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 · pesticides, organic farming, ... Goat Rearer Groups : 16 ... NABARD, Banks,...

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Director’s noteTableof

Contents t is great honour to unveil new version ofAnnual Report which commemorates themajor efforts done by Disha-RCDSSS in theyear 2011-12. Here, special milestones havebeen incorporated outlining the major eventsand progress of the last year endeavours from which you may glean some idea of theorganization's scope of activities and achievements. Like previous years,organization is continuously creating new foot prints, which led towardsestablishing significant change in the life the marginalized.

This year organization has tried to merge ownership among 14617families through awareness, capacity building and promoting goodgovernance. Adolescents which are far from their entitlements were newtargets to be focused and played vital role in breaking cycle of pooreducation, low self esteem and weak personal development. Fewintensive efforts in rehabilitating children especially who are in conflictand orphans have also conferred and made proceeded towards healthyfuture.

In carrying out our mandate, we sincerely express our gratitude and thanksfor the valued cooperation of all government, non-government &community based organizations along with community members ofproject area concerned. Your aspirations for the development ofvulnerable inform and inspire everything we do. There is still a lot to bedone for which we need to built partnerships of equal indeed so thatpeople, who are really excluded can mainstream them with meaningfuldevelopment.We believeyour support and guidance will be reached to us.

Let us establish highest standards of development ethics and add social value for the community at large as responsible citizens of the society.

- Fr. Antony FernandesDirector


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Livelihood 4

Education 7

Women Empowerment 10

Health 12

Our Amenities 14

Finance 15





Territory & Program area


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Program Coverage

ACHIEVEMENTS616 farmers are practicing improved agricultural techniques viz. use of

improved seed, line sowing, appropriate use of fertilizer andpesticides, organic farming, harvesting and post harvestingmanagement practices.

231 farmers got benefit of Rs. 4068/- per bigha through practicingimproved agricultural techniques in millets while it was only Rs. 810/-earlier.

48 farmers became model farmers by adopting sustainableagriculturepractices from project intervention.

3371 famers are capacitated on improved agriculture and livestockmagement practices.

District: 2 (Ajmer, Barmer); Block: 3 (Srinagar, Pisangan and Barmer)

Village: 33; Families: 4681

Farmers Clubs : 33Producer Groups: 9Self Help Groups: 37

Youth Groups : 10Goat Rearer Groups : 16

Village Development Committees: 16

ncreasing production and income from agriculture and livestock formarginalized farmers and enhancing alternative options of livelihoodthrough skill building, entrepreneurship and placment initiatives forlandless and poor households.

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1009 livestock Rearers are practicing improved livestockmanagement techniques viz. timely vaccination, fodder & feedingmanagement, castration of local breed, cross breeding with Sirohibreed and artificial insemination

Rs. 29,05,595/- have mobilized by networking and liasioning withKrishi Vigyan Kendra, Zila Laghu Udhyog Sangha, NABARD, Banks,Jan ShikshanSansthan and concerned gram panchayats

Four producer groups initiated collective purchasing of seed in which each member saved Rs. 40/- per Kg of produce

336 villages got benefit of Rs. 24,75,500/- under different governmentschemes and services by getting awareness and handholding supportprovided by 25 village information centers

331 families got 2945 workdays employment during Tanka, Khadinand FarmSpillway activities.

Mohini, a landless labour; her familywere depended upon livestock fortheir livelihood. Still never optedimproved management practices andinsurance for her livestock. As soon asshe came in line with organization'sprogram, she used learning oftrainings and started to practicefodder management and feedingp ra c t ic e s, c rop ins u r a nc e a ndvaccination to her livestock. She isrearing Biju Bakra after gettingdemonstration with self contributionof Rs. 1841/-.

After years of struggling with debtand financial crunches, I am breathing asigh of relief. Finally there is a ray ofhope in my life.

- Mohini, Vill. Gudha


By collective purchasing of fertilizer,I could save Rs. 150/-per 50 Kg bag...

- Pusaram,Vill. Kesarpura

12 youth members were

trained in repairing diesel

engine and 19 in house wiring and general electrical work, 5 youth did

a free house wiring for a poor family.

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By applying fodder managementpractices we could decrease fodderwastage. It was 30% earlier and now it ismere 2-3%. Now a day 70% people of myvillage go for vaccination of their livestockwhereas it was only 10% earlier.

- Ramlal, Vill. Mavashiya

Comparision of Lentil crop after processing with local method learned in

the training.

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Program CoverageDistrict: 1 (Ajmer)

Block: 3 (Srinagar, Pisangan,MasudaSchool: 103 government schools

Children: 15878 (5777 boys and 6442 girls)

Child Management Committees: 103(1133 children members)

30 new govt. schools were equipped with reading rooms library including 750 books, furniture and stationary for three years in every school through program support.

103 Bal Manch have been constituted in 103 schools with 1133 children,where 396 children were trained ondifferent activities of Library and itsmanagement along with theirleadership and communication skills.

