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Moving Forward 2012-2017 Pitman Public Schools Strategic Plan October 24, 2012
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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Pitman Public Schools Strategic Plan

October 24, 2012

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Financial Creativity

Instructional Program




Infrastructure Capital

District Strategic Plan

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Community Engagement

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CE#1: Improve communication between our schools and the overall community

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Create and implement an enhanced, comprehensive, uniform communications protocol for the district and individual schools that takes advantage of technology resources

2012-13 school year

Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum Principals Office staff IT

Social media sites (Twitter, Facebook) Global Connect PowerSchool District website

2. Social Media - research and implement positive instructional uses to fulfill the district mission statement

Ongoing Supr. of Curriculum Principals Teachers BOE Curriculum IT

Available technology in classrooms and hands of students; Staff development

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CE#1: Improve communication between our schools and the overall community

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Promote positive news about students, staff & programs as a means to build and sustain community support for the schools

Ongoing Superintendent Principals Teachers

Training for administration on specific PR that works Possible PR person in district – extra service contract? (2013-2014)

“Brag” sheets for each school (2012-13) Press releases to local media District resources: PTV, website, email broadcasts, social media

4. Educate the community on what’s taught & how

Ongoing Supr. of Curriculum Students Community Principals Superintendent

Time for outreach to meet with community groups

A generated news clip like: “Did you know…” Restore community advisory board (2012-13)

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CE#1: Improve communication between our schools and the overall community

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


5. Invite the community into the schools

Ongoing Superintendent Principals Teachers

Time Communication Tool

Open Houses? Invitation to art shows, concerts Work with student groups to determine opportunities for community involvement

6. Support school booster groups, HSA’s, etc. with resources to promote their activities

2012-13 Central office staff Principals/building support staff Athletic director

PR/”media” kits – contact information, protocols, etc. for promoting activities and events

Use of district website, e-mail broadcasts, PTV, as well as local media outlets.

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CE#2: Form partnerships with local businesses to promote community cooperation

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Develop shared community & school projects

Ongoing Principals Teachers Business community

Time e.g. art work on Bus Stop Café

2. Develop service opportunities between businesses and school students/clubs

Principals Teachers Business community


e.g. food pantry

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CE#2: Form partnerships with local businesses to promote community cooperation

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Create internships and shadowing experiences for students

2012-2015 Principals Teachers Business community

Time Could include expansion of current “Senior Project” program. Other initiatives could include: •Artist in residence •Musician in residence •Scientist in residence

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CE#3: Provide services to families and the wider community

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Create summer camp programs for younger students (also provides internship opportunities for older students)

By 2015-16 Superintendent BOE Supr. of Curriculum Community Outside partners?

Time Funding Materials Staff

Possible partnership with borough recreation department? •Arts camp •Sports camp •Academic-based camp

2. Implement adult education programs (evenings, summer) Technology classes Recreational classes Job skills

2014-15 Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum Principals Teachers

Teachers; Instructional resources Funding

Charge & pay teachers Writing/math/ reading Possible partnership with borough recreation department?

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CE#4: Explore and promote shared services and consortia purchasing with the borough and other school districts Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Explore with Borough Council any services to be shared

Ongoing BOE Superintendent Business Admin Borough – shared services committee

Time Current committee formed in spring 2012. Existing shared service arrangements include trash, water, paper purchasing, some shared fuel purchasing, use of facilities.

2. Develop a list of qualified community members to provide services to school

Ongoing BOE Superintendent Business Admin.

Time In Residence partners

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CE#4: Explore and promote shared services and consortia purchasing with the borough and other school districts Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Explore possibilities of any shared services between Pitman & other schools

Ongoing BOE Superintendent Business Admin

Time Willing partners

EIRC partnerships? Current jointures include: •SJTP technology services (Sterling); •professional development (Glassboro, Clayton); •consortium purchasing for food service (Alloway); •transportation (Delsea, Gateway, Glassboro); •OT services (GCSSSD, Woodbury)

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Infrastructure Capital

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IC#1: Generate revenue and identify/implement cost savings in facilities use

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Refinance outstanding bonds (if feasible) to restructure/reduce district debt obligations.

