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STEP #1 : Click the “New Lead Campaign” bu.on to get started and name your campaign. STEP #2 : Select the Campaign Type, from Direct Mail, Online or Manual from the dropdown menu. Let’s start with a Direct Mail campaign… Introducing Freedom$o:’s Brand New Leads Dashboard
Page 1: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  get  started  and  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Campaign  Type,  from  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  

menu.    Let’s  start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

Introducing  Freedom$o:’s  Brand  New  

Leads  Dashboard  

Page 2: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  get  started  and  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Campaign  Type,  from  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  

menu.    Let’s  start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “Leads”  tab  and  select  Dashboard  from  the  dropdown  to  view  your  overall  leads  dashboard.    NOTE:  This  is  a  

summaKon  of  all  of  your  lead  campaigns  rolled  into  one  quick  view  dashboard.  

Page 3: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  get  started  and  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Campaign  Type,  from  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  

menu.    Let’s  start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

You’ll  be  able  to  see  the  stats  from  each  individual  Lead  Campaign  by  clicking  on    

My  Campaigns  tab  from  the  dropdown  menu  and  selecKng  the  campaign  you’d  like  to  view.  

Page 4: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

Let’s  Create  A  Direct  Mail    Leads  Campaign  First  

Page 5: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  get  started  and  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Campaign  Type,  from  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  

menu.    Let’s  start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

STEP  #1:  From  the  Dashboard  view,  click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  create  your  first  lead  campaign.  

Page 6: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #2:  Name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #3:  Select  the  Campaign  Type  choosing  either  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  menu.    Let’s  

start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

Page 7: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

Here’s  your  new  Leads  Campaign.  

STEP  #4:  For  a  Direct  Mail  campaign  you  can  enter  the  size  of  your  mailing  by  clicking  on  this  box  and  then  entering  the  number  of  mail  pieces  you  sent.  

Page 8: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #5:  And,  you  can  click  this  box  to  enter  the  total  cost  of  your  Direct  Mail  campaign.      

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As  your  campaign  generates  leads,  it  will  automaKcally  track  it’s  performance.    

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To  automaKcally  add  leads  to  your  Direct  Mail  campaign,  you  can  choose  from  3  opKons.    (1)  Email  To  This  

Campaign  (2)  Web  Form  and  (3)  Share  

Page 11: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

The  Email  To  This  Campaign  opKon  allows  you  to  add  leads  automaKcally  to  any  campaign  by  sending  an  email  to  the  unique  email  address  associated  with  each  campaign.    NOTE:  This  is  perfect  if  you’re  using  a  phone/voicemail  system  that  allows  you  to  set  an  

email  noKficaKon  whenever  you  receive  new  incoming  calls  and/or  messages.    Just  add  the  Email  To  This  Campaign  email  address  as  the  noKficaKon  email  on  your  phone  system  and  the  leads  will  automaKcally  add  to  the  correct  campaign.  

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The  Web  Form  opKon  allows  you  to  add  a  web  form  to  any  website  and  automaKcally  add  leads  directly  into  your  Leads  Campaign.    NOTE:  You  can  also  choose  an  exisKng  FreedomSo\  web  form  if  you  would  like  to  add  leads  to  this  campaign  from  an  exisKng  website  instead  of  using  the  new  web  

form  created  by  the  campaign.    

Page 13: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

The  Share  opKon  allows  you  to  share  a  public  link  with  anyone  so  they  can  add  leads  directly  to  your  campaign  without  the  need  to  grant  access  to  your  FreedomSo\  account.    NOTE:  This  is  perfect  if  you  have  virtual  assistants  helping  you  generate  leads.    Simply  share  the  link  with  them  and  the  leads  will  

drop  right  into  this  campaign  automaKcally.  

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Let’s  Create  An  Online    Leads  Campaign  Next  

Page 15: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  A\er  clicking  the  New  Lead  Campaign  bu.on  from  the  dashboard,  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  Online  from  the  dropdown  menu  and  click  the  Create  Leads  Campaign  bu.on.  

Page 16: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

Here’s  your  New  Leads  Campaign.  

NOTE:  Unlike  in  a  Direct  Mail  campaign  where  you  enter  your  campaign  size,  when  you  create  

an  Online  campaign  the  campaign  size  is  automaKcally  calculated  based  on  the  number  

of  clicks  you  get  to  your  online  ads.  

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STEP  #3:  Click  this  box  to  enter  the  Cost  /  Budget  of  your  online  campaign  here.  

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STEP  #4:  Each  Online  campaign  provides  you  with  a  unique  tracking  link.    Use  this  link  in  your  online  

adverKsing  to  track  the  number  of  clicks  your  ad  is  receiving.    The  number  of  clicks  on  this  link  will  become  your  Campaign  size.      

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STEP  #5:  Then,  simply  set  the  desKnaKon  URL  (or  website)  that  you  want  visitors  to  land  on  a\er  they  click  on  the  campaign  link.  


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NOTE:  The  Email  To  This  Campaign,  Web  Form  and  Share  lead  capture  opKons  work  the  same  for  all  campaign  types.  

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You  Can  Add  Leads  Quickly  To  Any  AcKve  Campaign…Here’s  How  

Page 22: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead  Campaign”  bu.on  to  get  started  and  name  your  campaign.  

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Campaign  Type,  from  Direct  Mail,  Online  or  Manual  from  the  dropdown  

menu.    Let’s  start  with  a  Direct  Mail  campaign…  

STEP  #1:  Click  the  “New  Lead”  bu.on  to  quickly  add  leads…  

Page 23: LeadsDashboardcom.freedomsoft.production.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/...STEP%#1:!Click!the!“NewLeadCampaign ”buon to!getstarted!and!name!your!campaign.! STEP%#2:!Selectthe!Campaign!Type,!from!Direct

STEP  #2:  Select  the  Lead  Campaign  you  want  to  add  a  lead  to  from  the  dropdown  menu.    Then,  simply  enter  the  details  of  your  lead  and  click  Save  Lead.  
