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*! Pota sh ^ rim's · i\ !t Continues to mahe Mlra-culoua Cures READ THIS dUl LETTER I ALMO*T *...

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: , i\ ! t Continues to mahe Mlra-culoua Cures READ THIS LETTER I ALMO*T * MIRACLt. Prw». >. C. Aof. Hlh, MB. In a mc.nl. afcr Ihe dlaeaM, rl.rn.l 1 bad to glVS. "y.T wosa«.S«JW »J Itciinllnued to .row .or... ui.til .or > ' •"•> ""^ ""tf''"5 •Tnuck .o Ik.l I oouM Dot u.o IH.-m. U, e.e wot. dm.n W. I.,.. II «.» leet touched, or h.pe. 1 wu u MitoH •• » >«.?'' ' ",'*''» RSSSiRESS Tb. SSSS N arm, »nd lc» -ere b.M an I .»• > fts* afcjaalrnri J«J> J STUSS "Hr WaMMSriU merest puy.l.1,1.. InMcloll. lii|]..o»nd S.,,o„.t>ul MM ot tbcm could do .. huj ,.**. Ut.l.l I... KV B.,,,«, "'!'»""; >•• to .ee me. He told u to 1.7 four ".HBaiaac,,.. RajM "••". """f ol the m-d'olue aod 1 I..,.-, to tale It and [.-lure Ihe Or., tn.llla waamr.l up I bran to «et beller. 1 u.r.1 uvu and a ball boltle, and ««• cuml-le"... jr.... Tb" -a. Two jc.r. Mo. and »r hr.1,1. roe, .." •"•'JKiS'S V.' ,„' „."hi.! so (Tsastom, o( iMUallaa. 1 meant "BjIsrXACIi.a •WJ.HJ2 rem.-JT for rb.ura.U.m on t»> market. I oauool aa) loo Dlucb lor It lb... recommended It to otbera alnoa and It bta cured them. Will a«* further, that I Wean !-• wn'k In about all dan ftfler I ' '-. .- I I IsS, "RMlcu.cina." wltbtbeaid of crulcli.a; loabout three mouth. IIM I Lags, to US, It. 1 could wai, a. fool ,. anjpodx. and went buck to w... k ... n V.retnilT. JAMES WII.KSS. WORD that word Is All Drugc.i.1.. or senl cki-rr,, rwepaij on receipt ot f,.oo. I Chemical Co.. Baltimore, nd. is*km««s»ka ice, i _ **«« ********* ft «***ili MUM -•*» ** **** **:: Don't fail to see me before you buy Guns, Shells, -coves eaters, Pumps, Locks. Hiiiges And anything else in the Hardware Line. :: Your friend, H. L. CARR &.FTER TWO YEARS PREMIl'MS HAVE BEES I'.\ll> IN" itfiuii nit i OF KEVTAKK, N. J., VOCR POLICY HAS I Loan Value, 2. Ctah Value, :i. Piiitl up [imurtttii'e, 4. Hxtemled [usiirance :!> 5. Nou forfeit...tie, ti. Will !>•. re ii.*...t >-'l if arrears I* iui 1 aittaiiiiiiiiuuiiUi vhllcyoii arp living, or within Ihrce years after I .pai*. upon satisfactory r. ulenre of iii.'U.ira"il.iv t'l'l \<i\'~ 10111 •ifrtrreni** wiili ititert*9t. Aafter tecoud yean -7. V-> IEe*»trieiin - S lm > i>ur«*ti|l..e. I»i\ tdendaan u*i> olf at tbi> l'iv« ins «f Hie HHIHIII ami . t eutli 'ucoetdiug year, provide*) ilie preinuiiu foi the rurrenl year be paid. They may he wed -1 I" redue*.* I'reniiuiiiH, or 2. To Inereaae rhe - i ee. »• 8. Toiuake pidley iKtyableaaan endoA'ou.eul ilurl : Ihe lifetime of iusuml. i!. itttniii iticiilly, I L. SI Atlanta, <>a S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C, lit . ,-. : H-: I!«.»! IfiLiiiisli Ni v... •;;. a it! W'.-ii. it'« I lied it antl l>i 11 •• | !'!.' unni lli.-ii tt:nl.'. The ...Imi'tt' nf T H t R c used regularly and peroistenily. "ill mak*- buiinuM gfow, Are 3 m satli lied wiili your l»iisit:i---; If not, .»1- verii-eii, Hnd yon will be satisfied with tlit* retnrnH. Y* n will lind [»eo- pie Interested in what you sny If you talk to them tbrongb all "Si:iiru];ir" he > ! inn--:, v r. t ! have ner«r CPII tbui lYnturv -<r )uar ehan -• t : \M$> >•. before.*' II.- had never in -•• neea me nnery. I kiirw what be meant und knew di.it 1 WM <»u dnnxewni ground, but inJe dUl nol deter me. "My ehnmcteff doean'l wem to i«ult yi-u." 1 nM ha 1 "Not ;i- 11 ill proekUM H|I|M I- " "Very well. Klnee 1 don'l -nil y, 11 tnere hi your rlim " 1 look off iny 1 pnuiemenl rin* and Intended m mllfl ntly "ii the table, 1'iu Irriiatlou pui u ire p< wet Uita . I 1 v .; ' --..:> 1 be ring 1 I'd 1 n : - ml, fa ox on the 0 »r rolled t] w* wl 1 -A" jroM win, be - ! itddty, "l>tn 1 don't > ire l«i bave (lie III ndhi nd 9 '. > :i and rnutd oulj I ivea » !'i Influ "1 rau *ee nothing »nd in bclni n minded of one wl 0 d dn'l wit you " it would r.-is- nd n .-..f one ;i-* 1 hate ahrayi leeii ber eseenl 00 ihti occa- Ion "ii-- 1 bnvo dear!) meed ' "II'H;, pity yon made nucb a mistake* but fortuaati 1.11 yi a found me out iu tlnit-.' "I certalnlj would nol relish a recm> remt' of ra< !i iceaea .1- Ihla.' •They would occur dally ihoold you 111 tn-at me ;i- you bate Jo*1 done " "If you «.iti convln .• me <>f one a,'t cf lit treatment 1 will onologiic on my kaees." That*s Joel lik« a man, Be mutt nt ways be Betting at tho bottom <>f things. Instead -'f coming to iue pui Ung bis .-inn- alioul nw and tell - DM LOP aorry s is I moot po back to tin' beginning and prore by wbat be .-.ilis logic thai l am nil In \U>- wroug I shall consent to »» such tbinc •it Isn't t.t espnry." i - lal ly 1 n 1 bavi? come t<» HIP tbnt you woukln 1 ault me any better (ban 1 would null you." l la iked ill blm to BOO if my *but truck borne, bat IK- wai H bal'lf thai if be had any fw - Iw concealed them perfectly Tbi» I 1 J the ahol Into -.'. boomerang. Ii made ua* angrier than ever. 1 should bave waited r-'i u\< reply, but 1 didn't * addtM two words which al the i:;.-- teemed very forcible, i-v.t wbieh now aeem rldit ulous; "TiH-iv. n.iw:" I turned my back n* I spoke »»o 1 coubhi't ••» '• hla faee. This wot :\ nils- take. H gave blm a great advantage. for Ii ».i* Impossible for me to judge of the real Latent "f bis words, w ill you klndl) . .*- me the mean- ing of thai expro**lon*" be said. If his ton.- had not I--.-n so 1 Uttlng, 1 would nave suiifioaed ..« was vbal&ug n..-. l aat down on ill rro*r «•( the sofa. «itb my back -til! toward blm. an*! did not deign n reply "What would lieeomoof :i husband." be asked, "who upon presenting to hla was nltrl, wife wme proposition "f vital :!"*«-r- lauiv to t,"'li should T.-r... a reply rounded "ff by thoso t«»» wontof What :i coi uslon to an argument !*" 1 neither knew v.<<r eared nnything abttiit hla nrgumeiiot. i!">' i\«'Uld logic help >i>. to get together agam) I knew a trick worth 1 •» ..f tbat. 1 bent ffij beail down on the IT O< tl —f:>. moving I-- sucb .t positi< o tbnt 1 w«i 1 ee my waist, the wn ni be hnd so loved to encircle He couldn't sec my face und didn't know whether I waa crying or n<-i 1 dldu'l InteiHl be should. "However.' ii'* said presentlyi yen bave settled the matter by return «>f my 1 ng t:...t is, yen flung It on the •.«.«. 1: table and it rolled Iu under thai brio until your a-iitai cabiuet In the corner. Plense keep it aa n memento "f my" "Former affection." I chouM nave sa \ H mournfully. i'»i I couldn't. I was *-iill very angry, tbe ' more >o thai be wouldn't give me n W heeler & Wilson IVlfgCo. chance to make it all up. I -peke vin- dictively. "Never mind that. I»«- you accept the ring)" "Does a gentleman offer a lady n ring that la ' *1 wlthoui Bndlng it for ber' This must liave l u nu argument thai b - stuplditj rould comprehend, for it s.itui.ii ii.ni for a few momenta. "Had you banded me the ring In a ladylike manner l would have found It f..r you. However, I am willing to do my pan iu Its recover}'. I»ut you know that 1 am neanlgbled baveu't my BIUSHCS with me,' 1 didn't believe a word aboul the glasses, i don'l want the ring," I aid, "lii And it for yon, and you can give it to some other girl" I got down ou my ki In tho coe> , j.- r. and lie goi down on li- knees be- OOWn. ^eep g^,. ..„. 1 rtoou ,,u ,i,. ,.,,_- .,„,) i„, ititi^t have seen .t al i 1 -' same time, despite ii- neawlgbtednes* for we both reached for II al the same tune. ana hla hand fell on m I vvait.il for blm to take it away, but be didn't. I looked up at him. His face was beaming, and hla eyea fairly ganced. I turned away from blm, bul rcmem bared that my waist «.i- where he rould conveniently encircle it He did so. while with tiie other band be slip- pad the ring on my linger. Both iii< baud* being occupied, be did the rc-t with hi" lip". "I warn you." I said "that you are again becoming entangled with a girl who doesn't *uii you. Von could never consult with her. Think what v\ ill be- come "f you." "Sweetheart," he replied, "you i-ult me so well that I intend t,. bear will you when you don't Milt me, 'So, there:"' CHARLOTTE ATWOOIX J: refers to Or. Tutt's Liver Wlls and MEANS HEALTH. Are >ou k ,n. .r i, .,ti-kj.' i' •iih lndi^rttloa? *vkk twodachef Vlrtlgur 11Ulous? NY of in. -v s>(-.pioms and maay other* . "t. I:I Ik •,,..! .., Hie IVt-q ^ You JNToocl rim's Pills Take No Substitute. CONTROL OF CIRCUMSTANCES Mcciurs : i> 1! B 1 BlUj Urn list Kid" Burton, situation that even be, phlloi 1 ' m . 1.. was, attiniit.il was mnt. Indict 1 d for murder in the flri.t degree, with .ham of eb> cumsi lenee that was without u t:.:rt bieked securely In a newly buill jail. »iiii no means of escape and no i>nl aith n a thousand miles to fur* nlah >iii '1 means, i: wai but natural that be should mutter to himself that he had "gone dc pace and must walk de plank i 1 It." V.t he accented bta fate niib stoicism thai was admira- ble. Always expecting arrest and .::•:.. 1 ion, he had come to « nshlcr thai the event* wbl. b ronstl- luted bit i ' 1*1 1 at until} and nee upon the gallows And now that the blow had fallen be aecepted it r, slgnedly. Th< '. 1 r swung open, :;i.J Joi Kai vail, attorney at law, stepped Inside, The warden locked the door nnd left them !••-. r.T n mom< nt each man stood meas uriii^ the other. Narvaii saw a man of grc 1 pbys 11.1 stn ugth wh •.•» i-t- t. r nature had been wai*|-ed by clr- eumstanci 1 Dnrton saw B slight, nth- letlc man "f ihrbaim twenty-three or twenty-four. «lib pale, aristocratic f«a- tun > and nu Insci luteuance, Jturt..:i v |i presi ncc ol a supe- rior and i< allied ,1 These It the extivu 1 ^ 111 , you could deae: I'm time .lie)" vail stopp. "Wait .n you Von the tn-i aga nsi . Aii't Clll|.|. were n-presentatlves of I - of s n. >..,.. gui uer, in see wbat | t, r me. Ifou see. It's like ; i ni •!« up against U die began Barton, but Nar- e.1 blm. ml lei me state your ease to are Indicted for inurdi t Ik 1 lie evldei ce 1- all ..: i you baven'l a ningto fates that .1 1 -MII to your late Mr. II nifwrd I be potaoa lilt-elivil N 1 Three the Va Time lut of *'d. and Ihe prosecuting at- \- 1 tl 1 1 -• M!OII half a bottle of the a. 1 !. ft which will be Introduced .1- •. I'.ns straight, guv'aer." \ l now. will you pfl) l ic r3,000 If I :«.n.' >ou aojuiitedV |i... 1 Jolly me, guv'ner. Von know it cant DC did. I've «' ! de swag all rigl say. swaj: don't - v Id dal Judge uer « d de Jury dat's to tr> me, Any Other. 1 'i.i 'I liii. I- nsier, Oe'i'l ii<i Kit i.. 1 niu.l«..1 in um 1 < 1.1 I. : 111. Goes up or down According to the Publici- ty you givt your busi- ness. Keep it to yourscl and it yoes it before the public and it climbs up. you kit .v ; ..II ; ilvcrtl-in« -4 r ;TOR THE REFLECTOR Push your business ther= mometer up by advertising. "The Reflector" Five Cent Cigar not made by a Trust. You don't %et any charity pre.*vonts with this cigar, but you do get your money's worth of good Tobacco. Reflector Book Store. ARRFU L attention to dfftntli in oar Jui> Depftrt-j .i,,,. llhu „^ ment is shown in the high <-l:iss of work we ar«* turning out. We have the best equipped office and do a olasa of printing hardly eq11.1M.nd in this flection. If you are particular as to the quality of your printing, we want your work. We give you the beat A mrnesilona innit, The moat lotcresUug place rt f pil- BTuunge in Dublin is st. Uicbn&'a church, where the organ l* Mill to bo seen upon which Handel s< •'aid to aava com)—'i 1 ill "Mesa ah in the grave- yard is the last resting place of Boben Ktsitnei. and the vault al St. U1chan*a proTldss a more grewaoma thrill than ihe morgue. The sexton lifts an iron door ami descends few rude me|»s. carrying * light, without which the place would be pitch dark. Voti follow und lind yonrself in a narroti 1 from which cell like r ises belonging to different families brauch off. u both- er It hi owing to the extreme drynens of the urroundlngs or to some mysteri- ous property of the place the pre eaa of decay has bean arrested, and the fea- tures of persons dead for two centuries may be re ugnlaed from authentic por- traits, ii.-re lie the brother! Bnoarea, who were egacutad for their Bbara m the anltad Irish conaplraey, kit by With the Karl of 1 . .!!.m. I don'l bribe Judgea and Jurlei aid N'arvall coldly, "WIU you pay ma that fee." ••Yes, bci M.IV" "Then thai closes our buauMas, And. j I will not see yon ogau i c cornea op for trial. It j t f..r next Wednesday, M* days : from today. So matter what 1 do at that trial, you are not to bow sur- prise." Narvt.ll turned und called to tin- warden. "Just .-r minute, guv'ner, i>u you bllero I'm guilty?" "The judge and Jury will decide tbat My duty is not to determine whether or not you are guilty, hut to csialdlvb your Innocence." lie turned aud walk- ed out. The six days passed by slowly to Burton At times be thought that aft- er all Karvall must bave been "Jolly- ing" him. bill in Hie end the llrsl lm* presslon ,>f bim still remained At lav! the day for which hla trial wai set arrived, lie was token into tbe count. iud hla cose called. The nd jury aa- druwu and Impaneled and the wltni - for the state wore exam- hied. E*< '. io n '; ibe testlinon) waa agalnsi llui When the state -die Itor row lake the opening argu- ment, tlte 11 ' of clreumstances thai aurmundeil Ittmon was without a bro 1 1 Sol a 1.tan 011 tbe Jury doubted Miai be was guilty. The state solicitor 11 ed with a smile of irl- umpfa 1:..- would be one more con- viction to his el ' Then N..i nil ro e. Ho was slightly paler I bail it -i:.. I hut a faint ainite noverc-d about the corners of hla mouth. ••if u pi aw your honor and gentle- men «•: the Jury, In tbe fan-of neb evi- dence as :..- been lutrodueed I have but one m neul to make, They tell you thai il< eased died from ibe ef- fecta oi ball the contents of this itot- III red by the defendant." He picked np the little trial and looked at it thoughtfully "And now, annUe- uieh. If thai be so It musl nceciotarlly follow thai Ihe rettiiilnitiL' contents will bave the same effect UIK.II II hu- man being as Ihe oilier half Is ulh'k'ed to have had. This. I assert. It will not do." Bvery car was -.trained 10 catch bis Bpeech; .very eye wag fixed oa Hawaii's cold. Inacrutabbs face. No one saw the small capsule that slipped from betweeu Nnrvall's Hi.p'rs Into tiie vial. "Tea, In Bplte of the fact that learned chemists have lettlflvd to the contrary, I say that Ibis is not poison. And now for the proof" He rais.-d the vial to bis lips, and before tbe astoulsbed at- torney, win- sprain; forward, could reach him he had drained tvery drop. A low murmur of horror went up from the crowd without Ihe bar. A stillness IIH of dentil reigned for a few nwmenta and sra« broken by ihe cnlm, eonected rolee of Narvalli M Gentlemen, if within half an hour I am dead of course Ibe defendant If gulily; othsrwlaa you can hut acquit him." An hour later, when the jury had hrouirht In a verdict of "not eullty," Burton preaat d forward and extended his hard to Narvnll The latter stared t It eoldli. "I guess you're right, guv'uer." said Burton. "You're a gentleman." O A. I.ANB. BY WHAT RIGHT? ixwtgssai] JCelllo BluUe woj a very nice girl. The only troubla with her. a trouble common nlth most girl* whose parents are abundant); able to wppoct them. Was tliut s!i<< biidu'l euoilk'h to do to keep bet onl of nuscauef, Having flu- lshod her .situation, tbvrv i-eemed DOtbltiK more for her to do hut to wait for bar ansnlty aad be aurrled. This was nol t" her UsMe, and she proi-osed to her father to study well, wine-1 thhu: anything, so lhat if she hesjkl be left wlthoui M Koneenaer' said the father. TB not permit anything of tbe kind." Then Nellie nmsidered matrimony.! Tbe only man who wanted law, so far as si,, knew, was Fred Laugley. Hut Fr.sl "a* t»>.. matter of fact. He was j a plodder. He had plodded al college, at tbe law arl 1 and was uou pled ding In his profession She thought ov.-r a number of otbera, but they all h.L.i socastfalug about them unauited to ber uste, Bhe gave op the matrlmo- . Dial problem, but one day. on reading a matrimonial advertisement, Just for I (on she thought she would adrerttas for a husband and see what kind of an- 1 ewers one receives iu such eaaea Bluing down at tbe mnbogaiq writ lag desk in the library, she wrote In a huge hand (bCff own wu- very delleale. with a stub l^-t and rery 'lack ink a ; communication in the usual form Then j lest some one >houM And out thai she ' was HO absurdly engaged she took tbe precaution to carry It to the newspaper Office herself It would require a large volume to 11)1 In the body of this story, for a cor- * reapondence sprang up between Nellie and an unknown gentleman who called himself aJonao Courtney, Nellie writ lug as ri.irl-.sa Yartan. the letters grow- ing in length till uear the end an av- 1 .rage letter overed twenty-four pages ; Nellie had expected to hnve a good laugh :it ber replies. Bhe was mistak- en The tlrst Was so dele ate and def trenttal that no one but a thnrougtabred could have written it. .