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THE WHOLE NUMBER. 10.440. RICHMOND, VA.. TUESDAY MORNING. .DECEMBER 16, 1884 THREE CENTS FER COPY* j a THIEF PENITENT. MOI.IttAYttO*!**. HRISTMAs. issi. ^r n.e.* Br aral, mite our atnull the fony-Sf.h) *iln- Ullou 1* oat friend* and H-e fmt.llr. aid BM lo titter oar ceinjnta-latit.<s for what incnuv or h.ari- IHB.s and pr.-t-tllv they bar* enjevye-l In ihe p.*! arl our good withe, tor their fut* re w*l- fax We mike our a*n*l rasgalflrent c tbll.tc or c HUIsTMAs coolia, iad t. lt rv lng that the love af Hie people rur roo. «. tirrc-ly Inert ,,.,-d. we have cnda*.Ve.e-ed te i< < ,-t -heir want, m tl.!, ra .pct md to thlt end . ft. r id,in a yen I,rte ie. I. ri! nf srANDAi ii srossA Che pr,ul,ir Sion of Barn Wi.nae Rain.-. Ihe .' wavrld aid c-i M ctr.'- Slr nienit. " In parr. ..liak- .lsira. Bil on.-r-tl. IPirns I >i m. TliackeTiy, Dirk. ti*. Trans, tn. ccsirrc Elliott. Mr.. Hmwn- ti.t Ci. "lh. se l.t. rr. lrct*-oti. Me.Hry. Cnoi>er, Irving. I..-nate-ile w. lr ti*, stitpv .1 lelHI.l.ss. PRAYER-BO;)*.., in,- lil MK A Ls e- x»rv Sr. Ot th.- sin.llrr ax rs. -nell ss WIHTINi.- lils!*-, tl e.ICK BOX!.:-, I.*D1I -. itA-UKI-H. rtTc UKI.-, JFWVI RI ( -i - Cii:!).i Assv. Rt) LNG e \-l -, piM-|tl' '-Bo iKss. i'll-, lo- Cl \. Il- tl HI Ms, Al T111-IC i I'll- M.Ill M-. Si B*P Itoeehs, ll A C K G A M M fl N CHES*. HAMES, Af., their name 1. aim td v l.sgl m. Ve make bo Meals, mit offer no tdxi,.. For- t-neiily for is our cB.ionier. are wise and twn.i Lie paso- lc mo ,)-',ni»ntiv aS'e to form lh'-lr own opinions, ami we nutt cinfl.lri.lly lo their good MMM. Wt lag i.nak in iB.pc-rtloi. ot oariiock. Itrspe-ri folly, eteH-lot nu uWiTii I'xi'inc |_yLKA A FERRIES' SAUCE. THE WORCESTERSHIRE, Itrlielooa with MEATS.GAMF..SOUP. SfSUSj RAREBITS.Ae. JOHN DUNCAN A 80Ns9, te 1 /lui y Anent*. J:\xTABLIMIED A. D. IWI. XMAS. I ISM. Sunn gilli*. WHISKEY. FRENCH . ",1 APPLE I RANDIES, RUM. GIN, PORT. MURRY. CATAWBA, t 'OoK I Nc-W ! N -. CllsMPACN) olT.VTINF. ll .. )s| Vs, e tit¬ le \\ IS. CTTIIOS. -rtjARS.varloit, grirte-s; TFAs.t ol ll E, FLOUR-choler, brandt1 BCCK- WH* IT e .t: IT?.. otTMF.AI, BACON, and LARD. Ac Forialcby JOHN M. HIGGINS. del 1610 Franklin street, nr r Old M.rl.-t. Il OLIDAY PBESENTS. ,f_4 Idaml Just opened, in el.-tan! iswiitnicnt oil Sm- nisiiiiin.it, ea-iiiisluiy mourne-: Cold Kilter Wit--)-... Rrac-eleit, Necklaces !.nek.-ts, I.aceplii., Ctwliis, Butle.us Rings III evey delila- hie style, se .itplns, t.-tlalI lr,drd Cues, Got I .uni Mlvrr Thimi'i.-s. Clocks, sterling silver and best Ol ll cu plaltS Bate alt Above gaodiare strictly Urti rlt-a.md vxirnnted Bj represented. Price* sewn thin .ny o'her house. Platte give mr a call. J. E. KOHLER. oelS-Sw* _71.1 Broad itr.-rt. / -MKI-TM \s KIEL. coal.Wood. For beti tin! mon MesrfM Christmas Ure* tet your AN I HRACITK COAL. clran md .Irv, fr.un mv Coal M.) x x I "h. SPLINT COAL FOR GRATER. KINDLING WOOD. STEAM CUT. good nnd dry. B IL HAW. -. Eighteenth in I Cary street*. Tc!. | honr. *7. _etc lS-gw X 'MAs GOODS. I BBB hive In store tte I IBS SSI kSB ITNE-TsToC Kine.ii.ili- ever .hon n tn Un* city,consisting of IIUNCARlAV Cid'.ERC, EUAN/ -InsKPHs, AM) ROI al DB-BSSSCB eiOoDs BSBBOUM Bl Dd UM AND ALI. Till OTHER BOYSLTIEStS SABOT C.I.ASSW AlIL. li. PAVLOV. de 7_ IOU Main KIT OLD LON'l>(>\ l>(" K. JAMAH \ lil M. -I. i BOIS BOM. scotch whiskey. Alli I- SND rS ve 'll-l!llANDY-all of very i,-t i liny -f-r mk i-y Octl-Hie.TiiAThll't QsrtK C-RANIS * CO. i vBMlaTMAB GOODS. Wc hive a te rv nice n*»ortment "f 1 IS! I e.ooDS- MANH DBI Mi- CELL! I.oil) ('Ssl'*, l.ll.T NoVH.TIES, GENTLEMEN'S -HAVING-CS I - Wt SN I CBBBS SO* *C At H,r -nu n I- drawing fe. a cl..., n. oller Hu- i trove- irtlclcs it whop sal. io tin trade at grcally- r. .tu.. 1 prices, dr ll 1-ine-FI.L. 1. Mm a e ti. t I I. lleiLIMAY QOODS, HlsOl ES. BRONZE*. Pl 1*11 HOM.*, S-I1L-, and Pl I -I! SI HI SI- AT I.. I.ESVlSS. dr 11 PH: Ma'ti st rx ,-t U*u* I FltKNc II BBANDT.-Direct lin- tl..*'.. l.llVIs Mi \xi ssl y _,,,! |ii|i,i|s I Bl ID - URANDY,lu wo .lind glati. tor tail¬ by ns! AR CHAN/ .«. e>. Vintage, 1S77 tn 1*31. il. fl-M.Tni Dil nc l <UR1STMA8 odoDB. -' i. NM) ornament*:, PR's! Ms IS CHINA AND BtsASS HSSJUS eh.itu-. SILYF.R-I'LATID WARE. TIH)M\s .t\i K-i'N. deCl-esodMal MS ru*c Braal .n.-t. .pHRISTMAS riKS8.-CBOWN.BILL \ -l-l INT. ).. t nd.h.I: PURE K'.NXSVHS . SSNl 1 COAL; kNIHRAClTK COAL, -n.i-d fer turnace. Lu- bo. n,-I hate huming -. x saw m. Kindling uni lom. sso.. SS I - \ lu. vi t - I XM COAL; HI s| xj, al »-tl pru.--. rs. P. LSTHI.-ii . ,t Co., '!. 1" Sevtmieen'l. atre-l. t" |)r..wl.ri |i«, E COLLECTION JF SEASON- IBM BOO0S BOOBS. MM D.il cheep for ..ld md laaaai HI-:-IV s--e .nils, ni iy i.x, itv ll si-. IO-K-. sse.ish.ii.ixu-. POCKET¬ BOOKS. Dlils-iNi.-e \-is PORTFOLIOS.und minx n\i S ll: i ie Ll s worth) ol'pic.-ui.- Anti lt fdic 11>. RANDOLPH A BBQL.1BH. nat BO dArn_1 Soli Main .licet. **rpilKI.K ls A TIME FOR ALL 1 THINGS." and now is -Tie lime to ». .to sxi-r JOHNSTON t CO.--* and hui- your CllRl-TMA» AM, NrSS-\l \l:-- I'lil-rx,- hsvr * in-xv im) roinplclc *»«.rtii.-iil ol I.e. dis. si STIoN'ERV. m-lall .ort ot PANI y cod-. An..-ip liieiti are flue lUattrated cut ki fdr old aaa yrui.ic. c lolilren'. Rooka of every i- --ipr.- it. I'lu-l' mel Ro-.lt i.o.il.. Gloves, cl llaii-ktrlii. Mlntr.. Tot let-Srla. Lillie.- Hags. Hronxe Lillianf-MC)t, Clgar-Casr-i, AlC.iui-. In- grsvlngs. lints.rlrd I'tticl Pictured, Ac. Ord-n wy mall prxiiiptlv attrn.led to. etc 14 WB18KXT8. Wo ban ss tniul ml offer tor tale Hit- large.! aariortineat in th. SUI* or FINE. XS Hl-M Ss, RYE .lol liol R. n -tnlght and blended. ine»tly, tnadc ie.oui o'dtit and kept by tu In hmle-d wan-lmi,---, fiom ll,r.e to tan year*edd, aad al moderate prices, d, <J-sa.T_*Ti.l"l OBOAB i'll VNZ A Co. Holiday GOOD»..Daa'lmmfa, xour Chrl.tma. prcta-Bl nulli t..u*c-EL laitr stork nf Fancy Ant-1.-. Chnii-., ^B| I--ks. Hinting lin) -lauding ! .Killel., Fji- I I x e.--s.Hk-s, Tallie*-. I'-sieslais ii x H.er inlclc l>. coin.cciloii -tli). otu-..I ., st nil U-.l ttl. ctt-l nock of Parl .r uni li lo >.< -ullin Che- c|er. y,,ii ,,, .ax. moory by cxiuHuing our suw-k ansi rofl*- patin* ptlcts- I c ITIIICIGIIT A .soN. _s-7-lFel* li and IB ea.iv.-rt.or ttn-el. K XTUA KINK I.ul' OK VIRGINIA HAMs AM/ VF.HRts-e IIKEE I .M.I 1 -, for Christ n»a_. de* mccarthy ? hayhes. ClOll.ftK ioiin latouche, merchant^ ll TAILOR. No. I Treen itn-et Sw la fl '".S-IAVILY IN si.CK EVERY- 13 TtllNl. sUITAKI.i Fol! GETTING t C.LL. VINE. STY Lilli. 4ND DI R SHI E __ , CARMFNTS. Tlw low prlc*. will muur\»r aav on. u*ard to tm yo**. lr f 1 .s! MU*. .. E. WAL! HAL. -iWl I V-l liROADsIK! 1 |. Richmond, atys: -e heel vet, u.r ht.111, until in) |.i,, |. , ordereaJ Blown*. Ir<* Bulara, lix. r.itt,., .f n,,._,«i nM tittiaiy. 1 txarutslly'tsarnuurad it - me 1..D1 !..-Ji)._?l..s.g7 :jo.!aI Pi:« FESSaJlTcOOK. ^»_-. oPTIC-UN.ee,-NI W YoRlv.^^C^ h-t lotvecl ¦#>!.. lo «iT»d Uh. tliuirti- iu. LVt".''i, *1* » I'AK,'K h,,HK or »INF 'Pie Kb AB ABE IN THE sTATF. AtotM _ rlli-rai will w«t|r» B.w wet! lie |>l«-__t*r| U*m I,,- wtfllrr WeMAKV SPECK H. aad will-Ml i^u uui W AI.KINiC-bl'Ki-B-. l*b »n/u..d In ont «'*J,'"^ H.^'-'I-IAN PfcrSBLEs. *.-."**?! VAN IC RATtFRIEH tptK:k«l «J sdlo; I^m tAlnsrH Mind *. rd y-_ n.tuld like y fw »Uv|-, S.1S.II. .BiSrTg^.a^BSk Il OLI DAT tjtOOML tSS*.'^S^S\e***<'.' -^^^^\^N/\p-*V\j*-n_Pv 13?- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ja TMAT ABE APPROPRIATE TOR YOUR PASTOR. ffOR YOUR FATI!FR. FOB YOPB BROTHER. FOB YOUB HUSBAND, FOR EV FRY liol )Y. UENTLEMKVB SMOKING-JACKET*. WRAPPERS, STt'DY-OOWNf*, l.of'NOINI'-COATS. OW Beyond nnestlnn we show the FINEST ami LARGEST STOCK cf thi* kind In the city, wt A. SAKt A io. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS, 1018 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. fte 16-411 fJT CHRISTMAS. WHAT CAN HE HAD FoR PRESENTS, It I* *n ncktiowlcdred fact U>*t tlie |jrre«i and best .ssortmeut ,.f (iOol)S FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS bare always been fonni at LEVY A DAVIS'S. Well, Ibis season Uietr slock sarpaasr* thal of .ny previous one An Inspection of lt will yimve lb Bo, without any farther remarks, wc will stale* thal you csu Snd. liol.l.sof everv description, at lowen orlees; (ART". MACONS, hLEIOllr", RoCKIN..- IIOHF-Es. HINTERS. VELD TPKDE*. BI¬ CK IFS, TALLY-HO MAHONS WHEEL¬ BARROWS, and sTICK-HOKSEs; Tivoli. N'FORO-TAROETS, ROtiCE-TAR- lilTls. MC-TBTER 00000 TAR(.F"Ts, PAR¬ LOR. TA 00 ETH, and mxny other a-ui-slne raine*; over twenty kinds of HANKS, amonr which will Ii* lound the Lion, Cnssrtinoor. Mule, llumpty- Dumpty, Jolly Ncirro, chlnnnan, Elcplinul OM HOIS' PHINTIN('.PRE«-y. MAOIC LAN TERNFs, sITIPRISE-WoXEFt, 8 U I* I" I. E- JACKS. HILL TELEPHONE; TIN KITCHENS, STOVES. TIN KITCHEN SKI'S; (TUN X TEA-snd DIN NEK-SETS J BRITTANIA TEA-SETs; XV \-ll--KTs; CIPandSAD'ERS. MCGS,CCI*8, SAt'CEKS; PLATES in SETS; HOWL, PITCHER, md Pt. ATE lo ni it-h \vsi-, MIRROR*. HIsol'F. ORNAMENTS EI.El-ANT .IAIID1MF.RFS complete willi sTANDaii.IPLANT8atl7ap-i.lr. worth tl"; Fle-rant nts of Co.Ull and HRf SHES,In LEATH¬ ER and PH sll ASE*: NA H..SF Ts In cases, fr un 75c. np to SI I l.lo-siit JEWF.L-t'AsEs. WORK-BOXES, WoRK-HAsliMTs, and INFANT*,' IA0- KFTS: 1"0X\ DFH-snd PCFF-H'iXl *-. oDolI-CA-.Es IIANDKEUI OH Iff EXTRACTS, TOlLET- WATERs: LIM sii-l-s xml POMADES ; I\ri H-WFH.IITS. INKSTANDS, l'APKTt- ) TTTI.Iis; PIH'TOORAITI-ALIU'.MS, Al'TOliR APII-U.- i;im* >( i: xr-.xi r.rxts. < ahd-alihm*. SCHAl'-HOOK PICTIill lt MECHANICAL TOVs. such asStennboats. Toeis- iin tites, t re-1inri ti" ¦*. Dincinir Dolls, Crecp- Rbj in ir-, ( ratptaa BaMaa, Walkin*: Mules, Dollin Siiri rise-Hoxe..*-.x*k to sis- t inio ; Musiinl Top-. Harmonica, X1u-n-ii .v-, Hitrn*. Cornets.Tifiintsonc*,(i irluct.*. Xiii.leal Allsutus, OnranetU. Pl'iuo-. Hxntos kiel Vlu- lliodroii Traill.*. Carls, Sid-Irons, Anim si-. Ac. Ac: Over filiv Uno1- ff TIN ToYS-H d-AIr T-V-. Clilliu- anl (Tilii.c-lb.tt) Cirri, Ibtr-e- CtrL*. F'.Tiin-Yiiiils, iii,tl FM,Ililli.rn Wa. .ii-; TELEPHONE-. OVLVANIC BATTBBIBB, JACK s'l KYM'S X('ROKA!'-, SOLITAIRE, TULUM.till li:*; i Hill,MoRE Ol N-. KIM.!.DOZER (i!'V\ sli.MNn (.INS. I'oPl.l'Ns, SWORDS. PIS¬ TOLS. PAPER CAPS, and DRI'Ms; RAI 'Ki.AMMON-IIOAItDs, ( ll I (' I. | It- aud CRISiVOOARDSaasI MEE i iiuistxi.vso aRntVtm le. aa tettl XX IHTiNO-DESKsfmin ft(c. upiotsS; MFMoliANTH 'M-BOOEt, DIARIES. pHCKs-T- Hoolts. persis, CA0D-OA0E0, and H.xo.-: TBAMBPABEMT SLATES', STER BOO" HM - AND VIEW*: tiVII. FUMY KINDS OF 0AMKO, ni suv new m.e* Just loir."lue-.I, wi,tell will luriil.li aiiiii-tTiient rm- whole fan.liles ; roHlFt'l.los; Au cIc-rBii! assortment f-f STATIONERY In p'aln aud fancy i-ne*; I'XI'll K-VAI l.l I II XYs.) XRH-KFiT.IVF II*. LFTIFi: HoLDIi.*, CtOAR-CAIE-l AN!) MATCH-sAFES. SMOKER--STANDS. A8U- BECETTEBt. (.iNTI.r.MEN s p-i("KET- ( MI'.XNIi.ss. |.M,||>- am, 0BRTLE* XII N - HIM .|N.,.( v-l -: Aii elei/ani Hssuoiiii ut of Ho Ott nt astonishingly low ju lt es WooK-sllEI.XItt BABT-CARBIAOBt, PEN- WIPERS, in hex's, mekiloi'iionf:, XX I.ol'lloN!.. li A ZOO, SUI'.*.!.-!! t\ > (IIHI-TMAS TTirllloLliLlts. THIE-I'OXV- P. K. iiHRlSTatAS Titi I ORBaMRnTI la ire.. Cr vnrlit V tban ' vcr. So the Ililli) ANO STAR ORNAMENTS; MOOBI ii Hxi I.-, nt tiiiER dolls, asst urn- HEH ToXs; M.XRHIMs of sll kinds: -SOY XX ATCHEs, TOY clocks. iioxf.s Off H.XlNTs; Fl LNiTIMM .ti b t HADI.Cs, IHJKEVI'-. SlDli.o.xRH-. CHARO) l.'M'Ni.Es. |u:.i. ST FADS, int) TABLES) MAi.xi'Ttc TOTO. CAT \Mi BALL, i.iixoe- Hool's, BaTTI I.Dooli, -III ri I.FT >('K. Will!'- \\i, CARRS, HI ll DINO HLD Ks. AIM'HAHF IULoCKs. ACKOWX I' HI. st K-. WINDMILLS. 00 ,00.) Read nuru.lv. ri*, mon! Lr OK Y 0*3000, FANCY (.De, CABff-TO, ( l.oXKs, j,-,, whici wiii Baaau in to-morrow v mttmr. LEVY 0 DAVIS, de 0-2w 1017 and HUH M ila -Hs t. Ij i: v i ii j; x TKii'ii, IT HAS WEEN C.MVKKSALI.Y ACKN'OVVL- I Ix.I D THAT OCR BTW I Off I. A DI EV AND (Hil uri B-B0LOAXI fe TOR cheapest in lill I.IX. NF VIM, ill! IMS.-. WE RATH M Xii! -TILT FI'KTIIr-K R I 1) I'l'T ION S, THIS (.IV.Nu 0*01 PATRONS THF. HKN'F.- FIT Off l.(l\V PRK IS AT A TIME WHEN ll .OAKS ARE NEEDED INSTEAD OP WAIT- 1NO TILL CHRISTMAS HAS PASSED. AI I -Wool, id s-| VN (TBCL'LARS, with sleeve,,, at.16 00 AI L-Wool. NEWMARKET'S ut.»7 7ft W Al.KlN(i-IA( KF.TS nt .SI 46 1'LTsII ( OAT-, oti'.va lew left at.»S 00 ls 1 v.ANsat.Half prlce. HOLIDAY 00000, EXTRAORDINARY I! EDI'CT IO NS IN PRK Ms ol' (Holt f: 00001 FOR HOLIDAY POJBr-ERTOi ARO HEREhY WE WILL DIVE A ..SKn.F.sTKiN' LIST" OF SLTTABLE ARTICLES Fol; HOLIDAY PBEfSENTSi sill, Handkerchief*, Dolls, kid l.l .v.-. evtclrv. R in i-r<> i de ret Wlip- Work-llo-tes. Holders, l.-ilrl-st-is. ()..r-i (.heiillle-FritnreCtilliu- Fus- top oloves, riles. I .«,(.( h.-sts. ' HlitukeU. Atu»vr.i|.l. All,um-. Plush-1 raine Mirrors, Mu-ic Hulls, Papu-rbs. A bums. Lace Curtains, Ht-rap-Hook*, Plush -saichels, (iBirrs. Fur Muff*, Embnildcred Pin-Cash-i Ci,lu|,ii.-. lons, Li'i- Fi- hiH-s. Pill I, l.-ixes, silk iti'ir.-tli-, s-sswls, vv .!-,,,--!., -V--, C»nl ( a-ex, Table-Cuver*. luL.Undo WE .XIX) INVITE ATTENTION TO THE H.XRl.AINs WE ARE OFFERINO IN DHF>S OOO!).*, silks, YFT.YTIs AND VKI.VK- DIX*, Fi XNNEl.s, DOMESTICS. 8I1EET- ini.-, BtsBBBT, in to: it xx ear. and all soRTs Off NOTIONS. LEVI ll EXT EH, de 7-tu.Tu*Th S07 Bboau tTBBBT. ^^ aMMfflnV. OHORO. iOO. 1 ' ALLTlli; ATTENTION OF J. tin public to Biy Hm- of HAND MADE. FI.EXIIILK-SO-.E. LOW-HEEL, ano BBOAD-WortOM snots, made np expressly mr old sni-l.-mrn and ladles, and all elbers who have boen crlpplMl by Hl-tiilus illus, sud shoe* sewird ob Uw old-stt te machine. J alan, to my spleadld line bf TRI N'Ks, VAl.L-i s. H'lLROAD BAHS, I 1.1 H SA(KS, tHOPPlRO-BAOft, IHOt'LDER- AND BAGO AQE-STMAffB. J. A. GB KW. teeaer Mala and n»hth «troeu I Pac* Block.) (*r*I4-8n»J irVVN/-.' HOLIttAT OBODB- pEORQE GIBSON, -Ia., 1S07 MAIS STREET. (BA * Will ppp oo iTrrrnrrKKBRR^v y fr 111 I-f n V - P oo T t fer r R t - AND OOO L A JW- »"»8 O O I. AA 5 2 ° ... O L AA TH,. "BBg ... G OO L AAA «2 o ghmi lija aa "sa" "aa" rv w w a brr i'k.b ytWWW AA R RK WW WW AA RRR Kit WW WW AAA R R K W W A A R B KRB FROM ALL (KillXTIIliS. M'FCTAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ! have Chis yrar a larger, heller lelected, and lt,, ie r li,pirie Hl*-.r!llll lil nf Ml.AIII (.nc il'S Dian ever Ik lore. By rcasont of bte arrival of many of my tr-od- I hive deU rmlned to offer tillable linet of goods ». a BARGAIN In the osrduiary course ol lr*e]c. BARGAINS IN FRENCH CHINA DECORATED cups and SAUCERS: BARGAINS IN FRENCH C HINA DINNRR- ANDTEA-WAHFi BARGAINS IV BOHEMIAN VASES AND GLASSWARE; BARGAINS IN ENGLISH TOILET- AND DIN¬ NER-WARE (sufford-htrx*); BARI, MNs IN ANTIQUE RRASH-UMBREL- LA-STANDS, TABLES. HOURI'-, Ar.; BARGAINS IN ROYAL DRESDEN ASD EN'.- I.lsll ART CLASS; RARCiAlNS IN JAPANESE BRONZE AND KAJA VS ARK; BARciAINs IN BISQUE FIGURES AND ORNA¬ MENTAL BISQUE. I know that .ny one can offer lo sell bargain*. hut to offer them In the lirrsl. n.-we-L mid cheap¬ est designs of FIRST-CLASS cool..- ls not an everx-day recurrence. I do not make sta tc tn cut* xvhp li in- not warnnted hy Cacti. A PERSONAL INSi'M TH).N lt all that I ask-the r-'.