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NORTH CREEK NEWS, NORTH CREEK, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1943 ^ "Not by works of' righteousness which we hate done, but according to His mercy He saved us. Titus 3:5 ft- .. ; Mrs. Walter O'Connor of Olm- stedville shopped in town Monday. Mrs. Delia Ordway of North River was in town Monday. Mrs. Nellie Johnson . of Glens Falls spent the Week-end with Mr. and; Mrs. B. A.. Randall at Sodom. Ernest Millington of Sodom was |a town Monday. Mr; and M^s. Thomas Sheehan of Glens Falls spent Sunday with his jnpther, Mrs. Sheehan, and sister, Mss Catherine Shehan. Mrs. Clarence Burns shopped in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyi© Roblee and qhildreh of Schenectady spent the week-end in. town with Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Roblee. . •> MrB. RachaeT Zufelt of North River vdsited her sister, Mrs. David Jchnson Sunday. Mr* and Mrs. Howard Smith of l&orth River were in town Sunday ^evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raymond of ~M ? nerva_ were in town Sunday. Mrs. Myron Jones of Indian .Tike shopped in town Thursday. ., Frank Husselbeck has been vis- 'jtin^&4«1^3s in town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong of Johnsburg shopped in town Y'ednesday. Mrs. Harry Armstrong: attended -the funeral of Mrs. R. T. Arm- strong Wednesday. tJlyses Hammond of Igerna was Ir. town Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Powers of 01m- etedville shopped in town Thurs- day. G. R. Smith of Johnsburg tran- sacted business in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cole have gone to Sidney, N. Y., where he is employed in a defense plant. Mrs. Cole and children are "staying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frsd Stewart of Bakers Mills were in town Friday evening. > Howard Austin of "Minerva and William Morrisey of Pleasant Val- lev were in town Friday. Miss Molly Lindsey of Corinth spent the week-end with her fa- ther, William Lindsey. Mrs. Kenneth Sawyer and son of Wevertown were in town Sat- urday. T Miss Catharine Bennett of In- dian Lake visited Mrs. Robert Dur- kui Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly and daughters of Ohnstedville were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hewitt and Mrs. Nan Fereau attended the fun- eral of Mr§. R. T.. Armstrong at Johnsburg Wednesday . ... JMrs. Downing Brafey has been ^spending several days in Schenec- /tady. 0 John Reilly recently visited Mrs. Reilly.and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rid- ding at Troy. Mrs. John McArdle, Sr., and her mother, Mrs. Nellie Eldrdige have returned home from Rouses Point where they were called about four weeks ago by the illness of Mrs. Eldridge's son, Charles. Mr. .Eld- bridge is improving. Edward McArdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McArdle, Sr., who is employed, in New York, expects to to be inducted into the army soon. , William Carey of Pottersville is -employed here by George Foote at t T ""» William Burto garage. Milfprd Goodspeed left Monday with one of George Foote's trucks for Maryland where he will be em- ployed. ' ' . Mrs. John Wasserback of Albany is visiting her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. William Ratigan. Miss Priscilla Sabattis of Sche- nectady spent the week-end with IMm. fcForiaian Sabattis. iSHss Nina Russell called on her father and siste* in Thurman Sun- day. * Miss Clara Waldron, who fell March 9th was taken to the Glens JrrHs hospital Tnursfday. *Vlr.and Mm. Howard R. Sawyer ari daughter, of Ballston Spa., ST>3nt-ihe'week-end with Mr. and !Mrs. Efehard^Sa^yertkre and Mr. and "Mrs. Joseph Severie at ladian Baptist Notes —V— By Clifton R. Bohanan, Pastor It is, said in the Biblical records that "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioeh!" (Acts 11:26) In those days it was a name flung at them with derision and scorn; only the Worthy were called "Christians". Today, how- ever, it has become but a synonym of "civilized" or, worse yet, "cul- tured." But there is much more in being worthy of the name Christ- ian than being civilized or cultured. It must mean close indentity with Christ, His Saviorhood, and His plan for human life. This is our theme for the Sunday service of worship—"Being "Worthy of the Name, Christian." s The North Creek Sunday school will meet at lOiOO and the worship service will folldw at 11:00. The Sunday school at Minerva will meet at 10:00 an4 for worship at 11:10. Important business will need con- sideration Sunday, so members are urged to be present. 'I " , ii urn U"[ r«i—i ni.«—— i |ii a | , — « . -, Methodist Notes By Wm. J. MacFarlane, Pastor. 9:45—Church school,,Mrs. Ken- neth Swain, Sup't. 11:00 A. M.—Divine worship— the pastor will bring the message, and the topic of the sermon will be "The Wise Guest." . 7 P. M.—Young People's Fellow- ship at the parsonage. Thursday evening choir rehear- sal. Men's Supper this evening, Mar. 17th, from 5 o'clock i)n-until all are served. Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held on April 1—time and place of the meeting is to be de- cided. The pastor hopes in a few weeks to be back at the usual task with church services as usual. Lake. Alwirr Monroe, Jr., and Jimmy Robbins of North River called on friends in Glens Falls Sunday. Mrs. Roswell Ameden of North River spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lester Waldron, whore she and her twin sister enjoyed ' a birthday dinneri Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Raymond called on their mother and broth- er in Riverside Sunday. Mrs'. Genevieve Strong of North River has been convalescing at the home of Mrs. Lester Waldron for the past week, and plans to return to North River soon. Miss. Mabel Walker of Corinth HOUSEWIFE JLOQKS AT THE NEWS V—v—v—v—v-V-v—v—V-MT—V The Roosevelt Smile—Mr. Roose- velt's smile at being queried about a fourth term can scarcely be call- ed enigmatical. One might call it rather the smile of supreme self- confidence. It is the involuntary smile of the player who knows the cards in the new deal are stacked in his favor; or, to ebxange the metaphor, the sniile of a seasoned soldier who has come .. through many battles unwounded and un- scratched and is still eager for the fray. An example of robbing Peter to pay Paul are the unpatriotic citi- zens who are cashing- in their war bonds to pay their income tax. At Wellesley Mme. Chiang urged three things: co-operation, the spirit of humility, and probity (or honesty) in thought and actfan. I suggest the reader stop right here and mentally apply this three-fold measuring stick to the leaders of our country .... "Probity in thought and action" sounds strangely re- miniscent of Mr. Hoover's plea for "intellectual honesty" a few years ago. ( If the soldiers don't Enow how to shoot craps