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. .. ) .. ; , \r OL. JI NO ·. 14. r. \ .. .-:-'' r•Gth t...,111) "" t ht' r"'r'"r 1 J" 1 \ : .• 1 or the )X"n• ... ,. t, t )- in· t '' ,. \' t 1nth.uc.I. 1>1 · Tiii'. RIGB1 REV. DR. MULLOCK, - r; J: .: ,1, { .'\/ . .f , Jm's. .\"r1r_1;,,,,,,l/,,111l, ··lu :ol a: I! . .: (.' 1 11h1·clr.1 l of Sa: .JJhn'-, Oil F:lJ.i:·· )Li: · 11•1li. 1:-.1 11. \ ' r •. . . .l l • e .. FOH ' .\LE \ t 1'1 l'l'\ "'!'> Uoo! "ilort.'. 1 !_JlSU, ' t• T 101 and Clothier, .•n ·:, 1. IH in••1rm hi tr 1111- :111:1 Jhl! puu· ' ti· 1) 11 , 1. 1 I• 111\ l'•I \ 01 Iii• m·w 111111-1. up· I ·:,· 1\.1· I .11. <• vf )I ···r» Lit " (. '1, tf. - .J . ' \I . .J .L\. 1 I(:ON", ANJ WA TCH MAKER, :-.. 11:1:1. r . I tf. VP \. . \. ' .. \\ . YTHE /.c• f ,. ,..,- · ''· /'atn" rl·'6 Ca/l1rdr• '1H q Ji "•fJ ( c: }J11/,li11. 13 1'{; ... 111 l ·r••n the in .h '.l''>'•"f :0:•. J. :.:i· · lL J, I I ;:i• '";! 111 tru" uo 1• on Piano Forte; Organ, and in Singing, ),.,.,j, •I l, ·h ,) pr.11\ic:il C'l:Jk r. cn1;c lb :.J'.t'rl\ 'tu. \11. .. ....,.. ,Jnn: .·: ' tr. ( ,_ ..:._ __ _ -:- Pil .TOFFifiE NOTICE. t --- RU\\'. .:\Jt:XT lin\ll bcl•n w:i•lc for the U lif;.t '.\l.lil 11.•:tml!r cBlliut: :11 Saint ,r .i, .. Jjct11i. t/1 1 tluriu.; tLll wontU.. .or JBnunry 11ml 1 c IJu; • , 1 J. D£.J.A:; r,y, . i•. G. tr. i I LT" m.ikiu,. arl'li.-ation a& tl1l' Vllirn :111ri11;: Jiic<• laour• ( ,·Ut·pt th•· 1 NC\:h,-J an•I dl.,.pakJ., .. J. m:l.AXl-:Y, Actin!J /'.JI. G. i• hereby girnn, th:d on anc! af\er th1: 1 I J\t'XI, th.. l11:t'll'L't!n m:u and \\'lllTl: 1.i.;l1t at C.\l'f. BOU\"lli\ ..... \ ;1rr IIOU. E, cllcl)" k'COOo1', in Jilue or !! ruinu1, .,, llS 1 (8> onler,) llANRA tf . CA XOTICr. TO t CJ ST. MARY'S LIGHT . T nr.n ) \RO OF WORK lo·rthyJ?i\'(\00\ICO ho Lf:?ht llou'IC on t'ap. Si.. '11 will be '' ll"' I'! on t ht> :!<Ith 8 ..!M'mber nut, anti , tb1t1 th< LO •xbibittld l:\"llry nigbl from sun· U'Vi-.>. ·1 p. , i;! 1 1l win ..... rowoh in,t? ea? '>Jiortric or lhl.' fiffi <trla'l' l>f'>'htc111:.: ah<'l'tl&t..!y "'cry minuto n l'f'il rt I ;an.I whit•' t.nminjl nl an ell'\':1- · ,;.,r. .':l.'i r ... <'l th·· ltm•l of thl! .. ancl will w· " in a fa, ·our11blo t lo of thl.\ • Cl'd•l'• :!O from 11 ,.,.. •l'• wtu11t.ed in olG oi9 !l.) . Sl.il,4S lon1;. Wl"'t.. •• rower i.. of bride, and on tide ofwhK-h "" I tl1• rlwt>llin,t?I of tbe K('1•r,: r and ,umunt, lli1 · are p:Ullt.ed \\ lliTE, roofs RED (By' <>Mr,) EDMU!\D llA.. '\RAII.\N, 1C1tairma11. nl WOTb Offico, Newfoundland. June a: Notices .. CM'HARTIC· PILLS. ".:\. --0 TO _ THE UBL!C. .Suprcute I ·I I - ( T. ESQ., .EDITOm I ,. , ' Hatboor M.tiy 4. j not. .And mndo Twr . of ptopor tia,io to commeru!e such J, George jamca H'ogscll, licr l!by under- ore Ilic , nhd, they .Jlot: d_enac d como agnm. Con. Kenned.)" , tAild th protect Mr .• r.inpp. Rctumini; Offil-e r 11k1ng' lhcm tl'l\pp'!I plnin IO the ll!Orebca the .he out, lkforo Chief BnADT and JUJLicca LlTTLC for the $out hem Dh ·iaion of C-Onccntion Dny, m tcr. 1i .F lioul<l l.! 1wo noUlied &Ao gof<.'Til· nod 1Vwt.« Gornian Md cPD?C in tbo cli!!Chnrgo of Ji is duty' in legall.y dcclo.r• mco rlie I.i nd tbrenumcd, iapd tbea a go up ond nt Of!CO 1!10 I pl· 1111 d Iloni..'isos. iog ijio polls for tho said.'.clection. ..,,. nnd p.>lil.-c,· or troops, if p1ooce11. the _'•gnal, ui ,co.rno · Tho Quc1:11 va. Gormap iiod others. . . G · j 011lcf hnvc been scy n to him, a..• WAS done on 'h4 litoocs, and 10 a lllcle wb1le prope'11, (Signed) . kO. J. flQOSETT. tile reccplion of lbfi loller, lo protect him in. S1 rn11p hnsbeell swept Auornoy Gebcral's Addreu Witne111, Edmund Dronnnn. I 1Joing bi 3 ·legnl duty. As to the govcmmel'lt nwny. And thc.Y" don,t tQ. Dr.c. 12TU J iGl Now, ir in giYlng H' ogJett thnt ccrtificnle o.f hM·in;.; nnytlling 10 dQ_}T ilh i'1 they knew bet- Whot is their own •necoun_t of ·1t? hil ,.re1ur:n trnpp wns tloing Tight, \\•1 1/\1 wa..1 ttir:-. You know thnl dindidatcs on both lo, l'C111Jlins n fo,y man .utc., ni1d than ra- u ·rial, whnt nnd \Thn1 it .lfll!I du· were op1J0itcd 10 thcrt0vcmment,nnd the t ums to the mdb. I mmed111tely down J J;OC8 Dr. Renouf, Jorclnn nocro c:nllecl ty to do, wbllt need hnd lie fo\' ns 1y such gu1t· govcmmcn1 would havo no inte rest in intel" tho up gc>cs tho crowd, nnd dowd goes to testify 10 tho dispo ilion of tho ntntee llS f.h11ve just rcRd? "1l1nt would bt fc rin!; unl c:Sil 10 rrou.-c1 the ltcturning Officer 1110 property. With tbc.iO fucts before you, pcoplo or Harbour Yitin. n.nd thnt d o- or It( Stmrr knO 't hQ hnd no bu.i- in his duty, 11od lhjs the gorem- gen1l,men, it Is f or )'OU 10 BAJ wbcLbP'i'.)r not clnrod Ho gsett and elected of hiil OIYn l'IW 10 return nml Furey, and be menl were oound to Jo. More than tJ1nl I.hey these p:irtie:s nre GIJilty. Look J'.l\ freo will, and without nny coercion being kncfw the would como 1<1 li:;ht.in some did. not do. 'l'hen. whnt is certificate .,r of l)icm.:.,. You know t.b6 conducr usod. Dut ;roμ will .remember. 11.iat theac wanandtbe!{fo.re he gcJs tb "'. prou .. •cuon from nnd wb!'t 1s tho of DcntlT. Look. 'f ,·cry pcnccnhlcf, gooct--nlllured squls cnllnd n\ w¥, with 1 .ho of .n of 11 ) ou hCJ1nl wh11t '!>r· tho impudence of Con. iQ' SCDri:hmg Stmpp's bowe a few n . igbts before, ns )nte ns ngrooa to pi'o.tect Strn . P9''" 'kg<1lly do1.ng hi,s nhO'JL th . \l ll·books not been 1n when !b house. Look nt t" niter ten o'clock, to tho number or 80 , o.s some of duty! "But a needt no pro!e c11on for S tn1p1 > &1 n ll otsett's rotum, nnd you re- tl!e tnb!e, 1 .ook .thu t tho aay, though Gmcc tells ..I you • a legal act. ,\Vlanl does nil th l3 l!ho1"'0 member !ctt'd llatl.'rruplion. .Jl AJ •J>ctlfcd aden"flcd 10 &Omo \YI\)' W11h Ifie tnn ! on. there Jl'Cl'O not iuoro t lwi (on. A n ee:: }10 i' clll! bO A doubt w.i Ilic.. evi OQ oO. tbal tb,c poU..\looki. 't the. tJ1e Crow!' .. •U'Obg L for Strnpp; and bc:iag tiitcl h wns not fo, they w o Wat a cunning scheme, not Id wc!t all in from tho ou1po1111. H'ow, then, , cooli.1 be, 11nd un t thl.' dcfencL• JU. I u wonk. Soll1· tell.bis wifo if be does'nt return ibo two mcm· planned, bow6ver, M 10 a, •okl disco,·ery. Thu Stmpp mnko a rot um 'ff'ilhout tho poll·bookh? "1lJ not l.y )JN. J>:od110 h elp lie• bcr& by 12 o'clock ho lfill med his fate. Now, gnnl'llntee, it "'ill bo seen, lw tho date Why it u from tho poll-books thal. h 11 Ands w1t!J lier rrunk: 81Iu, flllf bun at tbe back i n't tbnt a piece of 1\5 •. Stmpp would'fll give out •ho is YoJ 1111 _whnl the und not Liave bccin seen :.ion? it agree With tho •tntomcntil witbOut lite other, nnd both or rbcm ore ID du&y or a &tomang Oflicei; .... 1:00 ltnov .domg nnythmg. yet .by hil he ap,ro- oftbcso thrct{ witoeasc. thnt no thrc11ts \fcrc- 1"rit;ng. And this i' tho . cuo that when an is , .cd of what goan3 on, luld Ill u guilt7 u used? What did thoy mc:lD bJ " ho would whicb tho · Coun11el ball M> elabonuC'ly fll.ld be!- ore all sent t.o b1m, and at IS tmpo" 1blo that tho drudge meet bis futo ?' GenUcmcn, J think you c:an fore yoa, and which ha<1 fo he can k•gallr ded&rc return tbe The endt'ncu. him may not be ha•e no doubt what it mCAnl. On tho pre· dd'widl tho guilt or innoceno) of tlw rn'>OC1· poll-books Aro bt>fore him. But baYmg gol fO ttrong"' It II tho Gonaa tcncc tbn& Bogseu and Furoy bad been re· el'!. Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale& alroog tumed, Strapp had declared their return, but al'air before yooJ the Cun111el only bring4 btlinsr preaenc, tho aro broltn and the John F11ro7 wu aeen oo the roof how much coercion hrul been Uicd to compel on ht. own coodl'mllfttion'bef'ore the 110\ilic.- TcJle. cuoat(.-d, and immedia1el7 tbe amdidatea Dcadr, ank nexl da7 l1he aaw tie him to do ao· you Clln judi;o from the 1hrent- fo tbia1 .. tanee you haTe Teri8e1l the tru•h uf haTiag the moot TOCu are dcclaml de.aro)'ed where he waa llaDdlng. lllllltlim. used " fow nii;bla before. Coun,.cl for thu the ;·nc "Wbot9 tie God., destro7 ll ! CJ Bm Stnrpp bad no opportuai17 to do tlail, be- Kough•• . the crowd Oil the rGor, defence liaye talked obou& the fraucl practised flnt e mad, ... d Hoptt MTC bfi-i• eauM he bad not the poll-l>OOlt•. and couW not F1re1 alllOJll. _chem, and DO c1oabt the upon them by Strapp. '!'boy hlue nmde it mad n he boped to help hu CMO br ma!&- tell who ...,. muraed. lit', •liroagh thNall. 1biagles on ihe plaoe where he wu, II p:irt of their OWJl cue thll1 Strapp had dccch·· ing liieb l'talemt"'" as ho mnclu betT. Bu& wu obliged to mAlte a rai..c return, which w. work. John Pena1 b a mere llo7, it od them, and ODO or the Counsol cmluvoured ltt the other aide or tbia J'!IW"·- wti.u.m upon • Hparnle piece or poper, be& j( woalcl hardly eeem aece.rr that be to mnku thi:i " j1111ti.flcntion for whnt tho pri· Be. ret-a lettef written b7 Mr. Strnpp, whicb i& bad been 111\y times it would miuired to do .much where lb°"! wue __. :;onen. did, The7 tcll you thut Strapp mru.lo wns ab& to tie goT"erntnf'nt: Lia Ye no na.!ue. u compared wnh th• le· f11 men, but eten be must do bis WJ'G thr Mother return, n.nd thtte people were so Rn· MriHogi i'c -t did nor rend it. gnl rcturn, wbic:h must be.wriuen on the back 1'1undet. h" wuajlaall noycd nnd t:nrnged jt wns liulo wonder !f Mr. ccrt:. 1inl)'.' you did. of tbc wrii. And it that return? Herc tnntler cn9ug6 IL imp011&nt they hnd tnkcn nngeance on Slrllpp. Thi Mr. Hog:suu l :1.y I dicl not. lt hi, jc t whore It should bo, on thu back of enough to l'rovc h13 part1c1p.u1011 with tl10 mob. was the dofonce they put fonvnnJ. The focli l foylc-1- •uu ce!1R.inl7 dicl, Md l 1r ri1 it::clf :- This iJ tho Cll'C ror. tho Md 1 eeo were put forth by them that and Fu- put it Coqrt, and to en ry one who, ;r.. I nm afntid of injurJ t:i my pro 111 nnd ho'" you c:in bel111Yo.othcrwiacs tl1An rey hnd been dcccired, nnd tb<:ir st 1ppor!cn1 1Tho he r41ou re:ul i1. ' life 10 tlat I etmact make n return 10 chi that 1 l1cy nre guialty, foi: nil of them hAd a. hand injured nnd dcfrnudcd of ;lteir right..e, Rud Mr. you 1 dill not renc l i!, wri't. P atrick _."owlan nnd nvmc in the work 11nJ nnd W'OOllford. tboy coiWdered anfficicnt provoc:uion.11 J ,. r.nd't to 1he Court whcth\:r I did or lm\"l: the mnjority of voles, 1e:i ring 3G iclenti6ed throu;;hou tnJ All tlie.eT1· this, then. to bo considered tho mot ire for not. out that uerc taken · at the wrong place nnd in J 1:nee .1ou !1c:u-d mu I inmd.1l 1bc..c men's co.nduct. Of \J'htll ,·nluc, Mr. l ln) le5-l 0 1;u rP:ul the lei!« lo \he 0 acpar:1te li. t. oC lf 4 nnytbmg In tbu. 1he c\ ·id'c11co of of Gmcc, nr.cl ol Jury. nnd ·ou prcl'.1ccd rt.·ndin;t It by .. c:nJenr{I m 1 b1 wlucu_ '\TOuld seem clnn, thnt there wore no thrcnt!, no inti1111J!l· n•mnJ<lcing thnt it wM not to nny· (Signed} PATRICK ST fl APP, \'Ontnblc to the pr1 1t ! no Cloubt, wall r lion, no rro\' OC ntion? Why the dcfonro it-elf body, b I )OU ii WM\ intended for . lkt umiog Ufllcrr. your but docs 1101 allempt lO SCI up nny such thing.- Y 11 Allo;-ncy o .. ueral. liiuboi: ?lfoin, l Gth bfoy, 18G l." 111111<1 Jl.1rl1ple of II 10 n pn 1ct1on Thero wero thrcnts, nnd 1hcre wn-s in1 irnid1.1· Mr. · !l<Y.!• cu-1 in.•;,, upon it T did not Now, in rhe Qf n di!lputt'd el"t' fion, nn of thc•e pri.scnt'r-3 beyond n sbndof of poubt, nml thtJ Cocnsel eudcn,·oured to jU!lti(y rend it. l 0 n:ml 1 ht: ropy of :!II nllidnc-h n1 the i1ppcai ll.lllde tu I\ committee or the 0 ru1J the .couri cl for tho defence • llaYC put them. whole m:ittc r u bro\Jgl:t fon\:.Q wttom o( it. but l did no: read th<: lc-ucr .- J\:tci!lbl J. Whether this w 113 done or 1:01bing befure yon tliM C!\n po:l!lblJ abnko by the Coun,el for the defence to exhibil :1 the 111UJ ar it l read in llr. hnnJ- nul, I prcgumo · Mr, Ho1,'Rlt cnn inf ni"m 1hi · ,·icw. ol it. O?e of lnlked you .fl pngc iu the his«>ry of tho Harbour 1'r ni11 l'tnliag. ' you. ·So much for \ht . mimer. :XO\r, thou! !on:; '' bul m1cl recnnJm.L lhl3 tioo, wbi,s:h hlld nothing. wbntO'\ ·er, to do with l\'ir. Ho,Jc--Prcci !elj' r.o. n cre it i' 111 'm·'ll touch upon tb6t nnd tlt nri :;u t'll;ol": 1!1. ; nbu:e ofmc u 1 tter, case. And \ffllll is tbnt p:ige, which 1be IJouoan °<.f l"ll"r. :tRt l the only lmck to the cvitlCO'ce i:l t hi:. cnJ t-. On the l ti th n111l 1-.01 110 wc• .i;ht M tbl3 ciuc, o.r n.s gone OYCr with so mu.:h detnil, nud wi1h ,·it written by Mr. Simm..r. . :lluy lt'lt':;mph Tencbed llnrbour Miiin.; 1 ou cohs1<lcr much nbuse? A molrca11 ul Stmpp's hou•c .J111tnc llohi1: •c >n-( IJ 1winz the " I.!Arbour :\Inin, 'l'hun.dny, Mny 1 G. cn-c 11 nlfoctetl by the C\':denco nnd nl 10 o'clock nt n ot 5Ccin:; him, 1hc1 J euer) l C3•not 1ell \/ho 1·.-11•! i1, 1 :11n ro· .Uy :lu• lnw wl:, ir h will oo !oitl before .Yi°" by tell hie fnmily that if be doo,,' ot do llOffillthlnit by r helll'd rcncl si;Ui!l\r to thnt f'.y 1clcgr:1ph from '" 1lich1u il lh!' Court. muy ncqu1t these 12 o'clock to-morrow 1ie·11 meet his fRto ! Now cont · hue . If the l'n1c u ,n;t e i• ''"<:d G<>Qll:ln. if )OU do, t.ow.:\·l'r, you .1 ilLsbut ) Gl!r fb'ct 10 ·• ;_e:ect'...,n n n:J. rl!:'t'I 11 ·it h ':\Jr. lt r.mgcr l;\·idcncc thnn I ho\'O &con !t to 1 mJ " C>t.11'1 1 t11l S1'rnpp. r bti ..>i;, u !!' iu_s:.. po...uion to :t:iiii..l:iny men. Their or fr1:;fiten h?m rnto Did ho behe\·c by- wh'llm. I di..t ir\Cfly rctll1<'11Uitr the J 11n- .,.,.tt and Furey d cctcd, it wiU I.ii! "Uilt i• wi th "ou. tho thn?nls lie out?. Do you "'! ·. . nil righa. • " )(r. Litt lc-M:ir it pleruo yoor Lorilsbipll aupro:e bo did fecl 1111 life ITOS an dnn;m·? "" e {'hicr .Tustic<' was not it1 Cou rt the dny I bclicrc )fr. irnpp 10 h. -wc hcen in1imi- - Gentll·mcn of the Jury-In nppen.TVi;; n.t Certa1ol7 _he d ad. Ho knew r ery well t.'.hcy bu era wlJ en the t'l;::d,..:to:l he nuw d.tled by nnJ Cul. Cm111. t\ hcu he roun•i·I in for .llil'imel Gurmt\o John were not idle thr cnts, nnd ho did not care 10 hnnded ft to J tul;;u u• I inc: him if hu mndc decbm1ion in fo Y our vi' .:\uwlnn. Pwny, m:d .Jol:n F.ircy, I •h"\"e to thnt raec. t thorn. 1Io1v were the .tbrca\3 bonie conttl rcmj!mbor n:i) tiliout i:. ... Cll AS. Fl: lU : l · i;1 ron-i<h ,iin;?thc c\'idence 'IYhicb lirui been oot? ,Vb,. .. they 10:-C doim ' htll bcusea, :rnd JuJ:;c, l..i:tJl)-l lmru 00 rccullce1io9 of \Vlll\t doN 1h:it ffi<'llll? Recoll l•l' I nil thnt ln i I l.. ·fo1c )VU, lit Ilic in- des u:oyed ti.lo ,ProP?"Y they find be· II ,, .. J ."'":U '..'\,sent !I I horl lh?o hod rrccec.decl this lt'll'r,mph, 1tnd I nl('llll.l\' r nl'c<•ncc or my c!ie11t:'-, yo_u \Till only *sllrd longmg to him. r11:11 .•• they tl 1d. And und II n11gh1 ha -re ilcun " .lule wlint fol101tc d it, nnd 1h1·11 n.•k your ehc . if 11 ·11 !':lTI of the c..-i<ll' nOO \ ich nO"ecl:cl thcm.c do .,you suppose be nt know 1 . l111t, l 1 11.o not 11 nt ir you cnnuot l't. 4- in the •u;- Froin 1!1e ?nt:-<unl chn!'Ucte.r or thi• nnd .oultl &err ed him tho snmc uny · li e nll. I of • tlic 10 h1- from the c1r cum,1111cc.; wh,cb ore ntt nc bed 10 aid know •t, nnJ lfbul WM tho cnn:cqucn::c : ' lbc Chief ,Ju5l1C\-'-l'erhnps the Jury wi!! t cpfty rii cck C11rpcnter ., whu it, 1 11! :11 k JOU ,,-ju tllk case l1 auo or Tho poor old mdn,_ 5 ?rro.unaed J ol\.1\ll. l:c nlllc to '37 \\ they hCilN !r I pnid reoro nttenlion 10 l:i• roti1 h·.;1 t h:m lo hi• I 1mport:i.r. cc; :t :i•k I\ e haN> ot your o.nu:c, And othCJ'll, .Qltmg JO tho c.Jl!Y nd- plnuc nn,( tRW. ") ( S1r:1pp rl'turncJ llOll;'(' ll fof"Ollr.1l .l:: "'Pll•iJt:1-.11 ion for lht>;c :::lC?D ' • y ou with tho rum nntl '!Iller frc t: ly etrculuu11g n.a .for}' • o, no, my Lord, I 1md Furey . it would bo ::11 r i:,ol)t :·· I find , ru I th ink you ni!I, th'\t ngne or thl.'ro them: maker lW.. rt:lurn .: · wo 11id'n : 11. • • I wi:h wht>m? With 1l1e le)egrnph operator, I wcri; T"rry ol\Cl i\'e p:irtkipan l!l in lho dclitruc- cc J, PolJiclt. ret.ummg. omcc'I' for H oyles-f nm po•1l11"e re:id &·11nhm who look ii round, or with Furl'y ? I lion of prc111c·rty .• r .iincerely lbo Soulhum din ion or Uny, do nnd tl.icn:!oro C !lrnll m 1st 1.>pon Or WI\$ it wi1 b Strnpi> it wn& to oo nil ? the rc•ultin;; from tho elect 611 in hcroby thl\t Cbnrle1 urcy nntl Geo. rending 11. . • . ro I ({entlcmcn, they c.'\n tell more :il.io111 it . I fnrhor M•. m, ni 1 nm sure you do,fo they Jnmcs llog•ct( h11Ye been auly retomed mc1!1· . A. l r. nm Jl0!<1ll f"C T dic! ilot rcatl I tl1nn I CM. buLyou C:Ol\llOI doubt tltnt it hall n 111ill b.? nm:en1bcrcd for nir.ny n ,long by ben& or tbe House of .Aacn1lily t ire EmJ 11, nnd :: l1:nc lll'el\'e lllt;!l to b:lck peculinr tnl!nnin... You recollect wfl't! n tbe tLo;e who from them, nnd it \llill bo Southern di!ision, nod I pul/lioly de- Mr . ll uylc;- 1. clare. my you ba\'e, ontl I ll!l ... gnq1h wa' 10 tr:lf'P':S family, the nn· ere th!' tc:irs C>f the nnd tho clared them returned nccon:lmgl1. :ntA'll 1111111 ' dwcr mrulc by llr1. IJcndy, pro\'i nJ?. 11: nil less will not M 1Ley rcrucmbor t l!J! and (Signed) r ATIUCK STRAl'r. nnd 1 11 bl\i·e C\'t!lll.s. 1h11t .!'hll hnd IUl idea of \1'hnl it mtnl\t. C\'Cn t which d p•·i \lol them of litei.r naturnl before you ro much ohlcr. . told her fa1hc r ll'oi.:ld not perjnrt.' protccl(lr. I ' ill •int bricfiy to the R'!turning Officer. . 1 10.rtes:- Perhll (l'I yoa will, but I doubt ... W any of them. J admiro ht'r wo- uuh:ii py ro:i i:1io11 "' that oncu hnppy Il11rbour Ail\in1 Mny 4i h, 1861. it ,1u,1 _now. . • · , mnnly co,11mi:c. thnt w-Ollld prompt hPr to re· :md tht'n rc n. · 111 rh.1 focta in this c:ise, lruat· · The Chier .1 u,t 1 ce-. (lo the Jury ). Gentle· 111rn .t 1 cl1 nn nnswci iii 11 nlncc, whil!· i n!! thnt 1 m:i.r bc·nblc to show to ycu thllt.my WitnCSIC!, c. 11. n cnouf., James Ilacket, ' .I I I I ,. .. Thorens Mc Ken." me; n, you s.ny y ou uiu 1101 •c:i.r I ullcr 1 lirr cl1ild1"t'n \Y1· ro clan:;ing :ih.>1H hl·r l'lir111.; nre nt>l hi) ;;uihily concerned ill t'bo I :sccuaJ thoy muAl remcmbt r t hr<iut;h nil cll'•ll llction cf . 'tmpp' s p.'0(1crty n:> the Atfor- Tbnt 'a ti.lo mndc by Stmpp, in rrc· fh o J ury--No. my l ..ord' . 1 iime. nry ; t'n1:r11 l l11L• sou• lot to1uakc 1hci.. Dul" scoce or gentlemen. and which WM done 'f he Cl.lief you tdl? Du 1 ;\ow we'll got b:ick to the eridl'nco of thP in;;t tht· rl ec1:011 l11tcly occt •ued b ll nr- witbout any intimidntion ! -A ouo of disputed )'_?U kit)\' \l'h111 ,; 11111de ol 11: I witnC!.:!'S for 1!1e dl'fence, who nre nll 11l ikr. oor )fnin, lhe ,..<lemon of di-con] .. talked elcqtion, iu no· clot1bt. you nre 1111 awnre, is 'r ho 'o, ?lY Lorcl. I nud :ill idcn1ifi l' d in 1hi• cn,c. How ii thBI at.ro:id, anil Lroui;ht mi cr'J :10d death upon usunlly heard before a co "mroitt.eo of the Tho then, c.lJI you 1 unue of them kuew 11 h:it \\ 'II! :;:oing 19 .Le done, t!1·11 once h .'\Pl!Y e;.;1Q1ounity. Somo of 1lro Uouse or J embly. llut M the Counsel hM l t.!I you UIU 110.t II ( I while yet they v:er.: :tll upon the spot. "*" r:1w pnr1ic , who ui Jhl tu l:ri:ig nlio.111 ,thiJ ULforlu- not told you 'lfhaL was done \fith r rgnnl to . Th e Jiiry-1'1 11 1 fl-'lpcr hn.• torn o{f I 1'lhnt wnjO Oft. 'fhoy m:i <lc urn plh-tion natc 1?rc 1101V iy rri. -1: m aa ilo'1viclC\l fc . th is election in tho .A cmbly, or whether MY it, nnd t bt otl 11:tlf re1ld _1111.d not. I of the mob. nnd if nny hiru,clf 111 nn !on-•. Tho Cro1• n tell you thnt cf tbem • thing wua dono there, of c6urae T cnn't oay Ant'r liy the Cour t, n ttn3 con- il le,.. 11 1 ns31·mblr he is Ill guil t,. the re•1 . nre now in tho dock IJut St'ntlcmc1I I do not nnythi?S about it. Dul w.bo is iL l"i:rites thi6 cludo<l ()\'(:If i( the letter hll{I not l>Ccn hll\'ll cvitlc;..,l'u hc'ro to s ·how thl' Y l\'ere 11:;r 1:c with the C1·01: 11, I tbink you will. retuni ? Why, Jnn:es Ho;sott him- read. rcfurcncc h::d been mndc lo th C' 1:ngagt.'<I. In S1. Joho' 11 " ri o1 i.vclitlt!l"l\ntly . ' tn1 pp hnd prcvnric:ucd in his t1;';'ty :- Jk. sett! Wlil\I OCCMJOn wr.s there for <.'Ob tcn!I ol it by_ the fer tho Jefeucc con.titutciJ u, it ii in n w1 1 111 plncc like tnrninit Officer, nod people hnd n righ( lo wri10 it? 81.Mlpp WA.i nble to writi;, nnd to 11'\\rnnt Its Lean!? 10 tlie Jur.) by :llr, lb '1oor Main. In S I. John's, \f n mob nrc him nbout hiJ conduct. 1n we find it was mitten by Atict μ _oyle,, a cd he Yl 'M tl.ie rcf oro permitted to t1c.- 1roying J>ropen y, nnti 11 pnr1y I muko to )Oil regnnJing this mnt· there wna no Intimidation ot. tbo time, •h I -(}f rOllU It. . tu l!)Ok Ill tho be ii not nec:cs· ter , you wit: undcn.tnml tlL1t J do DOI llllcmpt course not. How coald 1l 111re be? Every· Mr. genLleUlco, I will ' 11d :.nrily gulhy o nnd nbc11in;;. Ju n tojti-!rfy 1be pcrpc{rntol"i of this c:iru1> in their thing was plcasnnt nnd tbc r.:m lcttM Jo you DO\f :-- s m11ll town, howUYll r, nil who wero unl:t-.·ful.procecdin:. On the C.'\fl· ;and wnl er was p11!6ing round tho toble, Dre. l\nrbol' Maio l\foy 4 1861. woultl be Ueld 11 lJ\ m:in 'fl'ho not too ox11rc•i my 1:bhorrtnco of it. McKcn! Renouf 1tnd JorJn.n wcro Md ir-On ili ls tin l aignod" r eiur:\ wriuen goea wi1l1 n. 1nob on !'fl"'Unln.wful pro- I.think it ia n .wrong thnl cnunct be Wlll 1\1 lM\nnonious ns b n' 11 l!' hichy r witt com ie ll cd to ccedmg upon the oJ.h_, ...., ::h!1on;;h 1' or n community 11 uch ns ouNi, t!te c11me 11 n Tll E Proprietor M " Tm: B l'1,1,&T1N' ' look ot I.hi. documonl; Seo how in- i :nu iiado townrds mo :hat tho "or rru:;ht 1 11ke no port in the.: 1mn5UC· mo<L horrid one. 111 until very v-" bog ll rcspeelfn ll¥ to npologisc to 114 Jy tl10 lnwycr wonJa 11. It ml' t. be myself and fanilv would be tnkca nnd rny llOM,--c,·ury man wbo so went '' ould be re· lntely, the pc!4AllY nttnchcd 10 11 mu denlh,uut hi <1 numcrom. rcn<lcrs for th e non-appear· put boyond. nil question, 11n!l thoref oJ1' tl)ere ro en illlllln td if 1 cl"ti not do n d 1 spocuible for 1hnt lf1u done. You hare it brui been Cli.'\nged lo o:- 1oli. - tin<'c of that Jo umnl for fhc p nst fort ..re tbt"!O w1tn es1os to it. It does nal pretcod ...ieciJ -o shat.I 1 40 t hn'\ -e the renimony or tho of :\fr.-. Deady, for n long time. The charges night; <'i1 um ta.net'!! O\ 't' r wh .i dt no con· the return to tho writ1.lfot only 11 11<> if 1 bad \lot,been tbrutt:ncd, ftod kept tho. Kcnncd7 1rnd other\i thnL in th · c hcs!l 1roul rcmld be by him preve nt· oe111flcai.e, 11gned by 11nd w1tnc5!ed by books I. ' reccivul thnt t.he return wu wrong, .And h.>t me ru.k you. 1f 1t" poi>ub_I(• n vc · nl\lnrc, nnd n.ro contnmc m ing hjm from a veiling of th e Press nod lluckou and But..r.vba.t oo- nud to allow thlt l did 80 under sucb nlfful 10 give oondu we of the i;u1h The flr;, t tlult oo t ho-'l ch hy which it WM prin ted, .. (Of "'.\JDC!'C!!? th l'eAta,•nd 10 a \vo m)'M!lr nnd fnmlly from or pn.'IOners. !!10 very men ''ho i;o lo :\Jny I n.qt tho d<:fcnllnnts then iμid tb6ro bad OC(:tBtUJ.rily; t.o. roaj<c naa1,1gem.e,ii11 'P gJTO II retuf]!, that <lenlb pd DlJ Jlrtperty rrom deit ruction. Stmpp' '?'l nnd USO thrents, . go l\550mble, nn.d bemg 80 twemb!ed .. 1. ' Wb ti tO'bC upo'd th'o ¥CJc of tho . lhere ag11 111 on Satu nlay nnd .carry them out. dtd and 'thortr.Jtlon1ousl.),t Umult001 lyi'\nd iW , p.l' flC'll'l;i did not require any 'tlitnCllsclJ ! Bu 'f here we ' . I llDl l Sir, . JM. Woedfonl, gcn1lem11n \Voodford, 113 i.i j5 rio10118ly demoJi•h nod dC3troy lho dwolliOlt' nrc 'I Will haYe a cortiJlcate, dotacbod from writ, and humblo en. lied, the meek •monk , thuro next mom- of P ut rick StrnpJ( Tho cecood 'oount MAILS reimmo l tlS u :;ual publicv.; 1 on. Thll extm· PATRJOK at 8 u'clock lo inquire if they had My chnrgcs them with hndng uo!nwru1l1 \u- , Nov. 9, 1 8G,l. [N fldr. C<>ur.J ordl.nary pArllcul .arhy w111 bent nth . Beturn1111 Olhcer. looded guns the houoe. He n1c1l to be ecmbled together, nn!f boiog ao uoltiwfol\y u- it; and fctiriug there might beaomc que. fTo the I &er .JS appended M nffidA- auro albu ii, bcdnse be bl'anl scmbled did 1'elonlouP ly, lumultously, oncl ?o- MAJLS •tdae of the whleh Mr. Aud J"?lcs .Woodford, bAving sati36ed toos ly commc!'co to denro,t clwefwlir- VJCT three namu aro auached to It a 1"11'.le.et. letter to be Mt hi1 wnu.ng.l lumM.lf and 1 111 friendJ there we.re no houso or Patn ek Strap?.: Nolf', !ler Mr. Jard&u •1• afler the nam and You will obleP.. that Jpft ettcr ii c!nted gqoJ ag. in in tho O\ 'enlog to d troy tho oridenco required" 10 two fOl"tho uado1'1114111&..od plMel, Tis :- p.fery ooe ..,... bot lb4' May the ey ,on Thich the lcrti.llchte and the propen.y. Dut, o( cou}'f'O;.,.. Woodford counts 1\'0uld bo the umo in nature. tbou'gh 014 Pertlc:ul. . oae eiast ha"e bee,i Wf!! tl¥!re gu11rowe d"1• II(> that n1 eooR NI bad pi<lked up tho elollle!t and cn.reruu 1 qJTe,.. 111.,ro. "ould be oeces.ur 1 tQ. prO'Y6 a total for ll}e of ht. .liealth. 'nut why dlcl'nt Stmpp M dlilT or e parti9' whom red IMm thnt 1ho1 •hould nl}t get .oiloJ, de.1truc1ion. Il ncheuary {or the CrolVJl to CIUall, .... . No'llt}arl llncl Byrne go tbUll too, for tho good be had CfeBareCI and l1'arey, returned, and u ho hnd crled out cc top."" Stop," \•hen establish, flrst, 1bnt the wu deatro 1 of <heir t beahb, Ah,- No"tian and Byrne h6 mutt' ha•e gone at once inftl bia parlor ond tie A• 1''1\llrqr 1iW•lth, it couldn't be cd, then tlml it to af1et ;:::..: ... WIJU.n .. ae. dicl 1 11C 1bow. their •o.e• 1'itbin fiye W1(teo·' thia, for thi1 itYJ'IRea fin bis owo tlult he wMdqing nnyihing impropqr, 1n tho tbnt are doatro 1 . 'l'hll ••VICTORIA" ,..iu be Dli1ea of Bw . ._ certificate band·wriling. ite lei you in th la letter tJw morning ,\..& o'cloc.lt W 1n,uirel about A b7 10 proTe :AWl,ll ff!' t.i.o JVe11.ward jA 1'rel,. IIoura wu o. nr to l(•u, •bat funberOc- U..wu compelled H9eU .00 Furey'• 1fie tun1. At li o'clock. ed they noed OI' moro or tbCICI pl>i°"'1' f11til\ lo · ·, u,iTal{r'QJ!rlhe N0tthward. curd 1'117 ' at · Um !err sees "!tam in ccmeqaence held out to not• guns. wi&h a and to ,,member tLJl .t!!!): " J()UN X>ELAJ:ill tM c.1*Cjuenoe. wlaiCJa •re Ublr to hua. Do 71>11 p_d'id'nt bOW "U'f mob,udotrcrStrapp'efatntl7 )MtC!hllnce . roYb that itll the w1Jii · ' fromW..mi., . ... toavei't weUthetU.hrem CAJTiedOcfl?- Do yoarkilietidltbrother tb d "LJ\tdtbn:· I\lfl•1111ttaer ·•ne:c-d . } Jl; . &Mrtfore; get1 a.paranaeo Jioia youi bclieft lle...W tf.._ lhrira re• w*-·" WbAL? , Thtt.rorta ... .......... .. lat !fbfia tJMt .,,,, • •.• tum Jto"! !*J . wlpf., .AllcNL
Page 1: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&

