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" f- ' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control in:b6al, 8tcbl ' And Aiitos NO COEROlblf INTENDED I \Fraiice W ill Default on Paying. Sebt CopyrlRht, }bas, l>y UiiHod Pwhh PA1U8,-June 7. iU .1|] — The French' government doc9-not pr-i- poae to pny oltlicr the ilefnuItuJ ’ >flr Oobt puymcnl to lii'i .Unltcit,'jtotcn Price Pixinff, W ill Be Usedl Only-men Oonauincr ■WASinNQTON, Jiinn 7 lUIll —In o »luup attack on the In- diistrlol bilU Semtlor Boroli, ICnp., Idnho, churgcd In tho • winato today that the memiiirp- would UlMlUh ' BmoJl COBIIH-tl. •• tive Industrial, unit*; nnd'thut: HUNpeasIon; :o(. antl-truHt: ’luu-ii) u». provided. In,tho. 1)111 \nia;df- rectly contniry.to a Deriibcr^xtlu ,platform'pI^Be. / , , WASHiNQTON, Jlino 7f a’iv,—! to bo poMcd by' conEre.u.- call (ort action Immedlntely in half Uoz-' .en boalC'Inilustrlcn, It'wiui Indicat- ed today. . Early indiistricH affcctcd proli- nbly will.: Include Iron and.ateol, texUIcB, coal, oir and.automobllca. Those now workinp out plans : believe thC'Otart shou1d>be made with tbeso' ■ biff' baBlo IndusU which employ, perhaps 70 per c of an Industrial labor;. Succcss In thcso first great duslriea'mlgbt bo. sufficient, so..., In tho odmlnatrstlon hope, to malic _f«rtf.cLJ«'i>l!MMqp_o.rjhoJ.far (Pontlnued on. Pogo Fly<0 '• ■ -RoofiavoU'a •Aotlbn'Meots Dc- mantls, for-'Mftller ... -ReductlonB , ' . WABtnNGTON, Jiino 7 (Uni — IndlcaUons that a comprpm' '.the. 6ne due AltlS ;h the cabinet has r.ot formal,' mado Its dccinlon, thp UnlteiL,'roas.lenmed tho I'ovcrn- menl'iB^.ttltudo from an imlm- pcoehjS I official source, Thef* j v c r n m e n t . eapicialty Prciniu ' Edouard Dnladlcr, op- posed c'^ymcnt for the foll'.wing • Plr«5‘. they know they would, bo w ,:,hrowfi by the aoclolisuii ■nnd i«. ionallBts In the chambcr, of deputlcir If they, paid. Secondly, they have been led to bellove that Waahingtoi • the licbtor nallon: ....... " ralher . Uiari , vo fc'rarit them'revision. undcratood^hfi Frcnch hope: Britain also-^11 default I June IR-bcllovlnp- It would pre- cipitate agcncral aottlemen*. nr.d aid'tho succeaa of the woi'- M E JQ U i: PROBEMSi OF WMF Pccora Reveals 'Legal l^ctliods: Uaed to Elimliiato Nceili' Por. Paying RAILWAY HEAD QUIZZED Van Swcringon Formed Bpocial Company to Uiilito .Exctnptions Petitions to Ooyornor Being Circulated-In Twin’ Falls County — Progresa-te-tho-movo-orlfflnated; here to liave Gov. C. Bcn Rosa.lm- mediately fix tho date for-a c stitutlonal convenUon to vote WASHINGTON. June 7 (l!J>) — OrBonitation of special fubnldlary companlcn to take advantage-of incomo tax exemptions was 're vvaicd today in tlic' qucstlonlne of 0. P. Van Swearingen, Cleve' land railroad magnate, during the Senate Morgan Inquiry. Tlio Information regarding Van jiwerlngcn. Income taxes was dis- closed d^rlng questioning of Van Sweringcn rcganling the- purpose behind formation of the Ocncral Sccuritlca coloration in May, 1027. Alllllniis I»8t Perdiniind Pecom, commlltee cnimscl, said during tho luncheon rcccA.1 that the toxcn escapol by the Van Swerlngena through organization of 8u&«ldlarlca mediums for exchanging stoclca ran into'millions of dottars al- though.he bad not been ablo compute the exact Amount Van Sweringen nclinowledged taxca. 'hlsis-the-flrat-t.. been able to ahow from became known , that peUtlons. «cr6 being circulated throughout, the,county, carrying tJio' same Import ob the rcsoluUoriidbpted, hero- Monday l S h c r , a ‘'WilKMi,-who cm palra':mai)lter tar, Tbomu 'C.<Oc. fln.'^congwssman from Uie.aeednd' dlatrict; today Joined tn'urglng ac^' .tion by tho .governor, when* he-'la- sued tbB'followlng.stateiriont: “I commend tho '-mayor and: council o f Twfi--FnllB In paasing tho'tesoluUbn nwueatlng Governor Rosa to-'. Isaiie ,lhc 'proela calllnc'tho'cbnfitltutlonal'. i Uon In the Statc.of Idaho. ________________________ today'at coacliialon ,.bf 'ii confer-- cnce between ,U>« prt^ldoht..'mem. beta of "the -Ho^o Democratic otocrlng com m it^. and'‘fiscal cx- perta of tho.admliUttition.: . Rep. Ctosscr,'DiHl.V Ohio, chair- man of tho atccrlng .toitimlttee and ono of the leaders la,tin> fight: for . t modlficaUon of tho-t^nomy' order arfoclingv6tornna;'«Ud ofUr the two-nnf one-haU’ hoUr conforcncT that aw '.very,.'{lOpeful of a "iOW i'iiw i'itiHSiM ifa' ' imown to, wnflldb^.tn'a amendmenl . a rcbuft.to'-'rtho'^'admlntfltratlon'i ............................ bfV-bi^Bubstltuti^i rih'.thei.r--- - ____________ t;';:8Uchi would, U wofl 80ld,'.r*duco'______ tla>ly'tho'llfamclol.;':ietfect.'-.of.tho luncndmcnt. -UxAniiMn: tt-wnit'oti. tlmated-.by.tho that-Prealdcnt: tlvo order llbcrallelng^veteranB re> • ductlona In compiitlsiiUan^wlll ro- duco' savings by >b«twfeen-«41.000:- OOP and $80 005 OOP -- _ , . NATtlPA ‘MANVPlltaiDENT ) . -POCATELLO;:^naho; -.Juno..? iUI’I^^DMdaho rfiUta- Di'ntal: on- aoiiatlon:' closed- {taiianniiaL.'con- '■ventlon: hBre.lMt'nlgnt oftortnam*. • Ingi: Bolsa'-'. tho .'lQ3^,;conyentlon clt a \ Dr.-).':Dohv^WoW*ard.'‘'.-KanBa8 •• City.-Mo„;jcculV.th*(IlBCM*«loa'1jo: • , fore, some.SO'fflomlwrt/'on’technl- . . cal and-.ellnlcnV csuM.: Dr.- .Ri 'A. : Vjohn8en,:.?Jampa,v^r6aldent cle«t, I aa^avo been lo*I- ’Ing of Intercat.on tho ..for reeonstrudUon _____ delay may bo coluaed u less, provision Is mado through; rfr: ,pcal of the eighteenth amendment lor.’.seelirlDg o f. finances, -so that, wo,may not.bcnefit in tho.Sta' ' Idaho and'other'qtates'durlnff___ in 'aeeurinff ..' our;:por,u6n of.-auch .funda'for rcconatrucUon'and •relief' jWOflc'i'uliIoss money’.fir that'pur*. •pofloican'.bo ralsed-by.thc govom- “Wheft this matter, is sotDed .no r bt we will be nblo to.cngaga In' .^^o^wnyowt^n othpr tMn quit lip^ering of Buhl ; IntWest Is Ille )is a g^unc -7. (8i»cial)^ . ,,of :'BuU:-.has. no,.aUti____ right to :<lower th?^Interest, rato on its outstanding, bond Issucs.^or 'to-c*tend,. the,':t!mo‘,iof-payuient, Attorney -Geueral . .Bert.; Mlllcr'i ruled, hero-,.yesterday.' Buhl'S'city i ordinance' on’ the.matter', waa'.do-' ciahHl:lllp^I.',.-,V - ' ;^ :.OAKVeit NOMINATED: . .^-BOISB,'Juno T (SpcclBn^ohn A.-Caryor: has'bcen:nomlniltod':by President,-RooBovolt’ Xor ^United Stated attorney,'In Idaho.- It'was I . leoraed' hord iodsyrenie' presldo':it I a g nominated William'J. 'Barkor| Malad Legalizes-'Beer As Rebellion Spreads UAI-AD'lddhy/ Juno 7 (UPl ''•Coining thb-IdtkUb'rebcliionln'i' -,favor of )>eor^Ha!4d twlay hadv tho dlstlnbtlon t>l being the flht city ,in tlii«%Ut6 to 11 censo beor^reUUilMt '■rHSSKS r^m coatnlnWg not, Wor« thon. 82_ tb8wleoT!b<ArJ^ claims it ' o i -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars-tho •Bale. Gov C Ben Rosa In Boise Gov. >:ebhtlnuca'-,e' .'matters'to' — ___ __________ :'«alUfor-.a^spootal.: leglalaUw r At J^tollo <LtMer lesiaiM tloh ordinanco has been ^ t .^■uia-.-:a6r^l)e'.i',i>w'Bcntoa Stmtir rEotlon Tcffardlnff beir "by tho ‘ ,8iicclttl.'’.aoasli}hNc.f-'-'ths‘ le8i«la-’) turd liM j boon taken. . . wltnca.^ that.the purpose.of these sub.ild* iaricfl.ISiln many cases to-avoid paying.taxcaV'iPecora aalil,' , "It la.legal.' This Inquiry Is de- ligned to bring out such weak- lesa ' as ,this 1In.- tho . tox-laws passed by Congress.' jURYRECE WASHINGTON, Jiine 7 iHi‘1 - The Sonate.lnquiryjnto.affairs of J. P. Morgan and'company,'delay-, |Cd ty:imceHainty':rcgacdlng;',la-' I comMazVpru$9dp»^4l>y. the-mt- < aponslvo meiBo^ or -tino 'of-f‘ - ar wltneseea,.liurdlc<l . these o -(Continued on Pogo Five) spiiiim Wot Victory‘Firat’THumph in ' Stato Where Bcsult . -Was Doubtful INDIANAPOUS, Ind„ June 7 (UR),— Indiana, onco a firm bul- wark of prohibition’;,.:now.favors repeal of the JStb lUnciidnicnt. by nearly atwo'to ono'.majority, r^ suits of yostcrday-s’ election ind catwt today. ! ' . 'Unofficial rotuniB from 3,C05 i tho atale'a.3,0Bl' preelhcta gave: , Pot.>epcal.;„--..i.^.;...-;-.:,-632,083| Agnlnat .repeal i;...........'.— 20r-- ' The. repeal victory. . In-Ind... was'considered 'especially slgnifl-^; cant'StnM iOl7- wta'en the leglsla- .tui!«.«uUawcd IntoxlcaUag r Indiana has been ono of thb-:...... stays.In the prohibition slnioture. AV ono'tini'e, ,under..tlie notorious .Wright ."bone'.dry»V..law,''perflons ijv'eM Subject to nrrCat .iJ; police* mbh smelled' liquor ,oa their breath.' • . c 'v'. : . Indiana , was Uio first ilato'. in whlch''thorc wfta-:douht..'of the outcorpe to vote oil repeal. It pro- vided^ the.flnt BBVoro. teat for tho repeal movement.".--' iToday’s Games .NATIONAL XBAGUS5 •; --- .-Boston-^.-..',: It. H. A Philadelphia - 000 000 OOl—.1i Boston-,.U.-:000000 12X--3 .. '.-Batteries;' Elliott,'- A. • Moore and;‘.DavIa!.V Cahtwoll. and Har- grave. -At ;R. Plttaburgh’, ...... .. ................... - Chlcago'.'i:.v;.-....."<_.J.-.ii.040 003-^„7 Batterie«!i::8wlft.n.;Knmcr,;Mind - i; •BushVand-lHnrtnett.'.-';.-/,- r ■ABIBRIo553iiEAaDB.?.'''--u I Phiiadcrphia-vj.'iiB.'iiOootcmj-.- n |> Batteries::''WhiUbllui'-Crowder and'.'Bergr-'Clasaet;^'Poteison.;and .r : Clovelaad'-C l irBatUri«{» .Brtdgiss' ftnd vHov- Sd &Sl:.Xs5t! (rla.ss, Pecofa Shake . S277 In' Conccm Owned l>y Twin Falls Company; Police Find No Clues BUHL. June 7 f.Si.cclal) Offl- rni today wore lymiiiiK ''vory effort to' apprchi-ml llu- robluTH 'who aomctlmo liisl nlcl'l limKc In- to. tho irnfc nf the Huh! Ke.-.l * Ice compnny and rlflccl thr i:on- tcnti of over SI.IHIO In ciijih niul Icurrcncy. It ia the Hccond mii:h roljbcry which lin» tiikon pluci- offlcc within a yriir . having Iivon h IhIoii I |ftufe nine monllw nun, ' Tlwodoro Rnngun, iiiiinaKer. -said today that he couM not rix the cxqct amount or Iiinl niKhl's icitw, but wuB ceruiin it w.i.s iii.irr Ihiiii thiiUNand dnllnrH. Oiviird III T^vlri Tulls Tint Buhl Fccil * Ico compiiny. loculccl near llii' railway rlKhv-of* |\viiy. In the lociillty of the fcirmoi- i. Ic; icompany, of which A. M. Sandc, |I» pruprlctor. I Kntnmco to the •<ifnc.- wiui Imade by breaking down u duor, Rangcn dlncovcrvd upon .iirrlviil ut the plimt Uiifl morning. Hl -wii;i :at.tlui |)laci:.'unUl-8:30.ci'cluck liisL night. There arc no duos. It was Ilearned thin afternoon, nnd IIici- l - lire no imown nu*p«cUi. Pmtcr AmIsIa I'lirker Sheriff E. V. Pmtcr Is nasl'st- ing A. C. Parker, chief of polko of Buhl, In InvcBtlgntlng thu'scn- r ^ R lS , Juno 7 ,((J.I’)-^Allpicdscs'^j‘®'!^ng’^J^rB^^^ an . to Gerftany of armament equality I unaucceMtul attemnt • had been Ooimsijl' A r ^ o ..avorj, 5uUt^^o;|*b!oe*.?.ocXl ,;to.Jla.rlenns;.,lhe --- - . ---- I The pact-mniccs. rcacrvatlona. noon-hour. 'againat revision of European frontiers on',establi.ihed. by tho. .. ............ ........................... ......... iHit Srnutor Cnrlrr OIuhr, |i-fl, flcr^- Virginian, and rertllimnd ,1’ccd^j, miwiui r.uiiispl for tin- Si-nat« "inmltti-o liivrHtlpuliiig J. V. AIorgnji'.H urfalni.'fliiiiily liiiNtvd thn Hug .. jHiiic-c. AlioVL-, tho pair sciils lt«.nrml(iH<-c wllh ii'lmiidnhnkc In llu- sommlttro <'-iiunil>uni. QIom hud originally nliji.ftnl lii.oitii!«! h(i \vi»n'l Informed as to the obff.ft ot'Pecora't lii.u iif lni|>ilry. Pact Omits j German Armameitt Equality Nezv Veteran Slash Level Made Public, Loot Feed and Ice Company By Smnslitntr Down Donr [<iirrei Of Office SECOND SIMILAR THEFT MAITERN PASSES ON WORLD IRIP Readies Ciiita, Fourth . Stago'. . On Solo Flight to ' Circle Globe LATEST REPORTS VAGUE Ixitli lian‘1.1 Iir luini' iiml on.- n-.t, i.i' rwjvlrc a connlanl ali.-i receive JlTjO a ni/mlli Rcveroly liijunii will hr from SUi'Yl' J17r. a in. S;iO II 'SpiinlN^-Ami’iii'uli vc.ivranR 1)2 yciii-M old and who m-rvud ■ ant DU dayn In llx- iirniy will VC j>cniri(inH of Jl.'i ii month inntvad nf sn, r., PcnKlonn lo cliildron *.r de- ce.-iiicd velerann will he continued iip-to thf ngi; of IK oi' up lo 21 if Ihuy lire In .ichool or I'ollegf. SEElH l 10 AlO SILVER French- Cabinet Atj ^ Bottom of Pledge Refusal - American Delegates Setting of Ratio ;il World Parley AlJOAllD s ROOSKVELT, ll',l!l—ileportfl Following eloquent appeals on tho part .of attomeya In district court this morning, the Jury In the of the State va. Lamoino Stev- , .iaa.iing judgment on^ the guilt or Innocftnco-of- the accused. Judge W. A. Babcock gave'final Bailies treaty. . ,'rmament equal , . revision aro 'two mnjor objcctlvea' of German foreign policy., .Ger-: many postponed InlUaiing, - thei pact yeatorday-in order to •- -lider. Its terms further. tired at 12:30 o’clock. , -iii his plwi-for leniency. W. L. Dunn; attorney for the . dcfenae atrc-Mcd the fact that Stevens was tho father of' child bom June 1, and urged tho jury to froe him so lie could be with hi.i family.. He cited tho plcture.-'of ;Uio Modonna nnd. Child to the jurymen. Prosecutor; t_£lcu USSx— Premier' li^ouard Daladler understood to feel that tho, pact offered no danger .to any power and Its chief virtue would be to ■clear the atmosphere of auppress- iCd ho.itiiily and suspicion. I Meanwhile, representatives of jthe United States.and Great BrI- 'lain gathered liv Paria . for O..Wi Wltham-walved the privilege Brltlsh-Amerlcan-French confer- of addressing the Jury first, and ence tomorrow, whcn .lt warf hoped confined-hlq. rcmiirks to his final 1 some , diaarmament: formula. wiU - ^ 'bt' devised to. lend an. optlmistio Mrs.' Carrie Crocliett. rootlier of Mrs. Ste^a,, was placed d this' momihff by dc; world economic c Whon the.state rested;Uiu defenne movSd for'dlrccted-Verdict'which waa.denied Iv the court., ^ ,,, Idahp^SdlonajiWill. Meiet Iii 'fen Days 'BOISB.-Juno-7-(Ur.l—within 10| days, probably, the.statoaegiala-'! ture .wlir^ bo In'.session to enact' 'special leglslaUon to. ease tho Btato'B..financial affairs nnd to Icgallzo bccr, It; was aald at the istatoicapltol. Wednesday. Sims. Is Manager of ^■.:Flre8tpne C o m p a n y George O. Slnis; Salt Lake City, haa‘.arrived .to asaumo manngo- ment of Firestone Service Stores; Ino.;-offoctlvo Jiino I.. 'He.' succor - :C... o. •Wall.-'who will..conUnuo'--WitIv the company. hore. :Mrr Sims said , today..: lattors family, will arrive .08 ofl'O-residence Is - secured. - magnzlDo publisher, dlM home at ,Wyncote, a Isuburb,-at, 2:10 /5oys: f::rBEVERLY':HtU:B;,Cal»,'.'-::-- ■••Attorney. PccortiVIs;!llabloLi> htive^'.tbVdo-^llkb'iIloosdvdy.-so on'.the radIo'and-ten--hU'trou-(' i.blcs. 'That,- old':.;radio.;-.lB '^the. ffrcalest club, ever Invented?for. a'/quli*; appeal:- It’i. 'ifoi'tli' 60 • vetoes. Pceora can. idolu.'aoae I -Sen>ton<:8a3^, • ’’Urtele’t-for^hlm': •If i^le.-tellB:lt?to•^U^a;pcoplo;^•' --vThls- l8;n igreat .wiintiy.' ryou: •,rievervkriovr>whei£>-»*- lllMUidk lOAHOfiOl; LEEPAI310 state Recruits for Forestry Work Will Not Be " ^ Roducod boiSE,'Juno 7 (Spec OIEOIAGAIE iBilER^^OIES irand, ___ at-his I Philadelphia . . ., ' today after .llngerlng-llineas. . Curtis would l)ave been 8s vears -.d on Juno 18. '. ' P)ineral services -w Frluay afternoon nt home. • • ; • At Curtis’ .bedside ___ daughter. .Wrs. Mary. Louise Cur- tis Bokrtwo grandsons.-W..Curtis Bolt and Cary W.' Bok: Mrs.; John C. Uartln. astepdaugbter. and Ur. Martin, vice president of thc.'Cur- - 'ttarlln-nowspapers: Mrs. Peorr Wells of Detroit;, a ste^augh* ter;'Dr. MarUn Q;-BehfUBs,.Phua- delphla. and Dr. Freeman Brown of Rockland Me ' ; ‘ 'Mrs..CurtlB-dled’May'ai,':1032!; shortly'afUr'her.husbond suffered a heart-.attaek ''from.'' whletki-.-'he never fully, recovered.' Burnnco that Idaho's -quota of 3,000 men'ln Uio clvliion conscr- jvatlon.‘'aiTny," will not bo reduced was announced here today. State officials had feared reduction of the number of Idoho camps would mean a correaponding alash In Ihe men to bo enrolled within, [daho'a borders. RccruiClng of the 3,COO will bo completed probably by Friday, Parker Carver, 'department of la* bor representative for Idaho.‘ do-' dared here' today. • Additional'., eaatcm cadres rived In' Boise; yesterilny, wlL*i mortelo/jomo today.' The men arc being.-shipped .'by truck •to-the ffcircst 'sites. •- ... . ' Seven Miners Shot In IlHnois “War’^ SPamOPlELD, III., June 7 lttl!l —Seven' minors.'.-and.'a -spcelal doputP.'Wero' Shot;, oflo probobly, fatally,-, and : a scpre-i.of . persons I ro injured: In •a pltchedv battle ! ■,whlch 2,000..pickets alUmpted halt operations at tho Peerless mine of the Peabody; coal coih- pany. t o d o y . ' . - , - . ' , .'.Bdth.reen,and,women .... the concentration of pickets which man3licd-.on,tlio,nilaa as.'cmployes cnUrcd.'.tlio'.'.Shaft.:.,.Thev battle raged' until national <guard>.retn- - . ......... ....... .......... .from ..,111 Soviet Officials Say Siberia Weather Conditions Arc Good MOSCOW, ,iiinc 7 <L',i:i—JamcH Mallrrn, Tcwih iivliitor, was be- lieved well iwyonil the .lialf-way nmrk In hl» night nround tho world today. In the iib.icnec uf definite n ^ s . It was aa.iu:nc(l M»ttern Imd reach- ed Chita. Sllicrla, hla objective in ihc,fourth Btago of his Jour^iey . When he look uff early todny from Omsk. Chita, 370 mllf.t cant of IrkuatnU''. i.i In l,«ngltud(: ll3-'BoaL New York,.M(ilicm’a starting polnt,'ia- In 14 degree.1 West. The Texan :! tJuis would hayo covercd 187 of tho; niiO dogroea around tho world. WKATHKIt OOOl) ' I MOSCOW, June 7 <IU!l-Soviet, offlclulJi felt today it was likely t Ji:nmy Multem had landed hlfl irlrplano in Chita. Siberia. News g f' ; his arrival, iiowovcr, may bo long Predict'to'eS>-am a from- S, ■ I'KESionNT VT SI3A, June 7 hat an informal reaclicd among govemmenlfl tluit participated In r e c o n t economic conversations with President Itnonevclt to re- duce the minimum gold coVcrago of currencies to 26 per cent were verified today by Senator Key Pittman,' member ' of the Arnerr Ucan dcle^tlon to the world «co-- ' nemlo conferences , ;, A -tiW:per,.''^ti-dl'rtr~fcaala'‘--fOT .j currency.would.'be, optional' with'| the! central banks of tho various counWeo, Pittman said.. , Want Slabliily ' , •To stabilize sliver prices, the confereea >looked fovorably upon a'scheme for central banks', to purchase sliver on a declining raarltet and sell on a rising mar- ket, thus affecting BUbllltoUon of price. .' • , Pittman foresaw a posalblol Chita often are delayed ten U . __ lur.i before reaching Moscow. •-- News of Mattem Being Wght<^‘ . ^er Novo-SlWmk waa telephoned Slblr«k. Officials of the alrdromo there lold the United.Press tliat weather conditions were,good and Uierc wan every reason to bellevo the flight was prcce^ing'smooth* ly- IAnticipate Large FrodueU'on... bf'BotU^Orops in ldaio',;' ■ , ■ -Thls-Season • during the world economic confer- establishlng a. ratio of gold illver for currency basia pur- poses. Tho ngreem'ent. he believed, would bo ’conditioned on agree- ments on other .cconomh:' sub- jecls. Creation of an International monetary unit to be used In atab- llIratlon.,of world, currencies Is of tho ph m Potato ond bean planting,-big'.' tasks In this, area; arc noW un-. derway here, with most'fahns 41)0-8---- * Drys I'rushed ,. lion for-the economic -conference. It was' learned ..authoritatively from the White House. . Such .a unit .would be designed to simplify. Intcniational-cxchangii' and to'avoid.speculation noiv go- ing on In varlous-money -ccatera. of tho world; It would'bo a sort of :“lmaglnary coin* too establish an: International ^non•fluctuatIng'l I.exchange'.basis.. - ’i.'''- Meet to PIaji'' ; Ahti^Repeal Move BlflMINOHAir, Ala.',^June 7. (Ui!l—Anti-saloon league . superin-. tendents of. several southern states mot, In.'ejcecuUvoi session .hero, to- day undcr^lcndershlp.of'.F.,Scott &tcBride, "national supcRlntendent to map plana for.on attempt to Mlldify'-the ' -south'. ;agalnst, ,the ^lat'aniendment.- . ‘Among ;'promInenf.-djy leadera at. the meeting was Bishop'.James Ui'Cannop, of^Waahlngton.'. ' Germany; Si^s . Pact ' .-'ROME,'''Jtine '7 'iliTJ^-klcnnany.’a aueptanco'.of the draft of 'Pro>- mler iBenltd: Uussolliil’a' ten*ycar peacei'treaty'-'.was ;'annotinced-,to-' day, andiit wns.sald^lhat.therpact . Weather;conditions arc cpnsld* . ered .satlsfncteo' for.-this work,,-, tho temperature beln?- not - too warm. pormltUng oasy -operation of tho soil. V . BAlmates of authoriUes to d ^ ’ aa.'that tho potato acresgo<vrl)t. bo Increased over that of. last . year, and that In -tho,-stato'r tho production may reach- 5,000 cars n excesa of tho 21,000: earloads i ■ ihlppcd-from Idaho tho jjast.sei- ': Rupert,,at 'a2.000 .•cara.;,th<<, season.. ■WHile.lflS'liclleved the act«ngo^-!;-;-, 'will, not , be. Increased',, to'sucb. great;.extept; in -this, territory,' tEo' -■ .^'r, general,.Increase over.-•thT’ statto ■ will result from armoro- siieeera-Vi < 's< ,.. Xui;,crop,.ta- the oplaiimTorR,' A^r' ';.v Bacon,:,local dealer, V . , . ' - ' r :.'-U.la-nntlclpatcd that the-Ijcait'v'? acroage; here, will also -be'i'.'ini creascd.-.ltt .this aection thls-sta?-;'.,';: Throng. Greets ‘Mrsi t RooseveltV Plane . LOS\.AIlOKLES;;:June;',7f.at(!ir:i! Mrs. 7ranUln.D!'.RooMvelt'.'t/Kliiy was' .enjoying-'-what^i,shb:‘;>»opM. , would ;• be ;-:a> quiet.viiltiwlth:' her. soii Elliott 0 1 4 V-:Sha'..«irave<l'.hcro;laat::nlglit'by., airplane. ftdm< .Tucson.-: Arl* .:;niid; wns.:.glvon.':an;;':onthUBlns'tle:„-wel-. winb .by ;.tt',largo',crowd ^Including ftv-gmupVheaded.ntiy-',Oov.v;jflmBi Rolph;-Jr;;:fof ..Callfornlari Mayor-' ’John 'C. ^>q^ter:and ‘WlUirlVogera.' .The-'. d«TlvW-:»Wwi,';totbe-; quite; Inlormal^f^.'ItVdi ...............- ^ylorvlllo to.queli the disputants. tVdevelopedilJito: ......... ItlASONfiDARnEn, piW.rWaaonsihenccrorth^flhnlirnot bovap^lnted-' to.»the,rBti^to'i,olvll ON I nvr Porter,'Defeated^;Im'^^^ Los. AngeliMT-Viq^tiri^ -'LOS-XNOELES;-:-June>,r''(ttE^— '■ / Mayor.'Jolin.a\Po'rter/'vJh(»>' fusal 'lo^artnk' a’.-.tdiiitj^ln'-^lii;-;,;-^;; two.years ago dr«w •the-'app’ailno-r'A!- of; American'-diya iuja'.Uia.'derli;'‘,- ."‘C Sion of. w«ts,':fias lost- hls'jobr:^ I •••Ho'wai 'defeated.-,folr'-re-ilecUon'<v-,),' ycaterday3''l)y,';Prank\>-Ii.';=8hiwM^5 chalrman.^-M.'vthe';;-*Uav:An^oB;®'( - '.Porter,, tiled.':.world^wlde'^'liftwaVw^y flhamt&»6nS;Bt;a. Mountain H a ^ U k ^ And Delirium Tre " A'M3NA;‘;Nev:,'‘June :r: (UEl-^ttlot 'niouiitaln'- woj '^Vn'-a^Ja^Silii^. i.The;inount«an; HsIngimbA.-.tliaA 8,0M;.;'fo^.i.ab6Ve:'.ths'',bleak.-|,sagi.' bnisli-aotted\:Neyada-,Jde#ertV>wa8 ^fis'^jf.^fivmVwhal '•* tietwHt. w u shakeh by a aevsrq tuake^oiobg: tba Coveloekl. fault. th9 mountatn luu Men s ‘mUbe* hdvlng I Over an area tWo toll** square the. moimtataV^quIveA, quakes and ginians .Wmost daily. , ThlsJltUe desert mlnlntfitown, «liuattcd on ■t^b vestem. slop^;OI .
Page 1: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control

