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; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard....

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·UON sEMI- WEEKLY· . . RD. TUESDAY FRIDAY, ; VOL. XVI. NO. 42. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1899. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. JABE WON 'HE BELLE ut ful dvertisin Wilt Always Sell Honest Goods. ſte ... • rot. "Yes, W rlve lot• of things tt EB�EH�PI t�C-? f"': 1 . au T .. _ fY �n0 � IN N[1 J NEW ARK, N. l• VET HIS FACE WAS HOMELY ENOUGH TO SCARE CHILDREN. He Had (Uvea Up All llop e uf ETe Q�ttln a WJfe UntU He A��ld@D• lall� ued Ill• Pon•er, aud Te• lie ·a IUha, Partlcula•. · •o . NG . PoWDER f e dus a - --- --�--�--=· --=- =- = = �•·e hute to Hee go Int o the me l ting pot.," Huld an oltl mint uttucbe. "l•'ols tu tllmnctal HtrcK hrtug Unci� Sam a.lt manner of heirlooms which ar� bought over thu (•ouoter fo1· their Jlllli- �d "''�lght in goltl or wii\"Pr hullton. A1 · t or antiquity clon ' t count ut the mint, nml u. t:n1uh�Juhr11 hy Utmvt�nuto Ct!lllnl hlmHelf woui<Jn ' t hrlng more tlutn n lntn11 of r·nw metnl fruMh from the Ht nelter. \Vc get l •lute of every tlerlptlon, ohl wut ch c:UH.!, rlng, challlK, Hnu boxeH, I Jt.>etaclc f• · nmeʦ ntul J�lry muunb without number. "I r•eckon .Ju.be 1Jo.wk1n was bout the ugliest man tile Lord t!Ve1·l�t Un�," said U nclDen us lw nwdltatl I' e ly "Ju UlfH HtJou uf tbt. � Houtb the nre severul s�culators wt10 muke s busloes• ot truvellug tlough the r o l districts and buying ulll the old gold aud oliver they cau llud. They u e>· pes In ju<lglng of tbe llneness of metal, ++ tlwy 11ay as IIUle os tbey eon; so there must a big l>t In the trude. As a le, tbe stu th�y bring us und tbut finds Its way bere through otller channels Is old mul bro· keu and uulotcatlog, but now and 'tlteu 801Dethlll ot· rare llrtisttc \ ' Blue turns Ull In ·the lot, an<l we would only t glad to tnke It out ond mnke gꝏd tbe coin mlue, but the law tor· bids. wbetted his l<nlfe upon hiK boot leg. day till U n ' ly he sot Ills mind on wlunlu "l'ye kuowed •truug�•·· to roller thut I Hetty Allen, thut wus tlw hla m m)I!St man around for u IJulf lwur Jest glt pu lest girl In the whole coun t ry u n auotber look ot bi» tucu au then gu bad a do Zt!D fine Joohu fullers with rlgbt o .tuke u drink o' llckcl '. •go bor ses +11 uggles some laud emed klu<l o' glv" 'em a llsh f or tryl u to court he r, au blawc If lm didn't Jt. I've kuowed tꝏl women to oca gl t l1 er. the tuuulest part of It all their children Into spasms by threaten· Is that there ain't no purtler young In to 'e 'ew to Ja, ꜷ they do ꜳy uns anywhe tlian them seven chfl· he's en the cau o' WO than one dr cn o' Ja's. Au tbey all got blue naw a y. He wua je� t llln Uly, au eyes, every one of 'ew, au tb rest Is t hat's all ey was to It, It ·waa tlu r u like tbelr motber." IF. ''lf I we a m:m, " the woman ld "'I'd make my marlt ere I wa !lead; I'd lead thi worlJ with a battle cry. And I'd be fnou+ ere I ldJuuld di It I were u Ulall. " "lf J wcr a youth," the old man crle, "I'd iz all,dwncn, 1'!1 go with tbe ti& I'd Win mY way ti IJight place And stick honar ek his grc lf I wcru a youth." "It J re ch," the r »uor mnn thought, "J' d give my uU tor the poor's 6U l JVOrtj J'd oפn my door, an I'd open my he, A gness uad I would never I NO AGENTS 01< DIIANCII JIOUSilS I AWJIBIIB. liAIL OIUJEUS CAII>l· FULLY Fli�LED. : : : : : I FREB n•:t.IVERIES nv ouR owN WA · I OON� TO WFTFim�D AND VICINl'l'Y ltoNDA'' · w•:DNESDAY, FRIDAY. : 707 to 721 Broad and 8 Gadar St.,- - NEWARK. N. J. "That, by the wny, Ia oo doubt the Tory reason why we cuslonully l't su�h nlcls. l'Mlllt! who llre pꝏr nu t>roud would ruther lln\'e the !den· tlty of their relics lost fore'·"r In the melting t thuu n the sk of ex· poolug their Htrnlts by leuvtug them with tim Jmwnhroker�."-New OrlennR TIUieB·Demrnt. A Goutl t•Jqce tn J a�n· e. "Tlw lwlltu•s of ltexleo," Sl'S a cor- respotulent of Porest nud Sh't !llJU, "lmow nothing of the 1<1 wo of cantil· glon. They lllsplny 1111 II l Ja thy .toward cel'tnln lonthsonu� tliHt�nses which sur- J JriKes a fol'eibuer. " I n u I'ect.mt huutiug tri l l In the SIPr- of Pueblo oul" party of eight WS dasl!UtUn� townrtl Z:icupouxt1tl. \Yt! rode lt�ISUI't!ly, for trutl wuH nur� l'ow tlnd Juurwd f u lly lndJun lmfM. At th•� door .of due of tee st n WOIUBII nod 0 little gh•l. \Ve StO[l l l<�1 to ltu]Ult;� the way, when the follow- ing COUYQl'SUtlou took phlce: " Go morulug, Heum·u.' u • \ \'cry good tnorulng, ut your or- ders, senor.' u "rhls is the road to Zncnuxtln, Is It not? ' "•\ ' on fii'Q qultu right, senor.' '·�\ut1 ts It vt•ry rnrr '•on the coutrnry, It Is u ry Uttte wu:rs.· ''A thoURi l llt1 thuults for your ldm1- uess, senora. ' 11 •Tlwr•c Js nofhlug tor whlch to offer them, RCUOI'. ' "'ls the little girl slcll, senora?' 11 'She Is n little slclt, senor.' "'\\�hut Is the mutter wltb cr?' "'She hnH th£ stuullpox, Fmnor.' '"\h, good tiny, senora!' " liard to G�t Out. · ;:,. An Engllsh wom:m who hnR hee!l ff �$MMI�t j :��\�; 1 · :;� ·�.:·;,• ·��eor�,;· e.�' !I B A YAD ST . 8 7 1 H A DMACY. !� :�·t e �;: r :��:t l �;�;·tti��\h =��;;;�; Itt Ol'tler to tun' it \'hn!tl' nut1 tlwn lJittlwly made for tile froutl ur. , p �nh·ing there, she WIUi humcdlntely : H ENRY P. CoNDIT, ro p . : <h>lulne<lmul tulwn helll'e the powers tlmt not only bt•, hut nlRo o, ut tlu• 1 J. LOUIS OLLIF, Ma na g er. U u s sl u n t i' O l ltler. Here she liS Ill · + a formt•(l tiHlt IH'r I Jns�pol't clld not l 1tr- ! Broad Street, Cor. Elm, Westfield, N. J, * UJi t 11"r to lmll · e the rouutl')' :tiul thnt 1 she would be ohll�etl to mutm h eJ'sclf comor·tuiJio wllllt! the po J lel) fouml out ! Acker, M e rrill & Condit Ctsare. Fu ll ll n o of Co l ga t e 's S o aps, l nil •he bud <lone while In the coun t r y . 1 Porfumoa and T o ilet Waters. I At llr•t she "'"" mtlwr [lll'nsed 'ut soDA WATER IN ALL FRUIT FLAVORS. tlil' thougli t of how "ho would tell her fr•lew.l� nhout It wlwu slw got Jwuw. l Hut when Hhc found thut she hutl til l IJ:I' not out�· ful' her room, her meals, ' I �#S SCI'I'Ice 111111 nil tllllt SOJ'I of thing, .but nlsn fur long tclPgrums which the +\1· thOI'itlcs were excllllngtn, In r·cgnrd to .: * ************'********** * * : * Yards-Westfield avenue, * * Spring and Broad streets, Westfield. * : = * ** * **** '***** *** * *** : �-..--• . ..---. _ . . -. -� . _ ._ l _l .. l __ .. - . . _ . -�-· ·· · -�-· ·· -� ·--�- . -��f Cllm, her {ll t �asure dwhuU as rnp- hlly UH her fmHIH tltd. Shu llnull· ot off, however, hut without t•eceh·in. nny npology or any r·uhuhurr:Willtmt.-Ne,\· Yorlt Sun. •rhe nuuuJum Unllet. 'rhc tlUUHI\1.111 hUlJCt Hl'C111'Pd ltH I UJ.IIW t'nnu the lwllnn urHtmnl ,,,. whoHu otliCl'rs It Wl deYicll, uw1 1h:� lllliiiL' shoulcl not hu H l •ulhMI In two words 01' O\'Lltl h,\'f)lumh�l·tl, UH u Il'L ' tlr Ill lillY (H!O l >h• lljljll'lll' to t hi Ilk. i.lllllduru IH a town nutl n milttnry HtntJtm ul1out roul' mllPH um·llu.•nHt ' of Unl- cuttu. It wns tlw 1'.Jlt.'l'/tmcn JlJ llw Sudt awl uhHJ 111 tlw Hpuulh · 4\uwrlt•uu '\'Ill' lhnt lhtJ llt�W tllllJn�hw t•ltlt•H. wh Sill/Ill t•ultht•r gh't1 lill'lll gl't ' llh•l' IH'- Ctii'Hl'r nwl gi'PntPr t'l ll'l',\'ln 1 1owt•t · lhllll tlw oltl WI!IIJIUJIH, Wl'I'IJ fuult.,\' Jr• ow• l lilpur·taut l llll'tlrullu·. pity, too, .>cau"" be wM u mighty ulce wan If )'ou ha1•ven�d to m biw In e dark, be bd wouf In the k at 'ap linn tn oc o' X noe tw loud ua ever felt u plow. "Well, In spi o' hlw ln blame bowely that be daoseut lꝏk · a womꜷ In e taee, • yere CH always Wautlu to lt Wl'rle u o' COo they wan't no way get at lt. e advertised wu In tbe city paפwrit lette to Jots o' women tbat wny, !Jut " was honest the cu, au wh en the ing f nlong euougb ' they mlgbt anything come o' It be nl· ways SDt b l s pbotogrnpb, an that cud· etl tt. "Oucet tbey was n mlgbty likely widow fw way IJacl' eat tbat got llkln .Jnbo l JUI' ty well ibrough his let· ter wrttlu, au I must say lm was a good haild nt tl!ut, efOI b sent bls plcksllur. Aftm· •tutlylu ovur ht. line· wents tor a coupJe o ' mouth� si. o up ber mlnd to come ou auyllow, but when sl1e acklJUlly lW JlJe lu tlJe esll sbe. bucked out uu wan1cd Si Pc- tur, 0+ she u1nde him u mtghty flue wtte, bunlu tbu t'act that slm had n 4·yenr·old sou tbat bobbc<l up nftm· tile cemouy uu turnl'U out to be as shiftless a It's possible fur n nutn glt au IIYe. "Tben .Tu gits destlerit, an he UIJ au ucrs n buudred dollar rt�Ynl'c] u- !Jody us will glt hlw u l"tr<lner. But th:t dhln't nmount to much. Ole Dml HarriH 'lowell he'd mnkt his olest girl, �llruudy, the one thut hnd tho harelip, jitH� him, un .Tube, kuowln hl: own shortcomfo', was satisfied to glt uu yllmly must, but )!lruntly took epileptic ill• uu ollcd before tho wed<lln· eome off, nu folks ull ut·ouu sal<l 1t was a judgme1it ou Dud. 1 1TJum fm Dnmm brung nroun bJs bnlf witted girl, nu Jnb" studle<l a long while over It, thlnlu webby that If tlley wns golu tu children como with Ills ugllu�ss they'd better !Je fools, too, so ' s they WQUhln't realize lt. The gfrl seemt!tl to toke u fuucy Jnbc right away on wuutetl to kls• him, but bn changed his mind right o. tll'oפrlY decldlu thnt be couldn't stand nuybotl)' tbat wus us IJig 11 fool "" that. "TbJugH WlJS tlJJs-u-wuy wben there wns a hYtlnottzm· come uu·ougiJ lla[lle Run au give u how, uu he ulit!ll fur people to come up on the tllutfol'l au he hy}motkmtl. Evm•ybody wast wa� nfrnhl to go till .lnbe m:ttte th� hreuk, sn)•lu It (JIn't mut ter much wbut be· cotne o' him uo!J W, uu tlmu five more went I l l > like the)· nllu• do. "Well, the nllnlt thl• here hypnotist took hold o' Jube's head an tllte It back to glt a g look In hi.• eyes he gh•c a funny littlu jump uu sn�·: "''I can't o nothio with }'ou, \V ' hy, muu, you ll)BY not ltnow It, hut you got mot· u puwt.H' than I hu ve. If you fix them tluu bluu eyes o' your'u on nn�·!Jody, tlwy just na chelly llnYe to <1o whnt you sny.' .. Tbcn ht� lt!t .laUe �o nu uuule 'ah DUHus fight lnuuUluheS uu t Jr4.!tun ' he wus a og nu do tlw must outlruullt i1Jlugs you l"\'er henrtl of. I gJJ, 1t wus t'uuuy. au lm tnude some o' tho others act up, too, but notw so much ns ole \\�ash, uu thu next du.y he went Wny. "lltJt Jm mndc a mighty lJlg clmugc In Jahu'K lll'. Y'sL•u up to thl thm! Julio u.llus di'OIJJn>d his eyeK LlV�ry tlmu ho seu u wom1111 eomln,1111 thowomnu nllu lꝏkt�Ll tho otlrt!l' wu�· · nut uow .lul.w llUlo up hi: 111lrul to try It, nu so lw Jꝏlccd, UU U lJ the WOIU<?ll kUOWCIJ iLIJout It, RO till! , \' loolwd, 1111 tlwy ! ' ouml out tbut thl 'lll �ycH Wil mthty Jlnc It you lool,: ecl ut 'mn O J (L't'll you coult lu ' t uo the �t o ' hi fact�. '.11lwy v:u� lllORtll ' fi<!U l't•cJ, too, HIUCU llll'Y lll' ll l' l l 11� how .lnllt' wn� u h�·pnl)tlrt! l' If lw ouly wuutt�d to llu thut-n·wus: hut, o ' CtJlli'A, t!mt only mudu ' t!lll luoi{ ull tho woro. "l•,ft•t o, , J:IIJ cllt)ll't hU\"t' tilL Hllllll to loulc lit Uw ht.•Ht loui,Jn gli·�H. hut oul,r t J w htlll\t•f�· Ofll!, till It WllH111t. fW() ll'l!!l(tH till Ill' <'<111111 o ' 111111 hi� l!lwlcu u ' Te •I• Bl••· ofessor B. P. ngley, �ecretary or tile Bmltbsonlnn lustltutlou, snys: "If we could rise ave the eah's oospe, to view It, the sun mu hove o decidedly bluish Unt tbe uak· ed eye. Tbe pפr color or tbe sun I• blo-Dot mely blulsb, but psltlvol nnd dlstlnly blue." •cbe'Witt R•tort. u J were ch." d Ia, if all th its came trᵫ, The womn man1 the rnan • youth, T fJoar man rich-then all in truth, world wod , when got thwugh, Jt lt Js! arne1 Oppenlwlm in New York S. A WOMAN'S VETO. Justin McCa r thy, in b l s "'Rem i DJS · W b Certain Nꜳval Aa•@olbhn.eut cenceH, " tells tills story or Heury W ever Cundrmed. Wur<1 Beher: Au lucldent which occurred durlug "I m�t Beecher during my fi rst \'l s i ! til e rst Clev eln !ld udmllllstrntluu li - to Anwrlcn., uu<l r 1u.ln1 · d 111m preach l!l ! lustratcs th good fcellug cxlslh!g he- the tt�mple of his mlulstrnttous, tlw I . tween the U�WH l JUIJet· llll aUtl ,tile ( Pl.vmuuth clmre!J, lu molrlya. eech· 1 chief or til bureau uf DUI'UI conoll'nt� er'H style UH a. pnou•!het· was mom like tlun. \ certain corr(�KJmtulent, who thut of t Jw pulpit OI"U.torH who flonri h · wn s o u } J U I'ti c ul u.r l y lnthuutc tcl ' UHI ctl 11 ctmtury or two ugo than w tlw wltb tho chl�f, calll•d ut Ills otc� :u1d st·lo of 0111• own lllOJ l'efllletl or 11101 , e \\'I S receh't>ll with unmmul cot•Lliullty. cu · 11,·t�utluual a.�. H never tlwught Unlliu� the t:ol'l'l!SJlOUtJcnt Ill : his llrst It bnuuth htms� . lf or his cnlllng to HUV I UJW, tlw e111et HtJld: ''lJul\ ller·e, au amuslug thin In ouu of his sm·wuu ' IUunlt, I w:m.t son t o tlo sonwthln t'or I f tl w t1IOUJ!'ht c:�mu u p lll l l > rO(l r lnt l \' m e. �11 · . -- llJIJI O IUtlllcllt to n place In hh� miwl. e hutl 11 way wlu�u h! 1 tn tllls tl epartmcnt, after IJelng rot . lght anteretl his clturcll ou tile Sunduy of 1 �:t11�0�tu t :;�1�:;1�:�;;.P1�:�/· �:�:lt. IZ\Jng U{J uuy J(!th�l'S Wlllc u11ght ht I nud onh. · wult til(! flig'lttlh;rn ol' tho u SMu 1 to him ther�, und he . s ome - J ll'eslllm; t . Y ou, of all men In \\ ' n sh- t lu ws O(ll!Jhl one or u . wse nm t r t!U tl I t tn g t on , e uu t im l out whnt nctlon the ou t to the cougrt!Utlou ll l m udu It n 1, r c s 1 1le ut will t ulte uml 1 thlUI\ you text whtch to hang a lllscom·e. lnow 11 w:u to (H'e�·tmt the ilocuttwnt uouu dnj• bo OJlonoJ. �uch n. lottor, tJeJug slglll';l.'' . n ml lw fOtJUil thnt It contJlltH.'I l 1 h P �r h o c o l-t· o s po wlent J"(•})li<l, "I thlutt I sluglu WOI'll 'l•oo J .' Hu uwntlonc d w l u 1 ow u wuv.'' llc left the lmllllhlg and fact to hiH cungt·egatloll nml th e n · ou t t'or J i H -, who w at Umt I J Uictly nddC'd, 'Now I lmve lmol time l l O ii iJ \\'a;hlnrtun soelety for many nn IUtanec of n mun Wt'ltln: n I tlw As �ocintull Pl'e��. 'ro hI' lu� told ltJttoJ· lllltl forgetting to slgu hl:; UHllh\ the Htory ami expluluetl wlJat he but tliJs Is tlw only Iustauce I lm Yu w anted done. tJvcr h.uowa of a. muu signing his uanw �UsN _ obtnii U!ll an audience wllll nud forguttlug to write the I utter.' Mrs. Clllnnd awl tol what she cn mc for. �r�. ClcvclaUll went tu the A CurtouN CqJJJu. president' d�Ic nntl slnglutl out n A certuln young mau iu tills c lty I J ! l l J e r with th e J't!JU:Ul(, '"!'here, 1 gm� s makes u [lrlncely lucouw by Uelug th at I s tlw one you uwau." She then t>rofm;slonnl gꝏd feUow. As 1m ltnH I t u n1 etl a corn e r of the llocumcut down tbe lleld pracl lcally to himself be !lluls l,uHI le r t tt. his luborr arc uow g1·owlog to such ) l u th e c o urst! or his worl\ tin� prt�!ii- un extrmt thnt he will soon 1Je ohll:ed . eut came to the papu1· and theu, iu a to call In U!slstunco. rrlw popular s u r pr l �cd tone, suh) to Secl'ctlll'�' La- YOUll� fullov: belon:s to no le�H thn.u mont, 11Dnn, do son low nnyt hlng soc lul, CCI'ct and society organlza- u hout t.lils nppolntruent'/" tlouH, aiUl uot one of tlu!se hodi�M �1�rr. Lnmont tlid uut know nnrthing pcts Uwt be utteud uJJ the nweUugs n buut it. , us u mutter of husluess. nut h� oes, �-�(lll," Rnltl the (1l'eSillL!Ilt, 1 1 F'!'111 1 e9 all the �anw. hn evhlently ttH"lll!ll thi own for a \ lll"OllllllL'llt caterer, who mukes u [mrposP. I g�wsIt's all r ight." ud the spcclnlty a furnl�hlug lluuquct� uud I officlill sl�naturc was not nttahctl.--· tllmwrs of ull ldmls to dining uud oth- lhlladt�lJ'Idu PDst. 1 t1r elnh, t�mphJ�'f the runng !Uilll to look out o1' hi� lntl!l ' l��ts whetll'\'l�l' a hull or oth•!t· eutt�I·tuhnuent Is �ugct- �tl wlrN'Q tluJ st�rdcu of n cutt 'rlI' will ho tlcslmllll•. conl'St! the oraulra· tfou l gent�rnll , \" glnd to follnw th uci- VI<'e uf u povulur member, ami tlw cah�l'et• usually gets the o1·t1er. \Yht•u� m·cr u ut�w club ts orgunlzt�l tlw �·ouug mun, who nn como \\ ' ft1t tlw JJJghest J't�Commt•m1utJuns, J. geiJl'rnlly tlw fil•st 011 tlru 1•oll . II t!JUSU CXJICUSI!S "'" (1111<1 lly trw eaterel', who Is Klltls· tlml tlmt hi! ln\·estmunt Is tl tlJ'st cluss onu.-l"llilatlelplltn lCUCOI'tl. The •'"·lulne•• of Spnce. Tlw hmiumslty of tho nuh·or. Is uvtly lllu�tl'U tell hy Atl"OillHIIll' New- COlllll In n mnguzhw. \Vu refet• to It bi�CII ll�C It UllC Of tlJt! IIIUHl COIIIJH"U· Jwuslblu UJusti'Ht1oiJs tlmt wu hu,·e seen. JJc HUYH Umt lf nu l!X}H'l!Ms t•·utn l" Uil lug GO 111\h•s an hour llny null ulght without KtuJlplug IH 'l 't It I l l for ao �·t•tll' It wuul1l ju�t nhout comp f,ll•tu fill! 1lJ11 llll'tl'l" of tllll ch•c]L' 1111Hlo 11�· thll Pnr•tll In ltR ''IIIU'h' · Jotll'lwv m·ound thl• tnm. Nnw tt'!t till� lilli!Wtis�• elreh1 hu roprllfiPllfL!tl h�� n lutly ' H lin· gel' rlug, UIHI lultlll� t hnl IIH the HIIIIUl· Ul'd uf lllllhi\JI'(lllUIIt tJw IU'IL/'l��t ib;l ' c) Htnr would he " mlJl! diHiuut ruul tlw furt.hPHt \'IH!hlt• thi'011Jh tlw h!lt•HCOJW ut lt l st 20 rnllt!.-l'uh•t·Hun C!tll. tJceeutrle IJtdaue. A correspontlent of l!tcr·n ture semls nu lnten!tlng IUH "t;tlutc or Ual;:al! to that journal: J,eou Gozlan usetl to re- Jnte Jww J w t.•t Bac oUt! dny ou tl Bouh�\':tl'd dt�s f'tJluehw� 11 cl�·lng with lmn�er." 'J11H! uovdlt Insisted on tak- ing t.1ozln.tl to n eoufeetiOJHH' who sold macnront ]mttlcs. ForgettiUJ hl huu- ger, Hulzne vluuell luto tlll !l l lJH'eeia- tlon of oopcr·� "Lnl\e Ontario" (uew- ly nppt�aretl). ozlun noticed tlmt the shop uttctHlnnt, un English girl, J uul htmt•l) ltlm tlll1lrus� Hn.lzlLC by nauw und WllS \Zlng nt the u u tllol' ns thnu�h fasclHIIted. Sla� wus ustonwlL•d Pl't!N� cntly hy the npJwttte ot' genius fur mncnrunl vattll's, which (1f�n l ll1Plll'e<l hy coupleR. · "How llllll'h tlu 1 ow you?" nslw.J nn.c. 1 1 othlng, 1. lhtlznf',11 snl1l llw I·1ng- 11Rh �II fh'mly, BILizlc.• WIIN llntlpht�l·rl nr n nwantmt, tiWU hP JHIRfll'tl 111M )JI"l�cilJU C!UJIY oC 1 1Lillw OlltJtrlo" tutu tho gtrl huwl�, stt�·tn . . "l t•:ul llco\'c�r tmf!irfeutly t'l•n•t, mntlnmuiHellt>, I hut I tlhl nut \\'l' ltu thut Uuok." l'na•tnnd Mt•·Jng, F'I'Unk\111' liliiL' lznlltii'L'cl llUd Ctllllll• luth'l' nduuo, "J.1oJ' \\'Hilt Ht' tlw :mU t1o HIHU! 111 !1)f, t ' OI' \\'Hilt o lliu HfllW thO llui'MI! \\'IIH lnHt. l'ol' wnut of tlw hm'HO tIll' um 11 \\'il lw.;{/' Hlloultl ltfl vo tl mldtmdulll ol' t.wilhJ nut! JIUIIL�I' lJu put to It 111 1\1111\l• 11 UlllJIIUtt!, CUT FLOWER S ' l'luo HIIIUII ••ullhm• hHii<otH lull'<! HIIMIII. ell'ppf. 011 tiHIHt! Ht I' I WI\ 11,\' tiiPIII, 1111ti 11. WIIH to uh\'lnlu tliiH cllllhmll�· t llut 1JIP clt11Ht)LIIII hUIII't \\'UH tlt•\'IHt>d. '1'111 hill11l IH !* 1'1'01!1 wldda flllt't. o tlw ulelwl nl' '. 'U ! J i lt'l' l'CJ\'t•r•!n� IH t't•liW\'t•ll. HOI hut tlit! fol'(!t1 (If' til!' illlJIJic•t HJJI't'JUJH t lw HuJ'J l••u•l. nullllll 11 IIIIHHII" 11111t IU!IIc.'IM ta ll\'ttl'tl, Hlilltll'l'hiJ WU1111tJ. u llu gl rl. ' ' uu Ptl, U,\' got tn tlllltlll Ill hllll 111 1 Hlllll)'lll llll'lll 1',\'l'H u ' hlHH'll, au f\1l tiling !lit',\' 1\llo\\'t• tl tlwy \\'llH tmulu•r·1u '"rtt•r ' pm, Uut .Jnln• Jnt flUI'tlc: ' ltJI' , 'rJit!, \' WIIH ll lhl l tW\11'11 lrP'cl U�Jt•u tlcklml tu tlt•ntla tu hiH'tJ nlly �11 tlmt W'U clt'l!M.! tWPJI l'UIIIJJ111) ' Wftlr hllu, .uf hu ''' 'I I ' 1"111111 IIIH l1h·�·H t'\"t•l'' ' Cuuldu'* Hrh11l llt•r Tt••h In �lt•t•1 1 , An t�llllth11lt. l H'ofuHor ul' pS,\'c\lloltJY nt IIHI'\'Ill'tl WUH clt•t•JII�· lll!l ' l"c>h•cl In flit� t 'UH I ! O 1111 I!Jlllc•Jltlt! Wllllll\11. 'l'nllt · ht, with IH't" lmlul lad, ill ' I'HlllHllt out l .lrl'!lltllllllolut llllci H,\'lll l lfnllt4. , \ncl lao� IIHI<Pil lhl� qlll ' �llou, " I l id ,\"ull c•\'PI' 110· tJI'P lJIIIt .\'PI//' \\'J/'p I'OIIfld /u•l' ff'Pflt Ill �hl'i" '1'11 wlilc•ll fliP hPI't'll\'t�tl htwluaru1 l'tp lll'd , "KhP nt•Vt>l' �IPpt In tllt'lll,"- UoHrnu .lnlll'lllll. · l• ' ow tllh1H lll't! IJIOI'l' Ul'll\'1\lillg t.hnu tn IIi' I"L!IIti tn tiP 1111 u paelwgn IIIHI Uud 11n Htl' ln�:. ' to t ' III'I'Y n 1\•w llj1JIIt1H, UI'IIIIJl'H, C') oi• hui!J 11 Hlllll't iiiHIIIIU'P lt lltl lind no ll!IU to liohltlwltl. HII'IJIH Hlwuld nhm,\ · /u) 1\"Utllu/ 111 u. !lull Hlld lll ' pf l't�lltl�· l ' ol' IHIIIllldlnlt• 11U Wlll'l'll till' 1' 1111111,1' 11111,1' 1111<1 lhl'lll, 111Hl l lll}lt'l' i'l:�, 11tUIII 11!'1 t•(IIJIIJc•c J , h011l1t llt• l ' ul•h•d ll•·nll,r 1111d lultl Ill 11 d 't)l' (UI' """ IHj """ ' '"' ' At "naonnhl a•rlus nt DOBRRER'S NI 1& 1 liiT ILOIITo (JI•t'IIH , \' JJUtiJH IIIII' Jm lllllt/( 1 pm·rP<1tly �h·nn h)' lluhtl� ' Hl't•urluu w1111 11 "' ' '' llulllll'l tll l i l " ' 'l In ""lllilloll Hnlt. '1'1111 flli'IDtll' <!IH IIIIJII nil 1'1111 It IIIIIIM •lnn't flU lllllllMI lhu l'lP,- l't&dUII>hh& IJullu, -- -------- WESTFIELD PHARMACY-·---- T��ncr�v:�. l QA ..o·uw. ATER, H .��;!�:�!�\�: . . . . . ,, . , .
Page 1: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august