Begin 2012-13 Business Admin Superintendent

Bond counsel services

Several remaining bonds from prior referenda may be candidates for re-funding at more advantageous interest rates

2. LED lighting retrofit in all buildings

By 2013-14 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding (maintenance reserve funds)

Incentive programs available (grants) through NJBUP

3. Replacement of middle school windows with energy efficient replacement windows

By 2014-15 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding (maintenance reserve funds)

Has been part of district’s long-term maintenance plan since 2002

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IC#1: Generate revenue and identify/implement cost savings in facilities use

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


4. If financially sound, pursue spot expansion of solar panels.

By 2014-15

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding (maintenance reserve funds)

Possible sites: Davis Field, bleachers, wrestling room, light fixtures, parking areas, kiosks

5. Staggered replacement of HVAC rooftop units at PHS

Two per year, beginning 2013-14

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding (maintenance reserve funds); cost may require additional funding (referendum?)

Existing units range in age from 12-20 years old. Some units are failing and require frequent repairs with inconsistent results.

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IC#1: Generate revenue and identify/implement cost savings in facilities use

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


6. Explore advertising on facilities; sponsorships – source of revenue

Ongoing Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Parking lots? Fields? Auditorium? Benches/bleachers? Cafeteria/gym? NJDOE rules impact what can be done.

7. Transportation – explore the feasibility of the purchase of a limited fleet (lease) of vehicles for student transportation

2013-14 Business Admin


Pilot program (cost/benefit) if current purchased arrangements continue to rise in cost. (Implications re: full transportation must be considered before d i i i d )

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IC#2: Improve facilities and infrastructure to support wider range of 21st century instructional programs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Replacement of HS Lockers & Flooring

Started 2011-12; completed by 2013-14

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin


2. Renovations to HS graphic arts room (dependant on programming decisions)

By 2013-14 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding Photo dark room • photography elective? Large space – program possibilities • STEM • Arts (visual, dance)

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IC#2: Improve facilities and infrastructure to support wider range of 21st century instructional programs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Renovations to HS & MS locker rooms

By 2013-14 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin

Funding Primarily routine maintenance (paint, etc.); evaluate possible locker replacement.

4. MS courtyard paving

By 2016-17

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin


Engineering reports required.

5. Improvements to sound & lighting /AV in HS auditorium

By 2013-14

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin


Some improvements to sound system done in 2011; other systems date to original construction.

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IC#2: Improve facilities and infrastructure to support wider range of 21st century instructional programs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


6. Implement improvements to fields & grounds

Ongoing Maintenance Supervisor Business Admin. Principals Athletic Director

Funding Manpower

Athletic program needs? Care for trees (inspect health)

7. Implement security enhancements to all buildings

Ongoing Maintenance Supervisor Business Admin. Principals Local Law Enforcemnt

Funding Manpower

Newly revised school security plan (2012-13) Implement police recommendations re: building security

8. Whiteboard replacement

2014-15 Maintenance Supervisor Business Admin. Principals

Funding Kindle completed

9. Renovations to MS Media Center

2013-14 Maintenance Supervisor Business Admin Principal

Funding Reclaim rm 103 as classroom?

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IC#2: Improve facilities and infrastructure to support wider range of 21st century instructional programs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


10. Renovate/ repurpose MS Industrial Tech spaces

2014-15 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin Middle Admin.

Funding Pending decisions re: programming & MS schedule changes

11. Explore instructional uses: HS stage HS Wrestling room

2014-15 Maintenance Supr. Business Admin HS Admin

Funding Certified Staff or contractors

Possible use for expanded theater and dance offerings

12. Explore repurposing elementary computer labs

2016-17 Pending needs

Maintenance Supr. Business Admin Elementary Admin

Funding If shift to mobile computing becomes norm, labs w/ workstations may be converted for other uses

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IC#2: Improve facilities and infrastructure to support wider range of 21st century instructional programs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


13. Develop mid-range technology plan for the district

By 2013-14 IT Systems Admin. Superintendent Supevisor of C&I Tech committee

Time IT – Cloud environment Student file storage Outsource software / data management (SJTP?)

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Financial Creativity

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FC#1: Maintain and increase funding for instructional programs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Plan and prepare for possible reductions in state and federal aid that directly impact instructional programs.

