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, Native Education Omission

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WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autborlud to publlsh Government Notice. aflecUns Natlve, Vol. 14. No . 727 . ___________ : 11"" 19:11 " ,. '" " .. /, ••• I'tl/'f 3d Native Education Omission No F resb Funds Available Strong Protest From Missionary Bodies A T s "(tnt mttlln, III tbe Cbkd Misslonar), CoUllclllhe followlnl rbolullon .,. u.O:u:.UDousl)' "The CI5kei Mbslonaty Couaci! Tepruenl31 Yf ot \be (Du.slooalJ In the Chket dLnrlcls, bavlng knowle4ge tbat no add'UoD&l IUOH ba\'c btrn ,1'Mattd to Native eduealion In tbe estlmalts for lts4i5.. and .. a coQSequen, e (ljlong-Gverdue developments are tbereby Indennllelv ,O$lpoDM. lnd (21 the culs In salarln of Nallves teacbers necessitated by tbe reetO t dtlll'f'UIO D cannol be restored. although tbose of all European lueher>, and oIloropeaD and Coloured telchers In the Native LDstllutloDS bave already been _1v.51ed, ebaratterlse5 thh a, unjusunable In a year 01 plent" and a serious burt \0 a n&doftal service 10 of repres .. nt3110ns made by rnponslble omolal, nnd &be MaLive AflairS .. Tbh 00 tbe p:nt of the Goveroment to Iu. fIlII sbare a. a pal'lntt wltb tbe naUoDal service of Native edUc:lIlOD prompts tbe Cbkei MlssI8Dary COUDt11 10 call upon all men aod women of goodwlU to brlog &1M D\altK to tbe 'mmedl"t notice of the responsible Ministers and Legblatl1l'! 01 tbe unton .. · NO FUNDS IN A ) OF PLENTY poIitioo of the '10 .. 1 eof Natil'e 'tI.!t II;found tbat tbe GOyema:H·nt '11":1.1 ,,,juration JI r .a. t't'f,\" a ... itJnJj! tbe «,port of HIt' teTlOU.. The :\ .. tiH, lloo:'nlopment Pr ,nncial lloanct' C.ommlalioo. fund "a' b611li.rupl 1111 l" ullabl .. I .. h it h'" It.ted in the PrHl iw!'d to me! t the 1ll.J.' 00 tbut the h .. found It The Natl'e fdu (·\t.on Ad\i.or) unable to allr .. e on bali. of an, BoardJ of the four l'rn\ III'd. reAlilliojil: r:p Jrt. it IS .idic-nlt to ... bow &hi!. .ppr».· Led th e lOltitllte of oou'ltion pOliition it to be- B,a( .. Relahon' to i(\l,·,,,it''l'red in th e ntar fUlure Go\ •. rnDl,'Ll'" tb a )OILt tlit yurof liveQt'!,lltat lo n . ThO! l,j'Jc"'tivn'l' .ji ... l.iliti ... "ill. pre. fM .och 1o.JI'I.ot dt'po.t&. 1"IIO,\"lv. C ntltlu t" '"" .. 'ion. Toe (of .• t,,·e Arlalrtl. f'n-r howeY!>r. 111,1(\ L"" "oul<i preft'r Dot 10 ff'l:riie .. <bput!litiul"l ')t('8U" dIe Gov"rl,nu.nt bad apr",it t. ,I & C()Dlmil· l'w .·D 11,1 flrl 1I"f' eiolj- .• tu..b among dlllif'I, be ft'Oll nell to j!" 1010 till' (jUt',· tion of thl) liD II". e of ;\.,ti,e t'du,·atioo, that ma-tt.·r wO'.ll.\ \11' im 'wlNl io tli IA n·ff'f(lOl .... Tn' !.tioi"t,r . therdc,"" rn Om· meudeoJ the petitiollel8 to pial to t t.f'ir Catl .,,·fore tbt' pro"io, ,al Finan,·t\ Ooro':'l$1lioD The Jlest ,\f' P "a. that. I the rt:pre5totatiVt·. (If the bodif" already menhoO!>rl mt't iu Johannt'\!· I burg Joder t!.e au.pilH 01 the African lnlltitute of R31e Relation., and adopted a lengthy Illt'moraodum OD behalf of tne to be pJrwed hefor, the Tbe term. of tbill dr.ft ,..ill 1..e fouo,1 ... here in thiJ inue !IM!'" 3). Was The M3tter ForgoUen? Rf'I(;ot\ r tbe hrad. of Natj\'e in,titutiooe In the Cape di,coyt'red to &beir amaUDlent th.t 00 additional fuo'\11 \Mn al1Ol'attool fot Native eduC"a.tioo fOf H':S4 :1:; .. "d that uo attt'mpt "a8 to t,e to reltoft' the lI\1re 'ute in :\ati \8 tca,·htu· .a.larie. , althl')ugn European (·?Iou.red tel.Chefll Mnptoy.,d in NILtl\"e mstltu· tioDj. bad bad tbt'ir cutll reltored. Tbe of Ibl tbt'feup oo ded.led to org.oj-e n r' prea"Dtati\e deput ..tioD aDd to apf'tul to thfl (.f )\1\ti\·fI Mlain and FiMn:e. .\t tbeir rf"!'I .. tbl" South Afrk'ln lo-tltute of P.:. re Rt'latloDI appwloC"bed thl! !'.lucatio"al autboritiel in tha vaMOll i provin.(-;'i aod active .«-PI boolDII: takt'n toO teCurto full nprel8lltatioo , but tbe M.inilieraa ndullt"d to t'o"Cein any deputatioD, 00 Birth Control Essential Professor Hoernle On Rigbt Teaching Sm.Uer Families Th. Rilbl Tbing THB worL:. (.1 Welfare Centre ID adnee IlIId in· struction to married "omeo on methods of birth control w.) bighly eommended lalt week bl' Profeuor It , A. Hounle who 'Poke on tbe lubject at the anDual meetinl) of the Rl('e Welfare Society at thl Wit· waterar:t.nd Uni"ertltl'. Prolelllor Hoernle hoped tbat a day would ('om(' wbeo tbe IK}{.-iety would be able to u:tend it. activitiee to the coloured aod Nati\"6 peoplt'a of Boutb Africa. In this matter , he laid, there wa. no colour bar, and <, ould lICe no reaeOD wby the benefit. of the knowledp;e of methoda .hould be ",,:ithheld from these peoplel. An .. ly. '101) tbe of the oppootlota of the practi ce. Pr(lfes!I(lr Hoemle came to tbe ('oudueion tbat they wt'fe la (' kinp: in logic. He fouod that for maoy familiee tbe pradlc8 wae not only bul, 1.1'0 morally jUltiliable particularlv under 000· ditions Huting today. That he Contimud in !I>urf/l coillml, .- \ \:\111(,· \11 FHt:RF. TElIBtL:\ND. Uncle "lorn's Cabin" For Africa Mayoress At Bridgman Memorial Hospital Meeting Mr. Howard Plm's R.v · ew 01 Tb. FinaDc •• THFRE •• " a . .'r. find .tllll'd that thf' 0. lOr" bad Inl!' of t.:u r oprnn9 and .-\lrlc"II' It f"'m.! it ,"'1.1<11.1 .. to ruiu.,. It. bond the .\")oual l;(·ut'r.: (,f tl. f fr(,Ul 1:1,: t.j(II' Itwu, ltow.· ... " J;tidjlm.u .Jr,ill' I (·NlIt'ml' at.lnlr ,orrov.injil: •• aIO for It OI'toburlZ. 011 :'.I r', (' 11 B d wa, "_!ltlal to .. , the reai.l;·nt ri jlm;'n. (hfdrm,11 of tlw I, .. "T' with. (·ott.a of btr .. to tbl-' anulla! 0\\0. Tb'-uj", real1!() of l.!.I_ 3.\. anti t"\preul'li tit,· m('IlU 01 \\h"'h Dr. Ho Tn t w Ibnl tbt' rt'lulh were m()l;t re 110 lU ...tltifador,'· ThBt Bantu women W.'11!I rnlJr I'f',lioning to apprl'datf" I , T": ' (.f tUI·. bO;lfLl thloel'f'lSltv lor ,nti.Nata1 ('are and rl·elt.t(d "1111 theaudlt10Q of Mn E. wt're !ltteodlllg clioi ci more rejil:ularly I {\ Lcalr.f', Bridgman·s('ootention. --------------- tbaoked the "Good Companioos" for tbt'ir a.itta.oce and the Linen Guild for tbt' work tbt'y put in the hospital. "' We ,, ·a nt DO Uocle Tom'a ('nbin writt. .n .bout South . \(rica ," .aid the Mayort'll . Therl · "Ilrt' Europ· ean. ev!'n today uo.ymt>-thetic to warda cb'Tity for Africanl, but what they f.iled to reali\lfl WAS tbat it in their own intere-It to t'ducate tbe BaDtu people III and proper CBre of themulnl Medical dTort. amoog tbe Africanll WII of supreme import.&Dce. Mod Important of all ....... the trtlioing of Afrkan maternity ouree. Tbeir eucCNS had already proyed .. til!factorv. Tbe \layo", .. tbat' Africanll .bould be to help themselne aod t.o dt'pend entirelv 00 tbe allsiat· aDce of thl' while m'Sn. Aa n suh· ltaotial iDdicatioo of it .. interest. the City Council. Mrs. Roberta added, had increased itt from £;,00 to .G!ioO lor the CUrlt'ot yur. Sbe coociud!'d by payiog, tributt' to the very gt'nerOlls gl"l!n co mmercial conce-rns LO the ('itS . Mr. How.rd Plm's Eulogy Mr . Bow.rd P:im, the treasurer, upreued ubllaction at the balance beJievt'd. .ho the of otbera wbo bad gh l·n the matter terioufl thought Time wa' wbt'n large famiLiee wue the ordl"r of the da),. wbea fami1iea of 12 aod mort' 1rt'ft' a. common at families of tbree or four t.Qds'y It Will equally true in Soutb .I\frica among educated dallse' .. ill other (·o untriee tblt familie' were b!comiog elllaller. Tb,- churehell cou· demo the pudice . but in tbit matter tile people largl'ly went their own way. 'rho.e oPpollcd t.o birth ('ontrol We!l' apt 10 poUlt to the Blbhca\ U)'IOII: .. Be froitful aod Ulultiply." 'Jbe ar8UQI('Dt that limitation of offsprinlJ: lowned mor· tality ('arried Vt't'ip;ht . But , whilc hI-' bclieved in lIlaking knowledge (If the ml'tboda of birth a,·ail.ble to thOle who Det'd..d It. b(' eoumled n .teru wamiOi!: the moVt'mfoOt ...... dODI' in \m('ti('11 Be hopt'd the Ba ('e W('!fate Sodety 1rDUM! tate tbe to that tho r iL( hti J,;nowledge v.nd .prnd by compett'o, penonl.

WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Autborlud to publlsh Government Notice. aflecUns Natlve,

Vol. 14. No . 727 . ___________ ...:J~O~.~.~NHasBUao, :11"" "~'u, 19:11 " ,. '" " .. /, ••• I'tl/'f 3d

Native Education Omission

No F resb Funds Available Strong Protest From Missionary


AT s "(tnt mttlln, III tbe Cbkd Misslonar), CoUllclllhe followlnl rbolullon .,. u.O:u:.UDousl)' p",~I"d: "The CI5kei Mbslonaty Couaci! Tepruenl31 Yf ot \be (Du.slooalJ bod~, In the Chket dLnrlcls, bavlng knowle4ge tbat no

add'UoD&l IUOH ba\'c btrn ,1'Mattd to Native eduealion In tbe estlmalts for lts4i5.. and .. ~ a coQSequen, e (ljlong-Gverdue developments are tbereby Indennllelv ,O$lpoDM. lnd (21 the culs In salarln of Nallves teacbers necessitated by tbe reetO

t dtlll'f'UIOD cannol be restored. although tbose of all European lueher>, and

oIloropeaD and Coloured telchers In the Native LDstllutloDS bave already been _1v.51ed, ebaratterlse5 thh a, unjusunable In a year 01 plent" and a serious burt \0 a n&doftal service 10 rl~w of repres .. nt3110ns made by rnponslble omolal, nnd &be MaLive AflairS Coaunl!~ioD,

.. Tbh (a.ilu~ 00 tbe p:nt of the Goveroment to ~ottlbu\O Iu. fIlII sbare a. a pal'lntt wltb ml~ooarln ~n tbe naUoDal service of Native edUc:lIlOD prompts tbe Cbkei MlssI8Dary COUDt11 10 call upon all men aod women of goodwlU to brlog &1M D\altK to tbe 'mmedl"t notice of the responsible Ministers and Legblatl1l'! 01

tbe unton .. ·


TH~: poIitioo of the '10 .. 1 eof Natil'e 'tI.! t II;found tbat tbe GOyema:H·nt '11":1.1

,,,juration la~t JI r .a. t't'f,\" ~tlll a ... itJnJj! tbe «,port of HIt' teTlOU.. The :\ .. tiH, lloo:'nlopment Pr ,nncial lloanct' C.ommlalioo. fund "a' b611li.rupl 1111 l" ullabl .. I .. h it h'" t~en It.ted in the PrHl iw!'d to me! t the d~m.l&,l. 1ll.J.' 00 tbut the lomtDi~,ioo h .. found it~1f It The Natl'e fdu(·\t.on Ad\i.or) unable to allr .. e on lh,~ bali. of an, BoardJ of the four l'rn\ III'd. reAlilliojil: r:pJrt. it IS .idic-nlt to ... ~ bow t~ &hi!. .ppr».· Led the lOltitllte of ';';,.tJ'~.,. oou'ltion pOliition it to be­B,a( .. Relahon' to i(\l,·,,,it''l'red tb~ wlif·~td in the ntar fUlure Go\ •. rnDl,'Ll'" tb a )OILt r~prt'"!'l'nta~ Tuu~,)n tlit yurof pl~nt~, ~ tl~f' liveQt'!,lltat lon . ThO! I n",!.ulee.~ ·o)rd. l,j'Jc"'tivn'l' .ji ... l.iliti ... "ill. pre. ioglyarrao2~d fM .och 1o.JI'I.ot dt'po.t&. 1"IIO,\"lv. C ntltlu t" ~ '"" ~,erc .. 'ion. Toe ~1inietN (of ~ .• t,,·e Arlalrtl. f'n-r howeY!>r. 111,1(\ L"" "oul<i preft'r Dot 10

ff'l:riie .. <bput!litiul"l ')t('8U" dIe Gov"rl,nu.nt bad apr",it t. ,I & C()Dlmil· .iDtl-tb~ l'w .·D 11,1 flrl 1I"f' Commi~· eiolj- .• tu..b among it~ ·J~bl'r dlllif'I, .oul~ be ft'Oll nell to j!" 1010 till' (jUt',· tion of thl) liD II". e of ;\.,ti,e t'du,·atioo, in<it'~: that ma-tt.·r wO'.ll.\ \11' im 'wlNl io tli .'Dlmi~t'it.1U'e It'rul~ IA n·ff'f(lOl ....

Tn' !.tioi"t,r . therdc,"" rn Om· meudeoJ the petitiollel8 to pial to t t.f'ir Catl .,,·fore tbt' pro"io, ,al Finan,·t\ Ooro':'l$1lioD The Jlest ,\f' P "a. that. I the rt:pre5totatiVt·. (If the bodif" already menhoO!>rl mt't iu Johannt'\!· I burg Joder t!.e au.pilH 01 the ~ntb African lnlltitute of R31e Relation., and adopted a lengthy Illt'moraodum OD behalf of tne iDltitut~ to be pJrwed hefor, the f:<lmmia~ion. Tbe term. of tbill dr.ft ,..ill 1..e fouo,1 I'I~e ... here in thiJ inue !IM!'" pa~ 3).

Was The M3tter ForgoUen? Rf'I(;ot\ r tbe hrad. of Natj\'e

in,titutiooe In the Cape di,coyt'red to &beir amaUDlent th.t 00 additional fuo'\11 b~1 \Mn al1Ol'attool fot Native eduC"a.tioo fOf H':S4 :1:; .. "d that uo attt'mpt "a8 to t,e ma,\~ to reltoft' the lI\1re 'ute in :\ati \8 tca,·htu· .a.larie. , althl')ugn European ~nfl. (·?Iou.red tel.Chefll Mnptoy.,d in NILtl\"e mstltu· tioDj. bad bad tbt'ir cutll reltored. Tbe h~adll of Ibl imtitut.~~ tbt'feupoo ded.led to org.oj-e n r' prea"Dtati\e deput .. tioD aDd to apf'tul to thfl milli~oorl! (.f )\1\ti\·fI Mlain and FiMn:e. .\t tbeir rf"!'I .. ~t tbl" South Afrk'ln lo-tltute of P.:.re Rt'latloDI appwloC"bed thl! !'.lucatio"al autboritiel in tha vaMOlli provin.(-;'i aod active .«-PI we~ boolDII: takt'n toO teCurto full nprel8lltatioo , but tbe M.inilieraa ndullt"d to t'o"Cein any deputatioD, 00

• Birth Control


Professor Hoernle On Rigbt Teaching

Sm.Uer Families Th. Rilbl Tbing

THB worL:. (.1 _t~f'.Wom~II" Welfare Centre ID gll'lD~ adnee IlIId in·

struction to married "omeo on methods of birth control w.) bighly eommended lalt week bl' Profeuor It , }~. A. Hounle who 'Poke on tbe lubject at the anDual meetinl) of the Rl('e Welfare Society at thl Wit· waterar:t.nd Uni"ertltl'.

Prolelllor Hoernle hoped tbat a day would ('om(' wbeo tbe IK}{.-iety would be able to u:tend it. activitiee to the coloured aod Nati\"6 peoplt'a of Boutb Africa. In this matter, he laid, there wa. no colour bar, and <,ould lICe no reaeOD wby the benefit. of the knowledp;e of au~h methoda .hould be ",,:ithheld from these peoplel. An .. ly. '101) tbe argument~ of the oppootlota of the practice. Pr(lfes!I(lr Hoemle came to tbe ('oudueion tbat they wt'fe la('kinp: in logic. He fouod that for maoy familiee tbe pradlc8 wae not only nece~5ary bul, 1.1'0 morally jUltiliable particularlv under 000· ditions Huting today. That he

Contimud in !I>urf/l coillml,

.-\ \:\111(,· \11 FHt:RF. TElIBtL:\ND.

Uncle "lorn's Cabin" For Africa Mayoress At Bridgman Memorial Hospital Meeting

Mr. Howard Plm's R.v·ew 01 Tb. FinaDc ••

THFRE •• " a iJi~tjnlluitllt',l ~atJ. . .'r. ~I,·t find .tllll'd that thf' 0. lOr" bad Inl!' of t.:uroprnn9 and .-\lrlc"II' It f"'m.! it ,"'1.1<11.1 .. to ruiu.,. It. bond

the .\")oual l;(·ut'r.: )I,·dio~ (,f tl. f fr(,Ul 1:1,: ~Jtn t.j(II' Itwu, ltow.· ... " J;tidjlm.u ~Iemoria.i H'J~rital. .Jr,ill' I· I (·NlIt'ml' at.lnlr ,orrov.injil: •• aIO for It OI'toburlZ. 011 ~1.1hh:.!L :'.I r', (' 11 B d wa, "_!ltlal to IlrO\I~I .. , the reai.l;·nt

ri jlm;'n. (hfd rm,11 of tlw I, .. "T' ~ul"'r1!1tCO\.It!llt with. (·ott.a of btr ~fu",d I~ .. ~tt.a't to tbl-' anulla! 0\\0. Tb'-uj", real1!() varioo¥e~mrrOn" ~pc.rt of l.!.I_ 3.\. anti t"\preul'li tit,· m('IlU 01 \\h"'h Dr . Ho Tn t w 'I~W Ibnl tbt' rt'lulh were m()l;t 106i~till::!. re 110 lU

...tltifador,'· ThBt Bantu women W.'11!I rnlJr I'f',lioning to apprl'datf" I ,T":' ~,ro.l'{'u (.f tUI·. bO;lfLl "er~ thloel'f'lSltv lor ,nti.Nata1 ('are and rl·elt.t(d "1111 theaudlt10Q of Mn E. wt're !ltteodlllg clioici more rejil:ularly I {\ Lcalr.f', wa.)lr~. Bridgman·s('ootention. Sb~ --------------­tbaoked the "Good Companioos" for tbt'ir a.itta.oce and the Linen Guild for tbt' work tbt'y put in the hospital.

"'We ,,·a nt DO Uocle Tom'a ('nbin writt.. n .bout South .\(rica," .aid the Mayort'll. Therl· "Ilrt' mao~' Europ· ean. ev!'n today uo.ymt>-thetic to warda cb'Tity for Africanl, but what they f.iled to reali\lfl WAS tbat it wa ~ in their own intere-It to t'ducate tbe BaDtu people III h~'giene and proper CBre of themulnl Medical dTort. amoog tbe Africanll WII of supreme import.&Dce. Mod Important of all ....... the trtlioing of Afrkan maternity ouree. Tbeir eucCNS had already proyed mo~t .. til!factorv. Tbe \layo", .. mllintaill~ tbat' Africanll .bould be tau~ht to help themselne aod t.o dt'pend entirelv 00 tbe allsiat· aDce of thl' while m'Sn. Aa n suh· ltaotial iDdicatioo of it .. interest. the City Council. Mrs . Roberta added, had increased itt ~rant from £;,00 to .G!ioO lor the CUrlt'ot yur. Sbe coociud!'d by payiog, tributt' to the very gt'nerOlls ~opport gl"l!n h~' commercial conce-rns LO the ('itS .

Mr. How.rd Plm's Eulogy Mr. Bow.rd P:im, the treasurer,

upreued ubllaction at the balance

beJievt'd. WI~ .ho the vi~w of otbera wbo bad gh l·n the matter terioufl thought

Time wa' wbt'n large famiLiee wue the ordl"r of the da),. wbea fami1iea of 12 aod mort' 1rt'ft' a. common at families of tbree or four t.Qds'y It Will equally true in Soutb .I\frica among educated dallse' .. ill other (·ountriee tblt familie' were b!comiog elllaller. Tb,- churehell m~t cou· demo the pudice. but in tbit matter tile people largl'ly went their own way. 'rho.e oPpollcd t.o birth ('ontrol t.e_ae~inAfI We!l' apt 10 poUlt to the Blbhca\ U)'IOII: .. Be froitful aod Ulultiply. " 'Jbe ar8UQI('Dt that limitation of offsprinlJ: lowned mor· tality ('arried Vt't'ip;ht.

But, whilc hI-' bclieved in lIlaking knowledge (If the ml'tboda of birth ~ontrol a,·ail.ble to thOle who Det'd .. d It. b(' eoumled n .teru wamiOi!: ~Iri (,oOlmerciali!lll~ the moVt'mfoOt ...... dODI' in \m('ti('11 Be hopt'd the Ba('e W('!fate Sodety 1rDUM! tate tbe 1U'('e~sa r~- ~tep. to '~(' that tho r iL(hti J,;nowledge v.nd .prnd by compett'o, penonl.


411 ""e<oIlt"'tI~1 te b, ,ddrmed 10

3(.. ... .. 0 ....

P.O. 80s. 4-6!6,

PIt&lh"ed Willi,.

':;r'_rrnOlf R~"I'M-(B1" Pou).

o..v_ a. Voat'- ...

l"hr ... KO!It t..

.- 111 /·

,~ .' Umteteli wa Bantu

31st MAQCH. 1934.



THi: statements in to-da.y's issue tha.t the Governm~nt.

in tbis year of plenty~ ha..s faIled to make any provlsl~O what­e~er for Nati~e Educatlonj that the Native Development Fund is bankrapt and that teachers' cuts in these circumstances are oot likely JI to be lrestor~d although the cuts io the salaries of Europe&n teachers have already been . restored. will occasion surprtse and i;ome justifi&ble indigoation. We ha.ve freely admitted in the put that an empty na.tional treasury is an excuse for many things. After 1929, the reven1!-es of the Union eotered on a. perIod of deoline: the great reveDl~es formerly derived from Dla..­monds bega.n to dwindle. the Customs and Postal income went »ack. the Natives them· selves mffered from drought a.nd depression a.nd were un~ble to oontribute as they might otherwise have done. AU this is admitted. It furni.ehed a reason.ble excuse for Govern­ment failure to allocate suffi­cient funds to fioance Nath'e eduoation.


to be un&ble to agree 00 its findings, there is obviously no hope of e&rly help from that quarter. Tbe failure of the Commissioo has simply heeo made an excuse for the failure of the Government. 'Ve do not thiok we are exaggerating the position in thus se~tiog; out the ftLcta and their impllcat.lO~a_ The position ia simply. tb~s, t.hat with reveouea crowd 109 In 00 & G<Jvernment. a.lready sur­feited with funds, the Minister

to those who ha.ve knowledge of the special problems of each province who are also able to meet to consider the needs of the N&tiv6 people as a whole."

With these views we heartily agree. And with the utmost respect we commend them to the serious considera.tioo of the Government. We &ppe&1 to those io authority no longer to look upon Native education as a tbreat to the European, but rather as a.. factor calculated to cre&te better citizens, to add to the spendiog power of the community, to lighteo the State's liability in respect of penal institutions, and to eo able the African to become still more efficient as a partner with the white races in the development of this great couotry.

of Fiuance has nevertheless sct nothinO" aside for the educa.tion­al oeed~ of the Africa.n. It il!l a case which cries aloud for remedy. And the Afri~an and his friends must see to It, that this injustice is not permit.ted to pass but that const.itutioo.ally. by resorting to every sLrlotty constitutional ohannel of re­presentation, the African must continue to appeal to .the Government and to the 'oahoo­al sense of fairpl&y. Every­thiog is to be gained. by moderation. As we pOIDted out la.st week there ia no argnment io immoder&te action. The case for the Afrioan ia so unanswerable that it, ought to need httle advocacy. The facta speak for themselves and will win io the end.

The joint statemeot of. the Native Education AdVisory Boards of the four provinces m&de the foI.owing submissioDs to the Provincial Fin&Dce Commission recently:

"The Commission (s&id the memorialists) is quite out of touch with Native Eduoation and yet it has & powerful voice on the policy and fin&Dce of Na.tive education. It bas even gODe to the length of ear­marking the grants and threat­ening to withdraw Sums if they were not devoted to purpoees of ita: own choosing. This haa led to considerable frictioo.

.. The Commission is not & suitable body to frame educational polioy and to directedocationalorg&Disation. These functions should be undertaken by a body repre­sentative of those who &re in touoh with the educational needs of the people and have knowledge of the &etoal .pro­blema of administratioo.

