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-, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request...

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r - --------· RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION DATED DECEMBER 14, 1981 SY THE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY //.11.:{ Que ion #1 - Thomu E. Laborio - Plant Manager, G. Geiulinger - Plant Engineer, Ramon Elliott - Manager, Proceu Engineering and V. Belli - Director, Facilities Engineering. Quution 2 - Same u 11 queation. Queacion 3 - All document, will be liated in the answers as exhi bit s and numbered numerically, starting with 11. Question 4 - None. Question 5 - R. t.D. 062313572 Question 6 - The Okonite Company plant in Ashton, R. I. manufactures wire and cable products . A. Waste paper, wood, printing inks and printing solvents, See Exh ibit 11 fo r complete list of items stored and used at t he Ashton Okonite Plant. B. One hopper of waste wood and paper per week, three for four drums of printing ink and solvent per year, and four to five drums of waste lubricating oil per year. Question #7 Same as reply to Question #1. Question #8 - We are not aware of anyone who possesses infor- mation other than what we have furnished in t hese Responses, Question 19 - Okonite acquired title on July 13, 1978. Okonite is not presently ab?'e to locate a copy of the De~o . However, a nnexed as part of Exhibit #2 is a copy of the Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company policy of title insurance issued to Okonite as the owner of the property, reflecting -, -,
Page 1: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection






Que ion #1 - Thomu E. Laborio - Plant Manager, G. Geiulinger -Plant Engineer, Ramon Elliott - Manager, Proceu Engineering and V. Belli - Director, Facilities Engineering.

Quution 2 - Same u 11 queation.

Queacion 3 - All document, will be liated in the answers as exhibits and numbered numerically, starting with 11.

Question 4 - None.

Question 5 - R. t.D. 062313572

Question 6 - The Okonite Company plant in Ashton, R. I. manufactures wire and cable products .

A. Waste paper, wood, printing inks and printing solvents, See Exhibit 11 fo r complete list of items stored and used at t he Ashton Okonite Plant.

B. One hopper of waste wood and paper per week, three for four drums of printing ink and solvent per year, and four to five drums of waste lubricating oil per year.

Question #7 Same as reply to Question #1.

Question #8 - We are not aware of anyone who possesses infor­mation other than what we have furnished in t hese Responses,

Question 19 - Okonite acquired title on July 13, 1978. Okonite is not presently ab?'e to locate a copy of the De~o . However, a nnexed as part of Exhibit #2 is a copy of the Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company policy of title insurance issued to Okonite as the owner of the property, reflecting

-, -,

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that a Deed was in fact given to Okonite, dated July 13, 1978, and recorded on the tame date, If the Deed ia uuntial to the EPA, a copy will be obtained and t'urnilhed.

Prior to becoming owner of the property, Okonite 1ubleued the property from the Ansonia Wire & Cable Company, a Connecticut Corporation. Thia aubhuin& arrangement appear, co have been in effect from October l, 1972. Included in

~:~i~!t 1~~.~~:r~o~}·~e~!e c~:c!~l~:!"!o ~o~~nu: between Development Realty Corp, and the An1onia Wire & Cable Company1 Cb) an Agreement of sublease dated October l, 1972 between the Anaonia Wir e & Cable Company and Okoni te. The r e a r e numerous other documenta which were execu t ed in connec tion with t he sub lease arrangement , aa fo r examp l e t he agreement• relating to a lea ae of equ i pment wh i ch waa

:~~~:~!d 0 ~n t~:ht~1~i:;• be~~~s ~h:le~a~~d n~~t been

~~!=~~r ~e ~~::~t d~~u!~t~u!~~·::a1fa?;~~r a!~q~iry · you wiah t o have them , t hey will be f urniahed to you.

Oltonite purchaaed the property pursuant t o a real eatate purchaae option which had been extended to Okonite by Development Real ty Corp . Included in Exhibit 12 is a copy of t he document entitled Real Estate Purchaae Option , dated April 17, 1974 .

Queation #10 - A. Ashton Okonite Plant ia a one-story, fl a t r oof , concrete building of 137,000 sq . ft.