wheri they return from the wars, it won't be Uncle Sam's fault. The army's Jersey City quar- ter master depot has purchased 750,000 pairs of dice for the use of the armed forces. Maj. Harold Gib- sons says "We do not encourage gambling. Our job is to supply the little things that keep, morale high." was in town over the week-end. Gerald West of Wevertown was and "the Republicans will forestall Senator Pepper (Denx—Fla.) has slowed up the vote on the Bankhead bill to defer farmers from the draft by introducing a new measure which is bound to win support from the New Deal mem- bers of Congress, since it employs one of the administrations favorite tactics—regimentation. The new bill would establish a Mobile Em- ergency Work Corps consisting of draf-exempt farm helpC and fam- ilies) who would be -transported at government expense ± housed by the government, medical care by the government, but worst of all se- lected by the government, and not by the local draft boards. This would put draft deferment in the' well-greased hands of the politi- cians, instead of in the fair, im- partial, but unfortunately thank- less hands in which it now rests. Perhaps the old-line Democrats INDIAN LAKE NOTES The War Stamp Contest which run for 14 weeks at the school ended on Feb. 26, with a total sales receipt of $1,295.90. Joel Brooks has left Sfe. Marie's store to comply with the war man- power suggestion and has obtained work on a farm in the Hudson fruit belt. Mrs. Brooks and two children accompanied him. Francis Hunt and Nelson De- Marsh have been returned to civil- ian life from the Army. They have obtained honorable discharges un- der the new ruling. Otto Hall recently fractured his arm while employed on a pulp job near this place. Miss Margaret Gill has returned home front the New England Sta- tes. Hartwell Gill,, her father, has returned home from Shelburn Falls. ' Liuet. Eleanor Elliott of New York has been visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Elliott. Pvt. Donald Betts has been vis- iting at Cedar River. Pvt. Robert Barton of Camp Dix was home recently. ^-v : _ ', Christian Science Radio Program World Wide Broadcasting Foun- dation, Inc., with the approval of the Office of War Information, will release a Christian Science pro- gram over Shortwave Stations WRUL, 11790 megacycles, and WRUW, 9700 megacycles, Sunday evening, March 21, at 5:15 o'clock. o—o CHEESWAN SCIENCE -0 0 0—O O—G O—<* "Matter" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 21. The Golden Text is:-'Tt is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing," (John 6:63). SUBSCRIBE--DOTNrT BORROW The News at $1.00 a year Men, Women! Old at' 40,50,60L Get Pep FeelYearsYounoer,FuIlofVim Don't blame ec^asst&Uyrowrpm. p^own tedteK <ra your age. Thousands amazed at what * Hold ; pepping m> with Ostiex will <Jo t ContaiM «««J,' WmSoften needed tfttr 4fr-byJXJdIea Uddngj Son. cslrfum phosphite, Vlt*mSn Bi. A 73-jea*-! cM doctor wSes: "I .too* & myself Bcrotts- ware flue." Special Introductory site Ostrex Teste Tablets costtfmS 35c Stop feeling: peptass. old. Start feeling peppier and younger,tibia.vary day. Forsale at altgooddrajt atorea. M.LKENWELL GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 15-F*3 DR. H. I. BE ALE Y DENTIST OFFICE HOURS 9: to 12t 1: to 5? closed at noon Saturdays , PHONE 81 r^-» admitted to Glens Falls hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brown of Barton Mine shopped in lown Sat- urday. George N. Baroudi is ill at his home. Corporal Robert Sabattis from Fort Benning. Ga. and Mrs. Robert Sabattis of Minerva are spending a few days with Mrs. Norman Sa- battis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamphear of Indian Lake are parents of a daughter, born Monday in Glens Falls hospital. George Kathan of Warrensburg was,admitted to Glens Falls hospi- tal Monday. Mrs. George Montgomery of We- vertown was admitted to Glens Falls hospital Monday. this drastic measure. Transferred to Medical Training F'arl S. Hitchcock of Bakers Mills, N. Y., is now stationed at the U. S. Army's Medical Replacement Training Center, Camp Pickett, Va- where he is undergoing intensive physical, military and specialized Medical training. Upon the comple- tion of training, Medical soldiers are assigned to hospitals or to tactical units of th§ Army to serve on the world's righting fronts along with Infantrymen, Cavalrymen, Artillerymen, etc. The only unarm- ed battlefield soldier of the Arm>, the Medical Soldier's mission is "to conserve the fighting strength"— a mission vital to victory. Insulation 5 cts.sp.ft. D Storm Sash Orders taken now for future delivery Finch, Fray ii & C u. Phone 85 NORTH CREEK Phone 85 YES, FOLKS! THERE'S DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT At the American Tavern ROUND and SQUARES 9 to 2 ERNEST LAROUCHE and his American Tavern Band Guy LaPelS--Added Feature ' Jerry Cornwall, Caller 55c per couple NEW WAY TO PAINT! %>%!*£. Just thin KEM-TOKH with plain water and apply-to to surface. KEM-TONE spread* on quickly, easily. One coat covers even wall- paper ! < KEM-TONE dries id one hour. Rooms may be "lived ia same day painted. WALL FINISH Don't redecorate a single room until you're he*rd all about the new Sherwin-"William» KEli- TONS. Entirely different from ottSnwy pe&rt* k brings sew ejconomieejttd cowretwac. to interior -peoenn^t NEWEST PASTEL COLORS ^ * Cora* wiiii One C*atf lf« WmfieUcI ^^ leol-nalsbw, Braley & Noxon ^Nort!iOwseit,N.Y. it& k NORTH CREEK NEWS, NORTH CREEK, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, MARCH-17, 1943 NORTH CREEK NEWS "Published Every Wednesday by SAWYER'S PRESS Bichard H. Sawyer '..• Editc Hyrtle A. Sawyer .... Asso. Editc Xawrence D. Sawyer Mans PARENTS MEET TO ORGANIZE CUB PACK Postoffice Address Circle Avenue, North Creek, N. Y,| Entered at the North Creek Posti office as second class matter. Subscription Rates Per Ye |li fjocal Anywhere in U.S.A. ....... Canada or Mexico ©ther Foreign Countries Advertising Rates Display per column inch $ Classified per word , Readers per line *,...