Mi l l e rspo r t , Ohio, fiveindividuals witnessed a UF O hover-ing perhaps 20 feet above the groundand no fur ther away than 1 00 yards .Al t h ough the sighting had occurredover 19 years ago, i t was very ap-paren t to m y wi f e and me that therecalling of the event still excited th ewitnesses. U n f o r t u n at e ly , Mr. P ark i n -son died short ly afte r the sighting butthe rem aining wi tnesses were quitewill ing to testify to the experience. Atth e t i me of the sighting Glenna w asNorth Carolina Continuedconsciousnesses; (4) pro be deep er into"metaphysical" sides of the question,since "reason (intellect) only carries usso far " wherea s such things as m edi ta -t ion can c a r r y us "beyond m e r e in -tellect".Dr . P i n n ea u a l so s ta ted tha tcounsel ing and s u p p o r t for "ab-ductees" is far m o re i m po r tan t thangrilling them for the t ru th .A panel discussed his ideas, review -ed crash/re t r ieval i n f o r m a t i o n , an dother topics. The conference wascovered b y area television news andseveral n ewspapers . D

    50 years o ld, Gary was 20, Marjor ie15, and Je ffrey was 11.M r. P ark i n so n may o r m ay n o thave seen th e craft c o m e down. B yth e t i m e th e others arrived on th escene th e objec t w as hovering abovea low spot in a field, w h i c h it c o n -tinued to do for f rom 5 to 10 minutes .Glenna's (Mrs. Parkinson ) descript ionis the most detai led. She related, itw as l ike tw o plates, plates or saucerstogether wi th a cup or large bowl ontop and there was a tall m e t a l anten-nae. I could tell it was m eta l . It seem-ed to shine. In the area where the twoplates would come together therewere openings, and what appeared tob e f lames, short f lames out of theseopenings. This area moved. It wasmoving c lockwise, very, very s l o wl y ."There were windows in the toppar t tha t wo u l d b e where th e b ow lw as turned upside down. There werewindows in sets of three and theywere not t ran sparen t . They weretranslucent . . ."Glenna reported that there werero u n ded o b j ec t s p ro t ru d i n g f rom th ebase of the craft. "They looked liketh e bottom of a bal l . It looked like,jus t l ike these rollers that they haveon big heavy chairs. Sort of a ball-type ro l ler. Only, of course they w e r ehuge."

    Because of the lateness of the even-ing, colors were not dist inguishablebut the craf t w as clearly out l ined byth e lights of Mil lersport and the foot-ball field. It appeared c learly out l inedby the natura l l ight , plus l ighting fromthe object, to the degree tha t m o vi n gparts could b e observed.Lights f rom th e hovering objectc a m e f rom two sources. The windowsemitted light, "Just l ike a house lightonly brighter. Real ly brighter," recall-ed Glenna. The flames jet t ing fromthe center section were ".. .sort ofyellowish-red." There was a slight

    sound coming f rom th e object . Thwitnesses described it as "very lo whum," "whir," and "humming." Gar.recalled a "swish," as it left th e areaMost interesting, three of thwitnesses testified that they saw l i vin g figures behind th e wi n do ws. MrM a r j o r i e A n k e n e y , th e m a r r i edaughter, reported, 'It was real ly exciting, because i t was so low yocould see shado ws m o vi n g a ro u n d othe inside." Je ffrey rec o rded , "Therwere hu m an - l i k e shado ws m o vi nbehind th e m i l k y-c l ear wi n do ws. "G l e nna , once again, gave th e m odetailed description, ".. .for a fewseconds af ter w e first saw it the formappeared. It looked like a h u m aform. I t looked exact ly l ike a h u m amoving l ike i t ' s arms moved, l ikewas doing something on the c o u n teor a controls or so m ethi n g in f ront oit . Y o u c o u l d see the a rm s m o ve o uto the side and back. I could not see face o r an ythi n g like tha t . It just appeared to be a h u m a n f o r m . "When the object began to leave rose slowly, made an arc to the lefand then accelerated to a t rem en do uspeed and was gone. The witnessespeculated that had i t mo ved awafrom them at a right angle, it w o u lhave appeared to d i sappear instataneously. Fortunately, it m o veto ward the northeast at perhaps 30east of where it had been, so theeyes were able to fo l low it's trajetory.

    Gary described the speed as, "exceedingly fast ." M arj o r i e u sed the epression "extremely fast ," and Jef f rereported, "...all of a su dden it j uw e n t up a nd then took o ff faster thaI have ever seen anything move.just pract ical ly disappeared, it m o v eso fast."Again, Glenna .gave th e bedescript ion, "...then, j u s t l ike (snappehe r fingers) and i t was gone. And in

    ( C o n t i n u e d o n n e x t p a g1

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    Multiple, Continuedsecond, in seemed like, al l we couldsee was a tiny red dot in the nor-theast." .

    What makes this sighting so in-teresting is t h a t it is not c om p l ic a t e d .T he fa ther calls out, the witnessesobserve, and the craf t leaves. There isno t ime lapse . They did not have adog so, there is no anim al response. ,

    N o o n e became il l . They did not gointo the field: None of the witnesses'felt fear . Their reaction was the op-posite of fear; they were elated. Jef -frey reported, "We were all excited,hoping it w oul d c om e close or land sow e could get a better look a t it." A p -parent ly , after the excitement subsid-ed they c ont inue d to lead a very nor -mal life.The weather w as w a r m , w i t h ex-

    . ce l lent visibili ty and j u s t a slighbreeze. No clouds were remembered

    What makes the s ight ing morfascinating is that th e f a m i l y did experience nocturnal l ights overl imi ted t im e of a few years and indiv idual m e m b e rs w e re , o n two occasions, f r ightened by encountersThese addit ional inc idents ar e stilunder invest igat ion.



