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Dunrossness · The following information will let you know all about the Early Stages in...

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Dunrossness Primary School Early Stages: P1 Handbook 2008/2009 “Learning to play, playing to learn”

Dunrossness Primary School

Early Stages: P1 Handbook 2008/2009

“Learning to play, playing to learn”

The following information will let you know all about the Early Stages in Dunrossness Primary School. We hope that you find this useful and look forward to welcoming you to our school.

If, after reading this handbook, you have any further questions then please contact us at school and we will be pleased to be of assistance.

Dunrossness Primary School Shetland ZE2 9JG

(01950) 460488

[email protected]

Who‛s who?

Miss F Duncan Class Teacher

Ms M Blyth Class Teacher

Mrs C Wadley Nursery Nurse

Ms G Scanlan Principal Teacher Ms L Simpson

Head Teacher

Mrs M Birnie Secretary

Mrs V Casey Classroom Assistant

Mr J Mackenzie Janitor

What are “The Early Stages”?

The Curriculum in all Scottish schools is currently under review with the introduction of a new “Curriculum for Excellence”. This curriculum aims to develop four capacities for successful learning. These are:

Successful Learners With:

• Enthusiasm and motivation for learning • Determination to reach high standards of achievement • Openness to new thinking and ideas.

Confident Individuals With:

• Self-respect • A sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being • Secure values and beliefs • Ambition.

Responsible Citizens With:

• Respect for others • Commitment to participate responsibly in political,

economic, social and cultural life.

Effective Contributors With:

• An enterprising attitude • Resilience • Self-reliance.

As part of this development the boundaries between each of the stages of schooling are being blurred, helping to create a curriculum that encompasses all children from 3-18 years. A child‛s journey through Primary school will now be organised under the following stages:

Early - In pre-school and in Primary 1

First - By end of P4, but earlier for some

Second - By end of P7, but earlier for some

These new stages will provide scope for challenge and depth. There will be no pressure to speed through the levels but nor will there be any ceilings. The focus is very much on individual progress and achievement.

In response to these changes here at Dunrossness we have created an integral unit that will cater for children from the time they enter the Nursery at three until the end of Primary One. The curriculum will be based on the existing 3-5 and 5-14 levels and will incorporate the National Care Standards for pre-school children.

At the very heart of our curriculum planning lies the holistic development of children and their skills across the curriculum, building on their previous learning experiences, knowledge and skills. Children will learn through first hand experiential activities within play-based situations. In their play, children practise and consolidate their learning, play with ideas, experiment, take risks, solve problems and make decisions individually and in small or large groups. The development of children‛s self-image and feelings of self – worth and self – esteem are central to this process.

The curriculum within the Early Stages is progressive and aims to meet the needs of all children including those who are at an

early stage of development and those who are more able. The curriculum will be appropriate to the individual child‛s stage of learning rather than focussing solely on age related outcomes to be achieved. Children will be helped to move on to the next stage in their learning when they are developmentally ready and at their own pace.

In line with the current 3-5 and 5-14 guidelines, the curriculum within the unit is organised under the following headings:

• Communication and Language • Mathematical development • Emotional, Personal and Social Development • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Expressive and Aesthetic Development • Physical Development and Movement

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is embedded within all the six areas and is seen as an integral part of all the curriculum programmes.

Mathematical Development

From the time your child joins us they will experience a gentle approach to number recognition, building on knowledge already acquired. This will lead on to simple addition and subtraction. Work on simple shape, measurement and money is part of the curriculum and the children will be given opportunities for problem solving.

Reading Development

Preparation for reading is provided through the Oxford Reading Tree. This special purpose early reading scheme introduces children to whole words through a series of amusing family sketches. Reading scheme books will not be sent home until your child is ready to begin to read independently.

The children are encouraged to build an enjoyment of stories and rhyme through a variety of books, songs and games.

Using Jolly Phonics, the children are taught the main 42 sounds of English, not just the alphabet sounds. With this knowledge they are taken through stages of blending sounds to form words and then to reading.

Throughout all of the subjects, children will be given the opportunity to play and experiment with a variety of materials and media. Staff will carefully plan for both free and structured play along with more focussed group activities.

Timings School Starts: 9.15am Morning Interval: 11.00 – 11.20am Lunch: 12.10 – 1.10pm School Closes: 3.30pm


Children within P1 are eligible for free transport to and from school within a defined distance area. We will inform the transport providers of your child‛s details before they begin at the unit. If you do not wish to use the school transport then please let us know.

If, for any reason, your child is to travel on a different bus from the usual one, it is most important that you inform the school by phone or letter on the day; word-of-mouth messages from young children are very unreliable.

It is also necessary to check with the transport operator as to the availability of spare seats on the other bus, because some routes are operating near full capacity.

Bus Operators Phone Numbers:

Leasks 460209 Quendale Leasks 460209 Bigton Feeder Boddam 460111 Noss Nicolson 477475 Bigton/Levenwick Halcrows 477384 Virkie

School Uniform

All children within the school are asked to wear school uniform. This not only helps to foster a sense of pride and identity within the school but is also a practical way of dressing your child for their time in the unit. On a daily basis they will have

access to paint, glue, water and sand and “good” clothes soon get ruined!

