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~. or .Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·na...

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- (TWo PIIR DAB.) -BAY ·BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary io ()(IDneodon with MaU.. bew'i Cbn t oh -.E,•al&nrl ... held ' lut Dlab SpiritPd tid•lr.-..,.. • ,.,. br &.be Ru R fl T. 1yl or. r. .n ., and thA Rev J M Noe. J, ot ll .. tl ... r cr'n.Cfl' . Lent'a w•d ulad '·¥ an unusually oolJPOtion: ,.A'he _ in Mi•ion Boxee (S) w,U. npw-ardt1 of $60 The named vmt .. men. •ill &DiaL.. a\ Ule Annual :Minionary MMting a\ Oolley'a Point Lut night.'• a now faU enabled the people to It'' ouc aome mdo needed 8rewood to-day, and a goodly are lltwork takiDfl advantase or ltl. ,P' ' Mr !suo Mercer buildi ng a large ahop, et.ote and wl:arf on p&r.t of Elm's pr_oper\y, in \.he aprioa. Several are spoken of for next Ill on Lb. Messrs. E & W. D•we'a schooner .A.. M. Brundritt, with p.Lrt la awlllting a time forSt John' .. The eohr Olippet la hauled in for repalre but owing Lo the mildneaa of the weather timber for \.be }'Urpote oanno' be brought from t be woods. . The eohr Hebe, after her cargo at Halir'ax, proceeded to Sydney where &btl will load wi th ooala for tbia port, Tbe f irat tailor in t.be h itltnrv ot the town l.a soon to ata• t '1n business. Tho p!ace rm p- port.a adhera nt• ot St Q, is t•i n and t.h A field to be large enough to gi vo re nun employmPnt to a kni ght of tb e I(OOIO Owing to the Uil st.ti E' o! th A WP.tther on n :g J. t, reveral 'larli e11 aod gentlemen of th iot pJ,.cc we te pt ev<'olt'<i from attending t.be d Hnci:•l'( uase mll ly 4t Hrlrbor 01ace. 'rhe Re\· £ F W,.lelo, V.G , P,P .• of Bdgua, eon etom /'l rltP II a Ahlwt v iai t a broad for th e benefit of ui& he:sltb , wh iou baa not been very gocd SeverAl O.tlh!B ol lttgrlp pe are reported but nonA of t. II Pry iou 11 t .1 p&y Dra. Alio to and Murrlly ['3id Lbe town a abort 11 i11iL on laat, J ao. 21 , 189:1. -- HoKl Cu1\l roa D£UN&SS-A. book by a noted Aural Suraeon , deacribiDf' a •y•tllll ol ourioi DeafoMI aod Nol1et lo lbe llead, by wb irb a 11111f-oore ia elfeete rl at botue Tl·e Re• D. W. R Harlook, of the Milton o nder \\' yob · woocl. wrl*-" Try the br ail 111eau. lt Ia 6ret- ra te. aod bu bt ar. of 1 be ut mu6/ ttrvi ce· to me ." Poat fr ee 4<1 -De Ver e & Co . Pub- l i&hert, :l 2 Warw•ck L' ne . (,l'l ndon, 1': C - 62•• Cash for Old Stamps ! For ) o ...... 20 o pe r 100 For 1 o :l o c c!o .. .. ...... ..... au o p"r 100 Fnr 3 o. clo ... . .. . .. .. o per ll 0 F ••r 6 o. do ......... $1 {)V o pe r 1()0 Forl uo , do .. .... ... -:,21 0 pe rl OO For t t&wped &Dillllopes (whole) . 50 o pe r 100 For uewa,•ape r '"'-PP&r il do ·H.I c pe r lGO Correepondeooe aolicita rl. Adrl r nll E D. .. hJ Si'"· X Y, U S A FERRY'S 5EEDS T HE· POST O'B'B'lOB AOT, 1891, 811ction l1, pre.aribea Ulr.t 1 Poetmut.er OeperaJ may, 1ubjeot to or An, and the appro\·al of"\be Govtrnor In Oouaoll, enforoe auoll n1u " to bi :n ca. qJ Jl906UolrJln rerp6oUO r'IWration, by th OrJIQl.UI Of 'l'RI 0JoJIOI, ot anqnntionably oon· t..doiog money, or otbel" uJuble eooloeure, wbeo rosted without regiatratlon fee npon •uoh 20 of the Aot t (' (erred . I ".All lett-ere oootainta• gold, allver or other mone7 ; or jewela or pNUiuu• tranamlt&ed by poet within t.be Oolony,mn•t be by ttender DouaLa B!OIS'rlU'l'IO lf Fn W111 bo taxed PllOll . delivery to the .. Just Received direotl 9'Rn.,n't the Kan.ufiUtntE•rs. supply of 1!1lt :End.tan 01.1, oo-u.al:1 cu..re, t :J:n.CU.an sa1 ve, - 4 , Wholesale and ' Retail. ; iw · :.. W. ll'. & Oo. TO :BE SOLD OR LET - . lately occupied by Me 11sra. J. & R. MaDOCK with the nod 00 A L SHED nppoate the aboYe, · Apply to W. dJ G. RENPELL, St. John'-. Dec99t.C Ot t.o Mr. GEO. MAKINSON, qraoe. I F YOU WANT a 6rat.-o1Na PlANO or ORGAN, (a11w). •pJIIY at Ule BT.utD.UD OlBoe.--Sept21: .. ···"'· . I . . ; ! ·.- FC>::E=l. Iii AT aE -A'f TB&-- FANCY & TO'Y BAZAAR, . J. ictoritJ 8tf'M : T ra ocu nnrf S hnc!t·d MATS, · Pla in and SlwleJ Be 11iU WOOL, UA H DS a ncb BOOKS, Gamee- Soap, Fl ying Soolchma n, Halma, Bogle Mao, &c ?" - :\. a - A. !JRUNU:&-1, NORTHERN MAIL SERVICE _ _. M AILS will be d e. p•lthed ftom tbla Office OYerland for all plaoea between St 3t. J obn'a And w' er ter.n , Cov .. White Bay, on TUESDAY, l91b Janoary. 2ud an4 ,16Lh February. $ui, . l ftb aDd Mt.rob, 1 i'la aPfl 38tb April. · Olotlng at. 8 o'olook, •••·p, IDOtPiAJ of :frafl"IOb. .,. (!I"' Oot po-ted tot F\i""F "-+ -ioa.- .UI .. in io: tnrtU X•ll a 2 1-2 oz . Packets, 5 10 " " " " ---- 5 cts. 10 " 20 " oil'Lt..lalttr,. . 1 Boolca,_PHroela o( ewapaprns onr 4. ounoea .-r .. oy otl1er heavy matter will not be forwardt:d, , J. 0. FRASER, P.M.O. PoaL Office, 9r ,fJ Jan ., 1892, .c:3 - t . Furs; Glovos & : l ad ius' · na ts at cost and chS;trges. 1&-it.emem ber the 'Red and Whi te EJi gn. . ': l MUN N BROS. .. •. Ja t. 6 CARD! -- .in tha uk ing ru tomet·s nnd ·t he pu blic for thv ir liber: 1 support the past yeflt', and oliciLing n co1lt::::.l:l ' "'" 0f their favo1·s. wi :;, lt cf'to i11 tiuuHc thnt t.hcy will nlwnys fi11 d i1 it u prepared wjth a f ull stock of E nglish and American · Drugs, and Patents.- Also, Toilet l<.equis it es, Paints. Stains, Varnishes, etc .. 6tc. " PJ:esct·iptions ... personally attended to. Th e Dispensing Dcpn1·tmeut will { ound complete, Q" a iO 10 p m During the winter mont hs the 8tore will be closed · trom 8 to 10 p.m. S'tree"t, G-race. :: ===== ; ::- Annu al :ls n.o vv-- o:n.. . , For · Sa1e Cheap Wood Ills German G a E lish Great Barga I. n s to b l' l;, ad ill c.w .. . :SRICK . . \' a!ll \\ ltlUO\\' Ho lland, Cal! ·: o, Flan- B akIn g POwder 0 . nel, Sh eettng, Swanskm , Fleece Hntl \ Vool Blankets, White and Colored JOHN BENNESAY. Q 'I L d' ' J \1 1 l. l Cl l 1 l D I Ul IS: n ICS t'I'SCJ'S 1 H nnt C'S. ·tel'S, ot 1 Ul1( o...; CH C( te 0 111>lDS, Is well suited for Family Use. H. ubbcr Cloaks, Bootsl3 ons, l'ollal'ettes, Wool \Vool Cn ps 0 I". PI D LLD A CARD. nnd Hoods, \Vool .Jnck ets nnd "uits. a s 1 ·,1t•tHlid lot nf lJ r0ss Good:' t•:tnO'- v.oRpE I. ., , 1 o F 'dll) w of Lbc- lo atil u te of Che1a i at. ry of G: eat ing from 7 c pet· yd up .. Mc11':; Black ntttl I ::5 u its. Whit e: nnd B· i ln io tl Od lr e hLod. 1-1. () It y . .. Colored Shirts, Hn ts nnu \.. \) ·-ni l kind a. :\ lso, 7 ,000 -' BISPENSING PHARMACIST, p io ccs Rc,ou1 P npct·, ell choice pnttct' n8, fl' o tn 4 c up. custom . T a II 0 rl n sr. Watsr St reet, Ha>•b ()r Grac8, N .fld. 'VILLIAl\1 RYAN .::::: P oa JTY &N D Aooua.\crr. :- Baoday Jlourt-from 10 to 1l am., lo 8, 6 t.o 6 Bega to iot-i rn ate to the pabllo that be bu lately moved into tbe ttoaae. next o oor to Mr Stra\ble'a Tio"are ellop. ou Water Streo t. Ruing had coneiderable uptr leooe io Canada he It prepared to execute all work in tborouably aood 1l7le ud " or,fllaoabip and at ,.tea & auaotoed In all ouea A trial order aollall.ed. WlJ.wlAM RYAN, Tailor 8ubor Grace, Joly I STEWART MUNN & Co., ShippiJ18' and Oommtaeton Kercha.lltiS. ·- u St. John Street. MontNal. Special atten•io.o ,tven w the aale of and .riah Oila. Alao, to the buyiq and ablpplnJ of Flou. and Pro..Wou. and ueneral Produce. fiiT Oable Addte.-MWJn, Montreal. 8 to 9 p m. g-Niabt -calla p romptly atteoded to. ST . JOHN HOUSE, 40 Upper Wrmr Sb·eef, - NOV 4 SCOTIA. .._. tor Pei'JD&D6nt and Traulat BOard .. )Tewf'OQ.Il4J•nd.,. puuq tlaloqb Ball• taz ,nu al'ft.Jil»t w.loYIUClll& .John HOUM eTOHN"HAUTRY, hotanrrua. W. J. BOUSE SIJlP, ll&N .U GBHBBAL PAmER _ ... ..___.. V 1 nTr A!f Bt.optpl midej and reno· vated. · Also wiab ee to lnt.lmal.e Lba\ he ld to do B'aetoo rat ee. A email quan tit y of O .a l11Jll Papera a.nd Borders for tale. ,....., NoY. 13, l89l. M. J. 39 Wat er Street East, l\ vvlO n-ear the Be a ch .. Harbor Grace Stove a, nd Ha,rdwar9 C. L. KENNE D Y, P roprietor. Ou• fli ll 11t 0<.1k of STO \' 'Eij and GENERAL i-rA RDWARE ia.nnw oo 'm t>lot.o. In ijTOV &::; we havtt tho ditfurem makoo of I lore1an aomprislou Htlll, Cooking, Oh urcb, 11nd Pallor J a l110, Got hio Or aL•.a. duplictteA of 1 Lho local m10 lce11 alw au kept on bAnd, · · 1'h e ateek of ·a 1\ R D\V AR E l.la oo o, r md 11 ny artlc!n-lookq , hl nc:eA, .i:o,· -. c:an ltt bacl. FANOY and SOAPS lcopt m l,.r_g!' . LAMPS of a.ll dewor lption• 1111d priol\11 in stuolf,-f ·•• m t b.e n'!PI to amalleat Nqtmea or N ia-ht Lftmp. In tbie liuo we cu1 ault ll ll Jw. 1'1NWARII: , And tHNt.1 i.u .. oonneolt:cl with t ba a bl iBb ment. . wlao• o ull 'fl'orlc in li•ws os .1 h,• ext ::· t d:.>J n Ml n:. · :, a11 d s"lir>(Hccf(ln. . .. OU1'POU. 'r OltDE.H S pKhl prom pl llttcotion lc l, .. ou tn i' li'LfLI ,lt.3T S .'\ gn<tNlDt OI•d in aiJ CII8C8, .. . ) water St.; Nov, U .Sm. 1 1 - lJoder the autborhy ol t.l}e Poet Ottice Aot refened to, t. be Poa,m.fter he·el•) 8t., • GJL40JI 1 .44.- dire!M all Postcn&Atert, qaail oler-ltt, oarriera ' 711ta4 at ... M oU•eeo Poet.al o8lcialt, to .ee tfia r every Jloos:M}*I' W..... Jrua .._, . le(tet' whlcb ia anppoaed to ooalaio aoy ot pn ,._, . \he •bo•e aumtioDecl aadol•, etf)!Cially .,.per Ollloe Uoatt-trom 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., uul money, nob u Baok notee, olitquPI, e t.o., "' trom J \e 5 l'·m· be dol7 1111'-tt..ed and tbe word •• l!roperty.'' ---------- wri'*- ; aDd &hat aJIIe&.t.e .. Qf .,.ok· ... "-• naliieirecl .,, &he c.8l ....... on wlitob h .. not ..... Pfei4W ., '"' lllnlder, .... u '* .,.Pd tloable rep&cadoD. fee tO be h7 ... n•u. · strengt h, St;im tus BY TAKTNG I
Page 1: ~. or .Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·na tscollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18920122.pdf(TWo ~JunS PIIR DAB.)-BAY R··BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary M"etin~oe