As a. matter of equity the f&eilities Bought, should most emphatically be gr&nted. As a ma.tter of pr&etical politics there is an equally strong case for them. That, at any rate. is our view. And onoe again we commend it seriously to the notice of the Government.

• World Current Events

UNITED STATES. The threatened etrike in the motor indwtry, which

lu:pt DOt. only the Ullited States but the world anxious for 80DlB daye, baa been averted by Pre81deot Roo8eve,lt. The maio poiot at iuue "as tbe pnv­ilege of collecti Va bargaining through the worlera' own uniool, a8 aga.inst the employers' determinortotioD to deal with

ebop uniODt only. There are three types of uuion in the trade, the more oonaefvatiV8 represented by the Ame­rican Federation of Labour, the left wing uwona leaning toward BonialieDl or communiam and the oompany unions witbin eaoh factory. The Pre­aident', Bcheme proridol for a Com­mittee on which each group abel! be proportiODally repreeeoted, the Com­mittee to be fecogtlized by the em­ployon to negotiatione. The oontin_ oanoe of the oompany uniool uoder gouroment Modion, the reteotioo of the right to diamilll worbra 00 the merit eyetem, which hal been ulled to diloriminate ag.iolt union men, and the fact that thie compromiee m.y ntllult in the defeat of a Bill now before CollgreU whioh il much more r.vour­able to Labour, make. it probable that the trouble may recur.


~rity with. tbe l'Ditt'd Statea aod Ureat BntalO.

DI~.\Inl\\II!:-;T. The 6nal Ftt"ocia reply to tbe Britlah prope •• la iI to tile ellect U.t France will nl,lt COnllent to. (;erm.ny'l further armamenl Dor Will ~he reduce bt"r own armament "oy furlher. uoley Britain giYu (definite guaran~e of French security. in other word~ l.unds hers ... /f to aid Fr.uce witb her 6ghting forlell ~f Frauce Ihoold be .tta(,kcd. British prMI op inion 8trma to b(, movin)l toward lome form of ~uarantel". It i~ made plalIl tblo.t if Franco demand5 the gUa'3otEP of tb, lrootlera of fI("f ea~tern aIJie$, B,itua :--iIl hllak .olf diilarmam"n- lfgQtill.t_ Ion!! nnd 'nlJ de~elopa Brllain'. own armameot to ..... h.t it. rt"g"rd~ .. tbe point of national ~afety.

GJ::It\L\:-\". Lord Ruthermere tbtl grt~at Briti.,b new~p.p~·r pff pri'ttor hail. publIsbed an article in the Daily Mall advocating the I"('Horation to Germ.ny of some of ber coloni(1 in order to provide outlet lor the n­panding pOpulatioD of Germany Ind ~ rt'l i?vc tbe tenlion iu Europe by dl t"ertlog German attention to colonial det"olopment. He luggesta tbat tb. mand.tel for Tanganyika. Togo'and and the Cameroons ahould be Bu r_ reodered aod they be ret1lrnul to GermaDY by tbe .League. Tbe wcak_ ne'>3 of Germany'!! economic poIition i, re\""ealcd by her placing • ban 00 imports of raw material. aDd &emi_ manufactured good!!, becaU"El abe it unable to pay lor them. Such good. arc sorely needed in her internal in. dustrial de\-elopmeDt which ia beio, aublidiz.ed heavily iD the effort to reduce unemployment. Induehtea which bave paid at leut IiI per cent. dividend9 in 1933 are to be ftquiud to in\""elt the dilIer"oce between 1933 di~idcndll and future profitl iD Stat. 10.01.

FR..t:S-CE. The in"eltigatilln8 of tbe Stavi9ky sc.ndal are revealing wide spread iDternatiC'Dal upionage or­g.nization in whi('b St.vilky had aD important part. Fren~'b police autho_ rities art' cooperat;og Witb Scotland Yard in unravell ing tbe taDilled Ikeio. Amoo~st Stavi;!ky"1 ilchemee ill be. lievC'd to hne been a plot to leiza the French penal colony in Frencb Guiana by freeing tbe prilonerl aod 8ettinil Dpa r6\"0!utioo.ry govenIlDeot;_ StaYilky 'e body bas beeD ('Ihumed to Il'ttle the VISed "Iueation whethtor he acto.lIy committed suicidfl or .a. ahot hy th. polic:e. A BpEdal bod, .• guard hal been a8lligmd to member. of the Fl"('och govemment owiog to

aDoDsmoul letters threateDlDg .... _ nation ftceired by the Miniatc:·r for Agriculture.

To.day,however. that excuse is DO Joa.ger adm.issible. The hfines, the Customs, the Postal Services. the income-ta.x-p~y­ing individual, all a.re. pounng additionaJ revenue Jnto the Governmeot coffers, and there is thus literally an emba.rr&Es­ment of riohes. When Mr. Havenga presents his budget to the HOll8e shortly, he will have to "admit" - we use the word advisedly for he pro­phesied financial disaster when tbe UniOJJ went off gold at the end of 1932- he will have to . &droit" a surplus of nearly iIJ.OOO.OOO. And he will have to spend it somehow. We sub­mit with the ntmost respect, therefore. that with this amaz­ing change in the fortunes of the coontry, there is no longer the slightest excuse for neglect­ing the educational needs of the African, and for failing to allo· cate sixpeooe for schools, salaries, and the just Mpirations of the Bantu peoples. The ~Iioi8ter's view is that the ma.t.ter must be decided by the Provinoial FioanceCommission. But, &8 that Commission is sa.id

"In no other department of educ&tion do the oonditioos of life aod the degrees of development differ from pro­vince to province and even from district to district &S they do in Native Educatioo. In the statement put in by the boards on the finance of Native educ,ll.tioo it is indicated that there are strong reMons for differentiation in educational orgiLUisation as between the provinces. It is no doubt necessary to find unity, but diversity in uoity, rather than unity through uniformityshould be sought.

JUA..... The city of HakGdate hae been practically delltroyed by a terrible fire. Twenty-four of the city'a twenty_ &even streete were wiped out. All puhlic buildings were destroyed and about :.?O,OOO homes. Sevcn huodred Ih-es were 10llt and 14U,OOQ people left homelel!. Jap.n ie reported to be pleooing to finsoce the cutting of a canal acrOSIl the Jathmus of Kra io Siam about t.iij milea north of Singa_ pore, in order to neutralize the etrate. bic importance of the British naval bllllo wliich ie being erected at Singa­port'. Several iou8pt>cted Japanelle epiea have },een arreeted at SingO\pore. Jap(lo and tbe United Statee have eIchanged notce declaring their peace. ful intention! toward one another a nd toward the World Japao i. thougbt to be laying tb!l foundation for an approach to the Unieed Stateil govern. ment to 8ecure tbe abandonment of her discriminatory lawl againlt Japan­!\lie immigr.tion, the recognition of Manchnkuo and the abandonment of military aDd naval basel in the Philip_ iDes in e:tebanlle for J.p"ne~e ab.udoo. ment of her claim to complete naval

GHEAT BR IT.U!'I". The uDemf'loy­ment situation !1.8 regardl jU\'enilu hal 80 greatly improvfd that in ~Dd~n thrre iii .ctually a bbort.ge of lUVetlllel for tbe poeta avail.ble. Mr. Neville Chamher/aiD baa .DDOUllCed that in tbr .utumn the gOVl'nl.llleot; will plac£' lleforc ParlilmeDt a biB housiog scheme. whicb will deal p.rti­cula,ly witb the houling of the very poor. There ie a leeliug of dial,", over tbe pOl!!libility tbat a9 a u.tllt of a Bill DOW before tbe American Coo­gress Gre.t Britain may be ltigmatiud as a defaultin~ nation in m.Her of WAr debt!. Th,· _o\mericlln gCft'rtl­ment i, b.ekin .... a policy of oot allowiog Ameri. a n b.nk! to patti<;ipate in loa09 to defaultin,ll countries add h38 just applie(1 the policy in regard to a large Dut, h loaD to ].'ranct-.

The Union hud ,llet i, f'.a:pec:ced to Ihow a lurplu! of £7.fw.uOO aut month, owing mainly to tJle illcrt'aHd re reoue from the gold miueIl

Penny postage will probably be

reel.ored and there il geoeral hope of a aubatllntialreductioo in tnation.

"It follows that the con­sideration of the allocM.tion of the funds available for Native Education should be delegated

The Watl'rberg Farmere A88OCiAtiOD haa paned a reaolution o( oo.ooofi­denee in tLe :\Iiniater of .-\jI;riculture. owing to thu IO'''Jst d"atructioo Iiaaoo. and C.U, upon' -<!In. Berbog to make & ncw appointttleo,.


" Enquirer" . Replies Professor Hoernle


Work Of Institute Of Race Relations The EJitor, .. Umteteli."

S[R, -10 foply to my let.ter on tho aim~ aDd policy of tht' In'ltitutt:

or R",C8 it ,1.tIOOi, l'rofe!!or Hoernl(' mpb.lotically decil1rt!oJ that the report

u quoted by me is " inoofn,,·t" and f.lse", .od that he "did not. once

. fer to :s ... ti\,e Cluocils·'. Oa. p''t'' I:! of "The Argus" of

Janu.ry :!2, 193', will be fouod the ~port. froca ... hich the extract ID

.j,U6lti.oo ... 85 takeo. Tb.e press is the ooly ageooy through which the gener.1 publi~ i.a Itept. informed of wb.at is goiug 00 io t.he couotry, People r('.d oelll'~p'f'!rj for gtlneral inform!lttioo. It 1'1 1I0reMonablc !)od indeed absurd to tllggelt that tbe reading publil' .. hould m1l>ke it a geueral rule to al· .ays reg.rd nowspaper reportl all

ootrDstlll'<lrthyand mislcadinp:", and that b~for., commenting on anything ... hkh appJaroi in tile pren about the SJDth African Iu,titute of R"ce R,I.t.ioni we Ibould ahraYI first sub­mit the rep:lr~ to the headql1art.cro of tht ID~t.itu~ for "'erific"tion. In the prel8ut ca'tO the matter ('oJl)plained of l. a pie" repo:t of the official opening addreu by Profe8sor R. F AUrL-d. U.,erolelu Ch.irman of the Council 01 the In!titnte.

Wby, no Disclaimer?

1~ i~ iJle to think th.t n('ither PlOfej~~r g leral., nor 8ay of the Io~tit.QW authoritiea.wbo attended did not t ,Ill) tbe trouble to rC!ad tbe • ~eJoot of th~ir opeoing meetiog in th p:es:!. The oaly reasonable ex­plaal.tbu which Ola be gi .. eo fOT the 'ailare or omiuioo to oorrect the ceport--iI at aU it was fabe-i! that t appW'ltntty provided ao cxcellent

advertiil'Ollnt of the [n~titlllt·. It ..... noly wllcn "I-: l'luirer". whOtle vieW<I are generally treated with the at-Ulost contempt hy the lostitnl.o autJ.orit.iee, drew attention to the rep3tt tb,t Prof'lI9'1r Hlecole realised t~ implication. of his statement, aod, iart.d of ... itbdr.wing it, took I"aoge coutee of atroogly denying ba-riag ever m.de it, and added that :i., ... my "misconceptiona of the ru'it-nit'. policy". From his un­eODviDciog explanation there la DOt-hiag, however, to justify Uiil to dOllht. or questioo tbe accuracy of the report

Prolettor Hoerole'l \-ersion is that he IUd

. Tbe (Q&titnte can be useful all all IIGn1fidai iatermediary inter. pretia!; tile Native point of view to the Gneromeat and to Municipal autborit-iee, and, eimilarly inter­pretiog the polioy of "hi~ author_ .tiel to tbe Na.tives ... hom it atfeet.e," That is alli)9tantially what the

extract giv!'ls or con~ey8 minu! all referenr.e to Native councils. It leavea the matter nutty where it stooo before. Myaubmi8sion is that, whilst the S. A. Inatitute of Rare Relations bas every right to exist as all otber org.t.niaationt, it hal no right what80Hver to imp"l8e ita authority and fnf<:e ita unMlIed for ecr\-irea on the Africilo p~p'es io South Africa that we h .VA, as a people, the perfect ril;ht to ... ,)rk for oar pro'l"f'5~ 'lnd adl'"ancl'lment. and to shape the des­tiDy of ""'IT r"ce without Hut fetters of the In1ti1ut.A of RlK\e &61"tions aDd of the ,J'liDt Councila: we accept or recogni!8 no link of any kind as bet.efln our r"ce on the one hand aDd thi .. ('1,titute on the other tbere is 00 nE'l"W'l or necMsity, in so far II

the African people are c Incernod-be they in to"n') or nn f Irnu-for the IDstitnte t.n if\atitute it.a .. lf IU aD uoofticial or ... hatever Idod of inter­mediary t.o interpret "the Nati'r"e poillt of "riew to the Govf'rnment and


~o municipal authoritiea," aod to ~Il.terpret " the policy of white aut.bor­ItIC! to the Niltivea whom it affects." We havo 10Dg l'ho~cn t.o work aud deal direct with white authorities, aad the I ..... s of the ,·ou ot.ry han' prescribed tbe oecessary ma .. ;hinE'ry and the chao nel~ to llet aU"h a couree In motioo. We h,,"e. a8 a people. 00 Interestt .to be watchrd or Bernd by any NatIve on the Council of the Ill8titute. Wbaten'r ~I\tives there may be 00 the Couocil of the IIl~titlite they jOlOed the Iostitute on tbeir 0111'0, aod repr09cnt nothing and nobo.ty but their 0111'0 perlonal In­tcroah a') individual mllmbers of the Institute. And happily they are aware of that fact .

Edeot or Freedom To Act There ia a dceply .. rooted notion on

thc part of a certain induential and respo08ible seotion of European. in South Africa, who tbink that we, U

a race. should not be allowed tbe freedom to el:6rciee luch rights, .nd to enjoy such pril""ilege8 aad oppor· tunities as will make for our general advancement without the control and gnidanco of 8ucb Europeaoa. Tbey bold that it ie highly eSlCntial, in the interaatoe of the Europeaol: that the Afrie,ol' progretla and evolution ehould be kept in hand, controlled. and guided by t.bem for tbe aafety of European prestilt6. Further, to thom tho 10-c.lIed Nat-ive problt'm, the Nath'o .ffaire generally, and the African people themseh-es are ~e white people's commOQ chattels, an,1 a field in wbicb to experiment with their fantastio id~.s and tbeoriM, and a ti~ld io which to display their high Icienti6c and" expert koowledl/:e " of the various aspect.e of the Native prohlem .And thil is aU carried out ... ithont any coolideratioa for the feeliog8 of (lur people; it matbers not at all wbether or oot our people like tho86 ., espen" polidee.

Law Makers Aod Rulers Raco anperiotity alone il lufficient

warrant for their attitude; "we are the law makera and rulers of the black mao, why Ihould we conault him, he bas to do and to be what "e waot bim to do aod to be." We owe a great deal of oor belplelll .nd bumiliating poeitioD M a people, our ills and troublee, the vexatioo8 legal disabilities and rane dieoriminating lawe and the pinprioka relulting therefrom, of the race bitternOlI in tbe COllotry tll tbis distinguished !troup of "experts" and new-found ohampion8 of the Africao caUle,


(We have printed tbis letter from " Eoq uirer" becau8e it is a principle

. of " Omtet.eli" to allow all shades of political opioion to find reMooable npreaeioo io ita column8. A paper tbat suppressed opinion8 with whioh it was not io .ccord would soon 10" aU prestige, At the same time we f.il .Itogether to sgree witb .• Eoquirer's" attaok on Profe8aor Hoerolo whose altruistic aod eothu· aiaetio work f..,r tile Afri,!an has hecome .... idely known. Nor, inci· dent.lIy, do we agree witb the Professor's somtlwhat unoharitable referenct'l to "newspaper reporta." Wh.t ., Enquirer" cannot or will not IIl'e, is tbat th" Rurnpean friendl of the African hl've done mal/:nificent "nd 8eltlell8 work for him, and will we hope, Jl:o nn dninl/: it.. Furthermore that work in n'" way interferell with the work thfl African leaders caD aod must do indf'p"ndently for thllir own people. The t ... o forcea working in· dependent.ly for the .... me ohject. will

(r.&1tIiJl,111'A in la8t r..,l'lml1.)

Support Essential For Native Education Terms Of Advisory Boards' Appeal To

Government raE lollowiog re..:omm~ndation rtl· un8kiIJed labol,l~

ferred to in the cblef neW8 atory! Tb" boards .-..,..ognise that it ma~ on p.ge I, werfl made by the ~ati\"e "eoome neceaaary to ..... ork towlHdlt Education Adviwry Board! of tLO' onilormity in the grant.. to the Pro­Cap£' of Good Hope , ~at.at, Trans' aal I ;in~'e~, but they al>lo {I.-('I that ,n. h ,Hid OrdoligH Fr..,.., St .. te, for jluhmi!'lon loiformity mu~t n(\t be ohta.int:<i at to thal'ro .. incial Fiollllt.., I'ommi~,i<)n . too !;r·~at a ro.~t. The acbie .. eml'nt.'f

Recommtlndatioo! b:ned upon the' of the 0Ider·e5tllblidbf'd ~jlit('mj'J mu~r. 'I.~~uru p~iou tbat ~J,ti\'c Educati·Jn be pro~ct.ed and tbciT greater '80-1\­

must tlep .. od UP')O N.ltive taxlitiou I tioll of ty~1j of '"Chou I, mu" if} I. Tlu.t all IInm··Jiat{' ~rant fnoJ' : tlnabted to meet thl' J,trowing difft· "r.-

100l/1) of 1:14·,.1'00 be made t.o the t.iation HI ~alive U(·ed8. On the oth t"

Xtl.tlve Developmtnt .\c,'oont to hand. tbe lee· way to be made up r l. ena~le it to m{'('t ih obligat.ione the younger and con!jequ~ntly . , duranp: 1<133 3·J. d<>velopl'd sylt£ml muet be provi,It"{1

II Th·,t in 1934·.; th,' <:ontribution for. from the p'lll ta.:-: t(') the !\ative The basiauponwhichdiffereotia!1 I. D.ev~lopment .\.ccount be io( rc~sed to or ooiformity in the grantl ia to ~ ". In the ;,; to make up for ground me! requirel fuller statistical an, l lost throngh iOlldequa~y of the other informatioo than the bo Ird , Account, especi.lly aince lH31 .) ha .... e at tbeir command, and the~ ,r.,

The po8ition would be not prepareJ to make any detini'" Fd" .• ate 011"0<' '>1, ,,{ 1'011 recommendatiooiil, They do empha,i~., Ta, ior 1'134 .:; d.I"').1.k.IO bowever, that a Infre atatistical Btu.!y

l ... o·hitl,~ot ... \Otbettco - .. - of tbequestioo will not prO'r"e liati·-u~~:~~;~~:l,~~:-nt .\ Hl),VOO factory, and that the variou! staIb".

l"onlrib'-'tion 3.1!),')(lO of the de-relopmeot of Native ed~(;-atioe in the "",eral Provinoe! mu"t

!:iiiO,OOQ be taken into account.

This as)UmM t.hat the ecooomic position of the ~ative people will have improved . •

III. That from 193.;..36 onwarde the contribution bt'l increased annaaUy by ao amount bearing a definite relation to tbe increal6d enrolment.

The bnarde bowever feel tbat. the fongoing recommendationa .re baeed upoo a Wholly wroog principle.

Recommendationll based upon the vie ... that Native educ.tion i) a ron­('ern of the State aa a whole;

The board! urge too that th'l variou~ 8ta.gt~ Ot typea of Educatwn should be p!'O Y' ided for through dlf. ferential grants. Thol the grant for the bigher prl1llary work should toe on a bigher buis thao that for tho lower "ork. In this way the inore.~d COlt of the higher standard8 woukl be met. Similarly, the 8rantll should tab into account the higher coet of eecootiary education and 'OCl'ltional and teacher training, notwitheta.DdiuJ{ the payment of feel .

The :Sative Economic C-ommi!~ioD Report emphasises agaio aDd a~ain that the eoooomic ad n\ncemeot of

. the Union il bound :.lp with the economic advancement e>i the Xatint and his liberat.ion from thl'l sha, k!f'lt of ignoraoce and super,tition. Bnt the national ezcheque~ only ~pelJd8 on :Sative Education a t.rifle more

. thao nne-fourteenth of what it spen·h I on police, prisoos nnd magil!trateu.

Why should :Sative education be finanoed 00 a pdnciple so entirely difJertlnt from thO' education of otber section') of the p>puiation ~ In the education of E'Hopean, Coloured and Indian the growth of the school population ia m~t hy parallel in· creasea in the Union Government. llibaidy: on what ground i8 ~ative education difJerentialJy treated? Certainly OD no ground of educational priociple or equity, I do far more obviously than the one

The only souod way of financing workinll! alone. These are the poinu at any form of education il to regard it is!oe, And in the cin!umataoces tbero as an integral part of a oational S8ema no pntpose in continuiog thi8 education.1 programme. The upen- cortOl"poDdeoce inde6nitely.-Editorl­diture for luch a programme moat take into aocount the edncatiooal oeedl of el""ery seotion of the popula­tion and the capacity of the population al a wbole to bear the hurdcn. While keeping theee coolidere.tiool in mind it Ihould be po8o!ible to finance Nstive edncation 00 a basis which haa defioite relatioD to the achool·age population and to the echool eDrol- I

ment, namely on a ~r caput basil, I If the preeent graota for Natil""e

edDc.tion are calcolated on a per I caput basie they work out for 1932 at an average of t::! 3~. 6d. per pupil enrolled in the registered Native scbooll of the Union, The amounts J>Pr pupil in thfl leparate Provinces in 1931 wl're:-f'ape £2 lOs 4d; Natal £2 2s; Trn.nsvn.al £1 8'1 9d; OrangE' Free State £1 lOa I )d. -Union £2 Ie 9d.

DUferences In Grants There ore hiet.orical re$HOns for the

differences in the amounts of the graots· ·they t('peat the history of Native Education. Any readjullt. ment of the grauta mu,~t take account of the more lI:l:te08ive and higbly I df"Vt'loped educational systems of the I Cape and Natal, and at the lome time provide for the urgf'Dt needs of ' the Tranavaal and Orange Free State, partioularly the Tran!\vaal, w"ere in N'ct'nt yearll the f'xp3nlioo baa ont· p ... ced the financial rf'IIOUn!e8 <,I tbe Education DepArtment to Huch.n extent tbat in many 8choole effective dUl'l.teaehiop: hila bPcome impo9~ib le And teachf'rS' s,,10.<ie9 in mSDV cu('~ ha'VA ,1 r"T>J')l'ti h"I"... th.. Ip·y.,1 (·f


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Bloemfontein News And Notes Tribute To Bishop Carey

·rHE annual gl'neral mooting of the /'ologoTMi, Pbihp, Simon (Capt31O) and . Bantu 'i.M.e.A. WM held on Thurs· Molieopoli (manager). M.en from

<rtay, March ~Z. 1934. Many import · Uenoni are i-i. Mo~amal, R Monamai, I'ut matters arising out o( the minutes Harry Chiloaue aod HIUTY Germillton d thf' pre't'ious Olooting nnd both the will &end B. M. N"una. It ill probable " "'retary'a aod treaaurer 'OJ report.B that Bethlehem will send ~lahu(lga \Vt:r~ dis~lIssed, and th· folJowiDg aod Kimberley T. :-'Iotahumi The 1.aoppoaed motion propGl'ed and reeult of the four· ball trial match ",·oaded. wa~ carried with ... pplause: played on Monday, )[arch I~~ between , We, the membera of th Bantu i-iimon Nchou and Abel Tlhole ftgainst ty .M.C.A Bloemfontein, aseembled at PUDch Nkoalipft, aad Josepb Tlhoog -1 he general meeting, wish to place 00 at the Rambler'll Golf course was woo J ecotd our deep and sincere appre- by i-iimon and Abel-4 aod:!, thl' ir helt ~ IstioD and grstltude to our late pre- gt'O'iI8 6C()rf! being -:-:, with Punch and ".Ij"nt, the Rt. Rev. Biahop Carey, Joeeph 83. Puocb bas asked thattb!1 )).0 .. for the manifold servi0('6 he bas mat-ch be replayed at Kroonstad 00 '6ndeted OUf Institute , our people io :-iunday afterooon &8 an exbibition. 1he locations, and tbe people of oouth Tht: following are the departurea !\frieQ in general. }'wther we eleot from the city for the Easter Holidays: HllhGp Carey the first Honorary Life Mr. J, B. &laing, Mr. Ramhiti!8ne_ I>r"eident of our A8sociation " (Kimberlt>y) , Mr. E. A, J. Monaisa

Tb following office· bearer!! were (Cradoc"), Mr Abram M086. (Johan· "Iectedforthe enauingyear Preeident, nesburg aDd Pretoria by car), )Ir. Ilr. P. C.:-;trecteo; vioe,pJ"e'1ideot, Mr. l'ially Jafta (Kroonstad), MeulS J. I~. Marquard sooior Bantu vice.pre. Makgotbi and Seleke (Thaba 'Nchu), Hdent Mr. i-i. ~rao. Lepolesa ; juoior Thompson l\Ioroka (i"outpan, Free Bantu 'Oice'pwlident, )Ir. D. T"mba I Rta.te), Mesne Joeeph Moh61~ anti J. lJaiJpnya goneral secretary, Mr A. A, iUpoei (Kroon8tad), Mr_ MlUo.ko J ratlh!loro; auilltant 8ecretary , Mr. G. (Matie diat Thaba 'Nchu), Mr, Joseph Hokhaoanc: treaaurer, Mr. R N. BritA; Maruping (Verkeerdevlei), !\I r . brael nlilt treasurcr, Mr. J, Makgothi; T1hakanelo (Shannon), Mr, Ml\chomo· IDcludinR Re't'ds. Muller, Wan., ~le9llllrll lotea aod the Thaba '1\cho !\Ioron Lloyd . Molatedi, Pasho and Namaoe ten.ni, team to rumber]cy , Bob. I'~" memoors of the Board of ;)tanage. Dixon (Paardebf:.rg), Mike Moaili 'Mnt A tribute is accorded Mr. D. (LikpUhoog) aDd Henry ::-etsipne '1'. M.ikinya who haa been the general (Bethulie). ItlCretary of the I nstitute einC'e 1927. Ue wail ODe of those who eocourasoo ,Mr. K. S. Molisapoli to form the then pop 'lar jan band-knowa a3 the Maoganng Mid.NightFelliN, or better known 6a the H.Y.M.C.A BaOO.­C'>Jmprising such men as ft.leHt'J C. J. 'J'hoka, J. R. Libate, M. G. Moli.eapoli, ~lob Mogaeebo, Kulo, M. Moe..:~i, P. 1I10tbibi, Buller MoloJ..ane, with N. S. Molisapoli a~ coach and conductor.