-i I leave to your ludfl- ii'.-m._de lS-HeQ.1 i. HERMAN ROTBBBT. W. A. HELLMA*, Managing Panaer. fOLIHAY DISPLAY. ir ROTHERT A CO, 605 east Broad street. We deilre :o call your attention to our large anel wc-M-si-M iled slot-It of HeilSEKEEPING AND HOLIDAY GOODS. Ai Ile- h'.|)'l.-tis arc now fart approaching wc lu vin iou |e pay our sp rc i vl-ll ami Iri.-pecl ow linc ol PA RI OR Ml TS in hair-cloth, plush, and raw silk, l.oi M.I S Iii ramie, mound, Ilriit.-el.. plinh. and nw silk: BABBLK-BB- PLI'sII-TOP PARLOR TABL-I In wainui, elmnv. and cherry; I'Alil.Ol<-i ll AILS Hi silk, plush, rattan anl'-c-l. t.i rime "I REED nun HiTTaN e HAIR- in mt f-e until- id lu Hie i liv: luC HAMBFR HT.-MIt-Ri we'i.ffrr a full line of WALNI I.f ll! RUY. tad \MI -i is siia"l<. vt-.-fl-ii unle ir.- 1 iiii-l eleirani ni .lesli-tl mut flni-h; sll.t fl, Al-..i llAMIOR sits, billi lin sind i-Mnii CRIBS. IBU NIH E-Hllis MATTRESSES. TIL- LOSS-, anil ROI -Tl Rs. la esr CARPET lu PAR rMEKTwehavea emu- Pine ti-oifi-ic tu- 1NGB Uv. I! HI'-sn,-, it ..I Illili I -PIS l M.-I'l-T-: BRI S-KLS. VII!.- Ml. nt'ilsSiYRVA RUGS; DR ie if. I- rs md ,i KT xoj ,a,RES- In-nitiliildistgi ss al- >,OIL- fl.eiTli. MATTING, tte. T ».-.. g....). bari l.rn run liasee! reeeiitlr. and yt.ii will re-cr-tr il., le i-e lu ii! th litic M linc .n il. In.Vir Si'e-V)' Dll'-IMMENT alli he- f emil I i |.-i Inn-< f HEATING-,COOKING-STOVES an« RA vi; Ht stile-the articj.-i ei,nin,-rntod ahove wc harte ti.i. linc "I HS.ivy ami ASH CAR V! IS l-l REI N-. SM VTuSX I I. lt -ITvS.WAl.l. po CK HTS. CC,KNER STANDS. XS 11 a .it'*. WALKU1 SIDEBOARDS, BOOK CASE.s. ,tr. VS a have mai ked down all aBTfOOdatoBM loxv-* pilrcs. ss el,nye au Immense-stock, and are dc ai Ullin d to -ill. ROTHERT A CO., SOS bast Broad sthxxt. rtAl.TIMORE HOI'hE: 217 to 121 Hiilllinnn Str.i-I. 'le' .) ( HOICE PBE8ENT8. VMS-. LOYH.Y -CARI'.-, XMAS XMAS choke IIANDKIKRCHIEE-*. DBAS XMAS. ELEGANT MI ELLI.I:-. XMAS XMAS NEW"JEWELRY. VMS* xmas.1 fashionable clovis, xsis- XMAs-j I'l.-I.l Y SS IMlsoltS, SMAI XMAS. BSST C VRDICAN-, XMS- XMAS. SVOK1NC-.IAC KKT-. SMAI xmas. DKEssiNi.-Robes, SMAI XMAS, SILK HANDKKRCTIlKFS, XSiS- xmas. ores- sun:rs. xma* XMAS. lIKsT U.VDERSS LAH. XMAI WIS-. - XMAI XS1\- A. SAES A CO, XMAI mia-, kris liiNCLU BBAOQCAB- SMAI XMAS TERS, \x|\. \SiS-. 1013 Main slr, t. XS1A: XMAS.! op|r..|lc Ito i«.st-olllce. XMA! Ide ld 4t) A I IK.N'I KN IS CAI.LKl) TO Till _Y HEAITIEI L ARTICLE* suitable for hri*i mast -cs, I,-, ai ibe 1 Xeii sveiE lott xs OM o' SS OH h. SOS i '-I franklin Brae*, teeni 1- xiirlt-'l. mut Itt-I. CQBBBBIBttltt tl* iieln i. i-cived cxei) elay. de lC-Tu,Tli,St.-ii.v. I n -i rtHRISTMAS TABLE DELI! ll il i. CHRISTIAN A WHITE olTcr tithe public ibis y, ar Hu Bigest, Mast VI rle I. ainl Hm -I .-tock of FANCY C. ROC UKI E * ever exhibited in Rlchinoiiil. THERE YOU WILL FIND EVERY THIN . ft tempt ni srrafna os the MosT EAsTIDiols. HOME-MADE MIXCK-MBAT SMttB and ui Kiuall.d; HoMl.-M \DF. PRESERVE* In treal variety; INDIAN RIVUf (Ha.| ORANGES; MAI AGA GRaPI S; MACC.RON'I. FIGSCdellCloat): H.I Xl II PIM VI s; ( Arl COD e RANBrRRIEs; fm xnrl-ll.sol EA NI V e A li. ES ind CRICK KR- NEW HONEY.VERMONT BAPLB-sYHUP, il 1 Lils (every .lev-crlpilniii.e'OliDlALS; ol D JAMAICA HUM: OLD PEACH- and APPLE BRANDY; ( niihlNo- an TABLE-SHERRIES; -i OT! II.AMIR1' AN, and ENGLISH ALES: DoMISTIC Pie Ix!,!*; FIN SST Li'VD'iv t ayer. BULTABA. Vi LENCI A, and D! Il KSA RAISINS; NExs Ni i's !eeery vsrtrivl: MUSHROOMS. SHRIMP*. LOBSTERS. SALMON. FRESH MACKEREL. CoDE.-ll: EINtST OLD V IKGINlA HA us: Ml MM-s. HENRIOI [tole urea! ). GOS LE eil-1st I R. IIEI Hs IC K. VIVE 1'LIOCOr, .. oilier ironuiscii' brandt FINEST IMI'oiUE CHAMPAGNES; CHOICE oil.lD MANGOES md CUCUMBC1 (nude lo hm, r hy Virgin)* ladles), ind a too sand otic* ll. alt loo i.unit-mi. to mention. Seres mt familia, le-tlfi io ih.- merell of Um 1 DCA VI lo xii M yt >K M INCH- ME ST. Price. UNi'sUvLl.l LOSS, and -.ills/ac-tli gua nun,. il. el. 14-1 ft_CHRIST! \X A WHITE (^OOD MORNING ! J WALK in: EXAMINE AND SUPPLY YOURSELF! NHS RAISIN-. HCESH NUT-. MALACA CilCAPKS, HC.S. I ITICON. ILORIDA ORANGES A ND.MESSINA LE.' mts, NELSON'S, COX'S.CHALMERS, and COD 1 Hs GELATINES: LIGHT AMBER-COI.0RFD WINE for I-ll and TABLE BINES or all kinds ; JAMAICA aud NEW ENGLAND BUMS, APPLE md CCM.NAC ICRANDlES.andOI. BYE WHISKEYS; ll lt IC Id's HAMh, TONGUES, and CHI PING BKkP; CANNED GooDsof every variety; PRESERVES. COLGATE A 00.1 FLAVOl INC EXTRACTS, PRIME CUTTING. EDAM, and PINEa PLE e IH 1 -Ks ; CR ANBERRIIN CHAS BERRY-SAUCE,ai T! MBI.ER JELLIIs; C HolCE NEW-CROP NEB'ORLEANS M LASHES. MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT, aad CHOU BUTTER. .-end lu yournnlertor lelephouo us, aad am the r.li ol C/Brittni** wt. k. CH A RLES L. TODD, de 14-lOt Math aad Clay itreets CONTRACTORS FOR HISTOR I MAP. PROFILE. DETAILS OF NtlaF AND Tl MNEL.PKoPOSAl «, BIDDKRts AH AHsTHACrgOF Bins OF THE NKWCvOTC AOl iDlejT' »n* for * trt-l variety of olli loNTRACIIXG INI-KLLIGEMC'R. me lt C.INrFBING HEW.*) AND AMERICAN C'l TRACT JOURNAL Prior 10 tmw*. Adele IS TRIBUNE BUILDING, -elS-H S*w York dir THIS CITY'S NEWS. CAPITOL COLLECTIONS. leerraacl A»t-eprlau« far Pahllt Seh**!*- The lave*tia*tiaa C**amlliee~ Retort of Aaperl-Kierural Hoard,. Tbe follow ina ls a itatement of tlie amount of revenue i«s.-.«rd for the year 18R4 due to public fiee achoo!*, .* requeat- t tl hy the act of March 6, 1882, rimplied hy the Auditor of i'm,Ile Account* lor tbe Suite rintenelent. ol Public Instruction : Amount applicable to public school* from eapiicitlcin, land, and per.o_Hl-propcrty tax, f577,fi46.<VI; estimated amount from rail¬ road*, f; 6/230.21; from .le-amboatt, S3SW.70; telegraph companm, I?I.Vi.'SC.toUl, SS14,- 2-1.20. This ls lia.ooo more moey than was appropriated fSrteg (he previous year. The Suprrlnleni'ent of Public Icu-truc- tKn will at once apportion Mic money as rt-tiiilrt-d bf law. Henry falliolL of Northiimierl»nd, was nettled at the penitentiary yesterday for lour j cara upon a charge far felony. Messrs. John B. Moon (chairman) and M. W. llszlewood, of the steclal committee appointed to InvestL-ate the affairs of tnc Auditor's oilier, were In sealion a short tlmr jesterdsy. Tbev pi-e-pareci a Hat of Hie aaeettiai wt the clerks of court, in thc Mate to answer, the previous blanks not anmering the purpoxe* tnte-ud'd. These *i'n-- tie ps rill ililrc in y iL-e- of foolscap pa- IKsr, and will he printed and sent to all the clerk" in the Commonwealth. The committee then adjourned until Thursday, bavinx »cnt n cntmimnication to Ihe Auditor a*ki0K lo have prepared and submitted n ubulnlc-d ttatSSMat -bowing ss hat clerk* bave paid, and the min uer in ss Inch tliey have paid, from September 1, 1877, to -rpteraber 1. Desi. It will be tbe lat nf Fenruary t>e?oro all tl.ese- report, can he answered. Tip' e-ommltlee have had punierou- recommen¬ dations as to cx[>erts to examine the bouka anel account* in the Auditor's otticc, inn as yet no one has lieen engaged. Thi« ex¬ pert will have at l.a«t six months of work to accomplish before bc can make u full re¬ port. Tbe Governor yesterday re-pitcd John HsiTtsSB, of Wyllie, until February lfl, aEk, Harrison ssas septenced to lee huns on ihe 2d of January for murder in thc first decree. Mr. Boxton, an attorney from Stainton, visited the Hovernor yesterday in order tr secure a pardon for Timi Kills* contlneil in the Stn.iiiii.sii jail, and -aid to Le in ad vin. condition. Thc delny in sending tin- commission. t. thc members of the Kleetoral Hoard, in thc various cine, and countie-. of the -ide h ,. Brea on account of the blank, not bein, printed earlier. In case- wtiere the ad dresses of members of Kleetoral Ho ml* :in linknr.wn the commissions lune been *.ti la county clerks to be delivered i>y tlx-tn t. tke proper pmbsss, TSaMwfce Ban sa reit ind their comnus.inns -l,. aid at eas itH|Uire if they have been st-nt tu thc- care I lue- county clerks. MOODY'S FRO Ros h. li VISIT. SltriiiiL of lb- City Custon l.;i-t li uni: l< Arrnnace Tor Ills Herrptloii. Civil- tanty af the pastors nf BiiaBKBK hik; MsBebeater, repmsatiag sdi PratMtaa clenoniiniiliniis, nut at tin- mun* of Hu TiMBS Men's Christian A-*"ciition li* es cuing to niki preliminary irnsBeaieBti fur Mr. M. ni x's visit. I >r. Mi nu c( rm!'- bm called le the clnir and the uki tim; ssas opcni'd tilth prase Bf Di. llc.ee.. Mr. ii. M.Clarkeitmelectee -etT'tars. siiul wa-:.'ejuc-t il liv tin chair tuan lo make-niue statement in regard I the arran;:! uni. ts thut Had toefl BMOe xi ill Mr. Moody. Mr. Clarke gare ¦ brief a renal 'f Ike tftfereal petttljne tint bat I ((ns, td. and calli (i attcnlinn t" thc f M that Mi. Monds'- vl-'it SM in reapOBMle thc Insilattnii nf the patton and I'hrisliu people of the city, and not al thc- iii-Lin Ol the TOBBf Me-ii's Chri-tian Ai|oet_tto*l Ibasgb the As.sihTalion Bill cooperate ii . vt IJ ssas ju ssililc. fin motion of Dr. Beg*, I BOMMBtM e peetor?, rrpifaeatias Meh MTtOMiaattes Sills ap| tinted t" met I anti BoBpelratS Wit Mr. Moody nu hi- arrival, Tbe eoMtattt* ivus MMpeeed »s fotlewsi Or. Minni/. lade (eiiahmini). Iles-. Dose, Rateksi Rledsoe, Bebirder, IMvr, iad yreaahaa A 'i i.niitn. e. roai-tttag nf 'nc smbiIm from f-aeh t linn h. BMlppotaled tn SUI sill tue-e.arv IRSBVeBMBkL Tliefdlnv lux arP l'lf' tientlt-iiien appolatod : UMBU IBS "F ISBASOSXBSTS. Baptist.. Fulton. H. A. Oar) I Kir-t Jtsiah Hyland j Bc find. William Klly-'i-i Grace-Street, K. M. I "-it: Lelgsstreei Willum. II. Winiam:*: Plao-Street, J. I Cottrell; BTeal Main-street. William .V Rall] YfUable-stnet. Nen sell Ryland < Iiiv-Slnet. T. P. Campbell: llalnbridjf. Btierl (Miui'liisti-r), Pr, P. s. Mitthexv* ( ln| tni.-stre-ct (Munil.i*ler). II. A. Hat cock. I kristian.-" Se-senth-Nr. et. I. L. Hilt Mitr-liall-Stret I. Goorie A. Ainslie. Ij.istt.pitl..Christ. W.C Iiei tis jHrsici A. H ii.-auiiii; MnHuiiientat, Thoma. I'o't- St. .lime.. PT, M. U'-ndwitrd: st. Jofcs'l K. A. Sativde i'-; BL. run'-, Adotpb 111.iii Mi t'lt-.Mc-morisil. J. K Cl. tm: Si. Muk' 1. In W. Itesn-ielte: St. Andre.x'*. D. | Walker: Meade -Mi murial. - V ui.'lrii trie mis .i Mr-Street, H. A. Risks. I.vthinin..St. John's Cierman. - r.elhlelu-ni Ciirui.-n.-; Fir-t Kn-.-IM .Inhn A. I inliiiif. UethodisL-Bwadesgti-al, T. P. Minot < ei,ti mix. Hicliaiil Irii.: Clay-Street. C I. Hunt;' Lillie l-strt-et. \\. A. Ba OSBTB. Park-Place, J.TboMpeoa Brovrai Ualot Station, Charil s II. llasker; Trinity. M. 1 (.arv; ,\ i<ln Ismi-Stnvt. John C. <iil>*'iii ( I.tl S'l (Mil ''In -teTj, S. C. Wi'I-Il'C! Kilih.-trct (Manch'ster). J. Il DaSB| West-End (Maaebestrr), T. Pa Petti«re« T,i¦¦iiijilian..Pint, lt. r. Brooke, Sr S'cond.'T. U illisun I'.uili. it"ii: Third. I W.Taylor; Kmntsi. li. II. nilli un e^r..- slicet, lt. c. Gray; sTsbmkrMrr H. Fit. Ki raid. The follosvimr resolution, <d'i. n d bf I!" 1. William Jones, was unanimously ad>|i cd: Resolved, That ssc have barned ss ii l-i td pleasure that Mr. I». L M.Ij l»r I ins tn H.- in Uichnioiul from the 4til Hie 14tb of Jami.irs iu ri nOBM to an ins tutlon of over two thousand of our e-itize-n und we- tend«T him a cordial WeleOBM M pledge our hearty eaOperattea in his yvor NO GAS H)R THE CAPITOL. I.lil.i 1 ii in .1 OR the Mair Him imus ai Capitol s,|.:,r.. About 4 o'elnc-k yesterday afternoon t! eily authorities turned the- iras off the Cn ii t.i Square, thc Capitol, ead the tiovcrnm l.nu-t. Tin- ti ti days' nntlce bad SSph. and no arrangement* made for BMStli tin- Mils long past due. and hence the Cl urdinance wot enforced. At the recent sc-sion of the C.cncnl A vcmbly tbe eltsV bill for |M consumed i the Ciipitol Square and iii tkl state ball iti^'- was |insuited in Hu Senate. Tb bod| utterly refuted to pay anything f' Hu-iras lhat had of late lie-cti used on II Si|iiare. Tliey amended ll|t- Hil. bowete to provide for the payment of that u«ed thc Capitol and In the Governor'* H'ti- Thc Senate Hu n BSBSSi the bill bl tba! km BBd sent it to the House, where there xv no Iii.al .flinn taken on it. I he ki- would li ive lieen turned off t days ago, bul tbe Governor waa absent, ai it waa r. -nlve-ei to wait until be return and lind lime Vu look int.. tin- insti.-r. I came back several days ago, but bc anel I eily aLthoritie*s were, it seem., unable make auld ble ar rai no tip nts for a cont In i Don ol tbe gas supply until thc LegLslatu meets acaln. (hains and locks have been bought, t the titler of the Cupit'd Sf|Uare will locked upon thc Richmond public al iw,i V Iralnlu lll.lorlcal B-cecloly A mee liiu: "f the Executive Coinmitt nf ihe Ylririnia Historical Society WM b- .saturday nlirbt at i's room* In thc We moreland (lub-House. Present: Mis- He tin (chslrman), Ott, ValenUne. Cala Palmir, and Brock (corresponding sec Uri). A numttcrol jrlfts of books were reiw ed; also, 'the interc-ting and i.'i.|s»rt- tnt mortal of the late war Indicated in t lollowing letter : Vice,IMA AND CaIOI INA ] i: m.ko in Cini-iM. I Office of chief Emunkkk. Ric UBBVa Va . November 6. 1884. J R. A. Brock. Esq., .Secretary Virginia H toriettl Society: Dear Slr.-My fricud, Jlr. C. P. E. Bui wyn, Bill hand you the accompanytmr M bi'ok, which la a voice from Jihnsoi Island, aad (peak* wlthathotwand tongi of carpa*!. Thedooor ia Mrs. Kat* Tnylor, a lady of Alexandria, Va., who. a prl (Mi** Kate W. BiBooti waiconsun1 se ndinr boxes te sn tbe nortuern prison*, mina; therefor her M |**n-woney,'* and tlso working with nar oeedto to tel t-nnre funds to sid ber ts her endetvors to alle- rlsle ibe suffering of those of ber cuuntrv- iiin abo luiiuubbed la Bortbern prison*. In response to a bex sent to Johnson'* Island a IrUer wm .merited from Ootonel R. Il Jones Mylae that if the would Mnd a lsl.ink-i.ook to bim he would fill it a* a .Met-entr of the I»t-t *d and ot the war; and It i* late isook which I now bea to present In her name, lt conto ins n roster of the pri*oners on tbe Uland, gi vin*- rink, r*'*;l- bi. tit, and place and date of capture, alto rt mortuary list. * * s s * s I am, very truly, vour*, W". S. ('BEENS. The hook alto eonttins a watercolor skell!, of tlc prison building"*on Johnson'* I* and, and various poe tis by Oeneral M. Jill. 1 liump.on, . '.lionel R. IL Jones, Asa Hartz, snd other southern officers then In confinement there. Die -tiri tsrv Was diree-te-1 to make Mr*. Taylor t --ritfiiil scknowiedi-ement for ber Valuable -.nd bithry lore-resting t*Rt. The full,,wini.' gentlemen were elected mr mirers of the society: Rey. Charles White, r>. Bk, Worsliam's. Prince Edward comity. Va.; Mm.ml W. Morton, Esr*., Charlotte county, Va. Ai'Journed. R. L. I. BLUES. t-reseniailea la t'aataia Piitrlal - Aaoetat- nirnl sT Non-l smmliilon'd Offlrrrs. Tin " Richmond Light Infantry Rlues " met '*t night 4 their smiory for dre*s drill and in*pection. Ow-lntr to the Hi¬ nt ** of Cai tain cut..hiin. First-LittiUn- ant William M. Evans commanded, Be- lore drill orders were read, making the follow Inif appointment* of non¬ commissioned officers; Fir*t 9eri*eant, George T. Weal; Second sen-cunt Clar¬ ence Wyatt; Third Sergeant. J. Etl- w-Bri! Rankin*; Fourth Sergeant. John Woyt: Filth tMatltat, Edtrar Watta] En- sign. Oeofflt W. Epp*; r'ir*t Corinral, Hsnlel Ilorirnn; Second Corporal, R. c. Culvvell; Third Corporal, T. R. Archie Rurke; Fourth Corporal. Henry Vaughn. After ins|K'( Mon an exblbiton drill was given, which xxns witnessed by a tarc-e numb, r of tbc Hines' Association, who expressed themselves m mudi pleased with the proficiency dispbyed by thc min. 1 he company was "thfn brought to a '. pa- rode rest.'' xvhen Mr. Beary** IL Harri- *t ii, un i v-i.t tit- m.nt of the comixiny, sti peed forward snd aikcd Captain PttBlBl to come to the flout; which thc Captain did. tatt, much to his surprise. Mr. ll 'ti -i ti, in a neat and appropriate s|..tii, presented Captiln I'i/./ini with a tieiiHtifiil military charm, designed and niatiiif). Hired bx Now lan A" Co., Jeweller*, of solid uold, in thc form nf a shield. Iieui- t Ifti I ly ' ni.HK lls-'l in color*, surmounted lo¬ an ||g|g with outspread wing*, supported lo cr, --sword*, lot hilts of which are *ei with diamonds. Thc front ol thc shield it precut* Bm CoafoOtrata battle-dug. the field ol which i* in red, the cross in blue (nanni, willi thn'een gold slurs. In thc it lire af the trott is ii batntlfOl monogram film letters - ||. L. I. ll," ri.iily pavel xxith (lltuiiiitiil*, surrounded by a wroii't'il tad t baaed areal! of laurel totvm iii greta -.