~ . .·

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• ,

\ rOL. JI NO·. 14.

r. \

1;'~r .. .-:-'' r•Gth t...,111) l'l:lr~ "" tht' tri•ti~~<-' r"'r'"r 1J" 1 \ : .• 1 ~ 'lC'l'•''~I. or the )X"n• ...

,. t, t )- in· t ' ' ,. \'t 1nth.uc.I.

1>1· Tiii'.

RIGB1 REV. DR. MULLOCK, -r; J:.:,1, ~ { .'\/ . .f ,Jm's . .\"r1r_1;,,,,,,l/,,111l,

•··lu:ol a: I! . .: (.'111h1·clr.1l of Sa: .JJhn'-, Oil

~ F:lJ.i:·· )Li:· 11•1li. 1:-.111.



r • .

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FOH ' .\LE \ t 1'1 l'l'\"'!'> Uoo! "ilort.'.

~E)>l 1 I ·~'(~ !_JlSU, 't•T 101 and Clothier,

.•n ·:, 1. IH • in••1rm hi tr 1111- :111:1 Jhl! puu· ' ti· 1) 11, 1.1• I• 111\ l'•I \ 01 Iii• m·w 111111-1. up· I ·:,· 1\.1· I .11. <• vf )I ···r» Lit ~n.11,, " (.'1,

tf. J\ 11:lh~.

- ~-~-.J . ' \I . .J .L\. 1 I(:ON", G~OGK ANJ WATCH MAKER,

r .\ r1.1~ :-.. 11:1:1. r . I tf.

-· VP ~· \. . \. ' ..

\\ . ~- ~1l YTHE /.c• f ,. ,..,- ·''· /'atn"rl·'6 Ca/l1rdr•

'1H q Ji "•fJ ( c: }J11/,li11.

131'{; ... 111 l·r••n the in.h '.l''>'•"f :0:•. J. :.:i·· lL • J, I I ;:i• '";! 111 tru" uo1• on

Piano Forte; Organ, and in Singing, ),.,.,j, •I l, ·h ,) >•"~1-' pr.11\ic:il C'l:Jk r.cn1;c i~

lb vr:11od1~~-

• .-~I 1. :.J'.t'rl\ 'tu.\11. ~-· .. ....,.. ,Jnn: .·: ' tr. ( ,_..:._ __ _ -:-Pil.TOFFifiE NOTICE.

t ---

RU\\'. .:\Jt:XT lin\ll bcl•n w:i•lc for the U lif;.t '.\l.lil 11.•:tml!r cBlliut: :11 Saint

,r .i, .. ·~ Jjct11i. t/11 tluriu.; tLll wontU.. .or JBnunry 11ml 1 c IJu; • ,


J . D£.J.A:;r,y, . i•. ~· G.


·~''fMIPS i I LT" m.ikiu,. arl'li.-ation a& tl1l' Vllirn :111ri11;: Jiic<• laour• ( ,·Ut·pt th•· 1

NC\:h,-J an•I dl.,.pakJ., .. J. JOU~ m:l.AXl-:Y,

Actin!J /'.JI. G.

i• hereby girnn, th:d on anc! af\er th1: 1

I t~ J\t'XI, th.. int~nal l11:t'll'L't!n m:u and \\'lllTl: 1.i.;l1t at

C.\l'f. BOU\"lli\ ..... \

;1rr IIOU. E, cllcl)" k'COOo1', in Jilue or !! ruinu1,.,, llS

1(8> onler,) EDlW~U llANRA

tf. CA

XOTICr. TO 1un1~1:n~


Tnr.n ) \RO OF WORK lo·rthyJ?i\'(\00\ICO ho Lf:?ht llou'IC on t'ap.• Si.. ~l.iu) '11 will be

''ll"' I'! lll_~-1"tion on tht> :!<Ith 8 .. !M'mber nut, anti ,tb1t1 th< ~lit LO •xbibittld l:\"llry nigbl from sun· ac~nti U'Vi-.>.

·1p. ,i;!11l win ..... rowoh in,t? ea?'>Jiortric or lhl.' fiffi <trla'l' l>f'>'htc111:.: ah<'l'tl&t..!y "'cry minuto n l'f'il ~t rt I ;an.I whit•' li~ht, t.nminjl nl an ell'\':1-·,;.,r. ~ .':l.'i r ... <'l .1bcm~ th·· ltm•l of thl! ~ .. ancl will w · " in a fa,·our11blo t lo of thl.\ • Cl'd•l'• :!O ~·1 from 11 ,., .. •l'• 1lt~k; wtu11t.ed in olG oi9 !l.) . ~•Jl:C., Sl.il,4S lon1;. Wl"'t.. ~

•• ~ rower i.. of bride, and on ~nrh tide ofwhK-h "" I tl1• rlwt>llin,t?I of tbe K('1•r,:r and ,umunt, lli1 · ~ofwloil'l1 are p:Ullt.ed \\ lliTE, roofs RED

(By' <>Mr,)

EDMU!\D llA..'\RAII.\N, 1C1tairma11.

nl WOTb Offico, Newfoundland.

June a:

Notices ..


".:\. ~or~. --0


.Suprcute ~011rt. I

·I I - ( T. T4LUOT~ ESQ., .EDITOm

I ,.

• , ' ~ Hatboor ~toin, M.tiy 4. j not. .And '~b mndo th~e th~? Twr. of ptopor tia,io to commeru!e such ~or'k; 1.b~· • J, George jamca H'ogscll, licrl!by under- the~ ore Ilic , nhd, they ~ve .Jlot: d_enacd como agnm. Con. Kenned.)" 1mpu~i!y ,

tAild th protect Mr .• r.inpp. Rctumini; Offil-er 11k1ng'lhcm tl'l\pp'!I duly~ plnin IO the ll!Orebca the uou110~ Prcee~tly .he .g~ out, lkforo Chief JU.fti~ BnADT and JUJLicca LlTTLC for the $out hem Dh·iaion of C-Onccntion Dny, m tcr. 1i .Flioul<l • l.!1wo noUlied &Ao gof<.'Til· nod 1Vwt.« Gornian Md Qum~ cPD?C

in tbo cli!!Chnrgo of Ji is duty' in legall.y dcclo.r• mco rlie I.ind J>e~n tbrenumcd, iapd tbea a go up 1iln1~, ond nt Of!CO 1!10 i!~M;li~g I pl· 1111

d Iloni..'isos. iog ijio polls for tho said.'.clection. ..,,. mngi~tmte nnd p.>lil.-c,· or troops, if nccc&o~l p1ooce11. That'~ the _'•gnal, ~~ 1~11n ui,co.rno · Tho Quc1:11 va. Gormap iiod others. . . G · j "·011lcf hnvc been scyn to him, a..• WAS done on 'h4 litoocs, and 10 a lllcle wb1le ti~ prope'11,

(Signed) . kO. J. flQOSETT. tile reccplion of lbfi loller, lo protect him in. S1rn11p hnsbeell 50.J~•ceumula.tingi• swept Auornoy Gebcral's Addreu Co_ntin~cd,- Witne111, Edmund Dronnnn. I 1Joing bi3 ·legnl duty. As to the govcmmel'lt nwny. And thc.Y" don,t fo~t tQ. pl~der..

~DA:T, Dr.c. 12TU J iGl Now, ir in giYlng H'ogJett thnt ccrtificnle o.f hM·in;.; nnytlling 10 dQ_}T ilh i'1 they knew bet- Whot is their own •necoun_t of·1t? Woopfo~ hil,.re1ur:n trnpp wns tloing Tight, \\•11/\1 wa..1 ttir:-. You know thnl ~Th~ dindidatcs on both g~ lo, l'C111Jlins n fo,y man.utc., ni1d than ra­u ·rial, whnt \~M l~gl'1, nnd \Thn1 it .lfll!I h~ du· ~id.:s were op1J0itcd 10 thcrt0vcmment,nnd the tums to the mdb. I mmed111tely down JJ;OC8

Dr. Renouf, Gmco~nnd Jorclnn nocro c:nllecl ty to do, wbllt need hnd lie fo\' ns1y such gu1t· govcmmcn1 would havo no interest in intel" tho fen~, up gc>cs tho crowd, nnd dowd goes to testify 10 tho pen~cub~ dispo ilion of tho ntntee llS f.h11ve just rcRd? "1l1nt would bt fcrin!; unlc:Sil 10 rrou.-c1 the ltcturning Officer 1110 property. With tbc.iO fucts before you, pcoplo or Harbour Yitin. n.nd thnt ~tmpp do- lh~ae or It( Stmrr knO't hQ hnd no bu.i- in di~cht1=c;ing his duty, 11od lhjs the gorem- gen1l,men, it Is for )'OU 10 BAJ wbcLbP'i'.)r not clnrod Hogsett and b~urcy elected of hiil OIYn l'IW 10 return 11o~eu nml Furey, and be menl were oound to J o. More than tJ1nl I.hey these p:irtie:s nre GIJilty. Look J'.l\ t~tlauc:t freo will, and without nny coercion being kncfw the m:~u~ would como 1<1 li:;ht. in some did. not do. 'l'hen. whnt is tbi.~. certificate .,r or~ryone of l)icm.:.,. You know t.b6 conducr usod. Dut ;roµ will .remember. 11.iat theac wanandtbe!{fo.re he gcJs tb"'. prou .. •cuon from wh~ch II~•etL rc~11'ed, nnd wb!'t 1s tho val~c of ~1~hntl Go~o ~ DcntlT. Look. 'f ,·cry pcnccnhlcf, gooct--nlllured squls cnllnd n\ H~u, w¥, with 1.ho ~nnmg of .n l~1ry~!· of 11 ~ ) ou hCJ1nl wh11t '!>r· ncn~ul e1u~ tho impudence of Con. ,Xc'?l~cdy iQ' SCDri:hmg Stmpp's bowe a few n. igbts before, ns )nte ns ngrooa to pi'o.tect Strn.P9''" 'kg<1lly do1.ng hi,s nhO'JL th . \lll·books not han~;; been 1n when !b • house. Look nt t" niter Go~nbash-ten o'clock, to tho number or 80, o.s some of duty! "But a m.'\~ needt no pro!ec11on for Stn1p1> &1 n llotsett's rotum, nnd you re- ~ng tl!e tnb!e, an~ 1.ook a~ .thu ~to t ~all tho witn~ aay, though Gmcc tells ..I you • u· a legal act. ,\Vlanl does nil th l3 l!ho1"'0 member !ctt'd llatl.'rruplion. .Jl AJ•J>ctlfcd aden"flcd 10 &Omo \YI\)' W11h Ifie tnn! on. there Jl'Cl'O not iuoro tlwi (on. A nee:: 115kj1~q }10 m~D i' clll! · ·~ro bO A doubt w.i Ilic.. ku~-Ws evi OQoO.tbal tb,c poU..\looki. wore~ 't the. ~o o~ tJ1e Crow!' .. •U'Obg ~ L ~ for Strnpp; and bc:iag tiitcl h wns not fo, they w o Wat a cunning scheme, not Id wc!t all in from tho ou1po1111. H'ow, then, ,cooli.1 be, 11nd un t thl.' dcfencL• JU. I u wonk. Soll1· tell.bis wifo if be does'nt return ibo two mcm· planned, bow6ver, M 10 a,•okl disco,·ery. Thu Stmpp mnko a rot um 'ff'ilhout tho poll·bookh? v~n "1lJ not ~k~ l.y )JN . J>:od110 help lie• bcr& by 12 o'clock ho lfill med his fate. Now, gnnl'llntee, it "'ill bo seen, lw tho sa~ date Why it u from tho poll-books thal. h 11 Ands w1t!J lier rrunk: 81Iu, flllf bun at tbe back i n't tbnt a \'Cl')~ intell~ible piece of inform~ 1\5 ~certificate • . Stmpp would'fll give o~c out •ho is elccte~. YoJ 1111 ~ow _whnl the d~r, und th~:;Q bo.m1g!~t not Liave bccin seen :.ion? How~ it agree With tho •tntomcntil witbOut lite other, nnd both or rbcm ore ID du&y or a &tomang Oflicei; .... 1:00 ltnov .domg nnythmg. yet .by hil ~e!1ce he ap,ro­oftbcso thrct{ witoeasc. thnt no thrc11ts \fcrc- ll~ect'a 1"rit;ng. And this i' tho . cuo that when an elt:~too is ~1~.1be fX!ll·book~ . ,.cd of what ~'I goan3 on, luld Ill u guilt7 u used? What did thoy mc:lD bJ " ho would whicb tho · Coun11el ball M> elabonuC'ly fll.ld be!- ore all sent t.o b1m, and at IS tmpo" 1blo that tho ~t amduo~ drudge amon~ t~ meet bis futo ?' GenUcmcn, J think you c:an fore yoa, and which ha<1 ~othing whate,·~r fo he can k•gallr ded&rc ~ return U1ll~'' tbe The endt'ncu. ~"'' him may not be ~u ha•e no doubt what it mCAnl. On tho pre· dd'widl tho guilt or innoceno) of tlw rn'>OC1· poll-books Aro bt>fore him. But baYmg gol fO ttrong"' It II ~wt tho Gonaa tcncc tbn& Bogseu and Furoy bad been re· el'!. Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale& alroog · ~=-~~~-,._,~ tumed, Strapp had declared their return, but tio~ al'air before yooJ the Cun111el only bring4 btlinsr preaenc, tho ~ aro broltn and the John F11ro7 wu aeen oo the roof how much coercion hrul been Uicd to compel on ht. own coodl'mllfttion'bef'ore the 110\ilic.- TcJle. cuoat(.-d, and immedia1el7 tbe amdidatea Dcadr, ank nexl da7 l1he aaw tie him to do ao·you Clln judi;o from the 1hrent- fo tbia1 .. tanee you haTe Teri8e1l the tru•h uf haTiag the moot TOCu are dcclaml elect~- de.aro)'ed where he waa llaDdlng. lllllltlim. used " fow nii;bla before. Coun,.cl for thu the ;·nc "Wbot9 tie God., destro7 ll!CJ Bm Stnrpp bad no opportuai17 to do tlail, be- Kough••. the crowd Oil the rGor, defence liaye talked obou& the fraucl practised flnt e mad, ... d Hoptt t:lU~t MTC bfi-i• eauM he bad not the poll-l>OOlt•. and couW not F1re1 alllOJll. _chem, and DO c1oabt the upon them by Strapp. '!'boy hlue nmde it mad n he boped to help hu CMO br ma!&- tell who ...,. muraed. lit', •liroagh thNall. 1biagles on ihe plaoe where he wu, II p:irt of their OWJl cue thll1 Strapp had dccch·· ing liieb l'talemt"'" as ho mnclu betT. Bu& wu obliged to mAlte a rai..c return, which w. work. John Pena1 b a mere llo7, it od them, and ODO or the Counsol cmluvoured ltt US~ll.l the other aide or tbia J'!IW"·- wti.u.m upon • Hparnle piece or poper, be& j( woalcl hardly eeem aece.rr that be~ be to mnku thi:i " j1111ti.flcntion for whnt tho pri· Be.ret-a lettef written b7 Mr. Strnpp, whicb i& bad been wi&n~ 111\y times ove~ it would miuired to do .much where lb°"! wue __. :;onen. did, The7 tcll you thut Strapp mru.lo wns ab& to tie goT"erntnf'nt: Lia Ye ~n no na.!ue. u compared wnh th• le· f11 men, but eten be must do bis WJ'G thr Mother return, n.nd thtte people were so Rn· MriHogii'c -t did nor rend it. gnl rcturn, wbic:h must be.wriuen on the back 1'1undet. Tb~au~ h" look·~>: wuajlaall noycd nnd t:nrnged tbn~ jt wns liulo wonder !f Mr. Ho1l~Vhy ccrt:.1inl)'.' you did. of tbc wrii. And w~t it that return? Herc tnntler cn9ug6 o~ itq:lr~ ~at. IL &~ imp011&nt they hnd tnkcn nngeance on Slrllpp. Thi Mr. Hog:suu l :1.y I dicl not. lt hi, jc t whore It should bo, on thu back of enough to l'rovc h13 part1c1p.u1011 with tl10 mob. was the dofonce they put fonvnnJ. The focli ~l'I'. l foylc-1- • uu IQO~t ce!1R.inl7 dicl, Md l ti~ 1rri1 it::clf :- • This iJ tho Cll'C ror. tho C~wn, Md 1 ~c. eeo were put forth by them that Uoi;~ctt and Fu- put it t~the Coqrt, and to enry one who, nt~ ;r..I nm afntid of injurJ t:i my pro 111 nnd ho'" you c:in 1~·1bly bel111Yo.othcrwiacs tl1An rey hnd been dcccired, nnd tb<:ir st1ppor!cn1 1Tho he r41ou re:ul i1. ' life 10 tlat I etmact make n return 10 chi that 1l1cy nre guialty, foi: nil of them hAd a. hand injured nnd dcfrnudcd of ;lteir right..e, Rud thi~ Mr. ~ll-114:11 you 1 dill not rencl i!, wri't. P atrick _."owlan nnd Thomn.~ nvmc in the work 11nJ Gorm~1 nnd W'OOllford. wer~ tboy coiWdered anfficicnt provoc:uion.11 J ,. r.nd't n~iuJ to 1he Court whcth\:r I did or lm\"l: the mnjority of voles, 1e:iring 3G ~le iclenti6ed throu;;houtnJ r1nglcn~crs. All tlie.eT1· this, then. to bo considered tho mot ire for not. out that uerc taken ·at the wrong place nnd in J 1:nee .1ou hn'~ !1c:u-d mu I f~isry y~ur inmd.1l 1bc..c men's co.nduct. Of \J'htll ,·nluc, tl~cn, Mr. l ln) le5-l 0

1;u rP:ul the lei!« lo \he 0 acpar:1te li. t. oC _tbc1~ co_mph~1ly. lf lh~re 4 nnytbmg In tbu. 1he c\·id'c11co of Uenou~ of Gmcc, nr.cl ol ~or· Jury. nnd ·ou prcl'.1ccd 1011~ rt.·ndin;t It by .. c:nJenr{I m 1b1 en~ wlucu_ '\TOuld seem f~-clnn, thnt there wore no thrcnt! , no inti1111J!l· n•mnJ<lcing thnt it wM not n•ld~cd to nny· (Signed} PATRICK ST fl APP, \'Ontnblc to the pr1 on~r~, 1t! no Cloubt, wall r lion, no rro\'OCntion? Why the dcfonro it-elf body, b I )OU ·~ur11U11()(l ii WM\ intended for . lktumiog Ufllcrr. l1t~1·c your full~.l .:on~1dernuon; but J~ ~, docs 1101 allempt lO SCI up nny such thing.- lie~ Y 11 ~1y·~ Allo;-ncy o .. ueral. liiuboi: ?lfoin, l Gth bfoy, 18Gl." 111111<1 ~W!ry Jl.1rl1ple of II l~ds 10 n pn 1ct1on Thero wero thrcnts, nnd 1hcre wn-s in1irnid1.1· Mr. · !l<Y.!•cu-1 in.•;, , upon it T did not Now, in rhe c:i~o Qf n di!lputt'd el"t'fion, nn of thc•e pri.scnt'r-3 beyond n sbndof of poubt, ti~n, nml thtJ Cocnsel eudcn,·oured to jU!lti(y rend it. l


n:ml 1ht: ropy of :!II nllidnc-h n1 the i1ppcai i~ ll.lllde tu I\ committee or the llou~o 0 ru1J the .couri cl for tho defence • llaYC put them. 'fhi~ whole m:ittc r u bro\Jgl:t fon\:.Q wttom o( it. but l did no: read th<: lc-ucr.- J\:tci!lblJ. Whether this w113 done or 1:01bing befure yon tliM C!\n po:l!lblJ abnko by the Coun,el for the defence to exhibil :1 the 111UJarit l read wr~ in llr. 'imm·~ hnnJ- nul, I prcgumo ·Mr, Ho1,'Rlt cnn infni"m 1hi· ,·icw. ol it. O?e of th~m lnlked ~o you .fl pngc iu the his«>ry of tho H arbour 1'rni11 cl~c- l'tnliag. ' you. ·So much for \ht. mimer. :XO\r, thou! !on:; '' h~le, bul m1cl 11~1~1 recnnJm.L lhl3 tioo, wbi,s:h hlld nothing. wbntO'\·er, to do with l\'ir. Ho,Jc--Prcci!elj' r.o. n cre it i' 111 'm·'ll touch upon tb6t tc:!e~mph, nnd tltnri :;u t'll;ol": 1!1.; nbu:e ofmc u ~mall 1 tter, case. And \ffllll is tbnt p:ige, which hn~ be~n 1be IJouoan °<.f ~1" l"ll"r. :tRtl i~ the only u!fl.1:1~ lmck to the cvitlCO'ce i:l thi:. cnJt-. On the l tit h n111l 1-.01 110 wc•.i;ht M regn"~,i tbl3 ciuc, o.r n.s gone OYCr with so mu.:h detnil, nud wi1h '° ,·it written by Mr. Simm..r. . :lluy t lii~ lt'lt':;mph Tencbed llnrbour Miiin .; n·;.:::ru~ unJ:1t~111:; cl~r. 1 ou .\di~ cohs1<lcr much nbuse? A molrca11 ul Stmpp's hou•c .J111tnc llohi1:•c>n-( IJ1winz c~nmint'•l the " I.!Arbour :\Inin, 'l 'hun.dny, Mny 1 G. tlu~ cn-c n~ 11 1~ nlfoctetl by the C\':denco nnd nl 10 o'clock nt night,~ not 5Ccin:; him, 1hc1 Jeuer) l C3•not 1ell \/ho 1·.-11•! i1, bl'~ 1 :11n ro· .Uy :lu• lnw wl:,ir h will oo !oitl before .Yi°" by tell hie fnmily that if be doo,,'ot do llOffillthlnit by si~\'C r helll'd rcncl l:\.ngun~ si;Ui!l\r to thnt f'.y 1clcgr:1ph from St~ Jubn'~ ' " 1lich1uil lh!' Court. ~ OU muy ncqu1t these pn~nlU!, 12 o'clock to-morrow 1ie·11 meet his fRto ! Now cont · hue. If the l'n1cu ,n;te i• ''"<:d G<>Qll:ln. • • • if )OU do, t.ow.:\·l'r, you .1 ilLsbut ) Gl!r fb'ct 10 ~"~,.,.~or~... ·• ~···~~lie ~.r~z~: ;_e:ect'...,n nn:J. rl!:'t'I 11·ith ':\Jr. ltr.mgcr l;\·idcncc thnn I ho\'O 01·~ &con ~~)'~'lr'S--OC~~·n~ !t -cno11g~1 to 1 mJ lfo~ith"O thi~ " 1ca1l,1 !1:.,:.i~h ~ C>t.11'1 1t11l S1'rnpp. r bti ~r..L •..>i;,u !!' iu_s:.. po...uion to brwnl;~ :t:iiii..l:iny men. Their inn~ce or fr1:;fiten h?m rnto n~Jttimg. Did ho behe\·c by- wh'llm. I di..tir\Cfly rctll1<'11Uitr the J11n- J~cl'lrc .,.,.tt and Furey d cctcd, it wiU I.ii! "Uilt i• with "ou. tho thn?nls 1~ould lie cn~e_tJ out?. Do you "'! ·.. nil righa. • " )(r. Littlc-M:ir it pleruo yoor Lorilsbipll aupro:e bo did ~ol fecl 1111 life ITOS an dnn;m·? "" e {'hicr .Tustic<' was not it1 Court the dny I bclicrc )fr. irnpp 10 h.-wc hcen in1imi- - Gentll·mcn of the Jury-In nppen.TVi;; n.t Certa1ol7 _he dad. Ho knew r ery well t.'.hcy bu era wlJen the letter",~ t'l;::d,..:to:l he nuw d.tled by SiroDJ~ nnJ Cul. Cm111. t\ hcu he roun•i·I in thi~"r.u:c for .llil'imel Gurmt\o John were not idle thrcnts, nnd ho did not care 10 hnnded ft to J tul;;u bl"i tl~ u•I inc: him if hu mndc decbm1ion in foYour vi' .:\uwlnn. ~ Pwny, m:d .Jol:n F.ircy, I •h"\"e to ns~ thnt raec.t thorn. 1Io1v were the .tbrca\3 bonie conttl rcmj!mbor n:i) 1lsi11~ tiliout i:. ... Cll AS. Fl:lU: l · i;1 ron-i<h,iin;?thc c\'idence 'IYhicb lirui been oot? ,Vb,. .. they 10:-C doim ' htll bcusea, :rnd JuJ:;c, l..i:tJl)-l lmru 00 rccullce1io9 of \Vlll\t doN 1h:it ffi<'llll? Recolll•l'I nil thnt lni I l .. ·fo1c )VU, lit juclc;:nc~ Ilic suilt'~r in-desu:oyed al~ ti.lo ,ProP?"Y they coul~ find be· h~n~h II ,, .. :~. J ."'":U • '..'\,sent !I I horl lh?o hod rrccec.decl this lt'll'r,mph, 1tnd I nl('llll.l\'r nl'c<•ncc or my c!ie11t:'-, yo_u \Till only *sllrd longmg to him. r11:11 .•• "1m~ they tl1d. And Y~t1·r1ltly, und II n11gh1 ha -re ilcun l"t.'~tl " .lule wlint fol101tcd it, nnd 1h1·11 n.•k your ehc . if 11 ·11 !':lTI of the c..-i<ll'nOO \ ich nO"ecl:cl thcm.c do .,you suppose be ~1d nt know 1.l111t, tl1t:~ l ~:..;out. 1 11.o not ~wunbcr h~arms 11 nt ir you cnnuot l't.4- in ihi~ the ~l.r •u;- Froin 1!1e ?nt:-<unl chn!'Ucte.r or thi• crim~, nnd

.oultl 1-.At~ &erred him tho snmc uny · lie nll. • • I gt.'~t:on of • tlic 1~'>11ld·lx.o-mcmlicr 10 h1- from the c1rcum,1111cc.; wh,cb ore nttncbed 10 aid know •t, nnJ lfbul WM tho cnn:cqucn::c : 'lbc Chief ,Ju5l1C\-'-l' erhnps the Jury wi!! t cpfty in•lru~cut-tbo riicck C11rpcnter., whu it, 1 11!:11k JOU ,,-ju C\'"~j,~,1- tllk case l1 auo or Tho poor old mdn,_ 5?rro.unaed ~y J ol\.1\ll. l:c nlllc to '37 \\ ht.'l!-c~r they hCilN • !r I pnid reoro nttenlion 10 l:i• roti1 h·.;1 t h:m lo hi• I ~me 1mport:i.r.cc; v~t :t :i•k I\ ehaN> ot your o.nu:c, And othCJ'll, .Qltmg JO tho c.Jl!Y pnr~or. H~tt n ·nd- • • plnuc nn,( tRW. ") ( S1r:1pp rl'turncJ llOll;'(' ll fof"Ollr.1l.l::"'Pll•iJt:1-.11 ion for lht>;c :::lC?D ' • you with tho rum nntl '!Iller frct:ly etrculuu11g n.a .for}' (i:~nmr::iou.ly) • o, no, my Lord, I 1md Furey. it would bo ::11 ri:,ol)t :·· Hi~ht I find, ru I think you ni!I, th'\t ngne or thl.'ro runoo~ them: maker lW.. rt:lurn .: · wo 11id'n: h~nr 11. • • • • I wi:h wht>m? With 1l1e le)egrnph operator, I wcri; T"rry ol\Cli\'e p:irtkipanl!l in lho dclitruc-

cc J, PolJiclt. ~·~pp, ret.ummg. omcc'I' for ~:r. Hoyles-f nm po•1l11"e y~u ~iul re:id &·11nhm who look ii round, or with Furl'y ? I lion of s1~:t1~1··~ prc111c·rty . • r .iincerely ~·ploro lbo Soulhum din ion or Cvn~p11on Uny, do Ilic~. _lcu~r, nnd tl.icn:!oro C !lrnll m 1st 1.>pon Or WI\$ it wi1b Strnpi> it wn& to oo nil ri~ll ? the oceurr-.~~1.:!::1 rc•ultin;; from tho elect 611 in hcroby d~clnro thl\t Cbnrle1 I· urcy nntl Geo. rending 11. . • . ro I ({entlcmcn, they c.'\n tell yo~ more :il.io111 it . I fnrhor M•. m, ni 1 nm sure you ~II do,fo they Jnmcs llog•ct( h11Ye been auly retomed mc1!1· . A.l r. llu~ll·-f nm Jl0!<1llf"C T dic! ilot rcatl I tl1nn I CM. buLyou C:Ol\llOI doubt tltnt it hall n 111ill b.? nm:en1bcrcd for nir.ny n ,long d~y by ben& or tbe House of .Aacn1lily r~ tire EmJ 11, nnd :: l1:nc lll'el\'e lllt;!l to b:lck Ill~. peculinr tnl!nnin... You recollect wfl't!n tbe tLo;e who ~utr.n:d from them, nnd it \llill bo Southern di!ision, nod I ·~anvo pul/lioly de- Mr. lluylc;-1. clare. my you ba\'e, ontl I ll!l ... gnq1h wa' re~J 10 tr:lf'P':S family, the nn· Ion~ ere th!' tc:irs C>f the wid~n' nnd tho falhe~ clared them returned nccon:lmgl1. :ntA'll 1111111 u·:l'h-e· 1fnt•cr~;r- ' dwcr mrulc by llr1. IJcndy, pro\'inJ?. 11: nil less will not ri1~1i M 1Ley rcrucmbor tl!J! and