Mr. Goo. T. LoWe, one of our pro. minent Bantu and coloured aocial welfare worker, atates thatticket& are , .. !ling well for tbe eighth aonua~ picnic

• Emancipation of

Slaves s. African Centeoary

Historian to Write Brochur.

"nd "porte meeting to be held at Glen T HE General :UlMionalT Comm18i'ioo l n Easter ~Ionday, April 2, 1934. The of the Dutcb reformed Cburch of .. ,:>Ot will be at a etone'l throw from tbe Cape hae decided to bold special t"1e railwfl" station. There will be e£'iebtatione in Ue«mber In connect· flJhing 6t a place near the Rhenoeter ion with the ct'ntenary of the emanci· :-'pr,.it. Tbere iii plenty of wa.ter and a pation of the elans in tbis ('ountr, in 8'lOd ewimmiog pool. In addition, 1~34 . t"i'O bandl will pro't'ide the music, the Dr P G .• J, Mairiog tolJ tLe Cape L;)u,~i.anna Band and tbe Ntlhateeog's Timu recently that as :n t , not bing Mol.goro Bra,s Bft,od. During tbe definite bad heel! planned except for "'l.y tiD athletic sporte programme will the fact that a well· known South I.,. ~I.IITi/·11 Ollt. and tbree prizea a'lfatd· African bi~torian WI'S at work on a • <l t('f (·arh Hent. Couocillor Prophet brochure dealiDg With the bi5torical h .. b.ndl~· consented to present thest' facts of the emflnripation. •

o lL.., a\l('co~~flll ,'ompetlto~. On Dfcl'mher I 1"'34 tte Sla't'e 11 tbr. e\'\.'lilng cf ":astl'r }fond a:;, Emaocipat1on -\ct, prohibiting all

f1~, Ja>:gcrs find hi:! orc·hBtu ba'-e h!tIt'H'ry tbrougbout the British rrrang, d to ~tac:e 1\ non·~top d:m~'e at Empire, tamt' into force, Tbe ., h, Communitv BalJ. Tbt' iate'ii t number of slay,·, in the Cape Colonv 1I'!.elo,j~ ('taw, ar" '",torm'- W.,athel' at tbat time wa~ about 31>,00";. .,-UI1 :T,,'I. time at tuc ~aT'" with their \-alul' bt>i:l~ aF~I'~;l'd l,y Com.

J:lrha" mb~ioDet!l at £3,lIlIlJ0<1P. \(1 Dilk :\orl.ie ao.1 h •. \!ri(an Out of the l:!u,!t(M,tlfxfawardd Lv

t~ y p~i{,9 willspon~or a dl\O\'1: for the the British nation as comi><'n~ation to }JUhlir of Hraudfort at the Afrkan tbe Ilo.ve·owners, the Imperial (:onrn. hJ,!1 ~ o Ea~ter Monda:. lIil.;ht'ome ' ment aUotttd ll.~;JO_lI(HI to tl,e Cape. I I tb~ prOfthSiooal danCf'Mliocal.y ha't'e Tbi. mol.lt'y ?as paya ble in LorHIon. \ ... .g>gt.od two CAn to take them o'Oer. but mo~t of it fell into tbe ba"lil! of 'I"!:u'y will st(lgo e:\bibition rJancf" sPt'. olatorl!, who bought op the "'aims

Tne PalhriDlier Ma:!teu wbo will at low price! from the f8rmera, with Int'{'t ft,t GI(ln Are r(lminded that tho,~e the re~ult that many of tbe Jlltter j·rrlnlU.! on _"'undav oh;:htand Monda't' fl'tein .. d pradiean~ no tompen .. ation .noflling will be met Tbe" IJhould at all 1'1.i'l l"ac--ed (oo~i.lerft,ble }' .ing t'6M:ntial kit. compnla.~ I lan\;:- di~,,~tifa; tion. .. f..s. r:Ol\t, <-hanlr(' of clothing_ uod shoc!!. The elaYe~ Wtte t,) .. ·rn a four ;'~8l~­tI 't'eping lL\ti"" koife, fork ·poon,:! I .'\rprt'ntice~l,ip fr(>1lI Dt("tmb('f I 1'<3-1 p 1:\t.;o<. 0011::,:. towel, l!~P. WGth bru~h I to lit ·I:."mbd I 1 ... ;1', aut! "H'~(' tht'u to n\l1l'8It~,. Llot, !ennln~ m .. tfori:e.1, III h£. J.oal1~· '>I't fft' \\bt"n tlU' lath-r I ,f,1ltiOI1 1 t n 10' h Il'n:;1:b :'lP' and date aIrI d thl' "maD ipatl <I sla.t"~ . ooki:nll p.1t nr .1i'ie In "u b'l!; refusec H, ~o 00 workinl: ,'II t!J\· farrr:s l :oif rmmu.tbewornwnill,tr~~lhnQ' for ,uZt-~ in !!pi!e oJ tn .. faIt that

A~ Kroollst.J . we ar :oc king lome o! the (·~t..t,lj,;hmeDts hAd pr". ')fW I'd tQU ~<>Otl time. Rlo('mior.tot'io "JOu,],- bad from II) to "il hllorh, alld ; , hI!.. ;.;lg_" mu~ic.il compuny &ori tbere I that the farml rif wt're tbt 0 in the will beo <"rl.::ket. a swell &'" ~I; t..'t' tbo.,c' mitlbt of their .-Leat uan' -t vuti, ipatiD; in the .... A A •. nDoai 'Tbe 'Jodo'Jbteo: rain -I many cf , }If tonrne~; BiOt'mfontf'in trIll hf' the Bo.:r~ w .... t, ~ ('m}'1 t;>,I, , aays , ~pr: ~Dted by ~ll'S.srs MO~"y&lle. Din· E.-\. Pratt. the hl,toriln, ill 'ml!':ent· ,'Un Puncb, TIholt'_ ~f('t·o'. TonH~ in~)n the pO'itiOD

Kroonstad Notes And News Successful R. C. Bantu Agricultural

Show TB F R. C. Bautu Scbooll-ih;;:';'ldd:;.~n~====C-_--------_

agricultural show on WedDe~d.J. Matabele Dance March 21. There Wall a fair attendaoce of Europeans, indudiag tb~ Bishop. For PrJ·nee .Fathers George, H Bruening; tho Si~ter i;;upelior of Notre name. ~lr. Edkws. aod ~Ir_ and Mrs. J. R. Brent. Amongllt the Africans pre!leot were MaselS P. Lepboto, R. Cingo. H. K, Binda, and Mr. sod Mra. 1'. MBknc. Tbe show "'&S tbo first of its kind to be held in lobe }'Tee :-Itste. Pumpkins, tomatoes, mealiea, cabbages, were 8e(:O

in ahuodance. 80\er.1 hundreda of people attended. The anDualfioanciai report 111'69 read by !\If. John ?Iar!'oo. The rCBulte of school examinations were uid to bencollcnt; 10 out of 12 ha ving passed for Standard G.

The famoul Bright MOOD Negroell ba't'e been inri~d to repeat their recent jazz performances before a European audienCE'. Mr. Lips Ray· brook and Isaac Bouwer with the Orchestra of Master BeDoy Baxter of Cairo Township will play in tbe Com· monit't' Ball. Kroonet8d, on April J. Hil W'orship the )[ayor bile conllented to bc prerent and a number of Euro· peans.

.\Ir. Zachia A. Morabe hy rtoo"ered from hill Joo" ilIoc'l. Mr. W. Tsha· balala aDd )ir M. Raborife of Vereen· iSing were bi8 gueata lut Sunday.

'liBS )Ingdclino '?t18mpa&e Bouwer who left Lin-dlev Hantu United Scbool recently will be' resuming duty nnt term at YarY8 enited SchooL

The MissES Ida liouapi, Miltah Me!:! delena Bou'lfer enterta ined their friends to a delightful mu!ical after· noon last Sunday.

• Mrs ~tso.ne of Bethlehem 19 00 a

short "i~it to Kroonlltad in cooneoetion witb tue death of ber ~'ouoger brother, thf' I(lte Prter BloeOl.

The Kon·1:;\Iropean Brn(woleDt S(j t let.y UDder MH,detnes Emily J. Mal·boba sod Kate D. Mattfpe is mt ',iop: rapid prOflfl'lIl1 Archdeacon Frank Hulme bu agreed to addr~e! the Sill iet" tb(' fint Friday aiter Easter.

Mr. ar;d Mrs. E. i\L Molete helt! an informal partr on Sunday which I inc'luded ~1eut8 Abbey )Jokbele , J. Diale and ;.e't'era\ others.

The aDnual ('oocut of the Bantu l·oit l.'d S,'Lool '\8e ueld on Thur~da't', ltlmh ~~. Tile Re,' . }~r. Martin Knight pre~idul Tho ball was pack. £-d. .-\moflget other !'Opeakefll -wen:' the Rf '. Mr_ Staatonnud Mr. R. Cingo_ MUill, ' v. as rendered bv tbe Ichoo\ childrl'n. It wa" annoui.ced tbat tbe ~chool baJ initiated ,J C. cl8ll~e.~ this year,

The Fairpla~l'r~ C. C. of Bloemfon· tt'iD will meet Kroonstad Good H{'arted C, C. on Ea1'>t.-" )Ionday_ Tbe fGllow· inp: will probably represent the home. ~id(- p, \' l'rster «('aptain ). R Cingo, Jo~ Pl'tfu<;, 0 Feltmao, Sid. ::'Ilakac, T Mofokfog, ~1. BormaD, E. W Beul.ee B Coetze, Don MahePC'_ P Ro'\'~_ B. Ba.l.tN. Bitb Yalentine :'II p(-trus (umpire), bcrew Morola'og nud E. W Buke!> (lI' ~erne).

Colti" ued from)u rll, ColUllln.

. Tlie tu!b cf tL{' elephant are joiued to!! .. thu" was tbe substance of thi'ir .on~ Rnd Colooel C. F_ CarLutt tLf' enid Xali~t' Commiuioner, etat~ tbat thl~ 001".110'>1 tha.t two great 1'0a-"h bf< n jc io£'d- the Roval famih-' (,f Eroc.latl jlll,:i tbe t'bieh o()[afnbele. 1.IIIld

TLe d"Let) wn,t IJlI for $ome time. _ .... fter tI,l;" a mt"mber of tbe :';llIhankwe triho, whl b lin! 00 the Zambeei Ri',er .&mp for'-'3rd IIDd did a babOOn dance. He wcre a bideous ma~k Bod p!aYfd a "mall :'of.hankwe piano tnd aml)".i til' Prin( "f'ry mUtCh_

---Gifts From The Grud

Old Man PRlXCt: GEORGE mlde Ma (Iticla

arri"al on Wedneeday at Bula •• ". At a ~ative gatherUig the PriDC:t

made ('ontact with Rhcdeeia'. ratkr rebellious past, when three (ltd Mata. bele tribe@mencame and equatled IQ front 01 him and gave him kattllftt These men ,.,ere ll'Bamba, II brotb,r of Mzilikazi. tbe Matahele'e 6ntcbitf and tho fatber of Lol:H'n~ole.i Ha.uba. Ie, a brother of Lobf.Dllaia, who m.d, a presentation on bebalf of Lobelll~ '. fawily, a lthougb he Ie Dot ~eelf ,lit chief; Xtola, an iDduoa of tee lI.bu. t'lff'ni-a ~tiOD of tbe Matabele, -be, was commaoder of tbe Mbizo R"i­ment. Lobengula'a crack bodyglllrd. and i9 the t ri be'. elected epokeuban

The three Olen were eo old that tbe action of I!quattinl!!, H(Ql.( d pa.ill ful One came forward fi r ijt alld spoke k­the Prin{'(', and afterwatda \8"",

chide adva nc{d and were P~DtfO with Iticke.

•• Tusks J oi ned ToceUWr "

After thie formal ceremonT the­Matabl'ie daoce Legao and the .atrior. aang a loug of rejoicing.

Conlinutd al foot of p'n~li,t c[J".1l

Is it HARD to find a Job? EVEX in thcse hard times, t.be mao

who is weU ooucated ~ .. illllOt haft' tn look long for a good poe.itioo. Find. • ing and keepi.o~ a job i.e e&ilier _h~ you hale knowll:dbte. 'l'nlin Tount" . ..... .. dtn'elop your ability ......•• IPt knowledge in your own. home and LC

B your o'ln time by m"fUI' 01 a l'nion CoUe!!t' C'orrespoDd. ence COUN('.

Our fn'" are "ers k_ -from 10;- pt'r montb, :'Ilftk!' 0."" of our:vn.e .',hl« Nf\'ict, ......... WJ in tht coupon and ""e Allall ~od you full inf(lfioalioD at nO co;;t to you -The Secretary, Uaioa Colle,,,

P,O 80:1[3541, JobaaDep,ur.

Plea.ge send me. without COil «J obli,nLtion, full information aboll the COur1!e which I han" mark&<! WI'): an X.

•.. Eo,li.b ... Afrihau •.. Zulu • .. Sesolo •. ,Xosa •.. Secbu.oa , .. Aritbmetic •.. History .. . Ceo,r.pby . .. A,ricaitllre ... Sduce .,.8oo1.1upm, •.. Slwrtband • .. T ypew-ritiD,

... Stalldlld.IV, V,

. . . Stucf.rQ VI., VII

... JoDior CertifICltl

..• Matricalatioa

... T rannaal N. tin Ttaclttn ht • .-3rcf rean

.,.N.tioul eo..H cial £u.iAatinJ

.,.Dettee En.la. tiliDI

... JoRr'II.tiuD

... Police [.dUlt tiODI

Name ......................... ,.. • ••.

AddrNl!l •.•..••.•...• ' ••••.•. _ ........ ....

.,. . .... -................... , .. ' J. U. W I 11,f3C - -


Africans Must Breed Better Cattle

Scrub Bulls And To Be

Over Grazing Avoided


Student of Fort Cox Agricultural School)

WI!. ate dealing ""lIb a very Important subject indeed. It is a subject that needs considerable thought. S3ntu and EIJr~pe:ln mayor may not bave had a common ancestor, but

two thlnrs are cerlaln: (Il tbat cattle bave played a great part In Bantu lIIe (2) t~1 tbe Bulu attitude towards cattle has changed far less tban tbose ot otber ta«s. Bantu life centres on cattle. and their social system reOect.s the rbythm of tbe callie- kraal. Cattle are practically the only .. property" Ihat we Ba.atu under tribal conditions possess , so If we desire to say a word about cattlf In eonne-ctlon with Bantu, we must Drst or all Investigate tbe history 01 maD! connection with cattle, wbicb he domesticated about 6000 years or so ago We may t,)' it though It will take us long,

Til!! dome .. tkatioll of tbe cow hed some kind or other. Be canllot tar more momentou~ resulu than the re~li~ tbat it is because the bigher­mert' lupply of mut for food. 1f till.' prtced cattle fetcb tbe better price cow 11"61 Ible to pro\-ide milk lor man· nn tbeir merits. If it could be an. kind it appeart"d to tbe I!imple oounced that such and lu('h breede of minded people thAt ehe mullt be their cattlC' Dwned by the Native! wete 10It6~ mothu. or t'{"en their a('tual lI\"Inted on the market that would parunt. She l'ame toO he admitted to. prove an incentive to. encourage the tbe !amily cirt'le of mankind lIa a unprnveroent of Native owned Block. b1oo-::l relation. Hence the cow was A progtel8ive policy of Itock im­apotbeoaired II! tbt' ~Iotbt'r nf man· pre\-ement to be followed by tbe kind, and her e.ttribuw~ merged with Native farmer cnuld be ca rried out ., thn~ of magical Bmul~t9 which were foJlowa aWl regarded Ig tbe Give" d Life.

Cal tie Deterioration YeetA-rday when we werc growing

ali children, we u.ttd to. sec bug(' O.l.en and COWl owned by our father! , but today all nver the Native area, we see llraall, miserabll', wretched cattle a faet· tbat goel a long way to prove bo"things hav-e t-hangt>d. All Native areaa are oHrburdt'ned witb botb men aod animala. There ia little apace for pa.rtntea due to enrstocking and loil erosion. Good cattle nced good ferri· ing. Sn(ceasful cattl .. farming can Dnly be pouibld wbere the o"II"Dl'r is

(a) \ -dd maoagement , water supply, combating soil erosion.

(b) SYl!tematic elimination and 8ub· Ititution of alliorub cattle· bulle.

(<") Onr-grazing ahould be guarded against.

• Lost Job After

19 Years

Official's Lapse At Capetown

pft'pared to. pfo~idt' bia cattle ",ith extra feet!.. Ie the N!l.til"e firmer prrpared toO do. 10 If he i. not, he caonot improv<!o bl~ 8teck. 00 tbe otht'f h&nd, if he ia prepared . he ('an impro' e them. It naturally followa 'hat cattle larmms may ge ~ith crop rotation in order to enaure A' WELL EDUCATED Africao, better productior.. Shude Hezekiah Mlllhiyi. ",bn held

We mUIt learn to dc'al with drought a reapoD8ible poaition in tbe !'ative IIDd...-i1l only be in a pOI!ition te place Aft .. ir. Department. Cape Town, Wa!! Dtlt '8ottie on &. better basia when we aeoteoced to 14 day. hard labour 00 call ral!3.rd drDUjZht 1\9 & normal Dccur. 13 conote of tbeft by con"erflinn, by

Mr . G. B. Sbawe at C&ledon Sqo8ore. reD' Out of e\-erv four yeln one f d M b' . 1I"iJI :t'" prosperou!l' other. yeara nf !' ew ay~ ago. aa lSI wall an ad";e~ity. with cllttle 1099('a The IQterpreter In the. Departmeot and aa N8ot.ve farmer dors not unflerstand 1 such h~d .authorlty to cO,lIect taxes hie ")9" :J. diffi("ulties. frol;D ~a~I\-89. On 13 different oc-

. caSlons, It was alleged , he bad cnn· Poor Prices For Scrub Bulls verted the tax-mone\' to hi, owo we.

1'1.- ~vera~ Native farmer h83 not The total amount io'vnlved was about yet )me to the tltace of underetand- 1 U 7. ing ... ie importanC'e of good cattle. I In evidence, )lasbiyi atated tbat he S.m~ farme-rs may. per cbance, haye had oot rcceh'ed mnney from aoyof odd pod cattle in tbeir berda, and the Natives concerned in the cuc . • h.:1 they sell. these may be among He had been 19 yeerll in the aer\'ice 'bO&-J jold . The ,crub creature. ma~' nC the Department aod had a atain­feki. \.4 each, and tbe )lood 00.1'1 fS le88 record. ..a.dvocate Bowen , who &0 £h; e&l·h. In .. pite of all that, the appeared for the defence, in allking poo~ man <cannot underatand the fer a auapended lentence, .aid that difte,..,nce. He- recard.t it 88 luck of Ma8hiyi bad beld & reeponeible

8il;f'~ 1t.:<­

GoL '"

Z" Sllooze. hifo ze uo, tt lSiDyi.

poeition, receiving a .alary nf £150 per annum. He asked the court to take into cnnllideration that he had 108t bia job after 19 yeare' laithful

KUTENI UBULALEKA 7. ,mi" ODd tbot tbo pilf"iDg' bod taken piece only during tbe last few

F)[l.JI1IZ_l -\\ _-\. ~r.\ K.-\. )IBr. I mnnths. " I do. not under· estimate tbe seriouRness of the offence," 81id Advocate Bowen, " but ] ask the

MLUIX, CmLla"b"'''~1 w,· Gu., Oma· cou rt to extend to lIfalhiyi tbe lime IIdl. IIpmd .... 'k ... B'II'. "n.'"an7S Inkatllo U leniency which I know has in certain 8tooz~. I',-e". I·" .... " .. -\mll01.1 Aoco],tryo, . ' , " lzilon.ta zo.)llanlb. Ink .. ~t", 'Ckukulal clleee been gIven to Eurnpeans. Mr. ~<h''')II. A,r..atmtob", C'-',ala obu Hlun¥u, Shawe in reply, said tbat tbe defal· I·RuUl.t'8f"o •. l'm· Lt" (ln~ ryefu. Amllllla· cations had taken place over a. period ~'. "."',, Dun,!,-, ~I; Y"7.II. h!londa U; of £il'e montbs and tbe roone)' had Ilbidhlil)·o. t:ku~~" j·zd .. k". l·b,,!a!aka, N . leiDyi .... ButaU.E. a: T._I .. leh. oJ (I, iO 6 ne ; beeD taken from atlvea who had 21 . I-JI(dNn O.rh rL' 10~'aD)l1I _'\10a<ara. implicit faith in tbe officia ls of the ~ ot':~' AmaGII!;.:"", U.u,""u"U'la, Jng"'1 Department. Misbiyi bad known Dlhan'.' I 'J n< a". -R,v\.tboUM·' Chemo.t. wbat the con!equeo('es o( his offenct'a A 0pWtar.." &:. ;;,-,,:-, 71, Lo.~eday 51fHt, Id b JOba.:...n ... ~H .. i. I.d\ Iti, o~~"'.. wou e.

Native Distress In Transkei

Mr. P. G. W. Grobler's Views --

THF Minieter of Native .-\ffairs (~Ir-P. G. W. Grobler) tabled Ito etate.

ment in the Rotlse last week on Native diSh"!","' in the TranaKeilin terrltoriu • • In reply to a question addrell8ed tl' him by Mr. Payn, tbe membu for Tt'mbuland.

The MlDieter etated that in Nnlem. ber last the Chid Mllgistrate had rc. ported that in his opinion there was no actual need for luistanee. except in ( isolatt'd cut'.. There ("ould be no. .tanation in \'iew of the large quantity of .tock availahle fnr conaumption

In the Northern diatrich there wDuld. probably be a great shnrtage Df gtau) bnt from inquirie. it seemed clear that tbe tradere had ample atncks Df mealie. aVlilable for eale. Tbe fact that the ta:te. Jut year had been \"I'ry much better paid tban Inr lome years past "IS another indication that ("onsiderabJe resen'U of money were held. Thi. "83 accounted for by tbe many Natit"t'l who had sougbt work on the Rand in recent montw! .

00 :March 1.-, the Chlel Magi.trate reporte,1 "Report, from M..ptratE>~ iodicate tbat If nothing lU)/~~n happen. ttle mulie trOp "m bt aD e:o:cellent one'" to. additioD to tt,e i'aue or relid added the JIlmi,.tet, arrllngt .. nenh hid been made witb the Chamber or 'linell for a Itlbet.nllal ioneaae In tbe number of Natiyt'$ to be recruited from the Tran,k",i.

Notice of Sale. tn R!l

LECINA NDAB.\ Plaiotifr

"d CEORGE \ F.KO, Defendant.

In punuln('e of a judgment of the Court nf Native Commia8wner. JobaDne~burg, and Writ of Eucution dawd the 1st day of March 1934, in the above auit I &ale will bel held in tbe Native Pa .. Office Yard, Joha­nnesburg at 10 a.m. on the 11th April. 1934 of tbe fnlJnwing property.-a House and Roem. to let erected on Stand!! 269.:1 6 Klipepruit Locatioo, Jnbannesburg.

J. J.)( SU1...L","U:SE,

Specilll Meleenger of ths Native Commiaa.iooer', Court,


SHOES coot muoh money but you can make them lalt twice as long if :mu

c\eao them regularly with Xugget Boot Poli.b. It is famoul all over the wodd because it preaerve. tbe leather of your shoe8 and ie al8() waterprnof.


ISHUZl ridla imali eninzi kodwa. uogazenl.a tikul..hon.ze ixesha elide elipindi .. e ukuba ueebenl.ila reqo i Nuggoet

Boot Pnlish . Idume kulo looke iHZW6 kuba iyayi londoloza illtloO"l.e re Ibuzi

ukho kwaye i. JfilUGGET kwaDgD mlbin"li wa mant:!.


LIETA Ii rekoa ka. ohelete e ngata. cmpa u ka etla h.ore lule nako e telele hllbeJi ba u Ii blakola khafet&a ka

Nug£et Boot Polish. E tscjO:l lefatseng loble hobaae e baballa letlalo la

Ii". toa boo I, .NUGGET hona ha I" kene metaL


Obtainable in allebades.

Zonke intlobo z.ikn.

E fumanDa ka mebala eoble.


UIlI '&l'BLl WA BANrO. I OIlANNBBBUBG. 3l.sT MARCH, 1'134,


wife who bad been ia indifferent health of late,

Gertrude Noz .... ne, The Germiston Inquiry Town and Country Gossip

nUfse a t the Modder Bee N appe.1 to the Commi~~ioner to Hospital, Wal removed to issue a wHoing to N.tivel not to

• the News H,19pit..l. Joh.nlles· illegal m{'thoda of collecting burg, last to defra:-' tbe legal costs in the Africans and Others lD

Mial Johanna Zondo leh for Zwaart. loeation inquiry Waa (D.de

IT is leutted that the Johannesburg I Statiatics for tbe fourth quarter of ruggenl last Saturday evening au C. B;<rrett who appeawl Yunicipabty ia inviting tt'oders fOf 1933 for the Cape Proviuce show 2,36~ holiday viait, the L<'lCation Sa['erint.>oJl:'nt, ~lr.

a lite witbin a radiueo! three·quarten Europe.n a('hoole, witb .0 a .. erage Mr. A. Maritll8 travelled last .!'::~"',;I . D. 1'urton. wh~n the l'nltoiry .... ~ of a mile from the rity ball t.o erect. enrolment of 150,277; 703 ·'oloured day nigbt to Pot('h@fstroom rosumed II\~t Thur!liday at Germinoo. new Oaioei for the Municipal Nath'e ,chools . ... ith an eorolmeot of ~t.483; short stay here. .-\.ffai rl D"partment. The present and l,i23 Na.tive a"hools, with an officel are said to be inconvenient and enrolmant of 155,469 Icholan. Min Elit.abetb ~lafllme, who has

U to th been _pending a boliday with friends at too 1Ul& R r 'Ve e.r purpnle. A Non.Stop Competition Ball, Roodepoort, left lutSaturday morninR;

It is ltated that lectures 00 motor· orga nised by the T.D.C.A. be fo r Witko pje. -i~ are to be given to Spring_ taxi given at the loeheape Hall 00 I I. Misa Sclinah Nblapo il'l a re,ent ,Ithers, if tbe recomlOendstion of tbe The et'eni wiU be open fo r Vredefort wbere Ihe is :Finance 8000 General Purpo!le8 Com· local and other daDcing ~pendiDg a bolid.y. milt~e i& agreed to by tb£' Springs priz60l will be pra!leoted T he Rev. Ankhoma, of the Apoltol ic Town Coonoil. Referring to tbe Itate· 8. Keaael, B. M:abuza aod F.ith Church , Eaetern Nati'Ve TowD' mont recently poblilhed tbat tbe I Pl'Nident. of the Asnciatioo, ~bip, baa left for Swaziland in '~onne:r:. , .... c.dent rate for Spriogs is tbe 10"'l'st Tbe priua will range from with ch urch affairs. on the R~f, the Committee stal-el wards, and t be Rt.od march Mta. Monaisa, who hu been hero?' on that this m..y be du~ to the f ... ·t tbat k-d by Mr. Jack Phillips. ..,. brief holid.y, returned to corin of the AWoo.'iat.oo 'a booklet. re Rneliera B.nd will be in attendance. 0 F .S., last Saturday eveninp;. loh.l 0\ er the Council', I:ouottors. If Chief Tulolamahasbe, aoo of Chief Miu E. i\£liI;arli, wu the paM the lflt·tlU"68 are delivered the StJety Ngooguoyaoe, .ccomp.nied by three aogers fo r Piet Retier Fint Auociation will be aeked to followers, is a t'e<'ent arnul here from eTeololl'. supply a If!('"turer for the purpo.... tbe Eaet CoMt, and il staying at the COf'li,,1d.d in ,/ eol,."" •.