¦old. Thc rexi rta side I"art thc following in*criptit)ii: "A Token of Esteem to (a is¬ iahi Andrew lirzini, from lue Richmond I.inht Infantry Hines, November, issi.'' Captain I'izztni. in accepting the charm, ¦Betti feeling -p..-eli, in which lie -finke of. the 111:111 v nets nf kindness the company li.nl lloma him. tbc tender regard he In I for the ii,(-mtier*, of tbe interc«t he felt. In thc prosperity of thc command, ami thc rc- gni Ra xpiiicnce ' iu bavins' to sever lu* active conni dinn with lt. Tba ('.ipt-nn'* n nuuk* were di livered vv iib .motion, after which iI-i- ..tiger"' wu- given and thc c nu- pony (li*ini**cil. An etoasBl collation wm spread bj tbt nexv fommtosliintd .ittt--,-i--, wbich was greatly enjoyed by .ill present. Itipl st Nmitliiy-Ni hool Issn. lull.in. Thc regular monthly med iii",'of t!i Ital,t!st Sunday-School Associdionof Rich- iiimid and Mam besli r was Lu lt 1 toadl] afternoon st thc (Jmcr-sir;-.! Baptlo cliureb. President William Ellyson pro sldid; liebelt A. (iary, Htnmtj. Th< exercises were commenced with slngim by tbc O.ei-Stree' school. Rev. I'm > C. Kim,m. paatorof thc Fulton church,otl'cret prayer. . lieports from thc variou* ttrhool were read, which show an average attend niice for thc month as follows: Arrenge A'tentinnct. t'J^rrrn utul Srli'lrt. CoUtcTiM Ttmlttrl (ir-rc-rTrict School.. 49 SIS tal! '.I I,lt»lt-S|rer' School.... 7H 4-M ll I'- l ...i-i hi.irhs. lo., ...'i4 IS! 410 Pine- stied Babool.37 tOi 25 7, s, .-,-.' -I hnrrl. sc|,,.,l..:is -2'-.7 HI Cay-St,ot sebm.'..-.'8 IU". Hill I ul ..fl l!Urcl.Sf!,ir!..88 18" I xx i-i Bain-St. Sch, ob.SS KU ll I Halnbrbit-M.*.!.. .., '¦" ill lol \ ur.Oli si sd.I.".'I ln7 ll 1 (Topii.ii st. s. h.s.l.IO 87 Hi I I.i ir', . I. Ml -ion .1-J (17 M 1 H. e. h. ni r-ol. Mt-lon.in :t3 i 1 Hi wauls (irovcMb-s'ii ll 31 tl 4ll5 i.«J14 4214 7 lin re were 100 new --bolaPS, ld lo|iti>nis.sa is on- ti ooli ,| ,1ml ia tin- luoiiih. Prefeaeer charles II. tVluatoa tddresM M.- Association. Iii* tinun', winch li called ..Sol.dib til'* Soap-Hiibblc*." Wt based on thc subject ol Sr.iidiy morning' lis-on, and in Innis that xv en Bribing tn il'itiivi. iii unit-tr-ittd Hu- fullv "f atti inn after thine-.* in windi there xvi- un rm htpptnem; thal Sulomoii tried thi*. atula l-l bed la *av. "Vanity of vanities, all i vanity." I)r. C. C. BtttiBg, ol I'liilailelpliii. fol ittwid in sniiie Hm*! looehlag it-mark* o thc npis-a'.s made tn Hie mi h ty with vvhi.-l be wis connected for thc Rlblc, and urget UjKsn Snni'av-scliool vvuikers to give holping-hanil iii tin- direction; tint In tuart was in this work, ands.) longa* tin BM tat casi bit bands would work for lt inti rest. After thc eolle-tion and Ix ncdidion b Pr. Klee, tot A-sui ,ti ,i, adjourned. Tb ni st meeting will bc held ut Ycnulili stud chiiid, Un . corni sunday aftenuo: in January. Wc thad I St Sump.y -S.lon.I No. I. ly i l.c ittrutor no'titniv hut tintr uf tlii* Bc etftj aw* i" bi B Ptrk-PlsMM ebureb Int day aftcniuun al BB) ..'dock.c. H. Ila- k. r ',n siding, and Charles 1'. Rady seen tory, l lie nutting was opened with sinirln bv the school anti pr.i-.er by Rev. W. I \\ li.lit. .Mt..1. Tboa-rpaoa Btwwa, tassrtateadet f I'nrk-l'laee Sundiy school, ni nie a vcr Interrtttag raoatt al the school, whit- tboWOd that they arc dofafggood xv -irk. .m (bal ilu re is t deep rcli-fioiLs f-.'eliit^ "ii th *dioo|. Bl v. W. E. Edward*. Rev. JaOMBl I Hes (1. Rev. Paul U'liitdtead. and Rev. B P, YVrtj-ht mad'" inlcrtsting and protitubl ad(tramas, The ni),i riii'etidents' report* forthppai nu lilli, as fal as sent In, show that ali tl . elm..:* are doing well. Tbc next Hieeliiii" xviii ls- held at Mai ttbrtttl Mdlioilist church the second Sui dav in January. (ia* V.llllaiiis.at Hiv Theatre. I- Last niifhi (Jus Williams appeared at tl it Theatre before a very ffttd MOBt ni li new pity. "Captain Mishlcr." Thc corned is of tbc lighter sort, but wm very enjo; able, and was well received by thc betti (¦us Williams is well knoxvn here, ana b: in nowise changed from the same laurhU' provokim. snd excellent comedian that I bas alway * Wen. Tbc support is very goc also, »oiiic of the characters bclnir exe* h bntlv well-rendered.particularly Mi .1 Gabriella McKeanas ".Mis* l'illsi.iiry.: ubi Maid." (icortre Halley as " Mysterioi Hilly," and Matt. Holme* as " (Tomwt llallydav, it Colored Man." To-nisht, "Ol of tlie Finest." Me I'm son lon ml. Pr. W. IL Taylor. SLite Chemist, ha* r Ml 'cititly finished an analyslt of tbe stoma* "' and inti stine* of Mrs. .susan Reid, of Lo ¦I- .I un. wini died last Mty under circui stances pointing, a* was supposed, strvcbnlnc |>oi*onlng. Her husband xv recently arrested, cbarred with murderit ld her by poison, snd for the purpose ol tl it- elimination the body wm disinterred. T most careful examination riosslble dUcloat II, no trace ol poison of anv tart. < treal! « oort I tarns. rt- In tbc City Circuit ('ourt yesterJay t nt Jury In the ca*e of (Jordon ot, Tbe City, n he bax'iiiL- been able to agree, wm di*.'barge The day wm consumed In further he. lng Ibe evidence In tbe libel tuit ol Lyu BO, CbsfJiu._ Unalta** Court. > Tburua* Clarke (t-olored), char-.'ed wi stealing one henel of sugar from Jame* if- Fallon, wa*convicted and sentenced toll sj. mt.nibs in Jail. i's Tbe case of Emeline Shelton, chan* m with infanticide, will be tried W. dncul. J. Tbe (lase of Dr. Jaine* Jtiwepb August as Edwaids, charged wltU bigamy, to set 1/ trial Thursday. UAN CHESTER MATTERS. H.tilae* Ctart- B*a*i*iai»ai- Belial.* -l*ert~UBhi!M th. CM*. Tbe December term of tbe Hosting* Court opened yetterday. Tbl* I* not a -rand-Jury term. 'I here are no criminal and bul few civil cases lo be iH-rpoaed nt. Tbe Judire give notice yesterday th it he would adjourn tbe court tomorrow. Tbe Board of Commissioners acle-ctcd undtr " act to provide for the assessment of rent estate in thi* f-tatc In Ibe veer HW, ind eveiy filth year Ibcrealter, approved No¬ te mtier 27. 1884,*' will med In thc office of the lodge of the Hustings Court on Wednesday, at IS o'clock M.. for the p ir- peise of npO'intine proper person to assess tbe ca*h value ot all linds and lot.. Wether with the improvements thereon, within Hie corporate limits of the city of Ms'ne hester.'' There ore now pendine- before the Coua¬ cil Commllte on Light several proposition* from corporations for lighting tho streets of H.i* city. This ls one rtppect In which Manchester ls very much ltehind other cllles of ll* *ize; and lt is a sublet whl -h should bc earne.Hy onnilderrifl by ihe Council, and. If potsible, sollie arcinjre- men! should lu- made for llghtln? the elly. During the meeting at toe Baptist church there have been about eight conversions. 1 he meetings will continue all tbl* week. Sunday night the ordinance-of baptism was administered after preaching. The attendance »t the morning service* al the city churcbe* Mundar wa* very lane, but tbe heavy rain at night prevented many from lumms, out. The recent heavy rains hare had Ihe effect of swelling thc river right much, lt ls now higher and muddier than lt bas been for maav months. Matters in police circles this month have been unusually dull. There arc one or more casca of misdemeanor to lie dis¬ posed of In thc Mayor's Court this morn¬ ing. _ I'nlton llapll.t « h ti rrh. Preaching at the Fulton Baptist church will bc he ld to-night and throughout this wfek. fe.llc* Court. Thc following cases were disposed of yesterday: Anthony Fox (colored), charged with being a lunaii.. h lise red to his mother. John Jackson (colored), charged svitb begging In Hie street. Discharged svith an admonition. NeNon Tinsley (colored), charged with felony. Discharged. Maty Whitfield (colored), charged svith conti'nipt of court. Kined fi. a William Fisher (colored), charged svith being a suspicious character. Discharged. Benjamin F. Norwood, charged svith being an escaped prisoner from the Knited .Stales Marine SStpS Bl thc RortsiuouUi navv-yard. Continued tu Thursday tP'xt. Geom Woodman and Fred. Ram-taff, charged ss iib lu in.- deserters. Discharged. James VBBCkel send C. T. Wilks, charged svith as-sutilllng each ottier on the street. Continued to to-tl iv. Amaiiila Jame, (c .lured), 'charged svith iniii'.' disorder,) latbeatreet Ftaed *i.ay Georgi Creery (colored), charged svith heing a suspicion., character. Continued to 'I destiny in x*. William Barwell alias I'lumk OkaHtlcj (cole.ntl), eberaed svith petit larceny. Cori' tiniiecl la to-day. Cbirlea Bass,d__gs_ with bslagdrsal DtsebaWged. Ht dei Walton (colored), ebsfgei witt being drunk. Kined i}2.a0. P. A. MeDoBOOgk, drunk. Kined S2. .Inst ph Kills (colored), drunk and disor derly. Kin. tl |&0S, Bea. Jone* (colored), drunk. Kined *J Ib-llc Allin (colored), disorderly on Un slr-e-f. Kim tl £._>..-,ii. V, illiani Slit ppard. tlrunk on sund-iv Pitted ft. John Lady, drunk and disorderly. Flan l> ________ e.riui.l Illlllll llli.tlnlls. ! SS 'sliirti tba Hiunbiii-g-l.r.men In*iiranc C iiinp.iny etntributed the follosving sums Williamson & Routh, Petersburg, fi, .'.-'..'I: Kurd. Moorman _r Co., I.y.ietibur^ J f 144.3.1; W. L. Kriiughner, Ashlin.f, *j 5 OOO; W. E. Tanner . Co., Ric>itnt.in! j e.VIIO.Ol: II. L.A J. II. Stout. Rii'litnoi). s.'Bisrt; c . MeMeaMiB, BlebMBi d, BS; Y * E. Corbett, Al.Miiidiit, |1S| c w. M. Cii.ltlu, Augusta i-ouniv. -M71.2.">; Lanile Ilrother, Richmond, <?12.18; W. M. Pal ri-h. l.'iciitpoiHl. fl..VI: J. c. f'N'eal. Alex '. ISdriS, flSB; 0, M. i Taxi-ford. >t;ntnt ni , 18.1m S. D. Hill-matt ft Co., Lvnclibiiis J B616.S1; -. W. Weaver I co.. Norfolk I S-BS.SS; Martha Sprinkle, Murtoa, 110 "! Mappa* Co., Noifolt, |6, H. Haiist.i 5 | stockton. IBM; lt. Sf. Hundley, Stockton I f'-Miui: c. IL «v K. D. Barkadale, Rici ,' mend. *l.!)7u 7:>: J. H. liasnev. Sut.ierlin'' :..*!); J. ll. KinJt lunn k Co., August » I couniv. BMQO: john Marlow, Alex mdri ; -T-i.,: Mais K. Millner. M.sui.ville, fl, 7 8SB.SS; W. S7. Hill, BalUoLltblaSpringi ..:,; J. P. Kuna-. Mount .lacks..|, ,..' : \nins Hull''!*. Staunton, BjOJTj Joh Laaaoa, Alsxsndns, fSTS; U. SJ, Harlow i admlnistritnr, Ah .vatl-lri.-i. B70S; J. ll Valentine A Brother, Danville, BIM. Thc titi-inc*s of thu company is M ItSW over Hie whole cix ilizcd svorhl, and aol ht ing dependent upon any one or taro Stitt In this country for its preiiiiitin-ine-oinc, is lint likels ll) bS -SXept nllt of . \istelp-e- b I conflagration IB OBS large town e.r .id Agents Basted al all uaoeenplcd points Virginia. AddRM Ji'HN w. Gobbob. c.ellet-.1 Agent llsiitibtirg-r.reiiu-ii Kir-- lt nirsses Company, 5 north Tenth stree Richmond. Va. I.e.-lU I I ..ok I Look ! AT ANTONI'S PRICKS. Thc follosving goods, from tni- das nut (hi l-lniiii base lieen reduced at loUlWtl arlee -: fl pe it ind- French c'undies.fl c H |iounds l'lain <.inili< - "AU tiiik'-).. 1 i ti pounds N.-w Crop Nut-. lt o pnunil* New Crop Kig*. t 4 p. lind- Nexv I late*. Al Antoni'*, Hu- confi-ctiont i'., lit Main street. _ Sneelal Tor llollelny Hut er*.. Owing tu lbs great rush for our Holi'K Goodie, wc will bc open cscryevenin.' DBI li P, M. Jims HBTBBI BOB, fml anil BBB MM llroad street. largest and finest dealer* In llulitl (ioods. H.tsar-1.nels for X mus. Wc have Just completed ii e-ontr nf for supply (more than we produce) Kerie ar Xiphetos Rosebuds. Leave your ord at H. A. Catlin's, No. « north Nin street (two door, eioore Main), liefore 21 to In-iirc C britt mus delivery. Full stock Calls Lilies, Smilax, Ac. Spec lal Suit-. For ilia balance of thc season, to redu slock, wc will offer special Inducements c:i-h buyers of Clothing. Shirts, and I' dt-rwear. Now is thc ehancc to get jjot clothing at low prices. E. B. Spence i Son, SOI Main street, To Sn baa-ri ix.-m Kictiin.in.l Telapbai EaehaaB*. I'leaie add to your Hst W. J. Gates, 12 Cary street. Law System, No. 34".. al. W. Crews, Manager, -mm. We call attention to the auction sale Mr. P. H. Mayo'* elegant residence. Grace street, at 4 o'clock. See advertl ment. SJbbbssssb. Overcoats at low prices at 001 Ms street. E. B. Spence A Son To-day, at 4 o'clock, Mr. P. II. May elegant residence, on Grace street, will .old at suellen by J. Th-mpson Bro A Co. To OrSer. f lothttig made to order In thc best *t and at moderate price*. E. B. Spixcb A Hoy. Merchant Tailors It la aurprising bow low the price-, dry gooda bave gotten. Gooda lower tl ever before known. Still, A. F Cor bis taken off a 15 per cent, discount on Black Hilka, and will continue to do so ui the .'6th of IVcember. Give him a calli lu- astonished at his price*. morea. Fur-top Kid Gloves for tbe holiday SUI Miin str.-t-t. E. ll. Mpbmce A .-..» A fact lo reflect oo ia tbat A. P. Con SIS east Broad street, ha* a (tending o ot a 1ft pet cent, reduction from regi pike* an all bia Black Silk*. Tbe number ot Black Silks-he bas sot thc best tradu In Kicbmond 1* astound! Watt until Tbured.iv afternoon, Deo-*mti*-t HUI), at 4 o'clock, wben tn fmnts-nss. se* slgnee stock of WlaWctotblag, H*t*,sui Furniablng Hoods wlD srrlve irom Mew York, aod be opened la the Urge b-iltdtne 1101 Main street, t**Hweeu Tweltin and Thirteenth streets, Richmond. The gooda are from a taree wtottaMto Ira that tailed, and everything wttl be sold 40 percenL tots Hum cost, a* Ibo entire stock mu*' be closed out nt Ive day*. We save only space to mention a trw of the bargain* l bey will offer. Bea's tl ne Beever over- costs f*i.9o. guaranteed worth flo or money refunded; a splendid tull of Men's (rothes HM.Bimraateed worth BIS or money returned; Men's Fa*hlonibU> Ham o"6 cents, north f I.50; gotvi-e-iixllfv I'm- l.tcllss 33 cent*, worth ll.M. Shirt*. I'n- derwear, and over 5,000 different kinds of guuds we haven't space to mention here, at cipisllv a* cheap prices ss the above, at 1-0*2 Main street, betwera Twelfth aad filr- teer th street*, Rlchmoi'd. Remember, this tiett wle commence* Thursday, De-cemher 18th, at 4 o'clock, and Lists only live days. Store open till I ut night. HteOieetsesI nh I rta. All-wool scarlet Mcdic-ted Shirts, fl each. E. H. SraxcB A Soe. J. Thompson Rrown St Co., aui*tloni*er*. will sell at 4 o'clock -.