" f- ' I

P l i O l E H WiovEiiysm

' Administration'piauB; Oall for

: Control in :b6al, 8tcbl

' And Aiitos


\Fraiice W ill Defa u lt on Paying. SebtCopyrlRht, }bas, l>y UiiHod Pwhh

PA1U8,-June 7. iU.1|] — The French' government doc9-not pr-i- poae to pny oltlicr the ilefnuItuJ

’ >flr Oobt puymcnl to lii'i .Unltcit, 'jtotcn

Price Pixinff, W ill Be Usedl

O n ly-m en Oonauincr

■ WASinNQTON, Jiinn 7 lUIll —In o »luup attack on the In- diistrlol bilU Semtlor Boroli, ICnp., Idnho, churgcd In tho

• winato today that the memiiirp-would UlMlUh ' BmoJl COBIIH-tl.

•• tive Industrial, unit*; nnd'thut: HUNpeasIon; :o(. antl-truHt: ’luu-ii) u». provided. In,tho. 1)111 \nia;df- rectly contniry.to a Deriibcr xtlu

,platform'pI^Be. / , •

, WASHiNQTON, Jlino 7f a’iv,—!

to bo poMcd by' conEre.u.- call (ort action Immedlntely in half Uoz-' .en boalC'Inilustrlcn, It'wiui Indicat­ed today.. Early indiistricH affcctcd proli- nbly will.: Include Iron and.ateol, texUIcB, coal, oir and.automobllca.

Those now workinp out plans : believe thC'Otart shou1d>be made with tbeso' ■ biff' baBlo IndusU which employ, perhaps 70 per c of an Industrial labor;.

Succcss In thcso first great duslriea'mlgbt bo. sufficient, so..., In tho odmlnatrstlon hope, to malic


(Pontlnued on. Pogo Fly<0

'• ■ -RoofiavoU'a •Aotlbn'Meots Dc-

mantls, for-'Mftller

... -ReductlonB , '

. WABtnNGTON, Jiino 7 (Uni — IndlcaUons that a comprpm'

'.the. 6ne due

AltlS ;h the cabinet has r.ot formal,' mado Its dccinlon, thp UnlteiL,'roas.lenmed tho I'ovcrn- menl'iB^.ttltudo from an imlm- pcoehjS I official source,

Thef* jv c rn m e n t . eapicialty Prciniu ' Edouard Dnladlcr, op­posed c'^ymcnt for the foll'.wing

• Plr«5‘. they know they would, bo w ,:,hrowfi by the aoclolisuii ■nnd i«. ionallBts In the chambcr, of deputlcir If they, paid.

Secondly, they have been led to bellove that Waahingtoi

• the licbtor nallon:....... " ralher . Uiari , vofc'rarit them'revision.

undcratood^hfi Frcnch hope: Britain also-^11 default I June IR-bcllovlnp- It would pre­cipitate agcncral aottlemen*. nr.d aid'tho succeaa of the woi'-

M E J Q U i : P R O B E M S i OF W M F

Pccora Reveals 'Legal l^ctliods:

Uaed to Elimliiato Nceili' Por. Paying


Van Swcringon Formed Bpocial

Company to Uiilito


Petitions to Ooyornor Being

Circulated-In Tw in’

Falls County

— Progresa-te-tho-movo-orlfflnated; here to liave Gov. C. Bcn Rosa.lm- mediately fix tho date for-a c stitutlonal convenUon to vote

WASHINGTON. June 7 (l!J>) — OrBonitation of special fubnldlary companlcn to take advantage-of incomo tax exemptions was 're vvaicd today in tlic' qucstlonlne of 0. P. Van Swearingen, Cleve' land railroad magnate, during the Senate Morgan Inquiry.

Tlio Information regarding Van jiwerlngcn. Income taxes was dis­closed d^rlng questioning of Van Sweringcn rcganling the- purpose behind formation of the Ocncral Sccuritlca coloration in May, 1027.

Alllllniis I»8t Perdiniind Pecom, commlltee

cnimscl, said during tho luncheon rcccA.1 that the toxcn escapol by the Van Swerlngena through organization of 8u&«ldlarlca mediums for exchanging stoclca ran into'millions of dottars al- though.he bad not been ablo compute the exact Amount

Van Sweringen nclinowledged


been able to ahow from

becameknown , that peUtlons. «cr6 being circulated throughout, the,county, carrying tJio' same Import ob the rcsoluUoriidbpted, hero- Monday

lS h c r ,a ‘'WilKMi,-who cm palra':mai)lter tar, Tbomu 'C.< Oc. fln.'^congwssman from Uie.aeednd' dlatrict; today Joined tn'urglng ac ' .tion by tho .governor, when* he-'la- sued tbB'followlng.stateiriont:

“I commend tho '-mayor and: council o f Twfi--FnllB In paasing tho'tesoluUbn nwueatlng Governor Rosa to-'. Isaiie ,lhc 'proela calllnc'tho'cbnfitltutlonal'. i Uon In the Statc.of Idaho.

________________________today'at coacliialon ,.bf 'ii confer-- cnce between ,U>« prt^ldoht..'mem. beta of "the -Ho^o Democratic otocrlng com mit^. and'‘fiscal cx- perta of tho.admliUttition.:. Rep. Ctosscr,'DiHl.V Ohio, chair­

man of tho atccrlng .toitimlttee and ono of the leaders la,tin> fight: for

. t modlficaUon of tho-t^nomy' order arfoclingv6tornna;'«Ud ofUr the two-nnf one-haU’ hoUr conforcncT that aw '.very,.'{lOpeful of a

"iO Wi'iiwi'itiHSiMifa'

' imown to, wnflldb^.tn'a amendmenl . a rcbuft.to'-'rtho'^'admlntfltratlon'i

............................ bfV-bi^Bubstltuti^irih'.thei.r--- -

____________ t;';:8Uchiwould, U wofl 80ld,'.r*duco'______tla>ly'tho'llfamclol.;':ietfect.'-.of.tho luncndmcnt. -UxAniiMn: tt-wnit'oti. tlmated-.by.tho that-Prealdcnt: tlvo order llbcrallelng^veteranB re>

• ductlona In compiitlsiiUan^wlll ro- duco' savings by >b«twfeen- «41.000:- OOP and $80 005 OOP -- _

, . NATtlPA ‘MANVPlltaiDENT ). -POCATELLO;:^naho; -.Juno..? iUI’I^^DMdaho rfiUta- Di'ntal: on-

■ aoiiatlon:' closed- {taiianniiaL.'con- '■ ventlon: hBre.lMt'nlgnt oftortnam*.• Ingi: Bolsa'-'. tho .'lQ3^,;conyentlon

clt a \Dr.-).':Dohv^WoW*ard.'‘'.-KanBa8

•• City.-Mo„;jcculV.th*(IlBCM*«loa'1jo:• , fore, some.SO'fflomlwrt/'on’technl- . . cal and-.ellnlcnV csuM.: Dr.- .Ri 'A.: Vjohn8en,:.?Jampa,v^r6aldent cle«t,

I aa^avo been lo*I- ’Ing of Intercat.on tho ..for reeonstrudUon

_____ delay may bo coluaed uless, provision Is mado through; rfr: ,pcal of the eighteenth amendment lor.’.seelirlDg o f. finances, -so that, wo,may not.bcnefit in tho.Sta' 'Idaho and'other'qtates'durlnff___in 'aeeurinff ..' our;:por,u6n of.-auch .funda'for rcconatrucUon'and •relief' jWOflc'i'uliIoss money’.fir that'pur*. •pofloican'.bo ralsed-by.thc govom-

“Wheft this matter, is sotDed .no

r bt we will be nblo to.cngaga In' .^^o^wnyow t^n othpr tMn quit

lip^ering of Buhl ; IntWest Is Ille

) is a g unc -7. (8i»cial)^. ,,of :'BuU:-.has. no,.aUti____

right to :<lower th?^Interest, rato on its outstanding, bond Issucs.^or 'to-c*tend,. the,':t!mo‘,iof-payuient, Attorney - Geueral . .Bert.; Mlllcr'i ruled, hero-,.yesterday.' Buhl'S'city i ordinance' on’ the.matter', waa'.do-' ciahHl:lllp^I.',.-,V - '

; :.OAKVeit NOMINATED: . .^-BOISB,'Juno T (SpcclBn^ohn A.-Caryor: has'bcen:nomlniltod':by President,-RooBovolt’ Xor ^United Stated attorney,'In Idaho.- It'was I . leoraed' hord iodsyrenie' presldo':it I a g nominated William'J. 'Barkor|

Malad Legalizes-'Beer A s Rebellion Spreads

UAI-AD'lddhy/ Juno 7 (UPl ''•Coining thb-IdtkUb'rebcliionln'i'

- ,favor of )>eor^Ha!4d twlay hadv tho dlstlnbtlon t>l being the flh t city ,in tlii«%Ut6 to 11 censo beor^reUUilMt

'■ rH SSK S

r ^ mcoatnlnWg not, Wor« thon. 82_

tb8wleoT!b<ArJ^ claim s it

' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to'

s ;coot«sd,-bars-tho • Bale.

Gov C Ben RosaIn Boise Gov.>:ebhtlnuca'-,e'.'matters'to' — ___ __________:'«alUfor-.a^spootal.: leglalaUw

r At J ^ to l lo <L tMer lesiaiM tloh ordinanco has been ^ t

.^■uia-.-:a6r l)e'.i',i>w'Bcntoa Stmtir rEotlon Tcffardlnff beir "by tho ‘ ,8iicclttl.'’.aoasli}hNc.f-'-'ths‘ le8i«la-’)

turd liMj boon taken.

. . wltnca. that.the purpose.of these sub.ild* iaricfl.ISiln many cases to-avoid paying.taxcaV'iPecora aalil,', "It la.legal.' This Inquiry Is de- ligned to bring out such weak- lesa ' as ,this 1 In.- tho . tox-laws passed by Congress.'


The Sonate.lnquiryjnto.affairs of J. P. Morgan and'company,'delay-, |Cd ty:imceHainty':rcgacdlng;',la-' I comMazVpru$9dp»^4l>y. the- mt- <

aponslvo meiBo^ or -tino 'of-f‘- ar wltneseea,.liurdlc<l . these o -(Continued on Pogo Five)

s p i i i i m

Wot Victory‘F irat’THumph in

' Stato Where Bcsult

. -Was Doubtful

INDIANAPOUS, Ind„ June 7 (UR),— Indiana, onco a firm bul­wark of prohibition’;,.:now.favors repeal of the JStb lUnciidnicnt. by nearly atwo'to ono'.majority, r suits of yostcrday-s’ election ind catwt today. ! ' .'Unofficial rotuniB from 3,C05 i

tho atale'a.3,0Bl' preelhcta gave: , Pot.>epcal.;„--..i. .;...-;-.:,-632,083|Agnlnat .repeal i;...........'.— 20r--' The. repeal victory. . In-Ind... was'considered 'especially slgnifl- ; cant'StnM iOl7- wta'en the leglsla- .tui!«.«uUawcd IntoxlcaUag rIndiana has been ono of thb-:......stays.In the prohibition slnioture. AV ono'tini'e, ,under..tlie notorious . Wright ."bone'.dry»V..law,''perflons ijv'eM Subject to nrrCat .iJ; police* mbh smelled' liquor ,oa their breath.' • . c 'v'. : .

Indiana , was Uio first ilato'. in whlch''thorc wfta-:douht..'of the outcorpe to vote oil repeal. It pro­vided the.flnt BBVoro. teat for tho repeal movement.".--'

iToday’s Games.NATIONAL XBAGUS5 •;

--- .-Boston- .-..',: It. H. APhiladelphia - 000 000 OOl—. 1 i Boston-,.U.-:000000 12X--3 .. '.-Batteries;' Elliott,'- A. • Moore and;‘ .DavIa!.V Cahtwoll. and Har­grave.-At ;R.

Plttaburgh’, ...... ..................... -Chlcago'.'i:.v;.-....."<_.J.-.ii.040 003- „7

Batterie«!i::8wlft.n.;Knmcr,;Mind - i; •BushVand-lHnrtnett.'.-';.-/,- r


I Phiiadcrphia-vj.'iiB.'iiOootcmj-.- n |> Batteries::''WhiUbllui'-Crowder and'.'Bergr-'Clasaet; 'Poteison.;and.r :Clovelaad'-C lirBatUri«{» .Brtdgiss' ftnd vHov-

Sd& S l:.X s5 t!

(rla.ss, Pecofa Shake

■. S277 In'

Conccm Owned l>y Twin Falls

Company; Police Find

No Clues

BUHL. June 7 f.Si.cclal) Offl- rni today wore lymiiiiK ''vory

effort to' apprchi-ml llu- robluTH 'who aomctlmo liisl nlcl'l limKc In­to. tho irnfc nf the Huh! Ke.-.l * Ice compnny and rlflccl thr i:on- tcnti of over SI.IHIO In ciijih niul

Icurrcncy.It ia the Hccond mii:h roljbcry

which lin» tiikon pluci- offlcc within a yriir

. having Iivon hIhIoii I |ftufe nine monllw nun,

' Tlwodoro Rnngun, iiiiinaKer. -said today that he couM not rix the cxqct amount or Iiinl niKhl's icitw, but wuB ceruiin it w.i.s iii.irr Ihiiii

thiiUNand dnllnrH.Oiviird III T vlri Tulls

Tint Buhl Fccil * Ico compiiny. loculccl near llii' railway rlKhv-of*

|\viiy. In the lociillty of the fcirmoi-

i. Ic;icompany, of which A. M. Sandc, |I» pruprlctor.I Kntnmco to the •<ifnc.- wiui I made by breaking down u duor, Rangcn dlncovcrvd upon .iirrlviil ut the plimt Uiifl morning. Hl- wii;i :at.tlui |)laci:.'unUl-8:30.ci'cluck liisL night.

There arc no duos. It was I learned thin afternoon, nnd IIici-l- lire no imown nu*p«cUi.

Pmtcr AmIsIa I'lirker Sheriff E. V. Pmtcr Is nasl'st-

ing A. C. Parker, chief of polko of Buhl, In InvcBtlgntlng thu'scn-

r ^ R lS , Juno 7 ,((J.I’)-^Allpicdscs'^j‘®'! ng’ J rB ^ an. to Gerftany of armament equality I unaucceMtul attemnt • had been

Ooimsijl' A r ^ o ..avorj, 5uUt^^o;|*b!oe*.?.ocXl ,;to.Jla.rlenns;.,lhe

--- - . ---- I The pact-mniccs. rcacrvatlona. noon-hour.'againat revision of European frontiers on',establi.ihed. by tho.

.. ............ ........................... ......... iHit Srnutor Cnrlrr OIuhr, |i-fl,flcr - Virginian, and rertllimnd ,1’ccd^j, miwiui r.uiiispl for tin- Si-nat« "inmltti-o liivrHtlpuliiig J. V. AIorgnji'.H urfalni.'fliiiiily liiiNtvd thn Hug .. jHiiic-c. AlioVL-, tho pair sciils lt«.nrml(iH<-c wllh ii'lmiidnhnkc In llu- sommlttro <'-iiunil>uni. QIom hud originally nliji.ftnl lii.oitii!«! h(i \vi»n'l Informed as to the obff.ft ot'Pecora't lii.u iif lni|>ilry.

Pact Omits j German Armameitt Equality

Nezv Veteran Slash Level Made Public,

Loot Feed and Ice Company

By Smnslitntr Down Donr [<iirrei

Of Office



ON WORLD IRIPReadies Ciiita, Fourth . Stago'. .

On Solo F light to '

Circle Globe

LATEST REPORTS VAGUEIxitli lian‘1.1 Iirluini' iiml on.- n-.t, i.i'rwjvlrc a connlanl ali.-ireceive JlTjO a ni/mlli Rcveroly liijunii will hr from SUi'Yl' J17r. a in.


'SpiinlN^-Ami’iii'uli vc.ivranR 1)2 yciii-M old and who m-rvud ■ ant DU dayn In llx- iirniy will VC j>cniri(inH of Jl.'i ii month

inntvad nf sn, r., PcnKlonn lo cliildron *.r de-

ce.-iiicd velerann will he continued iip-to thf ngi; of IK oi' up lo 21 if Ihuy lire In .ichool or I'ollegf.

S E E l H l 10 AlO SILVER

French- Cabinet Atj ^ Bottom of Pledge ■ Refusal -

American Delegates

Setting of Ratio ;il

World Parley

AlJOAllD s ROOSKVELT, ll',l!l—ileportfl

Following eloquent appeals on tho part .of attomeya In district court this morning, the Jury In the

of the State va. Lamoino Stev-

, .iaa.iing judgment on the guilt or Innocftnco-of- the accused.

Judge W. A. Babcock gave'final

Bailies treaty.. ,'rmament equal , .

revision aro 'two mnjor objcctlvea' of German foreign policy., .Ger-: many postponed InlUaiing, - thei pact yeatorday-in order to •- -lider. Its terms further.

tired at 12:30 o’clock., -iii his plwi-for leniency. W. L. Dunn; attorney for the . dcfenae atrc-Mcd the fact that Stevens was tho father of' child bom June 1, and urged tho jury to froe him so lie could be with hi.i family.. He cited tho plcture.-'of ;Uio Modonna nnd. Child to the jurymen. Prosecutor;

t_£lcu USSx—Premier' li^ouard Daladler

understood to feel that tho, pact offered no danger .to any power and Its chief virtue would be to ■clear the atmosphere of auppress- iCd ho.itiiily and suspicion.I Meanwhile, representatives of jthe United States.and Great BrI- 'lain gathered liv Paria . for

O..Wi Wltham-walved the privilege Brltlsh-Amerlcan-French confer- of addressing the Jury first, and ence tomorrow, whcn .lt warf hoped confined-hlq. rcmiirks to his final 1 some , diaarmament: formula. wiU

- ^ ■ 'bt' devised to. lend an. optlmistioMrs.' Carrie Crocliett. rootlier of

Mrs. S te^a,, was placedd this' momihff by dc;

world economic c

Whon the.state rested;Uiu defenne movSd for'dlrccted-Verdict'which waa.denied Iv the court., ,,,

I d a h p ^ S d l o n a j i W i l l .