; VOL. XVI. NO. 42. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1899. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c.

JABE WON 'l'HE BELLE Trut/bful .!ldvertisinJ! Wilt Always Sell Honest Goods. fte ..... ••••••• rot. "Yes, W!! rt!Clve lot• of things tbat

EB�EH�PI t�CO:-?f"': 1 • �. au ll1t IAJKJLST OOYAIID � .. _ .. � fA!I{Y �1100� IN N[\11 J[JlS[

NEW ARK, N. l•



He Had (Uvea Up All llope uf ETe., Q�ttln&l' a WJfe UntU He A��ld@D• lall� Lt!'&l"ued Ill• Pon•er, aud Tile• lie ·Goa IUarha,. Partlcula•.



t4L &AiuNG � ................. PoWDER

Makes the food more delicious and wholesome --------�------�----=·--=-===-=====��====--=�==========

�•·e hute to Hee go Into the melting pot.," Huld an oltl mint uttucbe. "l•'ol!<s tu tllmncta.l HtrcK!i hrtug Unci� Sam a.lt manner of heirlooms which ar� bought over thu (•ouoter fo1· their Jlllli­�d "''�lght in goltl or wii\"Pr hullton. A1·t or antiquity clon't count ut the mint, nml u. t:n1uh�Juhr11 hy Utmvt�nuto Ct!lllnl hlmHelf woui<Jn't hrlng more tlutn n lntn11 of r·nw metnl fruMh from the Htnelter. \Vc get l•lute of every tlmo�.erlptlon, ohl wutch c:UH.!I'.!I, rlng!\1, challlK, Hnutt boxeH, �IJt.>etaclc f•·nmets ntul J�v�lry muunb without number.

"I r•eckon .Ju.be 1Jo.wk1n!f was .about the ugliest man tile Lord t!Ve1·l�t Un�," said U ncl� Den us lw nwdltatl I' ely

"Ju UlfH Ht:'CtJou uf tbt.� Houtb there nre severul s�culators wt10 muke s busloes• ot truvellug tllifough the rurol districts and buying uJijlll the old gold aud oliver they cau llud. They ure e>.· perts In ju<lglng of tbe llneness of metal, 1111<1 tlwy 11ay as IIUle os tbey eon; so there must bt! a big l>rollt In the trude. As a rule, tbe sturt th�y bring us und tbut finds Its way bere through otller channels Is old mul bro· keu and uulotcreatlog, but now and 'tlteu 801Dethlll!! ot· rare llrtisttc \'Blue turns Ull In ·the lot, an<l we would be only teo glad to tnke It out ond mnke good tbe coin mlue, but the law tor· bids.

wbetted his l<nlfe upon hiK boot leg. day till Un'ly he sot Ills mind on wlunlu "l'ye kuowed •truug�•·· to roller thut

I Hetty Allen, thut wus tlw hlamm)I!St man around for u IJulf lwur Jest to glt purtlest girl In the whole country un auotber look ot bi» tucu au then gu bad a doZt!D fine Jooh:Ju fullers with rlgbt oft' llD .tuke u drink o' llckcl'. •good borses 1111 !Juggles au some laud Seemed to klu<l o' glv" 'em a l'<>llsh for trylu to court her, au blawc If lm didn't Jt. I've kuowed tool women to ocare glt l1er. Au the tuuulest part of It all their children Into spasms by threaten· Is that there ain't no purtler young In to gh'e 'ew to Jabe, au they do aay uns anywhere tlian them seven chfl· he's been the cause o' WOI'\! than one drcn o' Jabe's. Au tbey all got blue runaway. He wua je�t llllk!n Ullly, au eyes, every one of 'ew, au tbtl rest Is that's all they was to It, It ·waa il tluru like tbelr motber."


''lf I went a m:m," the woman snld. "'I'd ma.ke my marlt ere I wa:-� !.lead; I'd lead thi.! worlJ with a battle cry. And I'd be f:unou11 ere I ldJuuld die-

It I were u Ulall."

"lf J wcrtt a youth," the old man crle!l, "I'd lk:iz.e all,dw.ncn, 1'!.1 go with tbe tide& I'd Win mY way to tiW! IJighcst place And stick to honar IU1tl .YCek his gr.a.c.-

lf I wcru a youth." "It J were rich," the r»uor mnn thought, "J 'd give my u.U tor the poor's 6UlJVOrtj J'd open my door, an<l I'd open my hetut, And goodness u.ad I would never JJ&I1-


ltoNDA'' · w•:DNESDAY, FRIDAY. :

707 to 721 Broad and 8 Gadar St.,- - NEWARK. N. J.

"That, by the wny, Ia oo doubt the Tory reason why we occuslonully !ll't su�h nrtlcll}s. l'Mlllt! who llre poor null t>roud would ruther lln\'e the !den· tlty of their relics lost fore'·"r In the melting J)Ot thuu run the risk of ex· poolug their Htrnlts by leuvtug them with tim Jmwnhroker�."-New OrlennR TIUieB·Demucrnt.

A Goutl t•Jqce tn J .. a.�n�·e. "Tlw lw.lltu•s of ltexleo," Sill'S a cor­

respotulent of Porest nud Sh't !llJU, "lmow nothing of the 1<1 wo of cantil· glon. The.y lllsplny 1111 IIlJa thy .toward cel'tnln lonthsonu� t.liHt�nses which "'sur­

JJriKes a fol'eibuer. "I n u I'ect.mt huutiug trill In the SIP.r­

ra of Pueblo oul" party of eight WllS dasC'l!UtUn� townrtl Z:icupouxt1tl. \Yt! rode lt.�ISUI't!ly, for till' trutl wuH nur� l'ow tlnd Ju.murwd fu lly lndJun lmfM. At th•� door .of due of tlle!ie stood n WOIUBII nod 0 little gh•l. \Ve StO[lll<�1 to ltu]Ult;� the way, when the follow­ing COUYQl'SUtlou took phlce:

" •Good morulug, Heum·u.' u • .l\ \'cry good tnorulng, ut your or­

ders, senor.' u "rhls is the road to Zncnpouxtln, Is

It not?' "•\'on fii'Q qultu right, senor.' '·�\ut1 ts It vt•ry rnrr '•on the coutrnry, It Is u v<�ry Utt.te

wu:rs.· ''A thoURilllt1 thuults for your ldm1-

uess, senora. ' 11 •Tlwr•c Js nofhlug tor whlch to offer

them, RCUOI'.' "'ls the little girl slcll, senor a?' 11 'She Is n little slclt, senor.' "'\\�hut Is the mutter wltb llcr?' "'She hnH th£.1 stuullpox, Fmnor.' • '"\h, good tiny, senora!' "

liard to G�t Out. ·;.:,. An Engllsh wom:m who hnR hee!l

ff:f ��$M$MMI�I!M�HttltU j :���!\�; �� 1���·:;� ·��.:·;,• �� ·���eor�,;·�� e.�' !I BAYAD�ST.�8 7 1HADMACY. !� :���·t




� � � J' Itt Ol'tler to tun'<! it \'hn!tl' nut1 tlwn lJittlwly made for tile froutlur.

, p t& �nh·ing there, she WIUi humcdlntely

: � H ENRY P. CoNDIT, rop. : <h>lulne<lmul tulwn het'lll'e the powers � I' tlmt not only bt•, hut nlRo tlo, ut tlu•

1 J. LOUIS OLLIF, Manager. • Uusslun ti'Olltler. Here she \\'liS Ill· 11 a formt•(l tiHlt IH'r IJns�pol't clld not l1t.'r-! Broad Street, Cor. Elm, Westfield, N. J, 10 UJit 11"r to lmll·e the rouutl')' :tiul thnt 1 she would be ohll�etl to mutm heJ'sclf � comt"or·tuiJio wllllt! the poJlel) fouml out ! Acker, Merrill & Condit Ctsare. Full llno of Colgate's Soaps, ill nil •he bud <lone while In the country. 1 Porfumoa and Toilet Waters. !'II At llr•t she "'"" mtlwr [lll'nsed 'ut

� soDA WATER IN ALL FRUIT FLAVORS. � tlil' thouglit of how "ho would tell her �

F" fr•lew.l� nhout It wlwu slw got Jwuw.

l M: Hut when Hhc found thut she hutl til Ill IJ:I.\' not out�· ful' her room, her meals, ' I an�•••n•#�AiflfHWiniS SCI'I'Ice 111111 nil tllllt SOJ'I of thing, .but

nlsn fur long tclPgrums which the 11\1· thOI'itlcs were excllllngtn,.; In r·cgnrd to

.: *************'************:

* Yards-Westfield avenue, * �{: * Spring and Broad streets, Westfield. * t\: =************'************: �?� �-.!".--•.• .. ---. _• . . -. -� .• _ ._lll_lll .. lll __ .......... -.... _ ......... -�-"'···· -�---··· -� .... ·-"'-�-... -�����

fll'l' Cll�>m, her {llt�asure dwhuUetl as rnp­hlly UH her fmHIH tltd.

Shu llnull�· g-ot off, however, hut without t•eceh·in.!; nny npology or any r·uhuhurr:Willtmt.-Ne,\· Yorlt Sun.

•rhe nuuuJum Unllet. 'rhc tlUUHI\1.111 hUlJCt Hl'C111'Pd ltH

IUJ.IIW t'nnu the lwllnn urHtmnl ,,,. whoHu otliCl'rs It Wlli:J deYilicll, uw1 1h:� lllliiiL' shoulcl not hu Hl•ulhMI In two words 01' O\'Lltl h,\'f)lumh�l·tl, UH u IJ'l'L'tlr Ill lillY (H!Ol>h• lljljll'lll' to t hi Ilk. i.llllll· duru IH a town nutl n milttnry HtntJtm ul1out roul' mllPH um·llu.•nHt 'of Unl­cuttu.

It wns tlw 1'.\"Jlt.'l'/tmcn JlJ llw SudtUI awl uhHJ 111 tlw Hpuult�h·4\uwrlt•uu '\'Ill' lhnt lhtJ llt�W tllllJ.;'n�hw t•ltlt•H. whww Sill/Ill t•ultht•rt-: gh't1 lill'lll gl't'llh•l' IH'­Ctii'Hl'r nwl gi'PntPr t'lll'l',\'lng- 11owt•t · lhllll tlw oltl WI!IIJIUJIH, Wl'I'IJ fuult.,\' Jr• ow• l lilpur·taut lllll'tlrullu·.

pity, too, bt.>cau"" be wM u mighty ulce wan If )'ou ha1•ven�d to meet biw In tbe dark, IW be b!ld wou<:f In the hank at 'lJapl<! linn tn !lO ocl"'!ti o' 88 noe bottow loud ua ever felt u plow.

"Well, In spite o' hlw beln so blame bowely that be daoseut look ·a womau In tbe taee, lltl• yere CWIH W'tltl always Wautlu to lilt Wlll'rled, !Jut, o' COUI'til!o they wan't no way to get at lt. lie advertised sowu In tbe city pape1· au writ letters to Jots o' women tbat wny, !Jut II" was honest to the cure, au wh en the thing gof nlong fur euougb so'• they mlgbt anything come o' It be nl· ways St!Dt bls pbotogrnpb, an that cud· etl tt.

"Oucet tbey was n mlgbty likely widow fruw way IJacl' ea.t�t tbat got to llkln .Jnbo lJUI'ty well ibrough his let· ter wrttlu, au I must say lm was a good haild nt tl!ut, !JefOI'e bt! sent bls plcksllur. Aftm· •tutlylu ovur ht. line· wents tor a coupJe o' mouth� si.Je rntulo up ber mlnd to come ou auyllow, but when sl1e ackl!llJUlly SllW JtilJe lu tlJe tlesll sbe. bu.cked out uu wan1cd Si Pc­tur, 0.11 she u1nde him u mtghty flue wtte, bunlu tbu t'act that slm had n 20·yenr·old sou tbat bobbc<l up nftm· tile ceremouy uu turnl'U. out to be as shiftless a. It's possible fur n nutn to glt au IIYe.

"Tben .Tube gits destlerit, an he UIJ a.u ufrcrs n buudred dollare� rt..�Ynl'c] to uny­!Jody us will glt hlw u l"tr<lner. But th:.t dhln't nmount to much. Ole Dml HarriH 'lowell he'd mnkt'! his olt1est girl, �llruudy, the one thut hnd tho harelip, jitH� him, un .Tube, kuowln hl:.i own shortcomfo'tt, was satisfied to glt uu yllmly must, but )!lruntly took epileptic ill• uu ollcd before tho wed<lln· eome off, nu folks ull ut·ouu sal<l 1t was a. judgme1it ou Dud.

11TJum .Tfm Dnmm brung n.roun bJs bnlf witted girl, nu Jnb" studle<l a long while over It, thlnl<lu webby that If tlley wns golu tu bt! children como with Ills ugllu�ss they'd better !Je fools, too, so's they WQUhln't realize lt. The gfrl seemt!tl to toke u fuucy to Jnbc right away on wuutetl to kls• him, but bn changed his mind right otr. tll'operlY decldlu thnt be couldn't stand nuybotl)' tbat wus us IJig 11 fool "" that.

"TbJugH WlJS tlJJs-u-wuy wben there wns a hYtlnottzm· come uu·ougiJ lla[lle Run au give u r�how, uu he u�Slit!ll fur people to come up on the tllutfol'lll au he hy}motkmtl. Evm•ybody wast wa� nfrnhl to go till .lnbe m:ttte th� hreuk, sn)•lu It (JI<In't mutter much wbut be· cotne o' him uo!JC:,.W, uu tlmu five more went Ill> like the)· nllu• do.

"Well, the nllnlt thl• here hypnotist took hold o' Jube's head an tllteol It back to glt a goo<! look In hi.• eyes he gh•c a funny littlu jump uu sn�·s::

"''I can't tlo nothio with }'ou, \V'hy, muu, you ll)BY not ltnow It, hut you got mot·u puwt.H' than I hu ve. If you fix them tluu bluu eyes o' your'u on nn�·!Jody, tlwy just nachelly lln Ye to <1o whnt you sny.'

.. Tbcn ht� lt!t .laUe �o nu uuule \\'a:;h DUHus fight lnuuUluhel!S uu tJr4.!tun' he wus a <1og nu do tlw must outlruu.lll!llt i1Jlugs you l"\'er henrtl of. I gOHJJ, 1t wus t'uuuy. au lm tnude some o' tho others act up, too, but notw so much ns ole \\�ash, uu thu next du.y he went LLWny.

"lltJt Jm mndc a mighty lJlg clmugc In Jahu'K llt'l'. Y'sL•u up to thl!-1 thm! Julio u.llus di'OIJJn>d his eyeK LlV�ry tlmu ho seu u wom1111 eomln,1111 thowomnu nllut� lookt�Ll tho otlrt!l' wu�·· nut uow .lul.w llUltlo up hi:-� 111lrul to try It, nu so lw Joolccd, UU UlJ the WOIU<?ll kUOWCIJ iLIJout It, RO till!,\' loolwd, 1111 tlwy !'ouml out tbut thl'lll �ycH Willi mt,;hty Jlnc It you lool,:ecl ut 'mn t:!O J(L't'll you coultlu 't 1:1uo the ����t o' hi!>J fact�. '.11lwy v:u� lllORtll' fi<!U l't•cJ, too, HIUCU llll'Y lll'll l'll 11� how .lnllt' wn� u h�·pnl)tlr.t! l' If lw ouly wuutt�d to llu t.hut-n·wus: hut, o' Ct.Jlli'At!, t!mt only mudu 't!lll luoi{ ull tho woro.

"l•,ft•t-�t on', ,J:IIJL' cllt)ll't hU\"t' tilL• Hllllll to loulc lit. Uw ht.•Ht loui,Jn gli·�H. hut oul,r tJw htlll\t•f�· Ofll!!-1, till It WllH111t. fW() ll'l!!l(tH till Ill' <'<111111 o' 111111 hi� l!lwlcu u'

Tile ••• I• Bl••·

Professor B. P. Langley, �ecretary or tile Bmltbsonlnn lustltutlou, snys:

"If we could rise above the earth's otrnospllere, to view It, the sun mu>!t hove o decidedly bluish Unt to tbe uak· ed eye. Tbe proper color or tbe sun I• blo<>--Dot merely blulsb, but p<isltlvol:f nnd dlstlnc!tly blue."

Jle.•cbel''• Witt,- R•tort.

u J were rich." And Ia, if all theae its came true,

The womotn "' man1 the rna.n • youth, Tilt! fJoar man rich-then all in truth,

Thi8 world would be, when we got thwugh, Just as lt Js!

-J'arne.11 Oppenlwlm in New York Sun.


Justin McCarthy, in bls "'RemiDJS· WbJ" • Certain Naava.l Aa•atolbhn.eut cenceH," tells tills story or Heury WWI .Never Cundrmed. Wur<1 Beecher: Au lucldent which occurred durlug

"I m�t Beecher during my fi rst \'lsi! tile first Cleveln!ld udmllllstrntluu li­to A.nwrlcn., uu<l r 1u.ln1·d 111m preach l!l ! lustratcs tht! good fcellug cxlslh!g he­the tt�mple of his mlulstrnttous, tlw I

. tween the U�WHlJUIJet· llll:'ll aUtl ,tile ( Pl.vmuuth clmre!J, lu llmolrlya. lleech· 1 chief or tilt! bureau uf DUI'UI conoll'nt� er'H style UH a. pnou•!het· was mom like tlun. ..-\ certain corr(�KJmtulent, who thut of tJw pulpit OI"U.torH who flonri�h· wns ou }JUI'ticulu.rly lnthuutc tcl'UHI ctl 11 ctmt.ury or two ugo than Ulw tlw wltb tho chl�f, calll•d ut Ills otttc� :.u1d st:\·lo of 0111• own lllOJ'e l'efllletl or 11101,e

\\'I�S receh't>ll with unmmul cot•Lliullty. cu·11,·t�utluual lla.,.�. Ht! never tlwught Unlliu� the t:ol'l'l!SJlOUtJcnt Ill: his llrst It bt!nuuth htms�

.lf or his cnlllng to HUV I

LJtUJW, tlw e111et HtJld: ''l.#fJul\ ller·e, au amuslug thin�-{ In ouu of his sm·wuu'!i IUunlt, I w:m.t son to tlo sonwthlng- t'or If tlw t1IOUJ!'ht c:�mu up lllll>rO(lrlnt(ll\' me. �11·. -- :-; llJIJIOIUtlllcllt to n place

In hh� miwl. lie hutl 11 way wlu�u h�! 1tn tllls tl epartmcnt, after IJelng rot.lght

anteretl his clturcll ou tile Sunduy of 1 �:t11�0���tut:;�1��:;1�:����;;.P1�:�/���·�:���:��

lt.IZ\Jng U{J uuy J(!th�l'S WlllclJ u11ght ht.! I nud onh.· wult:o� til(! f.lig'lttlh;rn ol' tho u<l�!'t!SMu�1 to him ther�, und he .some- Jll'eslllm;t. You, of all men In \\'nsh­tluws O(ll!Jh!i:l one or u.wse nmt rt!Utl It tngton, euu timl out whnt nctlon the out to the cougrt!!-fUtlou lliHl mudu It n 1,rcs11leut will tulte uml 1 thlUI\ you text ';lll whtch to hang a lllscom·:te. l,:now 11 w:u to (H'e�·tmt the ilocuttwnt uouu dnj• bo OJlonoJ. �uch n. lottor, tJeJug slglll';l.'' . nml lw fOtJUil thnt It contJlltH.'Il 1hP �rho col-t·ospowlent J"(•})lit!<l, "I thlutt I sluglu WOI'll 'l•.,ooJ.' Hu uwntloncd t1w lu1ow u wuv.'' llc left the lmllllhlg and fact to hiH cungt·egatloll nml then �·out t'or :\Ji!ilH -, who wm1 at Umt IJUictly nddC'd, 'Now I lmve lmow'll time llOiiiJ.t \\'a:;;hlnr.;-tun soelety for many nn IUt�tanec of n mun Wt'ltln,:.:: n I tlw As�ocintull Pl'e��. 'ro ht;JI' lu� told ltJttoJ· lllltl forgetting to slgu hl:; UHllh\ the Htory ami expluluetl wlJat he but tliJs Is tlw only Iustauce I l mYu wanted done. tJvcr h.uowa of a. muu signing his uanw �UsN _ obtniiU!ll an audience wllll nud forguttlug to write the Iutter.' •• Mrs. Cltn·l.!lnnd awl toltl what she

cnmc for. ��r�. ClcvclaUll went tu the A CurtouN Cq.JJJuar. president's: dC!�Ic nntl slnglutl out n A certuln young mau iu tills clty IJ!llJer with the J't!JU:Ul(, '"!'here, 1 gm�:;s makes u [lrlncely lucouw by Uelug :1. that Is tlw one you uwau." She then t>rofm;slonnl good feUow. As 1m ltnH I tun1etl a corner of the llocumcut down tbe lleld prac l lcally to himself be !lluls l,uHI lert tt.

his luborr. arc uow g1·owlog to such ) lu the courst! or his worl\ tin� prt�!ii­un extrmt thnt he will soon 1Je ohll:.;ed . (]eut came to the papu1· and theu, iu a to call In U!-�slstunco. rrlw popular surprl�cd tone, suh) to Secl'ctlll'�' La­YOUll� fullov: belon:.:-s to no le�H thn.u 00 mont, 11Dnn, do son loww· nnyt hlng soc lul, liCCI'ct and society organlza- uhout t.lils nppolntruent'/" tlouH, aiUl uot one of tlu!se hodi�M �11!!1· �rr. Lnmont tlid uut know nnrthing pcc:ts Uwt be utteud:-1 uJJ the nweUugs nbuut it.. , us u mutter of husluess. nut h� tloes, ��-�(lll," Rnltl the (1l'eSillL!Ilt, 11F'!'1111('e9 all the �anw. hn::; evhlently ttH"lll!ll thi:; llown for a

.l\ lll"OllllllL'llt caterer, who mukes u [mrposP. I g�ws� It's all right." .Aud the spcclnlty at' furnl�hlug lluuquct� uud I officlill sl�naturc was not nttac:hctl.--· tllmwrs of ull ldmls to dining uud oth- }"lhlladt�lJ'Idu PDst. 1 t1r elnh:-o, t�mphJ�'f.; the runng !Uilll to look out t'o1' hi� lntl!l'l��ts whetll'\'l�l' a hull or oth•!t· eutt�I·tuhnuent. Is �u;;gcfoit­�tl wlrN'Q tluJ st.�rdcut-t of n cutt 'rl.'I' will ho tlcslmllll•. Of conl'St! the or;;aulr.a· tfou l!-1 gent�rnll,\" glnd to follnw thl' uci­VI<'e uf u povulur member, ami tlw cah�l'et• usually gets the o1·t1er. \Yht•u� m·cr u ut�w club ts orgunlzt�l tlw �·ouug mun, who conn como \\'ft1t tlw JJJghest J't�Commt•m1utJuns, J.'i geiJl'rnlly tlw fil•st 011 tlru 1•oll . .:\II t!JUSU CXJICUSI!S "'" (1111<1 lly trw eaterel', who Is Klltls· tlml tlmt hi!!! ln\·estmunt Is tl tlJ'st cluss onu.-l"llilatlelplltn lCUCOI'tl.