~ .



-BAY R··BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary M"etin~oe io ()(IDneodon with 8~ MaU.. bew'i Cbntoh o£ -.E,•al&nrl ... held 'lut Dlab SpiritPd tid•lr.-..,.. • ,.,. del~nd br &.be Ru R fl T .1ylor. r..n ., and thA Rev J M Noe.J, ot ll .. tl ... r cr'n.Cfl' . ..-11.--R~Inoam• Lent'a bear~ w~&a w•d ulad '·¥ an unusually ~ood oolJPOtion:,.A'he amo!ln~ _in Mi•ion Boxee (S) w,U. npw-ardt1 of $60 The abo~e· named vmt .. men. •ill &DiaL.. a\ Ule Annual :Minionary MMting ~-nlah• a\ Oolley'a Point

Lut night.'• a now faU enabled the people to It'' ouc aome mdo needed 8rewood to-day, and a goodly o~oer are ~ard lltwork takiDfl advantase or ltl. ,P' '

Mr !suo Mercer conte~lat· a building a large ahop, et.ote and wl:arf on p&r.t of ~be Elm's pr_oper\y, in \.he aprioa.

Several oonoer~ are spoken of for next Ill on Lb.

Messrs. E & W. D•we'a schooner .A.. M. Brundritt, with p.Lrt oar~to ofoa~, la awlllting a time forSt John' ..

The eohr Olippet la hauled in for repalre but owing Lo the mildneaa of the weather timber for \.be }'Urpote oanno' be brought from t be woods. .

The eohr Hebe, after disohar~iog her cargo at Halir'ax, proceeded to Sydney where &btl will load wit h ooala for tbia port,

Tbe firat tailor in t.be h itltnrv ot the town l.a soon to ata• t '1n business. Tho p!ace rm p­port.a tb~ adherant• ot S t Q, ist•in and t.hA field oa~ht. to be large enough to givo re nun erati~e employmPnt to a knigh t of tbe I(OOIO

Owing to the unpropi~j, Uil st.ti E' o! thA WP.tther on T11e~u~ " n :gJ. t, revera l 'larlie11 aod gentlemen of th iot pJ,.cc wet e pt ev<'olt'<i from attending t.be dHnci:•l'( uasemllly 4t Hrlrbor 01ace.

'rhe Re\· £ F W,.lelo, V .G ,P,P .• of Bdgua, eonetom /'lrltPII a Ahlwt v iai t a broad for the benefit of ui& he:sltb, whiou baa not been very gocd lt~ tely.

SeverAl O.tlh!B ol lttg rl ppe are reported but nonA of t. II Pry '~' iou11 t .1 p&y

Dra. Alioto a nd Murrlly ['3id Lbe town a abort 11 i11iL on Mo~ laat, J ao. 21 , 189:1. --HoKl Cu1\l roa D£UN&SS-A. book by a noted Aural Suraeon, deacribiDf' a •y•tllll ol ourioi DeafoMI aod Nol1et lo lbe llead, by wbirb a 11111f-oore ia elfeeterl at botue T l·e Re• D. W . R Harlook, of the Pareooa~re Milto n onde r \\' yob · woocl. wrl*-" T ry the aytttM~ br ail 111eau. lt Ia 6ret- rate. aod bu bt ar. o f 1be utmu6/ ttrvice· to me." Poat free 4<1 -De Vere & Co . P ub ­li&hert, :l2 Warw•ck L'ne. (,l'lndon, 1': C - 62 ••

Cash for Old Stamps ! For ) o ~ewfoun~ ~ps ...... 20 o per 100 For 1 o :l o r. :~d ~ c c!o ............... au o p" r 100 Fnr 3 o. clo ... . .. ... .. 2~ o per ll 0 F ••r 6 o. d o ......... $ 1 {)V o per 1()0 Forluo, do ...... ... -:,21 0 perlOO For t t&wped &Dillllopes (whole). 50 o per 100 For uewa,•aper '"'-PP&ril do ·H.I c pe r lGO

Correepondeooe aolicitarl. Adrlrnll E D. I BBUT~O~.

lt!c~. O .. hJ Si'"· X Y, U S A


THE· POST O'B'B'lOB AOT, 1891, 811ction l1, pre.aribea Ulr.t1 ~~e Poetmut.er

OeperaJ may, 1ubjeot to th~•l.tona or ~bia An, and the appro\·al of"\be Govtrnor In Oouaoll, preaqrib~ enforoe auoll n1u ~atjona " to bi:n ca. qJ Jl906UolrJln rerp6oUO t~e r'IWration, by th OrJIQl.UI Of 'l'RI P~ 0JoJIOI, ot le~tera anqnntionably oon· t..doiog money, or otbel" uJuble eooloeure, wbeo rosted without regiatratlon fee npon •uoh .:t;~ 20 of the Aot t('(erred ~a . I

".All lett-ere oootainta• gold, allver or other mone7 ; or jewela or pNUiuu• arliol~ tranamlt&ed by poet within t.be Oolony,mn•t be ,.,~atarod by ~be ttender n~henri.le DouaLa B!OIS'rlU'l'IOlf Fn W111 bo taxed PllOll. delivery to the rr~lvef'."


Just Received direotl9'Rn.,n't the Kan.ufiUtntE•rs. supply of

~-~&aa-vva, 1!1lt :End.tan 01.1,

oo-u.al:1 cu..re, t ~orm ~1ier,

:J:n.CU.anr ·sa1 ve, - 4 ~ , •

Wholesale and 'Retail. ;iw ~ · :.. W. ll'. TSOMP~Q· & Oo.


- . lately occupied by Me11sra. J . & R. MaDOCK toge~llE'r with the LA~[) nod 00 A L SHED nppoate the aboYe, ·

Apply to W. dJ G. RENPELL, St. John'-.


Ot t.o Mr. GEO. MAKINSON, ~arbor· qraoe.

I F YOU WANT a 6rat.-o1Na PlANO or ORGAN, (a11w). •pJIIY at Ule BT.utD.UD

OlBoe.--Sept21: ..

···"'· . I . . ; ! ·.-


FC>::E=l. Iii AT aE -A'f TB&--

FANCY & TO'Y BAZAAR, . J. ictoritJ 8tf'M :

T raocu nnrf S hnc!t·d MATS, · Plain and SlwleJ Be11iU WOOL, Bitthd~ty UA H DS a ncb BOOKS, Gamee- ·Uhe~K, Doroi~f'll, Soap, Flying

Soolchman, Halma, Bogle Mao, &c ?"- :\ . a -A. !JRUNU:&-1,


MAILS will be de.p•lthed ftom tbla Office OYerland for all plaoea between St

3t. J obn'a And w'erter.n, Cov .. White Bay, on TUESDAY, l91b Janoary.

2ud an4,16Lh February. $ui, . l ftb aDd 8h~ Mt.rob,

1 i'la aPfl 38tb April. · Olotlng at. 8 o'olook, •••·p, o~ IDOtPiAJ of

:frafl"IOb. .,. (!I"' Oot ru1~u.te~~n~ po-ted tot tba~

F\i""F"-+-ioa.- .UI ~ .. in io: tnrtU X•ll a lor~

2 1-2 oz. Packets, 5 10

" "

" "


5 cts. 10 " 20 "

oil'Lt..lal ttr,. . 1 Boolca,_PHroela o( ~ ewapaprns onr 4. ounoea

.-r .. oy otl1er heavy ~Ril matter will not be forwardt:d, •

, J . 0 . FRASER, P.M.O. Oener~al PoaL Office,

9r,fJ Jan., 1892,

.c:3 -t

.Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·nats at cost and chS;tr g es .

1&-it.emem ber the 'Red and White EJign . . ': l

MUNN BROS. .. •. Jat.6

CARD! -- ~---

.in thauking hi~ ru tomet·s nnd ·th e public gea~rnlly for thvir liber: 1 support the past yeflt', and oliciLing n co1lt::::.l:l ' "'" 0f their favo1·s.wi:;,ltcf'to i11 t iuuHc thnt t.hcy will nlwnys fi11 d i1itu prepa red wjth a full stock of English a n d American · Drugs, and Patents.- Also, Toilet l<.equis it es, Paints. Stains, Varnishes, etc .. 6tc.