\ii denoted ex treaie reflnciueni Then tbe original and attraetlre Ideas the man had' And bow those Ideas appealed to her! It wos marvelous tbat one WbO bad nev- er Been bt r should bave such an Insight Into her most hidden feelings, Hli let tors became mote and more Impas- sioned t: 11 al lust be begged for a meet- ing. Had not Nellie Blake fallen in love with a soul she had seen expressed on paper she would not have granted such an Interview. As It "as. taking ad- vantage of an evening when her par ents would lie out. she s rote Mr Court uey tbat she would revive htm ut 8 o'clock When the hour arrived, she was In the drawing room ID her most becoming costume, pink silk, her hair done high aud no Jewels. Ihe lamps wen' dimmed with artistic porcelain Shades, and she had arranged when ber correspondent arrived to t-e stand- ing With a screen ind a large palm for a background, When the doorbell ounded. b.r heart went up in her threat. Then came the card of Mr. Alonzo Courtney, and while lie was getting off hll com and hat In Ibe ball she thought she should faint. The draiktng poem door was pushed open. and in walked the Dialer of fact Pied lAiigley. To «iy that Nellie was angry gives no idea i.f her condition. She was too | enraged * > say anything for a taw mo- ments, Then she biased: "Impostor:" "Is It an Imposture for a man to tran«eril»e I is Inner self in word! to One lie loves'." "H'.w did you know that 1 advertis .Hi:' "One morning, doubtless Boon after you v. rote your advertisement, I called on y"ii when you were not at home. The'11,aid. who did not know tbat you were out, showed me unto Ibe library and went upstairs to deliver a mes- sage from me. While waiting for ber return I noticed some large black let- ter* in reverts on the blotter on tho desk 1 amused myself deciphering what made an excellent puxale and had nearly finished before it occurred to me thai 1 was reading n secret. Tor this 1 iinist apologise. Will you for- give llie'f" "Aid thenr it iKCUrred to me that j. n had writ. ten the duplicate. 1 wanted LO discover under .-over what Of strength or weak- ness, good or evil, there might be la , you. 1 Watched for your advertisement ! and answered it " 1 "Had you :i rlgbl to do so?" "No. One bus never the right to In concealment for a friend. Yet bad j I not 1 n your friend 1 should have had a perfect right, A girl who adver- tises for a husband is open to all the world. Would you deny me tbe right you bad givi n millions of strangers?" Nellie winced. "Nevertheless," ha wenl on, "the ID discretion has brought a revelation to , DM, I bad no Idea of lie- depth of feel- ing there la in your nature, your no- ble conceptions nud especially your de- sire to be something more than » drone. Had you not been born to wealth you would have been, may yet be, of great service in n world tbnt needl so much." He COUld have said nothing that would have so well pleased her. She turned away io harmonize ber con- flicting emotions. The Alonzo Court- ney she bad pictured In her Imagina- tion was giving plm-e to the plain Fred I,angler. Hut that being who bad been photographed in Id* letters there be was waiting for her to speak again. Without turning she reached ber band backward. Lamrley sprang for WOld and took It. She looked for some of tbe ImpsUHdoned similes she had lead so often atid received into her heart Instead tbett was hut one word, "Sweet heart V Nevertheless II was the word She wanted KMBRY S TOKBKRT. She- ( Id (.08 Thess. An old huly on seeing tbe electric light iu the town for the first time WM truek with nmeauBneut After gazing at It for a fpaco she tillered a grocer's hop and asked: "I say. nn-oVr, bow do you make that big light o' your'n? I'm tired of burn- In' parnilin." The shopumu replied. "Ob. it If caused by a series of electric currents." "Is It. now?" said the old lsdy. "Then weigh me a |K>und. If they won't do for lighting. I'D use 'em up for pud- din's."- petmIt Free i'—*-- * Mm io of Taei. Mrs. Hlgbbtower- Elsie, you never speak outside of the quarrels between your papa and myself, do >«.u : Elsle-OIi, no. ninmma. but whenever you are pleasant to each other I always meotlon It.-Life. W8V& , 1 . *Cfr .' -' ^anapW^ gS*^ A Fat Field knCa^ s a fat pom. ^^T 1' rtilizcr without W naeieM *! Pota sh ^ ft i- not complete jH •-"' I WrtMfewttMm (.1 HMtN ^ffl k«u ^BaWT W—gS. ^ J^gl i ii>'i,_g&S Where I row I* Sarrt-S. Among the BarnlongB. greal Afri- can ]>• pie, iron bj a sacred object They nree^|icrt worker*In mctaL wblcb they still smell from lls naiiv" < re |,y the most primitive methods ever d, vbwd hy man. riiis art wai them in former days a ooree of wealth. Influence and power, and the legend is that When people did not know the value of the stones found In their brooks a "wise man" saw n vision. The spirit of bis chief stood beside him and said, "Gath- er stones and burn then to make spears." The sage thought it was a dream and that the chief was hungry, to he sacrlflced an »\ Bul ibe rhuon returned, and the ebb f I ked am row ful. II* -.nod a long lime and at last said: ' My on, whj, .io you um obey your father'' Go to tbe liver, gather stones and make a hot tin AftCC that you will 000 iron with your ey« The sage »;is gf otly frightened and feared aome calamity, bul dared not re- ftis. When be bad made » hot lire, Iron raxne out of it. and then ho knew the chief had taken pit] on his chil- dren. He told Ins goo the secret before he died, but be was rain inxcomh and. Whlbing Io show his own wisdom, made iron In the presence of strangers, nod so the Secret of Ihe art was lost to his tribe, hut they bave always centla- ued tn regard iron as acred above all otbi r metals Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va. Headquarters lor BRIDAL SUITS ' '- Leading Furniture Bouse ml a harj » v. at *- i: II tn our man] frlei pad . In Nortl t a •i - in that ou . - : Furni- tures ra .. - i. . ' .i I* In - .- . tl] up '..• :.> | }<! SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, 119-71.-713 £. Broad Sireet, Richmond, \'a. OLD DOMlMOi Lilo I? i Ihl •• Ua bti\i -SB st:. ITWB . au:< i K I Mjeia leave w bin,,ton .,..! . i \. p' Swiidny, at a. iu lot <.it-i i \ ni-. kfiavew t'leenvjlle dailjj. M »jl BuudMjt :t |'J nt. l.'I \* ;^iiilgloii. t't.nneiiiiig al WajknJniitoti *-ith At can ere foi Hortolk, KaltiatoR, Philadelphia, Nc» York Boston, Vuii.ru, Hut ii CIM k. Bell HII ii. Ss iu Quuiier, I et inke UMI lm ill | oil i- f, : be *'\ iei « "b mil ...:. a' N.of...- . Shippers ahouhl imlei rretgbl I»J ilii'flUl Ihjuiiuiniir 1 . >. ii. iioiu Hens Fnrfc; Clyde Line from I'hila- (lelj-liiH. K;iv Line at.il 1 iHr-Mpenke 8 S. (*<> iioiu Uiltitnore Mer riiiinls' uuil Minei>' Line from Boatun, .1. .1 CHERRT. Agt.. nreeuvllle, \. f*. .1. B. LBMOIKB,iDivislonBupe. Waehiufton, N. t' ATLANTIC COAST UNE. scnKDtJLua AUGUST tth, IHOJ PKAI.F.K IN— No j Daily Kxcept (>s Sunday ';30 A ni IJV Kin-Ion CUKI'.NVII.I.i: \. t . ::t.i n in \ta a ill i>:<"> ii in l:ikl u in l:SD am " Oraaofllla l"tki-tn«.|e " HohgooJ Ar IVtirttT W.IJI.II No. .Ml ...I.", ,. | 1:41 |. i vo; |. i >: :: ,, . ids,. , S:U P . \SM ]• 0,1 A* Norfolk l.vj'.i:i,l a in -.41 j. in Ar r.'l.T.t.iin I.v 11:47 a m :4 - . p in " Ui.'hiiion.l " I l»:il*. 11 : *.. |* in " WaHtilnkton ";4:Wa in ittt a in " N.'W York " | »:i'. p m e.itioi, BuggiiiK awl lie* alwayal —tin hui'.l - Kri^h gooila kt'i>! flOOatMklly huid. I',.ui.ir\ priMlurfr- IMMII:! ;,IH! -"^1 \ 11 in I w ill vim* j„n. ^. W. HARDEB. Lettee Frew uirm Cltatate, "Speaking "f pulpit jokes," a church- goer remarked, i have yet to bear a better one than lhat 00 a reverend get> Uerunii of a Kinall congregation in the city. He Is a fine preacher, a inaa along i'i years, loved and revered by his fle.-k. HI* pulpit utterances never verge upon levity of any -.,.rt lie ab- hors a resort to humor Iu church "line Sunday evening he was sneak- ing to bis rongTegatton iboul ^irs. Jones. .»ne of tbe prominent vomon of bi« church, who had gene 6th for her health. In his previous remarks be had. with feeling, ref. rred to Mrs. Pmltli. who had recently left ibis world for n better one. "He startled his bearers by sayhaff! i have ju-t receive*! a letter from Mrs. Smith. Bhe says u Is very warm where the is now.' "Stloeke.l ( Ihe atl.llhlc titter In tllS staid congregation, the good tusn paus- ed, looked blauk and then pasped. i meant from Mrs. .lours.' und hastily announced UM- hymn." —Mew York Telegram. I'r.iinl «I Ihe Curt, William It. Travera, ihe New Vork city broker, "ii one occasion desired to go to an aQdress in nuburban Hrooklyn. but, Wing unacquainted with ibe local- ity, aceoated stranger and a»ked di- reetions. it io happened that the ft ran- ger ftutteri i and stammered auite as badly r.s Travers, who after the man had made two or three Ineffectual nt- tcopti to anawcr grew angry under the Impression be was being mocked and hotly .nqntred "Howd-d dar.- >ou t t try tom-m-utock me'." "Ex-ex-excuse m-me!" vxeiaimed tho banger, - i have an liu-lm-impedi- ment in in-iny o-s-s Ppeecb." "Oh. 1 eo-e-ee!" itaminered Travers, the look of anger giving way to n look of •ympatbetlc concern. "W-w-why d-d-dou't >"ii e B go B-s-see D-d-doctor 8-s smlthl He .• c-eured ui-tue."—Phil- adelphia Time 1 -. KLOKIDA. :i"» ii l.v Itockj Mount 10:3* pm Into p ni Ar Columbia 10:55 p in Augusta Bttfi a m t'oarleoton g:11 a m 11:15 pin Sa.annah B:S! a m :i:iu a m JaokeonvUle |;1S |> m BJO a m Tampa 10:<» pm 7:10 a in i hoinasville 10:.s» u m Montgomer) Ii -Jl p iu . .CD; I, l»K \ LKfi IN I ii-ni Love. People who marry while very young ore apt to find out when It Is too late tbat they have made the greatest mis- take in 1h> Ir lives and that, tbougb It may seem vary sweet to marry "tbe first and nly love." this same "first love" Is tbe very lu^t i-cmm In the world tbat they ought to have married. Some, Indeed, may advise couples to marry before they are out of their teens and settle down before UM distractions of the world can attempt to shake their allegiance to inch other, bul this set- tling down too often proves to be a mere temporary phase and Is followed by an unsettled condition that lasts for the rest of their unhappy lives. Sec- ond thought.- arc often best Iu love. Vis..., nice Linet>niurdware <'"MK TO BBS MB, .!. B. COKEY W. WH1CIIARD DR1LRH IN— Qrchandice 'hiehard. N. (.. Pbettluvl iinupiete in even le 'lueiit unit pnejsji M Ion at Ihe ie»t. Hlifheai uwrkei price* t) i.| fni -..iiiiiry pnaliiep, i STAIlLinBfCrj IS IHtiti.J J. J. FEMY k CD. Norfolk, Va. Cotiuti Fai'toiN uuil handlers of rigging, Ti«s ami Bogs, t'.irtespiiiuleiice am! iblMltlBtl d MM. The gray ->t me u-oria. "There go the spi.tr Wllcoxea, mam- ma! I'm told they're dying to know ui. Hadn't are better callT" ''Certainly not, dear: if they're dy- ing to know us. they're not worth aaavw* lug. The only people worth our know- ing are the p..pie who duni want to know u-.'* WHKN TOD WANT ,n\ Goods, Grueeriea, Ooufectloua, etc. goto Mrs. L. H. WHITE, Black .Tack, x. <;. Ntea lloe'i f anods on hsnd. Priwi low i "initry pti-luee Isiuebt for ennh or in xeuaugs foi gouoa* who was murdered about thirty yeais ago. Tim earl's ancestor* for hunilrnl.« of rnan bach rest In the same vaul 1'erbaps lb l strancest tiling almut ting vault Is tbe fact tbat, apart from tbe weird sensation, there Is uotblng of- fensive ID tbo surrounding*.—London Taller. wnir i.i. i. A witty Dublin barrister was eon- snlleil by a pbyslchiii as to calling out ia11 who bud ir-ulhsl bim. "Take drkss," aaM (be lawyer, "and In of calling blm out get him to call yon (n. Mud get your reveuge that way* j^_*aU.nil •.lead . I tawN totters! Proplnqaltr. Crawford—Why do lovers sit and alt aad sit In blissful silence? Crsbshaw-Becaase. as s genersl thing, there Isn't room for either of them to get a word In edgeways.— Judge. Tbe fotuee Is parclused by the oese-. phcr9 §* I -l » Hl.ltllKfi ." . . in i .,.' Wliolmaie ajid retail Ortajgi an riiitun- Hauler. * |gjA paid fin Id. -. Pur, foiion Bisji, Oil Bur ula, Ttukejh. Ban, etc. Bed lends, pfftttlvawco, OaJt Suita, Ba v tairiages. Gu Carts, Parlm •llllg, TuUlea, I^iungea, Safes. P. Ixiiillard and Gail ft Ax Sunfl, i|i;;b LlfeTnlsMieo, Ke> WestCbe ruota Henry QeOTge. Cigar, Can d t'lici'ice. IVaebos, Apples Pine Anples, Byrup, Jelly, Milk,! Hum dugir, Coffee, Mtnt.Hoap, Ly. Muiric Kwai, Matchee, till, -. .-., ! MM! aii'l lli.il-. fim . n .*-*-« «!•-. r.in.'c, . Applca, Nnt". t.Iu-f. I»iiiil AppUa, i'c.icii,-. iiiui-ri, OuiTtBta. .(nislna, Glatsa ibd China Ware, Ttfl and Wooden 'A'aje, Cukes and Ciackera, Mara ' imi, Ch-Ci-e, Heat Butter, New! dyal Sealn^ Varhtnes, and nu : •lennir oilier ,'..i.N Quality and j (JiiAUtttY. Cheap for caah. Com J.C.J.ANIER, DCAi.ee IN American and Italian Marble URl LNVILLL, N.C. *Vlre end Iron Fence Sold- h'lr-t-Clnss work sad prlo-s reasnnsble, OS i j!i h . peeSOl00 sppca lit n. m mi i u: Norfolk, Va. Oolton Buyers and Brokers in Htnrlu, (Villon. Ornin and Provis-. linn. Private Wireato New York,' i 1.!. !,-.. :IM.| New Orleans. ttc |.'..i.i|,l). oUalr. |l. H. e.wl Fun^lflU PATENTS tnpor. OB r*ti-nUt-l l.t. For ns« teak. S. M. Sohnltz I Seod modei7-SMc or DIHHU of IDTSBUOB B (res M|wrt oa gUMlUtJlUj. For frw book, FsuntauMl GASHOWI f/A'.IUNl TUN I! I- I'ullm.n SLvpiiik' .ml Dinini: Cam ..II N..N. ;L*» autl &l t.. TMIUIIH ami Jack- ...iivill... Kla. II. M. KMWIS,IN. W. J. I'lt.kl,!. Aaat. Trafflc Mgr. Gee. Pass. Art T. M K.MKHS.IN. T. M. Wilmington, K. C. fclRKCTGRY. nu in i iK.- BaPTIKT. BtTYIeaii .-.»•;> .-..II. lak . liiuliillit' -.,>'! rvi-iinij;. I'I-'.I- er-ineeliii^ S'edueailA- vvaiiii^ Itev. J. N. Knilh, uaatoi. Sun.i.., aotaool !':.Hi a. III. II. A. Allen .upeiiuteiident. M BTHOM0.—BftfVtMi nren Sir-- lay, iii.irninK and eveniiu^. I'I.IUI sieeliii^ Wednesday eveuiu);. Ke\ H. M. Km.-, iHaral.jr.Sunday m-li...' Ji:^0 a. ni, L. II. P.nder, Mparin lendenl 1*H»*BVTEKIAN.- S,T\ 1.^. Ihlr, SI.II.1H> UM i:u!nli.i,'niuc Bun- dav«£ool Ida. in. B. B. l-leklen mioerinleiideul. HKHinraL.- B*». \V. K. (Vn, Miui.U'i. Knilllag and evening prayer wiili Heriuun every lal ,»inl .'Ird Sundiiy. Lay aervii*. orerj '2ml and 4lh rtuuday. Sunday aokiail 9:45 a. ni , W. B. Brown, Miiiehiilcndetit. Litany every WiNliienduy 10 a. m. I'llKIHTIAN P.eaidilt.|C .ITOIIII, ami I'.uilti S.iinla> iu eai-ii iiiiuith Player HIMtlBg x \*e.liH*day nij;hl. Krv. II. \V Il.vi., |..i-i,„" inn day tabuul 3-JIO P. M., W. K. Par ner, .ii|...iiiiii.iideiil. CaTHOI.10,—Nu refrulai seivtr^ LODOOB A K. * A. M —Oreeuvilie LorlB). '.'o. 281, uieeta Hr»l and Iliinl MOM.Iaj evening, K. Wil- '.iaiin- W. M , J. M. Began, See. K. ol P. -Tar It ver Liulne, No. 93.Waal every Wedue»,iay eveniug, K. Ii. Kiikl.ii, 0. (.',; «'. 8. Forbes K. of It. and 8. LO. O. K—Covenant Lodge, No. 17. meeia every Tuesday evening. A B. Kiliuciou, N. Q., L. II. Pender. 8e . It. A.— Zeli Vanee (Viuueil. No. I'i'ii, meets every Tburrday e\en- iiiK. W. B WIIMU, Beeretary, J. 8. Tiuisliiii. Itettenl. /». O. A.— Bgyptiau Council, So, B, meet every Hint and Ihiid lliiirsilay uiglil iu Odd Felluas Hall. .1. Z. Gardner, Worthy liiif- I). 8. Smith .See. I. O. II.—Greenville Conclave No. 540, mi els every second aud fun.lb Monday nighi in Odd Fel- lows Mall. W. B. Wilson Aubuu O. S. Siuilli :'ee. COUNIY OFFICBR8. Clerk Buperlor Court, D. C. Mooie. sheriff, O. W. Harrlugton. Ii4.gi1.ler of Deeds, R. Williams. Treasurer, J. B. Cherry. Coroner, 0, *> II. laughing, house. Surveyor, J. D. Cox. CoinmiNSioners, J. J. F.lki, W. W. B. Home, J. K. Barnhill, J W. Page and J. Spier. Boar J nieeis every Irat Monday. TOWN 1)1 I'll 'Kits. Mayor, H. W. Whedbee, Treasurer, H. L. Carr. Clerk, J. U.Tyson. Tax Colleetor, C. D. Ronntree. Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H. McGowan aod 8. I. Dudley. Aldermen, D. 8. Spain, L. C Aithur, Charles Cobb, B. F. Pat- rick, 8. B. Fioklen, It. I, Carr, W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyaon. Board meet, every Drat Thursday night. ©f- R. L. €a pp . Dentist. QREENVILUe, N. C. m J1 : a pereonsl letter to over j member of tiie best f-.imi- lies in t'ilt Count* when you advertise i" ...THE... Eastern Reflector Published Twice a Week. FHE EASTER? auroR D.J. WHlJHftRD.BDITJKMl>D - H Fan ninsi : - i ' .