The •'"·lulne•• of Spnce. Tlw hmiumslty of tho nuh·or!UI. Is

uvtly lllu�tl'U tell hy Atitl"OillHIIl.'l' New­COlllll In n mnguzhw. \Vu refet• to It bi�CII ll�C It h-4 UllC Of tlJt! IIIUHl COIIIJH"U· Jwuslblu UJusti'Ht1oiJs t.lmt wu hu,·e seen. JJc HUYH Umt lf nu l!X}H'l!Ms t•·utn l" U illllug GO 111\h•s an hour llny null ulght without KtuJlplug IH'l't It �Ill for a:;o �·t•tll'!{ It wuul1l ju�t nhout comp f,ll•tu fill! 1lJ11 llll'tl'l" of tllll ch•c]L' 1111Hlo 11�· thll Pnr•tll In ltR ''IIIU'h' ·Jotll'lwv m·ound thl• tnm. Nnw tt'!t till� lilli!Wtis�• elreh1 hu roprllfiPllfL!tl h�� n lutly'H lin· gel' rlug, UIHI lultlll� t hnl IIH the HIIIIUl· Ul'd uf llll.'lhi\JI'(.IlllUIIt tJw IU'IL/'l��t ib;l'c) Htnr would he " mlJl! diHiuut ruul tlw furt.hPHt \'IH!hlt• thi'011J.;h tlw h!lt•HCOJW ut lt.'llst 20 rnllt!!-1.-l'uh•t·Hun C!tll.

tJceeutrle IJtdaue. A correspontlent of l!tcr·n ture semls

nu lnten!:�tlng IUH .. "t;tlutc or Ual;:al! to that journal: J,eou Gozlan usetl to re­Jnte Jww Jw UJt.•t Bahmc oUt! dny ou tlu�, Bouh�\':tl'd dt�s f'..:tJluehw� 11cl�·lng with lmn�er." 'J11H! uovdl:it Insisted on tak­ing t.1ozln.tl to n eoufeetiOJHH' who sold macnront ]mttlcs. ForgettiUJ.:' hl!i huu­ger, Hulzne vluug-ell luto tlll !lllJH'eeia­tlon of (Joopcr·� "Lnl\e Ontario" (uew­ly nppt�aretl). l1ozlun noticed tlmt the shop uttctHlnnt, un English girl, Juul htmt•l) ltlm tlll1lrus� Hn.lzlLC by nauw und WllS t,"t\Zlng nt the uutllol' ns thnu�h fasclHIIted. Sla� wus ustonwlL•d Pl't!N� cntly hy the npJwttte ot' genius fur mncnrunl vattll's, which (1f�nlll1Plll'e<l hy coupleR. ·

"How llllll'h tlu 1 owt:!' you?" nslw.J nn.hmc.

11�othlng, :\1. lhtlznf',11 snl1l llw I·1ng-11Rh �II· I fh'mly,

BILizlc.• WIIN llntlpht�l·rl t'nr n nwantmt, tiWU hP JHIRfll'tl 111M )JI"l�cilJU:i C!UJIY oC 11Lillw OlltJtrlo" tutu tho gtrl!>! huwl�, stt�·tn.a:. "l t•:ul llco\'c�r tmf!ir.feutly t'l•g-n•t, mntlnmuiHellt>, I hut I tlhl nut \\'l'ltu thut Uuok."

l'na•t••• nnd Mt•·Jng, F'I'Unk\111'1:4 liliiL' lznlltii'L'cl llUd Ctllllll•

luth'l' nduuo, "J.1oJ' \\'Hilt Ht' tlw :mU t.11o HIHU! \\'11:-1 !1)1-(f, t'OI' \\'Hilt ot' lliu HfllW thO llui'MI! \\'IIH lnHt. l'ol' wnut of tlw hm'HO tIll' um 11 \\'ill'( lw.;{/' Hlloultl ltfl vo tlrn mldtmdulll ol' t.wilhJ nut! JIUIIL�I' lJu.,;tJ put to It 111 1\1111\l• 11 C'UlllJIIUtt!,


'l'luo HIIIUII ••ullhm• hHii<otH lull'<! HIIMIII. ell'ppf. 011 tiHIHt! Ht I' I WI\ 11,\' tiiPIII, 1111ti 11. WIIH to uh\'lnlu tliiH cllllhmll�· t llut 1JIP clt11Ht)LIIII hUIII't \\'UH tlt•\'IHt>d. '1'1111'1 hill· l11l IH 0110 1'1'01!1 wldda flllt't. ot' tlw ulelwl nl' '. 'U!Jilt'l' l'CJ\'t•r•!n� IH t't•liW\'t•ll. HOI hut tlit! fol'(!t1 (If' til!' illlJIJic•t HJJI't'JUJH t lw HuJ'J l••u•l. nulllllll( 11 IIIIHHII" 11111t IU!IIc.'IM ta folll\'ttl'tl, Hlilltll'l'hiJ.( WU1111tJ.

u llmwu glrlt-�. ''uu t-�Ptl, UH',\' got tn tlllltlll Ill hllll 111 1 Hlllll)'lll llll'lll 1',\'l'H u' hlHH'll, au f\1!-!l tiling !lit',\' 1\llo\\'t• tl tlwy \\'llH tmulu•r·1u '"rtt•r 'pm, Uut. .Jnln• J.(nt flUI'tlc:'ltJI', 'rJit!,\' WIIH ll lhllt• W\11'11 lrP'cl U�Jt•u tlcklml tu tlt•ntla tu hiH'tJ nlly �11·1 tlmt WOI'U clt'l!MPH.!I>I tWPJI l'UIIIJJ111)' Wftlr hllu, .ltuf hu ''''II' 1"111�>�111 IIIH l1h·�·H t'\"t•l'''

Cuuldu'* Hrh11l llt•r Tt••••h In �lt•t•11 , An t�llllth11lt. lH'ofuH!-Ior ul' pS,\'c\lloltJ)tY

nt IIHI'\'Ill'tl WUH clt•t•JII�· lll!l'l"c>:ih•cl In flit� t 'UHI! Of' 1111 I!Jlllc•Jltlt! Wllllll\11. 'l'nllt· ht,..-: with IH't" lm:-�lul lad, ill' I'HlllHllt out l.lrl'!lltllllllolut llllci H,\'lllllfnlltt-4. ,\ncl lao� IIHI<.Pil lhl� qlll'�llou, "I lid ,\"ull c•\'PI' 110· tJI'P lJIIIt .\'PI//' \\'J/'p ,(!I'OIIfld /u•l' ff'Pflt Ill l;i�hl'i"

'1'11 wlilc•ll fliP hPI't'll\'t�tl htwluaru1 l't'· plll'd, "KhP nt•Vt>l' �IPpt In tllt'lll,"-UoHrnu .lnlll'lllll. ·

l•'ow tllh1,4H lll't! IJIOI'l' Ug"g'l'll\'1\lillg t.hnu tn IIi' I"L!IIti,V tn tiP 1111 u paelwgn IIIHI Uud 11n Htl' ln�:. ot' to t 'III'I'Y n 1\•w llj1JIIt1H, UI'IIIIJ.':'l'H, C'g').t:'" oi• hui!JI" 11 Hlllll't iiiHIIIIU'P ltlltl lind no ll!IU to liohltlwltl. HII'IJIL:"H Hlwuld nhm,\·to� /u) 1\"Utllu/ 111 u. !lull Hlld lll'pf l't�lltl�· l'ol' IHIIIllldlnlt• 11!-tU W lll'l'll till' 1'1111111,1' 11111,1' 1111<1 lhl'lll, 111Hl l lll}lt'l' i'6t.l:�, 11� !>ltUIII 11!'1 t•(IIJIIJc•cJ, l-lh011l1t llt• l'ul•h•d ll•·nll,r 1111d lultl Ill 11 drn \\'t)l' (UI' """ IHj """ ' '"' '

At l("naonnhlll a•rlus nt DOBRRER'S

'rNI 1&.11 l'riiiiT ILOIIIITo

(JI•t'IIH,\' JJUtiJH IIIII;\' Jm lllllt/(1 pm·rP<1tly �h·nn h)' lluhtl�' Hl't•urluu w1111 11 "'''' llulllll'l tlllil"''l In ""lllilloll Hnlt.

'1'1111 flli'IDtll' I(<!IH IIIIJIII/ nil 1'11!111 It IIIIIIJIM •lnn't flU lll(lllllMI lhu lll'tllP,­l'llllt&dUII>hh& IJullu�,

---------------------WES.TFIELD PHARMACY-·--·---

T��nchar�v:�. fillQA . .,.o·uw. ATER, H .����;!�:�!�\���: . . . . ... ,, . ...,, ... '·

Page 2: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august

2 THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, FRIDAY. AUGUST 18, 1899. , ! ======;====����������������·'; = sow ELEPHANTS LEARN. No mail or telephone orders Riled for the following.

O'N EI LL'S, HAN D S O M E DWE LLING. lf!Ju,lhle Couni' r)· lfon111e to De Unlit

on a l.nrJ.rt• l•Iut. s\ t; l l l lw1!"''• or ftnt! with 1 1 tiJWCr, u pon

• sm11lJ J11t in th1• I'O!Jiltry, is uut of kt:•t.•p­iug with th1.• �IIJTolllitliJI :;:-;. l lt ·�ith•:-,;, ll !ow h"li�P, �.-,mPwhat l'nlll bliu� in it:-� external IIPf•t•aJ·anct! nntl simplt• in de­ail!n. is Htnl'l• n!:-.tt'ul [!, t lw l!,p-!, �idngo nu uir u f t'O t ; l fn; t a1 1 1 ! tifttmd[ty and o( geuu­bt(� ll•, �·q > i r a l ir.r withiu. �inl{dicity awl un­fttlu\·c� ' 'ti • ,nlt l 'ty nrt: tlu: n·nl ·�hnrtll:l of etmnt.r:r Hft' . l l l t l Wt!t"l: loe:-;t il lustrated in ?\(•\\' En:.;la!Hl bttllle l ik· in tla· t lay::; or UJ t• t•olnllit·�. \\"ht·rl tlu• �(tirtflin� �·hf�f·l irl�tf•;tll ol' ll:e mo�ll�rn ['iu noJ oc,�upk·d the

time a n d : t lt .. ution f)f the glrl o! the lll•rirl41 : wh··n our J!l"!liltlfnthers crneke11 nt1 t.:.;- n nd dr·;.nk cdd(·r· t •• r tlw (J[,(·n n·oud fil't.: ii• a tl'!ll[Ji ... •l'HtUI"t� r;t tj;j t h.•;.;n•es F. hy tlte J i:.:-ht ,,r u "ta lJ IJw dip' irt�tcatl of e::ttir1� s wL•l ! dinn1�r�o; llnil driukinll cluun· JlltJ.:"IIC iu st1•am heatc:1l a[lartnu:nts nt UO dr•:.:n·f�s F. in the gl;uc of the electric light.

I wrmltl not rube my Yoict:: n;;ainst f)rf'.!-l"n�SH in the- ruts fin!l sciences, Lut is tlwre llfJt n }Jil [IPJ" rnc.•di u m Le>ttn.•Pn the extremes whcrf.."by the modem lo¥e of luxury nnd displnr mny Le tcm pereJ with mort! ()f the siTeetness of home Life, as it wn;.; in the ''olden tlnys't"

'rhe HI'Nllll[lflnJin� cuts represent the Jlhtns smd ltfii'SfJectin• \·iew or 11 se�s ib�e an<! ct)mfortnUt· country houst!, whwh 1:11

PF.TISPECTI\'F. VIEW. de�h.:nc>d tn he· J(,cntc�d in the midtltc of a lar••t• Jll11t 11f g-riJuml. Thl' buildiu� has nn "'c·:d t'l!nH:· f 1·nntn:.:e of 70 feet and is ]�� �tf1t·if·� in lu:i,t:ht., with the� roof [J rf.!t� til,,- l1rok . . u with J;HlJic� ami rlurmcr wiu· dows. Til�..! mnin cutrnncc is protP.ch:d },y JJ lu·t,:ul pt)r('h, n-}Jjch VfH.'Il!; into tJ_w ln.rJ.;C stain·nsc hall. '1 he l;lttt:r cnn nlso lie used n.s a l'eceptlon ronm. The st.rur· Ctts(• nnd !inbh rA tlw hnl l nre fJf onk. 'l'hc m1dn llt:WC!I of the stnirs r:xtcwls to tfu• cellinl!. with n corrcsrumdin� (Jilnster ngninst ll:t· wnll, with n.n ornn m�ntnl frieze or :-�pimllcwcrk, which, with the three stnincd glnss n·intlows and the Landsomc.• rront door, git'cs to this fC>B· turu of thC' house n most plcmsing effect.

At the rkht of thl' muin hall is the par· lor, 15 by :!2 feet in dimensions, lighted ),'!;"' three full windows n.t ench end, with .L�ndlights nbo�e and hro smnJiec win· dows in th1• side. The chimney, with a large, open firepln.ce, is placed on th� 11ide or thr· room, n.s shown. The parlor Is scpnl'nt<•cl from the hlLll by a sliding dor,r. 'fh1• wnnrl work in th£> parlor is ot ash, fini:·dtNI iu the nnturnl color of the 1';o01l. At the lett of the �cstloulc Is the 1tudy, �l'et wit1e nnd 12 teet long, with ap opcr:r l'f'pl,ncc nt one end, and l ighted. by thrr". Ll'i[Jiet windows 11imilnr to those in the parlor, with a door OPl!niog into the mnin IJ:LI I . At the left of the study lc; th<' dinil•;; room, u; rect ln width nud 20 rcct in fength, lighted by tripltt win· dows nt one cond similar to tbQ parlor and n Aim:le window at the other, l\·itb a door on onl' side communicating with the 1ru1in ha l l Jtnd a door on tb� opposite Hide t�penin� into the scr\"'onts' hull . An o pen lirepla· ... e i� plneed in one cornnr, with n ll!hinn. closrt in the OJ.flrJ�itl} corner to IJftlnncc tht• snme. Thi.s room is finlshcd iu UJiti{{fW OUi.o..

1 Betwe£>n th<� scrvnnts' hnll nnd kitchen iH nn nnusnnlly Jn rge pnntl'Y, fitt<:d up 1ri tll ,;bel Yes. Tbc �;rouud phm is com ..

f'II:.ST FI . . OOH PLAN. [1letcd b,.,.. lb£!- li.itdwn, 15 by 18 feet in dlmt�nHinn..;, whieh fLil'tnS n wiug pl·ojf:Ct· l11g from the- mnin lJillld!llg. '1't1e wJug, with till' galliC o\'cr tlw pnrlor, rear ver·nutla nnrl d(Jt'm�r windows, J.;i�cs n

.yc1·y ph-Lu n.•sf]ue effect to the rcur ot tbc tmildin;.:. lu tlw s�cond story nrc three large cimmhors nnd two .snmllcr bell· J:"o(Jms, l!itthroom nnd closets comrllctc. 'Tile WI)Od work of the kitchen, scn·unh' !.ull nn1l pnntl'y is ot yellow [Jiue, ex· c<:pt tlw shelves nn<l doors, which uru ot 'vhitc r•ine, 'J'he woodwork of Luthroom h of nKh. All floors nre. ot Yellow !>lne. The et•i liug of mnin hnll is or oult, neat· ly pnnelt·d, with timbers cxputS,cd. All llther iwdd(' \I'(JOcf H'lJrk, �XC(!Jit thll� lJO• fore inrlieuted, is or \\·hitt> piuc, (minted iu two Ctmts.

'l'IWI'f' is n cellnr exterullug unUer the entin· IJllildiu.t:, wlth wnlls lnld ti[J h1 ltl'm(·Hf 1nor·tm•. 'J'Iw collnr bottom is ec-Htl'lJ l<•ll. 'J'he rrnrne of the lmlldiru.� Is (J( KJ!I'Uec. ri'he Sir]e Willis UJul gaiJJr�s are !-!lien tlwd w ith tonJ:tU�d ruuJ �z·no\'l�d stuff uml CfH"f!l'l.''l n·ith wuh.•rJH'fJI)f huiJfi. inJ,t JIUIII'I'. rfiJr! fiJ'Ht HlnrY is <�III JliiOIII'fll'll '9.'1th whltu pluo f,l!\'Ol�l) .sidi11g. 'l'ltto aide w n i ll'i nnd 1-(nhl•�� nll'l elH.•l'kS CJt rlnr· nu>l' wiiHiows nrr! Hhlti�li•ft with cypre!-!s ttfdu.L('f•·;; f11Jd �tuirJr!tl witl1 n tnfxtuw nf 11111'111 l'if•!JUU 111111 \'l•rJ!!IiUII rt·tl . 'J')u! roofs 111'4' Hhilu:h·d with IH!!'!t r1uallty c1t 1\'hlfr (liiJP ,.;!dr1glf'�, JJnll i•li l r 1 1 hl' :1

•ldnJ.;II' l u l l! , ldt IIIIJtldlllt••l. 'J'he chlnt· IWJ'H lll'f' , ,r h n !·tl hdldt, pa lnt 1.•1! with Vt'llf' f i l l l l l'f•fl I J I I d fill. 'J'Ju.• OlltH idl• Wfllill· 1\'fJl'h ,,, l i l t • fi nd 1-1tury IH Jlllht!Ptl a ,J,�r·], f;"l'l'Cflo ! 1 1 which IH wlth�11 u little lJUl'lll

�w:oNo rJ,f i!IH PJ.AN, tl!'lftfl llU Ill 1!1\'1• It 1\ 1Hl l'rlllllll1.llll! tuun. 'fht• lt al UJii 1 11' \'ll l i t•,\'H Hlld �lltli!I'H Ulill II !J tltndilll.l!� lll't> t1f J . (J, •• l , ll l'l.'tllil t i ll, I•Rhlt• •·t l f \\'11 t'h! l U t With ltH!I Il iU I! Jlltlut. \VIth lho&.• 1'.'\I'Pflliort r1f tlu• t!P l l h 1t 11f Uw mulu h u l l , u l l Hl1lt• wniiH uwl � �ttl l ln,.:H I n twth ll"lil 1 1 1 1d -.4 '1'111111 Hll ll'it•H Hl't• J tu t•tl IJUIKhtlll eu f \\'tl I'II/I I .A! ttf tJ/'fH\'Il IIIIIJ'fll f', 'J'Jw l!fJHt •f f'l l•t • l \ t ij! th�14 lttJU�U t!UIUJIII'lU \\'fJU!cl lm al••lltt � I ,IICJ(J,

VIOLOIII o lr t l•t. In H1'AINY.Il (IJ,AHH,

arn\tl �LI'IJIIt, lltar (:IMk Ht .• Wt•KLUuM, N • ...

Sixth Avenue, �oth to :3 1st Street, New York.

The Mo.st Popular of the Large Stores of New York.

The ' �O'Neill'� Bicycle For Men and \Vomen,

Four Colors and Three Heights of Frame,

;$Formerly $;�7 �oo,

NOW $15.98 Your order by mail will be ·promptly and

a�;�;urately filled • .

H. O'NEILL & CO. , 6th Ave. , 20th to 21st St. The Game of Mancaaa.

Tbe game of mant:ala mny be said to be the nationnl gnme of Africa. It i• most closely a�sociated with that conti · ncnt. It is fonn<l nmoug all the tribes and is nn evidence of tho essential unity that. underlies all tho Africatl race.'!. ,\mong the A byssininns it is played by all classes, from the king to the peasant. It is the fn\'OTite wnusement of the oegroos at Benin, oll the west coast. It iR �·f'l l kno\l"fl e.rnong the nnth·� of Bombay, in Java, in C'..eylou, in tho Maldive Islands nnd in th(J.Mnlny (lell• insula. In Syria and Palestine cup marked stones u�ed In this game lli'B not infrequently found In old ruins. It is played by the Drusea with holeo� made in a plank of wOO<!, nnd this is the com· won form of the instrument in Jel'usa· lem and thronghout Syria, where lt may be seen continnally playe<l in tho cafes by the visitors. Tho chllrlren In Egypt, Nubia 1111d Syria play It in holes exca­;ated In tho ground, and when two tra,·elcro meet on tho wny they frc. qucntly rest and extemporlza a board of holes dus in tho hard path anrl proceed to piny with tho pebbles they gather on the spot.