„...., Minimum charge 25 cents « NORTH RIVER, N.Y. O O O 0 0 Q O O Q .25 .01 .07 I TO The first "parent instruction" meeting toward organization of a Cub Pack was held March 15 in lieu of regular P. T. A. meeting and was fairly well attended by par- ents of Cub age boys (9-10-11 years). . Mr. West and Mr. Peaslee of Glens Falls addressed an intearest-: ed group—fathers and mothers of North Creek eager to learn * the purpose of Cubbing,—4he mechan- ics of organization and functioning of a Cub Pack. Mr. West, who first addressed the meeting, spoke brief- ly of the benefit i of Cuhbing a»* manifested in the behavior of his o BAKERS MILLS, N. Y. « i' - • I NORTH RIVER, Mar. 15—Tues- day, March 9th, a farewell party •was held at the school house for Willard Davis..He left Wednesday inorning for Albany where he was inducted into the Army. Mrs. Wal- ter Freebern and Mrs. Forrest Harvey were the hostesses. Re- freshments were served to about thirty guests. All reported an en- joyable time. - Word has been received here that Leland Richardson of Troy who unlisted in the Navy last fall has been sent to sea but his destina- tion is unknown. He lived in this place all his life until a few years ago when he moved to Troy. Mr. Richardson has many friends here. He is a nephew of Mrs. Roswell Ameden of this place and Mrs, Les- ter Waldron of North Creek, Mrs: Strong spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Waldron in North Creek. She has been having a serious time with - her teeth. Mrs. Strong had several of them extracted. Mrs. Maggie Harvey motored to Glens Falls recently .tp see her daughter, Mrs. Richard Vaaguild- er who is recovering from an op- own nine year old son thereby giv- ing North Creek parents first hand information. At the conclusion of Mr. West's talk the Mohican Coun- cil Field Executive, Mr. Peaslee, spoke for about an hour on the underlying priniciples of Cubbing —how to set up the organization and how to keep it functioning smoothly. A short fihn was shown which pictured a Cab Pack at work and play. In his talk Mr. Peaslee pointed out that Cubbing is essen- tially a family organization in that it's activities are carried on with the help of the boys' parents— therefore parents * interested in, starting a Cub Park must have in- struction. He further stated that although Cubbing is different from Scouting it is really an - introduc- tion to Scouting—a preparatory course for Scouting so to speak. It is especially beneficial to the younger boy because it gives him supervised activity in his **Me" or individualistic stage when he is^in- 'clined to become bossy and hard to handle. After he had acquainted his listeners with the most elemen- tary principles of Cubbing. Mr. Peaslee invited them to look over a display of pamphlets and book- lets used by Cubs and their lead- ers. We quote the following from one of the pamphlets on Cubbing: What Cubbing Does For Your Boy Cubbing give your boy—1. op- portunities to do interesting things —games, handicrafts, nature, lore, collections, stunts, hobbies—in his own back yard—with sympatheti- cally trained leaders' and natural boy companions. 2. Opportunities to do things for BAKERS MILLS, Mar. 15—Mr. and Mrs. James Morehouse called on Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Allen one day last week. Bert and Earl Allen visited Mr. and Mrs, George Dunkley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunkley, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dunkley and Beecher Dunkley were business caller in Glens Falls last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph MiHington and •family visited Mr. and Mrs. James Morehouse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bateman of Palmer called on Mr. a|id Mrs. William R. Lackey Sunday. Billy Hitchcock went to War- rehsburg Tuesday .for his first examination for service. Mrs. Lester Washburn accom- panied her daughter Saturday to Glens Falls fbr K-ray pictures. Private Myron Dalaba, Great Lakes, Illinois, spent a 3-day fur- lough here last week. Delbert Allen has started making rakes.' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dunkley and Mrs. Raymond Morehouse were in Glens Falls Saturday on busi- ness. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Morehouse called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Knowlton at Wells Monday. Mrs. Wilbur Dalaba is better. * Howard Thissell was at War- rensburg on buisness Monday* Miss Geraldine Dunkley t>f New York spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Harrington of Glens Falls spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunkley. Roy Dunkley is taking lesson in aviation at Amsterdam. Miss Carol Davis was admitted to Glens Falls hospital Thursday. ... — v - - - — here Monday. - * The infant daughter born March 6th' to Mr. and Mrls. Ray More- jaouss has been named Clara June. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pasco and daughters, Misses Gladys J shd Mar- tha, Pasco, spent Saturday at Glens F'alls. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hewitt have returned home from New* York Mrs. Herbert 0*Byrne of Patcho- gue is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Martha Arm- strong, e- . Miss Sybil Hewitt is ill and at- tended by Dr, George Bibby. > Miss Beraice Hutchins spent the week-end at her home at Radian Lake. Mrs". Delia Knickerbocker" of Igerna has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Knickerbocker* - Mr, and Mrs. Lemon Morehouse spent Sunday at Pottersville with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weseott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reece of Griffin were in town Monday, David Hntchins of Indian Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest JHutch- ins Saturday. -o- I o I o- -rO—H9- aMNERVA & Y. -OT—O 1 I o I •O; 0'.'i"0- -0—0— 9 at* -o- S O D OM JOHNSB'JRG, Mar. 16—Mr. and Mrs. »James Goodman, Jr., and children of Tahawus visited Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas others ia vital part of good citizen-lreturned Sunday from Tennessee ship)—to take responsibility and •eration in- the Glens Falls hospital. ' fin d satisfaction in carrying his. Her condition is good. Mrs. Roswell Ameden spent Sun- day afternoon and evening at the share' of the load. 3. Opportunities to find pleasure in and around his home and neigh- home of her sister, Mrs. Waldron in North Creek. Lester i borhood. I Sine?, as we have already stated. _ parents need instruction before where Mr, Thomas has been sta- tioned in the army. Mr. Thomas has received his discharge, . .lack Montgomery of Indian Lake called On his aunt, Mrs. Le- mon Morehouse Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Saville and son, of Kingston, have been visiting SQDOM, Mar. 15—Miss Marion O'Neill of Warrensburg was a re- cent visitor at this place. ; Harold Prouty has been ill. Dr. Glenn of North Creek attended him. Mrs. Pat Chasson returned home from Glens Palls hospital Sunday. Mrs, Carrie Hodgkins, Mrs. Sue" Hewitt, Mrs. Harry Hitchcock and Mrs. Lester VanGuilder were busi- ness visitors at Glens Falls Satur- day. Mrs. Floyd Maxam of Garnet Lake who has taught school here for the past year, is a patient in Glens Falls hospital. Mrs. Lone Loveland of Joluis- burg was" a visitor at this place Sunday. Harry Hitchcock and Mrs. Lester VanGuilder were visitors at North River Saturday. Dewitt Barton of" Warrensburg was a'business visiter-at-this plaee recently. MINERVA,; Mar* 16HMrs. Ar- thur Mddleton is in the Ticonder- oga Hospital -recovering from broken leg suffered in ,a fall Sun- day. Miss Eleanor James-spent the week-end at her home here, Hef" parents took her back to