8. See Exhibit 13 • pr ocedures and sampling data for well a no t available.

C. See Exhibit 13.

D. No changes have been ma de to the physical s truc t ure , as shpwn in Exh i bit 13.

E. See Exh i bit 13 - - on l y i nformation available.

F. See Exhibit 14.

Question Ill No. A - D Not applicable,



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Quaation 112 - ~~!:ci~~0;rci~~ !;/~~:1!!~r!\?~~n:n;~. of the property before Developmen t Realty Cot·p. and any leHee before An1onia Wire , Cabh Company.

a . Okonite ii not aware of any boundary change, to the parcel during the cour u of prior ownenhip.

b. Okonite poueu no direct knowledge i n ruponae to chi • 1ubparagraph B. If Okonite did no t release 1uch materiall during it1

~!:e~iai~• ch~~!~r~~;/~: !!y c~:r:h:~e p;t~~ owners or uaera brought about auch condition, but Okoniu does not have knowledge o f whether any auch thing occurred .

Queation #13 - Thia information ii provided in response to Questions #9 and #12.

a. No t applicable.

b. Noc applicable.

c. Please refer to Question 112 above.

Question 114 - Okonite does not believe that it deposited any hazardous substance• on, i n or at the parcel , except as is specifically set forth in these reapon1e1 to the EPA request, and in the attach­ment• co these responses, Okonite therefore answers this Question 114 by stating that any hazardous subatances at the parcel either pre•

~~~e;a~~~ri!: ': ~~~~r:n~i ~~:r:c~rvt~;e ofnto others at the Site.

Question #15 No. Okonite acquired t he parcel by virtue of the Deed annexed in response to Question #9. At the time an internal memorandum reviewed the status of the plant. It was concluded that Okonite' s operatiom created no environmental difficulty, and was a lready regula ted by NPOES Permit R 10020141. A copy of the Internal Memorandum is annexed to t his reponse as Exhi­bit 15, and attention is directed particularly



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to Item 4d of t he Memorandum.

Que•tion 116 - No. A - H Not app Ucable.

Question 117 - Detaih of minor ground oil apill that occurred in 1987 are covered in Exhibit #4. Detail, requeated in A through H are alao covered in Exhibit #4. To our knowledge there baa not been, or do we plan to releaae, any hazardoua materials.

Queation #18 - There has not been or do we plan to releaae any hazarck)ua material through the aub-aur face or floor drain ayatem. Incident noted in reply to Quution 117 waa a ground sp ill outdde the plant. A - F Not applicable.


, , 0 ( f By• -it11..u~ Cl iko -,i.­

THORAS E. 0: RIO Pl an t Manager


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o=:v Jaau.r, 20, 1911

1.UU U J.&.U r'..t.,U, -

UUTJJf llC!IPT l?n'D

Mr. Terrace D. Cray, lnliaHr Din.a.a.. of Air ud laaardoua Materials ~t of le.virODMatal Maua--.c 204 C:.... hildiA1, 7' O.da StrHt P~e, I . I . 02901

Daer Mr. Cn71

!XHUIT 4 111 M~ Scree ~ Aah&ar\ ~ 0&1884 T ... ot,one: (401 ] 333·3~ T ... ,_: (401)333-1823

I :~, 7=~U":- -·11 -I l : ' _ _Jj_

l .~=-==:-7:·_