Total 31900 new books and posterswere distributed to 103 readingrooms through program support thisyear.



eveloping reading skills in children of primary level to increase retentionand interest in school through alternative reading (library) and joyfullearning environment. Strengthening community support & monitoringof schools and advocacy of child rights are key strategies of our program.


I like colourful books, I can read them, I can understand them easily...

- Priyanka KumariClass V

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Pinki belongs to a very poor family as her fatheris a daily laborer in a flour mill and her mothergoes to MGNREGS site to get a square meal.Pinki is the eldest girl of her family so she has tolook after her siblings and got preoccupied inhouse hold chores completely. Beside this,there was not one to take care of her study. Sheherself did not like to study and bunked school. She invented all sorts of excuses.

Initially Pinki joined library just as a formality but as soon as she attendedthe library activities, her attitude changed. She started to participate inlibrary activities and reciting rhymes and stories, games, drawing andpainting. She also got issued books from the library and took them athome to read. During Bal Mela, she participated in a number ofextracurricular activities and interacted with other children. She got childleveling card which made hermore close to the library.

"I did not like to go to school every day but now I love to attend classesbecause in library period I can read, I can play and can do many morethings, I love to read poems and stories. I generally bring at least two bookshome every day and read them whenever I get time. Now, I just a want toget yellow card.”

- Pinky Gurjar,Class 4, Govt. P.S., Pabuthan

Block level award by SDM and Addnl.D.M. Pisangan, Ajmer for excellence

performance in executing reading room program in Pisangan block.

104753 transactions of books bychildren teachers and communityfrom reading room were recordedfrom July 2011 to June, 2012.

90 head teachers, 191 library incharge teachers and 11 other teachersof 103 schools were trained on library management and a ctiv it ies indifferent programs.

Total 13199 people including children,community members and teachersparticipated in school Bal Melaprogram organized in 103 schools thisyear underReading Room program


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cHILD-LINE 1098Program Coverage

District : 1 (Ajmer)

ACHIEVEMENTS32 SJPUs enlightened on Child Rights

and processed to assist children whoare inconflict

6885 community members wereconferred on Child Line and itsfunctionaries through Outreachprograms

Linked Child Line with 25 AWCs, 15Hospitals, 48 Govt. & Non Govt.Schools, 15 NGOs, 10 Govt. Deptt.and 21 PoliceStations

450 Students enhanced theirknowledge on child rights throughparticipating in Rally & Sloganswriting in Dosti week event.

88 Children (54 girls and 34 boys)organized inChildren groups.

3922 Community members likeAnganwadi workers, SHGs & otherCBOs, Children, Parents, Teachers,Coolies, Drivers and Shop keepersoriented on child rights, their rolesand responsibilities in facilitatingchildren rights.

1098 is 24 hrs. toll-free help-line number which provide help in 60minutes of the call to the following targetedchildren :

We work for the protection of the rights of all children in general. But our special focus is on all children in need of care and protection, especially the more vulnerable sections.

sexual / emotional abuse in thesociety.

Child labourers working in theunor ganised and or ganizedsectors

Street children and youth livingalone on the streets

Children who need emotionalsupport and guidance

Children abandoned by parents orguardians

Children affected by physical /


Domestic help, especially girldomestics

Missing children and Run awaychildren

Children whose families are incrises

Children in conflict with the law

HIV/AIDSinfected children

Victims of child trafficking

Children affected by conflict and

Rekha; a restored girl

Gl impses 201 1- 12 9


Neelima Jangid, 17 yrs passed with 1st division in Sr. Secondary exams and wanted to pursue highereducation. But when her elder sister got married to another caste boy, her parents stopped Neelima from continue her study. She got disappointed and was about to run away from home. She shared hercase with GAD project staff who suggested her to join the beauty parlor course in her free time.Neelima completed her beauty parlor course and performed well. Seeing her commitment andinterest, her parents thawed. Meanwhile project staff met her parents regularly and motivated themto allow her to study further. Finally, they agreed and today she is doing computer course from a centreinAjmer and got admission for higher studies in the college.

“ I am very thankful to Disha for making this happen to me and build my skills in beauty parlor.

- Neelima Jangid,Member of Kishori group, Ramsar

Dreams come true!

Empowering women and promoting gender equality throughawareness on rights & entitlements, skill building, income generationactivities and credit linkage with banks.ACHIEVEMENTS

160 Adolescent girls were trained intailoring and beauty parlour coursesfor six months. Out of these 37 girlsare doing tailoring and 16 girls areworking at beauty parlours

75 Adolescent girls continued theirstudies through mainstreaming withremedial classes run by Lok ShikshaKendra.

59Girls were enrolled in schools and 6girls were faci litated in fil lingexamination form of class 10th fromopen school board.

960 parents were motivated tosupport their adolescent girls.

Program Coverage

District : 1 (Ajmer); Block : 2; Village : 22;Target Adolescent girls : 1500

Adolescents group: 15 (450 adolescent)Self Help groups: 206, Federations: 1

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2545 women informed on differentgovernment schemes and services

652 women got platform to raise theirissues in front of district levelauthority through InternationalWomenDay Celebration.