-dav Mr. F. H. Mayo's elegant roldence on (ins*cstreeL ¦¦Cleve. Ri tut ifni aston ment ot Silk and Wont- rd MiiiDt-rs for the holiday*. E. H. Spence A Sos, SOI Main street. contle**. Coatumert of .. Dill'* Best" tobacco will please notice carefully thc yellow tag on same, and see thst lt bM tbe wording, in black letter*. " Hill's Rest." Other MOO co* are being placed on the market with a tng similar In coloring to the .. Dill's Rest" Lig, snd may tnlslcvl BjOOOOMBt of thi* celebrated brand ot tobacco. To be genu¬ ine, the little yellow L-ur tnu-t have on lt ..Hill's Rest." In buying,do not wk for tba little yellow tag, as lormerlv, but '. Dill's Rest," and see tint you get wind you ask lor." Bilk t'Mhrellne. Silk and Alpaca I'mnrellas for the holi¬ days. E. H. IBebor A Sos. 901 M dn it rei t. K\tiir-ion tickets to the Confederate Veteran's Fair In Norfolk (whicii win close Wednesday night, Ileceiiiber 17th), will bc sold by steamer Arid for ll for the round trip, good to leave here Wed ne*dav next at 7 A. M. and return next div. Iluner* for Ibe Holiday s. A basket filled with cut-flower* or nm nf lat many handsome wlnter-lilo'iminu plants would bot most aeeeptabl. diri-t- mas present to give lo n frb-nd. Mr. sf, J llarxty. Ra, | casi Rroad street, can til -rear t-*rdert. Bto cuiicction of Ittrtn b one of tbe larg..«t herc, and embrace* ¦OBJ raic plant*. Rich and attractive display af I olid tv _'"!..I- t! all priei«. Also, handsome IO' Cards with pei fume, and ti lot af lime cnn leal f-oat -Uguie* nt 10c.Hy Jingo, Mi Toe, Who's Afraid. Ac L. XVacnkr, Druggist. Old newspapers at twenty-five cents pei hundred at tin- IMmOOkm eniiutcr. ii"! mw Pbbsbnts. New ami ffhuant Goats Bowes* ants it Nowt.ti A I'u.'h. No. BB0,eaem r of Malaaat Tenth streets. Fine Illili,ci,d Far-Drops, Fli'i- Diam, nd I. tce-l'bi-. Fi.ie liiainoud Kitiirt-r-lilurs. Flin- |i|aino.,i Braces o Hn.-l.old Watches, mill ucl wii' out Diamond,; Flnc(.old Chains, lian/lc Hrac-l-i-. dis ra oia--c-, states Bomb, tc-, te., sintahle for Christmas and New-Vexr Pressiio. WtlfttK'S ( OIl-I.IVLB OIL ASO Ll**..'P frlind* of iK-r-ons who bsve Ims-i, psi,.red Ow e..i, firm. 'I Consumption hy Un-1is* ol' this oritftni liretsarntlosi, .ind fda* s an fal parties thein-J-lve linn-, bv m-fimmcufllii-- lt niel iicUiiowb-dsrliiif 1 wonderful nHciicv. riven iht srlliiejvast BSpi Lu itv III New F uti uni. lin: I od-Llvir Oil is I Ihl* cnibiiiatl li rolilted of Hs uiiplt isant l-.-f and ri intend ¦!¦ u!.!j ctTecllve In IhIiik coupe tilth UM lime, which ls Itself a roslorifivc prise: tdt, su|i|il)Tnv nsliire willi Ju*t the MBBBBat rt iiulred lu heal ii,ul lesto re the dl-eaw-d ..nus-, ll. Wii.l.uK. Heston, proprietor, sold by all lr.% S/l-fs. _ Dut.i.s: D't.t.s: Doy ii wish a Wax-Doll? Pirlisp* Vou int le, a IIimjik IXVLL. 1 r ii.-*.:. ca. . sr Dull. Maybe yoare* like a Usn Doll. Thc ptttttoal ind dit-aise t 001X1 Li town caa be found at Ji'Livs Meyer a sun's. SlXlh and Hro.nl stael-. Tbbbit Dwbibb teaHataam wuii t oaai (cid, tr S-rc Tliroal. -Ili-i.vw* Hu,is, III in,, in-' div.- luiiiii-dlaie relief. Sfild imly Isoxea. Price. g5 cents. plain Dibbs ahatnt m io.-.; oilier* le, at two for flcat I.. Lewis's, Oil Main «lr.*t. di-rkie's stt in Daaamaa -sj-mooaa-ltt s.vf i tor all ktntliof salad', fl-ll. ve.'.-l.il.l. -, a cold mes!-. I bea lier and Isettrr th in hoiuc-ii.a No sBiifje .nial to lt wa.- ever ottered. TiltiTinier of all my FRiNorn (Tiiii-mi Camus at I:..-. I.. Lewis, '.oj Malu street Fhintihi (AHie.ih.- choice of all al ISi .mallerslr.es ic, 5. and two for Sc. st I.. Lewis 912 Main -tn. I. SiluKK TRIXY (Tuttis. Aili ms at lsc at L. Lewis's; ala) Cir and 40c._ sin,-, i. 'I Kl XV ('WAK*. pi iaa ALBftts at 7,vc. tntHLOt: Asaaaa lower Britta Ihnn ever off' red at I.. Lewis's, t) Malu street. _ smoke trixy natta Boob axd Jon Pri OBUM neatly executed at Dlspstcl) .i.,i.-l'r!ui ur House. A DVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you dlsturbi-d at ntirVt and broken of yr n- t t,y a sick I bibi -ulb run- and crylm/ with p ot cullin* ttetli? If so. tend at once and ret a li Ile of MUS. WINSLOW 'rt SOOTHING SYK for children tie th li/. Its value ls Incalculable. will relieve tbe pisor little sufferer lminr.1ln, Depend upou lt. mothers, lhere ls no mistake an IU lt cure* dysentery and diarrhea. rcsulales -ti mach Bid ls,weis, aud cures wlud-culu-. soft thc -rums, reduces Inflammation, aud sires t ami cnertry (o the whole system. MUS. WT LoXXs sooTIIIM; SYIKT* for rbltdrra tn Inst I. pleasant lo ihe taste, sud I* He prescript of one of the oldest and best female physlrl and nurses In thc Culled Slabs, and ls for sale all drucstih, Ihrourhout the world. Price, 'ii ct a hattie. m. 4-. ,di Al 4HOM ss«|.EN TH1M DAV. slTTtiN A CO.tw«.lory brie-: hoon-. No.. sn ol, r Is-l.t. cm,, -ii.-i, al4 P. M. W.H. LVNKA CO., hui sp,.,-,.-j-', isle of l.-rb-k-iiid-rruine -tseillnsi sud loton casi Mi chunicsvlile turnpike, near Venatile sti H4P.M. I. P. WINSTON, shevvir elly or Klrhaiond. sli ca.es. Bx lures, teal I7t>3 east Main stree 11 A.M. II. H. ( ls V) F l\ A CO.. IVi.di-il bricks and F on Kiss* .lr- el. unr Xl,j., street, ll i J:.lc 1' J.THOMPSON BROWN * CO.. elrf«ut n ,.. '. i-t No. 701 east Grace street, at 4 P P. H. Cook. 10 o'clock, boast-bold funill dour, tc. R. H. FOX A CO.. ll) o'clock A. M., fresli nat, turnips, apples, Bc. 4. T. I'OW Mitt, I bes* pe ike and Ohio rallwxt p. l.-.i .i.sire. at 1 P. M. s H F.I MtVTH MEAD. ISETHREAD. tAZlNS-THREAD. W* s's unw reedvi ns A I. VIH.F: -!T'Pl.V oKsFISF-IlDtKAl nf orr own importation. We can now furnc lu need with Ihe HfcisT Ul'ALITV Or oo mail, sf thc. VkKY l.oWFST PRICKS. Wat a full stock of NETTING In .los-k of our own I BIact arr. M.TT1NO Off KVKBV DKBCBIPTlON ¦ade to order al shu rt rotter. L. LICHTENSTEIN*-. SONS Sole Imporlers of (he Lion Brand Setae Th and impi ri.-r* mt other braids, cot-set tt* .eeulh i.ad Pranlitn streets. da MR. R. C. TAYLOR, too EAST M, STREET. Klehtsoud, says: - Brows** miter* aa* been used la tay fa rally for mt* ut wMknonwim artat isecaei. ll I* tte Iran prapnauon .*»»..*. Ot lt.lt,l810J3*LI»Jj7JJO, sriii f«a.oso *r »»«i*b ss»o*» is* -Besee BeMltatlsa aaS Acree** SaalMMiais A New Tork spsalal «s»t ***» **s» Mshoa. a leona etea ta tko eSMBSf MJbS Ll¦nlber.JlaBlllt)elllrer^, Bank, bi tbi* say, as a Bsesseorer tor a»snot nine verne, wm SS one Erldav iPernevon hat adranier sarre*! rd with fis. OOO of Ibe tank's MBMy Intake le Ada cbs*, ea pr*** ofllee for H_a«e^MMB to a bank wini which the I^sUher-M-BflC w> tut en* Benk did Mi«iB»»i In I etUtAat tow a in this Slate. Mc Mutton rcttirsaS Dem ike e-xores- i SW sad itntaatedtba usual reeelpt pu porting to Bare bes* slimed liv an employs nf tbe eorapasy. *<aturilay 'McMahon did not re lo Berk. Monda.' morning a tel.gian, wm received from thc rom irv bank asking that Ibe meiari be forwarded. Tbe mc**ea*er htd not i-reftnled himself, ftupieioo* wera aioii'cd and detectives were employe I to hun! np Ihe rais-ini man. He wa* tr*-ed to Canada- but the bank ostlelsK aero pow* erle** to proiecvt* hl'H. L:«t rue»d*.v Mts* Mahon waa »rre«te d In Ne w York, aad OB Tt.uradiy Mr. Hamilton, ibe itAgf proprie¬ tor, went ea hi* bond lo tht* me -nat ot 13.000. and tbe prisoner wm released. McMahon stated thal be wm mel hf a friend of bl* residing in H > ttl Brooklyn after leaving lae bank with the fSMMA. Ile wm tempted, and lt wm the trtead who wrote tbe receipi in the hook. Wkoa ibe Institution rioted for -he dar tko pair surfed for tbe borne ol McMahon'* uncle, In onad., rtic aesMnger repeak» ed Inside ot el* hi hour*, bot bl* trtead laughed at bim and aald tbat b< wootd he ¦eat to sing Minn rare ll be weat back and surrendered the Money. Hii oaly hope wm to keep the money and live In Canada, where be could not be touched. Ul* con¬ science trout led him a good deal during bis exile. Ile suggested to bit friend about five week* *go lhat lie go on lo Sear York and negotiate svith Ihe hank lor a con psntnlse. He wis given Bl'2.000 tor ilia! pnrisise. SS,000 being tn new Milt, Ike numbers of which bad been seat to every b...kir.g institution In this country aad Canada I y the bank, ant he Immediately sim b d for Sew York.. McMahon say* tbat be will bunt up tbe friend and get the S8.000 and return lt to the bank. He i* then stilting to boar the punishment due to his offence, MS"- Dons aa Bew-popoe Carrieeo. IHlilford (Coan.) Time-.) A very common thing on ail tbe Con¬ necticut railroad linea ia loracc-onicnoditing train men to throw new spa pen offthe trains at or near the bouse* of subscribers llvlni- on the linc of the road at a ilist.it. e from Ihe stations In many Inslauce* dugs huse treen trained to walch for the cirs and iSA* these paper*, and country clogs, u is noticed, take quite au ac* Un lnie-re«t In tbe adair, liver on the Xaugatut-k road some one BBB had the curiosity to impure ino Hus matter of clog- ii c.-engel's. Mr. Philip McLean, proprietor of the (isle Horse, on Hie TbeOMSMB road. lu. a dog ss ho gue. n mlle and a half every nini'iiliig to meet thea ttnin. The (riper si si- forme riv thrown ob?-* the brBBMBM ti the lull car. and there th:' dog witched lor it. Lately R ha* hen thrown from Ihe baggage-car. Thc ting anpeaicel angry nt the chatige-. barked furiously.und waited sullenly f.-r MMe time- before- going un his ti l sincl. He birt liol set become re- -nucilctl ii) U.e mw a av of delivering his pitier. He-low Delby I elog lias acted for .even! x.is ;i- ip ix.be x fir i t,ii.nb. r of f millie*. Tba pm ec- are tarawa ont al tba car- un- der full ipeeda Whether .ne or a lirire billillie nf lin ni the dor <* able tn lug HMM "ti.lui ingaae_ Hbm Beak, saubis dug, take bas I.i ie,nu- a Seder ni as nexv. boy, and cannot Baw, fruin age' .uni il), nm iftitu, get doun futile ell'., liri, in some n,j munged to ti ai ii a lounger dog to du hts work. Edward Osborne, n siding l..|...v Naagts- lii. W. bus a dog wini n-milirly meela tba early m..ruing Iriin. lin- !i<>u«e ll B n ile away from Hie rsellroal, and the log nevil- have, on his errand until he huns thc traill whistle ut lesses* Kails Mattes, Tin n he .starts on a run and wails at Hie same .|iot alwey*, wllh, bi- no..- p..ki tl between thc palings of a fence anti his keen eye svatetiing tot Hie Using paper. A story is lob! ol on- dog tbat ssas tnt taught to bring a certaiu Baw Hovea paster, sad whan bbl ¦eakW ms;' il to siltoHier, e otllil imf lie lulu -cl lo carry Hie nexv one. This L* unlikely, .lumber story la that lin- late Sen dur Wil¬ liam Itmss h. of Watt rtuii v, bul st pet el'ifc ihut could readily dp-uimui-h thc abbitlM of the New KagSWd engines fruin those ol the Nsiiigattick. though running on a psft iilltl track sit Hie sallie time side by al lin- bundol dug always lound hi* t uni tar, s.iul stood in wafting for the Hart* fnrd Tinns, which he carritsl home t > his I mast, r bu- iiianv >esr*. 1 " ! WAN TKO. TO -KLL TEM » vv abd Tiro ci'K.iifs naa r-e is-* ¦basts*. wanted. hy a young mw VV ttlili t!,ne years'caprrlr-ncc . I'D-ITtoM IN Sxllidlsxl.K .,Hut HCS ult Llgl'.lK- lint >l .». till | r.'frr Irsivclltiur. Catt <.¦.in.ii .ni .!ir.»..l trade tu PcrUnVsM-g Will furnish t.r.l rr- rt retire*. Addie** IHsl\F..s-, N< ..t*, north F»<i.-Hi strict. Illili.i.LV.-t._ itt- iei-riitTr.it. ' TOASTED, KHt I'HE YEAR l*M. A Vt c.cMiD, soHKIL INDI -TIC le Ht W UfK MSN lt) SStdtK t>N TRI Ix-Fl HM N'KAll ATI IF.'s STA ITtiN, ll VNllVKIt CI'INTY, VA. M.i.i . d niau Uttftllt-. Mu.i .-..m.- aacll r. oui- lutliiied. Apply to el C. -HI UL All..-'., Iltii'.xcr county, Va. del<-T-iS-"l»_ TtrANTED,TWU BUTS TO WORK IM VV A I.ABCiF. ICFTAII. -Tel' I- als... FIVF. CA-H BOY* Anply 'M-DAY frt.iu IJ to J ..'.I..- al VIVI Matti slrt-rrt. Bring wrlllrn ras¬ as lo lie.urvl J._Sal tS-lt* CAM AN- THBACITK I ii.\L--Une. mic. ami ott. AB i" i- sou. taklnir lt lu.-la, .r Wc tir-day. Hw-enaher ie,th rn 17 ita. nu tm.- lt st Tlc. C-itl W.. Hun nssul.r |.rlce>. llroad B.I Norton or I'l.'S Cary Brett. .in-iel_c. B. Pack. WANTED. AllUriM LERKOFTWO 1 1 Alis i, Ni'KIHI.Nl K. »l ixl caima- areli rc timm.utlcd. ss'alr me anel ssiliry r»i«-'-t<d. .\-Mr. --. I. X. .. Maia 94. de ii-.-lii.Tli.ts.St*_ WA VI Kl) IWi) GOOD CLOTHING VV -\l>sw).N AN!) rxVO MF.N ON HAT* AND ll TiNlslllVt. l.iKllls. BIM. rilKF.K -SI I -Mr N asl.., have ivirs.ld in, kind or *-i.d-. V| ply To-HAY rn.in lu lei 11 uVlurt ul lid. Main sirresc. Brina wri'leu reference f-.r h.'iie«ly._dt Itt-lt* TTANTLD, AYOl'NU MAN'OEGODD VV ..p. un.ii .nd en. rd hahlti l> 1HSCII A I-t HI.I' sc Hoot, salary. I!) i.r.1U1. \n- pix at- net., \V ti B Villi SSI. .lc 18-4._ Bapmi. Bas WANTED. A NEAT. ACTIVE HEH- VV VIST,... .1.. truer tl lici-st-xr..rll. Mu-t bet w.-H rec. innir.uied. Apply lo e. Keilli.). Tc ul' .elieI t A Dpi. s -.-H'.N A son, No. 7 Truth -in-t-f. dr let-It WANTED. TO SKLL TWO CAR¬ LOADS. FlK.vr-CI.AS)* ANI'HKtlirK STeiVt AN!) NI I toll.. VII eer-.ns Ulina ll fi nm Hu- de|H.t can have lt torS'i c«nla pa* ton I. .. lieu. If lat- li icu. my xanl. Must be -"Id m Monday ur I ut-sday tl c loth .iel Ililli K H. eiVRV. No. IS wiulh F.fghU. strait, at 14-81 _letwt-ti Mitti an<1 l.trt. MANAGER WANTtD-ONE COM* I.1KST TO TAKE e IIAKlIK OF A TO. Ill) CD--I KXIMINi. SND Ll \F-HHYtNli F.sl AHLl-IIMFVr. -iib knowledge ..r *«t -r II. .-tm if required. Aeltlre-s, with t-rce.aiinttB'U- tl.-nv Ti-nf Uti litn.itii! lu,natch, .le 14-2t»_MAN M.trB WANTFl). \EJAS TED. TO e i HtllKsl'oND WITH VV soMF WlloI.F.sAI.F. C.KOCKBOH COM- Ml.I'N Sin;, ji SN I- who wua!'! tuc a Ure xeuiur man a 'Inner lu make a Bi. .it ic stliry oa C'.ll.lill-aii'll. Light tears' rti.rlt m. F. B.O., r»rr Tinier, Carrier Bo. ll. dr IC-Sii.Tii Tli<»*4t*_ A YOUNG MAN OE TWENTY-ONB IHlsHtl.- A 1-o-llIDN IN AM KNOl- NFIIHNCi COB PB, siUry uocihjtKt al pertMeut, bat roiul he h. .nell tn ;>a \ hiv ii c«Marv npt.te*. -ml in n|.|siriuuii> te. r!-e'. Will furnish lay own Instrument* r I. -ired. Addie**, ataliac all Ba- fall-. -Tl: \N-11 li'soH-r._dc 14-81 W A NT E D . PrKClIASEB^FOB tv nu k. wi v..mu. rou i iHti-rxit. i li.ncilo.of mt hoity WimiI) whlcli I »ill_-il at fJ.Su |. r ,i*lf-.-i.rel. .trliterax! in tv. I. re la ta* elly. AU kind, f COAL iud WOOD IC the lotta.: mutes taCiss. Try mc with c*-h. K. Ck OAKY. No 13 -.ott. Ulan'h .irrs-t. de IV.la, t--atc n .rx tc..! Mila. WE HAYE THE Eol.l.OWlSii MUMS OF Monly to i.*i. for twoyttar*.biS|Br ceuL per itinnm : 11.000 and 11.000. c.s. V \s||i)\ a mon, delS-Si N-. 7 Irulh WANTED, Kl TH HAYEKS FOR CUT- IDS sl.H) MKAL, CLOVEB, TIMOTHY, OKCHAKIt-UKAisB tad MILLET sFFl). si KO BY! tad OATS, EXTBA aad BtTKBriNK ri.eiHB. TALUBKBBOSCOk. aol-s-atvl_llIs*ubT***irihwtm. WANTED, BY A YOUSG MAN. i emt?**!?.*??" ** *<* .tm>*. US DBUU C I.I Rh- with two vrara' *\*«rB>_r*. (lui tfeiod refrrvact. Amdsmia mTfilttiSW ..Brr. el* IS "U7ARTKD, ALL TO ENOW TUAT ffi^g^ dM^cn* ^t tea, o*?-«o-StAUSl C. Rt, PASS. mM^mtiism