la c,..11.aDce ~1th the iutructiou 1a your latter of Dacaa­~ 11, 1917, ve are nclo.in& hanvith a urtifted check ...._. to the C...ral Truaunr, State of lho4e laland, in the _, of H,400. 00 .

Tllaak you for your att•Uon in thia •tter,

Yary truly youa,

TII 011:11m CCN'Alff

Page 6: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection




11 C.:.C.r 1917

Nr. nx.. Llt>orio Cltonite W Martin StrNt Aabtcn, JU 021H

DNr Mr. Labocio1

OI 7 Declllber 1917, ChrJatopber JOM an:1 I comuctm a rein9'*=tion of ycur facility in Auton to deteraine your ~lhnc• atatua with thl1 nguhtion• pa:a&l.,Jata!I pirlUa'lt to tbl llb::de Iallrd lluacdoua Waite ~imnt kt of 1''71. Ila wr• particularly intw•ud in thl1 •iolationa ciud in tht Notice of Violation n ~r 1Nlllld by tbil o.partnnt on 17 Al.9,)at 1987.

Ae • r-.alt of that reina(cticn, I MN deteraintd t.hlt Cltonite 1a in cmpl.iame with U. abovlllllntiGMd r•lationa m! order.

In tlllPlftN to youc lettu of 30 l'bveltler 1917 corceming rlduct:ion of the panalty, I haw eUainaud tha pmalty for ncn:clll)l1~ with Rll• 5.02 R 5.10 • note! in 't'iolationa 5, ,, 7, 1, ft to l'bia d«:ilion .a baaed on tbl analyaia r111Ulta fraa the Nal'lee taken from the apillc 111tedal. The llljuotal penalty la el,Jbt thoualnl fQU bnlrlll dollan (18,400), poyob!a by cartifielS cback to the order of tht Giner al Tr.,.1u.rer, State of Rh0de llld.

'l'hlllk yaa fol' your cooperation . It you ban lll'IY q.Mltionl, feel frN t o call • at m-nt7.


Page 7: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection






Mr • '!'hoNa Labor io Ckonite 111 Martin StrNt Ashton, RI 021'4

n.at Mr . Laborio t

l Dllcelltlec 1917

,,_.. yc:u for aubaitting the result. of the aruilys.Ls performed on the aoil Ullpl.M tlk.-i froa the bottcn of the trench in the rear of the Ckonite pukinJ lot. 8--1 on theN results. I believe that tha area h• bNn auffk:iantly cl.Nna! and the tr.-.ch W"i be fWld.

Tbia detenunltion WM Nd• in conjunction with Hike ltllhare of the Division of Wat:ac lllilOu.rcM, It 1a tt.ir policy to clun oil spills until they an vlaaally clean, flt.Ls waa done at the initial dig at Ckonite. ~ also think that the hili,h oil and g, .... nwrbers f~ at the bottan of the pit are prcbmly frcai tht •tor• of tha fatty clble inllUUtion material in that ..... Ckcnita will be in COlll)liince with the M::ltice of Violation Im Order ilaoed m 13 Ju;uat 1917 llhft M90tiation of the pa,alty 1a COll)late, I will arransre a reinllpection to vedty your coaplhnce shortly aftu paymnt Ls rceiv9'.

Think yc:u tor yo.ar eocptration. If you have -,.y turther q1utiona, feel fr• to call m1 at 277-2797.

'!llw'kz oknit-tg

Gslnc.:: ,uc=I). , rence D, Gray , Ehgineer is ion of Air , Raz.ardoos Mat



Page 8: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection


, 11 Mar~in 9 cr.ec A .,.,COf"I. Rhoa. '-*"° oaee,

-- Tel•pnon er (A01) 333.3500 Telete• : (401)333· 1823


lo...at.r 30. ltl7

t!r. Teneace D. Cray , la11aNr Dtvhioa of Air uwl JluarMUa Ml.tertala De .. rtant of IIWir-tal Kaua_,,,t 204 Cuaoa JuUdiq, 1, De.wt. l trHt horillanca, I , I , 02901

