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ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب -...

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1 ن الرحيم الرحم بسمReflections Day 14 Juzz 14 Suratul Hijr Suratun Nahl Surat- ul-Hijr The main themes of this Surah is Tawhid Adam (AS)’s encounter with Satan Warning against those who deny the message Some comfort for Rasoolullah SAS Basic qualities for those who deny The Hereafter َ ونُ مَ لْ عَ يَ فْ وَ سَ فُ لَ مَ ْ اُ مِ هِ هْ لُ يَ ا و وُ عّ تَ مَ تَ يَ ا و وُ لُ كْ أَ يْ مُ هْ رَ ذ﴿ 3 Leave them alone to eat, drink and be merry and to be deluded by false hopes. They will soon realize it. Eat and Drink- without looking at what is halaal and what is haraam Enjoyment- Life is all about spending free time in fun False hopes- Hoping for things that will never happen but death comes before. Deniers of faith always demand ridiculous actions َ ةَ كِ ئَ َ مْ الُ ل زَ ز نُ ا نَ مَ ينِ رَ نظْ ا مً ذِ وا إُ انَ ا كَ مَ و قَ حْ الِ بّ ِ إ﴿ ٨ We send not the Angels down except with the truth (for torment), and in that case, they (the disbelievers) would have no respite! (8) The disbelievers went after the messenger claiming that Rasoolullah SAS is crazy. Then they attacked the method of revelation. They wanted to see the Angels. As if they were going to believe. By the time the Angels come it would be late there will be no chance granted. Allah SWT has taken upon Himself to preserve The Quran َ ونُ ظِ افَ حَ لُ هَ ا لّ نِ إَ وَ رْ ك الذ اَ نْ لّ زَ نُ نْ حَ ا نّ نِ إ﴿ 9 Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (the Quran) and surely, We will guard it.(9) The disbelievers are told that they can do no harm to The Qur'an, nor can they discredit it by their ridicules, taunts and objections, nor can they hamper its progress. Whatever they may do against it, no one will ever be able to change or tamper with it. What is obvious is that every time a disbeliever attacks The Qur'an more and more people accept Islam.
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بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمReflections Day 14

Juzz 14

Suratul Hijr

Suratun Nahl

Surat- ul-Hijr The main themes of this Surah is


Adam (AS)’s encounter with Satan

Warning against those who deny the message

Some comfort for Rasoolullah SAS

Basic qualities for those who deny The Hereafter


عل يسوف

مل ف

ههم ال

لعوا وي

متتوا وي

لكأم ي

ره ﴾3﴿ ذ

Leave them alone to eat, drink and be merry and to be deluded by false hopes. They will soon realize it.

Eat and Drink- without looking at what is halaal and what is haraam

Enjoyment- Life is all about spending free time in fun

False hopes- Hoping for things that will never happen but death comes before.

Deniers of faith always demand ridiculous actions



ل ال

ز نز ما ن


نظ ا م

وا إذ

ان وما ك

قح بال

﴾٨﴿ إل

We send not the Angels down except with the truth (for torment), and in that case, they (the

disbelievers) would have no respite! (8)

The disbelievers went after the messenger claiming that Rasoolullah SAS is crazy.

Then they attacked the method of revelation. They wanted to see the Angels. As if they

were going to believe.

By the time the Angels come it would be late there will be no chance granted.

Allah SWT has taken upon Himself to preserve The Quran



ح لها لر وإن

كا الذ

نلز ننحا ن ﴾9﴿ إن

Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (the Quran) and surely, We will guard it.(9)

The disbelievers are told that they can do no harm to The Qur'an, nor can they discredit

it by their ridicules, taunts and objections, nor can they hamper its progress. Whatever

they may do against it, no one will ever be able to change or tamper with it.

What is obvious is that every time a disbeliever attacks The Qur'an more and more

people accept Islam.

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All Prophets faced mockery from their people when they come with Tawheed



وا به ي

ان ك رسول إل

تيهم من

أ ﴾11﴿ وما ي

And never came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him. (11)

This is to console Rasoolullah SAS, the Believers and the carriers of Tawheed that they

too will face with rejection and mockery from those who reject Deen.

No matter how powerful is the evidence they will conclude we are bewitched.

Everything exists in the prescribed quantity

ء إل ي

ش من

وإن و

ر معل


إلهلز نز وما ن


نن ﴿21﴾

There is not a thing whose treasures are not with Us, and We send down each thing in appropriate

measure (21).

Allah SWT is The Controller of everything such as provisions, natural phenomenon, life

and death. He knows when, what quantity, to whom, how anything in His creation will

happen. This is Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah – Oneness of Allah SWT in His Lordship.