Keener Valley on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parker are the parents of a daughter, Cora Evelyn, bora last week at the> Tieonderoga hospital/ Mrsi Bohanan to©k charge e#' the services at the Minerva chittehv Sunday, while Mr» Bohanan was? filling a pulpit elsewhere. Late^-but iate»estSng ; ^N'orrigF West gave an interesting talk scfc the Ohnstedville school in whicfe he described life in the armyj. fhji students and faculty considered J& very weft-done, Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaBar were* In Tieonderoga Monday to get thenf AAA fertilizer allotment, Howard; t Callahan was rejectedl Friday -Hewas-the only selectee* frowt Minerva* Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cole ha*e moved from the Courtney^ apart-*, ment. Mr. Cole has been inducted into the army and Mrs. Cole liaiF ^one backto Syracuse. Their apart- ment has been rented. Dewey Gavin was on his way t o Potsdam during the recent . bliz- zard. At one place, he had to hirer «team todraw Iris truck outnsrthe snow. When he reached his destine ation, he discovered he had lost his gas ration book, his ODT certifi- cate, his licenses and f oodLration* ing book. Much to bis surprise and pleasure the whole folder was mailed to him at Minerva two days later by the finder. The Girl Scouts are delivering cards they have been selling. They used the money earned f^om them to buy uniforms for their Readers, Miss Church and Miss Donovan. Mrs. Earl Dimick was in Glens- Falls Thursday where she joined the-Attxfliary of the Vetersns-of - Foreign Wars. V—v—v v v-V-v v v v V they may successfully undertake Mr. and Mrs. William Ross WEVEBTJOWN, N. Y. | j the organization of a Cub Pack an- Mrs. Stella Brooks King of Spec- V—v—v—v- -v-w-v- I -v—v—v—V ; other parent instruction meeting j ulator has returned after visiting will be held on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Morehouse* WEVERTOW> Helen Everts .of Foster Monroe o and tht Rev. an of Pittstown vis Mott Liddle re Mary and recovering fro Mrs. Maude Gerald, who i§/ Falls hospital", Mr. and Mrs. Mar. 16—Mrs. Glens Falls, Mrs. : Burlington, Vt„ Mrs. Anton Beza ed Mr. and Mrs. ptly. othy Murphy are their recent illness est visited her son, patient in Glens turday. rving Richards and family visited JMr. and Mrs. Nath- an Ingraham Jt Lake George Sun. and Irving Sa- d business at Ripar- Charles Ric vage transac; ius Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harri Mott Liddle and Sweeney attended "the funeral of their cousin. Alfred Hanna a^Hudson Falls Saturday. ArthurJThomas who was honor- ably d^sjmarged from the Army re- 1 cenUvJfisited friends in town MOIL Mrsi George Montgomery is a patieil in Glens Falls hospitaL " Mrl and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Sr., Sr. -and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Jr., and family and Miss Jean Mit- ,chellj of Indian Lake visited Mr. and 1 ffrs. WiHIam Maloney, recently \ eighth grade room of the locallschool was closed Monday due to tile illness of the teacher, Mrs. Balpfl Montgozrserv Of Pottersville. Mr. Xmd Mrs. WilHani Egenhofer of Raquette Lake visited relatives in town Simda^.. /Private Foster Monroe, who has oeen stationed at Fort BelvoiK Via., for the cast &ree months, ireeenfiy visited his family here. XL\ t- ©Han* Reminders About Rationing Coffee—Stamp no. 2@^good mar. §2 fm cme pound per person for 5 weeks. gtw^Sr^-Staisp 12 good for f|ve potmas until May 31 March 30th, at the Firehouse. The following committee has volunteer-' ed to contact parents and insure good attendance for this meeting: Mrs. Guy Alexander, Mrs. William'vens parents, Mr. and Mrs Murphy,"-Mrs. Kenneth Swain, Mr. Hack Meyer Newman,-^. Frank Bowers Mrs. Mimie Burke visited North Creek Saturday. Mrs. John Stevens and children of Saratoga are visiting Mrs. Ste- ~" H. J. and Mr. Kenneth Bennett. We regret that only half of the families of North Creek with Cub age attended the first parent in- struction meeting and we urge that all parents, both fathers and mo- thers, with boys aged nine, ten, and eleven years will attend this se- cond meeting on March 30th. It is hoped that the parents of younger boys will also attend the meeting Carl Early, principal of Ra- quette Lake High School, called on local relatives Friday enroute to his home at Speculator. Miss Golda Hitchcock of War- rensburg spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hitchcock. . Mr. and Mrs. PL J. Hack spent Saturday and Sunday at Glens Falls and Saratoga. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burhans and Louis Davison of Warrens- to lay up knowledge against the burg attended the funeral of then- day when their boys will . have jaunt, Mrs. Robert T. Armstrtng, reached Cub age. Mr. Peaslee is Wednesday, willing to come way from Glens Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Falls to help us out so we parents should be able to get as far as the Firehouse! O O 0 O O - ' O —P- I IGERNA, N. Y. IGERNA, Mar. 15—Joseph Hart of Glens Falls is in town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard West aiid two children spent the week-end with relatives in Glens Falls. Miss Geneva Ross of Ushers called on her grandmother, Mrs. Chloe Lahey at North Creek Sun- day. Carl Cole went to Albany Sun- day night with his son, Private Bernard Cole, who returned to Fort Totten, L. X. Miss Mary Morrisey left for Stratford, Conn., Saturday where she wffl be employed. Jidihnson who IS in the U. S. Navy^statjohed fit Newport, R. L, and Miss OUve* Bubb of Sche- nectady were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs*, Prentiss^ohnsoftr rge Vtele who iSHstar Honed i#GeorgfcfeJs tfeen spending Hopkins of Spier Falls have been visiting local relatives. Mrs. Henry Millington and Mrs. Berlin Bowman of Bakers Mills were in town Monday. Mrs. Charles Barney and daugh- ter, Hazel, of Hudson Falls have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins and Mrs.. Jennie Hopkins. Edwin J* Little and son, Louis, of Albany were in town to attend the funeral of Mrs. Robert T.. Arm- strong. Gordon Weseott visited his mo- ther, Mrs. Mary Weseott at Luzer- ne Sunday. Mrs. Weseott is spend- ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs. William LaMby. ,Mrs> James Harrington and daughter, Louise, of Oregon, his furlough here with Ms parents Mr. and Mrs, Homer "VfeB. Mr. and Mrs^ Reginald Dtlnkle^ ©f Hudson FaHs were week-end guests of their parents, Mr, •Mrs. Clarence Bunkley. 1 Private Bernard-Cfcle of Totten, L. H, and Miss Gen Boss of Ushers spent the week-en; with the formers Parents* Mr*, as Mrs. Carl Cole. Your Ration Stamps TO OUR STORE For Prompt, Courteous Service, at Lowest Prices "J We will do our best # a fair share of ra give you foods IVAN & CO. The Home of Pore Foods rforth Crt* N. T. aaiatti'BSli l" 1 K 5^ M , 'I 1 .'I 'V . * * . w 0 v s