Dear Xr, Cu7 t

I lane rn1.ewct the Uta ~ttN at our tnfotNl _.,1q: on 11/9/17 conceratna: the ,-.al.t;iu ti.at n8ul.tad froa 7our Al.lauat 7. 1917, inapectiOD, Pluaa taka iato couUenUn the fol1.ow1D1 ta.forution that ruultad. froa ay rH'iev ,

1, YiDlati.ou .5, 6, 7, I_. 1u1 .. .5102, , 110

, .. , r ... 1u of tba epW ar ..... aroun.t •••• ,._ froa , ... soil revealed ao lt.aaauoua ... ca. Oil ... ,,_.. vae fouDII la tboN aMplu aloq with aoae upllalt l'OOf npatrtaa ~ · that W 1..._. Ina a d.uyiq d.na. Otber tllaa tlle tkiaaan ..cs.a.., 1a ,-r iupectioll n,ort \iMer "C'" , all , .. u and -iluta .... out to ,..,_ all that •tarial -U.oaed abowN oaly oil a -

·- pU.M, TIie thiaer -u.ODed la "C" vu ill tM ori&lul flMGr cau that ...... froa OM "1,aff to OM pll• aM wn properly 1ue1 .. ., the veador, ft1a Mtaial vu .,_.... fro. tbe .. 11 cau _. placed in ,,,.. for proper .. _....i ... iltapoeal. . •

Alclloup. w an aot att~tW to dialalala th• Nr!auMH ot tbeN dolatiou. w wal4 J.ike to llaft ,- couUer tile el.Salaatloll or r.._tioe ot tM tl,000 ,-alty UatN _.r hlN 5.02 ... 5. 01 ... YtolattGDa 5. 6. 7. I_. t, TM lack of hua,._. •tnial.a aoted 1a tM riolatioll 0 Ja our optD.iODo Hduc .. tM pot•tlal for ban,

no OkaaitL C:0.,-, aleo llu ..._.trat .. aood fd.tla Ja :I.ta offoru to eoafon to tbe pruac np1atl.oaa. Aa • pndoualy 4iacua ... , plau nn ..... r voy prior to your :lupectloa ot Aupat 7 1 1917, to hire a .,.._r for tho proper 41.llpoul of tbl.a utertal, Vo fNl thia ._,•treta4 that • rocopbod tho prohl• aad vo~ taldna aupa to ruolw tho vt.olatiooa , Vo would hope that )'Oil vov14 olao coadder thuo factora ta your uHaaant of ponalttu . Tho Okonita Coapaay intoa.da to coafor. to tho proNnt ancl future ttato a4 federal roplation, that coocom di1poaal of hasardouo and other aatariala.

Vary truly youn,


E. Laborio Plant H•n•a•r TEL:hu

,, .,,.. ,l , ,·

·.· \ ~' : .

Page 9: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection



r ~, . ! ,..... --~\DKDNITII \\VVCDMPANY

111M.,.c.nSCreec Aancof\.Rtioo. .. 1enooaae<11 T ... pt,o,,e: (401) 333~ T•l•tax: (<401) 333-1 823

VU I CllTIPl!D HAIL - HTUIZf ucun ltn 1D

loveab.-r 23. 1911

tlr. Ten..ce D. Cray, lo.1111.Hr Db. of ilr ...... urdou• wa,t• o..i. of -...ir-tal Haaa1-t 2CM C---. au,. , ·7' Darla ltrHt Prn1.daca, I. 1. 02'01

Dear Jlr . Cnyt

Attaclleill an tile lU rHulU for aoil , ... 1 .. t&Ull h :o• the locatioa of tlMt oil ... 1r.,... apill . n .... rni• n4. aive .. your nc-­.. U• • whetller or aot tt,a,a reeulta ara low aaoush to coYH' tba tnaclt. • .

,-.1u aR U..tifi .. lliy the auaben 1 thnt S u iadicatad 1a ay ..., to JOii .. UNI October t, 1987, that t11eluil .. tM ...,uaa pl•.

Tar, tnly youn.

t./1. Lallodo PlatMaaapr

m.,_ Att.


Page 10: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection


. : I ; !Jt . .f. .s;{f.zabkal ~~ ..Inc-.

. ·A ====='7/====== • S1'(C1At.1ZIN0 IN (NVlltOHM(NTAl AH.llVSIS 2ll llM STlll/(fT ,-..

