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out · VirsiD1a atOUI, and 1772 for tho •• in Uo.ryla.a.4. Tho fourth 'Sidl baa the .uiatioD...

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The marking 01 tbe teu mile .quare ~aa oarried out by Andrew ~llicott. ylth

toW" corner ,t.on., and alD. •• tone. uetweea each two ool'Dera, one trlU, apart, tort l'

:Jto"," 1u all. 'rbl" .tone .. were aa-ad frOltJ Virginia saud-stonl of the Aqua

Creek Quarrle. belOW' Ale18Ddr:i.a. and were floated tq nuhinKt:Oll 011 barge ••

Thl old part 01 the C.pitol. the mid.dle put 01 the \'Dlite Hous •• the tll\oiAg.

01 the h,;,ua8 a.t Gun.toD Hall. and 14 recent tim., I bave been told. the bank

building o.t the south-.e.t oorael' or 17th and a Streets, yere &11 built ot the

V1rS1D1a sSDd-ltone from the lJ(UfIe quarry. The aton~ are about one toot square

at the baSI, and are beveled at the top, are from t~o to three foet out of tho

cu the aide ruing the :)i.tt"l~ 0.1'8 the wardA "Juriodictloa 01 the

United Stato.~, and the number of the .toni. en the opposit.e eide 18 "USJ71wul"

01' "Virginia" aa the CUI 11&7 be. The third lide boars the ~8te. 17?1 "tor the

VirsiD1a atOUI, and 1772 for tho •• in Uo.ryla.a.4. Tho fourth 'Sidl baa the .uiatioD

Uajor },ad,... KllleO'tt, thiB ",,"8701" or tho nistr1ct~ \!aO tho "on or AJid1"8W

Ellioott, who w1th hi. brothsr Jobla Ellioott oame frOID PeDl1sylvanin to to.ke o.v8J"

a larp tract ot land 011 the Patapsao River in J,lary:l~d. in the 18th c.nt\~. mtcI. .. who 1a 1174 laid out the town DOW called Ellicott Cit7. rUne yeara ber on he 8at;

th... .tone. ha ~.rved ae ODe of the eight commiesionera to es1abliah the ... t

bOUDda..,. of h. t eben hl. work .tUl etande ae t.he 'pl"daent 11uB ..

In the treat.y .?J peace .. ith EDj:land the -uDbaaeador, nQIDBd tho .5th parallel

of lat.itude a' the iDterotlcmal d.l"1'ld1Dg 1111_, frOl:l .the S'f. Ls:wrenco euet.w~rd to

t.he Coanactl~~t R1Y8r, 200 m1l •• ot den •• · northern toreeta. n fell to thlJo

l~u.ryla.nd suneyor to .alya the astronomic problem Dr t~e l"tarUDg point, which

should b. precbely ,!I1dft)" betwe .. the North Pole and tbe EClWltor. wul thell to

rnark the true cl.ll"Vecl Une demanded by the treat7. He and ilu part7 accompliDhed

thll heavy task, and thus ~e. York and VermODt .scured the pe~ceru1 Canadien


By a treaty of 1783. betwea Spain and England, a line wa" described to cut oft

the Span1ab provinc. or lo: .. t and '.'lest Florida tram the tomer British tel'J'1tol'J',


where w' DOW haft Georgia • .Ala'osma, and P:l1I.iI.1ppl ..

appoiDtftd. MaJ or Ellicott BfII joint oOffllni3aioner to a~"e with 8I1othor frOB 3paiu.,

and p8nMu.n"tly roark that nationro.l Unit. Iu 1312 he bacWd protel.or 01

l!ath8n!atioa at :1l8St . point, in which pont he served e1.ght years. until Ilia death

at the C68 or 66, and li88 buriod at ~8at Point.

The tirwt stone .t J01:I: •• ' Point wna eet AprU 15, 1791, aad it i.e tht.:8 thnt

_ get ,\prU lSth [rJJ the birthday or tho D1riric-t or Coluu:blQ.~

dOlcriptlon or that oel~e",ony. L'lleQ tror.1 an old Dowopaper, mEl]' ir.-terast you.