In Pale.tlno and Egypt tho sbtJlls nEI'd in the g ... me am brought from the shores of tho Red. sea, whilo in llamas· ens pebbles aro employed which pll· grhnH collect in n certain valley on tho way home from Mecca. Games of hnz· nrc! nro prohibitl!d Ly tho .Moh1unmeorlan religion, bnt mancala is consirlered a gnmo of fato or sl:ill and Is therefore tolcrntcd, nnd in all likellhood it is rliiiused hy tho pilgrimages from Jllecca throw;bont tho 1\Iobammc<lau world to tho utmost limits of Arab cultnre.. ­Good Words. ------

Soap. Tho first dlEtinct mention of sonp

r;ow e�tant Is by Pliny, who speuks of It us an invention of tho Gnuls, but be thn.t •• It may the nso of soap for wash· ins purt>o•cs Is of great nntirtnity. In tho ruins of Pompcil a complete soap manufactory wns found, nnd the uten­sils nnd somo soap were In n tolerublo state of preservation. The Ga.llio soap of 18 C<!nturtes ago wos prcpnr<ld from fat nnd woo<! ashM, pnrticulurly the nehCR fl'om beech wood, which wood wns very common in Franco ILH well ns in En�:Innd. Soap Is •!"'leon of by writers in tho fiecoud century, but tllo Snrn· ccns wero tho tl .. t fl"OPlo t.o bring H iuto geucrul nso ns un oxteruul clenu:;iug medium, Tho uso of soup ls thus ch scri bed: u \\"'hcn f•xwniucd chmuically, ttw sJ\in ill fouwl to tm com pmwrl of a substuuco u.uulo�ouH to dried '''hlto of egg-hJ u word, ulburnon. Now, ullm· rmm is solnhlo in dw nlkalios, nnd when "'"'P is """'! for wushing th" sldn tho excess of ulkull cornbinrs w lth tho ally flni<l with which tho skin ls nntu· rully t.l(•flnwod, ff!lllO\'n8 it in th11 form of ur1 t.mmlHion, nurl with it f\ pnrtim1 of tJw flirt. Aur-,ttu•r portion nf tho 11l· knli f.inftmHI n.rul rlh;!'ol\'Nl the �>nperflciul stru.tnm of thn Hklu, uwl wh('n thiR lH ruhlwrl <Jff tho rf!ot of tho dlt•t diFnp· l"'"r"' fl" t.hut m·nry WUHhfn!l of thu Aldu witlt ,.;nup rPmnw•r-� tho nl1l fncfJ of tho 1-1htu nnrl lc!U,'I�H a llt!W mw, nml \\'f!nJ tho fJfflr.el'iH tftJJfJfltl!fl to UXClJMS tho Jnttl!r wonJrl t�o�!conuJ nttcllunterl, "­N uw ¥ <Jrlc Lndger,

" J'"'"' u••rolahl. n�cr·nlly tho wifo rot lUI AtJ .. ntn niBil

tohl l tl111 Hhlt Wfllt!O<I tWO fi(IWHIIIII:Jl!fH t11111 \nro Jlnhll"lt"d In <ll iturwt l!!nteH. lfu lffld no chUrtj(O UIH<Ut hlfll1 HO HhO 8"''" hJm 10 ooiJtH wllh 1vhloh to rmr· cluum thmn. ·

llu \Yf!llt lntth, lout 1111 tho Wtl)' IJfl· thr>u�ht him of thu cllplilrtl! lmronn, WIJIJI(l, IHJ llfillliJ(}. IIU IJUDitl llfJt lhu I'"" JK>I'H l"r rwtllln11. l!o ho hiVl!Hillll thu IIIOIIU)' In tl I!IIOCI Ull!llf1 Ollttlillud tl111 Jill• JMJtH whon tho dlpi>lrlll man WaH thrutlllb w i t h thum runl ruturm•l hnm.-. Uu OJ�UflhiM tho l•opon hiM wllo <liM•

cnl'<•rtrl thnl \Wr• ltlllll� hn<l IJIIIJU vlll'l•"l from otw tuul f<JDr from IUiutbor, 1111d

then there was trouble_ It was in vain that he tried to . ex­

plain. In fact, he coulrln 't explain. The moro he stammered ont excuses the more hls wife's cnriosity was aroused.

The noxt morning when he appeared down town his head was bandal!ed ond be looked ill.

He is now consulting a law,.er as to the ad,•lsahility of suing the clipping bureau for damages. -:-Atlanta. Constitu· tiOZl.

A r.tarotte Rei..,_ One ot the ruost curious IUid valuable of the rellC8 of General Lnfayl!tte, the

great Fre%lchmao wbo cast his fortnlle.s with America when the battle for inde· pendenco was at its height, Is In the possession of the family o! w. G. Griffin of Los Angeles_

When Lafayette cnme to this oountry, he woo ent.,rtained by a C<Jloncl Griffin and was so touched by . the attention shown him that he pMsen!ed ht.. host with a raro . and rea utiful ring which had been placed on hh finger by Lonl.o XIV, to whom be adtnitted allegiance before sailing for America. The ring Is a mar<1uise, with a setting about Wl inch long and fully half an inch wide.. -San Francisco Call.

Bow 8upr h Ref!Ded. The method

·used by tho best �mgar

refineries is snbstantinlly ne follows ' 'rho raw sugar Is dissol\-e<l in largo cia· terns on tho grounrl tloor, enough hot \'tntf:r being added to produc.e u specific gra\'ity of I. 25. The Rolutlon Is then drawn through a connecting pipe ha\·· iug a conrEe w;ro strainer intn large pnmps, by which it h pumped lnto tho b ighe•t •tory of tho building, nsually tho sorenth or eighth. It 'there ptu!S�s into vessels beat<>d by stcntn coils to 11 tempcrutnro of abont 2 1 0 F. l'olilk of lime i� oddccl to tho solution in tbt..:sc pans for tho purl"'soof ncutrulizing nny nc id which it may coutaiu. From thcso pans the liquid passes down t<l the next floor, where lt Is filtere<l through a so· rics of bags, each made of two thick· nesses of cloth, an outor one of coarse nnd an inuor ono of fino cotton. The bagB nrc inclosed in boxes to prevent cooling; .Aft<:r lcn\·lng thoso tho sirup i� run through filters of boneblack, which absorbR nll tho coloring mutter left In it. .\fter !raving th�se It I• pnmpc>d into ''ncnnm p!UJ&, lurgo vessels

heated by slenm unrl oxlumst-:d by ulr· pumps. Tho pr<!ssnro being tA,us M· duccd1 tho licJuld is boiled ut a lower uml lowcr tcmpcrntnro nutil , nt 140 dn· greeR, e\•uporn.tion is complub.t a.nd thu si rup rnpidly crystullizos Into •ugnr. 'l'hlH is tho t.roe<ll.' by which tho best whito sugnr Is rnndo, whilu poorer qunl· itles nro ·propni•�l by to method lc.,;s com · vlcto. -st- Louis Il<•pllbliu.

Mnm•• Mnpf!rMtlt lnoa. 'VhPn HtnrtlnJ.!' for tltc rl rt!r, !fftYR n

n'l'Jtt•r In LowJon f•,k•Jd, If you tlll\'H. to tnru lmelt urut gPt NoUil'titln� thnt you IJit \'1� for�ottt•n, you ua·u Hlll't! to cntdl llttl" or nothim: tllnt •hi)'• '1'111• IH un nrth:h! nf J >t•\'(lil ful!dut·,., nwl 1 tuu In· clllu'fl to thlnl: t1u• WPHt f.'OUIIh'Y foi l( t'h!ilt ltnrt!ll!. 'J'lw t !Jl'liiiJPolnt nwut., tlu• huny nw1 thu hrluglnJ.: of wt•otJS.: tltlfi�H nlt\'IIYH net pr••J wllelully fl/)()1\ whn t. out tn Ill' thP um•ttfi1NI, ('\'l'rl tt'111{1er fJf n t'lll'f:PI-IHftil IUIJ.dt:l', flu ht'COOHH-4 J IIIHf.}' Jlllf) J'HHJt, tiiOHf. Ot'tfoll wllh Ill r!!HIIltM to hh< l •uMiwt, 1!1 till• ,,., .• t,.t·n l t l ll hltw<l" I t IH •·m·­l'lmtly IJ(.•Jit•\'l•t1 that I t' you Ht•P H eult with ltH /1111')( to )'Ill! 1\')11.'11 H!Ut'tlff$! lll ttw nwl'llhi.Lt em IL t1Hhluu t•>.:l!tlmluu It I� tlu• wot·Ht ot lttel<, only to I"' cxccL•I­l•d Hltnuld )'UtJ lwUI' 11 ctwtwo l,utoru t .r<•nl<t'UHI,

------�·�-----Y<'ffrH, nrul nttur ull •n·cullud �:nruH htul

fullwl WIIH l••ruunwntly cnretl hy urw IHJX or TJuWitt'M Wllcl1 llnzul flnlvn,"


HtiYH 1�11 trllo, nf J,mulwr Cit)', l'a, Uu Hllr• yon !(Ut 1 '!Jt•\Vltt'R," 'J'hOlll llfll lll •


jnrlouH. nn<l , •IIHhouv&t cotmterldttt, w,, II. 'l'r�nchtml. ' i I

lome Al'e :tlore DtmcoU to T�BCh Trleka Than Otl1er• of the


hScores o r pecrlt:: a�k me e\-ery c!ay, .. ta.iU I\cep�r Rnytlcr, of the elephant hott.se in Centrr�l park, Xew York, recentiy, uhow anything su stuplrl• Jookfng and thick-skinned as nn elephan t cnn be tauMht nnythir:g. I tell them all that elephant• an: not unlike children. Some nre too dull ta learn anythl n�r, and utn· Your money willingly refunded for anylhing unsalisfactorr . . · ers catch a.n ir!ca quickly. 'rom," be went on, poin ting to the ln.rge t:lc[lhnnl who "'ns busily engaged In thro,dng

hn..r.on hJ8 buc}{, .. .althoug-h jrn.::cible ln d isposition, i.s quite intEll igent. The fir:.st trick I taught him wus to lie 1 down. This wa.; not so enl>iy to nc· compllsh as it might �cern, for it tool� a block ruul fall at front nnll renr, with "' go.ng of 15- or 20 rnen nt cuch end. I stood at one side, and r..s I snid 'Get down' his feet were drawn o11t from under him. This hac! to be rep<Oa ted onlY n. few times before he learned wh�t •Get down' meant for him.

"To te�J.£h hi m to st:mrl o n his hind feet and on his henu 11 block nnd fall on a beam O'fer h is head, a f'Oatch block nnd two 'dcnd men' i n the floor nnd the t., serYices of another ekphnnt were all (t required. As I said 'Get up' the cle· phant in harness walked forward, and ' 'rom's front feet w�nt up, while his hind feet were ehnlncd tog-ether. \\'hen I said 'Stnnd on ,·our hc�ur his front feet, whichha.d bee;} prcYiously chaint=d� remninf:d on the floor, while his h i nd ff'ct were dra".-n up until they almost J iteraJly 'kicked tho beam.'

.. Thc.::.e were his first le�sons. \\'ben he learned to driil to 'right-•bout-face' < nnd •Jeft-nbout-fnce,' I ::;toad on one ��

· s ide of hfm nncl anot.her man on the ; other, nnd we ench hnrl a prod. As I 0.:· commanded 'rlght·about·face,· he was pushed o\·c.r to the right, l'.nd •left· nbout-fnce' he was prodded in that <li· T£'.t'tlon. 1 tanght him to wnlt:z in (! much the s:une way, only ns we pushed him back IUld forth we made h im go clear nround, nnd now he i� one of the best walt7.ers ln the country. lle lcnrncd to ring the b<oll und tun himself < in one lesson. Doth rcctuirc the �a mt! motion, nnd they nre really the sn me trick, although pl!ople ne\·er thiuk o1 , thnt. Yes, he knows which is wh ich OI}.d neYer llicks up the fnn or napkin when I tell him to ring the bell. I onl�· hn.d to put cnch, one at n time, fn his trunk, and with the fnn nnrl bell I shook it, nnd 'vlth the napkin wiped ftrst one side of his mouth o.nd then the other. lie took to ha.nd-orgnn grinding like a ::l!ulbeny street Italian. It Is one of his fd<orlte tricks. "t

OREA T. REMNANT SALE ! ' THESE mloca teach i m porttmt lessons I N ECO

.NO�Y and will

appeal forcibly to the common sense of the tute l hgent buyer, TRUE GOODS. HONEST VALUES. REAL CHEAP.

Tmshy articles are not cheap at uny price nnd at"e n ot a<linit-tell in oar store.

AT 49c.

... A Grand Silk Offering ... (' rand ll.."'>mrted lot nf H i�:b Grade 81lks. aiJ'lllt :!,Of)J yardH In all, flll this sesuon'•

lnteJoi�t de .. lgns and col�rln�<:"B. includinil :.!t·lnch Fuuh\rds, �trlJlcrl and Cb.eeked Tatfetu

Corded 'l'n.tfda<� ,tncl Ren�a.llnes. Brocnded lS!ttlns tor m·:.mtn�: \\'ear, \Y"h.ite Brocaded" ludfas, HJnck Satin Ducla•s."ie. Hlnck Tatfetn..'! IUld . Black Broco.de;l �0\e) .. 49 t ies, nnd nthers too nnmt•rou8 to w�ntlon. ::-oonc \\•J�th lc!!� thLLU . • ac.:. oth· c ers np �0 Sl .rn Yonr choice of this �rJI.nd lot at on)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · . . '\: AHD

Notions at lc. Worth up to 3 '·

Ch\rk's Dnrniut,: L'otton, in balis, n·orth :1c. JroninJ.: \\"nx 'dth wooclen bn.nflles .

Shoe Lnccs. tnn or black, worth �c. Snfetr Pins. nil sizes. ·l VHJitlr;> of E.nl r Pins.

Notions at 2c. Worth UP to sc.

CnlJlnetii or �oull ftUalftS· Hair P!ns. Best Dnrnlnu "·ool on ca.rds. LlnetJ Cnr.o:;et Lnee�. extra size. One flnzen Bone Colln.r Uuttous.

Ehu;t lc CoreC!t LH.ct·�.

Domestics at 5c • Worth up to toe:. yard.


�.ard wide, cqunl to

Unbleached Muslin, the Atlantic A, • sells reilulnrly •�t ;c.

Cn.nton Fla.nuel,unblenchetl or bleach­eel, hea\'l' twill, worth ic.

8trlpe Tlckfn�ot, u good, llt!I\\'Y &! gra11e Fancr Shlrtlm: Vhedot, \\'ortb lClc.

Only at 5c yard.

Notions at 3c Worth up to Sc,

Wash Goods at4c Worth up to toe a yard.

Best Aprou lilngbams, worth).ic, FJLSt color InUigo Blue Callcoe!l. Fnncy llo"'ig\ued Lawn�;�, rc�uln.r Jlrlce IC•·. Corded Dlmltlt>ti, worth IOe. Fnncy t u rKey red ctt..Ucoes, were jc•

Lig-ht Uu.lcJed. best Awcrlcnn 11rfnt•; onl)' 1\t tc y11.rd. ·

Linens and White Goods. Worth up to 12 • ·ac.

Only 6c. "The elCj>bnnt is the only nntmnl tl whose le!."' all bend the •• ,me way. Dis 1\ind l�gs ben.d In, nnd the !>OSition re­quired for crE'eplng is not ,·ery com· forta.ble, bl.lt· he does it as wen as a buby. llls perfoMillUlee.s on the hllJ'­monica nt'e the moot surprising to on-

685-687 Broad St. and 21 w. Park St. lookers, !Jut the f�J.£t Ls that 1111 the in• telllgence required for that Is holding the instrument. As he must broothe through his trun k, e\-ery brooth mo'<'eS it bnck nnd forth. I di!!Cm·ere<l th:>t he holds hio breath when be stands on hi'S hind lege, hy trying 1.o get hlm tu do that o.nd play the lm�monicn. at the same time ; but h is front feet are no sooner up than the I!Ound eenses until th�y nre down ngnln. "Tfis tub Is o.bout 2V, feet high, nnd It tnt"lk me nhout on hour to g�t him to mount i t the Hrst Ume, and ns long to gc.t him rlown from t t once he! wn� tllJ· I ha.d finally to im pro\·ibc n. ::it,�p floom it before he would come clown. lie went 1·!ght up ng-nin, ho•.\'f!�er, nnd come rlown, and repented tlte mo\·ement �e\·ernl times in the fl:rst Jcsoon. Xow 110 mounts it o.nd stnnd<; on his hi nd feet, bJs fron t fe�t, h is side feet o.ncl wnltze� n.ml changes on it. ul1coplc nl� seem to think that nn cl· f'phnnt hns no sense nf feeling bccn.nse hi� skin Js thick nnd coarse. The fnct i, thnt hi!:) skin Ls ns sensith-e ns a. l�Uhy'e am\ if you tickle him with n strnw �·ou will lind ltout- 'l'hc filcsnnd Hl(J�(ptitoes nrc greut disturbers of b!s ptace lLnd he Is to51;lng hny on his OOck nov,.· to dl.slmlge them.



Don't Waste Money

by llllvin" cheap plumbing pnlllo '· to )'OUr house. It isn 'I there long t.· fore something is eitberburstlngor 1\llllt• · ing, nnd the money cotlsutned little bJ little soou umonnts to the eame as till original of fir•t class work. "

M. H. FERRIS, Sanitary Flumbint.




Westfield Office, Slandard Building. Westfield Yard, al l. H. Lambert's Feed Store, North AYI.

wrom hnd his n.nnunl bnth nnd oil· ing a few dnys n.go, and the ln.tter o p-­erntlon prc,·ento his skin from get-ting too dry. In bia nnth·e �tnte he For Extra Ml LK and CREAM .... treats himself t o mud baths n.nd keeps h!mseJf in condition,

· "The feet of the e.lephnnt hnve to iJe r(>palred fl'cquently, for they nre r.s f:.Ub'Ccptible to corns nnrl stone bruises ns tlH! feet of people, nod thC!y hu\'e to be cut and trJmmcd. \"ou wouldn't think I t , would you, thnt twice nround 'lom'H front foot, when 11C Is stnndlng with his iull weight upon lt, ls cqunl to his height? It ls true, nnd It ls o. rule tlmt seldom vnr!cs nn inch In nny clcphnnt.

'•�.rhc Afrtcu.n clcphu.nts. hH\'C only

Send your order to

Mount Ararat Creamery. We also have a q uantity of Mi lk and Cream at Trenchard's

Drug Store for your conven ience.

Geo. F. Brown , (l .. ��otc or ClUIIt.l Ht.,

Now York,)


'l'olcphunu, �·u. ::Ja .. A. 43 Somerset St., Plalnfltl :

four toes nnrl tl1eir en rs nrf! \'er•y ln.rge. '1'11o ,\,lillie clpJmnl& hn\'c five toes nnd their cnz"R tu·c smuliC!r. 'rher� nrc t'ow ,\fricnn clcplmniR I n lhiK country, not lllOI'C than Uu·cc 01' four. Not long u.go, nt. nn exhibition In New i·orl<1 thcro wna n Rkln of lcut.h er wHh smu.ll cnra und Manuf�&cturcr of

,\l�r) ,v 1\1 PtP n.UII Interior l>eeoOI'­ntionij,

CtJmparuth•oly fln"u tcxtut·c ( t he hldo from ni l t:lt!lllHLuts luu� ton lnr�-ru (lfH"L•S to rnn..kc It of mH.!), 11ntl It W!U! lnlwled 'Hi lle fnHn nn Afrlcu.n clcphn.nt.1 ]'co .. 11lc don't I< now nnythlng nhout them." -;-i, \', l'oRI,

An .o\,·nlnncl••• of llntl, ,one ol tile nw•t rtole11t hnllstorrna of which wu hh\'U nny I'N!OJ'tl lJIII'Kt orer

Muddd ou Jmm It townnl Kl:i o'cloel< l n U w l'\'rmlng, lm�th1K (or 20 mluut�a. 'rr�•�s weru l'tl'lppt:tl ot their ful lngt.•, wh1dow JlHfl('fi WN'e hr•nkr!tl hy thou .. Klmc!K, nnc1 outbomw:s wc1·e 11r111oltHhed. 'l'h•t lu.llHtone� \\'l1l"h ft>ll flrt' oul<l tn hH\'e hl't�n UH lurg•� nR 1111tH, On one of tlw r•rlrwlput UVCrttii!M-I'fiHNI de In l'IIH• h.'Jinnn-thw 1111lt flt!llf.'f'lldl'fl Ill 1m awn·' lu11d1•! , n111t In rrwltll lg furuwcJ n pcrft:!ct rh·•'r.-N. \'. F;un. '

......... 'J:tuuo l1 no hoptJ tor 11ny young mnn:

.,holol'·llliiiiiiO unlonm whnt ho. thlllkl bu knowo.-Chlcaaru l>ally, Nu"'' . •: 1 I

Window Shades, Awnings, Tents, Etc. J, WI\RREN RI{OWN, Ma�a�rer.

A \\'lti!IRA IAkel , ! t1own uucl'atorod tor the wlnt.,r. Eeti­mnlt�l! choorfdlll furniHhOCl

C!\llOilit'" to rtQl tor W11tllllmr• ... 1'-t•t!tlllti!JJIIt.

Page 3: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august


'Rdlgtoua 'Rottcea.



P10rk Avenue and 4th Street,




Money to loan on Bond and �ert.Raee. JSustness aarDs. CHARLES E. SMITB,


NORTII BIUTISII and MEIICA!'TJI,E, and other tint etas� fire int!ur.uace cotnpauieB.

Notary Public an1l Commls8toner of Deedti. omoo, We�tfleld a.veuue"�:!\ft�id�·J�W Jerser


CLOTHS, MATTINGB. Carpets cleaned, refitted anil laid.

llllm Street , Westfield. N eiU' Depot.

0. E. PEARSALL a: CO., RBAL EsTATE AND INBUBANCE AGENCY. Olllllll of 1'1111: tJ':NIOII Coum 8TdD.UW,

Westfield, New Jereey. Ideal and Suburbl.n Homes For &lle and To Bent. Fire IDBurance placed In Flnt.-Ciuo

Comp&nloo. Ben !.A Collected. . .



Westfield references Jriven.



Oosolene 11nd Kerosene 011 soltl ant! de· · livered in any quantity. llrotul Street, \Vcstfldd, N' • • T. P. 0, .. Box 3H!l.

H o rto n's Ice C ream I N BRICKS, ALSO LOOSE.

Orclcrs t:tken for reCfllJtlons n:Utl weddings.

UP&UtJ• Ia Dlood bl!ep, Clean hlo(}{l rnenns a de:i.n skin. No

beauh· without it. Cnscnrets, Candy Catha•·· tic cli:!an )'our blood nnd keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy livel' and driving all im· purities from the body. Begin to·dny to banish pimples, boils, blotches. blackheads, and that siCkly bilious complexion by tnking Cascarcto,-bcouty lor ten cents. All drlll!• cists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOc, 25c, 50c.

To lie Kept Secret. He was u !(rent bore und \vus talking

to a crowd about the coming lbcill olea· tion. · Sai d · hu : "(-Hbbs is a good mnn; he is oa)mble, bouost, fearless and cou· sclootluus. flo '-'ill make the very kind of reprnscntntiYo we need. He once Sa\'ed my lit'u from drowuiug. "

"Do )•111 r�Jnlly want to soe Gibbs elected?'' stlid '' sol emu facotl old mau.

"I do, indeed l'rl givo anything to seo him ultmtr�d, ' • answered tho bore.

"'l'hon never let :myllody know be saved your lile, " counseled the solemn faced man. -Lourlou Tit·Bits. du.)' Tlii11"8tlay n.nd Saturdll.y n�t\.lrno(•lld trom

, .. ' t.; tl o'cluuk, �1\.tunby enmlr\�� trotn 7 to 0 : at their rooms on Brou.tl stroot, near Elm. r

· :��7f�l\1,\t�1,•:nra� J'rea{,: c���·:h�e �,�.,tk,1·,:r r. '.0.nr1 lmhy WllB sick for· a Wotlth with mu1h ltnolt. Nuw hook�('onf'hUJt.lv ,uhlt•tl severtl cough nnd cnturrhnl fever. Al·

PELVIC TRUSS HOLDS RUPTURE · ••a<Jih·. Wlt)''l BemltlSU It brln�-tH 1\ tl111111h

llrcll.'itlru tll rectly tl\'OI' tlw lnternnl nlulomlnnl ' OJit'llinl-('. In Mn clnlllM, lllllo lltt•HMIII'U IH I'U•

t]\llret1. No lrrltnt ing lute HI I'I\(IH nre m111tl . • Ynu tlnn't ·Hum I tn wt•tn )'out· 1l'U!Sl4 Kt. n ll-{lit . > 'l'hu '"Ara-ow�mlth Pulrlc 'l'rus�" IH n trhllliJih ' of Meh•ncn-thl:' l't•tmlt or )'1'1\1'� (Jf t•xtmrluncll In

trUHH llttlu�-:. lt. wlll llu;t, fm• ttm �'lUI'M urmlll'u. l'll)'tilc!JUIH Jll'm�t:l'ihu i t . (Jiilldrt,ll wenr It, ntul Rl'U 8111111 Clll't!ll, \'uu O'ill hntlm with It on.

. �!.::�r· r�·i�!ll�u��v·• ,�::t\' r.(:.':' \�!:!,';·�� .. ,��r::,�rtt���a\':���: .. � Lndy nKHI!IIt�nt fnr lntlh•M. J lnllrM, II tn II dnil)', Ojlllll :\lruult\)' Hilt I Satlll'tln)' nVNIIIIUM,

-_,·, 1"11'1'�011\ 11 tWi''��lt -J<�In- i'''l" cuut. tll:1<'ntlllt• ·. ' · wJJJ hu n\Juwucl In . J it!I'MO!IH 1tt'i llJ.cJIIt.f U f�c'l'r U( . , ' 11,1,�l \:\\�tX �Fl·1M\����N:�.'V/::.!;'' t����l�'�'�!.!�;!!"��·1t l l 11u · }llt.lcl tn IUIY onu whiJHtJ flllltum I t�IUI IJtJI Mil('• I:!Jrn�rullr lioltl,

ARROWSM ITH, ) ' 'l'ho 'fi'IIHH·Iilltlt1t, Jol:l1 1h·uwl Ht., Nmmrk.

Upp. t!nuh·ni iL l t . �lntlnn.

though we trietl many remetlies she kept getting worse until we used One Minnte Cough Cure,-lt rellevetl llt once 11ml cured her In 11 few •lnys. "-B. L. Nnnco, Pl'in. high school, Blnlfd11le, Texas. W. H. Trencluml.

•tTiw Mareh of the Meo of Darloch." In mllltury nmslo tho nmrch ocoupioe

B prominent po.<ltian und ho• boen om·

ployorl nat only to •tlmul11W cuurugo, but ulHo from 11hnnt tho ntit!tllu of the suvcutconth coutnry to inRuro tho ord�r­ly nllmncu uf truopH. Onu of U10 ourl ioHt lnsi1UWllH of rllytlnnlcul march iH tho Wc!Hh wnr Htrnhi, "Tho lllnroh of tho Mon of Hnrlnuh, 1 1 whioh itJ Hnpposod to htl'\'o origluntud duriuu tho HitlJ.Jtl nf Hnr· leoh cnAtlo In 1 ·108. lu l�uglnnd tho mil· itury umroh was of HOtncwlmt lnter dQ· volopmuut.