w ..... ,wtCK. ,. I 02III


111~ ,,c 1111,S, Liquid W••t•

~.o. low 3:a•-0•

Pr'ovidence, Rt 02,0•

Attn1 ,.,,. , Rey &elv•etri

OAfl MCIIYIO-•_t'_-B_,_._7 ____ _

10/14/87 O.lllM~flo, ________ ,

~OfMJUINO, ______ _

04718 IIIIAl.. ltN "'°·--·----•

l~I OHClllll'f!Ofrt _ _c•.::.••.cc•c,_C.::.a,_·..c•.::.•"...cd:....;:•.::.••c:•:..:l.::.•.::.• ______________ _

lubJect ••1110l• h•• been analyzed by our li1boratory wi th the fol lowin; ,.••ult ..

ll8!lel.f. ~ CONIBnJNATJON

., 10,ii,00 PP•

•• e, e10

13 3 , 2:10,

•• 3,0:10

•s •,:i:io

... u,odolOtJY• Ts1t. ntt.hpd1 fRC f+xetuetlne Solld w11t.1 Phv1ic1l/ Rtetsel MPt.bQd1, U.S. EPA, SW- 844, Septefflbe,. 1,ao, Thlr'd edt.Uon,

If y ou h•v• •ny quewtlon• P"'eoardin9 this work or if we may be of fur ther'

•••i •tance, pl•••• contact u• .

-, -,

Page 11: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection




Mr. Ttaaa Labori o Ckonit• 111 Martin Street Mbtan,U 02114

Dear Mr. L1bodo1

15 Octci>or 1987

'ft-* you for -*-ittinrJ rat.aid copi• ot your cc..-nr'• Contingen:y ard Trainina Plana. 'ftlNe pl.Ila are Ntiafactory u llmitted. Be adviNd that a capy of tJw c:mt.in)lncf fl.an ... ba readily available at the facility at all tialll. .U.O, be DiNd that trainJ.n; a,d uwpection noorde IUat be -- an file for tma (3) _..

Attec rwHWUIIII our corrwap:n51nce aince tha 13 "'IIJUllt 1"7 !btice of -lat and Older and ~ty - by tho Dopa-, It -n tlat CJJcnita la In -11- with all u .. - E and P. ~llanco with It• I la pondUIIJ - en tbo .-lb of tbo oil and 9,_ onolyola porfo.-l on tba Nil 81111).• taken fn:a tba bMe of the tnnch. ~iAncl vith It• P will ba - - a .._-i .. outline or ·a11 -1Ulll an! cl­- la -ttod to thla offloo,

I wW be 001'C11CtinrJ you nrtiy to arr..,. a aetinJ o:incemin; the adlllnlatratlft -1ty I- to :,,,ur -· If llltUal 09- can ba reacbld on a reaoluticn to th1a iuut, a foral hearing will not be -ry. Al.lo, it ba CUM to ay attaltion that Cltonlte 11 uain; tll!p>rary EM m IUlben RD0000023lt lrd ID0000002'17. '!'hat l'Ulbera wre iuueil in Jlhilry an! - aux. eap1r.i. al.I. _ _,,, -a ahlpanta, Including thoso to Safety llNn, 1mt ti. hanindtar lhill'ld usin:J Ckonita•a panmwnt EPA m rutler whicb ta llDOl23ll572.

If you haft Wf'J furt:t.r queat.iona, pl ... call re at 277-2797 .

'!WI<• cknlt-tg/k5


G~ Vsu..-.J. ~{ u~f--Terrence o. Gray, Engineer ' \ Division of Air , Hazardous Materials

I "l

Page 12: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection




111 M.,.t,n !lu.ee Aehcat\ Ahocte ..,encl 028114 T•i.onc,n., (401) 333-3~ T ... f••: (•01J333- 111!1a3


October 9, 1911

Kr. Tnraac.• D. Cray, Enaiuer Dh1doa of .Ur aall RaaarllcNa Material• o.,c . of hrir-tal ttau1 ... t 204 CUMD IIIJJ.111:q, 75 Davis StrHt PrO'li .. aca, L I. 02901

Dur Mr. Cny1

LiatMI balov ia aa !ilpdated atat\la of the nuiainl findiqa fro• your report dated ~t ll, 1917, aDd tha nault of :,our 1n-,actioo. on Aupat 7, 1917.

lt• P - luflia1 Plan - Uva ,oil • ...,1 .. wen taken fro. the 1111 •~ and -- ... wttN to UI for tutin1. It vu •1rHd that tbaH a-,laa vill