"At three P. M. the mUJllelpal L1.\lthClr:ltlea of A!axlll1dria raps1Nd. to the hou.e

in which the Caratd . .,81o.Qln ot 'Washlngton wer8 "tiding, attvr uui1.i.ng w1th th .. in

a glo. •• ot wine to the sentimeQt 'Uay the noaa whlcn we are 11'(,0," to place in

tbe groun.d r8lnaiD an bnmovabllt :1Irln~.nt or tae wisdom. ::md WlIlDi:mit7 of Nortb America"

tbe Company proceeded to Jonel' PoiJ2,t in the following order; 'tou sergeant; Daniel

Carroll, Ccm'DuslouOJ", a!ld ';,(&101" ot .:Uo.xandria. Ar.r...:l~ Ellicott, 3W"Y&;ror I!Uld

Recorderj t""ntt Aldermen lUll! CtanQD Couuell not li'1"~. ~.lu.90138; atrtmgerg; !lute .. ot

Lodge No. ·22 or .Alexandria, .. itb oavid 3tewart on his right, Qlld Jamell Uu1r, i Pastor

01 tout Ep1ecopal PaJ"ieh, on hie 1o!ti followed by the ro"t or tb~ fl"atGrnl"\7 ana

c1t11ene t two by two. El1100tt. 'Oeournphor ~oD.r31'. thOD ~ecertu1ne4 the preci.e

locatioll. U defined by the Pre:Jldent'u f'r.)Q1Iwu;tioa, wilenupcm the Muter or the

Lodge and Dr. 5t_.rt, aided by tha CI"&lt, plbD.t~d ttl 8 ori6inal or cornero-atone of

the Fadel'lll '~errltoTl 1:0. ~ccordanc9 'S'lth the improatJ.iv. righ·~" or PJascn17. nt·ter

which tl deposit or com, 9ina 1ll1oi oU waa r:i&d.a "Up011 .i:t..

ddiTered an tl.ddr-:Js!S, tuui "r-ter IUirtaking oi retreShl.:lcMo"t.a tho proce83ioa nlourned

to the o'"ty And clo30d the ~1ll'$t.'".onUII ..,1th a banquet and appro·prate "tout .. and

A toast hy Dr. B. C. Dick, ~y Jealousy, that gr~en-eyed monetar,

b~ bur1t'1d deep undor the worlt Uti ho,ve ·'hie day completed, neve)" tu l'i~e n&:aiD lti"thiD

the J'ed-onti Dietrlot".

CO January 1. 179), Uaj nr Ellicott r6tutn.d to Philadelphia to report the

completion ot his taat. and W&'s tendered ::I. 'Janquet 8l1d prsllentod \:lith t'i'Q . ·liver

cups, one ot which i8 now in the Mueeum at Contiltental Jlemorial Hall. Uaj or

• E1l1eot'\ '. repon wae given in the •• WONS, "1~ U wliih gnat pleasure t.hat I

report to you "that tbe line. are now opened &ad ol .. ,.d 40 teet wide, 20 feet on each

e1de of the liD ••

10 a few p18e •• ~ere the mile. ter.1Datad in a decllY1tr or in the water.

oa.. the ~.R.urem.nt waa carried e1thor forward or backward until finD ground ...

rNohed, d.Dd t.he ~ot distance th8D. mu.rked em the ..tona 1:D. 1IU.l •• and poles".

In 184tJ tho Dbtriot c.eded bllot to V lr&1D1a .11 that po~loll 01 the ten mile aqua ...

lying 1. tho ,tate of Virginia. The bouadury .toea. ~ still part of the diyidinK

line bat •• en )'a1J'fu. and Alexand.ria countt ...

The lin. trom Jon .. ' Point t.o West lalla ChW"Gb 1e aotUAl1, tell lIilH. 2Jo.6 feet.

the U.n. trCl!l weat to north corner ten .Uee ad 63 f •• ii. the line IreD north to eut

corner 1. ten I:IUa., 263 t~att and tbe al_he liMI ::La tn mU .. atl.d. 70S feet.