(Signed) r ATIUCK STRAl'r. ~lr. llo~t..:ll-.\y, nnd 1 11 bl\i·e thou~cncl C\'t!lll.s. 1h11t .!'hll hnd IUl idea of \1'hnl it mtnl\t. C\'Cnt which d p•·i \lol them of litei.r naturnl • before you ro much ohlcr. . ~ho told ~im her fa1hcr ll'oi.:ld not perjnrt.' protccl(lr. I ' ill 1· •int bricfiy to the p~esent

R'!turning Officer. . )~r. 110.rtes:-Perhll(l'I yoa will, but I doubt hiW!t~l( ... W any of them. J admiro ht'r wo- uuh:ii py ro:i i:1io11 "' that oncu hnppy di.tri~t, Il11rbour Ail\in1 Mny 4i h, 1861. it ~·tyA11u.ch ,1u,1 _now. . • · , mnnly co,11mi:c. thnt w-Ollld prompt hPr to re· :md tht'n rcn. · 111 rh.1 focta in this c:ise, lruat·

· The Chier .1u,t1ce-. (lo the Jury). Gentle· 111rn .t1cl1 nn nnswci iii ~ud1 11 nlncc, whil!· in!! thnt 1 m:i.r bc·nblc to show to ycu thllt.my WitnCSIC!, c. 11. n cnouf., James Ilacket, ' . I I I I ,. .. Thorens Mc Ken." me;n, you s.ny you uiu 1101 •c:i.r I 11~ ullcr 1 lirr cl1ild1"t'n \Y1·ro clan:;ing :ih.>1H hl·r witne·~· l'lir111.; nre nt>l hi) ;;uihily concerned ill t'bo

• rc~d. • I in~ :sccuaJ thoy muAl remcmbt r thr<iut;h nil cll'•ll llction cf . 'tmpp's p.'0(1crty n:> the Atfor-Tbnt'a ti.lo retu~ mndc by Stmpp, in rrc· fho J ury--No. my l ..ord'. 1 iime. nry ; t'n1:r11l l11L• sou• lot to1uakc 1hci.. Dul"

scoce or tu~ gentlemen. and which WM done 'f he Cl.lief .Ju~ti~··~l lo~·: ~n you tdl? Du 1 ;\ow we'll got b:ick to the eridl'nco of thP in;;t tht· rlec1:011 '~irh l11tcly occt•ued b llnr-witbout any intimidntion ! -A ouo of disputed )'_?U kit)\' \l'h111 ,; 11111de ol 11: I witnC!.:!'S for 1!1e dl'fence, who nre nll 11likr. oor )fnin, lhe ,..<lemon of di-con] .. talked elcqtion, iu no· clot1bt. you nre 1111 awnre, is 'r ho for~·-. 'o, ?lY Lorcl. I nud :ill idcn1ifil'd in 1hi• cn,c. How i~ ii thBI at.ro:id, anil Lroui;ht mi cr'J :10d death upon usunlly heard before a co"mroitt.eo of the Tho C~iu;( Ju611c~-:-lfow. then, c.lJI you 1 unue of them kuew 11 h:it \\'II! :;:oing 19 .Le done, t!1·11 once h.'\Pl!Y e;.;1Q1ounity. Somo of 1lro Uouse or J embly. llut M the Counsel hM l t.!I you UIU 110.t h~nr II ( I while ye t they v:er.: :tll upon the spot. "*" r:1w pnr1ic, who uiJhl tu l:ri:ig nlio.111,thiJ ULforlu­not told you 'lfhaL was done \fith rrgnnl to . The Jiiry-1'1111 fl-'lpcr hn.• ~corner torn o{f I 1'lhnt wnjO gom~ Oft. 'fhoy m:i<lc urn plh-tion natc rc~ul'i. 1?rc 1101V iy rri.-1:m aa ilo'1viclC\l fc. this election in tho .A cmbly, or whether MY it, nnd tbt otl11:tlf ~r. llo~t~ re1ld _1111.d not. I of the mob. nnd if nny mnnjoin~ hiru,clf 111 nn !on-•. Tho Cro1• n tell you thnt olh~rs cftbem • thing wua dono there, of c6urae T cnn't oay Ant'r ~n-11ltot10" liy the Court, n ttn3 con- ille,..111 ns31·mblr he is Ill guilt,. n.~ the re•1. nre now in tho dock IJut St'ntlcmc1I I do not nnythi?S about it. Dul w.bo is iL l"i:rites thi6 cludo<l l~~L ()\'(:If i ( the letter hll{I not l>Ccn llu~1WC hll\'ll cvitlc;..,l'u hc'ro to s·how thl'Y l\'ere 11:;r1:c with the C1·01:11, n~rdo I tbink you will. retuni ? Why, J:;~orgc J nn:es Ho;sott him- read. ~ulhl~c.nt rcfurcncc h::d been mndc lo thC' 1:ngagt.'<I. In S1. Joho'11 " rio1 i.vclitlt!l"l\ntly . ' tn1pp hnd prcvnric:ucd in his t1;';'ty :- Jk. sett! Wlil\I OCCMJOn wr.s there for rtoi;~cll <.'Obtcn!I ol it by_ the Cuun~I fer tho Jefeucc con.titutciJ u, whn~ it ii in n w11111 plncc like tnrninit Officer, nod tbc~o people hnd n righ( lo wri10 it? 81.Mlpp WA.i nble to writi;, nnd to 11'\\rnnt Its Lean!? r~1'd 10 tlie Jur.) by :llr, lb'1oor Main. In SI. John's, \f n mob nrc to quc~tion him nbout hiJ conduct. 1n ~o re· ye~ we find it was mitten by I(o~~etl. Atict µ _oyle,, acd he Yl'M tl.iercforo permitted to t1c.-1roying J>ropen y, nnti 11 pnr1y p.'l·~i 1 .;; i.to~~ mnrk~ I ~hnll muko to )Oil regnnJing this mnt· there wna no Intimidation ot. tbo time, •h I -(}f rOllU It. • . tu l!)Ok Ill tho rl"IX'l-..di~~. be ii not nec:cs· ter, you wit: undcn.tnml tlL1t J do DOI llllcmpt course not. How coald 1l111re be? Every· Mr. llo~~Well, genLleUlco, I will ' 11d :.nrily gulhy o 11iclln~ nnd nbc11in;;. J u n tojti-!rfy 1be pcrpc{rntol"i of this c:iru1> in their thing was plcasnnt nnd ng,r~cni>ll>., tbc r.:m lhi~ lcttM Jo you DO\f :-- • sm11ll town, howUYllr, nil who wero p~·nt · unl:t-.·ful.procecdin:. On the coot~ry,I C.'\fl·

;and wnler was p11!6ing round tho toble, Dre. l\nrbol' Maio l\foy 4 1861. woultl be Ueld 11 pMticipnnt~. lJ\ m:in 'fl'ho not too tnron~lf ox11rc•i my 1:bhorrtnco of it. McKcn! Renouf 1tnd J orJn.n wcro thc~c, Md ir-On ilils tin l aignod" reiur:\ wriuen wilf~lly goea wi1l1 n. 1nob on !'fl"'Unln.wful pro- I . think it ia n .wrong thnl cnunct be J!i'!lr~cd. over~1l11ng Wlll 1\1 lM\nnonious ns po•~1blc.- b n ' 11 l!'hichy r witt com iellcd to ~i,.n ccedmg upon the prorcrt~ oJ.h_,...., ::h!1on;;h 1' or n community 11uch ns ouNi, t!te c11me 11 n Tll E Proprietor M " Tm: B l'1,1,&T1N' ' ll111.~uat look ot I.hi. documonl; Seo how in- h~m i :nu iiado townrds mo :hat tho Iii·~ "or !~o rru:;ht him~cll 111ke no port in the.: 1mn5UC· mo<L horrid one. 111 Engl~nd, until very v-"

bogll rcspeelfnll¥ to npologisc t o ge~1 114Jy tl10 lnwycr wonJa 11. I t ml' t. be myself and fanilv would be tnkca nnd rny llOM,--c,·ury man wbo so went ''ould be re· lntely, the pc!4AllY nttnchcd 10 11 mu denlh,uut hi<1 numcrom. rcn<lcrs for the non-appear· put boyond. nil question, 11n!l thorefoJ1' tl)ere ro en illlllln td if 1 cl"ti not do ~o n d 1 spocuible for ~\II 1hnt lf1u done. You hare it brui been Cli.'\nged lo trnn~porlotiM o:- 1oli.­tin<'c of that J oumnl for fhc pnst fort ..re tbt"!O w1tnes1os to it. It does nal pretcod !:ii!mn~ ...ieciJ-o shat.I ~oulJ 140t hn'\-e ~000 the renimony or tho Stmpp·~, of :\fr.-. Deady, IAl'y~flncment for n long time. The charges night; <'i1 um ta.net'!! O\'t'r wh.idt no con· to~ the re~l11r return to tho writ1.lfot only 11 11<> if 1 bad \lot,been tbrutt:ncd, ftod kept tho. Kcnncd7 1rnd other\i thnL 1 hCf~ 1~ei;:onJ \\:~ro in th · di~tment ngnin~t chcs!l prho11~~ ~ 1roul rcmld be e~crcitic<l by him preven t· oe111flcai.e, 11gned by Stnap~, 11nd w1tnc5!ed by books I . 'reccivul thnt t.he return wu wrong, p~nt. .And h.>t me ru.k you. 1f 1t" poi>ub_I(• n vc · ht'mou~ nl\lnrc, nnd n.ro contnmc m ing hjm from a veiling of the Press nod It~ouf, lluckou and ~e~. But..r.vba.t oo- nud to allow thlt l did 80 under sucb nlfful 10 give en~ncc mo~e oondu we of the i;u1h 1wo~oun111. The flr;,t chnr~J tlult oo tho-'l ch m11.t~riailt hy which it WM printed, ~e ~o.o'lw~ .. Q~pre (Of "'.\JDC!'C!!? ~Stqpp ~ thl'eAta,•nd 10 a\vo m)'M!lr nnd fnmlly from or th~ pn.'IOners. !!10 very men ''ho i;o lo :\Jny In.qt tho d<:fcnllnnts d.i~ then iµid tb6ro bad OC(:tBtUJ.rily; t.o. roaj<c naa1,1gem.e,ii11 rc~u.1 nid'. 'P gJTO II retuf]!, f'~ that ~ft}f,"A.~ <lenlb pd DlJ Jlrtperty rrom deitruction. Stmpp' l!ou~e '?'l Fri~ay nnd USO thrents, .go u~lt11rfully l\550mble, nn.d bemg 80 twemb!ed

• -~ .. 1. • 'Wb ti tO'bC 'wTitt~ upo'd th'o ¥CJc of tho fw:ril,~-j\fd . lhere ag11111 on Satunlay nnd .carry them out. dtd th~n and 'thortr.Jtlon1ousl.),tUmult001lyi'\nd iW , p.l'flC'll'l;i a, ,.s~1$t!(µtqi , ~\" t~ did not require any 'tlitnCllsclJ! Bu'f here we ' . I llDll Sir, . JM. Woedfonl, gcn1lem11n \Voodford, 113 i.i j5 rio10118ly demoJi•h nod dC3troy lho dwolliOlt' nrc co~plcted, 'I 11~ ~ULt.&Tl~ Will haYe a cortiJlcate, dotacbod from t~o writ, and ~our humblo i;e~n~ en.lied, the meek •monk, goe~ thuro next mom- ho~ of P ut rick StrnpJ( Tho cecood'oount


reimmo l tlS u:;ual publicv.;1on. formally 1i~bJ11tbreeirital!jll(!I. Thll extm· PATRJOK s·~~P~. i~ at 8 u'clock lo inquire if they had My chnrgcs them with hndng '° uo!nwru1l1 \u-, Nov. 9, 18G,l. [N fldr. ~ C<>ur.J ordl.nary pArllcul.arhy tbow11"ha~ w111 bent nth ~ . Beturn1111 Olhcer. looded guns i~ the houoe. He n1c1l to be ecmbled together, nn!f boiog ao uoltiwfol\y u -

it; and fctiriug there might beaomc que. fTo the a~ro I &er .JS appended M nffidA- auro albu ii, ho~d, bcdnse be bl'anl t~J scmbled did 1'elonlouPly, lumultously, oncl ?o-MAJLS ~"th~ •tdae of the docnm~t alt~r1'1l 'ff~n whleh Mr. ~pp ~~nowledgcs t~o h~d- Aud J"?lcs .Woodford, bAving sati36ed toosly commc!'co to denro,t th~ clwefwlir-VJCT three namu aro auached to It a 1"11'.le.et. letter to be Mt hi1 wnu.ng.l lumM.lf and 1111 friendJ there we.re no gun~, houso or Patnek Strap?.: Nolf', gehtl~IJ,

~ !ler To~a11:-r~ lWir.2~ ~~ Mr. Jard&u •1• afler the nam and water·w~ You will obleP.. that Jpft ettcr ii c!nted gqoJ ag. in in tho O\'enlog Md~ to d troy tho oridenco required" 10 6upport·th~ two fOl"tho uado1'1114111&..od plMel, Tis :- ~n.i p.fery ooe ..,... .J!~ bot lb4' ~·~ May ~ the ey ,on Thich the lcrti.llchte and the propen.y. Dut, o( cou}'f'O;.,.. Woodford counts 1\'0uld bo the umo in nature. tbou'gh

014 Pertlc:ul.. oae eiast ha"e bee,i ~o Wf!! tl¥!re gu11rowe ~ d"1• II(> that n1 eooR NI bad pi<lked up tho elollle!t and cn.reruu1 qJTe,.. 111.,ro. "ould be oeces.ur1 tQ. prO'Y6 a total "Trin}'Y~. for ll}e ~ of ht. .liealth. 'nut why dlcl'nt Stmpp M dlilT or e •parti9' ~fore whom red IMm '° thnt 1ho1 •hould nl}t get .oiloJ, de.1truc1ion. Il i~ ncheuary {or the CrolVJl to

CIUall,..... No'llt}arl llncl Byrne go tbUll too, for tho good be had CfeBareCI B~t& and l1'arey, returned, and u ho hnd crled out cc top."" Stop," \•hen establish, flrst, 1bnt the prop~ny wu deatro1

• ~· C.•~ of <heir t beahb, Ah,- No"tian and Byrne h6 mutt' ha•e gone at once inftl bia parlor ond tie A• 1''1\llrqr1iW•lth, it couldn't be a~pccted cd, then tlml it beloo~ to S~p. af1et t~

;:::..: ... WIJU.n .. ae. dicl111C ~1 1.6 1bow. their •o.e• 1'itbin fiye W1(teo·' thia, for thi1 itYJ'IRea fin bis owo tlult he wMdqing nnyihing impropqr, 1n tho tbnt d1e~ are !:!i~cswho doatro1 . 'l'hll ••VICTORIA" ~ ,..iu be ~td.eiJ Dli1ea of 1\>e;~ Bw . ._ &h~ certificate band·wriling. ite lei you in th la letter tJw morning ,\..& o'cloc.lt W 1n,uirel about A failo~ b7 th~don 10 proTe

~~ :AWl,ll ff!' t.i.o JVe11.ward jA 1'rel,. IIoura wu ~ o.nr to l(•u, •bat funberOc- U..wu compelled Joa~ H9eU .00 Furey'• 1fie tun1. At li o'clock. ed they noed OI' moro or tbCICI pl>i°"'1' f11til\ lo · ·, ~her u,iTal{r'QJ!rlhe N0tthward. curd 1'117 'at· Um !err ti~ S~p sees "!tam in ccmeqaence tJi~ held out to not• guns. W~fonl._ • wi&h a and lwant~ to ,,member tLJl .t!!!): " J()UN X>ELAJ:ill tM c.1*Cjuenoe. wlaiCJa •re Ublr to resul~ hua. Do 71>11 t~ p_d'id'nt bOW "U'f mob,udotrcrStrapp'efatntl7 )MtC!hllnce. roYb that itll the ~ w1Jii

· 'P~Mat.,(JtMrO/.. ' fromW..mi., .... -~...,.,,. toavei't weUthetU.hrem •CAJTiedOcfl?- Do Th•faay"~uoe yoarkilietidltbrother tb d "LJ\tdtbn:· I\lfl•1111ttaer ·•ne:c-d. ~LPo TOF•~ } ~ ~ •Jl; .&Mrtfore; get1 a.paranaeo Jioia youibclieft lle...W tf.._ lhrira re• w*-·" WbAL? , Thtt.rorta ... ~ the~ ...W_~;tl!!li& .......... ~ ..

J~~·e, lat ~JSGo._ ~ !fbfia ~ ~ tJMt .,,,, • •.• tum ~,.~i;ao& Jto"! !*J. S~L ~e.• wlpf., .AllcNL ~At.H~..'J.1f'71.~ ~-~

Page 2: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&


. '

•• . . /I . \


'r-HE i{ECORD, 84-rl:TR AY, J4NUARY 18, . 1862 .. tlfi'~ nn1s with tho mob who dl'~tror..O lion t1woro they did not seo an1 of the def en· ehort, u littlo no.-elty in


tbi'I puticular. tho aamo ti mo add value and <dignity •o their Tbtf. are illiterate men, with 11Crcoptioria that . s I & propl·r1y. nnd it ii clearly laid down. J1tnts cngnged In the deatruction of ,Sl"'f>p'• thore ia in h~meo'• Jununciation of 11 own charac;ter; bu!', Y: 00 the other hand, thoy acarcol1 enablo them to !!~ti11guish right from

~~ · tJ e lit! I 1~'111 nu1horiti~ thnt to do thi~. 11rorer1y on thnt dny. No", the pri.ioncrsarc cret IQO(cdo.c, inaamucb as the Catholi re· ""rv'e it froat lta ongl~ pa.rpoae, and employ ..hong i they know not.liinn of the no.ture hr ~ e11l"h one of the pri.soncnt must be ~hown lo J1rep11red to prove to you that the7 "ere not Jatos and priesta of Ireland ba\"e at .. / r

blsve heen en~1::ecl \Yitl1 thr 111o~n th_c work -o cnj!ttgL-d, bul thnt snmo of them were actu· denounced such eocW:iea, u being ully a it ip the aervice of printe intri~ or of pu~ object ot thp Lnw; they judge of' ilS nature


ti~'.18 of. tlie~ li tical ~d relig1o~ ~, anc1• • ulum~ttily t reg\in tha.t p..ition of. ptlnht.l, ,,,,­~cun.&y and ndependenco '1which1be7 ha..e ~en 50 trcucb6'ro116ly iu>d f1&1lly deprived.

'" ,J • .. : •:•. "" C· I "" i .. • 1 111 ncli\·•· 1•11T11· Kl!1 enllein-ouring to s1wo tho property of Pa- much oppoaed 1.o thel•ns of th11 rdi &s lie ~\ion, they damage t~e inte.rett• which and tcidoncy from the manner in wLich it ~·p • • . T • ,. '•"' :o !.11I1!·1 ,.,,. li1il1:d, j 1riek 8tm41r .. nnJ when tbii e videnco i1 put to the law1 of the Srate. 2But what, i will be ey ·had been appointed &o proi:note, and affix operates upon them; and feeling and judging EAalT on the morning of llond4y last, a ftte

. J .. : 1 • I\,, 1 1-L'"· 111 11 • ..1111 !• ''' th.: Jur1 in bcforo you it will be for you to aa1 whether ukerl, bas wrought this auddon ruuhio · a ~•i~'IXta to their o"•. ~futa.rion which no aur- thu1, they pond~red upon their crime nn<I iu broke out in a stable belongng 10 Mr. Thomas. ' ,. (" •" f '"": • ••• • l.1 11 du,H1 :he siun.: iule. lhc cluu·~e ba.s bel'I\ 1us11unl!d. And in con- tho tono of tho 1in~11 J, thq- 11n1;xpc ·Lal l"t·ptitioua adYanta.gu can eff'ah or•ob&cure. result3 !Omcwbt in · th~ tnnnner: "e have got J fowe, Gowtt Street, ' whch, commuoieat-n•1tl I •e.-.·p• ; '• 11 1111•·, '° lnid Jow;i, nnd npply ~idering that evi\lenco, if an1 doubc. remains panegpie intended aa tho fi~~ imtal111c111 of Th:• sub·i~t, of ' tbo comma' ndi'ng i' mpo•·-- r 11 iu •h1· ,.,,., . II.: Pnill •·!::\·cry prf'l'On who on your mini•. rcgn.rdint: the guih of the J e- retrnctation nnd a,pology for thu~n .,.. in- ... J'°" ·--~ oft' very well, after nil; but wo abould never ing wirh senral adjoining houses, rendereJ \vi\.~ preM1l nt Cui'~ \,;o\·u whl'n Furey wn.• fcodl\nts, i~ will be ynur duly 10 gi.-c them tho sull1 a11d lndignltioa "hi~ve u llO ro- of wisely adivini!tert:C! law• u too trite to war- hue escnt only . thnt it \;~ a Calliclic we homel~• nenrly a doicn lmilies. Slio,.;11 fcloniou! l1 shot, nnd \Tl\.< thcn 'nnJ there uc..~ benefit of such doubt. und l 1rust you will ne- peatedly offered to hiJ Grace in th rt. journal ra~t much obtervati0n upon it: el'erybody is muni'"'d; hose Orange Protiutimta hate the nfter tho fire bell rnng out, be Pb~ni:tt Vo­t1nily 11iding n11J abc!ttin$r the 1mrcy by· whom 'l

1 uit thrm. Ut·member they hnve been a ~,iVncc,. hia neeessTion to w e Arcliicpiaoopab. t~- wpp0sed 10 00 impre!aed wilh the nlue,. Catholitsfe, that.they think noibing of having lunteer Compl\ny and Cuthe<rnJ Fire Brigade

bu w11< ,chot, I~ ~quull1 guilty in luw wi,lh the ong tim11 Kh~ent from~eir fomilica. !Kid were e 1ear not. he more orobablo o ~ect is to lt h . r . 1 · d h f th \ I d 1 . we as. t o ncceas, 1ty o a wue, and J0

U~t, And t m ·ii ed Now we put it "I rioua17 ftftd arrive at t e 11eeoe o o '>nflo"r:a ftftJ mom who lireJ the ic411." Now, apply 111111 pn1ic11tl1 wniting in i:«>n to be tried during put tho Nationalist pnrty 10 rclan utter v.-m \ ;; · • 1 "'' o • ..,,

h 1 I. I . I r"~ I c· . Co . . h d b h d f. impartial admioi.strar_ lon of the Daw. norv- 50J,mnly to M'y honest mnn, we c:ini not worked unCCASingly to prenD the li11nhcr CX· • rulin~ to t 1• pre>tnt C':l-.c. I men nt " 1 • • 1 It' tame t 1e ..,.,ntm 1rcu11 urt WIL!I s11tmg, t c wrong, nn t us to counteract t O a v ·v .. , tance from their laom1• nro' prc:.ent with the 111111 w1·re nhrays n-ndy to mee t their I rial. influence "hicb that party might ~xerrise, n body is tupposed to kpow that ii3 mal·udroin- whether bu be n Cntbolic or n Protesl~nt, ten•ioo or the fire. Those lien wbo ·hllVe crowJ. Hut not aiclin:; anJ ubc!tting in t~1e n.:t~ But 1hdr cn.•c " ns delayed until now, and be- only in 1ho impending struggle betvr~ Eng· istrntioo must be otte~ded with the most mu~I riot this ~ the natural 1min or thinking d1ua mni;nnnimoudly volunteerq their 8uvice .. of the muh, tli.:y ·arc 1101 dmrJtt'ablo with 1h~e did t't sufft'rin:.; ibis Ion:; impriM>nmcnt, 1f1c1 land and America. but in an1 other oonftict in pernicious rrsul'8 i ' and therefore it is tbni in Uie miml< of illite mto men· like these Cut's for tbc protecti~n of the li\""68 Bid prope rtT of nc1.-. lh·foru · 1h<'y e1111 he ..o dinr::cd tllt'J han• l1c1·n fort her d1•i;n1d1:il by being maon- which tho former mighl be inl'olved wi1b some extons. i\""e cooimeota 00 such n sub•i"ct mft . ..1. r-n: .con.victd, nfl•·r· nil ,.lint lino laken' plucc their ncigbboul'lJ 1 1 -r...n'll m11•1 lit· pron·1l 10 h1n o bc1:11 r.e1i\·1·ly 1·11~11;:- 1•lr•I while on their wny to find from tho Court. other foreign povrer-My, Frnnce for iostlJnce. J~ .. ,. :It"' ~ . , - • a 110 p ...... .,e expense of cJ itl""th de. tn11·tiu11. No ni' of the ddc111ln111,. "hilr n1hc..,., uow convicted, were pcrmittl!d The timo cb05en, too, for this u~expcc:ted en- appear not onl1 unne~ry bul-t\'<'D fri\·o\ous. vrith rc~pe<'l to theo(? They turn their their benltb, eertninly ~escnef'roa. .. n pnr-in 1111~ nre pron..J to h.1,·c \Jtoen nc1in·w 10 ' w11lk the atreel!! unf1:111:rt'd, like heroes comium on Dr. CJllen./rom such a qunrter is Still notwithstanding nll this,1 it i.s a aubje<-t thoughts to the Go\·emmrnt, the Ilf'.nd1, the lies tho gn:utCJt pmis~. w, undenitnnll eniini:•"I i~ d··~troyin.J? S 1rnpi''s pru1ocrty, n~J fro111 tltc bloo<ly field of bnttle. I a.•k you_ tb a.~ s ingulnr u it i~ ajgn\ficnnt. Just afler Sir thnl deQUUlJs 'tue attention of the, pcople-.of G'o\·~rnor, the Orange faction, nnd they foe.I thut Mr. Coylo'• tnnk wu of g~t · "-~vice II\ • imli·1·J 1ht-n1 ..eem 10 l>e :t do ullt on the purt :irquit lhl'>e pri.<oncno. It is your dut1 , the Robc!rt Peel bas J~ued the Pnpl\l Delegate thu Count.ry at the present moment: it dL"- in tbe ionermO:lt rece!~ of their beam 1hnt 11up11lying the engines wltl1 wiuc-·onft.b'e oecn· , of th••' • ·icn•·•:l\'I for tlte Cruwn :1.5 rcgnr•I· •luty uf ucry one, to Jo all Ibey cart to put to be merely a worm like hinuelf-a worm~ ioo. --/ c\'rrytl1i11i: thnt 0<"1·11rn·d o n 111111 dny. You 110\rn n1·ry1hi11;: tJl!lt would crentu exci(e- moreover, for whom the ! nid Sir Robert carca mnnds th~eir attention, perhaps, morr. than nn1 tbc 1DUn!tr. of n Cntbolic is bul a trifling 7 MW tll\' rliffi .. nlty 1h1: Crown hull to gt!l 1: \ i- mcnt in thi' l'IOull rom1nu11j1y. In 1our hand<, not" t"o rows of . pi.ns"-iminediately an,r other sub' ct, because their lives, and iheir olfenet:. <;:;?' d .. ncc from ~ll'l'. Ora•ly. when 1lt1: Court "'·•~· ~e11tle111t'11, I lca\·e 1hi' <:rut', with the belit'f 1be Chil'f Sccrett.ry )JM rattl~d off tbia petu- libc~i~ ~nd proper \i,es are invOIYed in iu ~· who pallinte th.e" crime of munJcr be-. W E !nm ~t is the Yt c~olJ of "ornp .. llt.J tu ro111111it h1:r in onl1:r 10 .!?"' her thut yon will co11:&cientioo~l1 do your duty, and lent piece of puerility .again~t hia G~• pre- con&1dera11.on at th~ ve ry mo.ment. The cor:po .iet.· paton1 in ita suilt. Tho ai1men1 Drnmatic Corpl', ,who hine a d With te~timony. A t 1110$1, l11:r k .•timony only gOl·~ Jo n

1'.nplc ju;11ic~ lbo !he llrioont'l'll at 1he llar,~y vioua pMr&oral, out. comet1 thoCuTimu t'~-a greatest enmo that can be committ~ b~mllo o( the 11100 re not exempt from thtgu · ilt auch au~ on a -fbrmcr'pcq,ion in

to •liuw tlint •omr of 1l1t'•C pnrtiu~ w1:rc pn:- •en• ang rb1:rn to l e1r born~ free from st1&10 column o complio1coL:1 to Or. llep u ...,... ~ecbanics' HaU co make their Brtap· •l'nr 011 th1: 18th :\l11y. I n rh.: murnin:; oht· or crime. tholic Primate or Irohrnd," at the samo time stnlb abl'04d iii fhls ColJntry no" wit .the. ntta~rd to tlie. shedding of Geono& Fuap"s 1. iolemifie· ~om•· of them, 11l1d in tht> Cf l"ni11g ~he (To~ concludtd In our nut.) clu\mcteri,ing bis last Pastoail Rl! 11 manifesto l!Olemn aanctio of tho La". It is, a fearful blood. For this thoy liavo to MSWfr to ~ tFi .. MUon

00 .~~lU, Alo'lda.7 ,!g in r b h. I · Tb f b. f 1 · 1 . ish1mnan'il llau, in tho bt:au1:.1 T"o .., -· ee1:· 11tlll'r-, but ut no ti11ll' doe.• . he s•·u n11y o t e 1g 1Cl!t tmportnnec. ere are, o au ~cct o contemp auon. tit awful to reflect ciet;r. ~o their own conscienc:Cs, and to God. ... A,Q

of tlu·m 11r1in·ly en;i11gt·J in dc.·troyin:; the (From tn1 Catholic Tekgrapn.) course, charactori~llrully mixed up with these that tho La" "ould sanction aurdc:r in any Sjr ALE.X.A~DEU BAS!UlUIA~ may hido him· Drama, · enticftd Charles ibe ·~11\h, fan:e Pro1 .. · rty 1•XC'\'11t \\"ulta Gunonn. Sh1: :-<1w honied co1~·ments, here and there, a spice or Co d d . ,,. be h and 10C1p, ~for the be. adt ohbe -·'"'·nn· g • f h · _ _ ,. alJ • untry, an Un U an7 Cll'CUIDStancea or star n~t his power and the ddt,..ltd ... u1o him with nn nxe l.11 1·akir:~ h1:r 'o1"n tnblt'. but TRE TIJIES ON TllJ-:.ARCBBISllOP twoo t mg....,..1cnt& thnt usu y COrutitute .. - Poor. Too IDucb CNJit cannobe ..iyoo to t l:HI does not •U•tnin ti1i• indic1m~·n1, whirh b OF DUBLIN. • 1ho a rticlet on lrclMd And tho lriah in tho Society l but ho" moch more terriblo is tho prerogati.-e of tho Crown; but he, too, muar h ... for J i:.•1royin;: S:r:i1•p·,. Jwdlin;:·hou~. Th«n· i-:ngli~h j oumnlisu, from tho leadin~ organ leading joumaL Firlit, we have a coarse, ~ecti~ tbac auch aboold beeome .&be atace of account for bis ae1;1 to. ll higher tribunal thnn' ~ oae ~;1~{) :;:.en who are thu obi~ ~·ded i~ 11 i;ood l!o:ul of 1litfrn.·ncc lll't\f1:c11)ll". Den· duwu io thu k nsation olio nnd pro.-inci.al pen· c:iustio ond unmerited tirade against O'Coo- things 1n a Country like thisi whOao cir'Com· c.ny he, llllly find here. He ia nn old man, ~ :. IOle purpcm ol toTidmg for, ily'• inlilt: und Mr. Stmpp'd dm·lling-hou. e.- ny! a -linu print, wbcn writing on Iremnd and re~I, somewr·1' scne~ed dhown by anbo.~~w- stance&, beyond tboM of any Coont17, aff'oril trembling 01\ thn verac of the gr&YO 1 ln the I ~-~~~"'their '•Uc;»• ensure. SI"' •nw J ohn Fun·y on tlw roof, 111111 next thu l ri:<h • .imd c.•pecilllly on the religion and de ~~entbo 1 10 aenBice

11° neYben ~ reb~- facili1i~ for the perpetration oflthia IDOi& re- COUl'H or ..Cure .he muaf, in a few 7ean, take 11~..,,.. .i..*W1 Al»linence

day ~ 1111 t'nw the ·hin~lrd off whl'rc he w11.• 11,M ll.:""'iood or the ..,...,.1 - .,ior·it" of thn uro:u tot o 1tato. at t en I ere are tn t IJI au-nee. e w•-L •L--v ....-.• ,... - ""'J J v -.11 I -. · -'-·- · --' · · vohing crime. Lo.>k at the a-.., come· leave ol thlt world1 with i11 ambitinno. ita intri- - ._

111nn1li11;:. !lut -h1• tdl· vo u ~11c di.I nol $CC him ueoplc, uniformly beirny 110 amount of ignor- mcu ey u0Uurnt100 ......, lDlpoMant ... IDINIOns --J --. =====!!::==~====~~=;=:~+======= do ·111~·ih.11;_!. ' he kil~ you iihe l'llW J ubn uncc "liieh is oflen as riiliculous u it is Je- pointing out the miamanaganent and miepT· qUCDca wbich rault from tbia principle of pa,itafollieP,anditacrimes: wbat~boaror l'«ni•r i;J.:in~ -u;:nr, lmt • h1: 1lue.i 1101 i>w1·11r plonibl··· .At times thi.:1 ignonmce is palfl'lbly cmmtnt of I reland at aenral periocla in lta tho legaliaalion or murder. Doe. any one 611111 Rpara&ion come. ma1 bia coaacienee then " · ••i?ar it ""II'· 11 mi;,;ht luwe ~lunged afft'ctcd, for the llOle purpose or cnaltling auch more modem bistory~mi.illliona and &rutlui •oppOM ; do lboM wba approTe it IDppoie, be u c:lear • to the juatice o( bja coadud and r · I 1 :·. for"" ~he knew to th\l commry.- p-·fe,.1·00 .. 11:1-11~~ to Ja' ••em·inat" (i'-'--h--' · ra.n•l1 indttd to bo fo11Dd in the columns of L. . . •11 be L • bi h _ .. __ l Lt-L b • o( (TO TS& Dft'Oa ow --L-.._) •

•v ~ " " ~ ~·0 ~ v ......, uuu.o h m.• h • f h "'-' ol b t_.. It Wt 11;rpt 'lrll n t e ...... ne WlllQI t e ponty bu motirej in connexion with the ·~ ::, h·· r\"iden~· of tbi• tt'OIO:ln di>c:; nOI :uul alumuies which would refute thenl~elve~ I e ~ 1mu Ill' en treatmf. 0 l e &wu1'11 I ia &a.-r-r-... .a.- a......:.. ~L..0- r...

lli •· I · , . '7 .., country It 11· noYer oo late to e-.1 h i&a fay.-- and promoters woold clcaire to Go..enament of NewraunJlan.a u ou ... is con· ... _ -:~ ~ - _.. .. n t'l" '! "· t ic pra•ont'r«. .. ou may not un· were they not b..idc<l upon tbu most groundleM • m • ...., OW· _,.._ .., ._ we1rv. ol &liil aacl hMINd~1 ult d1:r-1nnol tj1c motin:.• '"l1ich l111Y1: indun"tl thb ruscrtion$ und ilu: l'eri«t untruths. The moal e \"e r, even for tho Tirnt1. and it is to be boped mare oat~ fiiL Will it always happen, must Yinced of the blackne".. and magnitude ol the in tbill Coloa7, I...._ lo gin TO' cia~ pm·1·r111ic111. It nri•l'' ·ol1·I.'·· i;entl .. men, frum un~crui•n loU:I of tbeMl vilifi~lltions Ll\Vo been thnt its penitential "'1\SOD bas"' length arriY· it alwa,11 ppen, that tho red hand of murdc,r eTib wbich hia admini•tration bu carried in or one of the lllCll& 1-barocit laalbeeia

. I I . I I "" k ed But l r l ,.._. ti comcait&edioan0-aihr.. . ~..:.....:0:--.1 . um· i c.111 I · ~Jlllrl o t I<' .,11";1pp• io mn e out promul,...,Hed n!rllin.1t our hierarch1 nuJ priest- . we mus con1eaa o ...,mg io reve~ shall only nWed i s 11 of the . . t • Tha • all h b . b bim ......--- -J _ .... YIU_ n <':l~e for ,...11111nl•mt io11 from the Co,·urnmc nt. I ood 0 it ~ ·. h L 1 of eanguine as to tho permalleace or a.interi~y 0 0~1l° Tle"s Ila raui.- 1 Ill 1 e a rm we Wll T. in the world. n M~y, Ct.la an old,_ .1. · . 11 h d 1 • .11 1 .

