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** T * :«?^«i *< JOB PRINTING PLANT W bsve a* un-te-dats ^oh Printing Plant. Prompt Daliwry insured by A*te*r>stl« -PRESS **TMC HOMC TOWN Send The Trintj*e># residents IP> place a# a *ee*. $1J0 THE NORTHERN TRIBUNI L»ubi»hrj i 1 **?— Apri' W. 102Q-GOtV>KNH'R rRtl PRtss t^S,»Kcvi ISh. *£?; COUVERNEUR, N. V.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1929 ANNUALREPORT OF CO. TREASURER SINGLE COP.CS, TMREC OCNTt HONJXDOLAN HEADS GOLF CLUB SOPHIA PETERSON DIED ON FRIDAY C M Talt Submits Many Interest ' Eleeted Pf+*4d*nt of New Organis- ing Figures In Report to ths Board of Supervisor* The report of the County Tress U /er la cramnued full of iniereating figures, but aa it comprise thirty- one typewritten pages of course on- I) the high point* can be touched in a prnopeis L**t yesr the county taxes amounted to $*l$.S64.29. Ma* s^aa paying the rooat. $111464.81 and Piteairn the least. S3.174.01 When thia waa received it. w y ap- portioned tmoog various fundi. ,»ome of which will be taken up. Laat year there was $18.S0u raiaed for highway maintenance fund and lb? r e a s o n of a change in the law i hi* aum waa refunded to the sev- eral supervisors In the County Highway Maintenance fund a year art) there waa a balance of 135.009 - 7V receipu from the atate and oth- •».;• sources, mainly the aiate brought jthis up to $2M.K3s64; during the "year there has* been paid out $234. 59* 95 and there i# a balance on hand of I24.2SS.S9 JD the almshouse fund a vear ago there waa a balance of S2.u45.61: It received from distribution $30. (K»0; relevy against town* $9,839 79; distribution for salaries 14.000 : received from towns for town poor. $5,228.25; received from other sources $1,153.12: paid during the \»*ar in salaries. $>.731.57; equip iient, I2.M9 97: supplies. $14,917 05; expenses. $31,959.04: miscel- laneous $54144. making total ex penditurep I5s.969.07. and there it» at overdraft of 46.702.30 in this fund. In the Almshouse Farm Account a vear ago there was a balance of f?.144.£0; farm produce* during the y*-ar sold for $5,664.9*: and there .vaa distributed to the fund $5,840. making a total of $13.65178 aft- er deducting all payments made there is a balance in this fund of $4,475.91 Board of Super> isors Fund, there was an overdraft a year ago of $3,247.03: there was distributed to the fond $28.(KM); salaries paid amounted to $17,212: supplies $1. 672.92; expenses. $8,575.6*. leaving an overdraft in the fund of $2.7<»7 €3. to the County Treasurer a Fund a year ago there was a balance of SS.SSK.s^T: t r a n s f e r tax fees amount- ed to $4,818.3*: interest and penal- ties $11,930 44; distributed to fund $7,800 and there were some other small items of receipu; aalarie* have been paid of ITJUM, $15.- 000 has been transferred to the Court House construction and inert is a-balance on hand of $11,935 aft- er paying for supplies, esjoiataent, expenses and transfer I asms re- funded. The County Attorney has been paid a salary of $€00 and expenses amounting to 1110.9$ la the County Buildings Fund, salaries hare been paid of $4,406- Jtf, and expenses of $4,705.62. be- sides small sums for equipment and supplies. Commissioners of Election, sal arise have been paid amounting to 14.166.64, printing I4J3C.417. sup- plies, expenses and equipment of a very little over a thousand dollars. The County Judge has received is salaries $5,500. suppliea $2 40. expenses $138.83. Surrogate, salaries have been paid amounting to $9,660.91; equip- ment 4157.26; supplies $1,010.06: expeases $2,514 66 Diatrict Attorney's office, salaries paid $5,600: supplies $80; expenses $1727.55. Sheriff has received a salary of $1749.96: suppUes of $13995; ex- penses C2.C00.54. County Clerk, balance on hand a year ago $14.032.61; distributed to fund for salaries $22,300; receipu of office $37,568.86; salaries paid amounted to $24,337.30; expenses and supplies s little over six thous- and; transferred to Court House Construction Fund 330.000; balance on hand $14,159.63. The Countv Sealer has received in salaries $2.366 68 equipment 3218.25. supplies $169.28; expenses $1,880.45 In Coumy Laboratory Fund $1- 224.00 ha* been paid as salary and $192 02 for supplies and expense* The Countv Nurse has received for salary $1.966 48 expenses. 31- 351.94.- The County Veterinarian has re- ceived in salarv $2,500: supplies. $240 35: expensev $1.964 8* paid assistant and Federal veterinarians $244832 County Superintendent of Higb- «*y* paid in salaries 15*76 17; office *xp*+*e. $1.3*4 27 expenses t3.rn.7i. County Jail, salaries paid $4£33 ** svppties. $4,756-32 expenses $4.33*11 County Court, salaries. $4100; sup- plies C112 73: •rpenaee $3,579 72 3n»re*ne Court, salary SCO0 ex 37J2314: supplies 124 5* i's Conn, salary. n.TSO: *cppbes 341 45; I l|ns*eil 11.514.- There has seem paid to village* Jor returned village taxes. $1,776 tien Formed Wednesday Eve nine—Other 0*«cen» County Judge Jajn<-> C I>olan was elected president ol in* pro* pectivt Gouverneur Golf club a: a meeting attended b> 55 persons in th*» CHisen's club W»-dne»d*y eve- ning* Other officers elected w*-re W ^ Caten. vice president; H J Curtis, secretary, and Preecou Loomia. treasurer The board of directors are F 1* Seaker. W H Loomis. and A. F. McAllaster, one >ear. J O. Sheldon, P. A Gravbs. and WiLli&m B. Simons, two years and H D. Kinney. Scott L Brown and V K. Cox, three years Mr. Kinney and commutes have circulated petitions in rtm village and vicinity and have obtained 110 persons' signatures who are in fa vor of a club AcquiMtion of land for the course and a name for the club will be di*cusa»-d a' -A future mrt-ting Krnest Rogers and Walter Dick hon of Antwerp Here pre^m and advised the course be near Gouv erneur or on the Antutrp-Gouver- neur highway At wood Man ley of Canton, who was to have spoken. u as unable to attend The committees appointed by the governing board are a* follow * Finance. J. u. Sheldon. J. C. Doian, W. H Loomis. Mrs. P. A Graves. F E. Cox, DT S. W. Sayer; land committee. Scott L. Brown. A K. Laidlsw. Ear) Gardner. H C Rog- ers, H D. Kinney: by-laws. W L. Oaten, H C. VanAJlen. Charles R. Rodger. J. H. Hewitt. Mrs J. J Sullivan, Frank L. Seaker; mem bership. A. Prescott Loomis. E. C Leahy, A. M Jepson. Curtis Mel »en. J F McAllaster. Robert Mitch ell. Walter Dickson. Mrs Berts Sprs^ue. Mrs. W. H Loomis. Dr W R. Conner: incorporation, Dal las M Haselton and Arthur H. Ab- oott 1 3 5 RESIDENTS ATCOUmTHOME Wall Known Resident for Nearly ,Ha»f Century.—Funeral Ser . vices Held Monday Mrs Sophia Kdd) Peterson. 6** mtfe of Frvdenck VS Peterson, died at her home 4h North Gordon street, thi* \illa*r at 7 p m, Kn day She had b*-en ill fur the paat three months She was born a r . Rich\ille. March 3u. 1860. a daughter of the ln'r Daniel and Mans Rich Kddy Her early life *** np^ni m Richvtlle and vicinity She married Mr Peterson on May M. I*s2 at On tsrio, Wayne County Shortly after their marriage the couple moved to this village where they have since resided Mr* Peterson *a^ an active member of the First Presbyterian chun'h of Gotivemeut and a tireless uorker in the Mi»i sionary' and Dorcas Societies of the church She wa> also a charter member and orifanirer ol the Gou> erneur Outlook Club Sur\iving bfsides her husbsnd. an one son. Wright Peterson of Trenton N J * ho * as with her at the time of death a brother. Jesse Eddy of Fairport. N V . and a sister. Miss Jennie I.. Eddy of Rochester, also one granddaughter. Be\erly Jean Peterson of Trenton. N J The funeral ser\ic-es H«-re held a: the Cushman funeral home or. Park street Monday afternoon at 2:3«> o'clock. *itl» Rev W. F Skin ner officiating Interment *as made at Riverside cemetery The bear- ers were J O Sheldon, ? A Eaj?t on. Earl Walker. D M Haxelton. W W Harvey and Edwin Hill Mrs. Peterson? ancestry on her mother's side goes back into the English family of Rich Of the later history of the Rich family her grandfather was John Chene> Rich of Richville who *a* a son of Sal mon Rich. John Cheney was bora July 3. 179«) his wife. Sophia Phelps, bom in Sterling. Mass. June 16. K91 John Cheney died September 3. 1*69 His wife died April 1, i860. Maria Rich. dau?r- ter of John Cheney fttrtr. and mother of Mrs Peterson, was bom at Richville Dec. 4. 1«20 and died February 33. 1391, THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION • A'b«trs>. Not .16 Governor • 'Joosew-;? :oda> issued tbe fol • low .nu T';anU*rM-ing prorlama • :;or • "If accordant with a time • haMuued Atnerican custom a • day of :h*nk*<i>4ug is set aside • earn jmi to Rive thanks to • I>nmr Providence for the man • tfold Meting* v^hirh have been • b»^'oy»-d upon us. It la es • pe< tally nmng that in tax af • in w MI h ma-enal things haft • *o gr*-a:ly engrossed OUi • th<»ught> and occupied our • »ime. wf snould this year en • ii*ii\(ir to devote a larger eetv • *ide:ation to thinas spiritual • "No», therefore. I, FrankUi^ • !> KiM>st-vel!. governor Of t b e • >!«•» of \ ^ » York do praciattii • Thursday the rm*enty-el|in41: • da> o* November in this yemi • of i>u»- I>ord one thousand nl»e • hund-e<i and 'w^njy nine a> • Thanksgiving day and aak the •H^opl- cf 'he stste to gather te • our places of worship few tb*> • stving of thsnk*. and for tlv • asking: of divine guidance aBd • ht-lp over our thoughts and o«r • action- that w>» m a y bette" • oixJer our lives and live in fel • Lowship uith our nefghl THREE HURT, ONE iGOUVERNEUR HKH {ELLIS ISLAND jVANSLYKE-CURTlS BADLY, IN CRASH IN FIRST PLACE MEETING FRIDAY TEAM IN THE LEAD N*cn T*ken to Hospitj After Car H-U Truck — M,|hip Ocu-rri on Someryitte Road Agc.e s^woents Ca«-ry Away the' Special Speaker Muse and Pc Honor* n Judging Contest at Canton > Report of County Superintendent Submitted to Supervisors at * Friday's Session • ir.#r about S 45 wtien the car in ; • fchirh he i*as ridiuje crashed into k. \tnr rear of * truck <*n -he S.-mervjl • It- Mgr.ujo abtiut a it :le from ihiN • » f !fcage James Houlw. tiouvernrur • U:e driver of the car rt*i »-ived min- «, ^r cHits ab<»ui the lace and handh • while Kdwartl Moses He"fm»n. wht» , »** ndina )u„ i h e re^ar n^at o f t h e , iar r <-< t*n ed s!:>:h'. ci!S .>ii ?he Uft , ^ r-l>f A! tr'rhV hijurieh i l >n>^rni of a . I tM-<>kf n ns.hi collar boi.i . «iis«»ca • Men i*f t h e right shoulder rut* and • hrtrive> atniut the f a> •** and IKMIV, . and a det p gush near the ru'ht eye . It »s als<' feared tliat ti»e man is . Miffermg fr^m mternaj injuries , ' The acxider.t tx*i"urred dir^tly ir. m in in of :he Macl-ean Kas^'line st<t m tion on tht St»mt*rville rug 1:way The 9 men were rie&ded tLiw«ni Water m t o * n and the tru^k owned b> t h e • Hu>h Haulinv: •nioipunv. 