HRISTMAs. issi.^r n.e.*

Br aral, mite our atnull the fony-Sf.h) *iln-Ullou 1* oat friend* and H-e fmt.llr. aid BM lotitter oar ceinjnta-latit.<s for what incnuv or h.ari-IHB.s and pr.-t-tllv they bar* enjevye-l In ihep.*! arl our good withe, tor their fut* re w*l-fax

We mike our a*n*l rasgalflrent c tbll.tc orc HUIsTMAs coolia,

iad t. lt rv lng that the love af Hie people rur roo.«. tirrc-ly Inert ,,.,-d. we have cnda*.Ve.e-ed

te i< < ,-t -heir want, m tl.!, ra .pct md to thlt end. ft. r id,in a yen I,rte ie. I. ri! nf

srANDAi ii srossAChe pr,ul,ir Sion of Barn Wi.nae Rain.-. Ihe .' wavrldaid c-i M ctr.'- Slr nienit. " In parr. ..liak-.lsira. Bil on.-r-tl. IPirns I >i m. TliackeTiy,Dirk. ti*. Trans, tn. ccsirrc Elliott. Mr.. Hmwn-ti.t Ci. "lh. se l.t. rr. lrct*-oti. Me.Hry. Cnoi>er,Irving. I..-nate-ile w. lrti*, stitpv .1 lelHI.l.ss. PRAYER-BO;)*..,

in,- lil MKALs e- x»rv Sr.Ot th.- sin.llrr ax rs. -nell ss WIHTINi.-

lils!*-, tl e.ICK BOX!.:-, I.*D1I -. itA-UKI-H.

rtTc UKI.-, JFWVI RI ( -i - Cii:!).i Assv.Rt) LNG e \-l -, piM-|tl' '-Bo iKss. i'll-, lo-

Cl \. Il- tl HI Ms, Al T111-IC i I'll- M.Ill M-.Si B*P Itoeehs, ll A C K G A M M fl N CHES*.HAMES, Af., their name 1. aim td v l.sgl m.Ve make bo Meals, mit offer no tdxi,.. For-

t-neiily for is our cB.ionier. are wise and twn.iLie paso- lc mo ,)-',ni»ntiv aS'e to form lh'-lr ownopinions, ami we nutt cinfl.lri.lly lo their goodMMM.Wt lag i.nak in iB.pc-rtloi. ot oariiock.

Itrspe-ri folly,eteH-lot nu uWiTii I'xi'inc



JOHN DUNCAN A 80Ns9,te 1 /lui y Anent*.



CllsMPACN) olT.VTINF. ll .. )s| Vs, e tit¬le \\ IS. CTTIIOS. -rtjARS.varloit, grirte-s;TFAs.t ol ll E, FLOUR-choler, brandt 1 BCCK-WH* IT e .t: IT?.. otTMF.AI, BACON, andLARD. Ac Forialcby JOHN M. HIGGINS.del 1610 Franklin street, nr r Old M.rl.-t.

Il OLIDAY PBESENTS. ,f_4IdamlJust opened, in el.-tan! iswiitnicnt oilSm- nisiiiiin.it, ea-iiiisluiy mourne-: ColdKilter Wit--)-... Rrac-eleit, Necklaces !.nek.-ts,I.aceplii., Ctwliis, Butle.us Rings III evey delila-hie style, se .itplns, t.-tlalI lr,drd Cues, Got I .uniMlvrr Thimi'i.-s. Clocks, sterling silver and bestOl ll cu plaltS Bate alt Above gaodiare strictlyUrti rlt-a.md vxirnnted Bj represented. Price*sewn thin .ny o'her house.Platte give mr a call. J. E. KOHLER.oelS-Sw* _71.1 Broad itr.-rt.

/ -MKI-TM \s KIEL.coal.Wood.

For beti tin! mon MesrfM Christmas Ure* tet yourAN I HRACITK COAL.

clran md .Irv, fr.un mv Coal M.) x x I "h.



B IL HAW. -.

Eighteenth in I Cary street*.Tc!. | honr. *7. _etc lS-gw


I BBB hive In store tte

I IBSSSI kSB ITNE-TsToC Kine.ii.ili-

ever .hon n tn Un* city,consisting of





de 7_ IOU Main

KIT OLD LON'l>(>\ l>(" K. JAMAH \

lil M. -I. i BOIS BOM. scotch whiskey.Alli I- SND rS ve 'll-l!llANDY-all of veryi,-t i liny -f-r mk i-yOctl-Hie.TiiAThll't QsrtK C-RANIS * CO.

i vBMlaTMAB GOODS.Wc hive a te rv nice n*»ortment "f

1 IS! I e.ooDS-MANH DBI Mi-

CELL! I.oil) ('Ssl'*,l.ll.T NoVH.TIES,


Wt SN I CBBBS SO* *CAt H,r -nu n I- drawing fe. a cl..., n. oller Hu-

i trove- irtlclcs it whop sal. io tin trade at grcally-r. .tu.. 1 prices,

dr ll 1-ine-FI.L. 1.Mm a e ti.

t I I. lleiLIMAY QOODS,HlsOl ES. BRONZE*.Pl 1*11 HOM.*,

S-I1L-, andPl I -I! SI HI SI-


I.. I.ESVlSS.dr 11 PH: Ma'ti st rx ,-t


I FltKNc II BBANDT.-Direct lin-|« tl..*'.. l.llVIs Mi \xi ssl y _,,,! |ii|i,i|sI Bl ID - URANDY,lu wo .lind glati. tor tail¬

by ns! AR CHAN/ .«. e>.

Vintage, 1S77 tn 1*31. il. fl-M.Tni Dil nc

l <UR1STMA8 odoDB.

-' i. NM) ornament*:,


HSSJUS eh.itu-.


TIH)M\s .t\i K-i'N.

deCl-esodMal MS ru*c Braal .n.-t.

.pHRISTMAS riKS8.-CBOWN.BILL\ -l-l INT. ).. t nd.h.I: PURE K'.NXSVHS. SSNl 1 COAL; kNIHRAClTK COAL, -n.i-dfer turnace. Lu- bo. n,-I hate huming -. x

saw m. Kindling uni lom. sso..SS I - \ lu. vi t - I XM COAL; HI s| xj,al !¦ »-tl pru.--. rs. P. LSTHI.-ii . ,t Co.,

'!. 1" Sevtmieen'l. atre-l. t" |)r..wl.ri |i«,


BOOBS. MM D.il cheep for ..ld md laaaaiHI-:-IV s--e .nils, ni iy i.x, itv

ll si-. IO-K-. sse.ish.ii.ixu-. POCKET¬BOOKS. Dlils-iNi.-e \-is PORTFOLIOS.undminx n\i S ll: i ie Ll s worth) ol'pic.-ui.-

Anti lt fdic 11>.RANDOLPH A BBQL.1BH.

nat BOdArn_1 Soli Main .licet.

**rpilKI.K ls A TIME FOR ALL1 THINGS." and now is -Tie lime to ». .to

sxi-r JOHNSTON t CO.--* and hui- yourCllRl-TMA» AM, NrSS-\l \l:-- I'lil-rx,-

hsvr * in-xv im) roinplclc *»«.rtii.-iil olI.e. dis. si STIoN'ERV. m-lall .ort ot PANI ycod-. An..-ip liieiti are flue lUattrated cut

ki fdr old aaa yrui.ic. c lolilren'. Rooka of everyi- --ipr.- it. I'lu-l' mel Ro-.lt i.o.il.. Gloves, clllaii-ktrlii. Mlntr.. Totlet-Srla. Lillie.- Hags.Hronxe Lillianf-MC)t, Clgar-Casr-i, AlC.iui-. In-grsvlngs. lints.rlrd I'tticl Pictured, Ac. Ord-nwy mall prxiiiptlv attrn.led to. etc 14

WB18KXT8. Wo ban ss tniulml offer tor tale Hit- large.! aariortineat in th.

SUI* or FINE. XS Hl-M Ss, RYE .lol liol R.n -tnlght and blended. ine»tly, tnadc ie.oui

o'dtit and kept by tu In hmle-d wan-lmi,---, fiom

ll,r.e to tan year*edd, aad al moderate prices,d, <J-sa.T_*Ti.l"l OBOAB i'll VNZ A Co.

Holiday GOOD»..Daa'lmmfa,xour Chrl.tma. prcta-Bl nulli t..u*c-ELlaitr stork nf Fancy Ant-1.-. Chnii-., ^B|

I--ks. Hinting lin) -lauding ! .Killel., Fji- I Ix e.--s.Hk-s, Tallie*-. I'-sieslais

ii x H.er inlclc l>. coin.cciloii -tli). otu-..I., st nil U-.l ttl. ctt-l nock of Parl .r uni

li lo >.< -ullin Che- c|er. y,,ii ,,,.ax. moory by cxiuHuing our suw-k ansi rofl*-patin* ptlcts- I c ITIIICIGIIT A .soN._s-7-lFel* li and IB ea.iv.-rt.or ttn-el.



for Christ n»a_.

de* mccarthy ? hayhes.


ioiin latouche, merchant^ll TAILOR. No. I Treen itn-et Sw la fl'".S-IAVILY IN si.CK EVERY- 13TtllNl. sUITAKI.i Fol! GETTING t C.LL.

VINE. STY Lilli. 4ND DI R SHI E__ ,

CARMFNTS.Tlw low prlc*. will muur\»r aav on. u*ard to tm

yo**. lr f 1 .s!

MU*. .. E. WAL! HAL. -iWl I V-lliROADsIK! 1 |. Richmond, atys: -e heel

vet, u.r ht.111, until in) |.i,, |. , ordereaJBlown*. Ir<* Bulara, lix. r.itt,., .f n,,._,«i nMtittiaiy. 1 txarutslly'tsarnuurad it -

me 1..D1 !..-Ji)._?l..s.g7 :jo.!aI

Pi:« FESSaJlTcOOK. ^»_-.oPTIC-UN.ee,-NI W YoRlv.^^C^

h-t lotvecl ¦#>!.. lo «iT»d Uh. tliuirti- iu.

LVt".''i, *1* » I'AK,'K h,,HK or a» »INF'Pie Kb AB ABE IN THE sTATF. AtotM _

rlli-rai will w«t|r» B.w wet! lie |>l«-__t*r| U*m I,,-wtfllrr WeMAKV SPECK H. aad will-Ml i^uuui W AI.KINiC-bl'Ki-B-. l*b »n/u..d In ont

«'*J,'"^ H.^'-'I-IAN PfcrSBLEs. *.-."**?!VANIC RATtFRIEH tptK:k«l «J sdlo; I^mtAlnsrH Mind *. rd y-_ n.tuld like i» y fw »Uv|-,

S.1S.II. .BiSrTg^.a^BSk

IlOLIDAT tjtOOMLtSS*.'^S^S\e***<'.' -^^^^\^N/\p-*V\j*-n_Pv







OW Beyond nnestlnn we show the FINEST ami

LARGEST STOCK cf thi* kind In the city, wt

A. SAKt A io.






It I* *n ncktiowlcdred fact U>*t tlie |jrre«i and

best .ssortmeut ,.f (iOol)S FOR CHRISTMASPRESENTS bare always been fonni at

LEVY A DAVIS'S.Well, Ibis season Uietr slock sarpaasr* thal of

.ny previous one An Inspection of lt will yimvelb Bo, without any farther remarks, wc will stale*

thal you csu Snd.liol.l.sof everv description, at lowen orlees;(ART". MACONS, hLEIOllr", RoCKIN..-


Tivoli. N'FORO-TAROETS, ROtiCE-TAR-lilTls. MC-TBTER 00000 TAR(.F"Ts, PAR¬LOR.TA 00 ETH, and mxny other a-ui-slneraine*;

over twenty kinds of HANKS, amonr which will

Ii* lound the Lion, Cnssrtinoor. Mule, llumpty-Dumpty, Jolly Ncirro, chlnnnan, ElcplinulOM




EI.El-ANT .IAIID1MF.RFS complete willisTANDaii.IPLANT8atl7ap-i.lr. worth tl";

Fle-rant nts of Co.Ull and HRfSHES,In LEATH¬ER and PH sll ASE*:

NA H..SF Ts In cases, fr un 75c. np to SI Il.lo-siit JEWF.L-t'AsEs. WORK-BOXES,

WoRK-HAsliMTs, and INFANT*,' IA0-KFTS:


LIM sii-l-s xml POMADES ;


PIH'TOORAITI-ALIU'.MS, Al'TOliR APII-U.-i;im* >( i: xr-.xi r.rxts. < ahd-alihm*.SCHAl'-HOOK PICTIill lt

MECHANICAL TOVs. such asStennboats. Toeis-iin tites, t re-1inri ti" ¦*. Dincinir Dolls, Crecp-Rbj in ir-, ( ratptaa BaMaa, Walkin*: Mules,Dollin Siiri rise-Hoxe..*-.x*k to sis- t inio ;

Musiinl Top-. Harmonica, X1u-n-ii .v-,

Hitrn*. Cornets.Tifiintsonc*,(i irluct.*. Xiii.lealAllsutus, OnranetU. Pl'iuo-. Hxntos kiel Vlu-lliodroii Traill.*. Carls, Sid-Irons, Anim si-.

Ac. Ac:Over filiv Uno1- ff TIN ToYS-H d-AIr T-V-.

Clilliu- anl (Tilii.c-lb.tt) Cirri, Ibtr-e-

CtrL*. F'.Tiin-Yiiiils, iii,tl FM,Ililli.rn Wa. .ii-;


i Hill,MoRE Ol N-. KIM.!.DOZER (i!'V\sli.MNn (.INS. I'oPl.l'Ns, SWORDS. PIS¬TOLS. PAPER CAPS, and DRI'Ms;

RAI 'Ki.AMMON-IIOAItDs, ( ll I (' I. | It- audCRISiVOOARDSaasI MEE

i iiuistxi.vso aRntVtm le. aatettlXX IHTiNO-DESKsfmin ft(c. upiotsS;MFMoliANTH 'M-BOOEt, DIARIES. pHCKs-T-

Hoolts. persis, CA0D-OA0E0, andH.xo.-:



m.e* Just loir."lue-.I, wi,tell will luriil.liaiiiii-tTiient rm- whole fan.liles ;

roHlFt'l.los;Au cIc-rBii! assortment f-f STATIONERY In p'aln

aud fancy i-ne*;I'XI'll K-VAI l.l I II XYs.) XRH-KFiT.IVF II*.

LFTIFi: HoLDIi.*, CtOAR-CAIE-l AN!)MATCH-sAFES. SMOKER--STANDS. A8U-BECETTEBt. (.iNTI.r.MEN s p-i("KET-( MI'.XNIi.ss. |.M,||>- am, 0BRTLE*XII N - HIM .|N.,.( v-l -:

Aii elei/ani Hssuoiiii ut of Ho Ott nt astonishinglylow ju lt es

WooK-sllEI.XItt BABT-CARBIAOBt, PEN-WIPERS, in hex's, mekiloi'iionf:,XX I.ol'lloN!.. li A ZOO, SUI'.*.!.-!! t\ >

(IIHI-TMAS TTirllloLliLlts. THIE-I'OXV-P. K. iiHRlSTatAS Titi I ORBaMRnTI laire..Cr vnrlit V tban ' vcr. So the Ililli) ANOSTAR ORNAMENTS;

MOOBI ii Hxi I.-, nt tiiiER dolls, asst urn-HEH ToXs;

M.XRHIMs of sll kinds: -SOY XX ATCHEs, TOYclocks. iioxf.s Off H.XlNTs;

Fl LNiTIMM .ti b t HADI.Cs, IHJKEVI'-.SlDli.o.xRH-. CHARO) l.'M'Ni.Es. |u:.i.ST FADS, int) TABLES)

MAi.xi'Ttc TOTO. CAT \Mi BALL, i.iixoe-Hool's, BaTTI I.Dooli, -III ri I.FT >('K.Will!'- \\i, CARRS, HI ll DINO HLD Ks.AIM'HAHF IULoCKs. ACKOWX I' HI. st K-.WINDMILLS. 00 ,00.)

Read nuru.lv. ri*, mon! Lr OK Y 0*3000, FANCY(.De, CABff-TO, ( l.oXKs, j,-,, whiciwiii Baaau in to-morrow v mttmr.

LEVY 0 DAVIS,de 0-2w 1017 and HUH M ila -Hs t.