"Not by works of' righteousness which we h a t e done, but according t o His mercy He saved us. Titus 3 :5

ft- .. ;

Mrs. Walter O'Connor of Olm-stedville shopped in town Monday.

Mrs. Delia Ordway of North River was in town Monday.

Mrs. Nellie Johnson . of Glens Falls spent the Week-end with Mr. and; Mrs. B. A.. Randall at Sodom.

Ernest Millington of Sodom was | a town Monday. • Mr; and M^s. Thomas Sheehan of

Glens Falls spent Sunday with his jnpther, Mrs. Sheehan, and sister, M s s Catherine Shehan.

Mrs. Clarence Burns shopped in town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyi© Roblee and qhildreh of Schenectady spent the week-end in. town with Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Roblee.

. •> MrB. RachaeT Zufelt of North River vdsited her sister, Mrs. David Jchnson Sunday.

Mr* and Mrs. Howard Smith of l&orth River were in town Sunday

^evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raymond of

~M?nerva_ were in town Sunday. Mrs. Myron Jones of Indian

.Tike shopped in town Thursday. ., Frank Husselbeck has been vis-

'jtin^&4«1^3s in town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong

of Johnsburg shopped in town Y'ednesday.

Mrs. Har ry Armstrong: attended -the funeral of Mrs. R. T. Arm­strong Wednesday.

tJlyses Hammond of Igerna was Ir. town Thursday.

— Miss Elizabeth Powers of 01m-etedville shopped in town Thurs­day.

G. R. Smith of Johnsburg tran­sacted business in town Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cole have gone to Sidney, N. Y., where he is employed in a defense plant. Mrs. Cole and children are "staying with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Frsd Stewart of Bakers Mills were in town Friday evening. >

Howard Austin of "Minerva and William Morrisey of Pleasant Val-lev were in town Friday.

Miss Molly Lindsey of Corinth spent the week-end with her fa­ther, William Lindsey. •

Mrs. Kenneth Sawyer and son of Wevertown were in town Sat­urday. T

Miss Catharine Bennett of In­dian Lake visited Mrs. Robert Dur-

• kui Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly

and daughters of Ohnstedville were in town Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hewitt and Mrs. Nan Fereau attended the fun­eral of Mr§. R. T.. Armstrong at Johnsburg Wednesday. ...

JMrs. Downing Brafey has been ^spending several days in Schenec-/tady.

0 John Reilly recently visited Mrs. Reilly.and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rid­

d i n g at Troy. Mrs. John McArdle, Sr., and her

mother, Mrs. Nellie Eldrdige have returned home from Rouses Point where they were called about four weeks ago by the illness of Mrs. Eldridge's son, Charles. Mr. .Eld-bridge is improving.

Edward McArdle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McArdle, Sr., who is employed, in New York, expects to to be inducted into the army soon. , William Carey of Pottersville is -employed here by George Foote at tT""» William Burto garage.

Milfprd Goodspeed left Monday with one of George Foote's trucks for Maryland where he will be em­

ployed. ' ' . Mrs. John Wasserback of Albany

is visiting her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. William Ratigan.

Miss Priscilla Sabattis of Sche­nectady spent the week-end with

IMm. fcForiaian Sabattis. iSHss Nina Russell called on her

father and siste* in Thurman Sun­day. *

Miss Clara Waldron, who fell March 9th was taken to the Glens JrrHs hospital Tnursfday.

*Vlr.andMm. Howard R. Sawyer a r i daughter, of Ballston Spa., ST>3nt-ihe'week-end with Mr. and !Mrs. Efehard^Sa^yertkre and Mr. and "Mrs. Joseph Severie at ladian

Baptist Notes — V —

By Clifton R. Bohanan, Pastor

I t is, said in the Biblical records that "The disciples were called Christians first a t Antioeh!" (Acts 11:26) In those days it was a name flung a t them with derision and scorn; only the Worthy were called "Christians". Today, how­ever, it has become but a synonym of "civilized" or, worse yet, "cul­tured." But there is much more in being worthy of the name Christ­ian than being civilized or cultured. It must mean close indentity with Christ, His Saviorhood, and His plan for human life. This is our theme for the Sunday service of worship—"Being "Worthy of the Name, Christian." s

The North Creek Sunday school will meet a t lOiOO and the worship service will folldw a t 11:00. The Sunday school at Minerva will meet at 10:00 an4 for worship at 11:10. Important business will need con­sideration Sunday, so members are urged to be present.

'I " , ii urn U"[ r«i—i n i . « — — i |ii a | , — — « . -,

Methodist Notes By Wm. J . MacFarlane, Pastor.

9:45—Church school,,Mrs. Ken­neth Swain, Sup't.

11:00 A. M.—Divine worship— the pastor will bring the message, and the topic of the sermon will be "The Wise Guest."

. 7 P. M.—Young People's Fellow­ship at the parsonage.

Thursday evening choir rehear­sal.

Men's Supper this evening, Mar. 17th, from 5 o'clock i)n-until all are

served. Fourth Quarterly Conference

will be held on April 1—time and place of the meeting is to be de­cided. The pastor hopes in a few weeks to be back at the usual task with church services as usual.

Lake. Alwirr Monroe, Jr., and Jimmy

Robbins of North River called on friends in Glens Falls Sunday.

Mrs. Roswell Ameden of North River spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lester Waldron, whore she and her twin sister enjoyed ' a birthday dinneri

Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Raymond called on their mother and broth­er in Riverside Sunday.

Mrs'. Genevieve Strong of North River has been convalescing at the home of Mrs. Lester Waldron for the past week, and plans to return to North River soon.

Miss. Mabel Walker of Corinth




The Roosevelt Smile—Mr. Roose­velt's smile a t being queried about a fourth term can scarcely be call­ed enigmatical. One might call i t rather the smile of supreme self-confidence. I t is the involuntary smile of the player who knows the cards in the new deal are stacked in his favor; or, to ebxange the metaphor, the sniile of a seasoned soldier who has come .. through many battles unwounded and un-scratched and is still eager for the fray.

An example of robbing Peter to pay Paul are the unpatriotic citi­zens who are cashing- in their war bonds to pay their income tax.