-KMYESSlIiftl. VOL. XXII. GREENYW PITT COUNTY, X. C rrKSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1<K)3. NO, 10. KEPLtCTOR PRINTING HOUSE Manufacturing Stationer! Commercial Printers , School Books, , OHice Supplies, Etc OREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. Ricks & Wilkinson Pcilor &imblh;4. 1, ,„, i.i I...U a- •' maklec ga C Re,,,,,,!., the T«a»ry U.IK... A : .-p. »r .«*• ... . ,,.,...:„..|.... V.I. «M - 1 ' V l""3 ,.„..,,•.. - in 'i'" 1 '••' : '"• «' - ' ' era ha- i>-. •.. loos on -W-H-* IL^lIh.r.'I.e.eis.d.-acMn.l.- - » «-« (• '' .••- -" "" >"' r " ., v Thcvare: ' l.oey C-x Mirpl^d 1»often emvertcd mio ' I"-'" .. . ,,;,,,;.,. ......I. ui.ielij . The Personality of this Store THKltr'. . :. per-nalHy al»«l lhls«t»'e. >'•» feel ii i...l Wleve Iu It if >oo aie lannbar a-tih Ihr, Tliealil.nde.d ihiep.wiei.lii} to«» ibe puMie has renilnUoniw-l lra.1 '- »' " " yeais Y. ii « I..... member'In• "id .hopping uielh.«ls oljeaisagocanbe^ sppveclate I Iffervnc- .«>« fi.mliie... ...de... .cub/,-bow nMUiy of the IIKOO ,..,„,„,, ,:.. .! ....i-..-....,... I'M r»b..|.pi..|rl»ve ,l,.a|.|.e:..e.l iu Ihe hut half •! ' " ." "- """" ,|H " nolle) .f,.b-..-.,,g;c ,,;. .....le. al! rircu...« *•• » i,e.n established. I "• I i !i,-i. ' - a "- ""• '"• /< ""; •,..„ i,.-.I i iettnthH. I..- h. I .. iu lb rial game to innke ihe > i.i«> h-«««tie« ""• ' f "" ; .. ; ., .,.,.„.,„,..,.. I i nt;;^;;^!--' If " ' ' , , | . . , ... .-..- me '• ; «,»hai».uk«..rgh..»l.n.ji..i t ttM M> |np , .., anertleie ihn not ^ ^ t , .. A «i..ih.i ».'<i>"« ' >;. ,„.„ r „.,., '-« ' '*; ,, T ,, he" , l,r.' I ! A« - --' ••• "" lb.-h.n ...-..• .-' " ' " . ..,•..„.,.!. 1!... ... ! T„,„. 1 ihe .1 - - '"' 'I,' !!•-• .-. •'-" -' 1" - ' : ;" . - . „,,,,.... ,,...x cll«U«l» .1 "- •" "»"» """ d ..., IU,. Kntae. I ":',; .; IB .-.-. :; ^irr:::;:;.... hla ruwiwi ' - " ! ' ' , , ,, S.l .1 rent "»"•<•' * -' ; :::.,;':.,',-,,:. ."r. .«» bun and l.e.ur..l hiw <• ' '•• -si " *• : -;; ;r : •- I»I— «'.e.i. •• : * .,.. ,,. K.„ „,.,,. U,.„sk.d II i- '• "!'" : *•• *"> iU.llC..., I ! II •.••- ' '- "' "•" '" ' ale., eivings be fore a- Ihe) al •' """ 'f-" , -;- 1 " ;'; :;;.'.. - - ; - *-««-—« ** I"'"-. f?": e 'TT •»"« ' rba...ie„-H.e«.. !... pi lie* >he i '• .I..'-... , ,.. w.. *•=- ' :/ ':-. :.' .,, ENt.-.iil I) i ...' .' '"' ">»'- I, R. I •'' I " ; ' . .! A i ...... i Hi, - i\ir* Mr. .. -..'.. .... . i . I »-"' ivmeii 1 M. Mi . : : i ... ; I ' : ' . . ..... . I.i rolber, Mi It I . t..\. Al IU ' '-' >!'' , . || ,,: .,, ,. in ll.i 1...in- .- , i ,.- ,.., iin.nl -.i Ihe . i!.. i.li .I.i) plighted i . -Hi. 1 .,. n ,-, could Ii .ve >i - chmeh |„j „,,, nirouidiil Ii) I-.."-. . ' »,.,,, . UI . - l*»l II i ' ' ' > Ut - lit. fully . I . I : ..' . .. i-i i . •• i ' ' •' 0 i, . ' ee 1 ,. , i nila?rs , . ; I'i J. •. U A/! I - . ;, QRANDhite Goods Show OUR NEW LINE OF Goods, Laces and Embroideries—— . a-.- mi diniila) mill awaiting yowr ii....., \ i in. We are prowl ot tins line, :i~ we I. IM- never shown a more lu-autiful, extensive and i. H-otialile price,] stock. .,„. .1 Ir. .:• e.xij- . HII\I..KI) In lice .1 ... I ..... . M I . I' II l'\H -._., .11.. I I e. Mm I h. ,, ,, ! > iiiniili-lil ! -' < ' " " ' , ,,,. ,, ,,, , He. ' " M i..-i -. ! M.eii., M.-i.-.-ii/e.l l-i. |< . I.j .. hotel. »hcrc A ' . In k,-l N..ii:—k-. [niiia Linene, Perrlan I.a«r, . ,, ,..,.. ^ Mlv.Wi i »« '• French Lawn, Checked and Stri|a*l Dimity, ifliiii'.d I •' " "''' '' v " , ,, , , katnl.roi.lervLinen,ShirtingLiaen, [I:,i,ilk,-ivhie. I.meli. iMUed BWMn and n_ ... |„t of i and esceliwive styles eajvectally <niuil.lt-1 i -i;i. V. ;i,.i . I.. ;u- show them t.- you today. WHITE GOODS \l ,.,: ... ! M.I'II... Mercerised Pique, Plain Krinsoeta, .1. 1X1) •• -i,.la urv ,,1 „, ; i,« II.; nlc I" .... inied til ! al) l In .., upl. aete nii.,11 ii.ii i ii..- -. Mcvls.il - ' J ' t..«'.ok-tS .,-u.al. Ibe».-....- <>•"•-'" _..__ ;n »MU. ..'I h »h,.g ''> »»> " u j" " , , .... , . unu , ,.,. .,,, ,!, ,...-. | I. .1 , ,. . lev a gauilne ;and I he l * - ...... I.I .,..,.... I. ... I Hi M.I! . ' •» 1.1 Willie. Mi w n »i-l '" '- M,.. |t. Win ills lib C. loll, I,.. Wil Hugh. Ithi llul II is ...I .1.•• old altitude<d "l..i«ingni..l -euiping" I...•:..',..lea cti-loni-r i.u.. :. hid bagaiu iMinbcinld ...I las rlgkted afleraard. II Nniiatli IUdeofa~.nn In Ihe eortn ••' Ibe inereb mlLe presented. An BtlllBde ..f. Ii.l.i..v-bai MaaWlahe. ih^ lav lhat every aaltspeion shall lell the ;.b- b.ie trulli always, and reply 10all question. .i*k..l fraok- lv, pleasantly and i Illlteally. H'i- -'••" f " : "*- tb- old polioy—letl i!.e truth about meld.andl-i- 1. a piece of drea, K-a«l« .'••- ' " "' "• """ ' ''" gr We till it frankly. M"".' - I»"l' ! '' •" ""' * little cotton in a certain clas- ol drew g«Hl. Ifa cin-lomer wauls a., all aonl die- il is here. Ii the pr.ee le higher, ii .iT'.t- If" Il,r '" ' "" lold the cuaUiBier thai a i«»i «<"•' "»" * >*"* Unit ciihl.-mer ih.nKs our good, dear, and t- .-a In "" other More ... boy ihe deception, we have lost u sale, but kept our repatstl and will probably B*I 'eat entomer kick when theeotuw begtat to shua iu the cln-al. prof. •« .".. Ihrifl. I'll I . ::.'.:.,/::;;::::;:..:\ . :;v - ;: . . ;;;:;=., „„:; ., ;..;:.:.,,, f M, he.Mif.fbc.1 l«n-bus .1 he. lor .he « «• ^ g ..^ '-ue.-.-i». i:/:.;::. :,,: .. ,.,,,. ^ ; -.. —| » "'"•"•" , -•' '•""" ! "- ;, -°"""^ .,.,",:, :z«T:' *..-«. T. . i! Kinel r'lee Pie.. ID »• Jll . -.1 :> An-' n, » ill. ' a, II yi il IntGnat Qu.st.on. i.in; e.....•- |.i"->' the gieati 'i» «" ;, I , dead hlleis.—.V,wsni..i«l i-"el riin.-lil. it." ' '- : - ' ' : ' "' ' ' N nil c.. .|..e .ill ., i . islu'm-. .I' irmh .- »l ii«l. s - - : ' ' I- I (.-H EHBROIDERIBS Wide aud SaiTow Cambric Edges iu Match Set* Wide nrd Narrow Swum Wide and Narrow N.iiii— -. I,, . |>„iiu Mini Daint) Baby Embroideries io Match Seta, All Overs, etc. l| . reesit-ll .• •- I 1,1 el. il 'i»e . il -... -.,. >"fV Ine nun .... - < p i .,,,,1 vi; n„ leuip •• in i) iihl ... uhlci. Iu »«<" .'" i.,.. ,,'.„...!. . law Bi"sa..d hilt* to give lb. Uoolbern . ..ii l. ......,., .h.,»ll. diS ll..uuida lite Bill'e.ll ' laud bill 1 '- ' , i.e.- aids .'... i rip.,11 ^.nu!l r." m »'."'«•.. ' l\ Hin day irien ' ' ' i,4i ..d :i sma ' .i.e. I -.- ' al - on being ; -. ,.... upaiib of the in Mm ik with l>i i', '•nd bill 1 '•' ' «• :l •' "iHiwama ....- i- - ;4!U»t«.d,.i.d i.ilnie.1 llill-e P»l"-.»|..egi.a*in|S.lilte-:iudgoveri.i.i.i.'.jll ,......: I l.„l MI ia.tl.ii g has l-e '' -Ill ::-' * was a. usual c .', in. Harm- , -. . 5 - . I.. .- ..I . I I, I ' ." . . " > ,.,,t«l1 I I 'f.l-l : lie I : . '- i. I;... .. ... ih Il nol n quealloo of morals or eeutiroeul. In Ihe sold legic »f faot, ••HoueslJ i. Ihe la~l paHej ' ''' '- store's per-onalny presents ao additude ..i plessau.. lies., c..nlidci.cc, liankness, helpfulness, aixn-ly I" please and satisly In every traasaeilou. W .ever tbissioiclail- in any of ihese partienlais soine human agency b.is f.ile.l ... lie loyally to Ihe |.nnci- ples of this -lore. And ah.ie there a.c DMiny human ...bids and ei.ch ivi.h a pail ol human hand-, with the msn..cis of human frailly, composing an organleatien, bun..... aeekiaias will al times f.,,1. Hut the idea is ever present. The latent la I.I ev..) pulse la-ai, and every error is prontptiy, plmsuiillj and, II pusslbie, ehVetually rlgh'ed, ibe law In tbe DUhiuery eorreaed and endeavor em ed. W euie trying 1" deserve Ihe success lhat has come loom stole. If a* knew bow 10 serve the wb.de public better, we would do it. The beat thai seems possible today wearc doing; we hope to do better tomorrow. ' i I I i l-tl " " ' ' ,,:.--•- ' - ..- „.„ ., );u,l Hide ami u.a "•» ,,tig.i.al«l Ir-m n d I" ; hail iu disgust. Vet letl >'•>•.: . in III. I a. - ! ag, ..... \\. II. "lv. ' ' " ' ' '< I.I ••- ».s i ' •• ' *S.i«lHi. .1. ,.; I. fore :: B «on uu lie r-..\ «b... .. ii :i .>'i pi.- i..!. 1 " -nin 11 is i i Ko. a*>RooKvclhaa ,iroigl)butlusueuageniUn-.i ly, v . r ... l]w,. ,„ ,|„, ...:, il lu-l uer lh..l •- . , . miuU H|» Highmas, he is ,; ,| loSilierta. WhcnauooVcr I , ri.-lilil.l Ko -.veil C\|..-e-llis !i,,tllcu.-v'« egln vngance a lib i -. in- in - !.'• J '!». I ! Mm.) ol ia« uieml. : ' IdrmblHien. Hal lb ) •' ' »«' I know ik~ »-..li.s..i their r- i :.. but »eihi i Ihe) must be d.il peroepliu. liquor mm' »' "' b"-' 1 " 1, """'• slro.gl nveryu.au i. Noilh Caioli-a whoIpolisiic. .HI male a" ndn.l-.iou aIIIM.UI Kngl..o.l ai i«e applaadd hiiu pn-Juiliee would he e»M|i ll«l I > tolheeeho Th-dnj la far '• .„I,„II iii.i if .... a I.;..:.. are Inl propitious f«r ueh dwusslon n ihe slate o( N-."' Oaioliuu jsuuthcru slai.d|s.inl lhau l.ei known Ihe »III if the people an) s.iij.-.i Ibe presenl bgtslalui, ii.ilnit !.•>. Aid Ibe questloi Ion which Ibej have leameil ib< willnl Ihe |«ople is the temper ... meg- i I. T. w. .: ..-c Hwlle) »iih W II. I ; ubiu >.Itli.lv made bta unuoua spcfcli, ( ;ii|il| ,liiv..,,.,„,.; I. 11> but i..eic is a l.iui.il rude aa) >H Vll..i;. ,. Wiustoit Sale in J. ui Sa)lag Ihl.gs "h.cb doe j rf barm iba.. g....l. Tillnmn'a 11* ; . , ni -. |»r, anil Mi . I.ni.n Ira, II.I.M Skil : - : ! . : ' nncl . . ..,.,_ ,.. . - , \ 1. ii . im-i n hi i„sc I'f lauetl h) I •• King :. lugbteia. it cai -i-'l ol . Iwichtw •• lied nabs, , ;ii.... lad on le la. >, olives, ....,,., .,;.,. biscuit, mixed im -. raisins a .i coffee. After sup|H..-cach i.ui;. - •.- presi 'ed ill uveuir, :•. bniath of ca.na- . Nornnndj and Valenceinnea Laces in [ giff*^ Mitch Beta, Beautiful Patterns, all L,ilWV47 ... itl,-. styles and price-. Seeing ut (•,„.,.• and ink.:, look and you will LM; pleased. CHERRY &C0. Greenville's Great Department Store. : Mtmgr, ,,.,cci,e-. ha..- ...-iei at inpliah. | leiiimelh. year since Mi. |l|o|w .„„.,.,. nou. If the) have nut real L.-ll ii. secllon or ,;„., ,. Catalan, a pn»|errou. lesiuil )>•' Ihn "' r mulii'ude bn.ugbt the not th aim s..ulb cl.as I lh,aau,berawe ais.ii.ert |iri^,B, ,„ furnish music, logriher. BuiJohuW --:•,... , ,„ .. ,1 in»ved with , ,,. .„..,»,,.. ,i .. =..,,-, I |„ -hKiuu S 'la) wl-eim. I'.' ... Idaho. This «..'.. ..-',,... ,.,,.,, ;„„•. ami I Ihe coiiKsl d.t.sdlheNuuihu'idVbgi .. '' bus. B.ii.burynnd^iM urs.Cliirle. bang .house was Btaleof «bic>> he isuii unaorti.. .,... i|IF ,,-alea have fallen bom I - yarded Ibe | , cl.ganl l>- ' v.„. ,.,.n ii .ue dlagusm.i ,i. v i monism is not whal ' j,, H .,„ preeented in a neat speech , a'n Tiluiau's II .ml..- ttali . '.... eulcl, nud he is lead) Io I'llliea, nf priiiioii- nod delegatloua Ihey tel) dull "i pei epll ... .Scoil.i-.l N.'k Onimou .milk. * Saturday evening. February 21st. from 3 to 6 o'clock, we will sell Ladies' Best $1 Kid Gloves at 19c. pr. Only One Pair to a Customer. Vila bed's llallian baud was The Blandard l'altems for March uow Mad) . The Designer, 10c. Fashion sheets free. No Danger. Il Insuiprising Ihe report thai has been elieulaled .. ...... town lhat n bi.n.l of »! cap. were making their brndquaiters in .">• h apitul building «iib Ihe put- pose ofcapturtng negro »oi t-u f,.i ,ti—ection has been denied lima and again, -rived In Ihe Ifrrille IUIH dnatiua IOBJI, ol aome brain that bad be I <n thinking of something else, the ne- ig,,*«»ill persl.1 in believing It, audihin ployed la town thai i,., 1,1a old l -...' nil and „i,ya Haleigh 1'init*. l-ll. p,..|.. sltn.l. Io abolish II ''•""' r> ;""" v ;i" f „!"';;, ; A > K.,kc..i.rb,s - .,..-„ men -ear. ••'• ef I.. I rding aaWj la ' I,, , Tiber. I k n '• -'*"•''•'•'• In i\ M. Wooteu. The occasion was . uio-l bghl f„| . u. indabowed '.•"* h I dsoioe I, Ibe y ung men call ent. I . UNJUST RAILS. R.,!lio*d Making ixloilionul, Charja '" "" '•' ""'" f !** lult "' B cUandald Oil cauian, - Itaihani A. „l .he Idleof* »r) the I' 1 - 1 "' "'" ;""' 'V '•" ,..,., ,..„ .IrOea. bin. Is-ueal a ctrcu uslokeeplhemon Ihe stale mniia. .„.,..„„,. tin ,ha farms instead "f Iu the peuiten- liury. Bul a whipping I'••' 'a* 1 don'l see anything fuuny res tinal ju'.'is lalsiut thai .opposcdl) hul - are cnipelle to pas- thai p..ini|i;'M '.""J", LV I ,„,, ,Mlk , loyoul" Wh),).-| „n their way borne Inslsi av-ldictioi. In petty offeiaws w.um i,.i ..... > Ingthelr.oik In time Io gel komeL,,,,,, ,.,i„„„-l, , .ber » Il »IW»»^tefcal«l. " ilink Thutstla) a ...loiisi en picking lip her bet. w......... an . clnlbes, .....I when asked for III. nplaustl .-plied site was pre- paringtntuov Ike country foi tear of bslug cap:"led b\ Ike white cap- Ago" »< tepeal the ..port I- a It I mere are 1 no wliite cap- located iii Ihe hoi pita!.- Wi.sbiugton (laseltc. _ ,,,.„, be.,., d and cate.l|rf."-rhilsdelpWaBulleliu. i„, unywnere, either In our county jail, orsialt prlslon.—Hende son U.-ld led- Tin- Irish arorupposed to la. Ihi lypiesl poialoeaters, I I •-' l -'- aoean'l raisuetiouehiu Ihla oun Irj i.u ..in own cousuiiipll in, aa The Wilmington Hlarthrows oul Ihla sngg.-iio,.: "Itwltad of Pin* leas, why doesn'i s..i" c give jg Topun Irs Ihe leaves of yop.nl 'were used a.a Mibsttiole for lea ..luring II" ' i-.ll War. and for.be [orative pn'P »" ""' ; " ;l ''""• with lb i lovelv ben,.-, would Ibe m.e-l ni.- lelive." [f tbe ladiea want io give some- thing re. .!. Bletorieel .""I "' 'e« tame lino i ivea tea with a real pinkish.- . why ""' hold Bases niv.». Ifraa eas: Witba IIMhs dash ol narble and Granite Monuments,i^--£g»£% » and Agents lor Iron Fencing. , lhe y llt:[ , , „,.,»,».„. „f n,e „• iw.o^t^aa-rma^-^l^lBe^ AAACON, OA. |SbV jSumter.S.C. For Price* and Dealgns, address the Rocky Mount, N. C, office. _ . ,. , , IMI Ineo.poi-nle.l 190) " ARTOPE & WHITT CO., Who are tb.- dpiulsh Jew»t Itcilli ... e,al.le»i-h laiuib.-. „,. ...,,, i-.-.l 8.000,000 bi Hel- I'I.IIU Honmanla were lamb.I In jut year, N., Y.ok. and,I was.olM.dlln.il H ^^ .,-„,, „,,,„,. none of Ibem could -peak auy. lfn>um¥| , he p,,,,,, arc as afraid language exce|.t Spanish. ""= "-1 „, „„,„„. 0 ld bealben. were of lerpreter, In esplalnlng Ihelr ( „,„,,.„,„ ,„,,,. „„|, ihelr IU ' " Ihelaiguige-fthel. eouuliy, said Ihe Roiinianums .frcdisecudai f Jews who had ^ „.„„„ Qulgg.L,»lei lent.- i Invei oalofB|»la ," ""• ^ gave . ffreiaal') div*. reigaof IV .1, snd hath Ha, ^ ( A U WHn ,. x : ,,,l, .,, in, ii,-i in Turkey, eiul- hu] | |h| . to al ., lul|1) „.,,.. grated later to Bulgaria R»n ( ^ mauls. Foi 4'"' yean lhe have -,..k '! IbeSpn i-bla, u.ge,! () ( ( mW „„ !„„., „„,lil„. : have k.pi UP t »nlsk ihewoild h.ppler and ruatoun )p . On|" rep •• ! Ihse) ule ... , ... on,i readlo, yoai v I.,, jolngoul for swe n can Bj Im i> mils* aa boor, but. ,mlng ,»•' ' •> '" ' back loaded can't By "»» lhau , -en ,„„,h lb. a. '•..,)' whotskeaao prideh .11 -en. -he) '"'». k « -'• '*'>•'•." , -.oTd rescue an old f.lend.-l uMgbi) slow g ' "W M « I ' Da.bsu.8an. U.-_W.l.aiugtou Star b m. I ,1 |„ all agents | Ivillg notice tin,' I, .., ,. n r. I.. 1st, 1003, Ihe n.ini- ,. ..in .1. II "'): ; '' sblpmcnn ... . helwe.n interioi p. lids . - i, . -... luted rallwa). :, i, ai be I..' on* bandied ,, iii.1 tdaai lales. , ulUcsu, tint ll.i- ,- I vciy! ,,,,. If «c understand I II || i.i.,: nn i,s Inal ii mat- I h. w small a single abip.] ; : . ,- made, regardleai ,.i, | - J, all,.11,11 Is eharged for si hundred ponndeal B.si ciasa rates, Pm Instance, Ihe charge for I,,,, pa ...1- of nails, Wblcb are ,.| ,1 t a low rale, would be as ii.,, i,.,- lot . ue bandied pound* i ,, ;. ,-. w bieh are classed at ,, | I. de, .i.i- charge ,i i -id nii-lveis „f single . ,, f I,, ghl »• ill bave L- I -v 1 ,,. limes Inllel, I..V , ,. same ship,,,, „is coal ... Ji i'U.» '. ,.,.; abnve Traaa Mali . : ::t.'. s.ii*r.- -....;.'. :.;:./. ; ,iio . . -. •-..•riLL'. /^--^FOR SALE BY ——a. BAKER & HART. ,-:M In addition to the best stoves in the world we carry everything you may expect to find In a hard- wart store. i . Slates lie old Confederate. ,. ,.g. Ibe rail »ad uu- . it similar late ,,u >', ., i on lee .ill'" 'ed by ii . .1 ,. -....I... i S'.«SiRUBBERBESTOS ., a.... en I-,.—tl.lv ilie .thdrawn. Possibly lb* -j, i , otinl 1 he applied to , nedy nilll good ellect , , . ds ihontd bav.. .........1 ,|.IM , i. "-,.1..... I. I ."eir ' . , . h ,, i ,, i Is a lowe.1 l » I . ...... rates "P" -"'V nan. Packing for Steam and Water PI paw decidedly the best thing of the kind have ever handled. Call and < - , a- k_»—w af itiiii -as. *<*< '- - ""- ^"^" tfanallriiiailliailiBaiiilllaaii- i. -Jhu, s«* .
  • : ,