1143 Weh» B* .den nvtouf. Syraiuse w«s head- % *-•: m the same dir-x-tinn Krank ; .» ! ^»ran. 4"4 l>eUw. 4 re a^enu«*. A! ' h.ir\, the diivtr of r he truck, who I ~*< H^H*<] uninsured sfa'etl. that he «••** driving or the rurh* side- of the '••"fld ahour !fi: n:!!»> p^r h *ur it «ns ra^niug heavily at the time of • ne accident The Bou et machine s'ruck the -^- '• ^'< 11* !T rear end of the truck and jam Installed by District Deputy Orend r.»ed -itse4f under the rear of the •nick, the ptstform of the truck p-^neirsting ihe windshield of the v.,3 rv>rsn, when he fel: the 1m p»ct. pulled the from wheals of the nnrk Intf' the ditch and stopped! H*> hfiRtened back to the re>*tr of the ;:iul and dscovered tile Chevrolet u.r pinned underneath the truck hod>. He managed to pry open a door and release Mr F^»ulet. who n turn with the assistance of other peo: ie. got A Id rich and Moses from ::nrterneath the wreckage J>r 1) M. Foss was summoned ,;-nd took Hon let and A Id rich to th^ Whalen _Krnergen<y hospital. W« st Main street. Mo#e< was also taken to th^ same hospk&J Marshall. BsSlmny - V ^ n essnunlnr thr l«ju:,vi I»r T*nM VHAv • v « Pp f . r w. : ^ «»*: Ads. Allie Webster: JUith.; ***** recommends the removal of fsTner Lr f^ov 4^7«S * ZZl ^™ Mclean: Esther. Maude 8eak AldrV-h at once to the M.phurn father, born No\ 29. 1815, tn Mass. x fftrt k a nu m . hp He.ndersAB fhospual at Ogdensburg He was and was married in Richville Jsn >* Martha. Blanche HeotfeiMP " L^n^dlsielv Ukcn to that institu 2. 1845. There WAS Hr*>children 5 .The preeent Worthy Metro*. Inei , Um by the SoYeraace Amhuiance of this family. Chss Frederick. Walhttc-. extended wishes ts> each * s vJ ^ Mf Boulet was able to Kroierwfn Aldruh Ifc«-p«*> »t*-i . • f.tun erne.,: Hirh School won tl»» * .IK seriously injured Monda> even » 1MU annual hi^rh school judging contest h»*lU at uie State School of Apiculture m Canton Knda> a> & par of -he program 0/ the cloeinx da> of K"art:j«-r> Wwk scoring lis* pom s out of a i»u«*ibW» lSOO Low \ille * .i> second wiih llh43 sini Chaxy won trnrd place with 1129* Other schools participating won place* as follows Jiellevllle. fourth Place w.ih 1125 S. Massena. flfth. with \*>s'S, Malone. sixth. wifh 1»»s. ..<•. Brushton seventh. with 1*2?. Oiat*-»uga>. (eighth, with l« ,r .<' 7. and .Pulask*. ninth w:*h 1"3* 1. I'rou^ • - n » - j r as the winner of ftr*' plar» u an a silver cup This cup nuis' be u on by a school twice I to keep contented minds twee Will Feature Meet.^9 o* D A R Chapter ' Thursday N »wn.ber 2 U \ T> 1 » <"» lu^rneu'" Mo: Ms Chapter. Pauir^i ters of the Atueru-an Ke\olu'.on w l) rv,e«-t a' 'he home uf M's H U Aki"'-h a' eigh T . oriook f»" m Kills Uiand Fiv.-uiUi: K-K!I I»aug^: , e^ I !na> invite a *Mie*r T^i« re will be , a svaker pic'ures and tuusic Kew people reahx*- the grva* aid (given to the defined immigrants through r h» P A R I? is T L*s or ganixauon that provides trained paid assistants to me**' iu* n»**-a- of these foreigners many igno: an' <V our language even, to take ! then; 'hrotieh the nrst hard da>s I or e v e n w»-«-ks and give them un d' rs'andtng education and employ ' men' To ke**p idle fingers bus> is Standing of Teams in feowttftf League —individual Average o< the Bowlers .At th»- close of the bowling sche- dnle for the week ending Novem- ber 15th. ih** Fowler tesin held the 1* *d by a scant margin of one game v.*h 21 sal net won and four lost. wuh VauSfyke * Curtis a close sec- ond wh 2M g a m e s won and 5 lost. "*he iraiu standings ere ss foQosrs: Team Kow l«-r VanSlvV Weld, rs l*usin< *s M*n Independent* iVOrat B*r* Firemen Kinney legion f^ortons fc at Curtis W. 21 So !H 16 15 10 $ :s 7 \ u 4 '5 m \ i 15 If 17 18 14 .KOQ JX10 LULA FREEMAN DISTRICT DEPffTY Lecturer Glen Fai Meeting of D. C S. - < i fnMiveriieur Marble City Chap- ter. No 92. O. E. S.. observed Psst •Matrons nieht and also installed Mrs Lula Freeman ss District Deputy Grand Matron of Use 1st • Sv l^wrencv District. Thursday evening. Nov. 14 Tbe Bast Ma trons were escorted by the present ; officer^ of The chapter. „ _ The following Past Matrons *a- ed as Matron. Mrs. Kathleen Kin !IH>: Associate Matron. Ida lx>ve- , le^.fe. Xloiiductiu^-JCjitella—OWs;^U^ >o<:ate Conductor. Ora -Dons Id. :Stcretarv.» Villa (hTnistosfT^Tfiap J lain. Vina Hull n<u n»-ce*«*ar.ly in sui^easion. to in sin>« i*»r;uan^n* ;*owsession how » er jKmnc th« past thrt*e years !t has r> en won by schools at H»*lle\»-il» lx>wvtlle and Gouv er- neur Ko> 1> Gibb* of t?ou« erneur. coacii of th» winning team, was awaM**d a told medal and niei:: b* rs of the tt-am. I^eHoy Fortune. Maunct Higarel and Harry Kitts. each received a bronxe medal \J Ivoy Fortune also won a gold medal ** high man rn the rontest. havine scored a total of 411 3K poir' < o;rt of I A box will be sen* this year f*om j our Chapter and an opportunity given any one **lse who wishes to , aid this admirable cause to con 1 trib ;te a selection of 'he following j i'-arl cotton, any color, coarse • white kniuin* cotton (Baxter or 'Dorcas), worsted for the knitting j of sweaters: leftover worsted in , balls 2 1-2 inches diameter; khaki; denim, shirting 3 yard lengths Ko earnestly does this work ap- peal to the D A R for patriotic I service, two women In organixa- The individual averages to date are a« follows Games Aver. a possible &00 perfect tio11 stlin<1<n « hi * h in th ** * oci * J or rt Ileyer of Lowvllle ! dpr of L NVw York c{ ^< [ h ?* t i b ^ y their services and entire time score Kobe wa> second rngh man. with 4fi3.S6 ** Vfi and as such won a silver meda! f rturin f tn1 * last summer taking Ma-mo- nigarvi of Gouverneur was ' charT ** of thf> inlmigra^ts , spars , time in order that the paid work- rs might have a vacation and still keen the?r salaries Such work is third, w ith 401.r»2 and won a bronxe j u medal 4>thV! hi^h men were Mile* \ f ie* iVnedict of LowviHe. witti 39S v^ ranking fourth, and W w r Heed of ! of Thp hi,f "^ r orf1pr &nd should Tlel.v.H. . with 3W.56. who ranked I count in lhf> ftKht aJraln?s * soc1 * 1 fifth disorder in our beloved land. • The LeKav de Chauraont Chapter ' P A R . announces a council of W Johnson Murphy ... Allen Gale Kane K. Randall Moran Hull Blghall ... A Randall Anderson - Reynolds . Laduke ... Curtis Gamble ... Slammer , rfceiley Witters ... R Foster . Washburn Kelley ..... _*.»*«...v IS 15 Phelps 46 Kach teair. w as made up of three boys Tear;* were required to judge in four departments -animal husbandry, crops, poultry- and farm mechanics There was judging of Holgteins and A>rehires; corn and potajoes. single comb White I^g emoon at 2 o'clock, at the Black horns and Rhode laland Reds, a* ' River Valley Club in WatertKwn, veil as rope splicing. j At one o'clock a luncheon will be Results of the contest by events ' ****** f o r $ 1 2 S - for wh * cn reserva- chapter officers, directors and com- mittee chairmen of the Sth dis- trict, which Includes the Gouver- neur Morris Chapter, on Fridav tiV- The nguresv i s e v n by |hs report of tne County Sopsrtetendeat of the Poor are also iatereottiss. The I receipu of Use-past year nave been $eT4**.17 of which W.<K* waa fresn the approprtatloa, flM40.61 from tosrn poor, state and IndianJ fpoor, fl.4J3.41; sale farm produce^ $«^48.24. the balance from vartovs sources 1 expenditures have been f$Sl^<4^1. the Isrfer items beinr salaries. W.30«.57; labor. sS.4o5.20: lighu and poerer. I1.171J6 fuel $4.3^0 65; repairs and construction. I13.&42.9S; 'supplies. S1S.S68.88; temporary relief. $5.6»o; live stock purchased. 12.840. The inventory of the County Farm a year ago amounted, to $20,- 2S6.10; this year $24,334.45; sales of produce amounted to $3,527.64; supplies furnished the Home from the farm. $6,676 24 Thirty towns and the City of Og- dens burg have had town poor at the Countv Home 5220 2-7 weeks. all of which except 78 2-7 jreeka where there was nursing is charg- ed at the rate of $3.2$ per week, for nursing $5 00 per week CaL i ton heads the list with 712 week/ ? Plerrepont Is at the other eni with ! ^ 4 weeks and 3 days j This means that $17,308 60 must : be charged against various towns • : for the board of town poor. 1 j November 1. 1*28. there were 125 f i inmates in the home; during the year 88 were admitted, sixty dis- * I charged, eighteen died, leaving 135 j at the end of the year. The whole i [ number of weeks' board for help.; keeper and inmates for the year was 8.107 1-7 weeks; for county' poor 1.64$ 3-7 weeks; for state poor j I 1»5 3-7 weeks. 4 ! During fhe year 31 adults and ' 55 children have been aided out j side the County Home, at an ex I penae of $5.6$0. ) John Leonard, Jesse Edward. Jane Louise and Sophia, the wile of F. W. Peterson. Sophia was tbe young est of the family. Chas. Frederic*:, the oldest died young But it was not her ancestral con-^ sections that created for Mrs. Pet- erson the place^ which she occupied fikUte community. It was her cheer- ful as* csfttnureotts disposition of the Past Matrons. The eti« officers presented the Past Atatrons with Carnations. The -Matron, Kathleen .Kinney, introdnoa* Wor- Vl y 2£i ri 2L De, "* 3r 2 raBd ffS?? r i tons All three of the men sre em Dr. Oesn Farmer, who acted « • in atslllng officer., Right Worthy Lor , return to his home after receiving medical treatment. Moses remain- ed tft The Whalen hospital, although his condition is not considered ser- eos Jfaftt* acted shal. Right Worthy Ora ASSL Grand aiarshal: ttght Wor- ployees of the New York Central Railroad company in this village. ]The Chevrolet wwr totally deosol fshed. •- . . . • - wen ss her Christian character thsT! thy Bells Lewis M Grand Chaplain: created for her a lange circle of Rteht Worthy Villa Ormiston as faithful fHends. J Grand Secretarr. After Sister Freeman was In- stalled, she gave very pleasing re- mark* when assuming her office. Present Associate Matron Susie Baldwin presented Sister FVeeman lth chrysanthemums All Past Grand Officers were railed upon ) for remarks as follows Supers Receives , Lorena Mayne of Heirvelton. Bella Lewis of Hammond. Tvstella Ben- nett of Rensselaer Falls. Mildred Fleet ham of DePeyster. Nell)*- Holt of Gouverneur. Mary Allen of Rich- ville. Villa Ormiston of Gouverneur. Brothers Glen Fanner of Ogdens burg. Myron Mayne of -PePeyater. SEEK MISSING U1TCA WOMAN!? Chamber of Commerce Letter Regarding Whereabouts of Mrs. Beeeher M. Crouse The Ctics Chamber of Commerce requests cooperation in search for a missing Utics woman: "Nov 19. 