1 • • e u1u11on as u.:cn utter 1 ignored; 01 ..... con-n-i'on. • . 11nd the interdstl of 011e ·rcligfous and politica\ poctablc iababitant ol \VMtera wu on hia h•i 1°' :i I C) ' wan•. nn 1 111 '!1 t'Xp arn tl1e ~lno1ler l\'IU.~nt forth 00> the win<nl of I\ "'"' ....... \ way "-- , .. _ to, .. ,_ -•·- ,· --.&..!::-· f. fl-...L.-

1 · I · · · 'J I ·11 ·-o- n""1· I.s thu-lhe fouodaJion on which the rR ALux u R D --" • 1 ti ,. ..... ......., - I'"--"' -- aruur I at•1r "·~11a11on tD i:•rn nny ""' encc ' u.1l w1 o11c-•id~ nnJ mnle,·olent preas, but in the r-~I. .. A .• DE ANNE ..... .A!'( s e er, pre· Rock bill be •u -ulted and ~1 ic:lted by It<> further tli:an &how tlll'ir prupcrty w~ dt:1· hroad shcN, in "'hich nmple spnce could lllsll Ma. Sruao&os ON ' VAR.-YCJtenJ:iy con'.\etof tbe present Adminiatratism i.s bn...eJ ? t nlling co be a j~ tiflcation of the remilai1>n a wo~ o(ruftiant, or u '!"i T~ ~ deJigbi. in t royt·•I. =--01 one uf the witnt:&>~ vro,·ci1 nn1 timcs be (ounJ for t!1e -111udcr, bo\\·ever gro<~, morni11S?· the Re\"". C. H. Spurgeon preacbed Is !ldl the principle on which tlo admini.stm· or the pani.ihmcnt of the Cat'a Cove con.-icu, ltnwng t~m,• loyal, rnolfenave, peace lonn~ fl!•r'lcl11:1tion by thl'loc f •Pi...,ni· r~. ndth~r Ly ihu !-landrrl'd Nuld rarely, if ever, obtain a n \""ery efJ'cctivo fllrm~ l\t tbe nc\vl1 ei'ected t6n oC the Lnw flatter tb~mselves. that they tbrough the exercise of the.Royal prorogativv, ProtCllADta. and unowly ttieaJ>l" •Rh Lit lift'. :1c h or tiy thrent.!. Tlie e,..id,•nc<' or ::'!Ir-. •in:;le nook in iL" eulumo.i 10 dispro\'C the out· tl\bc rnnclc., •electing for the text ol'hi3 di~- . .

1 l.:itel' on the Ame da7 Capt. Uuy '.fhomtt\" in

D 11}. ,· 011<'11 to u•n'1 ,· .. ,, r I · ~ 11 1 • cou-c tho 9tl1 · e-·, 5tl1 cliu1,, of "'otl~'" ·. Mre ncung wa~c Y 85 to their own interests ? i3 n mMt ruriou~ documen• It is 1huffiing1 •°isit.inu biJ n:lnti\l<a took o 1'1llk tlwn tow11 w·h·n ... , ' ' • & 1· ,. v • ou r ~ • I' I $ <"1 n • rnrocou~ m1•11Jacitie:t thnt had been 1vnntonly ' 0

• ·~ 'u " ·v- ~ ' l . 1 I I · ~I .. t 1· I · ti ti t " ·• -n lc,.e'' nre the ""R em' ke,.,. r. th II Docs S ir ALl::u.NDl:!ll BASNEJlllAN - -'11 ·11 e -··.. n d d""'·" 1· 'th t bn wu iruul.ttll b.v tlie. .aine ruffi.lly mob aotl Ol"-t 11· c1 •) . nr,..an· ""ui.: 1 in 11: ma t: r u and wickcdl! ~t ereot •' l'l-<l aroninst them. Th~e u ~, ..., ,,_ c n · . • , vr ey a n ...,.... • 1 y, \_,i. c, n ....... p 1vc1 w1 a a rnngc d _ _. •·- ··k 1 1 t ' · 1 k b C ti · l ' ' I I - ; '" •·~ --'le I 11 e cl ' Id fGod " 'Th tl1 '1nk 1\.11·· · a . e""! ......: . 10.•uc 1 .mgun .. I) thatbo pen ro.-ult:t uo rm. · Y 11 wrmc owt•r 11" 10 i1:r m•·· whol1: ... '\le rulumnie!I were often u Wi.sturtlly ru u.. cw l 1 11 r1:n ° · e opportu- ~ mixture 01 1ouishne:1s and cunning. Iii! F.x· 111 cx~•ui: at; but for thu timl>·- inicrtl!l"l'nce ins lcli th· hou•c: before the row cuntmenct-il. they were u11fuun•led, .incc, if they hnd been niiy affordt•d by tbc I ext \fl\S mnJc u~o or liy The murdettrs of G11ono& F p JLKT nre not eellenc1 gi\""es hi~ r~l\50115 for the cour-8C he of toDlO friend• h"t woulll bnYc bconlSCdiu brull&lly.r M ttf!tUrN KJ 11:.!11 ' "w the mpl' put rourul thi- JirecteJ llJr.lins t inJi.-iduuls; the ha'v woulJ the orator to lllftke spccinl refere nce to Ifie only ~rmi1tcd to go unpJni.-hw for :he hide- hM, taken : finu, he M )'S, thl\l be ici intluccd fo M WM poor olll Walsh ol 76 "'iotrs. n1oe 1\1'\1 huu•e. llr·. Dca1ly 1li1l not, nml y c· t >h•· had h;u·c vi-it eel the cnlumnilltON with its pnins and e xisting state of rUrain; between l::n:;l:rnd n11d n<>l ex~p1ioiu; ,Mery Catliolic Jll"in!! tbU ilu ti I · I '[ 1.· h A · ·' I ·1 fi II · I uus crime of "hieb Jhc:7 ha\""c ~en founJ 1h:• course by tho ""lition of a largt number lOt 't'·- 0 b , · 1· ~.~.-10 . n•ut• c 11111c:o 10 ·t·e 11 t 1,11 ,, .1r;:a~1 n un;; 1...,miltic~. llut ngniMt 8 body who:K: exem· mcr1CK ; :tnu w 11 c u y reCO$rllll'lll; t ie rro- .. ,.. . ~ '" <n:r n u~m<W or p "¥01"i:13> il """"troll· 1111•1, for tlll'y w ... ru tn;:l·t ht•r. ~I r· . l.>caJy has t•lnr)' l ives anJ exnlted Tirtuc:s ar1: pronrbit1I, pricty of mai111nining tl1e right of Grclt :;uih1, but tbey nrc appl:iuded for it b1 the of r.orson;; of Jiffurenl religious J 1,mominn1ion.•. 11 .. -d '°and woM?. All th•~ i bd11 pn:lllllc to a n-'' · i•- 1· 1 I b ti · II Ll r·1.11·n co -tr nJ I ti .1 d · f h tY . al · · I otbcrouiragl!, butof,.rc:u ernaa,.11uJeofwbicb I .,.•t'n roi "'" ic t'f Y 0 "'r wune-!<cs tU ''' l ' · nnJ aznin•t a n.-npl1: who3e cndur-.111~ anti 1 1 • 110 nn asy um to ae opprc en rtn Y cicl"Cl co t e "'"1 . p~m...,,11ve ID t ae DJFFER~"\T net101ous DESO)tlSATtOS:I !- _, II d · " " ,. I ·1· I · · I J •· ,.- ~~ f JI · '[ S l I 0 - •di 1:n cavour to i:•Yc :\ faint otlint. About :S •'°"" j:l'lll t·m .. n, I I II< 1• I IC CU.• ... 1111 1°11 rw ii.:11ution Ulllll' r the lltH•crt:At 1dlliction3 n11d 0 n nftllOn•, " r. JlU~eon \'('ry e oquenl y hMth or Sir ALEJCASJ>f: U BASNt:IUIAl'. TJ1i There is deception here. 'What hall -\he o'clock on Tul-s<l:.:r llV\..•t1in: - 5 Of' :!O or them 6 1111 thnt ·he Ln• not •po k1•n the trut h o n au~· "i•ilntioiu lm\ t: elicitrtl tile wonder ru11l nd111i· in.i~ted upon the necc •it1 for CH\m. lorb'!11r- WM in J· uat k•ep:no" .J.1·111 the oth'r ac••, ofl\ cau1c up the h.\rbor; onll ~tbta iusul!A'<l irntl

f ti C. po'n•• ' t · d 1 1 · · nnM• towa--' · n g-no - 1 · · I .. • " ... oplnioM of """"""•of different rcli.triom de-onu u 1 -e 1 '"'• 1 1' your u 1 ° reJc·~ t mt ion of tht: world-ugnin~t these the li1:cnsc ~ ru.o ·~· wun ry M> llllimnlt' 1 ,. •. . ..,...... .., flrucK 11 pcat.."t!ll.blu citizen Jl"'.ai:ated a nd gino he r t'\'i1li-nce altu~l"t h1:r. ' he tt· ll• yuu .<h1: uf tliE pn!l ~ might be• indulged in wh.,b fcnr- nllii:d to ~ Mr. S r uri;t.-on wound up n mo.•t poliliC11l ch~cter, ~petl'ltled by Sir ALt:lt· notnin11tion1 to do • ilh the -dire-ct nnd l cgiti· him wh:.t be richly tle.cn-eil, who4i twoothen1 at.­"""' P1•11111 ru 1111i11~ :lWllY wi1h the su;.;ar, but l<'$il impunity. But of all I.be Catholic pre· impressive ttrmon b, referring to tho word!! A!fDEB. D id not • h is ~xcelleno1 know that malo operation of 1be )aw. " ' hen Ibo Jews tnckt.'il him : llOUHl ollicn1 thc!n.111rired and cil'0\'0

!hu ilitl nut :lee hi111 Lcfun: thnt period, nor 11f- Intl'• of lrd :mJ fow ha\·e <o con&t~ntly been of the lext t\ll applicable to overy.-011y life. tho si,.nt•nt, fo gcneml of the iliscrediiab'e clnmourcd fur the blood of our S.nl'iour, th~y them to tbrir J ens: here 01l1ere d \htir rul&aAly ' 1 _,_,.t .. l •. unr tli•I ' "" ..... I .. ll ·' . ~·w1hin!? IO· Ill •. hject or gro_4! .. lander and rnfueorescn- ·~o ~ll<li&oro OO&npletolr GU..a <lo. '-..:--·~ i'Oum!. ·Ju1C>A .. _ .,.,..,. ... ~ .. '•v .L --·" .. '.w .11CUU\>Ut:l.I "i" UU• CS'llU•, ·rv- vu.,., ....-~~~~,.~ ,\ I ·• ' ' : '•" I .... , rn-. II · .... :.on as the .An:hbtahop of DabliO: The building. partizons of t he goY91!1ment, Md the p1>litiCftl crucif1 Him, nnd to relc~•e the n:unlc~r. and ahoc. h oy' llic.a ~~edotl '- tlle towo op-··•·1 11 ·T 1 1 • '• • ' ' 1' 1 .,.,' · .i.'111 ·, ·f. • :ur En:;li.sh jou uul-., Whig and Tory, <hnl·e liter- 1111<!' rclii;.'out opponcnli .i tl1e munJcred man? Bambhn.c, Is thi.i the precedent which Go1·- pc»itc the ho-oftbo opiM,rate, who.,.., obknt th• HI• •. 1l .. · ·1•,h;:. i . ..... : I. " pnrtic< .. lly uxh4 u•1cJ their 0011ious vocnbul11ry or NOW BEADV. . - 7 at Harbor Grace) IOOlC ot them l! lercqontl took r 1 1 • 11·:·1 · 1 · 1 ·1 · · it • •1 -'11t•, t1J!:1r !;111 ty abu~ and scurrility in 1'"uribunJ on.sbughts ·' v ,.. b' I ,.. •'-

1 I ' ·1 A'.' n FOR SALE Tl1~rc Wl·re a fe" Cntholic namca to 1hat ernor ~nnnennftn deemed it pro""r 10. follow ? jlOcWDl~nd maJa l'\!acJ1 .10fil'\l fib be wincJbws • t, I ·r·h I tlet1'1·1on u•c know . but . ... 1·t 1'n con•1'derat1'on A . . E II cl ·c1 . r J r t ' • ot " I on every ,.,atbo11c wb ioade bU a'--... ,. '"'" •11·1 ,. . c n1 musl auvt' upon hi10. TcrrM which would not hal'e been ' " • "~ .J • gnan. 14 xee t:ncy ~ay~, ic ue u~ace s fl"ar&n«. Of courJU tho noite An4 b'*1Cf ....... ~

, • I>- ·11 1 cuw.i.11.•' .,.1, untl 1he will to combine ioll·l'lltt..-d A::tninJt the ,·ery offde.'Ourings of so- At DOfTY'S Book Store. uf the wti~ht and importnnee of ihcse n:'me$ mi-rerrcnntntion of the clrnrnercr 111111 con· bloo 3 hundl"l'<I or '° wbo •ere tlnarned. Our • mu•t hftl'e ~eu followl'J liy octh·e patticip:i· ci~ty hnvt been applied to a mOJt«liMinguish- Price only S"~ce. 1hnt h~ F.xeelle nc1 exerc~d the Ro1al Pre· Jut't of the Very Re v. Fnthcr W 11L;b, afford~ flood rriut. &!<11. J . O'Connor, jot rt\Omed froll'I

. '


1 ·

lion. Wulter GU'1'1Dan is not s hown tu hu\'U •'II di•'llit"r' of th• ea·i...olic Chu- -'1 in , Ire- A SERMON . d !.L • - ·· ? Tl r h . 'Ii . r h ~ f Harbor Gr.lie and hMICR_ed doW1>11nd. -l'luadecl d . I h ,_ • ,., "' " "' "" r l'Oc"Rllve, on gnve rmpun11y Co muruor 10 him a 1ur1 er JU~l 1c.'ll.1on 1or t e t'll llS~ o h C hol b ....__ -·• r

co1abint' wu l t 11 muu to Cilrrf out the work lnnd by these truculeut panders tu in3en~ate t o nt 1ct to~ tot cir ..........,lnu u~iaruly of du.·trut:tion. Ilia churneter htl!I been w't11l bim>Jrf Wld enyenomed (nnaticism. And yet rnteACUf.D BT Tllll Catholic ruunes were ex1remel1 few ; and of 1he coru:ic111. llru hi.i Excclle11c1 a n tit\: 1bl:y 1umt"lJ tlom1•wanlJ when a .,0J~~ fired on I .... 1 I J · b K .. .i I · o-· tl1es• rMvr •Ame wero su~p1'111'ou•I.>· oh1ft'1n'~ 1 • m ) t~ P o t' p ·1 t be'" 1 · I them wou111Jin,. 10or 12 ri.>~s. ·, .......... _. e•lln..., '1 urcrn11& . 1111n .... ~•1 to' io •~ I\ most the only cbn.....,. au~tained •_;nst bi.i Gr.1ce u •t.. , ..., J .. , • • T •v. c x11 p e o n aus 1 o 1ore 111n; nn< " 1·- --=·"~

......... \.L J I " h ·o- -..- BIGHT REV DR MITT T nr1T I., I d b I h . 1 "Pfl"l'i:nl tlH\l tho object or tbo 1) or l tent un re-,.-~1...,.., mitn, an l"llll we '4pel' M to t •' \llli that he JL•i>layed an uncompromiaing • DAv.a.u.n1v~ w 11 c t ae rest were n. curt t rou.," • I om· following thi~ cxumr> c docs be or1 out--of cJ b d b ,. l I r I · ... •t •·- "" t.o c~uJO 3 i;tur anCQ ~ er acrowd, u

mora l' 14nu·ter 0 1 •c prbe>ntn, ior 18 ua.• cm·r;,· in thu ditcbuge o( tcu duties; lha1 he B1.lhop of St. Junn'1~.Ne111foundland, ftucnee of a · mi.placed commi~rnlion for the the blood of G eorg1: Furc1 I • ·Mh my h:lnds; the nll~OJ w11re prefl"rctl th ams aid bull..-t'° ...-..., • le:ol lo bbri~c;cb:I '1~~P .. iDIYlirtuclland mor- would not lend hit countenance or co-opera• On th& OCCMion of the death of Gt:OROE com·icta, or from a carelcs.s indifference as to let it be Oil the liend or the Chief J u tire.- A party of tbcrn were tent 01. be link, md postecl a hy 11inre t "" i '""""'• • le 4 you IMI tion I• tins J t:iign• and ,.,...,... of """Udo- F h 1 _ _. be b II nJ _.. tb~IYcs l\l the lanr.t aod- in Pmata1t boUSH W-•· G t b. · · d ~-- ,..,.. Un&T, w o Juu en ruta Y mu er""" wbethe' they vrcrc puniJhed or not. W e must Suell is tllu tone o f .Ju tificnt ion which Go,·e r- · be ol I ..i1 6 I L• C ... i:r orman IJICll ii1 nenmg• Ill "'u y· liberal legM1uora for ande nnining the failh to at Cat'• Cove, during thci. recent . • m t re:i.r t io a1i;-.-c1 ar.-: rct on. luo atbolk-. lnx naa1l11:1Mticf ancl flgun:.i, and PUN"ly the which the people bad clung 6rml

1 and beroi- Election for flnrbor Main. declnro our utter ~dcmnntion, h01''tYcr. o( nc.r llannermnn luu 1ct-11p for bim!clf, nnd iu they ret '7-"cd ul\thc to.wo. GL,J w~ .lin.'I!

manw ·u dotbau i• notlilif'lyto bet'D· U h h ea} and • th h f this (:166 feeling o( pity, andofthi~cri:ninal h I · ,ib J rt h' I h · from tbo !l_oo.eof aJIC.noqn rntbue"Tice~ranca · --.1 • 1b· Pat ·c1i: S M y t roug w woe, lD e our o St. J ohn'11, Jan., 18th, 1862. •UC exl'et y 13 e g roun o w ic' t e voice rell\,ti,·u ol1l m:rn in high st1ttion (wiose Jul\- a, ' ....-..... ~-1M"~hc:nmebuu ~~. h n .~PJP penieeutlon and poveny u in the da,71 when indiffe rence to tho Hfrly of Soci,cty. There or Ren.<on, or Truth, or .lusticc, nnd or Con· prcllch pc:u-e) nod that Jtod "~.~calJcJ 'ou\ ..... CllD but tog I w .. _. e lllW in-1 e •ho iron betil of oppNUion trod lou heavily NOTICE. is notliing just, or honorable, or nolilc in it. •cience mu .. t condemn hit"n. Dut uiJ Excotl· slioot thd1 iu they may oot i.oet l{IO bnce on~ Jlie He '-rd Jana_.. \VoodforJ ltll upon 1bem, and a b.ppier lot ~med to be in A continUlll lirc wiu ke[lt up for n boul'. 'The &M to :'Slop. ..sop." and (rorn lhe ~(. pres*ation for lhem. Rarely d itl ho addreu. WSnbscribers to the u Record," who hMe What influence operated on the omjollity of lenc1's motiTe nnd conduct are non· 11·tll 11n- bollle of )[r'. r. Drown, Mrt. Fannag, E. Cahill, Alita WuadlOnl -..k Strapp ~upf'C"t'd him to ?hem on anf ipecial_OOCMion without cunjur· not paid in their Sub>eription wiU please do the aigner-3 oftlitJ dii;grnccful docum,enl!' WI'! dcnltood In this country ; no flim•y veil thnt ll. Finn a.aw 1''. llutler were lil'l!J in\ and llC"cral • .. a,...,... hr, and•• wW •how yoa that tDK tht:m to be obedient to the lawa.. peaceful,

60 immedi.tc l

1• it a desire for tho pence and securi11 of So- he enn tl1ro\v O\""er him-elf vrill nmil to h ide penons •oqpcled io them. It illl,ar miraculoiu

dill •-'"ioa wu a comict oae. He did. ........_r, onl• rly, --·• _ ...... _. _ _ , all .. -..... B ut . , .... W • bl f 1 that tome ~ were uot killud intbe nroet or . ....--- _,., "' ...... ~ - .. _ J 1 86., c1ety • .i.•O. as 1t an a 1orrc.11cc o t ae fnno the public ,.•ze the ~pirit, cl111rncte r, · nnd · ·'· · ho .. -~ L-·· J b JI " 11 . .C - MJ °'.her ol lbe defendanu com. m•t lf be wu mons eameai and peremptorwo in bis aouary 1, 1 ... w · 111 .... cir ......... iu ,...,.. 11n u eta flll'e 1a 1oi: If ...,..._ u--- V'·-·h be "J greatw crime that man cad commit? No. object of h~ nJminijtratiGR. There is no llllln like bail from at lc.ut 100 gua1 an1rillea. Tbo

•Jlldlt • .• -&-..-& ~ '"' lldmonitiona on one ponion of their conduct .., d f h 1 d lleYd. Mr. O'Connor ahbo' exnnoia.,.in-1r ..;.L. __..._.. .. _ "L-'d'·'nt~.,.--0--•1 w:-·~• «b ,,as ita cepMdeamoa•semco w · at~ ue !olostto common seoe Md tocornmonun .--· p~ "'w -· •- go., "' ....... ~ '""' • ....,... lb.an any other, it was in regard 10 their SIU· ".lit ~ ~ , ' · out !ear, and &calously exerting biiqJI Jo pacify W Of Ulchat:l Oonaap •moo• tho mob, and dMm,tly Hoiding all connection with aecret ao- t lll-. tCOtu • to lbe mnjeaty of the La", and to the prcaen·a· der:Jt1u1eijpg, ns not to pcrce il'c tho evils which biJ now f1Utlf infuriated poople, ca:>cd a nburt , Ma& ... •1 or the pritlOncn d~~ing.- eiAs. Again!!\ these mi.schlnoua combiu- t ion/ or public c.rder ? N o. None of 1 h1:~C hi~eilencf• polie1 mU:ll produc:o upon nlt.bcrigb the maa'• clolbCI, on w'-no be •as 8be did no& lwll' )!,..,, Dddy down ,,,~ the tiona the .-.min! voioe of all tho Catholic conside rations coulJ haYe moved the:se men to aocict .. , 11nd the foundation upon which tluu JoanillJt, woro riddled with •hot anti hwelfiligbtly trunk. She 1&w 10me Of' the pri~n go-#nto p la I dJ .... 1 d b . ST. J OHN'S. JANUARY 18, 1862. , wounded. • 1.._ kltcben, but n<rlhing more. She l(iveJ no re 1°' WM evt1r ou Y ra.1.&o:u, an 1 car ec- tbrow a veil O\•er of the commi! ion or the polic1 rests. Dul hb Exce llency',. d rivelling Military amittance, Ila freely grantf in ILvbor

.. "" u cle:i!ianicaJ penaltiei eYCr threatened. It wu L . b fi .Jard f Soo' I . crimo of murder. Wb:it then wu the motit>o . J . I . Ul ·1 Graco was telegnplicd for .at • o·c1:1c ; but did .,-iJeuee beyor1<1 thi4. -nrra1 aaw lralt#r thtu tbat th"'.io1rul1 apo totic Prelates exerted AW u I o aa Cgu1 o icty. t is a bigotry, an sollu I cunning, " reco1 11pon not l~in·e until 7. HR• !lats J . Petcraccuunt for Gorman and Hieh,nJ W!llJ.b come up the rond their powerful authoritl 1o deter their flocks abield tb11t protecta life and pro!JCMf. When- which 1wa1ed them in thiJ i.nfiunous procc.:J- himself. Society will ultimntcl)· right irselrir. tli1tl, 110mc orthe wouodediiad=·y in Harbor lo lhe boa4e, but be did.nt itee an1 otbtr of from ru~hing to their ruin and engendering eYCil' it ii ill·adminisrcrecf tho welfare of So- ing? We hue Mid that tho number of ~pitc of hin1, lrO\YC\'Cr ll Dlll1 suffer at tho pre· Grace for sn~I aid bo\fore J rcail7 to

l the de(endanl6 that Jay, IUld oon.aequenily hid Marchy nnd djaonJer in tbe land. In punu- cie1y becomes eodanpre<\ by a relaxation of -Catholloe who affi.xtd their names to ibis scnL moment from liU. sectarian and \·ieiou.s trncl to t!MI ao~ ol tho or Carbo-eridcnco °'nnot affect tho-.o of t lie pri..oncni in$r thi.i e Yen tenor of their way, die Catholic near. The amnl or Ibo Miliiary aockr their

• wburn be ditl not i.e~. Tiieir conduct,"-' far H io·rnrchy contributed more 10 the peace and thoso boo<LJ which bind man lo nan lo social pclition wero oomparati..el,,r few; and wo hllvO policy. bra•o Captain wbo~·c:keted the toul, tl.o' late, a• he linow:t, wiu pt"acenble. J eremiah Krn· · r h ·r •. 1 harmoo1. A loosening of the oonstitue11t e le· accounted for the silly motil'ea which induced wu 0 PJ10f1°•e, u Catbole · P"' ring

. pl"Olpc:r1t1 o the oounll'y, t llD I the wuo e to defo11d tlieir livra nJ thoeo ol ti . fam~i111 "' ned1 ia " Yery rc•pt.-clAbl.e w1ln<W. H e .cr,IL< force now JillRO"Dblt1 for the appreliendt'd mcota of communities takea place the fir.it t heae rew lo commit themelvCJ to such l\n WK undel'l'tand tltnt the conduct ~d/ pro- any ctHt, And would iavl! taken al.m ati~tion 1 ou Ins <'aw thu ci:owd going 0 11• but !Jt dut nt conAict with Arocrica bad been quartered moment that the Law relaxea io h a wiH and improper proceeding. Let us ull tho Pro- ceedipj;ll of tho Pro tc,,tnnts of Ca1bonenr in oa thoiJ- murdcl'OUI roea. tee AD'" or the pntlel\tlrt ,Ju uny1hing. N ext . r __ , d B II h. . . . h L -' nJ I 10 to• . t t ~

,"'" c A d ha d 1 11 1~ ~ an M pc!llMI p~ners. ut 11 t 11 healthy action ; or, wone atil~ 1.1 pemrtod tCM4Dts, then, who constttuted the great m11. connexion wit tm:1r rnu ero~ assnµ ts upoo Lm., n qw' uow-irea ~

c.>me ,ll ,.,.._ .;olntpp. 11 "' t 064 • 10 le dad not deter tho Vule11n ol the preu and the . . . . . . ' · _ _. Ca·L- JJ (II · · d · Taib-reinforeementaloftl'OOpl, ani you J4· w.ly of ,.refllce 7 Why, that ahe wu . C 1

lul labo _ _. . b h. .._ from 1ta eHential object, and &arned to pur- JOMl1, of these 11gnert; why they wteresh:v their :..... c e ow-011uns arc un eTgOing ar from St. Jobo•a. '.l)o qu111tioa fri1 It t<J h to.. b . d Cb ld' gnm 1c ops t t a~ Wll am M ,.., f . . char I . aad • l in u· .... , , w it . innsligation. ~uit 1he p~iso mode aoa what wul~cawe ofthit uoeiYili*1 '° "I , .. h • ~ 1 e~ wiu an u 01 an1i-'Fapa1 forge from hurling their thunder potu 0 a Yicioua acter. t 11 • ~"ft: 1 emA ""' t 11 ...,....r ' .., a:DY'a8n~ · ous attack on the Cathohca or ibis ) t is

tee t Ancl tl111 II tho witDeu who wu to bolt a with at much Tehenience u eyer at hia 4oct on the misapplication ,wbic) tho~" bu feolin& of reprd they eatenaintd for the OCll.l· manner or this inYeatigation~j likel1 to be, it troccablu to mo11 high in llulhority an r, •ho lid" the c::'° °!.·'be Cro"o'. • SbSc too, w11.1 Grace'• bead. The one-'.e1ed mooatera af· undergone i11 tbi1 Country 11hhin ho wt vicu P No. Wu it, that tbey thought lig11t i11, perhnps, not difficut{ to andel'l!ltnnd l but, 1uppliecJ 1boee IC'Ountlr'\\IJ (pa1il) will (lln. pow • ..: ~-" 1 t. :4' t>e!reY&I~ 1~PP mo- fected to miatako the oll•o branch of peace for twcko months. W o TCnture to aa1 thiu no of the crime of munJu? No. W t, tbllt yct,-it is to be boiw;d 1luit the em11ion of lavr Jer, 1tnd shot lut ar.nnsr. and toltl tht:P looro&ect .. n, lO -• ou. 1 C&M ~ e t.:1 Of'- a rhonk'• cowel Md hnblt · a Mlemn and dii:- . . . . ' . . • · ' ll ' ll · be b their rigb11 and ~nke do"n U1u ~ndepelMloce ol der to eeeiire tham rem11nenat1on from the If! .1 .1 • • • 1 1

d cmhied Country 10 the warld ron ~tl'lt,so they felt conYmced &bat the be.,t mode o& arid JU~ticc wa not ~II conlmuo 10 t o L'"'· c,ibolioi of tbil tl~tricL To I.Jae_ who . • , . n cu prolr~t nn .... cm11i1on n~ln•t tac nres nn (..'_· . . • · • b' h f LI '"" ...--

p•em~nt, 11nd 1Jho .cool<~ nt reoogn!~o 11ny ul willlJI or procelyli!tel'J for bi~otry or euptn<ti depiornlilo a plcturc of J>C17erted tt"" u estnbhahmg ~w and order, and of prCM!"mg distinguu ang c nmcters o 1c present ~v- 1eat fort~ North Sbon1 ProtM&nu a& tll lu t tl.e pnrt11:~ en:.;.i:;i·J m thw tn rnont-tJon. Yo.n lion: nnd i!ie fil'l\l clctnl\!lJ for seimmlo Cntho- Nc"foundlnnd within the J*riod 'we· ' have iu>d coti6mling th_, pace or Society ML' to emrnent. W e htno~ot sli~ht~l ooritl· d ootioa ~ of whom actually camo~hl milu ,,.111eml"'r when thl: men called ut ~mpp ~ 1. 1 . d v 1. . 6 • . . r~- d d nJ ., ,. 1 . 1.k of tbil place, after travt1lhn8 all a : tiU wcro I

