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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov..._T\L-oilra. we?! known _NaOaa iMgBtBBtM 2T..i,al .wdfr.ml.idir.. »ad...

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_T\ we?! known _NaOaa iMg BtBBtM L-oilra. .wdfr.ml.idir.. »ad obh ereaitie.. a.on aftc 2T..i,al rt blM-t'lTd Ihtt tle VS liit-n of Ib.' I v 5_b7a__i-_ Ib* reeenl rlrtorj of 'li.irp.r_y in \l .. '. ___T_Liah7u.ualwp.v-r' r Ca* *.__*._own in ihe v,ll..pe lo -... tb- ttt,' laa-lag Mtl .eaattht wiaoWa with hia m .ther. watehin_r tb £o« after hia fttther - <1« partara, tbelx.y eud.l. I. ttty tarioiu. and aaid r'llotb' r. I am afrnid ."Afiaid al tthat ' iiM|tiired hta mi-.thf"- -.Why he r< plied. 1 »m afraltl tbe aaat will *ho,.t rn. and I think the iwahata will bara my Ummm\ fttktr. thry go ap to hifh fySncYvtk Qmtrlfrly whieh ie now pu>.l,-.n"l t-o Atfke B Kortiia. Lt fai'htul lo tho 'P'"1 ^^J>_^3 tkieb ior KJtne time haa tnarkrl .tt pacf* -_e~Op-*ro_ -tfcleon " Mobammcd aa.l tha -*»***¦ ^amjkm, '. fu" . -fcm. I^MB ill IB, lOMlBH Bl * ttytt tl un-v.n .., ftelineaa and brilliaaer " OUendaaf e Germtn M-f.ol hfcaaahjettof aTalnablet-any. g.*iaf ah_r.or.cal a -rana tl >arit.nt nabMHI for tbe ttn I* of lan_ra*_tai BBaaaBfaaJM pith nnroenroe -BaaOtaal <¦*- ¦'' _BajB_HlMB aad remtrkt »Th*BIoBae in B«-«h H< n.i>p_M Bl .*' M ar, _affaM__NN anr lloqaent parallel N-twrtn laOBtaaa and J-'rankl'm Tln- tnh Md of " I'oor-Lawa and _M fcaraaa al foTtttf" in dit raaaed in a well <.< tuid<-t»d and well written artii le. Ai trtifnaleof the litt r.trv chiirn ti r «.f !>. QalaBBJ i* f/rtm ii a paper of aaaai_M--_ mbnty, gbaagh Baaqaal in i moi rtjta and of too mueh BIMBMHl 'ti Tlie Ufa und SurvirM ef Arapn' form tbe tbaflBB of tbo *.-ientit.r- arfcle. wbi-I wuritutea a apeeiality "f > *eb iiun.1.. r of tbit periodical 4«a»*oi.ablca< countof ' The I>..iiu'iinn Prineipalttif-iMM tke War followa, and tha naatOer ia elaaai with a cop'ioa -b_ apparciitly impartial mtniapaat ai the literatary of th, .ttt qnarti r iTkeiSorihAtkn ¦/ Baaar _b aaa aa_arlal aa. MbJithiDg adminirtrafion, ha* t ikrn a Ire-I. afart. *nd in iti ttctrtt t-aue trniiodB ui al BM r.f.n.d lit-rary taati* aoc IrUlianey of ronporition in tba pa'my dayt tfT tbe Kver Mt* and Palfr. v ln fl.e vBr.ety of .... BBBjaet* nnd tl.< niirit and MagMblaaca w_b w!,i. b th.-y nre glaoa.aad, Jcd a aatfafactory puantTite.'oi" Iha aaaeoaa of tbe mg\m fbifh it inanguratit The widt ti Id of topi's which it Bfl (Bpiet wiil be *.. n by a gtMBfM "t it* .-ontentt. Th"y B*a_ w_te"Bun.a«n'HHy|.p.ly'ii*,' - I.i.- tt Dt tladaaa, M <> »niere and tbe PUnpplaa Waada " MM on tbe Tbeary <- Ciata»ion," " Beaiu hotnt ? l/.uin.\VII. ' CJrott | * Q'wtar] ifGreecc," "Mtmoirt of Kr,:.('.< Ho-ner.' "A Fr m'iei glfa.VoT.nry hti.1 I,«yali.-t Barff Krent h I'octry. Me jn'ireof K'tbirt Hai.toii! an "Iii, aai Ifflta M (8 Id bj franrit St fo) TlrChruiian Ezumirtrr di«ru««e* the " Wntnan i} .et tto,....Ti.er.ci.iiii.iii.rtei.ft'('.(....-poU Tb' PoatT* iftbl hfit, aml reT.ew* Dr Jadasai ].''p " and "Oijoodl .Faotl'rintiiof ProvdentM Lf-data1 Tl.e l.om-opathii lUntiont of prarti. al wirdon antMad " R.fle .:onn,'' are .on taaed. and well drt<rve th. uttontion of tboae k-ho ar< a>n.l of inntr_<-tion in aaeb c aaaa Mratad daaaa A jn^t a-.d ' ktl'ivg nolire of Ihe latfl M-lr.n Km-rton. tn .tb»r o1 galph Waldo.. lo*e* the t.i.nib' r. (Sold by Krtn-i_ k Crn The Korlh Ilnlilh Rrricv, ia the IBBB__ of I. Scott A Co, haa for ita leadinp artir-lo n m >*t elTquent and appreci atirenotiteof Madame doStael and eeverul of bar illaitri »ut (ontemporaricx A paper aa Aaaarleaa N'orelrt WiL Ittrafit atttntion. thoui;h it paaaaaaai no tp-cial importaa.c ' Tbe Hook of One Hundred Hovoraze* for fnmily uap by Wm liarahard, a aalaaalfl m .i.uil aapaalaHj for inra kd* Thert ia no rtim in it C ¦ ff-MBM- &' Co. are tht pabliahera_ DOUUI.ASS Sr.Hf.ASKA BILL fttm Oar Owa ("orreapoBdmt waMMMfBM, Satnrday. Jna.7, 1134. Doegl-ut* Nebraalvii bill pr .mi*e» soon to o|*n anew tereial of tbe bloeding woaada ho hnppily heaietl by tht ieeMaaatlBSa Some of the Softt, not in the tecret tup poted it to be a plun to laat their »in. i.rity and orthodoty bat th« l.etier aplalaa ie. tbat't i*- «u -_4aa-____B*a arhenai loont BfllMd tbe Adanini.tinit In thit view of the ea»« atmeoftho lnttcr propoB'-to brin_: in a bill rapaallag thu Mineonri rttitritfon altng.thtr Tbo bill ie mu h fnir r ou g'tt ftre in tev.r.il |iiirtniili.r-i llinn « _aOwft_l ex unnat'on pjo.'.H it lobe. The fir~t aacw-oa br laataana ara* .l"t thit BODeoftheriBhlaof/rri'/if-r/vor pir*oii now pertriiniug to Ihr Icdiann in thut tirntoty rbnll bo iinp'iir.d M ,ny of the Indiane there. hold alnvita.* property. aa I loarn from good authority, and heneo IhM pro.l.on I'ml lubtedly mary ofthe good poayh al Iba Nartb regnrd th* bill with hermr and alnmi. r:ml will baM 'i|> thtir h tn I* in attouith mtnt when tbey learn tbut it ha* bccoir.e a 'aw B it what it to bii.drr Ha piih_-.j.-iT IIfu. not the Slave power at pret eotrcmplete lot.trcl alOaagreaal Tbo RaithM dieheirt ertd or tliniomli*. d. Th.few nit-n inlhe Seniite und inthe Ilotire wbo wili niiht tl.is ntliinptt.. brefik d.wn tbe old latu.'ii.arkt of Frecdom hnvo nn oraawkabBlag hrea la aaa tend will.; nnd ibeynre 1.nt too f.rbly autaiaad by tbeir fritcde ai.d oonttituente at boaaa Ha r wahBatraaeaa, no petitiont. and no publie BBBtflBga on the *ubi et of Slavery and it* eniroathment* are now benrd nf any where And while all ebml. n ol tbe pr<. S hv. ry for.-o are unif.-.l on the main objc.'t, tln opi>orir! t. ,,f glavary B-aaB-ba aro aaat tered into a multitude of fartiont Perbapa thia movement ofthe "l.ittle (iianf may be tbe la.st ouncc that ia to break the cami I'a kaflk fcr tha qaeat_aa la yal to be tdved h >w mu. h tb* North will benr \. -vertbele**, 1 tieliive with jou thut' nltliougb Auti SliiTitv ir* waab in p.lititul cireloi " it w&u never etrongi r w.tb tlie BBBaaaaal thepeople \' but ita friendi nreuiioiL'ni.'^i-d, .liroi.iiti d nnd iinpraetn-ul la their rperi.tii'ii* lt may Ih- tbai fh. j wii be wOSagta protiI by the iMBoaa of the pa«t and mi praaanra tho ordinau.ro of n-7 now for the firtt time n-h.ihd, B. A WORD ABOIT THE MAILS. Broat Our Own t'orrrep-nrl.nt Wamiinuton, Satunlny, Jan. 7, 1954. Watbington it not quifo hall"as far from Neiv-Vork at Buflalo it IVoin NVw York to BifT-ilo it it over five hundred n.ilea: ln. u New-York to U'asliingfon it ia two Imniired aud thirty milei. T«e Trt'mitr anl Other New-York u.orninc paper* are reeeive I at a'.out tbe raine hour nt Baflalo hikI WaHhin.'ton. Ii t iket. prarticallk. tle bbbm tiflM t.> ga to Waabiagtoa that it deet to go to Buflalo.nm- la} Thr Tribunt it ro- Bared la Waabiagtoa. b] axaraaa, aboal 9 o'clock in the aroM-Bg i»f tl.e i'ti> \% ia paM_abo_L But taoaowrha receiTe it l.y tnail are sMigt- to wait twelve houra later. or till the next niomim; * Tln- Poat-Oflea at .Vathington beiag clt'teJkkhen tho day-ra_il tirriv i«a. itt Biatter imiot dt-livereil until iiioruinj,'. So tli.it. praote* CaDy, \ki> pct Imt on,' iiail n i):i> Our inorniii" and evetiiiij; pafan Uraai NtwYoik are rea.l at tlie tauie time. Lettert niail.-.l in New-York at 8 o clock in the BJoming are received no aoaflMf than thote iua.iletl at .". iu tLe ufteriiooii. Ai.d to a.l.l to Ikoag ineouveuit-icei alout oiM day in three the trains fail to eonnect at Philadt'lphia or Baltintore, aud then it i* noou bofelM we Lat* the mailt which are due at ti in the moraiiii.. But you tav, perbapa. it in ol no ute to cnmplain Wv- ertbi leea aro eannot but hope that a constant aeitation 4>f thematter will at laat brinj: a refonn. At preacnt *'our tufTeringt it iutulerable " Will )ou hear it in iiriiul. that it taket tikiee as v.ttch time to travel t'rom h'tw York, touth, at it doet to so the aame .listance ri.rHi,.'int or weat At the Hame time it may be well toinquire wbyit it *o. and how long it tnuit l>* to T .I mifbl aM tbat tVta* wbo reeeive Tk» Tnbant ba ex.tam pir .izpenee * eopy for k. while nul xbeontrn **i lt t\ir le« tBia two ttaU inmiber ? The Poli.-e al Ciaeiiinati **em to have got themaelvee hito drffei.'ly by their t-orultn t on tbe ni^-ht of the asth ult, whta, it will n-f-ollected, they dinpeivd agatharia.: whi. h looked rtry mnt-h like a tnob. tliouch. we believe. it i* now claiaked that the ol.jeot w<ts aimply to burn in em_ty Be lni. tkePep*''. Xuni io It it alii jfe'l that uoneee*eary vmUrtee Wat imployed by tbe Police. and at the laat advieo* fro~i CWicnatl, tba whole Police futce waa nnler nrrtst in. lud bag tb* Judge ? KaBIMOMI Tl.e onranhation of the I_*?i-lature of thia State haa bit-a tompleted by tht ele -tion of Henry U. Bibh. *f ToddCounty. Speaker of tl,. Senate, and Cbarle* II * W-ntemsitte, of Ilardin, Speakt r of tbe Oouto. NawtptPtKi at ihi: W#st..It aeema from a ttatement _ The Ndmauki-t Srntmel, that tbere are two more newt Japera publielied in tbe State of \\ iaconain than in Miobitran _a tbe latter State there are 83 paptrt, in the former r5- - ?- Mr Puraar Hopkina, of the Star of tha Weet, furninhea tta with the foLWiwing memorandum Ju«u j I-l" mlleeionth of Ctpe (4t Aatoaio fet' is eo-ut-i'iv S^tt* V. 8 Mill HieeBahlp Qeette I..« fr.ra Atpuwill fur aaw-Terk Coiit.Burdln eoaapaav t»itb her for il b >ur. w tl.out mJ ail-rrlil .d.ai.t-.r ,,r eithtr .irle. wbea ihe Oeor|* I.vw lar- 4M4..1 in t im at atd in II hoor* wa* oat of «i*bt of the Stir of thr ?** 7_. of Cape Hittrra* dweo-errd her aheid ihoot fire a_ai; but oa airi al at QaarraatlB* tk* MUr of th* VY-*t wu ehoai. WMMMDOM AW Rr UniOfi OP TltE TRAISF.R /. r The wife of fharletTrtltio- Imr'ne nhtnin.'! b*r fre*. .'i in from Kutiiherii Slavery, an lioiatd hr hua'.an-l ;i t»iit 1,1*. a un Mimr wa* bflld mi Siiujay raaiag,..thfl gbilitb I'n al.vteiian I'btinh, lo ooacTMalOte tkfl family on th-iir advin't from Haven Mr. Trataat and hit Mtla daogbtor w.repieint. bttl freni tadlfflOO.iao Mib Trainir 111! I tn t oooaoflfl.flf tb.-ni. t-M attiadaaefl w '_ iite n-ia**.wii the r-oii_-re_ntif.ii wu BOOlood a ninn'o-rof arflO-i-Oflfl fri. u.la of tkfl auti Slavery flflflflfl. inanv of whom hvl taken en Of.tt* part la ak_.__Bf tbe re-itoraiion of Jane Trainar toi i r j *>r. Btfl Tbe arrvirea rf tbe evening w. rn OOOBflBOBOO 1 by «in^in^ tl.e 114th metriral I'aalm " YY'hrc larael, fre.il fr.. PbtaoVt l.a_l. I.i ft t'ie ft. nr! twant aad hit laal Ihe trilvta wi;l. rbecfal _<.__.- nwa Ikflfl Kirg- aad Judah waa hia tiron*." The Rev. I)r Pennington. BflOflaf ti th" okflflflk, than read a ekflftOf from Inaiah, foltoitiaf wMek be pravod for « better nodern'aniitij <.f tbe men-ifnl __flOfl__toai Ot I'luidefiee, ai.d ofTered LTVefnl a, kn »a__M%flflflflt for tba fr. * ib in ai.d liai.j.inett ofthe family to tongrttulate flktBfl tbiv bad flflflflflBMM. After prayrr. Dr. Pennlngton announeed the arrival of Mr* Tiaiuer fiom Mobile, aud atated tbe cauva flf her al-et, e Mr. Taj'pan waa then introdu^ed to the roagn>5ation, and piife.iWd to aiffl a bafltory <>f tbe "JflBfl rrainir "CflOO. Thia caae wat not ao mueh . atrug_Ie for flafl ti.ht* of tn individual. but it wat a harl fmi .bt cutoat for n Kfll-eraa] prlnelple, now hippdy catabbah-1 lt might af em to the msi'irity of mankind a lit'le matter. tbia ii aiitiit rn of a roliired i-ln'liI of iiine y.-ar-i to her j.ireritt a nalter b< neath the attention «f tbi* great Citv but it ,a« the prin i] !. tlat wa* tought to be e Uubliihed a I rineili li- tbat c_acflTfl-d every jiart-nt. wheth r eoWed or wbita. Niiw tbat tbi- prim-i|.!e waa oatabliahed. the r|«»ker ifnturt-d lo liridiet thia eaae would b<*eome a BkflttBT of h'.tory It naa been printed aad eiten-ii.lv rirtuletftl, b.,tb in thia cuntry and in Kngland, and it h ia alao bien prinf. d in the law'joumala, and will a'an 1 aa f-ttrnnl proeodeal Mr Tappoa then procofldod to crive a birtory of the caae. fr«,m the time the |8_flfrapfc_j dia- j-tih waa receive.l from Ci:itinnati Ifl tho d.'i- eion of Judge llanub,. Ho n .rrated tkfl koflitotiofl and fear ofJadgo* on tbo ben, h laadflrfflbtor atapla juttiee; jtidgment lhat rok'lit bave beeri nrrive 1 at in half n'u bmir, wa« aoaitlit for thrnn_h the varioii. I. ni tr. in tbia city for more Ikoatbi I a_flb__ ani all the ju-tice tht-u got waa an " undeeided dociaion." Bfl till. in a aiinple aid earne-t iii tri_.' r. of the ahain- lea* ffti.ntery of the courteaaii, aa abe aou_.ht t> (ltprive tbe fatber of bia cbild; bow eniaent ooaaool twiftrd oad diati.rtcd the lawa Car ber g.ld; kawjadoofl feartd to do tb< ir duty bow men, wealtny and inMii.uii d. eacorted tbo boM _____ t., mni naa ber kooooof ahano to tkfl Court kflOflfl; how other inen. afetoadod by bulliea tii.d rnndi". < niietiliited tbi-maolvca ber body guard h >w by her arta and planaibilitlea, a lar.T p miaa ef I n u Dnyieooat- bcr oad aot tkfl paroata, tke laiarod party. All'thia bi-told, and bo.v near and oftofl tle. Iriflfl It of the j OOT ii 01 enme of defent in their landable flfl.ortahlag llow, after 804 kintr in rolfl for Jaflti00 in tho p dfltod C.ty Hol.iko Boaek otKiaft County waaaptieale.Ito. Tkoto qaxahtk.tof Jfldge Ilar. ulo, forthe npiicarant o ofthe ptrti.a in que.ti"ii Im __fl him. end wben tbe «. lli- tr returned and aaid be could not aerve tbe praOOOfl, tbat anotle-r o'li er bad j:oi the papera, nnd rifuaed to give them up, an 1 he f. an.l blf owa life ant in dunper, the Jadgfl rejili. d, I " em not .IiidfC of tbo C.ur.tv of kin.'s aloae, I a.n a "Jadgfl flf tkfl Siiite of New Y"rk, you ahill havo Bflfl/ " paperaj go to ibe Bigh8_ar_rof nFew-Tork, aad ooa "uioiid him eaaciti-cnof tbe Stalo of NewYork to aid " j.'U in aerving the prm-".--. tad if it bfl neonary, tak'i "every able bodied mnn iu Kinga Coimtv to a^Ut you in "earryiag it .mt 'Ib aflaaaa and the cbild were broagkt into ( ouif. ni.d bi ferfl tbfl _t_xe,aad on hearing tH-opini m I'ftlia jurt Jadge, abe wbo had uublenchin__ly braffl 1 tl.e rye of tbe world, aad dotad lo trampb- boaoatfa lier lcet o parenfa ri.bt lo bi* cbild, taraad ber fa. e to tbe will in very ahatnu. Tkfl flpOOkot w.nt on to detail all tho dreaaoataaooa bt tha caio; bow, wben tbe lawjer Iflld ofthe .. al.jition" of the tbild l.y tbia womin, and of the ch'll a nrcferenee for her over I er parciita, IkoJfldgO aaid " r\ bat, will you tf 11 "me that wben my ckQd Bflflfl into a in i.-bb ira boflBO, an 1 " ia there detaincd by l.rilu a of BWO_i fltOfltfl nn 1 toy ¦, tl. ll " I cBimot (laim atr and tnke h'-r hom^ t" At Iiir.l _f_BI_4_d inmiortalizid li'nr.-ilf by bia lthh 1 doei4oo thtt Ii*»rv alave wko _0_ Mt foot on Mriti-h Boll if free," ao f'id .luope llarculo in.niort.'ilize bia inemory by bia even bi,i did weitloa in tbe "JaaoTiaiaor caae " Mr. Tappan tbi ii t, 1,1 of tbe libeintion of tbe cbild. and of h'-riiyful f-anarea of ber fatber, when abe had been r"_'ive. 1 ir i.n tbe amiety of tkfl aofltOB who cWimedher He fell pnud ol ibf niiin ako kad ho fenrleanly PtOtfld JBB_-0 10 tfcfl poor oad tko aeody, proad oftkaatatfl ikototraod him, ni tl morfl tban ever COBv-BOtd that eterual ri^'bt will evi Miinlly trii ii11 Ti. Jflflfl 'Iriiiner. tkfl little girl, w\i, nt tlio rojueflt of Mr TflpJ nn. tli ii -kowa lo tkfl iiudience by bot fath'.r. au 1 et t itt tl ii iu b iilnisl. I'otb be and bia cbild look ro- lenifi'ibly intt-lliirent, and on bia facc aoetned impriato.l a tl. 11. iu ii boly aratHado. tbat BarflflBBOlk ooaoopdofl. mt.Ttxfffm Un ii reiid tka CeBotriaf i ¦BVBBIOO riMii u f.'tc tbi! laal wrelil.e.l Im.iB their fnea deiiy- 1 o ;ive tagrlhrr or tngrtlier d e; Bj felon handa l.v ol* releutleaa alrok*. r._m fend Mnk of feeling Nvturu broke '...¦ t,'.. tt. i.t,i.r tn i.A a pari at'. I, vi li il f.on. thei' gra.|i, aud 1,1,. d,-g aa tb*j part. Dr. renriinpton then addreaaed tbo audiem-c on babalf of tl.e fBPC.pa.ed family, nnd taid, ah mid a.iy kiud frit mta d.rire to a'aint them, they nii^'bt be founJ at Nj. 1J Con. ord tl lirooklvn. A colbctiou wuh th.n taken up, and, nfter benedietion, Iko oadaoari _laporood IIamu anh CtOTflBO.