    Continues to mahe Mlra-culoua Cures READ THIS LETTER I

    ALMO*T * MIRACLt. Prw. >. C. Aof. Hlh, MB.

    In a mc.nl. afcr Ihe dlaeaM, rl.rn.l 1 bad to glVS. "y.T wor sa.SJW J Itciinllnued to .row .or... ui.til .or >' "> ""^ ""tf''"5 Tnuck .o Ik.l I oouM Dot u.o IH.-m. U, e.e wot. dm.n W. I.,.. II . leet touched, or h.pe. 1 wu u MitoH >.?''' ",'*'' RSSSiRESS Tb. SSSS N arm, nd lc -ere b.M an I . > fts* afcjaalrnri JJ> J STUSS "Hr WaMMSriU merest puy.l.1,1.. InMcloll. lii|]..ond S.,,o.t>ul MM ot tbcm could do .. huj ,.**. Ut.l.l I... KV B.,,,, "'!'""; > to .ee me. He told u to 1.7 four ".HBaiaac,,.. RajM "". """f ol the m-d'olue aod 1 I..,.-, to tale It and [.-lure Ihe Or., tn.llla waamr.l up I bran to et beller. 1 u.r.1 uvu and a ball boltle, and cuml-le"... jr.... Tb" -a. Two jc.r. Mo. and r hr.1,1. roe, .." "'JKiS'S V.' ,' ."hi.! so (Tsastom, o( iMUallaa. 1 meant "BjIsrXACIi.a WJ.HJ2 rem.-JT for rb.ura.U.m on t> market. I oauool aa) loo Dlucb lor It lb... recommended It to otbera alnoa and It bta cured them.

    Will a* further, that I Wean !- wn'k In about all dan ftfler I ''-..- I I IsS, "RMlcu.cina." wltbtbeaid of crulcli.a; loabout three mouth. IIM I Lags, to US, It. 1 could wai, a. fool ,. anjpodx. and went buck to w... k ... n

    V.retnilT. JAMES WII.KSS.

    WORD that word Is

    All Drugc.i.1.. or senl cki-rr,, rwepaij on receipt ot f,.oo. I Chemical Co.. Baltimore, nd.

    is*kmska ice, i _

    ** ********* ft ***ili MUM -* ** **** **::

    Don't fail to see me before you buy

    Guns, Shells, -coves eaters, Pumps, Locks. Hiiiges

    And anything else in the Hardware Line. :: Your friend,

    H. L. CARR


    itfiuii nit i OF KEVTAKK, N. J., VOCR POLICY HAS

    I Loan Value, 2. Ctah Value, :i. Piiitl up [imurtttii'e, 4. Hxtemled [usiirance :!> 5. I Nou forfeit...tie, ti. Will !>.re ii.*...t >-'l if arrears I* iui 1 aittaiiiiiiiiuuiiUi vhllcyoii

    arp living, or within Ihrce years after I .pai*. upon satisfactory r. ulenre of iii.'U.ira"il.iv t'l'l \ 1 be ring 1 I'd 1 n : - ml, fa ox on the 0 r rolled t] w* wl 1

    -A" jroM win, be - ! itddty, "l>tn 1 don't > ire li bave (lie III ndhi

    nd 9 '. >:i and rnutd oulj I ivea !'i Influ

    "1 rau *ee nothing nd in bclni n minded of one wl 0 d dn'l wit you "

    it would r.-is- nd n .-..f one ;i-* 1 hate ahrayi leeii ber eseenl 00 ihti occa- Ion "ii-- 1 bnvo dear!) meed '

    "II'H;, pity yon made nucb a mistake* but fortuaati 1.11 yi a found me out iu tlnit-.'

    "I certalnlj would nol relish a recm> remt' of ra< !i iceaea .1- Ihla.'

    They would occur dally ihoold you 111 tn-at me ;i- you bate Jo*1 done "

    "If you .iti convln . me f one a,'t cf lit treatment 1 will onologiic on my kaees."

    That*s Joel lik a man, Be mutt nt ways be Betting at tho bottom f things. Instead -'f coming to iue pui Ung bis .-inn- alioul nw and tell - DM LOP aorry s is I moot po back to tin' beginning and prore by wbat be .-.ilis logic thai l am nil In \U>- wroug I shall consent to such tbinc

    it Isn't t.t espnry." i - lal ly 1 n 1 bavi? come t' i\'Uld logic help >i>. to get together agam) I knew a trick worth 1 v ..f tbat. 1 bent ffij beail down on the IT O< tl f:>. moving I-- sucb .t positi< o tbnt 1 wi 1 ee my waist, the wn ni be hnd so loved to encircle He couldn't sec my face und didn't know whether I waa crying or no thai be wouldn't give me n

    W heeler & Wilson IVlfgCo. chance to make it all up. I -peke vin- dictively.

    "Never mind that. I- you accept the ring)"

    "Does a gentleman offer a lady n ring that la ' *1 wlthoui Bndlng it for ber'

    This must liave l u nu argument thai b - stuplditj rould comprehend, for it s.itui.ii ii.ni for a few momenta.

    "Had you banded me the ring In a ladylike manner l would have found It f..r you. However, I am willing to do my pan iu Its recover}'. Iut you know that 1 am neanlgbled baveu't my BIUSHCS with me,'

    1 didn't believe a word aboul the glasses, i don'l want the ring," I aid, "lii And it for yon, and you can give it to some other girl"

    I got down ou my ki In tho coe> , j.- r. and lie goi down on li- knees be-

    OOWn. ^eep g^,. ... 1 rtoou ,,u ,i,. ,.,,_- .,,) i, ititi^t have seen .t al i1-' same time, despite ii- neawlgbtednes* for we both reached for II al the same tune. ana hla hand fell on m

    I vvait.il for blm to take it away, but be didn't. I looked up at him. His face was beaming, and hla eyea fairly ganced.

    I turned away from blm, bul rcmem bared that my waist .i- where he rould conveniently encircle it He did so. while with tiie other band be slip- pad the ring on my linger. Both iii< baud* being occupied, be did the rc-t with hi" lip".

    "I warn you." I said "that you are again becoming entangled with a girl who doesn't *uii you. Von could never consult with her. Think what v\ ill be- come "f you."

    "Sweetheart," he replied, "you i-ult me so well that I intend t,. bear will you when you don't Milt me, 'So, there:"' CHARLOTTE ATWOOIX

    J: refers to Or. Tutt's Liver Wlls and

    MEANS HEALTH. Are >ou k ,n. .r i, .,ti-kj.'

    i' iih lndi^rttloa? *vkk twodachef Vlrtlgur 11 Ulous?

    NY of in. -v s>(-.pioms and maay other* . "t. I:I Ik ,,..!.., Hie IVt-q ^

    You JNToocl

    rim's Pills Take No Substitute.


    Mcciurs : i> 1! B 1

    BlUj Urn list Kid" Burton, situation that even be,

    phlloi 1 ' m . 1.. was, attiniit.il was mnt. Indict 1 d for murder in the flri.t degree, with .ham of eb> cumsi lenee that was without u t:.:rt bieked securely In a newly buill jail. iiii no means of escape and no i>nl aith n a thousand miles to fur* nlah >iii '1 means, i: wai but natural that be should mutter to himself that he had "gone dc pace and must walk de plank i1 It." V.t he accented bta fate niib stoicism thai was admira- ble. Always expecting arrest and .:::.. 1 ion, he had come to nshlcr thai the event* wbl. b ronstl- luted bit i ' 1*1 1 at until} and nee

    upon the gallows And now that the blow had fallen be aecepted it r, slgnedly.

    Th< '. 1 r swung open, :;i.J Joi Kai vail, attorney at law, stepped Inside, The warden locked the door nnd left them !-.

    r.T n mom< nt each man stood meas uriii^ the other. Narvaii saw a man of grc 1 pbys 11.1 stn ugth wh .i-t- t. r nature had been wai*|-ed by clr- eumstanci 1 Dnrton saw B slight, nth- letlc man "f ihrbaim twenty-three or twenty-four. lib pale, aristocratic fa- tun > and nu Insci luteuance, Jturt..:i v |i presi ncc ol a supe- rior and i< allied ,1

    These It the extivu

    1 ^ 111 , you could deae: I'm time .lie)" vail stopp.

    "Wait .n you Von the tn-i aga nsi .

    Aii't Clll|.|.

    were n-presentatlves of I - of s n. >..,.. gui uer, in see wbat |

    t, r me. Ifou see. It's like ; i ni ! up against U die began Barton, but Nar-

    e.1 blm. ml lei me state your ease to are Indicted for inurdi t Ik

    1 lie evldei ce 1- all ..: i you baven'l a ningto

    fates that .1 1 -MII to your late

    Mr. II nifwrd I be potaoa

    lilt-elivil N 1

    Three the Va

    Time lut of

    *'d. and Ihe prosecuting at- \- 1 tl 1 1 - M!OII half a bottle of the a. 1 !. ft which will be Introduced .1- .

    I'.ns straight, guv'aer." \ l now. will you pfl) l ic r3,000

    If I :.n.' >ou aojuiitedV |i... 1 Jolly me, guv'ner. Von know

    it cant DC did. I've '! de swag all rigl say. swaj: don't - v Id dal Judge uer d de Jury dat's to tr> me,

    Any Other. 1 'i.i 'I liii. I- nsier,

    Oe'i'l ii Depftrt-j .i,,,. llhu^ ment is shown in the high u you bllero I'm guilty?"

    "The judge and Jury will decide tbat My duty is not to determine whether or not you are guilty, hut to csialdlvb your Innocence." lie turned aud walk- ed out.

    The six days passed by slowly to Burton At times be thought that aft- er all Karvall must bave been "Jolly- ing" him. bill in Hie end the llrsl lm* presslon ,>f bim still remained

    At lav! the day for which hla trial wai set arrived, lie was token into tbe count. iud hla cose called. The

    nd jury aa- druwu and Impaneled and the wltni - for the state wore exam- hied. E*< '. io n '; ibe testlinon) waa agalnsi llui When the state -die Itor row lake the opening argu- ment, tlte 11 ' of clreumstances thai aurmundeil Ittmon was without a bro 1 1 Sol a 1.tan 011 tbe Jury doubted Miai be was guilty. The state solicitor 11 ed with a smile of irl- umpfa 1:..- would be one more con- viction to his el '

    Then N..i nil ro e. Ho was slightly paler I bail it -i:.. I hut a faint ainite noverc-d about the corners of hla mouth.

    if u pi aw your honor and gentle- men : the Jury, In tbe fan-of neb evi- dence as :..- been lutrodueed I have but one m neul to make, They tell you thai il< eased died from ibe ef- fecta oi ball the contents of this itot- III red by the defendant." He picked np the little trial and looked at it thoughtfully "And now, annUe- uieh. If thai be so It musl nceciotarlly follow thai Ihe rettiiilnitiL' contents will bave the same effect UIK.II II hu- man being as Ihe oilier half Is ulh'k'ed to have had. This. I assert. It will not do." Bvery car was -.trained 10 catch bis Bpeech; .very eye wag fixed oa Hawaii's cold. Inacrutabbs face. No one saw the small capsule that slipped from betweeu Nnrvall's Hi.p'rs Into tiie vial.

    "Tea, In Bplte of the fact that learned chemists have lettlflvd to the contrary, I say that Ibis is not poison. And now for the proof" He rais.-d the vial to bis lips, and before tbe astoulsbed at- torney, win- sprain; forward, could reach him he had drained tvery drop.

    A low murmur of horror went up from the crowd without Ihe bar. A stillness IIH of dentil reigned for a few nwmenta and sra broken by ihe cnlm, eonected rolee of Narvalli

    MGentlemen, if within half an hour I am dead of course Ibe defendant If gulily; othsrwlaa you can hut acquit him."

    An hour later, when the jury had hrouirht In a verdict of "not eullty," Burton preaat d forward and extended his hard to Narvnll The latter stared t It eoldli.

    "I guess you're right, guv'uer." said Burton. "You're a gentleman."

    O A. I.ANB.

    BY WHAT RIGHT? ixwtgssai]

    JCelllo BluUe woj a very nice girl. The only troubla with her. a trouble common nlth most girl* whose parents are abundant); able to wppoct them. Was tliut s!i say anything for a taw mo- ments, Then she biased:

    "Impostor:" "Is It an Imposture for a man to

    tranerile I is Inner self in word! to One lie loves'."

    "H'.w did you know that 1 advertis .Hi:'

    "One morning, doubtless Boon after you v. rote your advertisement, I called on y"ii when you were not at home. The'11,aid. who did not know tbat you were out, showed me unto Ibe library and went upstairs to deliver a mes- sage from me. While waiting for ber return I noticed some large black let- ter* in reverts on the blotter on tho desk 1 amused myself deciphering what made an excellent puxale and had nearly finished before it occurred to me thai 1 was reading n secret. Tor this 1 iinist apologise. Will you for- give llie'f"

    "Aid thenr it iKCUrred to me that j. n had writ.

    ten the duplicate. 1 wanted LO discover under .-over what Of strength or weak- ness, good or evil, there might be la

    , you. 1 Watched for your advertisement ! and answered it " 1 "Had you :i rlgbl to do so?"

    "No. One bus never the right to U In concealment for a friend. Yet bad

    j I not 1 n your friend 1 should have had a perfect right, A girl who adver- tises for a husband is open to all the world. Would you deny me tbe right you bad givi n millions of strangers?"

    Nellie winced. "Nevertheless," ha wenl on, "the ID

    discretion has brought a revelation to , DM, I bad no Idea of lie- depth of feel-

    ing there la in your nature, your no- ble conceptions nud especially your de- sire to be something more than drone. Had you not been born to wealth you would have been, may yet be, of great service in n world tbnt needl so much."

    He COUld have said nothing that would have so well pleased her. She turned away io harmonize ber con- flicting emotions. The Alonzo Court- ney she bad pictured In her Imagina- tion was giving plm-e to the plain Fred I,angler. Hut that being who bad been photographed in Id* letters there be was waiting for her to speak again.

    Without turning she reached ber band backward. Lamrley sprang for WOld and took It. She looked for some of tbe ImpsUHdoned similes she had lead so often atid received into her heart Instead tbett was hut one word,

    "Sweet heart V Nevertheless II was the word She

    wanted KMBRY S TOKBKRT.

    She- ( Id (.08 Thess. An old huly on seeing tbe electric

    light iu the town for the first time WM truek with nmeauBneut After gazing at It for a fpaco she tillered a grocer's hop and asked:

    "I say. nn-oVr, bow do you make that big light o' your'n? I'm tired of burn- In' parnilin."

    The shopumu replied. "Ob. it If caused by a series of electric currents."

    "Is It. now?" said the old lsdy. "Then weigh me a |K>und. If they won't do for lighting. I'D use 'em up for pud- din's."- petmIt Free i'*--

    * Mm io of Taei. Mrs. Hlgbbtower- Elsie, you never

    speak outside of the quarrels between your papa and myself, do >.u :

    Elsle-OIi, no. ninmma. but whenever you are pleasant to each other I always meotlon It.-Life.

    W8V& ,

    1 . *Cfr .' -' ^anapW^ gS*^ A Fat Field

    knCa^ s a fat pom. ^^T 1' rtilizcr without

    W naeieM

    *! Pota sh ^ ft i- not complete jH -"' I WrtMfewttMm (.1 HMtN ^ffl ku ^BaWT WgS. ^J^gl

    i ii>'i,_g&S

    Where I row I* Sarrt-S. Among the BarnlongB. greal Afri-

    can ]>pie, iron bj a sacred object They nree^|icrt worker*In mctaL wblcb they still smell from lls naiiv" < re |,y the most primitive methods ever d, vbwd hy man. riiis art wai t them in former days a ooree of wealth. Influence and power, and the legend is that When people did not know the value of the stones found In their brooks a "wise man" saw n vision. The spirit of bis chief stood beside him and said, "Gath- er stones and burn then to make spears." The sage thought it was a dream and that the chief was hungry, to he sacrlflced an \ Bul ibe rhuon returned, and the ebb f I ked am row ful. II* -.nod a long lime and at last said:

    'My on, whj, .io you um obey your father'' Go to tbe liver, gather stones and make a hot tin AftCC that you will 000 iron with your ey

    The sage ;is gf otly frightened and feared aome calamity, bul dared not re- ftis. When be bad made hot lire, Iron raxne out of it. and then ho knew the chief had taken pit] on his chil- dren. He told Ins goo the secret before he died, but be was rain inxcomh and. Whlbing Io show his own wisdom, made iron In the presence of strangers, nod so the Secret of Ihe art was lost to his tribe, hut they bave always centla- ued tn regard iron as acred above all otbi r metals

    Sydnor & Hundley, Richmond, Va.

    Headquarters lor


    ' '- Leading Furniture Bouse ml a harj v. at *-

    i: II tn our man] frlei pad . In Nortl t a i - in that ou . - : Furni- tures ra .. - i. .

    ' .i I* In -.-. tl] up '.. :.> | }


    119-71.-713 . Broad Sireet, Richmond, \'a.

    OLD DOMlMOi Lilo

    I? i Ihl Ua

    bti\i -SB st:. ITWB . au:< i K I Mjeia leave

    w bin,,ton .,..!. i \. p' Swiidny, at t a. iu lot ! flOOatMklly huid. I',.ui.ir\ priMlurfr- IMMII:! ;,IH! -"^1 \ 11 in I w ill vim* jn.

    ^. W. HARDEB.