At Wellesley Mme. Chiang urged three things: co-operation, the spirit of humility, and probity (or honesty) in thought and actfan. I suggest the reader stop r ight here and mentally apply this three-fold measuring stick t o the leaders of our country...."Probity in thought and action" sounds strangely re­miniscent of Mr. Hoover's plea for "intellectual honesty" a few years ago. (

If the soldiers don't Enow how to shoot craps wheri they return from the wars, it won't be Uncle Sam's fault. The army's Jersey City quar­ter master depot has purchased 750,000 pairs of dice for the use of the armed forces. Maj. Harold Gib­sons says "We do not encourage gambling. Our job is t o supply the little things that keep, morale high."

was in town over the week-end. Gerald West of Wevertown was and "the Republicans will forestall

Senator Pepper (Denx—Fla.) has slowed up the vote on the Bankhead bill to defer farmers from the draft by introducing a new measure which is bound to win support from the New Deal mem­bers of Congress, since it employs one of the administrations favorite tactics—regimentation. The new bill would establish a Mobile Em­ergency Work Corps consisting of draf-exempt farm helpC and fam­ilies) who would be -transported a t government expense± housed by the government, medical care by the government, but worst of all se­lected by the government, and not by the local draft boards. This would put draft deferment in the' well-greased hands of the politi­cians, instead of in the fair, im­partial, but unfortunately thank­less hands in which it now rests. Perhaps the old-line Democrats


The War Stamp Contest which run for 14 weeks a t the school ended on Feb. 26, with a total sales receipt of $1,295.90.

Joel Brooks has left Sfe. Marie's store to comply with the war man­power suggestion and has obtained work on a farm in the Hudson fruit belt. Mrs. Brooks and two children accompanied him.

Francis Hunt and Nelson De-Marsh have been returned to civil­ian life from the Army. They have obtained honorable discharges un­der the new ruling.

Otto Hall recently fractured his arm while employed on a pulp job near this place.

Miss Margaret Gill has returned home front the New England Sta­tes. Hartwell Gill,, her father, has returned home from Shelburn Falls. '

Liuet. Eleanor Elliott of New York has been visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Elliott.

Pvt. Donald Betts has been vis­iting a t Cedar River.

Pvt. Robert Barton of Camp Dix was home recently.

-̂v : _ ', Christian Science Radio Program

World Wide Broadcasting Foun­dation, Inc., with the approval of the Office of War Information, will release a Christian Science pro­gram over Shortwave Stations WRUL, 11790 megacycles, and WRUW, 9700 megacycles, Sunday evening, March 21, at 5:15 o'clock.


-0 0 0 — O O—G O—<*

"Matter" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 21. The Golden Text is:-'Tt is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing," (John 6:63).

SUBSCRIBE--DOTNrT BORROW The News a t $1.00 a year

Men, Women! Old at' 40,50,60L Get Pep FeelYearsYounoer,FuIlofVim Don't blame ec^asst&Uyrowrpm. p ^ o w n tedteK <ra your age. Thousands amazed at what * Hold ; pepping m> with Ostiex will <Jot ContaiM « « « J , ' WmSoften needed tfttr 4fr-byJXJdIea Uddngj Son. cslrfum phosphite, Vlt*mSn Bi. A 73-jea*-! cM doctor wSes: "I .too* & myself Bcrotts-ware flue." Special Introductory site Ostrex Teste • Tablets costtfmS 35c Stop feeling: peptass. old. Start feeling peppier and younger, tibia .vary day. Forsale at altgooddrajt atorea.

M . L K E N W E L L




9: to 12t 1: to 5?

closed at noon Saturdays

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admitted to Glens Falls hospital Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brown of Barton Mine shopped in lown Sat­urday.

George N. Baroudi is ill at his home.

Corporal Robert Sabattis from Fort Benning. Ga. and Mrs. Robert Sabattis of Minerva are spending a few days with Mrs. Norman Sa­battis.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamphear of Indian Lake are parents of a daughter, born Monday in Glens Falls hospital.

George Kathan of Warrensburg was,admitted to Glens Falls hospi­tal Monday.

Mrs. George Montgomery of We­vertown was admitted to Glens Falls hospital Monday.

this drastic measure.

Transferred to Medical Training

F'arl S. Hitchcock of Bakers Mills, N. Y., is now stationed at the U. S. Army's Medical Replacement Training Center, Camp Pickett, Va-where he is undergoing intensive physical, military and specialized Medical training. Upon the comple­tion of training, Medical soldiers are assigned to hospitals or to tactical units of th§ Army to serve on the world's righting fronts along with Infantrymen, Cavalrymen, Artillerymen, etc. The only unarm­ed battlefield soldier of the Arm>, the Medical Soldier's mission is "to conserve the fighting strength"— a mission vital to victory.

Insulat ion 5 cts.sp.ft.


Storm Sash Orders taken now for future delivery

Finch, Fray ii & C u. Phone 85 NORTH CREEK Phone 85



American Tavern ROUND and SQUARES 9 to 2

ERNEST LAROUCHE and his American Tavern Band

Guy LaPelS--Added Feature ' Jerry Cornwall, Caller

55c per couple



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^ * Cora* wiiii One C*atf

• lf« WmfieUcI ^ ^ • leol-nalsbw,

Braley & Noxon ^Nort!iOwseit,N.Y.





"Published Every Wednesday by

S A W Y E R ' S P R E S S

Bichard H. Sawyer '..• Editc Hyrtle A. Sawyer .... Asso. Editc Xawrence D. Sawyer Mans


Postoffice Address Circle Avenue, North Creek, N. Y,|

Entered at the North Creek Posti office as second class matter.

Subscription Rates Per Ye

| l i fjocal Anywhere in U.S.A. ....... Canada or Mexico ©ther Foreign Countries

Advertising Rates Display per column inch $ Classified per word , Readers per line *,...„....,

Minimum charge 25 cents


O O O 0 0 Q O O Q





The first "parent instruction" meeting toward organization of a Cub Pack was held March 15 in lieu of regular P. T. A. meeting and was fairly well attended by par­ents of Cub age boys (9-10-11 years). .

Mr. West and Mr. Peaslee of Glens Falls addressed an intearest-: ed group—fathers and mothers of North Creek eager to learn * the purpose of Cubbing,—4he mechan­ics of organization and functioning of a Cub Pack. Mr. West, who first addressed the meeting, spoke brief­ly of the benefit i of Cuhbing a»* manifested in the behavior of his

o BAKERS MILLS, N . Y. « i ' - • I

NORTH RIVER, Mar. 15—Tues-day, March 9th, a farewell party •was held a t the school house for Willard Davis..He left Wednesday inorning for Albany where he was inducted into the Army. Mrs. Wal­t e r Freebern and Mrs. Forrest Harvey were the hostesses. Re­freshments were served to about thir ty guests. All reported an en­joyable time.