    O _O O o O O oO O o o o d Z/

    .3. M A R J O R I E ( P A R K I N S O N ) A N K E N E Y

    4. J EF F ER Y P A R K I N S O N

    D E S C R I P T I O N S OF U F O12

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    UFO-BIGFOOT UPDATEBy Stan Gordon(Pennsylvania State Direc tor)

    T h e Ma y issue (No. 171) includedm y art i c le on a n i n c i den t w hi c h in -volved both UFOs and a Bigfoot-likec r e a tur e appear i n g o n t he s ame pr o -per t y . I wrote that ar t ic le in M a r c h o fthis year , a nd s ince that t ime f u r t h e r ,invest igat ion by the PennsylvaniaAssociat ion For the S t u d y of theU ne xp l a i ne d ( P AS U ) as we)l as byother Pi t t sburgh-a rea researchers w hoh a v e gone to the area of the o bs er v a-t ions hav e n o w f o u n d an ex plan at i o nfo r some of the lights that were seenne a r th e c r abapp le o r c har d o n theS i mps o n lan d .M a r k W o j c i k a n e l e c t r i c a lengineer , and PASU's Director offield inves t igat ions , has been to thesighting ar ea o n n u mer o u s o c c as i o n sw i t h o t her member s t o i n t e r v i ewthose involved, as well as to observe.M ark saw the l ights up by the orchardand said that "They gave th e ex ac t ap -pear an c e of headl ights s t r ik ing anarea of the orchard f rom a greatdis tance." A t t ha t t i me a source fo rth e headlights couldn ' t be determinedsince th e pr o per t y w as s u r r o u n ded b ya l a r g e hill of f ields and woods in theb a c k , and woods across th e roadwhich run paral lel to Route 819. Traf-fic mo v i n g a lo n g Ro u t e 8 1 9 w o u ldhav e been th e .most l ikely source fo rthe headligh ts , but this w as n o t f o u n dto be the case.The source o f . the orchard l ightswere headlights f r o m cars af ter all,t raveling along a street over Vi-milea w a y f rom th e orchard. Across thewoods opposi te the S i mps o n ho me,an o t her hill r ises to approximately thesame elevat ion as the Simpson home.This hill is obscured f r o m n o r m a lobservat ion from t he S i mps o n ho meby the woods across f r o m Ro u t e 819 .The area being l i t up a s f ou nd . on at o po g r aphi c a l map pr o v es to be in arange of 20 to 40 feet higher than theSimpson house and higher than th ewoods, m a k i n g it possible for the car

    headlights f r o m the street on the dis-t an t hi l ls ide to reach th e area in ques-t ion. This pro vided a very c o n v i n c i n gil lusion of trees being li t w i t h nopossible source of light. Sightings ofth e l ights were f o u n d to be morec o m m o n af ter the foliage w o u l dbegin to a p p e a r on the trees. Theleaves on the t rees seemed to add toth e i l luminat ion by cas t ing a shinef r o m the l ight , and the thick er fo l iagecreated m ore surfac e area for the l ightto ref lect f r o m .In a recent in terv iew I asked th eSimpson 's if they felt that this sourcew o u ld ex p la i n t he ma n y u n ex p la i n edlights w hi c h t hey ha d observed .ar o u n d t he i r ho me. They both said"definitely not ." They were satisfiedthat some of the lights in the o r c har dwere indeed ref lect ions , b ut also feltthat some of the lights they had seenin that area as well as in other sectionsof th e pr o per t y w er e not the s a m e .The mys t e r y still remains as to thebr ight l ight which appeared over th et o p o f t he ir ho me an d i l lu m i n at ed th eent ire dwell ing, the daylight observa-tions o f br ight l ights which have beenobserved in other sect ions of t he i ryar d , a s w el l as the bright i l lumina-t ion of two large walnut t rees not farfrom their porch. Also, the af ternoonsighting of the o bj ec t falling from th esk y w hi c h s eemed to hav e been thestar t ing point to this ongoing mysterystill r e m a i ns u n ex pla i n ed .During this June and J u l y , the soundsof t he my s t e r y a n i m al a r e be in g hear dagain. Some skep t ical neighbors hav enow hear d th e eer ie screaming a ndare a t t empt i n g to tape record thesound. A s t range chat ter ing sound isalso being heard in the s u r r o u n di n gwooded area, and i t has been heard inthe dayt ime as well as at n ight . Soeven t ho u g h some of the lights arenow explained, there still a r e m a n yaspects to the ent ire s i tua t ion whic hr e m a i n b af f l ing. W e w i l l c o n t i n u e to

    follow c u r r en t i n c i den t s a t this loca-t ion, and hope to find some con-clusive ev i den c e t o t he c o n t i n u i n gm y s t e r y .Other recent incidents sti l l u n d e rinvest igat ion by P AS U i n c lu de t hefo l lowing:Apo l lo , P a . Incidents began a f t e rU FO s ight ing in 1979, sti l l o c c u r r i n gin May of 1982. Several r e s i d e n tshave repor ted encounters with .unex-plained hovering lights. Bigfoot- l ike