    Lettee Frew uirm Cltatate, "Speaking "f pulpit jokes," a church-

    goer remarked, i have yet to bear a better one than lhat 00 a reverend get> Uerunii of a Kinall congregation in the city. He Is a fine preacher, a inaa along i'i years, loved and revered by his fle.-k. HI* pulpit utterances never verge upon levity of any -.,.rt lie ab- hors a resort to humor Iu church

    "line Sunday evening he was sneak- ing to bis rongTegatton iboul ^irs. Jones. .ne of tbe prominent vomon of bi church, who had gene > 6th for her health. In his previous remarks be had. with feeling, ref. rred to Mrs. Pmltli. who had recently left ibis world for n better one.

    "He startled his bearers by sayhaff! i have ju-t receive*! a letter from Mrs. Smith. Bhe says u Is very warm where the is now.'

    "Stloeke.l ( Ihe atl.llhlc titter In tllS staid congregation, the good tusn paus- ed, looked blauk and then pasped. i meant from Mrs. .lours.' und hastily announced UM- hymn." Mew York Telegram.

    I'r.iinl I Ihe Curt, William It. Travera, ihe New Vork

    city broker, "ii one occasion desired to go to an aQdress in nuburban Hrooklyn. but, Wing unacquainted with ibe local- ity, aceoated stranger and aked di- reetions. it io happened that the ft ran- ger ftutteri i and stammered auite as badly r.s Travers, who after the man had made two or three Ineffectual nt- tcopti to anawcr grew angry under the Impression be was being mocked and hotly .nqntred

    "Howd-d dar.- >ou t t try tom-m-utock me'."

    "Ex-ex-excuse m-me!" vxeiaimed tho banger, -i have an liu-lm-impedi- ment in in-iny o-s-s Ppeecb."

    "Oh. 1 eo-e-ee!" itaminered Travers, the look of anger giving way to n look of ympatbetlc concern. "W-w-why d-d-dou't >"ii e B go B-s-see D-d-doctor 8-s smlthl He . c-eured ui-tue."Phil- adelphia Time1-.

    KLOKIDA. :i" ii

    l.v Itockj Mount 10:3* pm Into p ni Ar Columbia 10:55 p in

    Augusta Bttfi a m t'oarleoton g:11 a m 11:15 pin Sa.annah B:S! a m :i:iu a m JaokeonvUle |;1S |> m BJO a m Tampa 10: Ir lives and that, tbougb It may seem vary sweet to marry "tbe first and nly love." this same "first love" Is tbe very lu^t i-cmm In the world tbat they ought to have married.

    Some, Indeed, may advise couples to marry before they are out of their teens and settle down before UM distractions of the world can attempt to shake their allegiance to inch other, bul this set- tling down too often proves to be a mere temporary phase and Is followed by an unsettled condition that lasts for the rest of their unhappy lives. Sec- ond thought.- arc often best Iu love.

    Vis..., nice Linet>niurdware

    '! rvi-iinij;. I'I-'.I-

    er-ineeliii^ S'edueailA- vvaiiii^ Itev. J. N. Knilh, uaatoi. Sun.i.., aotaool !':.Hi a. III. II. A. Allen .upeiiuteiident.

    M BTHOM0.BftfVtMi nren Sir-- lay, iii.irninK and eveniiu^. I'I.IUI sieeliii^ Wednesday eveuiu);. Ke\ H. M. Km.-, iHaral.jr.Sunday m-li...' Ji:^0 a. ni, L. II. P.nder, Mparin lendenl

    1*H*BVTEKIAN.- S,T\ 1.^. Ihlr, SI.II.1H> UM i:u!nli.i,'niuc Bun- davool Ida. in. B. B. l-leklen mioerinleiideul.

    HKHinraL.- B*. \V. K. (Vn, Miui.U'i. Knilllag and evening prayer wiili Heriuun every lal ,inl .'Ird Sundiiy. Lay aervii*. orerj '2ml and 4lh rtuuday.

    Sunday aokiail 9:45 a. ni , W. B. Brown, Miiiehiilcndetit. Litany every WiNliienduy 10 a. m.

    I'llKIHTIAN P.eaidilt.|C .ITOIIII, ami I'.uilti S.iinla> iu eai-ii iiiiuith Player HIMtlBg x\*e.liH*day nij;hl. Krv. II. \V Il.vi., |..i-i," inn day tabuul 3-JIO P. M., W. K. Par ner, .ii|...iiiiii.iideiil.

    CaTHOI.10,Nu refrulai seivtr^


    A K. * A. M Oreeuvilie LorlB). '.'o. 281, uieeta Hrl and Iliinl MOM.Iaj evening, K. Wil- '.iaiin- W. M , J. M. Began, See.

    K. ol P. -Tar It ver Liulne, No. 93.Waal every Wedue,iay eveniug, K. Ii. Kiikl.ii, 0. (.',; '. 8. Forbes K. of It. and 8.

    LO. O. KCovenant Lodge, No. 17. meeia every Tuesday evening. A B. Kiliuciou, N. Q., L. II. Pender. 8e .

    It. A. Zeli Vanee (Viuueil. No. I'i'ii, meets every Tburrday e\en- iiiK. W. B WIIMU, Beeretary, J. 8. Tiuisliiii. Itettenl.

    /. O. A. Bgyptiau Council, So, B, meet every Hint and Ihiid lliiirsilay uiglil iu Odd Felluas Hall. .1. Z. Gardner, Worthy liiif- I). 8. Smith .See. I. O. II.Greenville Conclave

    No. 540, mi els every second aud fun.lb Monday nighi in Odd Fel- lows Mall. W. B. Wilson Aubuu O. S. Siuilli :'ee.


    Clerk Buperlor Court, D. C. Mooie.

    sheriff, O. W. Harrlugton. Ii4.gi1.ler of Deeds, R. Williams. Treasurer, J. B. Cherry. Coroner, 0, *> II. laughing,

    house. Surveyor, J. D. Cox. CoinmiNSioners, J. J. F.lki, W.

    W. B. Home, J. K. Barnhill, J W. Page and J. Spier. Boar J nieeis every Irat Monday.

    TOWN 1)1 I'll 'Kits.

    Mayor, H. W. Whedbee, Treasurer, H. L. Carr. Clerk, J. U.Tyson. Tax Colleetor, C. D. Ronntree. Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H.

    McGowan aod 8. I. Dudley. Aldermen, D. 8. Spain, L. C

    Aithur, Charles Cobb, B. F. Pat- rick, 8. B. Fioklen, It. I, Carr, W. B. Parker and B. F. Tyaon. Board meet, every Drat Thursday night.

    f- R. L. app. Dentist.



    J1 :

    a pereonsl letter to over j member of tiie best f-.imi- lies in t'ilt Count* when you advertise i"


    Eastern Reflector Published Twice a Week.

    FHE EASTER? auroR D.J. WHlJHftRD.BDITJKMl>D - H Fan ninsi : - i '



    fi.mliie... ...de... .cub/,-bow nMUiy of the IIKOO ,..,,,,,:...! ....i-..-....,... I'M rb..|.pi..|rlve ,l,.a|.|.e:..e.l iu Ihe hut half !'" ." "-"""" ,|H" nolle) .f,.b-..-.,,g;c ,,;......le. al! rircu... *

    i,e.n established.

    I " I i !i,-i.

    '- a"- "" '"/< ""; ,.. i,.-.I i iettnthH. I..- h. I .. iu lb rial game to innke ihe >

    i.i> h-tie ""'f"" ; ..; ., .,.,..,,..,.. I i

    nt;;^;;^!--' If" ' ' , , | . . , ... .-..- me '; ,hai.uk..rgh..l.n.ji..i t ttM M> |np , ..,

    anertleie ihn not ^ ^ t , ..

    A i..ih.i .'" ' >;. ,. r .,.,

    '- ''*;,,T,,he",l,r.' I!A- --' ""lb.-h.n ...-...-'" ' " . ..,...,.!. 1!... ...

    ! T,. 1 ihe .1 - - '"' 'I,'

    !!- .-. '-"-' 1" - ':;" . - . ,,,,.... ,,...x cllUl .1 "- " "" """ d ..., IU,. Kntae. I

    ":',;.;IB.-.-. :; ^irr:::;:;.... hla ruwiwi ' - "! '' , , ,, S.l .1 rent

    ""he i ' .I..'-... , ,..

    w.. *=- ' :/':-. :.' .,,


    I) i ...'.''"' ">'-

    I, R. I '' I " ;' . .!

    A i ...... i Hi, - i\ir* Mr.


    .... . i . I -"'

    ivmeii1 M. Mi

    . : : i ... ;

    I ' : '

    . . ..... . I.i rolber,

    Mi It I . t..\. Al IU ''-' >!'' , . || ,,: .,, ,. in ll.i 1...in-

    .- , i ,.-,..,iin.nl -.i Ihe . i!.. i.li .I.i) plighted

    i . -Hi. 1 .,. n ,-, could Ii .ve >i - chmeh

    |j ,,, nirouidiil Ii) I-.."-. . ' ,.,,, . UI . - l*l

    II i ' ''> Ut- lit. fully

    . I . I : ..'. .. i-i

    i . i ' ' '0 i, . ' ee


    ,. , i nila?rs , .


    I'i J.

    . U



    - . ;,

    QRAND hite Goods Show


    Goods, Laces and Embroideries

    .a-.- mi diniila) mill awaiting yowr ii....., \ i in. We are prowl ot tins

    line, :i~ we I. IM- never shown a more lu-autiful, extensive and

    i. H-otialile price,] stock.

    .,. .1 Ir. .: e.xij-

    . HII\I..KI) In lice

    .1 ... I ..... .

    M I . I' II l'\H -._., .11..

    I I e.

    Mm I

    h. ,, ,,!> iiiniili-lil ! -'RooKvclhaa ,iroigl)butlusueuageniUn-.i ly, v . r ... l]w,. , ,|, ...:,

    il lu-l uer lh..l - . , . miuU H| Highmas, he is

    ,; ,| loSilierta. WhcnauooVcr

    I , ri.-lilil.l Ko -.veil C\|..-e-llis

    !i,,tllcu.-v' egln vngance a lib

    i -. in- in - !.' J '!. I

    ! Mm.) ol ia uieml.:' IdrmblHien. Hal lb ) '' '

    I know ik~ -..li.s..i their r- i :.. but eihi i Ihe) must be d.il

    peroepliu. liquor mm' ' "' b"-'1"1, """' slro.gl nveryu.au i. Noilh Caioli-a whoIpolisiic. .HI male a" ndn.l-.iou aIIIM.UI Kngl..o.l ai ie applaadd hiiu

    pn-Juiliee would he eM|i lll I > tolheeeho Th-dnj la far ' .I,II iii.i if .... a I.;..:.. are Inl propitious fr ueh dwusslon n ihe slate o( N-."' Oaioliuu jsuuthcru slai.d|s.inl lhau l.ei

    known Ihe III if the people an) s.iij.-.i Ibe presenl bgtslalui,

    ii.ilnit !.>. Aid Ibe questloi

    Ion which Ibej have leameil ib< willnl Ihe |ople is the temper

    ... meg- i I. T. w.

    .: ..-c Hwlle) iih W II.

    I ; ubiu >.Itli.lv made bta unuoua spcfcli, ( ;ii|il| ,liiv..,,.,,.; I. 11>

    but i..eic is a l.iui.il rude aa) >H Vll..i;. ,. Wiustoit Sale in J. ui

    Sa)lag Ihl.gs "h.cb doe j rf barm iba.. g....l. Tillnmn'a

    11* ; . , ni -. |r, anil Mi . I.ni.n

    Ira, II.I.M Skil : - : ! . :' nncl

    . . ..,.,_ ,.. . - , \ 1.

    ii . im-i n hi isc I'f lauetl h) I King :. lugbteia. it cai -i-'l ol . Iwichtw lied nabs, , ;ii.... lad on le la. >, olives, ....,,., .,;.,. biscuit, mixed im -. raisins a .i coffee. After sup|H..-cach i.ui;. -.- presi 'ed

    ill uveuir, :. bniath of ca.na-

    . Nornnndj and Valenceinnea Laces in [ giff*^ Mitch Beta, Beautiful Patterns, all L,ilWV47 ... itl,-. styles and price-. Seeing ut

    (,.,. and ink.:, look and you will LM; pleased.

    CHERRY &C0. Greenville's Great Department Store.

    : Mtmgr,

    ,,.,cci,e-. ha..- ...-iei at inpliah. | leiiimelh. year since Mi. |l|o|w ..,.,. nou. If the) have nut real L.-ll ii. secllon or ,;., ,. Catalan, a pn|errou. lesiuil )>' Ihn "'r mulii'ude bn.ugbt the not th aim s..ulb cl.as I lh,aau,berawe ais.ii.ert |iri^,B, , furnish music,

    logriher. BuiJohuW --:,... , , .. ,1 inved with , ,,. ...,,,.. ,i .. =..,,-, I | -hKiuu S 'la) wl-eim. I'.' ... Idaho. This ..'.. ..-',,... ,.,,.,,;. ami I Ihe coiiKsl d.t.sdlheNuuihu'idVbgi .. '' bus. B.ii.burynnd^iM urs.Cliirle. bang .house was Btaleof bic>> he isuii unaorti.. .,... i|IF ,,-alea have fallen bom I - yarded Ibe | , cl.ganl l>- ' v.. ,.,.n ii .ue dlagusm.i ,i. v i monism is not whal ' j,, H ., preeented in a neat speech

    , a'n Tiluiau's II .ml..- ttali .'.... eulcl, nud he is lead) Io


    nf priiiioii- nod delegatloua Ihey

    tel) dull "i pei epll ...

    .Scoil.i-.l N.'k Onimou .milk.


    Saturday evening. February 21st. from 3 to 6 o'clock, we will sell

    Ladies' Best $1 Kid Gloves at 19c. pr. Only One Pair to a Customer.

    Vila bed's llallian baud was

    The Blandard l'altems for March uow Mad) . The

    Designer, 10c. Fashion sheets free.

    No Danger. Il Insuiprising Ihe report thai

    has been elieulaled ........ town lhat n bi.n.l of ! cap. were

    making their brndquaiters in ."> h apitul building iib Ihe put-

    pose ofcapturtng negro oi t-u f,.i ,tiection has been denied

    lima and again, -rived In Ihe

    Ifrrille IUIH dnatiua IOBJI, ol

    aome brain that bad be I K.,kc..i.rb,s -

    .,..- men -ear. ' ef I.. I rding aaWj la ' I,, , Tiber. I k n ' -'*"''''

    In i\ M. Wooteu. The occasion was . uio-l ' bghl

    f| . u. indabowed '."* h I dsoioe

    I, Ibe y ung men call ent. I .


    R.,!lio*d Making ixloilionul, Charja

    '" ""''""'"f !**lult"'BcUandald Oil cauian, - Itaihani A. l .he Idleof* r) the I'1-1"' "'";""' 'V '" ,..,., ,.. .IrOea. bin. Is-ueal a ctrcu uslokeeplhemon Ihe stale mniia. ..,..,. tin ,ha farms instead "f Iu the peuiten- liury. Bul a whipping I'' 'a*

    1 don'l see anything fuuny res tinal ju'.'is lalsiut thai .opposcdl) hul -

    are cnipelle to pas- thai p..ini|i;'M '.""J", LV I ,,,,Mlk , loyoul" Wh),).-| n their way borne Inslsi av-ldictioi. In petty offeiaws w.um i,.i ..... > Ingthelr.oik In time Io gel komeL,,,,,, ,.,i-l, , .ber Il IW^tefcall. "

    ilink Thutstla) a ...loiisi en picking lip her

    bet. w......... an . clnlbes, .....I when asked for III. nplaustl .-plied site was pre- paringtntuov Ike country foi tear of bslug cap:"led b\ Ike white cap- Ago"

  • - -- i.niifwp. P ii i saaiv'i i




    D. J. WHK'HAIU*.



    Mni im Ibi poM oOa HI OracarlUe, N. C, M noood etoai mi Ad%'eilikiii^r PMM umtle knowtT upon ippUoMloa. Acorrespondent tie sired iloi'n IM >f*i,-. m iv.t Mdadjoining<

    | lure, I he liviug pott mil of ihe ouly


    .T.II.1 fin!-, and rouse anon upou

    , ihe bnftfffulj arrh lhal seems to I ftitl 'he uni\er>e *neath It* winp*

    a* tbe s < ' vNIi .' take hi* < "iild

    ren uuio life Mil ia pai.oii-e.

    GREENVILLE. PITT (WSTY. .V. C. 77 T>"/UK FEBRVARY 24. 1903


    An instance of unw..limited

    fail i.il iiil< lien i.i -.- with file light

    , lof M'nir of the reside is ..I l\.i-

    sytheeoant} ownes ' llghl ttumi^h

    thi- w Instoo-Haleai Sentinel. The

    p.-iwa-icr at lioyer, latheabove

    There are left only a few more .lays of the present lrpsla -'"''"'.v. had discharged Ibe

    ture, and alieaily si eeulation as to its effort on tbe democratic **"' Ihe ohVe ith credit to

    party, the state government, tbe governorship, etc.. is being in- '"'""lf ""> aattefeellon ta the

    dnlged in.

    The position of the legislature is a peculiar one. If

    not issue boii'l* tlii' linaneial affairs .f the state a'i'l become so

    I patrons. He accepted the office

    it doesI** *" ***n*lllll*^fc'*1 when it paid


    involved that the party may well lie charged with inability t"

    ailn.inist. i th.-.n. If bonds are issued a great howl :ll go up Of cruise no administration i m

    lux! to nothing, hul she

    1s) was -lightly Increased bj the

    I ration of tbe rural fit* dclive j

    syetesieeoa.peteal postmaster .-.i-

    Co/c/i " I hid a Itn-Mr told and touts

    hardly r-rca.he. 1 tl.cn tried AVer's Cherrv Pectoral, and it gave mc im- mediate relief."

    W. C. I avion. SideU, IU.

    How will your cough be tonight? Wont, prob- ably. For it's Hrst a cold, then a cough, then bron- chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral.

    T.r ..,..:.* I! AII,jtr.-<

    II -i. i . >ha 4 a> I m I.. Ul> it. Own i La... it wit". '

    At last Vit-k ia about lo tie pried!

    oil the Wilson portsaattat-sblp. I

    may lie thHt the raaaaa al thn- V.-ars ago rota Ulnnehabs

    ideii fair an.! -raoful.

    EAT TO

    ttiu.: rtcj ought to know a hat *as oflea at the wlgvaea Ihepeopla e/ant. "tli.Tiiaii.itii im mW,


    itself betwwn the devil and the deep aM. On the OM hand is ""tn"a|>|..un!i'ii.b. ill.- detail. "( ahlrta m ",

    am other av.

    formed to isaDalactaira ami put oa f;ili' the f.aiNiaiii iliink luven'ed

    |is up we won i have 11 .m,M. in i... u. t ... , l> Mr. .1. w . Bryan ami pate' ted

    uie ke.ptheiHlrieeKoing. under the name of ^vlla. It ia

    a iliink that will win ||aj wav inlo have been so construed ami Bake " l'xtcnd good wishes t tb popnlarilv with ihc public, and

    1 ibis exph lloi Iiaotaloi any O"wnsbeo Telegram, which is t.. ,hp compeuybasa good tiling to

    . !i i . i i linn.

    At Tuafceagce, Ala., b.- jus

    been In 1,1 ai.oihei annual i.egin

    conference with Booker Washi ,;

    i.m II- piesldeui. The loufvteuce

    adopted resolulioLS .--i

    will, tlie.bi-laraii.iii thai "proper-

    ty and pence nre tl. pi-Mi. til n:.'i

    Providence worketh in mysterious ways, and it sometimes

    seems RS if it were destined to defeal certain ends upon whicli

    men have -et their hearts. Certain it is that if the past winter

    had been a severe one. with the prevailing coal famine, the

    distress of the people would 11:v. - been to great that the cry ol

    the (reeling and starving would have heralded tile political

    death "f the republican party, as being the indirect agent of

    the common misery. There has been a great deal of privation, -,.,\ relations between Ibe i ices "

    but American- nr- i long suffering people, an.l slow to anger. Ii 1- not likely ilul lt....kei s

    May the Providence through which the Lord leniperetb the While House dinner boat had any-

    winds to His shorn lambs be ev.-r with tis. thing toil with the soidng of

    .^ sneb rernlulluns.