- Th. 1,'trhmondEromineri\'n'e* tt at Mr .1 M. Doale. D 8 Ckflrgd at tho Court of Turin, Lar got liiiiin If a pdd lactd cott nnd tr.waera, and in j n ot ot tbiK fllleaflMon <|Uolea from one of hia rec. nt fna na follows "You flth about the court dreaa. I will H weflraa rtvaii di-at, bavlag nado good my point wi'.h " (be aiithtiritiflfl on tbat Mihject." '1 here wna awolli .on on the ('entral BaBfflfld on Sun-lay mciiiii.f.', ia tkfl vicinity ef -eraker'fl Boaifl. batwaoa tbe i \].i. ee tmiii aiai aome freiyht eara, rciultiug ia tho iujury of a braktman. CITT ITEMS. NBTBOBOLOOIUAL RBOItTBB, From Ohttrrathiit kt Stanitri Tktrmttu trt.mi Aj. I Chtmlers-tt. 8Y Jullfl (_ 11 BONKCTTI 1*484. H K M U M 3 P.M. January -.ltf -.MJ '.'..J LECrntKS, MKETINO.a, AMl'^MF.STS kt Tutaoav Jib I'. It-t I'i«imr A\ili.iams'< Lr.CTUtt-New-York I'niv-ni'j 7. _, M Awti <_iv_«y I ECTi'tt -Tab^roicle. Broaiifrai, 7J P. M. HUTIIM. ob i-oif" PoBTBr.S'lijveavi.t lut'ilute, 7J P M PtiAXDtf lOl-NII.Mtw-Ciiv Hall. ti ' M 1 fMirt'Nct MeriiNC-Nu IBS Bowwi., 7| t M. IlEMCCaiTIC AVllIC (il.VF.-;*L CnM.-BlOaitwa. ilJOl*. 71 P If. Hear Inttiv A*-- 4BH.AL Mectinui.Hop. I'l.a..1.1tt M. McClLL'8 LBCTOBB -Chl rchanr. Marke' aB. Henr,-ata, 7J P M. limii.Mt MrtiiNG No t,t, Eaat Brna.lwav. 7_ P M f eNV «i liii.iitt mnllrnATiM; Siir,iTi».»"-H» Bowerv 7JP.M. In-xii om 1'1,1'k.Bv am. PaaTBtrtWTia i M .nh'n Hvll. 4th at, 7p lowi.it a LE' lUtr-R'f. H..irh 'liurrli Jcuvv f'i v. 7J 1' M Mtaaa ind Ka* ta.'-Hlai k aml vV*iit>'"\r at ilurtda'a 7P M. I pvt »N|i Mo. av at.rl " t nr'un, "t Krolic " at Waliark't 7 IV _j_ CtltaACT or the i)AN6r.a,and "P,. . Ig tt ,aa nv." ilrjadway,7 Ilor OoBB 3 I'ficLr Iowa I'lBiN 7PM- Natio.iai Thexter. leal Tut'MB-Pav at rl eie* Ing a; Baranar-Btaa n.n in n i HRiiTvki Woo_s MiNiTlELl-KiiiuiplaBiatu.441 Broadwajr " BertLtv'a Orrm Hocsi. Ktl.inpian DaU.aattoaa..M B'waj,7g. Nkw *, rlK AMriiiTiitATr.t-Eqi.eairiaB-.i7 Bowerv. 7 °. M Bioapwat MtNactaiK.Anltnalt-->>7 H'«v\ |n .(' M io I" P. M. iNni'STtv or ALL NiT.oNi-Crvatal Palar* 9 ( M to duak BtrtB OtUBBI or Chbistian Aar.C4.I BrnailwaT tbv ani eve BiNVAKn'a Kcvil inu Ho_» I,ANn.1*3 Hmarfwav. 7) P M JoKEft rii.TOKi.rt or Caiiiobniv.718 Hrna-wa'r. 7j P. M. PrsiiAM't Seven Mile MlBBUB 881 Hr.arlivav J anif 7} P M Gallihv foreTiiii ANTiouiT.a-v-_. Hroarlwav. u A M i.nPM. W'o«,i>'» KttF PicTtltl OaLlebv *v*r» ,u, _.Vi, 4_| Broadwaj i*.GNiiK r.LI17.- Maglr.M.iv letaat loititutt, 7) P. M ? MLB_a flfl tht, amj IM. hi Stro.no ".An aged and in- firm mnn **n* pninfully p'ukia bia wny alon^ the |ej aiile- _____ the other day, arr impanied by a fair youug fcirl with wbi ui life .Iiine HA-notyt. She waa tlo;o_t wbat rhe eoald to aitl him in hi* perilou-i JoflTflflf, and it waa a l autttnl ei^ht to aie llow many tiniet g_e1_ n t»r,.upin.' of yout_ at d ape haa bten lik. r.ed to a vine, c!ioi;in_,' to a rentnry amitten onk, and tuatriining it wbile it clingt, or vvrt-niliini; a 1 rokm riin in aummer beauty Hut it * like a brave. youog eunbeam playing on the bnrdert of a prave 'Ihe aid the youoj;girl rouldfrive. wa_ frail indeed. and tbe old man aaid. " I.-. nn on me. aad I 11 t.rt olofltj." Waa nt tbere a plaintive tuueb of true philoaophy in that, " L'an "on me. and I 11 be atrong I" Ian t it true. tbe worli over. ofirplftd erery day in the atrug_!ea and rallieiaud MflBMjks, that make np the anm of huintn life 1 It would tnakt the barden of a aon.-. or the tezt of o aermon Lay a wti_ht on the failin<; ar.h, and t atand* atren^ apaia rarpoae new obligttiona upoa the faltering arjiirit, and itt latent |*ower ia tUveloped. and it nobly aua taica tb. in al>. foi the trmh and the worda are, " I- an oa "nie, and Illboatroap Johk Jat * LrcTt-Rk; Banrrofi, in hia _____flfll 11 « lory, aaya .. Tbat New York ia not a Slave State bke Ciro " lina ia dne to < limate, and not to the i ¦flflrio*' huui inity flf k- foandert. Thia riew of the anbject, thou.h freqneafly aa*«n,tdtoby auperfltiaior pn-judiccd pfiana, ia a riola tion of hiatorical trnth and Bnjc«t to tbe foundera of New -ork, aa Ur Jay will. we trnit, take oooaaion thit evi »;n.- in bia ltvture at tbe Tabtrna. If, to show-hit anbject natu rally IMB-Bg bim to inveatigate the hiatory of SitTery and of tin illortB for kflakoMofl ia thia st_t_ It ___| bc et\'j for bim to prore, in the firtt plaee, that Slavery exiated here fr.*m lf:« to lfl_T--IM yeara tbat tbe alave trade flour hfd here nntil ita aboltion in WH that tbe treattnent of alave* bere waamarkedby aa great barbiriii.aa.in any State of tke l'nion, _a appeara from tbe jud'nial reeorda of tbetria-iof negronain the plota of 17111 and 1741. wben thty were BtflBBMed to be barnedalive and to be kapt in torture for bonra' In the next plae*. be will be able to ahow tbat thf abolition of tbeayartem waa the work of yeara, and tbat it waa oonimenced by the Ma_u_i'_aion Sooioty io 178*. a Socioty enibi-eiag tha moat reapectable ritisena. irtn»;' of Tthnm were emimnt in the Sta»e tt rhur.^n. at th« l'< i. h .er tt tl i- Bar- -men who aid«d in ee*ti»'ng onr iad* I* i.ilei e iad atteiii. d ia l___iag the F. d- r*J (' lattita&aa j r-m'r. tikl Brnttng whom wa* Aleivnder HtmTon Tb* hietory -hitb Mr Jay propo««eto p \e of th- a'tim of m-U imniu r.lt:ir»nto thr great qae-tmn whi. b, ;l.oa_-h of -n - tt tthd " ar.d " iv.mjw-niii'td by p-liti iarn, it yet the aa fuiebt d pnil.l. m of tbe age, will no dnibt pr >re deeply ia trreafirir to thoee who are wdling fo aaek in the examp'e f»f tle fathir* the lipht tbat perrhanre may puide them in he dircharpeof thtir own dntit Mr Jty, at thelinea' and wor tby drrv.ndent of one of tbe rooat em'.nent m-n of tbe J'f-volufii n, etid one wbo took a prom'nent part in brinji-g al-eot th*- abol ti"n of Slavery in New York, ia petuliirlr fitted to pre.aeni tbi* important ehtpter of hittory ia ita apprf'priate nlationt to the practical iataei ofthe preient time. and wc tnurt he msy he bonored by a fdU haate. FkB*iM. m mi Pabk We do not knnw whi that tsp ititindivida.il may be who doe* tbe Cit? farming. but we rcteumc br- wa* Horn in a bng. eda.ated ia a rosrah, and Itaroed all be ever koew ahont i ultivBtin~ land in eome moiet part of t rea'ion. wbere it ia n*e-*«ary to dip the aoil into alternate diti baa and ridpe*. chvatinp one ha'f of it above the water in order to maJce it produetive. The work which hat b**en done in tbe Park.we nappot* with a vi*w to make the praat grow.hat all been done upon '.hit prin t'jlf All the praae plat* have been olevafed five or alx inchet aliove tbe w kr and made to thr-d raia aboat a* tfTtctnally rttthe City llall roof Tbe wiuer from tho gra-t rant down upon tho pravel waikt and from theae on to tlie llapging ttom t, BB tbat for the purpoee of walkin^ in aueh a time aa we had la_t week. the Park walk.a are aboat aa pcod at any other putfer*. Ai the »onr_"b>dy, or n.body, tkho rarriet on farming for the (ity bat been unableto make the graat prow upon thete water >he<lt. he hat lately Cf'tictived the idc-a of raisinp tbe b«di a little hipher, and tl.ertfrre hst dug thtm up and pla.ter.-d them over with al oot two inchra tbieknett of wbat he und mbtedly think* will Baa* pra»* (frow.eewer aad In tbi.t 11 inale, the pr<a»e»td^ffiiulty in prowinp pra-«arieet from tlier-xeetsive droutht which prtvail every tummer. A. tjr h times the prr:.-:. upon a dry to'.l like that of the Park would be im- provtd by a fb-od of water etery day lf the p'at* w-re a lridu.ed to the l.-velof the walke, or a Iit le below them, tl.ire would beno diffieulty about prata ily in? oat and no rttd of dippinp it up every year or two to try BfB.h or jili ettrirp it with fe-tr mud Nor would there be any iif-td of tbote uw-lete tipnt, " Keep off the praafl," f.r it would prow in tj.ite of a littl*- tramp'np of children'a feet, if it had a fair hance Any man wirl. bnins eaouvh to hnow pood Knplirh praaa from a pumpkin vine, wou'd kt iw, wiibi ut lf inp told, that praas never wonld fliaruh uf on mch beds ut tboae in tbe Park. if they ahou'd be dug i,p twieec vtry year inatead of on.e. and h»ve adledafcw more intJNB to their hipht by covering them with »ower mud Can any man, wbo ever tl.'nb"' walk through the I'riik la a Bet time like the la-t we*k without tliinkin,-of tbe eatcetnike tlupidity of those who havt raited tha grast plata tix ii.eht* cbove tho walk.*, and made the pravel lii.h. r than the fltpgirg ttnnea -a- There were aome mntttrt of publie iinportancc before the I'- ard of Aldtrmen lacteveninp. at will be teen by th- re jort ofthe jTOieedinptin anotl.er eolumn. A retolution to ilirf 11 the Conrrollir to n-port Ika actnal va'ui' ofthe 8;Tfh tnd Kipbth av. Bfl'lroadt laaW-Bg <ar», d'pot*. i. alto, tl.e e_p< rr-e of laaaiag the cars and otber partirulartJ, with n vii w of takinp the rnilroadt acr eably to the .-'indition of tl.e glBBB. aml r, da.¦*. Ihe f..re to 1 eenttk, wat. afror amenl mi nt to ndd tbe Seiond an.l Tbird av railroad*, laid on the t.ible An aolution ww ad'p'ed. dlrectin^ the Mba la eiamine nll weipht*. and metati-et ut'd by Hswkerj and 1'fil.llfrH. who are in the bftbit of cheating tbo poor. The Tweiitii th Ward (liiiion diffii ulty vr.n .ettled by the adop- tionofa if-jKirt removinp Mr. HaOaakMf and de !ar:n^ Mr (i:mtninpt II. Tueki-r, fa irally entltled t lill the teat of Aldtrmen ofthe Twentieth Ward. Mr Turker i* a Heform WUg He wat notified by the Preeideat la go baBBBltfca Makor or Bai order and take tbe oath r.f offi'-e Aid Howard ofthe Sixth Ward, offered a r**olution t<) eompel th.t II .r bm BaHmod Co toput down new railt. whi'h wa*, aft t an outl ui.t of indipnetion from Al.l H in wbieh he laOBMaO* (,! fuiir or five ot th.'Board ai BaSraod direetort and 'old "dttavedlawyirt," refem.ito tl..- Coram'ttee oh Streett. DaaraVCTITB VlBF. IX VMaBBUB KT ./__«f.rer 120.OOO. Ahout 1 oelotl. j.aterday afierin on a (in- br.ike out in tbe l.eetment of tl.e larpe *ix >tory lmildinp in tb 1 reu- of No 11.", Franklin tt, o,cupied on tbe various fliort at f.,1 1. wi Hent ke A St hrotd.r. cabinet and cha:r rainuftv- ti ry 0 I-t i' bte, manufm turer of famy cabinot ware limt, t- A Morpi n. pinno forte minnftctory nnd Kintn-iel I'erir, vnn.irln r^ and poliifber*. . . U'he Cre oriainated in the batemeut, and wat oc.a-ioatel l,y the BpM ttirg of a ttove In ciiri ijut l <.. of tl.e larpe amount of lipbt and inil vn iraMe mnttrii.1 in tlie premir-et the fire tpri od almoat with tht rapidity of lipbtiiing fnm floor to lloor, and in a'.-.i: fift.en n.imitt a from tbe time tho alarm wai given the buiSl ir p wii- wrn] t in Ilam. t. . Tbe workm. n it: the opp< r part of the bu'Uinp. bif|ly itiejtd aitb thtir livet. MOM of thein l.aped from tlie w:tidowK while othtrs dathed through the flime- and tmi ke, eominp out niinn* tbt-r whitkire, rnatta.Iit*. _¦.,.. Tl.e v. ird, which waa blowinp *tron_;ly at the lifn ri.il tlie flr.m. a tnwnrd the old t'huich editice, frou.in,; Noe. 111 and 113 Kranklin at The roof of the Chdrch took f.rt nnd wtt partially destroypd beforo Ihe fir*.rmin t:'tl Ftilidne the iii.nif--. The larp* rear building w__s entin-ly de-troyed all f if.-r!- of the I'.rcnrrn to enve it pr.ivinp unavailinp The p<t,\t ln at«m;tted from thit buil'lin_. M-t fire to tbe hon'e in fu,'4t, ftaappcr patt of wbieh wai o-enpied by Mettra. Mill^i. Kermtr. Otttiupe and famdii * lower part by A. Berltgd. n bi ui'nt¦tur. r of M-rupt, ct rdia ». Ac, The ailjoininp building. No 117. ot* 'upied as dwe WUHaa. Kaaacdj aad Mr Heurkr. nnd No. 11'», oeenp'A.1 by Mr Pnrkc ttwik fire in tbe r. r.r bnt w, re »aved thro'i|h tl.e txtriicnn of the fir.men. The builu'fij; in fr\int of rl fa. trry wc.* partially dt-froyed. The follinp wal't of tbe bailding in whi.h the arigiaat-d, cemplett-ly demolieher] n nmall bri'k stable.»ji tl.. r. nr of No 7 Ltonard tt, owned and occupied by L. Hai'glt.on. Tl.e fin.t* in tbo reer af the F.fth Ward Stati.n. Iloueo. adjoiriin| the rear ofthe church etlifiv, wereabo ditnel>b.d ApprihiDfiom were entTteined that the conflagration wi uld BBtead beyond the Cbureb. townrd Chur-hat., anl aleo toaard Wi r-t Broadv.a>. but throu^hTiie eneruMie ac ti< n of the Fire Pepartment tbe fire wat prerented from dtinp fur.ht r daii ape thnn a' ove ^tnted. The lcsa cf Mr. Ikrland h about I8i)0. No inturance. I. Haught. o. lota about I'-oo Insurtd |:iO)iatheM<> Itnak Isturanre Co. C I :. all tn about #700. No intnran.-e M. ri-iT Hi aaka A Sthrocdtr t.tiu.ate tbeir lo** at abon* tl7.n i> N" ititurance. Fniti.uil Birp. lot* 1700 No inturanre Garht . Morpan baa about tin.ooo. No inturance. Wm Kenttdy, loa #75 Mr. Psxki. #5¦>. No inturinee. Tle tld thunh _*liDee, which to narrowly etcaped de rtrui tion i* owntd by Mi Harri.oc. and lan-1 by Jokn Kt rr, diitillt r. at a plaee of ttorage foi beer barrclt. The t'liildirp hat not Lt n uaed at a plaee of worahip tbr kt .rol yeart. Mr Jebn Lind. foreman of Ho«e Co. No. 0, waa teverely injnred by being ttntek over the head with porti_mi of tbe falling wtill He waa taken bome. a Tbe lowof MetropoRtan Hall eoubl not have l-een more deeply j-.prtrt«d by tbe owntr thr_n it ia by Mr John Trim He. tbe bui't'-i Mr T eon. idered that edifir-e the mat ti rpiet e of tbe many publie kuildinga wb'nh be baa cxealed ic rariout parti af tbe City and eountry, and looki npon ita il. frfn ti.T aa a prraonal loat of more value than money I.i. kily he baa tavtd nearly all ofthe plant . e ln..Tba-Eaat and North Kiver* were very mueh ob- .tru.-tt d rn Monday morninp with drift iee. and we may fi r t-oti.e dayt to come look for ttill preater quantitee a } We are requtated by Mr Chappell. ofthe em'.aent pnb- lithing bou'e in U-udon. and rca.ljutor of Mr Jullien in h'ui tnuikal tnttijrVc. to ttate iba: tbe tot&l loea tuitaiued by ihem throuph tl.e detatru'-tion of Mttropolitan Hai', waa not. irgiv.n by our reporter. timply aboat a.'.-OO, butcountinp mar un-r-.pt' aiid printed matii mttmment* hall decorations nttcaed fo be uted for the ball on tbe 1'ih intt. and the JttoratioDi uted at Caatle flardtn. amounted in all to about .10,000, upon whieh thtr* wat no inauraac* I It ia very teldoin that we make errata, except a eontriry ueanicp be givea by a typographical blunder. Sueh waa he cate yeeterday. wbtn tbe word merriett wi* printed or mitt'et, la the notict of Mr Eit/eldt t aoir-e MiaraxTit i I.ibrirt AtaocuTiox .Tbe aaaaal me*t ng of tbia Ataociation take* plare tbia eraning AD mem^ >era who take aa laieraet 'n ita a-faira ah.o-d attand L BerLi5).l 'ellingi iy ii :.. i/.\i, ai.~_.rt Uiin i jv, io NtuT Hoti Cof-k-Y No "i3 .T.i'i drrnwny. wb have if* er.tly fmabed at.J furnul.od their new houic o thr eo._er of Franklio ar.l Chnrch »tt,tbr. w op.a th_i donra latt ev.niag, and weit> at botae.' for tba parpaaai viBp tbeir rrierid* a Itrvnamber of wh im, boftlvl1* and gentlemen. ri.*i_ed tliem during th* cv.ning Attbl waa art ia tbe meetinp room. loaded with pood thiag*.tlai, and wvlid whlt h were partakea of at th* couTealeni-e o tbe viaitora A (ine band of m .tic wat in attendanc*. aa. rp*a lorran exer> l-ee wrrv indalged in ttrward the latt* part ofthe even ing Tbia eompaay parrbaaed tbe Und and erected aad far ci-htd tbeir booac at their own axpenae. bnt the hoa_o b*i tince b«<n bcopht of them by ibe City for t.i.OOO. Tbi bnilding it of bri« k. thr. e ttoriee higb, w th btwemeiit Ii the bawTmnt it a kitchen. in wbi.h a ceok i* cotniantlj krpt,toadm'.ni*_er to tht want* of their eppetiti* after ra turningfrom battlingtbe fiery elemant. The baaementa!tn contaatB wattr cloaeta t"he front room of tb* firtt ttory ii occnpkd by the bot* earriage, b*'k of which ia tbe b'lti ncaa meetinp room On the a* cond floor in the parior, whi h, in roet and b. au*y of furniahintr. wiil vi* wiih tho mwl mapTii£ct-nt uptown reaideace. Ita wallt are beautifally fnecotd, and ornamented w:th numeroutfine paintin*-., en grnvingB ar.d mim rt whi'e th* windowt are hung with drartry ofthe riihttt order The floor it corcr-d with a vrIvet carpet, and the furniture ia ri.'h indeed, ino'uding a fiitt claae piano The furnUhing of __.,< parlor alone ooat $1 Oa the aeme ftonr withahe parior i* alibrvy and reading room in which i* aln-ady placed a .mail but valua- ble library The front r> om of the thinl Btory is oc_up:ed aa a tleeplng room. neatly furn'iahed with Iail for tbe ac ron.modeti. n nf tw.Ive m~mlr.r*. which number alwayi tleep tbere, to be in readineaa for their noble vocation Batk ofthe eleeping room ia a b ith room for the BBB of the mtmbert. whitb aL-o containa wa*drobe cloaett for their f.rc dn..