• l • 1 Id 1 11 1c " ' ucntion M nn nuempt to con\'ert eve-r1 11tute . ,. u ILIClll apcc l11t1onJ and private 1n. pat a ~ pardon to red-ban c mu err cience, 'll'e inuat co1111 , 19t 'ODY l 11ng 1 e thea told lhey"wel"I' 00l .....,u1red. 0 , lUc"'•onl 1u11.., 111 t 1~ mornanj?, ~ 1c to I wm o en 1 1 • I I I · · · · · r • G ,_. , ~-

. · 1 · I I • Id • 't: 100 m t 10 "°' mto a monMlle m~lltullon trigues have formc:1I tho htllis on which bu No. W'bat, thep, cauaed lllele! Proletl&ata to jwtice or fllir-ph\y lll'ill eman;ito fl".>m the o- Tory Preti wbo u!JtW Protcatanll to lnll td tlc-fl;,;: •111 ~n tie evt nm;;-. w icn ! 11! c;uu. ,('~ 1111llc r Dr. Cnlh•n'11 rontrol. In tho mid•t or ~ . .• . . . . . . . II h f<!nd ti-.elvca wi1h ,UM, altllou.gb t'IO l, 1tack·~ him. w11 .. noL tl~t ~ crry pl11m .an v111111on for 1111 thi.c., howt' \""er. wr are amid en I taken been constructcJ the cd18ce of e fll wtuch now take ao dc>ep an wtercat 111 de/ea.trng lhe ~pena- nrnment tn Jhi1 uny more than in n t e eJ or uor . • To aa Orange OciverDDtnL-wbo, t b11m 1~ comt! "-0Jt111 an .thu t\'enm~, nnJ ·I~" nb:1rk by ft lnhnurt<I 111111 lt'ni:then1:il r!n .. i,ric lootD.:1 abovc' uP, and cas11 iu ahndo"' ofjllpolll tiom o( the La•, and In eecb;ng th.II tr1umvh other outrages with vrhlch they hnd to del\I. ~no inquiry, and ca°""1 no ~ '.> t~ not . tbi.1 ~01". •h

1° moll"~ 0~ t i~~ 1.~0v1r 111 on Iii• Gl'ftre in thft colum1t.o1 or 1ho public or- eYt:rywhcre around us. V e cannoc. 9000f!i1'e o( criee1 Whal wu &beir aaeire, Lot ua TboMI owra..~ are tht1 fruit• of1heir peculi11r *~of Co~ Chri•ti whic:b •as allost4 • ~

et11lm~ •G1'11

111 '" ! it: c~e1111111ll t 11 . 1 udt 11,·~d~ j?lln. " ·hich in it~ ch:1met<'r of 11 lt-1\ding jour· of a greater nil than thtt whlch 'penened put il &o thom, IC th• nuotodeftlll man waa a po~ a they ~H aoagb& tbom ; 1be7 rely . a d-1 '° applauded anti •de paa\o!Md e

cnm1· i,n t e eYe111ng wit I t 1eoe ftrtu•_c.nn ' ' n I" hM inre•AAnrly led the vnn in ti• Tent· . . 1. -r-- . _..._ .L • b l o( .__ "'!f leaden .. .,. tho ... -~­Ill/. ~lai .. f llitt ;,h~· priw11cr.. to Ill c..-onloun1)1>1f 11

' I. ·,· . I I ... _ . _ .. I ,·, d IJ\w presenll to our Yl(W. Talk of pobtio Pro&eetant, we wilt oot .. , an of_V Pro- upoo ... em u t .. 00 y ........ pet"peflli&l-&. ac:iioe .. , bill ~eJ; ·bid lacl.~ ~ aad ' • . . • nl IUtnca:l "111<· 1 111ve .,..,.n fl"""" ra y mft Ill .. r b'I I .. ' l 'ch h Id , b p ., ~n.1 h . J'. th r • i --~ ,~I ho bad t\Ji'ilsall Mar atrain > wuh thl'm? • ·ru atru ..ume f11n· ~1u1~r\11'!'· Oil 111, .. aupel"tltitiou• monk,. whom novr the 1 ... c1y, w 1 c t 1e ' Pll"ll 'llllll e ou preside IC11t11nt, ut a111 rotcst.ant wuo po -.... no t e1r JIO"er I an , t:re1ol'C, m~ "11<1-vr repret- ·- ..,...,.... 8

.di!ll•l'f'pttnei~. in. ~;~"'~n·f·. One tb111~ u AAme organ in blantf And c::iurtl1

rhrue, de- over it, and cherish ·it.i ;nd presen•o. 1t! not pdtitiear b~ ."ould the,- sign " pt"ti1lon for sing tl.ft:m, the ma11ife&1'probabifi<1 i1 tha ttiej ., '· ·. • · • · · ' " 1~ •llt'ndflbedp:ih 1

' •lie.I lD the_~I".'~~I! "1!{n1t,...11·M 1he" Calholie .PrimAte er Ireland.'" ~nly witb'dra"' its vi1, inllucncd fiom tho the ~oo of bis munletert? Would they will d'o e'ery thing · th~y deem calculfted to ( .. oa TUtt io:CulU,l.] • /

l.ar~ Den an 111 <'N Wl're p~..ent ... I" ot:n JI ' G • n I h" 1 h 1 · 1 · . .- · . .:... _ • ' d h 0 h. · " bl; id. M °' J 'd 1 . 11 • mre -' c-a._•tont '• " 1" 1 ave 1111e r10 'ustnanment of 1t, bul \""en tnuuligurea ttse ppose aaemaelYes to the La" i,, Ol'der thal encourage IUl proroote t em. no t mg 11

w twas .:i • "'· ·n Y •m 111

" .-da-;.._nu ltitfln ' "'"" lit>d by tl1t1 Lontlon Preu in tcrm1 · 10 It d•ftdly '"oe Ta po · h · • h. "-'-"' ·gbt · bed, now pla---' beyond all -1~-i...1. namol11 that ".,.."L""G ""'O MURDER."

~.wnt Sh11 awom 111111 1h11 ht'lpc. vun. 1 1• d Ai • h d an s ~ " .- n11 cruno 1.1 one 11 mu.._- ma go onpo1u1 , C1C<1 """"" A.I .. •u n

• . 1 ie m,,., 1 1•courtN111• an o 11n111Y~, ave au • . . . . ~ c,. hor~bi Co h 11 • • , ... ,__ ,1t-d1 10 ~· rh .. lo\Ycr JJllrl ul 1f11t hoUJ<t:. ,1 ... ,11 IH'f'Omo manife•t04'., thn importMra or IDJ.SllOD of tho Law; to protect 1nnoce11co " And Str ALcx.u•oza Bt.wn1uu .. w tri11mpba diet t 1 . J qotry CAVnol ope or U-nt occ.orre~ m our mid.I are ~~~

.aid tlt•t h11 n:111u.mt'd-1i111f nn hour 1x:ror1: Ji,. which th,. Ir former Cf'n.""nt cannot 100 hi..a.11

anothe r. The Ont_ mJment it faila in the ono over tho de~ion te which be bu aobjec:ted protection or justice from the Government, or lated to lead to~ a coodullon, anti t r d I t nJ I .. v "" ~ ... -r· tl"UC&iou al 111;;. a iuttero(tri.lli~. ,eo

wen:, an on i,;oua:;r out,~ ie It'll nin 1111° •rrre<-l111P. Then aOrr ' lnyin,. ~ome furth~r or in tho other it to be a blessing and l~e Royal l'el'OlfatlYe ot !14roy' . l a i& for the adniinistratlon of the la". H ow long thu h~ of sollolenl-1-- nt to eo&ail thu ·~C>•n" h~y ." 8hr did nt ~t lill' G 11rms11<. .. . 1 ' h" G • " 1 h 1 _ _. . ' .--"'- , · . °"'""' L- ,_ '

• . •1. ~ . F . 1 n 1t11·r1r:.: unrt on to 1J mee ti M>u , t e o".,. commences le be a c • The ftclminiatrators Pftl'ty pu~ tba& thil preroptin hu been atnte Qf thing• may contin1»e"it ... ia nol eu1 to pnieml.ed by tho lawt of't ..... net. · I 1

nor!) I ll".lll, NV rllll), .nllr ur:') tU l\ll.Y• injt jo111ruAI imnginea 1' ls proclaiming some . . • ' , d r9CU& peUUQn f~ the liberation oflhe (.tl'I Co._.-tbiu. Ch tlou .?.~" lwh}f'•· . \fr •. ~;rnpp .. 11111,

1 h' h . L .. _ . t

11 h rid of tho Law Jine a accoun1ab1hty. n.-. •.JI tended?/ la 1hili t~ aoope and ulhmate ob- way; but the Catholics ba~e one u11, to pc~ _ ·-d' h•· Ex-lle~r ,L- n....--~..1, .... ,:-.,. . ,. I •tc-1 II f'rlo un1<n01Yn, W1n:ll IL e ' t e "0 • ( • • . . ,_ .. , - ~w .... ... YV•wrtr • - -

• 1 1111 .'!f ih· .11 a"<lt\t' r:" t":\lh··I .&I 1 '" 11 .. •;e ~1111 thftl the Atthl>lehnr ex~ tho rutllit1

o f an fore God and man y a~tl forth either as J CCI o~ U111 power aboYe the Law P rorm in the pretent emor;en?, and that. i1, lo cber:eopo11: ~J!_blic: 111'ul11 1~al"f oithia whole Ul-t It• ,11111 a.rn•-. lttt.- ...i~ll4 i~r. '1!!~ l: atrr~ Mlh Ill a Jeni of ~Cffli1i ' "-" well A'I Its mit- tlie gua.rdianl Of •ety, OP ill d~lJ'O,ert. Let U3 Jooll 11& the letecm which &W. Ufrclle tlaod flrm bj tho CDQJfl of truth and ju'ltl~- a6air (".'*~·a;: IO l!od, '° that 1 need Df'.

: $ ' ' ''l't,.. •••) ""~~ 1"--'~1 1:;:: • 1j~ cur:,e. :_n: ehie,·oi1• eff'tcl• in hr4ak11tir up t~e natural Tho Law it in t keeping; it cannol' mon i r tlie preroptlYeloeotc.i .. upon-8oekty, and To do t6it. t6e1 mun· atten.d to a 11trid ob- ~~i:r°:ba& k i:, ~le~ylat~.,! =

• t.i:p ~·u r.. II. • "", 'Py rt~tnl'I) e~ ·t ~~ bond• or IOC.il't1. ~w. lh!'re I• ICftrtely " ~iorm ill mluion Mn WO ea.ample ll neeeaaaril7 d'orda. Ju these senancc or tlae law• of God and of tladr oo"un· jodgtlkDl ...... ~ mttt et Cat'• Con.. So • ., .. WM ·~ Q<JellC on l lat I I Ill)( ye • HI illtl Oubolir prannl from the mu of R owtb to • ..... ...... ~ ~ tbocal!l aiot ... ., ..,, 1w· .. , .,., , '" • .,,, , .. , c.r- Cl"'· ..... , ... ..,. . ,; .,,,.,.,... •lw• P'"""~ • ....., ....,. , ,_ .,_ ;, """""' ......... -.... ••"' ......., and , ..,, .. d '? • r,;,~r.1 '""'"'""' ot .... . .- :.,.N :-... ._ ~ ~ .... ..._, ou VriJ ,1 night. C.ui yoo b-li~Y.i IMICl1 ~" f\allT ... ,., of th& fbtflity of an oath NCMYft ita Tit 1 tlnd 1t1 actJoo : 1r they Ute tame ol tbelr bnatal ou1~ wht& may be dut.iea "b1eh ahtie lawa I~ upon ~ tlleir liberedoo {ram~ b;'l:~I Ben.-

• MW•J• l .AD dw ""~ ror lbe lroaeuu· tu. uder •aeb c:lrca-°"' Tbim u, la 41red ~ aript, t e7 beDtAi Sodet71 and al lbe lbouptt wJaicla occapied ~ · mtW 1. ':fbus tbe7 .,"ill bo able to o"@.o tbo ~ _, be a Ju& acti or i •1 lliet . , l

Page 3: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&


. \ r


Excellenc)"• Jed~iou upon lbat mowone.I involvu l anOlbcr gra,·11 priuciplo wbicb dema11da communt. U ii frcsb in tho mioda Ol ·tbc <.'OIDUlUnity, t hat ~ wen were convicwd o( mansh1ugbter by &

jury .of tbcir pu.irt-a j ury wbO:IO leaningt and dympatbia (if 11 jury ~c 1upposed Cllfi3blu ot en· tcrmiuin# thew) woro outirely iu tbdr (uor. Thuy wo.ro ltlntun1.'lld to imr.r®nmont for a turw of .omo s· or 10 mon1h1, a mild JOnh!nC:C I bclit.:vo under iuch c i1Vuoutau1.._)"et in the face of the.., fa•" in<hn compliauc:c with tho aolicil4tiqps of • hundred~ of fanatic 1ui,~uiJL-d and thougbtl• zens, all l11w iJ Cait ~1Ju :mil t hu pnJI' • frco to as1umc their :ll'tUstomc1l position• 1

Ill$ Excellency Sir Aluxandcr lfanner' ing tho proon dooni to thCJO rul!n d~ cscc.!11 t hu pre~;itivo iuvcsted iu pr~nlative of h~ So•·crcigo. but or was·bo inditft?rcnt to tbo~b net. l b 1 be ncted justly to

whot0 intorests ""' cotri.utcd Queen \ 'ict.oril\ li•· 1:inc1tio1 ever)' scn•iti"e 111;ntl u1UJt not i'n clT .. ..:t violate•! tho munilJ. lly vir1u:1lly li,•u1 sl!h ·o:s in bos1ili1~· to r' ~11idc1l ii~· t;at's <" fll~ who l:\c1cd the 111tinori:1I Rl"ll 10Ci:1l point of , ;.,,. w"m~uts tor ~It••

• p:in:; ol 1-oor F ur h earts blooJ on (ho wi1lowcd • of t he promw do~·· amt . .; 253)" i~ it riT;' •ud 1 a sta\ of the ini; ma,• noL or \i,.· hi• but \ D'J, he r .. al\,


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Page 4: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&

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Page 5: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&

t I •• ..

THE ~RECd'1t~SATU ....

>- .. . ~Lir<Ti ... and to hnng 11rounll 1hem like I\ ni:;ht, Tm: Troop-ship Mogdcltna, with the Halifu II you, •ltb your·•oald- lofalty,, ·~ •1mp11- aes.&l.of lll'ea.coroloalcal OINlenatloUS N oticts

"«! _ , l u ·1. d '0 Ro I A ·11 " i · IA thi.Jo with tbe 'ulferioga of a .~ae-11.ri•iken pee>- fol' lHJ. " • cloud. They nns cnllcJ upon at leni,:t I to luUI,,,. l\O 1 ~ JP. rtl c ry ior t 11• p ce; pie, YOU 11iou1J at least ban tho ebarit7 (if you -- r defend 1l11:ir lh·c Rgninst the se<:Tel COIL•pir11cy arrit~ here from lluliritx OD .Mondny la.;1. :ira CaJ!able orX1prebondios: w~at tbU moa lf • Jdu.. B4Mm • ~ lnco~. Dau. The: Winter' "--" ,o·f Leetures at

. I Sl I n .• " E I ·' •. . . tJ but wbicll l ., much doubt) to abttain . U D JllUOUre -- , .. etucorrecl a .Ill uuw~ ColL . • . of tluiir mortal foes; nnJ to thl'O\\" the m •. <t: \"<ls IC c ne xt w1y 10r \!:; Unu, urmgmg IC llean~flu.d(ltodlJIO... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . • . 211.09 St. BonaveD&.WVD e2'e I rd :~foils with bcr. J waking a1>7 falto Ntpol'U, anti lot tho • " lieu lfu. a.eight of Th~rmometv . . . . r.ta , • P , ·

-........ ioro the breuollin re i3tc nce to t 1c mu crou.~ apcak. fortbrmsel+t•, u tbey i'a.-. done. tho >reu lillo. dlt.to dJno.. . . . .. . . . . . . . I • To c:omm~ce- on THURSDA y o cxt, the ....,.llilnn t~ of their ~ncreJ nltnrs nnjkhe anoint- a&) iu; ,is.·• lbe proof or~uddiog ii io tho oat; ~.....-i.pi~~~/:C~ ;;i;~;;.·;u;· 110

· • 0 SOth iuatanL · • \' ,_ . 'fTOt"''Cr..po11"'c1tc" illj! 01il,uIO 11-.o aufTh .. e lbO ii.11 j d~ca of u ~ .u .. .. Wr -·• mioi~tcrs of their Ueligion. ' c spen"' in 'CJ. ·" ;.1 U '-• b · d . • ·• • .,,, .. •.. .. .... . .. . . ... ..... . ...•. , . 1& Aug.ID 0 · L b I R n_... 1or 11--1.

' '" t .. 1r own con 111011.. o lowm -; •.. . . ...... . .. .. .. . •...... . ~" ~·ei.. g peomg ~Clure y t 10 t . iLW"• • .iuu <11;&,

ibc sinccri1y of o ur soul'!, nnJ in the fu ll con- · You further d:ll'l to SJ>l?ak iD yoar lHliJ?ll • :r,:anut7,ofralaa1:1d 111~lted aootr . . ... :., . to.106 Ind!.. - Suyjcct: The .La/1'11 R'JC!. · :,c1"ou .. 11e,• of 1l1c dnngeN th11t uro '11lhcring c•·un TlH> n•:couo.J rag, in 111ch nbutiYO languaft.O wiLh,..impu111t7, or re....;n:Dc .,.lodo ••.•. •. ·' •.••.•..••• ••• !\."·"'.· F eb.. 6.-'r"-' lion. Judsc L1 llc,--Sul>-r ~ auch RlCD u w. s. o·uncn, T . F. Moag'ber, and ,_ilJ._11'1 fell on IU day1. Saow ot cl&yt. ,. >oo 110 '1" ·iliicklr around us when we Pi\·c c,Jpre;i!ion to .. AnnuUJ uartu co111Llttur, mtnsibw orbu.-Virg: h O'Do b Th Ii ·r •• -1 • j ecl : --- · • 0 .._. ·d ·b , . 1. , l 0 no:t oo. e int two, u "' 0 ro.ii-. JuM 30 at. halr·PhL 1 1 p. m. a larl:fl Oomot appcareJ ' 18.-'fhom·~ Tnlbol, . -r;-!q.,-Subiccl: the convic tions n1>1Y forced upon .us that ., .. oci • 1 · " ·· •no .ia. and tho llllle r, u a · blackguard llntl vilh n. I In N.N w: • · !.;)'t • . - ..., ~

· f Another 1·cMlY cirdo hiu been com~etcd : ano- wout.1 not like to ho in your M10et 'Mr. Winton, if Sept. ad a llc• 11p~'1 E. of St. J ob1f•. • O.~tw llislury. llotllin:::. JM• thnn tho e x1 crmi1111t1on ,o our I I r r • h. booL ·c-· h I _.. I 'd b • oo . 'I II k "'•q . s b·ecl . ~· ~~ , t 1cr .. 11 1rom t u "' 01 11110 . M un urncu you uttore<l 1hcu oxpre~o~ in Ire a . -w ere. , l . E: lf. J . OE.l.A~~:r, c. P... • . ... - ornu " l~ oc • •". .,- u ~ • ti:11ow· rtli:;ioni. u nnJ o f thu S ncn :d .Fnitli over 10 rem11in cle>sW until'"" tlA\" of Rwkonin~. 1bo trutb would IOOn be tested, anti you 10U1Uld .06or .• s ... lA. l rwt., l•!Mll.,.gi.oe, a.S . .J.. ~oort and h11 Mtlod1t1. which ht bee n tmmmittcd to us through n:;CA when :ill ,.;n be ni::iin l:iitl open before ut. It ia a foci it 11evcrcl,. Yuu wouW 100n know .fbeo bow St. JJolua.,,, SetrfowuUiod, I .. 2 -G.J.l-fo~~ett,Esq.,-$~bject : --

u . k" . \ I JOrrowful, ye& I\ n•eu.111 t&.lc• 10 nlYiow lh• ynr tboy esteemed their • Jru b Pal~ot.t-mon, in IUl.,.le, 181~. " . ~ G.--Jol~ J,ittlc J·Mi .• - ·~bjecl :·- -of sorrow, nnJ throu:;h the un! rm · in:; morn 1b11t h:u p..-J OYcr w . W e remember with plea- whose ~r.,ico you ahould ,consider youi'lelf • 13 F M .) D I £:, C ~ nnJ physicnl pro\fC!~ of our 1.croic nnce-~1cr~ sun.• the Joie.ts ofhum11ni1~· or ot friend. hip wl1ich py to aeno io tpo upacity or aA~~•ck, llCY .ACT1JORJTYr llts-E1milleoc.1' tb.oGGovcrnUor , ·Subi~~ jv,u:/:f::!.:. q., .-

f h bl J . I WC h;u c rwrformcd; bul there are 1111\n}' who bivo ••. ;0" " · ttcr thftn 1L- rU""'"·"·' · . ;lualioD you in 0U'1Cil liu been rleuCtl to apOoint fO~C . . , y"" is tho r h,•rioheJ object 0 l 0 00 •• t :unL~ to mour;·~hc lcw of tlcM lricndJ on whom thu ~e fil!':t, that ;r 3 ;rinttr;-.;i,~'ii.;'" - Coif', E,q., ro boll ::\lcmber of the J)rotcalaDt Board 20.-)1; P~utlon, E:.q.,-Subjecl : The \]o\'cmmcnt '!l'hO nrc no" plnccd O\"er our youtbfol sun of ll1\l ne w y~ar ahall •hine no more; J!fDtO:U.TIO!f. a( • .EJuration, for lbo Dittticl of T ri oily u .ay Cr1J1a.du,. . • J estinM! i~ tliis Coun lrf. Cnn Any rat iC?ntU bdorc wbo•o tbo impenetrable curtain of Dut.b .Nortlr, io the roQW oi l'. J . W11\r, Uh who bu 2;.:_Ycry Jl•w. fl· Corfll:;nini.-Sul>-

1 I 1 hiu ~n dm•n. ST. J omfe, Jan. 2~. 1862. lei\ that DistricL _ _ ;,.c t : ---.- ~ • l ll"ll dnu'- t it ? Look bnck O\"Cr I ic ~t twc vo 'Th 11 · I L- ~--·• Tno~ s T L i.·- • ~-··-· Olli ""Jb T- l. "" C tt ,- -~ v " o o • ycllr., g11nc. I 111:\7 ""rcmemu.:n.-u ... ,,. 4 noT, ~t·• ·· ............. " • ce .. •v -11., -.- a.:t.17 T ho suJ>j c.ca. not .iuscrtcd \Till be on~9unced montl; : tllllrk the savage procecJings of thi5 bu1·ne·er t'l\n oo rrc lied. Ju knell bu been toltl. : 1Jet1r S ir,- 111 t~ " lJaitr New• ... or tho 2tnd . . • . in 1100 cou~. . . Go\"ernrncnt throu"ohout th:11 period : nnd t in' .\ f., w lcAa aml rncoll,ction' ha1·0 llCCOtn~ni1.-<l i_!, ibJI., tho worthy F .. d11or 1l~ourl u1 wuh .a . few,... ll.Aaau:i>-\)n ~Ii~ 30th uh.! at llelboun>c, h1. 'Each Lectute will commence precisely at 8

:mt.I then wo ~tart forth ni:run with rcnuwed vigor ~ks on ~".' funerih anti 1htcnncnl oC h~ Ro,al &!'e Ruv. llenry lliai;1~n •• J ame. Cb:irl1.., !Jr.a4J·, a• i: you~lf, wh11l cnn bl.I their mcnning.- uron iu succcs.or. C hti.imiu with all iu train of lf1gbncss ~ rinco Alber!, anJ the genera.I grief tf1at ~·· ~l~t ton of Si.t Frarn:11· D~y • • h.ni\;~t. o'clo(;k, 1·.ll. I.ct u~ )lot 00 mi unJcrstood ; we are far thtiYilil'I &c. is i=t. h ~an inJdible blot uron w:u fd t throup~IOut tho country rot. h• loas. Sd ~'l(Jmu~o N~wro.11mJhrnJ,to Emily Cat~r1~c, Scuon Ticuts to admit a IMly a.od d.

tbc ch:iracter of men : a wark ol their sin II.lit! for 10 A"O<>d· ?\ow for another aub~t almoft u tttond da er oh.lLo llllo llcpry Edwanl .. ~deQ'lnn-rc.scrn.'<1 acatA • 7 0 from li1:1ie\·ing 1h:11 11t1: wholu prot1:Jtnnt popu- " iti:c<ln<.'u llnd irr.,t riov:iLle frailty, tb:it they" : tcAr t'!•biJ'htut-Jreland, l~at old liii~ric couo- St~' l~ , ., of Ra.ibniiou, l>ublul, Ireland. inglc Tirkc:i.---reicrvocl ffate • 1 • O l:itiun of the country nru p:miciputor-' in the shoultl, at the holy te:l'IOn n( 1bo llcdocmcr'a birth, ti:y c la1ou a largo. 1bare of Iii• 11mpaLb1«, ~d be - °"- . , Sing Tick.et for the body .of • r b rutal 1)1)1icy inau:;ur:itcJ u111ler tbis go Yero- be w:irrini,: Aj[:Unst eat:h otbrr. '! 'he IUD that r'OIC cive1 lbeth giubmi; lf<!m a pure AO.d lrie.Ddly o., A!Ondll,)" o cn1113 la.it, ,}1 1bo Jley. -c. . I t ball 0 G

upon that holy morn. •lien 1bc angeli proclaimed aourcQ. Ob chritablo· Robert, ho• tbJ' blood p )cr_.14t.. Patrick Kenney, OI tho'6rm of Ailams d 'i,h . Boo. le. s" . . . . . .. mcnt; on 1he coutmry, \Ye arc con\"inc<..J 1lt11t .• pcllCO 10 :ill men ;~ tbl\l i uu ahone upon thou· llrcs tb~-~ilb iodi~aiion as the amictiot1' of n .. K..enney;- ,\mbrot11U.U. io MJa S~ilab ;ro "'·tie • . 1.oret w town: · I\ ,·cry l:~o JlrOportion or them, anti the.sc thu aanol• msnhalil'<I in Ibo plairu of Am11ria, with fond i'i1C N\.-oD\\,tod'~to ,)OU, Ci.lit. bow ,oar• . ,ltoroe.~·a.,. ., ' • ··")P-.. ' :fhe • ~· to be fi'u-n to &be SocieC.,Y. 9£ mo>t intclli<'cnt, the mc•t rnlig liiencd, nn J ihe a"onl. drnwo nnJ b11?·0~11t 1~intcJ upon 1bouJautls bc1ut rc1pondt lo ~e~ cry. of ml!IO'"J'.• /\'toutd lo1 ~ • _:_ • • _ • Sr1 'Vin~ de · !>nul, or the bcnl!fit of .the

"' ~ or their brethren. 1 b1:11 mmJs ;arc not aoo1bod b)' God ~ou wQte ~n l"!hmao • '!bat a tnbuoc abe bu .I111tt>-Oo Toe.by e\-OJ>inl; lait, aftn" t.n~•r· poor. mO•l rc~pl'Cllll.tlc, tire "' mu di oppo5ed IO tho l btl-e3hl\.fllr a of (M'l\Cll. Ila Ired :ind :inilDOfity llub lo;it IO the . b1gb·mrndcd Winton. Dut, ~ iog illnes1, Mr. J ohn lloWIOo, a aativw. or (.;u1ulil;t- ,(B1 order) . M. l' EN ELON,

l>ttrM'CUtion o f their C:tthulic fcllo'f-mcn :l~ in their counten:incu They think not uroa &be dea.r, how th~ you l11am th~ prc;-cot state ,or Ire- ~a·EQglanJ, aged 68 yeara. J1t !l5 Se bl"'

k JI hol)· timc. They rrllecr nqt upon tho gru1 mira· IMttl IO •tll l From ·wb;'t1.n\cll~nt aource ltue :A~Carbooear, ou•tt1e t3Lb inti'.', ~),,.r a li~«'r llt • ere ·~· our.clv~" ; !Jut, tht!n, the-.e loo . on i J · nod clc !hlll hiu been worked by God lbr them. 'Ihoy you gleancJ: the followuig _,~,? .A~ I~ naailrne., Leonora, lhe "i>eJoyeJ wrt'c of Capt. T • • • 111low their influence lO evnponttC in ~ere CX· remember not t hAI llu tent n;, Son on C3rtb for come from t°'.1r OWD alufuo<loua btain, doo ~ lbey, l'Ole. ~ S1 yean. °1~ COf\SeqUCOCe O( lleeessary absence prc--ions of tliMil'l'ro'·:ll of the ouu11:;e:1. cx:cur- 1lu1i~ 11.1IYlllion. Tho iDberi1.inc11 of f:•·c iJ 100 Ro~? quote-" 0 lttlaod, the famioo .°' AC BOnariata. oo t.bo 10th Dec., llonalJ, clJCJ& ~ from town Mr. HOGSEl"l' will riot.

• 1i • fi tlccf\I~· implanll'tl in them to be thu:s rcwoved.- wb:c)i wc hMO bean! IO much l!ppeanto be quite .. olMr. Al~ Strathie. Jr., ap-d !Ii }'ea.-.. deli\·.- hi .. T _.....__until MO="'DA y the ri1•~ :1rc.unJ thl'm. Tl1t1t 1• DOI •UI ic tcnt; or Anolht•r cluu•I liiu cut it.t ab:iilll over the cclcs- parii&I, and the prae11t ~i:tdit.ioa al &he ~01'1 A( B6na'iita, on &be Uth Dcio., Jbno&b 1'"1- ~ . "' ~"""" • • ' t he c \·ili ~ hid1 tht!y Jo not nxert thcm3elves 1ial'brii.:htnes.s of tbiJ jo7rut aca_o0n, when "•'fbc "•~e~ ~ DIOlt e11C011raf111Jlf. ~nr t.IMt ~ .oo.d'dullat.r ol Mr. BcrneU. aced 1ft 2'1tb w st.

• • J I ..• 1.1 11.:Mcn• aml thc K-.rtl1 rctOUntl wi1b mirth :" ano- Smit~ 0 Bn'n.a, Meacbcra. aDcr olba .~ ud Ill· 1.-.. . · • · lan. lS. .> 10 rrc,•ent are, in " cert:un ' ..-grce c rnr:;~ c thcr eorcnt bM hilppc'ncd which 1nuJt remind UJ of coodiai.y cult~ may ay, IreWacl 11 ta•_.. .Ai Ute~ Tri9i&R:: T...S.7, tbe 7tla -----·-------------upun tl1cm!cl"e•. It i> :c. much their inierc!t our morali1Y-ol the drc31.lrul debt we owe to oa- P.~i:. .~ndiuon tCMlay thaa a& .~1 o&!ilr ~· ' o( dif'beGi, llary , a«ed II ,..,.., l11ST &ECEJVED, '"it ia tho intcr'e~t ol C.:.ithuli · that peace ture. • I~ :a her btJtory." Stronz fanguage, • h NI&. daai&hferoCtlMi Bet' B. Sinkla.

h IJ .. . ··- c I ,. .. / 'a/id'I nior• tr7W) puhal ptdt pauptrum tabu· Hobert •/ Ob : loyal _fClb~t !" En,laDd, no~ a &Jae &tblm&., a& Ttekle CoYc, Boaan.ta Daw, And can be bad at Durrv'• Book-Store, uuJ "\JO\\ ...-ii\ • ou ~u~1.>t ucl we.en al 10 1e:. d bo .... , et a little cacitod --~• -~bed -~. ~ o na.t. l:cywn /llt turr-1." er you I. '"" g . """ . ol ..,1 .,._.;_, 0nee Mel>oaUI, qed 18 yun, .ui1l Pro1c~in111:<- llD•l th:it the dii·ine principle :\'un1r di.I thil oll·rC(M'IUl'd quolation or the poel language 1o~r.)O<lrn3 tbo.o cut-1.hroat J u dauali&er.t 1),ti, .. ~ E.Q., Af"m:iu&. .l ..,....t Pertralt of of •• loYC 011~anothcr·• ~houlcl llnJ a prncticaJ 11rikc us wich " more vivid rc:ilitv than nt 1bo li:in aud ~pu~riU. llow da~ .ihe1 CJPJIO'!' a Ac K~· '•Cott, Boaui8&a B&y,oatbe 7tla IDIL, PATRICK 'f"·.lCMA. HON

"rcient time. • Jn the miJ1t of all "bit nnm1l and tin,:. le law of &bat Jmm:i.."11lt1to Untiah co.DSl.•tallOD William aodt-oclr, ,._1 78 7oan. _ .LU.A ' l"llu•.tr:uion 1he Nntluct of all rut mbe r.i of , . •- h b Ii II ' 'ad "'·thin'-- 7011 -e~-m;i;:nificunc<', 1urrou111lctl by !'Yory comfort and w 1c you '° mlln u y <>'"' · -~ ""' Ii Jllanlull et FRilCB; ... D11KE of 1bc :;enc.ml community. townrtls one another. lui:ury. ia tho prime of lif, .• th11 b1tJb:iad or our w~re OUI dining with IOllle OtMI' !07al ~ ib • lft..I .. ~ .. ...,.... W•--1• •rte.. JllAOEl'ITA. To d eotroy' 111e Cittholic Church in tlti$ (.'OUn- Queen luu bel!n • trudt by tbu ri:moraclc• h!lnd of r ournlf. itod putook boartily of II .. Rebel or .t•o . JA•. Urn. UIH. Jan11a .... 1 lib, J8G2.

tlea1 h. All 1hc c11rc ;ind p:iins o1 wen ans unauil· in An lriJh stew,'· and the unple~t Oltal dllOI'- Ba& • ll ~ i..-~N • N --~ trJ i> IU 1mpo•~ibl,., we 11rc coi1vinced, 1~ 10 :iblu when the J .:sii;ns of God l\Nl to be ac:com· irani:ted tho wbolo ay1tem. Jlow you. 1neerrcj V B .u>, o. l-3-0t.ptr~--t "• t71,~ o.a, Us.