2012-2016 Ongoing

All district stakeholders Superintendent Business Admin BOE

Time BOE has managed funding with an eye toward mitigating challenging funding environment in 2013-15 (re-assessments; Sony tax adjustment, part 2; adjustment aid phase-out.)

2. Promote positive media coverage to build public support for schools


Administration Principals Staff

Area newspapers Channel 19 Pitman Today Local TV Stations

See also – Community, Technology

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FC#1: Maintain and increase funding for instructional programs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Improve building cleanliness and maintenance to build public support for schools.

Ongoing Principals Maintenance Supervisor Custodians Maintenance staff

Funds for maintenance Time for regular inspections Adequate staffing levels

Explore the use of outside contractors to perform certain services as a supplement to district staff to address deficits, deferred projects.

4. Hold events to show off the schools to the community to build public support of schools.

Beginning 2012-13

Board of Education Administration Staff

Facilities Time

See also - Community

5. Writing campaigns to lawmakers to promote adequate support for public education funding.

Ongoing District leadership District staff BOE Community

Time Key issues: •Adjustment aid phase–out •Offset in equalization aid

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FC#1: Maintain and increase funding for instructional programs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


6. Education of public re: funding of schools


Superintendent Business Admin BOE

Time Communication with parents

Annual budget hearings State report on school budgets User-friendly budget (website) eChalk Talk

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FC#2: Utilize a grant writer to apply for district-wide funding

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Contract a grant writer


Administration Staff Community Professionals

Possible extra-service contract?

percentage of award? See also – Technology (re: current state of federal grant opportunities)

2. Seek training for Grant writer

2013-14 Administration EIRC NJEA Rowan Fed Govt.

3. Applying for Grants

Ongoing Administration Teachers Staff Other

Fed Govt. NJDOE PEF Corporations

Possible consortia with other school districts

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FC#2: Utilize a grant writer to apply for district-wide funding

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


4. Identification of district needs

Ongoing Board of Ed Administration Teachers Parents Community

Time Strategic Plan serves as template. Emergent needs? – state/federal mandates Federal/state funds for grants down since 2006; Race to the Top funds = current opportunity.

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FC#3: Increase the Number of Tuition Students

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Determine areas of need (i.e.: limited enrollment)

Ongoing Administration Board of Ed

Enrollment reports

2. Set competitive tuition cost

Ongoing Administration Board of Ed

Tuition costs of area schools

Current rates = approx. $4000; very competitive with competing schools and districts.

3. Promote tuition program

Ongoing Administration Board of Ed Teachers Students

Web page Ads in local media Open house Visitations

4. Apply for Inter-district school choice program

2015-16 school year Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum Business Admin. BOE


Pending adjustment aid situation

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FC#4: Exercise efficiency in addressing special education costs while meeting student needs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Forum to discuss the cause of high special ed population – restoration of parent advisory group


Board of Ed Special Services Principals Teachers Parents

Past enrollment reports: •Referrals by year •Classification per year by program •Classified move – ins.

2. Examine student test scores from multiple years to track trends.


Supr. of Curriculum Principals

NJASK scores HSPA scores PARCC scores MAP scores From past years

Current trends suggest the need to bolster early elementary and MS basic skills support

3. Align professional developments to notable deficiencies

Ongoing Supr. of Curriculum Principals

Funding Time

Alignment with district annual professional development plan.

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FC#4: Exercise efficiency in addressing special education costs while meeting student needs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


4. Study feasibility of creating in-district programming to replace out-of-district placements.


Supervisor of Special Services Child Study Team

Time Funding

Possible partnerships with neighboring districts? Evaluation of existing programming Elimination/ consolidation of duplicate programming where feasible (by 2016-17)

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Instructional Program

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IP#1: Develop a broad range of new learning opportunities for HS students

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Advertise online options (like Virtual High School Collaborative) for students to both students and parents.

2012-13 and ongoing (course selection window)

Curriculum supervisor, VHS on-site coordinator Media center specialist Guidance department Principals

Assembly with students to choose courses

Support through media center specialist and/or on-site VHS coordinator.

2. Offer support for students taking online courses.


Curriculum supervisor, VHS on-site coordinator Media center specialist Guidance department Principals

Meeting with counselors to schedule VHS or other online options

Documentation of student progress via weekly check-ins with VHS coordinator. Documentation of student progress via grades in courses.