    c r e a t u r e s , a n d p a r a n o r m a l e x -per iences . There is some i n d i c a t i o nt ha t the appearance of the l ights cor-responds with the creatures in thearea.U n i o n t o w n , P a . , F ebr u ar y , 1982 .Witnesses in the area have repor tedobserving a huge UFO descr ibed aslo o k i n g s i mi la r to the space shut t le o rs o m ew ha t t r i an g u lar , depen d i n g o nthe angle of observa t ion. The objec t ise s t i m a te d to be o v er 100 feet long,ha s w i n g s w i t h t i n y b lu e l i g h t s a lo n gthe wing s t ructure and the f r o n t sec-tion of the object looks like the Con-cord. The mo st in tere s t ing aspect o fthe repor t was a sketch drawn for usby t he init ial w i t n es s w ho observedth e craf t fo l low along the tree l ine,and m o v e over hi s p r o per t y a t ana l t i t u de of appr o x i mat e ly 1 00 feet .The s k e t c h wa s o f a n ins ignia he clear-ly sa w on t h e ' b o t t o m of the o bj ec t . Itis an i den t i c a l mar k i n g to the c o n -t roversia l UMMO i n c i den t s r epo r t edf rom S pai n .'" F lee t w o o d, Pa., Feb. 2 4, 1982 . Atappr o x i mat e ly 6 :25 a .m. a man an dhis son going to w o r k observed ab r i gh t r o u n d l i g h t ed o b j ec t mo v i n gt o w ar d t he ir c ar . The o b j ec t f o l lo w edseveral hundred fee t over the car , anda t the t im e there w as an increase instatic on the car radio .

    Tu n n el t o n , Pa., F ebr u ar y 25 , 1982 .A t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 9 p .m. w i t n es s w a s(Continued on nex t p a g e )


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    UFO-Bigfoot, Continued

    Uniontown, Pa., Feb. 1982looking out of w i n d o w for her h u s -band to re turn f rom w o rk . Sh e no t ic -ed a bright beam of l ight in the treesover a h i l l " . The beam was emit t ingfrom a large round object , about thesize of a large car. There appeared to

    , be a dome on top of the round bodyw h ic h w as obscured by the brightbeam which ac tual ly seemed tooriginate from th e dome area and il-luminated the bottom rim of the ob-jec t and the ground a nd sur round ingarea. The objec t w as a b o u t 1 00 feetoff th e ground a c c ord ing to thewitness, b u t ' invest igators feel that' from the angle of observation it couldh a v e a c tua l l y been on the ground o rj us t above it . The object after a b o u t 5minutes rose vert ical ly into the sk y ,hovered a short t ime, then flew overthe roof of the witness's home andw e nt out of sight.Scottdale, Pa., March 2 2 , 1982. Am ot or i s t o n R out e 1 1 9 reported thatat a p p roxim a t e l y 9 p . m . a very largetr iangle-shaped objec t making nosound hovered close to hi s car andfol lowed him down the road.

    Shenango Twp. near N ew Castle,Pa., Mar. 2 3, 1982. A t a p p roxim a t e l y5:15 a.m. an o f f - du t y police off icerreported a bright round l ighted objec tabove the roof of his house. He thennoti f ied another pol ice off icer w hoalso saw the objec t when he arr ived in

    the area. The objec t then fol lowedthe patrol c ar down R o u t e 65 h ov e r -in g above the patrol unit . Another of-ficer with a camera was cal led to thescene, but by the t i m e he a r r iv e d th eobject was far off and a l m os t out ofsight.O a k m o n t , Pa., Mar. 2 9 , 1982. A t3:30 p.m. a witness reported observ-ing a bright silver, m etall ic shiningdisc-shaped object hovering over th earea. Physical descrip t ion and them ovem ents are not c harac teris t ic ofbal loon.Nor t h W a sh ingt on , P a. (ButlerCounty) , Apr. 1, 1 9 8 2 . Num e rousU FO reports f rom m a ny a re a s ofButler Count y d ur ing Ap r il . O n A p r i l1st, three observers watched what ap-peared to be a red pulsat ing s tarhovering over th e trees ab ou t 1,000feet a w a y . When th e headlights wereturned on the jeep that w as beingw orke d on, the light source movedtoward th e t r io . The l ight went overth e heads of the observers at aha l t i tud e of about 250 feet . The brightlight w e nt ou t , and it was still l ightenough outside to see the entire ob -ject. It was described as lookingt r iangular from beneath. One witnessalso commented on the similari ty insize and shape fo the space shuttle. Itw a s , gun- m e t a l g ray in color and hadthree colored pulsating l ights, one a t

    each corner. There w as a mist w it h aglit ter effec t to it, which seemed toe m i t from th e rear of the ob je c t andencircle the entire craf t . Two smal lerglowing lights shot out f rom the mainobjec t ; o ne w e nt Nor t h , th e otherSouth. When a commercial je t beganto approach in the distance f rom th eEast, the object rose straight up intothe sky and w e nt out of sight. The en-tire observat ion lasted about 45mi n u t es . Two of the witnesses haveha d severe headaches since th esighting.

    West S u n b u r y , Pa. , Apr. 1 4 , 1982.TWO sky observers watching theplanets through their telescope sa w alarge disc-shaped object with 3 l ightsalong th e back sec t ion move acrossth e sky . They had observed m a n ytypes of aircraft previously and saidthe shape and movement was unl i kec onv e nt iona l ai rcraf t .