Decerabel" 3, 1914, 'l11e CcnaUt .. 101" -the PN •• natJAa 01 H1atol"lo Spots aDd. ReoOl"dal

01 'tho Diotrlot of ColWlbla. tt ... lL. held it. f~ arHt1ng 01 the year in the

Auditor-1un of 'Jood'ftl"d.'. 5'\0,." M.I'ao. Oeol'fSe P. COD..,. Cha1rman.pzoH1d1ag. Un.

ConWl'l.)' epoke or pH.an1ns the MUe-stOJlH of tb. Diatriot of Colwlbia, ond .1ntrodu.ce4

1.11". Inli C. Wood1lard., oebo uplained. the locatio_ or the .tcme.," SJ1d. told of hia

etforb to interest people in thea preaana:tioJl.

On April 1. 19l.5". Tho CDlll1littea pas •• d til l'e.o1ut.1oJl to reoommend to tbe Dietriot

Cbapter. the pre.oryntion of the Boundary Ston ••• Un. Comray reported to t.be Stat.

Conrerel1C~ the reC01.:.t:1e!ldCl.tioJl or the CO:DIBIltt .. , tb&t the D. A. R. take tip ror part 01

their Jlo:t.riotic wor:t for the year the pre.enatioJl and protection of the old bouadaq

atone. on .hioh are record.ed the oldeat record. or tho District, by placing on iron

renee !lround. ... oh .tone. to be nona by ChapteR aolleet1 .... 1y OJ' individually. 'fna

R1cnerd.on moved that the niatriot take up ths york.

o.I'Mjto tor th6 URe at the 18l1d were made to the C~D:rm1tteet vbich ntad as tollOWS; ,


!tnt the requ •• t at your rapt'8a8ntatlvee. Mre. George P. Con\'J8.)' , Chain~. and UI"II.

Velmo. 5y1'O'88'&;81" Harber, Correeponding Sec1'8"tar'J" and TreaouraJ", ot your lJald Cormnittee,

I. 'rene uaduniglutd, for anti. in Gonlli.deN."t1oa at 011. Dollar in hand pnlri; Do Hereby

give uud g"Wlt to your Baiel Committe., pennia. ion to erect on my land ourround1ng th.

Boundary MilEl .. 3t.ona ;;a.rked 'Juriadictloa at the Uultad States,' which 18 located aD

;'veJlu.a, II. su.ita.ble iron fence for the preservation of Baid monument, the area

at said (,n.nt. not to ox,ce.d ona yard aquare ot gr"und Gf "hich the sud UUe-Stone H

'the conter. the same to be placed UDder "the speoial can of

D. A. a. 1

W1toe'llll MY Hrmd Bl'ld :3081 the

18 DOW the Regent.

dq of


A .. D .. "

In 64d11.10D to the BOUdd&rJ Stonea of the "Tan Uile Square", n District Ch&pter,

t.~ 13a.rUett., hae under ite protection the J8rr~J"80Jl. or Cf)nter 3to!lc, "about 100

yaru "I."sllt at tho V1a.shinb"tOtl YODlIIIeDt t and an a line 1l1most dUf) south f.rOll the

President'. House at B d1etQD~. or about one-hslr mil.·~

Jefferson Pier 1e the monumel!t crh1ch raarke the intersectio:a or the meridian )'IQ'!I:ting

through the oenter ot White Houae, and the .aet ~nd west 11~s throUKh the Capitol.

Th" genera.l op:1nicm. seems loo be that the 8;1tal:t Ilen·~er of tho t.:m mUe square ill

"c" street bet-.eBn 171h and 18th Tj-t.reat. ••

.I' few facts t:&.thaTod toglYther by Lou.lse Corlin Chase, l!iatoX'l.:m Eugani& \';ushingtoD.

Chapt.er, D. C. D. A. R., 1930.

aOUNl>ARY' ~UU; S';U-c£S O~' 'rUE ilI:\'.l.' RIC'l' Q1r COt.VJ.WIA.

