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 · THE l'IHITE HOUSE WASHINMON Joa Doc: - C 0 PI Dcceobor 28, 1934. I 1'.now you will ttnnt mo t o...

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Ootobo9r 28, 1932.

n.ar Doo:

J u1t • l lr.e to ihank you tor 1our .. DY

Do be oar1tul • h•t 1ou ••1 •• ~1••1 now can.noi poeelblJ o,•n the ma ll -.nd lt oonee~u•D\11 la read bJ a oae ot \b.1 g irl• Un iu tb• Ke.nelon kD4 1r tb• J read rour l • t tera through, \be balr 1t0uld rl11 on ihe beck or their neon.

Mr . Halpb 1 . Cropley, 124 Deeobwood lioed, SWlllll!t, New Jeraoy.


Joa Doc: -

C 0 PI

Dcceobor 28, 1934.

I 1'.now you will ttnnt mo t o be qul te frank with you. Letters coce rroc you couched ln language which I am not only nehru:tcd to rend myself but Ylh1ch I blush to think have to be rend by any member of my staff or my trun1ly.

~e unbecoc1nc a ccntlecnn ln dis­tinctly dlstnoteful to me whether I occupy the

ot!'ioc .or Preo1dent or wilether I en in pr1 vate life. I CM forced to l'lr1te this beccueo, quite

!'re.nkl:r, I a::i eo dlcc;ueted th'\t 1t 1a the only thine to do.

'· . Very a1ncorcly youro,

(SIG!TED) i'l\A::io.Ill D. ROOSEVELT

Ral:>h c. Cropley, !:oq. , 121 Bocchtrood Road, Sum.'tli t, l!e11 J oroey.


:air • .,, ...... M&2 '• ••l'IW

I ?IJ I, lllle ...... ._ .. Killlllft"9••112n• ... ..s..e ... la r 1 11 "I a...a., .. U ... ,. •I•,· I• -iw .._ .._ .... 1-9'., .._. ll•U. au.s..

:.:.,~J-::.?.r~ .. Je':i.H ;;~'ti' ... .a .. Jilli paflltl:lf' :r::==-all tell JW tlld J I 1Jr .. Dot ..-II aU .t ,,_, Je•w Miil .... ... =•b ,_ ...... - • ... .. ., .. • l eit mil*- 1.n ..... A8 ...... at,..., le•• ......... flml"lt as.la - .. -m I 1, d9 a .. lleP -'l· .. &w •• .... ..,_ 'lllfilte I CU' a tt "M .. H14 .... ,_ • .._ ,.._ tft?--:Mm leUaN, 1ltas.h ..... ..... .. .. witll -- ' dfalN, ... •i..l"I _. M ,_ u I - llllU 111

W uaoe, 1 ..,...late.,.. 8'lt!aa • .. •• -. .... •tme ,.. -' sa• ... Jetta. w• lt 1W will nop ad tblalr .._, l\1 I • - JW will I •'-' • puel•l ••

A8 1 -.. JWP 1ft._. 11ft&117 hllW • •""1 lltleb I ?\ lie - 1'J' ~ .. !- tM .nteu, I -' MU,_, T:e-U.~ ... ,._ l.MMN .. .. 5 tJ; U. b'



1 ... Ude int. ftllll9 ,.. fte11M ............. 1• ...,,. with,,.,. ..... .s-. ,.., ..... r...

Al ;u ulllu,.17,

~o.OIM.._ ..... , 111 ..._.. .... . .,..,..,.,.



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.. ~ .... ..s ...... la •• ' 17 kt ,,. 'r.R&\Ua .... Jall•t .. I __ ,_.._._.._. I eDJCl7 t:ta.e 11"18 er' '••

Ia• I 4 \o ,,_,.in._ et D11 0 ws..a. la wll1eb ,... ....... St ,_ 191* ... , r- ....... -.IMM4. I hel tba' I -' wn. ,_ p ftft11' ~ _. tell JGll tba' I r1 U;r do DO& .... all et ,-. lPtt.I' PMb -*• APlm'mU:r ,_ 11aw • 1n Mt- or t111e • , or .ii wblPb I _, ..... Ae a_.._.~ rad• k•k• ,.,_ mir - tmll;rp 'lblPb - '° • • II ••• ._ • mir deM -'SW hO _. tb"9 dQa bet'- I pt a ebmDP M l'N4 'hm. tw • UINe ,... \n•ulttilD i.•~ Wlllab do -' !aft '° 4o wlab Gosa ' attatn. - • Gilt u r.. .. I - I •••

lalPla c. a..r;: ..... . 18181 ! I .... . a.-t•• ... 1~.