Hlr .Tuhn Hnwlclns In his " History of lllu.<lo" roliH UH thnt IIH uh11riHitOI'iHtio WIIH d ignity Ullll l!l'lll'lty, ill whfolt Ill· H[JOOt it «llfl'urud gruutly bom thu li"rouoh, which W"H briHic nml ul(lrt, nwl upropm1 of thiH HUhjt!llt t.hu HlliUU U\lthor quutuH U witty rOJtly of 1111 I�llzultuthnn Holtllur to thu l!'t·mwh 1\lnrHhul llh·ou 'H romurl< tlmt "thu l�ugliHh 11llll'llh, btillll! hunt1111 1Jy thu tlrum , · WlUI Hlow, honvy untl Hlum�IHh. " ' ".rhut muy IJU trnu, 1 1 lw tmit1, 11 hnt Hlow UH it lte it hnK truVtlrtmtl your 11116Htttl''H uountry f'rom ouo mul to tho utlwr. "-OiuuulmrH' .lout•unl.

"Dt•Wit.t'� Ultlt1 g11rly UIH�>ri tlltl mu 1110t'll 1(001[ t.i11111 !Ill hftMIIJ lllt!tJiUhii'H lllltl nll ot.luu• pill•, . . W1'ltoH Uoo. II . • JuunltH, or 'l'hom)JHIIII, Cor111. PJ'olliJit, l'lt1UHaut. 1111Vtl1' IC1'i(lll, -tlllly lllll'tl lllltiHtiltlltfllll, 111·nnHt> tlw lot'Jtltl llvm• l.u . IICIIInu ant! f(IVtJ )'Otl dUJUI blnml, Ht.t'llcly lltli'VIIH1 a ltlonr ht•aln lllltl ll hualthy III'I'OJtllu. W. n. 'l'rotwhartl.

PROPER USE 01" KOBEY. I . A• laportaat Part of Ute E••e•• �

ta•• ol Bolli 8oa• au• IJJ" Paaarhter•.

It I•, I� my opl_nion, not l'ery far frau a crime to bring . children up and launcl1 the� upon li fe in absolute ig· noranee of the best way to use mo11ey. During my business career l ba \'e soon mnny children grow up nml llegln the worltl for themselves. I huve alwuys noticed that tile child that wns taught the proper use of money was much more likely to hnn• n prosperous niter ciJ.reer tha.n one who btu] to learn the lesson by snd experience. It bus been Rnic1 t.hot . no mnn l'oulil fi{lmnuuJnte n fortune until he !mil fni lcll once In business. I nm willing to ndvorate that theory In the cnse of young people who hnve not been tnugllt the proper use of money. \Ve had in the eommunity o. family well off for 1hlH world's gooU.s, D·n<l fortunate in the fact thnt the parents were exceedingl,v proctJcal unll sensible persons. 1'bere were lmlf"a dozen children, and wlwn they arri ved ot a. certnin uge, ench \\"38 c-nllell upon to manage a certain portion of the buolneO&. of the place. Tltere were no fuO& or feather• about lt. The parents simply diNcted them to do this, tllat and the other, as the cuse might be. When th� oldeot dnugllter was 16, she did all the mor)<etlng for the house, ond did It quite ns well no her mother, unlet18 t!J.!re was something unnsual to be selected. Wl1en the 110n reoched the age of 'ts his father ·8eitt litm on an lmport!'nt buolnel!ll commission, Which he executed t() the BRtitifaction "' hi• employer Bud the naton.lshment of the entire community. The next daughter conducted o greenhouse. She began ,..ben eight years olll with four oaabeA, rigged M"er n .,.,Jinr window, where the heat from the fumtwe kept the atmosphere noove freezing point. Here she rahed violets nnd other cold nlr plants, 1.11d became fnmlllar with the. theory nnd prootl"" of the cold frame. .At 12 years of nge she was ·re­ceh-tng a. s.•t.nll, but trure, income from hoi beds which she nJUnnS"'II herself, 1\ith the assistance of n man to do the . heavy work . The ne>:t <lnngltter brul n poultry buslness"'"small, . but pl'actleul-nnd the son next In order r�ised pigeons, unu his squab money more t110n kept him in clothli1g, hooks and toys over nnd nbove expcns.es, and left a trifle for tlie saYings.lmn�, wliiclt all of the chlldrcn vfsiteU e,·ery i.·eelc. Thnt youngster when l1e wns ten years old could tell you the nome and l'alue of every pigeon lmown to or­<linnry fanciers. He knew to un ounce wl1'at.. n squab ·would weigh us soon as· he picked It up, and whnt it cost to keep it until It hecawe a piB"'on. He bought his own stocl< nnd foun<l cus­tomers for · his Own prod'UC'ts,- bough.t ltis food ond other supplies a nil paid l1ls hill•- . ·- · .

'All of the children bud · their · own ledger und account books and J;:nuw pre•Jisely whut tbey were for. It Is ueetlless to say thnt n.on·e of th�se chil·. dren found It necessnry to fnil ln hnsi' ness eitheJ• once of twice before uc� cuwuluting u compe1cuce. ' They nre now among our.ruost solid c!tb:ens, !lttd such a thing os a failure luis ne,·er been recorded against thnt family. all of which I nttrillute to t.belr early nc­qualntauce with business nnd their lmowlet!ge from their early childhood, of the uses and mlue of money.�Mn ?i. s. Stowell, In Le1lger Monthly.

CONCERNING DRESS: . . Some Late Foncle• That H1n·e D.­

eome PotJular with Follow•

er• of the . Fa•hlooa.

Extrn wlde tuile ''eils ha,·e <lots o\·er the half of the \'eil whielt goes over the fncc, the otlaer hn.lf of tl.e ''eil beiug of extra width, plain nnd co,·ers the 11at aa n. nut.tter of protection.

llright pinl<, lllue, reu nnu white ties, ellCh n solid color, ure selling for 50 cen!s n dozen, nnd the women who look at them say they nre "sweet." \Yith the bright colors thnt are wom this yenr, they can be worn with all pin!<, blue, red or Wlli!e suits with goou eJl'ect,

I'retty nntl sntisfuctory corset. co,·cTs, In thnt they tnke up v@ry little room and fit snugly, arc of utuler,·est muterinl, 1he 1lner ones of sillc, cut with square neck or pointed hnck und front. 'fhe whole Ultper part of the painted ones Is ol open work Ill the muterlal, 'vltJ1 in· sertlons of lace gathered on top of 1hc �hould'C1· aral tied witJ1 little ribbons. In smne of the corset covers ·t.he bust is cornpn�etl eutlrelJ-' of pnl ntde esprit.

A cltarmlng eJT-cet in color Is produced on u Wlllte hm gown or negligee, whicl1 Is trimml'll with blucl< Juce, hs J)utting u. hit of colored sill< under the ct!ut.er of the 11owcr in t.hc pn.ttcru. O tH! of t h ese pretty gtlnnt.�nts hu.a n flchu cJl'cct, the iichu having long ends lin nglng strnight llnlf \,'!1�' to tJw hem of tlw sltlrt. Around the et!ge of tJtls ILntl at the hcrul, on !.he t!cl�c. of the ru llle, on tho two cuds of t he J•IJnJe, fTI t.he IJCClc ILild t\}Ce\'CH is tll)-­Jlllf)lli!d hlncl' lace uf u. umrhL."(.] }Jttttern, Uutlcr thu cenlt!I'R of the nowcrs of t his lnce, wl1ich lLrc 1 1 lmut ns Ju r�.rc u:-� 1a t}nnr­tcr of n llolla.r, IR put.u lltt.lc }I Ieee of rose silk. 'fha efYent. is somuwlmt orh.tJtul, null i t. gh•eH n. l i tt l e touch of (!OicJI' to tl1e gown thnt nmkcH lt becoming, . nntl whh!h hnK to l1u Kucn to hu nppnc!ntctl, lt IH " hint

' which rtLn ho cnrrlct! out In nian,v wnyR. Tilt.! o!'lglnul iK, of cmn•fm, l•"rl!neh.-St .. I�ouis Ht!Jlllhllc.

"'••''"'lwrrr t!u•tnrtl, St£.!W ntlt! CJIII II't u l' gnoKC!lJt�rrh!K.I n hnlf

u pint nt t h l cl< Hl1'11(l unti l t ho,v 111•e qultu l:!ot'ti prct�K tlwm tiJ I'fltlgh n �lt!\'C1 nnd tlwn put. tllym I I I lo 11 1 1 ng-utc filt'W flllll 1 lllltl wlil t�nnhctl gt' l u thw In proportio·n to t iJ I'l!C-lJIInl'h!rK of II i n hll!HJIIIOilfUI of · grll l1111nt t't1 gt! l n t l n tl to '-'ll�h plut nt pulp, 111111 Htlr 1 1 1 11 1 1 <!IR•olntl, Hemm-e

I r YOU HAVE any­

,thing to sell, Jet the public know it. The quickest

way to sell an article is to

Advetrtise< it, and advertise it well. Judicious ad­vertising A L W A Y S pays.

An Adverliae•ell, .

The . . .

when published i n the columns of

Union �ounty Standard

will bring good­paying results, and quickly, too.

®'-TRY IT�


which we do at modern prices, has an INDIVIDUALITV about it that com­mands attention.

Let's T •lk it Over on that next order of Printing. We can Make it bene· ficin) to you.

• Artistic

Job-- • Printing


• • The Standard .. Publishinl Concern,

WestOelcl, N. J.

11 tew tTI'Il[l� o J' · l!rl'Oil "nlm·lnl<' nml, '�I fl'nm I he lire 111111 t"tlt'll nut tn coo l ; 111id � � Wll<'ll cult!, hut not set, •tlr In hnlf n � � Jtlnt of Mtlllly wh l rpetl cr�nm nnrl pour �������������·� nt •men Into 11 mnld,-l!t, J,oulo Olnbo· ! ncmocrnt.

•• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-, 1 al ! He left tbe ntt!Jl nnd sk!rted the

L n·ouD MEIUll'fT wus certainly a tnost expuspt!rating wan. ln thts,

Jor ·a woncler, the whole \·iJ lnge con· currell, with the excCJltion of his wife. She muintaine<l siltmce on the subject, which was best, pcrllups, iuu.srnuch as sbe wa!:i the cause or it alJ.

''lie-he's the most Uown·trodden nml uu!dt sort o' mn11 you �YCI' set �.res on, aJHl it tdn't right that it shoultl be so," )Irs. llluke declul'etl, us· LyforU llerritt, t.hen under discussion, sltunletl along the dusty roatl. "lt'; tlreutlful to �" u ruun so supprcssetl.'' she sighed. •�u ain't nature uul! bit.

"Som� men n re'born Jnet•l< nnd would ruther u womuu 'U go uh�nt.l untl boss tl1e house uml him, 1oo, und 1 l1cJJ yuu don't blame •em, Uut Lyford ain't thut kind. 'lo""ore his wife got hold of him he m.;ed to be as up and coming as nny­ona."

A sl ight flush spread 0\.'er her thin cheeks as she felt u critical glunce upon her,

"That was the time l1e en me a-court­ing you, I s'pose ?'" her guest rewu rked blaudly. "1 always heard you baU some sort of wor.Us o.nd then be took up with the new l!lchool-teacher unU mnr· ried her right awny 'fore your face nnd eyes."

�[rs. Blnke bent her cuke vigorously, "lie ain't done . nothi ng but be ••t

on e\'er since," sbe declared ut length, "•o thnt he wu't hlwself nt nil. And that's what's so exnsperotlng. No ma11 with uuy natural stand-up to him ought to gh·e in the wny he <loes. '£hnt's wbut's the trouble. lle seems to think It's nil right."

She pourell the cake Into a tln anu s!IOI'eu It Into the 0\'en anti shut the door with a bang.

"\\'e',·e all bud spells of tnlklng to him," she went on, "but there, i1 nin't no earthly good. lie v.lwn;ys sits ::;o goml-nut ur�d nu<l kim] o' noll!!! h is heuU us if agreeing, nml w11en J.'OU come to stop, !Je lool<B. UJl with his lllue eyes anll says : �\Vell, w�l1, you don't uuc1er­stnml. It may seem 1dud o' hnnl some· times to outsiders, 1-lis' 1Hu lte1 but then you �ee, sl1e's got the nt:rYes.'

111'\er·ves," scornft11ly. "As if any of us coultht't. get up thut ldnd o' n erves if we Wtlllted to. It's a migl1ty nice way to rule the l10use. \\·hen her husbancl '"''ants to do unything, it's olwuys nerves. She cau't stund this uml she cnn't stand thnt, nnd she won't e\'eil let him sit down nt th e tu hie In Ilia shirt sleeYes, 'cnusc tlmt mnl<es her nervous, too. I was there once whe11 he most forgot, nnd tl1� loolt she gnvc him wns something uwful. Ben said he'd get divorced right uway if he hod such u wire.

"But L�·fonl, he just stnnds it nl­wnys, oncl i t's terrible exnspetuting."

SI1e gnve mwthcr glance out of the winclow. Lyfor(] ?llerrltt was 110t in E-ight. Unconscious of his neighbor•s scrutiny nnd comment, he slowly c-rossed t.he stubbly flel<l nml· :mnJe hiti wny to tht'! hnrn. There he deposited tl1e tmcl<ages irom the store, mu1 then went to the woollp ile. lie seemed in n sort of llrmvn study nnd his mol'ctnents were uncertain. ·

.. It nin"t right for a man not to be master h1 his own house." lleruminnt.-. Cll as if the sentiment lmtl just been i m· pressed upon his mind. "It rcn,lly ain't, and 1 nn1 going to assert myself."

The thought cnuse.U n stick to drn11 !rom his nrms. lie hastily pic1<ed it ur, with n buckwar<l glance o'·er his shou I· der.

"I wou ldn't do n nythlng to hurt Cnro· line for unytblng In this world. Of

Cmirse, 1 wouldn't. She's u good v.;fe, a \'cry goOd ·wife to me, nncl I'm thnnlt· ful I've got such n good wi£P., nnd I hop£: l mnke lter n good lmsbnncl."

He pausetl nnll slowly lnid two more sticl<s otJto his burden nnd wnil<ell to· ward the woodhouse.

"And I've been thiuldng tl1nt perhaps it ain•t good for h er to lin\'e me nlway� giving iu to her;· be coiltinul'<l ns l1e 1·eturned for u second load. u1 rcncl son1cwlu:re the otl!er dny thut "''omen wa� like horses. 'jbey lilce to hn \'e t heir own ·.\·ny long's tl1e)' cnn, bnt whcri you mal<e 'ctu miml they go ull the better. Nat thu t I should ever try nnd mnl<e Coraline mind-" Jle pau sed ng-bnst - "but pethups If I kinder tool< things for grnnted tltnt she wouldn't m i nd my clolug more tl1ings, I could d o •em nud til1c'd Ul'e Jt.

"I'm n going to try ony,•ny." It wnR umleninllle !hut L�·ford .Mer·

rltt's bonrt bent somewhnt Custer thn n usuul ns it nenrml tl1reo o'cloulc on the foll owi ng afternoon.. 'l'he towu com· mlttcc hud urduhll'd to IUl\'C un cxtrc� meeting. It wns usunlly hclc1 nt tllL' Puldns', but �1rs. Pt•J·Idu s wns slcl(, nnd so J..�·ford had gcnerousl.}' nsl,ef] tl1mn to eomu therl!.

A fl!W hut] nlrL�ml�· gn1ht!rcd niHl wcr·l! slttlnJ.r In tho sluule of t he hiJ.r ehn. Ol het•s cot1ld be seen com lug down the ron�.

"I RttppnHl! \\'C 1 1l ip-hf. liS weJl go fn, sel!lng tlwt•e n 1·e so tnnny of us n l rt•ncl)'," LY t'ohl I'CIIIIII'ht!tl.

�It wntt un unwritten lnw thnt the lllPt!tillg'S o r f ill! UUt11 1llf l t eu shou ld Ill· wn�'H bt• heltl In Hontn pna•lnr or tho olmroh \'t•Nt t·�·· Jt \\' lUI not I�OIHJllt t I hht w i t h t h e dignity <1f the cnrnmlth•e t o nlCl!t l i t hnl'llR Ol" flhop1'11 UR clld ot hel' OJ'· l!'lllllm lion•.

Tho 1 1"'11 Hfll'fl 1 tK u p 1 11111 I,�·rm·tl h•tl tl10 wn,r tu the l'rnu l u l' t ) JU hut !�t!1 wh t!fl.' i lwy g"l'l!L�tetl l lw otlu•t·�. 'l'ht•y Hf ooc1 n rnotnultt null l.•hut tt•d. whllu n t't•\\' Ki-l'llg'j.fh!cl 11Jl1 thun LyftHd (Hif h i K hntul Ull l iJL• I]IHJI',

lt l't' f i iHL'tl tn cqwn. l it� llllllh! Hl'\'L' I'nl n l t u ll lpiH, hut It woultl no t •l lr. l l t•

JCI'l•.w t't•cl In f lu• rulit wi t h f ht• t'"<t•r· l luu. H f f 1f', t l l l ltH!IHtl u l l t' ll{hf," h t• d{1(! htl't•d, ·

11ht•t•fltt�'C I l'ltJW 111 t l w t tJdrt mondn�;. \'nn Jwt•, wt• don•t ww I t \'t!l',\' oftl•n, umt tltnt'•·-tlw rt•n•n n "'"·''· I'll rl" lnoldt 11111! •eo If 1 enn otnrt tt."

momeut.. Sht• lool<cd ''cry pretty ns sbe s&t therc- p n·ttier them usu�al, somehow. Pcrhups slw hnd on a better dress.

"\\"ns sour meet ing successful?" sh� queried, her eyes on the mnbct' liquid.

uy cry," he rcpl icd, n.s he cros�cd tho J'oom to where his cant hung on tho womlen peg. "'They nominated me for school committee.''

She nocldell her hcnd reflccthely. "l.'OLI will mnl'e u gooU one," she ani�!. WJ'hey ought to put g-•·Jd men in ofllce.•

lie stnrctl nt her IJacJ<. "I'm sol'ry the p.qrlor-" he begun,

.. Y o u need n't IJc," shc lJrolce in. shuqt­ly, " I gue�a-" Shi:! set the teapot d own , ntHl, nl'isi:lg cnrefully, wu !J,cd u.rouud the tab l e uml set it down at her husUuwl':> plncc, "1 guc::ss t h n t n mau llns n r·!ght to do ns liC wants to i n his own houst.!."

She JZi nu ced ut him proudly. One HI'ID wns lu hl!-1 l'ou t sl�cve.

11lt'!:; pretty WUI'111111 she J'CillU r)u.>d. sctttitJg herself nguln, nu111l, Lyford, pcrhups you'tl hl' m or•e cumfot·tllllle if yon di1l n' t put your cont 011."

Hu stmt 11 l<ccn gln ncc in her· cllrcc-­tlml, nnfl hiH hl l!L' t•yi.•N twl u ldl•tl. Mu� chnu ltou11y hn tt!plnct.•cl the coni nud touk t he unt u t t h l' table OJI J IO�l tL• her.

111 t h l uh thnt I sllnul<l,'' lw 1'l'plll1t1.­G iolJI.!-Ul'IJIDCI'fl t,

11oq-• • -.. -,.1-=-.. -• • -t.-

11'h c Boston (.;'Clltlcmnn co1u1·c.d deeply,

11YcM, twl nli," ltc Ullfi \\'Crl·ll. 11l l n , lul l " t:xclnl t t l l'tl l lw o t 1it�l' l\.'Jr.•

tun g-t: t l t lemnn. 11\',,n \\'c J•c t ntcct:l tH.llll l! \\'hl\1 hy �lll ' l ll'hm, I cln t'l! I!Uy.''

1 1\'l' l'." lll i W h hy MUI'fli'IMc.!l rc11, In• tl cml l 1\'c hlld [ll'1 11'ltl"d 1111i,l' I I I II! pair, O( f\]ll!Ctllt!kK, clo u't j'Otl I\1 1 1 1 W, Ulld tfH'I'l! \\'11M 1 10 C llll of tr 1 1 1 1 hit! fur It \\' l l i luJ " 'J'hn1 J IIU'en tn l ••tlucn1 inll IK l """lhl�. 11nhn1l ,\' n n y ltmgc•t• dotlhtM.- I lut rult ,,lll ll 'llll l .

··--------- . . -·-- I l•'u"''"'"" t �nt•ICnl tn Mttnln. 'J1ht•t·e IM lll la•h lo't·�uuh nud H1·luh.,,

onpl tu l l ll\'''"l t•cl i n t lw prl luJI J I � t l l'llti­WII)' li ne• nf H(lnln. w h l l u J·!tiglli 1Hi uwno 1111111,\' nf lin• •ltn1'h'1' ll ue• nlnl l• nl•n lit 1ho henri of the ll lhtlnt� lulert•N!N.'

Page 4: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august


THE LiMOS (:OUST\ ST.L�D1RD th at time has followed HII increased

!O.:mt.rouu�. ''ppropriation for the extension of ·'�OT (�UILT L- A L-I TTLE TROUBLE OVER WATER.

n·�:-tfi�ltl &- t:Uubeth StrH't Railruu1l (.'ulllJUtlll �tOilJWd by iii lliK'riutt>utl�ut

lJu n d l'n.JUI Taklllli \\·at�r. Pt:t•H;hel eYerr T""'h>· >n l frihr br t l>e ,,,.,·ic-e which """ uot araibb!� V E R D I C T G IVEN I N T H E COCK FIGHT-


The Standard Pubi <sh ing Concern. at the- time of �[r. Sco•hlH "; effort ; TnE>t;du.y nft€rnoon wh€� thE- we-u E-W·

.)taur J'nlil lt-htu,. at th� Tr .Oal. \Hafch n-�U� ploy81 by the Westfield & Elizab-:>th r: . . r. WnrrEHE.-\t�. P�idt-nt. made .. wfH· n the 1lt•partrnent at l\�a�h·

.-\hh- lh::ft"odt'd by t;J1i-.. toru1tur •·nd. c StrE<et RHilroatl Cowp:1ny wert: bn5.r at :tla; .. h and "� Ahly t•ru .. t>C'Utf'cl by .:.,.: j ��rk stouiu� .

Broad etrt'"€-t and �e:ting

Jlltlfo:"l' Culldln�:tun, of I'IP i n ll�ld. l lt llltO C"Olldlt10b ro that the bn�ID€'55'

The tou-n room� were prett; �i-ll llit."'D of the ton-a wonlJ not lJ.c? v.,tbt=-red · Ih_�l:f� IDW�lf �� '""'·-��.,


- �-::��-�;�L�����:��;�i�:t;er. ington wa� u natlle t•J act for tlle 1rant of mtlicient me:t n>.

• U8SC R I PTION 1 2 . 00 P£R YEAJI STHIC:TLY 1!'1 ACV"-NC:i::o

Offic�-5TA!"t0."-RO Bulldini'• A..d\"ertisit�: r.att-s furnt::;ohed Qn appJicat!on.

ALFRED E. I"E.-\Jl.�.-\LL. Edltur, C. E. P J.�.-\.R�ALL. �lanw.�:t-r.

WESTFIELD . JS". J . A"CG. 1' 1899.

Shall it he The City of \\'t:>�tfleltl ? Are you eXJHtlhionl .. l t=unu-h fur that? .t mPn!

By the way, Westfield hns had about eYerything except the kissing bug and free postal delirery.

A l i ttle friendly at hice to yon , Bro. Dewey : It is too hot to last' always. Thin k : Ki>Sing Bug Hob­son is but a dream, Algc.r has f�ded from the Cartoon and the Dreyf�s agony is ahnost o>er.

'·Pfwxt "ud yez do if , Ga.-ey called you a Jh-�r ! ''

"Pf,..bicb CaEey-the big wa� or the Fttle wau ? •·

The Suxo.�Ro's ed i tor is all in with L �L Whitaker and, ir

· ap­

pears, ell ou t with L. 3L Whitaker, Postmast«r. If L. !11. Whitaker bll$ an idea that the STAX!IARD'5

eJitor lw• ao_nbing against him l1e is wrong. If L. !II. Whitaker, Post· master, has an idea that the STAXD­

ARD ha.; something against him !Je is plnmb right. It's this way : -

We wrote and publiehed an edi­torial in the STA.SDA H D of Angost 11 reganling Postma;ter Whitaker's atti tude ou the :nbjec>t of n free pos­t:�! deli .-ery sen·ice in "Westfield.

The Postmr,ter takes exception to onr st".tements and pnblishes a let­ter to that effect and to other effects in thb issue of the STAXDAR•.

Poetmaster '1\""hiial!er says he was in fa>or of Free Postal Deli>ery.

"l Jon yon , " mirl Pat O'Grn•]y to Mrs. O'Grr.d,- as he struck her a

blow lh••l >tdnn€-d her. Mr. O'Grady "'" not able !o con ­

>ince the Court that his act 'was nn act of lo>e.