South or Initial Comer, Dedicat.ed by tile D. C. D. A. R. ',rraDe£erred to !ti. "tU·DOD. ;fa. t,;iIU;>·~ur .\prU 30, J.926 •

Souti.n.eat nO. " " .. " II " .. " .. .. " " " " " "

.L tAt. .. Vet'DOD. Va. Chap-t.or 2 3 4 , ~

'/ 3 ~

" .. " ~6rloan Liberty Continenta.l Koy.tooe Jo'a1rfax Co •• YR.

" .. .. Unmarkecl p'alle Cinu'Ch, ."a..

" " • .. " .. ..

':7eat ~ot1l.r Horthr:est No. 1

V1rginia D. ..... R. n10hard Arnol.d Old Dou1uiOD. Va • Sarah st. C1a1l'

• " • .. "

" " .. " " " .. .. " " ..

Nortb. CGroor Nortbeut ila. .. ..

.. "

.. "

.. " .. .. .. .. " " .. .

2 3

.. ..

• 5 6

Now lUWt8d Col&l'l)blu John Hlill

Dea,;dndeut. 01 ChQpter

" "

1 Patrlo1'a ~orial " 8 Col. John ihmeboa " ~ !la.rg4nt WhetteD •

Vary land J). A. R .. 1 P.!arJ iluhing-c.on 2 Major I,.'EaIEint ' 3 a..r Vlog 4 E11~beth J&~kgou

" .. ., ..

GonrlUl.ltlon .. L1vingaton Uauor "


5 6 7 8 ~

NatiOnal training ~oaool lor Boye Little John Boyden Chapter CaptQin 1,(0117 ?ltob.r II

East. Corner Southeaet No. 1

Di8trict of Columbia D. A. R. Sarah i'nm.klin CJulpter .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. ..

.. .. "

" .. .. " ..

2 3 4

tlarciM Dums • Ruth Brewster .. J olm L1ndaay ..

How weier the protect1o:n or Amerlc8D ~gle Chapter

5 l..ouias Admva Chapter 6 Ua.rtha Wa8hington. " 7 Luoy Holcomb .. 8 Uontlcello ., 9 PotOlI'lSC ..

lJedictlte4 .. " " .. ..



.. " .. ..

" "

.. " .. ., .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..



JunO 23. 1917

nov. June


6. 1nl 15. 1~16

19. 1916

1. 1916

July 12, Oct. 1.


1~15 1916 1~11 June

2nd 3u!1llu)' Oct. 14. 1915 }~ov. 4, 1116

Apr. 14. 1916

()ct, H. 1916 Nov. 18. 1916 Oct. 20. 1917 June 2, 1916

June 30, 1926 :1.0.7 6, 1918

Apr. 15. 1916

""Y 1916

JUl19 26, 117.6 Oct. 28. 1~16 Oct. 14. 1?16

• -7-


South Comer -noa&. The lint QQ. a;et (AprU 15. 11,1). at Jone,' Point Light-hOIl'" OD f'otmtoac Ai" ... , below Alexandria, Va. Protocted hy il. C. D. A. R •• care at Stat. Jibtorl0 Coadttee. 'L'rau.forred to ·t~. Vel"Ilon. Va. Chapter, C. ;\ . R. A)lril )I), 192{,.

uu". 1 ~. YI. L1n.e. 118"1' 12')0 Wilk •• wtreet, Aleu.ndria, Va •• O. A. R. ot .Ale:u.ndl"ia. Va, ..