■ M e ie t I i i ' f e n D a y s'BOISB.-Juno-7-(Ur.l—within 10|

days, probably, the.statoaegiala-'! ture .wlir bo In'.session to enact' 'special leglslaUon to. ease tho Btato'B..financial affairs nnd to Icgallzo bccr, It; was aald at the istatoicapltol. Wednesday.

S im s . I s M a n a g e r o f

^■ .:F lre8tpne C o m p a n yGeorge O. Slnis; Salt Lake City,

haa‘.arrived .to asaumo manngo- ment of Firestone Service Stores; Ino.;-offoctlvo Jiino I..

'He.' succor - :C... o. • Wall.-' who will..conUnuo'--WitIv the company. hore. :Mrr Sims said , today..: lattors family, will arrive .08 ofl'O-residence Is - secured. -

magnzlDo publisher, dlM home at ,Wyncote, a I suburb,-at, 2:10

/ 5 o y s :

f::rBEVERLY':HtU:B;,Cal»,'.'-::-- ■••Attorney. PccortiVIs;!llabloLi> htive '.tbVdo- llkb'iIloosdvdy.-so on'.the radIo'and-ten--hU'trou-('

i.blcs. 'That,- old':.;radio.;-.lB '^the. ffrcalest club, ever Invented?for. a'/quli*; appeal:- It’i . 'ifoi'tli' 60

• vetoes. Pceora can. idolu.'aoae I -Sen>ton<:8a3 , •’’Urtele’t-for^hlm':• If i^le.-tellB:lt?to•^U^a;pcoplo; •'

--vThls- l8;n igreat .wiintiy.' ryou: •,rievervkriovr>whei£>-»*-

lllM U idk


LEEPA I3 1 0state Recruits for Forestry

Work W ill Not Be

" Roducod

boiSE,'Juno 7 (Spec


irand,___ at-his IPhiladelphia

. . ., ' today after.llngerlng-llineas. .Curtis would l)ave been 8s vears

-.d on Juno 18. '. 'P)ineral services - w

Frluay afternoon nt home. • • ; •

At Curtis’ .bedside ___ —daughter. .Wrs. Mary. Louise Cur­tis Bokrtwo grandsons.-W..Curtis Bolt and Cary W.' Bok: Mrs.; John C. Uartln. astepdaugbter. and Ur. Martin, vice president of thc.'Cur- - 'ttarlln-nowspapers: Mrs. Peorr

Wells of Detroit;, a ste^augh* ter;'Dr. MarUn Q;-BehfUBs,.Phua- delphla. and Dr. Freeman Brown of Rockland Me ' ;‘ 'Mrs..CurtlB-dled’May'ai,':1032!; shortly'afUr'her.husbond suffered a heart-.attaek ''from.'' whletki-.-'he never fully, recovered.'

Burnnco that Idaho's - quota of 3,000 men'ln Uio clvliion conscr-

jvatlon.‘'aiTny," will not bo reduced was announced here today. State officials had feared reduction of the number of Idoho camps would mean a correaponding alash In Ihe men to bo enrolled within, [daho'a borders.

RccruiClng of the 3,COO will bo completed probably by Friday, Parker Carver, 'department of la* bor representative for Idaho.‘ do-' dared here' today. •

Additional'., eaatcm cadres rived In' Boise; yesterilny, wlL*i mortelo/jomo today.' The men arc being.-shipped .'by truck •to-the ffcircst 'sites. •- ... . '

Seven Miners Shot ■ In IlHnois “War’^SPamOPlELD, III., June 7 lttl!l

—Seven' minors.'.-and.'a - spcelal doputP.'Wero' Shot;, oflo probobly, fatally,-, and : a ■ scpre-i.of . persons I

ro injured: In •a pltchedv battle ! ■,whlch 2,000..pickets alUmpted halt operations at tho Peerless

mine of the Peabody; coal coih- pany. t o d o y . ' . - ,- . ' , .'.Bdth.reen,and,women .... the concentration of pickets which man3licd-.on,tlio,nilaa as.'cmployes cnUrcd.'.tlio'.'.Shaft.:.,.Thev battle raged' until national <guard>.retn- - . ......... ....... .......... .from

..,111 Soviet Officials Say Siberia

Weather Conditions

Arc Good

MOSCOW, ,iiinc 7 <L',i:i—JamcH Mallrrn, Tcwih iivliitor, was be­lieved well iwyonil the .lialf-way nmrk In hl» night nround tho world today.

In the iib.icnec uf definite n ^ s .It was aa.iu:nc(l M»ttern Imd reach­ed Chita. Sllicrla, hla objective in ihc,fourth Btago of his Jour iey . When he look uff early todny from Omsk.■ Chita, 370 mllf.t cant of IrkuatnU''. i.i In l,«ngltud(: ll3-'BoaL New York,.M(ilicm’a starting polnt,'ia- In 14 degree.1 West. The Texan :! tJuis would hayo covercd 187 of tho; niiO dogroea around tho world.

WKATHKIt OOOl) ' I MOSCOW, June 7 <IU!l-Soviet,

offlclulJi felt today it was likely t Ji:nmy Multem had landed hlfl irlrplano in Chita. Siberia. News g f'

; his arrival, iiowovcr, may bo long P r e d i c t ' t o ' e S > - a m a from-

S, ■ I'KESionNT VT SI3A, June 7 hat an informal

reaclicd among govemmenlfl tluit participated In recon t economic conversations with President Itnonevclt to re­duce the minimum gold coVcrago of currencies to 26 per cent were verified today by Senator Key Pittman,' member ' of the Arnerr

Ucan dcle^tlon to the world «co-- ' nemlo conferences , ;,

A -tiW :per,.'' ti-dl'rtr~fcaala'‘--fOT.j currency.would.'be, optional' with'| the! central banks of tho various counWeo, Pittman said.. ,

Want Slabliily ' ,•To stabilize sliver prices, the

confereea > looked fovorably upon a'scheme for central banks', to purchase sliver on a declining raarltet and sell on a rising mar­ket, thus affecting BUbllltoUon of price. .' • • ,

Pittman foresaw a posalblol

Chita often are delayed ten U .__lur.i before reaching Moscow. •- - News of Mattem Being Wght< ‘ . er Novo-SlWmk waa telephoned

Slblr«k. Officials of the alrdromo there lold the United.Press tliat weather conditions were,good and Uierc wan every reason to bellevo the flight was prcce^ing'smooth* ly-

I Anticipate Large FrodueU'on. ..

bf'BotU^Orops in ld a io ',; ' ■

, ■ -Thls-Season •

during the world economic confer- establishlng a. ratio of gold illver for currency basia pur­

poses. Tho ngreem'ent. he believed, would bo ’conditioned on agree­ments on other .cconomh:' sub- jecls. •

Creation of an International monetary unit to be used In atab- llIratlon.,of world, currencies Is

of tho ph


Potato ond bean planting,-big'.' tasks In this, area; arc noW un-. derway here, with most'fahns 41)0-8---- *


I'rushed ,.

lion for-the economic -conference. It was' learned ..authoritatively from the White House. .

Such .a unit .would be designed to simplify. Intcniational-cxchangii' and to'avoid.speculation noiv go­ing on In varlous-money -ccatera. of tho world; It would'bo a sort of :“lmaglnary coin* too establish an: International ^non•fluctuatIng'l

I.exchange'.basis.. - ’i.'''- •

Meet to PIaji'' ; Ahti^Repeal Move

BlflMINOHAir, Ala.',^June 7. (Ui!l—Anti-saloon league . superin-. tendents of. several southern states mot, In.'ejcecuUvoi session .hero, to­day undcr^lcndershlp.of'.F.,Scott &tcBride, "national supcRlntendent to map plana for.on attempt to Mlldify'- the ' -south'. ;agalnst, ,the ^lat'aniendment.- . ‘Among ;'promInenf.-djy leadera at. the meeting was Bishop'.James Ui'Cannop, of^Waahlngton.'. '

Germany; S i^s . Pact' .-'ROME,'''Jtine '7 'iliTJ^-klcnnany.’a aueptanco'.of the draft of 'Pro>- mler iBenltd: Uussolliil’a ' ten*ycar peacei'treaty'-'.was ;'annotinced-,to-' day, andiit wns.sald^lhat.therpact

. Weather;conditions arc cpnsld* . ered .satlsfncteo' for.-this work,,-, tho temperature beln?- not - too warm. pormltUng oasy -operation of tho soil. V .

BAlmates of authoriUes to d ^ ’ aa.'that tho potato acresgo<vrl)t.

bo Increased over that of. last . year, and that In -tho,-stato'r tho production may reach- 5,000 cars n excesa of tho 21,000: earloads i ■ ihlppcd-from Idaho tho jjast.sei- ':

Rupert,,at 'a2.000 .•cara.;,th<<, season.. •

■WHile.lflS'liclleved the act«ngo -!;-;-, 'will, not , be. Increased',, to'sucb. great;.extept; in -this, territory,' tEo' -■. 'r, general,. Increase over.- • thT’statto ■ will result from armoro- siieeera-Vi <'s<,.. Xui;,crop,.ta- the oplaiimTorR,' A^r' ';.v Bacon,:,local dealer, V . , . ' - ' r :.'-U.la-nntlclpatcd that the-Ijcait'v'? acroage; here, will also -be'i'.'ini creascd.-.ltt .this aection thls-sta?-;'.,';:

Throng. Greets ‘Mrsi t RooseveltV Plane

. LOS\.AIlOKLES;;:June;',7f.at(!ir:i! Mrs. 7ranUln.D!'.RooMvelt'.'t/Kliiy was' .enjoying-'-what i,shb:‘;>»opM., would ;• be ;-:a> quiet. viiltiwlth:' her. soii Elliott 0 1 4 V-:Sha'..«irave<l'.hcro;laat::nlglit'by., airplane. ftdm< .Tucson.-: Arl* .:;niid; wns.:.glvon.':an;;':onthUBlns'tle:„-wel-. winb .by ;.tt',largo', crowd Including ftv-gmupVheaded.ntiy-',Oov.v;jflmBi Rolph;-Jr;;:fof ..Callfornlari Mayor-' ’John 'C. ^>q^ter:and ‘WlUirlVogera.' .The-'. d«TlvW-:»Wwi,';totbe-; quite; In lo rm al^f^ .'ItV d i...............-

^ylorvlllo to.queli the disputants.


......... ItlASONfiDARnEn,

piW.rWaaonsihenccrorth^flhnlirnot bovap^lnted-' to.»the,rBti^to'i,olvll

ON I n v r

Porter,'Defeated ;Im' ^ Los. AngeliMT-Viq tiri

-'LOS-XNOELES;-:-June>,r''(ttE — '■/ Mayor.'Jolin.a\Po'rter/'vJh(»>'fusal 'lo^artnk' a’.-.tdiiitj ln'- lii;-;,;- ;; two.years ago dr«w •the-'app’ailno-r'A!- of; American'-diya iuja'.Uia.'derli;'‘,-."‘CSion of. w«ts,':fias lost- hls'jobr:^

I •••Ho'wai 'defeated.-,folr'-re-ilecUon'<v-,),'ycaterday3''l)y,';Prank\>-Ii.';=8hiwM^5chalrman.^-M.'vthe';;-*Uav:An^oB;®'(

■ -'. Porter,, tiled.':. world^wlde' 'liftwaVw^y


Mountain H a ^ U k ^ And Delirium Tre "

A'M3NA;‘;Nev:,'‘June :r: (UEl-^ttlot 'niouiitaln'- woj '^Vn'-a^Ja^Silii^. i.The;inount«an; HsIngimbA.-.tliaA 8,0M;.;'fo .i.ab6Ve:'.ths'',bleak.-|,sagi.' bnisli-aotted\:Neyada-,Jde#ertV>wa8 ^ f i s ' ^ j f . ^ f i v m V w h a l '•*

tietwHt. w u shakeh by a aevsrq tuake^oiobg: tba Coveloekl. fault. th9 mountatn luu Men s ‘mUbe*hdvlng I Over an area tWo toll** square the. moimtataV^quIveA, quakes and ginians .Wmost daily., ThlsJltUe desert mlnlntfitown, «liuattcd on ■t b vestem. slop^;OI .

Page 2: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control


M ils

Chainbcr of Oommcreo Bcsks

Expression oa Pltins

For Ju ly 4.

Hull. U|>c-nttlciii . - 'Mra. Joru TSvin I'lilln.

iiuljmltlcd lo 11 raajiir (i|>LTaU<m al Ihu hospllxil-ycstortlny.

■ Whetlicr Twin Fnlln Is a Ffilirtti ijf July cclcbrntlon tliln

' ywir WOK a nioltcr.of conjrcturn toJiiy, tin eommlltccmcn from Twin Folifl Chu'mlHjr cf Coininerco miiclo nn effort to n.iccrtain nontl- roont of himlnonH men rocnnllnt;

, auBBcstcd plans.A-mcctini' xvun hcU nt Ibfi offlc.

of the Jiccrclury lost evening, but on U4;rcenicnt rcj;arcling tlic pro- jMiHUls wns inailo, tlic rcxiiR bolng; tliut thono preacnl wore nsUcil ‘ jnukv u-tclephonu sun.-ey Lodoy.

.At 2 c/cloclc uufflclpiit pr«t'r. linil nut been made to permit ii ilv- cIslon.'Ncwull S. Wiylil, iiccrirtnry 'soW. '

At B nicctlnff ,cnlk-<l by tbu clwmbtr n{ comnicrco larjtnlii);. to innhc dcelMon cm __mutlcr of n cclebrnllon berc.'only alx bunincfls men were prencnl. W.- A. Van Engclcn. chairman of llio merclianta' bureau presided.

_ nop. John B .Rnborlflon gave, an Informal tnik on iialc.n iilbcr' tuxes with ’parllculiir crincc to Btato rcvenuca, aftpr wblch tlio croup went on r nA bnlns opptued la iidoplinn I)roj>oflcil nalen tax.


W ool Ohcclca. .fa ile d Today;

Lambs•BeU'for $7.75

Top a f Denver

■ CbccltH totflJllng J0510 wcVo dny maljcd from the offlcc Harvey a. Halo, ‘county extenalon agent, to growers In payment of

I tlic wool pool recently dinpo.ied of '.to t.. C. McNamara nt 22’ cents II pound, Handling and ntorage' .chargcu'-'wfi'l total only onu-fUUi of a cent a pound.'Halo states.. From Hansen -today a carload

__of i>oolcd lambs • wita fc ' 'Mr. Halo reports, and“v also been received 'by his offlco telling of the successful aato of 1003 lamb* through W l'"' ”

I gp)iUi.& Son.' Dcftver. ,. Fifty-eight prowcra will aliaro

In approximately $8B73, .tho not procecda of the sale of tiie /our-

• carload flhlpmcnt, which brought' .•4T-76. for tops. Twonty-clght of tben6"{;ro\vcra uro ut Twin FallA; '30 lit Filer; and 20'at Duhl.

The wcat^cnd growcra or- — '.pcctcd to I rcccWo ' $0,40 for the

.■‘■faWibtf ionslffnOtlJ 'A'bno Ihi'Twtn . Falls growers wlll get 50,50. Hale

suvH. Tho dlffccmce, Is nccountcd .,Cor.by additional .freight charges. ■An' averago return of ?5.B0 ■

' head' will be' illHtrlbutcd to I

Twelve-Year-OId , Hitch-Hiker' Has T raiae for City

■ • Twin Falls . p o 11 c o offlcera. breatlicd more freely toiioy they were relieved of^tho.

argu who hrrlvoilryes- tettlay on ii hltcli-hlhlng trip from Kemmercr to’Nnmpa.

Clnrenco Harris. 12, got Hi n-s Twin Falla by Ummblng his wuy but was unable to get out of town; until a traveling ealesmim was found who offered to take the young mnn on anothcr'icfc'of, the ,Journey.' '" . ; • .

Hq'.Mfaa Blvon. lodglnir,and,nUibeil Vvllh mcala^’i*(it<;rdny„_,-. cm'obn ho apent'a pirt'of tilt CO . cents ))o. had - to go' to a i A sKM howMnuch mptiw'ho bad,

• left, ho K0ld'"i^of.,.YarJr.,.liiil9lu " -iriy wbrTTes me,' and' I juJit

?I to 'Spend I f —cnee was highly compll

o-TwIn Fulls.— ■' • , n I am 211 am going Into !l in either Twin Falls

Pocnlello. They loolt goo<l to n Ito told Cheatur Wlae/ pollcc

• JudBc.-The laU’B mother la n waitress

In.Kcmmerer. Ho in going to visit . iin uncle nt Nampa. But not for long. •. "There Is a circus In Pocatello

. June H." ho cxplalnwl. "I . lo get to Nampft quick an I

: Kct.my visit over anil gct back lo Pocatello," , *

.Clarence. Illy-clothed, wns crthelcss cleans the officern say.

■ And-they were amazed to find that uomo kind .beauty spoclallat

. Jiail 'actually given Uio bt manicure. •

Dean of Sheep Men Is Critically 111

SANTA BARBARA. Cnl.. .Tuno 7 'liiri — Tho eomlition of F,

• Hagenbarth. 07, for ninny-ye<. vjiresidont o f Ujo National .Wool , Crowern association, wua ropoiicd

crlticnl.. Uxhiy . by. bls -. physlcii Dr. F., R. N. .Nu7.om. Jlngon- harth. Intcreated in sheep mWng,

, cnttlo growing nnd mining In Ida- bo. Nevada and Utah. Is nald ic

- :bu ono of tho largest ahrep riiln' ‘ tcrs-initho: United Slate.i

"T A I.I .K S T " MONUMENT • DUXBUny. Mass. . (Ullt—This .towh boasts Uio “tallest" moDU'

A mcnt In the world—tho historic Miles standlsh monument. . When .nkcptieal .'tourists challengo {this •claim-and Insist Uiat Washlnj—

' mcftiumcnt and many others . . . Ullor/.the Duxbury citizen .polnla

.'.- Id Uie.'crcflt nnti cxelalmsr..........■'.allies In-tlio alrr.’ :-.-'

News 'in Brief

■nl;&>r Ik'a* ''

joro.. and A, J. Custln Priest. Newlou*!- (^U|^ W A Y

Franli 'P. MIIIit, nubl. iiiidrr- ■cnl a major opcjnillon at- iJu ‘\v‘ln FiilLi liaiplui moniln),-.

'-W AHd"EVEmNGTIM EgT^^^ . Wc'dnesHay;'June

' 'B y W il l ia m s I

MIm Dorolliy. Mliiiilrli vC ii H tnong.lhnnf: from Tuln Falln who ttoniloil cnmini'ncciiii'nt c-xuri:h<i'ii t Allilnn mate noriiuil yi .’ili'rilay.

[T... Kl..<a OlflrTx*Tlie Womar.'ii Home MItislonnry

iM-clety of tho Mothodint church will ini'ct iti till' church parloVs Tliiiradiiy iitlcmoon. TliU Ik 11 icInHlng nKi'ling of the year, Mcm- ixTfl nr<i' aski;<l to bring

Thci.. will l.c> im ■■ of ofriccra, nnd a j^od nltomlnnce


Ilriiiml Over to CiillrlWllfoi'd D. Ilnnflon, itvinlKiicil

lodny bofrtre K. H. llrll. IJnllrd .Sluli-n cotiimliuiloncr. on cliiirgc

■r Iwii Kiilloi

/■C'MOKl.' VNie'.qE. PoTTlW-TrtlS /_G u y „ Jb a . '4duR- .pL ACEJOOT' HenE. --.-vou a im t wosv<V

E.MOo&rt F tR PlOvAT.

1 nV4s.pe.,-ro*.jV-TViE.«e‘s t h ' ,.CROvV-QAR— Asj’ T ^ ', PtvgEP?

^ O U M ISS ,TW‘i \JEAS,


I' whiHhry, wutvuil

CuIIi'kIkii ll<:tiiriis Gvrald Wnlliio-.

Mni. Harry Wuliiic,.. l from 111'- Ciil|c-(4c- ii( !■ ■he c(impli'ti'<l hlii jiitilc

umiimuiiti, iiii.i-wCT-nmmn-nvi iiwall Irliil in fi'<li.'rDl .court

diBolRo. MU; 1«.ll IHJIICI wim f(xp<l

I'lircnU rf Si.ii , Mr. and Mr». I- |jr, Twin Ki.11,'..

I Jun.. «. a

t.f Mr...... ...........IN n liiriu-.ll«THO ami iw wa;i r.-iiitiiiiira lo inc

' cmilody ot Sliorlff K. !•'. 1‘ratn-.

Api>lli"j l» .'iiivyUonald W.'tIom HurUlmllcr, i;or

of Mr. ,un<l MrH. Carl H. Built' !i. an- llii> p;>r.-iit;i iiallnr. -liW avi'iiue vi'Sl. butTu^fliiy afl.Tii-m, .uppil.xl for c-nllHtnicnt In Ibt Twill KiIIh H'oipHal.t Untlei'l HlatCH Niivy ul tlic.Bolnr

'.Mallon, iicconlliiu (u II. I’. Maul. c:n»iilc I’rofiiri-. I.Utwc- .i.ctlv m rlmri,'.- >•( llic r<>-

wmian. \». Tlin.i.i.Him, MulM., J.ruUiiiK -sii».-HlalloM at Uoliiu. TllP anil Tlic'hiiii K ijilllnicT, vvrfi- Ih- i,nvr h.-i'n .furwarded toKill'd a in iirnav ln'i'hw imlay 'il salt Ijilu' <,’lty, titali, where blH thn oflici: "( tln'_rciiinly r'-'-onlrr ,m„„. „.|H pi,,,-,si on llio wait-

llrliirii ....... Con'll „Mln-H Hl l ■n IVr'iiiU'

laddock iL-UirIon Inp t'.iumy iifthbit Hrwdcra' assoclu-

.................................• otflce of tho

-.'aml'MrM.Willi- Kim-

wrti Tiu-H<liiy, Juiif Ii, iTwIn F<ill» hoM|)llal,

::!< K.ibi'll, 'Wyriminjr. uml........ a minor o|it;rutlon a l ITwln.KiiIlH ho.Hjiltul yt-Niurday u

dl.'>inl'<-%nl toduy.

Ellcaled, 'I-wln I'ulb.

■r of comiiK'fco this e .... iitntvd t'xliiy by {..enter . iK'crctnry, who announcen a muutliig of Ihn Innrd of

iilri'ctorM lufil nl|;ht decision wns iiiadu lo repay to iitockbolders 2'> [i.TCHit of thi! Iiivi'jitmerit already riia<le. Tlilii puytni'nl Ih to bo mado ...It ..r I'urnlnKH aineu Feb. 10, il iiiidcniUK<d, Dlrt'ctont bavc voled

fiend Xir. VValltcr to CaliforniaInvesliKiite mnrketa.

mild Dimiilti I’rojxTty J. M llaye.i, cuininilten of one

■ Uiry club which thliilonalc..............

tiie property owned by tho organ- |i/.itlon In Itock creek canyon, up-

which n nwlnnning pool. Is lo- Icnted, explains..........