" PJ:esct·iptions ... personally attended to. The Dispensing Dcpn1·tmeut

will b~ {ound complete, Q" Pt:n~TY ~D AccunACY~

a iO 10 p m During t he win ter months the 8tore will be closed · • • trom 8 to 10 p.m.

~a.-ter S'tree"t, ~arbor G-race.

:: ===== ; : : -

~nr Gr~~t Annual Sm~K-T~ting Sal~ :ls n.o vv-- o:n..

. , For· Sa1e Cheap Wood Ills German G a E lish Great Barga I. n s to bl' l;,ad ill Caq.>et~, DJ~u~gets, c.w ..

. ~0 n~ :SRICK . . \ ' a!ll \ \ ltlUO\\' Holland, Cal! ·:o, Flan-

B akIn g POwder 0 . nel, Sheettng, Swanskm, F leece Hntl \Vool Blankets, White and Colored JOHN BENNESAY. Q 'I L d' ' J \1 1 l.l Cl l 1 l D I ~ovG: f Ul IS: n ICS t'I'SCJ'S1 H nnt C'S. ·tel'S, ot 1 Ul1( o...; CH C( te 0 111>lDS,

Is well suited for Family Use. H.ubbcr Cloaks, Boots, ·l3ons, l'ollal'ettes, '!tilt:~. Wool ~q~:tr(' ..; , \Vool Cnps 0 I". PI D LLD A CARD. nnd Hoods, \Vool .Jnckets nnd "uits. a s1·,1t•tHlid lot nf lJ r0ss Good:' t•:tnO'-v.oRpE L..AWTO~, I . . , ,1 o

F'dll)w of Lbc- loatilu te of Che1aiat.ry of G:eat ing from 7 c pet· yd up .. Mc11':; Black ntttl I ! n!!Oll~ l ::5u its. White: nnd B· iln io tlOd lr ehLod. 1-1. ~· () It H.lS~E y . .. Colored Shirts, UndcJ•clothing~ Hnts nnu \.. \) ·-nil kinda. :\ lso, 7,000

• • - 'BISPENSING • PHARMACIST, pioccs Rc,ou1 Pnpct·, ell choice pnt tct'n8, fl'otn 4 c up.

custom . T a II 0 rl n sr. Watsr Street, Ha>•b()r Grac8, N .fld. 'VILLIAl\1 RYAN .::::: PoaJTY &ND Aooua.\crr. :-

Baoday Jlourt-from 10 to 1l am., ~ lo 8, 6 t.o 6 Bega to iot-irnate to the pabllo that be bu lately moved into tbe ttoaae. next ooor to Mr Stra\ble'a T io"are ellop. ou Water Streot. Ruing had coneiderable uptrleooe io Canada he It prepared to execute all work in tborouably aood 1l7le ud " or,fllaoabip and at lo>f~l\ ,.tea ~tidact!oo &auaotoed In all ouea A trial

order aollall.ed. WlJ.wlAM RYAN, Tailor

8ubor Grace, Joly I

STEWART MUNN & Co., ShippiJ18' and Oommtaeton

Kercha.lltiS. ~....- ·-u St. John Street. MontNal.

Special atten•io.o ,tven w the aale of Fla~ and .riah Oila.

Alao, to the buyiq and ablpplnJ of Flou. and Pro..Wou. and ueneral Produce.

fiiT Oable Addte.-MWJn, Montreal.

8 to 9 p m. g-Niabt-calla promptly atteoded to.

ST.JOHN HOUSE, 40 Upper Wrmr Sb·eef,

BA'LIFA~, - NOV 4 SCOTIA. .._. WAooommo4aUoa~ tor Pei'JD&D6nt and

Traulat BOard .. )Tewf'OQ.Il4J•nd.,. puuq tlaloqb Ball•

taz ,nu al'ft.Jil»t w.loYIUClll& ~at. .John HOUM

eTOHN"HAUTRY, hotanrrua.

W. J. ftUSS~~"' BOUSE SIJlP, ll&N .U GBHBBAL PAmER _ ... ..___..

V 1 nTrA!f Bt.optpl midej ,.eft~ and reno· vated. ·

Also wiabee to lnt.lmal.e Lba\ he ld pre~r<.>d to do B'aetoo paln\.in~ a~ n::a~tuotautu ratee.

A email quantity of O.al11Jll Papera a.nd Borders for tale.

.s.·c.lafso~ion' Cln•rau~. ,.....,NoY. 13, l89l.

M. J. 39 Water St reet East, l\ vvl O

n-ear the Beach ..

Harbor Grace Stove a,nd Ha,rdwar9 . Da-ppt~ C. L. KENNE D Y, P roprietor.

_,~~''''''~''''''''''~'''''''''''''~''~'''~'· ,,_,,,,,~''''~'''''~'''''''~~~~~,,~,

Ou• fli ll 11t0<.1k of STO\''Eij and GENERAL i-rA RDWARE ia.nnw oo'mt>lot.o. In ijTOV &::; we havtt tho ditfurem makoo of loco~ I a~oJ lore1an •n~:muf116tur8, aomprislou Htlll, Cooking, Ohurcb, 11nd Pallor J al110, Got hio Or aL•.a. Outing~ ~ncl duplictteA of

1Lho local

m10lce11 alwau kept on bAnd, • · · 1'he ateek of ·a 1\ R D\V ARE l.la lllrtft~ ooo, rmd 11ny artlc!n-lookq, hlnc:eA, .M:I~t, .i:o,·-.

c:an ltt bacl. FANOY OOOD~ and SOAPS lcopt m l,. r_g!' n1ri~t.y . . LAMPS of a.ll deworlption• 1111d priol\11 in stuolf,-f·••m tb.e L·n'!PI ()ban~lll\r to t~ ,

amalleat Nqtmea or N ia-ht Lftmp. In tbie liuo we cu1 ault llll Jlllrob~tAera. Oil, .Wiolco~, Jw. ~ 1'1NWARII:, OOPP~I<. ~Ml'rti And PLli ~l tHNt.1 i.u .. iuewo~. io~ oonneolt:cl with t ba

abl iBbment.. wlao• o ull 'fl'orlc in Wle~e li•ws os .1 h,• ext ::·t d:.>J wi~h nMl n:.· :, prdJllplo~ a11d s"lir>(Hccf(ln. . .. •