Nor will Postmaster " hitaker be able to conri nce the citizens of Westfield, with whom he 'talked on the free deli>ery mbject (long be­fore the STA XDAP.D's editorial he now complains of was written) that he was friend ! > to the free Jelh-er> ser dee for We�tfield.


Actions speak !onder than words, as the unmble bee ;mid to the parrot.

The "action" Westfield n eeded from her Pcdmaster was precisely the same action that P'rried her from " third -cbs� post oflice to n

E<Ccontl-ela;s post ofiice, when it was to the interest of t!w Postrnnster to ha,·e i t so; Lo t uot t h e action thnt ran i t otf "gain at tile ewl of hi.• n•l­ru i l l i•tmtioll to bp ttl !"ll&d orer to lJi, sncc£'E:3nr a� n. thit··l-cla55 poEt office.

.] nst how thi> nl! came to paso Pos l m u , ler Whi taker kno•rs q u i te �� well, JH·rhaps , as any other inuivi­d unl of the mighty popnlatio•l of eighty mill ion fol kE w h o coutribn ···, in one way nnd another to the po · l i t icul abuses of our othenri'e eplen· d id repnblicnn form of )!O>ernmr11L

It mny or may uot be ;,rll".< to �I r. Wc•lle; fiiHI the oth (•l' gcntl�1nrn who i n tcrcsterl t h cm;c·l res in c i rcn · lnti n 1; n petition cn l ! ing n mr•e.

ting of c i t i zeus whieh w n s hcltl Sutnnlu\· onning thut l 'ostmniltPr W h it,kc;r \I'll• renlly tl1e onu who d itl it.

We nerer t h re:llened to • · rip c\fr . Whitaker np the buck"-the i,lc:tl of mch a thing � Don't beliHe we

could do i t, anyhow. Bnt we did �ay, and we will forever say i t :-The policy of " How not to do i t" ;;hou lol be ripped np the !Jack llll<l thrown in th� rag bng. Uro. W h itaker must be hard of ht'ariug.

Bot we mo�t stop t:� l k ing (a;:

much us we hnt� to do it) wme­whcre; and "ill stop by saying that

thi� is vue of the mauy, muu5· times w hen we wish that we were anyth ing else than n coun try newspnper edi­

tor. For since we got Post uu1.;ter

Wh itaker's letter we'>e had .1 poor appetite. We don't bel iere that

e..-en the pi&; on r mother made wonld taste good. We don't like to

quarrel. Yet we ha..-e no apologies to oiier for our editorial of Angnst 1 1.

'ire are glad, in deed, to read that Postmaster Whitaker real ly -u:an/,< Free Postal Deli>ery. Tlca/ i11sure., it !

Perhaps "e should apologize to

the dear public for it all . Then, again, perhaps, we shouldn't. A little open talk isn't a bad thing. And anybody can . ha fe his say in tbe STAXDARD. Bowe>er, we'll stop with this :-

GoH<t-"Walter, bring me t"o boiled eggs."

Waiter-"Bo.s. couldn't yer take dem aio;s ;cram bled ? Hit's been found mo" .ati>factory all ronn' ter open dem aig> in de kitebh"


fillHl on Friday when the ca8e of John \ any longE-r than w� nt?Ce-.::.�ary Sup�riu­

L. Titus. one or the allej!ed Fpectators t�udent Dowd. of tb• L"uiou Wat•r at • rock fi!!bt wlJic!J is •aid to have h- � eompauy, ;toppw thew from taki ng ken place at LiuUen on Febrc.a.rr l fl ,

water from t h t> cowpany"e. hydrant , awl _ . · the work bad to be •tON""-l came up fur trtal before Jn>ttce of the

Wh b ·

PEsce Collins a!ld a jurr of twe-lv-e Wt-U. en �€-ED r a STAS"D.\RO re-port€-r The ca�e �R-'" hrontrftr by the State

U� . . Dowd �aitl �hat he had wad: K pr�p­

&"�iE-t\' for the Pre,e-ntion of Crneltr- to o�ttJon to thft ratlroad eompan�· m wh1eh Anim�b with Seha•tiao Petrus. " Span·

tle offer<·d to ;ell th"w all the water ianl living at Liud�u. as the complain·

that they wanthl bnt then be "anted

ing n""itne5�. to rt-c;:�-rer �toO, the amount thE-w to pay 8 man to star at the by· prt-::crii.Joto-d by law, half of w-bicb w-ould 1lrant and count the loadro of water that

go to the witues.� if tb;J ddeod11nt �as tbi-y nEe-d. The eompany had r�f a5ed

fom1<l guilty. P,;trn• Wil." lhe fir.! ,..it- to do this and he hMl forbi,Jden them

ne;s callE-d and Wl(l bow on the night of taking aur more water. He said that

February 1 � h<- had '""" a large crowd be coul<l not l•t them ha\'e it for noth !,:Oioo: lowanl a road house kept by Yor- iug and he didn "t care to tmst them to

ice Spice aud had followt<.l thew. a� tEll bim the AUlonct that they n.ed.

sto,.d on a rail which cirdi-<.1 th" porch A. A. GHddi;o, of the trolley company.

of the hou� and hall w itu�:-�.,t-d a cock at ouce telt·pbonHl to Fr:mk BerJ.ren. of

fight and ''"d ••en John L. Tit m. with the Cuio• '\Inter company, an� explain·

otheno. rlJE-re. Ou crt�s� t'�awinatiou

Petnti• allwittt.-tl tlmt ht' lnHl �o iu

dieted for kf"'t'piog "' (li.:;�·rdt"rly bon5-e t wice but ' 'h!itl pJe-arlPJ gniJty and paid up likt- � man. •· Dltr ing tht- eros:; ex · aruinntiou be fnruishPil a t.=r�a t c.h:-al of amu:>Oement to the spo:ctator� by reftr·

ring to a paper which he had i u hi�

bautl HUll tht'u �ayiu� '·I dtcliue to au

5Wtr." He- �aid that he had tried to pre:ot"nt the CR�e tQ the :\1:-ty �:rand j ury bnt wa.s · ·exco5:.-d"' from th� t o.:>w. He­said that he had el�..-en w-itn€-s�E-5 pre-5t�nt to t�t ify to tll..:o fight hrniug t.aken place. Ex Judge C.od•liultton, who u-as U.uiug tU.�: vroso:cutiug. called one of thew, P�t Hickey. to bitu and �aid sowo?thiug itJ. A lo� roice, to wbieh Hickey replied in a tone h�ard plainly all o\·er the room: • ·I ran't SiiY that I ""'' him tbere "hen there ,.-ns tJO light that I kuow' of." The prosecution called no more wit�e!.!� .

The defendant .,., placed on the >tRod and •aid that be had been to no cock fight oo the date mentione-d in the

e<J !he Eitalltion and was told to take all the \\"Uter that heneede<\. Tbe work i� no� rapi(lly nearing completion. The track on Elw ;trE<>t '• laid as far w; Dndley H\enne.

--...-.----It Shrnnk.

'flu.•re Is n. lParDt.>tl man i n )llC"ht�an -rr-ho u-ould ratla·r ha,·e u ran· :opt'<."l· IUt.•n from th'-· n.nirual, "'-��L·tnhle 01 mln(•rnl kln�(iom tbnn n hi�h poltt!L·� I o ftk'"t.• . \Yorkl m: for him I!' n !'5-_rmpa­th,·t:Jc 5(1D (Jf Erin n-J1o l'roft·�::.(�.-. :u lllUl'h lntt:"n.·�t tH-: thou�h h,_, kne-w n l !

about tht·� thlnp:!>i, n Lit of �hrewd· DH� thnt Dl'ls h i m manv fa,·or::. 'fbi: otlH..·r tL'lJ" hP tn·nr rni<h.inl! ro tds: t.•m ph.t,p...'r wltL n lt..•ttt•r �tatiiJJ; that h: wa� from h!.s t�rotller �Itkt:. n roal mlnt·r in Ohio, tellln� how th('y lu11\ du� out a .�t·rf.tt..'Dt turnt.J to stonl· t-1.1 ft-c•t Jon,�:;o <lDd a.; thick a; n harr.·L

Th£> snnmt nt•,...£lr �tup[\t.•d to rt·rrrl. He took tlw tl>t-st train aotl rc•acl\<:..:1 the litth.: rnln1n� town l1y thl' ehortc-�t route. The next ('\"£>Din� he wn� lln(•k uml only �runtt.'<l w11en hi� ea,:er em· ployc-c �r<�tt.:d Ulm.

...\. UttE'r Fwm l'oi'tm1uter \\"hitaku. complaint. The defense r�ted. '"Dftl yez find the schottke't' •·entur­

('{j his mnn. 10'r'£.-s. Th£.' f"Mke in the ('n.:;e is that brother or yours. He's tho 1-'f'efi\(•St llar unlm!ll'. fiLs serpo,nt r.o ft'Ct tong nnd as thick ns a l•nrrel was th.: pNrlfiNl root or n I�"«�' 13 Inches rn leo!'tlt null hal( an Inch In !llnm<·ter:·

Angu•t 14, ·w. E:r-S..nator Fred. C. Mar.h. attorney

To tl.e Editor of tloe Stalldard: for the defendant. took only a few min-

In answer to your editorial in tbe i;;,;ne nte-s to •nm np. He ,..id in part that he of the ST A:SDARD of Friday, will you let had al..-ay• t"ken a �reat '�tereot in the

mi' ha..-e a few ,..ord; orer my own ;;ig- Society for the Prel'eotion of Cruelty to

nature in your paper� I am a propertr Ani wah, but if the practice of Jetting a

owner as you know and am per.sonally man who, by his own tt?etimony, bad

interei!le-d in wbate.-er will help West· been ar-rested for .-iolating the Ia"" on field. Ee'\eral occasions, cowe before a court

When the extension of free deli.-ery and try to reliore an bone•t wall of tWO

<er>ice wa< first talkE-d of 1 adri•ed jnst to ""tisfy an old score, then he some of tho>e iutere;red that the re· :b"ught the society shonld be dri•en

o<:ipt. of the office for this fiscal year out of existence and the law in regard

were likely to pro.-e inadeqnete to ••- to th< same chan.,ed.

'"'I'l.icre's no lolrs n¥ our nnme� �or. It mu�t be the thing sht'unk, sor. nfter they l'llt It lu the sun."-tk>trolt Free Press.

Trted II ""ltb Kttt�D•· .

NEWARK, N. J• Open Fridiiy E 1•eni ngs, Closi ng Saturdays at Noon.

Tbe Largest and Most Perfectly Equipped Mail Order Service,

P.resents Unequalled Shopping

Facilities to Thousands of Out of Town

Patrons. ....

A t h oroughly experienced staff of buyers in t ll is depart­ment wil l make selections for

you, and satisfaction is guaran­teed or money will be refu n ded. We prepay mail or express

charges to any part of the state on all paid purchases , and on C. 0. D.s for amounts aggregati t;� g $s.oo o r more. Try o u r and you' l l not only save m oney but have the additional advan­tage of assortments not equalled in Newark or surpassed any­where in the land. Samples sent postpaid to any address

receipt of a postal card.

L. Bamberger & Co •. N EWARK, N. J.

cure the de•ired .enice. !ea.-in� them to �Ir. Coddingt.;n took more time iiJ find the remE-dy. anll after the applica- pr,.uting his case to the j nry but they tion wa.< denied. I adrised them M call were out of the room only fire minute.

the mass meeling which wa• held on wb<-n they returned ,-ith a ..-erdict of

Satnrdav e>eoing. "S"ot guilt1• :" and the •pplan.;e which

1 did -not manipulate the n�ct-ipt.s of greetE'd the t"erdiet :;eemed to f!:hore that

the office durin!' the few day; of agi ta· l it ":""' a popnlar one. - W. H. Grogan tion before the end of th€ \'ear as \"'0\1 in- wa� the foreman of the- JUry.

A little Indy of � who dwells In l'art Rl�e llns r.n artlent sympathy ror .. u­pertluous klne�that Is, kittens wbJ<-h ba\·e to toe dro'{i"n(-d. LaE;t w-�k 8be dlscon•re<l •lx wee bnl\5 of fur in the woodf.;ht....l. n.nd instantly the burning quest ton wns, u"•h.n.t sbnll w.:- do wt-:li �������������������������;�����!!!! tberu?"'

Her mother and father nd,·ocntNl the usual method of tc-eptn� one for Kntbertn<· and drownlo� the others. Dut little li:ntherfnc d�:termiUt.:d to tbwnn thelr plan�. She hntl h(�nrd n story bc'w 1\ little l'at1y wn:; h.·ft In n lon..�k(·t C1D n. <lcoOrstt.•lJ and lww, wtth du.� ll;.."ht of cl:n�:n. thl· kind otd eour•h-' took lo the lltlle ft•unulln�: notl n·m-...><1 It as tlu·i r ow11 eh!Jd.

::iunat.e-. Yon E'idently. think ·that I I Amoug the iutereE-te-d :!ipeet.atore.o at

.;;;bon}ll ha· e done s.o. Bnt after all per l the trial were"'

C'Jl. Ed_warc.ls, superin·

hap� that w�n't what yon wan t�1-for ! t.tondeut of the �tate Soc1et�., nnd Officers

then you wonltl ha\·e been unable to Footer and Stmth. The othtor thrfoe tneo char�:M tt"ith • ·rip me np the- back" a..� you threatened

wben I tried to off�r yoo inforwRtion which 1llhz:ht l1ave aidt-d theo cau�e of

l11wing been 1\t the "me fight will be tried before J n!itice Colling in the town

Crf:'€ deli\e�y and to which yon r�fnst-d I room� on Tne�rtny morning,

w listen . at t-eu o'clock . Angn;t 2fl,

One more point ; the fal1ing off in re· c�ip� �a� in tbe fir!t quarter of the fi�· en\ year. direetl y f\fter wy nppointment. Thi� may be significant to some, l.nlt I am hardly to blame for it.

Surely not e..-en you "ill ;toop to in· ;innate that I fal;ified or wanipnlat<'d nccCinnts in order to decein• the author· it:es at Washington.

As yon sRy, the. receipt;; for the two yE"ars pr�t"ions to my tenn were suffi. cient to entitle Weotfield to free dell•: tory; why then (\i\1 you not Et-etlrt? it. or a.t le-ast make Rn etYort to do �o? I wonltl have b€en glAd to bfL''Eo the rf!>ceiptf! r�ach thf: r�qaired figure thi� pa�t year t.o ;;£-cnrf'. fr� tleli �E>ry. It �onld hA.\'e iuere:m-<1 my >aiHry by f l OO.

Finally. I �hall \TritP no more on this �uhjt-et. I tun and ftlWR)'!i bnvE- been in fn\'or of the t•xteusion of free delh•er\' to the t"" n for the >imJole rea8otl that i U,.. liere it will greatly !JeiteRt it .

L. �1. '\\' IIIT.U>f:R.

LJnt"oln'• JlluorT nt IUmaL>Jt.


Little Mi.s Mnffet She sat on R tnffet Eating a Pfacb glace. There came a big >pitler And sat dol\'ll beside her, .� 'ld ft ightenrct Miss �Iuffet away.

If you're t'e1s tired, And r ·�o mnch worn ont, Ju;t ;top nt :llr. Con•' " t"s Antl get a peach �lace : I'tu s�trE' you wou't Get tired of tbew If yon g�t one e\"'ery day,

'the drinks Hrt' good for c"r"clista Tbe best one-;: el·er umde, ·


rw onre you "ll like thew wttchly,

And think yourself wt"!J paid.

There ar� SOtln.• aud Bherl>ets Aut\ drinks of Hery lme.

There are drinks ami Dt ;uk• and drinks au<! drinks. Sowe old nnd ;;ome new.

For golfers Anol cycll>t.! They're the be!t thing• you can take. They"re ![O<'<I fur lnollg<:stloo or\Utl for tht> .. �·tnuuuic f\cht".

----.. �--llf'rt• h \'uur CIIiua•t•,

Kntlu .. •rlnt• fot1nd tn tbt• t•t_•llar tln• l i t­tle fruit Vll:-la•ts. Into c•:lelJ of tlu:�se she put n klttt·n. nn11 tlll'n. waiting un· til h�J:r mnmmn had lain uowo for her nfternoon nap, 5he lnhl a ha:-ket on the door8h•p of Pach of tin: L(liJ;-o(';; who;e 0\\"Dt•r-s sbt.� r(·�nrdHl ns chnrltn.­IJ!e.-Cblcago :\cWF.

The .,d,·•nluan.• of OnP E;,-..-.

Durin� tla• 8panl:.oh·Ameriran wnr n certnJn old eoloDt!l wtJO hn<t lost nn ('\l' at the batt!� of Gctty!'l•urg wn� YP�Y ind!!="nnnt l"<:�:.-au�: he wru; put n8-hlc n:i phs�lcnll�· ln<>:ll�>.C'Itnt(."(l wht•n he np­pll£"(1 for fiflmlssl(•fl to one of th�Cl SC"w York YoluntL...:·r rej:lments.

Filled w ith wmtb nnd cluq:rln, the colonel JournPye<l to Wn>hlnp-tnn, b<•ot on hnrlo� n l"''""onnl lnterrlew with thC' pr{•illdent. Uv t::ucct)t.•dL>il In gn.ln-

Sewaren, N. J.,-.. c-.

ln� an nudlL•nce. aml the prth�ldent, --·----��-�---nfter llstt:nln� to hi� plc·n, &'lid k.iudly; l i e \\"a•n'l .Juklntt.

I;Jlut, my ,;:ODd Colonel J., you ha YC HJ hnd four �Jnys• ).:ftiWt h or hl•nrt1 only (tilt.• t•)'l• !" nn my faC't• w!wu 1 �h"ltt.'l\ tL little tuwt1 "Just t'O, �lr," \Yns the promvt re· In nm·tlu.•rn :\t lt•hhrnn," �nhl tht:! <'h'l l

joinder. ''but ('n,n't you sh• thl• �n.·nt c-n�lllf.•t•r. ·•1 f'uuntl n lttth• t•onp of u udrnntnge or my hnrlug only on(_• £'y<• "! hnrl�t•t· shot) IH':tl' tht• dt•tult, 1111tt 1 t•n· \\·hen I nhn IllY J;:UD, 1 �han't hnn• to tt•n'(l It to dhH'O\'t'l' t lu� hll l'hl'l' tolttlu�o: closC> tht· CJtht.•t!" on n t�·UC'h wltt1 hll" ht•:ul In his luuuls. lll• !uu�ht nt 8nutlngo. A..s hl• r·ouwll up I tuhl him to get t o

•:nrnrd Ill• Ulnn .. r. worl; ou lilt', hut nftt't' lookln� tnt'!

''A poor, ml�t·n�t,ll• tramp carne to DYt.·r ht· !'P}tllt-,1 ;

t1w l.:lti'IJNI f!uor thJ,o� nftt•rnoon." �ml,J tl;:. ':.fw1n����.�·t.·

you, �·ou'll tun·p to tnlt•! �Ill!. lltl.-b• w la•r lm>l•nntl, "nn•l "·ltt•n 1 ns1\t""t.l hlrn wtalt tu_. wn.ntc·d lw .. '\\"ltnt dlnllt'\'tt.'l 1 n . ..:\i.t't1 . tell down In n llt." ' ' '\\'t•ll. l'H• h .... •ll un n t1rm11� fnt· tht•

. . Ut.· •lid, , . .t,r• :-;nortt .... J HJh·Jm�. "'Anrl ln.""t \\"t:el; nnd lUll ju!'Ot ull tlw Jlulnt of I Jo:Up(l<��oU· p··u Wt•rt.· j\lP:t fvol t·n!•u:.:'l � . . t..· fn� rut:o;, 1 tuny ,.wt thrtl\11.{11 w i th I I

to &:In• l t lrn �Cinw llli•O•• '' , uJl r l g lJt, uud I tun�· t 'Ut yum· ht>at1 ttiT! "\Yd1. fl•tiO-," udwHtt�l

· :\ll'fl. IHI\"I n.ll. \ '""Tllt' IIUUI �I.Htl ll Wild lool;. nn11 \\"liN

,.1 �ll\'t• lllm n J:CI(d 111t:al n.od �� ,.,_.nts �I I n·trt· tul,h•, '"'nt1HI1l'1.\ l ht• t'IIJ.:lllt't'l", to �l't n nh:ht'tt h1011l�ll1t.: with."

u�d , . tliutJ�I1 ht·.

�.���.!lt•tl fit' Ill' tallH••I,

HOW W til ABOUT (ii THAT li[ WHIP ?

It •toes not co>! mlll·b to always lun-e n good •ul>otnutlal Whil' One thnt looks well tt.tlll �eara well-If yon get them ol mr . . . . . .

R. F. HOHENSTEIN · IH!.\ I.lm lS


JtND GRJtJN. • • • PRA TT'S FOOD • . •


' -� , .. '1 1

11 1 r . \\' h i t 11kL·r wnuta to know why nu ciTort wn� not mntle to secure (rw tloli vNy wlwn the receipts for twn yenrs prel'ions to h is 11•1'111 were sulllnit• l lt to Wlli'Tunt it. l'reci8dy thnt !•!Tort '''"·' lnnd,·; l'oAtmnstrr l'l!lll•l•h·r !>(•·,Jug (Jn·r tho lo�ul llcltl llj.(nin t11Hi ugnlu with 11 11 lnlpcctM' from Wu" h l n gton, w h o In 1!1111 r<'· l•ortl•tl fu1·ornuly. 'l"h<' fr<'o tlelil"t•n· epltlernlc which luiS broken <1t1t sind;..

� o l u tl1'-" J •Uf�ot•r!O pf ttw latl� Clln.rl£'1' Lnnrnnn," .. a�·� th1• \\'o�J1Sngtt 1n t·orrf-. l"'JtoJH1t·nt <•f th1.· Cbl<-n,�:o l:t.•t'Urd. "tlH'I"t..' J..'!l u n uurui •Ju1.'1"11Jl}Jy f•f �Jr. IJJH.'f•lu wrln•·n In loH vwn hand. �l r. Lnn­f l lUIJ \\'11.0: (:�lltor (tf 'J.'llt• C•JHJ.'Tf'!><�lorml I.J !rt•('tory nt tht• thw.• �lr. l.luct.�ln WnH t!lL-ctL'<l to l'ttH,i.'n·�s alltl. nrtflr.]IJJJ.! to t h l· tt•J:ulur etJ:o>tc•m, fttr\\"IU'11t.."4l tr' t•lrn ns Wt·ll 1�s tu all t•tht.•r Ult.•JIIt��>n: l'h.·ct R Nuul; t<.• ht.• 111h·d out w1th fnct� owl l!llt�>t.l Wtdr.J, l ld�)l' l ot.' IIUllh· tlil' hn:-!ltt fur n hlc,J.!t"fiJ1l&l•·rtl tila•t(·h In 'ftw l J I. ro•ctnry. �tr. l.lnculu'� l olanl: wn.• rt•· t u rn<'il J 1rt•IIIJ•tly, U llL--tl up In td!" own l i!UHiwr1tlu� wltb tlw fC>JI!Jwlu�t llltor­tnnth•ll:

Colnr 6: Co , Newark's JlOJlltlnr cloth · ier<, are ju•t now runking 8ome l'er)' hi� olrl\"e• In OlllDiner �llltinl{.. Tht� 1\rm dO<'• flot J,.,J le\'e lu cnrrylrlK o1·er nnlll UP.xt •mutuer All)' of thl� •engou'• �00<16 antl oue milking t reln•n<lon• cut. In )'rices In order to clenr ont e1•ery I'l@Ce or ouwmer materlld. It will I'A)' AD)'· one In nt't'<l of a ll�ht l'l'elgbt or rue.\ium Mnlt to ''loll Colyer 6: Co , at !:!11! Broa,J olr<�t. Newark.

��\Yhlch h .. • {'rornptly l 'll·�· Ill fnr I t-:..u \\ tlutt lit· \\Ut"ll t .l, •ldll�. 1 Wt•n1 l«lZP," m1th-tl Hl1\·tu:o. "I •Idr,'t /"•11 ���\"tiY wlttt ... •\11 J.:l'ttlu,.: tdu\ \·,,,1 anti t'ot· tmow ttJnt tli' WIIJI I� fN\llt1 '! 'ftJitlW•

t}.l' Ut.•Xt 1\\'u liollr� \\'1\!ol htltor tualdlllo( Cellowl'l C'IUI t llrnw tit !'I I"CI nrltlotii'UII)

[1Urt'l1:&fl•/', ,\;. l fl'f iU'IIt•(l (u l ht� "''1._,� thut tbl"\' t�nna·r trnu·l clt'"(.;(•l \'t• tl •· r•t J nll · I l(llfl):t�l ltJ oiJ t lw 1 1JII'I1t'l' Ill ,.,�'I' how htl clnuf!l. i ll• ''"'H' n fl�l:.l• (•UI'\.• ,;�tt1 *'

·l u• ·

i('lt u l fJ!JJ! nwl Cvlltitl 1 1 1 11 1 tuw�-:111� t1t'lhl. r•lt•." / Ju�t wliut wonltl tum• IIJII<l "'lit'l hn>l

.. , (1r�n'\ <1U.,. tr tw wn�." r�·r•H,..,..I u��· Itt.• fo t�irtHJ ,�, �lm �·�· ttw I dou't lwuw.

lncty, wltl1 n tn!l� c.r lu•r ht•njl. " I ru:•d•· l out I H· Hh\fl.\ 1'1 h·l t 111 \H.'ll t •1 tll-.:t·t1 tu

hi Ill tonrn hi" • l l l ltll'r nuy wny.�� tr:t: JIIIIII tvr .� �uu!u�o: tli'' ''Htlt> "" J lln ln·

"Oio, )"hU olio!, •lid )"IJI I) \\'ion! •llrl lo•• I) o• I••• tll•l. - l l n l l l llll�·•· i ll'tllltl.

