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Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps

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Page 1: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps







Page 2: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps



1 AREA OF INTEREST...................................................................................... 1

2 DEED PLANS................................................................................................... 2

3 RFR LAND.......................................................................................................31

4 DRAFT SETTLEMENT BILL.........................................................................49

Page 3: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps



Office of Treaty Settlement*

Wk' '

Mania Peninsula

Apprpvecfas to boundaries:

"Tvi- U !~ c \^ ~C js Z•••/• j.........fp r The Iwi and HapO £>f Te f

>r and on behalf o f the Crown

OTS -198 - 01

This map is for Treaty settlement purposes only. The Iwi and HapO o f Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown acknowledge other iwi may also have interests w ithin this area.

Areas referred to In the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

i ->i^ i it>

h .//£

A p p r o x im a te S c a le

H a w k e 's B a y , G is b o rn e a n d S o u th A u c k la n d L a n d D is tr ic ts Territorial Authority: Wairoa, Gisborne

Whakatane and Opotiki Districts Comp'led aa a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.


U Kilometres

Page 4: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps



Kumi Pakarae Conservation Area (OTS-198-02)

Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-03)

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property A (OTS-198-04)

Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-05)

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property A (OTS-198-06)

Wharerata Hill Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-07)

Hangaroa River and its tributaries (OTS-198-08)

Kumi Pakarae Conservation Area (OTS-198-09)

Mahia Peninsula Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve (OTS-198-10)

Mangaone Caves Historic Reserve (OTS-198-11)

Mangapoike River and its tributaries (OTS-198-12)

Maungawhio Lagoon (OTS-198-13)

Nuhaka River and its tributaries (OTS-198-14)

Otoki Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve (OTS-198-15)

Panekirikiri Conservation Area (OTS-198-16)

Portland Island Marginal Strip (OTS-198-17)

Ruakituri River and its tributaries (OTS-198-18)

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve property B (OTS-198-19)

Waiatai Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-20)

Waiau River and its tributaries within the area of interest (OTS-198-21)

W aikaretaheke River and its tributaries (OTS-198-22)

W airoa River and its tributaries (OTS-198-23)

Whangawehi Stream and its tributaries (OTS-198-24)

Morere Recreation Reserve (OTS-198-25)

Morere Springs Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-26)

Morere Springs Scenic Reserve (OTS-198-27)

Un-named marginal strip (Waitaniwha) (OTS-198-28)

Otoki Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve (OTS-198-29)

Page 5: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Kumi Pakarae Conservation Area


Vest and gift back / t

olshoqg*o feb.Ti

f i a n ji rtu^f * ***?/,'0


9 Teksnjokife

taiuvtluraWaikcV.^ J

Mabu B«»fcVfeflKU

MANIA Por£bnd I PEN'n 5ULA

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H a w ke 's B a y an d G is b o rn e L a n d D is tric ts

Territorial Authority: Wairoa DistrictCompiled as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

Approved fas to boundaries:

£l£fi £r. £/.!$.!£for Tha-lyfl-flrKlhtapO of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

If.l2.ll.1?for and on behalf of the Crown

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Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve


Office ofTraatr

- ^ ;Vest and gift back

^ :Whakataki L \H e a d


Ohuka (T» Rfirp

9 TeUpoWtj



'A W K E B A V

Mouta Hill 2041

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H aw ke 's B a y L a n d D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa DistrictCompiled as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

ivfed'ps to boundaries:

e Ifti end rtapO ofjTe F: £/£?/.!>Rohe o Te Wairoa

Page 7: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property A

Office of Treaty Settlements

Te Reinga


A p p ro x im a te S ca le

G is b o rn e L a nd D is tr ic t Appro\*e<fas to boundaries:

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property ATerritorial Authority: Wairoa DistrictComp-Ied as a graphic representation.

Boundaries a<e indicative only.iAp...ofiTe Rohe o Te WairoaejwrSncmapb

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown for and on behalf of the Crown

Page 8: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve


Office of Treaty Settlements

Overlay Classification


9 TcUmjIuh,



800 1,000Metros

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

»s to boundaries:

Hapfl of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

/&£//.£for and on behalf of the Crown

H aw ke ’s B ay La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compiled as a graph* representation.

Bound an e* are indice',Ve only.

Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve

Areas referred to In the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

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Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property A

’Office of Trea Settlements

Overlay Classification


Te Reinga


A p p ro x im a te S ca le

G isb o rn e La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Complied as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

to boundaries:

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve Property A '£/£&.£| of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwl and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown 'for and on behalf of the Crown

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Wharerata Hill Scenic Reserve


G isbo rne La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Gisborne Districta graphic represent

i. ---------

Overlay Classification

Wharerata Hill Scenic Reserve

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

OTS -198 - 07 '"V ’ — 3

Page 11: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Hangaroa River and its tributaries


• TT^XT— v n Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of RecognitionT ' ■ \\\r^ a



'iliarekopae 1Makdnuitvong;


Ngspakira<k- \

6 3 l \Puhcmru

y * ^Tinjfptos^ : . iLakes* * — s \ s .

* ^Ffnirolo

*6 /./ Y/hitepunakc

The statutory acknowledgement and deed of recognition does not apply to a part of the bed of the river or stream that is not owned by the Crown.

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

H E Z Z 9 H H H Q Z Z Z Z 9 H H E Z Z Z Z 3 Metres

A p p ro x im a te Sca le

G isb o rn e La nd D is tric tTerritorial Authority:

Wairoa and Gisborne Districts Ccmplad as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

to boundaries:

Hangaroa River and its tributaries ...fpr ThaJwrflnd’HapO of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

® / 2 4 „.y.....'for and on behalf of the Crown

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and HapQ of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

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Kumi Pakarae Conservation Area


Office of Treaty Settlements

l - h . ' \

Statutory Acknowledgement / t


j? fiieacljAj

Mehta Be*1We.tuj


4 W A T 3 A V

A p prox im a te Sca le

H aw ke 's Bay and G isbo rne Land D is tric ts

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Comp=:*d at a graphic repretenUtrcn.

Bcurvdanea are Indicative only.

is to boundaries:

Kumi Pakarae Conservation AreajrT tje twi antfHapu of Ta Rohe oTe Wairoa

for and onbenalf of the Crown

Page 13: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Mahia Peninsula Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Approved'as to boundaries:

for Tbe Iwi and HapO of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

m sfor and on behaff of the Crown

Mokotahi"A g U J V t I S \ \

Statutory Acknowledgement /

Young Nick!

H aw ke ’s B ay La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compied as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

Mahia Peninsula Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve


Portland I PENI^ U L A

Table Cape

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Mangaone Caves Historic Reserve





Approved boundaries:

Compiled as a graphic representation. Boundaries are indicative only.

for /nd on behalK>f the Crown

A p p ro x im a te o ca le A e ria l P h o tog ra ph y flow n 2011

H aw ke s B a y La nd D is tric t

Terntorial Authonty: Wairoa District

Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of Recognition

I Metres

OTS -198 -11

Mangaone Caves Historic Reserve ... ip / C 5/ i fcRohe o Te W&iroa

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

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Office of Treaty Settlement*

Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of Recognition\ ^ ; v s . n . - <Waikura

snflai^a / \ / M a r ig a w e N

Tiniiotoy Lakes s * ?


\ set.r V lh dka p iim k f

‘bo m artiV 8- J f r


o Hhvera

: 33s Slan g ita n ya

> - . S l r e a /77


The statutory acknowledgement and deed of • recognition does not apply to a part of the bed of

the river or stream that is not owned by the Crown.


A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H aw ke 's Bay and G isbo rne Land D istricts

Territorial Authority:Wairoa and Gisborne Districts

Complied as a graphic representation. Boundaries are indicative only.

Approved as to boundaries:

for and on behalf of the Crown


Mangapoike River and its tributaries

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe 0 Te Wairoa and the Crown

Mangapoike River and its tributaries

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Maungawhio Lagoon



A p p ro x im a te S ca le

Approved as to boundaries:

; t.b'Mr rhe -M ^n^H apu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

m .S/ for and on behalfof the Crown

H a w ke 's B a y L a n d D is tr ic t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compiled as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

Maungawhio Lagoon

Areas referred to In the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Statutory Acknowledgement

Page 17: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Nuhaka River and its tributaries

B E m" 7 ■ --------iJ \ i? y . \y

' W i u i IU .

Statutory Acknowledgement

A / /y [L ^ / . . . ; R -

r ~ . “~ l . : ;

• 'V

t - -

■ * * r . + * - X - J ....

: : 1 I !