OU1'POU.'r OltDE.HS pKhl prompl llttcotion lcl, .. ou tni' li'LfLI ,lt.3T S.'\ rlSF.\.OTrO~ gn<tNlDt OI•d in aiJ CII8C8, .. . )

~~~~bo~ G~«;e~ water St.; Nov, U .Sm.


1• -

• lJoder the autborhy ol t.l}e Poet Ottice Aot

refened to, t.be Poa,m.fter ~neral he·el•) 1V•~ 8t., • ~OB GJL40JI1 • .44.­dire!M all Postcn&Atert, qaail oler-ltt, oarriera ' T~ 711ta4 at ~ ~-·

... M oU•eeo Poet.al o8lcialt, to .ee tfiar every Jloos:M}*I' dOor . ~ W..... Jrua .._,. le(tet' whlcb ia anppoaed to ooalaio aoy ot pn ,._, . \he •bo•e aumtioDecl aadol•, etf)!Cially .,.per Ollloe Uoatt-trom 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., uul money, nob u Baok notee, olitquPI, et.o., "' trom J \e 5 l'·m· be dol7 1111'-tt..ed and tbe word •• l!roperty.'' ...:::;;;.;.,:...:;......~-~· ---------­wri'*-~ ; aDd &hat aJIIe&.t.e .. Qf .,.ok· ... "-• naliieirecl .,, &he p~ 01'~ c.8l ....... ~-,_ on wlitob h .. not ..... Pfei4W ., '"' lllnlder, .... u '* .,.Pd tloable rep&cadoD. fee tO be h7 '~ ... n•u.

·strength, Nouri~hm.en~ St;im tus BY TAKTNG



Page 2: ~. or .Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·na tscollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18920122.pdf(TWo ~JunS PIIR DAB.)-BAY R··BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary M"etin~oe

,.. .

tlt.erm~u ..

Spup~' ccfwe are six in fam­

AFarmer at ily. We ·live in a · &dom TexaS, pla~ where w~ are

' . subJect to Vlolent Saya: . Colds and Luq

Troubles. I have used German Syrup for six yeus aucccssfully for Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarsen~...--Eains.. in the Chest and L~. and spitting-up of mood. ,);have tried many differ-: ~t kinds of cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone want· iDg such a medicine-German Syrup is the best That has been iny ex-

·- perience. ~u use it once, you will . ~o back to it whenever you need 1t. '-It ~es total relief and is a quick cure. My advice to every­one suffering with Lung Troublesis -Try it. You will soon be con­vinced. In all the families where your German Syrup is used we have no John trouble with the Lungs at all. It is Franklin the medicine for this J country. 9 ones. G. G. GREEN, Sole ldan'fr,Woodbu.ry,NJ ••


CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a tim,..ly resort to this stnnd­m'<l preparation, ns hns been pt·orcd by the hnndreds of tt-st imoninls reC<\ived by the proprietol's. It is acknowl­~dgcrl by many pmmlnent physidnns to be the most l'CliaLlo pt·eparntion evel' in­. rod uced 1ol' the relief and l•Hrc of all Lnno- complaints 'ltHl i~ offered t~ ~e public: -'anct10ned. by the experience of ovm· fo1·ty years. When '·csot·ted to in season it sal­tom fi~i ls to effect n speedy turc m the most severe

l.'Hfics @f Coughs, Bronchitis C roup, Whooping Cough: I nft::~nzn, Asthma Colds . , , ~~rc 'l'ht·ont, Pnins ot• Sore-ll:! s in th" Chest an<l Side Lvca· CQmplnint, Bleeding ••t till' Lnngs, &c. Wistar'a l~:ll ~; a m docs not dry up a Coug-h, and leave tho cause ~hi 11tl, as is tho case wit.l­rno~t }Wcpnrntior l. ·:~"'" 1t )ooscus and cloanses the lungs, aud allays h·dtation thus t·cmoviug the catlse of the complaint.


~Mtes or IJma od Sou.

~ulaiOJi is ao e&~Jtotake.

It d~ Aot IU!parate nor apoiL

It lea!wapeweet ~ CH~ moat RUitfft atom&ch

caa retaiD ft.

BOOK I.-.1.-0oll ... OowboJ'. /

CHAPTER Vl--( GbntinU«l)

lrrnn•ni'V ~tron. M'l'. Garve simply says :.. a~p. I\1'4Dpr 1:-quit abOu~

t~iop you ~~e ae iguoran' of aa a nigger f I v& go' a eYpenu for ye, Epbram Doe Rogeral' . · • 'A, aubpoma,t oriea the Now Engla.nder.

Standing by \l;le raUroad track with a hare bead, the sun must daze Willoughby for a momefit, for be biases, though under his breath, these extraor-

'Fo.r what Y' ' A· eupenee to aot on the coroner's

dinary worde : 'The fool would have been more civil if he'd known he was talking to an English peer.' Then .be ltops sud­denly, and looking at his little nieee who is iu the'open doorway, gazing ai her defender who has grown restless and is tossing upon his oot, his eyes grow sly and cunning and cruel, and what Mr. Garvey would call 'a Greazer expression ' comee into tbeaJ, as he mutters t 'Not yet I' &Jld lookjng at tb"e cowboy, )kagbs t~e yellow la~gh of disappointment, then s1ghs : 'That mfernal fool spoilt the most successfnl coup 1 ever inven~V

A moment after, a SaJile come~ over his face, ana the ltalian eyes grow sunny as he callll, • Come along, my sweet little Floi!Sie--come with your uncle Arthur' and is leading the child back to the Orm~ by I;Iouse, when a deputy-sheriff ~teps up ~o hu~ a~d say~,' Yon won't mind bring­mg th1s hUie gtrl ~ the inques~? The corhner wants her deposition.'

'Oh, ab, yes I the inquest of coarse, • returns Arthur. 'They'll have it ~oon l hope; we Rre going to leave by the nexi train for the East, you know.' Here he pauses and reaJarks, after a moment's hesitation, 'As soon as 1 have mad~J nr· rangements for the funeral, and it has taken place.' For the deputy is gRzi ng at him in wonder that this foretgner seems to have forgotten the dead mao and woman lying shrouded in the room in front of biro, who have been his nearest relatives on earth, and one of whom a beautiful English lady, he bas just ~c­compnnied from her pretty Sussex home to meet a Clue\ and violent death .

'You won't have long to ~'hit for the inqu88t,' nmarks the man. .

As he 8pf'aks, such mi\Souline excla­maLioos of surprise, indignation and horror, mingled with one or two'emRll 11creams from women, come from the Pull­man oar nearelt to them that Arthur cries out. what's that?'

1 That,' says the deputy-sheriff with a onrioua look on his face, • rs Ms. GARVEY SERVING HIS PUJIP~NIJI:B ON TKE PHTL~N·


In this he is perfectly right. At pre­flent a great scene ia taking place in tlte interior of the Pullman car .

jury.' _ ' Pough, r I'm -not a oitisen of the ter­

ritory,,' cries Mr. Rogers airily. 'Don't interrupt this meeting, air I'

'No,. I airi'\ going w interrupt this mee~ing. I'm ' simply going to bag it for the coroner's JUry. I got sapenee.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~ina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ low but de\erD}hi ed voice, and be reads - • 6 ~ theaJ out: 'Aaa))oe Bullock, Biram Roe .~sts ; ~e kno"s no worns oan "LIOHN. KIN Filk,ios; John Doe1 ll.icbard Roo, etc.. a ptctore tC? th'e New Mexican or tl ·. S NER

. and forces a-1egal dncument into . to~tbp hovor of . 9

~:n ~ro~~:.ra::o~!~g~rbl::t ~n:rd~~:: 'r~~e~~i o~:b~·~Jtaji~;;:~} .,MONIJMRNTAL DESIGYIR & SCIJLI'I'OB revolver in the other tbat 'makes one · men wh.o ex1st Wtth the apprehension of the women !fhriek, 'He's a rC\ad agent I' sudden and cruel death always hanging IUlrUPAOTURU ABD .lXPO&Tn,or and fnll on her knellf to him. oyer ~heaJ ns they fu!aue .their daily OEMEJERY DECOR A TJQMS

'My dear madam.' says ,Mr. Garvey; vocatiOns of peacefu mdustrv-of the be has learned this form of address mother shuddering for her offspring who , -:-lN- , '

amoo$ t~e.Qreoles when a boy and alway" bas · been born.e into captivity-of the lta.rble, Scotch and QUincy ?ses ~t m oases of .,xtreme politeness. h~sbanrt renclttng home at night from Granites.

Ladtes and children are always safer ht.s cattle. ran~ .. or his mine to find the' · · for Brick Qarvey's being round; so is Wl~de of h~s boso u a!ld his children slain ALL \\'ORK euoated uoder '>llra\lo•l •urer· tend~rfoots ~ bat these men beah don't nn mutdated am1d the smouldering .-llloD. . · k~o~ t~a~ the law permits a coroner to nshe3 of his frontier home. · 'You who 'OOTPORl'OIUl~RSgiYeo proouptatteaUoa gtt hts Jury wliar he can find 'em nod call yourselves pnilanthropists • htt cries Dm91GNS foroilbed by lel\er or otber•iae. they a~e going into that room to fu'rnish ' ~a~e g:-asped that mental • \~ill o' tb~ OEM&Nl' TOOLS aod Plaater Pari• for Ael a verdtct on the men and woman mar- Wisp -;-n half truth, You have sympathi· 8 ----dereJ b,Y t~eir :Apaches friends, and thn.t sed wt~h the Indians' wrong8• Now be- 25 & 827 Duckworth St., nr ver.Jtct ts gomg to be in accord with hold hts YENOEANOE-oo the innocent I' St. John's. · the filets of tbe Case, OR THE LORD liA VE and be hfts Up the ooveria~ froaJ the MARCY ON THE JIJRIES' SOULS) · dead.

'Ye'll march in ahead of me giota • At the awful sight a thrill of horror bo. says, .'or, there'll be more 'inquests co~e3 o,·er the asse_ublage, 1md Arthur th1e tnormng. One or two of theaJ besi- Wti.Jou~~by . turns his face away and tate, but he calls out, • I war given tbis burtes 1t tn bts bands, and many others !lledul. by the Texas Legislature for kill- look down. ·

NOR+-HERN a.ssura,nc~ -Company.

ESTAJ3LISHED IR36. tog lnJuns, and ('d like a duplicate of it Th~n Gl\rvey snys in a quiet but death­frot~1 tbe New~exican one for laying out 1y v.otc~, 'The jury will now inspect the tbetr sympathazers I' bodtes, _and fo,ces every man of them to LONDON : 1, .\1 OuROATB oTREJc~·r, EO

Looking at him the men of the Ray- gaze U}JOD the work of the Apache. ABERDEEN: 1, UNION TERH.Al;ti:, m_ond party aee death in his face, and And t!1ey do so with horror in their w1thout a woTd leave the oar . and tol- shudderlDg faces, with some of the lowed by Garvey, who keeps his awful W<Jmen come and bend over the dead eyes on them, they step into the rooaJ English lady and weep for her and pray where they are promptly sworn as jury~ for her. And to women's tears are now men by an energeUo young coroner. adder\ those of men. • for little Flossie Tb~ w~nnen. of the party. illed partly suddenly cries out, 'Let me pray, too,

with tnd•gnatton. partly wUh ourtosity for my dear, dear mother who kisaed me and most of them wholly with sorrow' yesterday, but now is-in heaven I' and for up \1> thii time they bad not beard throws herself beside the dead faoe that oft?e aeath of any whites, and hnd, with seems'to emile on her. -a kmd ofmoral· atrophy, imagined that This givee ~be lawr,er nn inspiration. tbe Indiana were the o~ly aufferera fol- He says quteL!y : What would my low after. ' words be to the eloquence of thie child.

Tl_1e ladJ (rpm the other Pollman Oar She shall tell you of ber own b"renvment. has J.ust ':"aHted to the local post-office So the1swear the lHtle thing Garvey and mqu~.redJf the poetmaster can give in a choking voloe speaking tb~ solemn her th~addrets of a gentleman living in w~rds to her, •nnd holding a worn-out the ne1g~b?rbood n~med PbiJip

1Everett. B1ble fo~ her rosy lips to kiss. ·

. Not gammg the mformation she de- ~ta.ndlllg up she gina. testimony in Slr83~ and seeing the throng paas in to chtld1eh pathos and bl\by voice ·and tells the coroner's investigation she follows how her dnrling mother, and• her dear unci finds herself gazing ~pon a sight father she had come all the way from that holds ~er· partly in horror partly Eugland to kiss, had been 'sbooted and in sympathy. ' killed,' and how brave .Mr. Peter had

UIOOKE AND rUNOtl (1887) • Eire Pre ' miuma ...... ... ................. £60'7,000 Lfe Pretniuma . ......... .. ......... ... 197 ooo lntereat... .• . .. .. , .• ... ... .. . . .. .. . .. . .. 1:. a 'ooo ~ ula ... ._.,

um ted FUll de .......... . .... £3,4.lU,OOO

l'hQ._ uoderaigned is e.r.powered to elfeot io­~uran~ on all tinda of PMpett1 in New• oundlaod at current ltatea . f PremiuDL Tb~ above Coarpany ia well known for lt.e