1. ~~~ . Line. near Junotion Le •• burg P1k. and D. C. rau, JUex-uadria, Va • l't. Vemoa, Va. Chapter, D. A. R. :l. ~. Line, South 01 Le • .,burg Pi~ •• Va. (CW1."\iDgham Farm). Amerioan Liberty Cbfl.ptar, O. C. :0. A. R. S. ~. lJ.n., jl!orth of J. .. eoeburg Pike, Va. (Courtland ',mith Farm) .. Continental Chapter, D. C. D. A. R. s. tl. Line, 8ev~r81 ru4B rro~ LBeRburg Pike, Va. (J8MS. Payne Farm), on bank ot Luoky Run. Keystone Chapter, U. G. D. A. ~. s. ~ .. laine, on'valley rim a.crO!J8 fT'Of.!J Col~bi8 rORd" \f8st of BfLrcrott, Va. i&1r/~ County Chapter, Virginia D. A. R. 5. w. L1ae, in cLllt1rntod fiold ~ftst or O\(lucfl!'lyn, Va. Qn road to Lee.burg Pite. Fair/ax County Cbapt.t, Virginia D. A. R. '3. VI. r.we, ',iouth ot OClO~tO'Wl1 ror..d frto Upton Hill, 11a. (Greer Fana). Unmurted ..

9 ~j. ")'. Line, JHUU" bro\Jk in ?ark of Edll't "utI! Church, Va .. Falla Church, Va. Chapter, D. A. R.

lleet Cotner-nOlle. Wallo Church. Va.

~ .De Putrim ram ~t1Ja'n [u.et Falle Church, \'n. nnd Want Vlrg~la :itate D. A... R.



" •













N. '~. LiDe, ~e a.u4 ono-n:ut mUe, nortl'rwerl ot ".ren Fall. Churoh, Va, De ... ~Ainel" Hill. Richard. Arnold Chapter, i). C. D .. A. R. jJ. iY. Lin., ;0.8"1' j'rallitlin Park, Va. an Qrel!l:t. Falle Branch ot ¥iaahirigton and. Old. DcDbiaa RaUway. Old Dcninion Cho.p'te .. D. A. R. of Riclm!ond. :J. W .. Lin., near ,&.:i.&">r Gln~.:rel, Va. on. mile '\Iel!Jt ot Chain Bridge. Sarah St. Clair {nO* neeeendent. ot '16) Chdpter, D. C. D. A. R. ~1. \Ii. Lin. I Firdt stoue 1J~t. in 1-~ryland, on ... at b=k 01 CMU 9 near Little Fall., Deleoarl1a Reilsrvatloa. Columhia Chapter. D. C. D. A. R. fl. \1. Line, n86r Buat h[&llk :Jt, "JJelecarUa ResoI'Toir for cit.y waler supply. John Hall Chapt.er, D. C. D. A.. ft.. Now tmder the proteotion or Do111 Hadbon {~l;apter. N. 'II. 1Jn., U'ni'f'ersity Place ,ft.ear i"e •• 8ndon 3treet, D. C • Indspoudti-DCIJ Ban Chnptor, D. 'Q. O. A. R .. :~ . 11. Line, OD Western avenue tIIQuthweet at Chevy Chue (;trele, northw88t corn.r of 41st "traot. Plltrl,>t,'. l.!oJflorinl Chapter, lJ. C. D. A. R. N. W. Line, at Pinehurst, three-fourth. mUe northeast of Chevy ChS8_ Circle. ','J&stern aT£;nue 1\,-,.J JJrd -at.reet. Col . John Donel.l1OD Chapter, D. C. D. A. R.

? ~j. '1. L.ine, ir. :lee,? lIuocllJ !iock Gt"flek Park. 'J.nutb hank t)! Roo k Creek. ~!a.rl{aret ";'hetton Chapter, D. C. D. J... R.


North Corner-ston •• State ot Haryland D.

!l1 road from 16th street 9xtonded to Bethol'Jda. A. R. I ellJ'U of Janet Ht:lntg~erl Ch&ptsl', lAd.