~Wot the sun fro ru the J l c:H·cns; nncl to c x1er- pli1hcd. tbu mockery or au Jrub lt:'1illlaturo-bc.• 1:oulil tr rua, Cd. lOd. Pf! · Oommercial Bank oflfewfbwulland.

.. ·--!" &(•

C ONTAl.NrN-0 . ·oray A,·n·~.cn ·\tl1id1 1~ 1

Acres Ill'~ uuder l\.lcudow G round, wdl aituat;.id1 with 11

. a . n~a nous1r nAY llQUSE I nnd STAJJ~E . ~ l'itu,t• on tbo To(Nlil Ro111l, mul ~nowu IJy the nno1e or tho .. Kl~J{E~~y C01~fA~E." • I

A lnri;c. quAntity of ' ~ / (

11.ll' .uo · fUDDEB~ F or sale in the srud !'Ince . ..

.MICHAEL w .Aisn St. John'•·

N ov. 30. I m. . .

( /l'or 1ucla ttrm of ytar1 cu may be qgrtul ~11)

That COl11{0DlOGS nod ELEGANT

.,. &.i:IobsE~0 . KnowD u J o a·e Co TTAO£.. aiiuauv'oppome '-' t.bo Long Brilllte ~River llt:ad. (It La., ~t ~li~!1--{or a ~eqtt»tl fam· y.

IL "Ifill ~ Let, ei~ 1!Hf oc .. , witbou~ th -joioi11a 'gUden an~ Funda. A~'x... to · _,

· . · .J,UIES B~OOuu1'; M.a?Qb so; USI. tt., · · ) 11

®n .9alt. ~~-~-~--;:...~~~---·~-~~-~''

BY . ~DE 8l188CBIBEll,

• l\l~~~ERiN, Bu...-.. per Begiacer 160 !ODie Three )elll old-cane~ &o the b

· A b'berat er.di& or lime will M .... t. • approYed pun:buer. •

PE'l'EBBBDaf­Janaary 11, 1882.


RANKIN & M'MIIcLAN, 200 Banela No.· 1 Canada aac1 Bdza

• . State .

FLOUQ, DIVlDEND on tho ~ill up Capicni or 100 Barre11'. 2nd qoaHty ditto (Cheap)

cbia Company, •t tho tnto of Six per 200 Bllg8 Nos. 1 o.nd 2 BREAD

""' • t " · I 1· f The rar"in .. " 11,•mon or ramil\o h u swe~t our the lri1bmcn lezitlalc. Why, •lcar RolJort. beN"ctn FJ..Oua. S_upc n~. l~:1honorc, S!t. 6~ to SO. 111·10~tn1 or C\'en to d C0"rRJc t II.I \J.111 10 IC'I o nJ'·· h ll 1 • ,, • ., 6 ~lllt Pn.IDC Amcrac.-an &h. 6t.L '" • 0..

A ' alllic1cJ .qns of 1-: rin. Brin, 1he J::mor:i d hie, the ,·on me a I e wa t 111y aro 11n tn,cnor race t • ' ..- • ....,. CUUOlr,Y in th!> •0Cit1l or po litical ~cnJe i:> 110 Ob- gan.lcn of'"lfruit anti YCrdUrt', 71'1 d00t• etl to dire onl; tO be \bO untlerti'og. Of such nob\o rpecim~ )fO~~~ la. I()(). IO 2& j cct 1:qua lly impo9>iblc: ""h1 I.hen ore these. ~n.ecut ion au•l laminc. lier fami1hing .on1 :ire of &Lo amllli\l c~tion u your worthy eclf. But, Ta:_:.t-)"O' ii.. id. Lo b. "1.. pV lb. Dnos,

'- d I I 1tcri3hin .. 'nt'alh the wiorry lil:ut, 1u1111lic:itin",. a. t Hobcm, tleAr, if in \"Our i:~ rol'-Driliala -.,ccn1l:\nc7 SU 1 .. • Lrut.1•-, 11-~in:11ion!, a n &A\"ll0"C on~ nun0 11~. " • ~ L :.. I fJ .• '- r IJ ...-.. th\l ... 100.. .. t doors of the r,'>rt:COUJ ho:nc:s or their you oi:t.stnp tuc ru..., o ccorum aou .. 1.a an "' hich ,.. c 11rc o.O oftt-rl cnllc<I upon 10 d cnouncu lu,.unant extor1i11n~11. ' I hey rt'lurn unhi:ard. un· occ:uivnal b! adci:uan.I epithet < n l "4bo1en, l would a nd dcJllorc- I\ hy are these pcNc\·crrJ in ? h.:.:<foJ to •he c:oltl h••a rth•toncs o( t heir cabin• to r,11u ilo\·cr ancl gr11nt tliat it w111 the work or:in \ "Cr

rlie t11niJ:1t t heir wruli11;: cl1ilJr.,n. Unt 1h"y 11re! eatoo iinAQin:ition, but.. my boy, • hen you ttaCe I\ "" h v nrc th<:y .:lll'OUnt(?<'d : v. liy arc they in- •u•t:iin,~l 11ml pmtccl<'•I by 1111 oionirot.:•t baml. clc:ir p-.lpalJI• till •booJ. I cannot le t it paa with· ceii;untly promplr<l UJ tho,e in lho p:iy of 1hc Thu Almi,:h•."· 1h3t 1ulli: r.s not ll •11armw to f .. 11 out m:ikiu;: a f~w rtm;irk1.. .Now, ;u lo tho pre--

' •1·1 1 · •·- .. • · · " ithou1 hi~ knowfool!.!e. ob:Mlr .,~ t heni. T ht'y are '<'nl co111li1ion nf l r~l1111d , wloich ..,, ..... , , ia a llour-go\•ernrucnt. 1c aw 11 o.,...1rurlL'U to 113 ·· . h• \\. 1 .• ·' h .1· • prc«in·<.'fi wbilJ"l nolol., princt'i 11r1: cnt ;iw:iv. •• m;; ooo. c l"\YC II uownn~ l <:ontr11u1c t1on 111'1\lthlul oper:ition ; ju,tice i~ ridiculed ; trurli, . Our holy father l'opt· l'iu, 1 l.: i•. 1:ill fl11uri•hi •:: to) our 1talrmont from such m~n M the Archbi p probity :lnd honour, enry h i:;h anti nobh• :n :a ~re .. u olJ :i;:e. l 11f.11u.11c1I h1,:01> li:i•·c 1alkc•I of'l'u,1ru at-1,hun1lre,ls of othl'r inftuonthl lru ·

· . 1 1 · 1 I d of hi• • l~11th. The•· l111•c uailc•l uvcn · ••·port 0 1 1uC!11, botb lay auJ d~ric I. that tho pretun wi1 r qul\Jit1 of the lll llll • UllOll W llC I (\ Ollo! :\ ~Ollll his illrll'.•" ;u joyful ti .. liu;r •. Qlll f th.! fu~•ru1111cr cl will be lh~ 1110.t I n lnl; One that h3..• bt'l'n \• l'°' C:Ulldition of society .:1111 repo8e, nre c:l.•t rlcri- hi1dt'Mh. whf'n the pnpwy woulJ b10 nt 11n einl. r icne<'tl fur ~car--hn'- 1hc,c rl'~pect:iblc l ri.<l11no11 • i\cl•· 11, idi·, :rnd ful-chootl. di hono·,t~, profan· llut an! &l)riryomhful anti Yi;:omu• pn nco.: ;, taken 11n• not to :;:00>1 RuthNitiu •~ the 11rcat Hobert

' from ~mon,:•I 1h.-m. but th" !>21". •1111 rt"tMins.111Hl \\"1111on, e.luur of 1ho.: :\ew1. Ob I aha•h.• of ••our i tv, nnJ e \"cry vi,·iou• propcn,iiy uf ihc lium:m 1hc r•t"'·~· .1.11 1t:ind1 ou fir111 on t b<• roi:lr upon tl.-p:iri.~1 i:r:ui1l11101h~r. if Jbe \.-Oul .I l•ut 8"e ;.hat L;l!nrt ore h •IJ up nnd cl bcfvrc u~ 11• thc only which 1t i• fou nd<t<I M i\ will c:o11tinun to.. 11:intl n pc:l)ition h1·r lmle Hubert l1:u arriHtl at in ao·i·

· h I·' ttll timc 1ball be no uiorc. c iy, woulol ;hu not cry ith joy. I sc:ucely tl1inlt el.:mcnt• 11.irou:;h wl1ich l!O<'ICty • OU u nto\·e . m I .llut to return.-.\ new year hcu tlll•nrJ upon 11 worth whilu to 111ko_. nr 1~Dli•"i! of ~·our ru Au J :illd nourbh, I.he o nly pii-011 on which It should uj, we rouJo up. 1lt:111to olf tile 1ncmory o( tbc 1 • ...;1, aaault ~• mq • o·nr;..., and lJ..,.Mr,ud rt·\· oh c. uch is the prc.-cnt statf' o r things. llnd com1m•neu our OCCllj>Alion:s for tho new. Tbo l." 'tly your cownrulr. imJ>0<1ebme11t of thu O"l>.:in-

1". . • I l' lawyer dcl•cs iolll Im 1nu•1.v folio.. anti 1•liCt hu o:;:buc :i• Ll:icl:su:\r<I. I c11n onl1 s:iy 1hnt ii ) OU <:ucli 1· t ia :is refluctc<l 1rum I\ scounurc rcs.i. •· d I I · · l b-- .t I • f tpiill inee• "ntly with " bill nn1I repli1·ation hcin nnd tt:\ ulll! rl'• I 1e cxpr~u1on in t '" """' anhl o

Turning to the Prot tnnt s:n n:;cry nl Cur- 1:>o:t1l'ratio11." T h<d 111l'n:li11•1t acl!ka hii o!lici•,\.-On· the ~:ill:iut Ktrr1 captain where hu i1 lovrtl IJy a bonear, wc fi nd thnt the murderous ntt:tck lciouJ or n:iu:;ht but£ • ti. The utiZl\n whi•1l1: gra1oful people, yon miaerable can:aaa wo11kl aoon

· 111 ltil toil. iu ho proY1t1~ ... for the tu1urc well N be fooJ for the vuhure or the CA~l.i thA1 .oan in ... upon tb& C111holics of th:il town w11.9 prccon- or bi• family: 11nd in-.,1lom throu11h bu n:tti"e 109• nlrul\!.

«rt<...!; the blood·thirs11 and irutnl n~SllilAnu •• Tho whinincr ·hoolbo~· with hi' 1\1.:licl Uu1your1n,'\!r1 :.t Iro.'bnJ and lriJbmen · will ..... their ...,0 z1 lo:-..h . .J, and were provid ed with A nd tbinin:; mor!'in~ face, crec~ liko a aD&il hne Yery liule weight with any liberAI minrlrtl unu o - U:iwillin:lr to tcbOOt," .Enirliebman or ~•tcl1m11n; ami the little " weL a quantity or powder and 6f1ot ~fore :lD)' OC· and toiJe on OYer the fi"lcJJ Of li1Cr3tUra llnJ bread m ditconJ~ )"OU aro l']i"g IO WCM I! will II.. l<'Allcl'f'd

. curreDCC had ln.k.cn p:.ace calculat.ed to c:ltl!O ai\d buttcr, until the merrJ ooluol Chrutm:u ahall before the pUro ovio1ou:s or a fn..-e and liberal J.'<'°' • .t.. 1 r a:;am rin~ forth the welcome poal of bis tree.lorn pie. Th3nlr. God there arc plenty of honDt F.ni;·

the sligbtCll nngry excitement. r coup 0 0 l\om 1be Jrucl:;ery ofLiodle1 lfurray andJoboGuy. lislui1en aDd Scotchmen in this countrr l liM will ,,..11ng men, who were playing at "'Fools" J~a 17 'i" Rnaico• •• look opo. n 1.our.rwurk1 on tllOIC "'fpe<:l4blc l ri•.h-J - ~ • • •• " .... ~ Pl>!n w1tb J iao.ltiln, and 11.llmp you u a ,....117 ti.,.. Loud ; a erowd gathered, aod instanlaneoµ Jy ,..

turl.Jcr,imlead or bein~, what ) OU Ollj,!ht 10 be, a °"' aalliecl a baad or armed UMUilH ready 10 (FOil TUC RECORD.) gt\ide Lo IOC"iety. You baYe aom11 littl11 mternal do auarder. The Bev. Father O'Connor ap- troablOJ, and try nnd quell thtn1-d8pol tbu c loiuJ

M• a.ttrnlion hu been drawn to a par~ph ap- tlial darken• o'"r the noted bol1141 o( W intOfl & Co., pun eo &lae 1ceae; he eacceeds in breaking pearin;; io tho editori"1 colum111 of tho Dn1ly New• and l <tnd many a nod u:r will ble. yotir naru"; but lbe aowd; tbeJ tan their backs and mo1"e on at Wt'<llM:lday fa4, •hich d1Jplni in a alriking ror God·• aake, le~ I reland :ind lrilhmon alono­ccnrardl bome. wben their nn:e aaai laotl ligbt the -ranco at it.a littJo aooU:iDi-PrHUDlptu- or, at lciut, i;Iv• or. the cou11ui#ion into nther ban ,

CMM Yaokee Editor. huu follow.,- IQ Irelmnd, more fitted 1or t 10 tMk 1h1111 )Our tainl•d onu. die a ...U.1 after diem. We lam f'rom tbe the famine, of wf1icb ,.., ha Ye Mvd '° much, ap- l" ou •ball hear from me a~ain, ir any more of rour a... FalMr O'Cemaor'• letter to a fnend here pun lo be q11if0 partial, and the prcscot condition ., blackguard~ relDl\J'kl ap~ar. ~-.... ....... Lt-..... H' .-.:.--a beia1 mardettd :...~ COUO.'[! itam~'oa e°'· llMMt eoeod~ingly. l 31Jl, !Jr . .EJitor, Youra. &c., - - - -....- ...... ie .. er ..,. Ila • nena, Mt&gbe17, and y v ~- proftdntial circallll&ance of bia Olber Tile aad ineendiary eut-tbroat1 ws1 a:i,-. Ire- A~KKlt ODOER. ~ ... &.Ht... 10 the ...... daring tile 1aaCl it in a ~ro erocpero~ condition tCMlay than ff,'\ • • I -rr-. -.... a& y other time ID her bi$tor,. A l1r. Moyle, wngmn .

SIJippitig lntdligcnct. ••re •' ta•••• ......... .J•••Ar7 ~s. J •~·


Jan. ! ~°"Al• Corri!', Hlll1imON', Daine, J ohn· QD Co.

Ji-San J~. (•r-) .Sogucr3Io, JJ:i.,am1, C. F. B<-nnt ll & Co. ·

Y.Jinboth Md..ta, J ean, lblti1110rC, K. :\tcLu & Sonc. •

rfunlt-r, L:ina, PQrto , J . fl \V. S u:wart. 14- TboO.. ' ilfi;ht, f .aogJon, Urut.il, C. F .

lkonnC't.l & · ' 1?'- :'.1ttlla, {>'. r<lner, n :iltimorc, llainc, J obol!oo

& Co. •• ll.:l1u11, t:itaLb, J.onJon, Stabb, lw" & Co.

, ' C t.i.:A llEO. \ .J&nf"tG ... Efixti~, Pcrecr; B:lrii:tt!OCt", M~Dridc

& !\err So~:i. Brien. O portn, ,Juli. n •othcrs t( C'n. IS-4.SotTal, <.:urric, l'crruuubuco, Uaioc, Johnston

&'"Co. Eliu~th ~kl.t<\1 J cM, 1J3non11, K. ~c !A-;i &

Son.. · 1

\"cou~ ::\lclltlUJ, IJ.u-ceJoM, J ob. n rothenl ,\; €0. f"ha.ntoci. lbrt«ry, P rrnarnlloco. V. &. L. 1't••ii!r. '!0-Xapok'On Ill, aoolcy, tit. Jago, llancy, Tuck~:- & Co.

~:11ry'. l.dllaac, r.icb:1nl1. D.lrb-'tlou, J ob, Brothen & <.:o..

21-Skipwith, Hya~, ll:uuloa3, W . Jlounsell & Co.

Mnry llcll, D"Y• Il:in:clon:i, P. & r.. Tc~er. t .-HtU !'fO.

.T:in.·7- CliriJti"n• Britain. R. O'Ow.-cr. 10.!...0ri1,n1al. Eurv1•e, rhint, .l,1hru.ton & Co. Tl\O&. i-:ul"('J'e. U.lil>l', J oh1u1on & Co. 16-Witcb, Uristol, ¥ cllridc & Kerr.

, I'.\ ~P.:SOl: rt~. , Jn lbe Mar." T.eDl.im·, 1or 0.11 b. lo•:•, T . 1L J ub,

Etq. lo lho MagJaicn.l, fr.01 lfaJiiu, J ohn Kuimasti,

~~ the F.urop&. from lhrbor Gdr e', for I..i .,er· pool, J. ~cw, E!q., Mr. w. T11i1t ~Ir. J . Co:11e6.

(Ffom Wr21mtr ~· Su1it11·~ 1-;urop<011 7"1mu.)

uar..-Efl raox 11r;yyocau1.A:<1D. .... ti ........... i w1aile lie 1&1 oo the wu -.1r. at - tinao, aa ia811cntial me.en· .,-..4 als Mota piaMetloYer him, lhe con ti.or of tht youn~ Irelanderw, hat a<IGlioiMrcd 11

of which "ere....._.. ia tbe board feoceatioYe .teYw rebakotothe .. O' Oooo,heii•aadotlaermcm· -.- bernftbe aeditloniN who n1C11Dtl1aado1uch de­

bit bellll. Had IM bees ICaDdi9g, be aaya, ciJed11 anti-Briti.h tp«.><:bet at thl-if meetioga. '1ial be maat have received enry oa.ttof them The Uriti&b Governm.e11t ha. abo taken prompt

DC<'. 7-Vit'j!eO Re;:om\ ..at c."lii:1 . 1:!-0it ·On, 0 Jl9rlO. 13-1\:elpie, l,i bon. 11-l::mily. tliuo

Amid the ttraint oflinly ruu.ic that come l!oa tiog (.M cleareJ lor Gibralt1V)-Hotl1c~J. C.JiT. OD tlio aiT, I c.:...Coolot11 l'lyraouth, (with 1°'5o(1D.ai11boom,


Dotice of th it bl&kgu3rd .. o ·Dono-.:huc,'\ aod dl5-lo the bead and breu&. millied the villian (rom the commi#ion of 1~ (M'&ee,

And banncn _gaily wHing, • jo.rouJ train ap(l"ar; aiul 9-;Jup)it)-Grt'ybo1111J. Gt:.'!"t'.tenll - arllh, In proud r~!onal Jlrra ... unit«! band in LttoJ, the Cl1de-Trui! Dlue, LiYerpool- lonA, l..i.iboo The bono and 1inc.w or our lilo walk 1b111ree11 or Sln Jo.c. Alicabte. .l 7-D op11, l. i_· bon ( for

cenr. Jlfr unum, for the half-year ending She 00 Burrel •Fretih ~roo~d OATM~AL 4

December, 1861, willt>e P4Jablc al tho &.nl.- 100 Packages Choice New BOT'l'ER iog floiue in thi! Ciry. i>n 1111\1 nner 'Mo1\any lOO Boite:. .l\Iorrill;s CANDLES-6's & the 13rb inst., during tho usu11l hours of b~i- t)s -'· nm. 160 Bo:<e5 &. Half-bo:ces Stcel,..a Li,·cr

- (ny order of rhe Dol\rd,) . pool SOAP • · ~ R. BROWN,• 100 Boxe3 Colgate~ &. Allan Hay & Co'•

Jllll 11. Alana:cr. Kew )."ork SOAP

4in. Diuo .Pouna Bais" --- ---------- 50 Bo:ccs Digby .HERRING

LECTURE ! ~ECTUR£ ! ! -lO Di110 R curiling 'l'OlJACCO - a

M n. HOGSBTT will deliver n r unT-tIC prim~ article ., .l. J,ECTU itf~ tit tlio 20 Ca~cs Campbel~ 'VliISKEY-

. coniai11i11g 1 ddr, nch FISHERMAN'S BAtL. Bright SUG AH-in13arrel•, for Rctllil·

On l\JOXIM. Y tho 27th irur., nt 7 o'clock-,- crs • : -Subjcct-.A R ei.-it.C of the ere11t1of 1801. A C hoice Jot Prime PORK-for Bo-

Aolnss 10~ !IT 1·1c1tn :- · tnilers R e.-:c r vcd Scats : :?s. GJ. PORTER nnd ALE-Bottled and in T o 01!Jer parts of tl1e Ilnll h. GJ. 'l'icrccs ; \ Jnn. f I, l ~G:2. I A:'>"1>


~1AfL .. will be closl·tl at tho GENERAL l'08l' OFFICE for the 1111J'[.mcn·

tionctl plocca during t11e Winter :'llonths~.:oiff· mcncing the lin;t wuck in J 1111u:1ry1 I v..!.) n• follow~, ,·iz. :-


Drigu1. I lr.rltor GrM:c, Cnrhonc~r. 11DJ i111crmC1li11tc place•, on :'ltont.14) • anJ Thur$lln~ s nt !I J 1(1·loclc,

. A . M. , ( c.1wep1) on tb" Montlllu on wh..-h thl' llalifu r ocket ;_,, tlul', when the :'llllil1 will ~ clc.ed in four hou,. :iner her arriY:il in port.

North Shore of Concepiion )by1 nncl So111h S~ore ol Trin:1y thy, 1'ri1111y, Kini{• Co1c, Cnu.lin11, anti l3onn1 iata, c rcry Tliuraa11y ~l !li o'cloclc, • . ><. .

Gre<.'n1po111l, Fo:o nntl T tr1llin:;.ltl'. (mont:ih ). 01> tho! 'l'ha~ay 111\e r thl' nriul ol the l falifu l'iickct, a t 9 J o·clol.'k, • · M.

PIM'~nlia. Dunn, J lllrl.ior llriion, Durµ:co llnd T.:i· Poik, and ioi.•rmcd~ ol~·s: l ,iulu l'lnct.!µ1in. )l~r.,bc..•n, anil interu1cJi:ate plat•et, (u11111 thl~·.) ir) six baurt afler tho lUTI \al or 1hc . Jfoliliu l'uket. ·

Dn Dull. ;ind F clT'fl:uid c..-crr alternate \\"cdnu· - . J~ . . T rcpa.qc1 aoJ intl'T!Uedia~ pla<'e,, (moiuhly) alter

the a'rriYal 'of1hc llm.lifu l'ncket. ~llAIJ. will 1\1,.) be ma.lo up for 1le1p:it(b by

the E lltn lii..Wr11t, every \\ cJ•ictd:iy nt !lJ o·clock, A . M.

WINES, SPIRITS, ·a GROCERIES, Of all Dc:.cqvtions. • f

No\·. 9. .(tf.)

NEW GOOD~ GOODS I i P. JORDAN & so~s, In n-luruing thu~• IQ their n11n11:rou · l'Utt

10111er~ i11 St. ,J\lho, nnd the O u1p0n" s enet411y. for tho er.\ libt·ml pnlrOfl

n:;e ginn 1l1ern1 1.ic;: tq atutc ... t lmt lll('y h11\'l• Jn~r cc&!iv

cJ, per·.A1111it La11rt"e, und T;tunia, f{OOl

L i\crpool,

"\ A 1..ARCE t:rl!L \' OY


GOODS, Tl71frh ort 1101" optn nt thtfr F.ltablid'll'lnl/s,

emf ojjat~ f i;>r Salt at rtry 1..ow Prictl, . . . . . . . .. 1Jti. :- -

C )• . ......... ·""' ·· .. ·· ~·· ·~

O ATJ :\GS-nen·c,1 pnurms • • . • · l'ilot Cloth•, pc:1\'/r~, Tweeds 1 :

We again repeal pm eYCrf C11tholic in tfie and ~a& with the Jrencrlll approbation oC tho PfO" · i ti t lied t I d flo ol'Ircl1od. Tiie Rocuan Catholic bUhof>' of

country ti 111pera 't'C Y ca upon ° 8 an reland bav11 all publiabrd l\CldrCllMl to tbt ir poo-

JOll~ DEl.A~EY, r .ll.U.

Newfoundland. [ i;;ueira, le~,., wirJi tlatn~ Md jt't1i.011)-Mco wboeo a¥Oea&ion i! to I.oil upon tho dtep, IAYioi.t.; Lisboo-WillJam, tho C.1yde- U untn.-s:., Gl'neml P05t Offil'e, ) Aruitl th~ chilli ~ winttr•a 1tona and 1U{ll1Der'e ~ · • :ind Janunrr. 1 61. f ~in .

..lSD ~ VARIETT 01' OTU £ 1l

'fro\f~cring1, Y~slin~plnin and foncy-l upon hit d efence; a.nil e'ery booeat, enligb~ pie, alao, full ol u pl'eai0t11 ~ tho IDOl9t.Jo.,01etJ i eaed, and good Proteltant who nlllcs tho lo1alty to Qaeeo Vi.ctoria aod the 8ti1!ab Contti-

\... ____ a.nd Wtlll·being or society ii eqt1aJJy IU~~D i aod throughout fh.e COUnlry ll reactionary ~ 1p1nt appears to huo .ct 1n, produc.)d bv the in­

t called upon 10 l tlUld by bia Catholic felJow-ci· fttUn matory IDd teditiOUJ cbaraclcr or Ibo ,; Q •J.>on­tizcnt io tbia lbeir dark hour of trial .and auf· ozhuo"a" epeechet. whiGh e .. en the cl"l'IO' of tho

· land, ICO lbciT rolic1 in adhering to.- Wo hope 10 fering, and by e1"Cr'f exe rtion of penonal and hear oo iporc or lrclud"a woea anti S l.SICliacb in· m.iral ioffocnce check back the ' nuhing eTils jlltlicc ... aoperind~ccJ by a reckless, a.c11Uh, ·Omnge I would liko to be informed from tbi1 u er

unf'a1Hng" ne"!'• d <!i-itory, who iJ it that tpeab f~ion. ao eoco<1ragio,:l7 of the Ptol{M;l'OUJ conilition

of Irelaed. liurely Dot tho h u h tht~lv­IT •ill t>. acen by adYcrtisem~t in another that iJ out oC tho que1tion al~tber. People

· - L. b w· .,. - at St Bo hmi in Nowfoundlaud are A (;ood rlcal DION p .. ce, lual I e mler ~Clllrea • oa- enlii:htc119tl on 1ba1 1Ubject than the editor o( the 't'en tuns'• College wm commenco OD Thuniday Daily Netra ~or appeart to be. Ir al all tbia l>UU. Jn oonseque nce or Ibo JimiteG llCCOm• koowl~eable editor got any llJCb DOWI of the

_,_rd d b b ... Colt II II pl"Olfperotu n,to or lreliad, it muat hue "P"lng modation IUJU c 1 t " ei;c a I as rrom Ibo ume qu~r .. Ireland·· opp_,.._ .. ell -a1 in....confldentiOn o( tho greu ~ti- tbote wlll:> hue trampled her do•n to whit abo t.otioo which unbappil1 prenile at tbia IU.900 now it, with tlio iroo heel or d etpotiom; wbo aro

. 1

t.ho aolo cute of her 11ow mi.erable coodition, and h ~~en dun:~ ~CS•rll~le. lo mllkc a small ,who like the odilor of &ho Daily Ne wa, nov"" bad cAargo. for 1be tidcets. The .Proceedt1 u will ocolat lfl!JJlorntration f'or tho •rtiona lho7 tbm be ace~ are to be gi,.~n to the zc.aloU. and 'ba1ely puL forth; bat 11.ti..-c, In ao'·dofo~. to blirnl • • • • 1 tho world Lo tbe fJd o( lrelant1·1 rt.al 1lat.c-th1t1 a..,t1mablo aoc1ety or &. Vincent de Paul. tbem.el..-e~ tho autbon or if.. Ant! lhi11.iulo atud:: roe: gene ral dia • lion amongst t.he dulreuecf. op editor pretcnda to bow HCrft1ling, writl'll

• • • aboa\ e"erythltlir. and, in plrtical1r. tlareJ to j!i•o • . I.bf pabl.f o~ ol bia" idcaa ... on tho 111bjcc1 pf 11 e-

Ter. !rat Ilerfi 8euon of tho Rr. ~nd'a p~y, •&,a Jtebo•1 rw bi\ Mii& 1bai Jobo'1 Aaaa~ur • .t>rtmat\c Cornp~i too le pla~ ~ usrtiom •!'\ onq..tllonaf>ly un1,,,.:.....:j11Aon in, .... FiJbc.rmcnt' Ual• OD lfonda1 uen\n;; a ~ ~h all ~~ "Tf.t of tbo lying pli>cfttllpCiont ~ 1 ., t'bicb.adorn d io eohlmns of tho littre grac6letrllJI·

\ lut. We werc."miadi pleUect with the (,er- r, Ne•.. I• ... t he put Jistr69 oow pro•alhl l ronauce 1 and u we kd antlcf~ed~n- in Ireland aiitply 1-lifittl bf upwanla of four

_,_.~ • b L - ··-'-) b" t • I b laaadr«l ~d 6o1MI falc .•gna111ru, .emlioclied • ...,.;nag I e cuanuw e 0 !Jee 18 ., • .,_. e 111 tho Pe1111on ~n1ed to tho Ellj!li b go.,. Ho~,.. .. wdl att~ndod. The exrenJe ~ng eniment for rcJ;er, I~ 7ear. Anc1 in 1be {..,.o oC

\ rrocD tho lluinit up uf the Sta:=o and G~ I all tbia Wirnoo bu the au!l~t7 to ay that Jre­• of lhe •ple:ndid lire•es,&c., l\nd d ilJ't!J"ent rm nor land is io a far belier ropditioo now, t b3Ja

,expcntel auendl11g an a.fl'•ir or thil klod mu.st •bo .... ., WU. Yor thtiifutore. lfr. Winton. ir .JOU

~· . ~~ IUJIOUOted to-.. YCrJ con ldtrablo 1om.. •~tto plcue fOU1' 111becribora, "'* about aomo--• • 'ne 1ecoad PerformAnce took pl!M'e on y~ th••· yoa are acquaiuted with, aad cloe't inauluhe terd • ntl I' if .. ~ people hero (of Mii,... nowhere ellt, aa any ~ "1 HCG.lnl, • w~ u • 0 ., not .,..uer would bo Nharued to lltnd your paper out 111 the aw•nded tlian tbc lint. · -at"1) b1 «iYi1~ t\t • ao li,~o erGOlit for tbo

The Tocal AWllltffef BUid aat.nded on ......,.. of.aay f<>tti111 iDfonnadon- t"81 W011ltl both ~ns. ta. ..,U °" 1od~ if •"r ~ t•~ to 1°" ttar it. . - ~

. rcn1d beat; . • Ull.&D POil lOIWPOO"lf1)J. 1!111. ------------------To gai.11 an i~opend1bce ror their country and · ~ 110-Union from Pill. 23-Mul• Lh•erpoo! TO BE RAFFLED·,

t heir home, . . . ~Etiiabelh and !ihrgarct, C:ird11f. T bCJ1 let a duo att•olioo to our 6.tber7 l'ifllda be ' .. J • .t.aaivxn ru11x ~iunoa. . .

abowo. . Dtj'.;. 7-1\ me lea. ~t ~11\ltL ~8-l>a•'i4 , T. .. :::f1orn. What woulJ oor itland bom. be if tho lbberiea f~_v.;rtedgtm, Nnplc•- .,U!,.., r°'I, "'Lb It""

wouhf fail, . ~ ~l°i•rka, dcclct 91'cpt, and P.ll'"' or ca ri:o Should not tbu rising Merchant 'neath tb.aL ~ th"t•JJ o..-uboord, bav111g e&(M'heoccd boa\·y

quail ; • .,. P.le&. T be


Draper and Mechanic. 'een· now all c1-feel • t· LOADIJIO I~ LIT&JIJ'OO&...