An African .ged !J5 wae l'onvieted W.N L.A. Company. at Boebof ~eotly of beinp: in poeel!'~' Mu. Tbeletaane paued through

• Dr. Xuru I ~eo.t t be f'lUclwiog OOI!'Yal!"fJ

to the rl'l"ep~i"n io honour of Dr. Roaebeorr\' B-lbu, It ~teel.m.Oli. Lovt.'dale· " ~h :Hl~bOllr Bokwe, Nhelam'\nzi, J.1vpdale. Greetinn. IWgret I,;.lnuot. he a~ J:;ft.<.t f"'ception Tbursd I)' With yOllln .pirit. Rejoke,

witl, you, Dr. Bokwe, Con · welcome, 'ontinued 6UC'

up f.mily·. ~reat name. "

lira. l(orabe and :Ur~. Mol{'te (jnr) for the Oran.:e Free State 1.8t

evenio:,::. 3.n,1 '\T~rf' '£'l'n off by . of :\1(· andra To ... a.hip,

Ilion of 00 .mall d.amond. wflighin~ dty I .. t. SAtUrd.y enning from a tbrt'e car.ts ana \alued at I:> per holiday visit at Pokhehtroom en carat He "u IM'nt to prison for Ih'£' route to Pretoria.

Onr 150,000 Nali ... Use mont II. with bard labour Mra M.tebeee, wife of tbe Re'V . . T =::~~~~~~~~~~~~:: Mateooae, ol Jeppt'8town, left :'" I Saturday for Rhodesia on a \ ilit

relati'Vea. AMAKAMB1 AQOTO.

D • ..., I 0 'luo~l, .. ... Onib .-\m&Gdlot.. IJ .>bto

....... l. l~bc!o .t.



OwHiD~'l' "Ii . Ozifo10D"ke 36, OwoLuhlambw1Ila ..

5. o..iIllht. XOIII 3 •. n.~ 1 1 Mlika ~

llob..-o 1;.

lloboo 9, ....... ID. n.::.bN> II. Dobo..'O 12. Ioboo IS, .boo 14

~ Dudo *"U, 3:b. Owto"\i'I~.mbe. ~ 'f). o.r-e.itut .. ane ~'6 .

Ow&meh14 :t 6. bnbi.r.a ,"Clawm!» l.'b1abu..ihI~.na • fA\il;.uluJa~ I

Doboo I.' Q...el.an.-Ia I

Dobi.', Pharmacy (Ply) LId. Not .... 8~. Low &tl." •. h'.

..... ~ o • .....-c:. nB' ~;..-l::.'\DCRG.

Mr. X. H lli,.lekn , lodun. at I Shaft. Crown Miuea, returned dw.i,! the week·end frllm a brief holid.y to hit wife "bo is in (barge of .taff of Native ourlle at the M,dd" I Bee Ct.'otral H08pit.l.

Mi .. Mabel Kor.&. "bo had befon Benoni 00 a ,hort bolid.y n.it to friendl. returoed to RandfonfA>in la,t Frid.y oight. ~". Magampe returned to the ('ity

durlnp; the ... eek from a week·end neil I to Potcherltroom.

Mrs. J. Molapo, of Doma. Oval, Cro ... n Micea, i.a conv.lendn!; .t her home .fter a recent. operation ,

Mr. and Mre. H. Mqamqo !.eft for Lkht.enbnrp; 00 Saturday fI\en.n2laat . Mr.lIqamqow .. here OD. nut to his


MACHINES WHY? Becau.e they are lb ... ry best aDd rin DO Iroobl •.

Doc't, be bumbultgM bu) ,!-.0.4o(.·r O~"L Y). Call at UO' ' ,. , l'''bop or _ 0 ... 01 OW ~u'--for Pric .. IoIId Te~. &wIre of PUr<"bU,. .. , ..ur-d RECO:'\"l)I, TIO~LD s.urr If .... l,o.Qo:. from OfiW... Buy onJ)' 'rom ~ ··t::op.lI>f rep .... _t.

., .... . InJ rrt th~ ,eou.ioe SIII,..-')la., hiM.



IMVAKALO yokuba i Bhuoga elikulu 10 Mneoo.Nciba lillliselwe ukulaula

Gku~uela kumhla woku I ku April I.u~olll.ile ulll::i omoinzi okaoyiaelwe_ 11)--bo-kllkudala ukangele enkal"eni. Eli BbuDg. IIdlbaDin ezinqila 2.aba· rlt,uDdu :_Ngquahwa Dike, Qobo· obo. Manu, Xeei, laeo Grey ne

(SolOQt'. "[" Mneoo·NciLa o~alendlela ~G.1lgtam.b.za U:leil' um- Puba-l..we· Nciba "J.iugiae ekuzilauleoi izioto za"o, ube l",·i-rlle ku Rulumeote .

Iziganeko zakwa Gompo NGOKUBLW A kolweai Rlaou omhla

we 16 March, inzwakar.i yento­mbauna ka ~li;osk. Maria Toise engu Linda, ilishiyile elip&kade. eml'eni Ir.okugul .. ituba elide. LeotombazAO. ibilolAme k.khulu, iundeka ngendle1a. eyod"a. Ibikovukufeu izifundo :za:a­pa ekhaya e St. Phillip'. Higher Mil8ionScbool. Inkonzoyomogc"abo iqutywe ngu C.techist Theodore Nolutahuogu eacedilwa ngu Tibbal. Edmund Rottie Mkutuda . NBe Cawa kuaaae. umhla we II March, em'-eni kokugul. iminyaka emibioi nzim.a, u Nko8k. Mary Aon Goty"a. umr.alik.azi k.a 4.ttwell Gotywa oliabiyi!e elipak.,de apa e Eaet B.nk. Umsebeozi omhle eeitiyeni lie Kko!i owenziwe leligor.­kar.i e Sihobotini, waziwa ogabaotu abanior.i. Inkonzo yomogc".bo iqu. ty"e ogu Mlu. Xatisa we Lutherao Cburch kuko newinye imithika yuioye

Nk~k. Molrueoa lIak08k. Xabani&. no lIon.tali, naball,,"e. K".kona ojengoko i Oriental R.}~.C. Y.38 Bhai it.akudl.l •• pa oge lata, ogokucaci. leyo yopiwa umdl.!o ngulombllto "e SpriD~ ROlle RoE.C. Dgombla we 31, o.mhlanje, malanga . Xox. lombuto inuleoye yabadJali ba"o e:takut.bat& iou..xeba kwi touroament e Rini, ogol.'""llbs. b.or.i kombuto 10 wayamkela i challenge ye Oriental R.F C. yMe Bht.i.

AKUK..!T..!LEKI nokokuba 1,lmo II&ko kwizinto lokon"ab. Due

zimalioi 8iyiotooin.. Atuoa kuze ul'uye x. ulele lomzimba .,.. .. ./;;o lula­blekehre bubunto balo. Uk"ba u~ula :r.inkat.azo ZIIfele nezalupina nhlobo eeheo:r.iaa hit 'ambi!O ,ika Chamberlaio uhe ukweojeojalo wenZA l1k.uba ubc>rn bukufanele ukupilwa. Sjyatutur.ela, eiy.pilisa. siy.qbol •. Fumaoa Ofunbla­oje ihlala. Sitengia"" ziz.o zonke i kemiai oe venkile.

g .. Ilg\elo yake yoo.n~l;.a u Nobala .e Jo.ot Council ntl oa,. olumaoyano lODge t..ugqibl nooy.\.;.I".mlnl wayo, ltidHl:.. yon. eeeluyeozLie ibaozi. Paloati k"ezinLo olu'lenzill'l:Yo olum.­lIy.M \';uko exi; uk~m.u~~lwa kwe Bhodi yokuq.l. yelokl8hl. ukuwela abaot.eund u kwi K.ruele ye- dolopu kUDlcimbi wokufudu5W • .kwe Ridadel Location· iot8.o.elioteunriu ::iyamke­I ... l .. i dlnic yabambl0pe yi Xurse eqtsl. .. e yi l\.aosele. ,

Imbuto ('o<'ial) ebise Higber )li8eioo Schoclroom ngomhla "e Hi llarch ibe yeo" yembuto e'lio\.;ulu oer.iwnandi Dg'ILo, •. !a:ekanga .pa lodlu ivati­'''''e ~ntJo'-'o ntlobo 'I.e Ilowers nam.­hlam::-o l.QlILS.odu ogu 3Inu B. Nlr.tot.e: Itallie zolitob. Z8yokozel. zi flo'" ~s, I.udlal"tl. i c.!r.uRbt oe ludo De '.rde I )Idtt'f uf l·.:remooiea h'iotJ ka l;uehmao u R. D. yeoa (folUia. ~-g&ngemiocili oewigcobo ebi­'apa ;ngoma er.iyohleyo 7.E' choir ka M Di!lgi.s ..... yo zipanlse ukuogaoaor.wa ~b&Gye. Inteto ziwe 1.:0 Mlu. B. M. Ma~,~i. Ainu. A. It. Jaba'·u no :\Iou. J. "L Mej.ne. I piaoo ibicotshelwe Ii..·ult la"\"o u Samuel Tutu, Pakati kweo";".uibala ebilapo 6ip:mie Ama­koIk:B. Mt:"oseli, J. Lindi, S. Mabaia, H t;aqa,],1. D. aa.yil., \'eto 00 Nurae Dvrah Kginn wase Bblli. nama KOSl. E. ~. Leta R. X. Xweba, K. Tuoy-iawa ~L Mapitiza no M. Buzo. Banumz E.T. Vanqa S. liqali"e, H. A Yako, G. M.gobu~ne, W.l\li;onyeoi, P. M. N~i no l:!:. Mekut&. Siy.vuyi. lAoa nil Buodar School Committee eol!:o Mlu B. ~I. Maycei (presideotJ, Baoum~. J. L. ll"J.ne (("hairmao), M. O'C. Dill;,:i8wayo (8I:'Cretary), R. D. GtI.~m&G 00 E. T. \"aoqa (teacbers), ogokuti "stage" imh'1to 1:''' gr.od ., DekcmgarH.:ato opezulu ngolublobo.

Iflbe'e~u 'IOkutsh. oguOlUlo kweshi· • bioi lezibl.ngu I.k ... Kramer-elooa Ihi~hioi liqe8be abooa b.otu baoiozi • pI ./,looce, kubange u\.;upelelwa ngu· mtebeoll klll'i~ihlwele eaikulu. Lomlilo uqal., mayela no 3 matAilhona age Caw. fomhla .... e IS M.rch l.t8ha I.pel. ac.la elinempahl. l!M1zigqityiwe.

1: .\Iou. J Xakekile, eoye .yeokok.;1i 8ZIpa:nbih 1a Pesba..kwe.Nciba, udlole ap" eka"\"eoi oa8C kubuveni kwa Nok ' ... Ji.·e Fort Hare, apo abeyokub. DCllm'!leli wOOl·Peah.·kwe·Nciba kwi ("Ium~'J labalauli Lendeodebe ibipu­•• t P.3uhni. Weo'te iotl!luku zambioi kwic·"mbi vake II . Gertie·. t; lUu. Hlu.i .aso" Yampond"eni obeze ku· mkoh.:"ne ogqitileyo kayi~e. selecinga IIkup!tuka aainge kwnkwelam. Mpo. Delc. U Mnu. Jame8 Koti oogu DOha1a kwi ofiai \'e Nath·e Affairs e Bilaoa ukweli I.kwa Xgqika. ngeba· _bt' ekayeoi e Peelton.

• Ezase Hewu

i M'faba 0 Dr. ,Rubue.oa. n.balunll U. G. Ndzo~yana no L. 0 Ngqakai. Ufihlwe ago tlh-ulo umbla 19 March.

U M.hlekazi, Kko!i SHimela Makinana, wa "ma-Ndlam b' amatsh., " kunye oamapakati .mabini. i-" Xkulu lIbufto" ye Nk08i, eogu Mou. S. E. R. Mqayi nomfo "a.e Matahaweol U Milu. Francis Kaka, bahlalele uku· I tahata ubambo loku8inga e Rautioi k"akufut.ehaoe nje. U lIongikazi Nkosk. Dora Ngio"l.8 wodumo Iwaae Bbai, uyh'ume apa i Ca.wa yomhl. "e 18 k\1 March. U Nkoek. Juiiua Sibl.hla upakamiJe kumkuhl.ne obu­paotee w&mza kakubaoa kuyo leoyaoga ekutwa8eoi k ..... ayo. I:r.ihlobo uke er.ioinr.i ziy.kuvelan. nzulu DO Mnu. Zachia Moroloog walapa ngompaog. oLuhlu.ogu wokulishiya elipakade kO'

1 mkuluwa wake u Michia Morolong, oswelekele ekhayeni lake e Zastron ngombla we W ku March. Ukoamga kulowompaoga, u Morena 10 unyuke I ngenqwelo yo ~lnu . Boller LebUfu ogObu8uku be 19 kll March. U Mou W. S_ Goa w.!Ie Quigney, kwal.pa. ongumb.lekilli omkhulu we BayiBekile oowaka waoduluka ngayo e Blomf.o· teoi "ayiduda wazakug.leleka ngayo ap" ekh.yeni lake, ublelwe yingoxi emil.· oyumnyezi yokwenz.kal. ekwele kuyo ap!!lo edolopini: ieuke ya8hunquk. i "fork," ibibamba ogokuk.uleza oku· khulu, w.wa wal:ur.uka umr.imba "0· oke, wayalr.uq.buka yena 8elue Hoapi. tiJj. U Mnu Jimmie D"eoi, uye wa.· buyae Bbai kwi cawa epe1ileyo apoebe. hambelekooange oqwelo yake ogemi­cimbi. U lInu. Clemente Kad"lie no npo I".ke ufike epita Ir."i cawa edlu­liIeyo uknl'ela e Durban ogol ... odJe uBle upe e Zibukweni ehJ.ogatyezwe ei8ihlwele sama. Afrika. nama Afrika­kazi e United I.C.U. y.lap., wafuma· na ulwamkelo oluehushu k"iqel. 10 Maoyano. U Mou. Thomas Mam.· • bela w.l.pa, oyi Nkokeli ye Basuto j Workers' Unioo, u " ngeje" meoeU'l1 laile lIerik. elinhundu elioBu Nkon. P. ~icola.e , wue Bloomfield , Nell' Jersey, U.S.A; u ;)[ou. )l.masbel. 10 w.r.illl'a ngegam .. lokuba ogu "Malri­ka", usiselela okokuba umakoti uya· kufika .pa ekutwaaeni Ituka May 00

Nk08k. Tyeai, umtaba.to uyakuqutywa ogo June. U Nko8Z. Notoria Vena "Me Peelton , e H.nover, ubevelele uninakazi, u Nkoek. Toialll ukuzal.:u­mkbuza kump.ng. awufumeneyo .

U Mncediai Nobhala we komiti ye aakiwo, u Mou. Alex Ngcebet8ba, u.i:relel. okokuba y.kuba ingene yapelcla im.li yomvulo we c.wa yama I

(~GOW .. U;:O:"OA.) Metbodilt III Eaat Baok, kunye nezi

UBUYILE ~ a S· h b tembi80 , imali y.lom.ebeozi iyode u nu. eorge 18 u u n.aOl • .£176. I Komiti ye S.kiW'o.

waill HUEU". obe ouuba elide .. ibhedlela k\lfa Komani ogoku\';ed.ma kunye 00 :\.Ifuodi.i J. Dlolr:weoi, bawu k .. empilo. Kug.lelt.ke k,...I.pa ngo bulel. kakhulu urnzi ogokuba"ua ~ Februarv u Nkosk. Qunt., olu. kulomaebeozi, kwa namaoye ama lKl~endwe io Mo\l . Dougl., Quota, bandla er.ioye imvaba. umbonisi lulimo .pa. Ngobu8Uku be i7 Itu March.

J~ll,ba zipelile .pa e Hewu ok. umbuto we Spring Rose R.F.C. "I'oze kW'flti k •• f..!..a iOll'ul. zifa ngama8bu- umdaoiso. Itt- yimbuto de y.bukeka mi !.emihla a,azi okuba i..ooakele pioa k.l.:hulu enyakeni. idl.lelw. yi Gompo n~ti k.odwa. okukufa kulapa enceni J.n BlWd .• ye .m.nene namaot"oe-

S: .. kali;.a OIl08izi eloku.welek.1.:o kui .lombuto ehalatele ogombal .. IlIlD . M.e.b :H::'" -~Ia\.;aJ'f'la "'a!e lIt''!'a- "awo. Pa1.:~ti k-wesikilliDd. Be kl.bu kill oLe M'lenl' tuba eIele l'i ceslne nge klabu e7.lte zakbo ukuusa lom~e· e!C,i IU~ iqda lamildod •• Iepo. Ku- I beo~i. Bi~ule.h,a J. Mpeodll , !\. '''eltke k.1I'ellper.olu u llnu. Landnl!t Bicl, JOllab Mnqlk.na. T. Paoyaoa. lhhl'oana -w •• ~ l"rprr Labl.ngubo. A (loto, F. R. ~[agw.oy •. }lnu. no




UKUCAZWA N.mhl .... kuko imfihlaka!o eyoyikekayo en q abe I e am.kulu abantu. Uloyiko

Kwemfihlakalo Enkulu noku Pelelwa Li~emba kubar:lbete nje ngelifu dibi, elimnyam •. Kuko into cyon3.keleyo kakubi-Ionto yon:l bay.yazi nl'oku­

qini.ekileyo. Amandl.·Obomi awa$omelelel.nlla n,.paka­

ti kwemiz:imba yaho. I $ i y e z i rnhlaumbi

~ Uku:.:ub.yela kubafi· kela nlle,iqupe. Em· zimbeni na$CO! nl'qond­weni bayinto .ban,a­yaziyo konke ..•... tt.ye kodw.



IMITAMBO IMITAMBO ilaul .. mike am.ndl. obomi kuwo wonke Umzimha. Ngokuc.cileyo ke 111""0, yakuh.. Imitambo ipelelwe, akuko ndiel.

yc~;u:'~ u;o:ivo;:: upile kakuhle. Kukoli$a uk uti hi,u. Amatumbu ne Ntiiziyo i$ifo siqale kuzo ...•• kodwa ke akuko aeluna-u eiinye lomzimba eliy.ku~n:r.. n}e-r.goko bclih.nele. Inkat.zwan. zibo· r-- Unalo na --, nall.I. ngokung.ti azi$ena.koyi.wa. o[lInve Lwezimpau) Amandla-obomi .yc epela enuimbeni. Uziva ukatauk. lilile. Akuko tub. lcltuba \Vonw.be.

Asi3/omello le3/o e,a .. ele indo,," ese3/illulile. Ku.'d~e in'e'ylyo nef.nate Um· fozi naYf!. Tlme"_ ~o.f:l "olt .. -tataka EKUf'UNEKA.fpelhlwf!­'''''"lalon,f! mdn):anf!

ycyona nto kufu­neka yona. Kuninzi

Iwabantu .bagulayo kunl'uman~lit<l ongatetekiyo uhlobo obuhluiyek. ng.lo Ubomi noMobo inkatuo neaifo ezip~l. ngalo. Konke kunl'eru:. yo­kuba IMIT AMBO yondliwa n,okutya okuyifaneleyo okunik .. am.ndl. obo­mi okukwi VIRATA.


Ungomnye wabo banqat.? yelwe Yllemfihlakalo na •

I.;yu; . Ukuzi". Umumb ... wile. Ukoyik .. iIi,..,. Intlok .. "buhl"-,,,u . Uk .. p"leI .... lit .. ",b •. Uk .. q.q.mb. k ... *",ih·

l.ti. Ukuq.qamba k ... "",i_

I.mb ... Uk .. ""b.y*I • . Uk"hI.l; .. nn ......

Uk"",.f .. m."i louloo ... . Uk ...... kw.mil .... lo .. . U kup .. I,,'w. _ •• m."dla

.. lo .. m;. Ulo"laI .. k • . Uty.f .. n ... ;q .. p ... Unl .. . 1n:....l ..... o 1Io ..... lyi.o. Ub .. t .. t .. k. b .. m;t.mbo. U moy. .,.i.w;,,;. Uk .. ".k.l. k,,"utat.k ..

.. roil"n·u,n; n •• uin,.I­

... "n,.

Kudab ufuna m.cala un,uuzi ndlela yokubuyinl. eft'Ipilweni ll'Tlzimb. wako ompilo-yapukileyo na, ulin.. iyez. erova kweyeza kUl'e1a ufum.ne. udano nokung.pumeleli kwalo na? ukuba kunj3.io, YONDLA IMITAMEO YAKO NGOKU. 5\!benzin i VIRATA. Vavany. lenyani$o y.lecnteto yetu I yalendlela iblliulekileyo yokunyanc. ete ngexe.ha eli£ubhane

I k ... kulu yezi,. kurnawakawaka emilwelwe ezon., ziqamo ."imllngaliuyo.

I \ •

I lot/till •

\I Z ~.

I,a/,II}'Ie lIJ"III(IIU' E"·OWI .pHI I

It ......... D'~ 1 l ,""otil .. "'y". Zi&o zon •• n"".i." nco V .. nkiloa .... , ...... , ..,qo .... i VIRATA CO.,

P.O. SOl< 1-42, CAPE TOWN


Ull'IE'IKLI WA BANTU. IOIlJ.NlO8BUBO. 31sT ~B. 1"-,.


DepartmeDt of Native Affian.

The (DlJ 'Ing G~verDme:'lt SoticfII are publilhed for geoeral informalion. J F. HERBST

Secretary for Satin Affaire. I> p~rtll1"Dt of Native Aff.ird, Pttltoria.

• \'0. ~'.l [23rd !t[arch, 1934 }IUS1ClPAL1T\." OF PORT ELIZABETH.-DOMEST[C BREW1XG


h i1 h6tt1by notified for general information that the Honour.ble ~be lhnu,t.er of Nallve Afhira bu approved, uoder the promion. of aectlon lort'MI'l (3) of Act ~o :!1 of 1:;:!1. of the lit April. 1934., aa tb~ d.te f.ro~ aad • Hot'r which the domeatic brewiog of k.ffir beer aban b~ permItted wlthio tbe Sew BrijOlbtort X:ltive Lacatloo.t Port Eliubeth. Cape Province.

• Suo 3ti6 [23rd M.rch, 193". DIA~8[P\LA VASto; BHAL-USILO LOMQOMBOT( LWASE MA.KAYA


Apa kwa:z.is"a ogokubaozi okokubl u .Mhlekazi u Mpatiawa wemi Cimbi "aba HteuDdo uyuuma, p.nt.li kwe.idima leai qeodu aama!ltlUlli·m.abilii (3) 10

\Iu-to No. :!I!r:a 1923, okokubt. kllr4ag'>mbla wokll 1 ko April, 193~, ngulJlbla okuya kllV\lme1ek.okokub. kUlilwe IImqf'lInboti womd ng.mnye ng.pak.ti k"e Lokllhi y •• Ne" Brighton, e BMi, Kolooi Kapa.

• So. 37u.1 [23rd March, 1934


Ria E.:oeJleocy the Governor·Gener.1 ill·Collncii b.e, io terml of .ectioD /ullrlc"aof Act. No. 40 of H198 (N.tal) .ppoioted Bero.rd Hod,oo, M.gi.~r.te of tbe DilLrlct. of Pietermlrit:.bllrg. to act. .. a Judge of the Native Higb Coort of Natal •• itb effect from the HUb Mircb. 1934, uoti! tbe oonclueioll of the SorthNQ ClroQlt. of the Mid Court.

• Xo. 38.2.) ======= (23rd March. 1934 ISVESTIGATIONS UNDER SECTION EIGHT OF ACT No. 38


It. i. he,.by notified for geoer.lloform.tion that., in term, of .ob·aeetioo (:l) of aectioo cio'" of tbe reRul.tioo, publiehed uDder Governmeot Notice ~u. 1773 of 1Il!~. a litting of tbe Board of Appe.l, ooo.,itllted uoder tbe provlliou, of aub-eectioo (U) of I&Ction C'9'" of tho N.tive Adooioiltr.tioo Act, 1\" . :~ of 19!7. will commfJoce At lobe N~th·e Appe.1 Court, Kingwilh.mlto"o, "t 10. m 00 1·bllflld.y, tbe I:!th April, 193"

· ,. .,' 3"'.) l'IASEPALA. 0.-\ .FOURU:'BURG

[23rd M.rch, 1934., 80 RITE LOA HA JUALA.

.)100. ho t .. bi.Joa L. bopb.r. bore 'bblompblbi Molum.i.i o. T.b. t .. 10. 8 '1""0 olumellot.fi, L-.a t1a. '. tem.a.'w!f:nly (3) e. Mol.o No. 21 oa 1923. 11' )" bo qala ka Ie ka morae bo t .. tei I. 1 'Mea., 1934, bo U. lumeleb. ho rl~la Ju.1a I •• ~tbo bore bo llooe I.pt'og h.r'. Lokeabeoe II b. n.ta'o I. I 'ollrletbW'R. }o'o~i S~t •.