~.lilea 1

" 2

" J

• 4

" 5

" 6

" 1

" 8

, ~

'~. E. I:.ine. JlCar Georgia aV&Jlue. just south of Silvel' Spring. Hd. on prllpertJ ot Senator Blair 1..e8. Mary Washington Chapter, n. G. D. A. R. N. J~. Lin., near eomOr liaple arld .. CalToll street., Takoma Park, D. C. MuJ 01" L'Eni'ant. .Cha.,r.tOl". O. C~ O. A. R. N. ~. [.tn., noa:r Y.tI.eotlic. and" Ealltern Star HOr:]o, 30uth or SliFO JHll Road, Nonhetts't. OUr Flag Chupter">Jl. D. C. D. A. R. ll. 1:;. LinD, uour SargMt. road north Qf 'BrooklD.nd, 'J. C • ::':11a;ubeth JaoksQD Chapt81", n. C. D. A. R. N. E. J~iuo. on tTl:Bk farm nBnr Queen's Chapel rend, 'I'e.,-t. ot Mt. Ranier.Md. Constitution -'i:hapt,er, O. C. ilO' A. R. N. E. Li:.ae,· n6r:tr !Jrent",ood roarl. nnd Rhoda bland avenue, 10~. l!:., 'I!loodridge. L1'f1ngston UanoJ" Chapter, ;). C. D. fl. R. N. E. LillO, an ;;r'oll!ldll of Nntlrmnl Tra.1ning S,ohool tor Doya, ono-halt mile east ot Bladensburg Road. UUeaton8 in ce.re of school. -H. ~ •. Lm., tlt Konll\C'orth,' a: r8~ 1'"':Jdw beyond et1d ot enr lina on KnnUworth avenue, N. E. Little, John Boydtm"Uha.ptor, 1). G. D. A. H. N. E. Line, at iJurrv1lle, near- OOl"nOl" or S.heriff :road nyt<i I'::'lJrtarn avonue. captain Hally Pitcher Chapt~r, D. C. D. A. Ro.

East Corner-etone. Jua~ south of_Cheeapeake Junction, care of' the H1etro1c- CO'll!ltl1ttee.

at end or car line. U. C. D..\. ':l. , in





" .. "







5. 1\. Line. at Cu-;1tol :ieilJbta. one quartor ruile south of Central avenue. Sarah YNnkl1D Chapter. D. C. 9. A. R. s. t. L1n"~ a:t a fft:'rQd9:~~outb ot Bo.weu r~d, east ot Fort Dupont Park. Maro1&. Bum. Chapter. 0. C. D .. A. R • S" E. Line, 0. few rods uorth of 6uitlo..nd road, S .. Jo; .. , Ju~t 1I'8St ot Cl:en Rwl. -on Tho ... Y0UD&: eetate. Ruth Bre-t7St:ol' Chaptett, D. C. D. A. R • 5. E .. Lin", au Dolker !"oad.s S. Be,. nGe.r Jh:en Run. John ~i.ndAay ChQ.pter, D. C. D. A .. R. ~OW' under· J~Qrict\D Eagle. Cha!Jter., S. E. Line. in a e;urdon ODst ot Rirle RB~,ge~ Take Good. nope- road, Maoana to Good HOJ.'e, thenoe" taking Iwrr:il:t;on roar! tor ons,-half, mile .. rurn lett ut briok uehool-nouea 011.- oountry r,ond for three-quarters milo. aoroa. Qx.en Run. Louis.' 'Adam. t;b~ptal'. D. C. D. A .. a..

6 3. l!:. Lille, ,3o\rtheaet of Congrssiit Height. just south ot Wheeler road on high land. tmrtha WflS01rigtOJI ,Chapter, D. C.. D. A •. R ..

1 S. E. Line, 0'0. J.l1vint-;oton' road milU" conorete hridge, Congros., J(ei~tB • Lucy Holcombe talapter, D. Co. D ... A .. R~

8 s. E. I,ins, just. QA1,")!R !flUQ PlainlJ, near HOl7'e tor the Ag!ld. 3Ud Infim. Yonticello Chapter, !J. C.. D .. A. H.

? 3.};. J~ine, on 'haul: ot Pot,()1'{,19.U River at F~ Ferry acrose trom Alexandria. Potomac Chapter, U. G. D. A. R.

JeUeraon Pier. D. c. D. f.. R.

Cb 'Washington Monument Grolmds .. Mary Dartl~tt Uhll.pt.er,