T ; 7

‘' ' f



Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

/ ] y V ) v \ ^ < £ U . 15/ O iy (C

forTfTitwTand t^apu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

/&&$and on behalf of the Crown

Page 18: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Otoki Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve

A 3 W 4




WhakakiTe Paeroa Lagoon

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H a w ke 's B ay La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa DistrictOtoki Government Purpose

(Wildlife Management) ReserveAreas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between

The Iwi and HapQ of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Statutory Acknowledgement

/ /< Manutui

•' . CTRi/iVifjii > - niunw*r.m«*■*• V (<

f ' BirtmA

, " W —'t'rnnkw ,, : J > M nir/ n

Page 19: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Panekirikiri Conservation Area


Office of Treatr Settlements

Paraharaha Point <

-T. TOW*

tAnaotikiliki Cavo • , To Taraoamohanga, Pci

iWairau Arm), re Rata Pay Pakrngahau Fa

MiUagipohatu,Te Upokoohlnew,

Ngawhatuatema.Pointlaotepurewa Pdnt

Ohinekuia Point'

Te Taungataia Point

, To Hofoingat Oi/Jf 1369 veiievra




Ngav/hanaumaahu - Pom IIt- Itopuru Point TeUmutiti

Ja UwopaeioeWarn omoana (Wairau Arm)


To ktmkofoowntifMTlmiata

\ Te rnnoic Far; f ’ miPutenui

Pukefhpu y \ t t »M .^A51G v

11B5 7?ff>n


; Te Kiatnm \sri


AB2F4^ VvvS(9n

500 1.000 1.500 2,000 2,500

T B I Metres

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

G isbo rne La nd D is tric t Approved-ps to boundaries:

Panekirikiri Conservation AreaTerritorial Aulhority: Wairoa District Compiled as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.A I i

ipO of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

L i tii.lJi>r and on behalf of the Crown

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Portland Island Marginal Strip

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Ruakituri River and its tributaries

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Te Reinga Scenic Reserve property B

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and HapQ of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Statutory Acknowledgement

A p prox im ate Scale

G isbo rne Land D istrict

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compiled as a grapn c representation.

Boundaries are indicative oniy.

Te Reinga Scenic Reserve property B

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Waiatai Scenic Reserve


Office of Treaty Settlements

Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of Recognition



A p p ro x im a te S ca le

A e ria l P h o to g ra p h y flo w n 2011

H a w k e ’s B ay L a nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compflad as a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only

Approved as to boundaries:

Waiatai Scenic Reserves s , l i / M ^ f3f Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

M .i lAreas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown for and on behalf of the Crown

Page 24: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Waiau River and its tributaries



< i > Ofiaua

'■ ; Ip&i


Ihiiloto 7 ml^Hgapulahi


hoceo/vjKopvefiO'jnarnij ~ ' \



7/3// jw- , .'HouAalau. ii n / Purtp-jte


Hop'ujuahine' landing^- -

■ awENQjpjkus^y

991'~U LGKO -s \t± W aikare iii .


Pvkcturu ')Anlwaniwa


W aikaremoanaA

iPutenuf V .


lo!ongz*i ftc* > * ,

/p IlnioiurunnhllPtDnQi:383 flc*oro3

The statutory acknowledgement and deed of recognition does not apply to a part of the bed of the river or stream that is not owned by the Crown.


LegendW aiau R iver

A re a o f In te re s t

0 2.000 4,000 6,000 6,000 10,000 12,000


A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H aw ke 's B ay and G isb o rn e La nd D is tric ts

Territorial Authority: Wairoa DistrictCompiled as a graph*: represem«0i.n.

Boundaries are inftcaliva only.

Waiau River and its tributaries within the area of interest

is to boundaries:

..tapO of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

f z m d)r and on behalf of the Crown

Page 25: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Waikaretaheke River and its tributaries

Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of Recognition

J--, ^•Ij'filaungapoliatu

CISC ous t


linpvvpei Saddle 1 Kopuapounamu


Manuoha 1392;, ,'RatiiiP.tau 1173 i > Pokcpuke

'" 1235~

<'<1252M .d a d ik , ,

Hoputuahine Landing^- ■ U g a p a k i r a ^ ^ -

991’ XWaikareiti

l a k e < r .. Ruapani >


- iVa lH arem oaria . q

~\w99, T ; !Lake


I 'p u k e n u , > '/ IS C n ' i X f L ^ i t a w a\ Onaooto

\ V t K in o p v k a e 0 ^ Tuait / L a t e ^ ' ^ iV h lk f im a r i 'K ,

[ i j ) 5 5 9 'T :

L a k e < RuapapaThe statutory acknowledgement and deed of Av

recognition does not apply to a part of the bed of Vthe river or stream that is not owned by the Crown. , U

— ■ ^ ' J'' . .x\ - f io lo n p a m b r , L , » i n

^ T o tu la p a



A p p ro x im a te S c a le

S o u th A u c k la n d a n d G is b o rn e L a n d D is tr ic ts

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Compiled •« a graphic representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

Approved as to boundaries:

Waikaretaheke River and its tributaries £./**/.<{>fTe Rohe oTe Wairoa

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown 'for and on behalf of the Crown

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Wairoa River and its tributaries


1/ - Statutory Acknowledgement

s ' -r.7* I I'

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Approved as

fc MtT te Yf&jk


Apprp\<ed as to boundaries:

r r ..........fpr T te Iwi and HapQ pf Te Rohe o Te VVSiroa

r and on behalf o f the Crown

Page 27: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps


Whangawehi Stream and its tributaries

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

600 1.000 1,500 2,000 2,500

^ H C Z Z Z Z ] Metres

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H a w ke ’s B a y L a n d D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Whangawehi Stream and its tributaries

OTS -198 - 24

M a h

Statutory Acknowledgement

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Morere Recreation Reserve


Han03foao,8n®3° ^ / .Manutuke1






Compiled as a grapMc representation. Boundaries are indurative only

and on behalf of the Crown

Statutory Acknowledgement

t r . 9 TukemoUhi "WBmkrii

t j upoutania WaikoV-Ov A 0 Mthia MahiaBt V... rabJe Ca

Long Pt


Portland I PEN 'N SU L A

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement between The Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Morere Recreation Reserve

OTS -1 9 8 - 25

Approved as to boundanes:

fbrThetvTfand HapO 4^Te Rohe o Te Wairoare Wairoa


H a w ke 's B a y L a n d D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District

A p p ro x im a te S ca le

A e ria l P h o to g ra p h y flo w n LOTI

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Morere Springs Scenic Reserve

Vest and gift back

Manutuke' S '


.<? Tukemoklhi


loumoulpkopuawliara’ Opoulama. A- M ikriWaikoV--- v


Long Pt ,



800 1.000


A p p ro x im a te S ca le

H aw ke s B ay La nd D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Morere Springs Scenic Reserve

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

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Morere Springs Scenic Reserve

Overlay Classification

' M anutukl


’ To ReingaBa rtletrj; |

9 Tukemokihi



\r jru p w jfa in a WaikoVo^ A -Mahia

Mahia Ba*4 : J °

Lo»g Pi /




A p p ro x im a te S ca le

as to boundaries:

for and on behalf of the Crown

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Un-named marginal strip (Waitaniwha)

Statutory Acknowledgement and Deed of Recognition



1 TukamoWfij*nnninj

Whakakffopuawhara•hutdm a* 0 Mahia


Waitaniwha Bay

H aw ke 's Bay La nd D is tric t

Temtorial Authority: Wairoa District

100 200 300 400 500 600

M B M B B B B Metres

A p p ro x im a te S ca le OTS-198 - 28

Un-named marginal strip (Waitaniwha)

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Rohe o Te Wairoa

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Otoki Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve

OTS -198 - 29

Vest and gift backn ' \

Te Paeroa Lagoon


H aw ke 's Bay Land D is tric t

Territorial Authority: Wairoa District Comp tad as a graph-c representation.

Boundaries are indicative only.

A p prox im a te S ca le

Otoki Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve

Areas referred to in the Deed of Settlement betweenThe Iwi and Hapu of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa and the Crown

Approved'as to boundaries:

V.i.tZ.ff’n and HapQ pf Te Rohe o Te Wairoa

for and on behalf of the Crown

Page 33: Te Wairoa Deed of Settlement Schedule …...2016/11/26  · 4K*p»cv»Hais '0ps



Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal Description80305 Erepeti Scenic

ReserveGisborne Land District - Wairoa District

49.7763 hectares, more or less, being Section 1 Block X IIA Tuahu Survey District. All Gazette 1905, p 1919.

80358 Huramua Nature Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2517 hectares, more or less, being Lots 1 and 2 DP 6318. All computer freehold register HBK/1193.

80359 Jobsons Swamp W ildlife Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

6.7538 hectares, more or less, being Block 15 Kopuawhara Crown Grant District. All Gazette notice 367003.1.

80375 Long Point Conservation Area

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.5500 hectares, more or less, being Rural Section 43 Mahia.

80370 Kumi Pakarae Conservation Area

Gisborne Land District — Wairoa District

254.3607 hectares, more or less, being Lots 4, 5, and 6 DP 8027. Part Gazette 1985, p 1658.

Hawke’s Bay Land District — Wairoa District

9.7089 hectares, more or less, being Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 DP 22114. Part Gazette 1985, p 1658.

80378 Mahia Esplanade Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

8.7800 hectares, more or less, being Rural Section 40 Mahia. All computer freehold register HBL1/659.