«wt. Ac Tlie wbok toums it admirably planncd. and mueh tatte and nentne** hat been displayed ia it* ar r n'.nt The total «aet of fumiahinp the whole bulld ii g waa between a.",000 and B-,000. PaaaOB or Kek.-idt aaa Shith.-Jjihn N Sm'tb and Wm KeniHily, the two ex poiicmon ofthe FifthWarl, who rome time iince were convicted of burplary. hare been pardontd by Gov. Scymour upon tha waiphtof evidenoe elii i'ed thronph the inveftipationt of the Recorder, who had been dire. ttd by tbe Oovtnior la examine into the matter. The late pri.ontri are now at liberty. A Vicittarux flMTToa..Aa individual named Hanni- bai, re-iding in Broadway, near Anthonj st, eontutnet d.ily K I'ouuda of hay and three buthels of oats. wtahing the tame down with four barr.¦'* of water Hc maket a dettert of cakft. r.pplct. Ac, the free offeriagt of hi* juvenile fritndt Tbia moderate feeder ia 40 years obl. wei<ha 11.000 p. um'a and i* 11 feet hiph. He is the lar.-. st el-.ph.nt in America. e-1 AhB.'-T ior Siiootinc. t DBffVrt SH»:Rirr whiif ix .nt ui«(iitr.tr or hu wtr.-A great excitement wat created yteterday afternoon in Chamben it, ewing to the fa. t that Mr BaorkW Folrom, whi!} a tinp for I, Vulte* Frq I-eputy Sherff, had juet befor-i been »hot by Hezo- kiabl. Thixtle of No 111 t'h.mb.ra at, but better known m Ix)vttt of Wahpene notcr'ety. Mr. Polnotn. in eompxny with Depaiy Shiriff Vultee, and other attachei of tha Sl.eriCTi Oflice. went tothe prerai*..-* N'o IU C'liainbi-rt at. f.-r tha purp**e of iHOakaiag a mirtp-ipe which wia oat rtar.dnp apaintt Mr Thirtle. Tho ptrty cntered the preuv tet, ar.d were rtopped by an iuner m.hoganr doir, which they found foarrit ad.d Tlie It. puty Slo-ritrthen tumi-noned the perr.ni int'de to open the door. whi'-li not b_inp 1 lat he dire.tfd FcL-om tofon. .ijit a panel. upon thia Thittia lirtd n rifle I all thronph the aperture, but the btil p_*wed ahJ.eut taking eflett An ctYort wat then inado to wid.a tl.e br.*. h in t! .. ia_M lutri, i- ,it to ptrmit a perton to pat* tbroukb Mr Thi«tle tbeu diDfliarged a twivel duek punof very larpe ilimrnriotr. loai!cd w_th slugt; thone pruted tl.rr.tipl, tl e door, forcing off tome *pl;nt.rt. wbi.h ttrii'-k Mr Ftile. m on the faee. forehead and eyet, :nHi t'ta^ n larp-s number of w<>unda and caui'np h m preat pain. Fortuna'ely rorc of tbctlupt toek effeot i-.pon bi* per«on. thouph tevir-1 of thim | tm d thronch the rini of hit hat, which waipirtly b!own away Olnefr Pat'ei on of the l.-.w. r 1VI ¦. it kiat pH»riiig at tbo time, an.l aAaraaaaatalaa_f what had oc.uircd (tnt for aivsistanie to the Tbir.l Ward Sra'.iin Houte I.itut. Olmttcail, with a poaao of hi» men. rapatfad to the ipot. iiinliuc. i nlnl in tli.-tp. r*!np n lar^-e. row.l which ha.1 aetrmbk-d lie tben proceeded to tbe *e-otnl ll *>r of tbe p,en i.-e*. and tbroupl. tbe broki-n do-T ^«w Tiiittle. but f< und the door firmly bolt. d and tpiked ahut Thiktle. upon bet'g "umuioiicd to turrci-li r, etpn _w-tl a willinpne.tt to do to. I.ut wtt Lim.telf urmble to ap*B tke d.*or aad wvt il.i'piil to p. t out of a rear a___ar an.l tet Uaaietf d>wn into the ynrd. Hi* wife nnd Mr BcjtaaiOl Whitaey, {y* clork, caine afti r bim, and nll wer. nrr.-.tttd and taken ro tho Police Ststion Mr Foltom, MjfcaiaaidaaBt Nn _H Wettnt. wa* tflktn to a d-Mg atnre, an.l hml hit woundt dre.ted In MBWBB-Bg Thirtle t rotm the dm 1. pun in quo-dlonand three r fl. _. two of whii h WBN loaded, to.-. t!,er with a hoavy eut ar.d il.rutt i-word. were found TUtnc waOBOaa Blo:i'-f wirh BbaatB d.z.n tlup- which w,-re found in the wa'l, wero tfiken to tte Police Station. I.afe in tbe aft.-rn»o'i T' la \\ litrt y ar.d Mr. Thirtle wan taken to tho T.mbt. The two foTimr were cominittetl for cxamiu.itinn. Mrs T wia ji rrtottnl to po h. me Tl.iitie i* abont Ji yeari of a.',- aa 1 wa* an ollic, r in tbe War of 1-1-, and aVo in tho Placida Wnr. He ttatet that he act.dunderadvice of tounstl when bc defended hin apartint r,t* from the Sheriff. Arfist or a B.kr-K TtLitn tor l_n-ziZ7.iTMr.sT .R. rcrery rl ll.r M,rt(,, .On la. t Fiidrty m.,rninp. Bichard J. Ilunit, firat tel'.r of tbe Lawil County llniik. lo nt, d at Martii ibaig, N V during the ab-enee of the Ptttammt of thi*Boi'k who wttt at L'tica nbteond-d, taking with him tZ.OCO in ipccit-and bank bilto, topcthcr w'.th ayom*fo Mr whom ha had promi_.d to marry. He fled to thia City, aiid arriving cn Saturdiiy n:ph». put up at the: HiW-rd ttl. Information of hi* flight w__ tent by tele^raph to the l'ol ¦ authoritii s of thit City, nnd Uaat fioodenow, of the Tlird Ward, anaii'td by Otlicer H.rvey, after a protw ted aeerih traced him to hi* hob). where il.-y aaagat hia at a late hourenStinday nipbt. jntf iu he had iMtwaad from B truite about town. On eear, hinp the room heoccupiei- tarp. f btpwtt fonid and in it tle whole ofthe ttoh_ trcritur.' Set inp thit the proof of hit guilt wat oon-lut'.ve, Butnt conff tsed to the oflicers nml w*a taken to the Police Sttt:' it acu letked up. Soon A.'tf r his arre't, Shoriff Kir Ity, of Ixwit Co. arrived in tka City with a pr,*cett for hit airi.-t ai:d will take ba k tbe prisoner tbi* morning for trial He it an Knpliabman by birtli, 'i't yea-t of a(.i.. anl hai bt*n tDgaptd in the bank for upward of a year. Hia intention «u to take pattagc for Kur .pe, and to *ail on Saturday ntxt. A Birciar C.kteHT i.n the Actj.A earmtn named John L'dwardt, wat yettr-rday __¦____ hy Poli.-eman Kiintr. al the Firat Ward, eharptd aith enteriag. by aceact ofa falae key or a pair of nippere, th'' ttoreofWm t Cl.urthill, No M Liberty st. and rteuling tberefrom 500 tlk ira>att», vamed ot #334. The oflie.r obterve*! the ac tuied ent«r the ttore at aboat P o clock yeeterday morning. and toon efu r «aw him Itave with tbe gooda in qae-rtiou He immediatt-ly arreated bim and to*>k poaeeu on of the ttolen proptrty Tba Uiief i-onft*a*ed hin guilt and wat 4 o_cmitfi d to f-rUon by Jurtlce IVigart to await trial. Fibi. About 1 .'J oclook Monday mominp a lir* wa* di.rovertd in the dweDing of Mr. .lainea 8. l'etrie, No ISB Wc»t F.leventh street. Tbe tiremen were earh on ihe protind but before they i-oall extincuith the liamet. the premitet were damaged by tire and water to the tmount of about ai.ico The lot* ia fully covered by imuranee. The tira it tupponed to have been occationad by toaoe wax frittion mntth'.ve, which were ditturbed by mice. _ Diath ¦ Pm«o.a..Thomaa Haynet. a man of very ln tt-mj r-rata habit*. wat f*und dead ye-tenl«y in hii eell at tte Jeffert*n Market Pri*t>a. in which he b_.l been placed nn Saturday afterno-'ii for intoxication amlditorlerly c »n dnct On Snnday he appeared to be in pood healtb, bat would not leave hia eell Coroner Wilhelra ht-li an in queat upon tht body. aod the Jury rendertd a verdiot of irath frem congaatloa ol tha brain, auperinduced by in timperaBce. _^_ OrTBtoz rroir * CHti.D.-.Ia___f t Khrby. an attacbe of the imigTtuit tnstltution m Ward t bland. wa* yeatarday irTttted, rlarged with atfempt_P|? t* commit an outrape apon Chritliai.a Noplemaker, a child twelve yeart of kf, and an iomate of the inrtitution He wat hald to bail by Jutiire Stnart to antwer the < hnrpe Chip'* or GRt.in |____BT*.*Vietor Sthult*. a Oer man lupernunverary -f tbe 8t Charlet Theat*r, waa ye* terday armted. rhargfd with itaaling varioutrt__raprop- prtiet to the value of .: V A fH>rtion of tha ttoUn articlet wt» fi.and al the *tore of Mr Pbillipe. a coatumer. in Cbat liam tt. t') whom thev had b*aa aold. Tb* accoaed w** held bv dnati. e W.jod* fi*r examiaation. Ha ba* not b*en potitively ideeti_i*d at the peraon who ttole tb* prop*rty tAit-ertieaaaaa*.) Ct.rnt. Buniona, Club or __avert_Ki Nailt are ramoved l_ilr ky f'r L.TTt-triato. at hM B-ame. Ne __aBr»__lw*T appo BT* Art l-'aloB Ba* a* wSkal jjaia. bd- wlth laUrf-etioa t* tht pa :ieot I> I ltt]*fl.-U ta.pe-tf-fiy r«f-_ri t* -ta pT___«lca if .4 T-ari-B .__. rtrj, mi c-araara* er hM *aVta |A#»W*_-IB- »l | A Cabp.Olivi-r H Col.i.iiiiib't Aral.'iny of Pen r-._.i,r .id k. f kf.p ¦* "a B. a_a_a_af taat.ta traaaMa al N.w V-.rk f er** e.. tatn-m fw'l .artlra'art v kt hvl at tl' A _f'B-v AtVw Biatifrt-eparfwi. aaa-'»r ir* »f.»a of rain "eervire ib ev.li.iat'b* r.p*cl'iea ef a p.f- th»n ta mvtt pr. tte-ttt aa _ft-_r te-rhrr" vV I' _r»tit Li-BflflflBflJfltBBl Tiifl P.UACfl of ABT .Tba mi>«t t_a.ni'.<.e-t cil- l»<.oa of !>..rrar-ivr*. ia Bfl ttta laihlioov.tr. at lira.r'e. Na Bra-I- a* C-ll aai exatnl.i -Ita th. Prii. Pitch-, aat thr rta-lum Deg.errcotvpe.. wbich itty caapatlti-t «- f A-vert_.a*.t WetSilkt.atHe_rd,t l.ipa St Co.'s.No :t .firaad at ttet Ui.r*. *. H.erd. Ilapn 4 fta'a, Na MI Or.Bl *t. W-Hilili <".-_» aod Towek*. H.ari. Clapp k Ca.'a, Na MI OiaelM v* -t M.____.. at H*-r_ Cmjm k C.'a, N*. J I Oraad- |__aBflflflatBBfl_J Wft I.i. rya, Wet BOJU, Wrr HBKOn .b\ A M TowVt ('«. will »p*a iSetttt mott of We. Li.«a <*..t Ibla B-oraiBf. a few e.lr »f the 5 -**«i r*p*_*d t.i.-4t; r-ana BB**'! Lla*B T.hl* tHaperi, tllghtlT dtmage. Sv wat.r, .' n.r vird. S-ptr 3 815. Deimt. 81 wlit. 4, Alutj' Dtavatail St.'w Drep Ntpkir.i, worth tf prr ,l..i-_ iligbfy we., f.r 1.' Aarticn v.t r.-iltv Hai-t!ey Liuea Sbtetiag7 I to H l. at M a.r cer:.'<aa tbtn ceat of l_r_rtari.a. Kjm -birtlrig Ltn m 4 aail per veii »' pieeee Blact Oraadv Bhiaa varj wiia. H.t.l-keea-ra tcd t_-*twtvteeianr.ne't>e»_ g*-*- .. dav, a* tbe *V_* caaa-l be raayaata-. c«ia_-iaa ¦__, N*. at Urt_J gt. A-lverti.im*nt ] " Self-in.provenifDt. Edueation aod Mtnijem »nt of fTilWr.B " ar. tb. aab,'»r_ of Prof Fo-I.r. l«etir* tt tk. _ t ti..el Poteh Chi.rrh " ia J.rari Cttv, thi. evaoiog. at T| .' will b* aa iaaportaBt Irrtara to tboaa'wba d«*.re la i_.,.rv> a th.ra- aelv*. ar ab*ra lt U fr*< All aboald ktar ;t a fBOtaaafl.afl | .. Lacle Tom'a Cabin," with all the now an.l magairi- eect aerrrti aod a.wla iatr.loeef ae.Biva, wi'l be p*rfirt-*d tl tb. Naiisoal Tbratrr lo-oifbt Littl. Katv tbif at'lnnooa [ Ad*ert.*ta*at ] i Gtx. Tosi Tm Mr. at _____. i s. VTkflflffli haa not ... i. Tom Tln.Bih ha. acr ieea tha fr*it*-t woad*r ia ta. w.rl a. d wboever haaaraa. will b* gn'itied to <«_~ tba', .'thimgh 1. - cow _I ye.rti.fage b. sot a q.vrter of aa iseh taller, txa< att roerft btav.r drao re wai 11 y*ar* ago when fi..r appe_r»d S*- fp. tb* pahlie Ib th* m*aBti n* f* hii *>*-oti* h.gh'y v-*-ti pliah.d aad will ditpla* hi_a*lfia tb. mn* artrvtrlTep^rfir.iaeaa a' H.rBt-n'a Moaenre io Sonat. ipeecb-a 1'itieei. Ka^it'tiona. ke, tleai-8tBBtf.ee and Iatere-ttoa Th. »*wt' Kar.-ea t'.tBed.-i .«. .. will !* rveo ia a_dr.!oa and all tb. Carloaitlea may le ae.o wita.ut cxtta cbarge [ 4<l.err_*_.o* ] Pfbham's Girr ExmnmoNs.V\> are ploflflfli to letrnthatMr Perbarn ioteod. k**pingth* a>v_i Mil. Mirror oa evi II ition op lo th* 'ire. l.Btiteii for ir* beiaggivea ..p t.i tba ihart- b, Mett. 'he ritu i.f Pef.ru -r_ Thi. will allow ampl* tlra* f.r t'n r.-ert hpl,l»r* and i,t;rel.at*rt of tb. r-m-in.ng aii- -;,-k»ta i ( t .1 -ir n ot.ev'a wertb is aeeior it evh.b.'ed. Befur. tbal troaa ar- rlvr* wr mppote tbat the queatioB of fu'ar. owo.rabuoflt aat th. 84-41 gi.'t a-Iirl. i wl 1 be.l.t. roi.ned. a. th* C.iu.ltt i.ar* pratr»«v irg iL thrir r'in ai ftat aa th. naturt of rhe cia. will ad.nlt of Oir fnet Ai wlahlrr to V.« arreeablv aad t'tofitablv eater*ala*d will do well loatep lato the ifre. Academv Hall aad arram a 1.1 ofthe il.ara tlcketa. w_,l< thev are io b* ha.1. [ Advertiaeoieat | Broadway |f_______l_ Dhiksimi fl 'fl Wil.l Ani- malt tak* * eold enllatiofl to ilav at lo'i-'oek To* Sia-naa* T.im mt |.**r.nd*v and eveatag. aod tba bioa Kiog eotert tba deoa tin t tintrt dii y BROOKL YN 1TEMS. Mra Mary A. W Johnaon, closeB at J P. M tt day, a rnurtf? of aix Ireturca to L.nliet, upon Anttumy and II \ >!.!._>. in t ii Lft.ture Iiuooa of the Plymouth Cburcb, (Rev II W. neet-he-'B'. _- FiRr«..At en rarlv honr ye^terdav mirnina., rlnvi wer*. diaeovered iaauing from the eeilar of thu IflOOB l Wanl Hottl, corncr of P.-arl and Yorlg ata o.'iupiod ani owaid by Ablerman Neeley Tb- intlatnmtbla n»ture of tbe etoi k'.b-i oeit. il thorr, "conai*tin. for the m.ttpirtof aj,irita,rrpati?d _rvat alnrm thrnugbout the nei_rhb »rh)o 1. 11... Fire Pepaitnif nt, hnwever. at the Aldnrmiii t r«,j MMt, aoon complttely Hooileil the cellar and Ho"r tb iv*, na 1 by IkfflO flMOna oonflatd the. m_'n.__; elementa to the *.. >t on wbicb itoriciaatfld. Aplpeof _in, not bef.re broatbtd, had evidfntly bepn pirtjy pnmned out, and it ae^raedthtt ^ouic ]*r>on muat have gaini il aeci'ea by the wiodoiv in tbi rrar. It aaoflal aliu BM miraculma that tho fire aho il 1 have born nrreeti .1 aa it wrw. aml the baildiflfaorad Tht b-j in Itock exrreda |:i,txa_.-inanrtd for i.'.ooo in the Ilio. klvn Compeny. On 8aturdav eveninit. Ofliccra Alburtia, ofthe Firat Dii tiiit I'olii e. HiteovM eil a tire in the tb'r'l atory flf N'i -7 I!. ary -t on U|i. .1 b] V W. Oreon. Tlie Bfllflfl fr un a i.n.1 lij.b!baii eonimunieatrd with th- windov e.irfai-\«, nn 1 the room waa tll in n blaze. The oflleer, with tbo a.l of tl. .niipinta rxtinguiaed the tire, befora it had tini) t. n.i.ke tuitlierprogrcta. A ttfmpt at HtoaWAI RoKitBRT.Otri^er Vv'.llia~., of tl r Elgbtb ^ erd I'liioe. affoobfld .lobn Coifli Uy. aa Baa ilay, ou tbe ehar^re of BttOflBBtlBfl t'i rob Chritt ipur Joka nn. in Twafl-J I'rtfat n. ar Poflftk -flfl. tkfl Ofoolafl tin- viiuit. wbile on hia wty homeward in Ouva-iU'i Casttiiay, ne _DeBC-, profltflOod o kaVt oad domoaded hia m .n«y, v.hen JokBBOa .ienlt him a blow which aent hi n roeliuj. i.i il then flrocfldfld oii bia way The oecaood haa been c mmitttil for a hearing. liBBO..Pocriek HeBaooo and I'etcr MiJormick.two haikmin nt tbfl Bofltk Ferry. trfllfl Iflfld t- eicli, for flo- (.rginp to attend a funernl and nfiowar.1 dlBOppOlntlaj tlio pO-OOaWBMfl tbi v BBgOfOd a_k Srvriir i r BflBBBB .A few evenlniriaini'e an 4 .e 1 man r.in.id s.iiiin 1 l-otckor,roaidlagla B-orflfliat. nurA: liti ti.. ac. iib i.t'.Ily fell a>rain->t a Btovfl and bflrae 1 bi,n*olf in a ahockint; manner. It ia foared bia injurioa will provo fatal. WILLIAMSB URGH ITEMS. __. COBOBtlBATIOfl C__MI00lflflSB0 .k ¦floBflw f,'f i|,e ('nmmiaaione:. araa held at tkfl City II ill in Vrr_|%at|, xr,\x ytaterdav fiftemoon Mr. KalbHerith inlTl. ci_ar, Tt_j rrpo.t ofthe f'oiuiiiittie on tli-' fit* ^ftpmtj _4nl BO. Kt rire C'ommifaionera. waa tnknn rpS,j( nn,i or,i,,re.| t t, . jiit.ted. Tbe j.Itn ..f the F',rfl Daoar__aai ii linriilar to that i.f Brookua. Seve-<ai amendmenta w.,re ma la, oae krbprovidea Rjj tbn eleetionof tw. Ckiof Ba,. aaerfl, r<- tir'be _^tOra nnd one for tbo Westara Dlrial >i , TJ">. .oard Bdjiurned to mcet at the City Hill in rirooklvu, iin 1'utaday next. Tl.e lbini.l n. mi 11 bl a inecting at Buahwirk on Sttur day nfterniM.n la.-.t. A inotion waa ajfreed to that t'ie up [ripriaibn to tbe Ilrooklyn City Ilotpital, Brovldod f.r in [hocharter,bfl inireaaed fiomO-'.uCO to tt.ono por an num._ FuirKiura or (.'out ir.i. r. .Mr. 8 Tuttle, ^oal iflfllor, ltaa ltt.il r. -t" . -i to bi.n, by an unknown neraon, the l Ufl of Ifl, throii,..b ih. __en.y of tho Bev. Fatner MhIjuc I.tQir-r .Ou k-S-By B-loraooa Coroner Hinf.rdhold an iaqaotl nt a boflflfl in Kruat «t ,<*n tbe body of <. Bflfl BUaldfl. olon ', cigl.T year* offlgo, who uadaaddflo 1* fji m tl e e'l'i 11.