iberaht.y &nd prom"}ltneaa in eettHna leuea. Proepectu~. Forma of A.pplioaLion tor

Fire ~d I : r .. lneuranoe, and aU other Jo. format1on o .. u oe obtained at the oftfoe ot

A.. 0 . RA YW ..\RD ST. Jomr'a, '

.4.g.m lor NWJ{oundlatld. W. H. THOMPSON

Sulr..4Qmt for Barhor tlr~o..

· CENERAL Aaauraaao Campaar.

There are two of these drawn up upon tbe track, .awaiting telegraphic orders from the tratn·despRtcber tha' will permit them to proceed. One of \.h88e, the more modern and luxurious of the two. has the oar number 427, and is occupied eole· ly by a very aristocratic and dignified w~man of pf'lrhaps forty-five ; she has ev1dently recently lost her husband as she wea~ a widow's weeds. She is' aC· Cr)m panted by a _charming gir~ ~f fourteen or fifteen, also m full mourmog, and is attended by a maid servant. She is in no way connected with the pueengera in the other oar, the magnificent Pullman s~e occupies having arrived only the n1~ht before attached to another train-

Seat~d ?n one side of the room are the saved her from the bad dBrk men· and e.xcursJontst.s .empanelled as jurors ; be lih? bas only him to be kind to her' now. FIRE AND LIFE s1de them Mr. Gat'Vey; fn front of them But you hn~ your uncle, Ji'lossie, to - - -

fhe other ·sleeper, which la rather shabby and road-worn is crowded by a lot ot excursionists whom the energetic Raymond has lured by promise of a cheap trip to the Pacific elope from their native haunts in New England. ...

They have just got ou~ ol their narrow shell into the 'kreat W eat, and don •t like its oourae Oh the Indian question. Im· Lued with true philantbrnpio lgnoranoe aooeptlni Lhat ba1·f·truth lnat the aava~ hu al! the wronp on hia elde. and the settler and pioneer have none J never having eeeo the noble rtd m"n on his native soil, they know not his debauch­ery, hi• wortblMBneu, his cruelty~they are not even awar6 that no mao who baa ever know tbe Indian u be really is wlld wicked, and I••Y· \bloke there ar~ any good Indiana but dead Indiana.

And now cooped·up for ~bree burning d~yl in thia m~1e raUrOI'd atation on ~be G1la plteteau, 'bey hanatraok ~he Indian qu"Uon in iulL practical operation .rod· l1ave been giving thf'lr views apon 'tt to the rage o/ lhote who have auftered· lou or fortune or friend• 0{ family from ApAche fald1.

Thlt Yery IDorolna. beaded by one Rosen, an atriouJturitl, WAO hu· DeVH been kept aw~• fearin1 aavag• on hia New Ham peblre farm, tbeJ ha•i formed " meetl,. .. aod ire about to tend a proteet f.o W aeblopon on behaiC otthe peraeout-ed red man.

Aa Gane1 erden. ~ ohalrman bu j un be& an readipf the fo1Jowla1 addr111:

·• ro· ... p ...... , of "• UD1Mcl8tat•: w., Ute IMIDt ..,.....,. _..

·hnrror .JD fJM. ...

theooroner;aroundthesides oftheTJom P~?lect n .... cl love you,' mutters Arthur ESTABLISHED A.D. 1887 some of the men smokin$, some chewing, \\ ! l loug~ by, his dark eyes turned on the some of-the women fannmg themselves chtld as 1f llo bad 'a great and potent use HEAD OFFICE : ar~ the a~ult population of Lordsburgh: f Jr ·her. 130 OA..NNON Sl'REl!.'T, LONDON, F .. 0 !DlXed Wlth COWboys from the neighbor- TJ3ereft of pllrents the orphan turns to · -tng plains; miners from the adjaCAt\t you, and mny God do to you as you do to Capital :-.£1,000,000 Stg. mountains, some of Smyth & Babcock's t.er I' whispers the lawyer, and would

.tenmstercJ, and a few railroad hands and put her in ~ho voctog mnn's outstr.etched colored porter& from the oara now detain- nrms ;--b~t she lS soddenly p!aoked eJ upon the tucks. aw,ay from hts grasp, and an awful v<.ice

hauranoe• e~ec~-;lmoat all klnda ot oroperty in Newfoundiaod at loweat poeaiblt ratea.

Most of them are in theli"'sMrt sleeves cries. : · NoT TO HIM I' J. AUGUSTUS CLIFT . ..4gmt (or ~\·m»{out~du;~ t<:. B. TfiOMPSON ACI.,,t lor If arbor Gr~

or duete~. the 11un being scorching hot. And they al.l see Pete the cowboy, who Stlenoe m upon them all. Their eyos some on~ hnvmg opened his door, the are tt:rned Loward a liLLie platform with heat betni--i.O great has staggered in rough boards. wftb trembling limb~. and stand with

Upon Lhla date are six quiet forme each bandaged head nnd arm, and glaring. 'ft..u a . oovered wUhan ample wblteebeet· Cor to rolliug, fev~red eyes, his one uninjured w- A DIAN the vlotlma Garvey'• party have b~ought hand polntlng at Arthur Wllloughby, p. I·-ttE A~TD LIFE In have been added the bodtee of some who "eems to cower from him, ~ 4,

Lalleti ant\ iil1nfng ex 'Pert a who bav- Then he breaks out again in worai ·:Ali li'ii a C · ini oome ~ Lbla o.>untry to ex~mine and that no one understands, 'for he mutters. ~S '4&-aJl.CG . ODl'l\fl", buy a ellver mine, han been. ambushed :'!f~fiU·h~ t%J1lajm t4at lylngUlegr_am thai Olt LONDON ~tl by N~aa'a brant and ehot dowa, u, un· _,_ oon•ctoua ot daQjer, they rode chatting Then he auddenly pauses and reels EST .. ~8 ~- · · and laugtlfng. "long ~he trail. for the lady from the PullaJan oar iaory~ .a.. LISQ.EO A.D., 1819 . So the mur4ered lle. tlmllar and equal ~Af at him in a voice of love aud horror : --tn de~h. aue tbat few wlld lowers · Y soN I Pun.IP, uv soY I' SOBS<miBBD OutTAL ... .... .. .£2,000,000 1~ gleaned froQl b•td• 10tne irrigation di~b - , fJr nldng at her tbt~ cowboy scream · tor.u. InureD Funs UP· anti pl~ed by t,ader banda upon the I MOTHER I MY MOTHER I AT J.AsT ,. and W.UD 01 .................... : . . 2,160,000 ,, dead Englleb lady, ahow that abe is of apringa toward hef. Then the blood A.nu&L l.N~ orw.t.&Da !Jr '!150,000 ,, the ee~ \bey honor _and reverenoe in ihe burat.a from a reopening wound, and be --.--Far Wm more hfahly and more &~nder- falla .eeneeless and helplelJ npon the Tbe" OO'A.RDU . .N'• t.eina ' a flcat.olua ly thau lnan:r.other land upon this brwt tbat narlur~ bhn in childhood. BqUah Wl4l'arlOct OOmpaa' ole" all thOM

A Uttle te the aide of tb•e wblteforme For a mo01ent all ie commotion • aext advaotagee, mott1doalrabte t.o -lnaurera Til are the wtm-. oat a eanbarnt cav. Garvey's voioela hear.l: 1 Pete'• n!other 1Ddoub~ '~blltt1, favorable Ttr1111 ~• alryman from R-*oh't troopera, and boya. Do what ah, .want.J' Aod they prompt HUI81ae1n &o oWJGa tor loea. · alllOng them alta AniJut.. Willoughby oarry h!ru ou~ to tbe ltateroom of Mn, Tbe ud~ havi41 been appolQu~ boldlq em bl~ . knee hla little orpha~ Everetts Pullman oar, whete the doot.or ~ce for Naw!qoodland ar.t pre~ to a,. nieo,. 1rho b111tara inlier eye~ for lhe ~~ain' examines . ~im, and .. y1 that bia toe Poliole. aaaioa' lo. b1 Fire. knowseb• Ia 4l the 'preaenae other deaq hfe before bung oa a thread, ... d it afJald .7 A-MES s. WIN~ mo,her. • the last excttem111nt ha. snapped ll , 8~ .John~

h.!n 6ollt ~!all u.Jt.. Jail. ey• 8 :.tbln~r, A JI!Om~nt an&r tbey •take up the fn.. JOSEPH GIJDDQ .. 1111114 tn'•ta{itrect oratorJ....T. gaest agam and make abort WOl'k oU~ fluh-A~o' n.rbor o~. n~;;~~~,=~·l~be inoWI tho O!Jpor~u- fur the EtLStern e~ounlo.Ueta bringlo Ul~ !.: W ~~ m ')if~ ... ad a&M!rt Verdict 8'1'er 'brought lf&IDH

Jlorl- -uat1 .. 111an, like A e murderen in tbe terrl~r.r; aod

· ')

!1'1,.. .. _.. 0.. tb_pla, WN "-' ca I the proteoutlon of Yarlbu Indian W••..aao ltlll-held namin1 panloularly Nana,

=~~~=~~ bGt or ~=~ WIUa ~ penou l'tQikOiled that 1N'IIIdl'!tl ......... _ ...

af'i ... IWiiM Well ,;

11$&~;;~=~;p ....... r.; ~--·, ....

Page 3: ~. or .Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·na tscollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18920122.pdf(TWo ~JunS PIIR DAB.)-BAY R··BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary M"etin~oe


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D M ' I d • 1 Xoc; Ciao lJ'orb ~ fltHHI orct.r. r e orse s n Ian . NoaW.\11, Ont., jaDIW")' ,,, 189oo . W. H. CO~ITOCJt, llroc:kvollo, Out.

Roo·t Pl'lln Dua Suc,-Yottr" Dr. Morae' a Jmilan Root PiUaN , .. are Ulo best reGJator for tho ayalal!l that bamanfty

- - - - ---- - ------""- • can IUe. Lifo fa u tbo time.piece; (ral.l a.Dd dellcato Ill 0 many or ita works. A tiny particle or ror~CJl

D M ' I d' •ubsWicoadberutotbo lm&lloatwbMllQtll~-a, r orse s n Ian andwbatl~tberenld-a.tdrsi,ODIJ&Ilictlt~ • lape~Ddblolo Ita Um•U.pi,Dc; batwaltJOtliU

R t T) 'll the O~fnlctioo cro-. tho i~rfiJ 'bieooiDel 00 11 S grraUir, until a t latt. wb.at could )14ve bMil rwdao4

... • wich llule trouble, lD tho bec:lnnlns1 wiU 110" f*lulte --- mueh c:~~ ro In thor:;.ll~bly ~eancln~ tho e~~tlrt wor~

Dr. Morse's I:ndl" an So It 15 in homao life- all &!It derauceme~~c ,. pe .. loeced, It ~ows andlnArouC~t lm}lerupUb17 f.l !tat, then rapidly, until wh.at coilld. lQ the ~~~

R have bet111 cured wltll llulo trouble, bceomea almoll

Oot Pl. }}S b:al. To pre,-ent this, 1 ad .. u. au to pun~ the , S ) stem frequently, by tbo use of ~~·· fiUi, Ujd

___ ~ preacn.-o v41<>C and vltalur. Youn f.uthful~,

Dr. Morse's Indian The :rroren"" •• s:;:o-0~~ Rcot Pil, lS • 1,'-:Ao.wous Po:c n.~.. N.S., Jan. t:t. 'PG

W. II . Covnocx, Broc:lc-.lll"o unt. · u t:Ak St:t,-6or many yoart, 1 b4ft been a llrm

bcUc..-cr l!l your " pr. Mc rsc's locUs~ Root Pill.i.•l

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

f?·· to savo Doctors' Bills use Dr. Morse's lndiaq f?aot Pills.

S r t , ., h h a b1ind faith, bttt s c:on6 IC'IlCO trrOUgbt P5 nn ~cuul p.:o tonal e&f>Crieoeo of their Yalt10 an mtril. M; !..uslncss I~ 111eh tblt J aJ)eqd 11111~ o tny tlme awlly from home, and I would not.ooa. ajdcr my t ravClling out !It complete without a bax of ;~Jor~·o l"lll~ Youc;:s1 &c.,_

J\1, R. l)fc:INNll,

A ealm•r,lc Al'flt'lo 8C'lu ~ n nko\CIIOIS H 4r11011, N.S., Jan, t3t 'go,

W . II. Cov no-.:o.., l:lroc:.kvol!o Out. · u. A1 S: ~.-·1 hl~ oSlO ~ni1r l.h~ l I d eal In Pateot

M~icines.inch..dinr, v.uious kin<ls o f Pills. lee!

T HE a .. ·sT ""AMI LV PILL IN USE moro o fthe Dr. Morso'a Indian Root Pills chan of aU .. .- tbo otbera comboue<l. Their aales I 6nd &ro nill ~ •

crQsiog. Youn, &c.,





'l'&RRWLit BrsuLT rlo• A Ca'r or Ftnl. ' -Lo~tduH, Dtc 27.-,\..lbea&relo C1atethead oear

Dllrbam. wM laa• Digb~ abe aoe8e of a fearful ~oio, io wbiob, acoordio11 10 tbe'ftpor&. rfc,ivbd bere, u leaat 10 pet.eo~ ioollldiol otoe cbrtdr~o were -killed outright iod IDUJ wer .. iojured The alab• of tbe aJigliP:btaa, o.u..cl b7 a mao io &I e alldie&.ce dro~vlu1 a hl(lllt·d ma&cll uo lbe eawdoat-ooTertd : ft,u"r Clthed eoaiH"oe ao aLarl abe Of'/ of " lire, ·• aod ·•terribte paoia a\ oooe eoaued. 'Aer• wu immadialeiJ 11 wild rtub for \be dooia, wbicb owiMtJ &o tbe aa~e cruah ud a&roule, quiokl7 ~e .a locked •bat ool1 a few aooceed~ u oooe in ge&lillg out. '!'here .,, .-q eapeciall1 wioleo• l'Oib for lbe ataircue tc ... :j,," from &be pllerJ. The ~e gi•iog •tK'• u to tb~ elalra.te beoeme blocked alrooa~ .t · •. c. witb penooe wbo weru aniriog tbtir ut­" o·• to e.cape, while tbe etairoue haell wa• ftll-d , ub a atrDJ~IIog mue of hucnaalt1 from tbe

'"P leadiog aJI the '1'•1 to lba outlet. A cheek taker wu killed io thll midi~ of hi. heroic etfortl to · tate other lina. lo trJior to reetralo tbe crowd io itt a ad beb&'Tior be wPI Ulrowo to tbe ftoor aad craahed to death beneath ~he f .. ~ of the paoio-etriokeo people1

NUf& CBJLbUII! CJWSIW> TO D&ns. WheJ1 the pAaio ba(l ·tubehled 10 tba' ao ex­