    D e r r y , P a . , A p r . 21, 1 9 8 2 .Residents reported tw o bright orangeballs of l ight hovering over the trees.One of the l ights afte r severalmi n u t es went toward th e Sout h anddisappeared, while the other lightwent s t ra ight up vert ical ly into th esky and w e n t out of sight. OtherUFO's have been reported recently inthis same area, and other residents(Continued on next p a g e )


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    CRITIC 'S CORNERB y Ro ber t Wanderer

    W hen ever I m eet a hypn o t i s tw ho "regresses" subjects in to thepast, I ask: How do you k n o w tha tth e story you get is "true" and nota creat ion of the subject ' s sub-c onsc ious m i n d , s i m i l a r to thed re a m s we al l create every night?Some hypnotists seem to findthis a strange quest ion that ha dnever occurred to them before.M o r e of ten, th e hypn o t i s t wil l talkabout c o n d u c t i n g a f e wp r e l i m i n a r y sess i o n s befo re th e"regression," to become convincedthat the sub j e c t is reasonable andtelling the t ru th . B ut even thisan s w er does not qui te get to theheart of the m a t t e r : A hypnotizedsubject can be wel l -m ean i n g . and" s e n s i b l e - s o u n d i n g " and yet beu n a w a r e t h a t t h e story b e i n grelated is a p r o d u c t of the su b-consc ious.O ne hypn o t i s t I talked wi th p ut

    th e matter in these terms: She hadregressed people to f ind lost ob -jects, and they had r e m e m b e r e dund e r hypnosis where they hadlost the object. She had regressedpeople in therapy to get thro u g hto som e t rau m at i c even t tha t .hadhappened in early chi ldhood, an dthey had rem em bered it u n d e rhypnosis a nd thus o verc am e whatw a s bl o c k i n g the i r p ro g ress intherapy . So when she regressedpeople who had been shockedw i t h some sort of UFO experience,and they c am e up w i t h a story o fbeing "abducted" onto a spaceshipand having the typ i c a l adven tu rest h a t "abductees" u su al l y repo r t ,she was sure that their storieswere t ru e . Reg ress i ve hypn o si swo rk s , she f e l t ; ' it w o r k e d fo r lostobjec ts and therapy b l o c k s , sosurely it w o r k s for UFO "abduc-tions" too.

    But there is a key differe nce. It h e l o s t o b j e c t p r o b l e m , h y pnot ism relaxed th e s u b j e c t a nm a d e i t po ss ib l e to rem em bew h e r e i t was lost; th e fac t tha t thobject was recovered is proof oth e technique. A classic case w ain th e bi z ar re k i dn appi n g of b u s l o a d o f s c h o o l c h i l d r e n iCalifornia a few years ago; undehypnosis , a witness rememberedlicense number, and the case wasolved.In th e case of the person whostherapy was a t a dead en d bec au sof a repressed t r au mat i c event thh a d h a p p e n e d a t t h e a g e operhaps 4, the "block" was resolved an d the therapy c o u l d p ro c eeTo be s u r e , we don't k n owhe ther the story of the t ra umd e v e l o p e d u n d e r h y p n o s i s w ali terally a nd object ively t rue, but

    (Continued on next p a gUFO-Bigfoot, Continuedhave also reported Bigfoot l ikecreatures.Y o u n g sto wn Ri dg e (Lat robe) Pa.,M a y 5 , 1982. Witness at appro x -imately 8 p.m. observed an o bj ec t theshape of a child's to p wi th a d o m eshape on the top. A red pulsa t inglight was contained wi thin the domearea. The object appeared to be thesize of a piper c ub aircraft and m o v e dslowly at an a l t i tu de of about 1,000feet. W hen first observed th e o bj ec tw as m o vi n g to ward th e East. It thenhovered fo r a b o u t 30 seconds, rever s-ed i t 's direction of t ravel and w e n tover th e horizon toward Greensburg.Pleasant Hills (Pi t t sburgh suburb).Pa., May 5 , 1982 . At 11:17 p.m.,pol ice radio networks in the areawere filled with reports of a brightnoc t urna l l ight over th e area. A pi lo twho heard this on his scanner, beingcur ious , went outside in his d r i v e w a yto look around. H e didn ' t see thebright l ight, but saw wh at appeared tobe a solid outline .of th e front sectionof a t r iangular-shaped object moving

    very fast from th e N o rthwest to wardth e Southwest . I t was abo u t th e sizeof a Learje t and at the al t i tude of anaircraft m ak i n g an appro ac h to the air-p or t . W hat am az ed th e witness w a sth e fact tha t he could look throughthe object and see the bright starsthro u g h it, as tho u g h it w e r et ransparent .