Iblis’s arrogance to bow to Adam

لبش سج

لنكم أال ل

ون ق

مإ مسن

حصال من



هت ﴾33﴿ ل

He replied, "It does not befit me to bow down before this man whom you have created from dried clay of

rotten earth. (33) "

How disastrous is arrogance! Iblis who was such an upright Jinn worshipping Allah SWT

with intensity but his arrogance prevent him from submitting to Allah SWT’s order.

Because of his humiliation he bowed to attack Adam and his progeny.

But Allah SWT says to Iblis: Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except

those who follow you of the deviators.

Those who follow Iblis and dies on that path will end up with him in Hell-fire

Those who surrender to Allah SWT He has provided for them eternal bliss in Paradise

In Jannah Believers ill feelings for each other will be removed

ز ابلي ت ر م س

لا وان

غل إ

ن ورهم م

ي ص

زا ما ف

نز ون

And We will remove whatever is in their breasts of resentment, [so they will be] brothers, on thrones

facing each other. (47)

In this world Believers may have grudges for each other or some misunderstandings but

good otherwise. So before entering Jannah the hearts will be totally cleansed.

Only one who is misguided will give up on the Mercy of Allah SWT

ونال الض

ه إل

مة رب



طن يال ومن

﴾56﴿ ق

(Abraham) replied, only those who go astray, despair of their Lord's Mercy?'(56)

If those who deny Allah SWT only know of His mercy they would be dying for it. But

unfortunately only when they die then they come to know but it’s too late.

The people of Lut were intoxicated by their immoral deeds



رتهم ي

ي سك

فزم ل

ه إنعمرك

﴾٧٢﴿ ل

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Verily, by your life (O Muhammad SAW), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly.

The people of Lut had gone to the lowest depths of immorality. No sooner did they hear

the news of the arrival of handsome strangers (Angels) in their town than they rushed

rejoicing to the house of Prophet Lot (AS) as if they are intoxicated.

In the end they were totally destroyed.

Surah Fatihah and The Qur'an is the greatest wealth

عظيم النرآي وال

زانمث ال سبعا من

اكينت آ 87﴿ ول

And indeed, We have bestowed upon you seven of Al-Mathani (the seven repeatedly recited Verses), (i.e.

Surat Al-Fatiha) and the Grand Quran. (87)

This was to console Rasoolullah SAS and his followers that they should not even look at

the worldly wealth of their opponents because that was nothing as compared with this

precious wealth.

A Believer worships Allah SWT until death

ز ي ي التيك

أ يت ح

ك رب

ب ﴾99﴿ وا

And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e. death). (99)

At no time should one feel he has done enough no need to pray or fast etc. The Believer

worships Allah SWT till death befalls him.

Suratun Nahl

The following topics come over and over again, one after the other:

1. Very convincing proofs of Tawhid and refutation of shirk.

2. Warnings have given of the consequences in false ways and resentment to the Message.

3. Belief in should not be confined merely to lip service, but this belief should take a

definite shape in moral and practical life.

Man’s insignificant beginning

ز صيم مبي و

ا هإذة ف

فط ن من


ن ال

قل ﴿4﴾

He has created man from Nutfah (drop) then behold, this same (man) becomes an open opponent.(4)

Allah SWT created the creation for mankind’s benefit and created man for His Ibaadaat.

From nothing he become something and now wants to challenge The Creator

Allah SWT provides man with all sorts of blessings, animals, provisions, atmosphere,

rain, fruits and vegetables, mountains, sun, moon etc. all for man’s comfort

Man cannot count the bounties of Allah yet they deny Him and worship other beings,

whom they invoke. These idols create nothing; but they are themselves created. They

are dead, not living, and they do not know at all when they shall again be raised to life.

Rejecting Allah SWT is a result of arrogance


ـهم إل

كـه إل

ون ن

كست م م


نكرة م م

هوبلرة ق


ونمنؤ ي لذين

ال ﴾٢٢﴿ ف

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Your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God). But for those who believe not in the Hereafter, their hearts deny (the

faith in the Oneness of Allah), and they are arrogant. (22)

This is Deen ال إله إال هللا – No Ilaah (God) except one Ilaah and that is Allah SWT.

So what causes people to reject Tawheed of Allah? Arrogance! The same crime as Iblis…

Believers and disbelievers attitude to Risaalah

م كل رب

نزا أاذ م م

ها قيل ل



وا أ

الز ق لي

و ال ن

And when it is said to them, "What has your Lord sent down?" They say, "stories of the past" (24)

This is the attitude of the deniers of Allah SWT is that The Qur'an is about stories of the

past. Unfortunately there are those in authority in the Muslim world that sing this same

tune and that is The Qur'an is outdated.

As for the Believers, when it is said to them "What did your Lord send down?" They will

say ا ن "[That which is] good." and their home in the Hereafter is wonderful. And how

excellent is the home of the righteous !