amiol&.loo of the premltu coald be made \be bodiea of ~loe c~ildrao,-,~wboae JIYII ~d lltenll7 bee a crua!ied ou~. ·were feuod IJiDR oo tbe atair­o .. e or near a· door lullioa to iL A cooatable who Clme to uaiit iJl tbe work of reecue on drauiog out a bo7 wbo wae wedged amoo11 tbe etroggllog people

1dieoo.eaed that the lad

waa ble owa aoo 'l'be bo1 altbouKh li•ioa wbeo retooed, Wll terHblylojured and t..lif,d wbUe oo the way to bit home.

A FURFI1L SClNI. Tbe performance wbion wu 10. terribly loter­

rupted wu the ucood one of &tarday, abe at. \raotioo beh:g the pantomime, ., Aladdin " Tbe t.he.atre wu !Jterally ora1;0med wilb people n 10 80 o'clock 1'he about of "F~ra" cr~ated a fearful IOta e. Tile whole audleooe rou to tbelr feet eo mauu, and there waa olre ooofoaioo, in the midat or wblob wePO beard the abrit' ka of womeo,maoy of "bom faiuted. Too leaeee or the boure 1t.epped on to tbe et~e and ahouted to Lbe audteoce, berceohior thew to remaio eeated and aolemoiy aaaariog Ulec \bat. there wu no real daoJ!er if •bey woold do eo.· At thia jaao· tore maoy otbera of the mea praeo& alao abowed tbat they rett.ioed pretence of miod by loroi· bly etrlviog to ree~raia the mad rtub of tbe orowd for ~he doore, but their effort proyed of oo nail. 'J'be oceupaot. of the pit, aad, io­deed, all tbe .. peolalorl tlibol4 IMII were io tbe beuer parta ol the boUM ftoally aaooeeded Ia .eeoaplae eafely to the a~eet.

h wu a eudd•o beo& in the plltf)' ' etalroue which cauaed tba fearful jam Ia •bat nit People •bo h1d falleq aod were Jyla1 hi heapa ltt·r .. eortamln~e and aroaolog WIN lramol~ apoa At , .. , ao many of the errqaaliug e!ople bad felleiJ"~bat all pa•u~te fot the eii& ••• eff<loLoal. 11 blookadec:l by a man of wrbblog humao beioee. aod tboto •itill remalaloa.-oo their feet were foroed to aeelt otber meaoe of uoape ' ' APTS or HERCJ~ 'fbe ocbuloa waa made doobl1 memorable by

ae•eral apra of of beroiam Ooe "'ao wl.o bad 04loupied a gallery aea_t jumped fr~w &he galler1 nlllog to the balcony below atd from tbeoce lo tl.e 111ge. all tb'e t1me boldioe to a cbild by bit tnlb. Other mea rtaooed eneral womeo by aimllar muoe

Meaowbllo the fire waa eull1 qaeoohed Tl·o pollee tougbt medlc\l aid and auillerl ia ex­traotlog th!l victima from tbe ataircue. a matter of t ire utmoat doillculty Ooe obild of 10 calling out piteously "li'lli'O 11;0," .. ene mP," died before it could be ,.,ached '1 be corpaee were laiJ io ao adjololog baildiog and t he· in jared were talteo to hoapitale and olher lottilatiooe

The new• of tbe .oatutroplie 1pread rapidly, aod eooo tbooeaude bf frautlo people wne ruah· log to tba ecaoe of the diiMtar to uoert&lo tbe fate o( relali•u or frlead1 Wl&blo a fe• boure all of tbtr dead were lodeotl6ed All ware be· t•eell'tbo &~~ea of 18 aod 16 Tbe aame1 of tbll dead are Ca•ely,ltobluaoo (two), Crira. Oarlean, Wataoo, Uaiobridge, Murroy, W•ddiJlgloo and Foeter 'l'be lut named "II tbe caretaker The aodleooe ou'rubeted 1,?.00. 'peraoos

'l'be oompaoy. membere eaoaped lo their coa­lamae. and wbeo they returoed tbey foaod tbat Ultlr dretalog-room bad bteb robbed or t•·•lr ordlaatf cloUaiQi l 'be leaaee of tbe lbl'ltreao· DO~ 'bal bt1rll\ &l,e &be:tbe prooeed1 of tbe prorortna.,oe k> th.• ~uu.d, a9d tflll. oloae tba N»tltrt, peoclhtw ao lo~a.lrJ.

- . (;!Till w~~,~.~ ; Tbe atatemeona ma4e.iltat. ,dorlo, Ute Jill· tora:anoe two JOUib ltatecllo tbe balOQAf ioaiat. ed oo •mokior • ·~amoke nf tbelr JI'P'' waa IMO l•lliDf from tbe balooayiiJd a wo'mao be­OQ•Ior frl~tbteatd. d tbe el,ol 110reamed " 6re ''I • onao ai&tioa .,. Iter IIDatidlateiJ ••n•d btr with- bia ilaod, bql ~e. ualeobicf wu· 4\loe Tue aallery, !'II .DQOUJ.tleJl bJ itl() l .. ttato~, IDO; tly bo1• 1 be obcot '""'· ro.~tr rqtbt" ao opeo ,lbe door, wbi!ll! hiUOI!.eD ruttatd• 'l'be llfUI(•

~· wltfob eo•ac:d • .... u fui M,a ,tbrutWide the weall~r lade wbo were ttamrled ta destb Two me.a wrre badl7 loldr.:\1 bJ Jaml•lnr from wiod0t111 · 'l'be lea'" o( &be .&httwe bJI •ba& tbt aJarw of lire orl~~ ~ tbt .• or • b~>J to dfopptue a· uelt~d ~~alob tnt • trttiOt Ill fed •l•b ... teet paper.ao4 otltt1' rtbblab Ill ble ~~~rob fot- • t01t ptQIIJ S. alto ..,. ••o pill a 9f water nftlotd to ctoeatla &~t Art , •

QtR W•no Of"'QJMI'~l\legbemla\l ~Riih· oc1 of eaular ...... .,._ bai fMQ lftan ; l)lp

.-......... pea loto at t&fOOt.OialUI6 of biellto'rlr\• of a. iloeMI, aed ·witt. It 11n• · a lloa

&he ; llaea ...., di'Jio1.· dr.aw ":Z!~~ .Urlo ,.._. lwut.. maJ at •••~•-••-.. , !.I'll a

·-~~~ m~~ J:=::;~~~ u~o.ad

. . .... ->\ obec~fpr .£r, 88S.65U aterlinv ralrl fl')r 1

&he Kimburley dit~UIOhtl r1luoa, ia ~~r.itl lU bo tLu ' lar~11t abeok<-ave~ dra"n -- ..

-::;;:-Tbe mera1flll mao, J81, ancl &be bnli~e~~~lilte mau, ltce~ l1ia -al(ou axtea ~ auli uil~o tloat tbe lkd~gtb of bia borlit il DOl walt•d.

-The ume tbin111 aometlmee aro hooeaL and di~boueu ; tll\• waunotr of"dui~a, Jh t:ru aa.l.l lloo e11d uf &11e dcalgo maha the aepar,iit~o

-ltbeumatl•m ie lille a.wd lo the bl· ll ti •·~8 ul mao!Jiqtsr7. IJ,,~d'• ~•.psiparilla ie tltu - t;rul labaloa\or which cur~e &be dtt!.!aae. .. ·' ----

. Uo J On -thittk tboae alt~s are •or•b rotod· row?' t v l'li , 7t1, if 1 tole lolftlloc '1 llt.M I lttd J• ll~ put new upper• oo tem, Tuo 4llluK• aJt\ etiJI (1001,' •

.. ----'J'be.a•e of enYelop~ btoame common ah~: r

May G, 1840, when at._autpetJ· aod al.lbui"e tO· •elopes wero iutrocTuced.

- W bile UJakipg • bolt in the alee I wor kll nt llooH•ateed• rt'C410tly 1\ work oo1111 t un•t'll off' a ahniro~e 26) f.:o~ in leu~tllt. "A ab .. vH·I( 17 t lt-~L in leo ~ th ia ubitited 1 11 a ~r4111t ourioaity iu \be Wool wiob Araooal, Eoglmud. ·

Camao (ioterrup!iog the barber'• remarke)­• Ha..eo'~ you a aileoL P.artoer ?'

Barber-• NS>. ait. Wbr ?' · • I wiah Jon' bad. I'd ·like him to abne mo.'

-The Cit1 or Lttlle Uook, Ark ' II uid lo bne abou~ the beat atreeta aud eirte~Yalka of any oity In tbe world Tbe material uaed ia vitrified brick, wblcb ie agreeable to both mao and bea'at, aod ie eaid to be Ter' eroduriag.

-Bunt'S 'foun or Tf!E WORLt>.-Ex-Mayor J>atoiel F I'Mtty, or Bo?at•) 'a Cclt~brated Organa aod Piaooe. Wa,blogtoa, New Jeruy, •,bu re · 1uroed bomo from ao exteoded toor of tbe "'·orlcf. Head bla ad•ertiaemeot to tbia paper aud aeo d for catalogue.

-Csbb;~ge .:_., I wouder why tbey are tniog tbla 11 reet.

.!II :\ eoocwstrate<J extract or .......,,_....,, ..... 'YclloiV Dbd;, Plpl!asowa, JIIDlper- ..,.,rn., •. -,­Ma.IIJ~kc, JhcdNIM, rurd other yalwlblo vcgctaLlo_rep.~'tUe~~, evrry ltJpedlcnt beiDg strictly JiliN, {llttl U:u be t •o[ lUI klod n ls ··t>~l t.Jo to buy.

.< tii'Cll:l~l't!IJ)· lhoruuthly cotl\PeLcDlJilmr· I:\CI3l.~, lu thu -JttQJt t:u n:(ul 11&.1!11W', by • }tecuUnr Con bln.&llon, l'f'9purtlou IUid i":vc~, g1YI113 to It t:Dr:IL[VO (IOWt't' '

Peculiar .. T~ · Htself

. L will cun•, '' la:u In tho ll<lWcr ur mt:tllcloc, :>crt~ru:a , ~::. l:Lct:ut, Ltoou l:'ul:;uulug, f (.'.uc.-uuu:l : ... I .. ~1 t•tl•tr llumu~, t.Ja)arln, ll; .•. Jl<'l':.::~, !" .; :~:· .. ~ . ~it·k li.J..;Jd:tc!Ju, • t':.l • rrh, l :''"" .. l~m. .uti ~.II dl!l!culllca · ' :1'• tl.c 1/ . r.. J:. :!u·~··

J: I\ ; reo Ill• :. T;,.. • ;;~.! 1·\:c;!u~. Crc:lleS lUI

:. i':" '''c, an,l 1 !H •J l.. ..!.:t.,l, ucrvc, lw<llly, :~::tl w;.~~u;·o !.to<!IIJUl. Tl:c \'::1!1:0 of

~lood's 9a~s~p~rilla

I • r. :-: :n· •I : >I j' tl:f'II•H.Ih t ! voluntary v:lt.-1:\:•!:=:s : .Jl 1 \'Cr t i!J c·mnl ry whont g h:~s

c::a·: I c! (:v-~ ,.,., 'I ll!ft:-•> or lc~~ £c\·crr. It I• ~ .. : i I'Y ;:II • :~uJ::sl·l•. t" l ; .. lx fer. SG. i':t :· .. :.:\1 <''·:i· 1 i ' c. 1 1:~o S; co. , :.:·~-u~,., .:rL: · • I.•.\•:.·1':. :.: :--~ ...

!i. :•. I ! ~·lnc:lll.•hlt• I•• tt:l>r :tnn,l'! Sr.l'!l:\)1.\•

r:;J.\ cJ nv~ l,c h•~:lzt'tl to lm:: ~ny utbcr.

~00 ~oses

One [jo~ ~ar R·•hloace -" Tboy probal:ly lolend to puc ::

aewer down aa aoou aa tbe pnlng is dooe • I -----=---------"-----"--""'

-Santa Fe., ::'i M , ia I he o!dcat OA;>ilat in tJ,, United Slatea. '' havioa.: ht'en eslabliirhtd by 1' · Spaoiarde more tbao t"o buodrcd aod fihy y, ... . a~to ; bot it ol1o the amalleat. Comwis•ioner Porter'a cenaua glvilfg i\ ouly 6.18~ iobabilaota

D~ Wiatar a B•laam ot Wild Oberry. -Tbia Baleamio oowpoood bee become " home Bxture, Let all wlio ellffer, aod bno iu vaiu attempted to cure tbelr coualle. colde, brooohial Or ~ulwoony oomplaiota, make aae of tbia UO· e4o11!led re!Jledf,

&;-The latest e1tlmate plaoea the number of .\onerlo•o blaoa at 1096. dlalrlbuted •• followa : 9M lo oapthity In American zooloaloll p~rlta; 200 •llcl orau lo Yellowatoue Park, protec ted by 1 be Oo•eroment; 8~ wllr\ ooea io other par ta CJ f the U"l ted Statui and 7 in parke Ia foreign oouotrle,,

Tne oo•tt' feature of a oew t:h•o•rlo boat, tbe ln•eotioo of J:. l' reocb eoaiaecr . i& Q 80~\·.-ater bUtery The aloe and copper pl~tua are onder the boat, and cao be raiicd or lowered by pul­leJI eenlog ae a keel wbi le at the aame time drhiog a large wheel lly m~aoa of a motor

-In lbt oeotre of a u"iog 82 Inches Ia diameter that Will rouud at Moore, Mi.:lh .• WII

an lndiao tornabal!rk. H Ia ailt inobea in leogtb, aod bu a blatiJ of rongh ror~o:od iron. about two •nd a b ,If iuobt:a loog Tbtl aolid timbo~ over tb" lt oad of the t<fmab11wk was teo iucbes io lbickneu. H is oatlwatcd tbut it bad beoa in lbe tree two ceoturiee

-The great aecret aociety of China, tho Ka­lo·ho. is both polrtiotll aod oat rlotio, aod ita mPmherablp ruobu lol o • be tDIIIiooe. Ita watob•ord ia • China for tho Chinese,' and It ai!IIa not only at the upulaloo ot n!l foreixuera from &be Fcower1 l{iogJotn , but tbe overthrow of the present Tortar l<;onporor aot..l tbe raatoralioo of the anotilnt ~ling dyonsty.

Tbey m•y hlk abon~ the OJltora Aod uy tbat tbey are poor,

With Y( '/y rew flOOd creaditora And little earthly atore.

Huo there Is oaetblo" certala 1 You canDO~ keep tbear-do•n;

For "bun th•y o~o't anpp.,rt themtel•ea, J lttt •till aoppor'' the tow!l. · --

C 0 . HIOQAROQ & Co. . Gt.>~U -1 oerl ify tba01f:olARD S Ll ~ [llENT

oarett my rlaowltter nf a ... vue and wlotH appear· ed 10 be a ht.al attack or ~i;lbtberia aho~ all Otber remetll'rll h"r\ railtd.at'lti recruueod It to e~ll •tiC~ ru .. 1 be afft o!.ad wub th"' ' cerrible rll1eue.

' JI)H" U. HoUTILJ&R: irto6'• Vill•a• Jany., 1 ~ •

. ---To pre•flut OY<lr·-.,eepiogaad tbue rialdosr ~be loa' of1belr tmplnJmeat,tbe a:.•ll curie~ of M1>roooo r~rl &Q a aolqat aacl r.riloue tobenttt ' fhey &It a alriDJ ~ oat fQ.O'- ·~ • u Ule7 kuow 110• loo(&Jard or two • tl biU'O, ll~lf Q~qlate 'h• l"l.~l ortbe etrhtll ti1 dae tlcqt tH1 bate to tt .. p Th11~Mb• ettiDI• ~b~ bJrDf alowl7 ! ud, !~flee &tie llrt ooru .. to t.be foot .at.y are patafall1 reualodcNr"t'ha' It lt &Upe to uiM

._.__ . . • -h 11 _... &bi\ tilt I.WHWtJ'V(.. GradJ. ~~ •"•u•,., ftottna Rt l&r~At' aeH11' ~r·•ord

Mr. Q

en ti'J Cl."t:: .,. a.. UJ~.u=~

CD (1) · - - J5 01) • ~ ::: c QJ 0 s= •;> ~ g ~ g 0 cg8""..2 -- .0 .. c.-,~0 ' CD c:c c.... ... - .: C) = o ....... a-CJO -ij 3.. ~

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P' ~O::NIX Fire Assurance Company

LONDON. LO~lUARD 81 Rl!:~T & ORARlNG OROSi ......_



Page 4: ~. or .Furs; Glovos &: lad ius' ·na tscollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18920122.pdf(TWo ~JunS PIIR DAB.)-BAY R··BBRfS NoTa-The Anniialllia aiooary M"etin~oe

'"' , •.•. ~ -.\MD-QONOllP"l'ION B.t Y AD V/IRft~!JBR.