-. ol f ii.Ufl. Tue jury rendered a vor _kt oeeordirx^y. KE W-JERMY ITEMS. WfllflBlflfl txn MEi?tni.io (iRau por FotvKi.i Suip _»si Mr. < unarl baa tildre*-ed a com-n inicition to _M Commori Counril of Jertey City, takinir them tu .iliow v. li.bcra and men-iureta of >*fW Vorit to araigk afld . NI tarocaagaflfl amt to fi. rt-i|.n port* by hia atetmera. Thf) .rmii'da of hia a) plieatim _ro that the ahippei. w.i i reaiie ln Ni w Torb w 11 not abi;» grain in any vei-el wbere a atip uitlii-n ia Btfldfl tbat it muat be me,a-uri-d b/any ],t.-ti.'ulir Utdindnal, < on^i.!eiit_( it an interfe"enee or iletOBBflO in tb.ii baatneaa Tbey prefer to einpb.y nn» known to them r.L.'. tn whom tbey have confidence Mr Cunard aaid tb.it be rri.et e. nform to the u-atjea of the port, aud if n->t al lowed tbia i.i ivileffe, be muat rOOBOfakifl vflflflflllfltO tkfl n.i.ldle ofthe atream nr to tha New York aide to re.-eiva rareo; and he ... enie.l tlie ragalation detrimantal to the traue of Jeratv City, while it doef not atTe't the in tenat nf tbe ( orporatlon. He alao aaked wh tther the i xiaticjr ordinance doea not conflii't with the lawa ofthe l il.d Statea reapertinjr for*t_n trade, Je~ey City beiri/ witbin tbe Cuat.ni Houae Dftriet of NewYork' At the ti« eial mettinf. of the Countil. held at the Clerka OJlce. in Fiiilay ev.niiiL' it waa moved that tbe 0-___NJ or-li nance be'rrj.r-ali-d. Of the eleven mombera preaent, aiirht vottd in f«var«'f repealinjr and tbree againat The m> tion waa loat, nine votta beinjr necettary to adopt aa or dinan.e. ..a f_t_njrflfl__Bff or thi Battli or Ntw Oiti.ctiia The Wrieht Fuiileora frave Ibeir firat Aonnal Ball at tha Iltidion Houte, Kraey Ci'y. laat ni_ht. in eomrneanrati >n of tae Baltle of New Orletna, th« auniveraary of wbi h Oft-urrrd on Snnday laat. It waa well attended A nam t.r of military |,'entltmen were preaent in their uuiform* LA W LXTELLIGENCE. SUTFRIOB rOL'BT-B.foraJ.at.CtartfLL tctiNsT poLict orric-aa f«a waoto *kbiit WUliain M. Der_.it againat Mariui R Reaoi aad r.irnand B rlraitb. PlaintitJ ia a ('oonaellor at Law. He aaya that on %i nf, up S«»eat_-a» oa hl» wa- to hia bom. aboat 94 o/tlaBB -Iin Uj eveoiat. la 8*p4 laat. k. obaerred. .ppoaU* a M-bodkt B-iitii bctuv ow_*d aad wcnhlrP'd ia l_ colored B*ip * n*ar r.>ra.r t.f teecib48. arnml«r of prra-oa Oa ippwatklaf tb. ehireb, bt par- ceiv.d J.feodiBt. 80 Irb rttkmt aad aa__lriaf a eolored man wbo wa. ta tha itren bnt who aaked ro ro into Ibe rh.-rrh aa hi. wife w.»tb.i»-«heoffie.ra8alii-__dkl.eli'> wbea Mr McDeriaot r.- markrd "dori't ttnk* _.1," wber-npoa th. li.akenaat toldtB.8.car t. tmtt plairtirl and ba did ao. taking aold of Mr. D bf tha eoll_r acd kerp-r hiai Ib thal i oaUloo Bl' tb*v anitad at tbe atati >n fctlt> t-.reb.v t*Biii-t to drfrada aai irjjore plaiutiJ. ke. It wu nd ob th* p*rt of plali'ItT. tbat lt waaa Lera Faa.. aa it iturtnad. it the rbnrrh. aad er*.'biag waaeaed-i.*d 880888H| witb tha ex- <¦' pt 00 of Ibe l<»:d ynrrtt aad a.ugltig tari,l-nt to torb occaaio-a tl th. eolored Me'bodl. ehnrehf- which bronght a oa..r of pvr- ttmttttmi ib* chnreh hut there wm bo B-OMMOB apptreatlr, fot tba raeitr poi_«d by tbe polk.mtva toward tb. 00 orti mta -ar ,. c*r- talnlr. th* n-.*r»lv aavteg. by Mr MeDermr-tt. d.l'i atrtk. bim- iititt anflreleBt . ._e ;o ar__t lattcr. Na la.naa waa ad.-4. Verdict fot plalatil. »-'*r I T 4*tD B4TTBBT. Oorg* II. Barar igt. Daatol Thnaaaa To recover damagt* amount laid at fll.ooo, for anejre-l aatti.'. . aod barta. Th. ea.. waa trl*_ htftrtt wntm tb. ..ryeoall nct atraa. HalntiiT al____ to have boafht irf defva«_av*8Wl v»*8 barrela of-raah-rriee. aad la . diaput' refardlag th«» defaadaat it ia ai-grd araai p!ai_tl- Thit wat deuU- aai h wai aa d. Btfla- feaa* tbat plalBt.n' wa* ab at to raaik tha berrali witb a h act!og- brib.»bi6 defe.__.it aiarily puahea hl- .way %ardidt fot da- faadaat _ MABINZ COt'BT-BaBara Stimt MoCaamv. 8IB4LTT fOB BBaOVINC 4 DB4D BODT. Ctty ot Aew-Tark agt Laat BaUotk, al.itaaawblD fllaak Watnor To recaver flooo penahy for takmg tbo body ol o maa. { .'» ha* bf*. ktTI-4 le IV- BB*tBB**aB-. at lh* (kiip Br . Mew *f ll* mwhirni .* tht vn**; w*«*-*4 a*r«e4* fer tt* *w»f Aaa tha Ctt* la«u* »-. r*rwn lo'ikr ih« r-oly .wa. tkr* eia* ta* r-wela* avertuardafier tettir« *-_-d« V.f tl.tfer p'a.atir ia aaaaat COl'KT (>r COMMO.1 PLKAS-Bef.ia Iad** ffmtiri aaaaoia aaa aaraaar. I.<Mii. Bchri»ae.n **| Jaa.pt Heoket. To reeovtr daiaaget for all*ged aiviilt tad bt't >ry ll Uaalft thU pltirli* .lat irifAttt fer pa-a .,t af a *i 18 r'uoM* la l-> ,* te hlia. to whu-h aef*«4*ai aaO* ** iu.» a* letatBI te Mr C and h* th*a ralle* d-fal.ai * ,_Imim 4 .*, ¦a whirh Atl. a* ttt .praf'i a* *_4 .traek p a_la_i_. . BU* e* lh* fiee Vrr4tri la* piaiaurl IA wht*h cetttte a i,k* aaaaast af BBBM B*''*re J--*r Diiv .v lllll't IV -t: . Ot HOBlBt. Joha Otata tit laha A Niwbel*. Tureeovtr . oo. alle.-d differeaee ia pri"* pai I f«r a .eae et he-aa. aad tnet wh'ra ih*v t .14 al Plaiettf rt-t Bt *tr> ,-haerd ot Mr M . >*___ of h.-n-e rt.ni hua *l "aa l_-r«'_r -(».< Mr N _*4f.e woi'4 B*f w,r-aBt th»m hat he kU hvlfi. _m._* r *Meea menth*. bi ,1 aotbre. wteth* "liBer wch t*e a litirat* o-1. bew»»*r. tha oa* af th* hor-e* wai nneoaiA h_lv« laat .* >a* of ItaihoaldeeB bb4 of e 4v-»eee wtitrh lt I* r .at.-ltd ar fl *,« he e fwca iwa-i af. It a raateadrd that he .. HiM*. Iiu 4. I. ia li ff oee Ibir Mr M rntJe aav rapreeeata t >a« hat what war* corr-c: The ca** i* aa Krf.ir* J-.Agt Wooaaerr aaiT laaiaai t raitBT ata-riR Aadrew H H Ma-rlta e_rt Patrirk flf-* Plaintiff. a *hiu t'arpentar. *aid b* weat to Jaraav Oitf Frrry futw oi'Bar.'a* .: a'« o'cloek la th* ¦ r.H 4 k *< af.f Mal, wh.a ief'miaat eaiA that he a«4 giv.a alelatif tai _*a»B rbti.gr fCf « qasrter o< t doilar whirh h* hai pr-.-a'ed t.i ttt f.r- ri.**. aod ranaed pleie- itf to .*. arr-»**d tui renve-r* fe th* T ka ¦ hi-iehewi* duchargedL Plaiatif c.:_ gl.kaW 4*ail|* fn mi I ir.-fi f.^e irr.lt la .lrrv.iie, It -a. ir-krvw'eflterl thit at baat ll wiall hiea beea hat the relyet af iilvilcaai. hut ii I* . .4 tSat pltttuf .-.'I'l'.r* he 414 aot koew whethrr th* ferrj matt't hai |i»-e toe iniich crlBPf-e ar not rhnt* f-n aairt.vr ot t J.'lar taiteai »f te i.hlilin*) m4thii jlaiaua .ulaaUiily ttmm, te fe ta tke P.»*ea Ott-.r* ST'PERIOR I'OrRT-Befora Jel|l Huil D.uiri \V kk «tm.,r. iit Jjemh W ilaaeoi riaintiff aver* that in I0SI he wa* ownarof tha barg* (ilobe. tarl dtfsndtm. of th* iteim-tn* __*__ iaeke. Th* har** wa* Ivint ia th* Eaat Hivcr 'oafeA wth 86 lua* of ir.a p'-ii.I e_a- f'i v*4 dr'rr.l.tt to tjw her ap to Allao* Ae.-.ir lia.lf. ee t_» l>c vb.r.thr !_¦«» wai h,t.;.v4 io the iteataer *a4 lh*. *re_ee*e4 i T the North R.vrr until krv am* .mpaeite Peei .ke-pile. wS.a, hv tomr nrilect of tlioaa n V_r4 the «t .._«_*«_. th* h*r*e ttraal ra i ro<k *_4 wwinak ."aiuti.l »vrr» that ib* ka-t* i«-i*ia*4 ia Ihr water fer .1* au*nth. bef.ir** the* wer* ib'* ka riite h«r 4,,il* broa*l.t tn rr. o rr *k.<00 danacea la 4ereaea it it ar.rr.l that Ihat tli. )*|r *n bir.h**l to lh* H-amcr at nifht, h- eeaaa *r" whi, h .h.ae a b»*r4 r. ul4 aol *ee th* roalitioa «S* wa* i* aat al*B tiirie. that lh* ha-fe wa. Ir«kv tnd aa-eawarthv, anl .a.klrl ft.llv -ud rr*'i.rn*'T 'iH.-n bj rr*eua of w n. fi. aat at betaf n- .ki'ltt.II* -trrrrH tSr t-r'.ck u|.l wrat -lewa The all***u*aa ar* 4rule4 1hec._e_.an ? .__ t'Ol'KT OP OKMEBAL sk-hioNSI- V-*__.>-B*lore leiaa Baaaa t'hn:r,-»T Jo' rmn. wh_ p'rad'-.l falltv. lait week. te tra*4 lare*. av. li. ariliii tr? tIA frooi tb* Hi.uk ofthe r4tti* of M«» T.rk waa tnii n.ora.rt teatroecU to tbe _>tite Priaoa for ihree r*.r* aa4 ata n-enib* t harlea Atrstton roavl.te* of forterv la th* aa.*o4 <<*gr«*, wt* tri irnrril to the Statr, Prboo for ... veareen4 fo-ir moa a Jibm*. V.l.h «k» pl*.4r4 .til lv tn iranrl Itrreaj. wii ieat*aeaa I.' t),r BWl Priaoa for ihir* -ran tai ... mO'ia. I'atri. k I»aiv pir*.l*4 « laky ro not tn.i _a*an!; bb4 h.'urv en th* la« el«ti..e dav Sentrttr* 4efrrrrd. f mauiiel IVmer plrade4 fiilf j lo pitit lirraar, ta Haallaa 0 .- H- wa* ri r anth* for ari". a..* Ptvid K'rr ;'l-*4r4 rn.tv te riiitiBt with Patriek Dalf. oa *l**_ ti.i'-4*v Ib thr tlrvonth kVard Srotenc* d'f.rr*4 Jnt.n Wil.l.n.i ntridr f uilry to lirc-nj. <u Kailia| * f .14 , h_Ja w. rth *IA Sentenre 4-<f.rred Jau *. St.rr. wa. rrir4 and onti.rr.l rf Kr*akln| lot* kr_* .htp af ('. H Kitrtirr aa* itr.la* th.-refrom ttftnti pipe* ai4 **a r».vk^ t^urd ai aiae lie waawaleaced to the !h*te P.Uwa (ar ihree foart aod .la niootli. Tfcr t,l»l of J»Di'-«S»un.Ieri ill*t*.l fn b* oa< of t\* Piarthaf J;,lt tl.ik.ri, w_*. ou applicailoa of couoe.1, 4*f*rr*4 aatll W_*la*a- d.v w.rk JuLd Prrrrf.10. Bamurl R"_ I'lfri.-k llnrm. JoHn FiIIot t*4 Frai r . Traveta Bat* in, il t.ir not *n4 ataauli 1*4 hktterj ia tha r 'rvra'h kVar co'aer *|r«r'inn-,lav on whirh tveeuioB etv*r*l pe- rnnrn »er* lajnrrd Ihrjnrv fean4 Him. Rvm *«4 I-t.tr*, *m' j rrniti ii:rnd,n(| them to mrrcv *n4 a.'|iilie4 lh* othw* Benieur* det. rred J-rrn-lth M. I.i'BiM >>* !.-,l g-.ltv ta hivlag v.j-ed lllttaltv aa tbe laat .l.-riioo dt- aad wi*MBtene*4 t* th* Citj PrUo* for Iwa north* Jnaeph Thoiepma wt* r-ird .n,l eonricte.l of it.'iln* aao it Bl wM worth *f velvati'rora .beatore of if) 9 U*a*4:et k Co M.attac* w..det'err*4 1 he Court iben adjouria.-U lur tke Aaj COnRT CAM!rtt>AB, THU BiT SrrpnioR Coi i:r No* i-_i, l.V), IM. I'.a, 1*T, HS. 118. 137 189. lr**, |»l. 10. I«. 197. IM. lfM ta Ut, 114 .* UI. Coaa.iN Pi ra* Part I -No*. 1.1, l l«a to ITI I'arr J N-« 147 173 to l«l Iada*iv* ClBI BIT foi ki.Not 1, *,-'!), 10, 31, :i_, .i:>,34,6, 7.11, 96, ST, 31. 38. Kiprkni CouRT-8pociaf Tarm -Noa 41, M, ttt, 47. W .o7'i l | I»i Iltlt'T C'OLRT-Not 51. 53 to (il DIKD. HI RIIANtt- A' P.*a«>ikr»P.ie. N T Ttf W Ittai.l Bar.iaa P I) tnlhedlit v*ar of !:.. ai* / tt r* ..IVr.*.,. tl, ,lt (tf. ot li'Oi Thr Ilrv. Oinlrl |t..rban., atftiiMi 4*alh ic nr id I* I n* v,l l.*e llrc t'V »aa h"ra ,a SBrrmen, ( ona Jiile 4. 1711. .i.*a r*af* Intrr. 17)1 rrnvorrd wit* bu la-nilt to Li-ieiboro. Nin....r. h* r-ira.ard 1 II oidain.d hv BLher Srth.irv.ai ihe aie of _.'. olButie* f.,r f',ta'. vr.r. in Berk.bire (o.Ma.. till c*ll»d. ak .al IIN. ka N. vtti.e (in a vt hrrr hr wa. Itretar upw ird ..' thirtr T*»r* wi* Itliia.r4.itiIrd ll Plvntautl'. (Maa till ahut IIU wa-a k»',nt 10 l'i ii.hk.rj .le irfl r.*ir,l .*,-_*l.inallv. dn n. h . rt.iU'iri* h*r«, ii. CkrM ai.if St Paul'a t'haieh.a till within *f*w weeki af hie 4t|th. .Uo Ib Nrwirwo. (onr where he wm niti. hihil of lutkia. aa am,, il vult He ei. In the alaUtfT ovrt half . caatarjf' *al wa* tbe lettei rvivor nf thi**.' Bfl* laat liy lii.h M -Va'.aTT ( (ILI.INS-On ihetih ia-t lir.ir.e B (VHa* lii*lii*i.fl. and thnteof tb* f* nllv ar-ln»if*.|'n |f|*a1 tSl f*B*- ri', fri-m hl* lifere.id*nce K anlltn .qiare. on Ko'irth Uij afla*- do, n at .1 ii rlork ttithntil fnr'b r n.i'tre (II. IKHN-Ub M.U'lav BMBBM .o -*n <*. at h«r lat* irall.il*, Nt- 34.1 Matl a- M >1> H Urtfla, allh o- Il-nrj .* I.H-a. ln n lailT-e in4 ln nd. ot r*ip*ctfullf lavltei ta .t'rnd hrrr f'lurral. at tb. D.iwnloi.t Meetiat llouia, .bia 4*/, Jan 10 if I P M witl-ont fnrthar Inriu'lea 11(11.LISTl R-()n .".atur-arrvenlai J.n 7 *.¦ l.l-nfy Mr Ot». II, lll.ri? it n. rr.idMic-.. Mo 71 kVcet Tw«at-lir.i it, la kh. UI vnr f I.i. lr. Thi- irVlvr.aid (Ylrndiot thef.mil- ire iov i'e.l ta itt-al hl* f. c r»l vt it'_.. imibrr iuriutioii. at 'al.aiv 0_B-BJ n l e'eleek hia <T' r.davi alu n.u..ii IIU r.mvim wiil bo lak a to Tnal'a .'ff.-niT J()IIN80V_ne.enibrr29 of .".rlet fe.er Aaaa M **e4 I i*t» anfl II m.iill. atar. ou th* lih Jaonarr Samurl B. of U* uaa, *...! 4 vr.* 11 DiiiLih., lh* l.rl.itrd childteBOt" I'h.raul ta4 A iat Thrir remiina w.ll ne tak.B to Pbllideiphli for lnt*rra*at rnf Phil.drlp^l. paper. plrt_-copv h»IN- Al Wr.-rhr.rrr N Y "th In.i t'e R*r Rlobard K*1b. Piitnr.il St R««inor.d- ll.r n.'nti'l hr bkk*B to 'h* Cathedfi! na V\'*ln*i4if mtttf In* 'If., K< v r-r.4 ClrriT it* rro;u.|te4 te *ttro4 ia omwck ati (Bl. Iin-. af A M. MI HHITT-Or fh* 9fh ir.f l.r~/|, |.*it*r Inftat aot *f Klwarl Iid M.rv J mr M-r:itt **rd II mouth. ind '.) d.v. Tbr f'.O'.-ra' |.rv:c-i atll lakr plaee at th'ir rrti4*a«*. Ne III Vor r rt Thr fil nifior thr furiilj »re ro*Der:f.:i r l..vl'*4 I > at- tm.l at P M Jan 1" Ql. IN'hY-At Kl.ili.nt, "fi'ly inn rll**t dl i|ht*r of 0*orj* W. ai. ll.nmh Q'.ril.v .* d 7 .ear. and 7 nina hl. Tb* friii..Ji ot th* f.mllT are r*.p*etfalij In.ited *tt**4 h*r fonr.l nn Fo-trrl, P.y (vv'*dnr»Jiji) llthli.r frnto the r-iit-**.. */ li*rir*bof»rlier Sr.'tt H l!o*M, atllf *. M, vri h. it f.r.ktr l.vl- IK.kkLANP Un MnnlaT rnornlof, at 9 o'.lovk Mart Ita* Rew laul Aaaahttr vf Jtmrall llo_ Iiu*. ln lh* _.4'li r*ir if b*r ir* The rrlulvee and fn, n>.> nt the f.-uil. ar* rr.**o'f olv lavttel ka a'trad >rr f.rrral at I .,'rlork to da. from 'li* r'*'4**a* ef har irtr.r'la'hf r Mr JoLn Canasr, 'V**c farrc., We.tr'ii.r.r ti. THI'K-Oa S.iud*].. lih i_i*t, Mirjr K 4*.i|ht*r of Mitha B *c4 U.rj K Tr - Tbr lii.ii,'* ofthe finiilj ir* Inv nrl to itr*ri4 her f intrtl frara No 74 ilitt.it. lirooklyr,, nu UVdnr*.!*. Inh laat at P M WirtLT llrro.T or Diithi in th* (Tit *f BrocHja. for Iha wnk eadln* Jan 7 mM Male* M; Pimilia »/, aJ.IM I7i Cbi:dr*n iJ T.tal Ib. OIIBIIB4 Apoplrir .,.1 K.i>p*r. llBl.m ofThroit... 1 Brmi' i-l..1 Ki[*aare.- I latemoeraaae. I Coi.».«'ioo of Rraia 3 Prver. Maraiina* ... . I r.^i.r. ioi t.fLtiu.. 3 K.vr "oogrelive.. liOllAt*.t C»uei..|.tii.n.fl Fevrr. laarM.3 Prarnatara Hirth... 8 ('.Bvulaoia. 3 Pe.er Tvphoid. I «h* ,'i.*t,*ra. I .8 Prver. Typhiia.4 r4~i*ll ,'*oi .8 (vini*.....I I'r.rr Oi*r_**of... I Hrillbora. i DrattJ**!.3 Honpin* oofb _ t I'l-ar. ... ....... I Vtor iv ia the He_d. 7 llrmorrhife.I I'okaowa . I Prowrrrd. l.lnPaia of Bowrl*.. J DiKBterv.1 Itit'an ufLnar. H Totv'.88 M VkK.NDI.LI. Heailb US.er COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Salca at tfac ntwtk Birhi*t« ..|,n » ? V . if.rBiv.f7".13 lepiorfcK Jolnt ffc«*k.. M8 jifii grlaCaaf Bd* "71 0 " 1 '" 11*4 Hiv ?4 Mr». B't * Zf'O 111 CrO BR B4i.iS * l OtO io. l'i 1 f.f f!i Cea Bdi prlrl»e.*3 arl S..H N Y Ca BB B4e .tl" Ml arro do.bd !»} 3f>0 do..¦.*_t im, io.wi «a 4o.aa li4t, 4o.M48 4o .tJ.Ml M I)*l k H.d r.i..: Ca 1 I P.rker V.la (_*l Co ..- 1% go 4o.hSI"44 I" ( ryaal Palaae.8B lt Bank of Coar_B*rre.I<*J I*' North r*rollaaCda*ar... * .> H.LO'.r p.aak.c «. ia*Mt teotral BB .... M. II" 3!) C-»tlteBtal Bank. Wl ino fcrie BalireU.¦ I<< CtatanCe. _M l"* 4o. |4' »..fo.!orh(tol4. I 800 Bo.411 |. C.lrdoni.r. Mio Co.tlin. fl JO 4a.Tt IV F. tr.»i_-rr.rr'rCo. ?w _...-.*** Til ISf. New-Jeriev Z-oeCa.M' »W d*.* TT| K* do.V59 3. 108 do ... .haw Tt I'I YU>. k kaytatt Ca.r 11 ro Ilirlem Riiiread ._4> M 10 in.b*0 li 8B H-rlem RR Pr*f...1MI 1,0 do.Ml tl 4S Stoaiat-oo Bai.raad.4il l«i. do.. .b!» tl .. 4o. V\ IM Nwar.*aa Traaelt &,..«*? " Rradin* B B.ap* 7* in* 4o. iK »l 1 Medlwin k l-i4 R R att ie.-M i>.Nriiiiii.ii _8* 4>i.WIMJi 8MMh. Ca_» R .*.... a* do. ...a»_*. io 4o . _w. do.h8»-74 15 4o..**» I 2f0 'do.lB|l»> do.hat.ia tt ia.*3*M ItMieh.s-RR.IIT) 3i* dn.hie *a', » aileh. So Caaat.I*t 331 4o.ktt Vi _»tlere t kC.a B a ...1-M J8 4*. Tl -e (BCOB* IOIBO ai.fr*Caill_raUri. -it. 14 'l«"C.*-el*ad*To_-*aa.. W Itidtttitlue noada. 91 '* Eri* Bailro-d .71 3.<«_r.4eC«B» Beedi. "fl. IB 118 4o. 77| X l.i I I h_..( l«8 *o.MB7I 5 Baak S»»te New-Yor* ...1-7 _0 ia.ttt Ttt m Nt-e_-«-aTr___Co....-l0r7J »0 4o. ... T7| ioa 4* M 4o. ...blJ7l 2* *o. n 'lt* d..T7J ar.' C-n.lerlBa< Coal Co. » J«a 4a.ba* n| }3 do.341 1 * 4a.«,eh Tl Plo k Bey Jolai aa.hio 4 |l* rto._.» M 4o . *iil,e ta.78 l5 4.V30 «. 4o.blOW l't IfBdeoa B. Kaiiroa4. u Harlem Railroad S 4*.hir *< Clevelaad k Tol*4o B R ....V.'hii 8741 iJEaS C____-e«_a.t*H MtBIB* I..1IB Stk tl l.tttM.C CaffmCt.ba J l<*r__r Mia.tm f 1C L-bi*b Ziae. 8 »l ie.MS 1 1,1 iltweaaCa. 4 400 4o.JBB I Xb , aie Mioiai C*. 4 . Wt *__".'3 J IftHplejCo. .h«0 4 I IfDJ___**~t..** *. IC.) I Jtaaia* Co..j_J 1 Ooa Caarai HlU.. ¦BOKB-Jr BO.B*. St M-Colloeb OaU. 8 1* JJ-C ^Pr-" ](< ^. aaa -IU- . IV Potaasar Ca»i_r ,~ s J Zla*. 108N.J.ZBM. .1*8 M: _*0-14 Hill. J . { 81 Parh*r Vela Caat 0*. % '.bM MmCalaiom\*amu Oa- .;*. _i ua tjia.' ta.M» .-