Ij i: v i ii j; x TKii'ii,



(Hiluri B-B0LOAXI fe TOR cheapest in

lill I.IX. NF VIM, ill! IMS.-. WE RATHM Xii! -TILT FI'KTIIr-K

R I 1) I'l'T ION S,





AI I -Wool, id s-| VN (TBCL'LARS, withsleeve,,, at.16 00

AI L-Wool. NEWMARKET'Sut.»7 7ftW Al.KlN(i-IA( KF.TS nt .SI 46

1'LTsII ( OAT-, oti'.va lew left at.»S 00

ls 1 v.ANsat.Half prlce.


PRK Ms ol' (Holt f: 00001 FOR HOLIDAY


A ..SKn.F.sTKiN' LIST" OF SLTTABLEARTICLES Fol; HOLIDAY PBEfSENTSisill, Handkerchief*, Dolls,kid l.l .v.-. evtclrv.R in i-r<> i de ret Wlip- Work-llo-tes.

Holders, l.-ilrl-st-is.()..r-i (.heiillle-FritnreCtilliu-

Fus- top oloves, riles.I .«,(.( h.-sts. ' HlitukeU.Atu»vr.i|.l. All,um-. Plush-1 raine Mirrors,Mu-ic Hulls, Papu-rbs.Abums. Lace Curtains,Ht-rap-Hook*, Plush -saichels,(iBirrs. Fur Muff*,Embnildcred Pin-Cash-i Ci,lu|,ii.-.

lons, Li'i- Fi- hiH-s.Pill I, l.-ixes, silk iti'ir.-tli-,

s-sswls, vv .!-,,,--!., -V--,C»nl ( a-ex, Table-Cuver*.luL.Undo

WE .XIX) INVITE ATTENTION TO THEH.XRl.AINs WE ARE OFFERINO IN DHF>SOOO!).*, silks, YFT.YTIs AND VKI.VK-DIX*, Fi XNNEl.s, DOMESTICS. 8I1EET-ini.-, BtsBBBT, in to: it xx ear. and allsoRTs Off NOTIONS. LEVI ll EXT EH,de 7-tu.Tu*Th S07 Bboau tTBBBT.

^^aMMfflnV. OHORO. iOO.

1 ' ALLTlli; ATTENTION OFJ. tin public to Biy Hm- of


made np expressly mr old sni-l.-mrn and ladles,and all elbers who have boen crlpplMl by Hl-tiilusillus, sud shoe* sewird ob Uw old-stt te machine. J

alan, to my spleadld line bfTRI N'Ks, VAl.L-i s.



J. A. GBKW.teeaer Malaand n»hth «troeu I Pac* Block.)




(BA *Willppp oo iTrrrnrrKKBRR^v yfr 111 I-f n V -

P oo T t fer r R t -


OOO L A JW- »"»8O O I. AA 5 2 °


O L AA TH,. "BBg ...

G OO L AAA «2oghmi lija a a "sa" "aa"

rv w w a brr i'k.bytWWW AA R RKWWWW AA RRR KitWW WW AAA R R KW W A A R B KRB



! have Chis yrar a larger, heller lelected, andlt,, ie r li,pirie Hl*-.r!llll lil nf Ml.AIII(.nc il'S Dian ever Ik lore.

By rcasont of bte arrival of many of my tr-od-I hive deU rmlned to offer tillable linet of goods». a BARGAIN In the osrduiary course ol lr*e]c.BARGAINS IN FRENCH CHINA DECORATED








I know that .ny one can offer lo sell bargain*.hut to offer them In the lirrsl. n.-we-L mid cheap¬est designs of FIRST-CLASS cool..- ls not an

everx-day recurrence. I do not make sta tc tncut*xvhp li in- not warnnted hy Cacti.

A PERSONAL INSi'M TH).Nlt all that I ask-the r-'.-i I leave to your ludfl-

ii'.-m._de lS-HeQ.1

i. HERMAN ROTBBBT. W. A. HELLMA*,Managing Panaer.


605 east Broad street.

We deilre :o call your attention to our large anelwc-M-si-M iled slot-It of


Ai Ile- h'.|)'l.-tis arc now fart approaching wc luvin iou |e pay our sp rc i vl-ll ami Iri.-pecl owlinc ol

PA RI OR Ml TS in hair-cloth, plush, and raw

silk,l.oi M.I S Iii ramie, mound, Ilriit.-el.. plinh. andnw silk:

BABBLK-BB- PLI'sII-TOP PARLOR TABL-IIn wainui, elmnv. and cherry;

I'Alil.Ol<-i ll AILS Hi silk, plush, rattan anl'-c-l.t.i rime "I REED nun HiTTaN e HAIR-inmt f-e until- id lu Hie i liv:

luC HAMBFR HT.-MIt-Ri we'i.ffrr a full lineof WALNI I.f ll! RUY. tad \MI -i is

siia"l<. vt-.-fl-ii unle ir.- 1 iiii-l eleirani ni.lesli-tl mut flni-h;

sll.t fl,Al-..i llAMIOR sits, billi lin sind i-MniiCRIBS. IBUNIH E-Hllis MATTRESSES. TIL-

LOSS-, anil ROI -Tl Rs.la esrCARPET lu PAR rMEKTwehavea emu-

Pine ti-oifi-ic tu-1NGB Uv. I!HI'-sn,-, it ..I

Illili I -PIS l M.-I'l-T-: BRI S-KLS. VII!.-Ml. nt'ilsSiYRVA RUGS; DR ie if. I- rs md,i KT xoj ,a,RES- In-nitiliildistgi ss al- >,OIL-fl.eiTli. MATTING, tte. T ».-.. g....). baril.rn run liasee! reeeiitlr. and yt.ii will re-cr-tril., le i-e lu ii! th litic M linc .n il.

In.Vir Si'e-V)' Dll'-IMMENT alli he- f emil Ii |.-i Inn-< f HEATING-,COOKING-STOVESan« RA vi;

Ht stile-the articj.-i ei,nin,-rntod ahove wc harteti.i. linc "I HS.ivy ami ASH CAR V! ISl-l REI N-. SM VTuSX I I. lt -ITvS.WAl.l.po CK HTS. CC,KNER STANDS. XS 11 a


VS a have mai ked down all aBTfOOdatoBM loxv-*pilrcs. ss el,nye au Immense-stock, and are dcai Ullin d to -ill.


SOS bast Broad sthxxt.

rtAl.TIMORE HOI'hE: 217 to 121 HiilllinnnStr.i-I. 'le' .)



xmas.1 fashionable clovis, xsis-



xmas. ores- sun:rs. xma*




XMAS TERS, \x|\.

\SiS-. 1013 Main slr, t. XS1A:

XMAS.! op|r..|lc Ito i«.st-olllce. XMA!Ide ld 4t)

A I IK.N'I KN IS CAI.LKl) TO Till_Y HEAITIEI L ARTICLE* suitable for hri*imast -cs, I,-, ai ibe 1 Xeii sveiE lott xs OM o'SS OH h. SOS i '-I franklin Brae*,teeni 1- xiirlt-'l. mut Itt-I. CQBBBBIBttltt tl* iielni. i-cived cxei) elay. de lC-Tu,Tli,St.-ii.v. I n -i



olTcr tithe public ibis y, ar Hu Bigest, Mast VI

rle I. ainl Hm -I .-tock of


ever exhibited in Rlchinoiiil.

THERE YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHIN . fttempt ni srrafna os the

MosT EAsTIDiols.


Kiuall.d;HoMl.-M \DF. PRESERVE* In treal variety;INDIAN RIVUf (Ha.| ORANGES;MAI AGA GRaPI S;MACC.RON'I. FIGSCdellCloat):H.I Xl II PIM VI s;( Arl COD e RANBrRRIEs;fm xnrl-ll.sol EA NI V e A li. ES ind CRICK KR-NEW HONEY.VERMONT BAPLB-sYHUP,il 1 Lils (every .lev-crlpilniii.e'OliDlALS;ol D JAMAICA HUM:OLD PEACH- and APPLE BRANDY;( niihlNo- an TABLE-SHERRIES;-i OT! II.AMIR1' AN, and ENGLISH ALES:DoMISTIC Pie Ix!,!*;FINSST Li'VD'iv t ayer. BULTABA. Vi


eil-1st I R. IIEI Hs IC K. VIVE 1'LIOCOr, ..

oilier ironuiscii' brandt FINEST IMI'oiUECHAMPAGNES;

CHOICE oil.lD MANGOES md CUCUMBC1(nude lo hm, r hy Virgin)* ladles), ind a toosand otic* ll. alt loo i.unit-mi. to mention.

Seres mt familia, le-tlfi io ih.- merell of Um1 DCA VI lo xii M yt >K M INCH- ME ST.Price. UNi'sUvLl.l LOSS, and -.ills/ac-tli

gua nun,. il.el. 14-1ft_CHRIST! \X A WHITE












BUTTER..-end lu yournnlertor lelephouo us, aad am

the r.li ol C/Brittni** wt. k.CH A RLES L. TODD,

de 14-lOt Math aad Clay itreets


AND Tl MNEL.PKoPOSAl «, BIDDKRts AHAHsTHACrgOF Bins OF THE NKWCvOTCAOl iDlejT' »n* for * trt-l variety of olliloNTRACIIXG INI-KLLIGEMC'R. me ltC.INrFBING HEW.*) AND AMERICAN C'lTRACT JOURNAL Prior 10 tmw*. Adele



leerraacl A»t-eprlau« far Pahllt Seh**!*-The lave*tia*tiaa C**amlliee~ Retort ofAaperl-Kierural Hoard,.Tbe follow ina ls a itatement of tlie

amount of revenue i«s.-.«rd for the year18R4 due to public fiee achoo!*, .* requeat-t tl hy the act of March 6, 1882, rimpliedhy the Auditor of i'm,Ile Account* lor tbeSuite rintenelent. ol Public Instruction :

Amount applicable to public school* fromeapiicitlcin, land, and per.o_Hl-propcrty tax,f577,fi46.<VI; estimated amount from rail¬road*, f; 6/230.21; from .le-amboatt, S3SW.70;telegraph companm, I?I.Vi.'SC.toUl, SS14,-2-1.20. This ls lia.ooo more moey thanwas appropriated fSrteg (he previous year.The Suprrlnleni'ent of Public Icu-truc-

tKn will at once apportion Mic money asrt-tiiilrt-d bf law.Henry falliolL of Northiimierl»nd, was

nettled at the penitentiary yesterday forlour j cara upon a charge far felony.

Messrs. John B. Moon (chairman) and M.W. llszlewood, of the steclal committeeappointed to InvestL-ate the affairs of tncAuditor's oilier, were In sealion a shorttlmr jesterdsy. Tbev pi-e-pareci a Hat of Hieaaeettiai wt the clerks of court, in thcMate to answer, the previous blanks notanmering the purpoxe* tnte-ud'd. These*i'n-- tie ps rill ililrc in y iL-e- of foolscap pa-IKsr, and will he printed and sent to all theclerk" in the Commonwealth.The committee then adjourned until

Thursday, bavinx »cnt n cntmimnication toIhe Auditor a*ki0K lo have prepared andsubmitted n ubulnlc-d ttatSSMat -bowingss hat clerk* bave paid, and the min uer inss Inch tliey have paid, from September 1,1877, to -rpteraber 1. Desi.

It will be tbe lat nf Fenruary t>e?oroall tl.ese- report, can he answered. Tip'e-ommltlee have had punierou- recommen¬dations as to cx[>erts to examine the boukaanel account* in the Auditor's otticc, innas yet no one has lieen engaged. Thi« ex¬pert will have at l.a«t six months of workto accomplish before bc can make u full re¬

port.Tbe Governor yesterday re-pitcd John

HsiTtsSB, of Wyllie, until February lfl,aEk, Harrison ssas septenced to lee hunson ihe 2d of January for murder in thcfirst decree.Mr. Boxton, an attorney from Stainton,

visited the Hovernor yesterday in order trsecure a pardon for Timi Kills* contlneil inthe Stn.iiiii.sii jail, and -aid to Le in ad vin.condition.Thc delny in sending tin- commission. t.

thc members of the Kleetoral Hoard, in thcvarious cine, and countie-. of the -ide h ,.

Brea on account of the blank, not bein,printed earlier. In case- wtiere the addresses of members of Kleetoral Ho ml* :inlinknr.wn the commissions lune been *.tila county clerks to be delivered i>y tlx-tn t.tke proper pmbsss, TSaMwfce Ban sareit ind their comnus.inns -l,. aid at easitH|Uire if they have been st-nt tu thc- care Ilue- county clerks.


SltriiiiL of lb- City Custon l.;i-t li uni: l<

Arrnnace Tor Ills Herrptloii.Civil- tanty af the pastors nf BiiaBKBK

hik; MsBebeater, repmsatiag sdi PratMtaaclenoniiniiliniis, nut at tin- mun* of HuTiMBS Men's Christian A-*"ciition li*es cuing to niki preliminary irnsBeaieBtifur Mr. M. ni x's visit.

I >r. Mi nu c( rm!'- bm called le the clnirand the uki tim; ssas opcni'd tilth praseBf Di. llc.ee.. Mr. ii. M.Clarkeitmelectee-etT'tars. siiul wa-:.'ejuc-t il liv tin chairtuan lo make-niue statement in regard Ithe arran;:! uni. ts thut Had toefl BMOe xi illMr. Moody. Mr. Clarke gare ¦ brief arenal 'f Ike tftfereal petttljne tint batI ((ns, td. and calli (i attcnlinn t" thc f Mthat Mi. Monds'- vl-'it SM in reapOBMlethc Insilattnii nf the patton and I'hrisliupeople of the city, and not al thc- iii-LinOl the TOBBf Me-ii's Chri-tian Ai|oet_tto*lIbasgb the As.sihTalion Bill cooperate ii. vt IJ ssas ju ssililc.

fin motion of Dr. Beg*, I BOMMBtM e

peetor?, rrpifaeatias Meh MTtOMiaattesSills ap| tinted t" met I anti BoBpelratS WitMr. Moody nu hi- arrival, Tbe eoMtattt*ivus MMpeeed »s fotlewsi Or. Minni/.lade (eiiahmini). Iles-. Dose, RateksiRledsoe, Bebirder, IMvr, iad yreaahaaA 'i i.niitn. e. roai-tttag nf 'nc smbiIm

from f-aeh t linn h. BMlppotaled tn SUIsill tue-e.arv IRSBVeBMBkL Tliefdlnvlux arP l'lf' tientlt-iiien appolatod :

UMBUIBS "F ISBASOSXBSTS.Baptist.. Fulton. H. A. Oar) I Kir-t

Jtsiah Hylandj Bc find. William Klly-'i-iGrace-Street, K. M. I "-it: LelgsstreeiWillum. II. Winiam:*: Plao-Street, J. ICottrell; BTeal Main-street. William .VRall] YfUable-stnet. Nen sell Ryland< Iiiv-Slnet. T. P. Campbell: llalnbridjf.Btierl (Miui'liisti-r), Pr, P. s. Mitthexv*( ln| tni.-stre-ct (Munil.i*ler). II. A. Hatcock.

I kristian.-" Se-senth-Nr. et. I. L. HiltMitr-liall-Stret I. Goorie A. Ainslie.

Ij.istt.pitl..Christ. W.C Iiei tis jHrsiciA. H ii.-auiiii; MnHuiiientat, Thoma. I'o't-St. .lime.. PT, M. U'-ndwitrd: st. Jofcs'lK. A. Sativde i'-; BL. run'-, Adotpb 111.iiiMi t'lt-.Mc-morisil. J. K Cl. tm: Si. Muk'1. In W. Itesn-ielte: St. Andre.x'*. D. |Walker: Meade-Mi murial. - V ui.'lrii

trie mis .i Mr-Street, H. A. Risks.I.vthinin..St. John's Cierman.-

r.elhlelu-ni Ciirui.-n.-; Fir-t Kn-.-IM.Inhn A. I inliiiif.

UethodisL-Bwadesgti-al, T. P. Minot< ei,ti mix. Hicliaiil Irii.: Clay-Street. C

I. Hunt;' Lillie l-strt-et. \\. A. Ba OSBTB.Park-Place, J.TboMpeoa Brovrai UalotStation, Charil s II. llasker; Trinity. M. 1(.arv; ,\ i<ln Ismi-Stnvt. John C. <iil>*'iii( I.tl S'l (Mil ''In -teTj, S. C. Wi'I-Il'C!Kilih.-trct (Manch'ster). J. Il DaSB|West-End (Maaebestrr), T. Pa Petti«re«

T,i¦¦iiijilian..Pint, lt. r. Brooke, SrS'cond.'T. U illisun I'.uili. it"ii: Third. IW.Taylor; Kmntsi. li. II. nilli un e^r..-slicet, lt. c. Gray; sTsbmkrMrr H. Fit.Ki raid.The follosvimr resolution, <d'i. n d bf I!"

1. William Jones, was unanimously ad>|icd:

Resolved, That ssc have barned ss iil-i td pleasure that Mr. I». L M.Ij l»rI ins tn H.- in Uichnioiul from the 4tilHie 14tb of Jami.irs iu ri nOBM to an instutlon of over two thousand of our e-itize-nund we- tend«T him a cordial WeleOBM Mpledge our hearty eaOperattea in his yvor


I.lil.i 1 ii in .1 OR the Mair Him imus ai

Capitol s,|.:,r..

About 4 o'elnc-k yesterday afternoon t!eily authorities turned the- iras off the Cnii t.i Square, thc Capitol, ead the tiovcrnml.nu-t. Tin- ti ti days' nntlce bad SSph.and no arrangement* made for BMStlitin- Mils long past due. and hence the Clurdinance wot enforced.At the recent sc-sion of the C.cncnl A

vcmbly tbe eltsV bill for |M consumed i

the Ciipitol Square and iii tkl state balliti^'- was |insuited in Hu Senate. Tbbod| utterly refuted to pay anything f'Hu-iras lhat had of late lie-cti used on IISi|iiare. Tliey amended ll|t- Hil. boweteto provide for the payment of that u«edthc Capitol and In the Governor'* H'ti-Thc Senate Hu n BSBSSi the bill bl tba! kmBBd sent it to the House, where there xv

no Iii.al .flinn taken on it.I he ki- would li ive lieen turned off t

days ago, bul tbe Governor waa absent, ai

it waa r. -nlve-ei to wait until be returnand lind lime Vu look int.. tin- insti.-r. Icame back several days ago, but bc anel I

eily aLthoritie*s were, it seem., unablemake auldble ar rai no tip nts for a cont In i

Don ol tbe gas supply until thc LegLslatumeets acaln.(hains and locks have been bought, t

the titler of the Cupit'd Sf|Uare willlocked upon thc Richmond public al iw,i

V Iralnlu lll.lorlcal B-ceclolyA mee liiu: "f the Executive Coinmitt

nf ihe Ylririnia Historical Society WM b-.saturday nlirbt at i's room* In thc Wemoreland (lub-House. Present: Mis-He tin (chslrman), Ott, ValenUne. CalaPalmir, and Brock (corresponding sec

Uri).A numttcrol jrlfts of books were reiw

ed; also, 'the interc-ting and i.'i.|s»rt-tnt mortal of the late war Indicated in t

lollowing letter :Vice,IMA AND CaIOI INA ]

i: m.ko in Cini-iM. IOffice of chief Emunkkk.

Ric UBBVa Va . November 6. 1884. JR. A. Brock. Esq., .Secretary Virginia H

toriettl Society:Dear Slr.-My fricud, Jlr. C. P. E. Bui

wyn, Bill hand you the accompanytmr Mbi'ok, which la a voice from JihnsoiIsland, aad (peak* wlthathotwand tongiof carpa*!. Thedooor ia Mrs. Kat*Tnylor, a lady of Alexandria, Va., who.a prl (Mi** Kate W. BiBooti waiconsun1

se ndinr boxes te sn tbe nortuern prison*,mina; therefor her M |**n-woney,'* andtlso working with nar oeedto to tel t-nnrefunds to sid ber ts her endetvors to alle-rlsle ibe suffering of those of ber cuuntrv-iiin abo luiiuubbed la Bortbern prison*.In response to a bex sent to Johnson'*Island a IrUer wm .merited from OotonelR. Il Jones Mylae that if the would Mnda lsl.ink-i.ook to bim he would fill it a* a

.Met-entr of the I»t-t *d and ot the war; andIt i* late isook which I now bea to presentIn her name, lt conto ins n roster of thepri*oners on tbe Uland, gi vin*- rink, r*'*;l-bi. tit, and place and date of capture, alto rt

mortuary list. * * s s * s

I am, very truly, vour*,W". S. ('BEENS.