    Jeanette, Pa., May 19, 1982. At ap-p roxim a t e l y 9:10 p.m. a man was justc o m i n g in from wo rk i n g in his fieldw h e n he noticed what he thought w asa hel icopter ' going d o w n on a crashcourse over th e hill near LincolnHeights ._A massive search by StatePolice, f ire depar tm en ts , and C i vi l Air, Patrol uni ts , failed to located an y signof a do wn ed aircraft. A check wi thW estm o re l an d Control To wer as wellas the FAA Flight Service off ice , in -dicated tha t there w e r e no aircraft inth e area at the t ime, an d tha t al l air-craf t w h i c h had filed a fl ight planwere accounted for. A thundersto rmw as just moving into the area at the

    t ime o f observation. An in terviewwith the witness indicated that thmai n body of the o bj ec t w a s dark b usolid appearing and was the size anshape of a corporate helicopter. Whacaught his at tention were threseparated windows that were brightllit from w i t h i n . H e could not see thtail or main rotor section. T he o bj ecw as c o m i n g do wn f rom the sky verfast at a b o u t a 45 degree angle. Thobject appeared to go do wn behi nth e trees, b ut when it didn ' t reappeathe wi tness became worried and to lh i s f r i e n d w h o n o t i f i e d t hauthor i t ies . The object had no strobor o ther navigat ional lights. Othewitnesses have now reported a simi laodd shaped hel icopter- type UFOw h i c h wo u l d correspond with tht i me o f this sighting. A simi lar o bj ecw as reported in the S o u th Hills areof Pit tsburgh about 11 p.m. this samdate.Pennsylvania Association for thSt ud y of the Unexplained, 6 OakhiAve. , Greensburg, PA 15601.


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    Critic's Corner, Continuedleast it represented how the per-so n f e l t , a b o u t th e p rob l e m , an dbrought it out for a satisfactoryresolut ion in t h e ra p y .In th e case of the UFO "abduc-tion," h o w e v e r , t h e r e i s .n orecovered objec t and there i s i nod e m ons t ra t ion of i m p r o v e m e n t intherapy; there is nothing but anexot ic , extremely unl i kely s toryw h i c h th e sub je c t , in the intensityo f t h e h y p n o t i c e x p e r i e n c e ,believes to be "really true."Th e general problem here, as Isee it, is that we tend to over-s i m pl i f y o u r p e r c e p t i o n o f , t h ew or l d a ro und us ; w e l ike t oclassify an . issue, such as h y p -not ism, as being e ither "good" or"bad," as "right" or "wrong." B uth y p not i sm offers both advantagesand disadvantages. I t ' s useful fo rrelaxat ion, fo r helping people toreconsider and solve personal pro-b l e m s , fo r helping people to recalle a r l i e r experiences. It's o n thism a t t e r o f recall ing th e past that th eadvantages of hypnot ism begin todissolve into d isadvantages, withthe p ic ture d is tor ted by what w ew o u l d l ike to bel ieve. tPeople c om m onl y v ie w m e m oryas a k i n d of storehouse fromw h ic h m a t e r ia l from years backcan be recovered exactly as ith a p p e ne d . B ut p sy c h ol ogy p ro-fessor Elizabe th Lof tus, who hasconducted extensive research an dwrit ten the excel lent book Memor y ,f inds t h a t our m e m ory c ons is t s o ff r ag men t s that are constant ly "be-i n g a l t e r e d , t r a n s f o r m e d , a n dd i s t o r t e d , " a n d t h a t h y p n o s i stends to compl icate the matter f u r -ther by giving people a fa lse con-f idence that th e m a t e r ia l s they aredeveloping are accurate .1Distor t ion of m e m ory t h roughh y p nos is ha s become recognizeda s s u f f i c i e n t l y q u e s t i o n a b l e incr iminal cases as to c ons t i t u t e ab re a c h of law; one m a j o r a ut h or i t yc o n s i d e r s u s e o f h y p n o s i s b ypol ice on a potent ia l witness to be" t a n t a m o u n t to th e d e s t ruc t ion o rfabrica t ion of evidence." 2Hypnosis seems to be useful in br-inging out m a t e r ia l f rom th e sub-16

    LETTERSBirth Trauma HypothesisEditor,Robert Wanderer (No. 170, April1982) ha s writ ten a c o m m e n d a b l yluc id account of the comparat ively

    com plex and novel b ir th t rauma (BT)h y p o t h e s i s . The t e n t a t i v e andsom e t im e s c onfused c om m e nt s on thetheory by others .are und e rs t a nd a b l epending availabil i ty , of the long-awaited CUFOS Proceedings. H ow e v e r ,I would l ike to emphasize that the BThypothesis is not l im ited to hyp not iz-ed CE-III witnesses b ut appl ies also .tothe very few no n-hypn osis cases in-volving consc ious recal l. (W e have in -vestigated two c o n s c i o u s - r e c a l lwitnesses ourselves.) Again, I hopethat informed debate will foc us onthe issues: (l) image/event simi lar i tya m o n g th e v a r ious m e nt a l a b d uc t ionanalogs; and (2) testing of the BThypothesis . I , urge , all CE-III researchers to

    undertake experimental test of the BTtheory. Some guidel ines: . De te rmi n e as precisely as possible thewitness's b i r t h history. Unusua l bir th condi-tions which could manifest themselves inc ludethe following: cesarean delivery; d i f f i c u l t o rprolonged de l i v ery ; pre m a tu re birth ; breech o ro t h e r a b n o r m a l p o s i t io n s ; forceps-aideddelivery; emergency procedures due to illnessof mo the r or fetus; u m b i l i c a l cord problems;amniot ic sa c pro ble ms ; maternal psychologicalor physica l distress or t r a uma ; maternald ep end ency on drugs; drugs during delivery;fetal b i r t h ma rk s ; unusua l b i r th conditions primit ive , "natural ," Lamazeian, etc..Scrutinize the witness's CE-III narra t ive forechoes of his /her own bir th history, particular-ly unusua l (and verifiable) perinatal events.

    conscious, particularly in helping peo-ple get a clearer idea of how they in-terpret a si tuat ion. But as a suremethod to find "objective reality,"hypnosis is so flawed as to be notm e r e l y u s e l e s s b u t p o s i t i v e l ydangerous.