1*29 •Tribune-Press. "Gouverneur. N. Y. -Attention of the Editor; "The Ctica Chamber of Com- Prank Hull of Hailesbbn. and WU- I Ham Herring of Rensselaer Falls. The program and refre-r.ments were in charge of the committee. merce requests the cooperation ofj mit h listen. Susie Baldwin and the local Chamber In the matter of j Grace .Mills chairman. The follow- ) ing proerram was rendered VioWn ! nolo. Betty Streeter. arrnmfanted I by Mise Glaxier; readint hy Mrs. ; Bethany Donald Collins sol^ by j Mrs. Bessie Lee Green, arr^mpan- 'led by Miss Glaxier rea/Mnt: by j Miss Hubbard . locating a t'tica woman. Mrs Beeeher M Crouse who ie the wife of Beeeher M Crouse. a Ctica banker, a member of thf Ctica Chamber of Commerce, and a prom- inent citisen of t'tica Mr? Crouse disappeared N o v . l u h . •The description of Mrs Crouse of 1415 Genesee Srr* ca N Y. is as follows ENGAGEMENT OF MARYCLUMLEY Annevscement of Mer Approach ir>g Msrrisoe to A. L. f*rstt s^ Waterbuey. Ms** Fries, ^ . i Rffrenhments w e r e n»-M«'d t I ni M ](Ht Guests were pre-er,' j Antwerp. Norwood. Parisr.viiJe "Age. 58; height. 5 ft. 3 inches; | toc Potsdam. hair, brown; eyes, brown, weight., • ' 112 lbs.: teeth, nearly perfect; small mole in middle of forehead: wore Jong tan coat with beaver collar and cuff* black hat brown dr^Rs or green fkirt. wor*- round sold wrist wstch. . ov- rom Ful- REBEKAB LODGE MEETING MONDAY Artmg *, "If located please notify Chief of PoUce "John A Wricht. Ctica N Y "Phone 4-lloi. Police Hdgrs. "Whatever publicity you can g:ve th»e will be appreciated "Yours very truly "J R. BarUett. Secy." i Program Presented 1 Under D'rec- t^O« c # Mrs. Otis Stree*t* — Plan Card Part Miss' Mary C Lumley. daaghter jof Mr and Mrs Rverect Lamiey. this villajre announced her engmre- »en: to A-fred L Pratt. Watsrbeiry 1 Conn., st a luncheon held Friday afternoon a: 1. at the Red Br>~k ! Tavern. GoV r ernenr Miss Las^aey. whose father If 1 I well toon sstlk dsslsr tn this vi) ' Use was born and received her e«Hy ed©c-»*ion is Qostetneirr 1 where she amended tne local higr scb<x>i f blowing her gradssttioa she esitered the train***- dnse la ' sat sing at the pti*L ftrraevse. Cross whir* whe rrsdaai^d tme Fear. She has beer prtvaxe SPOONER SELLS CARLOAD CATHE >n. 15 '.f the *-mhsr -*end- Tr*- IfK-al R e b e k * h !>•<:?* h*-id it* jK^nond me*» r.; morirh Monday evenin*: N j 1Kb. with 49 member* ir j*nce j A comni.D!ration wa«. '*• ' cerning a couference tr"*^ r.« d mt ^nst^rtfjwn ox Wedne%di»- N^resn- heT?f' *r If'oVoca retju~' :.£ t h e Noble and Vice Grand* " ^— nre- sen: from the iodre# rf > Jaw- rence. JefTerwoc and \s * .ties ? 1: is p eaned to have * 7* br>dge psrtT Friday afterr^*- ember Z3d at 2 » P. V wfE b* played in inr- rr- r. P*6ro ia another Mrw A v rnfJB- - Now- B-ndjpt Twenty Head ©* Repisteesd Cewt So4d To Wood f'oed Fsrw At Avon, Costa. A F Bponer Ayrshire breeder of R^cbvilie reports saie of a car- Umd of twenty cow g to the Wood Ford Parma of Avon Conn Sev- ers- of these eows are Mir94 hy ^ jA ^r_, w fh- m , ^.. *^ c^^it^w t^*«. „* u^u^i m r' »*• cneiUTSaia of the aifat- *-c the SpotliiTnt Baron of Hisrhsand •^- fMli iWr at cordiafry T n n ^ A l^s ped>o perry *\U h» ty even tag Noresr.V- ?* h St t e'eaoch. Jira m*arf^- Br> c«w si JC»C .the *rt:^»r at aaao open to the r-*t*.>c. The aroaraja is rAarr* r* Mr. +^* w^^t SS f«vTir-^t is* :x> t* head s>w*c Sfiae JMrU Vaj *w: Mra ATTENDANCE Of FIRST DISTRICT Report Submitted By William T.j or the h October follow Holsteins — High team, Gouver tieur. 256. second. Brush ton. 249; high men, William Pregoe. Mas- sena 92. LeRoy Fortune, Gouver neur 92. Howard MaJott, Chan?. 92 Ayrshires—High team, sMi***Btv 251.5; second. Chasy. MM; nigh man. Edgar Reed. BoSoHssa ft; second, Calvin Bowen; Bruahton to. Com—High team, Bnsshton 1HJ second. Lowvllle. IU.1; 1tffB MB. Lester Allen, LotrvWe ft* sfasoo Hsatino Bruehtssi, 47,5. . Potafaes—Hl^rh tmm. Chatean- gay, 166.3S; second. Lowvllle, 1*5 1 , high man. Miles Benedict, Lowvllle. { 5S SsU second. Aaxart CbiJds. Ma lone. W.R. , -Single Comb White Leghorns — i High team. Massena, SOOAf second, 1 GouvernesT. 1K8 8: high man, Frsn- tions should be made at once to Miss Nellie Horton. 144 Winslow st reet. .Wstertown. INCREASES MADE IN ASSESSMENT Town of Horenon ts Qstsp- T4 W i t h tQO 1% VhHMtfog Wright , F. Boprey C!rrk , B. O. Kinney Demo Etals ; K'ley .... • T Bopn-y Besaw .- Msybee Frye ...» AanSIyke A. Porter Kuderman .... Goodnough • Price Skinner June . _ ......... J A. ^ o i i n s o i r ^ .". . . . . . Cottrell ID. Porter T .. Bhocfcard H. D. Kinney , . . ^ . ^ . } Robert Beyer. Lowvllle, 72; Lyle W T Clsrk. superintendent for? B * rn ' i|1 Massena. 72. „ the First Supervisory District of j *hode Island Rods—High team. St Lawrence counter, has auhmitted <*ouverneur r 181J; second, LowriUe the following attendance report for 16 * : w s:h man. Jasper 8paulding. the month of October. j Brusbton. 72; second. Robert Bey- Town of Clifton—Dist 1. high ; * r liowiilie. «*\s. school. 99: grades 7 and:'*. 9 s . j Hope Splicing—High team. Low- grades 5 and 6. H; grades 3 snd 4. Mile. 77 4; second, Gouverneur. 75J 95: grade 2. 97; grade 1. 9ft p\^ j high man. William Ellsworth, Ma 2. hirh school, 99; gruie* 7 and *. • lone. 2V5. second, Maurice Bigarel, 94: grades 4. 5, and €. 97; grade? j Gouverneur, 27. }' l' ^ *'?*• I ? * ; L *™*** Bl G,Pn Wi « n| . ot th * f *««'ty u' ibe to «. 9fc; grtxi^ 1 to 4. 99. j S t a * School, was in charge of tbe Town of Edwsrds—Diat 1 high; content, snd assisting him were school. 9*. grades 5 and 6. 99 grade* 5 and 4. 9$; grades 1 and 2 97: grade* 7 and ft. 9« Dist 2 HK. : Di*: 2. 94: Dist 4. 96. Dist 5. 97: Dist 6. 99; Dist 9. 9ft: Dist S. 9$; Dist )(> 9* Town of Frne—Dist 1. grad^ f» to ft. 95; grade* 1 to 4. 9ft- Dist 2. high srhool 9«. grades 7 and * 9S grade* 4. .' and fi 9S: grad#-f 1. 2 and J* 92 Dist 3. 9f Dist 4 9'.. Dist 5. 95 DIFT fi !*•*'; Dist % 9*> Dist. 9. 99 I>IST 30. 9*; Irn \\ 97 Dis» 12. 96 Town of Fowl* r— T h*t 1 p.-ad*-*- 5 to *« 97: grades 1 *o 4 97 !>;-• 2. 97 f>i«T 3, icradef H t o ' J**. gradeg "! :o 4. 99 Dis* 4. rr*d<*s 7 and * *»9. grades 4 5 and f. 97 The report of the Consmittee on Equalisation presented to UK Board of dtjpervisors on Friday, snowed that six of tbe towns lower od the assessment percentage val- ue, six towns remained the same, while twenty-one towns msde sub- stantial increases. The town of Hermon is the only one reporting a one hundred percent rate which was raised from 9$ in ltt*. The percentage of real value for the years 1929 and 1929 is ss follows: W. B. Foster .* .«. Deroche Buck «. Sibley Boscoe .*... Thomas .... .... Bruet If 11* .1SL 15 12 13 12 10 12 15 ie •I' 15 13 ; 7 15 8 U 14 I U 1 1 H n t § < ai T 1 i Bartholomew 11 174 its 1€7 1€7 lit 1C5 IS* 1#4 m its its • tn the a. law ist 1st '•."- lla> ^ IM ^ IU - 157 157 15i 155 •'; ; vs» ' 151 + OH 150 :. jii» ' law ;14t ia ; ia IsT 147, " >1« -: vi* - • ••-* ~^^?»" *•* 144 141 14# Iff 114 law i Harold Crow ell. Robert H. Smith and William T. Long, also of the 1 srhool faculty. i Judges were Prof E S Savage A of Cornell university. Floyd Dunn 1 of Bruphton snd W. T Long and ! ; kob^-rt H Smith of Canton. Nine teams, representmr fue 1 coun*1e?« — St Ijiwrence. Clinton. ' Iy»wis. JetT*T*on and Oswego par ticipated in this year's contest. I 'This i* th*- largest number of! t sf hor»ls r\*<r entered. 92 . Dip' 5. *!< . Dip* * 9S 9« I>;s: .1 14 95» !»»« grade? 1.2 and 3 Dis: f $* rnst " 7: Di*; 9 9V U s t 1^». 94 DIP- 32 >7 Dis: l r » 94 T^v. c of Gou«<-m«nr -1+.*: i Gruverneur viiiage 99 Dis: 2 99 Dis* 3 <* r*r 4 1(K. Dist I 99 Dipt ft W> r>is^ 7. iw» tnr * 9* DiK 9 9R- Diet ift. rrvUr* I iTWaHURTWHEN ! . AUTOS COLLIDE M- an* Mrs Jay Clark of Otws ' c*tcf>»e Brought to the V*n \ Duxee Hosprtat Name of Town: Brasher : Canton __ Clare .,.._ Clifton Col ton DeKalb DePeyster Edwards Fine _ Fowler Gouverneur Hammond . Hermon _-. Hopklnton Lawrence Lisbon Louisville Macomb Madrid Massena Morristown Norfolk Oswejratchie Ogdensburg City I Parishvilie -IPiercefleld Pierrepon' Pltcaim . .. Potsdsm Rossle Rusaeli Stockhorm Waddinr*on ... Below IP Mr and Mrs Jay Clark Oswe- ^*.arrh:#. were brought to the Van ^"I^js^e hospftal tn thii rillsjre at to fc 99. grades 1 to 4 91. DIP* 11 ; ; y Sunday aft^rnooti suif^^ing 99. Eg?: ::. 9a. Disu ±}. 93. I>*^ — * « « . injaru^s reoe4e«d ekH their 14 99 I**' IS 9w Dist 14 M 1 Jigb: Ford d^liwrv irue* r~a*hed Town of P^:raJm--Dis-. 1 9» | h*s^-on wfth s Peeriesp s^dan. Dis: 2. g-aiies 5 to % 99 g~a/2«-# ow n^d and driven by Jay M WW 1 to 4 9* DIP* 3 H Dist 4 ** , ^ t ]Sw Adams str*ei Rorc^stej. 71 641 6* 76 59 74 71 57 64 66 60 63 95 69 70 69 63 <tt 7K 67 61 67 59 6s 69 64 6« 63 64, 67 69 71 6$ 4t2f 75 . W v 5ft 71 59 74 5 56 70 U4 U4 lit list L. Porter . Davis Punning.., .... -^;... Woodward Burgees ..... Mason WhHmore ^^.. Keiser ..^w .... ^ C Boprey Miller Brown Premo .J. Bassett ...:.. Gardner H Appleby Hendrick The team and individual higfc 1 11 ~4 11 If >4 i t f 1 i 2 1 t 4 lit 53 scores sre ss follows; 63 High Tee** ••'independents , H«U| VanSlyke s> Curtis VsnSlyke 4 Curtis ... Fowler Individual Triple Allen (Legion) Anderson (V eV C) Individual W Johnson (Fowler) Allen (Legion) 70 73 7 V 651 i 74 I 69; 44 «9; «3 71 I Tfi! J4 *^ j The Young Fsrmers' ^ of Gouverneur. comnoaod of nsefav h l hers of tbe agricultursj dopartmes* lh< , of the high school and former sto- *j denu. wiu hoW s pedro party hi ' the high school gymnasium, day. Nov 26th. at 8 p. a . YOUNG FARMERS' AW94 PEOHO PARTY MOV. HTM 73; 7<i i proceeds will be used to gtv*n the as*e**e4 vai | judging team to the stats nation of each town this year its contest to b» held at equalised valuation. and the ( the holidays t added or deducted * . . . &r * Nsme e* Tow« Dist Dtst S 99 * 9- Dist 4 «7 Dist s* th* tnte?weetioc cK *he Brown'i Failp road and the state highway. one mile w#*t of the riliage of o#, • , »«-ra*rh^ st Ir IS £endsr xnorn- | ;nr Mr Cla*-k r+r+ i r+4 ism»foai I ru:i shout the h^sd fare hanvaSs and ***r» He also smTered fross a His wife was *a*sr- # *d sbo«r ties kaese and head WO- { *' ^oc escaped wtlh minor braees mm I Hawes wae caiWl <TW Dr g J LePari 4« week by *-h# d»a*k s^ene Rochester who w u MRS.GOOLDEN B I M D FRIDAY Ml N C •J* pas of her arotfcp-r Mrs Ge^enea. w h.ct iz Mor>y .V th* sg* of *2 y»*rs Mrs Gooidea was dUagsoa June :i I si V She had re s i i i I a; s4orV 7 pae; --Sirty ywart ,gbs hy '.»c da^g^erw Mrs HM*~$ sad Mrs 0*arr* Kefiy of IB 'he b*~ Mr Clart '^ a: McDow*n am i, W h y v b e .a Wa^t 6+v ihMZ hi •-* t w B-twi t Falls M**or» raue K-ftvii W t^ »' ie«e asac ferae ap>p<^»rh*ag \r* AOT-JL ,Be r4af»>d ihstf t--^ ts svold the ~i £r*%rt one eieV sf th# -oad \x**x u the 0* JUn. A . i ^ Xtchosi v h o 2 » i e-o«« **ar :*# s<es>p ef h» aac w*-» r'em lrsr *M ** 7> Le> Psv-i and r> H C Da,w^m of 1.2:i,W 4(»&.6» 1 \U2%f \ •<* *6C- 1>'-JT3' ;r -?s >33 ;w^ 1 - 2 ' "*5 l£fc"J*4 4j:i^Mi 94« JM Ttije» ;.*?- «r 12J4V* ftS£ :.ei.">w 1319 744 9 -«4>r : s i * J4V :J*4 c?: itsosl 1t29 I l.f*S.*91 mrsa 4A1J0S X.4HR.740 1>97S« '3 AIMS 744L**? 1J20M2 :JS7^1S 149I2M 4J27.4m IJKjSTl l^CSJTI 905 St* WSJ13 2.1SXCT2 «9 7«3 ih44^n ii««.rr6 1 aisss :i4sm.4» 7 «aia ia in U7.4JS .U1J» »t,742 ^4TT1 jwjn nt. iM^n 1JS4>C <s:jS4 44SHI sit Ml S 1 •^7-^ *&"•"_ lam* TSSSJ T-i4yrj« TT 3> u-' u- tzm^