_T\ we?! known _NaOaa iMg BtBBtML-oilra. .wdfr.ml.idir.. »ad obh ereaitie.. a.on aftc2T..i,al rt blM-t'lTd Ihtt tle VS liit-n of Ib.' I v

5_b7a__i-_ Ib* reeenl rlrtorj of 'li.irp.r_y in \l .. '.

___T_Liah7u.ualwp.v-r' rCa**.__*._own in ihe v,ll..pe lo -... tb- ttt,' laa-lag Mtl.eaattht wiaoWa with hia m .ther. watehin_r tb£o« after hia fttther - <1« partara, tbelx.y eud.l. I.ttty tarioiu. and aaidr'llotb' r. I am afrnid."Afiaid al tthat ' iiM|tiired hta mi-.thf"--.Why he r< plied. 1 »m afraltl tbe aaat will *ho,.t rn.

and I think the iwahata will bara my Ummm\fttktr. thry go ap to hifh .¦

fySncYvtk Qmtrlfrly whieh ie now pu>.l,-.n"l t-o

Atfke B Kortiia. Lt fai'htul lo tho 'P'"1^^J>_^3tkieb ior KJtne time haa tnarkrl .tt pacf* -_e~Op-*ro_-tfcleon " Mobammcd aa.l tha -*»***¦ ^amjkm, '. fu" .

-fcm. I^MB ill IB, lOMlBH Bl * ttytt tl un-v.n ..,

ftelineaa and brilliaaer " OUendaaf e Germtn M-f.ol

hfcaaahjettof aTalnablet-any. g.*iaf ah_r.or.cal a -rana

tl >arit.nt nabMHI for tbe ttn I* of lan_ra*_tai BBaaaBfaaJMpith nnroenroe -BaaOtaal <¦*- ¦'' _BajB_HlMB aad remtrkt

»Th*BIoBae in B«-«h H< n.i>p_MBl .*' M ar, _affaM__NN anr

lloqaent parallel N-twrtn laOBtaaa and J-'rankl'm Tln- tnh

Md of " I'oor-Lawa and _M fcaraaa al foTtttf" in dit

raaaed in a well <.< tuid<-t»d and well written artii le. Ai

trtifnaleof the litt r.trv chiirn ti r «.f !>. QalaBBJ i* f/rtm ii

a paper of aaaai_M--_ mbnty, gbaagh Baaqaal in i moi

rtjta and of too mueh BIMBMHl 'ti Tlie Ufa und SurvirMef Arapn' form tbe tbaflBB of tbo *.-ientit.r- arfcle. wbi-Iwuritutea a apeeiality "f > *eb iiun.1.. r of tbit periodical4«a»*oi.ablca< countof ' The I>..iiu'iinn Prineipalttif-iMMtke War followa, and tha naatOer ia elaaai with a cop'ioa-b_ apparciitly impartial mtniapaat ai the literatary of th,

.ttt qnarti riTkeiSorihAtkn ¦/ Baaar _b aaa aa_arlal aa.

MbJithiDg adminirtrafion, ha* t ikrn a Ire-I. afart. *nd in iti

ttctrtt t-aue trniiodB ui al BM r.f.n.d lit-rary taati* aoc

IrUlianey of ronporition in tba pa'my dayt tfT tbe Kver

Mt* and Palfr. v ln fl.e vBr.ety of .... BBBjaet* nnd tl.<

niirit and MagMblaaca w_b w!,i. b th.-y nre glaoa.aad, w«

Jcd a aatfafactory puantTite.'oi" Iha aaaeoaa of tbe mg\mfbifh it inanguratit The widt ti Id of topi's which it Bfl

(Bpiet wiil be *.. n by a gtMBfM "t it* .-ontentt. Th"y B*a_

w_te"Bun.a«n'HHy|.p.ly'ii*,' - I.i.- ttDt tladaaa, M <>

»niere and tbe PUnpplaa Waada " MM on tbe Tbeary <-

Ciata»ion," " Beaiu hotnt ? l/.uin.\VII. ' CJrott | * Q'wtar]ifGreecc," "Mtmoirt of Kr,:.('.< Ho-ner.' "A Fr m'iei

glfa.VoT.nry hti.1 I,«yali.-t Barff Krent h I'octry. Me

jn'ireof K'tbirt Hai.toii! an "Iii, aai Ifflta M (8 Id bjfranrit St fo)TlrChruiian Ezumirtrr di«ru««e* the " Wntnan i} .et

tto,....Ti.er.ci.iiii.iii.rtei.ft'('.(....-poU Tb' PoatT* iftblhfit, aml reT.ew* Dr Jadasai ].''p " and "Oijoodl.Faotl'rintiiof ProvdentM Lf-data1 Tl.e l.om-opathiilUntiont of prarti. al wirdon antMad " R.fle .:onn,'' are .on

taaed. and well drt<rve th. uttontion of tboae k-ho ar<

a>n.l of inntr_<-tion in aaeb c aaaa Mratad daaaa A jn^t a-.d' ktl'ivg nolire of Ihe latfl M-lr.n Km-rton. tn .tb»r o1

galph Waldo.. lo*e* the t.i.nib' r. (Sold by Krtn-i_ k CrnThe Korlh Ilnlilh Rrricv, ia the IBBB__ of I. Scott A

Co, haa for ita leadinp artir-lo n m >*t elTquent and appreciatirenotiteof Madame doStael and eeverul of bar illaitri»ut (ontemporaricx A paper aa Aaaarleaa N'orelrt WiL

Ittrafit atttntion. thoui;h it paaaaaaai no tp-cial importaa.c' Tbe Hook of One Hundred Hovoraze* for fnmily uap

by Wm liarahard, i» a aalaaalfl m .i.uil aapaalaHj for inra

kd* Thert ia no rtim in it C ¦ ff-MBM- &' Co. are tht

pabliahera_DOUUI.ASS Sr.Hf.ASKA BILL

fttm Oar Owa ("orreapoBdmtwaMMMfBM, Satnrday. Jna.7, 1134.

Doegl-ut* Nebraalvii bill pr .mi*e» soon to o|*n anew

tereial of tbe bloeding woaada ho hnppily heaietl by thtieeMaaatlBSa Some of the Softt, not in the tecret tuppoted it to be a plun to laat their »in. i.rity and orthodotybat th« l.etier aplalaa ie. tbat't i*- «u -_4aa-____B*a arhenailoont BfllMd tbe Adanini.tinit In thit view of the ea»«

atmeoftho lnttcr propoB'-to brin_: in a bill rapaallag thuMineonri rttitritfon altng.thtr Tbo bill ie mu h fnir r ou

g'tt ftre in tev.r.il |iiirtniili.r-i llinn « _aOwft_l ex unnat'on

pjo.'.H it lobe. The fir~t aacw-oa br laataana ara* .l"t thitBODeoftheriBhlaof/rri'/if-r/vor pir*oii now pertriiniug to

Ihr Icdiann in thut tirntoty rbnll bo iinp'iir.d M ,ny ofthe Indiane there. hold alnvita.* property. aa I loarn from

good authority, and heneo IhM pro.l.on I'ml lubtedlymary ofthe good poayh al Iba Nartb regnrd th* bill withhermr and alnmi. r:ml will baM 'i|> thtir h tn I* in attouithmtnt when tbey learn tbut it ha* bccoir.e a 'aw B it whatit to bii.drr Ha piih_-.j.-iT IIfu. not the Slave power at preteotrcmplete lot.trcl alOaagreaal Tbo RaithM dieheirtertd or tliniomli*. d. Th.few nit-n inlhe Seniite und intheIlotire wbo wili niiht tl.is ntliinptt.. brefik d.wn tbe oldlatu.'ii.arkt of Frecdom hnvo nn oraawkabBlag hrea la aaa

tend will.; nnd ibeynre 1.nt too f.rbly autaiaad by tbeirfritcde ai.d oonttituente at boaaa Ha r wahBatraaeaa, no

petitiont. and no publie BBBtflBga on the *ubi et of Slaveryand it* eniroathment* are now benrd nf anywhere Andwhile all ebml. n ol tbe pr<. S hv. ry for.-o are unif.-.l on themain objc.'t, tln opi>orir! t. ,,f glavary B-aaB-ba aro aaattered into a multitude of fartiont Perbapa thia movementofthe "l.ittle (iianf may be tbe la.st ouncc that ia to breakthe cami I'a kaflk fcr tha qaeat_aa la yal to be tdved h >w

mu. h tb* North will benr \. -vertbele**, 1 tieliive withjou thut' nltliougb Auti SliiTitv ir* waab in p.lititul cireloi" it w&u never etrongi r w.tb tlie BBBaaaaal thepeople \' butita friendi nreuiioiL'ni.'^i-d, .liroi.iiti d nnd iinpraetn-ul la theirrperi.tii'ii* lt may Ih- tbai fh. j wii be wOSagta protiI bythe iMBoaa of the pa«t and mi praaanra tho ordinau.ro ofn-7 now for the firtt time n-h.ihd, B.

A WORD ABOIT THE MAILS.Broat Our Own t'orrrep-nrl.nt

Wamiinuton, Satunlny, Jan. 7, 1954.Watbington it not quifo hall"as far from Neiv-Vork

at Buflalo it IVoin NVw York to BifT-ilo it it over

five hundred n.ilea: ln. u New-York to U'asliingfon itia two Imniired aud thirty milei. T«e Trt'mitr anlOther New-York u.orninc paper* are reeeive I at a'.outtbe raine hour nt Baflalo hikI WaHhin.'ton. Ii t iket.prarticallk. tle bbbm tiflM t.> ga to Waabiagtoa that itdeet to go to Buflalo.nm- la} Thr Tribunt it ro-Bared laWaabiagtoa. b] axaraaa, aboal 9 o'clock inthe aroM-Bg i»f tl.e i'ti> \% ia paM_abo_L But taoaowrhareceiTe it l.y tnail are sMigt- to wait twelve houralater. or till the next niomim; * Tln- Poat-Oflea at.Vathington beiag clt'teJkkhen tho day-ra_il tirriv i«a. ittBiatter imiot dt-livereil until iiioruinj,'. So tli.it. praote*CaDy, \ki> pct Imt on,' iiail n i):i> Our inorniii" andevetiiiij; pafan Uraai NtwYoik are rea.l at tlie tauietime.Lettert niail.-.l in New-York at 8 o clock in the

BJoming are received no aoaflMf than thote iua.iletl at .".iu tLe ufteriiooii. Ai.d to a.l.l to Ikoag ineouveuit-iceialout oiM day in three the trains fail to eonnect atPhiladt'lphia or Baltintore, aud then it i* noou bofelMwe Lat* the mailt which are due at ti in the moraiiii..But you tav, perbapa. it in ol no ute to cnmplain Wv-ertbi leea aro eannot but hope that a constant aeitation4>f thematter will at laat brinj: a refonn. At preacnt*'our tufTeringt it iutulerable " Will )ou hear it iniiriiul. that it taket tikiee as v.ttch time to travel t'romh'tw York, touth, at it doet to so the aame .listanceri.rHi,.'int or weat At the Hame time it may be welltoinquire wbyit it *o. and how long it tnuit l>* to T

.I mifbl aM tbat tVta* wbo reeeive Tk» Tnbant ba ex.tam pir.izpenee * eopy for k. while nul xbeontrn **i lt t\ir le« tBia twottaU inmiber


The Poli.-e al Ciaeiiinati **em to have got themaelveehito drffei.'ly by their t-orultn t on tbe ni^-ht of the asth ult,whta, it will b« n-f-ollected, they dinpeivd agatharia.: whi. hlooked rtry mnt-h like a tnob. tliouch. we believe. it i* nowclaiaked that the ol.jeot w<ts aimply to burn in em_ty Be lni.tkePep*''. Xuni io It it alii jfe'l that uoneee*eary vmUrteeWat imployed by tbe Police. and at the laat advieo* fro~iCWicnatl, tba whole Police futce waa nnler nrrtst in. ludbag tb* Judge


KaBIMOMI Tl.e onranhation of the I_*?i-lature of thiaState haa bit-a tompleted by tht ele -tion of Henry U. Bibh.*f ToddCounty. Speaker of tl,. Senate, and Cbarle* II *

W-ntemsitte, of Ilardin, Speakt r of tbe Oouto.

NawtptPtKi at ihi: W#st..It aeema from a ttatement_ The Ndmauki-t Srntmel, that tbere are two more newt

Japera publielied in tbe State of \\ iaconain than in Miobitran_a tbe latter State there are 83 paptrt, in the former r5-

- ?-

Mr Puraar Hopkina, of the Star of tha Weet, furninhea ttawith the foLWiwing memorandumJu«uj I-l" mlleeionth of Ctpe (4t Aatoaio fet' is eo-ut-i'iv

S^tt* V. 8 Mill HieeBahlp Qeette I..« fr.ra Atpuwill furaaw-Terk Coiit.Burdln eoaapaav t»itb her for il b >ur. w tl.outmJ ail-rrlil .d.ai.t-.r ,,r eithtr .irle. wbea ihe Oeor|* I.vw lar-4M4..1 in t im at atd in II hoor* wa* oat of «i*bt of the Stir of thr?** 7_. of Cape Hittrra* dweo-errd her aheid ihoot firea_ai; but oa airi al at QaarraatlB* tk* MUr of th* VY-*t wu ehoai.


The wife of fharletTrtltio- Imr'ne nhtnin.'! b*r fre*..'i in from Kutiiherii Slavery, an lioiatd hr hua'.an-l ;i t»iit1,1*. a un Mimr wa* bflld mi Siiujay raaiag,..thfl gbilitbI'n al.vteiian I'btinh, lo ooacTMalOte tkfl family on th-iiradvin't from Haven Mr. Trataat and hit Mtla daogbtorw.repieint. bttl freni tadlfflOO.iao Mib Trainir 111! Itn t oooaoflfl.flf tb.-ni. t-M attiadaaefl w i« '_ iite n-ia**.wii

the r-oii_-re_ntif.ii wu BOOlood a ninn'o-rof arflO-i-Oflflfri. u.la of tkfl auti Slavery flflflflfl. inanv of whom hvl takenen Of.tt* part la ak_.__Bf tbe re-itoraiion of Jane Trainartoi i r j *>r. BtflTbe arrvirea rf tbe evening w. rn OOOBflBOBOO 1 by «in^in^

tl.e 114th metriral I'aalm" YY'hrc larael, fre.il fr.. PbtaoVt l.a_l.

I.i ft t'ie ft. nr! twant aad hit laalIhe trilvta wi;l. rbecfal _<.__.- nwaIkflfl Kirg- aad Judah waa hia tiron*."

The Rev. I)r Pennington. BflOflaf ti th" okflflflk, thanread a ekflftOf from Inaiah, foltoitiaf wMek be pravod for« better nodern'aniitij <.f tbe men-ifnl __flOfl__toai OtI'luidefiee, ai.d ofTered LTVefnl a, kn »a__M%flflflflt for tbafr. * ib in ai.d liai.j.inett ofthe family to tongrttulate flktBfltbiv bad flflflflflBMM.

After prayrr. Dr. Pennlngton announeed the arrival ofMr* Tiaiuer fiom Mobile, aud atated tbe cauva flf heral-et, e

Mr. Taj'pan waa then introdu^ed to the roagn>5ation,and piife.iWd to aiffl a bafltory <>f tbe "JflBfl rrainir"CflOO. Thia caae wat not ao mueh . atrug_Ie for flaflti.ht* of tn individual. but it wat a harl fmi .bt cutoatfor n Kfll-eraa] prlnelple, now hippdy catabbah-1 ltmight af em to the msi'irity of mankind a lit'le matter. tbiaii aiitiit rn of a roliired i-ln'liI of iiine y.-ar-i to her j.ireritta nalter b< neath the attention «f tbi* great Citv but it,a« the prin i] !. tlat wa* tought to be eUubliihed a

I rineili li- tbat c_acflTfl-d every jiart-nt. wheth r eoWed or

wbita. Niiw tbat tbi- prim-i|.!e waa oatabliahed. ther|«»ker ifnturt-d lo liridiet thia eaae would b<*eome a

BkflttBT of h'.tory It naa been printed aad eiten-ii.lvrirtuletftl, b.,tb in thia cuntry and in Kngland, and it h ia

alao bien prinf. d in the law'joumala, and will a'an 1 aaf-ttrnnl proeodeal Mr Tappoa then procofldod to crive a

birtory of the caae. fr«,m the time the |8_flfrapfc_j dia-j-tih waa receive.l from Ci:itinnati Ifl tho d.'i-eion of Judge llanub,. Ho n .rrated tkfl koflitotiofland fear ofJadgo* on tbo ben, h laadflrfflbtor ataplajuttiee; jtidgment lhat rok'lit bave beeri nrrive 1 atin half n'u bmir, wa« aoaitlit for thrnn_h the varioii.I. ni tr. in tbia city for more Ikoatbi I a_flb__ ani all theju-tice tht-u got waa an " undeeided dociaion." Bfl till.in a aiinple aid earne-t iii tri_.' r. of the ahain-lea* ffti.ntery of the courteaaii, aa abe aou_.ht t>

(ltprive tbe fatber of bia cbild; bow eniaent ooaaooltwiftrd oad diati.rtcd the lawa Car ber g.ld; kawjadooflfeartd to do tb< ir duty bow men, wealtny and inMii.uii d.eacorted tbo boM _____ t., mni naa ber kooooof ahanoto tkfl Court kflOflfl; how other inen. afetoadod by bullieatii.d rnndi". < niietiliited tbi-maolvca ber body guard h >w

by her arta and planaibilitlea, a lar.T p miaa ef I n u

Dnyieooat- bcr oad aot tkfl paroata, tke laiarod party.All'thia bi-told, and bo.v near and oftofl tle. Iriflfl It of thej OOT ii 01 enme of defent in their landable flfl.ortahlagllow, after 804 kintr in rolfl for Jaflti00 in tho p dfltod C.tyHol.iko Boaek otKiaft County waaaptieale.Ito. Tkotoqaxahtk.tof Jfldge Ilar. ulo, forthe npiicarant o ofthe ptrti.ain que.ti"ii Im __fl him. end wben tbe «. lli- tr returned andaaid be could not aerve tbe praOOOfl, tbat anotle-r o'li erbad j:oi the papera, nnd rifuaed to give them up, an 1 hef. an.l blf owa life ant in dunper, the Jadgfl rejili. d, I" em not .IiidfC of tbo C.ur.tv of kin.'s aloae, I a.n a

"Jadgfl flf tkfl Siiite of New Y"rk, you ahill havo Bflfl/"paperaj go to ibe Bigh8_ar_rof nFew-Tork, aad ooa"uioiid him eaaciti-cnof tbe Stalo of NewYork to aid" j.'U in aerving the prm-".--. tad if it bfl neonary, tak'i"every able bodied mnn iu Kinga Coimtv to a^Ut you in"earryiag it .mt 'Ib aflaaaa and the cbild were broagktinto ( ouif. ni.d bi ferfl tbfl _t_xe,aad on hearing tH-opini mI'ftlia jurt Jadge, abe wbo had uublenchin__ly braffl 1tl.e rye of tbe world, aad dotad lo trampb- boaoatfalier lcet o parenfa ri.bt lo bi* cbild, taraad berfa. e to tbe will in very ahatnu. Tkfl flpOOkot w.nton to detail all tho dreaaoataaooa bt tha caio;bow, wben tbe lawjer Iflld ofthe .. al.jition" of thetbild l.y tbia womin, and of the ch'll a nrcferenee for herover I er parciita, IkoJfldgO aaid " r\ bat, will you tf 11"me that wben my ckQd Bflflfl into a in i.-bb ira boflBO, an 1" ia there detaincd by l.rilu a of BWO_i fltOfltfl nn 1 toy ¦, tl. ll" I cBimot (laim atr and tnke h'-r hom^ t" At Iiir.l_f_BI_4_d inmiortalizid li'nr.-ilf by bia lthh 1 doei4oo thtt

Ii*»rv alave wko _0_ Mt foot on Mriti-h Boll if free," aof'id .luope llarculo in.niort.'ilize bia inemory by bia evenbi,i did weitloa in tbe "JaaoTiaiaor caae

" Mr. Tappantbi ii t, 1,1 of tbe libeintion of tbe cbild. and of h'-riiyfulf-anarea of ber fatber, when abe had been r"_'ive. 1 ir i.n

tbe amiety of tkfl aofltOB who cWimedher He fell pnudol ibf niiin ako kad ho fenrleanly PtOtfld JBB_-0 10 tfcflpoor oad tko aeody, proad oftkaatatfl ikototraod him,ni tl morfl tban ever COBv-BOtd that eterual ri^'bt willevi Miinlly trii ii11 Ti.

Jflflfl 'Iriiiner. tkfl little girl, w\i, nt tlio rojueflt of MrTflpJ nn. tli ii -kowa lo tkfl iiudience by bot fath'.r. au 1 ett itt tl ii iu b iilnisl. I'otb be and bia cbild look ro-

lenifi'ibly intt-lliirent, and on bia facc aoetned impriato.l atl. 11. iu ii boly aratHado. tbat BarflflBBOlk ooaoopdofl.mt.Ttxfffm Un ii reiid tka CeBotriaf i

¦BVBBIOO riMii uf.'tc tbi! laal wrelil.e.l Im.iB their fnea deiiy-1 o ;ive tagrlhrr or tngrtlier d e;Bj felon handa l.v ol* releutleaa alrok*.r._m fend Mnk of feeling Nvturu broke

'...¦ t,'.. t« tt. i.t,i.r tn i.A a pari at'. I, vili il f.on. thei' gra.|i, aud 1,1,. d,-g aa tb*j part.

Dr. renriinpton then addreaaed tbo audiem-c on babalfof tl.e fBPC.pa.ed family, nnd taid, ah mid a.iy kiudfrit mta d.rire to a'aint them, they nii^'bt be founJ at Nj. 1JCon. ord tl lirooklvn.A colbctiou wuh th.n taken up, and, nfter benedietion,

Iko oadaoari _laporoodIIamu anh CtOTflBO.- Th. 1,'trhmondEromineri\'n'e*

tt at Mr .1 M. Doale. D 8 Ckflrgd at tho Court of Turin,Lar got liiiiin If a pdd lactd cott nnd tr.waera, and inj n ot ot tbiK fllleaflMon <|Uolea from one of hia rec. ntfna na follows "You flth about the court dreaa. I willH weflraa rtvaii di-at, bavlag nado good my point wi'.h" (be aiithtiritiflfl on tbat Mihject."

'1 here wna awolli .on on the ('entral BaBfflfld on Sun-laymciiiii.f.', ia tkfl vicinity ef -eraker'fl Boaifl. batwaoa tbei \].i. ee tmiii aiai aome freiyht eara, rciultiug ia tho iujuryof a braktman.