Ezase Hofmeyr.

,\' I MI'l J.:, .... EL[,BL.,.). I LItWto; Iika.oR'!'kk. kakuble nK"o:".

", .. yala Irr.edw" bon. ubuotima 01l.H buyakugqitia. kuJooyal.._ lqu· mro fillY' llin'iooal ('ouoril ooko nll'(;kll leou umo)enye"11 010:.1;.....,1, '11.1 . l.b&f't.luot.Su. uLuba ooko lIafllmane "OI'1tI>o;"IIf1 ~oJLelf1ni yt'nqw~lo.

'Ibe o.-Iub". eli.klliu Ip.I\)ltumke. 1.1 )lmloDlJI ~tu 11 \Iou , .\dlt'r . IImfo obu:a t..aOekLle ku.o "'oak,, \IlIl1I.

KYo i c..,., (\(lIuhle)",o ye I i'lo ka Man:h. aLbenf'a~ weba ,. ..... lIh.oJelwa O~II Mill. .T n Mnmbo. Unite op mowr .pum. e CrwO(k .• pele1 .... D.j{alam~ a 1M A Polomel •. Oil (.) J SUc-1a i rlt~aI.:ra_ radod. 00 MDU Afrk. , Kute u bahkayo kantl 0.01r.1I u Mlu . L. C, KioR wwe 'teltole .cafe uko I;. •• l.ra fll,i I:I'tL~ai olWld ... odwa lu~. :\l nu. U }o'IIU1li. ouuh.l .... 1 ... 10L(o .. 0 L. 11 aoka 3 Llb&a.J"', 010 llfll ~"'.mbo ... &abo ,a". youke ,Ddtll, Uc. k. a IIlhmd.1 10 apou y uacabi a.tuba, .~·aal'OL.uhhr. •• ,-IGil .. la ~II Mlli. L. C KlDl

LTI.~ a 1lI1i. ~_ JQD" .... thWO I .... _\ )I }O; lIre.k::~b.i yaobu"an, ooko tapilo :nh 111.:...... ukubda·. to lIuu 0 }'IIU1li oe.otiaapo r.b J"I· toto ahoudaou h .pa .1uOSl .. leh

IIkujikeleza n.lempl y.ke . Kllngoli1.i ukllv. ezokuba u MOD Jo,ilb '!tlokoti w .... T.omo IILi,biyile eliJ"kade.


XESHrKWENI uvuk. IImlomo ombi ulu~o oillmoyam., oludioiwtyo,

ungena 'moq"eoo 1t'tIoto etyi".yo i&ian liqbinile, uogui okokob. WilDa loanm qa 1:iu Chamberl~o. Ar.enzi a.kuba ukuluJeke koJW'Ia, ko(hr. zit.h.a. y.1a r.ioike amandl. laiau 1ihlaz.iye umc-tyiai. Zit.eo,w. er.i Kemiai woke k.anue 1i"'l"ilkilc-nl.

• Z IQU-Koogfl"" ekupumleni kw.~.

lade Indod.a yam .t.andekayo 0

Beojamin Ziqll ogombla '" 11> kw .. miyo osa 8 op;okohlw. ohlMehellM e Brakpton lUnea , N,.bya ogo.we Dutyw. ebeatioyal.. 56 ablldala . UmS 11~ 1geki eumbLoi. umk ..... huo­IWfOni " SMt!ka.fe.oi, 1\ .. .,. Zu.hlale Sam,'- Yin«oma IeJO ebeY' Luda . Zoall bihlobo .. auo.tilw. oplo abtko .

80.: 3. BrakpaD.

Impato Na Butu e Bisdolopu

(Nol' BODLI'SO" E)

EzibeleDi kwa Keanj

SlO t: 00' lIyo olokulu ukubona u :\[nll. R. H. Godlo ... odumo ohlMe

IWaM Yonti ocbite lDtaukll e&imbalw. .p& ezil6 Ilyise, u Ynll. Jlrob Oodlo.

lYIKUBLANE eoik •• m.taf. iog.t; ez:.ibedlel. n~ogozi ayifumtne kul,;.l1· lea aioik. itu hi. n&ogon& beko aha welw. yiodlu, eb.og...·, zim "ula Ulojl;a

aa.h\eli nkeocnl,;.ene empilweDi. ~Iang. nd.wo. Oy~oa. ~komo mL.ulu, lota yoo •• kul. ngoku kula ylodlal. Il )1111 Pet-er S. lIaz.wi wa~fI Lultol .. tni,

engu m.og.lieo ekubonakAla futl 1161;.e ni;l lreyini y ••.• It.,·I,,ar, DO.

IIkuba .kuJ.;o ooedo luoo kwum.neka Xk08Z_ ., ~anioi" ~-u.i, 11 D.dt', Gakwi K.ol6le yue kay. ' pa., Aba ukwa IlIod .... 'elld\\·e In IDa . AS Ma .. wi. d.l. n.haoci aebepilahrewu ehnomllil._ Ama Kosk. J . D. Rj·o·!&la .. wi no Klliapo Ie ndlal. 16k. ylo3lsi beto ko· !<hoka b.bllye bepil. ezibeJlel. U na kuba i temba lokllb. I Afrik. ip, Xir.OI<k. B. Sale-oi wAlle Cumakala no buya hoo kuver.wa zit.i q~o z.e mpi I oyan ....... kt". II Solomoo. b.l.p. O~D\i. eaakulayo. PollI ooko JUnto time clIDbi. U ::-.fkOllk. R. T. :\1(111" ultl. ogoluhlobo inzame ziytnziw. l.okllbu· pallul ol.ima ogulo mkllhlalJ. ukovo tsbab.I.lie. ub'lIb'iso 10 1610. Ama· _ pak.tI komzi. U Mou ~t Lepr polil. ar. haroba .tlltela e ok.otolo ~ PlaalJe onguIDMlbt:-02.i l ..... " lispl, ube oe Tempile .Ylmallga iyaahllm.yela I oeotlukll ez.imbini apa. "Jlkf'lna komnciod no rod.I.. . . o~mpabl. r.eotengilo, U "tUII .,.

UbUMI. buy. Lui., .baOtll .banln:'1 Pbillips Ulte hospital ogol;.uqukulw • bue otoloogW"eni ogokuhl. igo~b.) He" eolt'rio" ipak.ti kOID1:i Kut.... :.am .. Blliu .b.nye ogeo:s:ow. eZltwele k\) !mblloo emyoli kwi Ty.likf' yam. omigu be ne ~wekile. . Topiya, yok •• mael. umfllndiai lIDt.eba

I. poU.ta:s: Ike y.t.bua k.kulll kllio 11 ~1I\1 F 'lp;obo 081111:(1 Dordre('bt; ml.l w.kowetll. loto ebuhlungu ku· utabate IOd.wo yo mil. J, J i:'i)w.oa b.njw. abon. b.ngen .. mllben1.i . oOylllllwe ukllba .be ogu MOORameli Aoditeti ng.b. bambi, boo. baMsi Ii wclihlcl0 kweaiaitbili. \bAtuO".' ~ulu oan.~bJ.n~e. Kam.oo ke ie.nike ab. lioge kwiodlu·eokllill e AI;u Itub. kwezloye lotabutahilO. [lodgen North oga.ba Numz. J. J. Sih,au., p. permit iyloVllta yooa nanamhlanje. S. Mtatei, J. D_ Mlflog.na, r 1J . IWlltlho uoui wapitir.el. kub. o.mbla G:s:oyiy. DO J. K. \.!!Ih. Kul;.o oJe iOlr'oe kub. nt.w.n. botut.u b.le nab.nye .bang.be. booeli .l'a Kum&. 'ng:rlogw.'. pofu noko amapoliaa ka J, Tyali.J. Sizlbe, E. D. Soodlo kuaye maoaip.li .te ogobuotll ayekelel. DO Nkoa •. A. B. P. lAbl.kal. I okweu ntauko, ukuoika itllb. i Bedi ~dlll·eollllill ye I.O.T.T. y.l>6 B.I. entab .. IIkub. ibe.oel~~, K.Dl6leoi ogo.' iy.kuba lapo. age Euler Yond.y. ku ro.rlaa .muwl lotI Nlkub.ntw.o. J ahow YlbeillOgU \·okllgqibel. it>. abaog. pe:.ulu kwe" 18 iminy.ka boku nempumelelo eng.qelek.o~a, kub. zalwa. Biadolopu. . n.b. otauodll babeko op;f1nu yokub.

UnYlllo .Iwam. h~ogll e Bodl y.lo kl'l'8kllcolw6 i Higher Uiuion School oy.k. IImlyo Iweouwe emv. kW6:ce choir p.nlai ko Nkolz. M. T. SOIlI .hal.lo. Kum.lungll .betl gq.tailll ukub.:\ it.holoze. Iklltahiw\) kum •. kupulDelele I. 11 MOil. A S. Mubug. Dlomo 10. wat.bo .helungll b .. il.wI (oyi ogqooyel. ye titah.l.uae Wiaile), I umlomo. Moo. J_ Maaike (cbairm.n), YOII. D.. b . I 'I C ~_ M 'I·k 'I Ma •• h·.· I I mate zOkugqlbe. J.6 . Uti. up "'"gare, au. I> Ie.. • ... I 1%., .It. , k t . I II I 1 Mou. J.baz GuodwaUA DO ),(ou. \f.C' 1 ,.'" ,crlC e \~.ml" '''"( U 'h" 101., I J L N• b II __ .l' • L. •• ktoflaoa De ~I 01'1" rr... a.

. . ~om e a, oogumoceulal "WIII b··) k dl I k . K . k I W' il 00 u 0 bh I t b 'wm 101 ZI 11 8 I IInre, It" I em.,)1 OOBod·... dll e . ng. ~'fi • ~!.m .!~. DO :-;irtleorgeCory(ela Bantu l,1,mbiUl)

we 1 en .weol y ,u 11 I> nu • '11 K k . I P. MltabikiZl. L.m. luogu .og.ae. U I ~ol!.ne . h 11k 0 "b~l O~f} L t'D'~Z ntl. aele tiuyet.ele pezulll ekucdClJ1 i".""" ma(~c YO:II.g(II, Uk tU I'" •. '_' If K.o'ele ukub. iluogiae izi k.hl.7.o z!\, I ,uur~e~ry lZlml~e fI u \1)0 e .... ba t.8 d (,Jueens College .~Iungll abl,lllbolO. OID~~ G'. p, M.t.hikiaa .kalib.leki Xo:'uha yoyiai,,:e I Komalli ('.e, I;.ule

o.kanoioei. Imiaebe01.i yake Ibleli :oatd.!, I )100. (up.." 11. 11)'0. ez.i ogqoodweol zaba dala o.baon. lmieebenzi yake emihle yeoze ukuba o. lwaha mhlope aizllu .mnwi o~e, lw.oo. Kwi nll.ngaoiao ye Loki.bi· . ebi dibene klltab. nje, .bantu bazi XDJlt" ,Xkulu .y.}u .logal.oL..nya u boo. ubllUl b6bo o,ll;okul.hlekelw. yile I [ .' t' ~onduo. OIl Dv.dt' 0. L. odod.o. engqoodo ibi onyile . llJ!ey. _

U Mall . no Nkoak , M. M_ M.t.hiki,a I "UI,linden Melb.d,; Btbu.l, )Joel bakangel .. k. b."O'Ipilweni eotl,.. Hi. Ham, ~ .. tt.y 'IOtl008 .ne Tr"I~J,;er l.th. tabal., .baotwan. o.b.z.ali beme bomi, Ii.ollt'r. Cuthbert Nlkelo 1';0110, ubi b.Jooge uku6k. 110 Mhloli ukuz. ku 1.1 J}lImlle n~olwea~ Hllou HI k\lo eI,elulu. Ta''''oy. um-ehenzi wonyal. Aaati IOlungo Y.1.0 Ikuku plltum. ,eo)"e okoba Ir.ivuoo whaoJ.nioa L.uL. n' lI~k"6nk\\.· et.e y~,b~A_I.. ~Intl Il"e mhloli Ol.YO mt~b. bati ukumbiu K'·Lllburg.o (, pl.il ellyl :!K ,e mallet Dia Dr, ~t.oder. ' IIlu.uk_ kuledoh,pu) b .. t ., LalJ14 be·

. .. 0E.l) Iyl oR"bllauku hllvrd1la, oob U Mou. S. Pbllkwlo. oogumrunl we. inl'loldo ub,t. btotall.t klll.udele d

h,. Ilkw. N("ed. B.ntll oke weol.. )1..... J I.. ~t.,m"ell .. ' (J'atbfioder o~eoka:wn .ukuy. 11.". Koml.ni e If •• t..r) ot., wakokel... E.lmpawd. Zlbel ... nl Hlya oget.entlalo, oboy. Emveol koh.mbo olude ublanpDf eOl'om. u bn~le .blloy.telo k.wa \1011 . nal-O t'zi 1' .. U,lioden z .. iu n., 0 10Dkw •• J.cob Mayelnlo o.k,... Mou Sonduna 1I1.\II'e. KUj'Ii,;aca IIkuI.. uoir.~· " w ••• I .. be Ie Tf!mplle y.~pa leoyule u ohhllkllmo uye u1iol .• kllwo ".m.qlta ~"'"L.ollk. Ago,.. ~.o, IIl1uy. !rub •• .!ud BurRbendorp 'fNOp. ogomtnoy.. k"l Cr.od TempiI' _ . Seu.ioo (i Ndlu Nkulo) er.akubl.I ••. Im.vul. al.I.Ir.a.LaI~ki im..II.roOO HII" Alv.ni k.k.m.loY&DI!. KumahJol!'1I e ~"'lrzll"')"o _ Izal. IlIolo<)ul' ·, liuula.

imp&!hla , IOkomo o .. maba.be datt. kakulu

(R<!)XLEY ~pr8tnt the Beat Quality and Value Oblainable,


Tb. the World.


OIlTKHtu WA B&NTU. J OUANN&8BURO. :11 T 'lARCH, 1934.


A Pilgrimage To Palestine --


ronmtiy unCO\'t'red io the 1I00r of ao old ch·uteh. Tbe map "at made 10 tbe 61tb ceotur.Y.\ U. ao·1 bat alroady lettled mute than Ol,e diIIJU~'1 ~it ... for tbe &nboologi't" It il. quaint, old· CaabiQllfd m()p with hu"b fi,h iu ~he rhen to ,how that tLty .re rheu !lud hURe .hip. on the "ea w .holll'" that it i. lI'a, anJ up frolll the thidu-t of


A LL tlu. hroL,t'no.I' .nd th\'(~uit~, Wo.terMr will re·e<ho the prophet'. Jordao tl.lroll~h til" wildNoe •• , we of the 1'0,111 ~1ou.tlntly tclll"t"lcd prai'l fOr the excollrm.·y 01 Sbaron l"ould dl~O:lltn in thn rnoeaic a lion

iu tbe SlhI •. but 1 M,'er 1(111 It \tI:lllll Tut)u ia an bour ono hll. dim bed ~ b ' ,,",,,at th~n-. Wh"n I road the Book l" allng 14 illIg.

Ie .... buotlr.,i feet, hu paille.i by lbe Ooly. year "",.,to our .. i,it two

fore, io the old allogorf' Joaah Oet. Irom Uort by way 0 t.be~. t, dllta.nt 'ra"hi,b, perbapt fa Spdoiu. tlwt iJl" delperate a ventur .... L& r.ould try, an<l wben, in tb~ pfopbt'te, the vi,ioD of Qod', kia~dv[D bfy;.'",QH·. to compreben,ive tbat .. tbA i..I,.. ~hall wai~ for hi, law," that i. the Jew 'l wide.t imagioatioD (,(. uoiur-111 rel,ll:o,

-4.muu'gly varuHI the Holy I.aoj I. for 10 amal! a rountry, bot tb.-re i. one limitatioa~ t.be lI.'a, whil~ 10 tho pkture II not. of i~. Th .1,..", " .... laott·wao.

• E-Standerton

aolll'" I am fonttion. that It ""&II "'riU~o 111",11. 01 JerUI&I,'lD, ,kitt .. ,! the IT.nk Itu.leot., who Ihould h., 11' koow ID "a land of hill. aod \iI,lIt.,.... Tho of Oh'·ot. rim en through tr.l,litioo!t.1 Wltt.u, figurillll: that the di,t.oce from 't'otral rid!t" il I-U,'ot up b~' \'/I,lIey.. Ullthany, ami i. plunging do .... n th!t.t Jt'ricbo tQ Mar Saba through thf"

!!Ihuhrd into 00 e, I"r~ .ide b.\ ",·".It(lll fUUIIlIOg fourtE'Oo milt" tbrollgh the wil.letl\f'1f wa. only al"w milel, .t.&rteJ fry in .utnm.r but wrrcotl.1 whel, It \\lI.h.to.," of Judl'a tow.rJ the Head olf a"rOi' th" wav-r1",., tracklu,

r&lll.l. Tbit "'p&tati.1O of PJ.I~tl1le s. •. ~ .. ery \·OItige of life baa '.oi.h • •• It •. The di,tan"e "' ... hott. a. the I TSH.\WE GEORGE •• dlul •• p& I%lto iooumtr.ble .mall p<lt.'kf"t. ht'l.. I,d hc'ept, 10 tbe 'prinfj:tlme, a few 000 di(,l, bot before they had well ornttaaa y. II) k"emiyo, I.ba. w ~Ipl'ID th" Inb.1 oatoUle of Ih old hnlliant tlow.ra . "a root Ollt of. dry .t.rted tbey wereM I",t u. 'ompu.le .. oemil.llzwana e .tation .pt) lali boh. 'obat)ttant.. ThORe mlU)' hroo.h of ~roUl:l.I'" AI ltllialt uid ao.) a .p~~ •• i'or. io Ii thirk fOK The O"douio I.a lIZ.1 h.ndiba Ulomz.), .baot.u. Caoaaoitel,lrom .Tebo.iWlt to Perini' growth of tbin wecJI, lik. Jowo 00 a fouod Doe o{ tbem un('oneciou •• nd ndu hon •• bauoge bat..e kooa, tel. wtre ",.t«01'&<1 .moog th"'e oum- baltl h.,.d. ~" June e\"f"O th!1 ha. brought him to JertaaJem. .\11 th.t U ~urle Sinu Maimano ".I.p. hf"rleaa pi'l:80Dhoi", alooll; tb,. ,'('otraI gone, aoJ all II de.,J, lhy, ~ellow ro k w •• {ouo.1 of tbe other w ••• lew nko w.neseab. eliQ%lm. kW"p"lile,o rioll.';'" The tribe. of (" .. ,1 al,o wOfe Anti ftarth -a "t;Hlio"ll.PfI, I Ima~io,', bOONi 80,j Luttoo. io • j<\ckal', den in,.nga ngtlo\. ye.ifo eeiyi lever e.i. ",uodered from ell<'b other b\" tiWie liL.o tho mOOD, If oMI'ould leO It at I.\od all thl. below the \cry Rate, of ko,o pak.ti komzi Detidambayo D8O'" abropt, Ibarp houuJ.riee, .0' that it .'loA" r.nge. ,Jerul8lem alld wltbio. few mil" 01 tu IIt'!ho kob. eyodw. kumzi oo@:a.k •. lOOk. at I..,t t"ount.uriM .ftftr tllttr Som"whf"re iototh'.afld w .. te. thi. orange IlrO\"'H a.lolely •• eartb ... ao Kwmtlaog.oiso ,etitah.r. &aloma.. '!.rrinl to make ooe oatioo of tblm w('ird tleeol.tion, .la.be,1 by harreo bout' odla .bi hlan~ne apa njjje 17 k ... aDd theo tbnl noi'" latte,1 .t tbe ".die'loJ bal..ed in mer, ilen heat, Ooly ooe importJot qu.lintation cao miyo emini 0 D.R.€.' e,l-,i biz"o ngu. !tOlOIt .itI;hty.nnl yeaN. It il tbt, tho Ma.al.<.'r went .. heo be "1101 tempted, I think of to the end Ie .. \ ariety of mhloli wezikolo 0 M.ou. S. llpbablele

~a.5iHt countty in the world, Doe In' I down through thi. wildtroe. from P.leetine the (;rflat Sea i. alw.\" • lipaa'a ezi kwebeziko D. J, "-hpela. ra"("p lkr •• urft U', in wbk'h tu ION! J,'rUMlem to J'richo tho "jetllD in tbe ,tran~rr, .lien to tb. life of tbe iand. O. P. '\Ioat,i, A. Nom"'a, D. D1adla,

oneeeif. Outof tbi. chopPf"l·up, ierr· Maskr'I par$ble 111'" t.rHeliing "beD In (;tt'eu the tea il .""rywbf'NI:\ W. }{adi, M. Br.roab .. , C. B. ;:ular, dif'et9in<'t.llaoJ the Bihle "Ame, he feU .moog thie\·e.. (o~\"en yet iotimate aoJ .lIuring; io numberlf"~' N~iaza 00 E. O. Kon. Ezio,ama.. 10 ita P.I;H m')uotain, Ind \.lIe~·, are ja"k.l •• od byeoM roam bere, aad baY' ao,l eltua riel of .n i060itely nenekazi Nkolk. E Madi. Xkoll&. tbe bollo,"r), line. -" from tho, .. lIe~· many a oigbt 1 ha"e heard tbe yelplog brokeo coa.t it beckon. and iavitM, .\p:ne, Ngubenl, nl·lIoye. of tbe .\rOOD unt) m luot B,'rm,oo"- of jl\,·".1 b&lJd, that had come up .od .prlnkl_ ita i.land. htf 'to-ppiog (od.ba ebuhluo.gu apa kukobbubb. ,0,1 tho omnipre.-.ont ".diel of the from tho wllderO.1 to .··.\"I~nge uoder ,tonN a<:rOM the "\ejtl.o to wmpt kub Ntotk. Jo.eph.ioa ~o:O~ uod eot,'r, oO.i:antly ioto lb.· tigur. the wlI.lI of Jeruulem. o\eo lan,J.mea to M&maMbip. But ob"liluogu lom.oyano, hramakoe~l a li .. e I"ogu.~ of the 1!:ook, oome· Wb~D Murk .ar' that tb. Mutt-r In P.leltine th", aN. i. "I "aye t.!iltant'I0t;nt.ndazo ... A M,f.. Idlaka, 1.11 tim", tbe'Y m~!.n wbat Nonina: tb" Jurin~ bi. ~lUl)tation io the wildl'r' .tr,oR!!, forei@:o. Lena alto thl": k okel.o ngu Mlu: C. Mant}e wa.apa. Rubi.::>o m 'lon! to UI- 'the ,.111',· of '01'" "U 'witb tbe wild brute," b. i. [II.lmi.t ,t<)()d on tb~ .Jod"llln ri,jll'''' I zlmf"lwe zooke eZID)'e Im .. ab., . Aba­:1ec.iU()o". I::.metir:o!l thl'O)' .r" rolrioatl I lpo'akjo~ Iikrally, Lioo. and hi,.,.. and, lookinll; weltw.r,] NOli", otu bahe o~am. 33~ e6.hlweol. U .. h~re to)Hllatiill).! are gin'n-' tiJe : aNI familiar filCUrtll in the Bible .nd '1::\I;.OIk. Eliu Twala. iotomhi eakalo ,,,!le:o' or "ili,)!)" .om~til%let tht'y .rel tbey !i\·l·,1 io tbe COP!lO' be,ido JorJao Yoo:ler tb •• ealie", u.t an,1 broad, f'IIibond. I&lapa u )10[1, P. llacti, •• mhol. of diffi.":'J!ty-"tho \·lI.lIl'Y of I and in thi' WjJ.leroMI which lead. up wltb Itt COul1tie" I ... atm., iOliO!!e e Rautlol o~ea1:& yempilo yayo the Bb .. Jowof ,j,'\tl.l". >lod Oil' " "e.:!ry from it to the ridll:e. Hflr. pro "It'd with creatur~t Imllla~J gtnt, etambei;ileyo. Umzl ... I.p. oot~u. of 10 brl.ll;.<'n a lO'JIlU." a prC"Jpht't , tbe hon aod the beat th.t D.', it.!, th(' With 1I".t .. of tbe uautllLl!l, ndu Qvel.oa k.kulu na:l~olr.uozolu for'.)tel'" tho happy time wLen "e,·,·r.\ .hepbtlrd lad II.,w, aDd up ftom hert' I wltb levl&tbao at lu. play. uuoko'J.kazi yo ~'u. C. JrLtotJe 1:;,-0-'("alley ,ball be o:uit(,.1 and e\"'err I came tb. lion tb.t Btooaiab ,.ulij:btl Alway. to tho J.~. the .ea i" thu •• mp,io.:a ate wawu/um.na ';Ii'okubho. moontain loud hill .h~1I be m.tle 10111' ." aod killed in a pit 00 • ~oolll'"y dav. mar .. el. not. n"lllbbour; th+'Y II:.UlI bha kuk.. yiM!. 1I....eru k''''a

To take only ooe illultration of the "WheN el.., than In p.leatioe,":from .• fRr npoo it but they do ootillab .... "'bwe. Otitlhala .tmolZaha P. l.od' ... tr'll!;e "'::.ntraatl, "'e may 1;0, ettl.illl! oDe l'omment&tor. "could .. II It , .nd wb"nevtr the wt of C;.m,'de (Plaatraod) no W. B. Mbelle a.I I have 11:000 more than once, up lIOn' and.oow thu.come to~ttbu" choi<3e ('omN they Itlll are ~louio (Pauueli.op) bayivume apa I .. fr..tod. from tho Pbililtint' plaio o\'et tbe :-;ucb wild life wu Lno"n in tbe of tbe d"tert aod no ... amen, Iodllb. ,abaot.aoa.ba l1lt'mhlope .Jerusal .. m ridge to the Jodean wildt:t· wilderl1(,u well on ioto tbe Chri.ti.u Nor ia tbo rea"On difli,:ult to under •• b.t'un .... i dolopu emioi mihla yooke o~ .. upon the other .id". It i~. trip era, We b,l4r of no linnl tb~,o .fter atar.d. Oppotiw. Jodea and S.m.ria.! ayikade ibluzwe ogab&:ali, ngeoX& <If hardl, more than tbirty:6~e 'XIilf"j, tbe ctuaadet. 10 \ledf'ba: ao and .. nt tbtre i. not a b.tbour on thf' .... j y()~.a~ lCuiau&.D.i kw.ba uli ~wa. but it preeeota an atwoublog alIt,· to .... o of Yeab. cel.br.ted In the tauot·, coaat wortby of the naml"-only. :"t".lana kt.kulu no lInu. no ~k05k. the~il. The plaio tt!mind. oot of 100~ wbicb tb •• arly Hebrewl chao~d loog, .traight, lobo.pitablo Ief' .hore !\Ibl'tt Twala ababbujelw. I ~ •• n. hra-south~rn California with ill v"roant agaiult thei r r. llen foe" with the prev.iling .outhwe.t " Iods bo ogombl. we ;!Z Mar·~h. Uk"e1e fe rtility. Ita or'09:M cannot toe .ur· .... we ra\"'ili:8d till war' .. fire blo"ioll: in opon it. ~o maritime apa o~eme,ile yase Goli Q \I:OI!k. \,&geftd· ita grain field •• re fruitful, w .. hlolll'"o to lledeha. people ever ('Quid ,'ome from auch • lIalc.~. :JOlkwekni wn Mfa, I. R. and io tho teUOli of it. beaut:, el"f"0 a • largt , mOlllic map 01 p.IMtine w .. i coaat or ever did come When, there· '"iilri I, oka.ling. f' \·euteMortl .