* * T * : « ? ^ « i

* <

JOB P R I N T I N G P L A N T W bsve a * un-te-dats ^oh P r i n t i n g Plant . P r o m p t D a l i w r y insured by A*te*r>stl« -PRESS

**TMC H O M C T O W N Send T h e Tr in t j *e># residents IP> place a# a * e e * . $ 1 J 0

T H E N O R T H E R N T R I B U N I L»ubi»hrj i1**?— Apri' W. 1 0 2 Q - G O t V > K N H ' R r R t l P R t s s t ^ S , » K c v i ISh. *£?;

C O U V E R N E U R , N. V.. W E D N E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 20, 1929


S I N G L E C O P . C S , T M R E C O C N T t



C M T a l t Submi ts M a n y Interest ' E leeted P f+*4d*n t of New O r g a n i s ­ing F igures In Repor t to ths

Board of Superv isor *

The report of the County T r e s s U /er la cramnued full of iniereating figures, but aa it c o m p r i s e thirty-one typewrit ten pages of course on-I) the high point* can be touched in a prnopeis L**t y e s r the county taxes amounted to $*l$.S64.29. Ma* s^aa paying the rooat. $111464.81 and Piteairn the least . S3.174.01 When thia waa rece ived it. w y ap­portioned t m o o g various fundi . ,»ome of which will be taken up. Laat year there w a s $18.S0u raiaed for highway m a i n t e n a n c e fund and lb? reason of a c h a n g e in the law i hi* aum waa refunded to the sev­eral supervisors In the County Highway Maintenance fund a year art) there waa a balance of 135.009 -7V r e c e i p u from the atate and oth-•».;• sources, mainly the aiate brought

jthis up to $2M.K3s64; during the "year there has* been paid out $234.