    REFERENCES1. Elizabeth Loftus, Memory (Reading, Mass:Addison-Wesley, 1980).2 . Bernard L . Diam ond, "Inherent Problems inthe Use of Pretrial Hypnosis on a ProspectiveWitness," C a l i f o r n i a Law Review, V.68:313,1980.

    Look specifically for reported abduct iondetails such as extreme head pressure and sud-de n relief. These ar e late-stage birth eventswhich cesarean-bom witnesses could not n o r-mally have experienced. Thus if a n y witnessesw ho report such events ar e cesareans, the BThypothesis wo u ld be proved false; if there aren o such cesarean abductees. it wo uld be con-' firmed.I wish to go on record as sayingthat I am not necessarily wedded tothe BT hypothesis . If the theory isdisproved or other evidence seemspersuasive, fine. However, as welearn more abou t b ir th the BT/abduc-tion parallels grow stronger. For ex-amp le , recent research has shown thatoxytocin, the hormon e whic h f loodsboth mother and fe tus as it initiates

    bir th contrac t ions, causes amnesia inl a b ora t ory a nim a l s a nd doubt lessin th e fe tus as well .* Thus most of usdo have a "missing t ime" experiencewhich we can recall later; but it iscaused not by a CE-III but by c e nt ra levents in a norm a l b i rt h .Alvin H. LawsonG a rd e n Grove, Calif.*Bohus, Bela, e l /., "Oxytocin, Vasopressin,an d M e m o ry: Oppo s i te Effects on Consolida-t ion and Retrieval Processes," B r a i n R e s e a r c h ,157:414-417, 1978 (quoted in Verny, Tho ma s ,M.D., S e c r e t L i f e o f th e Unborn C h i l l i (SummitBooks, New Y o rk , 1981), p. 186).

    More BT HypothesisEditor ,T he .debate a b out P r o f . AlvinL a w s o n ' s b i r t h t r a u m a ( B T )hypothesis , that people c laim ing "ab-du c t i o n b y sp a c e m e n" w h i l e und e rhypnosis really ar e recall ing B Tevents (No. 172, J une 1982), hastaken an interest ing turn. Will iamLeet's letter to the editor properlycites conscious recollection cases an dp u r p o r t e d p h y s i c a l / p h y s i o l o g i c a levidence as those aspects of thereports that Lawson fails to e xp l a in . I tis no t c lear that th e physical effectsare validated b y pol ice or m e d i c a lrecords as opposed to a ne c d ot a l ac -count. If the effects are well attested,then they m ust be taken into acc ount .(Continued on next p a g e )

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    . By Brian ParksIn 1977 the genius of StevenSpielberg brought us the m o s tpositive f i l m about extraterrestrialvisitation to that date. His "Close En-

    counters of the Thi rd K i n d" was aspecial inspiration in the hope thatnon-violent contact with visitingaliens could be accomplished. Withthe aid of technical advisor Dr. J.Allen Hynek, Spielberg gave U FOresearchers many familiar m o m e n t son the screen.Letters, ContinuedTh e core of the issue is this:Lawson 's hypothesis apparently i sdependent on the assumption that somestartl ing (UFO?) event triggers the BTmemories. Otherwise, w hy w o u l dpeople driving down th e highwaysuddenly lapse into an "altered stateof consciousness" and dredge uprepressed imagery of something thathappened to them at bir th? There isnot the slightest evidence that anyk n o wn phen o m en o n abru p t l y in -duces amnesia, disorientat ion, and"abduction" reports among typical ,norm a l motorists.1 Given that a UFO or other startlingevent induced BT memories, why didit do so only selectively and no t in al lor most of the thousands (probably)of start ling close encounter "victims?"Wha t is the mechanism that causesseemingly no rma l people to suddenly"flip out?" Lawson 's hypothesis issilent on these crit ical points.I offer an al ternative hypothesisthat pulls all these threads together:"Abductees" have had real UFO en-c o u n t e r s i n w h i c h f e t u s - l i k ehumanoid beings have tampered w i t h

    them in frightening ways, and thei rr e s e m b l a n c e to pro to -humans i s w h a t hastriggered th e imagery and dredged ups u b c o n s c i o u s m e m o r i e s . , A n d ,perhaps, th e shock to the h u m a nm i n d and the confused imagery (ac-c idental ly or del iberately) colors th e"victim's" recounting of the event inways tha t m ak e it dif f icul t to deter-m i n e what "real ly" happened.Hal R. Aid richCollege Park, Md.