Saa Shore Goods ·' .. •Horn J'r·t•. 12, lSI.,..,, I n llnr\lln

county, 1-\:,\. " 'J·:•1Ut'llt l t 11\ dt•ff'f:t1,-t'. •• •J •r••fl •,.:,.loll, luwr•·r. u •:t11111nry "'' ''"\'tt't•, r:tll•tflln t,f folun·

t'"·r� I n !101• lilu�lt ! ln wl: war. .. 'flllic-<•1'1 ), . . Jd: J lr,r�tfiJILfllt•r nt n \'t•r)'

•tnnJJ folllo•o•, [HIIf tllno•K R lnf>tflh(•T Of t lw 11111.,,1• h·�I•Inturo• nn•l r•lt-ctt<l to thu loWt•r tH•\1'4(• (If UJl• O(•lU tf.ln· l'rto��tlf,' "

lrrltallog Htlll!!•. hll�•. •crntchl't, wotllldH 1ml cut• oooth�•l HDtl h&llll'll h)' J>eWitt"8 Witch HHz�l 811lrt',-11 �nre Anti 1011fo. AJlpllcattofl for torturttl fll'•h. Beware of connttrf•h8. W. H. Tr�uch• Artl.

ttor· ---- -- · � - � ---

... llllld(' blln \'I IIIJI' Into Uu• fHJ,.of•ff Jhrullt1Jrl Clltrk. uf Cllllntlt'll)', u�. t

nn<l tlornw Ill•, "" )""" r·n ll 11. '"' I·"" "'l'" I•� •ufl•r,..) wlth 111'1111111 lll!t•• tl\•1•11 nn IHollr tt• nmu"'' u .. , l•lll>;."-l'.t,rt ty Y"",.. l .. ..ror•• tr)"illlt lll' \V I I I '• Wlh•h Frnn<'l\1('0.> •: :rnm11 ... r. ""'"" S..lv�. two l.••x�• u( whl1•h 1•0111 .

�����ly e.ur!Jorl hlw. ll�wArt• of "nrthl•••• -1111 thii�O.fOUM COitlltfrf�lt•. \\'. II. Tr.ucbuol.


Clark•s. . ·.

I I 111�. Ncj.l"ligcc Shirts, Wash -� Pant � fol' t he youngsters, eiC. i1•'


Page 5: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august

THE STANDARD, FRIDAY, AUGUST J8, J899. 5 poetey 011 another paj!e telling

drug otore Willi . written eo­by a·als-year old customer of the


-A number of Weetfieldere will go to Vailsborg on Sunday to witness the

r""" in which Cbarleo Ewbleto11, place, is entered. large uumber of Westfteld's col·

r .. lden Is went to Boynton Beach Wednesday, It being colored peo1ole'o -Don't for11et the Cranford Carnival day at that popular reeort. ro-morrow night.

-There Ia a talk of reorganfzintr the <�:::c ... -.-:.:::c:e � -Geor1e Williams will spend Bood11y UuloD County Bowling League with at Meriden, Co11u. w .. tfield, Plalnlleld, ROI!elle, Cranford :..::.:=----:-:-:-:--:---:--:--- 1 -Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fitch spent yee- and Bayonne 118 members.

GILDERSLEEVE'S. S1111r dip 11d Idleness

are pleasantly associated in the popular mind, but we must take ours with the idleness left out.

We have hot work cut out for this present month of August. · All our Summer good:; to close out; prices re-

Each Week brings �omething ne1v i n the _ _...__._._ grocery hoe. We buy often; that

is what keeps our stock fresh and clean. We have on hand a l ine of Fruit Jars. Our prices are as low as the lowest for the same quahty of goods. Give us a call. We shall be pleased to see

' you at anytime.

A. 0. FITCI-I k SON, •••• CROCERS ••••

Hello, :a4-a. ---15 7 'Broad St. terday at Aobary Park. -Mre. Ewlly F. Beck, Ml88 Beck, -John Ingram will apend 8und11y John G. Beck and Mbs Haberlelo, of

with hi• v;;te at Asbury Park. ' Boonton, have been vl•itiug G. G.

duced on all seasonable goods. ;.:::::=:::::�:::::::::::::::::: Come in our store and see !! -E. V. Groow, of Colaoes, N. Y. , Is Husted, of Dudley ttvenue,

vlelting blo cousin, Ed. L. Sanford. -F. W. Foster will close hi• photo--Paul Q. Oliver hRI been ele"ted a graph gallery on Monday, having HC·

mewber of Ewvlre Engine Company. cepted a position In Brooklyn with one

:...:::=------------ 1 -Mrs. J. R. Ring, of Elizabeth, spent of the leadiug photographers. yesterday visltin11 frlentli lu W eotfield. -Tbt! Bayonne tennis club will play

:=--=---:::-----:----::---:--:-::- -Mies Brown i• SjJtmdlng 8 few days the West�el<l 'club on the home conrts

with friends at the DeiRware Water Gap. Saturday, Septel!lber �0. There will be -Mrs. A. E. Roberto 11118 returned a dance after the teuUJ• playing.

after a pleasaut visit at Clifton Springs,, -Louie El. Hendrlcki!On, the represen Conn. . tative of the E•lz11beth Journal, is about

--The baggage ruRster at the depot hao ag•ln after having been confined ro his received a. new t•uck for carting bag- home for eeveral days by lllu•ss.

-Dr. Charles Gray Shaw preaches at the Methodist church Oll Sunday aud the Rev. A. E. Crane, of Plalnlleld, will occ•apy the tmlpit at the a�ptist church .


-Aaroo l\lcCinrg, of Port Richmond, Staten lslund, is the guest of Charles 8 Wittke.

-:&lisa Lizzie 9onford Is eutertniulug Jlliss Geggis and Mrs. Jacob Thalss, of Philudel(ohill,

-1\trs. Frank Brnu11er, of Westfield ave11ue, is opending several days at Ocean Grove.

-1\Ir. and �Irs. Cbas. E. Thorue leave to night for a three weeka' vacation -� In 1\Iuryland.

-Mrs. Fmnk S. Swlth and family are visiting at Rock Hll1, Sullivan County, N. Y. AT TONY I'ASTOit'S,

week Tony Pastor uat have .,11 -The next meeting of the t<lwnshlp f.lae Nawu• iol their great Irish committee will take place on Friday

entltlell "The Politician," Wil. evening, September 1. Tucker In a new version of -The Social club wbeelwen have a Finish ;" the Tob'ns In refined club run to-night, starting from the club

M'lle Alexaudra Marten, rooms at eight o'clock. Welch and Melrose, Miss -The Rev. John A. Liggett, of Rah·

Ring, Adams, Casey an!l Bow- way, was the preacher at the Presby-Amanll and Hartley, Finn and terlan chnrcb on l:!nuday.

Howard Thurston, Terry and -W. H. Chamberlalu h118 been con· Fortelle and Emmett, Miss fined to his home on Westfield avenue

Jo!les, and new features vltagraph. for several days by Illness. KEITH's. -Misa Ella May Ball leaves on Man-wonderful aud mysterious Ching day for Ocean Grove where abe will

I• a greater euccees than ever spend the next three weeks. No one can explain bls -Miss Helen Burrsmlth, of Cbicago,

and as they are altogether dlffo!· Is the guest at the home of Dr. and lllrs. from Roytblng ever doue by Herr- Sherman Cooper_ on Broad street.

or Heller or Kellar, the oftener -Mi80 Hazel Wallace and Miss May nTe seen the more mystifying they Be is the most wonderful man Brown are spend!ug a w.eek as guests at

bas ever been seen In thla country the Leadley House, Asbury Park.

the public Interest In bhn 1� even -The Wolldbl:d11e Fire Company will Intense tban It became during his bold their annuul field day sports at

'l'lslt. The dramatic element Boynton Beach ou Wednesday next. ' bill at Keith's will be -1\llos Charlotte Mitchell, wbo bas

by Mr. allll l\lrs. Sidney Drew, been spe11diug the fortnight with Miss delightful little comedy, " When Wittke, bas gone to Sheepshead Bay.

Hearts ar·e Won," which hail been -Superintendent Chamberlin Is busily •nccessfnl In Duston and engaged In repairing the township road There will also be Caicedo, at Brauch !llills, near the school house.

wire performer ; Cnrr and Jordan, -W. H. Gomes lea�es to-day for A ngell Sisters, George C. Davis, Nova Scotia, where be will join his faw-

�liller aU<l bls nutowobl'e orcbes- lly who are 8pendiu�r the suwwer there.

-The treasurer ·or the Children's Home a�knowlerlges with

thanks the receipt of �2 from 1\lrs. Ed· wlu Shield and ii2 from 1\ll·s. Georg� T. Noe.

-A horse belouglng to Fritz & Lear ran away on Broad street yesterday morning but was stopped by Charles D<Jerrer, the 11orlst, before avy dnmage bad been done.

-Winfield Scott Post, G. A . R. , of Plalnfieltl , to which a number of West­fielders belong, will go to the National Encampment at Philadelphia · next mouth In a hotly.

- "Practical Uses of the Bible" will be the subject of the Christian Endeavor meeting In the Presbyterian churcl1 on Sunday eveuin11 which will be lu charge of the Bible Study Department.

· -Treasurer C. W. Harden wishes it understood that be did not, as 1epre­sented ill one of tbe papers, lind fault with the bill ot the Suburban Electric company for the service of July.

-For tbe ftret time In over a ye�r the chemical engine of Ewplre Engine Com­pany has bad a thorough cleaulnl{ and now preeente a bau4some appearance with 118 brBSs work shining like gold.

-Tbe Epworth League meeting ill the Methodist church ou Snnday evening will be led by John· S. Burhans, Jr. It will be a mlss!ouary meeting, the sub· ject of which Is "l'he Leaven and the Meal."

-Vittorio da Prato. of West Orange, tislted friends In Westfield on 'l'bnrs· day. lllr. da Prato bas just finished a live year's eonrse of violin instruction nniler the tutol'llhip of Ysare,at Brussels, Belgimu.

-The members of the I. 0. S. hel<l a meeting last evening at the home of Percy DuBois mod decided to hold a temlis tournlllllellt for members only on the Westfield ' Clnb cotuts to-morrow

how we are doing it. You will find barg-ains for immedi­ate use.




for several years, was discharged on Wednes<lay, and the work "ill hereafter fall upou one of the other employees.

-The committee appointed by the mass meetlug of citizens held Saturday evening for the purpose af communlca�. lug with the Washington officials In re­gard to establishing a free postal tleliv· ery system In Westfield, held 11 meeting In the town rooms,on Tneeday, evening,

-At a meeting of Hook & La<lder Company two new members were elrct­ed and It was decided to bold a clam bake in the near fnture. Messro. W. H. Grogau , Irving I. Ross, Cbarles H. Den­man, English and O'Neil were nppoiuted a committee to woke the neces811ry ar­rangements.

-A party of Plainfield ladles, Mrs. Charles Conover, 1\lrs Elvalne V Hn Name, Miss "-wanda Carman, 1\lrs. lllosber, Mrs. 1\[.C.Dobbins, llliss lllay E. Howlett, Mrs. Van Nest nnd Edward Mosher, Jr. , visited tile Fresh Air Camp here on Wednesday afternoon and dis· tributed a number of usefnl articles among tbe guests there.

-At the me>ting of the Fire Depart­ment belli Tuesday eve11lng the repre· sentatives of Empire Engine Company asked that the department hereafter pay for the hire of horsee used In taking tbe cilemlcal engine to fires. The repre· sentives of tbe other cowpaules then ask­ed for the sa we favor and the q uestlon wtio

·discussed but no action was taken.

-Theodore Allen, of New York, who has charge of the gang of the Weotftelll & Ellz•belh Street Railroad company, which I• macadmizlug Broad street, wa• knocked down aud ruu over by a carriage sa ill to oolong to B. F. Baii"Y. of Cranford, Tuesday afternoon. The wheels of the carriage, which were rnb bllr tired, ran over Mr. Allen's limbs, but be wll8 uuhurt.


A Pntty llume \Vtlddlng ut tht! l'�lillflulle of l'lr�. ftl. Ollb)·, uu NurUi A\·euue. the Hnnti•Jg Trio, etc. -The at1nual picnic of the Willmv

Grove Sunllay school will be held Wed­

llesdny of next week ut L<nubert's Gmve. -Yesterday wns Jr. 0. U. A. Ill. day

ut Asbury Park omd It Is estimute<l that 20,000 members of that order were pre

ufleruoon. A large circle of friends gathered 4t -The new addition to the North Ave- the residen�e of 1\[rs. 111. Gilby on North

uue Hotel will adtl eiKhteell ,bedrooms, avenue, Wednesday evening, to witness large di11iug roow, Indies' reception the murlage of her daughter, Mi•• room aud a readi11g o·ootu. 1\[r. Grognll Ethel Glib)', to Arthur E. Taylor. -son of ho(•e• ;to have the work completed by lllr. · P'l<l !\Irs. Frnnk Taylor, of Oakland, October 15. The ceremo11y, which took place In the

Thnt the suwwor is rapidly cowl'>g,to Is in evi!lence at the F. F. Proc­

cmotltona•u• performance theatrr. !11 City, Proctor'q Twe11ty-thlrd

Theatre, just \Vest of Sixth Ave­nod the Pleasure Pnlnce, 58th St. 3rt1 avenue, where the programs are beirJg 1urauged for next week

Young, of Plalufleld, has a position at the Bny11rd Pb�r­

macy a11d wltl begau work on Septem­ber 1.

-Tile nlntb reunion of the Tingley parlor, was performed by tb� Rev. N. family will take place at the fa1·m of W. Cadwell, of the Presbyterian church. David F. Blackford, near New Market, The bride was attended by Miss May on Thursday, Augu&t UJ. A band will L. Taslor, as bridesmaid and the best

One More Wee� of it. We refer to our Clothing Sale.

onr Sommer G oods tvon't hold out. It can't last much longer becansiJ N evortheless there are some of tho

best things left yet, in smal l quantities, of-course. · J..ats h'1VO d wi�dled down to li and 0 snits of u style. We don't expect to aeu any of theru here after Saturday night. Ask to see the following :

Our Fancy Cheviot Suits at $3.00 Our All Wool Cheviot �uits at $3. 75

Our Fancy Dress Worsted Suits at $5.00 , 'l'hese are some of onr best values and arc worth looking after.

make nll onr cloth ing.



�!lmBIJ!IDI!!!!UIIIl!!!l!l!!!l!lllliJJ!aJlllllj: � m � � I

i I



. . • . BUTTER . . . •


WALKER'S, Broad Street.

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1





OUR PALL ORDERn lias been giv�n for DRY GOODS anti FANCY GOODS.

soon be here , · They will

WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR THEM. We are Clearing Out at Bargains all Summer Oood.s.

L. A. PIKER. a regular midwinter rating. to the Proctor theatres always

an enjoyable eotertalament -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baker and fam ily, of South avenue, are spemllng a vacation of three weeks at Fishkill, N. Y.

be on hand to furnish music aod there man was W. J. Taylor. The ushers New Taylor Block ....... will be speecb making during the after· were C. B. Smith and E. F. Gilby. The ������������������������������ BROAD STREET.

very best vaulle' ;Jle tlllent obtain· The 23rd Street Theatre, located

heart of the shopping district, Is place to- rest after a couple of

at the bargain connltoro. The at thl• bouse, week of August 21,

1\!r. and lllrs. Artbur Sidman, In a restful moments, 1 1Back Home; •' nntl Rlchanls, C•· 'llleld uud Carle­

and w ... t l<lld oome At the PIAIIellre Palace

IIOI:lUl:llr-m·locetl Juntl•>ees of 10 cents Indies and cblldreu 11re orowtllng

favorite resort to tbe limit. Among strong f11vorl\es foo· the week 21 are' Mclutlre anti Heath,

and Seymour, Pnttersou Bros., Trio and IIIIIUY more.




•o�D ., 11�1. DIIUGGI8Te, --


noon. wedding rnarch was played In a charm· =

-The bulletin boord at the Cen­tral Railroad det>ct will hereafter be used for business posters of the railroad ouly.

-The president and superintendent of lug manner by Miss Battle D. Tnylo�. the Central Railroad, with other oil!· Congratulations baying been said tbe W. P. SCRIVEN, Leadina Shoe Store of WesUield.

-1\lr. llnd litre, Philip Woa.nnn, of W ashlngton, D. C., are g11ests at the howe of Cbr!•topher Db·d, on First street,

-The Rev. Clmrlee Fiske Is conduct­Ing the services at the Eplo!Copal clmrch 11t Bei'Dartlsvllle dnr·ing the pres�ut wont h.

passed through Westfield on the newly married coUIJie left on an even car, Atlae, Fri<lay on a tour of In- lug train- for a short wetldlng tm1r be­

They vlsted the Westfield fore settling down to the joys of bouse­BUll the grounds surrounding tile keeping.

same. --------_:Lovers of base ball can see a good Clolored Mn. l'artln1too.

game at Cranford to ruon·ow ufternoon In spite of all that the P!lblio •ohooll when the Clark's 0. N. T. team of New· onn do tho colortd porson stlll gets tor­ark, which defentetl the Cranfords bv a rlbly tnuglcrl up with tho English Inn·

gungo. A Judy lately sent her colored close scoa·e In " ten-luning gume recently, rsof\·aut to bung out tho washinll, and will agulu em•• bats with the local before long tho 11lrl returned and ro­lllll)'ers. wlll'kc!l, " Mrs. -, tho wlull l• piny-

-A new awning lms bEen plnced in -Letters rewalnlug nuculletl for at the lug hummock with thoso . olotbcsl" fl'Ont of tire storu uf Freel, C. Dooke•· by 11ast office, Westfield. Pel'l<ous calling Coming buck vno duy from tbu office of George F. Brown, the .Pilllnfiel<l nwnhllf for some pleose mention ml veo•tised. 11 11hyslclnu, whoro she bad boen trented lllakel·. for on 11llment, tho some girl suld In Mo·s. Pel'!<ey W illhuus, Mrs. W · J · answe� to un lnrjulry IIH to how tho <loo­-Tiw men at the lronclu<l Reslstouce St�·l�s. llllss AnillejScbwen<linger, Roccc:i tor burl Jllcscrllx•d for her, "Oh, hu Corupnuy'• fnctory ure now working Cmut!, Corrnlni Frnugejechelll, Mary gnvo mo oolliU elder <lowu to pnlut DIY nights to keel' ''l' with the lnr1re number L. Jnckson. oido with ! ' ' (It tur11��1 out to be lodlll(l, I of orders. · · -The si<lewulks on hotb oldes of West- -Boston 'l'ronsorlpt.

-The Bourd of Trnde & Improve· field avermo, l>ohveen North nvonno nud Uo•·• of th• Okl<tn TUIU•. ment t hsoolotlon will hol<l ll meeting In Sm1th avumae, hllve been out <lown to UllyM 1111\'U llhi'IIYH l�<.'\'11 buy�. '!'hen' the town rooms 011 Frillny evenh1g of couforln with the otreet le,•el, wbioh ""'' I• '"' d<luht thnt Elbom nml limn l�l<h· next week. ����::�n�u�f ·����101����:;��:::� .�!��;; :�: :;:,�f;.':i,��. ::� ���:�J�;:,;":�:;r,�·�;;:,,::u"�::�

-Mr. tuul lllu. Wllltnm Chrlothoe allll rullrom<l brhlge. <onl<lll't null tholll, hnll to f�"-'' t111• W I I W t �toclt hlnuwlt, 11r thnt 11111'111 lll'i<l 1111 •ou, of ao ' ugton, nrren COUll 'f, oro -1\loreiRntl T. Towr1ley, who Wll8 the two llnl!lll'll to ,loulltl/1111 when he �11\1' vloltlug at the howe of B. D. Winters, rer•reeeut�tlve of the Epwor.h• Lea1111e blrn ·nci'OII• tho t>loek 11n11 Umt tlwy ou FlrMt atreel. of the We"tfteill �leth<Jtli�t · olmruh nt thorowlth '1\'t'nt In "'·hu�ulng In tbu

-Clmrlee La Mattie Rnd "Jnok" the convoutlon held recoutly nt ludl•m· ,Tor<lnu IIKtdu�f tho ext'"'"" l>roblbith•ll ·

Townoe11d will take pRrt lu the elxteert· at<olls, Ind., �enve a very hJtereellull 110 IIC tholr mothort.-l\Uunt•lll<Oill ,Juurnnl. mile rood rnae at 9colob Plnluo to-wor· count of the convention at a we�liu11 •-row aftert�oon, hehl laot �nnhall' at the uburoh. One 1\lhmto Cough Cure quickly ctlreM

-Court Provt.leut, No, 01110, J, O, F., -The Central Rnllro11tl offiulalK who oh1ttnattl smutuer omt11h1 aut! coh!l. "I wlll llohl llll hiiJJOrtaut tueetlag MomiiiJ vliltetl here on TueNtliiJ have 1tartetl to conRitler It a m01t womlorfnl tuet11olne,­evenltall alltl lt l1 requeet1111 tllat all wew• cnt 1lown OliiH!DIIll. M"ry Bird, who ttlllok autl nfo. "-W. W. Merton, May· ben be &•rlllllat. tu .. worked aron1id the de&•ot 111 Janltre11 hew, WI•. w. H. Treaobard,



SUIIDall:a. IUlJITALII. J)nm•tlou�t tu Cl1lltlren'" Country llonu,

J.•rnlll July :H tu AUI'Ufllt 12. Miss Glesle1·, benn bags; Anltu 1\[aulle,

Cmnford, frnit ; Mrs. Cottrell, tomatoes nnd beaus : l\lrs. 1\!oree, malted milk nml toilet soap; litis• A. Clnrk, starch, lmud· kerchiefs unil water melon: Mrs. Cam1•. huts ; :lolt·s. 6r·eeu, IJOtlltoes

· 1\nd 001111s ; )\Jiss Clark, t•otutoes: !llrs. Ferris, cnkeR : !llrs. Cottrell, vegetables : IIIIas 1\lore· bonAe, UPI•Ie• mul buun•; �lt-s. l\lors<·, test11meuts, flowers 1111<1 vegetnbles; 1\h·s, Welltos, flmtr 111111 lluukwheat ; 1111·•· Winkler, cncnmoora ; lllr•. Cot\rell, vegetables nml cuke; 1\lrs. Se1'1!CIIIlt an<l !\Irs. Fm·ris, �hll(el' HII/IIIS IIU<l IJeanllts : !lirA. Knh!ht, J•ot oheese ; Dr. R. R. Sin­clair, mmllcul 11ttemlance for one moutll.

1\lnH, H. c. SI·!H<mANT, 1\lnH. ,J, S. F�nms,

Cmumlttuu, �·�------

BUSINESS NOTES. When yott want j(Uotl oij(nra go to the

llllyllfll PbiUIIIIIO)', 0. E. Love Ia We!tllehi'H IIOillllnr 11ro·

cer IHICHIIAII hu 8ella tho llt'Ht �erocerle1 11t t•otmlnr t•rlcu.

L. /r., l'lkor Ia mRkh111 hl11 re<lnctloo• lu IUIIllller we11r lor lllilluw. llllu Piker I• m11kh•r tluliH! lllt!OIIII •lrlvllll lu ortl�r to m1kt roow tor 11111 !100111,

Boforo yon go on t of town ahop· ping just J'ttll in aud seo how nicely we Clln fit yon in Shoos or Oxfords. Black or Uusset, they nrc right np· to tlnte, nllll we tion'& charge you anything for• tho name but wo tlo wnrmn t tho goods,

JOH N O'BLENIS Broad Street, We1tlleld.

DIK Dor•x .SO.p, 111: INir. (I I b. tlou bla cnke. l Stanley• Berkley Ov•l .!loap,

3 "k .. sc. Love'• Pure Uor•x ScNip,

7 cake• for asc. C. E. LOVE, Bracer, ar.� ae.

Page 6: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august

• • • •a



\ u t1u t • rauhl1uc h1••·••1, CIHJI I \'-'I'J,,.,,, ldk>lllll ''""' !ll11Ml h�

lUI ''" fi11 uu l rouu tc , Mnlflll·-\'•·•: lint th•r• I • tllllhlnl( Alow Rlwul lbern.-!'1. \", Journ111,

MULLINS � SON�, The Great Furniture Store. OUR CREDIT PLAN

enables W1U to furnish yrJur he;me at once; it gh·es you pic nty of t !me to pay, and sti l l ) ou have the ten efit of_ a .,cash purcha�e. ,'!