~~~~,.._,, .......... ,..,.,.,.,, .. ~ .... .: . J'tUOA.Y. J.lNUAtlY ti, 189i

............... ~ ......... ""'----.... '--.... ~ .... ~ ........ ~ U•Ltru.NI'LD. ~ LtV&&P.XlL S. 8. Co.­

We aaade!'4C&Od !.be a~ve oompaoy ha~~ beeD lall1 orpul.led •atl LbaL t.ht drat. •&eamM-tM •• OhaacLC''-wlll eail (rom Liver~l for ~ .por' oo ~ about. t.he ll~hh )).rob, tbe IIOOIW oa or aboca' t.bt 7'b April, follow•l b7 Muaa&-. r~idarlfeYer1 t.•o or thrett weeka darlq t.bt auou!IMir m~b1. S L•l ounnge ,..,t .. m.aeu be~· fur •·•~uru ahipm .. nta. TM pramoten 9f1.be oompany are eud-vor· iDe .to m~ransrementa .o Lh"L I/lntl~ aooda ID'7 be •hipped from &hd p<Jrt. h.r 'he~e boata to aait. 1prin1 ahipmf'nLI. J, J . L,o~ Je,, Beq ,il tbt aamt. at ~iverpool, .nd ·•edn ;r, • W. ~ tp•~ldDt. t.bw oomi1<4D1 )lere.--8~

The ora.\~iaa&fo'n ~l• Oompaav oannot bat have a good effDOt. (or t.h~ t.rade ol the Ool• ooy-in bre&ldog up, in a m •um•e, thfl Uh\'\O·

poly held by ~bt Allan <N ,•t. too g•ea' ~n 11x· peDM on the rev~nue. The •en&lt 11' lll no doubt be chellper ratea for palllt~ngero~ •u•l frei,bt, wbiob are a\ present (ar too high. EnrJ booeat endeavor abould be ru~&dtt t.o bring about. their reduolion, anti the e&t.."llli~h •ent of t.be.new line will be " gre.r. faot.or t.o tlitleod. · We all know that the tuule oC t.be ooant.ry and the convenience of the people have been greatl7 bent " t• :d Lr tho : n · n!n; of the Red 0C'Oall Line of ateamere bet.ween New York, H•l itaJt 11nd St. John111, and they oould D.:IG now alford to have tbe eervioe dia oontinued, .We do not. expect great tblng• at. fi.reb from tbe new company, but we belieu tbat commetoial interconrae between the OIJ Country and the Oolony will be eonaernd and inor,.a.eei. T he oli order ol atf•irt will be cba"ged, and aa time iOfll on, other Jines, of which the H nlif•x, .NflJ . .k: L iverpool ~. S. Co., ia the 1-•ecursor, will be found necea.u•y. We hu& every hope for the line, and with sncb men u J J. Lang­lei, E .. q., "t Liveq>OOI, large freighla will be oont.rllllctd and ~he inter011t.e of tbe New­f Jandi&D<i trade nurat!tl and it11 dew•nda ac­commodated. Me .. n J . & W. PittA are the •aenta at St. John'"' ------W& are Lold by a l•te American journal that. r r. Oeorr W. Slo.tn hu a theory oon· ~rllin1 the olimatio cb"nge• that bave t.alcen place in the Uoi"-<1 s~. t-apeoially in lodi. ana and furtber to t.be weat and oorth~~at, that ia apparently borQe out by f•ctA. 8~eading a map of the Ucliteq f:ll.lltet be­(ore the reporter, be beian to explKill hi• •ieu•. " You will obeene here/' uid the doctor," the level tract. of ooontry l) ing be­tween the Miasiatippi river and the f.)()t.·hilla of the great chain of mouatll{oa •nowo 11

t he Rockies. Tbat tr11o' in former yurt WAt

conaidered, "nd wu for tbe most part, an arid vl•io. Winds from tbe DOl tb aoc.l aoulb awopt over it backward and fo,·wmrd. It waa turnlahed with rivera bavio8 their eonrce. in Lbe mouotain11, but. there waa no ex~nai Ye lodiea of water auoh 0.1 tbe great Jakes. Air current.& from tbo p,.cilic, laden with moisture, atriking the mountain peaks of tbn Sierra Nevadu mAie snow 11nd rain at the aeaeon theMe ~inda prevailed. Thi .. g'lve to tbe Pacifiq' OO&IIt wet and dry se1110o11 Jn order lh:tt. the sky moisture ru ight. be preojpitated it wu neceasary there abould be l ome electrical ooooeotiona bet.ween the ur· per cnrrant and the ground. The !Jiain• beinr practically dry -tiJat is, h• ving no JrMWlodin of water -there WU DO &VI ('lOra· tion o£ moitturA to produoe an eiPotriP~tl cur· l'ftDt, and in t.he next place the tmall amouo~ of moietnre in tl.rf' clouda Will ourietl eaat· 'fPard and eouthward. Coming to tbe eut. it oame within tbe itoftuenoe of the 11reat. lakH tbat pve a.nd oontione to give a• oar rain aad anow. Oold windt from t.be .&•otio region oame ruthlat cJowa throuab tbia plaiD, brlnaint oold weather wltb tbtm.