    This year Spielberg ha s bro u g ht hi svisitors closer to ho m e. Unlike th emysterious creatures in Close En-counters, we get a personal look atour visitor E.T., a lonely extrater-restrial botanist who had the misfor-tune of being aband oned in a strange"alien world": The Earth. AlthoughE.T.'s childlike innocence is notal together what w e would expectfrom a visiting alien, his physical ap -pearance an d other charac teristics willremind UFO researchers of some im-po r tan t CE-III cases. At least E.T.'scuriosity an d fear of a strange newworld is realistic.W e also encounter a group ofscientists who , after carefully sear-ching the spaceship landing site, con-t inue to pursue E.T. to the ho m e of10-year-old Elliot who has hidden himaway from the outside world whichthreatens him. Even though they wishto t reat hi m with care, ho w could any

    STAMP PROGRAMContributions of cancelled foreignstamps, which by sale to a collectorare converted in to mo ney fo r in terna-t ional exchange of UFO i n fo rm at i o n ,have been received f rom n u m ero u ssources in recent months, including

    Hilary Evans, Lo ndon, E ngland;MilosK r m e l j , Y u g o sl avi a ; an d H en ryMc Kay , Agincourt , Ontario , Canada.U.S. contributors include D onBerliner, Alexandria, Va. ; Larry W .B ry a nt , Arlington, Va.; Jerome Clark ,Lake Bluff, 111,; Ronald K. Ford, R e d -w o o d V a l l e y , Cali f . ; Jerold R .Johnson, Austin, Texas; R. Bruce J o r -dan, Monterey, Calif.; Ka l Korf f ,Union Ci ty, Calif .; Greg Long,Richland, Wash.; M rs. F.E . Loso'rnio,Pasadena, Calif.; Dr. Virgilio SanchezOcejo , Miami, Fla.; To m Taylor,Tempe, Ariz.; an d Fred Whiting,Alexandria, Va.Send c ancelled foreign stamp s inany quanti ty to Richard Hall, 441839th St . , Brentwood, M D 2 0 7 2 2 .U n u s u a l commemor a t i v es or nonstan-dard s tam ps ar e part icularly desi red,but al l are welcome, from two orthree you happen to have from inter -national correspondence all the wayto large collections.

    visiting E.T. feel safe in the hands oearth scientists?Th e film is not abo u t U FOs but irelated to problems researchers havbeen concerned about since U FOresearch began. E.T. is alsodelightful contrast to other alienrelated fi lms such as the c u rrenm o v i e 'The Thing," and showswelcome change in publ ic at t i tude.

    EDITORIAL NOTESDue to an unantic ipated change oprinters, which will begin with thAugust issue (now in preparation)some articles an d features were dropped f rom this issue. They will appeain the next two issues. Forthcominarticles include coverage of the 198

    M U F O N U F O S ym po si u m , po ss i b lreptil ian origins of so m e UFO occ u p a n t s , s t r a n g e s i g h t i n g s iWashington State, an update of thdisappearance of Australian piloF r e d e r i c k V a l e n t i c h , a n d "re-review" of Dr. .Harley Rutledge 'book.The Chinese Journal o f UFO Researcha s gathered 60 0 cases of UFsightings in China that it hopes thave translated into English and ofered fo r sale. To m a k e th e pu bl i c ation project feasible, the editors neeto k n o w ho w m an y readers arpotentially interested in purchasinth e report ; th e m o r e w ho subscribth e cheaper th e vo l u m e wi l l be teach person. The volume wil l contaian est imated 60,000-120,000 wo rdsince th e cases each will be describein 100-200 words.To express your in terest , or for f uther i n fo rm at i o n , wr i te to Paul DongP.O. Box2011, Oakland, CA 9460


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    NEW PUBLICATIONSUFOs... C a n a d a : A GlobalPerspective; Proceedings of the 13thAnnua l M U F O N U F O S y m p o s i u m ,Ju ly 2-4, 1982, Toronto, Ont. ,Canada. (Talks/papers by W . And r us ,A. Bray, G & I. Owen, M. Persinger,

    F. Alzofon, J. Schuessler, D. Haisell,J.A. H y n e k , an d W . Moore.) 1 04 pp.,$10 plu s $1.50 postage and handling.M U F O N , 1 03 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,TX 78155.The Andreasson Affair PhaseTwo; Th e Continuing Investigationof a Woman's Abduction by AlienBeings, by R a y m o n d E. Fowler . Se-quel to The Andreasson Affai r , dis-counted a nd a u togr a p h ed b y a u th or .$10 plu s $1.00 postage and handling.R a y m o n d E. Fowler, U FO Books, Box19, W e n h a m , MA 01984.UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassingthe Evidence; Status Report No. 3,by Leonard H. Stringfield. Over 50pp. typeset, illus. Pr i v a te ly p ub l i s h ed .$10 plu s $1.00 postage and handling.L eo n ard H. Stringfield, 4412 GroveAve., Cincinnati , O H 4 5 2 2 7 .

    The UFO Evidence, Richard H.Hall, Ed. Rep r i n t of 1964 N I C A P200,000-word documentary report ,1 8 4 pp. Complete an d unalteredxerographic reproduction of original,bound, with new Introduction byRichard Hall and extensive index bySherman J. Larsen. $15 plus $1.00postage and handling in U.S. andCanada, $2.00 elsewhere. Sherman J .Larsen, 2926 Applegate Rd., Glen-view, IL 60025.