Lall aum~·, .. arCi1y or lUb am1 la.l•prip&'• lack J?~':;-8-For llarbor Gr~Tnio lllua. o( ... i... ..1. ·.,,. ··: Cl.l'.AIU'.J> ..,. uuupoi.. or-I" Arts, Sden~ and\:Liu:rature,

FrGUt !heir joiot olJ'crioJt Do• lO•'rin~ to the ~· !f·'S1. J ohD'#. Ne• fountllaod. 81 ,\lSR.UUn REE , D. O.. 4c., &c. akit't , . • llt'OIUUf 4 T 111'..4.. '

Yon Blo'"!0'.11 ed1~ce aroJO an beailty and In 11.xo; ,;._ N,.w(O'llndlaad to .?i.buritiu, 2 1b .1nf ., laL 61 Elegantly bound in hnlf Calf--4~ VolurcnA; Be&ri11g II• NJ'fllrd bead abo .... for aaee ab.all II .. N. toq. ~l' w. IJJwJralld utilA liumeroiu Sl(tl E1tgrat11""91,

A " .iinmcent Edillon or ha ... CYC~LOP £;DIA ;


.ilk Veket. Si\1in, nnd Embroidered Cloth 1 A nd nrc now nmki1~ up from the 11born New


G: W hich they cnn n:commcnd in ~cry flllrticu'­

lnr, and will stll tU unusually li>w prioet. ... A.I.SO,

Coliurgll, 01ci\n~, P laid•, W in•ty1 • SilL:~. nnd 11 nuie11 or oti1er DIWll Si ulfa Print$ nnd Skiru · 1-'ldi~' Drcsa nod Momin~ Cop• Uvnnd t 11ronr .. , Rihbon,:, C(lll11n Hair N et11 \ ' d\"l!t T rimmins:,., &c.

To :::::· ao<l proYo the &1et1 aad 1~1.1\ 'or"New,; I Ga~~ Docc .. bcr 2-t.-Thc Harriet otand by tlu i1101t J)U1i11gui,J, Artil!•. . fou.odland· • ;r- ........ ... • 1nn Tic!'l·ets at 6s. 'Dan'- I I! Sl)llW19, . Scads, N ccl\Clcl)ittft.

With boneu ~do well ma tbe an a tb~ ff«!l &. Job~a, ~~d. , for tbo Cl) de, tho crew o( 6U :K. -x.....,a.. • . t-; h II 'd r ·1e 1. 1 g ~ wba were p teb<l up b7 lbc SL T.1nrcnce. kl• The &00\'0 Cop7 WIU publi:shcd a1 LSO Lndic~ . a .nd .Ocotlemcoa' plnin and f(I

a <?"0 1

• . · •. , • · . • ri1'8d laere from Montreal, wu fallen 111 with hy alcrlin!f. .- • · JlOSll RY Tb• C:~ed ~t~ee ,..ir..•.U. .Al ~ ~ ~~ir lhai."•l'oa tlio atb Oee., '4n laL '7 N.,.toa. ' 6 A I" L l I Durn•a Book St <k11tlcmc~'• Silk Neck··-i.tcta. ' • Dut" = the" du;; r. '!.'.~•A:.::;.! 'k ... ~ • ~ . ~• :~·· w(t\ dc.-ek••trcpt, and in "alokiog ~ '~ 3 now open n . ore. -~ .. • ~· :~. • fa"t!l ab ll No, ~ ~,,.. ... ,~rY~'!" wbcr1' th~ 11plendiJ Work c:ap bo ICCD. • Ncclll.im .,. ~ ·>q

Prom'1that t!1y Altar fM tli~ ~·~f JOr~ ·. ' 'I Notter. ~·ti, t SCb-1

• , • , -: .:..• 1.. •

Tbe~:t;:.~t be ebowa tbe 11Do~tlia&'~i1 u~111 .. • • • • • • • .J~~·~UBL! UED" · l!fl:IJ:..lf. .. C/"Pf••. . • fro;. • ~ 1'01' ~ RIPIJES BA.Lt;. I · And can be bild llL tho Rocor4 Olll~eo, · · · . •· . · ·· ,.,. • . --. - , - ·

Anal -ro'm dlanger hourl1 to&id ainhrudegratcl· I • .·1, •• ,. •· • ,. • ~ ~·J. ,., , • • ~ .. • 11 , • • • • • • ·~ .. • f~et-twufkq le~ Sl\.irta · .n.n.ao.r. ~. Pr fo"tbe boroe wbrro lo.xW'1·~-t.IM:&t ~! , . . ~· i' (~ ~· . " . I • , I . • I ..... C)_..._, •• etll.l"lftT ••Ta1oa I ......... n . ' . ' J ·~ ... v ~. . •0..IDlile, ' . : . '~ .' . · · · #~ ·· "· ...... ·U.OL ·BALL , 1 ,nlall-•rt ... lakrte .. 11n.~(lllJ. ro~ ..... ~· ...... , : '\..': .. : -.,.. ~tblPr~tiltiS ia ·-1foe "'9'd ~ 11.;•..Li I t a· • •' ·~"fJJ(e(lnlae .. ~ • ~ii.ell, Q11iJI~ ~c.rpllnta ··-: .. liooflltoal: ·(, • • .. ..., , ~ , · ·v~ ~ ... , lP. o d!ll~ri\.!'c 9ofop:i111'-. Splon..;:;1 ~•o\his P&111phlct,oJl1ar••Oopi•ros &1t!IJ . h!*ta-itni.~.~~ ~,d$'t\li\.Calicoea 8ooO'<Ml tb'e·boi.ro.-oeeaa &Jae.e •aadreell Hali Jl~ • Will be 11tM ftr tbe ll~OlIA1 • March u. 1861.·. , . . .. • • ·• i•IH\~'"' s~l"-'1:ii~ ·~~~ ..

•bcr-.n • JCS' J1.t.J4 ti" WEDN~SDl\.l: Nlghr, t · "';>' l~·&1id.°llot~t,iu:J1 • . o; • ti :" 1 '~ Th!irie• boa'ta are ptotpariaa ' ao•, tUt aleoim to Cit~ ..F~uy. ".' • JYI A. READ y . Indi~ ·Ru'-!br.r "BOOfl .and 81\~;, ~ :':•1>-

team i. • • · · G-.Jonu:n7Ticket• . . • . 10!~ • •· ' ~t'a.Dd f.emnw.. · "'~ , • : '#' ' .' / ,. WheTO am1d ht11e6'0RD-iotbetp~ratlittem'· ~· , · do • 5~ ·11HLITAKY TAJLOB ,&ND llO&E " .. qgr:R'·.;. " • •'" · ' •; ·•

··re- reet., . T be bi 1 ' Wb' . d.C . ~lal ~·D 1'UKEH. • LEATHERWA:RE · ,,, With trm and furleet*Jt. u now,tbe711treaid to 0 ti •t • a.n W. • ook BEOS Jenvo fo aoq~t tho 'inhabi- ~· ~ • w . ·d """"·' ' ;· -·

hulit Ibo IUJa. . 't I s~,.. . . ' I • f s J b t d h ...... ~ etU O«U~n ' ••l ~"'4l"D~ • Aad may a (.ll"Ollf"ro.11 S.Mty be abortJ1 al baoa, • ~~ atttn<tillg "''l bereapectcd tb tants 0 t. 0 u 8 an t c v~t- . B ot d 'Sh'J\:a .:.. T!>tepay their a1u1ioa toft,and,.. O.r dr60pi ·~tn tmifonn. I ports, 1hat b~ ~ guaro.ntoo ~fits m . ,o . s an '. . ~*'

11.IMI ; • , All WIWieDI Qu:ldrille Bud W"Ul be lo Di· nhy styJc, !laving bean for many yenrs ALllO ·"' 11-rou1to • f ~ ; · May fonoM ble.uaiUtea'lta pide llatca oa ~ ~ • .. an expc~enced Cuttt>r in Engl~11il. • • ~- No..1 0.lll'dian F~ Aad '::'~ae~ ol tf>e dM tW catc\ ov .. JMzad .. to ooaneoce at 8 o'clod£. R~$NO£-'\'.-ald~''O titrec~n few rr nrm RR~an 4Mmlr·a.· ·

1 a.ti .. ••· • • • "f A •. • 1 • Gou 84.a.na Quau r 1 00<>~ ~sn the V ictorui HoWK'. • · """"f'.&~ .ua~ ~ ':'ilA '!9· .tit; Milt~~ Ur4 ... ,, • ·, • ~ • ,,.._ ~. l'i•'· ~$. . (~· . • it~ 'l: .. (~ .


. I ·


l .

Page 6: ;·nccollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/TheRecord18620118vol02...Thu• you leC dull iJI b.yin: all tb•~ 111~ all the boob before him, and &he candiclataa Wooclloi:J, but h 11 qale&




' l ' • :r -.

•[ THE MUJ.l!R OP ilOBILL bodf ottho millenru found. An ioqoeat WU~ coat,· bbck- weiltcoat, ·and drab bmehff, you ..:.J~'aJieari YM-Utn-bo.'°"'°'evorytliin~ =~~=:-·:z ~~~t~~ttfuiJ~ e': ~la ot~~°: ~:1 : or tbe 11: mediateJ1 held, a""""' -rfClll awa"'iQ&tlOn made, 'tJoWdD't aeoa finer llCalltJill' qfa mAll la po. uut llJll ~·affection fer~ thrtY• • bel"-L·"", '--.>tUrl'Ollnd- ' 1"tl. a variety o( fimJref •!Qri ~lai!pta.llousJyb_yan;r I _,(lo.•••


A TALE IN TilREE CHAHERS. r- .....--- · - -" · ..,_ ..... loudl d ..:. I "' .....,.. auu "' " o- TIM fol I artlClel 1Ml11g tbe growth iad noro , ""a · and the fact clearly proffd ~t tbo' DWI bad *n Wo w~ht pruonor·a ICMaoi., a c1rtw ~ """ 1Dto .... ~~wept 1 an .... ter 1 · · u in a frame. Tbojaitial leuu of \be. &rn ]iilalm tbe 11 Statu or .Amctiea: murdered by a blow 00 tbo U:all, from IOCllO blunl into it,.partly by 1lblske7,~d pan! tbrca&cn· "~ .. 4id be, u he wu about lo go, '\l thua forms a 5Uulifol 1pcc.ime9 of the ar&'Of print- Grain, our and BrW111u11"1 or o.ll lil:icb. iM6-umeot. Thero wu no nldonce, bowo,·cr, to iog to W.UU. ua.'"' baH OD17 ooo wonrto 1ay-r~; ... and haTiog Ing in i';' earl7 :>ro:rffl;- lt ii .rit:laly om~tl'<i :~~~k~~!::S...lltd >lu i... • throw. any fight upon tho """"'lhtion of tho orimo, Wo aro )ot ~mg tho trial, t it ~amt °'t ~d tbiuolemn lldiDoniaion, he departed to a ::~'!1 .. folilt111go, fl~"..c"'t-'t!i ~ aben~ a P.r,:u!Jd; !i! Cotton Wool, s-1.s ~ Ve~l>I•·

r-r· th b · i$. ar •--d bo~" .L.. •·'-or.,. wb•- ho -n di. "cd ....... more ...,..a.1 •rvw 1agpnn 10 r- ;\ U11driel! t'nalu, Ori...,·Frullt. and tho nnlict wu retuTDod accordingly- 14 'Vo on e ~a · • n tba& l • 011 wcro rCQ ..,.. 1~ ,_ ,,..... -, ""'" ..... blue colour, while tho emt:i.llisbmco.u aro red, aad ti •h of all kla<t.. · Boda Yerdlct ol wlltal murder anaina& IOllle ""'l'WOD Tipperary-a circuoiiUnc?o 'Which only peotd of a _,ow decline and a .brqkeo' ~art. · or a ·~.rent a~a:ance. What, becamo o.r l>rocluceo~ tub,aad .Uotber cruturu llvln,t; lo U.e ••lcr.

.,. ,.... .., 1 · . . • 0 __ _. __ . i...i..u..· • '----- G t . . • . r I -" . th -~ I '· Poullry Eggs • Ol'pert0nratpreseut unknown." Such wu tho <>UbYan'tguilt, inumuch-u it wu jlpoled'be Ill' .......:.n.art pro._..,. anll!OQI to .-:uwc ~e~ '!111D=•atey . ... tcr o.u111Ucc.,...u ,e r- md.,.,Fun.Skln,, «'Talleundrt..,ed .

Baria.g accomplitbod hia plan )fith much difficw- rmtlt of all inquiries into tho mu-'or o( the miller. m111t ba•o teloctod tbem in (~u~ce of Qieir a.cq~ainted ,With tbo plan J>!. which Michael· Salli: IDlL. nkat!~ ~11bia l~.....ad~ wi.ii Famft ~~ot weh know~ Sioue or ll~le lu l u cmJe or unwrougl\t 11&tc. ty, but at tho umo time cffoctu&llr, bo ttaolTod to • \ U • baftlod .L Id -• of L. 1 o wo.i UJtnoUJ 11CO•crcro l uo veal western Sla1e, Butter, Cbeae, Tallow, ~.

" lo tho meantime tbo police wero al work, and provC!fbial tteltlcssoca in com~ crime. nu ouo.., 90"" t .... appro•en. and de· comineot, bo eeemt to have retired al1D01t broken- lion... Mu nue. proceod"to tho mountains, in onltl?' to muo ar- 1bo1-bad tbia muddn their fi\vour, that o• ery per- During tbo"wbolo clourt0 of dio tiial Sulliun'• featcd l)re eacb « jllltice. . Wo •hall tell thtm1 bean from tho· world and to bayo •pent lllOlrt of Ctru ot ~lotalt or all k lnch. Codt. nogomcote ,.,j(h Tully for the pri.-ato interment of sou ·to whom tbev addrouot.I tboaaeh·H for inf or- feature. wcro calm, ua1DO-red, ~d oven placid. but it iJ nece..r, &o..llato Wre ~t tho mill anlla11_ th~ re ·oder.of biJ tl~1• i~ obec:lirity: lt iJ ~r- ~l~~;'°:!:J TL~~"; alf:\'!t.. ~ liiJ brotbor. Oa hie way to tho 'cottage ho wu mation wu ainc~rcly di1poecd to gi•o it to them, Ho lookccl upo:i biJ acc~ra u innQCiln~u-. Kennod1'• proper1)' camo. into tho haodt of\ oong '-' • bowe•cr;, that.in th~, . l<lG.1 be rccei•ed Firo .. <>Od,.l'1An11; Sbnit.. and Trea. atartlcd, from timo lo funo, b1 ·an oocaaional d l\:ssod • b - th ecioUJ inaocenco-;,ould upon premeditated iolurr Tom Can.uaih in riahc or hil wil1 4 A • no&! ptn•100 from tho lcetor Ailolphu•, but Pf.II•, Wool. FW. Oil • chucklo of wild aod glecf\JI ferocity which at once an Clip ~ ~•Lan an:uoty kl nng 0 per- ~ . . . L _ c. JO ey- at ho CJl!ly cojo1ed this II compensation for R ce, Broom, Com, auJ Bark.

pclratora of tho cfimo lo jUJtice u tbo1 did. The and guilt; a circurmtancc, which told C9Nidcrably dlao IDlller WM llf>poioted, w~ rnactd1be t11ill or bit cxtraonlin~ 1Dvcntion d · ng three \"eare, and O;rpsum, grouoo and uupand. . • . ho attributetl, and Tory juttl7, to JellJUly tho fool. attempted abduction WM cauuued, and tho di.- in his fnour. The CIYitlcoco bow••er, iler;i taken thtt11, 10 ~t Oftt')'thioa went.on a'u.lual. Michael di~d lowanb Jho ead or '.l bo month ~· Fcbuarrr, u;~"'?°"~t « Wl1•TOU~t Burr or Cnn.Utonu. llo called upon him to c°'?'lo forward a.ml nccom- f _1, S · · · h b fi i io. S.ullivao, wbal with tho·coluc~c. c( ho guih 1 .. 68." Wji ~y add .'bat, not lo.ng '.1~ ~ UIO?JU- ~·lalt, llemp, and To1', unraaua.faetared. 1 1>3ny hilJ! to tho collage, bat J e romy declined to appearance 0

.,_&n1e1 ullinn bo(lan ·io appear 10

coonccllon wic t 0 irat Qlltr~, wu com- and tho t.e ·or bis b her 111

h" lf. dleot was l rectcd to biJ memory ID b11 i!111vu c11y: Uruu1U1ufac1ured Tobacro. Rap. muo biJ :ippc:1r:1nc>!, anti ru hu :uh a need" along t igoilicaot, lbe period or bis disapppcaraoco h:iving pl~tcly and irrewtiblo, th~ hit att or and c:o110- a . nee : rot • ' . t ·~ mcapa- .AU Gutenberg"• t7pes ,wero indi•idually cut by So long u the ""'!ltl Tiuty t.etwoen Great Br11Dln and

been fouml lo coincide e:uctl7 with tb:it of 'bo acl (tho late Mr. O"CoonoU,) guo him up. and ble c( bcarinrcfioclioo an~ a tohtary life, ho coa· tho· band thc._moclo of eutiag tynM-io.mouldJ beia,. l~o U1uud &o1 .. o( Atnorlca, In tho reclfed Acl 111~-. tho old . broltcu w:iy, tho ch ~l"LI··" cc.uotl - Ito- tJ; ._ d ._.. d '-·---- . · . 1 "~ ·! L • r -.- • h F " toooed, ahnll ~lu la force lu 11tt. J.Jantl And •hnflar

h :1Uompt. Tho CODJequeocc was, tha t a body of tbo judgo wu arnnging bis notes to charge tho eequen too .. to """•an """""'°a babtril:r\.,aod u11gned to ~a~lf..,.,., an n~grcDllC.O .w.'1... all$l, anldca 1>4!1nir Ult IVl>••b, IW"Odaee, and ~ufactu..,. 01

Cll A PTF:ltlll.

( Co11clud~d.J


get or. police came .one night to . tho bouso of Michael jury, when ht whis_pcrcd to bit attorney to ult tho hopeless druahrd. Ono day in winter about a aml Gutenberg • t u«'csor. ~·bo fira JOIDI produc- tho UollCd Kln~m, .or IJritW." ~nh·Amcrlcan Pn>-At length ho onlored tho cottage, and 10ialng S Iii d b . . h witocu a qa~. ion which ho mcotionoo to him. ; ·oar a.nd a half an.r thtlourd ho :'j 'l lo the tioo o( FaUJ! and Scba:CTcr was an w ition of t~o Yin.-, or or 1b1> lJlarid ?' Prince ~wlltd, or llHi Cbon-· ~

oJJ Tully by tho band, which ho ruJDl»l rD" off U 'tlln, lln :IYJOg JCCUred him and bis t reo ' . . er, . D • l'salms, \be most porfoct COpV ltDO'!l'n o( which II neJ labnd.i t balJ bo adJn1UeJ l)uc_y }roe, notw1~~Udb1g • scrun~mcn, tbe,· put II few piercing qucation• to This tbat get!oman refused 19 do i ho then d~ mill '° !Qpk ancr toCllO oalJI which ho ha •nl to bo that in lhn lmpon"al Librarv of Vieon11. Jt i.• tho anlv law to the C:Ollln\t:"· I .

him, beoxclaimcd : d d -'b ·•-. .!L • u • __ .,,. . . . b .b' . · • tahalluot.bebwfulforMl}'~T flll'itli, 1alud, ,, So bc's ""DC." bP u folio"•:- , tired tho att oy to dosiro bis ,couDSCI to ult · it; groan~ an ~usu.., • Wat ..,.~. . oe Bta~n:u lint publication ~ w~1c t c dato, pnatet • nai1:e, dried or PlcllJea. noc uempud ~ uty t.y &l!T'l>I' tho o· . "Mr. Sulli•an, whoro'• your brother ?" and tbo latter shook bis bead, and tald it wu to no abou~fj place to placci. until at length bo lurch·. 11nd plnco ol p~blication were aflix~,,IUld wu Ji.- pc'Om~ of tbla Act, 10 Wee l.110 fllml In any

.. Who"s gooo ?" nskod tho old mAn-" d-o it, pu~, that 1l.1u r,.~, L- •lludded .A h-" L--- cd 0 .... :iimd tho mllChioe . wb" ·h h" . . b COYettd according to Timpcrlo,_., II ID t ho year. Hlllb ot tbo~ona 6r, lrCOI011y or lu pendo1cl • lthout why lo h d ? Do th" L "r. it poor Jamca? Wb7, then, l"d givo you a ··--· - uu • ~ "' .., """"" -.. 1 ry, ID • ~ 11 Dg t near larupruck in tho castle ot Amb-• whero tho tho pa en tbol>u1,- htrtln~tore I l tblt

t you -iueczc my an '° you mo. ~ penn7 to know that." proYetl by half a c!oaen witoCltOI ~fore. ar~u ~aght.,l'he Yory arm Wilh wb1ch. ht com- ·A~hduko Fra~ciJ Slmtmuad bad ~i;tcd a pN>. ~~'-~l any ~tbj&h Coloo1 wit le' o lho rm DOI Ile.sh anti blood?" ' - , cd .... _ -i.- _ _, li I • . . ... • • w ... ., ...... ni; o~.r~ t e ~~ mlrT th «lo · " Ile bAS not been at home eince the nighL tho " "I bca,' .11id Sullivan, " my lord, thie. ia ,a COii· nu · ..., mu • ......, """' tteral y dr•ed from tho 1 OUJ quMtlly o( manute11pu and pnnled hoOb, the a1JotnU1Co Dmw w• ~n.1 , all

"lm"t my brother dea.J ?" ho tald-" iao't my :iltempt.wu m.ldo to tako 11'11'111 Mill Kennedy." •piracy agr.inrt art honest and an iooocent DWI. tocltct llf the ahoU!dcr. lhd be not been pulled D for the meet pait-from Ibo llbrarr ofMatthW oo~t lu, tit~ . IJlply, - be . rud to apply, to m~ isn' t'ho dc:W, 1 "Y ?" Oh b b)· •wo ·1~1ppe·ary - .. , oL-' l '--"f" co bo,111iw'- t....L ..b}' \L- bo ~ bol bod r11111, .ting of llun~ from wlie~ it WU •ll fllb. . .. ves . 0 ...... L--o tor 11·-·B d·,·· ·nhcr • • ~ ...... ..,.,.... ....,.. - w were pl'Clent, • 0 "' Vi • • .... .... . . 1...1 • --··an- tbe .......... o/ ... , Ant ............ t ... to .. _

"Ilellvcnly F:atber I" cxd:iimod tho old man, " ' - •"""' .,,..,. ~ u d Id L- "·-- · "" eporWd &O 1enna. c """""1' pna...,.. JD '-I-' .,l,..d d~ _,, "-="" Mfl ~·· ""' .,,. " "" it." ~rera ! My op.iiiioa iJ that tboy iotcQdtd to rob wou na

1•e .._.. u?'lad lo piecoa, _u jt ·w-. folio, 00 •ellum, and of Reh extreme Mricy, thu IOT*"°• P!1"~-~~fn1~r:~1 .. _.~ua: "whllt'• tho ;natter wid you "! lt's 911

rcl1 not 11 Tako care of what you aay. h<-c:au~ •To <"An thu millor, and that tlie.1 murdorJci hiaa for •bat bowonr, OIO wu a &ig\Ubl obj~ Bel bteamo tbougb "°'more than •x or ~·on oopiea are koown ~ lllf'nts;,o;J lo. tho Table ol D.i. c.;"u."11 "i.cc grief th:it"s in tltat ..(aco-why is it lKl p:ilc, and pro•o thu ho was with you on that very .!.1~·. Lut purpose, and that llO'llcthl~ UDUpO'Ctecl m!IA ba•o iutanll1 lllber, bowcrrer, and felt that liil end wu &o bo in cxistcncci, all o( 'tbcw differ trom each for Local DbtOJarJoa. · • why do your eyes blru:e as they do? Good God ! ..... anerw--•- pnn·eoted the- Tho • db ,._,_ f1 't hand • • o~bur in- rtll"""l. • • • Thu capital letlen d -AIU I •llflap--•°'"11 mooeyf'-"-•_,... er~' I ;el.b~ .. ~ u

- . ., \\"h th •- -- of .. .,. ~ - )' ro uo er . ._ namea, or • ¥" ' • ood r:·b d • ofdel" and........ a ••· cua.o "• .,....,fartt, or Y "'"or nro you 111 your SCl\!tJr y, e...,,. ten "l • . 1 •·- d · b I baa-.. tbcm.:•ll ono ano· .. crbro--Ldi'"'"-·' ur'-· - nto ..... •!...,..11.. ... ., bil 1 .. _ --J.· arecut1!lw ,wit a e~. tUllJY .....,. aayAl:tar/tiUllo(Ua,Gmeftl .a-mw,. ••II'·'--... ,.., brotbm oa1>htn"t 1 1 · b .._ 1 ,. can 1 a:irtm1 ""ruro u to :a ;))" or two, ut _,.. - .,. 111D011 u1. .. ¥~ ~ -... ..... ""' !' .• _.,.,_,,,_, D9". which are truly -•ag; the ~ of lbill be deemed and are htttb1 ck-rlareit i. ln-.SI- ·

" 0

pu 7ou 10

iac a .... te · '"011

1 koo" tblll about that timc,--ob J know it w35 t1'0 lro~at they go by In my pan ol"tbo country. 1 l murd'rod Fraak Kesanedy,uristod bJ tiroofm1 them-tho initial leUen-;;,-rthe f.U--which are ling >loMJ" of Orea& ~,andllball loe._...,,a.11-;.; . look moro liko a m:io that IO~ctbini; lw druv m4ll or thn:o dayt llfierwards, for ea ya bo 10 m<', Michael 1hini} lbe namo of tho man that p.- u Hannigan "f"&.ols > I oftrlieard them N)'ia' thai hil marder black, red, and blue, mua ha'f9~_tbrM U- and r::f. fu .. eh ~ lloney, or ID F""6p CW... II&

thllo;nytbiu; ebe.· ~ I 'tJUb you :1ntl I had boen near tho miller; } WO is u:.r1er, and tho othor 111&11'1 name ia m1 O'll'D, woald bo. wi1ldfall !O them, an~ I to.., wben it !brouab t~ we-~ ··-and~ IOCC-*1 =~ o:;: 'l:..,.111": w:..r:c."*'..: .. = ~4i: " ut ruy rother-sbo" mo his co~ b:id, tho ,illaios wouldn't get olT as they did." Sullinn. But tbat'a oot tbo thini. M1 Ion!, •J wu too late.daa& the7'd ~1 mo u thoJ:did. 1 !" conceal•!J~ tbo improYtDM?Dll ~ tho7 had •hall be r-MllU1drectl'ftd~~to~111'etp .. "For God"s .Uc I wi;J you apako aisy-b\'• \V II b h . b "" lifu'a at atako in con_, ....... - _, thear· ...... ~n .... t"--b&olthe -'•• l,hell • ..._ u ~· -" .__ ila&rodaeed 1n&o tbe t7pograpbical art till &!ii 7ear wl ll11tare bt'law 11l .. llPll1•Uiiihlit ........

asleep, anJ you·n wuen bim." • " c • ut w ere u 0 aow' ·--.-"' r-•-, - a- ,..10 .... --.- HH, ~"· at &¥ ackiair ol lien&&, &heir em- · " Who"• aslce? ?" laid he-" iJa't ho dead ?" "Troth, that"• just what l a:iy I 'Would p:iy you Will your lon:Wiip uk '1bom once mort, ill tbo and aftber we W pa& Ille bod7 it1 &be~ I piqr'!' ~ .dilperied. in!O di&"ettnl -·~and ...,_.-'Ole CB1111118 el ....... _.i.; " ~o, thBn k God, nor lil:ch· to bo dead till hiJ wall ror, if you could tell me. We bad a quarrel, pretence of tbc opm court, what wu tJfe eolour RllC them bm., 1f9Dl beck lo tlie 00... SOC lail ~ 1nb:~ ol '}.~'"'IM waa ~aa~d...- ...._ .. ._

; and bo loft. mo, takin' tlDlllo t11ooey wid him, and oftM ~t and waiatcoat thaC tho miller had oo drab~ and ball'~ hll& lo ...... iM roag & lll'Of4. ~ enl-. all t ime comea, which, l hope, wont be this w11ny " bi h th ~ bod -'--A . • . tho thl'ftllod to llaerleaa, 1a llollalld, ad tru. r 4.a~:::tl:f:li!.:~W.-lon;; ~·e:1r. lle's out of all dangor no,-, and will tbroatued to go to lmerica." m w vo •11wear I munlbcrod him?'" 1 WU.--..- i& oat, l&rippod a& oldie black baJ;, ncb of tbeee citiel bannr ill l'llplldift lld•o- ••!""·~= !;:: ~ = Le "That"• nU Tory well, MUtb<'r Sulli•an, but in '' 'Ybat wu the cololll' of.the coat, witae., thai -t., and pa& oa tbol otbor. Thil ii tho tntb, and cata for iU 6at i11trodadion. -----,.-----~-;;....;;~...;..-... __

nblc to i;o home in 3

d:iy or two." the we:iatime, you a.ad the~ throo men mutt com.,,. ~o t111lltr bad on him whoo bo wu manlwed, u 111117 God forgjy~" aD4 baYins 11tlerecl &laao It.ii a popular em>r lo IG~ tbal lbo credit "Jruim I" said :">lich3el, flying to his bed, nntl Blong .. kb ut." yoa .,. b7 tho prisoner?" worda bo upirecl ofilltroducUia the an into E1111aad ii dllO lo Wil-

• tooping OTer him in a lll.3!e ol t'rnntic 11&0ny which DI • liam Cuton, aioco we tind recOrd of a _II quarto no pen could J eswbc-" JiUDCS, nro rou :ilil"e? .. What is nil thu for," exclaimed Sullivan; "i.i " ack, ~1 lord." 'f" -. offort1-0M-loa•~ea o( which are u&anc-Arc fOU Ji,·in"? Tell mL~c-11p:iltc !" it mo ? one of tho best fricotb tbat ovor f'nuai "Do 1ou awoar lbat posili•ol1 ?'" TD P!Sl' A1'D PRDE~"l' OP Tl'PO- u baTI!J( boon pabl" ed a& Oxford, io tJio 1ear

Kenned7 hlld that you'd go 10 talto up." 11 l do, my lord-a black broad-cloth coat." GJlAPBJ. 14'8. blina tbrt0 ~ ao&ecedcn& to ~ com-' · 1 nw indeed, Michael,'' repli~ · bis brvthcr, II Prank Keonetl7 !" laid tho acrgeaot, "wb1 "Let Ibo other approt11r bo callcJ," llid tho meDCO-llt of bis rt. From a wor£ entitled

"alive, nod, :u 1ho doctOr tells me, put :Ill d:in· tbn- w•• no 001 i-'lciag -•-ut F--L Kenaed» or J"udge, and in a fow mioulel ho ~p""·-·•. Tut an1 ~ n+uy to bo practiled ill " Oa:ialednal. ~d-~do Wl~ o1f66Pri~1tin! .. !do EDglaothd," (;Cl"." ' ._.v - ill auy .....,.. , " r-"""' tho prod ioo.ofa bOok or periodical aro '°'Tari- 51blilli1 an I.Rn n, ID .&, .. w..,.. aJIPtar at • n .. .d b d"d bi, murder either. ls iL tl1al you·re thinking of ? .. Now," tald bis lonbhip. "you havoaworn tbal d . . th b ' 0 6nl int:roduetio11 or the art l>Ccarrod l!Qring the

' at, 1:11 o, II ' . you appear lo bo dead 1 V Ii ... L.... h h Francis K"onedy b··• • b'·-L -·t upon L : - when ous an in og, at wo' ne littl" doobl a "" or Beanr VI- which monarch, at tho e%·

'' ' · · Ii · th. th arv good, II c:i ... er a ... wa ow t o wind blowa; • ""~ ~ ~ U1J11 b •ct· . h • tho ... ,_.__ d ' o- . ., . » Cro you ma a.ml or :iny 1og at way? for -"¥! be w.u murdered?" . n •naa t into ....-1 an proir-oflbo art pe1111t o(fif\eoca hundred merb, Ma~ R. Tournour,

m:iybc he mii;ht":i' been mistake a." · como nlong." • r pnntii>a, will bo acceptablcS\t the. roadcra of thi• Matier of tho BobC1, nod William Caxton, mer-" \'' b · ._L ... - -L d ful Tho murder of the miller excited an 111tooi1hia,.

11 I hBTO, my lordJ' • •• L - -• L.- to JI Hl"m- 1 .. ~ '-"X- • o mu ..... co t -...e · 11. e or11.,,. 1 ouau., on an O%JlreD om.,....1 •~ "~ .,,..?

"Wh.1•, J emmy tho fool- ho tolri mo tbis ni,.bt tensatioa t hroughout the couatry. Tfo landlord, " And you· abide by that oath ?" • • Wo hoed IC&recly ~IIl&rk lhat the eelo oo of care tho terrices of a printer ollmed ConeUil. to 0 Lord C--, calle<l " mectiag of tho maai•tnlu, "I do, my Joni." . . . . 0 oomo lo Eagland, and act up 11 prcu at Oxfortl, -e~ly in it 100-tba.t ho was dc:W: ' o· '" typography IJ or c:omparat1Tely modern or1n10 ; ror whieb ci17 Ii•• tho-fore, tho honour of bcin\!ho

Tb I · .11 · b;r wbom a subscription WllS coolributed to t ho 11 l'Ow, priJOnor, wb:it hue you to aa. ?.. o 1• ..., · ~ " o y m· ,., ain !" .aid T ully, "we not him Le - ahhough the princi~ opon which tho art wu original acat of tbo art in £ni:Jand. 'l'bC "ng

to you to lei you koow tbQt ho Wa.J out of d11n- :uuouat of t1vo buudrctl Bod fifty pounds for ibe " t tbe police lb.it found the body bo called ultiltllltclx do.eloped aro of tho most tetllOIO ao- l ubeequontly ~L:lblialll..t ano.ther prcu at S•. Af-er." apprehension or tho murderers, to which w:u added •:;nin, my lord ?""