18 women received social securityschemes like Widow Pension, Old agepension,Antyodaya Yojana etc.

852 women were educated aboutc l i m a t e c h a n g e t h ei r ro l e i nadaptation of its effects throughplanting tree and use of smokelessstove 25 women installed smokelessstove in their homes through loanfrom SHG

I am happy that my family now has thechance for a better future. Once Icomplete repayment of the loan, andmy tailoring business continues togrow and generate income, I amconfident that I will have a morecomfortable lifestyle. I will never stopto deposit saving in my self helpgroup.

- Kanta Devi Vill. Ram Kheda

I had left school after class10th due to my householdc h o r e s . B u t t h e p r o j e c tprovided me an opportunity toresume school and pursue myst udy by mo tiv at in g m yparents.Today I am very happyto study and thankful to Dishawho made this happen to me. Ia l so m o ti v a t e m y o th ercompanions to join KishoriGroup and improve their futureas I have done.

- Miss Lalita (Chhoti)Vill. Mavashiya

... improve theirfuture as I have done.

132 women trained as SHG leaders, book

keepers and documenters.

Gl impses 201 1- 12



healthProgram Coverage

District: 2 (Ajmer, Bhilwara); Block: 12 Village: 1505VHSCs : 1505


9739 community members of 1505Vil lage Health a nd SanitationCommittees were trained to resolvevillage level health issues

65 People Living With HIV/AIDSimproved their health throughgetting health care and supportservices fromAsha Niketan

14309 people were oriented onHIV/AIDS through trainings andexposures.

“I am happy”Murari Chaudhary, have been living with AIDS for the last 5 years. He wasneglected due to the stigma connected tothis disease and was finally sent to AshaNiketan for care and treatment. His

health revived due to brotherly care and support received from the centre. Not only this, centre provided himopportunity to involve in agricultural activities. Now hespends 4-5 hrs daily in gardening and farming.

I came to know, AIDS is not ending the life. I am not afraid of AIDS anymore. Thank you everyone who generated this new hope in my life.

- Murari Chaudhary, Surat

ncreasing access to health services, hygiene & sanitation throughawareness and institutional linkages focusing on Reproductive Child &Mother Health,Tuberculosis (TB) & HIV/AIDS and activatingVillage Health& SanitationCommittees (VHSC).


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We are member of village health andsanitation committee still did not have clearidea about its function, rights, role andresponsibilities which we came to know afterattending trainings. But today we addressvillage health issue, involve community indesigning village health plan, conductmonthly meeting, bring their concern and takefollow up. Disha taught us how to bringchange in the system, how to improve that.Now poor communities can have healthservices closer to home and save the lives oftheir women and children.

- Manaram Rebari (VHSC President)Vill. Hurda, Bhilwara

18 patients registered under DOTSprogram out of which 9 patientscompleted their treatment

1 165 w om en g o t c o u ns e l i ng ,thorough medical checkup andreferrals through health camps

1450 women trained on reproductivechild health, hygiene and sanitationpractices

973 adolescent girls were trained onreproductive child health throughvarious trainings and orientationprograms.


just need first step

I am a labour and did not have money to gettreatment of TB. Due toTB and weak health, Iwas not able to earn two meals in a day. As Icame to know about DOTS centre I went thereand got registration. I took medicine regularly even some times DOTS center coordinator alsoprovided me medicine whenever I was unableto go to center. Today, my TB has cured and Iam back to my work.

- Prem Devi, Vill. Aam Ka Talab

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Way Ahead


Credibility Alliance



Bank of IndiaNear St. Francis Hospital, Beawar Road, Ajmer

Harish Chandra & Company13-14 FF Kutchery Road, Ajmer

Remuneration of three highest paid staff

Remuneration of the lowest paid staff

Rs. 27,500/-,Rs. 15,000/-, Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 3000/-

Staff Detail as on 31 March, 2012 :

GenderPaid Full time

Paid part time



Male 48 0 - -Female 16 2 - 2Total 64 2 - 2

31 2012

NamePosition onthe Board


Area ofCompetency


Rev. Ignatius Menezes M President 1/1Fr. Antony Fernandes M Director 1/1Fr. Robin John M Asst. Director 1/1

BishopChief ExecutiveProgram Coordinator

Strategic DirectionAdministrationHuman Resources

Salary plus benefitsPaid to staff

Male Female Total

<5000 12 11 235001-10,000 33 6 3910,001-15,000 3 - 315,001-30,000 - 1 1Total 48 18 66

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Financial Report

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CARITAS INDIARoom To Read India Trust

New DelhiManos Unidas, Spain

Catholic Relief Services IndiaUKSVK, Agra

RSACS, JaipurVSO, New Delhi

CSO ForumKVK, Ajmer


CMHO, AjmerAnimal Husbandry Deptt. Ajmer

NetworksNGOs, Gos,

Gram PanchayatsCommunity Based Organizations

You are welcometo visit us and give

your valuable suggestions.