Twin f'allK Amirknji I-cglon poiil will liiccf in;- neml-nionthly ni'sslon nt I..cKlon'Atv'«orlal hall TIiiirMdiiy I'voning, It wiiii announc- .hI today by - .Capf. J. \V. I’orlor. coinnwiiidoi-. '

Matter.n jjcrlninitic * to Urn de- pnrlmeiit ciiiivpnlion tlr tlii' i/iglon here Aug.-21-20 will,, bis.ruportcc’

of the convention wilhoul the nc-

Arf-ha.H been the cuntom .with mont l.crlfin conventlonn in other cities.

one of tlio Inrgeat conventions In Uie hinlory of the cx-seoticf- men's group is onUcipatcd, h e W mid commlUeeMcn uro hopeful "t. , iho meeting here-bc'inR outslnnd-L Ing In the nnhals'of the organlift- fl lion-- . . . ■

L. CIo5 Elected Commandery Head

Twin Fulls Commandery No.,10, jKniirbUi Templur, elected 1-.' Clo;i leminent commander (it a regular meeting )aat night, at Masonic .temple-. Other officers eloctcd were: Gcnerails-ilmo, Dr. Joaejih 'N. .Davln; captain-general, .John A. Johnson; uonlor warden, Fred W.' Hnnler; Junior warden, Alan P. Senior;, prelate, Dr. Robert A. Parrott; troa^urer, Samuel H. Kuylcr; recordcn,e*orgQ D. Hnr-

„ , i ............. ............................... . .wnrd; standard bearer, George R,r.-tiirnedlcntc(l, explains that the offer was'Johnson; swor.1 bearer. Burton E.

-iH>' City !to give and not.lo leaae the-land, iMorso; warder, Charles E. Mun- •nclinn itif jKul hIx wi'ukH’ftjj reportrd In Ihenc columa^ ycn-lnon; nont)ncl, J. Herbert Glandon.

torday. The coiifunlon came In the Samuel H. Kayler, past Idaho wording of Mr, Hayes lelter'grand commander, Jnslalled the iwhich was rend ul city council. |offlcer.i, assisted by Hermun

■lilt! club deems It wiae .Htnc.q, acting grand marabol. Ke- Ihe .ports of the ^nd-chjnmandery

tlicro vIsltlnK frirmlR.

il0Ki-ni;iii c;<>ll|ili> I’arraln ,,viMr. and Mm. .S. II. Maxwell, iu

RoKeraon, arc the paroiiUi ot u^,„. rejfime lo the; city daURhter iKim Wi-dncjidiiy, Juno'nroi>erly." This wns0, al Ihc Monlootli Maternity , i,y ihc reporter ' - ......hainc___i_______________ ' ■’ '

Scouln Gn Cuiiipiii);Twenty-four scouts of troop II,

sponsored by the American Legion, arc lenving JThursday Afiocjioon on

_______ . -jusln, J. H. Keenan,their scout>''mn.Hter, Is nccompany- ing Uicni.-'''! ' ' _ .

i-lro Dcjiorimimt Cullctl . , • .. Flumes, iiaid to have originated when u workmen at the Union - ,Motor company drtigccd n rubCer. 'rittendnncc.

Rotary President Names Committees

Ijoso acro3-i,np;>M\ ............In the flro department being cUIIed nt 7:10 last cveninj.'., . ,Uao of 'u- hand extinguisher put . out Irio bloM before arrlvoruf tlic clepart-

c<iulpmcnt ; ' -

Cela Hi-altli Aiipuliilmont ' Dr. G; C.'Hulley, dlrecl6r of the

Twin Falls county heallli 'unit,, waa elected a member of the American Publlo Health . associa­tion's. fix^utivc commlttcc

Thrco lo iM) Ilunoml I Three IDIH Krailimtc.'i oC the

Unlverolty'of-' Idaho will- bo nfl- mlUed to alumnus inenibersblp of tlie-ldaho cbapler, of. Phi, Beta Kuppa, nntlonul honornry scholiui- tic nocicty. nt the group'n annual brcahfuat Saturday morning. They aro Miss Suma Ilalli SL Marios; Miss Jennlo Peterson, I..nGrnndc,

club, presided a f the' Wodneiulay luncheon of. the group. Commit- tco chairmen were announced as follows:

Alma and- objects of. Rotary, J; 0-■ Bradley; c lu lj service, Stanley Lnfkln; membership and

------- Neiaon: pro-,gram, Guy, Hcfldriokoon; cUiMlfl Icntlon, Milton J*Dwell; 'community Horvlec, John 13.'nhyeii, sr,; boys' work, Ilflrry BeuUmm; vocntlonal nerylco,' ,C. 11. Krengel; fntcmii- tional servlcc, Frank Haaach- ,i R. P. Parry talked on the aims and ob'jccta of .Itotary , clubs. .

North Idaho BanW Licensed to Open

Caldwell to Fete Walters at Dinner

CALDWELL June 7 illin—Three hundred-cltizena ot Caldwell, will attend the bantiuel lo bo given In tho I. O, O. P. .templo tonight nt Caldwell by civic organizations of Uic city in honor of Judge T. A. Waltero, first osalatant secreViry of Uio intorior, Ihclr fcUow-clUzcn, who arrived In Nyssa, Ore., -Tues- daycnroule homcJot^a visit with jh fa ij ,an ,

Tuesday that seven nortlicm Iila*. ho.b.tnks nro now liceniiod In open for businciw Wwiiiosdiiy moniing. The banks Include the t'lriil Na% Uonal bimk of L ew is to n , the Ui'unKcville Nallonul bank, and fivo suite bank.i. Including ikoacat Gennciwc,' Culdeniic, Cralgmont, Kciidrlcit and Reubens,

iGu e s t Stickets'GOOD TODAY!

JOE.K SAVS;. < '-LnuKh nnd t



SppcUictilnr scoiim vou'il never I rorgiit! And \-u«t cost liu-Jiiditig


A Mml National Picture — Vl.VH rKATVIlETTKS — I Ciirtooii — -Novellv— Jfcuj* I

Van Dlni! Mjnlcry und r A niimy SH«it Coniedy-

NOTB: It's all In Fun. bnd Wo I

A flbclt of.Homu no pelicans .flying'over'the city. In perfect forinallon, mimlclting tho army planes which visited Twjn Falls Monday. Theso pollcun.n nro said' to weigh from 30'lo 40 pounds each. They present- cd a beautiful sight as they nailed majestically Uirough tho air .'. . Frlenda of ibo defend-

outslile the Jury

JCIean-Up Prize Js Won by Troop Ten'

TrcH>l> N/(. Ill, Boy Scoum.of Vmi'rli:a. won the tn>op 'ir-nl

whicli fs uwnnlv'l niuiually In llu: Magician clulj's cluun-up caiii- palgn.^ho troop Is spon:i6re<l l>yjllie I’rcflbyUirliui church.-of w Kiirl Ulckforil Ih jicoulmn.Hlcr. ,

The-award wii» iTiadis by J. H. •, l3lan<lf<H-d. prtnldunl or Iho 'Mii-1 Iglclans'Tlub,'und-John 15. llayi'ii.Jji-„ dLitrfct acput conjjnlailiuii''r;j lafier a thnrouKh InapecUnn of the'I work clone by the troop ,wiis made, 1 iTiicy not only made a preliminary „

dlHlrlct court walling .expect- Inurvey whlcli was reported to the; | anlly for tho Ueclsion of the iMaglelnnn. hut nlso went over tlie iH 12 good 1----- - — - nn-l,. n t,.. .S.. .......Oldsters gathering at tho Roxy theatre to attend Joe-K's party for couplcs married 00 years or more, featuring Edward G. Robinson In "Silver Dnllnr" i E. J. Finch anil Capl, C,

. 'diatrlct1 campaign wna in pro(!Ten.s.' The court. of honor for tho

wanl will bb held Friday nl};hl nd n represcnlnllvo of thu young

men's- club will bo, present to niak<:'"thu~ir\vii-d~The~lcVil~wiDr eontrihuted Ijy the Idaho di'parl- mcnt slorc.'

KIM.S JNF.VNT SON I "VISALIA, Cal-:' Juiio 7, lU.W- X mother, who nngered . ... .. ]t

....................... the child ilcml,Bloodalalna found on a pleco of,was held In county Jall'hcre to- pipo said to have been the wca-|day on-a cimrgv of mansl(iu(;bl<^> pon u.vjf In tho Stanford,campua Mrs. Nancy Yates Wilson, 3fl, murder ot Mrs. Allene .Lamson, waa ■ charge<l rifl'er a . coroner’s |

formed by blood -from tho Jury -decided >Uic child died f prfitiy. j»oung vIcUm. authorities cerobnil hemorrhage, couned claimed today. '“ ■* ’

Bloodstains Fouhd■ On Lam8on-Weapon;S;irwS,,l"S

SAN JOSE, Cal„ Junc'7 ilLHi—'and awoke'to find'the

ALL USED CARS That Look Alike



. DIFPERENOB. .ll).10 Dodgn Eiglit Coupo....5275JOSl Ford Tudor Redan.;...--102Q Ford Tudor Sedan,

LI nn irnJO'.!!) Ford-Coupn ......... ....SI2fSlOSO Ford Fordor Sc<lun-..-53Sn M37 Chevrolet Truclt.

Slock nick ...— ..... S DO.Exlr.i Good RuiciLSiHlan.-.-SID.-S 1021)-I)urant (!-R0 Crffipo....SI2.'J.JD31I. I'nrd Town . Sedan...337(5ID30 nei.uxo UodRo 8i'dun580Slu- s lIupmublln 'Hedun '.... SSnO-102B IIudHuii C.ondi., mAlor . .

rclHircd (I good tlna, •...looks.good-------- -5l2fim o Uulrk.StHlun .............8.«5IB27 Fortl Model T S»-dun»5 85 JOHO l-'onl IB7 Truck. . n w

1033 Model U Coupe ..—1033 Model U .Tiidor

Medan ............. ..^26'1032, V-8 Coujw, .

Jiim1«rTir.» ;................. J71UTT US CARE FOR


Union Motor Company

. Your FORD Dealer

. . . d c ig a r e tte

l ik e th is /N u 'o r fit

s it t in g , u j) m g h ts J o r l

. © JMJ, Uccmft HriuT«9KtoCo<

Page 3: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control

IVc'dticBdaVj June 7,'1538 " tnATTO'EVENING't im e s ; TWIN FAUS, IDAH(!)


Ezpooto 70,000 rana

. A t Buttle; aem fin Is

■ Favorite ’

NEW YORK, ,Juhe..7 — iirpcatcrs'ruahcd work today ho rlhB an’d .rlngBldc.'scatB, nt f^kee;^8todlu^. a^__<lpwn- fl l nmofl'Square, t ie ic o t saicgmon

jlaycd*caah- joglstcr, uymphonlca. Tomorrow Jock'Detnpflcy will lit on hlfl' first big boxing show,

throwing .tho^two. Maxes, .Schme lag and Baer, Into tlie rlng bcforo what ho hopes will be a crowd of ro.ooo.,; Bronzed by a Jerooy sun Jit\d liardcried ofto.r. weeks of octlvo tralnlafr. Beer came to New York ^ a y 'to help complete tlio Domp' ley ballyhoo. Ho' went to the lome of a friend '' SchmoU'ng also, came to town

tfidivy/and .will bo quartered at the' Commodoro hotel until tlmo

■r tllo wclghlng-ln and cxchnnRc I plmantrics at 2.p. n . bimor-

QBrmnh Favored Sehmellng '.continued n firm

iavorlto at,odda of 2.to 1. Expert bplnloii 00 definitely favored the Ocrmon' Max as to Indicate a llcngthoning of the odds before yjght'tinic.'.-It.waa all but impos'. alble.to'iihd a.bo^dng welter who lelieVoa Bacr/would ,wlhl’unlcss Uo Californian managed ta flnd t haymaker In an( early round, iutst opinion admitted tho possi- fclllty, of an early knochout vie- Jtory for Baer, but leaned towardfl

AncAent Muscles Creak a L ittle , Old Timers Find

. long,\trok—this back to youth business.

ADd some dozen of Twin Falla’ aelf-atyled baseball "has beeaa" fouVid it out last night

A ll ,of which Is by wny of ol)-'!r .v ing thatl


aboulfl to d a y following t l io first p'ract'ru

• oesslon of the city's old ' Urn-,

• erfl, who hovp summoned u p

the ambition (and. they'hope, the ability) ’ to trim Charley Rua.i'tli's Twin Falls city baseball team X'ridoy evening at G p. m..Under the leadership of H. L.

Ertnkclacker. • appointed by ihc •'hAa bcenn" to inanage any and all' of/uirs that may rcyulro man-

iffinff, tho old-tlracrs workod out last nighf on'the cjiy diamond along with; the i>:Kular Twin Fa'la team tlicy'tl attempt mightily to tOM ‘Into Iho-! dust on- Friday. Most of the veterans opined that 'it didn’t go BO bad," 'altlisugli mo observed ’-with more or ieoa ililloBODhv thivt ' "jUiciic peaky

don't; seem to'; stick In

'Ictory -for the German It tho • • :tho IB-routid limit_jrop8ey,.'--.incldcntally. , freely

prodict^.a.knockout, both on and off tho' record, but he won’t pre­dict; thp winner.

a man's glove ,nny mora.’I Be that as it may—tUiey ua< that exprcHsion: in. tho best nov els. and who arc you-to nrgui -with tho best 1 novels?)—Uiore'l ' probably Ue a liliarloua crowd oi hand-Friday ew’nlng.

Candidates who wi^nt to play a g a in s t , the • “young bucks," Dlnkclaeker assoverated today , can comc Out iagain Thursday evening .for anokther scsalon of loosening up mu.bclea and sharp­ening rusty batUiag eyes

• By tJnlfeU Pres#! At San Francisco — George iHagon,-Brooklyn, N .Y., heavy- iwolght,' threw Marvin Wcstcr- bertr. T acom a, Wash., two of three falls. ' ’ . ' '

.At-Dallas, Texas — Marshall Bl^ckstock. Los Angeles, threw Juan Humberto, Mexico City:-Lo- !roy.McGurk, Tulsa, Okla.. defeat- |cd:B«d'Lyons, Beaumont. Texas; Bob'Montgomery, New Orleans, Idrcw^Albion Britt, Kansas City.\- At.'Albany,- N. Y.—Ernie'Du'-'

Chewakl, Ynqul.Indion! Dick Da- Ivjacoiirt, California, 'drew with lAbo .Colomnn,- California; Hans ISUlakC, Germany, pinned Bull ■JComar. Lithuania; Charley Allen,

•' iAlbany, drew with Babe.Oi'l'lojk, New.Haven, Conn.I At Now'York, Coiisoum — Sol Isiogel, ‘Germany, threw' Jerry ^Monahan, C a 'llfb rh ia ;''llo land IKlrschmeyer, Oklahoma (drew)

New York ... Washington . Chicago Clovclimd ,1.. phiiiuiclphla*. Detrpllj:.St'Lout

Bo'csch, Brooklyn, threw Jiick Mn- Arthur^- Ireland; Sid Wtscrlri, Bronx, threw Doug Wyeoff, Geor- gia. _


L E A G U E r

• Batteries: Zlnn . and Mclsaac Joiner and 'VcKman.

R H .;

....- m i

Manngcr Carey Hunts Trade*

To Strengthen Wobbly


NEW YORK. Juno 7 (1M!I—Tlio Brooklyn Dodgers, p ick ed by

of tho experts to win -tho National • league pennant, new fnco..lho.poitslblllty of winding up in the cellar unless Manager Max Cnrey can atrcngthcn Uiu club's batting punch bjr—ncquirlng players before June 15,

Caroy needs new' oulfleldcra. [particularly, before the mld-Ji ' deadline for trading. -Hb fly-chns- era hnva virtually collapscd. John­ny Frederick Is doing well In right field, iilttlng obout .OT' ‘ Lefty d'Doul, who topped tl.. . . cult's batters liist seaaon. and Hack WilBon are not clicking.

SrcJis Trades Carey Is offering some of hl.i

prominent p la y e rs for leaner llKhl3 with other clubs, such os Adam Comoroaliy of the Plratea bnd Enile OrsattI of the Cariiln- alR. In addition, lie U trying to obtain talent from the minora.

Continuing their slump, tlie Dodgera dropped to seventh place

the standing yesterday when beaten, -7 to 2. by the league'- lending Now York Giants, per­mitting the idle Boston Braves to advance to ulxth position. It wns Now York's ihlrd jttraight win

/er the flotbushcrs.St- Louis strengthened Itl .. .

..1 second place by beating Gin- clnniiti, 0 to 2, in ii game marked by fisticuffs between Dizzy Doan of the. Curds and Paul Dorringi'r of th(f Reds before the contv.it opened. The Cl&lnnatl pltehcr cuoed Denn of "ridlng'-' rhtin in previous games. Acting Manager Jewel Ena of tho Reds was. or-, dered from the fiold for obJcctinj too vigorously to an umpire's de­cision. and Umpires Burr and Pfirman were cscorted from '.le

: field by police at tho end of tho game.

CiibH Heat Pirates A four-run roily In .the eighth

enabled Chicago to repulse Pitts­burgh, C to 3.

PhiUidolphla nt Boston waa

Y E S T E R D A Y ’S


By Unlt^'Press.Bftho Ruth, Yankees -r Took

lead In major league, homo run ICO by driving out n th of —* m-wlth mato.,aboard.Pitcher, Leroy Mahaffey, Ath­

letics—Helped win own. gamo by .driving in tlirco runs with double. ; ,

Ralph Kress, White Sox—-Ac­counted for three runs'with aln- gle. double and. homor. •


I'Lowly Seattle HammorB Throo

PitchorB to Defeat-



Armour Favorod Over SarAZcnj

As Kesult of Practice


CHICAGO, June 7 (ll.l!- — Tlio ve of the nHtlonol open golf

today found i

Barazcn, d[Tommy Armour, M Smith, George

: a n d i n ( j : 5

:...2Z 21.

:zxr 32


New York ........ ...27 17S f Louis IS ,PitUburgh ....._-..-26 JO -Chicago ....;... ......-26 22 ,Cincinnati .BrooUyit ...B g ^

....18 25 ' :410



PorUnndSacramento ....’.. Holl^oodvI^s Angeles .....Missions ..........OaklandScatUeSan Francisco .

...30 20 .581'

:...23 ■•iO ..305;

The Leaders

The Now York Yankees extend- -I their American leaguo lead to six full games by taking both ends of a double-header from Bos­ton, 4 to ,0. and 8 to 4.

Philadelphia replaced Cleveland In lourth position by .walloping' Washington. 3 to -1, while tho In­dians bowed to Detroit 5 to ‘.2, when "Schoolboy" Rowe held Cleveland to seven hits. Chicago downed S t I«uls, S to 3.

LOS A,NOELES, June 7 iai!)— The Hollywood Stars have tost tho ' flrat round of their battle to take Portland in tho Coast ioaguo pennant chase.

Seattle bobbed up as an unex­pected nlly on the league leaders yesterday by noalng out the Stars.

tho series' opener, 7 to 0. TB»' Indians forged In tive hits in a big eighth Inning' rajly

■' ite allowed only abc hits while Seattle pounded out 16, j off-three Hoilyw.ood hurlers. Man- luger Geo^e Burns clouted four of

Portland Idle Hollywooil's defeat aided Port­

land's position by half a gamo aiUio Beavers ............■ clr iichcflu ;th Mlaslen- . . .. . short circuit disrupted lighting

facilities. -Sacramento too failed to (ako

advantage of Portland's idlcricss. losing an 8 to 4 decision to L,o9 Angclea in 10 Innlnga. The Seri- ntors tied the ncorc In the eighth with a thrce-run assault but tho Angeli! hammered Saunders for: four markers In the tenth. ' '

Jimmy,Zlnn }ield Oakland to a scant.five hita as San Fninclsco

.chalked .'u^' a 3 to 1 win. Pool

homcrun in the ninth.

Elm. Billy Burk and Walter Hagen the lead­ing favorlte-s In the 72-hole, threi- day test over the north ahore gulf club course.

Sarazcn has been sick, off nls| gome, and playing infrequently, but he's niill the cliompidn and

money player and he must bo r<;ckonc<l with. Sararen played only nine holes ye.slerday. ami

hasn't been Ijciiring down In terrific heat which has

gripped C h icag o the past fc»vl days. But ho insists he's hitting the ball as well as ever an<l when the bell rinK« tomorrow he'll givo tha remaining l.TO players some­thing to shoot at.

Armour Fiivured From hla p ra c t ic e . Armour'

must be rated Che tournament favorite. In his lost four prac­tice rounds he has hung up OD-72- •73-70 for a total of 284, four Btroken under par. Connervatlve ' irediction-1 figure any score ' ' icr 2D0 will win- If Armour

duplicate those four pmctlce rouniis. or even waste three or four strokes, he will be on almost

I certain winner.MacDonnld Smith, the vetorAn

l\Vho probably has won runner-lip• ............ the big tournaments

any other player, has been playing exceptionally well, and tho old-timers believe he will jplay a prominent role in decld-

mrind"'Street frOm WftflWngton 8tr« t south, east to Sidney Street. Railroad - Avenue froni Sho^one , Street to Third atrcct.-South, Minidoka Street from Wall Street ■ to Third Street South;. Minldolttt I Street from Second Avonuo sout h to Blue t-akes Boulevard; Wash­ington from FourUi Avenue West, north to Addison Avenue; Addi­son Avenuo from Washington Street, coat to Blue Lakes Boulc-

‘ Blue Lakes Boulevard from m Avonue south to Kim^-rly

Roud; Eloventli Avenue Nortli and lSa.it; Tenth Avonue Nortli and Bast; Ninth Avenuo Nort^h am East Eighth Avenue North nnd East. Seventli Avenue North and East, Sixth Avenue North and F-aat, fj-om Addison A ycnue t<- Blue Lnkcs Boulevard; Fifth Avu- nuoUust from SfiCOtld.Stn-et Rust to Blue Lakes Boulevard; Fifth Avenue north from Addison Avc nue to Sccond Street nortii: l-ourth Avenue north nncl east -Third Ave­nue north nnd east, and Avenue north and eaat from Addi­son Avenue' to Blue Lnkos Boiili- vard; Main Avenue from ‘o'eriiec- tlon of Addison nnd WashlnKt-m Street'to intcrsceticm Lakes Boulcvord and Mlnidoki Street; Sccond Avonue -went un< south, from Washlniiton Street U Minidoka Street; Thini Avc-nui west and south from Wash ngton Street to Fifth Street b.n; Fourth Avenu^ West wiiil.

Clty.pf Twin F .-_ day of June, 1033.


Simhiona..........Day ...............Holden'...........iParUh ......|B. KcrshiaaikI Hutchison.....Barlow ---Banner;..-... .Zilner,- ;....

' By. United Pres*At SedtUc—Freddie Stcclc, 140.

TSi'coma, kayocd A lv ln^w b , 145,

AB R H E...........;6 0 1 1........... 6 1 .0 1


Dcpurtcncnt of tho Interior General Land Office at'Black-

foot. Idaho. May 12. 1033.Kotico is hereby given that

Christopher \V. Sims, of T^ia Falto Idaho, who. on Juno ,14.. 10, 8. ina<l(< Homestead entry, Serial No. 0437VR. for SWi^, Section in, Towtvihlp 12 South, Rango JO East. Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intcntaon to , maltq three-year I'n-of to establish claim to the land ulKjvc described, before F, S- BpII. U. s. Commls-iloner. at Twin FallH, Malio, on the 22nd day of June. 1033.

Claimant nnmwi tui witnesses: Siiniuel Barnard. C a t h e r 1 n <

Fronctl Ixith pf Twin Fftlls. Idaho; KrcHl I{.luiimeynr. Martin Knudiwn both of HolllHter. Idaho.

KZRA 1*. MONSQN.Ilcglnter.

atcftd cntiy SorlAl,-No. WWDi. f * : NuNEU. SWUNEM. SecUon I f •• Toiwishlp 11 South. IlangC'20 Ewt.'