80380 Mahia Peninsula Scenic Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

373.7955 hectares, more or less, being Lots 1 and 2 DP 8528, Lots 1 and 4 DP 6009, Lot 1 DP 17776 and Lot 1 DP 17799. All computer freehold register HBJ1/1273.

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Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal Description80389 Mangaone Caves

Historic ReserveHawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.3563 hectares, more or less, being Section 3 Block XVIII Nuhaka North Survey District. All Gazette notice 349888.2.

80396 Mangatahae Conservation Area

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

1.3563 hectares, more or less, being Sections 1 and 2 Block VIII Tuahu Survey District. Part Gazette 1905, p 2765.

80422 Morere Recreation Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2656 hectares, more or less, being Lot 12 DP 5368 and Section 84 Block XV Nuhaka North Survey District. All computer freehold register HBL1/1244.

80423 Morere Springs Scenic Reserve

H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

362.1788 hectares, more or less, being Section 35 SO 6591, Section 37 SO 6342, Section 80 SO 8057, Section 36 SO 6641, Section 21 and Part Sections 11 and 14 SO 1800. All computer freehold register HBJ4/626

1.3807 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 19799. All computer freehold register HBL4/411.

80434 Ngamotu Lagoon Wildlife Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

101.2726 hectares, more or less, being Section 2 Block VI Clyde Survey District. All Gazette notice 242488.

80459 Opoutama Sections Conservation Area

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

10.6264 hectares, more or less, being Sections 38,39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and Part Section 40 Block III Mahanga Survey District. All Gazette 1958, p 1082.

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Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal Description80460 Opoutama Stock

ReserveH awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.8094 hectares, more or less, being Section 20 Block III Mahanga Survey District. Part Gazette 1922, p 3112.

80710 Otoki W ildlife Reserve

H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.7186 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 324372. All computer freehold register 98449.

9.3830 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 324372. All computer freehold register 98451.

39.4806 hectares, more or less, being Part Whakaki 1. All computer freehold register HBE3/889.

80588 Te Reinga Scenic Reserve

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

15.6815 hectares, more or less, being Section 1 Block II and Section 5 Block VI Opoiti Survey District. Part Gazette 1912, p 1612.

80653 Whakamahi Lagoon Wildlife Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

136.9427 hectares, more or less, being Part Section 2 Block V Clyde Survey District. All computer freehold register HBM3/248

2.3478 hectares, more or less, being Part Section 3R SO 3991 and Section 4R SO 3991. All computer freehold register HBM3/249.

80696 Wairoa River No 1 Marginal Strip

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

0.6900 hectares, more or less, being Section 1 SO 8364.

80697 Wairoa River No 2 Marginal Strip

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.4047 hectares, more or less, being Section 6 Block XVI Taramarama Survey District.

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Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal Description80719 Te Reinga Marginal

StripGisborne Land District - Wairoa District

6.4 hectares, approximately, being Crown Land SO 2392. Subject to Survey

Marginal Strip Waiau River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

11.5335 hectares, more or less, being Crown Land SO 3621.

80720 Ruakituri River Marginal Strips

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

19.6 hectares, approximately, being Crown Land SO 1405 and Crown Land SO 1648. Subject to Survey

Waiatai Scenic Reserve

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.3920 hectares, more or less, being Section 26 Block II Clyde Survey District. All computer freehold register HBK1/1197

Marginal Strip Wairoa River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

1.770 hectares, more or less, being Section 2 SO 8364.

Marginal Strip Mangapoike River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

6.2700 hectares, more or less, being Section 2 SO 8365.

Marginal Strip Waiau River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

7.0820 hectares, more or less, being Crown Land SO 3621.

Marginal Strip Waiau River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

0.3768 hectares, more or less, being Section 53 Ardkeen Settlement.

Marginal Strip Waiau River

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

6.3535 hectares, more or less, being Section 14 Block XIV Taramarama Survey District.

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Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionMarginal Strip Makaretu River

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

6.6400 hectares, more or less, being Section 7 Block XVI Opoiti Survey District.

Marginal Strip Mangaone Stream

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

3.3000 hectares, more or less, being Section 12 Block XIII Nuhaka North Survey District.

Marginal Strip Mangaone Stream

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

4.8070 hectares, more or less, being Part Section 13 Block XIII Nuhaka North Survey District.

Marginal Strip Mangaone Stream

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2610 hectares, more or less, being Section 14 Block XIII Nuhaka North Survey District.

Marginal Strip Wairoa River

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.3035 hectares, more or less, being Section 7 Block XVI Taramarama Survey District.

Marginal Strip Tutaekuri River

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

3.9000 hectares, more or less, being Section 10 Block XIX Taramarama Survey District.

