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Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia...

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Page 1: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.
Page 2: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia

◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race and Germany creates a ship building program

Franz Ferdinand Archduke of Austria in line to be King, visiting Serbia to raise support for the Austrian Empire◦ June 28, 1914 Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Serbia by Gavrilo

Princip Serbia began to mobilize an attack Austria-Hungary was assured backing by Germany if went to

war against Serbia (Blank Check) Russia began to mobilize an army to support Serbia July 25 French assured Russia of their support July 28 Austria-Hungary declares War on Serbia July 30 Russia orders full mobilization August 1 Germany declared war on Russia August 4 Germany declared war on France August 5 Great Britain declares war on Germany August 6 Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia All of these invasions ended in stalemate and a long

miserable trench warfare

Page 3: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

What were American Attitudes of the war?

Page 4: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Americans saw no reason to enter a European War

U.S. divided Many felt ties to former homelands,

◦ Majority of Americans favored victory by allies Common language, trade and democratic

governments Saw Germany as bully of Europe

Many wanted to make money Neutral rights included

◦ freedom of the seas ◦ trading rights with belligerent nations

President Wilson wanted to continue trade for the American economy

By 1917 American bankers lent over $2 billion to allied governments

Page 5: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

British Blockade◦ Did not allow Americans ships to arrive

in Germany German U-Boat Response

◦ All Cargo food or weapons headed toward Britain would be sunk

May 7, 1915- British Passenger liner Lusitania was sunk◦ 1,198 die (128 Americans)

July, Arabic sunk (2 Americans) Sussex attacked, Americans killed

◦ Sussex Pledge Germany wont attack passenger ships

Americans angry with blockade, more upset about loss of life in sinking ships

Page 6: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

The Zimmerman Note Sent from Germany to Foreign

minister in Mexico◦ Promised an Alliance Between Germany

and Mexico◦ Germany would support Mexico in

reacquiring lands lost to the U.S. (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona)

4 more U.S. merchant ships sunk, 36 die

April 1917, U.S. declares war on central powers to make the world “safe for democracy”

Page 7: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

How did the United States mobilize for war? How did the government and business work

together during the war? How did the government promote the war?

Page 8: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

The government intervention in business was unpresented

Selective Services Act- require men 21 years to 30 to register to possibly be drafted◦ Some women choose to go to war as

secretaries and nurses   War Industries Board- oversaw

production of war materials, coercion and threats got business to volunteer their services and cooperation. ◦ Rationed gasoline and heating oil (gasless

Sundays, lightless nights)◦ First use of daylights savings time◦ Government consolidated railway service

and telegraph lines, ◦ labor disputes were settle by the

government, no strikes,

Page 9: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Food Administration- increased production and decreased consumption ◦ (Meatless Mondays, Wheat less Wednesday,

sweet less, pork less) ◦ encouraged people to plant Victory Gardens◦ “the gospel of the clean plate”◦ Herbert Hoover in charge

Paying for the war◦ Sold war bonds◦ created a series of propaganda programs for

the common citizen to support the war effort Progressive tax- Higher tax rate for wealthier

people Higher tax on tobacco, alcohol, and luxury

goods Committee on Public Information-

create paintings, posters and cartoons promoting the war

Page 10: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Pass Espionage Act1917- severe penalties for people found guilty of interfering with the draft or saying anything disloyal against The U.S. government

Sedition Act 1918- law punishing anyone abusing the government in writing◦ Supreme Court ruled freedom of

speech was never absolute


Page 11: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

500,000 African Americans moved north and to Midwest cities to escape discrimination and for jobs (Discrimination continued in The North)

Anti-Immigrant Hysteria- ◦ American with German names lost

jobs, ◦ Orchestras refused to play Mozart

Bach, and Beethoven, ◦ towns with German names changed

them,◦ Hamburgers became Salisbury Steak ◦ Sauerkraut called liberty cabbage

Page 12: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Navy create convoy system merchant ships travel with destroyers

By June 1917 ◦ American began to arrive on the front

lines ◦ Russia surrenders and Germans

transferred to the western front New Technology made the war

most deadly war in history By the end of 1918

◦ 22 million deaths more than half were civilians

◦ US- 48,000 die in battle and 62,000 died of disease

Page 13: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Summarize Wilson’s goals for the lasting peace.

Summarize the treaty of Versailles. Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles

Page 14: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

United States wants a lasting peace Great Britain and France Angry at the

suffering and destruction Russia angry they were not invited Central powers not present at the peace

conference   Wilson at Versailles Europeans cheer Pres. Wilson as a hero Wilson’s 14 points

◦ first five points solve reason that started war (No secret treaties, freedom of seas)

◦ next eight dealt with boundary changes ◦ allow for self determination of government◦ 14th point called for the creation of League of

Nations France wanted to prevent a German

invasion again, Make Germany pay Wilson conceded most of the 14 points

for a creation of a League of Nations

Page 15: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Established new nations of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

Carved out areas from the Ottoman empire gave to Britain and France as mandates

Demilitarized Germany France gained Alsace-Lorraine

◦ Won rich mines in Saar Basin for 15 years German territories were given to allies as mandates Size of German Army was limited

◦ Can’t manufacture war materials◦ Submarines and planes banned◦ Forbidden to place troops in the Rhineland

Declare themselves guilty of starting the war◦ Had to pay war reparations

Creation of a League of Nations

War guilt clause embarrasses Germany Ignoring Russia Angers Russia

Americans rejected League US wanted to be isolated from European affairs

Page 16: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

Fear too harsh (British French blinded by nationalism)

Does not set boundaries based on popular sovereignty

Hurts all of Europe economically Fear US would be pulled into a European War Wilson appeals to the people for a League of

Nations◦ Best Way to maintain peace!◦ Travels around the country tying to gain support◦ suffers a stroke, half paralyzed finishes term by not doing

much Treaty of Versailles never signed by U.S. congress

◦ congress approves a separate treaty stating war is over in 1921,

Page 17: Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy  Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia ◦ Extreme nationalism from each led to arms race.

The United States enter era of isolationism In Germany Germany censored news reports, many

Germans believed end was mutual◦ angry at the Treaty of Versailles

A severe depression hit Europe in 1923◦ Germans lost jobs; money was worthless, unable

to pay war debt◦ Democracy holds debates about solutions with

little results