    While we .In not especially

    hanker for "tbe good old times"

    that yen read about in story bonks.

    we met confess that I * reaped

    the present time does not suit us.

    The cost of living, ami Iba price

    of every thing for which bald tosh

    mnst lie laid down by the primer

    and newspaper man luu. advanced,

    not slowly, but with attnh rapidity

    that we would iVei thai something

    terrible was Impending If each

    mail Hid HOC bring us not!

    I. -I, si rayed m aluleuOl

    .eualor antl one npreaentalive,

    I". Ii iu .le-; i o ii.ai ks; supposed lu

    . wandei ingaronud Raleigh under

    Ui.- hallucination that they "ere -t'ni there to lepre-eui Pill

    . 'i ly. Infoimation as i,, iheir

    ,'.!. ienh nla abt.uld be fowardrd

    "it. re,i .-I- ilativc." Raleigh, V r-

    beeome a osoraiag paper Instead of push.

    an afieruuon one. K.litor Perkins The

    icin.i i.- in charge.

    election tickets while the ollur

    fellow i-n't looking.

    The members of aim..si We have gr.isn accustomed lu

    every the various degrees and shades ol

    other profession are In a position freaks I dout In the say ofl'.

    to give the printer the little end of g. Kv,.n ., regulailon.- but

    tbe horn. Tbe grocer can pol ala.ul Ihemos me thing thai

    water in ihc oil tic sill- u-.ilie bus happened rcei utlj Isthe iiiling

    dry goods man sails us an all wool . i 11,. p,i,.|Bn ilepartnient forbid.

    tuitofclothes mad* from cotton ding the ni| ivmeni of l.iiia

    grown in Put county, tl.e doctor I,,.,,; I his wife at tbe same tune.

    palnu bis pilU different enlots and Afiei awhile it may bengafnsl the

    culls lh. iii different names, the i.,., foreman aud hia wife-1 HX

    lawyer sell us a tot of second band the malla at Ibemme nine.

    iadvice wrilien in hoir Latin lhal -

    ., won't aland a second wash, and so The i.egro is easily duped. N-

    on ad iiiiini'.iiui. .,,;;., had Beuaior HanuaV ea advance in pine ol type, paper,

    elw| However you da It, tbe prlnloi alave pension hill bee irod ...i

    iipagainsi it. a pension bureau aasaliirii

    f. ...I. tbe ..eg..*.. Tin- I,,.,"

    price of1 GO TO THE WOODS. bat Issued aciioular c-illlng

    I. i I ^.iil/'l.,hs! Mlflel'ilig obeli- ha.-

    I...I ' i i -' The rdlli.r of Ibe

    Du ui liiible i.iinis bis picture i

    HI 'i ol Ihe paper's edit, rial

    c illllilll, .1 .1 III. II sel.il- II ih ougb

    ,, ic.II. .i- aeeond cl.i-s rales. Ii

    .. jhi , i p, fres a lib such a . i k

    ,.| .M* .ii;.,ilie,| in II.

    c .inpaiiy is composed ol solus of the lest and most sub

    stadia! business man of the com-

    Wonder what the ediiorof the munllywbo will have ample cap- Khsaiwtb City f.n Reel asked for Hal at their command. The stock and didu'i geir-Uuri.a,., Herald, holders a.ej W Bryan, K. II.

    Tuestate icaatorabip from ibe Thomas, w. ,l. Xuhols, llitus

    lir-i district, and lie hasn't gotten Bros., R A Tyson, O. W. Harvey, Mnye A Parker. Honse & M.sue.

    and Ins. Laughingbouee ft M.-ye

    King ljlwar.1 imw hasaleglala- ''">' have chosen the following

    i n. on bishandsin olket ..r.ls

    Ibe hang leugllsb pollymenl ''''"idem, li. A. Tys.ii, (vie. pi. siilenl ol (be Bank ui' I inin


    Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware Tinware AN" A I"IM"KK OF OTHER THING


    Come to sec me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.

    Yours to please-

    Ma. Jas. B. White. iv. r II yet,

    >pued it- duns Im bi-n esa.

    Charlotte Is l-.-el by . UI iliiiiis

    ii numerous to mention. The

    nraeers Pr. ai.lei

    n, sl.lent


    V Prraidsnl, .1. W. Bryan Hecrelarv, W. .1. Riohola.


    Would be ibe power of forracs . vlv!l;1'1" iract..f farm ami a

    Ing even,. Tbis ..,,u dcetro, ^vllftff.SrtfW^ n,.|ie. A kmiwlellge of tbe Inline rior court BUUts Kehruarv lllli, IM, " I unmke happiiu-s. There I" a .iTisln .iieeial pnHwsllng therein are, of course, K..IUC things about RHaf '". ".' ."*'''"' "'"'""' l"'r,''n

    iliefciiurewedokiiow. If, ,.ri ^"$2? 1X12? FleES stanee, a lark of energy, ambilinn Arohls Planing, Nannls Fleming. I)! and loss of appetite shows itself we! ^ S'lsmlag, A.l.,l|,riiia Flenun,;, Lso> know il will be followed bvserloas '""" "' .li""';1"n'i 'swell Ftemlag

    S aaV=^ SO? SS^BB , , , | Bitters will restore you to bealtb.

    Treasurer. .1. \A . Iligg-, ,.,f II..-1 Mrenghlcns, bnilil leu.en City ia having a sir. us Greenville Supply On.) I vigorates rnudo* nun keepiug kererewaoostraigat. Board ofDlreet iraK, A. .Move.

    .1. W. Bryan, w. J. Nichols, 1). K. Fur tbssake of bis wife and II 0, E. II Thomas, C. W.

    children w hope Secretiry for- Harvey, J. W. Iligga.

    In eigh lanci


    ii id i

    "d.nilblin-.-, Illilebe ^:t, In.' e.i.'li

    ennui..." U h II kind ol a thing

    I- ,11

    i liarlolle Observer'

    I l,s| nuosi.t, 111 Jllllli^ .ui

    iniormatiou ab mt it.,- nea

    , .ui before inc legislature

    e rale of lazes levied, puts

    lelyou isn't as

    II il- bis pi.-inie. hard looking as

    ..,, srspartlee, I will, on Mondav, .March 'I11 II, 16th, IMS, offer for

    trouble follow bidder ai the court bouts u.idr In quickly. In any event electric I'-ns-iivllb-iiiat valuable tract of farm

    mm wiiiiillaii.1, opposite 1'ark.rs eroaa n.iiil-. wliii'h was alliui.'.l to the above

    >.|. .inn in l.nants in .'.iniiiion in Ihe division of ;igoralea raudown systems, Only lbs lamia ol F. Fleming Un,i known as

    by I lot No. 1 ooaulog 1:1 .,., a,| A_ |M-.-.1K-.I insai.l.llvisiiin usfollows: lle- l ginning at aawptoooUaslGrssavllle | an.l llitli.-l road, the corner of Sunn

    ,, ._ "; prown. iliv'il, and running thence il any inercliaiit really believ.i IwltB ber line north S3 weal St] ohalnt

    ".lie. tsati-fnciiiin guaranteed Woolen's Pharmacy.

    "Whiskey El gage, tbe lb,use''

    are the startling headlines wo

    lead. And ill not Ihe Hrst lime,


    TVi Ell) PHI.

    8u.h men as these will carry theltbtj n.-i. ..is. .-...i-. the advertise- 'V *'",'i;i ,,"'",e u"nh -* *e'1 " c.iy to mot... TllF. HBPU | mem,, this would be an excellen. | nor.h>.', mtffSaRJfftlJZZ Ton presses are mow busy gelling 111IIK- for liim to insert a small notice out a lot of advertising matter for, in the papers, offering to sell coal

    Ibe company ! by the bucket at wholesale priest



    Gntnvillt N. t

    Dear Sin Toneaa pui 1100 i nil can pill us i


    A ruuaway alliiosi ending fatally, atarled a hornble ulcer an the leg of J. 11. Oruer, Franklin Grore, III. For four years it detied all doetore and all remedies, Dm

    || | lliiilileu's Arnica Halve bad no Inmble to cure linn. Kqually good

    machinery, and everything used in ihe production of newa-]

    j JS^a^paypsn, ami ii.iiiiii.ni.il

    Inlhe TaeV-of ibis, il.e

    aewapape is and prim..I mallei1 bas Issued ciic tic w ill offerings

    lar cillii

    of *l I.I


    Obi yc tired bamls and area *

    has declined almost in propoillon brains, when will ye lean tonlv P" >" ''"Ot tnm

    l>iA\ ins Little Early Risers do your pocket if j i ne ib... tin-n tiiu-iiis not gripe nol weaken Ibe system, ihe wrong

    ne eili/.en of Pago Pago, lhe|Tn"* hililousuess, jauudtne, |,,.VP ,,,,, M,izj(. ic.nisiipation and inaclive liver-, .... ,

    -iip.i i.i Ameilcau Hawou, a bo ,. o,,,,.!,,,, n. .,.,.. i.._ i... IMU.I. It lakes fewer gall... ..... ,,-

    -I ,,,c,,,.'.i,b,'-grc.,i,,g-o .hel.Mels'gemlv. >V, Z^ M-i ' M ",a will, mixedtefefSSMSiS^i

    heartily, have never been up ^.'.ll*T2.ttl ':"'"*"|'''""" ""ars longer iba, , ., iloiheg l-.,fihes neb, liver and oil-mixed paints, loo, The

    ;"""" " ' '"',l '"" r;' " "'"< '- 'hal ibe cause of Ibe Slaleehemlsl "f Main, New llaiup- ,1 nsa "mllev" irouble Is reimived enilrelj These.., ,. . '

    1 ! famous llttl* pills ,i,,t a decidedH ' v,r" ' stataaehnseMs,

    - i Ionic rflcci n| I lie organs in New York and I'eiiii-ylviii.ia haic

    lh.' i roubles of that town of '"' '!- I'd If their nae 1a oualla iie.1 for a few days there will IH- M return of the irouble.


    help linrliim "do nioie, llie\ ii, in-

    to Ihe increase in Ibe |u ic .1 raa sat holds tbe pricaleas elixir of

    material. Thus Ihc trustswe'liferest 1 Ve who toil and spin,

    suppose we must blame Ibe liu-l-. ^ with lean, sallow Cnc. -n,,i failedi

    as it seems io be Ihc fashionhit jahifliog eyes, go to the w.ssls. tin

    nsconiiu'and hit u- goin.' We benr Ibe music of thewiods sigh- ,,,!'.

    would not feel so laid luoul an I log through Hie piiiesj see the lh i

    advance in what we have to buy, I shadows glance ami fall; bear Hie

    if what we have to sell wMl uplsoug of Ihe birds, and gather

    ibe dollars will gottiuiili Q In, si,,,,.,,

    and thai will u-ilie la-i tbe lani Hal

    negri es bear from them. ,,.


    every lime. The

    way offers vi u.-iou

    -in two depota ami gives Dor-

    i ih.- in ky dink ebeu ii uaks

    II e.

    Juo. L. Woolen.

    Allent onrarmen.

    fbeGreenville T,.wnship Farm-

    analysed il and say il is pure.

    If you can prove lhal any ol these things nn-n't |o. we ve a

    hundred dollar, walling for you.

    Ifihese things are true, wh.il I' inn will j ..ii get next time yon painl yum hoiiBi-f What will you

    Ihr anil Will to

    cniiiuiiis a banging a.nl ihe government picks in np an.l unes him a home, I- little difference iu lhal lialolllng tllcill |s this the

    itppress crimetWiiialon, with it, or even remained sla-jstrength and peace and rest from(Safem Journal.

    tionary. And though we mustl||ieioanilegreatnessofGod'smani- '' Is aerlmeegalusl sueieiy i

    ease out the trusts and whoop It fold aondera. Tarn je. ere old Pmltsuch brntesas have recent-

    up for the dear people good and j ,,ge, gad shrunken limbs, and i' b**n '*0l"t 'v"stoo rJalem

    strong, some of the same dear iieo-jrarking caresIhe abadowa of ' live. The world would be di-

    ple seem to have no more fellow | cheerless waitingstalk an.uud ye tinolly batter for ih.ir tptedy

    feeling for us than if we were a de j Wlinl matter if your patting off '"king off.

    featcd raiiilidale for the presidency | ibe harue-s fur one swift day shall _^^__

    on a 16 tu 1 platform. AccordingImap Ihe chain of that inexorable Let a uia shift big |Hilitioj jnsl

    to their ideas a shirt lull full of Juggernaut, business! Yc aie Io get a Job, and In nine cases out

    typo aud a band press ought io be .only an atom in Hie mliinle scheme of lea he will nun mil lad. The

    as much as any priuter uceds, but of thingsso small that a million posiuiasicr at Spirta, Allegbanv

    about election time they'll comejof ye cannot cast a ahadow one county, baa gone wrong ami let

    around to our koue

    I hi I- 'a coal in Norib Carolina

    now. A big three masted schooner,

    loiii.l lt"in Phil idelphia lo Car

    i| .,-. l nl,:i. s* il II a load of coal,

    vent aahore on ilio la-uch near

    Roauoke Island during ihe storm

    Mmi.lay night.

    nice: In C..uit house Saturday Feb.

    '.'Sib, lo perruamentiy organise and

    elect ii- ir.- ii. - io eonuty afaatnav liou AH farmers and others in-

    lerealad iii please attend, O. E WSKUIS,


    Your Tongue If it's coated, your ftomach

    Whether It dues much for the js hafJ) your |jvcr js 0U| of stale iroot, iht legislature ta a order. Ayer's Fills will clean big thing for Kaieigb. ii keeps, your totiRuc, cure your dys- biiinlieil- of people there during pcpsia, niaki. yoiii'livcr right. ii.c-.ssi i ,he old town will Easy to t=kc, easy to operate.

    . . , ., 25uii, ipianUou.

    - aw i - i

    If you know Malaria, you certainly don't like it. If you know Ayer's Malaria and Ague Cure, you certainly do like it. i&vr

    compel g,sxl digestion aud head off coiiatipalion. Try them. Only Mc, at Woolen's Pharmacy.

    You tin br Cured.

    Anyone suffering from Warts,

    CUucer., Ulcers, Tumor, or Skin Diseases can be cured by spplying

    to c. T. Oiaa, Greenville, N. O.

    day of December, 1D02, no- Heels hereby given to all peraon. holding claim, against .aid estate to ]in'.ent them to me for payment on or .store the 22nd day of flecenilsir.lsXV.l, duly iieiiii.,,1 and authenllualed, or thi. notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to aald eatate will make payment to me.

    This the 20th day of tlesiember, ISO! u. is , 'SI CANNON, Cubllc admini.trator admlnlalsrlnK

    the eatate of Jans Hsddoak, deo'st


    "Just in the nick of time onr little hoy was saved," writes Mrs. W. WalkinaufPleaaant City, Ohio. < Pneumonia had played sad havno with him and a terribls cough ael in besides. Disetora I rest- ed him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Cooauniptlon, and our trailing was saved. Hs't now tound, and well Everybody ought to know lt'a tbe only sure cure for Coughs, Oolda aud Lang diseases. Guaranteed by Wooten's Pharmacy. Pnos SOeaad 11.00.' trial Ootilss free.

    NOTICEPAY YOUB TAX SB. A". If""" owing taxes for Ibe

    year IS02 are nntlasd that tbsy muat settle the '.sine by the 2,'itl, day of february, 1803, All who want to asve "i-is should uol fall to pay br Ibst time.

    O. W. HABKINOTON, Bherlff. Greenville, H. C, Jan. aotb, 1*03.

    William Fountain, H. D., Physician and Surgeon,

    aMlKNVII.LE. M. C. omoe one door ssal of post offloa, on

    Taird atreet limns ML

    High Grade JOB PRIV i ivi) eV-nrt ns your u>'-.


    l'nt that Word "Finest' lit

    and sin..ke it. (or e mean it.

    Clothes first, of .-nursethat's our cliiel luisi-

    PStaV But )u must have lliilaTilu-slielv, tia...

    Tliis store is one of those -'satisfactory stores "

    vou run into BOW anil then: hut they are few

    anil far between. In a satisfactory store yon

    feel that you have luadc n satisfactory trade.

    If von want to expel ienco this feeling, fine

    her.- fi.i-a lint or smiic Underwear, a Shin, a

    of (ilovis. or anything you may need.

    (Quality of the good

    that (eeling atonett.

    Frank Wilson, THE KING CLOTHIER.

    WlM'l KVI1 I K. N. '., lib .'I R. Tvinlall. ol Kin-Inn. was

    iu oui lorni ycstei.lay on buaioess. c A. Fair and I!. P. Maiming,

    aim have been gone several days

    attending Jr., . I*. A H. cm venli.m al i igli Poinl, relurned

    by wa> af Kiu-ton je-terday. Theie will be a meeting of the

    supervisors of public roada of Goo-

    fentiiea Township on Satin.lay,

    March 7th. ISM at '-' ..'chick, in the town of .\ > den. All supervisors

    ami road ovsiseers are commanded |,v ]{,,;,; _ DiXOi tO altei.d..i lei-im-ss of impil tain-e ' ^ .,.,,,,,_.,,,.

    will be irataaeted. By order of Uallloid Cox sod

    bun.I ii.ul -up.-rvi HI-, .1. M. atiwiheamerialunlavf visil Mis. Illi.w. eliik. |Cainpi.eli, Mr. c\s daughter.

    lluiisiicker Itiiggie-may uol '' They ictiiiin! lo Vydeu rtnudaj any better Iban Ihey have been s,^,. |,., White apml lasl

    all Ibe Mini., bin il really d.- . swt i,i, ber sisiei. Mrs. :ii\.,i.-

    Ilko they have -..me of Ibi ;,,,.; Grime-land.

    Mr. Mill- has I mi .i i .. -i dent of th- - ". -1 bnl rreeutly areol lo -s 'nib '.,- iliua Ills

    iu my friend, sell iimc Ii 1, bile ap. i >.. a.i ay I i

    Washington. Miles Jones, from t'reeale,

    i.- spending tome I Ime lu e. Qoile a iiii.nii.-i ol ''.I ] op

    are indebted lo Mr. and His ' it. The tlrat IMIIIIII lieueliileil lot-, and after taking four Imltli-H I am fully Motored to my usuiii strength, weight ami health.

    Jno I.. W.Miicn.

    Fanners' Setting

    't iir 1 .iiin. is ofOoateutaea innn ablp precinct No 1 Pitt county,

    are rei|iieateil to meet at Ay.len

    Haluulay, the SSth ot Kelnuary, at 2 o'clock p. iu. for the |iiir|>o*>c of

    organi-iiiig a Funnels' Protective AasiHiclaliou for thi. precinct, suil

    to semi iielegutea lo the couniy

    association. H C. Cannon, oiganir.er.

    Oaa Minute Cough Cure give re- lief lu one iiiiiiuii'. i.i .'.in-, it killa the ina-ri.l'e which tickles the mucous no- i I,MIH'. causing Ihe cough, ami at the same time clean, the phlegm, drawl out the lull .in matioil Ul.il lieilla anil aiHill.es Ihe afTeete.1 |>arla. due Minnie Cough Cure slreugtlieiis Ihe luogs, war.1. off pneuiiioina autl Is a tumulcm. and never falling cure in all cur- able caws of Oougha, Colds tad Cronp. One Minnie I '.ugh I '.i.- is pleasant to take, harmless aud

    alike for voung aud old.

    Jerome MeOioboawenl lo Ayden Sallirilav alleriiiHiii.

    Harvey l>ail apsul Bulurda) in

    Greenville Mis-.'i.i. i.- Bryan) spent Sun

    day al her home in V'ililci ville.

    Kxiini Mail went to Wii.teiville

    Honda) u ling. ,l. A. Jan ell went lo Greenville

    Saturday, Mi- Kaiio Sawyer, of Ayden

    K w. li. I. n., attended ehureh al

    Bet bail) S'.n day. Cbaa Mi Giiilion spi-ui lasllweek

    over the rm-r. Piol w II. Kagsdale ill

    lout ore al K.ii-t.ui scliool house,

    l-'ii.laj liiglll the STtd, Mr. cud Mr-, latngstnii wmi lo

    .fin Greeuiilc last Tburnlay. ha a one ofour>ouug nan teems lo

    ta- in ooiiilderulile irouble over Ibe rumor that . lu. . f *-'.'. iiiiglu lie

    pui on marriage license. The i. akle> The r,il oadolliiv ul he ilu>

    ml mil.-.1 here ..llcl Mac ii |sl Mi- Susie Keel spelll I lie US)

    iii Greenville sum I iy,

    Grcenlial Jubllson I il" I ',.

    are nearlj through iun\ Ing tin ir track hen- and will a sin In- !i,

    opeiaiion ai Wliailons.