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IP#1: Develop a broad range of new learning opportunities for HS students

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Communicate with local post-secondary schools to seek out opportunities for dual credit and/or internships/senior projects with local businesses and organizations.

2012-13 HS Admin HS Guidance Supr of C&I

Time Recognizing need for competitiveness /rigor of course load; increase opportunities for advanced courses /coursework.

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IP#2: Modify existing MS schedule to maximize and enhance course offerings and program options

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Evaluate programming needs per curriculum standards, district goals, etc.

Planning throughout the year 2012-2013 for implementation September 2013

Superintendent, Curriculum Supr. MS Admin MS Teachers

Time Solicit parent input

2. Include/increase character education/HIB prevention programming

Planning throughout the year 2012-2013 for implementation September 2013

Superintendent, Curriculum Supr. MS Admin MS Teachers

Assemblies and guest speakers; possible purchase of whole-district HIB program. Analyses of district trends regarding character education and HIB—using district surveys of students, parents, and teachers. Include a Renaissance-like reward initiative at MS

Work on school culture by utilizing data from district surveys and student interest inventories. Plan for all students—all level learners’ needs. HS and MS teachers & administrators should communicate about coordinating volunteer activities and reward activities

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IP#2: Modify existing MS schedule to maximize and enhance course offerings and program options

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Plan additional electives toward meeting student curricular interests.

Planning throughout the year 2012-2013 for implementation September 2013

Superintendent, Curriculum Supr. MS Admin MS Teachers

Student interest inventories regarding curricular topics and also clubs/extra-curricular offerings

4. Add time for additional club/extra-curricular meetings.

Planning throughout the year 2012-2013 for implementation September 2013

Superintendent, Curriculum Supr. MS Admin MS Teachers

Student interest inventories regarding curricular topics and also clubs/extra-curricular offerings

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IP#3: Align existing curricula to meet new Common Core State Standards and revised NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Offer professional development opportunities for curricular revision.

Throughout the 2012-2013 school year. Annually

Superintendent, curriculum supervisor, building principals, special services supervisor, teachers.

Online resources, workshops, district in-services, etc.

2. Offer professional development opportunities to study Understanding by Design philosophies and processes.

2013-14 Supvisor of C&I Admin Teachers

Online resources, workshops, district in-services, etc.

UbD is a research-based instructional design model based on the work of Grant Wiggins. Premise: Design begins with desired learning objectives.

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IP#3: Align existing curricula to meet new Common Core State Standards and revised NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Offer professional development opportunities for revising and unifying existing literacy instructional models.

Three year phase in beginning 2012-13

Supr of C&I Admin Teachers

Time Funding Curr. Materials Contractors

Continue monthly ELA meetings at MS and elementary level. Begin monthly literacy meetings for content-area teachers in grades 7-12.

4. Offer professional development opportunities for non-ELA teachers in literacy instruction.

By 2014-15 Supr of C&I Admin Teachers

Time Funding Curr. Materials Contractors

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IP#3: Align existing curricula to meet new Common Core State Standards and revised NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


5. Increase PLC development and participation.

2012-13 and ongoing

Supr of C&I Admin Teachers

Time for teachers Utilize staff interest inventories regarding PLCs.

6. Offer professional development opportunities regarding 21st Century Skills (critical thinking skills and creativity) as well as technology integration.

2012-13 and ongoing

Supr of C&I Admin Teachers

Time Funding Contractors?

Utilize online PD resources.

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IP#4: Increase character education and HIB/bullying prevention training for all teachers, staff, and students Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Review and share data from district HIB surveys (April 2012) with staff.


District ABC, ABSs Superintendent Building level administrators Community members Faculty/staff

Data analyses of surveys

2. Create plan for HIB prevention.

2012-13 and ongoing

District ABC, ABSs Superintendent Building level administrators Community members Faculty/staff

Renaissance program Resources and plan from Rutgers’ Bullying Prevention institute

Possible expansion of Renaissance to MS by 2013-14. (Positive behavioral supports)

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IP#4: Increase character education and HIB/bullying prevention training for all teachers, staff, and students Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Increase classroom and whole-school character education initiatives.