From Ohttrrathiit kt Stanitri Tktrmttu trt.mi Aj. I Chtmlers-tt.8Y Jullfl (_ 11 BONKCTTI

1*484. H K M U M 3 P.M.January -.ltf -.MJ '.'..J

LECrntKS, MKETINO.a, AMl'^MF.STS ktTutaoav Jib I'. It-t

I'i«imr A\ili.iams'< Lr.CTUtt-New-York I'niv-ni'j 7. _, MAwti <_iv_«y I ECTi'tt -Tab^roicle. Broaiifrai, 7J P. M.HUTIIM. ob i-oif" PoBTBr.S'lijveavi.t lut'ilute, 7J P MPtiAXDtf lOl-NII.Mtw-Ciiv Hall. ti ' M1 fMirt'Nct MeriiNC-Nu IBS Bowwi., 7| t M.IlEMCCaiTIC AVllIC (il.VF.-;*L CnM.-BlOaitwa. ilJOl*. 71 P If.Hear Inttiv A*-- 4BH.AL Mectinui.Hop. I'l.a..1.1tt M.McClLL'8 LBCTOBB -Chl rchanr. Marke' aB. Henr,-ata, 7J P M.limii.Mt MrtiiNG No t,t, Eaat Brna.lwav. 7_ P MfeNV «i liii.iitt mnllrnATiM; Siir,iTi».»"-H» Bowerv 7JP.M.In-xii om 1'1,1'k.Bv am. PaaTBtrtWTia i M .nh'n Hvll. 4th at, 7plowi.it a LE' lUtr-R'f. H..irh 'liurrli Jcuvv f'i v. 7J 1' MMtaaa ind Ka* ta.'-Hlai k aml vV*iit>'"\r at ilurtda'a 7P M.I pvt »N|i Mo. av at.rl " t nr'un, "t Krolic " at Waliark't 7 IV _j_CtltaACT or the i)AN6r.a,and "P,. . Ig tt ,aa nv." ilrjadway,7Ilor OoBB 3 I'ficLr Iowa I'lBiN 7PM- Natio.iai Thexter.leal Tut'MB-Pav at rl eie* Ing a; Baranar-Btaa n.nin n i HRiiTvki Woo_s MiNiTlELl-KiiiuiplaBiatu.441 Broadwajr" BertLtv'a Orrm Hocsi. Ktl.inpian DaU.aattoaa..M B'waj,7g.Nkw *, rlK AMriiiTiitATr.t-Eqi.eairiaB-.i7 Bowerv. 7 °. MBioapwat MtNactaiK.Anltnalt-->>7 H'«v\ |n .(' M io I" P. M.iNni'STtv or ALL NiT.oNi-Crvatal Palar* 9 ( M to duakBtrtB OtUBBI or Chbistian Aar.C4.I BrnailwaT tbv ani eveBiNVAKn'a Kcvil inu Ho_» I,ANn.1*3 Hmarfwav. 7) P MJoKEft rii.TOKi.rt or Caiiiobniv.718 Hrna-wa'r. 7j P. M.PrsiiAM't Seven Mile MlBBUB 881 Hr.arlivav J anif 7} P MGallihv foreTiiii ANTiouiT.a-v-_. Hroarlwav. u A M i.nPM.W'o«,i>'» KttF PicTtltl OaLlebv *v*r» ,u, _.Vi, 4_| Broadwaji*.GNiiK r.LI17.- Maglr.M.iv letaat loititutt, 7) P. M


MLB_a flfl tht, amj IM. hi Stro.no ".An aged and in-firm mnn **n* pninfully p'ukia bia wny alon^ the |ej aiile-_____ the other day, arr impanied by a fair youug fcirlwith wbi ui life .Iiine HA-notyt. She waa tlo;o_t wbatrhe eoald to aitl him in hi* perilou-i JoflTflflf, and it waa al autttnl ei^ht to aie llow many tiniet g_e1_ n t»r,.upin.'of yout_ at d ape haa bten lik. r.ed to a vine, c!ioi;in_,' toa rentnry amitten onk, and tuatriining it wbile it clingt,or vvrt-niliini; a 1 rokm riin in aummer beauty Hut it *

like a brave. youog eunbeam playing on the bnrdert of a

prave'Ihe aid the youoj;girl rouldfrive. wa_ frail indeed. and

tbe old man aaid. " I.-. nn on me. aad I 11 t.rt olofltj." Waa nttbere a plaintive tuueb of true philoaophy in that, " L'an"on me. and I 11 be atrong I" Ian t it true. tbe worli over.ofirplftd erery day in the atrug_!ea and rallieiaudMflBMjks, that make np the anm of huintn life 1

It would tnakt the barden of a aon.-. or the tezt of oaermon Lay a wti_ht on the failin<; ar.h, and t atand*atren^ apaia rarpoae new obligttiona upoa the falteringarjiirit, and itt latent |*ower ia tUveloped. and it nobly auataica tb. in al>. foi the trmh and the worda are, " I- an oa

"nie, and IllboatroapJohk Jat * LrcTt-Rk; Banrrofi, in hia _____flfll 11 «

lory, aaya .. Tbat New York ia not a Slave State bke Ciro" lina ia dne to < limate, and not to the i ¦flflrio*' huui inity flfk- foandert. Thia riew of the anbject, thou.h freqneafly

aa*«n,tdtoby auperfltiaior pn-judiccd pfiana, ia a riolation of hiatorical trnth and Bnjc«t to tbe foundera of New-ork, aa Ur Jay will. we trnit, take oooaaion thit evi »;n.-in bia ltvture at tbe Tabtrna. If, to show-hit anbject naturally IMB-Bg bim to inveatigate the hiatory of SitTery and oftin illortB for kflakoMofl ia thia st_t_ It ___| bc et\'j forbim to prore, in the firtt plaee, that Slavery exiated herefr.*m lf:« to lfl_T--IM yeara tbat tbe alave trade flouri»hfd here nntil ita aboltion in WH that tbe treattnent ofalave* bere waamarkedby aa great barbiriii.aa.in anyState of tke l'nion, _a appeara from tbe jud'nial reeorda oftbetria-iof negronain the plota of 17111 and 1741. wbenthty were BtflBBMed to be barnedalive and to be kapt intorture for bonra' In the next plae*. be will be able toahow tbat thf abolition of tbeayartem waa the work of yeara,and tbat it waa oonimenced by the Ma_u_i'_aion Sooioty io178*.a Socioty enibi-eiag tha moat reapectable ritisena.

irtn»;' of Tthnm were emimnt in the Sta»e tt rhur.^n. at th«l'< i. h .er tt tl i- Bar- -men who aid«d in ee*ti»'ng onr iad*I* i.ilei e iad atteiii. d ia l___iag the F. d- r*J (' lattita&aa

j r-m'r. tikl Brnttng whom wa* Aleivnder HtmTon Tb*hietory -hitb Mr Jay propo««eto p \e of th- a'tim of m-Uimniu r.lt:ir»nto thr great qae-tmn whi. b, ;l.oa_-h of -n- tt tthd " ar.d " iv.mjw-niii'td by p-liti iarn, it yet the aa

fuiebt d pnil.l. m of tbe age, will no dnibt pr >re deeply iatrreafirir to thoee who are wdling fo aaek in the examp'e f»ftle fathir* the lipht tbat perrhanre may puide them in hedircharpeof thtir own dntit Mr Jty, at thelinea' and wor

tby drrv.ndent of one of tbe rooat em'.nent m-n of tbeJ'f-volufii n, etid one wbo took a prom'nent part in brinji-gal-eot th*- abol ti"n of Slavery in New York, ia petuliirlrfitted to pre.aeni tbi* important ehtpter of hittory ia itaapprf'priate nlationt to the practical iataei ofthe preienttime. and wc tnurt he msy he bonored by a fdU haate.

FkB*iM. m mi Pabk We do not knnw whi that tspititindivida.il may be who doe* tbe Cit? farming. but wercteumc br- wa* Horn in a bng. eda.ated ia a rosrah, andItaroed all be ever koew ahont i ultivBtin~ land in eomemoiet part of t rea'ion. wbere it ia n*e-*«ary to dip the aoilinto alternate diti baa and ridpe*. chvatinp one ha'f of itabove the water in order to maJce it produetive. The workwhich hat b**en done in tbe Park.we nappot* with a vi*wto make the praat grow.hat all been done upon '.hit print'jlf All the praae plat* have been olevafed five or alxinchet aliove tbe w kr and made to thr-d raia aboat a*

tfTtctnally rttthe City llall roof Tbe wiuer from tho gra-trant down upon tho pravel waikt and from theae on to tliellapging ttom t, BB tbat for the purpoee of walkin^ in aueha time aa we had la_t week. the Park walk.a are aboat aapcod at any other putfer*. Ai the »onr_"b>dy, or n.body,tkho rarriet on farming for the (ity bat been unabletomake the graat prow upon thete water >he<lt. he hat latelyCf'tictived the idc-a of raisinp tbe b«di a little hipher, andtl.ertfrre hst dug thtm up and pla.ter.-d them over withal oot two inchra tbieknett of wbat he und mbtedly think*will Baa* pra»* (frow.eewer aad In tbi.t 11 inale, thepr<a»e»td^ffiiulty in prowinp pra-«arieet from tlier-xeetsivedroutht which prtvail every tummer. A. tjr h times theprr:.-:. upon a dry to'.l like that of the Park would be im-provtd by a fb-od of water etery day lf the p'at* w-re

a lridu.ed to the l.-velof the walke, or a Iit le below them,tl.ire would beno diffieulty about prata ily in? oat and norttd of dippinp it up every year or two to try BfB.h or

jili ettrirp it with fe-tr mud Nor would there be anyiif-td of tbote uw-lete tipnt, " Keep off the praafl," f.r itwould prow in tj.ite of a littl*- tramp'np of children'a feet,if it had a fair hance Any man wirl. bnins eaouvh tohnow pood Knplirh praaa from a pumpkin vine, wou'dkt iw, wiibi ut lf inp told, that praas never wonld fliaruhuf on mch beds ut tboae in tbe Park. if they ahou'd be dugi,p twieec vtry year inatead of on.e. and h»ve adledafcwmore intJNB to their hipht by covering them with »ower

mud Can any man, wbo ever tl.'nb"' walk through theI'riik la a Bet time like the la-t we*k without tliinkin,-oftbe eatcetnike tlupidity of those who havt raited tha grastplata tix ii.eht* cbove tho walk.*, and made the pravellii.h. r than the fltpgirg ttnnea


There were aome mntttrt of publie iinportancc before theI'- ard of Aldtrmen lacteveninp. at will be teen by th- re

jort ofthe jTOieedinptin anotl.er eolumn. A retolution toilirf 11 the Conrrollir to n-port Ika actnal va'ui' ofthe 8;Tfhtnd Kipbth av. Bfl'lroadt laaW-Bg <ar», d'pot*. i. alto,tl.e e_p< rr-e of laaaiag the cars and otber partirulartJ, withn vii w of takinp the rnilroadt acr eably to the .-'indition oftl.e glBBB. aml r, da.¦*. Ihe f..re to 1 eenttk, wat. afror amenlmi nt to ndd tbe Seiond an.l Tbird av railroad*, laid on thet.ible A n aolution ww ad'p'ed. dlrectin^ the Mba laeiamine nll weipht*. and metati-et ut'd by Hswkerj and1'fil.llfrH. who are in the bftbit of cheating tbo poor. TheTweiitii th Ward (liiiion diffii ulty vr.n .ettled by the adop-tionofa if-jKirt removinp Mr. HaOaakMf and de !ar:n^Mr (i:mtninpt II. Tueki-r, fa irally entltled t lill the teat ofAldtrmen ofthe Twentieth Ward. Mr Turker i* a HeformWUg He wat notified by the Preeideat la go baBBBltfcaMakor or Bai order and take tbe oath r.f offi'-e Aid Howardofthe Sixth Ward, offered a r**olution t<) eompel th.t II .r

bm BaHmod Co toput down new railt. whi'h wa*, aft t an

outl ui.t of indipnetion from Al.l H in wbieh he laOBMaO*(,! fuiir or five ot th.'Board ai BaSraod direetort and 'old"dttavedlawyirt," refem.ito tl..- Coram'ttee oh Streett.

DaaraVCTITB VlBF. IX VMaBBUB KT ./__«f.rer 120.OOO.Ahout 1 oelotl. j.aterday afierin on a (in- br.ike out in

tbe l.eetment of tl.e larpe *ix >tory lmildinp in tb 1 reu- ofNo 11.", Franklin tt, o,cupied on tbe various fliort at f.,11. wi Hent ke A St hrotd.r. cabinet and cha:r rainuftv-ti ry 0 I-t i' bte, manufm turer of famy cabinot ware

limt, t- A Morpi n. pinno forte minnftctory nnd Kintn-ielI'erir, vnn.irln r^ and poliifber*. . .

U'he Cre oriainated in the batemeut, and wat oc.a-ioatell,y the BpM ttirg of a ttoveIn ciiri ijut l <.. of tl.e larpe amount of lipbt and inil vn

iraMe mnttrii.1 in tlie premir-et the fire tpri od almoat withtht rapidity of lipbtiiing fnm floor to lloor, and in a'.-.i:fift.en n.imitt a from tbe time tho alarm wai given the buiSlir p wii- wrn] t in Ilam. t. .

Tbe workm. n it: the opp< r part of the bu'Uinp. bif|lyitiejtd aitb thtir livet. MOM of thein l.aped from tliew:tidowK while othtrs dathed through the flime- andtmi ke, eominp out niinn* tbt-r whitkire, rnatta.Iit*. _¦.,..

Tl.e v. ird, which waa blowinp *tron_;ly at the lifnri.il tlie flr.m. a tnwnrd the old t'huich editice, frou.in,;Noe. 111 and 113 Kranklin at The roof of the Chdrchtook f.rt nnd wtt partially destroypd beforo Ihe fir*.rmin

t:'tl Ftilidne the iii.nif--.

The larp* rear building w__s entin-ly de-troyed all f if.-r!-of the I'.rcnrrn to enve it pr.ivinp unavailinp The p<t,\tln at«m;tted from thit buil'lin_. M-t fire to tbe hon'e in fu,'4t,ftaappcr patt of wbieh wai o-enpied by Mettra. Mill^i.Kermtr. Otttiupe and famdii * lower part by A. Berltgd.n bi ui'nt¦tur. r of M-rupt, ct rdia ». Ac,The ailjoininp building. No 117. ot* 'upied as dwe

WUHaa. Kaaacdj aad Mr Heurkr. nnd No. 11'», oeenp'A.1by Mr Pnrkc ttwik fire in tbe r. r.r bnt w, re »aved thro'i|htl.e txtriicnn of the fir.men. The builu'fij; in fr\int of rlfa. trry wc.* partially dt-froyed.The follinp wal't of tbe bailding in whi.h the

arigiaat-d, cemplett-ly demolieher] n nmall bri'k stable.»jitl.. r. nr of No 7 Ltonard tt, owned and occupied by L.Hai'glt.on. Tl.e fin.t* in tbo reer af the F.fth WardStati.n. Iloueo. adjoiriin| the rear ofthe church etlifiv,wereabo ditnel>b.dApprihiDfiom were entTteined that the conflagration

wi uld BBtead beyond the Cbureb. townrd Chur-hat., anlaleo toaard Wi r-t Broadv.a>. but throu^hTiie eneruMie acti< n of the Fire Pepartment tbe fire wat prerented fromdtinp fur.ht r daii ape thnn a' ove ^tnted.The lcsa cf Mr. Ikrland h about I8i)0. No inturance.I. Haught. o. lota about I'-oo Insurtd |:iO)iatheM<>

Itnak Isturanre Co.C I :. all tn about #700. No intnran.-eM. ri-iT Hi aaka A Sthrocdtr t.tiu.ate tbeir lo** at abon*

tl7.n i> N" ititurance.Fniti.uil Birp. lot* 1700 No inturanreGarht . Morpan baa about tin.ooo. No inturance.Wm Kenttdy, loa #75 Mr. Psxki. #5¦>. No inturinee.Tle tld thunh _*liDee, which to narrowly etcaped de

rtrui tion i* owntd by Mi Harri.oc. and lan-1 by JoknKt rr, diitillt r. at a plaee of ttorage foi beer barrclt. Thet'liildirp hat not Lt n uaed at a plaee of worahip tbr kt.rol yeart.Mr Jebn Lind. foreman of Ho«e Co. No. 0, waa teverely

injnred by being ttntek over the head with porti_mi of tbefalling wtill He waa taken bome.


Tbe lowof MetropoRtan Hall eoubl not have l-een moredeeply j-.prtrt«d by tbe owntr thr_n it ia by Mr John TrimHe. tbe bui't'-i Mr T eon. idered that edifir-e the mat

ti rpiet e of tbe many publie kuildinga wb'nh be baa cxealedic rariout parti af tbe City and eountry, and looki npon itail. frfn ti.T aa a prraonal loat of more value than moneyI.i. kily he baa tavtd nearly all ofthe plant

. e

ln..Tba-Eaat and North Kiver* were very mueh ob-.tru.-tt d rn Monday morninp with drift iee. and we mayfi r t-oti.e dayt to come look for ttill preater quantitee


} We are requtated by Mr Chappell. ofthe em'.aent pnb-lithing bou'e in U-udon. and rca.ljutor of Mr Jullien in h'uitnuikal tnttijrVc. to ttate iba: tbe tot&l loea tuitaiued byihem throuph tl.e detatru'-tion of Mttropolitan Hai', waa not.

irgiv.n by our reporter. timply aboat a.'.-OO, butcountinpmar un-r-.pt' aiid printed matii mttmment* hall decorationsnttcaed fo be uted for the ball on tbe 1'ih intt. and theJttoratioDi uted at Caatle flardtn. amounted in all to about.10,000, upon whieh thtr* wat no inauraac*

I It ia very teldoin that we make errata, except a eontriryueanicp be givea by a typographical blunder. Sueh waa

he cate yeeterday. wbtn tbe word merriett wi* printedor mitt'et, la the notict of Mr Eit/eldt t aoir-e

MiaraxTit i I.ibrirt AtaocuTiox .Tbe aaaaal me*t

ng of tbia Ataociation take* plare tbia eraning AD mem^>era who take aa laieraet 'n ita a-faira ah.o-d attand

L BerLi5).l

'ellingi iy

ii :.. i/.\i, ai.~_.rt Uiin i jv, io

NtuT Hoti Cof-k-Y No "i3 .T.i'i drrnwny. wbhave if* er.tly fmabed at.J furnul.od their new houic o

thr eo._er of Franklio ar.l Chnrch »tt,tbr. w op.a th_idonra latt ev.niag, and weit> at botae.' for tba parpaaai

viBp tbeir rrierid* a Itrvnamber of wh im, boftlvl1*and gentlemen. ri.*i_ed tliem during th* cv.ning Attblwaa art ia tbe meetinp room. loaded with pood thiag*.tlai,and wvlid whlt h were partakea of at th* couTealeni-e o

tbe viaitora A (ine band of m .tic wat in attendanc*. aa.

T« rp*a lorran exer> l-ee wrrv indalged in ttrward the latt*part ofthe even ingTbia eompaay parrbaaed tbe Und and erected aad far

ci-htd tbeir booac at their own axpenae. bnt the hoa_o b*itince b«<n bcopht of them by ibe City for t.i.OOO. Tbibnilding it of bri« k. thr. e ttoriee higb, w th btwemeiit Iithe bawTmnt it a kitchen. in wbi.h a ceok i* cotniantljkrpt,toadm'.ni*_er to tht want* of their eppetiti* after ra

turningfrom battlingtbe fiery elemant. The baaementa!tncontaatB wattr cloaeta t"he front room of tb* firtt ttory iioccnpkd by the bot* earriage, b*'k of which ia tbe b'ltincaa meetinp room On the a* cond floor in the parior, whi h,in roet and b. au*y of furniahintr. wiil vi* wiih tho mwlmapTii£ct-nt uptown reaideace. Ita wallt are beautifallyfnecotd, and ornamented w:th numeroutfine paintin*-., engrnvingB ar.d mim rt whi'e th* windowt are hung withdrartry ofthe riihttt order The floor it corcr-d with a

vrIvet carpet, and the furniture ia ri.'h indeed, ino'uding afiitt claae piano The furnUhing of __.,< parlor alone ooat$1 K» Oa the aeme ftonr withahe parior i* alibrvy andreading room in which i* aln-ady placed a .mail but valua-ble library The front r> om of the thinl Btory is oc_up:edaa a tleeplng room. neatly furn'iahed with Iail for tbe ac

ron.modeti. n nf tw.Ive m~mlr.r*. which number alwayitleep tbere, to be in readineaa for their noble vocationBatk ofthe eleeping room ia a b ith room for the BBB of themtmbert. whitb aL-o containa wa*drobe cloaett for theirf.rc dn..«wt. Ac Tlie wbok toums it admirably planncd.and mueh tatte and nentne** hat been displayed ia it* ar

r n'.nt The total «aet of fumiahinp the whole bulldii g waa between a.",000 and B-,000.

PaaaOB or Kek.-idt aaa Shith.-Jjihn N Sm'tb andWm KeniHily, the two ex poiicmon ofthe FifthWarl,who rome time iince were convicted of burplary. hare beenpardontd by Gov. Scymour upon tha waiphtof evidenoeelii i'ed thronph the inveftipationt of the Recorder, who hadbeen dire. ttd by tbe Oovtnior la examine into the matter.The late pri.ontri are now at liberty.A Vicittarux flMTToa..Aa individual named Hanni-

bai, re-iding in Broadway, near Anthonj st, eontutnet d.ilyK I'ouuda of hay and three buthels of oats. wtahing thetame down with four barr.¦'* of water Hc maket a dettertof cakft. r.pplct. Ac, the free offeriagt of hi* juvenilefritndt Tbia moderate feeder ia 40 years obl. wei<ha 11.000p. um'a and i* 11 feet hiph. He is the lar.-. st el-.ph.nt inAmerica.