The hook alto eonttins a watercolorskell!, of tlc prison building"*on Johnson'*I* and, and various poe tis by Oeneral M.Jill. 1 liump.on, . '.lionel R. IL Jones, AsaHartz, snd other southern officers then Inconfinement there.

Die -tiri tsrv Was diree-te-1 to make Mr*.Taylor t --ritfiiil scknowiedi-ement for berValuable -.nd bithry lore-resting t*Rt.The full,,wini.' gentlemen were elected

mr mirers of the society: Rey. CharlesWhite, r>. Bk, Worsliam's. Prince Edwardcomity. Va.; Mm.ml W. Morton, Esr*.,Charlotte county, Va.

Ai'Journed.R. L. I. BLUES.

t-reseniailea la t'aataia Piitrlal - Aaoetat-nirnl sT Non-l smmliilon'd Offlrrrs.

Tin " Richmond Light Infantry Rlues "

met '*t night 4 their smiory for dre*sdrill and in*pection. Ow-lntr to the Hi¬nt ** of Cai tain cut..hiin. First-LittiUn-ant William M. Evans commanded, Be-lore drill orders were read, makingthe follow Inif appointment* of non¬commissioned officers; Fir*t 9eri*eant,George T. Weal; Second sen-cunt Clar¬ence Wyatt; Third Sergeant. J. Etl-w-Bri! Rankin*; Fourth Sergeant. JohnWoyt: Filth tMatltat, Edtrar Watta] En-sign. Oeofflt W. Epp*; r'ir*t Corinral,Hsnlel Ilorirnn; Second Corporal, R. c.Culvvell; Third Corporal, T. R. ArchieRurke; Fourth Corporal. Henry Vaughn.

After ins|K'( Mon an exblbiton drill was

given, which xxns witnessed by a tarc-enumb, r of tbc Hines' Association, whoexpressed themselves m mudi pleasedwith the proficiency dispbyed by thc min.1 he company was "thfn brought to a '. pa-rode rest.'' xvhen Mr. Beary** IL Harri-*t ii, un i v-i.t tit- m.nt of the comixiny,sti peed forward snd aikcd CaptainPttBlBl to come to the flout; which thcCaptain did. tatt, much to his surprise.Mr. ll 'ti -i ti, in a neat and appropriates|..tii, presented Captiln I'i/./ini witha tieiiHtifiil military charm, designed andniatiiif). Hired bx Now lan A" Co., Jeweller*,of solid uold, in thc form nf a shield. Iieui-t If ti Ily ' ni.HK lls-'l in color*, surmounted lo¬an ||g|g with outspread wing*, supportedlo cr, --sword*, lot hilts of which are *eiwith diamonds. Thc front ol thc shieldit precut* Bm CoafoOtrata battle-dug. thefield ol which i* in red, the cross in blue(nanni, willi thn'een gold slurs. In thcit lire af the trott is ii batntlfOl monogramfilm letters - ||. L. I. ll," ri.iily pavel

xxith (lltuiiiitiil*, surrounded by a wroii't'iltad t baaed areal! of laurel totvm iii greta-.¦old. Thc rexi rta side I"art thc followingin*criptit)ii: "A Token of Esteem to (a is¬iahi Andrew lirzini, from lue RichmondI.inht Infantry Hines, November, issi.''Captain I'izztni. in accepting the charm,

¦Betti feeling -p..-eli, in which lie -finkeof. the 111:111 v nets nf kindness the companyli.nl lloma him. tbc tender regard he In Ifor the ii,(-mtier*, of tbe interc«t he felt. Inthc prosperity of thc command, ami thc rc-

gni Ra xpiiicnce ' iu bavins' to sever lu*active conni dinn with lt. Tba ('.ipt-nn'*n nuuk* were di livered vv iib .motion, afterwhich iI-i- ..tiger"' wu- given and thc c nu-

pony (li*ini**cil. An etoasBl collation wmspread bj tbt nexv fommtosliintd .ittt--,-i--,wbich was greatly enjoyed by .ill present.

Itipl st Nmitliiy-Ni hool Issn. lull.in.

Thc regular monthly med iii",'of t!iItal,t!st Sunday-School Associdionof Rich-iiimid and Mam besli r was Lu lt 1 toadl]afternoon st thc (Jmcr-sir;-.! Baptlocliureb. President William Ellyson prosldid; liebelt A. (iary, Htnmtj. Th<exercises were commenced with slngimby tbc O.ei-Stree' school. Rev. I'm > C.Kim,m. paatorof thc Fulton church,otl'cretprayer. . lieports from thc variou* ttrhoolwere read, which show an average attendniice for thc month as follows:

Arrenge A'tentinnct.t'J^rrrnutul Srli'lrt. CoUtcTiM

Ttmlttrl(ir-rc-rTrict School.. 49 SIS tal! '.II,lt»lt-S|rer' School.... 7H 4-M ll I'-

l ...i-i hi.irhs. lo., ...'i4 IS!410Pine- stied Babool.37 tOi 25 7,s, .-,-.' -I hnrrl. sc|,,.,l..:is -2'-.7H ICay-St,ot sebm.'..-.'8 IU". HillI ul ..fl l!Urcl.Sf!,ir!..88 18"Ixx i-i Bain-St. Sch, ob.SS KUll IHalnbrbit-M.*.!.. .., '¦" ill lol\ ur.Oli si sd.I.".'I ln7ll 1(Topii.ii st. s. h.s.l.IO 87Hi II.i ir',. I. Ml -ion .1-J (17M1H. e. h. ni r-ol. Mt-lon.in :t3i1Hi wauls (irovcMb-s'ii ll 31tl

4ll5 i.«J14 4214 7lin re were 100 new --bolaPS, ld lo|iti>nis.sa

is on- ti ooli ,| ,1ml ia tin- luoiiih.

Prefeaeer charles II. tVluatoa tddresMM.- Association. Iii* tinun', winch licalled ..Sol.dib til'* Soap-Hiibblc*." Wtbased on thc subject ol Sr.iidiy morning'lis-on, and in Innis that xv en Bribing tnil'itiivi. iii unit-tr-ittd Hu- fullv "f attiinn after thine-.* in windi there xvi- un rm

htpptnem; thal Sulomoii tried thi*. atulal-l bed la *av. "Vanity of vanities, all ivanity."

I)r. C. C. BtttiBg, ol I'liilailelpliii. folittwid in sniiie Hm*! looehlag it-mark* othc npis-a'.s made tn Hie mi h ty with vvhi.-lbe wis connected for thc Rlblc, and urgetUjKsn Snni'av-scliool vvuikers to giveholping-hanil iii tin- direction; tint Intuart was in this work, ands.) longa* tinBM tat casi bit bands would work for ltinti rest.

After thc eolle-tion and Ix ncdidion bPr. Klee, tot A-sui ,ti ,i, adjourned. Tbni st meeting will bc held ut Ycnulilistud chiiid, Un . corni sunday aftenuo:in January.

Wcthad I St Sump.y -S.lon.I No. I. ly

i l.c ittrutor no'titniv hut tintr uf tlii* Bcetftj aw* i" bi B Ptrk-PlsMM ebureb Intday aftcniuun al BB) ..'dock.c. H. Ila-k. r ',n siding, and Charles 1'. Rady seen

tory,l lie nutting was opened with sinirln

bv the school anti pr.i-.er by Rev. W. I\\ li.lit.

.Mt..1. Tboa-rpaoa Btwwa, tassrtateadetf I'nrk-l'laee Sundiy school, ni nie a vcr

Interrtttag raoatt al the school, whit-tboWOd that they arc dofafggood xv -irk. .m

(bal ilu re is t deep rcli-fioiLs f-.'eliit^ "ii th*dioo|.Bl v. W. E. Edward*. Rev. JaOMBl I

Hes (1. Rev. Paul U'liitdtead. and Rev. BP, YVrtj-ht mad'" inlcrtsting and protitublad(tramas,The ni),i riii'etidents' report* forthppai

nu lilli, as fal as sent In, show that ali tl. elm..:* are doing well.Tbc next Hieeliiii" xviii ls- held at Mai

ttbrtttl Mdlioilist church the second Sui

dav in January.(ia* V.llllaiiis.at Hiv Theatre.

I- Last niifhi (Jus Williams appeared at tlit Theatre before a very ffttd MOBt ni li

new pity. "Captain Mishlcr." Thc cornedis of tbc lighter sort, but wm very enjo;able, and was well received by thc betti(¦us Williams is well knoxvn here, ana b:in nowise changed from the same laurhU'provokim. snd excellent comedian that Ibas alway * Wen. Tbc support is very gocalso, »oiiic of the characters bclnir exe*

h bntlv well-rendered.particularly Mi.1 Gabriella McKeanas ".Mis* l'illsi.iiry.:

ubi Maid." (icortre Halley as " MysterioiHilly," and Matt. Holme* as " (Tomwt

llallydav, it ColoredMan." To-nisht, "Olof tlie Finest."

Me I'mson lon ml.

Pr. W. IL Taylor. SLite Chemist, ha* r

Ml 'cititly finished an analyslt of tbe stoma*"' and inti stine* of Mrs. .susan Reid, of Lo

¦I- .I un. wini died last Mty under circuistances pointing, a* was supposed,strvcbnlnc |>oi*onlng. Her husband xv

recently arrested, cbarred with murderitld her by poison, snd for the purpose ol tl

it- elimination the body wm disinterred. Tmost careful examination riosslble dUcloat

II, no trace ol poison of anv tart.

< treal! « oort I tarns.

rt- In tbc City Circuit ('ourt yesterJay t

nt Jury In the ca*e of (Jordon ot, Tbe City, n

he bax'iiiL- been able to agree, wm di*.'bargeThe day wm consumed In further he.

lng Ibe evidence In tbe libel tuit ol LyuBO, CbsfJiu._

Unalta** Court.

> Tburua* Clarke (t-olored), char-.'ed wistealing one henel of sugar from Jame*

if- Fallon, wa*convicted and sentenced tollsj. mt.nibs in Jail.i's Tbe case of Emeline Shelton, chan*m with infanticide, will be tried W. dncul.J. Tbe (lase of Dr. Jaine* Jtiwepb Augustas Edwaids, charged wltU bigamy, to set

1/ trial Thursday.


H.tilae* Ctart- B*a*i*iai»ai- Belial.*-l*ert~UBhi!M th. CM*.

Tbe December term of tbe Hosting*Court opened yetterday. Tbl* I* not a

-rand-Jury term. 'I here are no criminaland bul few civil cases lo be iH-rpoaed nt.Tbe Judire give notice yesterday th it hewould adjourn tbe court tomorrow.Tbe Board of Commissioners acle-ctcd

undtr " act to provide for the assessment ofrent estate in thi* f-tatc In Ibe veer HW, indeveiy filth year Ibcrealter, approved No¬te mtier 27. 1884,*' will med In thc office ofthe lodge of the Hustings Court on

Wednesday, at IS o'clock M.. for the p ir-

peise of npO'intine "¦ proper person to

assess tbe ca*h value ot all linds and lot..Wether with the improvements thereon,within Hie corporate limits of the city ofMs'ne hester.''There ore now pendine- before the Coua¬

cil Commllte on Light several proposition*from corporations for lighting tho streetsof H.i* city. This ls one rtppect In whichManchester ls very much ltehind othercllles of ll* *ize; and lt is a sublet whl -hshould bc earne.Hy onnilderrifl by iheCouncil, and. If potsible, sollie arcinjre-men! should lu- made for llghtln? the elly.During the meeting at toe Baptist church

there have been about eight conversions.1 he meetings will continue all tbl* week.Sunday night the ordinance-of baptism was

administered after preaching.The attendance »t the morning service*

al the city churcbe* Mundar wa* verylane, but tbe heavy rain at night preventedmany from lumms, out.The recent heavy rains hare had Ihe

effect of swelling thc river right much,lt ls now higher and muddier than ltbas been for maav months.Matters in police circles this month

have been unusually dull. There arc oneor more casca of misdemeanor to lie dis¬posed of In thc Mayor's Court this morn¬ing. _

I'nlton llapll.t « h tirrh.

Preaching at the Fulton Baptist churchwill bc he ld to-night and throughout thiswfek.

fe.llc* Court.Thc following cases were disposed of

yesterday:Anthony Fox (colored), charged with

being a lunaii.. h lise red to his mother.John Jackson (colored), charged svitb

begging In Hie street. Discharged svith anadmonition.NeNon Tinsley (colored), charged with

felony. Discharged.Maty Whitfield (colored), charged svith

conti'nipt of court. Kined fi.a William Fisher (colored), charged svithbeing a suspicious character. Discharged.Benjamin F. Norwood, charged svith

being an escaped prisoner from the Knited.Stales Marine SStpS Bl thc RortsiuouUinavv-yard. Continued tu Thursday tP'xt.Geom Woodman and Fred. Ram-taff,

charged ss iib lu in.- deserters. Discharged.James VBBCkel send C. T. Wilks, charged

svith as-sutilllng each ottier on the street.Continued to to-tl iv.

Amaiiila Jame, (c .lured), 'charged svithiniii'.' disorder,) latbeatreet Ftaed *i.ayGeorgi Creery (colored), charged svith

heing a suspicion., character. Continuedto 'I destiny in x*.William Barwell alias I'lumk OkaHtlcj

(cole.ntl), eberaed svith petit larceny. Cori'tiniiecl la to-day.

Cbirlea Bass,d__gs_ with bslagdrsalDtsebaWged.

Ht dei Walton (colored), ebsfgei wittbeing drunk. Kined i}2.a0.

P. A. MeDoBOOgk, drunk. Kined S2..Inst ph Kills (colored), drunk and disor

derly. Kin. tl |&0S,Bea. Jone* (colored), drunk. Kined *JIb-llc Allin (colored), disorderly on Un

slr-e-f. Kim tl £._>..-,ii.V, illiani Slit ppard. tlrunk on sund-iv

Pitted ft.John Lady, drunk and disorderly. Flan

l> ________

e.riui.l Illlllll llli.tlnlls.

! SS 'sliirti tba Hiunbiii-g-l.r.men In*iirancC iiinp.iny etntributed the follosving sumsWilliamson & Routh, Petersburg, fi,.'.-'..'I: Kurd. Moorman _r Co., I.y.ietibur^

J f144.3.1; W. L. Kriiughner, Ashlin.f, *j5 OOO; W. E. Tanner . Co., Ric>itnt.in!j e.VIIO.Ol: II. L.A J. II. Stout. Rii'litnoi).

s.'Bisrt; c . MeMeaMiB, BlebMBi d, BS; Y* E. Corbett, Al.Miiidiit, |1S| c w. M.

Cii.ltlu, Augusta i-ouniv. -M71.2.">; LanileIlrother, Richmond, <?12.18; W. M. Palri-h. l.'iciitpoiHl. fl..VI: J. c. f'N'eal. Alex

'. ISdriS, flSB; 0, M. i Taxi-ford. >t;ntnt ni

, 18.1m S. D. Hill-matt ft Co., LvnclibiiisJ B616.S1; -. W. Weaver I co.. NorfolkI S-BS.SS; Martha Sprinkle, Murtoa, 110"! Mappa* Co., Noifolt, |6, H. Haiist.i5 | stockton. IBM; lt. Sf. Hundley, StocktonI f'-Miui: c. IL «v K. D. Barkadale, Rici,' mend. *l.!)7u 7:>: J. H. liasnev. Sut.ierlin''

:..*!); J. ll. KinJt lunn k Co., August» I couniv. BMQO: john Marlow, Alex mdri; -T-i.,: Mais K. Millner. M.sui.ville, fl,7 8SB.SS; W. S7. Hill, BalUoLltblaSpringi

..:,; J. P. Kuna-. Mount .lacks..|, ,..': \nins Hull''!*. Staunton, BjOJTj Joh

Laaaoa, Alsxsndns, fSTS; U. SJ, Harlowi admlnistritnr, Ah .vatl-lri.-i. B70S; J. ll

Valentine A Brother, Danville, BIM.Thc titi-inc*s of thu company is M ItSW

over Hie whole cix ilizcd svorhl, and aol hting dependent upon any one or taro StittIn this country for its preiiiiitin-ine-oinc,is lint likels ll) bS -SXept nllt of . \istelp-e- bI conflagration IB OBS large town e.r .idAgents Bastedal all uaoeenplcd points

Virginia. AddRM Ji'HN w. Gobbob.c.ellet-.1 Agent llsiitibtirg-r.reiiu-ii Kir-- ltnirsses Company, 5 north Tenth streeRichmond. Va.

I.e.-lU I I ..ok I Look !

AT ANTONI'S PRICKS.Thc follosving goods, from tni- das nut

(hi l-lniiii base lieen reduced at loUlWtlarlee -:fl pe it ind- French c'undies.fl cH |iounds l'lain <.inili< - "AU tiiik'-).. 1 i

ti pounds N.-w Crop Nut-. lto pnunil* New Crop Kig*. t4 p. lind- Nexv I late*.Al Antoni'*, Hu- confi-ctiont i'., lit

Main street._

Sneelal Tor llollelny Hut er*..

Owing tu lbs great rush for our Holi'KGoodie, wc will bc open cscryevenin.' DBIli P, M. Jims HBTBBI BOB,

fml anil BBB MM llroad street.largest and finest dealer* In llulitl


H.tsar-1.nels for X mus.

Wc have Just completed ii e-ontr nf forsupply (more than we produce) Kerie ar

Xiphetos Rosebuds. Leave your ordat H. A. Catlin's, No. « north Ninstreet (two door, eioore Main), liefore 21to In-iirc C brittmus delivery. Full stockCalls Lilies, Smilax, Ac.

Spec lal Suit-.

For ilia balance of thc season, to reduslock, wc will offer special Inducementsc:i-h buyers of Clothing. Shirts, and I'dt-rwear. Now is thc ehancc to get jjotclothing at low prices.

E. B. Spence i Son,SOI Main street,

To Sn baa-riix.-m Kictiin.in.l TelapbaiEaehaaB*.

I'leaie add to your Hst W. J. Gates, 12Cary street. Law System, No. 34"..

al. W. Crews, Manager,-mm.

We call attention to the auction saleMr. P. H. Mayo'* elegant residence.Grace street, at 4 o'clock. See advertlment.

SJbbbssssb.Overcoats at low prices at 001 Ms

street. E. B. Spence A Son

To-day, at 4 o'clock, Mr. P. II. Mayelegant residence, on Grace street, will.old at suellen by J. Th-mpson BroA Co.

To OrSer.f lothttig made to order In thc best *t

and at moderate price*.E. B. Spixcb A Hoy.

Merchant Tailors

It la aurprising bow low the price-,dry gooda bave gotten. Gooda lower tlever before known. Still, A. F Corbis taken off a 15 per cent, discount onBlack Hilka, and will continue to do so uithe .'6th of IVcember. Give him a callilu- astonished at his price*.

morea.Fur-top Kid Gloves for tbe holiday

SUI Miin str.-t-t. E. ll. Mpbmce A .-..»

A fact lo reflect oo ia tbat A. P. ConSIS east Broad street, ha* a (tending oot a 1ft pet cent, reduction from regipike* an all bia Black Silk*.Tbe number ot Black Silks-he bas sot

thc best tradu In Kicbmond 1* astound!

Wattuntil Tbured.ivafternoon, Deo-*mti*-tHUI), at 4 o'clock, wben tn fmnts-nss. se*

slgnee stock of WlaWctotblag, H*t*,suiFurniablng Hoods wlD srrlve irom MewYork, aod be opened la the Urge b-iltdtne1101 Main street, t**Hweeu Tweltin andThirteenth streets, Richmond. The goodaare from a taree wtottaMto Ira that tailed,and everything wttl be sold 40 percenLtots Hum cost, a* Ibo entire stock mu*' beclosed out nt Ive day*. We save onlyspace to mention a trw of the bargain*l bey will offer. Bea's tlne Beever over-costs f*i.9o. guaranteed worth flo or

money refunded; a splendid tull of Men's(rothes HM.Bimraateed worth BIS or

money returned; Men's Fa*hlonibU> Hamo"6 cents, north f I.50; gotvi-e-iixllfv I'm-l.tcllss 33 cent*, worth ll.M. Shirt*. I'n-derwear, and over 5,000 different kinds ofguuds we haven't space to mention here, atcipisllv a* cheap prices ss the above, at 1-0*2Main street, betwera Twelfth aad filr-teer th street*, Rlchmoi'd. Remember, thistiett wle commence* Thursday, De-cemher18th, at 4 o'clock, and Lists only live days.Store open till I ut night.