1. uitv it is not more th:io r-ur centuries .; th baDJ, and a t hird a\ Wcstmiallor, tho. Jue

1 bc.ng

naatber hundred. ia contcqueoco of a memorial 11 Well," added bis lordship, "le t tbem be · ' . "' . noo 0 placod undor tlio chnrt;o of CnxlOn, 111 t~o year l\lichnel 1praog to !tis fee t, and looked about II d .. . t boo. k woti!. ri.rom •h.o proa. Antenor to tho 1• 71 •• I t,·. ,•flirm--' by many t.b:it t liu very o. Id . . b th Ii r d . lran.smittcd lo goferomeot. .:01 c . - "--·· .. .. .....

llD wit e ury o a cmo111:ic. T • 1 m• cnh6o of pnotrng, r--..., wordJ wcro c:ut on a prnctace prevailing runong1t '(>riatc ra of calling u Where it he ?·· a:iid be-" whcro could I finJ Sulli1·an, whOIO bc:irl tho agitation :iri.iing from • ho !1°lice acconli11gly appeared, but onl:f oce at bloclc of wood, the impre5Dolll' from which we·ro th~ir oO'ico n '.' Clu1pcl'"- !be Ut.lo Lcing :ibo ap-

him? B ut no m:itte r, l ici/{ find him;~ and with hi$ tla.ogcrout position bnd now hllnlcood i1110 th11t a umc, rn ordor ~tit miiiht bo .u.:crtaincd 4'bctber tUcn by mtana of a simple pttsmre. To thit dav plied to a ·~1., of l~9c ID winch t~ey mt.'i:t to b _. h I cd ftJ feeling of sclf·prcscr,atian whkh dr:i1'1 in e•ery lhrir evidence 1houlJ coincide or not. C . . . . • tcttlo any. ili'fUIO which mlly occur 11mOtr;St tJ1cm-

t CllO wo • .,.1 o rus 1 out o 10 cabin u perfocL :i p 1. tho. h1ocao purt110 Uw rado motbod of pnntmg •. telTca-ori .. inntcd in Caxton"• cxcrcisitl,." fhe Vtro-•uJ f b d • .1 consiilerntion to a point, i....,...a to reflect upon hi: " o 1ce111An," aaid tho judge. "vou wnro pre- bci b I le bod Tb o tptc._ e o orror 10 m .... ncu u o'or wu wit- ~0" < ng I u on y poop w o ao. o work which feasion of a pii tc r In one i,f 1he i:ba110l.1 10 ·\ n i-nes.sod. It wu in vaia, howe•cr, that ho attempt- ch:inccs, and tbo NJulL wiu not only that bis senM: acat, wcru you aot, when tho body of fua oody the1 ia tend to be printtd, iJ first wrillcn npon 01in11er A~ ·. Jn a l)()C~l cnti1letl ·• The ~'rett!,'" ed lo find Jemmf. Tbo vindictive !Ool di&3ppcar- of tb11 crimo became dit:Weoed and blunted, but WU taken out or tbo bog-bolo r· sbcelJ ~ thin . lrao•parent p.1pcr, imprniiona of tht-ru occtlr1 IC follQwm:;: l\llLWOll 10 tho \" l1lll1ct :

·•· - L : his approbcnaions of conviction YC•" mach dimini•h· " I "M. mv lord." 1•.. ·u I · I ,. ell from ..,..t part of tho JUD;dom, and wu never · ' • u ch or wl1icb, hr the .,jJ o( i;lae, arc tnuur..:~ ".u, A u1on ! •h I •1 gutotut u <'Oniou• .een in it afulrwarda. ed, if not alto:ctber TCDIO\"ed, and bo hilll!Clf belt " Do you l"CIXICalber "hat tho' colcur of tbo colU tablet ofhal\I wonl. '.fho en _ '}. er rtmOl"U e• el'Y To t:a.<ttou, foon* ol thu llri ti•h Prus :

know why. w.u that ho bad 6n him nt that timo1r l!TlrY ., Sinco firat 1hY niounUliu ~. aad riven flo'fed• But !>ow abllll wo attempt to d~ribo ?Jichaol 1 portion or tbc blankf1urf11ee or the blocll;, and


1bc W lio on thine iii,~ ao ricb n boon bcsto,.nl 5 I. • • h ., T We do not know, nor will wo :wcrt, th:it :in,· " do perfectly, my lord; a tlrab coal." • '"

cal 1.-an , . JOUrno7 omo r hero is an inJliact • tran!!<:nl>ed ch~nnctcn aro llioa lett in relief. The Y ut stands tl1u cha.,.,J in yono Gothic 1hrino knowledgo or tile . public row:ird olJ"crcd, ret1ched "Yo11 1wear to lb.it positive!\• r - \\".L ... -, I f L" 1·-·· 1· in man which ~ti him on bit homeward path, • Cbil\eMl do not use any press. but when tho iak ia -uoro wrought tho a.t 1er o our .-..ng i:.u .me.

· .... d · ... d the Cllrt of llaonigan, IJoulagh:in, or Ahemc, Jx.... 11 l do, my lord ; u sure as I have life, it was a h Ii I' ~ OYOD 10 ..... tlllll or ID ... c eepctt llatl lll<>lt help- dralH:olourcd.co:it." laid on, anti I o paper care u 11y pl:iced aborc it, a ur art waJ hailed from kin(ldoms for :ibro.'lil, lt11 cxcCISICS of intoxication, aoll by thi1 ho wu fore the lri:al The JBr.·nlllDed iodi•idu:il the brwh is (1.-d o•er with t~o noce11S1ry deirn:o o( , nd cbc1blictl in tho hBlloweJ l1ouse ot God ; 11Jided. Bo tougbt f9r tho fool-ho forgot bis own roadcr knows lo bAYo been innocent of any actual II Might it nol bATo been :i black ?" pr...uro. Accordiag to J:);uis, before the J iJco.,. F rom t1·hiclo "'o lc:1rn tl10 boml\;;c it rt.'Ccivcd, daoF and tho iaditcrotioo of allowipg it to be particip:ition in tbo munlcr, and In COIUC<Juonco or " lrupoaiblc, my Joni.• Let t ho men who 'IU!rc cry 01 wooden blockl, tho Cbiocec wcro ad:wtom- Anil how our . ires its het1\'11nly nirtlt bclio.-cd.

thal b CTitlcuco prodncod before tho magistntcs, ho ,.,.., with mo bo called, end I am n tislicd they will J-J::ich printer hc ncu, howe"cr uaLlt:•t hU wnlb, L--- • b discb,.,...ed l"On 1rm l o· trul o w at l 1ny ?" ·

Atrrlc•ltunol "'"d"

_D_it_•_Ti_c:1_._· I ~! I , • 4 I

• T I

• J JO

g 13 u u'

2H4 727 301 IH 771 JrJ ~to

13r.2 ~:sa 6112

• EDI 1~0 1~7~ 3U -o

I • • ... 31

120'~ ' 8131 knowo • wuoo aoy p:ith U.At might connect fi b h r b ct.I to use •tone bk>c:ks, on which tho writing bad Even lo .ibis uay bli loowo 11 CllAl"F,~cal~._·· his appearance t_... eu er wilb tho situation of -o • been engraved, by t1Mt:in1 of which proceu the his brother ho uni h had Jn tho moan limo Tipperary integrity came out; Thi! was ac:cortlingly done,. aad tho poliL-emcn d f b ad bl k d b 1 • t"rcncb soo ......

or 1 111

er 0

commiUed; a •r- • d Hool-,__ t··--.:a ,_. • "d to a man UICl1cd that tho co:it wbi~b Kennedy ' i•d groun ° t c pllper "'"m 0 ac '•a, 1 0 c ttcrt TurlO" of Newroundlancl Dulles. ------

lllUll'der wilh which neither hit baodJ or hia hurt aaonipn aD """0 ..,....,.. &lag• OYI once. • ' " len while. Th() firil_ IDOYClALlo typa tbtlt " ere ._ _ _. .. ___ ..... :....a L-.> L- L--- and ~"ch- ·' Sull1·~- wu 110-·1•7 ~-·it•-" f1or on whon taken out oftbo '-.,--bolA w~ a drab one . ..- _.. --.,.. - aoown lh:al hit brother ...., ...,. ·-· '"""' - ...... ...., ....,...,, u ~ coDstrudod were ol nty rude anJ imperfoc t!1Jann-

nn.- -9 tho murder of Frao.k Ktl>ncdy Tho I · h bo re A bum ofapplau$0 and ~tisfaction now r 110 •1hro b , Al•, Porter, CiJor and Sherry. • ii: £ •· d. liftd. ......... ·be committed tbe cnmo bo bad a • ~.,, a •g !acture. The exact year of their introdu~iion b;u In bot tl~. iho Jouu of l i;sllolll • . . . . . . . . . 0 0 ~ molift fill' ia. &Iii& motift being tbo al'eocioa which it a ltran&O thiDg. Of COUl'IO tho Ont oUtl116" boro th ODart, and the jud~<'O WU prepar ini; IO t bargo nol been ll5Cnrtaioetl, flut it i3 certain to bavo tl\kcn 111 cit)k•, lhr i;.•U•m • . . •. . . • . . . • • • • • . . . • . . 0 0 3

Jia llal9 lail belo'fed and only brother. No. that llO dolely apon the other, and originated m direct.- the jury, wht'n cbo lbreman S.'lid :- I plaCi) ia Ibo cour1e of tho.linu nth ceoturr , nm\>. ll•cuu. lbin•, :.111o~ll\I 11.. .. ·r, i'• u<.•ge<, 1hc cwt o 7 G tr from·· that iJ1 h;.,,...., and details "My lord, you may savo 1 quraclf tho trouble, v - lk<-f, ">ultal and Cured 1hc b:\rrcl 'Df 2~lb1.. o s o .-ift waremcnrecl. aad &bl. mmdtr ttood oat a., - ,, . were nece.- ably between the rean 1'31 and H :IS. Altliou,gh lli·~u i1, 1bo c"t. .. ..... . '. .. . .. . ............ o o 3

........... _...._ 1.:.1- and L..-!LL B anlr gi•en; bat u lo wbere J-SulliY&D then tho jury bno agrood, and lt'C! acquit the pri.oncr." b d" r ...... d" I L . . I llutlcr, tlto <ll"l-. . • • •• • ••••. ·' .. . ...... • • • • . 0 3 0 Di1~rlet1 . -- - ~ o Wba .11 __ .. l e en: 1t . o .... 11eonry 11u .,.,en:Yarious 1 Chre~, tloe c -.i.. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 6 0

............ i_,.w. o1.._.. or u 1 CODllllC> wu, the7 ~ die ~ea that tho7 Cocild t WI oar r.,....on aay to Ibis ? Hore. ecr- awal'l'led, tbue it llulo doubt lh&S it maJt j ustly Lo Chocolate and C>eo.•, t/10 lb., . .. ,. . . . . ...... o o l

..a tnilniftla... .. touerod alona. hil bolirt dorcl them no information. lie bad been alightl7 rainly, wu an cse.ipo from tho juttico of man, but rded J hn G boJlt ( a b h) c;iil",...· the ) I.. .. . .......... . ..... . ...... . . . o 10 o It ... ---...... _...._. •L-,-' ... bu•., ·L-'- .. L- did•bomu"llorcr~• .... firomth•tofth A / 1. ,. 1 :ireo too oteo or urom erg ,a \Alctu, 1~ 100 ....... . . ... . ... . ..... . ...... . o Io

..... • "' - ....... fiNlplel tbrobbiag •-. ._ -• • a. wu ._.,. optnaoo tual • ,. ~..- ~ e ffl'!J"'!/ German. £,·on the briefost history of .1h11 a rt of C..1r .... , t11~ 14 •.....•... .. ................• · · O O I tllillltllef .... Jlie llad diaJ'; u tliroa& .. i...a.:... be bad po lo America. Ho had dooo all in hit We aball aoon aeo. rioli woul'1 bo iooom lote witbo" • a •ketch of ... .,..,~,. u1tl_Fca1hor UeU., lbe lb............ o 0 I

-..-..a... ' -.. - the7 llddod, to l u brotbo Ii b J • f 8 1 · P !IS P ..,,. t1.,ur. tho Larrcl. .. ... . ............ .. . . . . . . . o I o •lwlda--.-.udtho&e,ubo~&, r---• prooren. r romt e nco11JOqui:11coo uh•an'acxcellcntcharaolor, loiacaretr. llois JUppoolleil tohliYo bconbora :1t tp1i1, drieJ 1hc l~ .. ;· ··· .............. ... . . o I> I ........ lia ftiiWe ....... &c.i Jail 0 .,__ Tbo meditated abdaetion, bal YU altimartl1 forced in- bis acqaiual ." u h:iiled by -a loud cheer-from the )Ja cnce or :&!cntz cul in tho fif\t"entfl ccnlur , f rul1. other .Jto..:npt1011, Lho .£100 .. .... · ...... 10 o

0 2o1 ~ , _ to'&'- tL- ._. d tbori ..._h. b h" bod f h b J ' ' 1 1 ~Iola_'""-'• the pllon. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

-11awi.-lerrillle, J't& it1 ditmMl.to( 1 ,,_ '"". IA11118Dee. an aa lrw IC 11 :to I ocourt; w ich, howeY9r, w:asimroedia· apdtobAvoaoUlod at Str:ubur,r. aboot the year <>.11mwl ai1d lnJio.11 )leal, lbob.trrcl . ......... O o· ti ... -'-" m• ,· .. 1.r..a.--·-.. '-·• h bro&ber ulllrcilod Oftr him. uil7 repreaocd, bot his fricads aurround -·' bi"m, " , ,.,1 • f ' rd h t red . l'ork, tl1c bMt'!I of 2UOllJ - . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . O a o ..,_ ---r--.1--. --eooaa '"" 14:~. c. o•on yoari • tonra • o en c 1010 SpiriQ, ,-l t :- Unindv Gin, \\111.key. IUld Cor-.......- -.Ir.al& ol crim1 to leek hie owo At lengtb the ..Uea cat11e,. and Michael Su Iii· •book b11nd1 with bim, and wannl7 r.on:r:itulated partnertbip with throe citi%en~ of that town, bind· d L<, or_oth<r Spfrl t• 1101 herein detlned, or ... .., die lllGI& malieriaeat.ed patht, 0118 ol vu YU placed at tht bar, charged with tho wilful !Um 01} the h~pf ialuo of biJ trial. Uu tbanked ing hlauelr to ditcto.o oort:li~important accrcu of ICntt~ sy\!~l 1ir:t~~fcr~!..~"'.::61! ,,... W1f bJ Ille "WJ IJos-bole wbere tbe mu arrler of Fran~ Kennedy. , Tho couri ~u them, aotl tald : " l t_could not be otber t'ise, tht.n 1 nntcled with the Jcienco ol t1J>OgT&pby, by mcaOJ poniou f•tr ::?." t,"1\l&tcr •tr.,ogth tlull) th ::..a -.w-la.w "'1111· -'"_ .... _.,_ t...Led •• tho · wded to1Uftocataoa, for tho ramoaroftbo cnmc that bit ·1nn~•nco ahould bo m•do pJ•:n, and b11• f b" b b Id · ••• : 1 Sho 11 •trcn.th of proo , 11!11.l!"Ucm • . • .• ••• . •• • •• • - - .,. "' TW-.. ,.....,.. - 1ar- ~ ~ - o w ic: I 07 woo a,_,n opu cnco. r 1 Rdln (~•1plrlt.< l the>?ilon ................ . faot ol tho water llDlftl' which tho bod7 had been hlld gc>lll far and wide, and lbo ucellont cliaracter ebaractor cleared from IO foul a charge~· after aner their pl"OCccdin!!I were ioi1iated one of tho S&lt, the too .... . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. ·· . ' .. .. . . . '"

0 4 0 0 I 0 • 0 • 0 1 0 - and .. he did,. atroar - olwa·~ .m·-tcd or Sulli•an had giweo to tho wbelo procoodinr a which ho took hiJ way home, with 1'bat CODJCicnce d. d "h.ch G. - L- t bl. Sblngles, tbe ) ). ...... . . .. . .• . .. ..••. . .. ... .

...--. a- uu -.·- partncrt It 1 upon w 1 utAl.,...rg ten u 11er- Sapr T l&>- •

tho .... and ca-1 it to '.>cat acalnat the banu IDOr'O than DIDal mwreat. Bis fri1!nda, and they our readers may wily determine. 'tent to tho brotbor of tho doe~ with tho re· Loaf iwJ RctlneJ Sagar. the CWI • • • • • • • • • • 0 u 0

.. J 2

~ '· • ' • 0

10 11 12 18 14 Ir>

49 67 ~6 G!l Oil C. I

0 37 6i

180 0

19 64

0 0 107 witlt a lita"7 ~ clealli.like -nd. A doep fear were .nomcrous, bad been utoundcd at tho in· " Jn .tho moaolime, our t wo Tipnnranr i......1 quett that no atrengor might bo admitted into the Uur-..&ncd. · · • • · · · · · · • · · • •· • · · · · · · · · • ·• • • • 0°

11 ~ French Sbo

- ume 0 ..,. &.:-. and be' flod u ·11 L. L-d L. ... _ dic:\meot againet bim, &rMt they all lon;rod to hu r • b. r - -, ._.,J '-- d" llut&td, ..••..... . ••.. •..••••....... . .•• • v - - - - --- - - .... ~ 'ln1"5Cd their o ~eel .u to tho reward ; but if c1 workshop, leat lheit tecl'lt might uu llCOTlrcd. Tea, the lb1... . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • o o 4 602 a4n 671N 10497

ll"~I 1 .

: ~~ . :~ ' 17 0

:i. ) ue 60

I II 297 289 11~ 17

7'0 l 217

Oft 12H 8ylng from tbe very brink of perdition. Tho death- tho ttaul~ of a charge which appeatt(l to them ~ tfol, 1be7 gained 110motJaing particular instead. llowcYCr, he waa too late, for all the " planl;" oT :roi.ac .. o, l.tanufnelu~ ~n·I IA:of, Iha lb. · ·· · · • 0 2 ,.. exCraord arL 1nd tan . . . rot>oscco, Steu"1.lhe c .. t • .• .. ..•. ·····• ••• • •• • 2 o .,._ ::: :it\~°"" _.,, .,, ' ..,. t ...: like garslooftlaat water never loft h.it hurt. . ID 1 • r go. Sullivan b:1viag pronounred their true n:imea in the office had dieappvartd, a carcumtta.nce winch Vi.n~gar1 the gituou ........... . . ...... ... . . • e 3 ~ l..!'i .;s·:! I: -4 !<:c" ~ t ;. f ~~ ;;

Tb 6 · - -• ccd • "' 1 • - •- " 11o ~ • e 1 Y 0 111r1c•- F " ·" :.. g "! ! a" • =:·"c• ~ !.. l:, A1•1e11Jtb he readied~. but ho• ho lc:new o m w1tneteea prvuu . were SulliYan's fo- 1he prCJenco of a nood number ofpolicb, the1 wero produood a lawauit an10n-+ thoaurTiTing parlnen, " '°"• "•x:- . 0 .,.,11.., •• ruc i:;n "·· •• • • • • • · ; .. ~ .., " " ~ " o , Ill'' " In \\'001h a •I othen .... t~ nolJ>< ing - - - r-+--- - -

llOt, and on entering tht boutt lhe firat thing Lo male 1trvantai wbo '"ore, much c1·idc11t ly niiainst cl05ely examiacJ, and recognisc4 1u. thrco pezlOns !ht rosult beinr a dillolnfjc>n amongel them, · bottle., .,.1z ~-P,ort, )J~rlnl, llock,8u~, , Qtls. Nol .-re.Ji. llrl.. Brl .. did •• to So to lbe wlaisko1 bottle.aiid gulp down their will, that he and bit t wo eenanH ncn. llan- who bad abtcondw after tbo perpotratioo or a rn i.&~5-46 Gatooborg rtlunaod lb hit naliYO cilT . Cl11rcn, 1he ~Ion ... . .. . . ...... • . . :...... . : : ~ --- -- -a brge qaaotilJ ol raw tpin1a. TbiJ IOOn atupifed ru1,t&11 and Houlaba.a, went out together that night 01urdcr in 'lippem7 ; and bcfora over they left of Moots; whoro bo aucoeOdod iq obtainiai: th~ Sl:=y, cb:,,f 1~(~~·~~~;·.;d~;~;,;:.. .. . .. ~ :~~ ::o~: 1~~Trs iilll bim; 701, llrM!gO to a1, amidst this terri6o wli.rl about tlln o·etock, bnt• that Abemo , • ., not with tho courthouse, th~y wero taken into e111tody, and ncccsaary capital for tho pn»Ceoliotr of hia typo- All olher wince • o p UQq. · · ·· · · · · ·· · · · ·~ · · · : i •o a .t:S &2143 l . 1204

ii be . . • b p De li b "II . Anchon . .. .. • . . .. . . ... . • • . . .. ,.,. •. t/10 ..,100 0 • 674 IQllS.411 )h SIT' of i;u1 t, t re WU ooo retanng spot in hu hoart 1 OID, 111 CU>' v a. t e .. , er·a eenaot-maid, in tlue ti mo lodged in Clonmel i;nol. Jn d-1iiao, gnaphio e11pon-u, fJ'OCD a wealthy goldmDtb and Outey and Osll . . .'. . . . . . .. .. . : . ;; I • o 6 888 I GllH •6 &nu

whlc~t allord6'\ him aomething like CC>ntol&tion. bad called upon him b7 appointment, Id bring ber 100, tb~y wcro tried, convictod (Ind hanged; and worker fn preoioes- mo'-la, named J ohn f11.t1 -or g:i~ ~ ·~i:;~.-: : : :: : : : : {. .. . :. ,. : : ~ e m 111100 12 O.;o Ono ob)ectonl1 in this lifo did that heart lo•o out to a dance in the c.vly p:irt of tho onoing. D:innig01n con(~ immediately before hiJ cxoou- Fauat. Thill w11 tho orjpa of tho full& ~Jar Coj1pcr aad Couii-ltJon )le~ for ~ 1; : ::~~= · 1~! 10~ o/iUtlj. The coaJciOtUnOI that w. brother liYed .. Jonao, mr T.onl," said tho nUorno1-gencral, tion, that bo bad committed twclfo mnrdon pro- pri!lting eata~luhmeot . . Bo1w11n ~II yoan 14~0 S!l~ai"~·:~.~~~t.~l~~· .. ~· .. ~.t .. I • 0 I~ m~ ;~::; ~=~ li: at once •3&r1nted tho nature of hil crime :int! "and tho pruoocr know then that Kennedy wu • iouJ

110 biJ pru-ticipation in th11t of tho miller i a aad 1'&.56 Gtltenberg tu~ in , J1'5atfog com. Co~ and Corkw~ . .. . . . .. . . .. . . " 4 o o 11 '36 144080 . . g ,


oonsolod him andor it.-ao complex aro the atatu Blono.• fact which ia oa pablic record. ple14, an addition (in tba La"'1 lanmi.a"o) of•tho •·w ung Tac Ide, lndlan Com.· •· ··· · ·~ 6 8 0 12 J6U tal~S 161 u on

of ffflin& that ari8e in a tpirit in which thoro it The poKce were t¥n produced, who pro•e<I the When Michael S ulli•an retul'nod homo, be fO!llld Bilile. l'bil w•eucnte!l. with out111etall7pu. on Wroogbt !\ll!U .. . . ••• . \.. . ,. : • O u \ 1642 6U64 91 68H

0 I OQ

6 0 0

• 0 0 0 0


• -,,-.. ~-&r, Bolt, Sbcalbhig aad " > " 18 118! 60011 145 67:3

'bot ono virtoe. ' finding of tho bod7, in a bog·bole , fi-om wbenco bit brother Jama tbcro before him. B o wupale, ~ baadred and thirty•Hn Jones, an~ froca coplca ~ ·. : : : ·:.: : ·.·:.:·.:: :: c.:::: .. 6 : g 16 1717 erm m - _.l tm Tbt next de7 tbe bao-and<rf of mcu wu up, they bail it carried to his own homo. Then came and all but heart-broken; and when Micliael U· Um ia Uilcenc:IMI in the Boyal Librvi111 Cif Bb'li~ CWoda. \\'Ju'M, and )l~~t. --;--'"-- -- --

18-2-U -

1-aa-' ~-7 -uoa- - ~ - -,

2-7 and tbt huo-and.cry of houen at t!e heels of the appro•crt, who ·1etailod tho circwnstanc•a of tcndo<l hit band to him, lho other drow bu batk, and t> • ..:. .,.._. iill""""""""'• a""""r to ha TO be~ Ochen.-C.0 enameratod,d _, or F.SboYe. t 344 244'2 __ •a_1 _ _ 1D9C! .;1.

l' ~ --. • r·- rr- . • ~with duty, and O<>< plbor- , ~·

100 0 0 0

lJicbAel Salli•an. Tho mmer had dinppeared- the munlcr with tJ1e grutest exactncst, oven to tbe and nit.I : prioled Dll Tellum. Bot the upcaaes IDCtdent w!Jo c..,m~. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . " 10 • 0 - - --- ... 0.,.

wu not to bo found-and that ho lwl been mur- blow or the ~i..r, wliich, as they aaid, "fin1"111·-' "Mkbacl, I will ueYcr touch tho hand ola m11r- aw tbel ...,blic:atiola l)("t)dii work aai...-ueotlv Local ~IJI Ion- Rum ,llOt excHdlni; llt& 02660 1166949 1~7h2 > Hf .., 1~ ._,, .-·- r· . I -t ' atrength o( rroofb7 tlylfila't l:\Ydrome1<1r.and -

dercd wu o'fident lrom tho r loca of blood t~at hi"l 'i thlln tho carrying of lb.! body to a bog·hol41 dorer. Oi'ft me the ba1r of whatoYor monerroo prowed, tho !-*DI ol Gcate11Derg'1 rnia. Suec~ul '°Jn r roponlon foi' any~ • tttug\b tba.u \ ~{1 were found upon tho hearth, nod tbe ata&e of lho inlo which they throw it. . · hllTO; or ii--uot,.1-will g0 wi1hoat it;" ~ 1--.1 ~ogs ..re 1oatil11lwl apioJt him b7 thut:r40gth or proof, the gallon .. .-. .·· ·· · · · 0 e _ ...W. a.nil chain, thAI were fpand cnebocl !pl "\~inil o(a anao. ""' XcnnodT ?" . Micbael 11w th.at bia re~h11ion wii. Gxed, arid l:..,into -~~u !Moa U..~tire,ofbit" pillut~ ~~' ;;.:,;·;.~;.pe~\i~e,:~~;.jii.;;1~· :: !lie .. .c ioo : ~ o ~tdota. ~ 1 :

f>..LM-Jon1,.;,,ll'r'O~he.r wo-1- lbc "A powerful floa t man, sir." that it wu U!Olcu to mnonatralo with .bim. Ho fell- tbo .Wt ban" follo•...A lt1 a <U.oluiion of Poultry aad ~b ~ .... , . · · · · · · · · · ·•· 6 • O i:JJ"'- ' r -·- .nu.. • -. - Btandy, Gia, and',odiu: Splrio, a.ot berelo do-- 111, aod l'UIOnings, and lllrmi•io f man7 "Did be: make !ouch rcaislaoce ?" aceordingly weal to an oaken ohut, oat ~(which partoenbip. The "'°fJ' lo wbhih tho later ii intro. 8Ded Ol' oaumt....UCS, and - i=ni tho ~JnUft.111 ~~~ .. bjoe~ it •or, Jikel7 tu bi"& "Terrible retistancc ·, ., lllQCb 90 th·• .; towld ho took the aum of four hundred pound• ana laid Jlteld uadlr 11-Hm4.0f" t4 Dr Fau.tCJ .. and ro- atttogth ot ~ bJ -SJ:k.4t._ "<ir?'!~~

uponi \ . 'l - . .· : • . , . anJ .., In (ll'Oportlon 10T aoy grw.ttt •~~--upon.LIM trDtD. ha aµr.mpt to- take aw•1 t,!>e SoDi .. a it wu a pit1 to kill hi1t1." tliom on a table Wore b1m. J1uht1 nic.koncd three i--onted u b'firlr ·tieen in eolluaicm ,,,th '11t \ban tho 1r.ren~ or pc-oof; lh• calJoo . ..... ~ t l • ;,, mil141"1 ~later ~w:lllON mr11 eouaidcnid, • II Whal did ht uy to.that?'" '"' and po.l theni in biJ 'pocket, ad~!la :. II )Oil !i4•e Sa\allif...J"Dllilotl~ pri'}oaf et\ inJb ftlpcrttitioos or ' TA.lit.it or ltU)U'T;O... • and 'Wqairie.,•111c"'g acbfotllc!r wue mllde ., lo "He nid that ii wu too late now ; for · If wo given mo too'~b. Tbtro wen ont,. lix'llau\ rod' ltiO' YU!pr ~th ~ant to the boO fim i1111od r!)'l?I Printed !lob~ l'aniphl~ Ua~ aaa c=r:., what ptl"IOD in tbt neighbourhood might, be '!DOil Jell him u ht wu, we"d be forced to fty cbe coon- in cho chut." . "tbe'Gehaai ~· Jn .ailitioe to'thil Bi~~ 111ao ~awl~ lie~ lu, t"M-. l ikelJ IO lllu•e COllNDitW!Jd ~I OUll'aJrl: and t!CI• try at an1 "'te... Ilo l~CD pot hiJ ~ Oh, and WU a~t i.ctde~ otber,~J"ol lile ltJpograpbie work OI t.i.u'9&o S~\'.;~lllUJtra~': o( ~atu~ IDllOrY• taiAl1, tlie only i.ndi,idlJal io it wbo aoaJtl conaider . .. Whal did be do tben<?" • J,. when h11 brother aaid : ..._.have bofl c'lilccntued. Amoogtt them iJ an Woib or Mt, •l&:-•:i1111ruhir, l'-.latlill!'l St&hoaary1 '°" · Ji • ' " I • f1 ?" .,.. a ~· • .and all Aitlc!e. lmpotled rot )kllglwa PWlJOMI. ano himM!f ... ,dilappoini.td 11110 J"M ~h1el SuUJ. 11 llutruek blin on the templo wid a btgj,oker; '.' •mes. re 10t1 ••m mo or enr •leD!fk b\Jlle 78¥ l~ •• w wu found llODle 'llo1 lnu1Dded ror..ro. .. an. SUll, nelt~ Ca•anegb aor Aon.o bOIMl( w}lon he fell !Uld abivored a little, llOd hiJ jaw "Ye• i for eier," ho replied ; "for enr, 411d for yean ago in tho -an:~TU of a1oace. " Tliis," ManWOt or .U kinda. r •


- Yl't"-- • .,. . •('""- • • Ann., Olothfntr1 and Ptil•hlonoa, ... o. •

I I ... -4 • 0 7 • 11

JCJ ll· 11 II l4 J~

• 0

• . 16 0

t, .:

U• \101 ~&JO

0 0 I

would~ to tbia, and f'or tlie pt'NCJ\t tho aanai.e d..-....1, it wu alt7 to kp0w tbal bo 'WU deiit 1 tYer." / ~· ".....a.t' mmt likel1 bo Jlrintc4 Prori•loau Coir IL lt. Llllld •"4 ~ F~es, • ' ••dropped. Thie, ittdeecl, waa oo& nrprilliag, at ho nc•or 1rirred or •poke· al\bor•arda; atld tr. "J-." Npli.d Miftaol; "remember Uiia bO- tow..,i. be obe· or 1'88, &lid ,ma7 eoallequontly Paaseniftl' &~1 llomebold Famuare, •ad Woning 1eeuu

• Mlclaul 8allinn bh111ttlf a~ a& a11 earl7 SilUi'fln aM! : Bo71, let ut tbro" him ipto a bog: foro you~-that it 1:U m11c>Hfor IO¥ that 1116 bo ~ tlMt lllOtl ociont fJIOlilllcn of l)'JIO' ~·~ f::!,v1,.::'i. ~,· aild In 11" °'l*'ODI .-Nt.ch 511• •· · · · · • ' ll1H'

laoar ol tt.e at.ria, and exhibited a degree o( aui- belc1 and lf thtro0

1 lifo ,,. him, tba~ "iD take i& ovi - iali:tl 'bia lilc; Jemy the fOol ~Id ,.. J"'J graphic priatlng rJttaot witli a ctrtain dace. Thal Be~ ,lllqe. 9'1..lia....-.ltnotolaflidioil,0.."°'11dbaTe ofltioa." • w- dead. Jf I t bourht y0u wore lirint. di G11t....,W'llJ1.pfnDDol l'dood ..,..._in the ~:~~!i'i'::.patJ>Ol!lllti • dltOll"4 HJ llella bemr· . ''Tho 111illor, 7eo uy, wu a atoat awa ?" w!Nld li•e, tlie miller * wauld be a liri111 mu WI~ ol liil worb, is ~atl1 o\yious. A::C: or all kloda.. '•-a- .._._. ,.~ ~ ~ L-f '-- ....a· ~ - _., ti t-..L! • • 1 J J A.a--.1!.:._ t • • •L'- Prbtllng ..-per Royal ud Oomy 111 UJt (Of Now911&pert, _.. ... 9'""'! IO 1....- - u•r• i "" , loa • ...,act ".n.ftml..,. u ne • """'"'ng man u you'd lbia"dar, baa ~ _..., I tlaou1ht 111!1 wwo . '""I""'& a \'et')' ancient ~Mom, c-lllOll 111 ual Prilllln~ J'~1'ype, ud all ol,b.r Prilltl.DJ ~!all,

....... ""~ ucl, °" tho ...,. t1A1 tJio 11ee in a daf~ ·lrM'UU.i • t.e·• ·fir!* Jllkk d-1 wben J doot lbo deed." wriU.-~·• ~ U. s.riJlarel ~ ~ mllNlt of •• ~\'....., .Pl& rl'Olli ~t ~ 1 •


,., , .