59* 95 and there i# a balance on hand of I24.2SS.S9

JD the a lmshouse fund a vear ago there waa a balance of S2.u45.61: It received from distribution $30. (K»0; relevy against town* $9,839 79; distribution for sa lar ies 14.000 : received from towns for town poor. $5,228.25; received from other sources $1,153.12: paid during the \»*ar in sa lar ies . $>.731.57; equip i i e n t , I2.M9 97: suppl ies . $14,917 05; expenses . $31,959.04: miscel­laneous $54144. making total ex penditurep I5s.969.07. and there it» at overdraft of 46.702.30 in this fund.

In the Almshouse Farm Account a vear ago there was a balance of f?.144.£0; farm produce* during the y*-ar sold for $5,664.9*: and there .vaa distributed to the fund $5,840. making a total of $13.65178 aft­er deduct ing all payments made there is a balance in this fund of $4,475.91

Board of Super> isors Fund, there w a s an overdraft a year ago of $3,247.03: there was distributed to the fond $28.(KM); sa lar i e s paid amounted to $17,212: suppl ies $1. 672.92; e x p e n s e s . $8,575.6*. leaving an overdraft in the fund of $2.7<»7 €3.

to the County Treasurer a Fund a year ago there was a balance of SS.SSK.s^T: transfer tax fees amount­ed to $4,818.3*: interest and penal­t i e s $11,930 44; dis tr ibuted to fund $7,800 and there w e r e some other small i t ems of r e c e i p u ; aalarie* have been paid of ITJUM, $15.-000 has been transferred t o the Court House construct ion and i n e r t is a-balance o n hand of $11,935 aft­er paying for suppl ie s , esjoiataent, expenses and transfer I asms re­funded.

The County Attorney has been paid a salary of $€00 and e x p e n s e s amounting to 1110.9$

la the County Bui ldings Fund, salaries hare been paid of $4,406-Jtf, and e x p e n s e s of $4,705.62. be­sides smal l s u m s for equipment and supplies.

Commiss ioners of Elect ion , sal arise have been paid amount ing to 14.166.64, print ing I4J3C.417. sup­plies, expenses and equipment of a very little over a thousand dollars.

The County Judge has received i s salaries $5,500. suppliea $2 40. expenses $138.83.

Surrogate, sa lar i e s have been paid amounting to $9,660.91; equip­ment 4157.26; supp l i e s $1,010.06: expeases $2,514 66

Diatrict Attorney's office, salaries paid $5,600: suppl ies $80; e x p e n s e s $1727.55.

Sheriff has rece ived a salary of $1749.96: suppUes of $ 1 3 9 9 5 ; ex­penses C2.C00.54.

County Clerk, ba lance on hand a year ago $14.032.61; distr ibuted to fund for sa lar ies $22,300; r e c e i p u of office $37,568.86; sa lar i e s paid amounted to $24,337.30; e x p e n s e s and supplies s l i t t le o v e r s ix thous­and; transferred to Court H o u s e Construction Fund 330.000; balance on hand $14,159.63.

The Countv S e a l e r has received in salaries $2.366 68 equipment 3218.25. suppl ies $169.28; expenses $1,880.45

In Coumy Laboratory Fund $ 1 -224.00 ha* been paid as salary and $192 02 for suppl i e s and e x p e n s e *

The Countv Nurse has received for salary $1.966 48 e x p e n s e s . 3 1 -351.94.-

The County Veterinarian has re­ceived in salarv $2,500: suppl ies . $240 35: e x p e n s e v $1.964 8* paid assistant and Federal veter inarians $244832

County Superintendent of Higb-« * y * paid in sa lar ies 15*76 17; office *xp*+*e. $1.3*4 27 e x p e n s e s t3 . rn .7 i .

County Jail , sa lar ies paid $4£33 ** svppties . $4,756-32 e x p e n s e s $4 .33*11

County Court, sa lar ies . $4100; sup­plies C112 73: • r p e n a e e $3,579 72

3n»re*ne Court, sa lary SCO0 ex 3 7 J 2 3 1 4 : suppl ies 124 5 *

i's C o n n , sa lary . n.TSO: *cppbes 341 45; I l |n s*e i l 11.514.-

There has seem paid to vi l lage* Jor returned v i l lage taxes . $1,776

t ien F o r m e d Wednesday Eve n i n e — O t h e r 0*«cen»

County Judge Jajn<-> C I>olan was e lected president ol in* pro* pec t iv t Gouverneur Golf club a: a meet ing attended b> 55 persons in th*» CHisen's club W»-dne»d*y eve­ning*

Other officers elected w*-re W ^ Caten. vice president; H J Curtis, secretary, and Preecou Loomia. treasurer The board of directors are F 1* Seaker. W H Loomis. and A. F. McAllaster, one >ear. J O. Sheldon, P. A Gravbs. and WiLli&m B. S imons , two years and H D. Kinney . Scot t L Brown and V K. Cox, three years

Mr. Kinney and c o m m u t e s have c irculated petit ions in rtm village and vicinity and have obtained 110 persons' s ignatures who are in fa vor of a club AcquiMtion of land for the course and a name for the club will be di*cusa»-d a' -A future mrt-ting

Krnest Rogers and Walter Dick hon of Antwerp Here p r e ^ m and advised the course be near Gouv erneur or on the Antutrp-Gouver-neur highway At wood Man ley of Canton, who was to have spoken. u as unable to attend

The commit tees appointed by the governing board are a* follow * Finance . J. u . Sheldon. J. C. Doian, W. H Loomis . Mrs. P. A Graves . F E. Cox, DT S. W. Sayer; land commit tee . Scott L. Brown. A K. Laidlsw. Ear) Gardner. H C Rog­ers , H D. K i n n e y : by-laws. W L. Oaten, H C. VanAJlen. Charles R. Rodger. J. H. Hewitt . Mrs J. J Sul l ivan, Frank L. Seaker; m e m bership. A. Prescott Loomis. E. C Leahy, A. M Jepson. Curtis Mel »en. J F McAllaster. Robert Mitch ell . Walter Dickson. Mrs B e r t s Sprs^ue. Mrs. W. H Loomis . Dr W R. Conner: incorporation, Dal las M Hase l ton and Arthur H. Ab-oott


W a l l Known Resident for Near ly ,Ha»f C e n t u r y . — F u n e r a l Ser .

vices Held Monday

Mrs Sophia Kdd) Peterson. 6** mtfe of Frvdenck VS Peterson, died at her home 4h North Gordon street , thi* \ i l la*r at 7 p m, Kn day She had b*-en ill fur the paat three months

She was born ar. Rich\ i l le . March 3u. 1860. a daughter of the ln'r Danie l and M a n s Rich Kddy Her early life *** np^ni m Richvtlle and vicinity She married Mr Peterson on May M. I*s2 at On tsr io , Wayne County Shortly after their marriage the couple moved to this vi l lage where they have s ince resided Mr* Peterson * a ^ an act ive member of the First Presbyter ian chun'h of Gotivemeut and a t ireless uorker in the Mi»i sionary' and Dorcas Societ ies of the church She wa> also a charter memb er and orifanirer ol the Gou> erneur Outlook Club

S u r \ i v i n g bfs ides her husbsnd. a n one son. Wright Peterson of Trenton N J * ho * as with her at the t ime of death a brother. J e s s e Eddy of Fairport. N V . and a sister. Miss Jennie I.. Eddy of Rochester , a lso one granddaughter. B e \ e r l y Jean Peterson of Trenton. N J

The funeral ser\ic-es H«-re held a: the Cushman funeral home or. Park street Monday afternoon at 2:3«> o'clock. *itl» Rev W. F Skin ner officiating Interment * a s made at Riverside cemetery The bear­ers were J O Sheldon, ? A Eaj?t on. Earl Walker. D M Haxelton. W W Harvey and Edwin Hill

Mrs. P e t e r s o n ? ancestry on her mother's side goes back into the Engl ish family of Rich Of the later history of the Rich family her grandfather was John Chene> Rich of Richvil le who * a * a son of Sal mon Rich. John Cheney was bora July 3. 179«) his wife. Sophia Phelps , b o m in Sterl ing. M a s s . June 16. K91 John Cheney died September 3. 1*69 His wife died April 1, i860. Maria Rich. dau?r-ter of John Cheney fttrtr. a n d mother of Mrs Peterson, was b o m at Richvi l le Dec. 4. 1«20 and died February 33. 1391,


• A'b«trs>. N o t .16 G o v e r n o r • 'Joosew-;? :oda> i s s u e d t b e fo l • low .nu T';anU*rM-ing p r o r l a m a • :;or • "If a c c o r d a n t with a t ime • haMuued Atnerican cus tom a • day of :h*nk*<i>4ug is se t as ide • earn j m i to Rive thanks to • I>nmr Providence for the man • tfold M e t i n g * v^hirh h a v e been • b»^'oy»-d upon us. It la e s • pe< tally n m n g that in tax a f • in w MI h ma-ena l things h a f t • *o gr*-a:ly e n g r o s s e d O U i • th<»ught> a n d o c c u p i e d o u r • » ime. w f s n o u l d t h i s y e a r e n • ii*ii\(ir to devote a larger eetv • *ide:ation to thinas spiritual • "No» , therefore. I, FrankUi^ • !> KiM>st-vel!. g o v e r n o r Of t b e • >!«•» of \ ^ » York do praciatt i i • T h u r s d a y t h e rm*enty-el|in41: • da> o* November in this yemi • of i>u»- I>ord o n e t h o u s a n d n l » e • hund-e<i and 'w^njy n ine a> • Thanksgiv ing day and aak the • H ^ o p l - cf 'he s t s t e to gather te • our places of worship few tb*> • stving of thsnk*. and for t l v • asking: of d i v i n e g u i d a n c e aBd • ht-lp over our thoughts and o«r • a c t i o n - that w>» m a y b e t t e " • oixJer our lives and live i n fel • Lowship u i t h o u r n e f g h l