- Word has been received here that Leland Richardson of Troy who unlisted in the Navy last fall has been sent to sea but his destina­tion is unknown. He lived in this place all his life until a few years ago when he moved to Troy. Mr. Richardson has many friends here. He is a nephew of Mrs. Roswell Ameden of this place and Mrs, Les­ter Waldron of North Creek,

Mrs: Strong spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Waldron in North Creek. She has been having a serious time with

- her teeth. Mrs. Strong had several of them extracted.

Mrs. Maggie Harvey motored to Glens Falls recently .tp see her daughter, Mrs. Richard Vaaguild-er who is recovering from an op-

own nine year old son thereby giv­ing North Creek parents first hand information. At the conclusion of Mr. West's talk the Mohican Coun­cil Field Executive, Mr. Peaslee, spoke for about an hour on the underlying priniciples of Cubbing —how to set up the organization and how to keep i t functioning smoothly. A short fihn was shown which pictured a Cab Pack at work and play. In his talk Mr. Peaslee pointed out that Cubbing is essen­tially a family organization in that i t ' s activities are carried on with the help of the boys' parents— therefore parents * interested in, starting a Cub Park must have in­struction. He further stated that although Cubbing is different from Scouting it is really an - introduc­tion to Scouting—a preparatory course for Scouting so to speak. I t is especially beneficial to the younger boy because it gives him supervised activity in his **Me" or individualistic stage when he is^in-'clined to become bossy and hard to handle. After he had acquainted his listeners with the most elemen­tary principles of Cubbing. Mr. Peaslee invited them to look over a display of pamphlets and book­lets used by Cubs and their lead­ers. We quote the following from one of the pamphlets on Cubbing: What Cubbing Does For Your Boy

Cubbing give your boy—1. op­portunities to do interesting things —games, handicrafts, nature, lore, collections, stunts, hobbies—in his own back yard—with sympatheti­cally trained leaders' and natural boy companions.

2. Opportunities to do things for

BAKERS MILLS, Mar. 15—Mr. and Mrs. James Morehouse called on Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Allen one day last week.

Bert and Earl Allen visited Mr. and Mrs, George Dunkley Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Dunkley, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dunkley and Beecher Dunkley were business caller in Glens Falls last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph MiHington and •family visited Mr. and Mrs. James Morehouse Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bateman of Palmer called on Mr. a|id Mrs. William R. Lackey Sunday.

Billy Hitchcock went to War-rehsburg Tuesday .for his first examination for service.

Mrs. Lester Washburn accom­panied her daughter Saturday to Glens Falls fbr K-ray pictures.

Private Myron Dalaba, Great Lakes, Illinois, spent a 3-day fur­lough here last week.

Delbert Allen has started making rakes.'

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dunkley and Mrs. Raymond Morehouse were in Glens Falls Saturday on busi­ness.

Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Morehouse called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Knowlton at Wells Monday.

Mrs. Wilbur Dalaba is better. * Howard Thissell was at War-

rensburg on buisness Monday* Miss Geraldine Dunkley t>f New

York spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Harrington

of Glens Falls spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunkley.

Roy Dunkley is taking lesson in aviation a t Amsterdam.

Miss Carol Davis was admitted to Glens Falls hospital Thursday.

. . . — v - - - —

here Monday. - * The infant daughter born March

6th' to Mr. and Mrls. Ray More-jaouss has been named Clara June.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pasco and daughters, Misses Gladys Jshd Mar­tha, Pasco, spent Saturday a t Glens F'alls.

Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hewitt have returned home from New* York

Mrs. Herbert 0*Byrne of Patcho-gue is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Martha Arm­strong, e- .

Miss Sybil Hewitt is ill and at­tended by Dr, George Bibby.

> Miss Beraice Hutchins spent the week-end a t her home a t Radian Lake.

Mrs". Delia Knickerbocker" of Igerna has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Knickerbocker* -

Mr, and Mrs. Lemon Morehouse spent Sunday at Pottersville with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weseott.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reece of Griffin were in town Monday,

David Hntchins of Indian Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest JHutch-ins Saturday.

-o-I o

I o-



-OT—O 1

I o I •O; 0'.'i"0- - 0 — 0 — 9


-o-S O D O M

JOHNSB'JRG, Mar. 16—Mr. and Mrs. »James Goodman, Jr., and children of Tahawus visited Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas others ia vital part of good citizen-lreturned Sunday from Tennessee ship)—to take responsibility and

•eration in- the Glens Falls hospital. ' find satisfaction in carrying his. Her condition is good.

Mrs. Roswell Ameden spent Sun­day afternoon and evening at the

share' of the load. 3. Opportunities to find pleasure

in and around his home and neigh-home of her sister, Mrs. Waldron in North Creek.

Lester i borhood. I Sine?, as we have already stated.

_ parents need instruction before

where Mr, Thomas has been sta­tioned in the army. Mr. Thomas has received his discharge, .

.lack Montgomery of Indian Lake called On his aunt, Mrs. Le­mon Morehouse Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Saville and son, of Kingston, have been visiting

SQDOM, Mar. 15—Miss Marion O'Neill of Warrensburg was a re­cent visitor at this place. ;

Harold Prouty has been ill. Dr. Glenn of North Creek attended him.

Mrs. Pat Chasson returned home from Glens Palls hospital Sunday.

Mrs, Carrie Hodgkins, Mrs. Sue" Hewitt, Mrs. Harry Hitchcock and Mrs. Lester VanGuilder were busi­ness visitors a t Glens Falls Satur­day.

Mrs. Floyd Maxam of Garnet Lake who has taught school here for the past year, is a patient in Glens Falls hospital.

Mrs. Lone Loveland of Joluis-burg was" a visitor at this place Sunday.

Harry Hitchcock and Mrs. Lester VanGuilder were visitors at North River Saturday.

Dewitt Barton of" Warrensburg was a'business visiter-at-this plaee recently.

MINERVA,; Mar* 16HMrs. Ar­thur Mddleton is in the Ticonder-oga Hospital -recovering from broken leg suffered in ,a fall Sun­day.

Miss Eleanor James-spent the week-end a t her home here, Hef" parents took her back to Keener Valley on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parker are the parents of a daughter, Cora Evelyn, bora last week a t the> Tieonderoga hospital/

Mrsi Bohanan to©k charge e#' the services a t the Minerva chittehv Sunday, while Mr» Bohanan was? filling a pulpit elsewhere.