    0,0. Moore waa in um n lail


    iBoys* Hats, AH sizes. 25C.

    Men - Overcoats. "1 QA 6.00 value, must RO,*',7V

    Hen's Every day 1.25 kind.

    "^en's Shoes, 1 worth 1.50,

    79c 98c.

    BoysP.-"'18' . M 1=2C, while the.**' las..

    John L. Clark's Yards on Spool,

    Spool Cotton, 200 -" 2 spools for 5c

    Choice Lace Curl tins, worth 75cents a pair, to go in this sale at 49 c^nts

    Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vests, Regular Price, 35 cents, this sale, 2\ cents.

    Men's Single Vests. 75c. grade,all sizes,

    Men's Suits, g.OO i Qr kinds, while the.se last,"'*'

    Men's Clay Worsted suits, worth 6.00, at 2.95


    Men's Pine Granite Suits, 14.00 kind. n -A

    this sale. 9*9"

    r*.-hort hilf al CbuUllllt| Sniiil.iy

    Mm. 1\ li Ittii-k, fiom uivr Iiiinii-

  • II..






    Guns, ,. eat.. r


    Don't fail to see me before you buy

    ghelli, Stoves | Pumps,

    Hinges. And anything else in the Hardware Line.

    3 Your friend,

    a H. L. CAKR





    1. Loan Value, 2. Cash Value, 3 Paid up Insurance, 4' Extended Insurance lliai work* MlanuUeall>,

    tMtlSSSSi ir----- -*.re living, or within tfcree yearaaftei lap*,,U| .et..tactorj

    Eg^T^XES&.TZ. bleat the beginning "I tt><

    led. . tie


    bill-: Vide

    Aafter second Dividends are pay"

    ciuiilni (01 tl.e eiirrel due* Prerniurae, or

    succeeding year. pr..vi.le.l the 1 Thev may 1-e MM L. '" ' 2 To Increase the liiMiiam-e, ! 3] To make policy payable MM eiid.iwume

    of insured.

    MMI awl 1

    f ., pi

    ilurlng Ihe life

    -Mill '.- -

    J. L. SUGti, Agt * til.eliville. N



    - ..-

    Time luc of

    Any Other.

    Three the V<

    lOrKuat] Naval Conttroctor Pf 1 "-

    kf:. r I :IMfelM l.i- I HTM il 1 was srarjneed r,-r ssvsral yean at ths Betiii.-in-i. [roe warka Ibecf tsi M1

    perlnieuted viili armor plat,- sad pel cuwlou shells till he knew the process- a of uiauulueturlui; the toughest Plata and the UMt peut-tratniK shell. Young spplled uluiselr BO lUHgi'Ml}- thai his health t-an to give way. and. secur- ing a .war's leave, he went abroad.

    Ou*- tttormuK while row-ia. on the pospurus lie met a baud-emely cata> pled boat, polled by four sanocha, 11 ar- In. a Turkish lady svMsott! I Ufa rank. He stand at b,-r. bat abet "see was covered be could see no tenure but her eves. Xaoat Hib (allow and was at the time In the uni- form of bis rauk. The -;.- ill U.. bat* pan heat apoo bUn and, It sdmtrlagli However ltd. may I Mo,,, evening while walslni o tract naa aetoalatl '"m In b i Bm Ush. inforii.ltis blot thai hut) """ bad sen ini-i ib.,i dajr desired to make

    [his sequslotanee. Bach an sdventore ! salted the ,.m.er exact!*, and be ft* [lowed ibe man, whs led bioi to a w* ! rate entrance to the aultau's seragtla. I After dodging ihroagb were) passages,

    TOUCB suddenly stepped Into a luxuri- ously tarnished partment, . which on a divan sat a rerjr pretty Turkish wouiru. Of coarae ibe was tbe woman he bad met on Ihe river.

    That was Ibe rear of tbeean lr, Turkev 18SI 1 think H (oong was adrandnj. Ibe lad) healing her baud to him. there "ere .1 rumbling and a rocking which loosened Uvaud let the sinful Oonpk down Into the apartinei.t beJow This was not all. The Milan eras at lb* i * tog his favorite I U - ''' 1""* aient into which Ibej fell, and tbe sight that greeted but , - log g ihe plaster war I

    I Vount- with one ..I bl I I BM lag ing to buu In terror.

    Of eours.' this roeanl del the atnnera. a al Ibis su r|

    The Lost % Wagon Train


    i .....

    stimulate the TORPID LIVER, .strengthen the digestive organs llgiisBl the boweu, aad are uo lanaM MM

    \TI-BILiOlS MEDICINE, la ..........; JiarttU their vbtuca tve Mkklv - i J. tu tbry potar& sugar 1.0-lciI.

    ltike No Substitute, i

    Some S&lt Water Ghosts

    ICepi right I .... II B. '.:.:. ] In March, 1- - Ihe 1 ' Bi lm.vltm

    of I'biia.'. I '. red a hrlg, the Speedwell .' 'Bbtcaj with

    Ignal The BpeHlwell bad rai eo i I eal

    (,.- lilbt dtar. - .-: .:,; lb Is i roj it.-.

    I lag .11 tat Dow as .M ::rtwr at Ibe crew had been frightened

    'on Ui Igbl I re Ihe

    '!. w up, mate-. 1.1 all went gwur In tbe I boat anu ea]

    In Jans lwa, 1 i r from tbe , j II oils :n

    e port of r :: > I . ' Uauritina A week ifler she bad a . . v..i:. thei sh ,, . :! .1 the '

    . pert i; .1 l.y

    . Gnglisb Hrni .. B lied si ' ""

    I for Llvi rrew bad r..t,.-l Ihe ,o| U li < I a at BI. ! .... - -i l .-: II sh !' being

    of the -wry hi I

    ! ... I. I

    . i.. i: .: '. sailors In the I nl "I

    forward lli ' Bv, p i ,| . ad

    i i., 'I bird Easier.

    Oi - Tliirrl Foater

    AgMiid wgiited in ll

    11,.ii-iii ieii loirhar) -

    WheeterA Wilson MIsCo Alliititii. fit'


    S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.

    e& I Goes up oi i down

    Ski According to Ihe Publici- ty you give your busi- ness. Keep it to yoursel and it goes down. Keep!

    climbs up.

    N.-vei irii ili Will, it'gllme you n i> (1 it and 1*1 the people ktrnw >oo waul ila. it- node. The ndTerliidng

    eolnmna f

    T H E R U F r used ivuiiliiily :ml |ier-i*renily. will iniik- imaineM (trow. Are you -mi- li-,1 wlifa torn ' urfneas! If not, ad-

    rertlselt, -ni'l >'"' '"' '- ":"isli,(l

    with tin- r-tiirn*. Vi u will Bud |*o 11.. ini..i,-ied in wl :it you Buy if yon talk t Hi- in 'In" '*h

    o THE Push your

    mometer up by advertising

    at B. Fleishman & Bros. We are o"Wtn ked with Kul

    order lo OIOM them out ' niahi' i hare put tin- knlfa in prl nd ti-m on -ill 111--- go< '!' i li r ..i Mroffering and It will pay , u to Imy n..w. _

    Our aiook was hoiigh1 low, mid Ihia reduel uti prloeg far below what yon wll have anoilar opi buy for.

    Come early and gel Ihe li-n-m of this great All winter goods niu !" dlajioard ol quickly.

    B. FLEISHMAN & BRO Phoenix Bulding, Ureenvllle, N. C.

    right here had llol tl.e -ullal. r. -eg- nlxe.1 Voong as an anicrlean Sot that that deterred tin i utocrat froai appij-lng Uv hot he was at Uiat time i i iesaed with the skill dlsplajed In An mllliary and aai I - '' --:'J " "' earred to blm thai be might gel some information. Be naked Ihe trainer, ssor several queauons, and when he learned of his |,e,ullar esnerUOM his 'j-es gleam.sl wl-.ll MtWaCOOB.

    -lie Into li.- government works." be said, "and make nw a ; -.annor that no shell cat l i He and s shell that ao armor can resist If goa do Ibis. }oo go fn*e."

    That would he Ian bl.-. roar raaj- estj. but 1 wul make gou an armor that no shell eieept one yon poesoae can uenelrate. and thai shell will pene- trate any armor. Bui as an ualcer of the United Males navy n '-"":-l I M- beeomhu. of me to sat ,' and leave woman to poulstiii --nt

    Verj well." saW the sultan. I CM- sent. I bare nerer scan tills tn before. Uwngb he mag have beeu la my harei.i f.-r months. I do not even gnow her name. If you sue.- I. 1 will glre her to JOU."

    In a few weeks i ami the tihti al tlte warka In the sultan's presence, young aet up bis plate and challenged 'ha Turk! Beers present to pierce It. With moat of (heir proJectUea tbeg on- ly doui.-i it. Ha- best they couM do was to get Into ii aboul two Inches.

    Are gou saUaded, gour majesty ' i i u1 oss.st loure 11 at there is no shell

    it before the public and it * ,,,.,. ,,,, The sullau consulled with bis super

    lnteudent of Hie works, au liDgllsh- man. and then told goung that he was saMslled.

    "TelJ well, goor majeatyi I ... now load til.- gun mgectf, but i uk gour maiesty to wllbdraw every one to a Ua| ". while I Insert Ibe projectile In onler that goor rosjestg gloM may possess il lerei. which I will trans- mit to Jen after II inerlment"

    T [hi il usseuled Then Young surprised them all i.> htttai up a shell ! Ibe kind lb.-) bad I n aauig, hut liefore pulling It law tbe gun It a-oa observed dial bo look some- thing from his real poekei IVben ..II wu ready, Voung Bred the shell, which penetrated Ihe plate, tearing awag ihe barking The shell was found lo be uninjured. The sultan examined it greedily, then looked np in si aaement There was nothing on li different from any other shell and no mark to ludlcate that anything had been attached, 'ibe nest sh.,t v...- fired al an angle of twenty degrees II pierced both plate ud I king nil I urn, b i wall lurlos-

    lug the r:.- 500 feel swag rba lOc un ami all Ibe officers i reseal h.ld up their hands In utonlsbmeat.

    Tell me at i "I Ibe snltan -tbls wonderful lecrei '

    Th. ii youi - look a cap and Oaed It to lb. polm ol . shell II or, behl there ly magts Ian li was nation of metals which protected Ibe bell's point -in it had passed tbe hard aurfa, i.. . luu and reacbad 'be softer metal at 'he back.

    Tlie sultan Clapped his bands, aud Mucus appeared, leading the led? who Invited Yonog to her apartment* He gallsutly crook, il his rni and led her nut of Ibe works amid II plaudlta of tin- anemliled throng,

    Thai evening an ntoi cme froat tllP i iii ip'i pal i - hearing a hag of gold for a dowry Tbls was n much

    nd ii gsoresensible wa> of settling Ihe mil- , , ter than drowning lbs woman in the

    I1 ' rsosporui as a >Ibe i". The sultan m. Il'iiii- gain,.,! a ealnable aecret aad got rid ol

    III- in ill"1 an unfaithful nlfe. f. A MI'IVllEL

    toward ... ihe -:.

    .,;.!> ... . !

    C ol li, , hand.

    i I. d eli p| i ,, ..;.,

    Lea wet . .. I . i tin re '. side! educatl

    . ;> s, , b; ti II ) .1 ibis 1..

    ill Ibo* m r -

    - :

    1 and icri I u 1 Hi '. .

    . g men who ...... .. :

    . .i eapl

    .. th . Ill :. II BJBU Of coll

    It '..ho hie! 1. i:-.i luck ash re. 1

    h.i.l i nu -

    H CTOR

    .! :. .,; .1 iu| ...... D played I DO 1 M III It

    Bi .' ui :- ' ':-"' -' "'* ,.' .:-: . nl.J n 'W !.;ii ;-.,i...... H .. i Ii Horu *es :[., ..; fMI ' '-. - < : Ww ** ' f< n

    foui.! tu .-v.-rv imrtlcolar ....; i:.. : ;..;.: I .;: ii!i One n Bht, while l i* Un a* I ., HI w, il..- l."iit 11 lufl b ii.-.ii ! uudSo'i :.- 1 turrn I my re i.. . ml -. i; rtaw inn

    1 . . !' [ R J I I -- Ill I.-' , , , .. tvuli it. Wll -. i > > ''v..'..:i.i matv - irol li nwl Mi ' >


    ogb llw ni-iii waa Onv If IDJ iqui radios "'!" ""l Bm" '' ;i '; '

    .. -.i. i mi tu i- :1 oui Ibe artk or vU*-MI ilr> I "i pi | j . ., i roul l ii-' ni.iii a 1.1...I, ;md ilw maw 'ii;! I lo aboul and counted Iho m"i i' watch. Than i advaiw*rd upon iiruniKT. and H* bavkai up < fe* r-vu . i |o (he iTt rail and i-wuiig lum- .. .1 ovui> feet above A mm looac and aend tin-m pouiiog down Into ibe valley, rerhnno it would be a dap of tbuudt r. a mighty wind IVr- bal^ 11 would he OOM OUgbtef CgttOf. the tread of a wild animal, the cr.uk of a rltle, the shout of a innti. What- ever tbe canoe, once, t.--' deUeofe bal- oner waa deatroyed Ibe treat mass tot- tered and fell with .. r.ar of n tbou- aod .aiiuou.

    Tbe man deoeended to the trait at the point whore it began to mount Ihe avalanche of earth. KlwOellag at a aftrliuf t- drink, be aaw Mtmething bron protmdlng from ti' It wui not a brruKb. it

    | oindc with band*. Ue wiz.-*l It and fuuiul U cold. 11 a* iron. Pulling It

    1 gut. he saw a gun barrel fvom winch the atock had been rotted- in tbe hole from wlueh he took it was a hone-

    ' aboc. He irled to lake It out. but found that it wan flied to H hofae'a foot. Tlan bi* party came up. ;iud. aifising. iin-.v found ibe -k.-u-ions of u bonu! and a man and the Ironwork of a rragon.

    ra-iuii wt n|.UMf. IHaUoneaa ilkWliagnlaliaa Iho n-iaUona

    between mi'iroufHii ami lualds In Ja- pan, li in *.> Uioioeahk in Japan that grog iho .vr.iiitiiiv .ii "glrlng nottraV" la tweed Into an oceaaton ou were

    tbe stroke oar al calk go. wefua'l you? VoMg Husband -Yes. love. "Aud a v. ry loomUienl member Of

    tbe gymnasia- elub." "I was lie' .uplalli." "And qalUJ a band at all alhletle el-

    eleis-'s" ' -gaits a hand? Why. I was tbe

    cbamplOO walker lb- best runner, the head mini nl lifting heavy webjbb. and as for .arri In,-. by. 1 assure you. I iou!d shoulder With eM barrel of-

    -'Well. love. Just please bold tbe baby for a oouple of hours Ihe uurse has gone out. and I'm Hredf

    T.a, Wetter'- AOvlee. "And bOW lonn,' be ask.-d. have you

    been a widow?1' "till," she replied, with a blush, "tbe

    year was up y.-sterday. Hut. Indeed, I didn't suppose you were so nuslous. dearest. You must fin me a mouth at bust logel ready."

    When he got ouisale again, be uiur- UlUnsl to biloselt;

    Now I know wlial old Waller meant."

    '. c

    on BkgKing iinl I"- .ily*i on hauil I

    N... 1 Dolly K\." ii No.

    t*| Sundav :.. ':>> a in; l.v Klnoton Ar ii:l.

    r> p in V.sO 1| III Greenville ' 5:41 p tu '.t:i-."i a in, 1'aniiet.- ..:ii" p in IQKM a in | " Kobgood \:i. \> ui UaOl) il ID | Ai IMidrr 1-. .l:.i. p in 11.-.v .ml VTeldon 5:1ft p m

    I .'Xi p in Ar Korfolk L.r ggm n m

    -it p m Ar r- Lerabu g Li liifliiiioiid "

    1:4" A in 7:J.". p in hattS a in II !> piu \\ aabingtoa ' 1:30 a m 1:1ft a in Nia, \ork ' 9:25 p m

    r'LORIDA. x,

    Fresh pjooda kepi roiislantly M band. < ouatrj prodooe boogt and uM, A trial a 111 ooiirluoa \o.i.

    ii. W. HAROSC.

    i.v llooky .Mount Ar Columhlo 'Augvata

    ! " cturleaton ' Suvunuah

    I " .Ini-k-ionviUe t" Tampa

    ' TbornaoTllle . " Mpjrlgomerj

    M;.i; urn I l:ll'i |i ,Io:.V.p

    s J." C:ll silti 1:1.'. p m 10:011 p in


    ml 11:18 pin ;l:tsl a ni gtSQ a in 7:10 a in 10:Vl a in Btgfl p ni

    The I'opn wet earth, as soiuethlug | tbe serin

    nd the mi seventh ill.

    I, to

    the rd

    llie the

    Mary Iv.ii.e bad .-.in.- in Irom ber work llred and, Ibrowlag li.-rs.-lf on a lounge, was reillug aad thinking. Jolm Uerrlelt wunted ber lo many him. sh- loved him. but John bad lit- tle or nothing on which to support a family, and Mary, who was level head- I ed. foresaw only accumulated burdens! In becoming Ids wife Martin Hughes.

    diured storekeeper, who had a competency, also wanted ber. and she ' was now dellberalliuj whelhtr to m-.

    and ..:.,!.r.i.Z when Mr. U!!e eauie ,..pi the couUnued evil of poverty nod forward, and alien :.,- had heard n.y work t.-. bard for bor delicate . .. , |H ... i ,i waatbeahosl slque --r .i husband sin Ihat hud drlvca Ibe other cfew a.av. Uve without. I.. k had been seen by every mnu . "Jobii li.-rii.k wauU to lee you,

    nbo a -: watch

    Thins; lo Mr. , wii, oaoapUooallg long. Bter had J'lsl rea.bed tbe Ion of his subject

    "Aad now. 'bar brethren." he ex- claimed, "what shall 1 s.iy more?"

    "Amen." suggested the thoughtless man who bad )usl waked up.-Chleago Post.

    rapasst. Mr. Meekly -Our neighbor's son Is

    always thrashing rag boy. What sbsli I do about 11?

    Lawyer Teaefa your boy how to fight Teu dollars, please -Chicago Sews.

    lb -IIKAI.KK IN


    am -Kji-



    t Ala.,* aim l.in.ol Hanlwan-


    J, R, COKEY.

    BITAHI.lent:!' |875,

    .M. Scbulte. IVhougratC anil relail Ormsal ami

    dirnltiire Dealer. < Para paW (M Hidea, I'm', ('..li..n ri,ad| Oil Kat rt-ls. Tnrkaya, Ecu, on- Pel .: :-, Mi.iiie-.-.-, Oak Buius, Bn b. Cuiiinris. t,olulls, Parloi

    i stiiis Titl-li-s. L langva, BafM, P. from midnight to S raid tho woman with whom aba hoard-1 g^g-ji'igard and Gall ft Al ^imfl,

    11* i ll'Ilii"'!! \ 1 > H: prayer witn strmon eve

    I " ' ' " ' ' V ! every 2nd ami llh Sunday.

    Pullman Blaaaiag and Dining Cars ,on KM.SS aud il lo Tampa utnl-laek- lonvllle, Pin. II. M. K.MKKSOS. tt . J. I KAlli.

    Asst. Traffic Mgr. On. Pass. Agl T. M. KMKKSON, T. M.

    Wilmington, X. C.

    IRE^TRY. ciiUKcm*.

    BAPTIHT.Servii-es .-..-it Sun ; day, morning anil evening. ' ' - ias-meeting WexlaMtoy nwitisg Rev. J. N. Booth, |uitor. Baud ..

    i school 9:.)0 a. tu. SI. A. All.ti auperinioii.il",:.

    i MKTIIOUIHT.Bartieaa avwrj Mn ] lay, iiioruing and evening. PrayeJ j aieetiug Wednesday evening. Ki-v H. M. Eure. pastor. Sun.laj s. i.o .. 9:80 a. m. L. H. Fender, siipenn

    ! tenilenI

    j PiiBiBYTEUlAN Sorvlees llliii Sunday, morniuganil evening, cttin

    'day school 10 a. m. E. B. I':ekl.-u ! au oeriiitenttont.