Proof, to cflUbilsh. clalin to the land above dcecribed. before F.- S. Bell U S Coromlaslonor,.at Twin, & Idaho, on tho 7th. day of , ' Iy. l033. . • ' - ■

Claimant names oa witnesses: • E. PapcnaU. W.. C. Hail. Heftry-

Reece. Charles, Gentry all of

" ‘“"SZRA P. M0N80N, '..ReglsUr.

player, proved . he loured the north shore course for tho firflt tlmo and shot a 71, one under par. The day'o biggest gallery followed him.


PAUL' Benedict .. ;0. Clark ., Stewart. ., Schodde

,._43 8 10.' 2

- AB R H • B

r Battcrlea; Newsom.. Ballou and Cronin;-Flynh, S a u n d e rs and

■ R H E l .7 10 3

:• c .-2Seattle ___ _

“ S resTT iT leT^^^^^^^^

-poned. ■ ' • 'V -1- •

• . By .United Press - Leading.Hitters— Simmons, White Sox-;....:....Hodapp,' Red Sox ...... ;....Chapman, Yankees ..........West. Browns 7.....;...... .....

Home Runs— : •Ruth; Yankees ..................Gehrig,' Yankees ............ :.

___itac.i(a)_____ _____ . .Seattle, .defeaUd Johnny Spender, 143, Los Angeles, (0).

A t . Chicago—Kid - Leonard, Mo- 'lino. III.. 101,. declsloned.- Buddy Langford, ,101, C h ic a g o . (0): Jackie Sharkey, 128,•Minneapolis, defeated Jimmy Lamberson, 128, ■Valparalsoi Ind., .(0). . .

At Nework, N. J;—Les Ken- nedy,i.lD3»i. Los Angeles, stopped Stanley Poredo, .207,'Jersey City (iO); Freddie Polo. 1631S,- Belie* -vllie,- N. J;, stopped Buckoy Law- ;lc33.:iS2.--SynLcuse,:N.:Y.,(10)..

Chicago Sthedules? - ’' First 15-Rounder

CHICAGO,. June, 7 - (ijJi)-thl: c'agd'B f i r s t 16-rouiid . bwtog matcli will , bo between JMmny Pena. . New York feathenveipht and'.Vailoa Milling of the Philip- plhcs pt.Mllls stadium Juno‘14, They ■ havo mot , tyico - before.- fighting an 8-roiind draw, pnd a ,10-round draw.--.', . . ^







Score by Innings: .Burley .;...202 000 llO 02—8 10 'Paul ... ;.200 000 040 03—0 14


a.OsUrhont ...;---- 5 3 1

I d U R l b o a r d i n g H O U S E ,

' T feuCvou w w w

, ‘T l u <5tVE VOU A

T W E 'O F ^ 2 0 .T O R \ V O U R ,

' ; U S U /X liP R lC ^ .lf e '^ S p ^ B U T


•- e r tA R ^c T E R A *- !■ VOU IN V O U R

" .V OU R " ■

B y A h e m


CANyAJ^;. _

'T O R P b S fE R ltV - N M ^ ^ ^M Y 'c ^E R 'T W O . - P O ^ ^ 'T S ; j


■ A N b ■Bcn-w •

• - - P M M T IN ^S ‘1


MUSEUtVNS. 5— YA'S v.r

doka Street; "m 1 n i d o ka Str. from Fourth Avenue mmth v*' Sixth Street South; TJfth Avt- nue Weat nnd South from Wii.hH- lngton.Strccl to Third syect west and • from Siioshone Street to Thini Street south; Sixth Avniia west and south, from Secomi Street west to Minidoka Stn-et; WsIJ Street, inm Third Street west to Minldoha Street; ElKhth Street west and north, .Seventh Street west nnd north, nnd Sixth Street west and north, from Wash­ington Street to Addlaon Avenue; Fifth Street west and north, from Fifth Avenue weat to Sixth Ave­nue north; Fourth Street west luna north from Wall Street to Addi Hon Avenue; Thini Street went 11 north, from Minidoka Street Addison Avenue; Secoml Street west and north from Wall Street to Tenth Avenue north; Shoohone Street from Washington Street to the Inlersectlon of Addinun Ave­nue and Blue Lakes Boulevard., Sccond Street south and east and

I Third Street souUi and enst, fromAvcnut--vard; Fourt..cast from Fourth Avenue

south to Blue Lillies Bouleviinl; Fifth Street sfluUi nnd east. SUUi , Street South and eaat, and Sev-

'Boulevard; Eighth Street nouU. and cast from Minidoka Street to Blue Lakes Boulevanl.

All alloys within the blocks em­braced In the foregoing descrip­tion. ,

Tliat aald Local Improvement District Number 04 within ' the City'of-Twin Falls, Idoho, shall i Include all the property fronting 'or abutting on, contiguous or tri­butary to tho aforesaid streets, avenues and alleys, and parts of streets. avcn(iM.and: alleys, .to-be sprinkled, betv ecn th e points obove named, to the distance back from the streets, avenues or alleys,- - tud in.blocks to the center,

■blocks, and if platted In lota.

04-l(tn3NOTICK FOR I'lJBI.ICAT!ON Drpnrtnh-nt Of Thr intrrl.ir

r.em-ral i^and Office ,ot, Maho, May 103.1. NOTICE ill hereb.v (jlvon

\VuU.:r V, Day of Murli.ugh. 1' who. cm Feb. 13. 1032 made II

L Black-

T K fe ry


Department of tho Interior • General' Land Office at BlacU-

Ward.-of-Throo-Crcck,-Idaho.---*.,,0, on May 18,10J7, made.Home- . - - - stead entry. Serial No. 040888. for NEUNWi,;. ,W%NBU. E liSE ’A. SBiiNEu SCO, 11; W14SWV4. SBUSWVi. Sec. 12; N ^N ii; SEV4NW'.4.-SHNBH..S«cUdn 13,-Town-....... ..ship 10 South. Range 11,East; .Boise Meridian., has filed notice ofIntention to make three-yoM .....Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before F. S.Bell. S, Commissioner, at TwUj Falls. Idaho, on tho Slst.dayof June, 1033.

Claimant names as witnesses.. - Ulcharil-Clark. Sr.. Borge Crabbcn- hiitt. W. M. Ward, James Bonner, ull uf Three Creok, Idaho. -

EZRA V. MONSON,I ' Register.

----- b u d g e t

PTTY OP TW IN FALLS, IDAHO. Fiscal Year 1933.1834 CITY OF T V / ^ t FAl'KNJUTUltES

City JJulIdlng:LiKlit. Mont and Janitor . SuppJicn nnd Rupaira - .

jSanlUiry:Carbage PlHpo-wl Innpcctor and Other L-'ipei

Auto. Hepalr.i and Other Expenses .

_Flrc: •

Ntw'^Fhe' UOHL- and Other lixpLnaca

'AdmlniitnUlon:Officers Siiliirn-!! ............Sniurles amiInnurancc ............-...........................Ail Other




if plBtUd In.blocksof thcbloeks, and if platL----- to tlie center of tho lots, and If not. platted to-thc distimco of 125 feet

Scctlon 3. That the costs and expense of. wild sprinkling shali.be taxed nnd assessed, upon all pro­perty in said Local Improvement District No. 04. within the'City of T\yin Falls. Idaho,'which costshail Ta-ftBsesfl«l-lirprotx>rtlort-to-thfr|

8trc«;l:Salaries and i-mr- Repair Matcrliil 11

Operationtrlbutin :n-

. Operation 01 <-mer

Parks! 'tAbor ---A llO thc 1st

Meut;nnd Dulrj-: -,, Jn.ipcetor ..

All OUier 'Expeuoca ..

....^ .20 10

r b ' r h b

o:o.;o. •0-1-- ;0 A

.Total-,.„.A_-,-;.'..-.;.i..L.37 : B 'll Score by lnnlnfwi.' '"-.' •• V

'Murtaugh ...;011000021-i--5 11 Declo .-•-- ;;.034'43H80^20 10

- BE IT ORDAINED BY, TUB JtAYOB AND COUNCIL OF 'nlB CITY OP TWIN PALLS, IDAHO:• SecUon 1.'. That'therc bo and is hereby established' Local Improve- meat District .Number 04 within the City of .Twln Falls, Idaho, for the purpose of . raising funds to 8j)rinkle:with-.water, -^during ^e

first*day'^of ■” ?ay,'^033 ' e streets, avenues'and alleys, and ccrUln parts of streets, avenues

and between tUe points iierelnaft- r.sct out!-- /•AdaiiiSj Street, from. Addison

,.i.venue,.north to-Shoui I Jefferson'and MadUon f.

nue:Latersl; ........and.Harrison.-Sti D 'Avenue,


.lutherferf, N ..^ " - -BowJby.'J Smith B Rutherford. O.'McClain Bdrtetl.-R. 'i-;..'.Prince.; C.'-;.:.-. .:..-.,...;Von'Wellor O ~

4 8 0

----- /4 0 0 0


■ii: T O ta !--- ’ _ „.35 l. i '

— “ ^■*’ -vl'w.Soo;oio^;a .-


, M T S a \ » i M l n l

dn»? to; avallght.jMrUon* -der«lC5Bplet«'V«st--^‘ ' '

number of feet of sucli lands end lots fttonting thereon, or abutUng, contiguous or tributary thereto and Included in said Local Improver, nicnt District No. 04; wlthtn the City of Twin Falls. Idaho, and In proportion to the benefits dwlvcd by said sprinkling: PROVIDED: The City Council may expend from the general fund for such purposes ouch sums' os. in their Judgment,, may bo fa|r and cqultnble In-con- sideration of benefltii accruing to the'gcncral public • by reaiion of HUCh^prlnkllnB; and'PROVIDED I FURTHER,.

-, .. . . ictlon of streets. . or whereinstreet-tcrminaUs In. 01 -----_ ■ ,other main atreeti - nnd also the sprinkling of alfstrebt crossings or wss'wallts, 'shall bo .paid by the City of Twin- Falls. Idaho.

Section 4. .Thaf upon^Uie^ns-


Engineer:. Services i.. Scalca ..........


Street Sprinkling Fund: _ '■^~nniacd'by'Spcclat-ABSQosmcntStreet Llgbtlng Fund:

Raised by Spccial Tax Levy IJbrury Punds- ' . ' .

Raised by Special Tax Levy

S.M..NO IC VU ■ sinking Fund for Principal PaymeoU--------Interest and-CoUecUoa.^Fecs-,---------— —



north.to Hbybum kvenuo from.Quin-

________ _____ .J Harrlwn Street;Lincoln Strcct;from. Addison ;Ave- nufe, north to;. Heybum-Avenue; Blue Lakes Boulevordl^orUi. from Addison Avenue and Addison. Ave-

Bast., north to Heybutn Ave- ;:' Addison:'Avcnuo.Bast. from

Blue Lakes Boulevard, north, and esst to' Locust Street: .Eleventh Avenue. East.-.from .Blue . ..Lakes Boulevard, east to Locust Street; Tenth' Avenue East' from Blue Lokes'.^ulevard.. east: to..Elm Streets!TiapI6 Avenuo-:.from Kiln Street, cost to Locust,Stroet;.Pop- lar .Avenue from. Elm, Street,, east to .Oty Limits; :NlnUi,VEighth, and -Seventh'-Avenuea cost.>from -Blus Lakes Boulevard, .cost tov Locust Streeti-JDllsBbeth .Boulevard. from Blue Lakes Boulevard, east to Ash Strbeti'.SUth. Fifth. , ond Feurth Avenues.EiMit,.-. from.-.Blue.Lokes - ------ ,cast'.tb:L0CU8l:,Street:'

Council .of said City, together the City Clerk, shall make out an... -ijli in conformity with__________ IS. of" this ordinanceand.wlth SecUon 4008; Idaho Cam- piled Statutes and shall certify Uio W ie to-the-.Clty Council of'sald City ’of 'Twln Falls, Idaho,rand

tahimmong:. other things, tho

______ of each lot,or parcelof lan?l Included. In the said-Local Improvemeht-Dlstricf Number-04, and- Uu5 -amount oflscsscd against the. same,.-which rvHt 'when , com- - •' •;^haU be'filed in;the office


Veitr £ndlng April SO, lOSi . ' - >Tax I.«vy of 10 niiils 'oA on estimated assessed valua.

tfth of J4,i500,000,00,-- .........................-------- .?'45.000.00.Water.Renta Receivable Plus Unearned Discounts ..... 66,000.00 .'Cpsh,Recelptfl other-thon- Water Rents M d ■ n u r e s ' «<W.W i.

Total; — .......... ........................:..;._....'..,..;...tlo<,46o,6o :ESTIMATE OF GENBRAL FUND RECEIPTS

; Year-Endlns April 30, lOMWater Rent. CoilecUons --- ...........— ..... ..........-^...=..5 M.OOO.OOTax CollccUona ■ .........;......................... .. 26.000.00Police Court Fines and''Costs-...

• General Licenses, ....

i?ter^t^o’ oV lhquent‘' ' ^ M.20% Hlghy^y,.Tax..J-- ......LTree Spraying Tax ..State nnd .County L lc en ^ -....

. CollecUon Fees on Spcdol Asse Rent on'Laad'at Filter'-.;-—

2,000.00 . • 600.00 ’


:-;.',6o;oo - . ,-ioojoo:; 240.00..

S T A i^E N T DF GENEBAL FOND REVENUE } For. Year . EmMng -AprU SOriOM ; .........

„Tax.Lovy.,0t:10 Mllbi ..

____________ . . ..OmltUng•Wdtor Rents)-:: - Current :TMes.-and ■.Delinquent. Taxes.,



10.48ai0 ■

roil - the.' CityClerk of said City of'Twln Falls,

','«hnlh^ve nbUM.J»:rtt«e

Ume nt.whleh.tho Clty'.Counfcll.of. sald-Clty „wm hear'.and-..conBlder. objectlonfl.to said .dsses^mentcroll b y t h e p a r U e s ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ —

Third ;avenue'east from Blue Lakes Boulevard’-oast:. to. Ash,.; Street! KlmbeMv;-Rood :f«:om-Blue. Lokes BbuI6vard.:6ast'. to Locust Street;

i i_____ 8treet;from?Fmh'Av'ei,tost'BfluUilto'FourthyAVenuo]

cast: -WiUuutiStreit-. from>.,Fifth:

'from.-Elttabeth.^ Boule- nir5;>)uUtto.rQurlh Avenue e»s.tl

Whether named oiijiot'In swh roll,..........— - •nya-from.-Uie lastr . _____________ d noUce M hewlhprovided, f lie jvith the - C l^ Clerk of sold pt^:hts obJeeUons,'.k^t-

^ e e W - f f i _____________hei^itW>«id«fot.'Bhtaube;Kntiwn as^siieclal laSMssment: for.-1 street 0prinkllh{r:;BndfBhaU',be!levlsar&nd

Biibleot; tortw smeropenalUes and c611s6ted’dit'‘the'.^skne::naiuer,i«s


" -TotnJ'Qenera'l^Wjd R e v e n u e -

“wa^rffita:oollected--_;--.:-^;.-~.V.--.~ 552,074.46,>' Curroht'Twees. ColIe<!t<id-.;...„i_»— .--u_ ' 21,6884l:.''- belinqiicnt Taxes- Collected .-i...::..-;;.......- •.^0,300^-',

.'Police, CburtrFlnea-and: C o s t s . ' ---General L ic e n s e # -------- -_•-■ '485:26.I>oK Licenses 1____ — . 012.00

: Collkted «n ;Doiibtrul Accounts; ,18L84 i ;•: lntorc8t:on- pellhiuonf,TBxes '•'caor.ea ,■.,'2a%'-Hlghway TofcCollected,in aty-:--; ..: 107.8D;.-

Rent on Lohd iwt M t c r ---------- 26000-,

A = S r . . - l . ? ^ l . . .Refund by Idaho Power C om pon--- - (tOOOOOA

r 'Rental of-'Party-WaH'.iiii.;

* 80 V

Less Fees Couity on Tax OjpecQoMj

Ulr:-(TOc^e&lU^froM''Wlii'el>a<'' xnado'^up <sre ToaTfiie'jla'.^'.'oi

A tU s tW H iS L D

Page 4: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control


O il


icniPTioK hatebi

YOUTHS VIICW OF W AR The IntercoIliigiaLc Disarmament Council recent­

ly. polled more than 21,000 American college stiul- erits ori the attitude they would.take if the United States should get into another war. Nearly 39 per cent of the students wlio replied asserted that they would never participate in any war. A slifihtly smaller number sai<I that they would. figlU only if the United were actually invaded.

‘ As evitlence of a changing attitude on ihe pari of youth toward war, this is extremely interesting. Probably, however, it does riol represent as much o f a pacifistic tendency .a» appears on the.surface. Youth is impetuous,. vulneVal)le to strong emotion­a l appeals: if is a isafe bet that a good many of

. these hids who insist they will never fight would find'their way tt) a recruiting station ijrelly jjrDmpt- ly if we actually went to war.

. . ICEEPING CLEANED UP . Decision of .the cit_y administration to'rescrme en-

• forcement of the ordinance against projniscuous dis­tribution of harid-bills/'while hard on print-shops, nevertheless,, is a move which should have the co- opei-ation of .fevery, citizen.

’ ;TKc_ worst feature of the hand-bill craze, is the resultant, debris jn streets and alley.s. ' Householders

.find their .porches littered with all soils of hand- outsi-many of which are blown onto lawns and into

_ the streets; motorists find the cai-s plastered with posters .of all colors and .dimensions, and for ihe most ))art these are merely thrown to the street for

.the 'city workmen to pick up.Twin Falls has ju s t g one th ro u g li a clean-Aip cani-

—p a ig n - A vh ic h "C o s t- ^ lo tin 't im c 'a n d ”G ffo r tr a s 'w e ll a:

finances. The best w a y to m ake the c a m p a ig n ef-

Im A n b EVEN ING T IM ES, TW IN FALLS , in A H < b


I Ilia postmnn'a Bicp niornlniia bill licr tic her Rrow wot ! Wliat coiilU Dnn T A B«ek. Two wco • irmiiorar

tnTlca I Milplnnocil 10 (nkQ he

Hbmrr :Ansllca ■ kn>a or abscnca iKKlotilns 'Celt (Iral, Monnlc'B Inillttcrenco to th •laiilint; plnn wlilch Ineluilcd be Mif'litrl M nml boKlWcrcd. Ihg frlBliUncd Mrn. O'Dnro. ImsBir b'9ln$ takcd. at 2D, lo'co abroad ItnriRlDo bcinc tilaso about Itt '

•rt. "ButB Hotlier luii

m -l d. wbjr

fective is,to keep the city clean throughout th^ year. . . . . . . .j . . . . .

ttle i:lations of the regulation.

This new step of the city council ', . „ 11 do- just tliat,.for there is a little penalty of .?100 attached for vio-

rou tlioi:glit of mo—but I'm ncodod hero." TIint much ccrtnlni? was true, mil mletiC so orr an; dar .now Dnd be married. TbcT bcsltntcd to auk bim nboiic bis plans. Ho wag mooilf. tncltiirn. ACtcr tlmt b'rIoC rnrmol mil or Anglo's tlicr bad not acni tior. Out tbcr Imnslnod biK nSAirs wcro marelilos (ornsrd A'llli due precision.

"Co and enjoy yourself." Mrs. O'Haro would

'ill horarhli

Hut Monii liidlircrent t'

"Kay.'a *ptnn bo tolrj Mm.r'* ■•Whyr Ilia

.. . MANY JOBS GONE FOR ALL TIME tiot' all of the unemployment problem is due to

• the depression. If we should have, ovemight, a re- sumption76f 1929 activity _we would still have many men who could not get', jobs. A lot of the men who were paid off back in the boom days were paid off

_ permanently. Their jobs are gon'C for good.-An example of this is to be found in the coal

industry. _ ' , • • ' ■The American Mining Congress -the other day

got a report from Clarence E; Pickett, executive _secretary_of_the_Amencan_ili:iends_Ser:vice__Conii

mittee, showing that at; leiist -200,000 coal miners are never again .going to make a living at then* old trade. . . ', The plight of these men is not due to the depres­sion. Their industry has simply moved out from' un­der them. Sooner or later they have got to be ab­sorbed into other industries, and before a way of doing'this is figured’out_ a lot of people are going to have gray hairs and furrowed brows.. Nor is' this problem one that concerns only the'! surplus 200,000. Until they are absorbed in other jobs, every coal minor in tiie land suffer.s willvthem.|Wages in the coal fields cannot* rise to decent levels as long as this reservoir of unemployed miners! exists. . ,• •• ‘

W hat is true in the coal mining industry Is true . ih 'a great liranyothei's. 'I'liis' ‘'technological unem­

ployment,’’ about which we used to hear-so much before the ordinary, depression-bred kind of unehi'

. ployment became so common, lias laid its hand or ^almost every trade in America. It is a problem that.Biwy sioj) w ill grow-greater, and'not smaller, in the future.; And that is why government and industry, moviilg to combat unemployment,.cannot simply base their cam))aign on a p.lsin to restore prosperity. The ])rob- lem is too complex for that. W«-need good times, to be-sure, and no relief scheme that fails to restore

• theni will be any good.. But we need a good ddal . more than that, and it will be tragic if we don’t ' get-it. - -

is for tliat reason that the schenie for the shorter working_aieek is iiiipoilant. Uuless wc move

-to redistribute jobs on a wholesale basis; keejHng Avages up but making each bit of work go farther,

. biir unemployment problem will never be.solveB...It will be a permanent thing; and with it we .shall• Jiave a ’pei’manent dole.

' With, all these, improvements in the new autos,' lid one'has yet suggested the elimination of the .wind- ,• shield, wiper so Ihe fcoi)s would have no place to put


I Tran IlKtlcss. opcttljr t>io Roldcn otipnrtun. woutd havo (cmplcd

her beyond bellol. Hut Uitso dnrs nha marcd, ate.'walked ilko a per- non mi'dcr n opRll. Ilor eyes bad a

-»kepiT«lkcr's—tiesry—glMO.— She Bcnrcrly Knew wlmt ''food-»bo luuchcd or who spbko to bcr.