The disbelievers lay blame on Allah SWT for their Kufr

حء ن ي

ش ونه من

دا من

نب ما

اء الل

و ش

وا ل

ك س أذين

ال ال

ا وق

ناؤب آ ول

﴾35﴿ …ن

And those who associate others with Allah say, "If Allah had willed, we would not have worshipped

anything other than Him, neither we nor our fathers… (35)

This is such a lame excuse that has been invented by the deniers of faith. While Allah

SWT’s Qadr is operative one cannot blame Him for their evils.

The disbelievers are not justified in excusing themselves for these sins, for indeed Allah

SWT sent Messengers to every nation, who told the people in plain words that they

should worship Him alone and none else, and should not follow and obey taghut.

Hidaayah (guidance) is in Allah SWT’s Hands ضل

يى من

ه ي ل

ه الل

انم ف




ح ت ان

ني ص

ه نن م م

ه وما ل

(O Muhammad), howsoever eager you may be to show them the Right Way, Allah does not bestow His

guidance on those whom He lets go astray; and in fact none will be able to help them. (16:37)

Only Allah SWT knows what is in the hearts of people. So while we are eager for their

guidance and we do Da'wah it is Allah SWT who guides with justice. It must not be

understood that a person so wants guidance but Allah SWT misguides him. This is evil

thoughts of Allah SWT. He knows the inner secrets of that person which we don’t.

Ask the people of knowledge if you do not know something

… مون

عل تم ل

تن كر إن

كل الذ

هوا أ


﴾43﴿ ف

So ask the people of the message if you do not know. (43)

The people of knowledge are the scholars. The layman may know part of the answer

and that may lead to misguidance. So ask the people of knowledge to explain Deen.

Rasoolullah SAS was sent to explain and teach The Qur'an

يهم ل إل

زاس ما ن

ز للن بي

ر لت

ك الذ


ا إلنلزنر وأ

بات والز

ن بي بال


كفتم ي

هعل ﴾44﴿ ول

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[We sent them] with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you

may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought. (44)

This duty of making plain and explaining the teachings of the Book was to be performed

by Prophet not only by word of mouth but also practically.

There are people who deny the role of Rasoolullah SAS and think they have the right to

interpretation and this is recipe for misguidance.

Rasoolullah SAS presented The Qur’an piece by piece, explained its meaning, removed

the difficulties and doubts, answered objections etc.

Rasoolullah SAS explained to them how to resolve their differences which have been

caused by the superstitious creeds, and which have divided, them into warring factions.

Everything is the creation of Allah SWT and is subject to Allah’s law

أ يفتء ي ي

ش من


قل ما

روا إل

م ي

ول أ

رون ا

م د


ا لل

مائل سج


ز يمي ن ال

هل ﴾48﴿ ظل

Have they not considered what things Allah has created? Their shadows incline to the right and to the

left, prostrating to Allah, while they are humble. (48)

All things submit themselves to Allah SWT and humble themselves before Him. Everything that has a shadow leaning to the right and the left, i.e., in the morning and

the evening, is by its shadow, prostrating to Allah SWT In this case the law is that every material thing casts its shadow, which is symbolical of

its servitude, and it cannot have any share whatsoever in Godhead.

The evil of female infanticide and the deniers of faith

و الوارى من

ت به ي

ش من سوء ما ب


ي الن

ز فه س

يون أ


ل همسك

ي أ


كح ساء ما ي

ل ﴾٥٩﴿ أ

He hides himself from the people because of the ill of which he has been informed. Should he keep it in

humiliation or bury it in the ground? Unquestionably, evil is what they decide. (59)

Unfortunately till today female infanticide is an issue. Technology helps to determine

whether the fetus is male or female and so females get aborted from the womb.

This attitude of dislike towards daughters has been mentioned to bring home to

disbelievers the height of their wrongdoing and disregard to Allah SWT’s decree.

In addition to their evil they assign daughters to Allah SWT while they prefer sons.

If Allah SWT were to punish people immediately for their evil nothing would remain

م إل


ؤ يكن

ة ول

اب دا من

يهل رك

مهم ما ت

لاس بظ



ذ ا

ؤو يل مسى ول

﴾61﴿ … أ

And if Allah were to impose blame on the people for their wrongdoing, He would not have left upon the

earth any creature, but He defers them for a specified term. … (61)

Allah tells us about His patience with His creatures, even though they do wrong. If He were to punish them for what they have done, there would be no living creature

left on the face of the earth. He would have destroyed everyone and everything. He SWT also gives man several opportunities to return to Him for forgiveness.