Marginal Strip Tunanui River

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2111 hectares, more or less, being Section 109 Block XV Nuhaka North Survey District.

Marginal Strip Tunanui River

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1005 hectares, more or less, being Section 20 Block XIX Nuhaka North Survey District.

Marginal Strip Tunanui River

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0305 hectares, more or less, being Section 21 Block XIX Nuhaka North Survey District.

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Land Holding Agency Department of Conservation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionMarginal Strip Wairoa River

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.0125 hectares, more or less, being Section 33 Block I Clyde Survey District.

Marginal Strip Wairoa River

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.4125 hectares, more or less, being Section 34 Block I Clyde Survey District.

Marginal Strip Waikokopu Stream

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.6275 hectares, more or less, being Section 25 Block X Nuhaka Survey District.

Marginal Strip Waikokopu Stream

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.3680 hectares, more or less, being Section 26 Block X Nuhaka Survey District.

Marginal Strip Waikokopu Stream

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1060 hectares, more or less, being Section 27 Block X Nuhaka Survey District.

Marginal Strip Waitaniwha Bay

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

2.1650 hectares, more or less, being Section 29 Block X Nuhaka Survey District.

Marginal Strip Mokotahi

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.9120 hectares, more or less, being Section 45 Block V Mahanga Survey District.

Marginal Strip Portland Island

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

6.8700 hectares, more or less, being Section 3 Block XI Mahia Survey District. Part Gazette 1983, p 864

Marginal Strip Kinikini

(Parcel ID. 4221313)

Hawke’s Bay Land D istrict - Wairoa District

1.61 hectares, approximately, being Crown Land situated in Block VIII Mahia Survey District. Subject to Survey.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSM0001240 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1012 hectares, more or less, being Section 608 SO 9437. All computer freehold register HBC1/1313.

HSS0020203 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0677 hectares, more or less, being Lot 21 DP 8125. All computer freehold register HBK1/499.

HSS0020204 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0664 hectares, more or less, being Lot 12 DP 8125. All computer freehold register HBK1/496.

HSS0020206 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0782 hectares, more or less, being Lot 26 DP 8127. All computer freehold register HBP1/1147.

HSS0020207 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0859 hectares, more or less, being Lot 28 DP 8127. All computer freehold register HBP1/1149.

HSS0020220 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0801 hectares, more or less, being Lot 32 DP 8127. All computer freehold register HBP1/1162.

HSS0020341 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land D is tr ic t- Wairoa District

0.0930 hectares, more or less, being Lot 6 DP 8181. All computer freehold register HBP1/880.

HSS0020342 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1007 hectares, more or less, being Lot 5 DP 8181. All computer freehold register HBP1/879.

HSS0020367 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0765 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 8183. All computer freehold register HBJ4/214.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0020453 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0695 hectares, more or less, being Lot 20 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/5.

HSS0020454 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0948 hectares, more or less, being Lot 21 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/6.

HSS0020456 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1069 hectares, more or less, being Lot 29 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/11.

HSS0020457 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0876 hectares, more or less, being Lot 30 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/12.

HSS0020464 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0670 hectares, more or less, being Lot 12 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ1/1497.

HSS0020465 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0678 hectares, more or less, being Lot 13 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ1/1498.

HSS0020466 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0832 hectares, more or less, being Lot 14 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ1/1499.

HSS0020471 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0892 hectares, more or less, being Lot 16 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/1.

HSS0020472 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0769 hectares, more or less, being Lot 17 DP 8567. All computer freehold register HBJ2/2.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0020625 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0896 hectares, more or less, being Lot 6 DP 8813. All computer freehold register HBE3/799.

HSS0020626 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0927 hectares, more or less, being Lot 7 DP 8813. All computer freehold register HBE3/800.

HSS0020749 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0888 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1154.

HSS0020750 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1057 hectares, more or less, being Lot 7 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1158

HSS0020751 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0797 hectares, more or less, being Lot 8 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1159.

HSS0020752 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0814 hectares, more or less, being Lot 9 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1160.

HSS0020762 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0781 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1155.

HSS0020882 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0667 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 10920. All computer freehold register HBK1/310.

HSS0020883 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0796 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 11395. All computer freehold register HBK2/469.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0020930 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0743 hectares, more or less, being Lot 5 DP 10920. All computer freehold register HBK1/313.

HSS0020931 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0662 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 10920. All computer freehold register HBK1/312.

HSS0020933 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0832 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 11395. All computer freehold register HBK2/467.

HSS0021002 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0657 hectares, more or less, being Lot 19 DP 10974. All computer freehold register HBM4/139.