It waa Charles Eustacc. curious­ly cnougb, wbo rauaod hor troni ihla npalhy. He met her ono day on tba aircet. walked boma wHh bcr throuEb a brilllnnfblasc d( Sep- lombcr aunllcliu

"Kay's been tolllnB me •yon may so to l’nrla,“ . ho .bCKnn. amllltiB-

ca-nl'Iilm—"Rfollicr'a . Out I really ought imc.~ aho added bltte j you’ve heard of mo

don't IgiOF tball Monnlo. Vyo b'

I’leaae 1 Brent deni moro you’d only—”

She Intcrrni'tei lei you giro ua r I can’t do that."- the >eencM annet oycs tlftsbcd. "I k bo Itlnd-rm su said coldly.

talk to you about (hit

lilm. ••You ; anay! You I luddcniy aUi . toward bIm. Her

cliarlty. No. we’ll mud-

oC tlib r wockn

“It'a bad enough to ho poor." «hc Bald,' tier broafil iicnvliifr. h«r,»dlci thlchciilug, "Ti'llhoul !iavlns^,oopli pltylnis joit—“

‘'Monnlo!" Tho noiiiid of hel nnnio, npokep no. brouBhl


(>at or I••Knvyl" Slit

ir bcr mood,

I reelrIt’s

surprlaod < cars trcmbllue

tba ondA ol I f r Inshea.."I.anld JnsI thafnod I tnoon I

announced tho tall man slrldl besldo her. "A homo like yours— a motlier Ilko that—tlio almple coodneas or (bo Ilfo you'v tell you It did aniiiethlnfl wboii Ilrat I encountered 11

•'Wlicn 1 t > last 3GiiRloco said quietly,

iTcly, aI.nioit aa llioucb apealilni hlmsoK, "1 Traa pretty much al

In. Uldn’C huro mucb toUh In any is. I «as out ol tune witb thli Dtry, I ’d been away so ]onc. ■.& Undo asked me If I'd llk< ctoto In his old houao. 1 10 alatc to decide tblasa (or . IConB pnckcd

long «<’bon 1 cn lie

t you-all of yo was tho bapplest; >t family Td

when I was tour. My a a buay doctor In Now oldom saw him and was • lo prep school wbpn I

nly-homir I’d ever-known I’d read t didn't really bellcTu-

a r discovered your r.ousa ltd scauino-

' rond ot everybody ] help. I hope." Onlebed Chari :|{riy, "that-1 don't sound like

ocntlmen,nil. fool but bonestly ■■■ so'reetlilnB-'lo me—M 'to 'r

tiling t ociidcd. Faltu—som thing Ilko that—I don't know -Ai

tatk.obout being pltledr ^

jyjONNlE, :iflhamed I aald, "Tbcn you

hecauao you've always

i-.t stubbi prolontj ,io


jout where the intcrcflt mon as coming from or cry yourself cep becauBo 'tbo girls at school nda fun of your old coat." •- His volco was EcnUo-now. “I do low It'a Imporlant.'But Ifa not II. »l amooths Ilfo. makca It easy

imrortnblc. But it down'f burandaaecl ..................

makes life wortb living, it doesn't tnnko you glad to wako up In tbo morning. Soma day, perhsps. I'll tell you what It tricaos to .real-

you'ro (;lad you're allvo' nftor >th't or atarjng ot a black wall.:

«nnnAT.” e 'ly, "la 1

“I know .what i i --- .unhappy.” Monnl# mutU.rei."D*o.^ think I haTcn’l- ” ' '

"Out not black unhapploco-il child," bo lnsl«ed. eager to mat* hla point. "Not tho feeling the! nothlne Batlem—riotUlDB on oartfc Is worth while—"■ ’’N-no." Bho'admUtod It. eooklnit tor words to paint her owo feelings.'"nut being, alrold you 'r '---nbvor goloc (o' Eft whrit out-of life. That It’a soil you byv-That-by tho -tlmo youTO’ 30 you'll bo drofiscd out. old—mlsa-. lnB-mlaelng-“ Sho* halted, tho.' word irembllns ot^cr. Up*. Charloa- auppllcd'IL ‘

■'WlnalnB.lofor . ,"Yea." Mehnia look'td al,hlm»d*-

flantly. Let him know, tier se<He’d BUOaiiod It-alrendA anrho’

"Yes. Mlaslag tho one veroon want. Losing out bccauoo t*. ot>— llUla Iblngs. Tho rlgltt iItosaea.«io risht sort of placo lo ontwl-tln.a/lio lltilo ihloKs that ninlcov'n girl pn'at- ly nnd wanted.”

"Monnlel" Chnrles fTualaaVs tono was nlnioat amused. "Tbtill’B not 'love—wbat you'r'o -ialkins about.*'

••Jli.^buMrij, It la h Y o u ^ n ^

nod Chcslra genb- tuit Pbpillnflty —

going to uancca — that 'aort ol: (bIrig. Ds you aupDoao," lie In— (jultcd, frd pasa up a ^IrJ I really eared ,nt»ut Just becauiw aho didn’t; havo Iho right aort ot.frocki As* C that maitcrodl""Not to you. parbnpa.” aald Mon-

lie atubbjroly. “Not In theory, ttber, to any nan. Out It’a wbnt ttrocls.” She (rlcd to atilko n. Ishtcf nota. No gpod-brJnBtiiK her wa problems Into thl?. ’'I^ lc at

-Cay,” cba said lmpcrnona]Iy..*‘31ic'n beaullfiil and clfiver and gocd. She lught to bo baring oplondlil ,llm,e*. inlbylng herseir. Wlmt ba^^ctiR? 'light otlcr-nlght aho elia at iinme vltb tba reat oC us. ..Sha boAn'i noory to entertain or dross piwrer- ly and sbo lives on tho i/roncelde )f, town. Ifa not falrl”“Idny's a darllnfe." Mid tho mnn

ipd oRaln Mbnnlo fch tho sirtdcn.■ llttio iwinno" ‘

. .. ;ly. h() turned back to tbcir original argument. ••ICny -R'anis you to go 'abroad wlUi Mbs An- -6Uc6r"heTaiar'’Slio’o'tolil'iao so

down times.’'they had reached tbo tronr galfl Bw. ,Moanla opened . 11. Icanlir; on

It. facias the tall yoimg mnn In bis perfectly cut,- cotoJcss twacd rlotbos-■ “You'ro owcct to bo so ImopeSt- cd." aba said. *'l wish 1 could,’?

She was struck, fas abo spoke, witli tho curious look ho Bane her, I'blend ot'klndaosa tuid oxnsi era'' lloD-and ..somethlns ctso. Sbo ceuld.not define It. Sometblng/hunc bHwcoo tbo pair for on laatnnt— 'iQ'm'D unapakea inour.bt—<'|inb t^a< . iloh oC feollng. Monnlo dioc^ }ior-_ aelf. breaking away from tba' apcll o( thoso brillldnl. alnjost mocking, dark eyes. ' ■

"I'muit CO In." Bho said In.' .fusion. ”rm lato as It Is.”

.Charles lirtod hla tu t aird fta ho lurned to go Monnlo'forgot hliD. fprgot OTorythlne. Atark O'Dsr*.' fre;kto faecd. tausle-licnded, dashed j!Q*n:ilioJiHh..l«>,unCU)iLi

n'ofblBown- . 'Blall lor . you, Moaale," hi yelled. ■ •

11c# boart began to thud. Thi lone nwnlted letter lind

thu Improvement eomea word that

............ . -inti hla largo pcoupboya Have tho • vacant lot 3SH from llio Chrlatlon. church In rcndlneaa for Iho playing of; ils vrlth two courts, and a vol­

ley bnll'courU Tho ulai of th? entire tot iji 125x12(5, and In cri- llrcly oiJcloai;<l twith wire ncltlng.

A .vcoll fco la clmrgcd those wiahinc <o Join the club, and en­joy ut day tlmo the use bf 'lhe courts.

Noland Rites H^ld A A Chrietisui Churchn ’JUU Juno .7 (Spcclftll—Fui

L-ral acrvlecs for Emmft’ C. Nolar ro held Sunday afternoon i i Bi|hl Christian church. Rc

H" t 'UT(JS~cI-Twm-Finiff-wira-lnTl ibnrjcCot the nervlccs.'

'Mm.'G. B. Schmid ann r n oolo 'V/hen I Get to the End of the Way.” Mrs. Clamnco Brabb, Mrs. T-fomcr Bcaucliamp, Mra. SChmld and Mrs. Mcrrlman aanR. “Abide vfith Me," and "Face to race.”. Shb.wns bom May a. 1877, nt

Norway, III. She married Jim. 20, itilO, In Salem, HI., and came to .Idaho June, 1025, ffom Salem.

Sho la survived by her husband; one son,,Robert Samuel, 10. and tidopted daughter Pearl;. Uirce atep . chlldreii, John D .. Noland, Kfmboriy; Mrs.. Vcra .IfaSiannah; Kunsan City,. !{nnB., Mra. EnrI I Webb, Waho, Neb., one aiatcr,I Mra. Jo 01 H e len, Culbcrtaon, IMonL, nnd one brother, OH Hel- ■ Jand. Brockitt, N. Dak.

She wa/i a membei^Christian church.

I»an bcurera were B. I,. Mctr, L. C. Cobb, Vlrfill Guult, G, W.

iCfirr, C. B. Mohannah, H. E. -Tur-

stl(To Do ConUnaed)

"N" AnPT(T\r A T i what.la colnu on behind tho acenca InX - N X i- X X A-/ WnahlnBton and N5w York-nn InUmato Inaight liilo tho

T X r X J T T 'D T T / ^ T / ^ worklnj;a ot .politics, for Evenirip 'nmcs Reudoto everyW 'Jr il- K JL iv jr iL j' . ■ • day and everywhere.

ny l*At!L MALIA)N WASUINOTON-Mr. lloc.ii :iircd the S

itfl Vftcr/niH rcivut,'Thiit Bccm.i lilK! II luirHli chart;'

to mnke Iwcauiic nottiln;; wii.i iuil< iipvnly. Whiit litiiipcncd behind tbi

[jiccnrN lH-iuil)j<.ct-to no tiilldcr in

,Tlir rrcHlilctil hem'll tlm iKiyi. were (irpmlRinir aj;aln:it him. lllu leuilvrs tiiM him he tvna lM; iccliiled

lot pOS' limiting

their trafffc tickets,-

:; v ;A.;.T. & Ti statisticians rep()i't tliuro are 35;057.■ 669 teleplipnes in the world., 13ot it’s the wrong ‘ numbeh. /

. .' '•Uncle Tom’s G?ibin” has been revived on.Brbad- ;Avay'-^d a cntic rfescrij)es it as “a ripe old'play;." A i-'raeilbw presume. . : • .

7,.’ :''Noiiiinated for the liosition of Fqriiotte'n Man:

him to ii in per cent V iliiction.

Ml-. RiKUitVL-lt Kild; '’Fine, fliic- ,I iihall talco lh<! radio Sunday niglit land lay tny.c.ine before tho peo-

The .Si'iialor to whom Mr. Roose- .’I'lt lolil that, fiprcnd the word iround the Senate chambcr. Mem- jcni of (he Koubc heard about II ind drifted over. At no time thLi

, They were In;ilcil on the ’. tight pincc

Veterans bnclt home JiaU been vrltini; them for^eeka complnln-

, Ing «f InJuHtlces wroflght by, Uio I Roosevelt c o o no my ' program. iThere was no question about .the injiistlcea, One veteran witli both legs off waa cut 40 per cent:''

The Amctlcari Legion lobby oaluftl haa nrgonlzed ltn f ...............lily. Two-thlrdtf of Coni

flroused.-'-' • ..Tho Rooaovelt threat made Ihcm

iton nnd Ihlhli. The Dcmocmta lad to'chooab between ' flghUnBr

, .heir' own' president nnd doing' Iwhat thoy rcallj? wanUd.tb do. • •

EnouBh.weakcned to pcrmlt Mr.’ Ropsovclt-25 per cent reductions.

The' cuuntry .generally did not rcBlfze what n personal triumph It van for Ihd'-Prealdent. It ahowed dearly hla power httn tiot waned. Jn no oth'crjlEniUllff tjueallonB ex-, iRptwar debta.wlll he have such i.cloao'cMt.'’ '■ '• ■ :•

i.sQiimv-J. P. MoriB'on-'.hus' no had no

.much fun'sincc ho played miirblca.! Hc;whIsi>eretJ to his friends that ho WM tlcltlcd'the way tho'Scnate'

to.jycry W9r4;,i?f cat| fnpnj-. 1

time ono «ir lil.i-witnc! |H.lnt. tho cvni

c'.'i made . cif rijiuncu

leaned back hl» lii-ad nnd caclde'd.Morgan «ald privately he: -....

nldercd the legal preaenUUon cif hiB caae 100 per cent pcrfcct. believed the Senate pmdiitcd noth* itig uii him iinil Will III,t. lie lilK buiilncH.') will not iiaffiM ■ That rcniaina to tw nern.

CUtlTISTho phantom lichind tliu lletvor^l

Ing confirmation appears to have' been your old pal Clmrllc'Curtla.' Some may not rcinem1>or but ho waa Vico President under the Hoo­ver regime. Republican. Senalora rememberer IL lie circulated among them utiletly in llelvorln^a -behalf, lie Influenced nt leant aomo of the oc'vcn Republican votes for the Internal Revenue CommLsslon.

What caused a Republican }«an- ,san to take no much intereat' In n Domocrnt la a aubject of apecula- Hon.' Pride In Kananii may have been Uic-prime factor. In ^thls cano Curtis nhio had the ItliowlcdBe ,thAt hla old Republican politicalifM Henry Allen....... ..................-' tho other nldo. hla brolhor-ln*law Uio oil buslnesa.

rpubllcan, political

A1k“ tim”fact®thdt .w Mr. Gann la In

:NOTEi«'"There is further evidence that Mr.

Rooaevclt-haa not mended hla ca- trajiEomcnt with Senator Walah of; Massnchuaelta . . . Wulsh wna thei only Democrat to vote aRainofJJr;; Rooaevelt'n nQmlpatlon' o f Guy Helverlng . The veterann bloc! In tho Sonnte aij'ly nlmcd its ffghtlicalnat the'Veterans Admin*--- ';Ion . Nothing unkind wai kbout ■■ Mr. ■ Rooaovclt from _ 3omocratlc- alde’.of the chamberl but Uiero was ho doubt In anyone'ul mind,us to who w-- ’ - • ' • '

- ........

to close loopholes'Inv'tho.lncomft tax fawfl-.,.•; Perhaps 'that clrcua' publicity man did nof frAmc thlngfl with J. P. Morgan to'get a platuro

- Uio midget on- hla imeo. but yoif . .11 navefgct'anyone here'itAibo-' Hevo I t . ‘ 'nie incident hail lili tlie.c»rmarlM„of.closc Inside'pre-.,

1 thi> Mldgc.t

lly JAMK^S McMlILUN .■NEW.YOaiC-Tho Morgan ix.n-

trol of American finance and In- dtia^ry bus not been n mere loattei of owning atoclfanU holding dircc' lo'rohlpB.• Their inflia-nco thniuKh' .tliosu factiini; on developed by I'ccora, bun been enormous. But thin ot- fleliil intereat. wiio Jia^dly more than, a alngle pawn In .IhDlr gisiiri- tie pheaa gnmo. Tho real" punch lay in their entirely unofficial power of 8uggc.itlon or veto In tho iwllclea of dozens of corporatlona .With, which ibi'y had lltilo or -llrect connection. .

.Literally hundreda of bank and .buBlneaa cxecuUvcs hardly darad to breathe without conaultlpg the ‘.forgana. They wcro tho auprcme iraclco. If a Morgan partner wills-pered "I wouldn't do ■’ -...........

- ' coaiial3 that'’ In the

. ....wcrsationo,' 1' Or If a partner Ir

.y beeam,

wasn’t done, tlmated. that >vaBC economy wno good. Idea, wage economj • ' tho order ot Uio day. 'of Uio Medea and Parali— ____no more binding than tlio offhand opinions of the Houso of Morgan.

......... beautiful cohiblna'’

ppwer of dollftoi ___perfecUon.- But the preatlgo now nports a neat pair of ;black eycii jhd the dollars will 'be ahaved to dlmcs-wlicn projected legislation is adopted.' - -

ISSUES.., '.--'.. There aro many'.'triclta .to I Iradc of Isaulng.oecurltles. Ono tho neatest' waa thu method „ handiine laauca whoso public ro- ceytlon was In doubt,

.* 3 .3 “J........................ . . tliQ amount aakcd.1 us to who was' in v o iv e d f o r and If possible .to refuao onUro- itor Rbbiriaon of Indlatia (R.) ly. Uib application of someone who :y atartcd'- the rovolt"BufTi5 "could be. counted, on to spread Uio I

mVESTlOA-nON , ,' Officlala of Uio Chaae Bank wcro orlglnally-dlrectcd',t6, dnpt(ir be- foro Uio Sertato Committee. In tbo ...........’oflqiy." ,- ................ - -

iVictini'of Cardiac Affliction Buried

BUHL, June 7 (Sp'eclal)'—I oral aervlcea for Fred Worley, war veteran who wnn found <In his car near Castlcford Friday following a sudden heijrt attJick,I were held Sunday afternoon at |the Preabyterlan church. Rev. Jf. I I . Vnn Patten-was In charge Uie servjco. •

A trio composcd_of Mrn. .L. J. Jolin.-jon, Mrs. Jamca .Sblelda. a'nd' Mra. L o u is e McCIUflliey nanjr, "Ncuroi; My Gud, to Thee,'' ’■Beau­tiful lale of Somewhere" anti "My Savior Klint.or All." They , were'

«ompanIc(l by Mr. Fred Klrgla. Pall bearers wcce W. C. I ’ond,. D. BrigR!., J. 0; Sloan;'3. D.

'Zollinger. -John Nason, W. G. Lamaon: Burial waa:in Buhl 'by Evjina and Johniicm.

Heart. Attack Fatal To Highway WorkerBURLEY. June'T'fSpcuUl'l ' —

-nmca- Wallace, 77. died sudden­ly.,near View Sunday nfternoon from the cffccts ot a (learl attiick with which be was .stricken while in hla car. lie h'ad been a realdent of ^ I n Falla, county for 23 yciirs.

w.ee!tf| ago ..Casnla cpunty.

He Is survived.by 18 children, 16-of whom realdo In 8cotland,.n son here nnd a daughter In' Call- fomia, and a diiughUr.'ln Mlmio- aota. Rev. C. H.. Arrjia wiU b'e'In charge of the. funeral arrange- mcnts His wife died In lOlO.'iicr' body - Ilea In Twin 'Falla cem'eUry.'•Tho • Johnson • mortuary ' la In ihorge of •funeral details.

) rotid .Y/ofk ,ln

snappy Inside aelllng-Job was put across.tt) Uio tune of i'Wbnfa'lhe (i30_of raklng-up'dead tiah'ca?"

'"'-13 sword ot '.Damocloa atlH ^_..„a over tho Stock'Exohanrfc.' Pecora's-currcnt spado worV alma at Uie excliango ua an illtlmato

- it-. Tho boys will liav* to re-.... 'on their best bcliAvIor If

Uiey want to keep 'nway from Senate qul2z;fea^,>cxt.'wIntor.-;-

8lUKUOilTs7 ' •' *^'Tllood-MoVganniBW-handid Wall Strebf, onc.gopd. laugh.;.-'..U- They

Of promliient ciUWsna . Somb.of Uio beneflclarlcfl are burned . WP becausenheir friends nLted'-more

Power 'U terribly hurt about'Ulla. Musclo Shoals business .t.;/They, donated Musclo.Shoals.to thi gov

. emment Orlglflally . '.'i They tlIda’ Uilnk'lt was worUj.mucIuat.'UiL, ,Umo . ; ..Mowton Bah«r.tn&y get Owen yoiuig's.oltj’job.vrtth-ml^lo Corporation. .■ . .. . • ’ '

History of Twiri Falls City and Gounty


•15 Y ears A g o

Youngstown. • Ohio; Prank, H. liuhl,'. m'ultl-mlllionairu -and plill- ntiUinipiai; died jit hia homo- at I Simron, Pa„ today. Acute lnd|. gcnllon was given os Uio cause.

Mr. Uuhl waa onc- or tho-or. ganizcra' of the Buhl-KimberJy cnrpomtiim of promoters, who- In 1003- began work ot reclaming the Twin F.-I11S tnict.- .ThoTjther ................... - ' J. Kiin-

berly npd SUinloy . Milner. .

ecllpae'ovlaitilo I this

Lodgernen Attend Wendell F^neral

, yVENDELU'Ju'no 7 (Speldi’i i- FuDcral oervlcea werc- held.Tiere

■ for William'H.’ChajllIn at;

jSra bf tlie' MtisoBlc'

In ' 'charge. 'A tH'o' coini

d' by Mra. W-rick and Mrn.

Pall .bearers were Charlea Me*, Clurd, k . D- Jackson, B; L. Bar-I

...Wendell. cenietcry,-' In - charge ' 6t Anson Thoml)Bon..,Goodlng. '.• Mr. ,Cliaplln'Ia .survived by hla

wtffl :and^ five.. chirdrch, ’ Emeaf, Chaplin,. Gooding! Mra.--, Gladys

-•’son.,. PucblocVColo.;. Earl' ln..;Wop_d_en^^Mr "

i?rQbate : Judgei of ,'r-'Jerome;qEaoUB,:,.Juh■h::7';(Bpeo al)':'il:

.CIark'.T.-8tM<on.',pWibate.:judBQ bf-JoromD.:;county,' ondjJcsairi. Hughes'•of.-Pi>c'9tlllo.-’iirocur^"Ji

iVhlfJh they .w-yilfiiu'rn to Jeromi whcro^ hcy.-.wlll iflake their-futun

K5S*.''; '

portion of tho .earth's aurfacb for exactly ,0C years,' those who fail to SCO It now wlU havo „a'very poor chanco-ot ever necing one— unles.1 tliey.cmlgrate;.-Seen-from Twin Falla tho ccllpao will .not bo quite toUI,:PocatcI16-bclDg In tho center .of,.un(J Amcrlcon' Falls apparently tho.nearest point WlUi- In tho band or utrip of totality.

- S. ClaudStow'iirt ,and J. B. . Puget are-,occupicd;,thla .week In

'aancsaing.the Shosboao Baalm '

Accident Victim :' Given Last Rites

BUHL, Junp.7. (SpeclalJ-Fim. eral aervlcea for G. W ;‘813110011.

of Buhl, WBre’helS.I^Satu^tiy |aft- '!nioon-,,at,;Uio..-Buhl. Chrl^Uan

fti chargo or. Uio'.siSh-lccit.

Kpn^ac;^^6mcr,8hellfln dn lchcs^ ,

■' Burial • wio.' made'' In'-rtho ‘'Filer cemetery. under , the. dlrccUoa 'of '• Evans'a^d.Jotasbri. , ;-.

f i i l i'‘p4cbfo; -fciTo.;” Tari ^ 0 morrfapsV . ________

Md-bridc^omi'i^.hood offIcIoUng.,i .'Tho. brWo flnd-,....„.........well*knowri In-' tlils ‘ comtnuhltvA'

^ ^ i « » S 8 S S S i 8 .

youngicouptfl wi ,llie:':brldejrro(im’ aoimi.ofjiuperf.


T: tti'shprf wedding,, trlp^ too'; . couple will bo at borne'oH' brldegrobm’/i.: farm a • -Sallfl'i-

nes3Cd.by~the'brid6^twm’ slitw' • Mro.- Paul .Hutton, and- thd bride's -

Mrs Walter n S la ^ 'SSd it-broUjer, Ed«yard'Duan:' i.:; .

Page 5: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control

' We'Jhes'da.v, June ~7.' 1933 '

MAN.T:vTELKi»110NK :i8

TUIES a A ^ i r iE D ItATKS


■<i v

Each Itiflcfllon. per lino .05 (For first 3 IninTtlonB)

Subsequent iriscrllomi, • -.par lino ,0354Twclvu' monULi' con- ' tmct, cvpry Imuc, cacU'liiitcrtion. per'Ilno ........02

No adu Ultcn"for .lp/iB-• than 2 llfttH. Mlnlidumciianro ....... ........ ; .25

All oJfl Aiunt bu circlurfrd rora, HlalwlJctlKlti of


STeW : TodayFOIl SAUS-OIflce dtllpmtnt

Lnnjo roll tup dc.Hlc, finl top ilcHk. typ«\vr(tor tli'iiU, 7 row I’.urrouKh» ncJilinK-muclilnc. AIm, Inrgo RhkIc, mountcJ, u Kohlcr-CumpbcII pluno, Majestic combination nuno. 3 n.-c-

■ tiim booUca/ip, Mm. Hurry .1: MH- Iw, 117-llUi AV.V. Uiilil, Mnlio.

ABLE MAN for .llHtrilmlliH: anil ilellvcry woflt. Piiyii 527.50 wA^kly up. Muat' own car. OmviuiscrH need not apply. Sicnily l<Jh. Write

, rjulcU. Albort Milln. Koiili' Msr.. 'M7 Monmiiutli, Clnclnii'ntl. O.


WANTED TO BUY—1000, cars : lo, wrcclt.. rurmcri' Aiito Supply . lined I'urlJi Dcj.U riion<r

WANTUD- Unod fumlturo und mrtgc.H. Beat cuNli'pricwi. Bert A.