"Or late yean there h~tve ~ bail' t.IJroa&b the mouncaioa aad 11orou ,~ .. , JJielr~t tour lin• of railway, whUM Lt.nd11uf i~ul·~~ J• aUn• ttlrotrlcal eoDCiuotora, brle»JiPI into J bia CAtt a tid r.,IOD I 10od tiPOUh&. of "'8f • tatlon oQkno•n ia former t'T'met. H la a "ell knowh f•ot tba~ moialnre hu a mitigo\t . lng lDtluenbt Dpon ttiPp~tr'llture, and Ulat -.bert la OM J)OW tht fJYI'r' OcJid W~\ber tha~ OD08 Ohal'tlOttriaed tb• imm"ltoe I~ o( which. I am a.peaku'll 'l'h• oh•o~t~t ifl ~mt..nture wea~ of Jodlena """" b1ouab~ •non' oh•PI• in our own •!.li te. Ae to the lna'l~iea of warttr uy<>n ell mate. we know that £bp tiU&ern abore ot La lee MiobJaan 1a a aood ft uit aru. Tlr• t t.he wbada from lbe w .. ~ IIPd NC\rthw"" P•O.I •ot &ba& lake •re ,,.....,.rtQ bT it11 o&Qiat~• e ~ad reclooed ill tcmpHatur .. , The.,,,., eu' Qt &.t.. Jake i• a peaoh ~uuu1, 'wbUe f" rt.ht-r IIOQt.h ID lntflan-. where thU. lnttueooe Ia not. 110 JI'N'- peaoh ,,.... do ItO& wlthatAnd tlie trlac.n. 'l'ble ., leaat. hat ll8f'D &ue Oll..e, bu&. for~ ...... tiJ~Io Of' oiue wlctte•• &lte tt'wper· -'are bu beea •ILler, aDd peaoh lort.. bave .. rYifed. Tb•lnor .... JJI 1 lliu iA thiot •tat4t ja "'- wiD~r ~ o~ UDOuDiltoJ4 d wiLh &oLe ... Lrioal-.ondJLione I ha' t ~· m.-d ooao-t 11iu .... ~•,_r .. Juo ...... uo tl&e ...,_. All ralf ~-'h.n• lll'•h.IJAMd ,.ud u ..... ~ beeD ,_.,,,. hllr trie.a• r•laa Pftt ....... -• ~~ ....... , ......... t.ND ... llllt!f ... .... Cfttcl .. •ll• ., .... &oo, .... .,_...

trllll& ............... .~ • .

.. . THJJ, · HAIJBu,t · ._GRA-cE . STANDARD

I' - •

If ba•• a\oold aup to raeb) dowa dpon u •ll ... wUI bt but M1Dporar7, aDd •• wW UYtf ~ ba" lOJll OOQ&lea-.1 oold wlaMft. ·oar oll..-i" b o'atfti\.fta, and tbMe ohaa ... oome ld'Ore ~"'Q&b &b• -IDOileo• Q{ m.a ~ h-om utare.11 1


. .

. Looa.l.and other

-\loe of oo.r l~l tpor•l'llta rrolcoaa ap lit P'ftrl!lft! fot tbt ltuoa, wblob olpttd oa tbe ltda IDI\. . --- 'rhe 411u aa.al ltMIDtt C~t.• arnted a\ .!k Jlllto'a ,_..,...,at • paa l:lcr mall• were r101lnd lttre th1l afC.AOQD •

-Poa ll.uur.-Th.bri, ~ •. Capl A. 4peeJ, ...... aa U "'le morala• for lbt MtJI­aertaOMD. whb a loll oarao of oodleb. .

.. -'J-Ill! ....... ~~ ..

----0&.-nn"IT-Dr. ~br Ja&tada YlahiDf Oar. bouar profMIIooaliJ clmrfo• the oomlq week. llll otlot latre will be olottd froa lloDdaJ ...... aua aatll Ule folto•dav UoDda71 per. - btrt who Nqalle bla .. n loee an aabd to oall biiC».N be ...... A.• Oa'rboattr be CDIJ bt foaad a• Jib J uho roou I ttefdtDOt•' pa•tl• oua nlJ oa reoelri111 .,laf~Uoa EIIGlloatioa &IYOD fret • .

---r-<1 -~u~tOJPAL Eucrnoe~-Tbo Polluur for tbe

tleotioo of Muoioipall!o!l~oil~n of S& J .bo' .. will t.ke praoe Co-morrow ::l.cat:da;, 2SnJ ilua& For Ute fttt Warda. one co·eaa.btr f~r tiOh, tbtn. are lt'OaodldaW. For . WW t-14...,. Jolla Cur· ru, Toomaa MarpbJ aqd Jotio T Caraell : for ., Ward 2-Jobll T d ,"tboot•. Joba W F~o, Fnot S' Jobo W u~l No 8 -J ·•ho tJ <larraa, Jam• Aoodtellow.- Jobo J P.uotll Ward •-Mlohatl Powtr, 'William Toblu W ~rd 0- ~ Donald MotJeoo, P ieroe J tJrloo • · . ) .•

-PJSasonr..-J. B. Solater, 1!!'1(}.. tbe pnlal ~nd energet.io Seortt ,r1 of the New. foand land ladnitrlallbblbltion waa to t•>Wil JM&erday. He nya the E~th ibhlon will be tbe ctredeaC ·effort · or h• k ind ever made ~ the OlliODJ, and ~bat it Olnnot. r.u to be I

productive o£ luting good to ~be people. Tbe Building whllb it ia propoaeJ to erec~ will ooet eometbtng lrke 810,000. Mr, 8. l"'f' bf­tr,in thie rnornl~g for s, Jobn1• .

- Tb.e followloa i;;;e p~o.,ra~e of &lae Eo. tert&lol1leo~ g ltdD lly lbo eoilol!ltl of Sa.uley Street Scbo.>l l Addreu-1hv Mr. Noel Opeoloa Cborae:.Saholara Opaolog Dlaloaae-Mar1 Bot&, Fauoie 8 boppucS

Wlllla~ Martlo, Jaruee Alartlo. lhcitatloa-Au&t\ Tabhh"-Aool<t Out' Pl•loa~ae~Wbat 'l 'bty l(uo•-Jt11ie t:jour:\ge,

lfaooio ::ibe(•paru, l\lioul11 S he.,l' "rd, ~atieooo Ver~fe

8olo-Yee, Sir-Faao!e Ncaewortby · Uialogae~Obaage of 'l'oJ4••K'\tie Ptlly, Goorao

Oola, &pwob-Ettit Nlobol .. Dlaloane- Tbo Way be Maoaied-Uu;e F reDob

Faoait Ncae•or&hJ. Beory Huoc, Heorr Uavle. -

S~o~osr-a~d Cbor11a- Ob Yo:z Little l>arlioa­Mrl llol Cole.

Olalo,ae-Liute Mimioa-Ettlt Nlobol• , Sue!e Niobola

U..Oh.atlou- \ilat Vod ftlarky._Noah Sheppard. Moo~ aod Co~rqa-~lttlt Hrowo Jua-J&a:~~ ..

Mart\o. Qlalo~rut-:-liow ~lre. P ooderoua Wu Feld­

Etbal Sheppard, !iopblt ibtppard, FaDDit Cole. ·

Reoitatloa- "he Kllll:eooy I :att-Nath•alel Cole Ui ~t logu•-Tbe Old aod tbe ~ew-Wolllo Cole

1 Mary Urover, Je .. le Nlobola, LIIJ 8btppar"

1 Joho Aeb. -S<llo-DJ l'hey fhlot of ~teat llorno l> tAiogue- Enrr Uay OcctlrooQt .... Willie Cole,

WHihm Colo, Mark t't~lb. Solo-Jeooie Jooll:.a-Mill~ole Utal,.,guo -Flower ot tbe Fami17-~lillie Cole,

JQtbel Hray, Ft..role Noeewo,rtb7, Jobn .\ab. farce-From Puoll:la Hidae or tJelloda Jatse

and ,Joouhao- JIJottbau Sorut~rlne, JamM Rroa~er; Sqoire Bro~o. William V'oraa; Aullaitlll Siwroy, W11llem Ford; Harr1 Clif~o ; J a mea C ~hrtio; Mi11 Urowa. Llqlo -' odrowe : Aooio tJrowo, Bertha Martio 1 Bollada Jaoe Bopltioe, Millie Cole; Fica& Policemao, Nathault~l 'l'aylor ; tiecood PoliCMJ· mao, Oeorge Jieath,

~e• on the de~th ot ~ Mal'y MoCu. thy. who died on the 8rd Dec , 168.1, ~eing 'but Oll~ w,ek ~arried. ~

We ml11 tbet (rom oor homo. dc•r, We mlu tbu from thy plaoe ;

A el.adow o'at our lifo ia cu~...; _ Uooe'• lht •uo•b' oe o~ tbJ faoe,

W • mia• thy ldod aod wlll inv baud, Tby food aud tboullhlfal o 1re;

O ur homo 'tla dark whbou~ tb1 uow l \\' o mi11 1 b"e everywboro.

l'be OYtoloa that weol'at from ue ' Our Leat!l ~•r·· 111d ao~ ~Q,.~ ~

To uo •hu. darllosr. ltaJt oqr aide ~od o~:y.sr to te !i& thee more,

'f• 111 &bteyel with ttarfolef• .. Thy pare11t'e hto fall t-tfcfre

4ad wllb feoe llptQto'ci eo lo,lna~ . iila '"' foocl blllllaa &bert lmplo,.,

We lraa' ~artie Ileana -.a.,,· Mafe lo tba' ltolf pl•oe ~ dwell,

'fbto Itt PI to God'• pQrpoat bow, .\od .. YI •• tle·dotU. •II lbloaa well."