HteOieetsesI nh Irta.All-wool scarlet Mcdic-ted Shirts, fl

each. E. H. SraxcB A Soe.

J. Thompson Rrown St Co., aui*tloni*er*.will sell at 4 o'clock -.-dav Mr. F. H.Mayo's elegant roldence on (ins*cstreeL

¦¦Cleve.Ri tut ifni aston ment ot Silk and Wont-

rd MiiiDt-rs for the holiday*.E. H. Spence A Sos,

SOI Main street.


Coatumert of .. Dill'* Best" tobacco willplease notice carefully thc yellow tag on

same, and see thst lt bM tbe wording, inblack letter*. " Hill's Rest." Other MOOco* are being placed on the market with a

tng similar In coloring to the .. Dill's Rest"Lig, snd may tnlslcvl BjOOOOMBt of thi*celebrated brand ot tobacco. To be genu¬ine, the little yellow L-ur tnu-t have on lt..Hill's Rest." In buying,do not wk fortba little yellow tag, as lormerlv, but'. Dill's Rest," and see tint you get windyou ask lor."

Bilk t'Mhrellne.Silk and Alpaca I'mnrellas for the holi¬

days. E. H. IBebor A Sos.901 M dn it rei t.

K\tiir-ion tickets to the ConfederateVeteran's Fair In Norfolk (whicii winclose Wednesday night, Ileceiiiber 17th),will bc sold by steamer Arid for ll for theround trip, good to leave here Wed ne*davnext at 7 A. M. and return next div.

Iluner* for Ibe Holiday s.

A basket filled with cut-flower* or nm

nf lat many handsome wlnter-lilo'iminuplants would bot most aeeeptabl. diri-t-mas present to give lo n frb-nd. Mr. sf, Jllarxty. Ra, | casi Rroad street, can til-rear t-*rdert. Bto cuiicction of Ittrtn bone of tbe larg..«t herc, and embrace* ¦OBJraic plant*.

Rich and attractive display af I olid tv

_'"!..I- t! all priei«. Also, handsome IO'Cards with pei fume, and ti lot af lime cnnleal f-oat -Uguie* nt 10c.Hy Jingo, MiToe, Who's Afraid. Ac

L. XVacnkr, Druggist.

Old newspapers at twenty-five cents peihundred at tin- IMmOOkm eniiutcr.

ii"! mw Pbbsbnts.

New ami ffhuant Goats Bowes* ants itNowt.ti A I'u.'h.

No. BB0,eaem r of Malaaat Tenth streets.

Fine Illili,ci,d Far-Drops,Fli'i- Diam, nd I. tce-l'bi-.Fi.ie liiainoud Kitiirt-r-lilurs.Flin- |i|aino.,i Braces oHn.-l.old Watches,

mill ucl wii' out Diamond,;Flnc(.old Chains, lian/lc Hrac-l-i-.dis ra oia--c-, states Bomb, tc-, te.,

sintahle forChristmas and New-Vexr Pressiio.

WtlfttK'S ( OIl-I.IVLB OIL ASO Ll**..'Pfrlind* of iK-r-ons who bsve Ims-i, psi,.red Owe..i, firm. 'I Consumption hy Un-1is* ol' this oritftniliretsarntlosi, .ind fda* s an fal parties thein-J-lvelinn-, bv m-fimmcufllii-- lt niel iicUiiowb-dsrliiif 1

wonderful nHciicv. riven iht srlliiejvast BSpiLu itv III New F uti uni. lin: I od-Llvir Oil is IIhl* cnibiiiatl li rolilted of Hs uiiplt isant l-.-fand ri intend ¦!¦ u!.!j ctTecllve In IhIiik coupetilth UM lime, which ls Itself a roslorifivc prise:tdt, su|i|il)Tnv nsliire willi Ju*t the MBBBBat rt

iiulred lu heal ii,ul lesto re the dl-eaw-d ..nus-,

ll. Wii.l.uK. Heston, proprietor, sold by all lr.%S/l-fs.


Dut.i.s: D't.t.s:

Doy ii wish a Wax-Doll?Pirlisp* Vou int le, a IIimjik IXVLL.1 r ii.-*.:. ca. . sr Dull.Maybe yoare* like a Usn Doll.

Thc ptttttoal ind dit-aise t 001X1 Litown caa be found at

Ji'Livs Meyer a sun's.

SlXlh and Hro.nl stael-.

Tbbbit Dwbibb teaHataam wuii t oaai(cid, tr S-rc Tliroal. -Ili-i.vw* Hu,is, III

in,, in-' div.- luiiiii-dlaie relief. Sfild imlyIsoxea. Price. g5 cents.

plain Dibbs ahatnt m io.-.; oilier* le, at

two for flcat I.. Lewis's, Oil Main «lr.*t.

di-rkie's stt in Daaamaa -sj-mooaa-ltts.vf i tor all ktntliof salad', fl-ll. ve.'.-l.il.l. -, a

cold mes!-. I bea lier and Isettrr th in hoiuc-ii.aNo sBiifje .nial to lt wa.- ever ottered.

TiltiTinier of all my FRiNorn (Tiiii-miCamus at I:..-. I.. Lewis, '.oj Malu street

Fhintihi (AHie.ih.- choice of all al ISi.mallerslr.es ic, 5. and two for Sc. st I.. Lewis912 Main -tn. I.

SiluKK TRIXY (Tuttis.

Aili ms at lsc at L. Lewis's; ala) Cirand 40c._

sin,-, i. 'I Kl XV ('WAK*.

pi iaa ALBftts at 7,vc. tntHLOt: Asaaaalower Britta Ihnn ever off' red at I.. Lewis's, t)Malu street.


smoke trixy natta

Boob axd Jon PriOBUM neatly executed at

Dlspstcl) .i.,i.-l'r!ui ur House.

A DVICE TO MOTHERS.Are you dlsturbi-d at ntirVt and broken of yr

n- t t,y a sick I bibi -ulb run- and crylm/ with pot cullin* ttetli? If so. tend at once and ret a li

Ile of MUS. WINSLOW 'rt SOOTHING SYKfor children tie th li/. Its value ls Incalculable.will relieve tbe pisor little sufferer lminr.1ln,Depend upou lt. mothers, lhere ls no mistake an

IU lt cure* dysentery and diarrhea. rcsulales-ti mach Bid ls,weis, aud cures wlud-culu-. softthc -rums, reduces Inflammation, aud sires tami cnertry (o the whole system. MUS. WTLoXXs sooTIIIM; SYIKT* for rbltdrra tnInst I. pleasant lo ihe taste, sud I* He prescriptof one of the oldest and best female physlrland nurses In thc Culled Slabs, and ls for saleall drucstih, Ihrourhout the world. Price, 'ii ct

a hattie. m. 4-. ,di

Al 4HOM ss«|.EN TH1M DAV.

slTTtiN A CO.tw«.lory brie-: hoon-. No..sn ol, r Is-l.t. cm,, -ii.-i, al4 P. M.

W.H. LVNKA CO., hui sp,.,-,.-j-', isle ofl.-rb-k-iiid-rruine -tseillnsi sud loton casiMi chunicsvlile turnpike, near Venatile stiH4P.M.

I. P. WINSTON, shevvir elly or Klrhaiond. slica.es. Bx lures, teal I7t>3 east Main stree11 A.M.

II. H. ( ls V) F l\ A CO.. IVi.di-il bricks and Fon Kiss* .lr- el. unr Xl,j., street, ll i J:.lc 1'

J.THOMPSON BROWN * CO.. elrf«ut n,.. '. i-t .¦ No. 701 east Grace street, at 4 P

P. H. Cook. 10 o'clock, boast-bold funilldour, tc.

R. H. FOX A CO.. ll) o'clock A. M., freslinat, turnips, apples, Bc.

4. T. I'OW Mitt, I bes* pe ike and Ohio rallwxtp. l.-.i .i.sire. at 1 P. M.



W* s's unw reedvi nsA I. VIH.F: -!T'Pl.V oKsFISF-IlDtKAl

nf orr own importation. We can now furnclu need with Ihe HfcisT Ul'ALITV Or oomail, sf thc. VkKY l.oWFST PRICKS. Wata full stock of NETTING In .los-k of our own IBIact arr.

M.TT1NO Off KVKBV DKBCBIPTlON¦ade to order al shu rt rotter.

L. LICHTENSTEIN*-. SONSSole Imporlers of (he Lion Brand Setae Thand impi ri.-r* mt other braids, cot-set tt*.eeulh i.ad Pranlitn streets. da

MR. R. C. TAYLOR, too EAST M,STREET. Klehtsoud, says: - Brows**

miter* aa* been used la tay fa rally for mt*ut wMknonwim artat isecaei. ll I* tteIran prapnauon .*»»..*.

Ot lt.lt,l810J3*LI»Jj7JJO,

sriii f«a.oso *r »»«i*b ss»o*» is* -Besee

BeMltatlsa aaS Acree** SaalMMiaisA New Tork spsalal «s»t ***» **s»

Mshoa. a leona etea ta tko eSMBSfMJbSLl¦nlber.JlaBlllt)elllrer^, Bank, bi tbi* say,as a Bsesseorer tor a»snot nine verne, wm SSone Erldav iPernevon hat adranier sarre*!rd with fis.OOO of Ibe tank's MBMy Intakele Adacbs*, eapr*** ofllee for H_a«e^MMBto a bank wini which the I^sUher-M-BflC w>tut en* Benk did Mi«iB»»i In I etUtAattow a in this Slate. Mc Mutton rcttirsaSDem ike e-xores- i SW sad itntaatedtbausual reeelpt pu porting to Bare bes*slimed liv an employs nf tbe eorapasy.*<aturilay 'McMahon did not re lo Berk.Monda.' morning a tel.gian, wm receivedfrom thc rom irv bank asking that Ibemeiari be forwarded. Tbe mc**ea*er htdnot i-reftnled himself, ftupieioo* weraaioii'cd and detectives were employe I tohun! np Ihe rais-ini man. He wa* tr*-edto Canada- but the bank ostlelsK aero pow*erle** to proiecvt* hl'H. L:«t rue»d*.v Mts*Mahon waa »rre«te d In Ne w York, aad OBTt.uradiy Mr. Hamilton, ibe itAgf proprie¬tor, went ea hi* bond lo tht* me -nat ot13.000. and tbe prisoner wm released.McMahon stated thal be wm mel hf a

friend of bl* residing in H > ttl Brooklynafter leaving lae bank with the fSMMA.Ile wm tempted, and lt wm the trteadwho wrote tbe receipi in the hook. Wkoaibe Institution rioted for -he dar tkopair surfed for tbe borne ol McMahon'*uncle, In onad., rtic aesMnger repeak»ed Inside ot el* hi hour*, bot bl* trteadlaughed at bim and aald tbat b< wootd he¦eat to sing Minn rare ll be weatback and surrendered the Money.Hii oaly hope wm to keep themoney and live In Canada, wherebe could not be touched. Ul* con¬

science trout led him a good deal duringbis exile. Ile suggested to bit friendabout five week* *go lhat lie go on lo SearYork and negotiate svith Ihe hank lor acon psntnlse. He wis given Bl'2.000 torilia! pnrisise. SS,000 being tn new Milt, Ikenumbers of which bad been seat to everyb...kir.g institution In this country aadCanada I y the bank, ant he Immediatelysim b d for Sew York..McMahon say* tbat be will bunt up tbe

friend and get the S8.000 and return lt tothe bank. He i* then stilting to boar thepunishment due to his offence,

MS"-Dons aa Bew-popoe Carrieeo.

IHlilford (Coan.) Time-.)A very common thing on ail tbe Con¬

necticut railroad linea ia loracc-onicnoditingtrain men to throw newspapen offthe trainsat or near the bouse* of subscribers llvlni-on the linc of the road at a ilist.it. e fromIhe stations In many Inslauce* dugshuse treen trained to walch for the cirs

and iSA* these paper*, and countryclogs, u is noticed, take quite au ac*

Un lnie-re«t In tbe adair, liver on

the Xaugatut-k road some one BBB had thecuriosity to impure ino Hus matter of clog-ii c.-engel's. Mr. Philip McLean, proprietorof the (isle Horse, on Hie TbeOMSMB road.lu. a dog ss ho gue. n mlle and a half everynini'iiliig to meet thea ttnin. The (ripersi si- forme riv thrown ob?-* the brBBMBM

ti the lull car. and there th:' dog witchedlor it. Lately R ha* hen thrown fromIhe baggage-car. Thc ting anpeaicel angrynt the chatige-. barked furiously.und waitedsullenly f.-r MMe time- before- going un histi l sincl. He birt liol set become re- -nucilctlii) U.e mw a av of delivering his pitier.He-low Delby I elog lias acted for .even!x.is ;i- ip ix.be x fir i t,ii.nb. r of f millie*.Tba pm ec- are tarawa ont al tba car- un-der full ipeeda Whether .ne or a lirirebillillie nf lin ni the dor <* able tn lug HMM"ti.lui ingaae_ Hbm Beak, saubis dug,take bas I.i ie,nu- a Seder ni as nexv.boy, andcannot Baw, fruin age' .uni il), nm iftitu, getdoun futile ell'., liri, in some n,j mungedto ti ai ii a lounger dog to du hts work.Edward Osborne, n siding l..|...v Naagts-lii. W. bus a dog wini n-milirly meela tbaearly m..ruing Iriin. lin- !i<>u«e ll Bn ile away from Hie rsellroal, and thelog nevil- have, on his errand untilhe huns thc traill whistle ut lesses*Kails Mattes, Tin n he .starts on a run

and wails at Hie same .|iot alwey*, wllh,bi- no..- p..ki tl between thc palings of a

fence anti his keen eye svatetiing tot HieUsing paper. A story is lob! ol on- dogtbat ssas tnt taught to bring a certaiuBaw Hovea paster, sad whan bbl ¦eakW

ms;' il to siltoHier, e otllil imf lie lulu -cllo carry Hie nexv one. This L* unlikely,.lumber story la that lin- late Sen dur Wil¬liam Itmss h. of Watt rtuii v, bul st pet el'ifcihut could readily dp-uimui-h thc abbitlMof the New KagSWd engines fruin those olthe Nsiiigattick. though running on a psftiilltl track sit Hie sallie time side by allin- bundol dug always lound hi* tuni tar, s.iul stood in wafting for the Hart*fnrd Tinns, which he carritsl home t > his

I mast, r bu- iiianv >esr*.1" !


vv abd Tiro ci'K.iifs naa r-e is-*


wanted. hy a young mwVV ttlili t!,ne years'caprrlr-ncc . I'D-ITtoM

IN Sxllidlsxl.K .,Hut HCS ult Llgl'.lK-lint >l .». till | r.'frr Irsivclltiur. Catt <.¦.in.ii .ni.!ir.»..l trade tu PcrUnVsM-g Will furnish t.r.l rr-

rt retire*. Addie** IHsl\F..s-, N< ..t*, north F»<i.-Histrict. Illili.i.LV.-t._ itt- iei-riitTr.it.

' TOASTED, KHt I'HE YEAR l*M. AVt c.cMiD, soHKIL INDI -TIC le Ht W UfKMSN lt) SStdtK t>N TRI Ix-Fl HM N'KAllATI IF.'s STA ITtiN, ll VNllVKIt CI'INTY, VA.M.i.i . d niau Uttftllt-. Mu.i .-..m.- aacll r. oui-

lutliiied. Apply to el C. -HI ULAll..-'., Iltii'.xcr county, Va.

del<-T-iS-"l»_TtrANTED,TWU BUTS TO WORK IMVV A I.ABCiF. ICFTAII. -Tel' I- als... FIVF.CA-H BOY* Anply 'M-DAY frt.iu IJ to J..'.I..- al VIVI Matti slrt-rrt. Bring wrlllrn ras¬

as lo lie.urvlJ._Sal tS-lt*CAM

AN-THBACITK I ii.\L--Une. mic. ami ott. AB i" i-

sou. taklnir lt lu.-la, .r Wc tir-day. Hw-enaherie,th rn 17 ita. nu tm.- lt st Tlc. C-itl W.. Hun

nssul.r |.rlce>. llroad B.I Norton or I'l.'S CaryBrett. .in-iel_c. B. Pack.

WANTED. AllUriM LERKOFTWO1 1 Alis i, Ni'KIHI.Nl K. »l ixl caima- areli

rc timm.utlcd. ss'alr me anel ssiliry r»i«-'-t<d..\-Mr. --. I. X. .. Maia 94.de ii-.-lii.Tli.ts.St*_WA VI Kl) IWi) GOOD CLOTHINGVV -\l>sw).N AN!) rxVO MF.N ON HAT*AND ll TiNlslllVt. l.iKllls. BIM. rilKF.K-SI I -Mr N asl.., have ivirs.ld in, kind or*-i.d-. V| ply To-HAY rn.in lu lei 11 uVlurtul lid. Main sirresc. Brina wri'leu reference f-.rh.'iie«ly._dt Itt-lt*

TTANTLD, AYOl'NU MAN'OEGODDVV ..p. un.ii .nd en. rd hahlti l> 1HSCII A

I-t HI.I' sc Hoot, salary. I!) i.r.1U1. \n-pix at- net., \V ti B Villi SSI.

.lc18-4._ Bapmi. Bas

WANTED. A NEAT. ACTIVE HEH-VV VIST,... .1.. truer tl lici-st-xr..rll. Mu-t bet

w.-H rec. innir.uied. Apply lo e. Keilli.).Tc ul'

.elieI t

A Dpi.s -.-H'.N A son, No. 7 Truth -in-t-f. dr let-It


STeiVt AN!) NI I toll.. VII eer-.ns Ulinall fi nm Hu- de|H.t can have lt torS'i c«nla pa* tonI. .. lieu. If lat- li icu. my xanl. Must be -"Id mMonday ur I ut-sday tl c loth .iel Ililli

K H. eiVRV.No. IS wiulh F.fghU. strait,

at 14-81 _letwt-ti Mitti an<1 l.trt.


Ill) CD--I KXIMINi. SND Ll \F-HHYtNliF.sl AHLl-IIMFVr. -iib knowledge ..r *«t -rII. .-tm if required. Aeltlre-s, with t-rce.aiinttB'U-tl.-nv Ti-nf Uti litn.itii! lu,natch,

.le14-2t»_MAN M.trB WANTFl).

\EJAS TED. TO e i HtllKsl'oND WITHVV soMF WlloI.F.sAI.F. C.KOCKBOH COM-Ml.I'N Sin;, ji SN I- who wua!'! tuc a Urexeuiur man a 'Inner lu make a Bi. .it ic stliry oaC'.ll.lill-aii'll. Light tears' rti.rlt m.

F. B.O.,r»rr Tinier, Carrier Bo. ll.


IHlsHtl.- A 1-o-llIDN IN AM KNOl-NFIIHNCi COB PB, siUry uocihjtKt al pertMeut,bat roiul he h. .nell tn ;>a \ hiv ii c«Marv npt.te*.-ml in n|.|siriuuii> te. r!-e'. Will furnish lay ownInstrument* r I. -ired. Addie**, ataliac all Ba-fall-. -Tl: \N-11 li'soH-r._dc 14-81

W A NT E D . PrKClIASEB^FOBtv nu k. wi v..mu. rou i iHti-rxit. i

li.ncilo.of mt hoity WimiI) whlcli I »ill_-ilat fJ.Su |. r ,i*lf-.-i.rel. .trliterax! in tv. I. re la ta*elly.AU kind, f COAL iud WOOD IC the lotta.:

mutes taCiss. Try mc with c*-h.K. Ck OAKY.

No 13 -.ott. Ulan'h .irrs-t.de IV.la, t--atc n .rx tc..! Mila.

WE HAYE THE Eol.l.OWlSii MUMSOF Monly to i.*i. for twoyttar*.biS|Br

ceuL per itinnm :11.000 and 11.000.

c.s. V \s||i)\ a mon,delS-Si N-. 7 Irulh




aol-s-atvl_llIs*ubT***irihwtm.WANTED, BY A YOUSG MAN.

i emt?**!?.*??" ** *<* .tm>*. US DBUUC I.I Rh- with two vrara' *\*«rB>_r*. (lui n»tfeiod refrrvact. Amdsmia mTfilttiSW..Brr. el* IS"U7ARTKD, ALL TO ENOW TUAT

ffi^g^ dM^cn* ^t tea,o*?-«o-StAUSl C. Rt, PASS.