From the same source comes good and bad but the choice is for man

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ي ل

ذ لك

ز فا ان


ا ح

قرز را و


ه من



تاب ت

ن خيل وال

مرت الن

ث ومن

ونل ع

ي و

ل 67 ة

And from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision. Indeed in

that is a sign for a people who reason. (67)

The juice of the fruits of date palms and vines contains two things.

o One is that which is pure and wholesome food for man

o The other is that which turns into alcohol after it becomes haraam.

But it has been left to the choice of man to obtain pure healthy food or to drink it as

intoxicant wine makes him lose his self-control and violates Allah SWT’s laws.

Similarly many things in life can be either halaal or haraam depends on its use or ways of

obtaining it.

The cycle of the human life

وفتم ي

م ث


ير والل

ليم ق


ا إن

يئم ش


عم ب

عل ي ل ي

عمر لك

ل ال

رذ أ إل

رد يم من

كم ومن

﴾70﴿ اك

And Allah created you; then He will take you in death. And among you is he who is reversed to the most

decrepit [old] age so that he will not know, after [having had] knowledge, a thing. Indeed, Allah is

Knowing and Competent. (70)

Allah SWT has placed many signs in His creation for us to take lessons but often many

have not paid attention to any of them.

Allah SWT tells about the reality of life that we all witness. A person is born weak and

unaware of anything then he grows up to his peak then old age and he is once again

unaware of anything. Just look at someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s diseases. May

Allah SWT protect us from them.

Rasoolullah SAS taught us to make this Du'a: O Allah! I seek refuge with You from

miserliness, laziness, old age, senility, the punishment of the grave, the Fitnah of the Dajjal and

the trials of life and death. Allah SWT’s sets a number of parables to establish His Oneness

ق ز ي الر

زعض ف




ل ب

ض فـه والل

م فيه

هم ف

هماني أتك ما مل


ي رز

وا براد

لض فذين

ما ال




حجـه يبنعمة الل

ف ﴾٧١﴿ أ

And Allah has favored some of you over others in provision. But those who were favored would not hand

over their provision to those whom their right hands possess so they would be equal to them therein.

Then is it the favor of Allah they reject? (71)

First: Allah explains to the idolaters involved in their claim that Allah has partners while

also admitting that these partners are His servants. Allah says, denouncing them: `You

would not accept for your servant to have an equal share in your wealth, so how is it

that Allah would accept His servant to be His equal in divinity and glory?

Second: the parable one a free man who can spend has power and an enslaved man

who is owned and has cannot spend is powerless. Are they equal? The idols that are

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powerless are they equal to Allah The All-Powerful? This similitude is in reagrds of the

possession of power

Third: This similitude is about using the power. Allah is not only All Powerful, but also

hears all the prayers and fulfills all the needs, while the idols are utterly powerless. Is it

then a point of wisdom to regard such Master and such a slave as equal?

The faculties of reasoning are to recognize Allah SWT not to turn away

ف صار وال

ب مع وال م الس

كعل ل

ا و

يئ شمون

عل تم ل


ه مون أ

ط بم من


أ والل


كشم ت

كعل لة ﴾78﴿ ئ

And He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful. (78)

All the faculties of hearing, seeing and intellect are to guide man to Allah SWT for him to

utilize them for rejection.

Do not undo what you have done

ا اثكنة أ و

ق ع

با من

هلز غت

ضي ن ت

الوا ك

ونك ت ﴾92﴿ …ول

And do not be like she who untwisted her spun thread after it was strong…. (92)

Here is another similitude of a lady who tires herself to make strong cloth from threads

but when she’s done she unravels it back to thread. Good deeds can be undone by self

praises and show. Sincerity is essential to protect the good things we’ve done. .

Avoid saying Halaal and Haram ignorantly


ك ال



نف لت را

ا ح

ذل وه

لا ح

ذ ه


كم ال


لصف أ

وا لما ت

ول ت ﴾116﴿ …ول

And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth, "This is lawful and this is unlawful," to invent

falsehood about Allah. … (116)

Lawful or unlawful is Allah’s right.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was by himself an Ummah

كم ي

ا ول



ا لل

انت قة م أانراهيم ك

إبز إن كي

مش ال ﴾120﴿ من

Indeed, Abraham was an Ummah, devoutly obedient to Allah, inclining toward truth, and he

was not of those who associate others with Allah. (120)

He was the moral majority while society was upholding the banner of unbelief. So he

has the weight and value of an Ummah Methodology of Da'wah


ح أ ي هي ت

م بال


ة و


حة ال

ظ مو

مة وال



ك سبيل رب


ع ﴾125﴿ …اد

Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in a way that is

best. … (125)

Callers to faith should always keep in view things, wisdom, excellent admonition and

respectful way in dialog and if any of them want to debate and argue, then let that be in

the best manner, with kindness, gentleness and good speech.

Indeed Allah SWT is with those who are patient and are doers of good.