, ,



llo. l. I do not thlnlt I haYe eYer

11et lllel 10n Rockefeller and 1t would be 1111oh

better 1r you could get Ierm1t to arrange e011e

•a:r tor 7ou to meet h1a.

Ille . 2. I .. not 1n the leaet bit

oppoeed to 1111 e:lhlblt 1n Radio C1t7 but wtQ' not

dr••• the exhibit up under the aueploee or the

lt.teeum or the Cl tJ ot Iii•• Yorltt It would be

grand it tbe7 could take r ou on t o run the ehow.

Tile 110del or the 111auretan1a1 the7

ear 11 Terr popular at the 8mlth10nlan.

Ralpb C. Oroplq, leq., 124 Beeohwood Road, ..... lt, lfew Jerfff.

A• eYer 7our1,




JulJ 26, 19~6.

Dear Doo:-

'l'bat que1t1on ot a llar1ne lil19Ulll hae been otten d11auaaed. 'l'he Hew York H1ator1oal Soo1etJ wanted to do 1t manJ 1ear1 ago - IO d1d Ind1a House -- do d1d Port Soo1etJ -- ao d1d the lletropol1tan 161.1eum, etc. .A.1 I re111t1ltlber 1t, when the lll19Ulll ot the C1tJ ot Hew ~ol'lr. wa1 started a1x or e1gbt 1eara ago, all, or moat ot th1 people 1ntereated, deo1ded that tb11 llla111111 lhould 1nolude the llar1t1ne h11torJ aa well. 'l'llat 111t1ana exh1b1 t1ng 110del1 ot lh1pa wh1oh have been runn1ng to and trom the port ot Hew York, whether these lh1pa were .Amer1oan nag or tore1gn nag.

Therefore, 1natead ot trJ1ng aouth1ng new 1n Rad1o C1ty, why not aee the people 'llho run the lllellWI ot 1he C1t7 ot Hew York' Ino1dentallJ, they have a number ot rq model• 011- uh1b1 t there. !he1 oan take loans ot models aa well a1 g1tt1.

I hope all goe1 well w1tb JOU and that 7ou have .had a grand tr1p. I meant to 1end JOU a l1ne but 1n the rulh you hf.d aotuallJ got awaJ.

Ralph C. CropleJ, Esq., l~ Beechwood Road, SU-1t, l1w Jer••1•

Al.W&JI a1noerelJ,


De&1' 111' • Oropl.971-

!he h••1dat ute •• to tllut 1ou for 10V two l•tten. Be o••not poee1'b1J, a.oh u iae ooa.14 lit• to, ao 1Dto tu caae•t1oa of Deoentr&11aat10D of India8tr, bat llUll9•t•

tlaat :rou talk 1t OT•r with tu hontarf ot

O: sroe. u :rou wl•ll u to, we elaall be

glad to &1':ranp u appo1D-.t • •

11Dfort\&D&ts11 tlas he•14-at has aot an nutng free. In faot, 1D tllese

olos1zag 4aJ'8 ot tlle Oonsre•• lie worts most of tu D11lat.

'· Terr s1DosrelJ JOUrS,

m . tt . L..' 14._f Jtalpb o. Qropl97, Ssq.' 18' .. •ollwoo4 loa4, • 't, In l•nSJ.



Dear Kr. Oropleya-

I h&Te been glad to oall

the office of the Secretary of Ooaeroe

and h&Te arraiiged an appointment for JO\l

and Kr. Hill for Thm•d&J 110rning,

September fifth, at eleTen o•oloot.

II. A. Le Band PRIVATI: SJ:ORJ:Tjftf

Ralpho. Oropley, Esq., 12• Beechwood l'Dad, SU..S.t, l•w Jer••J•



Dear llr. Oropleya-

RJde Park, I. T. 1 _ &eptember 10, l~e.

Jwlt a line to tell you that,

a• you know, the Preeident wae not 1n

Waah1ngton when you were there an4 your

letter arrived aZter I had left, ae I epent

two daye 1n lew Tork before oOllling to Hyde


Very a1noerely ~

' h .(/ .l

Ralph o. Cropley, Eeq.,


Tl\e Port ot lew Tork AuthorltJ, 111 11ghth Avenue, lew Tork, I. T,

. .