AhB.'-T ior Siiootinc. t DBffVrt SH»:Rirr whiif ix

.nt ui«(iitr.tr or hu wtr.-A great excitement wat

created yteterday afternoon in Chamben it, ewing to thefa. t that Mr BaorkW Folrom, whi!} a tinp for I, Vulte*Frq I-eputy Sherff, had juet befor-i been »hot by Hezo-kiabl. Thixtle of No 111 t'h.mb.ra at, but better knownm Ix)vttt of Wahpene notcr'ety. Mr. Polnotn. in eompxnywith Depaiy Shiriff Vultee, and other attachei of thaSl.eriCTi Oflice. went tothe prerai*..-* N'o IU C'liainbi-rt at.

f.-r tha purp**e of iHOakaiag a mirtp-ipe which wia oatrtar.dnp apaintt Mr Thirtle. Tho ptrty cntered the preuvtet, ar.d were rtopped by an iuner m.hoganr doir, whichthey found foarrit ad.d Tlie It. puty Slo-ritrthen tumi-nonedthe perr.ni int'de to open the door. whi'-li not b_inp 1 lathe dire.tfd FcL-om tofon. .ijit a panel. upon thia Thittialirtd n rifle I all thronph the aperture, but the btil p_*wedahJ.eut taking eflett An ctYort wat then inado to wid.atl.e br.*. h in t! .. ia_M lutri, i- ,it to ptrmit a perton to pat*tbroukb Mr Thi«tle tbeu diDfliarged a twivel duek punofvery larpe ilimrnriotr. loai!cd w_th slugt; thone prutedtl.rr.tipl, tl e door, forcing off tome *pl;nt.rt. wbi.h ttrii'-kMr Ftile. m on the faee. forehead and eyet, :nHi t'ta^ n larp-snumber of w<>unda and caui'np h m preat pain. Fortuna'elyrorc of tbctlupt toek effeot i-.pon bi* per«on. thouph tevir-1of thim | tm d thronch the rini of hit hat, which waipirtlyb!own away Olnefr Pat'ei on of the l.-.w. r 1VI ¦. itkiat pH»riiig at tbo time, an.l aAaraaaaatalaa_f what hadoc.uircd (tnt for aivsistanie to the Tbir.l Ward Sra'.iinHoute I.itut. Olmttcail, with a poaao of hi» men. rapatfadto the ipot. iiinliuc. i nlnl in tli.-tp. r*!np n lar^-e. row.l whichha.1 aetrmbk-d lie tben proceeded to tbe *e-otnl ll *>r oftbe p,en i.-e*. and tbroupl. tbe broki-n do-T ^«w Tiiittle. butf< und the door firmly bolt. d and tpiked ahut Thiktle. uponbet'g "umuioiicd to turrci-li r, etpn _w-tl a willinpne.tt todo to. I.ut wtt Lim.telf urmble to ap*B tke d.*or aad wvt

il.i'piil to p. t out of a rear a___ar an.l tet Uaaietf d>wninto the ynrd. Hi* wife nnd Mr BcjtaaiOl Whitaey, {y* clork,caine afti r bim, and nll wer. nrr.-.tttd and taken ro tho PoliceStstion Mr Foltom, MjfcaiaaidaaBt Nn _H Wettnt. wa*

tflktn to a d-Mg atnre, an.l hml hit woundt dre.ted InMBWBB-Bg Thirtle t rotm the dm 1. pun in quo-dlonand threer fl. _. two of whii h WBN loaded, to.-. t!,er with a hoavy eutar.d il.rutt i-word. were found TUtnc waOBOaa Blo:i'-f wirhBbaatB d.z.n tlup- which w,-re found in the wa'l, wero

tfiken to tte Police Station. I.afe in tbe aft.-rn»o'i T' la\\ litrt y ar.d Mr. Thirtle wan taken to tho T.mbt. Thetwo foTimr were cominittetl for cxamiu.itinn. Mrs T wia

ji rrtottnl to po h. me Tl.iitie i* abont Ji yeari of a.',- aa 1wa* an ollic, r in tbe War of 1-1-, and aVo in tho PlacidaWnr. He ttatet that he act.dunderadvice of tounstl whenbc defended hin apartint r,t* from the Sheriff.

Arfist or a B.kr-K TtLitn tor l_n-ziZ7.iTMr.sT .R.rcrery rl ll.r M,rt(,, .On la. t Fiidrty m.,rninp. Bichard J.Ilunit, firat tel'.r of tbe Lawil County llniik. lo nt, d atMartii ibaig, N V during the ab-enee of the Ptttammt ofthi*Boi'k who wttt at L'tica nbteond-d, taking with himtZ.OCO in ipccit-and bank bilto, topcthcr w'.th ayom*foMr whom ha had promi_.d to marry. He fled to thia City,aiid arriving cn Saturdiiy n:ph». put up at the: HiW-rd H»ttl. Information of hi* flight w__ tent by tele^raph to thel'ol ¦ authoritii s of thit City, nnd Uaat fioodenow, of theTlird Ward, anaii'td by Otlicer H.rvey, after a protw tedaeerih traced him to hi* hob). where il.-y aaagat hia at a

late hourenStinday nipbt. jntf iu he had iMtwaad from Btruite about town. On eear, hinp the room heoccupiei-tarp. f btpwtt fonid and in it tle whole ofthe ttoh_trcritur.' Set inp thit the proof of hit guilt wat oon-lut'.ve,Butnt conff tsed to the oflicers nml w*a taken to the PoliceSttt:' it acu letked up. Soon A.'tf r his arre't, Shoriff KirIty, of Ixwit Co. arrived in tka City with a pr,*cett for hitairi.-t ai:d will take ba k tbe prisoner tbi* morning fortrial He it an Knpliabman by birtli, 'i't yea-t of a(.i.. anlhai bt*n tDgaptd in the bank for upward of a year. Hiaintention «u to take pattagc for Kur .pe, and to *ail onSaturday ntxt.

A Birciar C.kteHT i.n the Actj.A earmtn namedJohn L'dwardt, wat yettr-rday __¦____ hy Poli.-emanKiintr. al the Firat Ward, eharptd aith enteriag. byaceact ofa falae key or a pair of nippere, th'' ttoreofWmt Cl.urthill, No M Liberty st. and rteuling tberefrom 500tlk ira>att», vamed ot #334. The oflie.r obterve*! the ac

tuied ent«r the ttore at aboat P o clock yeeterday morning.and toon efu r «aw him Itave with tbe gooda in qae-rtiouHe immediatt-ly arreated bim and to*>k poaeeu on of thettolen proptrty Tba Uiief i-onft*a*ed hin guilt and wat

4 o_cmitfi d to f-rUon by Jurtlce IVigart to await trial.

Fibi.About 1 .'J oclook Monday mominp a lir*wa* di.rovertd in the dweDing of Mr. .lainea 8.l'etrie, No ISB Wc»t F.leventh street. Tbe tiremen were

earh on ihe protind but before they i-oall extincuith theliamet. the premitet were damaged by tire and water tothe tmount of about ai.ico The lot* ia fully covered byimuranee. The tira it tupponed to have been occationadby toaoe wax frittion mntth'.ve, which were ditturbed bymice.


Diath ¦ Pm«o.a..Thomaa Haynet. a man of very lntt-mj r-rata habit*. wat f*und dead ye-tenl«y in hii eell attte Jeffert*n Market Pri*t>a. in which he b_.l been placednn Saturday afterno-'ii for intoxication amlditorlerly c »n

dnct On Snnday he appeared to be in pood healtb, batwould not leave hia eell Coroner Wilhelra ht-li an in

queat upon tht body. aod the Jury rendertd a verdiot ofirath frem congaatloa ol tha brain, auperinduced by intimperaBce. _^_

OrTBtoz rroir * CHti.D.-.Ia___f t Khrby. an attacbe ofthe imigTtuit tnstltution m Ward t bland. wa* yeatardayirTttted, rlarged with atfempt_P|? t* commit an outrapeapon Chritliai.a Noplemaker, a child twelve yeart of kf,and an iomate of the inrtitution He wat hald to bail byJutiire Stnart to antwer the < hnrpe

Chip'* or GRt.in |____BT*.*Vietor Sthult*. a Oerman lupernunverary -f tbe 8t Charlet Theat*r, waa ye*terday armted. rhargfd with itaaling varioutrt__raprop-prtiet to the value of .: V A fH>rtion of tha ttoUn articletwt» fi.and al the *tore of Mr Pbillipe. a coatumer. in Cbatliam tt. t') whom thev had b*aa aold. Tb* accoaed w**

held bv dnati. e W.jod* fi*r examiaation. Ha ba* not b*en

potitively ideeti_i*d at the peraon who ttole tb* prop*rtytAit-ertieaaaaa*.)

Ct.rnt. Buniona, Club or __avert_Ki Nailt are ramovedl_ilr ky f'r L.TTt-triato. at hM B-ame. Ne __aBr»__lw*T appoBT* Art l-'aloB Ba* a* wSkal jjaia. bd- wlth laUrf-etioa t* tht pa:ieot I> I ltt]*fl.-U ta.pe-tf-fiy r«f-_ri t* -ta pT___«lca if .4 T-ari-B

.__. rtrj, mi c-araara* er hM *aVta

|A#»W*_-IB- »l |A Cabp.Olivi-r H Col.i.iiiiib't Aral.'iny of Pen

r-._.i,r .id k. f kf.p ¦* "a B. a_a_a_af taat.ta traaaMaal N.w V-.rk f er** e.. tatn-m fw'l .artlra'art v kt hvl at tl'

A _f'B-v AtVw Biatifrt-eparfwi. aaa-'»r ir* »f.»a of rain"eervire ib ev.li.iat'b* r.p*cl'iea ef a p.f- th»n ta mvtt pr.

tte-ttt aa _ft-_r te-rhrr" vV I' _r»tit

Li-BflflflBflJfltBBlTiifl P.UACfl of ABT .Tba mi>«t t_a.ni'.<.e-t cil-

l»<.oa of !>..rrar-ivr*. ia Bfl ttta laihlioov.tr. at lira.r'e.Na :» Bra-I- a* C-ll aai exatnl.i -Ita th. Prii. Pitch-, aatthr rta-lum Deg.errcotvpe.. wbich itty caapatlti-t


f A-vert_.a*.tWetSilkt.atHe_rd,t l.ipa St Co.'s.No :t .firaad atttet Ui.r*. *. H.erd. Ilapn 4 fta'a, Na MI Or.Bl *t.W-Hilili <".-_» aod Towek*. H.ari. Clapp k Ca.'a, Na MI

OiaelMv* -t M.____.. at H*-r_ Cmjm k C.'a, N*. J I Oraad-

|__aBflflflatBBfl_JWft I.i. rya, Wet BOJU, Wrr HBKOn .b\ AM TowVt ('«. will »p*a iSetttt mott of We. Li.«a <*..tIbla B-oraiBf. a few e.lr »f the 5 -**«i r*p*_*d t.i.-4t; r-anaBB**'! Lla*B T.hl* tHaperi, tllghtlT dtmage. Sv wat.r, .' n.rvird. S-ptr 3 815. Deimt. 81 wlit. 4, Alutj' DtavatailSt.'w Drep Ntpkir.i, worth tf prr ,l..i-_ iligbfy we., f.r 1.'Aarticn v.t r.-iltv Hai-t!ey Liuea Sbtetiag7 I to H l. at M a.rcer:.'<aa tbtn ceat of l_r_rtari.a. Kjm -birtlrig Ltn m 4 aailper veii »' pieeee Blact Oraadv Bhiaa varj wiia. H.t.l-keea-ratcd t_-*twtvteeianr.ne't>e»_ g*-*- .. dav, a* tbe *V_* caaa-l beraayaata-. c«ia_-iaa ¦__, N*. at Urt_J gt.

A-lverti.im*nt ]" Self-in.provenifDt. Edueation aod Mtnijem »nt of

fTilWr.B " ar. tb. aab,'»r_ of Prof Fo-I.r. l«etir* tt tk. _

t ti..el Poteh Chi.rrh " ia J.rari Cttv, thi. evaoiog. at T| .'will b* aa iaaportaBt Irrtara to tboaa'wba d«*.re la i_.,.rv> a th.ra-aelv*. ar ab*ra lt U fr*< All aboald ktar ;t


fBOtaaafl.afl |.. Lacle Tom'a Cabin," with all the now an.l magairi-

eect aerrrti aod a.wla iatr.loeef ae.Biva, wi'l be p*rfirt-*d tl tb.Naiisoal Tbratrr lo-oifbt Littl. Katv tbif at'lnnooa

[ Ad*ert.*ta*at ] i

Gtx. Tosi Tm Mr. at _____. i s.VTkflflffli haa not... i. Tom Tln.Bih ha. acr ieea tha fr*it*-t woad*r ia ta. w.rla. d wboever haaaraa. will b* gn'itied to <«_~ tba', .'thimgh 1. -

cow _I ye.rti.fage b. sot a q.vrter of aa iseh taller, txa< attroerft btav.r drao re wai 11 y*ar* ago when h» fi..r appe_r»d S*-fp. tb* pahlie Ib th* m*aBti n* f* hii *>*-oti* h.gh'y v-*-ti

pliah.d aad will ditpla* hi_a*lfia tb. mn* artrvtrlTep^rfir.iaeaaa' H.rBt-n'a Moaenre io Sonat. ipeecb-a 1'itieei. Ka^it'tiona. ke,tleai-8tBBtf.ee and Iatere-ttoa Th. »*wt' Kar.-ea t'.tBed.-i .«. ..

will !* rveo ia a_dr.!oa and all tb. Carloaitlea may le ae.o wita.utcxtta cbarge

[ 4<l.err_*_.o* ]Pfbham's Girr ExmnmoNs.V\> are ploflflfli to

letrnthatMr Perbarn ioteod. k**pingth* a>v_i Mil. Mirror oaevi II ition op lo th* 'ire. l.Btiteii for ir* beiaggivea ..p t.i tba ihart-b, Mett. 'he ritu i.f Pef.ru -r_ Thi. will allow ampl* tlra* f.r t'nr.-ert hpl,l»r* and i,t;rel.at*rt of tb. r-m-in.ng aii- -;,-k»ta i ( t

.1 -ir n ot.ev'a wertb is aeeior it evh.b.'ed. Befur. tbal troaa ar-rlvr* wr mppote tbat the queatioB of fu'ar. owo.rabuoflt aat th.84-41 gi.'t a-Iirl. i wl 1 be.l.t. roi.ned. a. th* C.iu.ltt i.ar* pratr»«virg iL thrir r'in ai ftat aa th. naturt of rhe cia. will ad.nlt of Oirfnet Ai wlahlrr to V.« arreeablv aad t'tofitablv eater*ala*d will dowell loatep lato the ifre. Academv Hall aad arram a 1.1 oftheil.ara tlcketa. w_,l< thev are io b* ha.1.

[ Advertiaeoieat |Broadway |f_______l_ Dhiksimi fl 'fl Wil.l Ani-

malt tak* * eold enllatiofl to ilav at lo'i-'oek To* Sia-naa* T.immt |.**r.nd*v and eveatag. aod tba bioa Kiog eotert tba deoatin t tintrt dii y

BROOKL YN 1TEMS.Mra Mary A. W Johnaon, closeB at J P. M tt day, a

rnurtf? of aix Ireturca to L.nliet, upon Anttumy andII \ >!.!._>. in t ii Lft.ture Iiuooa of the Plymouth Cburcb,(Rev II W. neet-he-'B'.


FiRr«..At en rarlv honr ye^terdav mirnina., rlnviwer*. diaeovered iaauing from the eeilar of thu IflOOB lWanl Hottl, corncr of P.-arl and Yorlg ata o.'iupiod aniowaid by Ablerman Neeley Tb- intlatnmtbla n»ture oftbe etoi k'.b-i oeit. il thorr, "conai*tin. for the m.ttpirtofaj,irita,rrpati?d _rvat alnrm thrnugbout the nei_rhb »rh)o 1.11... Fire Pepaitnif nt, hnwever. at the Aldnrmiii t r«,j MMt,aoon complttely Hooileil the cellar and Ho"r tb iv*, na 1 byIkfflO flMOna oonflatd the. m_'n.__; elementa to the *.. >t onwbicb itoriciaatfld. Aplpeof _in, not bef.re broatbtd,had evidfntly bepn pirtjy pnmned out, and it ae^raedthtt^ouic ]*r>on muat have gaini il aeci'ea by the wiodoiv intbi rrar. It aaoflal aliu BM miraculma that tho fire aho il 1have born nrreeti .1 aa it wrw. aml the baildiflfaorad Thtb-j in Itock exrreda |:i,txa_.-inanrtd for i.'.ooo in theIlio. klvn Compeny.On 8aturdav eveninit. Ofliccra Alburtia, ofthe Firat Dii

tiiit I'olii e. HiteovM eil a tire in the tb'r'l atory flf N'i -7I!. ary -t on U|i. .1 b] V W. Oreon. Tlie Bfllflfl fr un a

i.n.1 lij.b!baii eonimunieatrd with th- windov e.irfai-\«, nn 1the room waa tll in n blaze. The oflleer, with tbo a.l oftl. .niipinta rxtinguiaed the tire, befora it had tini) t.n.i.ke tuitlierprogrcta.A ttfmpt at HtoaWAI RoKitBRT.Otri^er Vv'.llia~., of

tl r Elgbtb ^ erd I'liioe. affoobfld .lobn Coifli Uy. aa Baailay, ou tbe ehar^re of BttOflBBtlBfl t'i rob Chritt ipur Jokann. in Twafl-J I'rtfat n. ar Poflftk -flfl. tkfl Ofoolafl tin-viiuit. wbile on hia wty homeward in Ouva-iU'i Casttiiay,ne _DeBC-, profltflOod o kaVt oad domoaded hia m .n«y,v.hen JokBBOa .ienlt him a blow which aent hi n roeliuj.i.i il then flrocfldfld oii bia way The oecaood haa beenc mmitttil for a hearing.liBBO..Pocriek HeBaooo and I'etcr MiJormick.two

haikmin nt tbfl Bofltk Ferry. trfllfl Iflfld t- eicli, for flo-(.rginp to attend a funernl and nfiowar.1 dlBOppOlntlaj tliopO-OOaWBMfl tbi v BBgOfOd a_k

Srvriir i r BflBBBB .A few evenlniriaini'e an 4 .e 1 manr.in.id s.iiiin 1 l-otckor,roaidlagla B-orflfliat. nurA:liti ti.. ac. iib i.t'.Ily fell a>rain->t a Btovfl and bflrae 1 bi,n*olfin a ahockint; manner. It ia foared bia injurioa will provofatal.


COBOBtlBATIOfl C__MI00lflflSB0.k ¦floBflw f,'f i|,e('nmmiaaione:. araa held at tkfl City II ill in Vrr_|%at|, xr,\xytaterdav fiftemoon Mr. KalbHerith inlTl. ci_ar, Tt_jrrpo.t ofthe f'oiuiiiittie on tli-' fit* ^ftpmtj _4nl BO. Ktrire C'ommifaionera. waa tnknn a» rpS,j( nn,i or,i,,re.| t t, .

jiit.ted. Tbe j.Itn ..f the F',rfl Daoar__aai ii linriilar tothat i.f Brookua. Seve-<ai amendmenta w.,re ma la, oae

krbprovidea Rjj tbn eleetionof tw. Ckiof Ba,. aaerfl,r<- tir'be _^tOra nnd one for tbo Westara Dlrial >i

, TJ">. .oard Bdjiurned to mcet at the City Hill inrirooklvu, iin 1'utaday next.

Tl.e lbini.l n. mi 11 bl a inecting at Buahwirk on Stturday nfterniM.n la.-.t. A inotion waa ajfreed to that t'ie up[ripriaibn to tbe Ilrooklyn City Ilotpital, Brovldod f.r in[hocharter,bfl inireaaed fiomO-'.uCO to tt.ono por an

num._FuirKiura or (.'out ir.i. r. .Mr. 8 Tuttle, ^oal iflfllor,

ltaa ltt.il r. -t" . -i to bi.n, by an unknown neraon, the l Uflof Ifl, throii,..b ih. __en.y of tho Bev. Fatner MhIjuc

I.tQir-r .Ou k-S-By B-loraooa Coroner Hinf.rdholdan iaqaotl nt a boflflfl in Kruat «t ,<*n tbe body of <.Bflfl BUaldfl. olon ', cigl.T year* offlgo, who uadaaddflo1* fji m tl e e'l'i 11.-. ol f ii.Ufl. Tue jury rendered a vor_kt oeeordirx^y.

KEW-JERMY ITEMS.WfllflBlflfl txn MEi?tni.io (iRau por FotvKi.i Suip

_»si Mr. < unarl baa tildre*-ed a com-n inicition to_M Commori Counril of Jertey City, takinir them tu .iliowv. li.bcra and men-iureta of >*fW Vorit to araigk afld . NItarocaagaflfl amt to fi. rt-i|.n port* by hia atetmera. Thf).rmii'da of hia a) plieatim _ro that the ahippei. w.i i reaiieln Ni w Torb w 11 not abi;» grain in any vei-el wbere a atipuitlii-n ia Btfldfl tbat it muat be me,a-uri-d b/any ],t.-ti.'ulirUtdindnal, < on^i.!eiit_( it an interfe"enee or iletOBBflO intb.ii baatneaa Tbey prefer to einpb.y nn» known to themr.L.'. tn whom tbey have confidence Mr Cunard aaid tb.itbe rri.et e. nform to the u-atjea of the port, aud if n->t allowed tbia i.i ivileffe, be muat rOOBOfakifl vflflflflllfltO tkfln.i.ldle ofthe atream nr to tha New York aide to re.-eivarareo; and he ... enie.l tlie ragalation detrimantal to thetraue of Jeratv City, while it doef not atTe't the intenat nf tbe ( orporatlon. He alao aaked wh tther thei xiaticjr ordinance doea not conflii't with the lawa ofthel il.d Statea reapertinjr for*t_n trade, Je~ey City beiri/witbin tbe Cuat.ni Houae Dftriet of NewYork' At theti« eial mettinf. of the Countil. held at the Clerka OJlce.in Fiiilay ev.niiiL' it waa moved that tbe 0-___NJ or-linance be'rrj.r-ali-d. Of the eleven mombera preaent, aiirhtvottd in f«var«'f repealinjr and tbree againat The m>tion waa loat, nine votta beinjr necettary to adopt aa ordinan.e.


f_t_njrflfl__Bff or thi Battli or Ntw Oiti.ctiiaThe Wrieht Fuiileora frave Ibeir firat Aonnal Ball at thaIltidion Houte, Kraey Ci'y. laat ni_ht. in eomrneanrati >n

of tae Baltle of New Orletna, th« auniveraary of wbi hOft-urrrd on Snnday laat. It waa well attended A nam

t.r of military |,'entltmen were preaent in their uuiform*


tctiNsT poLict orric-aa f«a waoto *kbiitWUliain M. Der_.it againat Mariui R Reaoi aad r.irnand B rlraitb.