HSS0021003 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1110 hectares, more or less, being Lot 24 DP 10974. All computer freehold register HBM4/141.

HSS0021062 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0688 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 10974. All computer freehold register HBP1/873.

HSS0021110 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0634 hectares, more or less, being Lot 9 DP 11723. All computer freehold register HBK2/670.

HSS0021182 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0711 hectares, more or less, being Lot 12 DP 12210. All computer freehold register HBP1/882.

HSS0021250 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0733 hectares, more or less, being Lot 15 DP 12210. All computer freehold register HBP1/885.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0021366 Wairoa H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0783 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1022.

HSS0021429 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0696 hectares, more or less, being Lot 9 DP 14009. All computer freehold register HBH1/705.

HSS0021430 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0696 hectares, more or less, being Lot 10 DP 14009. All computer freehold register HBH1/706.

HSS0021431 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0613 hectares, more or less, being Lot 11 DP 14009. All computer freehold register HBH1/707.

HSS0021513 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0613 hectares, more or less, being Lot 11 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1030.

HSS0021514 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0923 hectares, more or less, being Lot 8 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1027.

HSS0021515 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0593 hectares, more or less, being Lot 10 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1029.

HSS0021546 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0659 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1021.

HSS0021579 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0674 hectares, more or less, being Lot 18 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1037.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0021613 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0920 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 15492. All computer freehold register HBM2/244.

HSS0021620 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0635 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 16324. All computer freehold register HBJ1/386.

HSS0021624 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1019 hectares, more or less, being Lot 9 DP 8716. All computer freehold register HBK1/1309.

HSS0021633 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land D istrict - Wairoa District

0.0620 hectares, more or less, being Lot 15 DP 17407. All computer freehold register HBK1/1095.

HSS0021641 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0883 hectares, more or less, being Lot 31 DP 17406. All computer freehold register HBK1/1080.

HSS0021659 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0573 hectares, more or less, being Lot 39 DP 17406. All computer freehold register HBK1/1088.

HSS0021682 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0580 hectares, more or less, being Lot 40 DP 17406. All computer freehold register HBK1/1089.

HSS0023480 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0635 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 16324. All computer freehold register HBJ1/387.

HSS0026265 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0645 hectares, more or less, being Lot 8 DP 17406. All computer freehold register HBK1/1072.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionHSS0026640 Nuhaka Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1012 hectares, more or less, being Lot 7 DP 1955. All computer freehold register HB109/286.

HSS0026641 Nuhaka Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1392 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 1955. All computer freehold register HBK3/1223.

HSS0026642 Nuhaka Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0809 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 1955. All computer freehold register HBK1/1067.


Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1510 hectares, more or less, being Lot 5 DP 9984. All computer freehold register HBP1/1156.

TUS0003530 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land D istrict - Wairoa District

0.0506 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 27127. All computer freehold register HBW3/534.

TUS0003531 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0730 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 27127. All computer freehold register HBW3/535.


Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1016 hectares, more or less, being Lot 9 DP 8125. All computer freehold register HBK1/493.


Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1230 hectares, more or less, being Lot 22 DP 8127. All computer freehold register HBP1/1144.

TUS0003576 Wairoa Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0554 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 27563. All computer freehold register HBW4/343.

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Land Holding Agency Housing New Zealand Corporation

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionTUS0003577 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0673 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 27563. All computer freehold register HBW4/344.

TUS0003586 Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0631 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 DP 27066. All computer freehold register HBW3/401.

TUS0003587 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0 0627 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 27066. All computer freehold register HBW3/402.

TUS0003599* Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.0478 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 9761. Ail computer freehold register HBP1/981.


Wairoa H awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1147 hectares, more or less, being Lot 15 DP 15337. All computer freehold register HBH1/1034.


Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1082 hectares, more or less, being Section 854 SO 5361. All computer freehold register HBP2/704.

HSS0026844 Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.3958 hectares, more or less, being Town Section 492 Clyde and Part Town Sections 490, 491, 619 and 620 Clyde. All computer freehold register HBD4/748.


Wairoa Hawke’s Bay Land D istrict - Wairoa District

0.1790 hectares, more or less, being Lots 9 and 10 DP 12092. All computer freehold register HBV1/560.

* Properties for sale on the open market as at 16 October 2015.

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Land Holding Agency Land Information New Zealand

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionLIPS 11356 Awamate Road,

WairoaHaw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.7663 hectares, more or less, being Section 11 Block I Clyde Survey District. Part Gazette 1956, p 1031.

LIPS 11391 Nuhaka-Opoutama Road, Waikokopu

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.46 hectares, approximately, being Part W aikokopu 3A Block. Part Gazette 1922, p 2234.