Phofo ea Poone

Ha [ts' oane Ie Lipbofo Tseling tsa Poone

E obooa b paone e khet hiloeng haotle

ebe 0 i&oa leloaleog. Ka motimpana e

boima 190, 100, 50, 20, 10 Ie 51ba.

INKOSI e etsa hore u hie uhe matIa.


"INKOSI phofo ea poone. " E etsoa leloale.og-

UNION FLOUR MILLS Jobannesburg & Durban.


Izinto Ezitshisa Ama Afrika Ase Bhai

Izinto Nabantu e Bhai (NOU QALAZlrE)

-alGE Cawa ye I~ March e New mkulu. Bayaocooywa 0 ~koelt. J., Bri!l;bton , U )1nu. B,. Ndo~geDl Wentfol no 'ltwiaba D.Q:oku,uIDlsa \1meme mtlaoganiBO ebao7ol yODlZI ojO'!;e kwabo iotsapo abebeyimbbangeli yo· Ilgemicimbi ez& 00 'lou. Cbarles kuba kuogenc imaIi eo!!aoge U 15· )lao.>.a7.603 wase Korsteo. lntlao~a. ogobuauku . Illse the bRozi yayeqavileyo !a~ol@~' " . . .' T

"kunonelela kw.mado~a Imlclmbl! Iqela.lemvuDlI eZlp G~'·. t. p. c. o()t.ahisayo kwieizwe Mlmoyama .. U 1 ~dl,ehpet~ngu ~.Iou. WllheJamby. Mou. Manknaoa akube .ep.ak~~de! libeoeko.naatl emyoh e Bantu ~~11 La ute uze kutyebiaela umZl UDIClmbl I Mou. Gin Tabaogaoa edoloplOI ~p.a

embbaleiwaoo yake 00 RulumeDte oge 16 llarch kuzele ababukeh. Ell· ::!aela ekoblutweni kwa~nuundn qel.a. linika iogoma epakamiiay~ yl".

u Rulumeote imali .ezlog3uogxo ndldl zooke exutywe o~mldl~lo :!idolopin; ngakumbi ; ~bai , ibi~i (aket:bes) eyicubbull' indlu Dgez:'~9!oi mal' eoceda abaogasebeozlYo. Umcl- kwah peza. Baogamacula e .8tepol ° mbi· 1I"esibini aweodlaleyo ok~ Peter"lo.n?o Jamby nombell plyane Mankazaoa ogumtbetho oOlhha 0\1: ~owe nohn wabo ogamacule ayaku . otela abaohuodu ukuba bangez! hbaleka kudala kwellcala. Ba.umela

·dQlopini otabate amandla e Bbal abeloogu e Featber Market Ball o~e k~t~ha oja. lndawo yeB~thatbu I.::! April esiq~oigekilero ukuba bakuba (\tb~tl:.e ngayo yi penqile (pensloo ) ate hbboogo leSl7.we e9mtsuodu Itwaba· ( ~e ukufunyaoiswa nama'thego mblope ngobobusuku. Imba bav-umela ~;;~I.du ojeogabarafi , ingakbetbi umzi wabamblop,e ~emfama ~ge '-I

b'obala bodwa iyioto eogafaoelakanga March , amak081kul Bmabl~lo onke ~mt~tweoi kuba ilikbetb~ qwab~ et~alike zabao.tsuo~\1 e Bhnl abene­r ibla~o Indawo yokugqlbela a~-I ndlbano eban70l e !\ew Brighton eyo­

~~k<; w~bi kweot,langauieo ibe nsaoyelwe o~u Nlto!>k. iMlu. ~wahbal 1 - to olufutayo ebbotwe tomntn yanla lotyallke yase ?\ew Btlde yama 1I~:XOodu UkuflUaela ezidolopinidakube We9ile yema ngomnyango ogama

ou .'\Il:.fameoi elJl8Cbenzini, olandulwa I Nina. Bekuaamkelwa pallati komzi ~ezl Mpathwa Fouri.e oah.hamba o_mfundisik,:z~ K.. K. ~cwana o~kayo. n~e ooko beagaqoodl caca_ Iotla- Kuba fundmlta?1 Ibabek~, slbalula

ito i:\:oxe OgOkU8bu~bu pew ama Kosk. Taewu, l'gxbwana, k~~~eDlitimbi· amad.od? ~bo~i8a uno· (3qamla.na, Sidlai ,~o )fguqulwa singa. llel.e:O olukbulu kWlmlclmbl eoxulu· aathetbl ';lgama Nu~a emn?a wnke. m:;:ol oawo kwagqityehra ogokuoyu. Kwawa IOteta oeDyalo eZlnzulu 1..0· Iwa kwekomiti engaba: :\lasanraoa, ,,:amL.alwayo kwavalw~ _tekubhnle. ~r l'Idoogeoi C. )ltimka E. J"amba Ngu .lInu. Mandla oJ! tikulu yete· . <, ukuba iblafune lemicimbi mpile ayi 'Kanyo Iwe Afrika', oogu Jla~')n , . ,_. k . dl ,. 1 '(lDZe - iog3eio yayo kWIDtIaOg80110 mtonY'''a WIO u eo .. u u yams ~ . Tempi1i e Alvaoe ukupt'b. kWfoYloga. czay-o. • • • • Isikolo lase T8hehbi e leepiaah apa,

Pezu kwemeko yo1..-ungafumanilak! 8ipetwe ugu ?lInu. H. J. Xyati. Esioya kOlneebenti e Bhai kwabanhundu, I ilikolo 8esi private asikangeni ku lIlantyi yabantauDdu yalapa ya .. ?la Rulumeote. Abaotwaoa abaogaogeni iroba lokuba boMe ab~gl&ge~0:u1~ ai.kolo baogama 3~,(. e \'eaplaats ku­e Bhai, nanko nmtebe01:1 kWI kwa11 pela. Kwislkolo eSl private. !eku ( r~) yamatye vase Nqbura, nyulwa amaoxuaa ama ... abhale i pe-ti­i;~~lo yi 2 '. ogamiDi: Kw.intlaoga. tiDo eseyitayinwe ogsbaotu abanglma

. ebiee KOfllteo ebe ban7.1 kuneoe 1 103 ezakutunyelwa ku Rulumeote 0: .. yo 0. maotyi um1:i a1l"uboniaaoga kucelwa ukuba e~i8ikolo a.sitabate :aka:cinaoe ukuba u1:imisele uk.uy. Bib!. kuye n~~o.. l' )l~u Ricbard kw;ebeoza a Nqhura okaore uliDge Teblwula ocblte IXHha phde. kwada.de 4IlDi odini e Rautuu apo .bafuneka 1 "abo ~ Nkosk. ~lagollgo e. roIew Bnde koo~ iaiqbamo 80kuogafuo1 . kuya e .oa..empilo eokeoeokeoe U8}Dge ekayen~ N h rba yaee90kuba abapbatl bakooa e Qooce oge 11 ~[arch. (.ti.ke e Bbal q~ bafuOleDe amakhulu.khul? o~ It) Ma.rch U !'!lnu \-euy D. Daoga

ogo doda aogabaaabenzi e )lontl. waN! Rioi ogetyele!o. ryi,blte e K':~aogeleka Dgokungati. amadod~ I ~hai i week·end edl.uleyo. u llDu~ S,

. a idolopu yaBe Bbal awafum ~oDdlwana ofuodlBa mtsapo e :~~..:a kuyo Mogaoa WIlaeb!r:-si Somaaeti. _ Wasinga e ~apa nge ::!

1" _aoeka kufupikuvo.abeeelehhlsa lIanb u ~kol!k. E. \\entfol ..... ue ~ ~~nt.i nge poll tax kwelioye icala, Kersteo ku mnakwabo u Philip ~lo.u'l;oi'8ekileyo ukuba akulokuba Mokuena e ~.apa n¥,:ot~·elelo. t.'gula c.-eba ebbeke paya ojen~ko umse· ngokupamhlh e Korsten u Mnu. bec.zi ukho e Nqbura besala ukuya Charlie )1kel~ &eleo!! nyaoga osoku k -beou Itona. elele. Uv-ekl otatu ngoku eleJe e

U'i, bospitili e Tioara u )lnu W. Bati

IV30comeka inqubo yeq,eJa Inse Ngqu"!bwa elise Bbni ogeh.D(I;e I.alo o()lihie lokublaogaben ukunkeka kwe nkoei ,·abo u Nkosi A. )isutu ,,:ase Kunene e Ruta e Ped~ie. O~u hku· bonakalile ogakonsall ebanzl oenCD­mab .. o ebiee Koreteo nge 17 )Iarcb Nlih:~lweni ingu Mnu. Lutuli epablw~ o u ~lnu. E. Makapela, umququzeleh ;:g'" Mnu. ('baa llankazana. wa.leo~ho­kumo. Kuwe intt'to. eZID~lleklleyo kwizithetbi eziliqela eUbbeklse. ama· 7;W. endibaoweoi. waye umzl wale NIZ \u~hwa IIko Itaoobom olula no-


IBULALA lm~ Millo. Amanlln.ill, lnellkutll. Am.· b::l!l-;':.llP. LDt.kum~. Ho.Dke Oqo.Dgqo.·

WS9!! Xew Bride ngengozi ~'okutsbi_ 8\\'a ezingalweni yi petrol ye moto -.ake, usingies ebubbeteleoi o,!:oku. Seleneoyanga ese Bbai u Kkoak. ~Ityeku wase lIocot!bo o(Z:ohambelo kunnoa wake. Kge 21 )[atcb ku· bbubbe e Bhai u Kkoak. Jane )Iakoni oheblala e New Bride ikaya lise Ngqushwa , egule ituba ~Iifuhhaoe kl\. kulu. Abaoum1:aoa J. Dweoi, Jas. Sangoni, Abel Nsokwana nO Jacob Marele babese Bbai oge moto ;:abo eziot oge 21 ;'lfarch beziee agomae­hr-nzi wokut","ala amajo~ini esi~-a e Xqbura ekwarioi ~·amat~·t'. Selene· nyl\o~a wemkayo e Bh$i u Mou. Mumli )[tika wasinga enhebeozweni ;) Kal'a em va kokugo!a ituba elide e Bhai. uml.::e ilelephill" qetr- SeIHeki ntatu u Mnu. Wahoo Ntsht'kisa wase Bhai l"~e Hankey D~entst'beDzo ~-ake.

Ezase Rini NOl' K£T"U&

NDAKE nclHa urolungu niti' Envy ie the eldest born of hell" (u Mooa

D@amuibulo ellihogo). Andazi bUllya. Di~ bayn looln kodwa ndiyayi o(pna okokuba loj_la. I-Rugby Board. 7.6 Bhai, Monti De Rini zadibana apa e Rioi age:! October, 1933, ziyiJa i Tournaml:ot. ~ .. e Rugby ege I Ii December J 9;13, zaclibana zayiqini!ela londaWD alabiko i Dh.i al.tumel. nezwi ~.mhla sHiv. aelieiti umhl.b. waac Rioi awubiyelwe kuba kaloku LeLufuneka iyokudlnlelwa e Db.i I

Tournament, ukanti okokuba I.liko nge 16 December nge I.yifum.nayo lombheko. Kulu.izi ukuba bona bezintBali pofu cabo bewuahiya 10m­bl.b. wabe ubiyeJweyo buiy. kwi ocl .. ,,·o uikude eziogena miblaLa ibi,·ehreyo.

Ubuyile e-Coyi u .\Inu. H. Yapi. 00

Xkoek. Tbnthi ubuyile e·Cawa .po ebt>kooa itutyana. Umdani~o o"ak\l. bako apa ose 31 lhrch ngowe U.P.C. Lads. hibooda use Taotyi zimi ngo· lublobo Abaoumz. Cioteo. 'Meek ana no )(agqabl. Kweliae unlai kwi 'Iuniczpal' Maio Locatioo izibonda uli: Abanumz. Moyah, Tbom no Xgqezana. Pofu ~'oDa intiangano yOlOzi ayi"a menywa ukanti 7iko ezi zihonda kwa neze Advilory Boord azi ngl"oi zagqibela ogo Nonmber I.Fingo Locatioo yona ayioa Board a\ioazibooda kufuman~ kwablohra. • Sibona ioto l"nbba abakweli abantu

al.lamoyama ukubuyiselwa emsabcnzi· ni kwa Loliwe. Iogaluvuyo okokuba looto i\"f'nzeka k.iodawo zooke.

Kuvi:,ah ukuba iyakuhlala ollolwe Slbini k\\czayo ioUaogaoo ya Joiot, CouDeil Sinetl"mba 10huba indawo yl" t.ocatioD Hall ayi uyi kulityahu.

C lInu . A. A )loyake uy.kl" l"Ruda n1!a !ebukwani, e Qonce. nge Eaater u Mou. P. E. B. Xg'tiki yena uyake .. tEli n;;a~e Bbai ngemicimbi. I·lecture ue debate ezipalnt.t; kwe Rhodes !t udeDh De Bant u II)~tit uta seziqali!e. I·Rbodte ~tudeets zipe i libnry yetu five dozen bookll. Sino '·uyo ookwa ziu okokllba i·Bantu Inditute ipiwe i Wirell"ss Set ye £.10 lioeoe lal.pa e Rini elimLlopt'.

I·pi nie yabaotwaoa be-si kolo sue St. Philips i!akllb:\ oge .) April etaft'ni Kuyakubako iruidlalo ,\'oko nwabi~a abantwana lziceo~celezo 700ba l.~(mbla we ~ oge Cawa emva kwemiL,

Amanqaku ase Brakpan K. 'CLO)IZI kuaahleliwe nekbaba lisn·

sbukuma kwe:zemldlalo. Siaeqe­laoa lengoma t'gama 'Ialo kutiwa yi F ost Expres! Choir. Eliqelalikbutele ukubamba liJeoza imb:bentao. /ide liyokufika koma-Nigel.

Kwiotlaogaoiso ekutiw3 yi Gamma Sigma Club ebise Holweoi e Brakpao sike semelwa intetho leliDye lama cbule ezinto Dgezinto u Father Bernard Huss wa'3e Natal case Matatiele ogoko­oga itiki (cc:.operati \e BOCietiaa) wabbo umfo ngentetho eblabieekayo ogaogo· kuba naegelilanga amadoda asoye· tvisa. . Kgomhla we 28 kwedluJeyo 9aahi}'wa ngomuD~'e wabasbuma~'eli b88e \feail ... , nom.Tempiia okbutbale kakulu owake wayi .-\. G. Superiotendeot yale TempiJe ise Brakpao Mines. Wa-0llcwatyw8 ngombla we 1 I.::wemiyo ngumfundisi wake iota ka Nkomo eocediswa ugama Tempile.

Xgokuhlwa ogo 8 ngombla we IS kwemiyo aishiywe ogomoye u Mshu­mayeli wase Tthetahi into yakwa Blati, u Ben Ziqu, okaya liae Dutywa obe ogumabhalao8 e Brakpan Mines. Ungcwatywe ogumfuodil!i wake ioto ka Laoga l"t!>ho ogamazwi ahlabayo emangcwabeni. ekubeni ecaweni beku tbetbe umluogu walomlo ka Ziqu encom&. ukuo\"ameke la kwake umsebe· nzi noku7.itoha kwabo bnmpetbe.o . eiiti umat\} akaoako ul.:.umkboo7o& u . twan •.

Yt!ui'lll t BritlDi. Ittll(ilU PI hpela.

actU:o· '[r~. L.:--. Kumato, m~tber of llr. Tixo eogeoakuzithoba k",·abampbetbe. H. Kumalo, left 0.0 Tup,l .. ,· r.i2ht [yo. rehiya intoklL7.i yose Mabbeleni for Latiysmith. ebiyit.kosikazi yake.

)Jr. Clarence K.Piliao, 100 of tbe wellknown Mr. H . B. PiJieo. luded It Durbao a fortDisht. ago frem NEW

Zealaod .... bne be ""118 studyiog :\Ifdi. cine. Obtainill,l!: the df'Srfe of B Sc. at tbe R. A. ~.Ii\'e Collef!e a few veafll hack. lit. Pili~o ~aiJtd for New ltalaod to further bh )lfdical coune at Olle of tbe uoivtuitiu.

It is pratifying to nota tbat be wili Bhortly be )U'10p: fer FdinLurgb fer tb,· completioo of bie {"ourt'p llr. PiJibo atteudl d t be guduatiGD cerf'­mony at Fort Rare rectlltly. laC;; visited Umtata.



PILESI EA lfOBWLO ent811. ~YOOKO M'bet..-o,,;:

leke r:oalt'llg. TSf' p"h I~ ....I! •• 110.11' 1 6 Theko. ke LO_"Il,



CAPE TOWN Ytn:r.i"'e yanllobo IObini. IUIl:eQOko.heo "t;D~""

nl:eoi tuti oamao",

SIPO SESISA St' Burma Sih'er I"'o t~h, ne Iyllo'" nqa n.·~,homb,o-() naLu bamna ot.·· nga njl"uklllum._ II' iruah xa ebi~IIo I"ot .. hi· IXABISO

30 -Ifun g elwa im inyaka

25 l"'i, .. I,i ,.k ... anj., t'1~"1II".mbl 01:"0 mI.",... 3.:;· :>." n.. Qo.kobto I. Sih'a 80 •


lkatalogu ye l\lifanekiso NC.6.

kiln." .. n, J,;op' It






Emgwali (SOOW.U.OlfAE.)

IY\'OLA apa e 8ateojioi iaaoa ojala ""e1.ioye lodawo kubooak.la uku­

ba iyonalr.alila kuba ukutya akukula. oga loloko kwetDlt emaotioi, k"'e~ioye tU"l:inyila aau.te kole nlil:qatllol ye· gdlala. kuko itemba ooko kuba UD110'

~01i lItIoutyelwa k'l'f'ol.iwll illl;!} " Ngombl. we HI kwemiyo k.uo~uluke

amakoaikui an~abablolokazl elllyaku. hamael. i ... mele zombooa kumaotyi Eogcobo kooy" nabaoe gusha ukuya. k.amkela imtli yoboya ekut.ahw. ogll RulutDeot.e. Loma bakala aya· bolelelr.a O~dUl(Dbi eli lombona "ob. iodIal. ibiwllog"o"le uml.i.

o liDO H St.o61e ael .. u.kunduluka ukuainp e K'lIufeni eblal. e Bbai ngo A,pri.llo_ U Nko.k. D, Paaba wodumo \wue YJanyana uboyi1e ukuvela eka , ytOl e TUl&ra ogotyelelo kub~ali.

Imfundo Mhlel:, lifO" Mtet4!lli." N KOS[,-Kauodlvumele ngeDdawaoa

6pe~OI I.ko keudaole abemba· Iwa. Nditaoda ukucel. Imfuodl uko. wetu etUDoyama ukuba title t;lalbuule kobeluogu ukuba Imfundo leya babe· 'Itombl86 ogayo Iploa. AtIYlboni, .il.Ole . ailln .. ye litanda ukufuodila abantwaoa betu Imfundo e"a.., ileyo Imfuodo eeisaYlbooayo. ue " yiol' kwavo yile, ogokwehtuba lakaloku kutlwa yeyeminyaka I'mltatu batl ke booa abantn bayo oxa beyit.eketiaa. yi tblrd year. Yile ndawo ke odlti ode· ojenje nkut.eta, kuba u Mtanhi Afrika wonke utwele leoto. Bekungaaeko cebo limhi oa manene akowetu IlOge· Ol.wayo ngapandle kwezior wadi zlogo· ma·Tra.e kutiwi\ ukutt,ketilwa zi Matrie malunga Dem(undo, Niqoode kakuble maoene eyona oto ndlt.eta ogayo yimfundo yokufundiaa iotaapo. Umbla we 17 Marcb awueokute uli.

f1ateke e \ljanyana una iqela Ie Spe. Bona tennis club lalApa e Mgwali lira. Ealt Loodon. kudlala nempi yakonDo_ Umdlalo we·

S. MOf"ou.

• 1.aliawa eekunku beta ~ 12 .. G lljaoyeoa wanc,nyw.,.-a),1 Clarke·

bury ukutyiwa oge 14 games umdlalo -oodzima oozolileyo upume wonke 1J

1I)aoyaoa kuoye Ilnigolana zawo _ t' Mjaoyaoa wabopa ugoluhlobo :\ba Moumuoa Sotyato (captain ), D Pasha , W. Ndwta, !of u. Ndibo0A"0 . Abougi O. T.,Ndube. t:. NkoD~'e-oi , H. X~aogalal.e. Siboto, A, Zibi , G Mdlatu.

Clarkebury. aba Num . W. llaoco ·{'apt.a.io) J, B. SopaDgis. , H E. Mabla5ela (B,A.) P. P. Thu. J. Dlwati.

A reflector 2011 incbel in diameter ia beiog made for a ne" te!etlcope to be iOltalled io Ca.lifornia. In pouring the moitt"o gl"", forty tons of it, ioto tbe mould certain corea of the mould broke 10086 aod floated to tbe lurfaoe of tbe molten gl.118 . It. will take 11 montb. for tbe gla88 to cool and rtl­vt'al wbether tbe misbap has caund a permaoeot d",fect, It "ill take tbree yearl to griod the mirror.

Kangtkl kumhlati u:t8ibin~ I ~' Mdoodolo, Puza nama koaanna ( •. ~t1abati (B A). A N. Mahlasela. Pakati Ir.wababak@'1i abaoiol.i siba· £1. lola aba Luogieeleli Nduogaue 00

~ Coojwa. Emva komdlalo ]iodweodwe na ~ t;ilungiselelwe e Nurse. Home u captain

wa.cela u Mia. Nduogane ukuba eoze


Morn amazi ombulelo oawe Dkutal.o; wa·

1I .... ..a Qoo4I_1lAaDd

8.8.&.. OEM. RUDGB and ct_ .a"" of 0,01_ a~ aU pri_.

Cull or ref ... at £1 per mooti!.

CH"'~"'~IE BROS •• n JOUlla"T ltTaan

welln ngobuciko obukulu e8ingebu· cau apa, ue captaio ye udweorlwe yawa macla kwavala u llou, J. Dlwati n~obu gei"" bent.eto. Zan~e-oa ke rona It;i muncumuncu t;aae Mja. Dyana kwalibaleka nokuba ogumzi wetigulana yoowatyiawa impi ogemi. dlalo yalle bU80ku ukweojeDje sibult'la abe fundiei balltl Mjlmyana olO!oku

,. ••. __ •• , ...... w ..... 8 ... "",_" wUl.imelia umdlalo nje ogoke u \tou. OJII 0.'" POIIt 011 .. ) IOIlANN"E88URO, Dlwati aeletabilo uhlaoga loya huya

1. _______________ "1 tooke iremente kuyafooeka zil'elelwe.




£4 . 17 . 6

BROTHERS LIMITED. IlIS!/1( I"d P 'l/ 1 CH4 ~ ,:) s rfjfE r ~, J01HNNESBURC:

And It PRETORIA, PO r i:HUH,I?;,o 1l. erNO.,! I n;} KROOfl/ j r~D. ~mJ M.4CKAt 8R()$, I tld McMArlV ~ all, !I~~~.¥ I (ld ~fARlrl(lU'9,

12 O1l1'£lBLl WA BANTU. JOIl.A.NNB8BUBG. 31sT MARCH, 19'34.

Kimberley Notes And News Rugby Season Arrangements.

iRE Griqualand Weat Banta Rugby Onion held its fint meeting of the

II!' ~n la8t Tuesday enDing at the wust headquarters. )Ir. J. Q'lfl!sba pc ~ided and thc' Bet retary fead la~t •• ar's report. He stressed the flKt ~hat there had been too many appeals t. the Unioo. and r riticised the habit o some players of dictating to the .riOtere!. The {" nieD bad been greatly iccebted to Mr. J. Molebe who had 11~ Dt the Humrhry shield to l,e com­pded for by the schools. The Red Raglea second team wae t o be con­g'atulated OD ita achic'-ement in 'i1nl. oiog tbe sectioDal trophiee. A !="eat 10le wae 8ustaioed by the deaths Ol Mr . H. Matyalana. president and ff' a der of thu, COiOD. and of Mr. J. L-koko of the H olmes. The income fo~ the year was tJ 2 l~e. Sd. witb a.: expenditure of n o 38. Id. A ne .... '~ .. m ..... s then introduced by :\I,r , R. P'utje, t1.e Hungry Lions Rugby Cl-:::b.

~. P. \ 'eSlle!s, speaking at. t b, m. t:nt 1l0n.'Europcan meeting bere 3(1.<d " If you young people would interest. younelns in your national ccnoeroa and associations iD.9tead of drifting afar and coming to U!i when in 1ifficulty you 'Would get on better. "

Yr. J.!'II . Mnboko of the Griqua· la.ld West Dancing Club, el.-pres8es blS determin.tion to iropro.e the standard of dancing in Kimberley . T~t' club has lit present 2::; members . T~ officials are.- President Mr. E. Bright, Cbairman Mr. G. Seeing.

'I'reaeurer MIS. E L. Sabat a, Secretary of M. Mabok.o .

An additional member of the st.aff 01 the Lyndhurst Secondary School, ... Mr. T. Motabumi, who formerly ,) tudied at the Perseverance Training School. He b.e been principal of • otehool in Betblebem , where bil excel. tent &OCial eer.ice i.e still remembered. There is stery likelihood that he will Jtart the Path6nder monment at , h Ja eecondary Ichool.