The uniform consists of a navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece and a red polo shirt, all embroidered with the school logo. This can be ordered from the school office.


In addition to the equipment provided within the unit we ask that you equip your child with the following:

­ P.E kit: This should include t-shirt, shorts, and plimsolls.

­ Swimming Kit: Costume, towel and goggles.

­ Waterproof coat and Wellingtons: Where possible these should be in school every day (especially in winter months) to allow for outdoor play in most weathers.

Please make sure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child‛s name. This includes the towel and goggles in the swimming kit. Thank you!


Children may bring in small toys that can fit in to their tray, but they are fully responsible for looking after them. It is school policy that no toy guns or weapons are permitted.

School Meals/Snack/Milk

Milk is available every day at morning and afternoon snack time. Children are encouraged to pour their own drink and wash up their cup.

Fresh fruit is offered three times a week and on the other days a selection of hot and cold snacks are provided. All children from Nursery to P1 are encouraged to take part in snack time and to try the range of food on offer. No child is ever forced to eat something they don‛t like. A Contribution of 30p per day is requested from all parents to cover the cost of snacks, baking, etc.

P1 children have the chance to take a cooked school lunch. These are cooked on site and provide a healthy balanced meal from fresh ingredients. Meals cost £1.50 per day, payable on Friday of each week (the correct change in a sealed envelope or a cheque made out to SIC along with details of the number of meals being paid for would be much appreciated).

Our “dinner ladies”, Mrs Violet Casey and Mrs Jacqueline Jamieson, look after the children in the canteen and give help when needed so that they can enjoy their meals.


It is vital that we are informed of any food or other allergies that your child may have. Please do this on the official registration form.

Illness in school

If your child is taken ill at school we will try to contact you if he/she needs to be sent home. It is therefore important to keep us informed if you and your emergency contact are both going to be away.


Medicine is best administered to your child at home. If, however, it is essential that your child should take medicine to school then a medical consent form must be completed at the school office.

Sickness and diarrhoea

Children suffering from this should remain at home until fully recovered. It is recommended that children should not return until 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased to help prevent distress and the further spread of infection.

Parent Partnership

We believe that the more involved you are as parents, the more successful your child‛s learning experience within the unit will be. We will provide you with a termly report on your child‛s progress and will meet with you on a formal basis twice a year. However, we are always available to answer your questions and would be happy to arrange an informal chat to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

If there are events or circumstances which may affect your child‛s enjoyment of their school experience such as a poor night‛s sleep, a new baby in the family or a family bereavement, please let our staff know. We will treat the matter with absolute confidentially and we will be able to support your child with any short or long term difficulty or need more effectively – communication is a two way process.

Sometimes children are asked to bring in items connected with topics they are studying (photographs, toys etc). We welcome parental input in this area, and, if your job, hobbies or pets

could help us generate interest in a topic, please let us know and we‛ll arrange for you to come in and give the class the benefit of your expertise.

Concerns and Complaints

In the event that you have a concern or a complaint about any area of our service, please discuss this in the first instance with the class teacher. Should you feel that the complaint is unresolved after this action, you should speak to the Head Teacher, Ms Simpson. If this does not bring about a suitable conclusion, you can then contact the Quality Improvement Officer for the school, Mrs Maggie Spence. A copy of the full complaints policy is available within the school.

Child Protection

The security, care and well-being of all our children is our ultimate priority. We follow the agreed Shetland Islands Council Inter-Agency Child Protection Procedures. A copy of these procedures is available for parents to refer to on request.

The information contained in this handbook was true at the time of printing and may be subject to change throughout the year. You will be kept informed of all changes and amendments.


Monday 18 th STAFF ONLY In­Service Tuesday 19 th STAFF ONLY In­Service Wednesday 20 th School Commences for Pupils

OCTOBER Monday 6 th Parents’ Evenings Tuesday 7 th Parents’ Evenings Friday 10th School Closes 1pm – October Holidays Monday 27 th STAFF ONLY In­Service Tuesday 28 th STAFF ONLY In­Service Wednesday 29 th School Re­opens for Pupils

NOVEMBER To be advised School Coffee Evening

DECEMBER To be advised Christmas Performance Week Friday 19 th School Closes 1pm – Christmas Holidays

JANUARY Monday 5 th School Re­opens Wednesday 28 th School Closed – Up Helly Aa

MARCH Monday 2 nd Occasional Holiday Monday 16 th Parents’ Evenings Tuesday 17 th Parents’ Evenings Friday 27 h School Closes 1pm – Easter Holidays

APRIL Monday 13 th School Re­opens

MAY Friday 1 st STAFF ONLY In­Service Monday 4 th School Closed – May Day Holiday Friday 29 th STAFF ONLY In­Service

JUNE Monday 1st School Closed – Occasional Holiday Tuesday 2 nd School Closed – Occasional Holiday Thursday 25 th Open Day Tuesday 30 th Sports Day To be advised Parents’ Day To be advised School Sports Day

JULY Friday 3 rd School Closes 1pm – Summer Holidays