    EwatioPAi..Rev. \V. K. Cox, ' Minister. Morning and eveuiug

    with sermon every 1st services

    .vould rather

    Ill JI.KK1N

    .moral erchandice

    ivhichard, N. C.

    ,i.. .. I a 1

    FLFCTOl business ther-

    \ ii- r ii-

    I'M ll.ls.

    old. \\ '

    tci-y. .

    IUI'll, In

    i HI " orliinilr it

    d action

    The Reflector Five Cent Cigar not made by a

    Trust. You don't get any charity presents with this cigar, but you do get your money's worth of good Tobacco. Reflector Book Store.

    ARRP II 1- attention to details in tiur Joli Danarl ment ii shown in Orl hih class of work wo ar tnrning out. We have tlie best equipped offlc and do a class of printing' hardly I'tiniilled In (bin section If you are particular aa to the quality of youi -tnti-a, w< WMt yvu mk. Wtglfa y- tna baai ffgy1 "" ]MUM> | -

    .I. ..I.


    Uresi i ... i" '.i al ri

    , which iii. r,.,i oi i ilngsi' -is -.1. eantroUaa, u was R sort >.f Mis. linnniy Pnshlon regulaU m.a lu partleu sr were laul eery pn H linen, il .1 I hangee in tlieir iiltl. in.,I ii .i. h II ..re fre- qaantly than la a u's Very differ.

    Iboas I

    nb-ely ..III. lal .us for

    ,ase now In "i - daga dress, was bright and evea

    Cut IS I! too. II. gaudy.

    Prior I'M 11 " " faga 111 ... in ii,.u | i ll.-niy I., of hi .i i or) la i irl i ra, bad all his siii.j.st..' kscka rail Iraalj -horn.

    The ne\t imponani eas i ol ili kind was under Kdwaid 111. wb i ii, .i i .i i aid have room cental ford exi pi rat Ibe ,. a ifiidiiys in ibe gear, when lbs king's Urges might eat iiial drink al will

    tif lolerew lo ledlea !|| be Ihe le.nl faiu that bet. il ihe big I rea worn by men un.'. i hlleaard It. Wo ua tea] thai some hung down to Ihe knees When nottafa Is bii.ui.hl to Ibe table "the eleeves go Inlo llieui and gel Ibo first taste " In short, the nlllaauee was so lnlolersl.il, lliai a slaiule w..- i ..-d

    ... . but by no ,.;bl

    i ufrakl, ,.;i ("li*."l"l !

    Tlie mr In iii.-1-iii houicil to IfBOO tit-teen.

    crctuaturiea U

    haul i i " liwW rial. A MM : ' -i Mjri llml "if Ihg hrtu

    I . ,, Uifl KM HOUlil Lt> IWO ill orr; llw wmUI." Ami

    Minor girag oul Inn (ol iy nun U i nu-lil ftii I It'll kjirth, >: ""i hlin on th* i he inn iiii.h'.-i phrtwn Tin i'' wiit'it* blamod

    I it ..f IH in dklabouii iiml enn*! a"im." Kanaaa ruy Journal

    mil ii P nu Ohlahonn lovrli - -li" - In : .1 'I ipoi. i it I dm lar wlutl ipi

    poaal oi' ouo man Uaa acol lur a bos inar.iial. 1 Dl t camly.-Eichangv.

    . l.-i.r ". Iirmr. Onai II cr Bui lhal onbrtlta woha no

    .,!, , |p inil iMuinnn iii"' lua iwlc* you aah irldk

    Dcmlrr Tluil'i "- lMot| f Ihgl IIIU1H.UH. li- mag* Of .lie very l-rat

    lc iQ look ii If It i ,. riiUa.lt lplil.1 mill

    111- Hi" ra. "Fiinny ttilng U>t- Ever nollco ItV "What 'tr "Whj. wbao a uiau'a down It'a all

    up with blm."-BalUruora Newa.

    For on* man who can stand prooparirr thora ar* a bundrad that rlil atarat

    Hf--4Jt IN

    American and Italian Marble alt: BNVIlXBi N.C.

    lr- i nd Iron Pi-ncf sold. PlraUC'laai rk ami print. rt-'.uHiii:ibli9 !.- , |tia .t pcsciitoii appca Hog.

    .1 Norfolk, Va.

    ,11.HI Buyers and Brokers stocks. Coll.m, drain and Provis- ions. Priiiile Wires lo New York. I'liii-Hi'i.iiii'l New Orleans.

    ,. .ml..islf uIsslD U.S.

    PATENTS i isBg eaai. wear* af jHp ' AY, FEBRUARY 27, l(.H;i. NO. 20.


    Manufacturing Sfitiancrt Commercial Printers School Books, , t'llicr Supplies, Etc


    Ricks & Wilkinson -v^f>'> .>.-->-

    Our Raleigh Letter .

    The Personality of this Store

    TUEBB -i H perxHartUly aboul UUaatore. Ytn feel il and lielievr in il if \mi .ue In mil un uilli

    Ibe >lire. The uttiluile i yeani. Vuu wliu reiuemlefi- ihe-iiil abO|piaUT adiimie ! u bow lug ami MTiiping" To eajiile u eu-tomer inlo a hail h.rpiin whieb f. i ii i'i in.t he lighted allri wunl. It ia an alii

    luile of aniiiau('e in tbe worth of the nienh.i.ilue

    pi-wenlcd. An alliiuile uf a of diem* food*. ff eiiatouier wmofB an nil wool dre-s it it here. If Ihe

    paeo to hlghtf, it ia right, l/aoane other MOI. ba

    tohl tbe eur>tumer that a pail wool it* all wooJ, anti Ittal ciirstcmer Ifelakl our ptofa dear, and i:ea to Ihe

    other MOM in buy Ihe deception, we have lor-t a Mh , bin kepi our reputation, and will probably get iii.,i

    customer Iwek wben the eoiion beglM to show in Ihe cheat.

    Notes (rom the State Capital .

    W^"^"--'.'- ' - Raleigb. 1'f.nuaiy 33 I be

    legtohature tbe la*' aeeeial dayx I were hat may Iw termed "'iijii-ij

    ! bitoeik,"iid ilie ball .in. ;h in il- dis- eii-ioii. A vote will U' reached on it aid tie L .talon bill at noon Tu.sd.iy, tli.u nirrt'enient haeing beeu reeebed by the "nut.* Satur- day alien .

    Ilieh'iiiM' i a- .M.-i|'i| wflbtbo

    A'niii". hill" day an 1 ni-hi forn weeks Aneiiiiineu! ajter luieod- lueiil waa ofle ed aud voted down.

    Ki:ad> ibe I ill, alter belog iligbi-

    I) aIti red lij aone uaeodmeuta, li;i-*e*l iiH BKoood reading by a vole ol 71 L...S, and on I'rid..y

    Trageday m Ral.-i>>h.

    .\ abtikiu'L' I raged j nccliri Kri'i;li Balunlaj aftern ui whieJi Mi. J l.n.ilou Skn.t . -hot a d aim. >t inntaiitly kill

    Prueel Hay wood. The trap occurred on tbe principal street

    .icnji'if Loditi* Mas Novel law

    -i iii U BBhin . I'. '. Feb. JJO. ir bur lug a ittacuralon of eJotarc rule

    !!< in tlie "ca-e, which wax brouehl Only a I bj ab i lij rVi:iii t,ii.i> "* lewolutloa,

    \l --ellii I i li I bal il waa Ibe wnee ni oi '. !,t nei ate IIMI :t vote nu tbe


    Dm miner. Lut

    Kinjt'i S .

    (tie ol Th*

    the in \ neai the pofitorBce The twoge llerueu had leen In hricl oouveraatloi aud BBbklnuei luimd aud WB* walklue aa^ I! r] -ii>.: him I *' Bih wen p-. m lue t II i II ..: I; ib igfa ai.;., .. .< with the UM 'amdie- ol M i

    -MH, Cl *.i- .1 -on ll i'i. Hi

    Sklui'H and hi- luolhei dii d a few da) ;'.. Ha) wot d laain. He ;;- -. mmltted

    Mat* li I i ill ihituld le taken fore Man h '.'. I onub i ! ud \ HI red "i- ol iln- in** ii .

    - i ., :

    ! i- .ii*l ihai niocl m Ibe partj hi | m i ible '..i H

    j Inll it I i -t .i

    i. li -. n ioibj -I ll.e

    i\ ii'.-i . . , . -;, .i , ,

    .i i IJ n\ . Mi. -ii.t i| .1.. larcd

    .;. BJ I, ' * i ii jo '>

    i : . V ) ' . ' III :|..' nliiutj

    fdrnu'i IwMa i 3 | not eniietftub II X. r . IM.. I'l .1 i, I Dinji.1 1*3 . Mr i.tfin.l Ui a farmer who re-id* ! uo I 11 > ol l\i MM-MH - Wigalui plane, aeveral V\\ \ Joue8, of the Fiiai di-tiir .


    n. r-it Ibe .li .

    mill- ii'-m towi, died yesterday Bi t in)< ii,.n, ib.- effeeta ol I,mi uia III lal e i'h -tn.-nl .1 ii . i An en.l'l> b- ! lc -;.;- f' n. d I' h - e .111*1 i :' ii I lit If ' I in* ill ii:'. iiutoucbe i. w..- in hi- p . .i t

    I'M-.ci.i > ..rie -umin iii.'d bill all iT'oi;-io :n < ni-i* it un failed De-

    sp>u.di-i.e> i- preauuialil.i ih.-o.in-f -fMiieide. Piii wao about 48 year*

    Id and li\.- M |fi ai.d Ihu > bildreu.

    Pitl ..- Hi *ilt--opeiatn g uili tlo mi I,' i i'iiu tioio.i'id the Diajorit)

    bill ni d, *.hile >i uaighl he a legal

    m ijoiily, il waa liol .. tuoi || on.

    A ii iueiden! i-c-r-ui red on Uve i rait ;i : - that -ii''. .. 'i till lo ihe ..- .. d thai ti.'ie i-i nl -v inp ilh.i II al ui Mi- nll he.trlx in Hi |.ii -. nee od *"'

    the tmil Ntnpped :ii li i .ii' :.roin-

    ,ui.nd b\ r - . biktreu KOI . , I < . i it,.i. be Beata

    Tbi. i iifell

    nu bid* d uotbli .. Bn .,..'*, -..; v ar.il--

    :. raw Hug. Uui then liter, a young a*h . rfaogot . !n aaaie

    I I*I li II -".:' luither lie *', hut a |*itlj oe-

    lei . |..l.'Oi._'. . ! ...

    ii ij i" ; :. ! ni ii..- - iti I,.i

    . ifiipj a ho wat. Boon aftei the train puln-tt oul ibe per- *..ii >. lu >. t ii't ibi young lady M ..* mi' i; qiiuing reui*tth

    '.! Ud> ..ud (bildreu up in i"..:.t. sin- replied that it wu

    . - iddi 4 CUM - -lie b:ol ever kuwu, and upon being qiie-tioui I further told a plti/nj -t t\ ih ii [ourhed ihe be irta of ail b - -1

    G RAN D= White Goods Show



    iMaut Biratu of liit-u-. ne li'-l VOU piot.li it lot,

    and -li- had been in IM-I| Ihieo

    wiek- l..*i' ri*-be a'eutau'uy, .'!( Xi-l-i'ii'sliool .itiieml-hcrcgieatl) reprd her leavina and wmibl be

    dehifhied I aee bm return, the

    * It is not a ijut'siioii of moralaur s. niiiut-ni. In ihe

    i-olil li.gin of fan, "Iloni-slj' i- Un- I.i-I jsiliiy " Tbls

    store'a persunahiy pntanla au adiliitnie uf plMMII - MM, (-..nliilviii'i-, lruiikiii-t.s, lii'lpfnlm-ss, ai xirly tu

    please autl salisly iu every tiaiisai'lioii. Hfbeuevel Ibis store lails in any of ihesi* jiiirdrulais smiii-

    hnman agenty lias Galled la Its loyalit to Hit- |irlin-i- ples of tbls store. And wln-n- llii-re an1 tininy

    human Diiuils and eiit-h auk a pail id human bands,

    with Iba iDslineta of buuian liailty, ouaipuslug an uiKiun/.ii un. human ... ik .-- wil I ui timrs l.iil. But ibe idea is ever piesent. The iuieni is in every

    pulse heat, aud every error ia pruuptly, plvaaanll)

    and, il |sil)!e, effeetinilly riiih'eil, llie Una i. Hi. inaehiiiery Corrected and eiiilenvoi- eunliiiiiiil. W'enie

    trying to deaerve ibe success ibal has eonetuoui

    store. If we knew boa-to sei-ie the wlmle pul'llc lietler, we winild do il Tlie licst that seems possible

    toii.-iy i-.ii...i....,c bone lu do better tomorrow,

    * Salurday evening;, February 21st, Irom 3 to 6

    o'clock, we will sell

    Ladies' Best $1 Kid Gloves at 19c. pr. Only One Pair to a Customer.

    The Standard Patterns for ilni.li now ready. Designer, 10c. Kashiou sheets free. i

    i.b' friend* of all wtioui abi and her departu it* fron tin* lo i n I-* ittfielled h\ all. She ha-o -if leaa cbariua of life and chaiaeiei and her impreanlnuand fiflm-iiee upon ih. people ol He.it] ilid X.ik .Mil reaiBiii for aianv, many year* She will alwaya Uudwarm el- eome by all wheuever ah.' nn. t*li....-.i- or chance to come tin- am Hr>iilatid Ni-.-k I'oiumouweallb

    li aliradi'^ln Ihe \.. ,- re- i i i'i I *'.i I IS. An | \r III ul

    ' - if M- Parker, about I wo \ lh luebca it. hire, ! a* la i til i . .. I'ie li ad oi |he > irl . MI il .. ;-1 which, iii i.un\ .;i aba] ed

    . ;., pear-* ihe folbm i ;li ii l hue*-: Hun.,! ami >! .u.e

    lioui i.o eoiatitioji ua*'. Ail well J an | nt. Ihere all h..i, i lien."

    i. .-.i fore vote bn Ibe I. tidoi ii " It i- i eal I) a . ik ..i art

    duodoubi vmbebighb prired M,m,,,w, f could tu make their

    .. Iiacfc ie i. lain* - ai her obi home.

    in enough lo orvrhcar itiuu. U:;-: K.irhei in the

    v. .! :i BI -li .*. I'll hi- tie . ud -Il

    b nl moved fron near ' . : to Ihe randem

    i --.:i- Hi- bad ii-ni

    - d ii li ..ii (irifioi and aetlled ' , i . make : | 11

    i .i . i .. 'i i iiiiuv. Some da>a .-al ethc man - oul . _ li - he **a- uibb - Ij -i/...I it :. - in uli i*. i . , .. . | dm li rl v\.i- oi. wi "i. io il.t , NII. un >ih< \ had i ecu there 1' J l ) i uuie i i i-ty a-.d i veu ICIIK I luiuie W ml hi in pci pic, on. II ere

    lew niarliica up ibi-. way capa bie of accept f UK it. The Auierieau jury ha- iliapoaed ul Ihn . IKC Kxplanationa, however iliin. an loo late! Hartford ff'oni Cm rant,

    > ju-i re- K.doi Al-

    Cailci (lar.

    tut uiiique

    WOllli II.

    Bond, but the > id e I-" Uu 1*1..nu

    woiii.ili. UitCC bero. pa.le...., now confined Ihere- L|11WII| ,.,. jlMlim.v hen,,* lot,.,

    lu.with noiall appiopriaiiouH foi1)^ ihroogb wlldernexa of eypn-M abuIuielyneoeawryimprovemeuU. Bjoom. ii!. a paal of bam.lli.L

    '| par I oi ii !the iiuieuanoaof the nuin* ,, ,,. ,.,,.,

    i no confined Ihere-|.,,m), (,,.

    I On .Saturday evening Ihe senate pMBtd ail iu.poiluul bill in relcr-

    enccto iuipiovrd public road-. Il allows, ihj. rmiaiy oommlaaioueri

    'lo build a good road bl time nnlr*. from court boiiie and to

    levj a -p. rial l.v, if liecew-aiy. hoi lo exceed .cinciilh nu Ibe #100,

    ', to pay cost i>(-auie. Houie iwi uiy-

    |tlve or thlrij countle aie rieuipl from the bill.

    Anti-Saloon League.

    At ihe meeting of Ibo Anil H.I IIMHI Uoagne in ihe Christian cbiiii h, Bundavj aflernooB. Prof.

    ,\V. li. Ragauahl ai.d Mr. P. C?. Itardlnii made report nfthiei recenl vi-it io ita elgh ai repieaeut itirea

    Ml I00S of the league in the i.t-t-i ofl" tcinpcranco. 01 MiUTW liny could

    .,,, not lell ju-i what w|l| bi 'he oiit- /VlOnUITientS, "r""' pendiui larrlaui i n,

    , The i tug ue will hold a meeting In

    i "1 Rocky Mount. *&&!* " '

    Ricks (t Wilkinson r*thllihntl IKWi. Incorpr.ra'c

    ARTOPE & WHITT CO., Harble and Granite

    and Agents for Iron Fencing.


    dreams. preeenl dmiied a-lio urning fur Virtue's dealb anil rajtleaa fature ti.r.iii^h ivi...' Hand m.-ainsl ill the idea of inostrrliig a assfJIer lax lor wagOD luada. Hi. In ...ml New.,

    TheHalislmr) Bungiveaa atorr worlii) nf in.i-i serious notlee ami 1 ell- e I..11 uvel lu llie e\|.ei lem f

    ...-il iu .loam! -uud |Bowan I .111.11 wh lell |h,. euiiniv ;,fi,.r

    selling off his property aadjolnlog ihe ihe sformous iu far oil Idaho. I line years ol such life mid ex- |.ei iel.ee WS> l|lllle Mllli. leiil to

    rnnvliiee the Rowan man Ibal Mm. ui sin was mil nf ins liking and 1.1 lead him Link lu hia one,, pros-

    perous Iii lo begin life anew.

    The allnrliig ami seductive argu iiifi.i ofihi unknown and untried ..lien appeals to those who an- far iieii.-i oil ihao they think uud leads Ui la nee patha, ih,.

    1 irnlng liuin which brings then imek io ihe starting potot. wiih 11..1 inn; inn losa an Iheertdil side, i'l"< "i iliiiln Hunks Ihal 1 he >'\|>< 1 i.-iie.- ui this ones bupPT a ml proaneroua man Nluuild IH- publlsbe.1 far Buu wide for It I. e iivliielng rgument that atbrnofl. lam is Did I 1 lie lie-lied, 11111 any

    other iieu i.ike wliieii is dally held up lo honeal lulks. lliirlniui hnn.

    Bnh.ip Guilty of Msralaughttr. Tin- imy 011 ibe trial of Bishop,

    ai Charlotte, for the murder of Wilson, retu rued a verdict 8112:30 Sunday alteruooo, ihat Bishop waa guilt) ol munsluughler. Monday

    ImoralngJiidge rfeal sentenced him lo live yearn in u. peuitenttary.

    ! The imy had had Ihe case since Thursday, and it looked like tliey

    ! acre dead Inched and would not each a verdict. Tan or three timea 1 bey went lulu court and notified Judge Veal Ihat they could not

    ;agree aud asked to lie discharged, Inn each time Ibe judge sent them bank with instruetioni to continue together until verdiot could be reached. The patience of Judge Real is commendable.

    Tho Salem Sentinel thin ..Is highly Important Ihat Ihe children uf thai place should lie kept off the streets at n;.;lii, and therefore advocate, a curfew law that la the shi fling of |in rcn I ly responsibility and duly to the shoulders of the municipal authorities. That's what a curlew law amount, to. Itlchmond News.

    Otto llw rugae. V\ hell I III ul sll'iek cuiuintssiou

    gels through aith ihe strike case

    tl.ousi.nda of moral, why not submit to it tbe Delaware

    are physically brave.1 daadlock.-UuiUoa Suu


    Hi.-, in 11 eh longer Is Ben Tlllaaa lo lie allowed to run trnaetl MM country giving people who kaeujr no better aa Idea of t la llket-I