' B\yccL.Pliano i m ■ '


FOR SALC—Plants and (pirdcn leed. any amount, prlccd right, Eb* erluirt & Bum.^..Plion6 000-W. 218

FOR SALE—Tomato ^lunUi,-2 (loR. ir.c. 2 ,mi. .So. of Curry: Vj ml.'No.'of lOmll.- •


- FOR- RENT ^ Smalh fumlBl.wl Houso partly modem 1200 8tli Avo.

•VEaaL- . • V

IN HANKIn;i-TCV NO; intw 1 tlio Dintrlct CViiirt'.of llie Ilnl Kd SliitoH. For tliii DlKtfli't,IdiOiu, KnilUirrii DIvlHinn.

In llio MnlliT of mnlrnipt

, NOTICI3 IS HEREBY OlVEN. iTliat Ceoriic Ayro.t. <if Twin Kallii, 'Idaho, ha« filed In tin- Uiiilwl SUilcs Dintrlct Court for idiUm,

I npjitlcullon for dInrlmrKv In niiniplcy. iimi tlint ail credlloiii

—-d all person!! In InlfrcHl nro n- •luirud to sliDW caiiHi', If nny they ■ ivu, wiiy the proyi-r of n;ild pe-

tio)i fljiould not 1)0 Kranl.-'l liy i-n- Tln^ tiiclr appnarancr in wiid

proceedinKH. otj or l)i!foro tile 10l(i day of July, 1D33. ami wiltiln Ivn dayH thcri'Ufler. filint; tlie pnrllci)- lor i.'niuiuiN of tiieir o|il>o.'iltlnn In llie offlct- of tiiL- Clerli uf juilO

JN ISANKiailTCV NO. 4.10.'-,I (ho nhtrirt Court »t (lie- (Iiiit- rt|-.KIut<».- Tur llii- Dlslrli l ..r Muliri, SoullKTii Uivixiiin.

in tii» Miillcr flf U’lllar.1 ,SleM>.>.l- er. Ituiikrupt.NOTICE IS HRRi-^By. GIVEN.

Tlmt Willard McMastcr. of Twin Failit, Idiibo. Iian filed tu tim Unll- e.1 5lale;> UUitrlct Court for l.lalm, liiii application for dlfcimrKe In bankruptcy, and Uiat all cn-ditarji und ull perHonH in lntere.it ore re- nuired to aliow cuusc, if nny liioy have, why the pmycr of wild peti­tion ahnuki not be granted by et\- tcrlng their appeurnncc In , Bald proceedings on or before the lOth iilay_Dl_July,_lIl3a^na_HJttilix_l dnyfl thereafter, Ullng Hie piirtii; iar Krounda of tlielr oppiinilli tho office of tbu Cleric of Court.

Cilven under the aiilhorllyof the Ki’aeral'orderB ot.naid Courl, und by npcclal oKlcr of the uadcraisn-

■ tbla atii day WJuno, 1033.O. P. DUVAtU-

Referee In Bankruptcy.


-c:-Ncw and use<l fumlturo of ail kln02:~Cdal raneeu ns low ua 51'’ ' tachJ -Wo trade and buy or Bel;

. Will !pay CMh for. BtovoH and,'re trlseratorH anil furniture. Moon'., i'ulnt. and rurnltiln: Store. I ’honc


THREE ROOM fumtolied mcaj.


EXI’ERIENCRll_B.oo,k keeper nnd typlwt wunti position. I’hom fl.l87.J2.


FOR 3ALE-Elevcri weeks’ old Leghorn pulleUi, Hansun strain. J80 per hundred. RlfTBerts Quality Hatchcry. TOono 0181J2.

UABY CHICKS now ?7 ■ per ' hundred. ltie;,'L-rls 'Qualliy; Ilat- ,chery.. .


MAITHBSSES renovoUd • and recovered. Clean wool carded, 20c

■ lb. Wuahed hnil carded ,30c. Piiml- luro upholaterlnp, Bowen and Ev-

■ >rton. Phono.6I-w; • ■


AUTO' lO P - B O D Y W O R K S ,

FOR SAI^B—^V^^DSHIBLD JVND ■floor glaas.;Auto tops ond’ciir-'

' : tnln ronalr.'cnhVna and convaji • ■ • rcpalringr. Thomcta Top & ]3t>dy - Works; ;BacK of Dailceiaad.


DR. W.. H.;DWJOHT,- DENTIST. ■ Kldrldffo Bundlnp.'TwInFalis.'-.-

. ■ : • ^'dPIOMETRIST .......


H ’Y E A R S - m / Tiua.’ SAME .•building: 'J4 ' vtnrs .'of :bctler qualUy.ofld Bcrvlec. Tlay .we call

,.. for'ond.doUvia- your ahocs.-.Twin' FiUla Sboe-Repolrlns:. M32 Sho- • Blione WOBt. .Phono 808.'^ ‘

W7CDDJNQ .’ANNOUNCEMENTS, .. and • tolling ••carda?:onfffiivKl<or

: prlnl«dJ..’Miinyrcorr«trotyleB;.toi - V. chDone. from: - Cair^at. tho £<ve-

I ) ' Dinir TImea office. 295 Uala Avo. Bast; Tolcpheno.M,' : v ^ •

Bill Includes Early Steps for Recovery

•(Cootfmiid from Pasp One) .

Ihcrobjf'creato 'ncw.'buyinK power

aultiaK' from. Bhortenlng of. hours and raining tif hourly wage ruten, .......... ......eiaewhcre, Whero

Ibk-, thl!

turn.I’ubiie’Hupport 'unil tlio ctmpero-' rm or tiio Imluntrics cnneemed •0 vltul

plan work ugaln.st oppMitlon of Hie InduAtric.i. The hotly contest* e<r llccnHlng features, they em­phasize, arc needed to protcct co­operating Industries from c«l- throats'who reiuBed to Joln'in the movement nnd tried to uiiderpoll through sweatshop' pructlcen.

Industry Culled lu ' Industries wilt l>o • called in.

Some, sucl!-.a.T tcxtilcH, already liavo orgunl^ctl-nnd ure 'working out codcn.-

lIuRh S. Johnnon.'udminlfrtj-ntor, is Belccting-.hln own key mcir,for each Industry. . Eacli'of llicso men IB, to be u mun -.untruniniel'ed by connections with the indu.itrieo under lii. division, a mnn' who kno«vs hlJi way about tlio buiilnc.sn world whom l( Is dUficuU to fool. On one side of thin man v/ill. slt an; advisor rcpresenllnR the indus­try; dh Uio other, an'advliior reprc- senllng labor. Johnson'o reprc- BcntikUvo will Imvc the authority.

Prisoner, 63,. Held '■ As' Theft'AccessoryI d a h o .FALLS,'.Idaho, June 7

iiini—Confident . IJmt. most of. thi 5831.10 loot,ta]:cn;rrdm Uic vauU if.the,’County aascjisor’a ■ offico

, would bo tetumed oometlmo t<kloy, pollco prepaid', cliargea o f Impll-

j'caUon- In ~ the robbflry.,-'ngaiiist' James "Dad” Jonen,' 03, who wan released from.the Bonneville Mun- ty'Jall Sunday.'-.'..:',-::::.-,;:- ■Lorry Lane, 10. county Jail trun-

ty,: admitted to officcni j ’cslordity that he look tho moncy. paaocdill on to . Jones and ' then escaped. Tho recapturo of Lano Inj'ocatoU lo rcaulted In Jonea being returned to jail on *260 bond:- .- .d .'.-

Lhf ina: ipin par

O. r. Vail .SwrilnRi'ii, revralinf,' tlinf tile viint Van .Swcrtnp-n rail ■mpiro wa.s r(>iindc<l on a "(itioe- ilrlng of u iniiliim liollar.i," mip- pMed tin- fii'st break in tho cloud of oli:icurily he liuii (lirown al>i>ut his fiiiafieliil oponitlimii for two ■‘ay.s.

Wmi'raljCi SaleTho conimTCTee drnfted a rc.so-

lution for Intnxlilcllnn In tho Sen- ite. which would broiiden Itji now- .:rji of. invcstif’iition to Include evi-

Idence of year-end'nale.s and pur- I cliaswi' of. ac'cuiitltB.' I jy . tieeking the reaiions for Ihcas' transnctiouH,

itlio committed coiitd. without men- jtioning -Income taxe.s, dlncover: wliethcr tlio saiss were niado for' ta-t purponea..

Van Swcringen's ijiembry an- pean-d to have improved ovomiglit nnd ho supplleil tntdrmutipn're­garding the million dollar invcfit- — nt wllhout he.sit.incy. He nald

and hla brother,' M, J. Van Sweilngen, put up sr.00,000. and their iisjioelatea ,a .Hiniilar amount. Tiie S300.000 Van Swerlngen nnd his brother Inve.itcd in sMuritica ,of the Nickel Plate BeSurllicn cor- iponiMnn In 1010 wan borrowed, he said, and wiui repaid out of •pm- jcecilii from n aoie of pmporty.

Cre.ifle and heat new pie pan.il .Iwforc using to prevent food ‘ ' j sticking to them.

. .............— niVEii;i just, louth -of-'Montreal. <’'Tlia< •kotoli Bhowo-n SQUAHt KNOT.'

. Q0O0rBl.':;Lc0'8 ••JjOrBO ■ ' won TRAVELER. ^

•r liiiiibH Hcnilnj' «!l to < S» and SS.’-.O; Nmall ; buekii larKHy J7 and

• nlONVKi; MVIWTOCK IW ; h- nrjNVRfl. .luoe 7 ilUH-Sheep: I nnd w<-

liOO: market alMiut ntciuly on llni'i 70 {huii lied ofrerlngK Khort li>ud niium 71! iol-i M.'pound yearilncii SO: package| $7.00; wu, .woi.ltiJ ycarHngn ST.r.O; small lots! pound aliorn ycarllnKH $0.15;'be: niitlve Inmbn $7.50 und S8: few held conaiderably h ig h e r ; fi head nhnrn ewe.i 52. ahnm ewes S2 (mil S3.

---- ------- ---- • Cuttlo; D.nOO; CttlveB 2,r.OO; gei

Boya Face ChargesrOCATEMX), Idaho, June 7,

lU.l:i—FollowlniT'pleuo of guilty to; clmrgcH'offrohbinir-n" Biirvlce' liuUl tloft- at Downoy,-May 2, five youtha 1 today faced'nccumilion ofBnciu 22 other crlmcs. includlnp robbery "of a po-itoffice, iwllco naid.' -

Dlatrlct Judge Robert M. Terrell Bcntcnoed.tlie youth.i, Dcnn Colul- annl „Robcrt Veveai - und Duant Richmond, all 19 years old, lo five -months, wiille Halt AUera nnd Eu­gene O r g l l i were kIvcii nlno months e.ich. for robbery, bi Mu firiitMlcgrce. -

SCAUN« MACIIINK 1‘EIIFECT . SAW^-ER, Wis. dli;)—Krncat A. BoHmnn, Sawyer shou merchant, has iHTfccted a mnchine that sculea flRh In one operalinn nnd cleans them in another. The aeaier was niatle. front an old fan nioUir studded with nnlln. The fiah Is cienncdjby moving, down ii trough



«tniu|iliic alirrt.




Htendy: be»t yearllngn 57; early sales SS.CO and fU.OO; wltt .liav«raI.,,Ioad8v so.no and .50.75; vcty -foe bnrrough' -welghty bul' lock. 55,73 downward;, bulla and vaelera about steady, .practical top weighty n.iumjro bulls around $3,35; moat vealera 55,20 and SOi few S0.2ff. • ,

OMAUA I.IVKSTOCK -OMAHA, June- 7 llU;]—Hogs:

Rcceipta 11,000; market G to lOc lower; top 54.!i.n: bulk f-l ami ■ S1.B0. ,•

Cattle; Receipts 3,500; ninrhcl ■fully steady; bulk sr.,25-itnd S0,25; hcifor.T S4.C0 and 55,20; veal top iSO:'Blockera nnd feeders 50. •: Sheep: Recelpt.i 0,000. head; all ■cliijties steady; bulk Borted native fed woolcd and fed dipped iambs; 57.75 and ?7; top 58; fed 'year-! lings u]i to 50.CO; Vecdlrig lambs 50,05,


DA)—Hogst, Receipts 800; later salG.i bulchern 10 to ISc lower; packing sowa around 15c io*er; arly top on 220 poumr butcheroi

look weak to a'-w io^vcr,, ntcers Bcurco: heifers 53,r>0 to $S,00; good cowii $2:00 to 53.00;.common,lo medium cnws 52.00 to J2.C0.

iound Idaho rango..la


tl'W lUSpA) Hogs 478; fully

*!caltie: 150;'few sale.i. • ‘ itllilng claasoH fXilly steady; odd low good cows $a29;.bulk low ciittcra to mo , dium: Including doJry typo,:51.3ff, I0-S2.8Q; good,145 pound.bulls to53,75;, calves.20.- steady.,.— ’--good 204 pound 'vcalcr packagfl, 2B3 ppiind 55.00.:"Sheep; 300; medium tind.choieo

wooled lambs.:,70 pouhdn, down quotable arotind 54:7S. to 55.C0, possibly.'IS.7B. Lato Tuesday-two uliort.'dccka. medium 62. pound »hom, antl,,woolcd. lambs $4.75.:. ;


SDA)—CatUo 000. steers to.atrong hi^dlum. 700, to 1033. JJound .steers- and .vearllngH 5IS.00 to 59.70: rough horhed-Bleers 54.70. to 54,00: me- dium to good cowa 53.30-to44.00: cutler grndea S1.S0 Uo .I2.R5:: f<W. to 53.00: bulls 54.10:’r. load <3.70: calvea 78

Hoga 7S!.Btcady, .140,16,224'lb., trucklns S4.05 to 45.10; good ^ t n fcda-quoted '56.29 to .55.50!.,pack­ing. Bowa:53.7S lo .54.00; few ilgbti weights $4.25.

Sheep >260: no. lambs -'offered: good lo choice quQted.50..to 50.0U-


A)—Hogsi 100; rccelpta unaold. early, market nominally otcady at! f5.7Q down. cholcentlZtirVutchbrs, | . :'CatUo 75;. calvcsvi,0;;,odd sales:

plalh'ffroM ft»t atofau..;.-'-.'Sheep.'■..100:::i.marl{fit • quotiblo •atendy. on «icjiWl)l6.: kiUinff.:clii«8<fB ^dJ::'rtiir:Ocaliihd,:' ^ -

bUHliel an reporlH eonie Ui t.-illng of fiirliUT liamagr lo lli<- n\)]i in the noutlnvi'iil bciriiiiae uf >'XCe!isiv<‘ birut.

Corn and oalii advanced wllli wheat, the latter being parlicuiar- ly strong uh a result of nnfavoni- bie crop reports.

At tiie clo-ic wlical wnii to l',>i cept higher, eiim wiiii up V,

11 and ohijhei-.

!>i lo 1% cent

Whoalf . Open - IH(:h_I,ow <:lu»«July ...,„7.'i>i 741/. 7.1 74',fcSept .,..,74 70?; 74 7.’i*iDec........ 77 4 78ia 77i<. 78H

July . Sept.. Dec. ..

■ 44% ‘13% 47% 40.-

.;40>/j 50 • -ISt; -to*!

Airli.. Topeka Atlantic Refining .Auburn Molnrn .........Baltimore & Olilo .........Bendlx .Aviation............Betlilebrm Steel ..............

nien Co.' .... ................I. Cn.Ho C<i...................

C, M, .S, I*, & PaeifJc ....Ciirynier Corp.......... .......Coca Cola ............. ........Commercial SoivcnUi......Common and-Southern ,.Con. Oil of Delaware ....Com Products................Drug Inc....___DuPont do Nemours ....Eastman Kodak L...........-,Eleelrlc Power i- LightPox Film .......General Eicclric .............General Foods .........;.....Geneml Motors...............Goo<lycar Tire ....... .•,.....Inlemationnl ^larjnternatiqnal Telephone ..... 10?4

July-.... Cl»; 001'. ooi/jSept .... 021 . • 02% on/. 02%Dec........04>/, n4.yi 03V, 01%

BarleysJuly .....33V, 34^ 33.'<; 34VjSept ......35% 301/j 35% 3lili

CASIIOUAIN ■“ •• CHICAGO, . June 7 (Uln—Cash

grain cloae:Wheat: No,-2 hard 73Uj;.N<

mixed,72ij.Com: No.'2 mixed 41";; No.

yellow 43u.; No. 2 42 lo 43; No. 2 yellow (oid) 44; No. 2 white.No. 35 to 35y .

Oats; No. 2 wblto 25'/, lo 20. Rye; No; 2 1)0 3-5 to Cl!>j.


. CHICAGO. June 7 (ILRI—Pota- tnes-On track • 237; arrivals 40 Bhlpmerita 022;. market atcady Ic weak: Wisconsin sacked Round 1 Whlto and,Michigan sacked Rus- oct Rurals $1.15;, Idaho saciied Rusaets 51.00 and $i:05; Alabamc Louisiana,' Mississippi and Texas sacked Bllos , Triumphs $2 and $2.11!:..North Carolinii CoDbleni, barrels,, 53.35 and 53,40.-

- NEW YORK rOTATOES . ..NEW YORK, Juno 7 lEfii,—Pota­

toes easier; Southcrh 51.7e to 53.50 por barrel; Malno 51.00 to $2.00 per barrel; .Idaho 51.70 to $2.00 por sack; Bermuda 55.50 to $0,50 per barroU..-,. -. . - r .:

. .liONDS .-:. NEW YORK.. Juno 7:m >: — I Buvlng oX.speculallvo bonds wooi 'brisk today as InflaUon scnUmenti sot a now timp‘from a break In Uu dollac and strength In atoclca; and. commodlUas. AcUvo . Indus-' trial,'-t>ubllo .utility .< and MHroad bonda • cllmbcd' to.' ne*.\hlgUfl; for, tho year and longer In aplto'of: heavy -profit taWng, most'lasues' held their-gains.-Biggest'demand again .Was- in;.communication -is­sues Twtaero'Postal Tele{^nh-'Os. International -T 01 op h o n 0 ->and Western > Union- made -tiewi hlgho. Industrial .bonds werO-.buoyod by, the favorafilo busbess nows.' Beati Jtnlns woro. seSred'by.'BteaI.ThiV bcr.'..611>tthdt(i>huaomcat:c«mpaay: lasuos.-Ralla. were inUed; but tho tnaJority;8hov»#dV8alns:-bf; I to .D , points. U .'8j govemmont and for-:| elgn Issues movcd:iln»gularly In, a-norrow. r a n g e . ' . S ' '

T DKNVKIiaiiATSIli:-'.-;; «,DKNVER.Juho tv Silver'

National Dairy Products .New Yohk Central ......Packard Motora ............ .

.. 22%

.. 33% .. 22 !i .. 21 •{,

J . C. Penney, Co. .. Pure Oil ,Radio r Radio I

no sale .. 27%.. s m

Corp...... .................... 10,........ Keith Orphcu'm ........ 5'.!,iReynolds Tobacco B............ 4S>.\iSsfeway Stores ..................^55Scars Roebuck .................... 3i%Shell Union Oil .................. 7%Simmons Co.......................... lOHSoeony -Vacuum :..... :........... llViSouUicm Pacific ....25>,iStandard Brands .................. 20Standard Oil of Calif. ;.......... 33>,iStandard Oil of Nev/-JerBeyT^36—Texas Corp.;............____ 21’4Tmns-Amerlca .

■ MONBV,'." ■NEW -yORl?, Juno ifUTJ—The

money market • maintained ' 'Its. customary quiet tone - todays Call money of the stock exchange ror ,- newed at 1 per cent and on the

irb at l ! i per cent.' Tlmo inoaoy , as unchanged with ;.tha, SiMay ,

.term at 9£ per cent-whllo Ipng:er maturities ranged from 1,-to .

ccnt. Time, n^oney . unchanged, days-^i ,pcr! cent.. Rediscount

rato at New York 2 « per cent v

B AR.SILVEU" - , NEW YORK. ■ Jdno'- 7 -' tlTPl—

■Handy & Harman—New .York |35»1 cents,,up H'cchL- i:-;-,

U. S. Steel,'common ...Western , Union ..........iWestlnghouBo Electric . iR W. WoolworUi Co. ...

, , V. CURD R.\Cn,\NnBlAmericnn auper Power 7' Cities.Service, commonElectric Bond & Share ___ 33-Ford Motor Co. .............. 41Swift & Co. - ....... :...• . 22*Unlfe<l Pounders.'....... ......... l i

INVESTSIENTS TRUSTS -' (Furnish^. b^^dlor.Wegtncr \

^rporato Truat-SSMS *2,83 bid. Fund. Investors ..;.;.'._$2,00ff*2.20 Qunrteriy In. ahares--*L44<,i5l.M

WOOL- .BOSTON, Juno ..7 -(P.Bl-Wool

prices were moro stable- today than for, scvomi weeks, Tho U. S. agriculturo.sdoiiartmcnt reported good twelve' month Texas .'.wool and good French combing or long- -r, staple 04s and finer territory ;ooU 111 .orlglnal.'bags seUing at

00-fl7:cents/ clean.;. . .

. ■vMiiRUTir U0NI>S: 'V :^ . NEW .YORK; June 7 (lUIl—w.w-- Ing. Liberty - bondss .(decimals T'W-

L ^ r ^ aus 33-47 .‘_^..i>;.:*102a0 Wberty.lal 4Ufl 32-47..

NEW YORK, Juno 7 Ilim—Lead- • re steady to firm ,to-

ilay but other flections of the listicw 1033 taps. Trading ;

was heavy throughoutCommunication -flharen Except '

American Telephone staged, an- oilior sliarp upruah. Postal jirc- ferrwl readied 40S'j “P 5 points. , Weiitern Union made a new top at d4>.i up l»i- Intemailbnal Telor ■ phone also wn.1 up In active tuhl- over and Radio Corporation mado ' u new high for the year abovoaO.. Late selling Aame Into Postal and- Wcatonr Union. . . . . . .

General Motors made a new li)33 high; United - AlrcraTt. was tho

, leader in aviation ' issues. Cano I Boored‘nearly. 4,p9lnt*-,ti>^«i-n0wj. ' top for the year.- Alastai Juneau • nnd Homcslako wero at new. highs. ,

■ Local MuIcgU:

sent the :AVcrage, prices piiid,' cording; to tho :beat,a'vailable-tti.;- formailon. The prices arti 'inihj(ct tn'chhngc wIUiout'n6tleis;by.tha: • dealers, however. R ead.ars . aro urged-to watch the national'maS ' kots, \\tl> which thMd local r n ^ . icets will rise .and A ll.;.,'

tSTTYINQ PRICES ‘ '.. Wheat:-,.

ntoklnm-. • 'Federation

. Mm.’Fe««Bran, 'I00.1bs;-..ii:_:Brani 000'lbs.'v.__l_;Stock ifood. lOOUbs. ;Stock food,/BOO , lbs.

->.■ "-Bagnr Sugar, beet.'owt.,. - Sugar, cane;-.qvt.......................

Leebom. hens j;.

Page 6: ' oi -a: 80tt'-,drlnk. .MoClIcenao to' s ;coot«sd,-bars ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin..." f-' I PliOlEHW iovEiiysm ' Administration'piauB; Oall for : Control

fo~ A n ffE V E W K E - T llE 5 ;T W ^

A ux iliary AppointsCteirmeii

y :■ CpnimiilPe clminiicii for. the Htati-convonlioii Iktc Atitv 21- :'‘ '20 wcrft ftppointtHl.TueHcliiy cVoniiiK nl n'iiu‘rliii;r of llu' Ijivinii

V ! "Auxilinry iit tli(* Moniorhil hall, niul Voto wiih I'likcii l<i liold ' semMnoiiUily-riit‘ctiii(fs to ciJmpletc nrniiiK‘tiH‘iit.s f<ir the Ktiiio r.. SCRsnOTVt-'iirrH. :O ..T .’.Jvoster :pro.sitle(l in llie jilisiiiuK' of ^Ir • J ln r ry M ^n o it . Mrs. " ' " ............