N*cn T * k e n to Hosp i t j Af ter Car H - U Truck — M , | h i p Ocu-rri on

Someryit te Road

Agc .e s^woents Ca«-ry A w a y t h e ' Special Speaker M u s e and P c Honor* n Judging Contest

at Canton

> Repor t of County Super in tendent S u b m i t t e d to Supervisors at *

F r iday 's Session

• ir.#r a b o u t S 45 wtien t h e c a r in ;

• fchirh h e i*as ridiuje c r a s h e d i n t o k. \tnr r e a r of * t r u c k <*n -he S . -merv j l • It- M g r . u j o abtiut a it :le f r o m ihiN • »f!fcage James Houlw. t iouvernrur • U:e d r i v e r of t h e c a r rt*i »-ived min-«, ^r cHits ab<»ui t h e l a c e and h a n d h • w h i l e Kdwart l M o s e s He"fm»n. wht» , » * * n d i n a )u„ i h e re^ar n^at o f t h e , i a r r <-< t*n ed s!:>:h'. c i ! S .>ii ?he Uft , ^ r - l > f

A! t r ' r h V h i jur i eh i l > n > ^ r n i of a . I tM-<>kf n ns .h i c o l l a r boi.i . «iis«»ca • Men i*f t h e r i g h t s h o u l d e r r u t * and • hrtrive> atniut t h e f a> •** a n d IKMIV, . and a det p gush near the ru'ht eye . It »s als<' feared tliat ti»e man is . Miffermg fr^m mternaj injuries , ' The acxider.t tx*i"urred d i r ^ t l y ir. m in in of :he M a c l - e a n Kas^'line st<t m t ion on tht St»mt*rville rug 1:way T h e 9 men w e r e rie&ded tLiw«ni W a t e r m t o * n and the tru^k o w n e d b> t h e • Hu>h Haulinv: • n i o i p u n v . 1143 Weh»

B* .den n v t o u f . S y r a i u s e w « s h e a d -% *-•: m the same dir-x-tinn Krank

; .» ! »ran. 4"4 l>eUw.4re a^enu«*. A! ' h.ir\, the d i iv tr of rhe truck, who I ~*< H^H*<] uninsured sfa'etl. that he

«••** driving or the rurh* side- of the '••"fld ahour !fi: n:!!»> p^r h *ur it

«ns ra^niug heavily at the time of • ne accident

The Bou et machine s'ruck the -^- '• '< 11* !T rear end of the truck and jam

Installed by District Deputy Orend r.»ed -itse4f under the rear of the •nick, the ptstform of the truck p-^neirsting ihe windshield of the v.,3 rv>rsn, when he fel: the 1m p»ct. pulled the from wheals of the nnrk Intf' the ditch and stopped! H*> hfiRtened back to the re>*tr of the ; : i u l and d s c o v e r e d tile Chevrolet u.r pinned underneath the truck hod>. He managed to pry open a door and release Mr F^»ulet. who n turn with the ass is tance of other

peo: ie. got A Id rich and Moses from ::nrterneath the wreckage J>r 1) M. Foss was summoned ,;-nd took Hon let and A Id rich to th^ Whalen

_Krnergen<y hospital. W« st Main street. Mo#e< was also taken to th^ same hospk&J

Marshall . BsSlmny -V^n e s s n u n l n r thr l«ju:,vi I»r T*nM VHAv • v « P p f . r w . : ^ «»*: Ads . Allie W e b s t e r : JUith.; ***** r e c o m m e n d s the removal of

fsTner L r f^ov 4^7«S * ZZl ^ ™ M c l e a n : Esther. Maude 8eak AldrV-h at once to the M.phurn father, born N o \ 29. 1815, tn Mass. x f f t r t k a n u m . h p He.ndersAB fhospual at Ogdensburg He was and was married in Richvil le J s n > * Martha. Blanche Heotfe iMP " L ^ n ^ d l s i e l v U k c n to that inst itu 2. 1845. There WAS Hr*>chi ldren 5 .The preeent Worthy Metro* . Inei ,Um by t h e S o Y e r a a c e Amhuiance of th is family. Chss Frederick. Walhttc-. extended w i s h e s ts> each * s v J ^ M f Boulet was able to

Kroierwfn Aldruh Ifc«-p«*> »t*-i . • f . tun erne.,: Hirh School won tl»» * .IK seriously injured Monda> even » 1MU annual hi rh school judging

contest h»*lU at uie Sta te School of A p i c u l t u r e m Canton Knda> a> & par of -he program 0/ the cloeinx da> of K"art:j«-r> W w k scoring l i s * pom s out of a i»u«*ibW» lSOO Low \ i l l e * .i> second wi ih l l h 4 3 sini Chaxy won trnrd place with 1129*

Other schools partic ipating won place* as follows Jiel levll le . fourth Place w.ih 1125 S. Massena. flfth. with \*>s'S, Malone. s ix th . wifh 1»»s. ..<•. Brushton seventh . with 1 * 2 ? . Oiat*-»uga>. (eighth, with l«,r.<' 7. and .Pulask*. ninth w:*h 1"3* 1.

I'rou^ •-n»-jr as the winner of ftr*' plar» u an a si lver cup This cup nuis' be u on by a school twice I to keep contented minds

t w e e W i l l Feature Mee t .^9 o* D A R Chapter

' Thursday N »wn.ber 2 U \ T>1» <"» lu^rneu'" Mo: Ms Chapter. Pauir^i ters of the Atueru-an Ke\olu' .on w l) rv,e«-t a' 'he home uf M's H U Aki"'-h a' eighT. oriook f»" m Kills Uiand Fiv.-uiUi: K-K!I I»aug^:,e^

I !na> invite a *Mie*r T i« re will be , a s v a k e r pic'ures and tuusic

Kew people reahx*- the grva* aid ( g i v e n to the d e f i n e d immigrants

through rh» P A R I? is TL*s or ganixauon that provides trained paid ass i s tants to me**' iu* n»**-a-of these foreigners many igno: an' <V our language even, to take

! then; 'hrotieh the nrst hard da>s I or even w»-«-ks and give them un

d' rs'andtng education and employ ' men' To ke**p idle fingers bus> is

Standing of Teams i n feowttftf League —individual Average

o< the Bowlers

.At th»- close of the bowling sche-dnle for the week ending Novem­ber 15th. ih** Fowler t e s i n held the 1* *d by a scant margin of one g a m e v.*h 21 sal net won and four lost . w u h VauSfyke * Curtis a c lose sec­ond w h 2M games won and 5 lost . "*he iraiu standings e r e s s foQosrs: Team Kow l«-r VanSlvV Weld, rs l*usin< *s M*n Independent* i V O r a t B*r* Firemen Kinney l e g i o n f^ortons fc

at C u r t i s

W . 21 So !H 16 15 10 $ :s 7 \

u 4

'5 m

\ i

15 I f 17 18 14




M e e t i n g of D. C S . - <

i fnMiveriieur Marble City Chap­ter. No 92. O. E. S.. observed Psst •Matrons nieht and a lso installed Mrs Lula Freeman s s District Deputy Grand Matron of Use 1st

• Sv l ^ w r e n c v District . Thursday evening. Nov. 14 Tbe Bast Ma trons were escorted by the present

; officer^ of The chapter. „ _ The following Past Matrons *a-

ed as Matron. Mrs. K a t h l e e n Kin ! I H > : Assoc ia te Matron. Ida lx>ve-, le^.fe. Xloiiductiu^-JCjitella—OWs;^U^ > o < : a t e Conductor. Ora -Dons Id. :Stcretarv.» Villa (hTnistosfT^Tfiap J lain. Vina Hull

n<u n»-ce*«*ar.ly in sui^easion. to in sin>« i*»r;uan^n* ;*owsession how » er jKmnc th« past thrt*e years !t has r> en won by schoo l s at H»*lle\»-il» lx>wvtlle and Gouv er­neur

Ko> 1> Gibb* of t?ou« erneur. coacii of th» winning team, was awaM**d a told medal and niei:: b* rs of the tt-am. I^eHoy Fortune. Maunct Higarel and Harry Kitts. each received a bronxe medal

\J Ivoy Fortune also won a gold medal ** high man rn the rontest . havine scored a total of 411 3K poir' < o;rt of

I A box will be sen* this year f*om j our Chapter and an opportunity

given any one **lse who wishes to , aid this admirable cause to con 1 trib ;te a select ion of 'he following j i ' -arl cotton, any color, coarse • white k n i u i n * cotton (Baxter or ' D o r c a s ) , worsted for the knitting j of sweaters : l e f t o v e r worsted in , balls 2 1-2 inches diameter; khaki;

denim, shirting 3 yard lengths Ko earnestly does this work ap­

peal to the D A R for patriotic I service, two women In organixa-

The individual averages to d a t e are a« follows

Games Aver .

a possible &00 perfect t i o 1 1 s t l i n < 1 < n « h i * h i n th** * o c i * J o r

rt Ileyer of Lowvll le ! d p r o fL

N V w Y o r k c{^< [h?* tib ^ y

their serv ices and entire t ime score Kobe wa> second rngh man. with 4fi3.S6 **Vfi

and as such won a si lver meda! f rturinf t n 1 * l a s t summer taking Ma-mo- nigarvi of Gouverneur was ' c h a r T ** o f t h f > inlmigra^ts , spars

, t ime in order that the paid work-rs might have a vacation and still

keen the?r salaries Such work is

third, w ith 401.r»2 and won a bronxe j u

m e d a l 4>thV! h i^h m e n w e r e M i l e * \ f ie* iVnedict of LowviHe. witti 39S v^ ranking fourth, and W w r Heed of ! o f T h p h i , f " ^ r o r f 1 p r & n d should Tlel .v .H. . with 3W.56. who ranked I c o u n t i n l h f > ftKht a J r a l n ? s* s o c 1 * 1

fifth disorder in our beloved land. • The LeKav de Chauraont Chapter ' P A R . announces a council of

W Johnson Murphy . . . Allen Gale Kane K. Randall Moran Hull Blghall . . . A Randall Anderson -Reynolds . Laduke . . . Curt is Gamble . . . S l a m m e r , rfceiley Wit ters . . . R Foster . Washburn Kel ley . . . . .