PlaintitJ ia a ('oonaellor at Law. He aaya that on %i nf,up S«»eat_-a» oa hl» wa- to hia bom. aboat 94 o/tlaBB -Iin Ujeveoiat. la 8*p4 laat. k. obaerred. .ppoaU* a M-bodkt B-iitii

bctuv ow_*d aad wcnhlrP'd ia l_ colored B*ip * n*ar r.>ra.r t.fteecib48. arnml«r of prra-oa Oa ippwatklaf tb. ehireb, bt par-ceiv.d J.feodiBt. 80 Irb rttkmt aad aa__lriaf a eolored man wbowa. ta tha itren bnt who aaked ro ro into Ibe rh.-rrh aa hi. wifew.»tb.i»-«heoffie.ra8alii-__dkl.eli'> wbea Mr McDeriaot r.-

markrd "dori't ttnk* _.1," wber-npoa th. li.akenaat toldtB.8.cart. tmtt plairtirl and ba did ao. taking aold of Mr. D bf tha eoll_racd kerp-r hiai Ib thal i oaUloo Bl' tb*v anitad at tbe atati >n

fctlt> t-.reb.v t*Biii-t to drfrada aai irjjore plaiutiJ. ke. It wund ob th* p*rt of plali'ItT. tbat lt waaa Lera Faa.. aa it iturtnad.it the rbnrrh. aad er*.'biag waaeaed-i.*d 880888H| witb tha ex-<¦' pt 00 of Ibe l<»:d ynrrtt aad a.ugltig tari,l-nt to torb occaaio-a tlth. eolored Me'bodl. ehnrehf- which bronght a oa..r of pvr-ttmttttmi ib* chnreh hut there wm bo B-OMMOB apptreatlr, fot tbaraeitr poi_«d by tbe polk.mtva toward tb. 00 orti mta -ar ,. c*r-

talnlr. th* n-.*r»lv aavteg. by Mr MeDermr-tt. d.l'i atrtk. bim-iititt anflreleBt . ._e ;o ar__t lattcr. Na la.naa waa ad.-4.Verdict fot plalatil.

»-'*r I T 4*tD B4TTBBT.Oorg* II. Barar igt. Daatol Thnaaaa

To recover damagt* amount laid at fll.ooo, for anejre-laatti.'. . aod barta. Th. ea.. waa trl*_ htftrtt wntm tb. ..ryeoallnct atraa. HalntiiT al____ to have boafht irf defva«_av*8Wl v»*8

barrela of-raah-rriee. aad la . diaput' refardlag th«» defaadaat it

ia ai-grd araai p!ai_tl- Thit wat deuU- aai h wai aa d. Btfla-feaa* tbat plalBt.n' wa* ab at to raaik tha berrali witb a h act!og-brib.»bi6 defe.__.it aiarily puahea hl- .way %ardidt fot da-faadaat



Ctty ot Aew-Tark agt Laat BaUotk, al.itaaawblD fllaak WatnorTo recaver flooo penahy for takmg tbo body ol o maa. {

.'» ha* bf*. ktTI-4 le IV- BB*tBB**aB-. at lh* (kiip Br . Mew *fll* mwhirni .* tht vn**; w*«*-*4 a*r«e4* fer tt* *w»f Aaa thaCtt* la«u* »-. r*rwn lo'ikr ih« r-oly .wa. tkr* eia* ta* r-wela*avertuardafier tettir« *-_-d« V.f tl.tfer p'a.atir ia aaaaat

COl'KT (>r COMMO.1 PLKAS-Bef.ia Iad** ffmtiriaaaaoia aaa aaraaar.

I.<Mii. Bchri»ae.n **| Jaa.pt Heoket.To reeovtr daiaaget for all*ged aiviilt tad bt't >ry

ll Uaalft thU pltirli* .lat irifAttt fer pa-a .,t af a *i 18r'uoM* la l-> ,* te hlia. to whu-h aef*«4*ai aaO* ** iu.» a*letatBI te Mr C and h* th*a ralle* d-fal.ai * ,_Imim 4 .*,

¦a whirh Atl. a* ttt .praf'i a* *_4 .traek p a_la_i_. . BU* e* lh*fiee Vrr4tri la* piaiaurl IA wht*h cetttte a i,k* aaaaast afBBBM

B*''*re J--*r Diiv.v lllll't IV -t: . Ot HOBlBt.Joha Otata tit laha A Niwbel*.

Tureeovtr . oo. alle.-d differeaee ia pri"* pai I f«r a.eae et he-aa. aad tnet wh'ra ih*v t .14 al Plaiettf rt-t Bt *tr>,-haerd ot Mr M . >*___ of h.-n-e rt.ni hua *l "aa l_-r«'_r -(».<Mr N _*4f.e woi'4 B*f w,r-aBt th»m hat he kU hvlfi. _m._*r *Meea menth*. bi ,1 aotbre. wteth* "liBer wch t*e a litirat*o-1. bew»»*r. tha oa* af th* hor-e* wai nneoaiA h_lv« laat .* >a*of ItaihoaldeeB bb4 of e 4v-»eee wtitrh lt I* r .at.-ltd ar fl *,«he e fwca iwa-i af. It a raateadrd that he .. HiM*. Iiu 4. I.ia li ff oee Ibir Mr M rntJe aav rapreeeata t >a« hat what war*corr-c: The ca** i* aa

Krf.ir* J-.Agt WooaaerraaiT laaiaai t raitBT ata-riR

Aadrew H H Ma-rlta e_rt Patrirk flf-*Plaintiff. a *hiu t'arpentar. *aid b* weat to Jaraav Oitf

Frrry futw oi'Bar.'a* .: a'« o'cloek la th* ¦ r.H 4 k *< af.fMal, wh.a ief'miaat eaiA that he a«4 giv.a alelatif tai _*a»Brbti.gr fCf « qasrter o< t doilar whirh h* hai pr-.-a'ed t.i ttt f.r-ri.**. aod ranaed pleie- itf to .*. arr-»**d tui renve-r* fe th* T .¦ ka¦ hi-iehewi* duchargedL Plaiatif c.:_ gl.kaW 4*ail|* fn miI ir.-fi f.^e irr.lt

la .lrrv.iie, It -a. ir-krvw'eflterl thit at baat ll wiall hieabeea hat the relyet af iilvilcaai. hut ii I* . .4 tSat pltttuf.-.'I'l'.r* he 414 aot koew whethrr th* ferrj matt't hai |i»-e W«toe iniich crlBPf-e ar not rhnt* f-n aairt.vr ot t J.'lar taiteai »f tei.hlilin*) m4thii jlaiaua .ulaaUiily ttmm, te fe ta tke P.»*eaOtt-.r*

ST'PERIOR I'OrRT-Befora Jel|l HuilD.uiri \V kk «tm.,r. iit Jjemh W ilaaeoi

riaintiff aver* that in I0SI he wa* ownarof tha barg*(ilobe. tarl dtfsndtm. of th* iteim-tn* __*__ iaeke. Th* har** wa*Ivint ia th* Eaat Hivcr 'oafeA wth 86 lua* of ir.a p'-ii.I e_a-f'i v*4 dr'rr.l.tt to tjw her ap to Allao* Ae.-.ir lia.lf. ee t_»l>c vb.r.thr !_¦«» wai h,t.;.v4 io the iteataer *a4 lh*. *re_ee*e4i T the North R.vrr until krv am* .mpaeite Peei .ke-pile. wS.a,hv tomr nrilect of tlioaa n V_r4 the «t .._«_*«_. th* h*r*e ttraalra i ro<k *_4 wwinak ."aiuti.l »vrr» that ib* ka-t* i«-i*ia*4 iaIhr water fer .1* au*nth. bef.ir** the* wer* ib'* ka riite h«r 4,,il*broa*l.t tn rr. o rr *k.<00 danacea la 4ereaea it it ar.rr.l thatIhat tli. )*|r *n bir.h**l to lh* H-amcr at nifht, h- eeaaa *r"whi, h .h.ae a b»*r4 r. ul4 aol *ee th* roalitioa «S* wa* i* aatal*B tiirie. that lh* ha-fe wa. Ir«kv tnd aa-eawarthv, anl .a.klrlft.llv -ud rr*'i.rn*'T 'iH.-n bj rr*eua of w n. fi. aat at betaf n-.ki'ltt.II* -trrrrH tSr t-r'.ck u|.l wrat -lewa The all***u*aa ar*4rule4 1hec._e_.an

? .__

t'Ol'KT OP OKMEBAL sk-hioNSI- V-*__.>-B*lore leiaaBaaaa

t'hn:r,-»T Jo' rmn. wh_ p'rad'-.l falltv. lait week. te tra*4 lare*.av. li. ariliii tr? tIA frooi tb* Hi.uk ofthe r4tti* of M«» T.rk waatnii n.ora.rt teatroecU to tbe _>tite Priaoa for ihree r*.r* aa4 atan-enib*

t harlea Atrstton roavl.te* of forterv la th* aa.*o4 <<*gr«*, wt*tri irnrril to the Statr, Prboo for ... veareen4 fo-ir moa aJibm*. V.l.h «k» pl*.4r4 .til lv tn iranrl Itrreaj. wii ieat*aeaa

I.' t),r BWl Priaoa for ihir* -ran tai ... mO'ia.I'atri. k I»aiv pir*.l*4 « laky ro not tn.i _a*an!; bb4 h.'urv en th*

la« el«ti..e dav Sentrttr* 4efrrrrd.f mauiiel IVmer plrade4 fiilf j lo pitit lirraar, ta Haallaa 0 .-

H- wa* ri r anth* for ari". a..*Ptvid K'rr ;'l-*4r4 rn.tv te riiitiBt with Patriek Dalf. oa *l**_

ti.i'-4*v Ib thr tlrvonth kVard Srotenc* d'f.rr*4Jnt.n Wil.l.n.i ntridr f uilry to lirc-nj. <u Kailia| * f .14 , h_Ja

w. rth *IA Sentenre .« 4-<f.rredJau *. St.rr. wa. rrir4 and onti.rr.l rf Kr*akln| lot* kr_* .htp af

('. H Kitrtirr aa* itr.la* th.-refrom ttftnti pipe* ai4 **a r».vk^t^urd ai aiae lie waawaleaced to the !h*te P.Uwa (ar ihree foartaod .la niootli.

Tfcr t,l»l of J»Di'-«S»un.Ieri ill*t*.l fn b* oa< of t\* PiarthafJ;,lt tl.ik.ri, w_*. ou applicailoa of couoe.1, 4*f*rr*4 aatll W_*la*a-d.v w.rkJuLd Prrrrf.10. Bamurl R"_ I'lfri.-k llnrm. JoHn FiIIot t*4

Frai r . Traveta Bat* in, il t.ir not *n4 ataauli 1*4 hktterj ia thar 'rvra'h kVar co'aer *|r«r'inn-,lav on whirh tveeuioB etv*r*l pe-rnnrn »er* lajnrrd Ihrjnrv fean4 Him. Rvm *«4 I-t.tr*,

*m' j rrniti ii:rnd,n(| them to mrrcv *n4 a.'|iilie4 lh* othw*Benieur* det. rredJ-rrn-lth M. I.i'BiM >>* !.-,l g-.ltv ta hivlag v.j-ed lllttaltv aa

tbe laat .l.-riioo dt- aad wi*MBtene*4 t* th* Citj PrUo* for Iwanorth*Jnaeph Thoiepma wt* r-ird .n,l eonricte.l of it.'iln* aao it Bl wM

worth *f velvati'rora .beatore of if) 9 U*a*4:et k Co M.attac*w..det'err*41 he Court iben adjouria.-U lur tke Aaj

COnRT CAM!rtt>AB, THU BiTSrrpnioR Coi i:r No* i-_i, l.V), IM. I'.a, 1*T, HS. 118.

137 189. lr**, |»l. 10. I«. 197. IM. lfM ta Ut, 114 .* UI.Coaa.iN Pi ra* Part I -No*. 1.1, l .» l«a to ITI

I'arr J N-« 147 173 to l«l Iada*iv*ClBI BIT foi ki.Not 1, *,-'!), 10, 31, :i_, .i:>,34,6, 7.11,

96, ST, 31. 38.Kiprkni CouRT-8pociaf Tarm -Noa 41, M, ttt, 47. W

.o7'il | I»i Iltlt'T C'OLRT-Not 51. 53 to (il

DIKD.HI RIIANtt- A' P.*a«>ikr»P.ie. N T Ttf W Ittai.l Bar.iaa

P I) tnlhedlit v*ar of !:.. ai* / tt r* ..IVr.*.,. tl, ,lt (tf. otli'Oi Thr Ilrv. Oinlrl |t..rban., atftiiMi 4*alh ic nr id I* I n* v,ll.*e llrc t'V »aa h"ra ,a SBrrmen, ( ona Jiile 4. 1711. .i.*a r*af*Intrr. 17)1 rrnvorrd wit* bu la-nilt to Li-ieiboro. Nin....r. h*r-ira.ard 1 II oidain.d hv BLher Srth.irv.ai ihe aie of _.'. olButie*f.,r f',ta'. vr.r. in Berk.bire (o.Ma.. till c*ll»d. ak .al IIN. kaN. vtti.e (in a vt hrrr hr wa. Itretar upw ird ..' thirtr T*»r* wi*Itliia.r4.itiIrd ll Plvntautl'. (Maa till ahut IIU wa-a k»',nt10 l'i ii.hk.rj .le irfl r.*ir,l .*,-_*l.inallv. dn n. h . rt.iU'iri* h*r«,ii. CkrM ai.if St Paul'a t'haieh.a till within *f*w weeki af hie 4t|th..Uo Ib Nrwirwo. (onr where he wm niti. hihil of lutkia. aaam,, il vult He ei. In the alaUtfT ovrt half . caatarjf' *al wa*tbe lettei rvivor nf thi**.' Bfl*laat liy lii.h M -Va'.aTT

( (ILI.INS-On ihetih ia-t lir.ir.e B (VHa*lii*lii*i.fl. and thnteof tb* f* nllv ar-ln»if*.|'n |f|*a1 tSl f*B*-

ri', fri-m hl* lifere.id*nce K anlltn .qiare. on Ko'irth Uij afla*-do, n at .1 ii rlork ttithntil fnr'b r n.i'tre

(II. IKHN-Ub M.U'lav BMBBM .o -*n <*. at h«r lat* irall.il*,Nt- 34.1 Matl a- M >1> H Urtfla, allh o- Il-nrj .* I.H-a.

ln n lailT-e in4 ln nd. ot r*ip*ctfullf lavltei ta.t'rnd hrrr f'lurral. at tb. D.iwnloi.t Meetiat llouia, .bia 4*/,Jan 10 if I P M witl-ont fnrthar Inriu'lea

11(11.LISTl R-()n .".atur-arrvenlai J.n 7 *.¦ l.l-nfy Mr Ot».II, lll.ri? it n. rr.idMic-.. Mo 71 kVcet Tw«at-lir.i it, la kh. UIvnr f I.i. lr.Thi- irVlvr.aid (Ylrndiot thef.mil- ire iov i'e.l ta itt-al hl*

f. c r»l vt it'_.. imibrr iuriutioii. at 'al.aiv 0_B-BJ n l e'eleekhia <T' r.davi alu n.u..ii IIU r.mvim wiil bo lak a to Tnal'a.'ff.-niTJ()IIN80V_ne.enibrr29 of .".rlet fe.er Aaaa M **e4 I i*t»

anfl II m.iill. atar. ou th* lih Jaonarr Samurl B. of U* uaa,*...! 4 vr.* 11 DiiiLih., lh* l.rl.itrd childteBOt" I'h.raul ta4 A iat

Thrir remiina w.ll ne tak.B to Pbllideiphli for lnt*rra*atrnf Phil.drlp^l. paper. plrt_-copv

h»IN- Al Wr.-rhr.rrr N Y "th In.i t'e R*r Rlobard K*1b.Piitnr.il St R««inor.d-ll.r n.'nti'l hr bkk*B to 'h* Cathedfi! na V\'*ln*i4if mtttf

In* 'If., K< v r-r.4 ClrriT it* rro;u.|te4 te *ttro4 ia omwck ati(Bl. Iin-. af A M.MI HHITT-Or fh* 9fh ir.f l.r~/|, |.*it*r Inftat aot *f Klwarl

Iid M.rv J mr M-r:itt **rd II mouth. ind '.) d.v.Tbr f'.O'.-ra' |.rv:c-i atll lakr plaee at th'ir rrti4*a«*. Ne III

Vor r rt Thr fil nifior thr furiilj »re ro*Der:f.:i r l..vl'*4 I > at-tm.l at P M Jan 1"

Ql. IN'hY-At Kl.ili.nt, "fi'ly inn rll**t dl i|ht*r of 0*orj* W.ai. ll.nmh Q'.ril.v .* d 7 .ear. and 7 nina hl.Tb* friii..Ji ot th* f.mllT are r*.p*etfalij In.ited <» *tt**4 h*r

fonr.l nn Fo-trrl, P.y (vv'*dnr»Jiji) llthli.r frnto the r-iit-**.. */li*rir*bof»rlier Sr.'tt H l!o*M, atllf *. M, vri h. it f.r.ktr l.vl-

IK.kkLANP Un MnnlaT rnornlof, at 9 o'.lovk Mart Ita* Rewlaul Aaaahttr vf Jtmrall llo_ Iiu*. ln lh* _.4'li r*ir if b*r ir*The rrlulvee and fn, n>.> nt the f.-uil. ar* rr.**o'f olv lavttel ka

a'trad >rr f.rrral at I .,'rlork to da. from 'li* r'*'4**a* ef harirtr.r'la'hf r Mr JoLn Canasr, 'V**c farrc., We.tr'ii.r.r ti.THI'K-Oa S.iud*].. lih i_i*t, Mirjr K 4*.i|ht*r of Mitha B

*c4 U.rj K Tr -

Tbr lii.ii,'* ofthe finiilj ir* Inv nrl to itr*ri4 her f intrtl fraraNo 74 ilitt.it. lirooklyr,, nu UVdnr*.!*. Inh laat at P MWirtLT llrro.T or Diithi in th* (Tit *f BrocHja. for Iha

wnk eadln* Jan 7 mM Male* M; Pimilia »/, aJ.IM I7iCbi:dr*n iJ T.tal Ib.

OIIBIIB4Apoplrir .,.1 K.i>p*r. llBl.m ofThroit... 1Brmi' i-l..1 Ki[*aare.- I latemoeraaae. ICoi.».«'ioo of Rraia 3 Prver. Maraiina* ... . Ir.^i.r. ioi t.fLtiu.. 3 K.vr "oogrelive.. liOllAt*.tC»uei..|.tii.n.fl Fevrr. laarM.3 Prarnatara Hirth... 8('.Bvulaoia. 3 Pe.er Tvphoid. I «h* ,'i.*t,*ra. I

.8 Prver. Typhiia.4 r4~i*ll ,'*oi .8(vini*.....I I'r.rr Oi*r_**of... I Hrillbora. iDrattJ**!.3 Honpin* oofb _ t I'l-ar. ... ....... IVtor iv ia the He_d. 7 llrmorrhife.I I'okaowa.IProwrrrd. l.lnPaia of Bowrl*.. JDiKBterv.1 Itit'an ufLnar. H Totv'.88

M VkK.NDI.LI. Heailb US.er

COMMERCIAL MATTERS.Salca at tfac ntwtk Birhi*t« ..|,n »

?V . if.rBiv.f7".13 lepiorfcK Jolnt ffc«*k.. M8jifii grlaCaaf Bd* "71 0 "

1 '" 11*4 Hiv ?4 Mr». B't *Zf'O 111 CrO BR B4i.iS * lOtO io. l'i1 f.f f!i Cea Bdi prlrl»e.*3 arlS..H N Y Ca BB B4e .tl" Mlarro do.bd !»}3f>0 do..¦.*_tim, io.wi «a 4o.aali4t, 4o.M48 4o .tJ.MlM I)*l k H.d r.i..: Ca h« 1 I V» P.rker V.la (_*l Co ..- 1%

go 4o.hSI"44 I" ( ryaal Palaae.8Blt Bank of Coar_B*rre.I<*J I*' North r*rollaaCda*ar... *.> H.LO'.r p.aak.c «. ia*Mt teotral BB .... M. II"3!) C-»tlteBtal Bank. Wl ino fcrie BalireU.¦

I<< CtatanCe. _M l"* 4o.|4' »..fo.!orh(tol4. I 800 Bo.411|. C.lrdoni.r. Mio Co.tlin. fl JO 4a.TtIV F. tr.»i_-rr.rr'rCo. ?w _...-.*** TilISf. New-Jeriev Z-oeCa.M' »W d*.* TT|K* do.V59 3. 108 do ... .haw TtI'I YU>. k kaytatt Ca.r 11 ro Ilirlem Riiiread ._4> M

10 in.b*0 li 8B H-rlem RR Pr*f...1MI1,0 do.Ml tl 4S Stoaiat-oo Bai.raad.4ill«i. do.. .b!» tl .. 4o.V\IM Nwar.*aa Traaelt &,..«*? " Rradin* B B.ap* 7*in* 4o. iK »l 1 Medlwin k l-i4 R Ratt ie.-M i>.Nriiiiii.ii_8* 4>i.WIMJi 8MMh. Ca_» R .*....a* do. ...a»_*. io 4o .

_w. do.h8»-74 15 4o..**» I2f0 'do.lB|l»> do.hat.ia

tt ia.*3*M ItMieh.s-RR.IIT)3i*dn.hie *a', » aileh. So Caaat.I*t

3314o.ktt Vi _»tlere t kC.a B a ...1-MJ8 4*. Tl



ai.fr*Caill_raUri. -it. 14 'l«"C.*-el*ad*To_-*aa.. WItidtttitlue noada. 91 '* Eri* Bailro-d .713.<«_r.4eC«B» Beedi. "fl. IB 118 4o. 77|X l.i l« I I h_..( l«8 *o.MB7I5 Baak S»»te New-Yor* ...1-7 _0 ia.ttt Tttm Nt-e_-«-aTr___Co....-l0r7J »0 4o. ... T7|ioa 4* M4o. ...blJ7l

2**o. n 'lt* d..T7J

ar.' C-n.lerlBa< Coal Co. » J«a 4a.ba*n|}3 do.341 1 * 4a.«,eh Tl

K« Plo k Bey Jolai aa.hio 4 |l* rto._.»M4o . *iil,e ta.78

l5 4.V30 «. 8» 4o.blOWl't IfBdeoa B. Kaiiroa4. u Harlem RailroadS 4*.hir*< Clevelaad k Tol*4o B R

....V.'hii 8741 iJEaS C____-e«_a.t*H

MtBIB* I..1IB Stk tll.tttM.C CaffmCt.ba J l<*r__r Mia.tm f1C L-bi*b Ziae. 8 »l ie.MS 11,1 iltweaaCa. 4 400 4o.JBB I

Xb , aie Mioiai C*. 4 . Wt *__".'3 JIftHplejCo. .h«0 4 I IfDJ___**~t..** *.IC.) I Jtaaia* Co..j_J 1 Ooa Caarai HlU..

¦BOKB-Jr BO.B*.St M-Colloeb OaU. 8 1* JJ-C ^Pr-"](< ^. aaa -IU-.

IV Potaasar Ca»i_r,~ s J Zla*.108N.J.ZBM.

.1*8 M: _*0-14 Hill. J. { 81 Parh*r Vela Caat0*. %

'.bM MmCalaiom\*amu Oa- .;*. _iua tjia.' ta.M» .-