Late^-but iate»estSng;^N'orrigF West gave an interesting talk scfc the Ohnstedville school i n whicfe he described life in the armyj. fhji students and faculty considered J& very weft-done,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaBar were* In Tieonderoga Monday to get thenf AAA fertilizer allotment,

Howard; t Callahan was rejectedl F r i d a y -Hewas- the only selectee* frowt Minerva*

Mr. and Mrs, Donald Cole ha*e moved from the Courtney^ apart-*, ment. Mr. Cole has been inducted into the army and Mrs. Cole liaiF ^one backto Syracuse. Their apar t ­ment has been rented.

Dewey Gavin was on his way t o Potsdam during the recent . bliz­zard. At one place, he had to hirer « t e a m todraw Iris t ruck outnsrthe snow. When he reached his destine ation, he discovered he had lost his gas ration book, his ODT certifi­cate, his licenses and f oodLration* ing book. Much to bis surprise and pleasure the whole folder was mailed to him at Minerva two days later by the finder.

The Girl Scouts are delivering cards they have been selling. They used the money earned f^om them to buy uniforms for their Readers, Miss Church and Miss Donovan.

Mrs. Earl Dimick was in Glens-Falls Thursday where she joined the-Attxfliary of t h e Vetersns-of -

Foreign Wars.

V—v—v v v-V-v v v v V they may successfully undertake Mr. and Mrs. William Ross

WEVEBTJOWN, N. Y. | j the organization of a Cub Pack an- Mrs. Stella Brooks King of Spec-

V—v—v—v- -v-w-v-I


; other parent instruction meeting j ulator has returned after visiting will be held on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Morehouse*

WEVERTOW> Helen Everts .of Foster Monroe o and tht Rev. an of Pittstown vis Mott Liddle r e

Mary and recovering fro

Mrs. Maude Gerald, who i§/ Falls hospital",

Mr. and Mrs.

Mar. 16—Mrs. Glens Falls, Mrs. : Burlington, Vt„ Mrs. Anton Beza ed Mr. and Mrs.

ptly. othy Murphy are

their recent illness est visited her son,

patient in Glens turday.

rving Richards and family visited JMr. and Mrs. Nath­an Ingraham J t Lake George Sun.

and Irving Sa-d business at Ripar-

Charles Ric vage transac; ius Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harri

Mott Liddle and Sweeney attended "the

funeral of their cousin. Alfred Hanna a^Hudson Falls Saturday.

• Arthur JThomas who was honor­ably d^sjmarged from the Army re-1

cenUvJfisited friends in town MOIL Mrsi George Montgomery is a

pa t i e i l in Glens Falls hospitaL " Mrl and Mrs. Edward Mitchell,

Sr., S r . -and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Jr., and family and Miss Jean Mit-,chellj of Indian Lake visited Mr. and 1 ffrs. WiHIam Maloney, recently

\ eighth grade room of the locallschool was closed Monday due t o tile illness of the teacher, Mrs. Balpfl Montgozrserv Of Pottersville.

Mr. Xmd Mrs. WilHani Egenhofer of Raquette Lake visited relatives in town Simda^..

/Private Foster Monroe, who has oeen stationed at For t BelvoiK Via., for t he cas t &ree months, ireeenfiy visited his family here. XL\ t - ©Han*

Reminders About Rationing

Coffee—Stamp no. 2@^good mar. §2 fm cme pound per person for 5 weeks. gtw^Sr^-Staisp 12 good for f|ve

potmas until May 31

March 30th, at the Firehouse. The following committee has volunteer-' ed to contact parents and insure good attendance for this meeting: Mrs. Guy Alexander, Mrs. William'vens parents, Mr. and Mrs Murphy,"-Mrs. Kenneth Swain, Mr. Hack Meyer Newman,-^ . Frank Bowers

Mrs. Mimie Burke visited North Creek Saturday.

Mrs. John Stevens and children of Saratoga are visiting Mrs. Ste-

~" H. J.

and Mr. Kenneth Bennett. We regret that only half of the

families of North Creek with Cub age attended the first parent in­struction meeting and we urge that all parents, both fathers and mo­thers, with boys aged nine, ten, and eleven years will attend this se­cond meeting on March 30th. It is hoped that the parents of younger boys will also attend the meeting

Carl Early, principal of Ra­quette Lake High School, called on local relatives Friday enroute to his home at Speculator.

Miss Golda Hitchcock of War­rensburg spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hitchcock. .

Mr. and Mrs. PL J . Hack spent Saturday and Sunday a t Glens Falls and Saratoga.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burhans and Louis Davison of Warrens-

to lay up knowledge against the burg attended the funeral of then-day when their boys will . have jaunt, Mrs. Robert T. Armstrtng, reached Cub age. Mr. Peaslee is Wednesday, willing to come way from Glens Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Falls to help us out so we parents should be able to get as far as the Firehouse! O O 0 O O - ' O —P-


IGERNA, Mar. 15—Joseph Har t of Glens Falls is in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard West aiid two children spent the week-end with relatives in Glens Falls.

Miss Geneva Ross of Ushers called on her grandmother, Mrs. Chloe Lahey a t North Creek Sun­day.

Carl Cole went to Albany Sun­day night with his son, Private Bernard Cole, who returned t o Fort Totten, L. X.

Miss Mary Morrisey left for Stratford, Conn., Saturday where she wffl be employed.

Jidihnson who IS in the U. S. Navy^statjohed fit Newport, R. L, and Miss OUve* Bubb of Sche­nectady were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs*, Prentiss^ohnsoftr

rge Vtele who iSHstar Honed i#GeorgfcfeJs tfeen spending

Hopkins of Spier Falls have been visiting local relatives.

Mrs. Henry Millington and Mrs. Berlin Bowman of Bakers Mills were in town Monday.

Mrs. Charles Barney and daugh­ter, Hazel, of Hudson Falls have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins and Mrs.. Jennie Hopkins.

Edwin J* Little and son, Louis, of Albany were in town to attend the funeral of Mrs. Robert T.. Arm­strong.

Gordon Weseott visited his mo­ther, Mrs. Mary Weseott at Luzer­ne Sunday. Mrs. Weseott is spend­ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs. William LaMby.

,Mrs> James Harrington and daughter, Louise, of Oregon,

his furlough here with Ms parents Mr. and Mrs, Homer "VfeB.

Mr. and Mrs^ Reginald Dtlnkle^ ©f Hudson FaHs were week-end guests of their parents, Mr, •Mrs. Clarence Bunkley.

1 Private Bernard-Cfcle of Totten, L. H, and Miss Gen Boss of Ushers spent the week-en; with the formers Parents* Mr*, as Mrs. Carl Cole.

Your Ration Stamps TO OUR STORE

For Prompt, Courteous Service, at Lowest Prices

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