N t~lr.N for oil UMl ,r ... • , Dia rnaina open uatil naulta of the tut hffll bMD recdwd ~ rrd...-.1 vith you .

~ - Atucllad au tha rnidou to our coat1DpDCJ plu for your ndw.

It• l - Plmt bu a tniniae plaa for hau.rdoua utuiab vitb verification -- tbat bu ken in affect for aaa.tiM, Thia traini.q plan -• daval opad

for c~li&Dca vith the l.isbt To lDOII Lav and ia anilabla at the pl•t for revt... 01.ttline for thi.a traiaiaa pr01r• ii attedaed for fOUI' r..,1 • •

It• L - Coatailmeat er .. coutruction haa b•• c~lat .. ud w. blllten it ii -- 1A coapliaac• with 40 en 264 , 175 ,

Cornctiff actiOD baa ••• ~ ia coapliaace with _. tha full uad.•ntaodiq of 1.1.c.L, 23-19,1-11 (&) .

Very truly youra,


t.lr.. Laborio Plant Hana1ar

T!L:hu Att ,

~. " I •• ,. _,-

' '

Page 13: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection

r ,--

OXOMIT! KAllll)00S KA.TD.IA!. tlAIIU!fC 01.m.INI

!•loyH T1'11a1y and Iitto .... t i on. : ill nployeH at uch plant location shall nc•iY• •afety traiaial on the Haurd C~nication Proar•• to understand .. aaurH Th• Oltoniu Coapany is taltin1 for coaplianc• vtth the OSKA. lav. Initial iafor.ation to ba provided 11\CludH--

-- Tha l.i&ht to lnov Lav

- lha Okoatta Company Rund c~aication Proaraa (Hpecially ucopitioa of cha•icala and other hazard• in the work anaa. MSIII ex,laa,,tion/availability. exaa,l•• of ncotniaed haurdoua MtHiala/upoaura pracaut1DM to ba uUn) .

Additioaal tTaiaiq: claHH aay ba conducted H required by tha proan• or •• dataraiaM bf tha Proar•• Coordinator .

Upoa ~i.u- of cha clau 0 udl ~loyH ahall coavlata the TUDDC/UCOID ffAUUrlDI rora Q-116 (copy atuchiN). Thia Hlf .valuation of tha traiaina ta for furtbar r,aluation uM bf thll Proan• Coordlaator .ad •Y reaalt in a11•1t1oa&1 traiaiD.1 arua . Thie dped record of traia.ina is required to ba •iatdaN 1a the -.101 .. traiaia&/,.uonnal foldu.

AD _,1.oyee DUil> TUIMDIC uccm, Q-117 (copy attached) ahall 'D• •iaUiD .. for Ndl ... loJ• to daaonatr•t• traillia.l HHiou attandad and traiaiq; date .

•• -.Iora• ahall rKd.; baaed traiDial vithiD tvo (2) vub of tladr

... 1..,..t.

Noa:!9191 ... 1 The Plant Zoatwdq Departant (Kaiotnaac•) ahall H tHponai­bia to pf'fflL coa,tncton u,d their ..,10,aH vith th• followin1 aiaiaaa banrd


- huadoua chaatcala to which they uy \,a upoa .. vhil• on the jo'D sit• .

- ..,..uru th• DOa•..,layea •Y taka to laHn poHibiltty of U,OMIH

- ••ailability of MSDS'a for all racopbad hazardoua uurta.la oo fila for their rniff

-- procedurH to follow if/when non....,101•• becoaa• uposad

Thb hazard traininl ahall be provided to non-aaployH& prior to atart of vark at the vork du . A record of thia tniniDI, Contractor EmployeH-Trainin1 ltecord Q-lH (copy attached) shall be uintained in the Plant En1inHrin1 DepartMnt (Ma intenance) Ula.

A.ttached1 Fora Ql86 " QlS7


-, I

Page 14: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection


ni• fen ahoald .,. o.plat .. lly the apl~ Mfore lea..-1 .. ta. tnialat •••~• It hU a dul p1trpoee• rJ.nt, aa aa ...iuU.• u NI hft..,.. by the Jro,r• co.dla•tor, ... H • ~ of traiai .. to be ..tauia .. ta tM eaplorN 1 • traiaiat

.,... .... 1t11a.

, .. ______ _ --- ... ______ _ ~ - ---------- .......... ______ _ weir Pn&edYI• .

"". 1. Dld ta. t.n1alal ~ ~ U.. -oltjeetJ.T99 at.awn

4. .., aUeZ uaiabl • WoraaU• ....i• pa UP to nalwe -11111 ....it M1P ,- wadi __. .iolJJ ·

s. otllar_, •.

Trainer li,natu.t••


.. ... Drat••


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Page 15: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection



• C •

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I ( ,.

-Thh fora b to k ... track of tuil'lin9 uc.19" l,f • •.-,cl.fie ..,,1.,.. • • Aa ahown, tll• a ... of th~ ••Hioa aad date are t• M :l"Nel' .... .

, .. Werk ArNI -----------------------


•--• Att.MIIIMJ rae ..

-, -,

Page 16: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection



Po•t Oft,ce Bo• 340 Remuv. New J.,-.ey 074•8 ao, -ea&·OJOOICMl!e 01t0f'IU

COffl.\St9! PrW'II - TMJIJP9 MSPIP ( l5R J


la.._ I• fta '*ah• c..,.a, ta ,nri,e • aaf• .. ri~ for all -.a.,_ ... ........_,. ~t ..i te --.11 vitai all IUte ......... al i.-. p1eue .......... ., tu'*-'- ........ -'•U. ,..,aa.

:) . - .., ... ur ~ or -.i.,.. caa et.art VOl'lt - ti. ,na1 ... ta., .._ .......... of all PN•ibla clrtaa1cNll Misuda ~t NJ ..u, ,. U.b lilNtl: u ...


- All utny nlN -• be iou..,.. to pr..U. aiaiaa1 poeaU.U~tr .......... - N.I.D . I. '• an a....u.al,le ffJ! l'ffi- .,_ r.a-t.

- .n. ..a.at ....... .._ afti ... of all ,-ailil• --.&Nl ... ....._ ta U.lz _.. ane, _...... et ,......u.. .... to11..,_., pram,lluae U ..,.... to ........... oatoal.



Page 17: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection



COIYIPANY 1 1 1 Merc,n St,..e t Aahton, Ahod• lal•nd 02684 401 -333-3~00

YU: CU.Ttrt!p lofA!L • l!TUU l!CUPT UQIJ!ST!D

leptHbe.r H, 1987

t•r. Ternnc• D. Cray , tn1ineer D1vtaion of Air aad Huardou• t'aurtala Dept . of !nvironaantal Mana1••nt 204 Caanon luildiq, 15 Davia Streat Providence , I , t . 02908

n.ar Mr , Cray i

Lbud balow 1a an updated atatua of tha raaainina findin&• froa your report dated Auauat 13, 1987, and the nault of your tnapecUon on Auguat 7, 1987 .

It:n D • All waau uterhl , includtna aoil, hH bHn nmvad froa the apill aita and will ba naovad fro• tha plant location by au Liquid WH ta D11poaal, Inc. C~lation data for re.oval of the coatainaud aoil . will 'N no later than Sapt .. bar 30 , 1917 .

lt&a ! - Spill area hH been contained and cleaned up, i~ludin& naaval of aotl froa tha apill aru , Abaorbant uurhl WH UHd to dt)P out the apill and aoil vaa reaoved fr011 an aru appnn::laauly 40' Iona. 6' wide and 4' dHp.

ll!.!...! - Suc,lH will be taken in th• aru vhera tha aoil wH na,vad . We will davtilop • •1111PliB1 plao. on your vidt t o th• aita Saptaaber 16, 1987. Plaot need• to daUn• number of aaaplu and dafine apacific uuriah to ba idantifiN. lack.fill will not ba uHd until u1111le rHults hava bean C<lal)laud and nvi-d .