2012-13 and ongoing

District ABC, ABSs Superintendent Building level administrators Community members Faculty/staff

Assemblies/guest speakers. PD time for planning class and school activities.

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IP#5: Integrate modern, relevant technology into instructional practices and students’ learning opportunities Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Secure technology resources for staff and students.

Ongoing All district and building-level administrators, teachers, community members, and students.

Additional funding Professional development Student interest

BYOD, blogging, SKYPE/distance learning, SmartBoards, document cameras, etc…

2. Focus and plan “blended learning” practices for all classes

2013-14 and Ongoing

Teachers Supr of C&I

Funding Training in best practices Using Web2.0 resources

Use of Edline, Blackboard, or Moodle; use of social media tools?

3. Offer online professional development for teachers and online learning opportunities for students.

Ongoing Teachers Supr of C&I

Funding Training in best practices Using Web2.0 resources

VHS Collaborative Other providers

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IP#6: Target the diverse needs of the whole student population

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Develop mentor program within schools (student/student, student/teacher, and student/community volunteers).

Ongoing All district stakeholders

Model mentor program Renaissance program Community volunteers

Use NHS, NAHS, Key Club, student Council, and Builders’ Club students for mentoring younger students. Increase PEP program activities. Include more community outreach/volunteering, and service by students into the community. Expand MS & Walls mentoring programs to other schools.

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IP#6: Target the diverse needs of the whole student population

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


2. Evaluate needs of special education population and modify programming.

Ongoing CST Supervisor of Special Services

Funding Time Space

Explore creation of enhanced programming for specific populations, or shared service arrangements.

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IP#7: Introduce innovative instructional programming enhancements to support district mission Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Creation of K-12 Service Learning curricula


Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum Principals Teachers

Time Funding

Theme-based cross-curricular overlay centered around service to various constituencies-serves as authentic learning experience and assessment

2. Establishment of a Full day kindergarten program at all schools.


Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum Principals Supr. of Special Svcs

Funding Staff Instructional materials Space

Full day kindergarten would drive more intensive intervention for an increasingly needy early education population (possible positive impact on special d ti )

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IP#7: Introduce innovative instructional programming enhancements to support district mission Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3.Reorganization /reallocation of basic skills support programming and staff to support early intervention

By 2014-15 Superintendent Business Admin Principals Supr of Special Services

Staff Funding Instructional materials

Possible move to FT BSI at elementary Possible additional BSI staff at MS

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IP#8: Unify literacy instructional methods across the district

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1.Choose professional development third-party provider(s) to train teachers to unify literacy block in elementary classes, and schedule ongoing, sustained PD throughout the year.

Fall 2012 and throughout school year 2012-2013; to be continued in subsequent years (3 years)

Central office and building administrators and committee of teachers

Teacher training Time Fountas and Pinell benchmark materials training/practice.

CLI model for K-3; similar for 4-5 (Russ Walsh) based on sound practices (guided reading and writing instruction, Fountas & Pinnell benchmarking)

2.Continue regular LAL articulation meetings at the middle school.

2012-2013 and ongoing

Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction MS Communications teachers


Curriculum alignment with Common Core standards; reviewing best practices, etc.

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Moving Forward 2012-2017

Guidance and Student Services

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GSS#1: Develop resources for staff to best address students’ social/emotional needs

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Provide training and resources to staff to support social/emotional needs of students (focus: interventions and outcomes)

2012-13 and ongoing

All guidance counselors, staff, administrators & parents

Time for counselor-staff meetings to discuss student needs

Support through learning/utilizing intervention systems

Staff training in recognizing students in need of social/emotional assistance

Follow-up as needed for all students that are identified as students in need

Access to Internet resources which provide support of student interventions

Documentation of student progress (open communication, grades, parent interaction)

Guest speakers - topics of concern (to be determined by counselors, staff and parents)

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GSS#2: Influence school culture through awareness, prevention, and interventions of HIB/bullying

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. School safety (HIB) teams shall research and recommend HIB prevention/positive school climate intervention programs to be implemented

2012 -13

All guidance counselors, staff, administrators (or designee from each building)

Opportunity for staff to receive release time for communication/exploration of HIB resources (public, private, state, and federal gov’t.) Funding to purchase and provide program resources Time

Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of program selected Meeting to share effectiveness of program and its implementation across the district

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GSS#2: Influence school culture through awareness, prevention, and interventions of HIB/bullying

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


2. Ongoing staff development •Combating HIB

Ongoing Supervisor of C&I Principals Anti-Bullying Specialists Teachers School Safety Teams

Guest speakers targeting the areas of concern by staff

District-wide continuum of programs that acknowledge positive behaviors/reinforcements within the classroom and throughout the school (e.g. Renaissance)

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GSS#3: Promote increased development and enrollment in blended learning and online (Virtual High School) classes in order to provide diverse electives and opportunities to PHS students

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Promote Virtual High School offerings to all secondary students

November-April (Annually)

VHS site coordinator and Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction (Guidance counselors will provide assistance for scheduling purposes)

VHS website and materials/signs Funding for VHS classes Technology (i.e. computers) for students use Access to VHS staff for all inquiries

Meet with students individually to schedule classes and provide support as needed Students to meet guidance counselors- assure all graduation requirements are met Train guidance counselors to understand VHS process and procedures and working with virtual students

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GSS#4: Create individual connections with students to target essential interests and post-secondary aspirations Action Step Implementation

Timeline Persons

Involved/ Responsible

Resources Required


1. Meet quarterly with students to provide career/ educational assistance, academic scheduling support and coordinate post secondary goals Research tracking systems and programs for post-secondary follow-up (e.g. NJ SMART)

Annually (Student interactions will occur quarterly throughout the academic school year-tracking system will assist with post-secondary documentation) Individual Personal Growth Plans (IPGP) implemented beginning in grade 6.

All guidance counselors, staff & administrators

Time during in-services, quarterly guidance meetings, and with professional organizations Time during in-services, internet access, communication with other districts on current programs Funding •Technology support •Training

Document student goals/ambitions through student-card or portfolio and/or Power School data system (IPGP) Research cost effective computerized career interest inventories Train guidance counselors on how to use computerized program (include Power School tracking system/NJ SMART)

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GSS#4: Create individual connections with students to target essential interests and post-secondary aspirations Action Step Implementation

Timeline Persons

Involved/ Responsible

Resources Required


2. Create programming and resources to assist families in identifying a range of post-secondary options and to assist them in strategically positioning their child for the widest range of opportunities (e.g. course selection; scholarships; volunteer, military and non-traditional options)

By 2014-15 MS & HS Admin MS & HS Guidance Supervisor of C&I Supervisor of Special Services CST

Time Funding for resources, speakers, etc.

Use, monitor, and integrate results in curriculum and course offering decisions Guidance personnel can meet during scheduling process time to review individual student needs Monitor use and incorporate data in decision making and then evaluate effectiveness

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GSS#5: Establish a central location of community-based resources for children and families

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Outreach of various professional and community-based organizations for targeted interventions as identified by student/parent need

Annually All guidance counselors, staff, nurse, CST, administrators & parents

Time during in-service to collaborate on targeted services Quarterly guidance meetings to review data and usage Tech support to manage data , space on district server, staff computers and web site

Include adult resources as well as adolescent Develop and place data onto desk top and lap top computers and district web site Update data to ensure accuracy

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Moving Forward 2012-2017


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T#1: Enhance student learning opportunities through the acquisition and integration of technology resources Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Expand the reach, relevance, and content of P-TV

Ongoing Principals Teachers BOE Supervisor of Curriculum IT Dept. Community Students

Available technology and infrastructure; staff to create and edit content

Pilot the implementation of taped video broadcasts during 2012-13 school year (district and/or borough events) P-TV is a district/borough partnership

2. Provide a platform for “Web 2.0” learning opportunities for K-12

Ongoing Principals Teachers BOE Supervisor of Curriculum IT Dept.

Available tech in classrooms and hands of students

Includes widescale implementation of the following: blogging, student use of wikis, student creation of podcasting

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T#2: Research and develop connectivity infrastructure to support increasing technology use

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Research and pilot transition to digital textbooks and curriculum support materials.

Pilot in 2012-13 of e-readers in HS English class; expand as hardware is acquired

Supr. of Curriculum Principals BOE

Funding Electronic readers

Current trends: comparable online versions of hardcopy texts are not universally available; cost offers no financial incentive, but may go down over time. Current district technology not available to support wide scale adoption of electronic textbooks.