_ * . » * « . . . v



Phelps 4 6

Kach teair. w as made up of three boys Tear;* were required to judge in four departments -animal husbandry, crops, poultry- and farm mechanics There was judging of Holgteins and A>rehires; corn and potajoes . s ingle comb White I^g e m o o n at 2 o'clock, at the Black horns and Rhode laland Reds, a* ' River Valley Club in WatertKwn, veil as rope splicing. j At one o'clock a luncheon will be

Resul ts of the contest by events ' ****** f o r $ 1 2 S - f o r w h * c n reserva-

chapter officers, directors and com­mittee chairmen of the Sth dis­trict, which Includes the Gouver­neur Morris Chapter, on Fridav tiV-

T h e nguresv i s e v n by | h s report of tne County S o p s r t e t e n d e a t of the Poor are a l so iatereott iss . T h e

I r e c e i p u of Use-past year nave been $eT4**.17 of w h ich W . < K * waa fresn the approprtatloa, f l M 4 0 . 6 1 from tosrn poor, s ta t e and IndianJ

fpoor , f l .4J3 .41; sa le farm produce^ $«^48.24. the balance from vartovs sources 1 expendi tures have been

f $ S l ^ < 4 ^ 1 . the I s r f e r i t ems be inr salaries . W.30«.57; labor. sS.4o5.20: l i g h u and poerer. I1 .171J6 fuel $4.3^0 65; repairs and construct ion. I13.&42.9S; ' suppl ies . S1S.S68.88; temporary relief. $5.6»o; l ive stock purchased. 12.840.

T h e inventory of the County Farm a year ago amounted, t o $20,-2S6.10; this year $24,334.45; sa le s of produce amounted to $3,527.64; suppl ies furnished the Home from the farm. $6,676 24

Thirty towns and the City of Og-dens burg have had town poor at the Countv H o m e 5220 2-7 weeks . all of which except 78 2-7 jreeka where there was nursing is charg­ed at the rate of $3.2$ per week, for nurs ing $5 00 per week CaL i ton heads the list with 712 w e e k / ? Plerrepont Is at the other e n i with !

^ 4 w e e k s and 3 days j Thi s means that $17,308 60 must

: be charged against various towns • : for the board of town poor. 1 j N o v e m b e r 1. 1*28. there were 125 f i inmates in the home; during the

year 88 were admitted, s ixty dis- * I charged, e ighteen died, leaving 135 j

at the end of the year. The whole i [ number of weeks ' board for he lp . ;

keeper and inmates for the year w a s 8.107 1-7 w e e k s ; for c o u n t y ' poor 1.64$ 3-7 w e e k s ; for s tate poor j

I 1»5 3-7 weeks . 4 ! During f h e year 31 adults and

' 55 chi ldren have been aided out j s ide t h e County Home, at an ex I penae of $5.6$0. )

John Leonard, J e s s e Edward. J a n e L o u i s e and Sophia , the wi le of F. W. Peterson . Sophia was tbe young est of the family . Chas. Frederic*:, the oldest died young

But it w a s not her ancestral con-^ s e c t i o n s that created for Mrs. Pet­erson the place^ which she occupied fikUte communi ty . It was h e r cheer­ful a s * csfttnureotts disposit ion

of the Past Matrons. T h e eti« officers presented the Past Atatrons with Carnations. The -Matron, Kath leen .Kinney, in trodnoa* Wor-

V l y 2 £ i r i 2 L D e , " * 3 r 2 r a B d f f S ? ? r i tons All three of the men sre em Dr. Oesn Farmer, w h o a c t e d « • in ats l l lng off icer. , Right Worthy Lor

, return to h i s home after receiving medical treatment . Moses remain­ed tft The Whalen hospital, a l though his condition is not considered ser-

e o s Jfaftt* acted s h a l . Right Worthy Ora A S S L Grand a iarsha l : ttght Wor-

ployees of the New York Central Railroad company in this vi l lage.

] T h e Chevrolet w w r total ly deosol fshed. •- . . . • -

w e n s s her Christ ian character thsT! thy Bel l s Lewis M Grand Chaplain: created for her a lange circle of Rteht Worthy Villa Ormiston a s faithful fHends . J Grand Secretarr .

After S i s ter Freeman w a s In­stal led, she gave very p leas ing re­mark* when assuming her office. Present Assoc iate Matron S u s i e Baldwin presented Sister FVeeman

lth chrysanthemums All Pas t Grand Officers w e r e railed upon

) for remarks as fol lows Supers Rece ives , Lorena Mayne of Heirvelton. Bella

Lewis of Hammond. Tvstella Ben­nett of Rensse laer Falls . Mildred Fleet ham of DePeyster . Nell)*- Holt of Gouverneur. Mary Allen of Rich­ville. Villa Ormiston of Gouverneur. Brothers Glen F a n n e r of Ogdens burg. Myron Mayne of -PePeyater.


C h a m b e r of Commerce Le t te r Regard ing Whereabouts

of M r s . Beeeher M . Crouse

The C t i c s Chamber of Commerce requests cooperation in search for a miss ing U t i c s w o m a n :

"Nov 19. 1*29 •Tribune-Press .

"Gouverneur. N. Y. -At tent ion of the Editor;

"The Ctica Chamber of Com-

Prank Hull of Hai lesbbn. and WU-I Ham Herring of Rensse laer Falls.

The program and refre-r.ments were in charge of the committee .

merce requests the cooperation o f j m i t h l i s t e n . Sus i e Baldwin and the local Chamber In the matter of j Grace .Mills chairman. The follow-

) ing proerram was rendered VioWn ! nolo. Betty Streeter . arrnmfanted I by Mise Glaxier; readint hy Mrs. ; Bethany Donald Collins sol^ by j Mrs. Bess ie Lee Green, arr^mpan-' led by Miss Glaxier rea/Mnt: by j Miss Hubbard .

locat ing a t't ica woman. Mrs Beeeher M Crouse who ie the wife of Beeeher M Crouse. a Ct ica banker, a member of thf Ctica Chamber of Commerce, and a prom­inent c i t i sen of t ' t ica Mr? Crouse disappeared Nov. l u h .

• T h e description of Mrs Crouse of 1415 Genesee Srr* ca N Y . is as fol lows


A n n e v s c e m e n t of Mer Approach ir>g M s r r i s o e to A. L. f * rst t s^

W a t e r b u e y . M s * * F r i e s ,

^ . i Rffrenhments were n»-M«'d t I n i M ](Ht Guests were pre-er,'

j Antwerp. Norwood. Parisr.viiJe "Age. 58; height. 5 f t . 3 inches; | t o c Potsdam.

hair, brown; eyes , brown, weight . , • ' 112 lbs . : teeth, nearly perfect; small mole in middle of forehead: wore Jong tan coat with beaver collar and cuff* black hat brown dr^Rs or green fkirt . wor*- round sold wrist ws tch .

. ov-rom Ful-


A r t m g *, "If located please notify Chief of PoUce

"John A Wricht . Ctica N Y "Phone 4 - l l o i . Police Hdgrs.

"Whatever publicity you can g:ve th»e will be appreciated

"Yours very truly "J R. BarUett. S e c y . "

i Program Presented 1

Under D'rec-t^O« c# Mrs. Otis Stree* t * —

Plan Card Par t

Miss' Mary C Lumley . daaghter jof Mr and Mrs Rverect Lamiey .

this villajre announced her engmre-» e n : to A-fred L Pratt . Watsrbeiry

1 Conn., s t a luncheon held Friday afternoon a: 1. at t h e Red Br>~k

! Tavern. GoV r ernenr Miss Las^aey. w h o s e father If 1

I wel l toon sstlk dsslsr tn this vi) ' U s e was born and received her

e«Hy ed©c-»*ion i s Qoste tne irr 1 where she amended tne local higr

scb<x>i f b l o w i n g her gradssttioa she esitered the train***- d n s e la

' sa t sing at the pti*L ftrraevse. Cross w h i r * whe rrsdaai^d tme Fear. S h e has beer



>n. 15 '.f the *-mhsr

- * e n d -

Tr*- IfK-al Rebek*h !>•<:?* h*-id it* jK^nond me*» r.; morirh Monday evenin*: N

j 1Kb. with 49 member* ir j * n c e j A comni .D!rat ion wa«. '*• ' cerning a couference tr"*^ r.« d mt

^nst^rtfjwn ox Wedne%di»- N^resn-heT?f' *r I f ' o V o c a r e t j u ~ ' :.£ the Noble and Vice Grand* " — nre-sen: from the iodre# rf > Jaw-rence. JefTerwoc and \s *

. t i es ? 1: is p e a n e d to have * 7*

br>dge psrtT Friday afterr^*-ember Z3d at 2 » P. V wfE b* played in inr- rr- r. P*6ro ia another Mrw A v


- Now-B-ndjpt

Twenty Head ©* Repisteesd Cewt So4d To Wood f'oed Fsrw

At Avon, Costa. A F Bponer Ayrshire breeder

of R^cbvilie reports saie of a car-Umd of twenty cow g to the Wood Ford Parma of Avon Conn Sev­ers- of these eows are Mir94 hy ^ j A ^r_ , w f h - m , ^ . . *^ c^ it w t^*«. „* u^u^i m r ' »*• cneiUTSaia of the aifat- * - c the SpotliiTnt Baron of Hisrhsand • ^ - f M l i i W r at cordiafry T n n ^ A

l^s ped>o perry *\U h» ty e v e n tag Noresr .V- ?* h St

t e'eaoch. J ira m*arf^- Br> c«w si JC»C .the * r t : ^ » r

at aaao o p e n to the r-*t*.>c. T h e aroaraja i s rAarr* r* Mr.

+^* w ^ ^ t SS f«vTir-^t i s * :x> t* h e a d s>w*c Sfiae J M r U Vaj * w : M r a


Report Submitted By Wil l iam T. j or the h October


Hols te ins — High t eam, Gouver tieur. 256. second. Brush ton. 249; high men, Wil l iam P r e g o e . Mas­sena 92. LeRoy Fortune , Gouver neur 92. Howard MaJott, Chan?. 92

Ayrsh ires—High t e a m , sMi***Btv 251.5; second. Chasy. M M ; n i g h man. Edgar Reed. BoSoHssa f t ; second, Calvin Bowen; Bruahton to .