~ - All uuriab M,.,. bHn npackaaad in contaiura with coven, i ncludinl tba wuu thinnat fro• th• thraa lar1• box•• ootad in your report •

.!!!!..! • Plant will inspect huardous waat• on a weakly baaia, usina attached fora . Inspection report• will be on Ula in th• Plao.t Enatnaer'• Offic• and..., of fice for nvi-. Inapection will bacOM efhctive on OctoNr 1, lj87, a t which t111e all accuiaalated waat• utarial now in 1nV9ntory will ba raaoved. •

I will updat• you on th• n-ining 1teu, J • l - L, within 10 daya. Pluu fad fr•• to call me 1f you have any quutiona and, again , thank you for your aaaiatance in this mat t er.

Corractiv• action haa been taken in co111plianca with and the full underatanding of R. I,C, L. 23-19, 1-18 (H),

Very truly your a ,


4..f L~:tr:--x Plant Manager TEL:hms Att,

Page 18: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection




A.Ul\&at 25 0 1917

Xr. Terreace D, Cray, ta.1i.aHr DiYUioa of Air 6 ILuaMou.a Hateriala i-.t. of laYir-t&l Kaup ... t 204 C-.aa 11'1, , 7S Dada IU'Ht Proridaoco, I. 1, 02tol

Daer lk, Crayr

1 1 1 Marc.n 8CMtet Aehton. Rhode i.1eno O;;!Be"' 4'01 -333-3!500

Corncu .. acUoa hu N• co.plot .. oa the follotrlns ftndin1• Uated ia JOU,r re,ort .. , .. ~at 13, ltl7, UMI a 1'Hu.lt of your Auauat 6, ltl7, 1M,ecUoa1

U.• A - All coata1un ha.ff ..._ a...i .. _. clolNlll ,

lt• I - ill Mteriale u .. N•_tdaUfi .. _,. a Hat of aaaple data ,1,,.. to JCMI • ,our pl•t datt of Aupat 21, 1917.

It• C - All MtadaU haff ba• l.uel .. pr°'"'rlJ ,

It• • - lptll ana bu It.- c.over .. vttb .. eorb..c. -terial and coatained.

, • .., tnlJ ,.... ••


<i::,{ .. ~ · fl•t ........


BC: K, Pauat v. Belli

-, -,

Page 19: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection


' .J



i 1 1 Marti" Bt,..et Aahton, Flhooe lalana 0 2 8e4 401 ·333-3~00


Au11.111t 24. 1917

Mr , Terreac• D. Cray D1Yidon of Air and luardoua Waata Dapt , of ln'f'iron1111ntal Kau1 ... nt 204 C&mlOG Ilda . , 75 Davia StrHt ho•idanca, a. I , 02901

Dear Mr . Cra71

In rderaaca to your Au1uat 6, 1997 in1rpaction aad tha Undinu that n1111lt.ad fro• that inapactioD, I would lika to requHt a haarinl, ,1 .... contact • vhan a a.1tuall7 acceptable tillll can ba arranaad for the radev of tha findiqa and fiua , In tha ..... u .. I vill proca.t vitlt. the corractiva actioa racoaeaded and vill kaap you iafor.d of that pro1raH along vith any raquHt for aatenelon of the c~letioa datH .

Tour tvo rldta to tha plaat have baaa. helpful in Uta intarpratatioo MIii rN01'ttioe. of thll prolllea, Wa vill continua to wrlt vith you and pl ... • feel fraa to call c. CdHlinaar or ayHlf, U you hava DJ' further quutiona.

Very tnaly yours,

TD 01.0ltn CCltPAlft'

rl!E~a-J,..,....· t. 11 . Laborio Plut Manqer


CC: Hr. Claude Cota, !sq,, L•a•l Counnl

Page 20: -, RESPONSE OF THE OKONITE COMPANY TO … · r -----· response of the okonite company to request for information dated december 14, 1981 sy the united states environmental protection

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