.■Prico/Js'-.'gciioral •liliiiirnifiii of arnvugemciitK.', A; ivnricd pro-

•“-•-'eram^V’nH'^jtrekeiited—.fil-llio : 'T-rdbfid-;o£,-thpMjnsnicfaTSCS3iun.--.- ^ 'i Convention' chalrmcn ' aulalln's ' , . Mre/Prlco will bo: Mm. O. T. ICos-

ter.'coavtnUon. hnll; Mrs. J. J. . . : Wnterholer. hlntorian;. Mm, Uny

Age*'. jrcslstfnllDn; Mr«. Cliarlea Auatm;- convention Iiall paRc: Sira.

• Fern'IpBCt, ■tea; Mra. D. L. Alcx- . '•■-ah(Ior,.«llatihRulah«l gucaU; .Mrs.

.• -.. J. L .'Hoggin,- mualc; Mrs. Paul Taber,'banquet decoraUona; Ura,

.. w:"o.'.'aioBn.'n' " “Hailey; noweHailey; floweraj.Mra. Craljr Brack

Fliylllfl Kimblo ; 'presented . . Up dances' and' luioda Plillllp.i

i;ave:.a:<lolI donce.-iind nnng "AUce ; Blue Qowa.’;, ,Mlii#,.Ethel. Finlay- sob flayed: tne' piano' accompanl*

• inenci‘'JM}*;'. 0 ..P .: Oalund Bang •. ?The Flng.'Wlthout a. Stain." ne-

cotA^ledr dt the piano by Mls.i .. JiCftfgaret-Relchcrs. k//'.R^rcsbmcnlB wvo acrved by / M w .'It. E.: Leighton. Mrs. Ray . Age#,’ ISta.- S Beath. Mrs. G. B. V; 8ep);'oad'Mw.: CJirJatlna, Tumor,

•.■boy. OEIXRKATRS . M NTII.innT IIDAV T ,. iyBoooy,',t.x«nraa cntortalnod la• IrieriOa-at.'tt'liarty-Tuesday In

mUoO: of .his ninth-birthday.mt .biint, gnmea.. and- con> *■“ — ■ tho illvenjlons.

irded nna ravora o eaeh.gycat. Ho-

......................... .'Bcrvcd. :Clilldren, cititeiJdln .. included iBIll Nouglcs, jjlnunlb-.Brow^. I Richahl. Kodloy,

: .Vera'v Ooodmnn.' Kcnnctb Brown, ‘ “ ---y Woriey. Kenneth Worloy.

-’H'. Marilyn-Brbokfl,-De- _ j , Werlo Morris, FalUi ' Roy Magorrin,’ Bobby

m(Jy.‘..BUly: .ETOha anil Ktlth

Ula^Hahklna, 1 • •■'togafflhrRay

......................rAB£WEI.i:^l>AKTV . ^A r k a n o e d FOR o m L

1'. Schmidt onUrtnlncd

« Ruth Sllrap,'whD. la week for Infllana.

■ d'wKh

Ith, Mias Vli

e evening■■ WaB-'Hpcnt, .;'.'*le».‘;;OBw ir:.........................• .Elhd. amlth, Mtas V lr ^ Ia Stan- .:ley.<Ml«s'.Lticlllo I^Dgi MiM Le­

ona: StreifuB. -UlB3 ;lda - Lind and *:‘JlljMi'Rutb:.'Falrbaoks. - Refresh* ,;rm^ta;verei8crvcd. ....

CELEHUATES niKTHUAY WITII I'lKUCIILK I'AKTV ' Robert Lake c c le b r a le d l)la rbirthday :iMt .week.‘with. a.rpiirty, Miss Dorolhy Anderson won the high ncore prlr.e at pinochlo and MIBS Margaret Alexander the low

ore. The guests were Mlanes' Enther Joslyn, Louise ..Krcngle, Dorolhy - AmlerBon, Allco - Leslie, Mdrgnret Alcxariiler, and Mcoiira. Philip Lcfllle. Mnrx Joalyn, . Ver­non Poroonclte, Richard W. Pow­ell and RoberULakc-'----

+ « •!•IJLUF. MONDAY CLUB ENTEUTAINKI), Mrs. Frank McCormick enter­tained tho Blue. Monday, club at luncheon this week, followed by bridge. Mra. C. D. Anderson nnd Mrs. J. W. Porter, ■ guests, won high and low ncoro. prlzca. Cllib memborfl present were Mra. P. E. Mcull, Mn. Satterlee, Mra. E. S. Fitzwater, Mrs. n. Smith, Mrs. Paul Jones and Mrs. MeCormiclc.+ + 4 CALKNnAlt OK Ci.Vfi AND ^ D G E KVENTS

The Ncedlecruft club will meet Friday aftemnon ut 2, o’clock at tho’homu of Mrs. W, li. Dorm.

' . T)\o Lend-a-Hand cliib will mout Friday at the horiio or Mni. W^illcr Buckley.

• Tho Pant Noblo ' Grnmls will meet with Mr«. C. W. Parka, 0,43 Main avenue wenl, Thursday eve­ning nt-8 o’elnclc. Offlccrn ot.tlio lodge arc Invited to attend.

The Rivervlcw clulj. will., with Mrs. Walter C hap '........I.Thursilay .'.ariernodn .Instead o(' with Mrs. Carl Boyd iuh iirevloioi' ly planned..

A school of Inatrucllon In Par- ent-Tencher, a’ssoclatlon melbods- wlll bo lield'.at the Baptist bunga­low Tliuradaj:' inomlng at 10:30 o'clock. Tho afternoon session will bo hold at 1;1Q o'cloclc. Those at­tending arc requested to bring cov^reu" " ' •

L At The Theatres


Dun and Bradstreet Report

Lowest Number in Moro

Than' Two -Years

NEW YORK. June 7 ilLif—The Ismullcat number o( blinlness fnll-

'ln-morb-lli5ri’ two‘-yiiiirirwii£ j reported by Dun & • Brod.ilreet I inc., today for llic 1iu*t week, with

jtl or 276, iigulnst .ir>0 In tliu preceding week and &51 n year j ago. ---- ■ --- -------


gomery Ward & Co., for. Stay weru reported today nt Slt5,102,- 7ft8, against J14.17a,lB8 In-May, |Jfi32, a gain oC O.li per cent.

1NC»fA s KI>' I-0AI)IN« CLEVELAND—Tho Pero Mar-

luettc railway In the week ended lunc 3 loaded 4.243 cam of rev •nue freight, agalnnt 3,087. In the rorrespondlng week of 1031!, n

Igali) of 15 per ccnt, It waa report- led today.

IllG IIEn EMI'I-OYMENT AKRON. O.-Dally time pro-

IducUon ut -li. F, GotHlrlch Co. jplanCa (It (lie end of Afuy wa» iCfl.O per cunt iilwvo thn dally i

•age during tlu' prc 'flclalH.salil ,lodiiy..

‘MOUK INllOTS NEW YORK—Tho ,Bled Indus-'

try in continuing the iidvaiics that was w> pronounccd -'durtng

, May, the "Iron Age" rep(it)led to- :day, InBot oulput thl.-j week Jrae ' to 44 per ccnt of capacity Irjm 41 par cent laat week, It win re-

V. >}.MI'IX>VMRNT ItlSKS CLRVRLAND-A gjiln (if 0.4

per cent In cinployinent In .Olilii during May was ' rdporled today by the Bureau o f Rescarcii of Ohio Statu Unlvcralty.

or llio lilg dnubln-hit blll«.


BEER WILL PAyIf ' LcjjnUzcd , Beverage W ill

Defray Expenaea.of

,Legislators. . ,

BOISE,' June • 7 iL'.R)—UevemiB |rrom beer will'probably pay iho cxpcnBcs^QtlhcispeclfthacsilDnjofj the Idaho leglfllature„prQVldlnB,thc'

I the

(loclnred _here. The governor In lilH.ofnce.ycstcnlay_fqr_thn_fiiSt,! time In nearly n week, .having.boi ill with nn infected throat

Thu IcBlslativo.call Is being pr pared nnd will bb'Isauod within rew days, the.governor said.

Tho primary reason for calling' the upcclal acKalon Is to have the IcgiHlnturc autliorlze' tho relnvesl- Kient of Mtnlc endowment • fuiid.i

Monthly Reports Show Activities

Of DepartmentsMonthly reiwrta of municipal de-

IpHrtmehtii submitted to Twin'Falls 'city council liLit'evonIng revealed tliat during May, tho.flrat term,of the nc^v ndmlnlsti ,atlqn, a total of S238.S0 In (Inea had.been assessed..

There wero slx'bleyclcs loat. five or which had been, recovered: three .cars lost and an equal.number re- ntored to Uiplr owners: -U meals furnished: 40 street llghta reported

;out: 281 complalntJ) Inveirilgatr-'- |30!S..wamlnga.lasucd:_.antl_00.reatJrTnado.----- ------- -• Tho public library rcported' tnl circulation of 10,lOS booka (...

................... receipts of 560.48


irom flnca und tho pay shelf;■'Chief Jock, Bell of the fire dc-,iwrtmont*reporU.-d-four-fircH,-Blx|....... ........ and 200 lnvcflllgatlf'~" '

anlmalc : Iwef H/j:'becf heads 8:> Hint caah will bo made avuil-.].,og heads l. ; beef livers 48; iilo/or tho atato . payrolln andhivurB CO.

Kiato operation. . '■ -- - - .. .A Supremo - court ruling Issti

week pul a stop to rnlnvfislnient;^. d( the atato endowment funds by ^lit.onlo tliu comnjlsaloner of finance though rapid prc /ur many years thnt coursu hafl |, been followed.

Tho formal-call for .the special iie.-alon must Incluflo all busine.ii which is to bo considered and aU

SAL/MtlFJ BOOSTED . , , . P IT T S B tit t ‘'GH—>Vago In-

dishes and ^sMdwicheflfor the luncheon at noon. All In- toreated arc Invited to attend;

--The Women’s .Council of the ChrlsUan-church will.meet at tho country home of MrSj.E, M- Doa-

I One thing that probably, will be •iictcd upon, said tho governor, In 'tiie Idaho-WyomlngWrundary pact on the Sn ‘

>Albion PresidentAHHf esses. Rotary!

RUPERT, June 7 '(Special) Rupert' Rotary club ,cntcrtnlne<l tho men-aboul-lown nt a dinner nnd program last week. President Snyder of Uio Albion Normal' a c hoo l spoke, reviewing.Roger Babson'a now book, setting forth the four;"P'H" of Iho human fam-

■ ■ 'Iv, Future

Burley Offers Road Plans to Gov. Ross;BURLEY.-Jiipo 7 (U.l!) — .t' 'va

.... JnBiilu’ and MlnldOka countlea 'ibday awulteil the-conslduratlon or Governor C. Ben Rosa.I The program suggested comple- 'tlun or oiling U. s. 30, south :to lllic Utah line; ulling 2S miles be Iwiien Oaklty nnd Burley; reduc. ing curves In the Delco-Alblon route: coiinlniolloh of .u highway liclwcefi ■AJI>lon" aiid''Alnio iiliil ollluK of llie Burley-Paul highway.

Former Athletic' ‘ ,, Director Visits

JEROME, June'7..(apeclal)'— Mr. and Mrs. Harold White, ond two children, Sallda, Colo., arrived

Edward G. Ko

anil Funda, SpccTai music irtbuted to the enjoyment 02 m o

Ilia ilB K PKODOcnON | ,,„™ r rra n ;.7 'S m m “3 i £ "'TI.'S'huTCrl I. a O.DAYTON, .0. — Tho Dayton In “Sllvor Dolbr," at Joo-K’» Itoxy *'ected new'officers for the com-

ThuKsdav'*Cars ' have buc-n iftmufacturlng Co. .today thcrtler todnj-, "Kids" who mar-' ‘"fr "I* montla, ot Its regular_inurMay.^^^rs have been ‘stepped up Its Jane pwductii.T lo rU^ SO yean or ho ugti » lll fwag- meetlDg. N. K, Jensen wna clcctcd

.exceed by 2S per cent any prjvi- nlzii mucli of thciuctinn In the.film,' Noble Grand, Clarenco Hayes, V.

Homemaker s Exchange

'• .Cherry Parfalt '• .! T?Us friob. deiiciouo frown uea- - scrt can bo.lroxen m a mechani­

cal refrjgerator or pacKCU m icc .; and oait and frozen.without stir­

ring.•'.s.:Opa..cup::,t)iltcd chcrnea, Irt --cups.gugor. 4 icmonn. 2 oranges.' ;2'teAspoons granuiaicu geiaiui. i

cups wWpplnK . cream, cujTxilltoB water, 2 tablespoons coic

•-.woter,::’ '-v: .•r.-- 'Aad bollW-tl'ator.to augar and ■ make synip.-Add cherries and 1

novo the.lire. Iitond until cooi.:SoItcn geiatln :old.water ood’-dlsaolve over be ng -water.'. Add ip ;cherry mwu vith’-Juica;of:orangcs anu lema Vhen cold add cream whipped, l .. :H:if<rm:; Turn,. Into , moid anu

• RESUME DIVIDENDS I-------1'— ------- ----- —

NEW YORK — United Caroori'D__ • • J .- P v r iv ia v v >mpanv today rosumeU dividendsV.tho .common,uijd,7 per. ccnt, . . .D e s t r o y e d DV ^F ire ," in-cumulatlvo preferred-.stoiks, | mrnnr, 7 «<in« ■

_ , . . . . , after having on.ltteU nnymenls CAoTLEFORd ,. .juno 7,(Spo:_P a s t o r s A s s ig m e d |for2 ycarB., clal)-Flrc t)f unknown ortgtn de.;

A i. n/1 *.• » •! The company . announced the ntrovcd the barn, granojy.. and(A t M e e t m g .S Close;declaration .or, a quarterly dlvl- „iraw shed on.the Oeorgo Volkcr,

..ov. Mackey J. Brown. Rov. W.idend ot S3.50 on the non-cumi>l.->- ranch .Sntunlav aftemoon. .T. Armstrong, Mrs. J. W. Smltli.; live preferred, both payable .luly Owing to- the quick work of the! •

Oscar Christian, Mrs. Georgeji.to-holders of record Juno 10. Buhl flro ilepartmunt tho flro w--LancttSter, and Mrs. Adda Mouncci

lumcd yesterday, from Nampa, they, attended the twenty-,'•

wnual ldaho-Oregon district i

ed for thoseion. Cars will promptly at 11

attenfllng arc .re­covered . dishes, -tJiblo.’. service.

transportation........ tho’church proo-ciock., Thoio . at quested to W ng

a month's output

Uie Sc^l*^ouiD hoine.' und nls< with old frlc'nda. Mr. White wai thlollc coach at tlio high BChoo

,.(>r two years, nnd occupies i Islmiiur position:In Sallda when ■ ? hair been -for, the last threi

Mr.’ and Mrs. H. J.'Lenip,\salt _.ako city, are In Jerome^ for nljout a woflc durlnprwhieh time Mr. Lemp will mako’-a'.pro-a'udit of the Jerome. Mill.and'Elevator! -------- books. • • -.......

BUHL, Juno 7 ' (SpceIaU-nuV. and Mrs. G. D. Schmid, and chil­dren arrived In Buhl’SatuAlay aft­ernoon from Sterling, Colo. Rtv. Schmid has accepted th*. pastor­ate of the First Christian church ot Buhl. Ho conducUd-Uio first acrvice here Sunday morning.

■ -. Joyce -Evanfl,-daughtor-of,Mrfl., ■Xn3rV6igHl7n>£a“ gono-td--Salt Lake Cfty . to ’ ■rceclvo"modlcaI' treatment.'Sho will atay-at the hot— of her grandmother wblh there. . ■ ■ ; '-;J._F-Martln,_prealilcnt-ef...thC.! local BeckeoperB' association,, baa. culled a special mcelltig for Sat­urday afternoon,'.June .10, at the. city- hall, All beekeepers monjbera o f' tho ass<«!latlon

gone to-Milwaukee, Wls., where Dr. Berry will attend, tho meet­ings ot tho American Medical as- abclatlon. They also plan.to aV tend,the World's fair at Chicago nnd be present for the fifteenth anniversary of the doctor’s class nt Northwcatcm univerajty. '

, NAMED TO \VEST POINT MOSCOW, Idaho, June 7 (8pft-

cioD—Two I.Jaho fltudetlts, Harry McCoy ot Twin Falls- ond Owen SeaU of Winchester, have received, word hero of their appolntJnont toi the.United Stfltca Military.Acad­emy ut Went Point, N.»y.,' Both oxpoct. to cntgr.tho aeitd^my 1

State Auto. License-S t i le , S h o w » : D e c l ! n e ■

■BGIBE. June_7-ium—Incompleto : /

records of .tho fliato'.Iaw ^oree-.. m'ent commlssltJn a y rove^cd' a .. , • decrease of nearly'46 -per,cent In. automobile'llfienBe sales'. In'Idaho .dujing. the flrflt four, monthstlils'year compared with tho Bomo

period In 1032. •Rcvcnuo won also tar below nv*

cra^,-iirlnclpally duo . to thn -ro-,' duotlon In fcca allowcd.by the last"

Intato ' have :

. ■ ENTltlF-S INCREASE' RUPERT, - Juno' 7"dXR>.-i-lndlca*

tlbhn' that' Iho 8cc6hd' nhnual~‘l-H' club llvealock show here'Saturday, • would better last year’s became evident today as cntrIo0-wen),llBt-- od. D. L. Fourt, state dolty spe­cialist. will servo; as judge.. < -

I t was oxpccUd that more than 200 would attend th(^ sbow<''

K v e i i g e r r s

Hardware '&• Shop

Elcotrioni Snppliep

; l ’ipc & Pipe FiUinga Pnirhniiltfi-J[QrBO..Eqp.



0peningMdnd'dy‘Junel2J 'Classes in AH Commercial Subjects: "

Taught^by Expert Teachers r ;


Special _ il2 .5 0 per month' (Regular Rate $2 2 . 0 0 Per Month)

This Price Open Until June 15th Only

Link ;s School of BusiHjpssPhone 856 Twin Falls ^

T i r t t P f l - i c e s

O O IN 4 5 m *prevented from spreading 'to, tlio. House und- tu a. brooder which.

■ ■ • ‘ * -month-old-:

S r® W i s J J j e

T im e lo B U l f

0 pastoral appolntmcnln: G. ich. Buhl:' Vccnon Willard.1 Ferry; A. H. Herring, Jcr-

: Theodore Marlin, -Kimberly.


I*ATTBltN 0509 Tlio youth, dash and sniartnens

we 'look for in the newest froclia -.(ire.combined in this one model:: , . lfa quite,Iho '.-thing'; to wear, a

(icurf. of ,gi»y contrast Ihi: wav this nno Blips under .clover taijs and ties In a. bow in bacli

: lu c a p tlv o t ln g M la g la n fnp<• nleovea and alender skirf Beaming

reflect the. accoptetl Bllhouette.' Fashion It of ,nllk, prints, shan­

tung. or novelty , cottons,- • , v •. . . Pattern 05C.0 • may bo ordered . ODlv in.sizes 14, 10, 18. 20, 32,-31,

. ..10. 88 and 40. SIzo.lO requlrca 3 varda 80.inch.fabric and % yard con*raatlng^ Clear, dlagramhied

-.’•cuttlng-.and>-sowing- Instniotlona c cd wltli thls'pattem..

- Bond FIFTCEN. CF.NT8 In coins• or' slamps(coins iprefcrreil)- fori

rVCH MARIAN-MARTIN pat-': tern. Be sure to write plainly your 'NAME. ADDRESS, tho. STVLBl NUMBEIt and SIZE of each pot*

. 'tom ordered. ;,'-; ' ju 9t 'o f p Tins.pr e s s—t h e -.MAItlAN ULMITIN BOOK:, OK

. '‘JSUMMEU PATTERNS,:Offering a .'.'wlda-assortmont of advance.Btyles -'tb.kcbp >ybu and your youagflters w 1, comfottablo and npproprlote-

• :iy dressed whether-you arc spend-; -, Jng your' 8umlnor-ln. lown,-At'tho . 'ohoro or In.tho courttiy. This,book ■ii wUl.:-,holp.j-.you ..praa>,B ,i«tunnlng, V ;wardrobis.of eo^-lo-maJto atylea at ¥,ix.;Burorl8tagly -low,.coat. '.OIIDER- VOVR COPY .TODAY J PRICE OP,

'■ VrAX*E llN ,'BOOK*C-FIPTEEK- ™>mi,- B 00 k : AND PATTERN


Y o u c a n ’t m atch

t h e s e B u s B a r g a in s t o i h e ~

W o r ld ’s G re a te s t S how

■ Your Coprol



. 'F O L D E R

'Oiiuiindln<(mefol Wedd’< F*lr. D<ull« ;olAll-ExreMToun.' Wtlitin for Tour l««


O n toC hk u l Thousands arc de­ciding that this is tiiecommon-scnse way to go. Bus travel C03IS 60 much less! Yet thcic’s

;CXtraplcasur>.«folIowingBccnichighway& •.

: ROUND-TRIP ib .C H IG A G O • $ 5 1 .7 §

.A L U E X P E N S E T O U R Sheludifig Round Trip TrtnipotltUon

TOURA-^4d>nlnaUogo -Ti Holcl-AdmUiioa.

.TOUR D-7diTtlnChie*cb -,.•;.:,Ho(el-AJmU»kn.-SlsliB«log ' M2.2B •

TOURC-.7<!.rifaaiIc«o-Tiunlport..ion ’ 'T ' Same •> D buc-indudln( bull.. 'sgo

For temphit </«(»«« (elitr


■'.r-.'-— Itoseraon'.-

Z ^ <=r , vA nv ,

P r e - i n f l a t i o n

T R A D E - I N S A L ET i r e p r i c e s h a v e g o n e u p . M o r e r a is e s c a n b e e x p e c t e d .

W e c a n n o t g u a r a n t e e p r e s e n t s a le p r i c e s . a f t e r . , t h i S f j v e e k .

----- S t o c k g o i n g f a s t ; ; .- Y o u m u s t a c t q u i c k l y ; t o s a y e 'm o n e ^ - -'Is

m o w o u T - F t t i ^ o r ' - r

G E M E R A l SW h i l e P r e s e n t S t o c k JL a s if t—

• You c a n S t i l l b u y Generals a t lo w p r ic e s ondi, b ig

e x tra t rad e - in a llo nanC L S q u o te d a t th e s ta r t o f o u r

Prs-inflatton TRADE-IN SALD. , ;

® If you.act now—wc can doubtless fit: yoqr: car all around at a big saving. Don't miss this chanije to buy

'-long-lasting Blowout'Proof.Gcnerals.a^ pric^esyou can ."ea8lly:pay--^nnd on . terms :to. suit,yop l f ‘ desired.

■.©■'Prptect.yo t' and y dMipjqw it h t h o q u a l i t y t h a t w ll i

i^ca rry ; y o u ^ s a fe ly ^^h rou gh- '

•' t h e n e x t h ig h p r ic e period-.'

i-i> • 'D on ’t doloy. Come in today— or ’phone us to : h o l d ^ a ; a e t l : o f ^ B l b w o u t r


S P K C I A I .

B a r g a i n i f

-rTircsVtrtdedria-.dunng ? -;tfac sale. Somo takea oir« v.bcand new.,ijars ,we; ' c h a a g o d * o v e c . to .^Gene»]9^’0|hc^3-pattly- f-woroAodreconditioDed- :.r:;-BllvSacrUlced:fot > quick pctioo