_-\iI a feeult of being knocked down y a ta'\i l&8t Friday in front of the

Bantu Han Abraham Malgas was nm:,oved to the Kimberley H08pibl. He suffered injurie. 00 his knees,

tjboulder and head . At the se~ ond meeting of the

Olympio Rogby l1ub held at lbdalane 'l, t l!e following were elected olficials - Mr . J. (~wesha , treasurer ; Mr. Joe Sol. Legodi, chairman Mr. Martin Phaia, secretary :tIr. S. Bills lfal(>y will be captain of tbe first 'f.-am, and Mr. '\Ioroum S, Babana V'ct'.captain.

Un Eaet('f :I!ooday the following fr-end ly rugb:-.. matches will be ataged' HolmH \'8, Hungry Lions on Holmu ;l!:rouod; Red Ea!;!'lel'l VI. Zebras 00 the ­I.uer'a ground 1n the en'niog. MI'adam81 G. :\fadalane and B. April bave arranged for a dance In the Bantu Hall wiH, mU3ic of the Home

8w6110", Band.

• Tbis Week's Cricket


\. D[\'bIO'X,

)tie' t .. h \":!I. n .. t:·il("!l~Ul.l .tu; far <I~ .. ,J, 'a. t',mn, 0.\ .1111 !:'. :\fell.w \ ."to.ne ~f'("(t.k~ !'ti _ Will, '"'. W .. U ·an·l. n-to I n>~n~ .-•. Hrotherl «iI, l),o~p , ... IIi'! P'

·n DI\ ;IO~,

liu \ He." HIli ".\ 'UD:uer r l ... k\-aJ',,.:i>I ILl r: t'r •• ~ ; 1:lIIo·t'ont If' ~--t,,~".\ nlt.oo.L..:. 'A Irul.alll"":. ,­Will .... ".\ !~.J t " ..... p"M , .. RAndfc-o. ~m ·'n' l (.In~tlt.1 '( , .. R;>III" \'-,okr 'Roooet Rlll.D11,oQ n £: ate 'C , Vrietl al


~.t~he. are p \~ 11 :b,' Ii­~t tla.rne<l, •

Highlander's F.C. Record

Mr. D. R. Twala's 1933 Report

THE following is the annual report of tbe Highlanders Football Club

as submitted by the H on, Se('y, Mr D. R. Twala.

"As you may remember from my closing r-emarks in our last year" report in coonection l'ritb the question of affili ation , our club decided at ita general meeting last year to affiliate­with t he new Association, the Johan· oesburg African Football Asaociation, owing to the change of policy of the J B.F.A.--our mother Association. Our thanks are due to Mes!f'!. Modibedi . G. Nehee and )le~eJ8 Denalane and H. Kumalo of t he Pure Vuur, who gave of their be~t to see tbat the Bantu Sporta Club iround, were maintained for the UBe of K.ti"e Recreation , el"en at the e::s:pense of losing our friendly connections with tbe J .B.F.A.

Won tbe Umtele li Cup 'The year 1933 has been one of

importance. In the Saturday League competitions it was Iclt to the Eastern Transl"aal Koodoos F.C. to spoil our unbeateao record and at a day wben our patron Mr. H D. Bowker was present to see us play ! At lOY rate we got the highest point<l in tbe Saturday League aud were t herefore awarded tbe "Umteteli Cup" our 6rst trophy !!.inee our inception a, a Club. Our Captain Joe Chiloane is to be congratulated in le.ding us on to tbis. In the Knock·Out competitioo,," we f&iled to&ecnre tbe beautiful Y F.P. Trophy throngh a narro .. defe.t from the Ale::s:andra F.C. The be9t mat b of the se.SOD and one in whkh we were said to have played exceptionally .... "9:1, was the fi nal of tbe a!>Sod.tion (hampionship tUp. Our opponents the Elenon E::s:perienr-e f.C. were fortunate to snatch the trophy Irom us, from all aspects of the g.me and in goals we were tbs prospectiu winners . Last year we p layed several fr'endly games With the O~'ean Swal. lowe of Benoni whieh we \von.

In our association matcbes we had two nr tbree players wllo did us ,el\' great (- red it, especially nt Bloemfon­tein.

La.st year we had 14 members play· ing acti.ely for t Le Sat.urday tea:n and 1 ~ membets wbo pla~'ed for our Sunday League team-tbe Rign· landeu •. A ". Thia new hraolh of our club helped to e"alt tbe name of the Higblandeu by winning tbe Haggie, Son and Lol"e Trophy of the third division. We ~'ongratulate t bem.

Our gratitude is due to our patron, Mr H. D. Bowker, wbo presented us witb two new balla laat af:'a3(ln. It i!> perhaps through t bia gift tha t we were able to practise (OntiDualh- and Hentually won the two tropbies_ )Ir. Ballinger a lso one of our pat roDS. is to be thanked for tbe intere!>t he hu taken in tbe growtb of our team_

In ~ onclusion I wish to thank 1111 members of our two team! for the good work done laet yenr

• Colonel Stallerd'~ manifesto on tile

:-:tat,l~ BJlts is taken as indi. ating that tbere ",ill be sear.-llinc in\·e,ticat.M of e\·er.l· a~pe(t of them and that ellorti1 w;]1 be made to ~afeguard all tb.lt is .ital in t) ,e Commonwealib ,'OnDe,tion, De Bnrj;.!er ""I!S tbe Bill'l &a • ontlrmlDC tbe r;gbt (,f tbe l"nkn to .enore tbE' King alto!!,E'tht'f nn. ~r -erb.in, iI. umstan, -3_

Big Matches At B. S. Club

Easter Holiday Programme

TH E Bantu Sport3 Club will be onl'e more tbe l"enue of football adlV,·

hea tb ... season. .\s a (-urtam miser to what promIses t o be t he brigbtest. of I SO{" er ee8sons tbe ('bief draw at the Club I!founds on Easter Monday, Apr,1 :.!, will be an iuter·dlstrid mat~,b between tbe WltwatflI8rand D!stri, t African Football Anodation and the ,Job annes burg African Foot · ball A88o.-iation at 4 p.m . Tbese two ASIIO('iationB ha.e been keen ri\"ll-Ie laat year ba dng played two draws in the Heno, hsberg Inter· District Cup, Ne:ct :,\10ndav. the WItwatersrand ~o('c(' r fane w·iII be full c.f esdt ement Sln('C both dlstri(t teams are said to be admirable el:poneota of tbe finer pbasee of t be game. Kotable players like "Joko Tea, " " Kwembe " and .• Long and Short" from the \Vita ' .id" will meet equally brilliant e::s:ponenta su(' h as " Jika ." •. PeriloDe ," .. Wily.liou " and •. merl'ury·footed Sel'o ". Theee names 'Will ensure plenty of e:ccitement.

Tbe Bergville Lion~, of J.B.F.A repute. will meet the Hungry Lions­onC' of Xigel's eta r teams The Russell Ran!l:en are tbe cream of the West Rand , a nd tbeir encounter with the Highlanders F.C. , holdere of tbe Saturday League trophy will Browe p:rea t interest among IIO('cer fans . Thia ie the first timB a t.eem of tbe Weilt Rand bar! h"d the opportunity of playin,:! at the " Bantu Wanderers. " Thitl will gi"e tbe Jobannesbnrp: pUbliC' t heir firat test of West Rand football This match will bc staged ai 3 III pUl.

Tennis H"9iuee eocct'C there will be a keen

cont eo;.t at tbe Club tenois courte betwel'n tbe Clu n tennia teami'! and the stuucnt .. of Kilnerton lnstitution. Pretona. n le followio.;: have beef) cboti,·n to represent the Club team :­R Snl"WAn .. J. Rbengu , W. Mdlana, A. '\hzungunyeka, J. Oliphant , F. Mpbahlell"

• _-\ ~e-f\-ice. in mf'morl" of H.e late

)Iu Dcrh J )lAimane,' W8!I held in the R:\Ddfontein cemeteryll9t Sunday. Among tbo~'" in attpndance wpre )Iu. H P . )Iadibane. )liase9 B. Thema , M. ~Iarumo. M. Julius. Meal!te A. MoJ.:ooanll, J . P. Seslanyane, p, H. and J . B, Maimane.



Lef~ : .-\.. E. Magaba who wlllleacl th" Union R F C. ill their frieodlv p:ame to be played at Capetown 00 Easter )lonuay; Ind right_ C. Macaos a member of tbe te am . who plaV1i ID

tbe pi vota l po8ltion. .

Durban And District A. Football Association

FIXTURES. Saturday Mareh 31.

A [)" I~IV.

('aUie. , \-iclori.n~. ~o.;!.t 3.$,> •• -\.,. •. 1&, V Mount B1ue_. ~o.. I .t ;), 1';: Ot}'lJ)ri~~ n,unt . k,,('h~T1I .od H epburn. 'to. ~ at :~~,~ Pirnti'>I \' (ke.n /iiwallowa. Ad&ro,. It ~ 3(l Good Hop('~' \'", !lows. i\olount F.<I2''<:"o.:: bi {It :1.30. CanooD' , t'coliof'<l. CJobieocoo a' 3.30 p,m.

Zulu l{o.\nJq ,·Il. H. Ti,llc'"" :-'-0. l.t ~.I;' ',Ir." "" l't(,·I., li un.:-ry ("r, r ,1,1., :\~;:.: ~.l'; p_",.

Monday. April 2. A_ Dl\I~IO,',

1I0.llnt Blue_, C.Uil'~. ~n. I at F'I Hun\ LeuI'hen and BepLulll ~ r.lbew :-,., at 1;!_ 4U . \'u'tnr,.n, ,. AOM";:lIIi~:\'Q. I.t I.~, Ol)ropi.·~ .. \-,etoriao. :\0.. I !It ~ P.4\ .• B,,-, " H unt . Leud'E'r~ lind Bc~·bu tIl. So. I ,,' 3.2(1; A.-e~ .. ,. ,- OI"' ''1'i" •. :So. :I at ,. C<)odor~ , \\iI\o ..... Oht.o":,, .t ~. Wil, Z, brl!' , .. X.tlll (·,,_nnon., OhlaD" ~t:, .'t. ~brH)tmg st .... ,- R"'nbo ... ~. Ad.m.$ at I, a,,.,. Ra,tloo ..... , ~w .. Jlow~. AdlllDl.' at I ~ 41 P,rat E" \' ~h(><,t'o..: );Ia",," Au. a ... lit 3_20.

B, J)n.I~IOX.

B,.rnin!:' hre,' Gold .. n !'tcr.o. .\.daCli a II :.!u" JII.; H'ino: ""il,.:,, ,- R orne O'-.... tld~1'> _\dam· III';: H"D~e", ,. Zul" R ,,\ .1. .. Durbal:. S • I . • - o. ~. 0 a.m. B.Il. 11~'" ' HUll!:'" ('rO<'od"E'~, Durl,,,n at :\n.:1 II! an. Brit .. t SIl'~I_ "1"1,, R"'lIIl., n ".b!l u,-,t X, •. ! 1 .'1' Jlun ~n l .... ,...0(1)I. ·8 , Han"r- ..... n ... bne 4 Xo.:\ I. ;:". BritJ·h !'it" .. I. B. n . T,,,~r_ D urbll!l II' ~o. :.! :I.~",

Yayi PeIeIwe Ligazi, Ibityile Ibutataka, Ngoku Intle, Ipilile Y omelele

Ukuguqulwa kwe Ntombi okweza Dge Dr. William,' PiDk Pills . lut .. J -,i .'"'' Bo~ W8re IlIr"aiyE'

""maoa OJ ·"·Ie,·o.· kutAAo u·:\ko.<k. flepr'·Il.~t.Jt; "'8Jot II:! Infirmary Hoad, ~hf'n ... ld. k'"rah .. nj~ L."m<vI"l'(Il! ore mtRhIl.

"Ware butata •• , emblope ebl­lyole, nlalo lonke huha .n ... ti unlodlnw,,-o, Hlllakulandi uku 11 •. Wa,-e 101.0 ekaln. nEe nllo · ko ebuhlun,u.

,. X8 IIInka ~k., .. epum .. e~I.ol~Q' ..... , •. ol:E'n.I,() uk"dlal.. ,,-b(t.oye .beol .... II •. \lIl.v-~I ... m,(t.l.JnJ.; ... an~· .. n2.-Jpka ol.okub8

anga\.' D"J.',~·a uiliolf'ni. Ii .... "e k ... ablllka. 1,in"i ,I".b.ln ilOtl'ind,,,,, .-I<8ya kuLa ,-""la.

· · !.t·oto i.,,,h,,J.., ok,,-,-'O,n, aka. :--11:,. Iw. fl4lrl> o .... t, uli.ala.w~ ,'jotgwdo-~aLl. l'a. ,,«(I, 'I'COOIJ "-'tf"'~111 "lUI\8 cok"L,,"r>a ra nllll,a., ~·f8. I,: .. ,:lw. kon1<1' oko "kwab ·,naks. h n uk "I" t(l" " n,)..-

.. \g1'n~'e 1.1 J n.'a iun.l" hr' 1'~'1'8 t,·

n<lat." oW Dr. WJIIi"",,- Pink Pille, od~ nql~",I. ukul.oa odJ'; liogt. :oiaqailll m'.'" nm,i<" I'to. p,Io., \I lkou. k"'(t.t, pakatl k.~ Dt..o ui<U eIUl,Io"h,·. • ... fu" ... oi ... umalouk.­kuye. ,,"aq.'" ukuh ft ojl.kllmbi, r>eI.ka "-,:l'IlIko ,like .' a , 1II"a.

., ~man •• i"",ik" I'lir'li~!. Ull'e 11:'''' ' l n~, ... ",nlu' , ,,,,hi,, .. \ .... pin~uulJta....aata 'w" JIltloko. eb"hhoojlu won",iela I' ..... ti.:l'.

""',unh. inlombi 1anl ladIe­n 7.lae ,mbodll'la ninland.tll ZI! Dr Will am. ' t'lni< Pit.. 10~. Ipile e,,·.kll. '

I"'pum" .. ,0 yonkl' IOllt.o od! ~ "'\JI, ... be njrt'''''''III .... l..iJIo. l·ku'.nrI .. I~.~·" oo'ni IOlomb""m il~'IOlok'l i_£"I. llJ cntl.· kIIIl.:ulu. nllollull." uJ ..... bumi 00>' ~ lE'n"n",I", "bud.l., mto""I" ~'ntJ<o, 001; "0 In)..o JJdJ .1"" .. ,. kwi/ihlotlo &1111" I D Will, .. ",.' "lUk l'iJI_.

"'1'''0 ""J._ ,kwaiun. ,oe~·a ","' ... /lk"' ...... k" III ' i I). Willi .. ",.' l'Juk Pill, .bo}iaI .·mj "wen! toll· ,MombJ el.,z<1IC olin zd" .. t • .,..-a k,.J."pal,/I,eb "t nh""·I(,.~". Ji.o .... !. III" I." ,eh· a . kokuL". '''I'U'''( ~,18nd('la UkU"'I"t.,t"·nLI,,,wlI I,.WI' Or. \\,Jliarn.· P,nt 1-' ,u"ummao~ .. I, ODiI~n.ku 1,;, ·-I;a 1t.lllla :\:.I(Ok91"I'·/lI' u";za'" a".~"f' kakulu No"

'zil;lII rho Wil·.m8· f' 01. "ill OZ,d.<i8 i. ; ,·ht~h. I'li,_, .. I,jl, 0 ,e ~li,ul . I 'a IJAI " II mUllaJ d I" '11'0" like U' _ ~11 loa.

K, n@'~1. i;:'_ el.a 1.: ... , ,~,t· .. -e ')'1:<071. kOoh.a ,,"kwm"'.mtoo ,·Luuta ..... "J..ur~I.1 . 'n:l:'~' " .U!IIJ.t ... be o .• at.' _e tllIy.pm. ,lIk.,./.<) et..nrwa lip" dihl"'('lJlpu ;ekiJio, Dr WIlham. Plllk P,Ua. ".' .r:.a."hn~.!lJ Uonk,' ono.vtllkil, '''',-11 ,t .. o~. mJ,I.a\l!llbt- r

n \\ DJ ~t ...... ....,C £'.0, <) .o...(·ap"Torn;:J..:k\"bvtJltfClIII DboP"'"


Tsa Kroonstad (It» MoSUOLLI OA RONA)

Sb:ca \B.l8C tb:1bile habolo bo utloa boro 8~ko lo etl. phirim .sa. ho tbus.

uasobotlli ee tl. q.leba. kn kbocl i ea -.\le6a. J.,..le mona baahi b. leboha mo:!Cb~t<oi oa L~kgotl" Itt ndt.1. Ie mnkbooa,

\[oJhllo:21 Hliokllb61e e be 0 Ie tsatlli la rap,)r"t..> " .. ,ukolo sa Rom .. b'lkeng II' ",.,Iem. I ~a f,,~L\eug 'me b:Lt~oaJi bit nt, b.l till., 1.;:1 bOllgda eaita Ie metaoi\­Ile e hog.Mr. Ie &Irs. W. \hle9 01\

IIck:)lo~.\ C,.iro) . Ntlo l'a 'mko lo a oe e tiet'J'! b Itiololi ba bll.u~. llorena BISI:np) l\ oldie l:Iotulo, h!l.cle . m"m p:tli \lr II r. Phi~ki(>!to Ie leng 1(' m~hla­b<lllllo a bee, 'me hsholo ro ka bolda A O)lDb~. .-\ Ch,k,loc, J. Rib'l I'J m \fulD .h It~Dl) E!izn.hJ~h ' llkgotbi, )J n )O'4"er. M D 'ln~. Sloaie _'l"ieoyatle, Id" .\bh ,pi I" h,1 blng_ \fr. JoJho M II'Jo1" , 8l1th" i:I~ eckolo kOllli~i • b"la ftlp)r ot..) ('1 Ii..:belete He f"t\n~ £100 tn ecb3 l i~itiocog m J3Cb~t~iag oa bana b:L ffil-Afrika. A t90ela 1ft. Mu~bl. bolc1in m e861"etii c 1 b"iwla et bo ,iolters bs Notre D"me hu'a lDotse. Sebn i eo, hl.losa hore eo tla emela ~kolo a sa tbcl..osele Ie hojll m!\rll a em, k!l Iin40. 8"lI:olo sena sa KdhoJlike h\ ee thulloe ke 'muep l la amp" Ie hI. bo 10 jOllo eo hoela pJle h'l.'lt-le. P~lo 04 b\n" 16 liticbere 0

ot!a 6 ell:etteh'. Liblablobong 8e sl·b.,litso ka m!l.khetbe_ Ho bile In p.>ou'o ea lijalo bakeng sa mosebetsi 01' bHh,oyalllL 'me fa khllhloa.

R., hile hap' phuthohong e3 m.fu­mlib,li a B:foovoleot ~iety k. di :!3 Hlakut,ele. 80 no bo huo. Mofu­m.ha.li lIulmo bakeog ea kholi80 c. bana.

Mr_ Titu, llelk, ' mampoJi 0& aekolo sa Kop\Qo, D jalaeville O.F.S. 0 khu t1et&& bae. bits. Alioa Meb.lo 0 III

itse ",,10 bo la Gaudons k. mabaka • b~hlok<) banenl\:. Mr. D~oiel Matacpe Ie Mr_ P .. ul S. Mlletao.oo 100 hona ba­blaQk'lQ~ b!l. kileog ha 'na ba t ll 'ooogoa ke maloetee, 'me ok. hoja leseJi 10 tl. blaba.

Haeeo alooa e tla ba mekeu, e me­holo ka \"6b1 eona ena ea Paaeka Baona ba bang ha entStl mckete oa Iikolobet.to 'me ho tloha L.'l-booe ba ho boroko a lipio. fed. t!Ia Paeek •. Rev. Stephen I. Met!ling, mookameli 010 Leaotbo Ie Forci&ctat.a. 0 sa tbeobile bo ea Ma.agauot k. moeebetli oa l' rcsbyt.eriaa Cburch ell Africa. Hape ro t&ebieoa ke motjoli 0 nlobolo, Biebop JobnllOn Mtooze oa " Inde­pendent I. C. U. Churoh ell South Africa" bore kopano 0 khnlo ka Paaeta. Rt_ R ev_ Bi!hop Caswell Lengoabala OIl oa Zion 0 bolela mohto likolobeteo; ke otloa bore bo tla oa likhomo_ Mr_ Peter MOIe8 Mtombu oa Sah .. th. Chaohi 0 i1a ha KoakoatIJi. Re\"_ P Kbeea 0 tla ba Ie hac. '\Iamutaoaoe eka boja II tla kl' a 00010

){etolnng bo ea bahloa ke moea, 'mo o tla klt.hlanyetea MaaUlr Rdgar Palm&r • ... ote maaoe Thaba-TII'neu, e be m06ti oa Mr. 10 Mra. Gabriel Dipboko.

- . R~ tMta uUoa It, mall(labi II mabolo

It·fu la elGong oa Iibolokom.ne ts. I"kesbena eleog mofu John ~tota ~Iit& &0 b. b.bo e neng cle Maugauog.

\lofu 1'1 na tsejoa ka III Tbaba.N<,bu. \lr~_ Rfw.one M Mol{'tc 0 thoobile ho "halkla Gaudt'o~ 0 8ds€' 'm'M! mouo ka bobl"ko ba nlloanabo.

K. dl 22 R1akuhelo e hill) mokeoUo Oil. Iipilla t~. hana ba sekolo IIIl AO­P~DO. C ,mmuoity H,II. ebile ho no­ho. nJtlroto toa ef'l('mo ea sekolo. Xtlo .. n-\ 6 tlehe ebile bo tI'08neleha II" ho tb", ke 86"010 sa Kopano 116 n,\nllt I .. p~lo ea b.na ba fetang kete t.tt p.otll K"jeoo fe utica hare 'm.­~~pl.la () tl. b'ha SMnod!tory Scbool, moo h'1 th roto .. Std, Vln Ie thaka e lebl"'"j{ "!l{'tricul.tion.' Mr. F. :\J.O('fIUle Ie ha hang b& biota'i liblopha Ha ~d."'{tlo.


T sa i ouis T ricbardt (KE B. L, S.)

LEKHOTLA la balemi ba ha Seotbumule Ie ile la lull. Seothu­

mule Scbool ka I. 24 March, ' Me mOllbetlli 0 butsoe ka thalHl]O ke Mr. E Raogata kll. ho kopjoa ke molula­eetulo, Mr . .s. Ram8ite. Kamor'. beDa ooolola ~(ltulo 0 ile a kopa roo-­ogoli, Mr. B L, Supol i h"rt.'R hale t,aa pbutht'bo e fetlieog; ealla tah. h fo· mauoa la loklle. JOllie rnoluhl.·setulo o ile • bull. IDuS 'belSi Ii:a thuto em ml)to toll. melato bo batho. A re rona B ,b~td'O re nka mollto ho fda t~kanyo 'me e tie (; re blole ho 0 pI. t,,],; " ro b ,hoI J m .tl c heft~ a Iikolo. Ho tJoeloog pele h~ hae a re ntbo ena o lie e Ie tem"'" t"a. eechaba, a elete. boro re t~")tmer.~e bore re boloka ho honyeoyane m., putioog oa rona. A re qu~llong kit bore b. motho a eaboa leruo I" hao Ie okoa ke bloO. n"ng Ie md"to Ie bona. 'me bl\na ba sale feela. A eletsa boro ba motho a nka molAto a mpe fl nlr.e otho 0 t1a mo huaelets •.

Kamora t.9ona bo ile ha buiaanol k. morero oa bo batlola likbomo phulo. 'Me Mr . Ma~kel. a ema a blalo!a 10.,,1'000 • kileng a buiean8. Ie mong Il polasi e hau6. a hlaloea ketoOO a ileng a pbetha Ie raokulikae eo; 'me taba 003 0 ile ea tb.jeloa. habolo ke litbo tsa lekbotla. T.ba e late lang e ile e.ba ea bo romeloa hI. t,. bo lema, 'me ha pbethoa ka bore moogoli o tI'oaoetse horo a bonane Ie Komi.bcnue, joaleta ha ho ile ba amobeloa lengoJo Ie tbihelang li­demon8tratorl bore b!to ee ke ha hloll ha romella batho tea bo lema b.aee Komishenll.re. Demonetrakir 8opoJi o ile • hlalo.etaa litho taa lekboU!to mabapi Ie Iipeilo tea halemi , a hl.lou. melemo ea tiona 10 k. moo Ii k. qho­joaog kaoong; 'me tab. en. e. tlateoe. ke ba bang. Ha photboa ka bore e tla tlatso. lemong aooa aena. 'Me bo qel:elotllOe ka ho blablojoa ba huh ea ebelelt', ell fumanoa e phethehile. Mo· rero on. 0 maholohali 0 ile oa koalol ka thap·lo ke moiula-80tuto.

Botiung ba Labohl.no 23 HI.kuhe16 mooa mot.aeog oa Kokopole h. ho na 6!10 ileog a robala , e ne e Ie Iipina tel) bana ha aekolo. Ho 0 0 ho bioa ba Kok" p.,le ~obool Ie b, Lemaoa Trainiog Inetitute. aetuloog e Ie Mr. C. Tlllkula, tiC her. e. Khottoma. SchooL Che, 0 ile ea eba Iltho e otle ho utlna b'oa ha hioa Ie li-ltudenWl. ba bioI. bo Ie monate b06hla hoaiu bo ....

Mona re bona barutoan. b. Lemana Institute, h!too m"biteo a boo. eleog ana : Mt:>lWIrl S. Mnlt:>po, T . MAotbata, 8. Mokolitoa, J Fambe, K . Molah6 Ie G. Sl'rakoll.na Ie Mafumabatsloa M. M. R.mpbele, M. Legodi, C. Maaekola, F _ MMtllte11l. Ie D,roaa Muela, boble ba tlilo ja liholetei koano.

Mona ho eoa bonahala bore teoelopele e ea tla, bana b. mabitAo I ka tlue b. keoetelll litbuto tell. Juoior CertiS· oate bo Meura 8 Ramaite, C. Tlakola, A. Radali, C. Rad.li , J. Mpbelo Ie B. L . Sopoli.

• Tsa Senekal


SANA Ie ba h"lileng ba nh~ ba falll'la f"UI 'f"ng Ie holilDo ka boo

ngata ; 'me bo t~oa boela ho buloko. emong o. ban", ha lK'kolo Alice MoJj! 11.