C o m — H i g h team, B n s s h t o n 1 H J second. Lowvl l le . IU.1; 1tffB M B . L e s t e r Al len , LotrvWe ft* s f a s o o H s a t i n o Bruehtssi , 47,5. .

Potafaes—Hl^rh tmm. Chatean-gay, 166.3S; second . Lowvl l le , 1*5 1 , high man. Miles Benedict , Lowvl l le .

{ 5S SsU second. Aaxart CbiJds. Ma lone. W.R.

, -Single Comb Whi te Leghorns — i High t e a m . Massena, SOOAf second, 1 GouvernesT. 1K8 8: high man, Frsn-

t ions should be made at once to Miss Nell ie Horton. 144 Winslow st reet. .Wstertown.


T o w n of Horenon ts Qstsp- T4 With tQO 1% VhHMtfog

Wright , F. Boprey C!rrk , B. O. Kinney Demo E t a l s ; K'ley . . . . • T Bopn-y Besaw .-Msybee Frye . . . » AanSIyke A. Porter Kuderman . . . . Goodnough

• Pr ice Skinner June . _ . . . . . . . . .

J A. ^ o i i n s o i r ^ .". . . . . . Cottrell

I D . Porter T . . Bhocfcard

H. D. Kinney , . .^.^.

} Robert Beyer . Lowvl l le , 72; Lyle W T Clsrk. superintendent for? B * r n ' i | 1 Massena. 72. „

the First Supervisory District of j * h o d e Island Rods—High team. St Lawrence counter, has auhmitted <*ouverneurr 181J; second, LowriUe the fol lowing attendance report for 1 6 * : w s :h man. Jasper 8paulding. the month of October. j Brusbton. 72; second. Robert Bey-

Town of Clifton—Dist 1. high ; *r l i owi i l i e . «*\s. school. 99: grades 7 and: '* . 9 s . j Hope Spl ic ing—High t e a m . Low-grades 5 and 6. H; grades 3 snd 4. Mile. 77 4; second, Gouverneur. 7 5 J 95: grade 2. 97; grade 1. 9ft p\^ j high man. Wil l iam El lsworth, M a 2. hirh school , 99; gruie* 7 and *. • lone. 2V5. second, Maurice Bigarel , 94: grades 4. 5, and €. 97; grade? j Gouverneur, 27.

}' l' ^ *'?*• I ? * ; L *™*** Bl G , P n W i « n | . ot th* f*««'ty u' ibe to «. 9fc; grtxi^ 1 to 4. 99. j S t a * School, was in charge of tbe

Town of Edwsrds—Diat 1 h i g h ; content, snd ass i s t ing him were school. 9*. grades 5 and 6. 99 grade* 5 and 4. 9$; grades 1 and 2 97: grade* 7 and ft. 9« Dist 2 HK.: Di*: 2. 94: Dist 4. 96. Dist 5. 97: Dist 6. 99; Dist 9. 9ft: Dist S. 9$; Dist )(> 9*

Town of Frne—Dist 1. g r a d ^ f» to ft. 95; grade* 1 to 4. 9ft- Dist 2. high srhool 9«. grades 7 and * 9S grade* 4. .' and fi 9S: grad#-f 1. 2 and J* 92 Dist 3. 9f Dist 4 9'.. Dist 5. 95 DIFT fi !*•*'; Dist % 9*> Dist. 9. 99 I>IST 30. 9*; Irn \\ 97 Dis» 12. 96

Town of Fowl* r—Th*t 1 p.-ad*-*-5 to *« 97: grades 1 *o 4 97 !>;-• 2. 97 f>i«T 3, icradef H to ' J**. gradeg "! :o 4. 99 Dis* 4. rr*d<*s 7 and * *»9. grades 4 5 and f. 97

T h e report of the Consmittee on Equalisation presented t o UK Board of dtjpervisors on Friday, snowed that six of tbe towns lower od the as se s sment percentage val­ue , s ix towns remained the same, whi le twenty-one towns m s d e sub­stantial increases . The town of Hermon is the only one reporting a one hundred percent rate which w a s raised from 9$ in l t t * . The percentage of real value for the years 1929 and 1929 is s s fo l lows:

W. B. Fos ter .* . « . Deroche Buck « . Sibley B o s c o e . * . . .

Thomas . . . . . . . . Bruet

I f 11*

.1SL 15 12 13 12 10 12 15 i e • I ' 1 5 1 3

; 7 15

8 U 14 I

U 1 1

H n t § <

a i T

1 i Bartholomew 11

174 i ts 1€7 1€7 l i t 1C5 IS* 1#4

m its its

• t n the

a . law is t 1st

'•."- lla> ^ I M ^ IU - 157


1 5 i 155

• ' ; ; v s » ' 151 + OH

150 : . j i i » ' law

;14 t i a

; i a IsT 147,

" >1«

-: v i * - • ••-* ~ ^ ^ ? » "

*•* 144

141 14#

I f f 114 law

i Harold Crow ell. Robert H. Smith and Will iam T. Long, a l so of the

1 srhool faculty.

i Judges were Prof E S Savage A of Cornell university. Floyd Dunn 1 of Bruphton snd W. T Long and ! ; kob^-rt H Smith of Canton.

Nine teams, representmr f u e 1 coun*1e?« — St I j iwrence . Clinton. ' Iy»wis. JetT*T*on and Oswego par

ticipated in this year's contest . I ' T h i s i* th*- largest number o f ! t sf hor»ls r\*<r entered.

92 . Dip' 5. *!< . Dip* * 9S 9« I>;s: .1 14 95» !»»«

grade? 1 . 2 and 3 Dis: f $* rnst " 7: Di*; 9 9V U s t 1 ». 94 DIP- 32 >7 Dis: lr» 94

T^v. c of Gou«<-m«nr -1+.*: i Gruverneur viiiage 99 Dis: 2 99 Dis* 3 <* r*r 4 1(K. Dist I 99 Dipt ft W> r>is^ 7. iw» tnr * 9* DiK 9 9R- Diet ift. rrvUr* I


M - an* Mrs Jay C la rk of O t w s ' c*tcf>»e Brought to the V*n \ Duxee Hosprtat

N a m e of T o w n :

Brasher : Canton __ Clare . , . . _ Cl i f ton Col ton DeKalb DePeys ter Edwards F ine _ Fowler Gouverneur Hammond . Hermon _-. Hopklnton Lawrence Lisbon Louisvi l le Macomb Madrid Massena Morristown Norfolk Oswejratchie Ogdensburg City

I Parishvil ie -IPiercefleld

Pierrepon' P l t c a i m . . . Po t sdsm Ross l e Rusael i Stockhorm Waddinr*on . . .

Below IP

Mr and Mrs Jay Clark Oswe-^*.arrh:#. were brought to the Van ^"I^js^e hospftal tn thi i rillsjre at

to fc 99. grades 1 to 4 91 . DIP* 11 ; ; y Sunday aft^rnooti suif^^ing 99. Eg?: : : . 9a . Disu ±}. 93 . I>*^ — * « « . injaru^s reoe4e«d e k H their 14 99 I**' IS 9w Dist 14 M 1 Jigb: Ford d^l iwrv irue* r~a*hed

Town of P^:raJm--Dis- . 1 9» | h*s^-on wfth s Peeriesp s^dan. Dis: 2. g-aiies 5 to % 99 g~a/2«-# ow n^d and driven by Jay M WW 1 to 4 9* DIP* 3 H Dist 4 ** , ^ t ]Sw Adams str*ei Rorc^s te j .

71 641 6* 76 59 74 71 57 64 66 60 63 95 69 70 69 63 <tt 7K 67 61 67 59 6s 69 64 6« 63 64, 67 69 71 6$

4 t 2 f

75 . W

v 5ft 71 59 74

5 56 70

U 4 U 4 l it list

L. Porter . Dav i s P u n n i n g . . , . . . . - ^ ; . . . Woodward Burgees . . . . . Mason WhHmore ^^ . . Keiser ..^w . . . . ^ C Boprey Miller Brown P r e m o . J . Bassett . . . : . . Gardner H Appleby Hendrick

The team and individual higfc

1 11 ~4 11 I f >4 i t f 1

i 2 1 t 4

l i t

53 scores s re s s follows; 63 High Tee** • • ' i n d e p e n d e n t s ,

H«U| VanSlyke s> Curtis V s n S l y k e 4 Curtis . . . Fowler

I nd iv idua l T r i p l e Allen (Leg ion) Anderson (V eV C)

Individual W Johnson ( F o w l e r ) Allen (Leg ion)

70 73 7V 651 i 74 I 69; 44 « 9 ; «3 71 I Tf i !

J4*^ j The Young F s r m e r s ' ^ of Gouverneur. comnoaod of nsefav hl hers of tbe agricul tursj dopartmes* lh< , of the high school and former s to -* j d e n u . wiu hoW s pedro party h i

' the high school gymnas ium, day. Nov 26th. at 8 p. a .


73; 7<i i proceeds will be used to

gtv*n the as*e**e4 vai | judging team to the s t a t s nat ion of each town this year its contest to b» held at equal ised valuation. and the ( the hol idays

t added or deducted * . . . & r *

N s m e e* T o w «

Dist Dtst

S 99 * 9 -

Dist 4 «7 Dist s* th* tnte?weetioc cK *he Brown'i Failp road and the state highway. one mile w#*t of the riliage of o# ,

• ,»«-ra*rh^ st Ir IS £ e n d s r xnorn-| ;nr Mr Cla*-k r+r+ir+4 i s m » f o a i I ru:i shout the h^sd fare hanvaSs

and ***r» He also smTered fross a His wife was *a*sr-

# *d sbo«r ties kaese and head WO- { *' ^oc escaped wtlh minor b r a e e s mm I

H a w e s wae caiWl <TW Dr g J L e P a r i 4 « week by *-h# d»a*k s ^ e n e Rochester who w u


M l N C • J * pas

of her arotfcp-r Mrs Ge^enea. w h.ct

iz Mor>y .V th* sg* of *2 y»*rs

M r s Gooidea was dUagsoa June : i I s i

V She had re s i i i I a; s4orV7

pae; --Sirty ywart ,gbs hy '.»c da^g^erw Mrs HM*~$

sad Mrs 0*arr* Kefiy of

IB ' h e b*~ Mr Clart

'^ a: McDow*n am i, W h y v b e .a

Wa^t 6+v ihMZ hi •-* t w B - t w i t Fal ls

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