    Catalogue of UFO Periodicals, byTo m Li nd . First extensive English-l a ngua ge b i b l i ogr a p h y of U F Operiodicals (over 1,100 titles of cu r-rent arid former new sletters , journals,bulletins, etc.) 280 pp., & V i x 11 inchformat , plastic binder, $12.50 plus75 c postage (orders outside U.S. an dCanada add $2.00; Florida residentsadd 5% for tota l of $13.25). TomLind, P.O. Box 711, Hobe Sound, FL3455.MUFON

    103 OLDTOWNE RD.SEGUIN, TX 78155

    U F O D A T A M A R TUFO Slides

    Box of 96 black and white and col-or 35 mm slides in good conditionavailable to first person who sendscheck for $25. Other checks will bereturned imm ediately . George D .Fawc ett, 602 Battleground Rd., Lin-colnton, NC 2 8 0 9 2 .UFO Tapes

    We have large collection of UFOhistory tapes (1950's to 1970's) onreels that we are thinking abouttransferring to cassettes and offeringfo r sale, both to raise funds and fore d u c a t i o n a l p u r p o s e s . I n c l u d e switness descriptions of significantcases, noted UFO "personalities,"radio and TV broadcasts, Air Forcespokesmen, NICAP press conferencesan d sta tements . W e need to know ifthe interest is there. Send post card orletter to F und for UFO Research, B ox2 7 7 , M t. Rainier, M D 2 0 7 1 2 .

    Director's Message, Continuedcommended for the thoroughness inthis investiga tion. He has also learnedthat one can be used as a pawn byu n sc ru pu l o u s people in this con-troversial f ield. Copies of this reportare avai lable from OUFOIL, P.O. Box436, Fairfield, O H 45014. The price is$6.00 per copy inc luding postage andhandling.Anoth er b ook w h i ch may be of in-terest as an historical event is titled'The Hous e of Lor d s U FO Debate,"edited by Brinsley le Poer Trench (theEarl of Clancarty). It is a repr int of thef u l l text of the House of Lor d s UFODebate, Lord Clancarty ' s .account ofthe modern developments of govern-ment research into the UFO problemand m arginal notes on the issues rais-ed in the debate, contr ibuted by UFOwriter John Michel) . Th e b ook isa v a i l a b l e b y w r i t i n g t o U F ODocumenta r y , 2 Blenheim Crescent,Lond on Wll I N N , England fo r $4.00fo r single copies plus $1.00 fo rpostage and p a cki ng . A discount is of-fered fo r m ultip le copies.18

    M r s . Cy nth i a Hi nd , MU F O N Con-tinental Coordinator fo r Africa, ha ssent a copy of her new paperbackbook titled UFOs: African E n c o u n t e r spublished by Gemini , P.O. BoxMP 49, M ount Pleasant, Sal isbury,Z i m b a b w e , Africa (see separate note,this issue). This book is a sequel to herarticles in the M U F O N UFO j ourna land her speech at the 1 9 8 1 MU F O NU F O Sy mp os i um a t M.I.T. in Cam-bridge, Mass. It is r ecommend edreading for the best investigated U FOcases in Africa. Mrs. Hind may becontac ted at P .O. Box 786, Salisbu ry,Zi mb a b w e, Africa.O n Sunday, June 13th, The UFOStud y Gr oup of Greater S t. Louis con-ducted their UFO Awards Banquet a tthe Stegton Re stau rant in St. Charles,Mo. Dr. J . Allen Hynek was thefeatured speaker with an as tronomicalslide/lecture. Clifford Palmberg gavea short ta lk on the form ation andhistory of the St. Loui s s tud y gr oupand John Schroeder introduced D r.Hynek. ( B o t h g e n t l e m e n a r e

    MUFON State Section Directors) .The UFO Study Group of Greater StLouis was one of the original foun-ding groups when the Mutual UFON etw or k w as organized. We are ex-t rem el y proud of this outs tandinggroup.

    In order to develop the, M U F O Ninvestigative team in the Portland,Oregon area, J im Kness, 10030 N . EAlton, Por t land, OR 97220 was pro-vided a list of all m e m b e r s and Journalsubscribers in Oregon so meetingscould be arranged and the Stateorganized into a functional uni t . Jim isspecializing in UFO detection devicesand invi tes others so interested towrite to him and share their designsan d schematics . :

    Th e 1 9 8 2 MU F O N U FO S y m -posium Proceedings UFOs.. .Canada:A Global . P e r s p e c t i v e are now availablefrom M U F O N , 1 03 Oldtowne Roa d ,Seguin, TX 78155 U.S.A. for $10.00plus $1.50 fo r postage an d handling.

  • 8/14/2019 Mufon Ufo Journal


    Lucius Parishin Others' wordsAn article in the J u n e 15 issue ofN A T I O N A L ENQ UI R ER quotes Dr.R. L eo Sprinkle an d Jiles Ha mi l ton (aFlorida hypnotist) as saying thatfriendly beings from other worlds areusing human " transmitters" to sendmessages to Eart h. Both researchersclaim to have ha d "alien voices" speakthrough hypnotized subjects. AnIowa nurse cla ims to have been ab -ducted by ex traterrest rial beings onfour occasions, t h e ' first t i me a t 8

    years of age, according to a report inth e ENQUIRER'S J u n e 2 2 issue.The "Anti-Matter /UFO Update"segment of July OMNI tells of at-torney Peter Gersten's efforts to ob-tain classified U FO files from the CIAand other governmental agencies.There is also a short feature on theU FO Contact Center in Seattle,Washington, which specializes in theinvestigation of contact and a b d uc-tion claims.The newsstands are bare thesedays, so far as UFO magazines ar econcerned. No one misses the f ictionfrom the Pass brothers' S J. Publica-t ions, but i t would appear that U FOREP ORT has also gone down th edrain. If so, this is u n f o r t u n a t e , asUFO REPORT was the only semi-reliable publication of its type in re:cent t imes.Th e continent of Africa ha s p r od uc-ed its share of fascinating U FOrepo r t s th r ough th e years and an ex-cellent c o m p e n d i u m of such cases isn