Q.lehQCROa kboeli ea 'Meaa, Mr. B. J. Steenk"mp (L')catioo ~uperintecd­ent) Itl' bona a tlang bo etaa piteo ea kbetho ea litho tse Dcha aelemoog I18nl tsa Advii,')fV 8.,ard, Let .... tlli Ie n6 Ie bof<tM' Ie l'me, joaog Ie lijalonyaoa Ii 16 Ii snabi1e; poll. e tina ua h.pe bo tloha Sondaba &e fl'tileDg.

Relf'monll: Sf'n. bo- ralipboofolo ba haolJ-t.ta h" ehlile fUTU, re bona Ie han. b, 8,·10.'110 lIa Kopaoo ba hoke­let~e Illnitl-miti tel fUfU eo ha e ehai­leng te'im1111l ea !MIkolo. R~v P_ Tlllillyaoe 0 ile J"hannell_

burg, k,p \D"n~ e. baruti ba Apoekltlo F.ill b Auemhly.

T sa Steynsrust . loaleka hI Ie t~ebl b, .0-' oalLo ea ) [ariba e lib-iii". (l'ba h. 0 ~ a limo­loba 100khoa mo::a 8ao('J Sportl Club bakeng sa bo mha 8en'l.-:l. Hona ka­

MR. S. E. l)bebo 0 re ke Ithale a jeno lona ho bapal.lic.e~m t':(t wjolng lahlahet80e ke ngoaoabo ca t&6- tlIa mooa 'me mtthaka (' Itetili lifuba

joang ka bitllO lena Johoeon Maolt.ay. horo ho e~oa ,elemo h. tla be p-lia ho Ea ka mo taebang a romelle lehlteO I shoa 10 bo phela, Ha re u bua letbo ta. bac mooa 0 tla putsoa. I..a tsatsi I. r:","te-r '1011,j.\V mobla ho

Ea teng mona ke lln. ~Iotleleog, 0 I tla Lo bo Kopane Wiiwatl'r~raod chaketse baoa ba hae. Yr. J. Tlllh 0 District Africao football .\8l1Odation taebi~a hape .reisiei ea lipere t' tla hi\. Ie Johaonlll'hml; .-\fn.,'an Fcothall As­Ita h 2 Apnl. ~e. thah~ h~ bon~ lociation. ho till 'lhoroa ~ ~!}Ie. 1'00-

· cafe e& M~ S, ~o~lb l e rekls& ilphablo lehtmaoe ere ha.i [llh3'to :,a penye. ~pe .. Lmku h ell shoa. haholo moou 1 Ba Silo tlo iioydla ta '1& b .. ba lah le_ hpolaslng. Ea tenlO!: mooa ke ~ofu- bel80e ke 1'0, nyab 0 cnholo. Leele mahali Ollo tichf're lIo~hi Ea bllt'ng la seholCl Ie re 'p"I. t' o~ 1,loJke mohl­teng mooa ha Mr. Ie \Irs. S T'W~u .ke 1.1. ke bo rOlIl~I~[~a. Mr. J Tyelelf', Jefroll ~IN. Ahce M~koa 0 tl. ba. IA kapeso tol) b"8ali ba marapelo kl& Ii 31 MI&rcb ; bo tla h~ Ie locial ea ma guild ka Ii i April kcrekeng ea lletbodist.

Re bona lip$.pali he monate tsa lehe Ie ha mahellyanl) . .... kileog a fota mona ka Rev M.khema o. Kl'reke e. A M E.

Tichore E Nt aote 0 tsoerc ka matla mokhatlo oa i'lluopataela. E t1a ba Belallo ea Morena kerekeng ea D.R.M. ka Ii I April. }:a theohileog ho ea Edenville kit :Mrs. Sokaleli. Ea cha­ketseng Senekal ke Mr Nkhatho U.eiu.

Re booa horofo feela mona h.neng e!ita Ie ho batho h. babolo emp."che baooa ba motee hI. ot8tl ba b.tla IObl.re. Ea theohileog ho ea Gauteng ke Mra. Mitta Mokoteli .

Bosiu ho ntee bo ea mona )Iatloa­nUoane, batbo h. thabet9a Umteteli. Pulanyan. 0 kile ea fatatea mooa ka Ii 25.


U ka romela karete oa polO I' nlt0-teoeng ho Chamberlain'. ( Ploy .)

Limited, 232 Sir Lowry Road, Cape Towo, u tla romoUoa koom.n. ea Cbamberl.iO'1 Tahletl ka poso u sa 166806 letho. Ha u ka Ii sebelisa hang feola u lola heba lebaka la ho rawa ha taooa. Li rl'kiaoa Iikem6860g Ie m.­henkeleng hohle.

• Kopano Ea Makbolokoe

K.0PANO ea morena e mobolo o. Kholokoe eo eleng Morena

uteitea. L . Moloi e neog e kopane k. Ii 18 Rlakubele, WeaternSati\-o Towosbip, bo 00 ho kopane Makbo· lokoe I mangata habolo a ileng a hua D kopaoo ea morena enol.. Kopano ea lumellan. ka hore eka kbona bo lokisetene leeto la bo ea boo. morena, 'me toltiletso ke hore lekbotla Ie be 10 mokotl. oa loeto leoa. Bare ke maog ea arabelaog lontane Ja morena 1 N. le boo"og kbopoloog taa lona ka kopo eoa. ea morenl ) Re tl. kopaa. h.pe k. Ii 1 ' Meaa, kA bora e. II 311 hoo. ba Mr. Charlel Sekapa. lioloi maaoe, Weetern Native TownBbip.

PBTEK J OA.'iE MOFOII:£~O, 1I0Iula·iletu!0,

Johanoesburg. •

Tsa Kopjes RE bile 16 leru la ha )lr. Daniel

Scholtz, rnoahi 0 moholo oa rnot86 na Koakofltei. Phupu ea h!l(l e ne e 10 tholo. Batho ba ne ba ka fibla bn 300 Ba~ali ba mokhatlo, baruti ha mot~e ba hJ.:eoreke ka mefllta ba I ... t"1\l', MOlebt'tsi 0 000 t'tOProe HO Moruh J. dll Plf'si. na .l;.ert'ke ea Morali. A mo feldH'l'l\ ka maotfloe a r6<1l~ .. Motll.e 0 teog b limo ke mo~e oa pb_himo."

SEOOL"'U R_\ )I' \ :O-£LUI,

• Ea theohill'ng mona Dlaobane ho

ea bao &nekal ka meroronyan. ea ho oa bona ban. Ie emf'ng meaehot~i ko lui 'i'lfatebora mofumJohali na mofu Mr, Olifant oa Seaeb!. Mofum.b.1i eDO.O na ntle a Ie koano mona ka u'ehetao. Re mo lakalet.aa leeto Ie mon.te Ie pbomolo.



Tbe Star Clot bing Depot

50, PresideDt Stred,


),100 Ie ka fumaDaDg li 8uiH t'le ntlt' f.sa

tailor· made tsa SECOND-HAND.

Libaki, Li:a<:.(> Ie Marikg-oe, a bercki.,.icoeng- gose go


Gn a senyeg-t\ poreisi c ko I tla.;e,-'lDe It boloke ma.li . I . pt,."Ut U-:;3.:09.



r'1I ""'" L~J'di' ' .. ,oilien, '--"'" '--' h'~' I, 10/6.

JW DB It 1,'Laln III ""'tbo bft. n.tlo. llahlo .. l.a" .. hl.-bloJ"'" KAK.U .. .\. 'm ... ha 1..0 t",,.,nel .. ha (I _h_ ~~ t'le tlOhBUI( 1;.10 10 Ii. Itli.eoe \I do IIlahloion maMa "ap.-l~. LiS.I_ ke tool!th.ta, Li"Ilt.io· kaea. .. tutaeohlr.

The Selbom. Pharmacy. Z2 1, Cornmi:;;<l\QDtlr '1t., ~o r . End St .•


Hlokomela Chelete ea Hao.

Boloka Chelete Post Office Savings


ea hao Bank.

U ka e boloka hantle teng - eba Ie phaello ha e

ntse ele moo Bankeng-

U ka e~ts'a ka nako eo u

ratang Posong e hau6 Ie


-Mofu Edward Mpe

(Jolla IN'1''JWrl~Q nI b. kr ,. jttll, I!~I.

R~: "' ka ma.u.abi A maholu M r Edw..,.d MpI'! 0 rll t!obet,t. ka ho·

'ut&\oa bo bobolo It.fb"a"·olC lena ho ... oopbelooK bo 81\ Ihl'ltloj;(. I::dw&.rti ~bitt' mohlanka eo. tlbllphobaog. I·: bile tit be""'. moevlUl~t)h t'llo klnt'pbtl' bIoi, e:teo(l: Ibtlela bo b,IofUli b", U It. (,bur,'b: elap. 0 lllobopbl'bile It,) ~tu· loog. .\ tlhlpheh&. Ie IIl'I'baht-'ng flA ha.\'", E. 0 re tlohotllo bo l'tl pbomo. long mOo,) jualll kapa. ka lIt'b,,!.;a tt' \'1\

'haoy-.lla t.enll: bo ea kupa.oa Ie .·t'o.).. U r. ,jile 11." bohloko hu bollolo. I·: bile Ulosebc!leWI t' moholo 01\ D H C. ~ot.tcog Olio Uetbal, .ccliabt'llg ea It"\ Yol 'po. ~bile mlltlio M maUll'le· .tlo.lt ntbo til' kh<)lo t"o, \,?bloko un moklO "" Icfb .... ,.., Iiona. KfI, ~oa ba b" e3 Ia.b\eb .. loa .. ecb!\ba .. ba Moll'J'O fheeltlo etnpa bo lablobotlloe 'fu,QHaal bofhela. 1:10 tf'og batho b8 bao~ bao botumo ba m~l)lt.so a booa 00 In ut.luabaleog ",'c:habeoK, t1mpa ho hlo· komelang ba tla fbomaoa metcbt.'lAi • a booa e fhetitaa It! ea ba. mabit,o a Dl.abolo a tumiloog IMCbabooll:. Bana ke ba juaJeka ~ molhu Edwan\ MI"'('. ED' tM m.,tho II" buO&og bllbolo. Imp. (beela ele motho ea III!bct.lln~ habolo. Ho lehiobooolo ba tiisetlllaog he I~a letnt.ing 110 hofbelo, ba ('t),og ho phomola. meeebetting ea bona b8 )0&10 m-,beui ea bona e ea b" latela. Re ll. le ntlu ea )ir. !I~. eka :'JtoJimo o ka ba tahllli.sa, 0 b& pbulo meoLbo mlblong a booa. Edward obile moUlO .. liIemo toe ka hotimo ho ,tJ :Olio a 'halla klfb.aueng leoa. Che bOJaoe e II mataboe.oyllbo & lefbaa.-te leoa e 01

• • a nt8e e Ie m .tho ea la DtkOg a tiile 'meleng o. bae. Rio re ka pelo UtI bohloko' Robala ba.oU(' mor'a Mpe.

• T sa Bothaville

In-:. t..l th.1,J r. hl .. bt~'t.ng mona bo .. cba.li.elo'l ka. v"ke II letl". ng kll &e\". FAtber Knight 06 Ma.okcag I,· lev Dt. Porteotu oa Rarri .. mitb, aoohm.dli oa Kl'reke ee. Pre~b~·teriaD _ ba BI"""o ba Sooth .\fri:s lUre· bDg eo II De e le moko·le oa aclallo. Ie Re~. F.tber Knight oa Ma.oi..eog. aorotl II moholo 010 kerekll ea Chache ... babate'o. L ne ele mokete oa Be· llno keteUD8 eo. Kaot.le \to mekete .. as e aeog e boilltloe ho 00 bo eoa Ie aokete oa Sel.llo kerekeng ea A.lt:.E. lIoruti Seot.·o e Ill! 0 Ie 1160110 ea llebe· -, MoDa llophato re kile ra eteloa. ke .kolUllo heo,'a pula tee kbolo tae acata tie DII1eng. Poooe, mabelll 10 mekopu 11 Btl li 116 Ii ipbilll mat.1. k.a lao be&. Ii;o. T. mpa taa kopaaa III boaaalim.b.: ba komello. Kajlloo rll 4Je ra fomana IUrotboli a puI" bape. lIaoba bo kila ha SM .. mona Mr. S. lIballe, priocipal ea Met.~iat. Cburch Sebool, \'iIlrfootein. E ttl II kaba 16-

bab •• telele moehemano cooa ea -biteoaog Aubuti Ntabc a ts·oarebilll b mabl.ba. 'Me ba a mO Debe 1(: Ie· 'baka 11& bo pbo lOla. Sa a Olio Ie 116.

-he itokieet4a ho ea aekoloog. ICe ka muoabi a mabolo re blaLI·

• ttang MlChaba la Taung Ie meboallll ba morali oa Mr. III Mrs. rtfal,cas -selepe ea bit.lOang Maria ':\!amatbll Selllpe a blokabetee ka 16 Blakubele .. p&toa ka I j'. ~goaDa CDoa e o!' el~ IIgo&DA oa. Sekolo sa Kapauo mooa One a 8e a kena pbutbcboaoa II bile fI Ie emoog 01' meJ;.hotio ea baoa. Phupung mo~ebetai 0 no 0 te'ON!>(' ke lIorllti Z R Nyokoog oa All thodlllt. Ngoau.a eODa e no e Ie mpho (' kbolo e rat.ehaog ho ba ha Selepe.

Re bile Ie tbabo bo booa Mise Dilo, DUtae aa YaUolane e Ie moeti har'a. lDotle oa \lopbate. 0 De a tble mona b mataelilKl a rakbali'ae ea hlokabe· weng bo na ronoo tr:" teiu tall DRata tlll6 fetilllog. 0 kbu tetee bae ka Maotaba IUOba. Bo bnnabala bore kblltbo ea \i'tho Ua komiti ea IIIkolo II tl. lola b Satertaba 24 Pberekboog. Setbo .., Ie IIIDII; Ie ttl. ba teng komittog La

T/Ji:llta ,.,apenIJ oM hI) qhrttln. .



.\lou~oh oa Twtllteli"

MR~. m~ORG£ ;\t, ~ATEAN}o; oa Car"'ltowo 0 ogola are: Mooghali,­

Bba mOla ho okellyetea mllaoa Qoa ll<lmp1flog IIU IOI:babn. like ke hebl&e bab&lO 1.;" mokllto Otll oamaoll ell pho· Joaoa ° Doug o,le ,mo~a hat·1tO Kapa oa kamotu'lo &a Prtore, 1310 &ekll ba taoy'a ban;, ba HalOtbo oa booa' }o~1.iIe b" lot: I.&lim;\ ka fuma.o. bubl:' maut! bllo t.enD'1 mel~po, k .. hfubtlug tile m~hak.l)lIoe. 0" Il" wOWl ..... mu",h .... · m:lue, k. hlw""a haah('ro.ne baul\ eka b" I,a hate fate'a ba tbon1a eka likOt:'k~e ~ ,baroeteaoa ba teog ba eme 1,;;t IIta <l1A ('koaoll, (olele e ell Ie mOt'a. Che Dgo~nelo ba apore b"na ba milo'

.\frikl\ boo makbooa a bileOI; a eba WOlla hI) bolda l'ampiring VI'" oona.

n~ utloa bor~ \fo/um, hali Eli.z.ab6tb \lokOflDa 0 t1a oka )eeto la ba babo mooos oa bae maa06 v·rib<'! ka I .. Z 'Mola. .\Ir. Abie Seltele foa I116bekang po8ooR 0 cbatel. II~ I KrOOlUlload b la 31 U1akubele.

PH .... A KOTSI. St-;KE 090 tloba b3l\ ho "a Iibol,.J ... i •

&a ith",kela betlolo (·a I5th)a, .. '" ChamlJerla," I Colj.,~ aod Diarrhon, R .. mcdy. Ho koui 1,0 (>ha joalo. H) 00. mot,i a '" loboll;, lijo kapt. lipb ...

Ho bile Ie mokdeo. papah oa mo. tobo t .. mooa Ii wkela leta'ollo /~ holJe/o e o¢ilg e f'otttQe ke 8~omane mali, feela ba tI ta noo. mothamo ,,"\ W Motiaul maane Booh;,bew. ba olloK ChaiDberlaill', Coli... aDd Diarrhof,~ ba Itl wog babJomphehi ke .J PUlbo ft.r.';I1edy u ka pbemo khatbat/ll) 00. I·: S. 'foblomi, S. Mokoema, ~:. J. MPOli, ,",",,80a hl..'me8!'ng II'! mabenk"i't:~ It, J Seboka I e.

Kilo OllU'buAhi fl' h."ltla p .. ~j eA jlll 1-----'----------mOII'oe J. \1pbatltt\op. flO rtl sif-IM,! loereke. ~t'kolo 11& Kopano mon kit t"at~i 190 Ii HI "aH,h, h.mo tea g'i ogoaba 110 pbabamll baholo palonlf ra. Koellle:.!7. F. Ill"" I" m'Hho "0 ,11~a~&.lhObrl'!h .me·bl. M,e ft' tI"r a

,tefoll:"op: that" 41 tnno.t- m(J ga If,t rna ,'I °t . '1ft! moro 0 fa thol. i r • 0 a ,<I.

ronr), . K, ""1-; IIWIo mo "daf.lhom()ill M t M h \Io.h(le e Ol'! tI III' ",eMoRolo "'!(il . 0 fie 0110 . op at,. 'I lehlohoon ,r 'b T' k kflJono kll. ho ba 10 moromuoa oa

Ii HI 1101\. IrQ e tlbt)f'rot. ,,~Ir. L. tala "U t t roo b .. I ~ '{orake. Cape re latola. pep-i ea ga '. m l' fO I II pampm II 0 I m/l, rona. ~tr... Dorothy Mahbawo J~oJ.;" babolo l'a .@;'_·baba. Batho hoh,l' \Tokoco, moroaliu Motlalll Ra.mo'bibell. htl('bf.re , bar~tl '" balll~ltlfi Ie elet.[,~ () timetee mo g/l, k .itMlat~ Mr. Arnol ho bala }lflmplrt I'Da t, bOI.a motl! ~htlale mo 8athoSJ.,o('J.floo ka Ii ·13 hloobo. Motbo 'J fumana htaba t.~ " , '. . - mafate e amaog kaPf'le kA bobau~ .u.r,·. 'fOlbol e De· III mOll:o~3.11 oa 'Umtewli" 0 f h . Ra ~fr. S. H. "\Io,oi'lll" -". umaooa 0 .gtot, f

i80oa-Mr lIakkoa .

Ftlt.lla bo laog o. ka team ... !), ke 8a Isam.\!' III lona. bt),he!lO. Ha.ebil t.'IOf'lo· pele I tJ'lIIa, kc JlbOIlO, II Ulawllisa ba· tho \.:OCtlt""lDg lire 10.0 letlap'·o.... Ke 1.a baka llog fAa rooa hotbo lIaolel. ell'ug lebe kapa bobeteo,,' Ha eba

t;}OLll 0 lokile, ba rll hobel"og hI. ho !===============:h,===============­lebaka la hore ho !ante'oe kll HMOtbo. TanU·i ke otho ea Eogel.ue. Ntbo ena ho 'Da eka re 11. k6 'mala ooa 0

Molimo 0", ueilllog ooa, bobane ba bo DO bo So' Joalo rll ka be re .. t.antao hoba. Wllt~ ke otho 1.'1). L.bet.eoa. Batho b.l. baog ba oahaoa horll joaJak. ha tuml'io re e rutiloe ke makbooa nt.bo efe Ie ef~' e etaoaog ke makhooa e ea halall'la. tbe ba pho!o batho ba oahao30g 10<\10. TlI06lop6!e 8 loki Ie empa e oa Ie liblala tee batlaog bo kbetha. ho coDa. Bobeteoll ha bo lIa loka emp. bo oa Ie otbo tee bstlaog ho kbetboa t&e lokiloog. Tante'j ke IIOOgoo ea Iibla\a t... tloelopeill e ba· Haog bo kbethoa; babaoe kajeoo ba re MI rll sena buetlana III bablankaoa tje L.e haka 1110 otho lIoa,-eleng daoclI .

BahelO otbo eoa ke II buoa Ita maikutlo, taotsi e tloooa III litaie hobaoe liteie ha. Ii ka robala motaeng bo leoyebile mot.f.ng 00. Kamora khoeli Ii III kae bookbolane bo tla twa moo ke bo tbibaog let/latai. Tant.ei 1'1 joalo. Meblalenp: ea tantai ho lIa

BONA Bake"g sa setsoantso sa hao

Poreili e tlalf' bo liblopba to Batho.

Liteoaotio tla Patllport Ie teona. LitlOaoteo Ii Dkuoa bo.iu ia tom ... lIaoo fllela.

U ka nknoa Mt60aDtaQ Deme, u lot .. ,

u dantaa, ka.pa kamoo=fu ,ataog


Lihor$ ta >,{,..,bet",:

H.,·.\'rke .. 30 ...... 100 3Op.JI. ~" .. tah. i.,OAm f.oDlp.m.

maaeoa, bo lIa boo 'mabaoa ka baua Proprietor p, ERDMANN. ba bona ba. aeoyebilcog. Ba bo l~'S SlI;oot St __ '. Br_mfoDt.oi.a.


thUlll! Illtho bo nyala m08ali ~ loeaog JORA.''''NE~Bl"R'; le tsa Manyolo Ii ea nkuoa u mo taeb.l. bobane ba u na hoba Ie !~ ___ ":;::~:::::;::':::,:,:.. ____ ;';:":=:":==:":':";"';';";==;";':';...i baoa Ie roo .. ba bo rll thuH letho ho salamaua Ie taolai re tllllba boba ba bo letbo leo rtl tlaog ho Ie Lotula baelf: Iillo meblaillog. Boot.ate Ie boo 'm'II, taba eoa II falimehelenp: Ie tla felloa .kll bana. Bopulang licbelela tie kaoa·l..aoa tl80 III liotsaog ho ruta bana ba lona likolong tee kbolo "'ajeno bana ba. looa ba rutoa taotai eo Ie ukaDg la re barutoe eona . Ngo&Da ba a IItlOa tekoloDg 0 MI a lola a toone mablo a Itie pblltbll kll tantai Ole e Ie moleleri tje a ukll a kbutliaa Ie aheleng ea cbelete eo u mo rutileng ka. IlOna Mokhea oe. taobi rll III joetse ke teooa. ho bakaog III Jibole teena 1.116 ogata ba kana III ho blabao. bo bo kaoa·kana booa bo hakoa I.e teooa taotli hilDa .Mehi a kene ka mot'\i bablllO.

• Tsa Maogauog •


MAHUMAGALI aD. IIleog bo 'Jary Moaala, Martha Manka. Li:u.y

Molapiae Ie Martba Matbibi ba otse ba tu·tea k&. go leka go lira malet.la· oyaoa ka bat;li ya. Eaat.er Monday.

Thaka ea Progrellllive e e cboeroeog ke Mr, Joho Tliot!iog, maloba ka loa Booe,::!:l Marcb koa Aeeembly Ball, ba ne ba Iidle oamano e t.otlOa t'a 8e· tapo &a Ubako·ea.mplle. moroba, taotei. Mahumagali a a neog. III ~one ke bo Jaggerl, \'. Moffat, 101. :\lafika, L. Molapise, M. MOIala, Bally Poooyaoe, Adelina. Motsamae, Okae JacoblOn 0 Seekoe Ie b& hoogoe. Makau 1'1 III Sam Fiogflr. Abie, Tippy Jafta, C. Tboka. J. Liogalo. Morago ga moo go bo!!:o cboaroa tea llllikuku,



Ka 90/-E U HA

MINISTERS T uloog tse Iiog Ii Rekisoa ka 8 Ie 9 Guineas

Mef.t •• f.ta .. Masel. ka I.digo BI.e Serge, Fancy Worsteds, Garberdines,

Joalo Joal •.


MINISTERS 90/· TAILORS 256, BREE STREET, Between Elolf & Von Brandis Sis.,


i I



l' OMTET&Ll WA BA.".~. IOHANNBBBURG, 31-<7 MARCH, 1934.


II Wheo pDlhiog a lruck. look l out for the mao in front of


You may burt bim.


, ,

Xa nityala ingolovane, kangelelani umolu

opambi kwenu.

• This is the Cigarette for YOU I Ke leo& Cigarette Ie boanebeog UENA l

Yi,o Ie i Cigarette EKULUNGELE! It is th,' very beet.. Educlited

weo hn'-e beeD Ilmok.iQg flag Cigarettetl for a very Ions tim&­for yeara aod ycarll. Tbfo, know what III tIl() beat. . Your trienda will ""e thllt you are a D w..aC6ted mao too, if you IImDke:_

Tbe Old Yuvo uritr·.

J-'L.\C' C I( ,,\RET 1 E:-;,

~, loll:il,· habolo. Ha oDa ba

rutcb i leD~ ke oako e teleJ.& Joaloc ba tsuba Flag Cig.<lrt"tt.ee- li lr mo homo, B .. ttieba bo lokik-ng. ' Ie. tRo.le ell bao (' tla boo. bOff~ u

molUUI <"a futeiJiJC' llg Ie ueaa, ha u t~uba -

Tee Rrl toaog Habolo

.F L A (; C I G ..\ RET 'f E S.

, ' Ninga menzakalisa.

~geyo D fI, ibLetek kakuJu. f;e.

kuli:\csb;1 elide imfuod i zj lab.y. j ~Ia" Ci~a~etteil~.imiDyaka oge­mlDy.!.:a uya:uqollda nona zi­pamt>l li" .\bahlobo bel o boqonda okokuba ufunduiw(' na""t", 1.;\



f f

h ;ito.ndwa Za ku Dala

}" L A(; C J (;_\ HE 'J'lE S

BAQHOBI KOLOFANE. The Old Favourites! ,

Ha Ie shofa kolovane, hlokomela moona ta

ka pele ho , lona.

Le ka mo ntsa kotsi. CIGARETTES

Plain or Cork-Tipped,



IJ keke oa khohlisoa ha u reka liela tse nang Ie "Tiiso ea

Lieta Ise lokileng, Ha u bona lels'oao lena seeleng u tsebe

bore seeta seo se lokile. Hobane 5e tnata, sella qhoba nako

e telele, se boloka ehelele ea hao Lels'oao lena hale hehoe

seeleng so sa liang : marena amaholo a mekoti a bolelse joalo.

Ha mothe a u rekisetsa lieta talima pele hore lets'oao leleng.

Hana bo reka lie!a tse seoang ts'irelelso.

Seeta sa Mekoti "Seeta se nang Ie Lets' oao la 'Nete.,:_