LIPS 11451, 11452, 11453, 11454, 11455, 11486, 11487,11449 and11450

Ormond Street, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.7790 hectares, more or less, being Part Orangitirohia 14B. Part Gazette 1927, p 735. Subject to Survey

LIPS 11443 Kaimoana Street, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.4250 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 11444 Kaimoana Street, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2236 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 11445 Ormond Street, Wairoa

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1752 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 11446 Ormond Street, Wairoa

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.4600 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 11447 Ormond Street, Wairoa

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1190 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 11448 Kaimoana Street, Wairoa

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.0640 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

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Land Holding Agency Land Information New Zealand

Agency ID Property Legal DescriptionLIPS 11482 Ormond Street,

WairoaHaw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.3600 hectares, approximately, being Part Railway. Located on Parcel ID 4242869. Subject to Survey.

LIPS 15237 North Clyde, Wairoa H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1296 hectares, more or less, being Part Orangitirohia 20 Block. All computer freehold register HBK2/761.

Land Holding Agency

Ministry of Justice (Office of Treaty Settlements)

Agency ID Property Legal Description692 5 Scott Street,

WairoaH awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1011 hectares, more or less, being Section 1 SO 9480. Part Gazette notice 614656.1.

693 7 Scott Street, Wairoa

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1013 hectares, more or less, being Section 2 SO 9480. Part Gazette notice 614656.1.

694 9 Scott Street, Wairoa

H awke’s Bay Land D istrict - Wairoa District

0.1013 hectares, more or less, being Section 3 SO 9480. Part Gazette notice 614656.1.

695 29 & 31 Scott Street, Wairoa

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.20 hectares, approximately, being Lots 27 and 28 Deeds Plan 577. All computer freehold register HBL3/889. Limited as to parcels. Subject to survey.

696 146 McLean Street, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1015 hectares, more or less, being Section 5 SO 9480. Part Gazette notice 614656.1.

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Land Holding Agency

Ministry of Justice (Office of Treaty Settlements)

Agency ID Property Legal Description783 27-35 Kitchener

Road, WairoaH aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.5059 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 13446. All computer freehold register HBE4/1289.

0.1012 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 18315. Part Transfer 698772.2.

1163 Corner of Paul Street & Queen Street, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.1226 hectares, more or less, being Part Lot 1 DP 1839 and Part Lot 2 DP 9153. Part Gazette Notice 594604.1.

0.0500 hectares, approximately, Part Town Section 360 Clyde. Part Gazette notice 594604.1. Limited as to parcels. Subject to survey.

1332 East end of Ormond Drive, Opoutama

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

4.3400 hectares, more or less, being Section 35 SO 3066. All Gazette notice 709317.1.

1500 1105 -1117 Nuhaka Opoutama Road, Opoutama

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

1.6956 hectares, more or less, being Section 1 SO 351224. All computer freehold register 219158.

1522 5 Te Maara Street, Nuhaka

H aw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

0.2363 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 24030. All computer freehold register HBV1/1207.

1543 596 SH2 - ex Turiroa School, Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

2.2713 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1 Agricultural Section 3 Turiroa. All computer freehold register 208619.

1633 158 Carroll Street (SH 38), Wairoa

Haw ke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

2.6737 hectares, more or less, being Lot 2 DP 390414. All computer freehold register 362719.

1856 Mahia East Coast Road

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

524.4585 hectares, more or less, being Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 23976. All Transfer 9249187.

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Land Holding Agency

Ministry of Justice (Office of Treaty Settlements)

Agency ID Property Legal Description1892 103 Haramua Road,

WairoaH awke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

42.6539 hectares, more or less, being Lot 12 DP 8981. All computer freehold register HBC1/1280.

1893 207 Awamate Road, Wairoa

Hawke’s Bay Land District - Wairoa District

26.4487 hectares, more or less, being Lot 3 DP 8981. All computer freehold register HBC1/1271.

16.4201 hectares, more or less, being Lot 4 DP 8981. All computer freehold register HBC1/1272.

1894 2603 Tiniroto Road, Tiniroto

Gisborne Bay Land District - Wairoa District

2.0235 hectares, more or less, being Parts Mangapoike 2A2. All computer freehold register 265799.

0.1315 hectares, more or less, being Part Managapoike 2A2. All computer freehold register 265795.

1895 2589 Tiniroto Road, Tiniroto

Gisborne Land District - Wairoa District

0.5746 hectares, more or less, being Sections 6 and 8 Mangapoike 2A2. All computer freehold register 270182.