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T#2: Research and develop connectivity infrastructure to support increasing technology use

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


2. Facilitate capacity to streamline/ coordinate facilities and technology work orders to support ASAP instructional integration in classrooms.

By 2013-14

IT Systems Admin. Teachers Facilities Manager Business Admin. Supr. of Curriculum Principals

Web-based “helpdesk” application that meets needs of both areas.

There are currently two separate work order tracking software packages used in these two areas. Many technology upgrades are dependent on maintenance work prior to installation.

3. Continue to upgrade network speed and bandwidth to maintain a reliable IT network that supports instruction and organizational needs.


IT Systems Admin. Business Admin. Supr. of Curriculum


Current network speeds (2012-13): ISP = 30 mbps; WAN 100/100 mbps. Expansion of ISP bandwidth to 100-200 mbps by 2016-17

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T#3: All students will attain the educational technology and information literacy skills needed to achieve the CCCS and success in college and career readiness Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Utilize technology as a meaningful component of daily instruction. •District owned teacher and student tools •Student-owned and staff-owned (“guest”) devices using the district network


Teacher Principals Supr. of Curriculum Maintenance

Staff development Enhanced equipment for whole class, small group, and individual use (e.g. laptops /netbooks, tablets, interactive peripheral devices (whiteboard, handheld student responders, etc.), Enhanced infrastructure (WiFi) – paid through annual operational funds.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – pilot with staff-2012-13; expand to grade 6-12 students by 2013-14. Initially, access to WWW; possible expansion to access to selected district network folders.

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T#3: All students will attain the educational technology and information literacy skills needed to achieve the CCCS and success in college and career readiness

Action Step Implementation Timeline

Persons Involved/


Resources Required


2. Comprehensive technology infrastructure upgrades in all classrooms districtwide. Every classroom = “smart”, 21st century classroom.

By 2016-17

Superintendent BOE Supr. of Curriculum Business Administrator Teachers IT Maintenance Community

Mounted LCD projectors; Sound systems; Interactive whiteboard technology; affiliated infrastructure (electricity, etc.)

Such a wide-scale effort may require the commitment of financial resources beyond annual operational dollars. A bond referendum would facilitate simultaneous implementation at all sites; if not, staggered annual implementation using operational funds beyond current levels would be required.

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T#3: All students will attain the educational technology and information literacy skills needed to achieve the CCCS and success in college and career readiness Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Expansion of online course options and web-enhancement of existing “live” curricula (blended learning).

Beginning 2012-13

Supr. of Curriculum IT Systems Admin Superintendent Principals Teachers


Virtual High School courses; integration of Web 2.0 practices (blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc.) into instruction and assessment

4. Explore community and staff participation in joint purchasing of technology as a cost savings and means to promote wider access to technology for students and families.

Ongoing Supr. of Curriculum IT Systems Admin Superintendent Business Admin BOE Community

Interest surveys Community members and staff could purchase computers through the district at a savings. Pending legal and financial feasibility and analysis.

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T#4: Research creative/innovative practices to fund technology purchases and maintain equipment and infrastructure to meet the district’s needs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


1. Fundraising in conjunction with family and community groups.

Ongoing BOE, Principals Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum IT Systems Admin Community

Existing equipment Experience and exposure to emerging technologies

Stakeholders respond best to requests for fundraising when clear goals are articulated.

2. Research consortium purchasing and/or shared service agreements for technology resources and services.


Superintendent Supr. of Curriculum IT Systems Admin

Current jointure with Sterling HS district (SJTP) for tech management of student info software (PowerSchool) Possible consortia/ partnership with other districts, borough gov’t re: Internet service or wide area network (WAN) services?

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T#4: Research creative/innovative practices to fund technology purchases and maintain equipment and infrastructure to meet the district’s needs Action Step Implementation


Persons Involved/


Resources Required


3. Pursue corporate sponsorships and grant funding opportunities to support technology.


Supr. of Curriculum Business Admin

Race to the Top federal grants Communication w/ corporate partners

NOTE: Federal support for educational technology grants has dropped dramatically since 2006. Eligibility criteria have presented challenges in recent years.
