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لبنان طلال كريم. Pre-Formation WWI, Syria invades LebanonWWI, Syria invades Lebanon...

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لبنانكريم طالل


• WWI, Syria invades Lebanon

• Turk Ruler

• Destroy forest, disease, famine

• Lose 1/3 of population

• Executed Lebanese leaders

• Relieved by the British and Faysal I

• League of Nations give France a mandate, 1918


• September 1st, 1920 France established borders

• Parliament, president, cabinet

• Independence 1941, France held onto power

• 1943 First Democratic Government


• 1948 1st Arab-Israeli War resulted in 150,000 Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

• 1967 Six Day War resulted in another wave of refugees

• PLO presence grew, threatening stability of Lebanon

• 1976 Syria Army invades regions of Lebanon, trying to annex it.

• 1982 Israeli forces invade Lebanon

• 1990-2005 Syria occupies Lebanon

• Cedar Revolution ends occupation



• President Michael Suleiman• Ex-Commander of the Army

• Prime Minister Najib Mikati• Billionaire• Allowed elections








Parliment Seats

Future Movement

Free Patriotic Movement


Progressive Socialist Party

Lebanese Forces

Qornet Shewhan Gathering

14 March Movement

• Anti-Syrian Movement in Lebanon

• 72 of 128 seats in the National Assembly

• Led by Saad Hariri, son of assassinated PM


• Two Divisions Political and Militia

• Led by Hassan Nasarallah

• Militia formed in 1982, Political part in 1992

• Military group considered a terrorist organization

• Pro-Palestinian

• Operates mainly in the south of Lebanon

Israel & Lebanon

• Since 1967, the Palestinian issue has caused problems between Israel and Lebanon

• From the late 60’s to early 80’s Israel invades and occupies portions of Lebanon multiple times

• 1993 Israel launches “Operation Accountability” to end the threat posed by Hezbollah

• 1996 Israel bombs Hezbollah bases in “Operation Grapes of Wrath”

• 2000 Israel pulls out of southern Lebanon

Current issues with Israel

• Water Rights

• Underwater Gas Fields

Arab spring

• Lebanon is being used as a staging ground to fight Syria, without consent

• Potential for retaliation by Syria

• No tyrant to rebel against, weak government

Issues effecting Lebanon

• Syria Revolt

• Iran

• Hezbollah

• Palestinian and Israeli Conflict

Images Cited

• P.2 http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2576/3884910754_92f74601e8_z.jpg?zz=1

• P.3 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Religions_of_Lebanon.png

• P.4 http://www.tajpharma.com/images/countries/_44690231_sulieman2.jpg

• P.5 http://nimg.sulekha.com/others/original700/najib-mikati-2011-1-24-12-31-3.jpg

• P.6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:March_14_Alliance_Logo.png

• P.7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hezbollah_Flag.jpg

• P.8 http://cdn2.wn.com/ph/img/5d/39/2369f2f63497c94651b0a3c66830-grande.jpg

• P.9 http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=53256

• P.10 http://news.charlesayoub.com/index.php/article/3652/Water%20politics%20in%20the%20Jordan%20River%20basin