Extension Table, A n tirttJe Oak ' _ , ' Bed Room .Suit, 3 pieces, coo. otrong : sisting of one Bed, one Dresser with

FOR T H E PARLOR Parlor Snit

2 P .. ir Lace Cnrtains 2 Pole.; and Fixtures

Parlor Table Clock Hug

� Pictort:e

I bevel plate mirror, and one Wuh 1 Stand. Special, $11,50, FOR TH E DININO �OOJII

1 Extension Table 6 Cane Seat Chaill! 1 China Closet

15 yards Carpet 1 Oak Sideboard 1 Coqeh

Upright Refrigerator m hard wood; the kind which :;ell nt C. dollars,

$4.25 H0�1ES FURNI.St-i ED FOR St A WEEK.

M U LLI NS &, SONs· •. 2 1 8·220 M a rket Stre et, N ewark.

Other Stereo-Jersey C l 1 y, Brook lyn . Paterson.


J. S. I RVI NG CO . • D I A L.I R 8 I N

Coal, Lumber, Building Materials, Mouldings and Kindling wood. FertiiiZIII ·

Por L11wn, Oard� n and Pleld, Office and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crosslns, Westfl-

Ortlcr• by lllull Will 1\ccclvo l'ron1pt Attention. TllLEPBOIE 10 A,

Page 7: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august

The - Cranford Gas Light Co.

Incorporated 1S:2.

liS lor llllllnatlll

aad Faal Purposes.


GAS HANGS For Cooklnc.

The Cranford Gas Light Co., OFFICE, HART'S BUILDING,


Archbold & Scudder, VARIETY MARKET,



UMIOI WATER COMPAIY l•corporaled 187o. Oraanlaed a891.

The Ullioll Wat..r Comp•ny suppUea the lnbllhitunts of the villages of , Fac wood, Westfield. Cranforol and ROI!eile with wnt..r for domestic """· "Tbl Purtst anUtllltast tl!at llature can Yield."

Union Water Company,

At 68 Broad 8treet. Elizabeth.

..... , .. , .,, ,,.., .. ,,., ... , __ ,., ____ ... Ia)' •·ilting on the hot curbstone. The ! A �liGHTY HUNTRESS

I A' s ri f a· g·eutlemnu stooped , picked it up, and . . p g 0 osemary at;rried it ii1t0 , hiti office in the 1rreut � stone Lullllh1g on thC c..,rncr. When lie

-By_ lull& 8cbayer, woo wnted at his desk It was still In his Tbe Only Woman Wbo Bat Pene-

hnnd. II• looku<l at it curiously. It trated the Guiana Junsle.· had· large, ornJ, duB-green lcnn�s. deli·

IT was nt the corner of Dlank street nod Brondwny. An old woman wns

"tanding on the curb looking uncer· tnlnly noout her-now nt the endle•s ·chain of street cnrs, now Into the faces of po.s•ers-by. She wns a coulltl'ifi<tl Q]d woman, stout nnd plnin, yet with such goodne"" In ber face, such simplic­Ity, such all·embrnclng bumnn kind­ness, us to mnke it, for eyes that really see, lo\·ely to look upon,

lt was .a hot summer nfternoon, and she, too,· was wurmly clad in durk. homely g11rments. Nenr her feet on the curbstone wus u large enurnel-cloth satchel, with n. robust eotton umbrella •trapped to It, On her left arm hung a good·•lzL>d hiiSke!· filled with growing plnnto-<Jld·fnshioneu things seldom seen outside of fnrml1ourw gnl'dens. \Vith her r1ght hnnd incn$e<1 in n grny cotton glon!, �he was fnnriing her heat­ed face with n 'corner Of her bln.ck shawl. Ucr plcnsnn t gi-u.y eyeS wnnclered from face to fuce of the" hurt·ylng th rong, ns If seekh1g SJmpnthy. hut few gave her el-·en o. cnsun.l glnnce, nnd of those few 011Jy now· itiHi then One gnre ber a EeC• o11<l look lit up wltl1 momcn tary curi­osity or nmnse-ment. TJ1e womnn wns so ob,·fout,;ly uut of I)lnce-ns m ucf1 .so as oil npplc tree or n.. clu mp of cinna­mon .rosfs wot1ld hn\·e been.

wtdy .serrated i n pungent, wholesome odor J'ose from it, pre\·uiling on�r the lhe R�••tt�• Ia Claclnnall and Jla. other odol's in the room-Oflors of Jlus- Uad 8uuu: \"crJ· Es:cltlns •d,·ea• sia. leather, of to})uc<.."' nnd of the street.

The gentleman inbnle<.l its t'rugr·unce long and deeply.

u\Vhut is it?" he Utiked himself. "I s�em to rememUer-nh, yes! J hm·e it. It is-rosclmll'y l Yes. 'l'hnt's whnt it is. I�osemnry! "

The steely eyes softened still more. and fixed themselves like tlJOse of one bypnotizou. The full, proud mouth grew tender,

hiM Gauu:.

There passed through New \'orlc the oiber day, en route to her home Ju Cin­cinnati, u.n nttl'uctlve looking youDg woman with a trunkful of trophi�s of her ability os a hunter of big g•me, 'l'hrce tenanted cages nlso bore t.esti· mony to her prowf!ss ns n h ut1tress. The wife of Thornus Lindsley, a mining engineer, her steady oim hnU won her bonor us n rifle shot in the contests in which she had pal'ticipated under tltc pseudonym of u\\'nn<lu," nnd now she h!U3 the U(lcleU honor of being the first white womnn to penetrnte the Guiana jungle, A leopard sklu, the tusks. pnws, and brushes of otber big gnrne and the skins of snakes which she has brought home tell u story In themseh·es. The lh·e trophies she hn.s are o. young o.pe,·11. still younger sJotb, nna 0. wll<l purrot. Dow :Mrs. Lindsay became n hunter of big gnme Is thus told by herself:

"In Surlnurn, Dutch Gulonu, you must know, if un lndlun or n 'bush·nig· ger' promenndes through sunshhJc clad

, in a bnndl<ercbief nnd a sl1oestringpeo· ple would not e\·en turn their hends to regard the cudostt;-, but t he Jdeu. thn.t n white wolnnn sho�ld enter Ute jungle mn<le them throw up their hnndt� ln holr horror. However, I went. A mu· lutto wom?n was my speclnl nttendnnt A few of us embni"l<ed in a steam luunch. 'l'he 50 negroes of the expedition were left to follo'". in ca.coes and rnfntng bouts in churgc of n nnthe foreman.



The guileless wlstfulncWi of her bright old eyt:!s pierced. the hnrd crust of worldlh1�Ss nnll c'otn-ent!onnllty, und crept into their heurts, und more thon one wns mo,·ed to nsl< the st.rn.nger If iihe necilcd help or iuformntJon, but the little cre\·lce closed quiei<Jy and they pnsseU on. 011ly the look rcmnlncd lm­prisone<l i n their bosoms, nnd tbey re­cnlled thnt duy things the)' bud not though of for runny n :rcnr.

'fhe wom nn hnrl nl'rhed on a noon trnln, expecting her nepltew. \Villium Henry .Furner, to meet her ut the sta· lion. She hncl wnited n long time for him, then, thinking loer Jetter bud mls· curried, she decided to go on to his huur:c up town. She hnd Leen there be· fore. nnd she knew how to reneh it, but 'lhe wns timid about going oJone.

uTf1ere was n clump of rosemnry In �other's gurdcn," so rlul hl s thoughts, "and ncar it wns n great mat of clo\·cr pjnks. Tl1cy bloomt:d ia June. I cnn smell them now. There wns n huge bush of soutl1ernwood there, too, nnd some tuwny lilies. nnd spl<lcrwort, nnd monl<shoo<l, and striped grnss. Strnnge ho\\' the oltl names come bncl< to mel The lilnc bmhes in the corner were like trees to. me in those do)•s. I used to sit unUer tbem mul play nt matching blades of striped grnss with sister llnr.y, nml wonder why bel' hnnds were so white, nnd why mother never Jet her work hnrd. I !<now now. She fuded awny nnd died, nud there wns only me left. I remember those . Suralays In summ�r, when I wos not ulloweU to piny or run ubout. How Jon�r t.hey werc, nn<l how hot! Lili:c to-duy, but with such u Lli1!!!rcnccl MoU1er ulwayfi hntl a spray of ros"rnur,l' on<! n pink folded In her hundkcrchief when we stnrtcd for the ruec1fng house, nnd some caruwn.Y seed in l1er pocket, which .she gnrc me now ruul t}:len during tht;t sen·icc whcu Ebe Sill\' I was almost asleep. 1 taste them now nud smell_ the rosemary und the plnlu., and the pine odors comin� in nt the open \\-'indow, uncl tbe xnrnish on the pews, nil m lngJed together. And I henr the crenklng of the women's fnns, ond the horses whinnying under the &heel behind the meeti ng house am] Nte mlnJster's clronlng l'olco--n.o'�

u1 shu·ted out one morning to get some fresh meat for dinner. \V'e hndn't tnsteil anything except corned beef for two wee}<s, nnd I wns rend.Y to take the first thing tlmt of!erc>d Itself. I had tiP' toed along 11 t rnil for over n mile with· out seeing onyt.htng, when suddenly from tlircctly m·erheud 11 dried twlg Inndet1 ot my feet. I looked up. The tree was an hnrneutie one, big enough to eoneenl n dozen dro\'es of monl<eys. I got n glimpse of a large brown body, howewr, high on an upper limb, and

just then o familiar grunt !Dltl me that the fellow was o baboon. Not daring to mm.., for fenr of noise, I trie<l the dltllcult shot of aiming stmlgh t. There wna n howl of pain nnd a crnahlng o f boughs nnd l lrnhM thnt wnrned me to jump from under. Dut the rellow caught himself nen as he fell, nne! be­

. fore I eould relocate him I henrd him ol! l!ke n streak. From l!mb to limb and tree to tree he •wung hlm•elf, 6COOting nlong Tinea ond buehea like a seared cnt.

POLITE A'l'l'EN'l'ION . . . .





Welch Bros. ratQtiPI lid Deaoratara, .

Broad Street, near Elm, w•eTFIELD.

New England Bread.

Westfield Bakery Blhlmann & Koenig Props.

Cakes, Pies ••• Pastq. ICE CitEAM .delivered In qUAntities

to suit.

Wagon makes regular calls. Drop us a postij\ card and your wants will be

· attended to.

Broad St. weatfleld. NEW VORK NIUSENIENT:S.



it u.:m to ll }t. m. Bct•t:t OOo n.ud 30c. PNgrnm chi\IIIJC!I overy \Vetlk,



Noon Lo ll )J. m. All bn.lnonh.!s, �; "11 urchM· trn, Mo,


Location of Fire Alarm Boxes IN WESTFIELD,

207-Snmm\t 11veune nml l'11rk otr..,t. 400 -Elm at root 111111 K\wbnll llvemte. 570-Bronll Rllll �lhi•Ueoex Mtreetll. 6UO-Oumborlnull street nml South

avenue. 803-Firo Dcpnrtmont honso.

After 1encllmr In 1111 11larm sl11ncl near the call boll nntll 11nlval of 11pparatt1M

••••• Yol\l AllylltlllJ '" Aolvorllle T ·. Pitt' yonr "want" nciH In the next l1111ne � of the B'I'AIID.\Ril-ncl them In 111rl1. � Don't for1et that JH!rai•'-••t ttdYertiRin�

;,.. PAr• 1 1c • word. I 1\1,;


C. T. MlLLER; Proprletor.


11111111 aof Blortlaad, Dl\bcock JluiJdhiK't l"lalnftehl, N. J.

Business, .Shorthand!, Typewriting, English, Penmanship, Mathematics.

TERMS :-Day sesBion, forty weeks, 'iiU; evening, forty weeks, $30, or tuition may be paid for In """Y monthly pay. menta.

Free instructlou until Ser•t. 1st. W. E. VAN WERT, Prin.

Procure Your Business Education -AT�TIIE-Q J .CDLEMAN - NAT'l BUSINESS COLLfSE

838 Broad St., NewarK, 111 . "· Anti YOU will tiM'U both tirue nud WOI\8\'. Rates greatl;r r�Jducod. Io;nj.flisL Brn.nclu:s, Business Shortfinml 1Lnd 'l'nmwrltlng. Onl).· S!!o a quar� ter for all. �;wttlng Hchoo) from SelJt.ember •.o April. C. Horton, Penuu\n, H. Coleman, PreHidcnt

t» nf 0 J_ I Comprohcnds 8 I � l(f1W vOT'K Schools. Thu L.t.W ftl Sehoul hv!th D!ly UR/'1/{IT'Sity, und E\-colna Clussus). ��-----""-"' Medical Collelle. Oraduate School, I'edag(}fiiJ, APPL.l.£D I!Cl�NCii nnd lJNIVBitSITY O:OLLEQB, For ctrculnrs ntldrcss tho ltcglstrar, Washing. ton Srmurc. NoiV York City.



BUILDER. Prospect 8treet,

Westfield, New Jeney.

Estimates Cheerfully Fur. nishcd.

Steam \larble and Granite wor11 !'�NO! NO ll'lll\ lll'l!ll'l'I'Jilll\' i'IAYI'I-I,

�r1e Variety �f llr�n.lt� Mqnumenla. Pnou1111tiC Tool• lor Lat1er1n1 ond l:ar�lnJ�

... L M.NNING • liON, rn•• ,..,,a. •. Cleatna ...... ,. : I

PLAI.,.ILD, •• ol, '

\YIJIInm Henry "'os her on!)' brother's child, nud bad grown up on o farm. He wos a smart boy, un� bud grown up into n smnrt man.. He wns a pros• perous prorlslon dealer In r>ew York now, mnrrled to a nlee girl from his own to\'lillship1 alld 11\"lng comfortnbl�· i n h is o,.,.n house out llorlem way. \\'henel'er there nroH a domestic emer­gency In his family-<lml they arose with astonishing frequency-Aunt Ab­by ClliW! on ID nurse \\'illlnm Henry's wife. �'or that matter, they would hn•·e liked to keep her "·lth thfm. oil the time; but Aunt Abby miuld not leave her home-'-the home of her bumble farming ancestors for se,·ernl generations. She wnS essentially of the soli. a eounur woman in e1·ery.tlber of her being. The city wos to her a mollJ!ter, splendid but full of terror, who•s glittering scales pnlned her eyee, whose incessant roar hurt her eurs, accustomed to the quiet fields nnd "'"oods. Not for worlds '"'·ould she lh·e In the clty.

Dut she denrly Jo,·ed \\'illlnm llenry u.ud Lucillo nnd Uu� children, und wn� glud to come nnd st<ty with them dur­ing emergencies lilce the one pending. LuciHn wus u. country girl, too, nnd lo\·cd the old plaCe, nnd when Aunt Ab­by caauc in she nlwu.rs brought some� thing from b<:r old home. 'l'hls time it wns some Pln.nts for LucUln's window garden, from the plnce where \\"ililnm Henry'• folks used to Jive. · She hml lcft u. good denl of Soil nbout the roots, om] th11t mndc the busl<ct rery heat·y. Her u.rJn ncllcd sorely, Lut she would not ect tho bn.sl<et down tor fcnr some one mJglit tl·eod ou it, or e\·en steul it while she was not looking, u.nd she kept n sharp eye nlso on the bluck sn tchel. Aunt Abby rend the pn.pcrs, nnd her opinion of Kew York mornls was not high.

She begun to feel 1·ery tlre!l, nn<l wish�d William Henry bud not missed her, und worHlcrcd how sbc huppened to lt�a,·e her palm leaf fnn on the trnin.

urm gettin' ull llct up!" she snld to herself, wcn.rlly.

She hncl thought thnt she knew just which ltlnd of u. cnr to tnJ\e to get to l1er nephew's house. but they cume along so fnst, ond looltccl so much nUke tlmt she wns getting doubtful. And she nreunt to be very cautious. She wns mornlly ccrtnln, thut once on tbe wrong cur, her doom wna sl!nlet..l. 'l'here wns no J.c:uowlng to whnt drcncl'ful den she migllt l}Q hn·Nl, l'ohiJed nm1 murdered, nnd no one would e\'er lmow wlmt be­l'Ulllt! of her. She bud rend of l lUIUhcrs of p10ople <llHUJlJlenrlrl!f mysteriously th•t wny. So sho let cnr nfter ('llr pn58 •Hot! I sl1c coultl feel quite, quit" sure.

\Yhcn she hnd been s1nndtng there somtJ tlme In the l 1ot sun, u lmwl some coupo �toppc<l Ilf:'t11" IJCr, nml nn old gen· tlcmu.n stcppt!d out. J lo wus u \"cry flno looking old gentlemnn, hal£.1l'd, �]£.IUD· shU\'Cn, roHy, uncl f:iOJl!L''Whut pum[Hl\IH, Ills hnlr wns s!h·cr whit�, nncl so were the hr-m•y hrows ttnc1l!r whlt.!h were eyes '"' hnr<l unci ul'lght us poll•.hcd Btl'ell Ills mouth wn• the mout.h of n mnn who lo\'Ccl pomp UJld p!t�nHure, hut It wna ttnt ultogcthcr 11 Cl'llcl mouth, AM ho •tcpptHl ott to Uw m1rh ho notlcetl tl10 wnnmu •tnmllr>!l thtl't' wit h l>er huslwl of country r•l•nlfM, lonldnu •·nuucly nloutrl hor, ouO<] lnunlutr loor•t�lf wcurlly with u hlncl1 ulwwl.

Jlc luul U IJIIIuk OCIIHC of !Joe JllC• ttrr ... <JIIC, tl1l1 8!!100t h•O]III\'CII oi<)J(CII• t lmnnn. nnr1 lw wn1 ntl£' of tl10 ft•W wf1o lookt•fl n Mc·c�nh" t lrnf'. lflr u•yt.•rt Ploft�nt.•cl 11 little, tno, I t "'"" llB II n hrenth of (•Inver fh•lclM 11tlf1 nr\1hrtrd• luul benn wnlte1l lei him hy thnt hit ofbluek ahnwl In the enttnn-glo••ed ,hnnol,

llame one In (lnuln!f hnd broken niT n M(IPIJ from one of the plnnta, nnd It

It oil comes buck to mel · ••And Abb.�·-Abby Gro,·er-her follcs'

pew Witts ucrot�b from o u n , am] I used to t.ry my best to make her ]atlgh In nweting, but I don't think I e,·er suc­ceeded. She wns a nice girl, Abby wos. Not pretty, but wtth somet hing about her thut wns better thnn beauty. And her eyes nnd hnlr were renlly lmely, 1 remember.

"A\.JLy b'l!llerutly wore u tijlrlgufru�:�e .. mnry pinned to her dress when l went o\·er to sec hc.r Sundny nights ln sum� mer. Thnt wns after we grew up. We uaed to sit on the orchard wall and tolk until t.be whippoorwills began crying, and Abby's mother would come to the door nnd say the dew was falling nnd &he guc.ssed we better come in.

"I f&ncy I did most of the talking, though, for Abby was one of .)"""OUr sJ.. lent, deep sort. l told her nll my plana for getting o.\\·ay from the .farm · and milking my fortune In the city. And she would listen patiently, though I must hol-e been a terrible bore, and look nt me with her nice cleor eyes WJd say: 'Uow nmbitious you are, JoeyP Joey! Fnncy anyone ca.lllng me •Joey• now!

10And ho\1· proud she wns of me when I begnn to get on in tbe world-and she hel ped me, too, Abby clid. She lent me her little savings from scbool·tcueh· ing, llnd, luter on, when the fnrm came to hcr1 :5he raised mone;r on thnt to start me tn business. Is there nnytblng a '�ornnn will not do for n mnn sho lon�s�r·

At this point the color deep•ncd on the ohl gentleman's forehead rmd n deep brenth like 11 sigh expanded his glistening sh i rt front.

••of course, I paid her bncl\, Pr�ry dol­lar, with interest," went on his tbouHh t:->, "nnd I men.nt to hcep my promise of mn.rrtnge, too. It wns .Abbv herself who broke the engng�me�t when she found out that ! loved another girl b<tter. It wns the right. thing. She did not seem to tul<c It mtiCh to heart, either; but she ne1·er mnrried. At least I nenr heard that she dlcl. It Is u years or more since I snw the old pJnce. There wns nothing to <l rnw me there nftcr tloe old folks <lied. I wo11der-l wonder what become of Abby! Deuel, probably. She would be nn olcl womnn If she were 11\·Jng-not so very old either. She wns two years rorrnger tbn.n I, nnd I nm not yet turnt:!d o�"

A clcrlt came in nnd ln .. lcl u telegr'l\m on the desk. 'l'he old gcntlemnn tool( l t.. ThtJ steely look cnme bncl< to hJs eyes.

The old woman In the blotck showl wns st ill standing on the street corner. Sh12 lool<ccl tlretl nncl rmxlouR, nnd the plnnts In the busi;et houl wlltc<l sacl· Jy. The cars looked more alil<e tluUl C\'er, nnd she dJd not dnrc to t�top one, A pol lccmnn on the t!orncr h'Hl tH.!owlccl nt her unplonFinntl�· twn nr tl1reo t lmPs, nn1l Aun t i\bhy felt almost r<ncly to cl rop, what with tlw bent ural the fn· tlguo nnd tho cl rcncl thnt the pol lee· mrm might spent< to her, nml she be hopelessly cll>grnrccl thcrel>y,

�mlcl enly her fncc hrol·m Into a clc· llghtcll smile. A rucldy, youngish mnu (Jrlll\(J h u r·t•,yhlH up to l1or,

.. \\'nU, thcreJ" cxclnl nll'd Aunt Abhyf ns he shoolc ll llmls with her nncl lcls•ec! J"'r, niH! hcgnn n•ldng quc•st lons mul nnswerlng them nil in the •nme l>rcnth. "Wull, thcru, now, ,\l'l l!iam l lonry, If thut tlon't }Jcn t n 1 1 1 "

1'1um ti h e toltl how t� h n lnul wrLfh!cl In Uu! Ktfltlnn1 nm1 thcu em tho flt.rvlit tnrncr, 1 1 1 1 t l l r;hc WI\K unn het up," uml hnol lnft. 1111r pnhn·le11f fnn "" th o tl'ldn, nnol wnnoluw•l I I tho phLrliK woulcl como 1111 n�taln, nn•l nslwll how J,u.,Jllll \\'n•, t!IC,

Mc1111t.lrrw t1111 mn n hucl plckllcl up 11111 black tmhJ�ul nm1 t hn tm.-.Jwt IUH1 huM� tl«l An11t Al•l>)' !fn<iol·nuturcolly Into lhe cnr, nml t.ho t\\'o \\'f!ftJ f.rnnfl.

Ancl the •prl11 of rn.111nnry lny fnr• lflllt�ll on thu flnnr llllo1H the old f'll• tltm11n11 feot,-Outlook,

"Foolishly I left the nlll'l'Mo· tmfl ancl followed where.-er the big fellow o1·er· head led the wny. I soon sow he hnd the best of me In speed, therefore I fol­lowed stenlthily, under rover, guided only by nn occnslonnl grunt nnd by the bemllug nnu ruotllng of the limbs on which be swung. Then It dawned on me tllat I n·as lost. I n-os on the point of ghlng up the chose when I snw the baboon bod descendecl to the ground not a hundred yards ahend. That was encournglng, for it prol'ecl that he wns fntnlly wounded and wos fast fulling. I lmstenetl forwnnl under coYer to get n flnnl shot ot the big chnp. A follc'll tree trunk Jny between us withln 30 ·�·n!'lls of the wounded ape. Stooping, I wns nble to draw stenclik closer "Y.ith­out beingobsen·etl. 'l'JJCr; quickly, w!lb !nJ' g·un reacly, I stepped o\·er the trunl< for nn instant's olm. Dut I <lid not shoot.. Despite my excitement my eyes were drnwn downward behind me, There Jny n splendid leopnrd wlthln n ynrd of rne. I hn\'e oft<!n been ns!lured thut no lcopnrd will nttack n humun crc�ture without serious prO\'Ocntion, but the surprise of that nwful unlmnl so doMe wrung n. cry of terror out of m•.

"''l'he IeormrJ, howcYer, remained mo­tionless, wl th not d""'�n u slgon of sur­pris�. hnt instlnt'th·e1�· I wla.tl:r!1ell nOOut, nud, poldng the muzJ!le of my g-'.\D Bl­most Into his eyes, fired. Thni Is why the skin I showed you Is somewhat tipotkod, The report of my gun, fol· lowed so closely by my cry of. fright, brought Mr. Lindsley to my siac in a minute, for-nnd by this you mny get nn ldon of the <lenslty of thot jungl<>­wlthout ]mowing It l had been led nc· tunlly within �0 yards of our eump."-Chlcngo J o




l.:_ ___ _

Turkl•h tlnlod, l'ut n pint of coicl hnked beans In the

snhlfl bowl. Slice two small onions fine, pour over tlu�m n little cold wnter, nml pr�ss with the hnnd to extrnct the strong tnste. Ad'l the onions to the Ucuns, together wtth two ir·csh 1omn­t.ocs flllc�Jtl t1dn. Senson wJUJ snit, pep­per, oil nnd \'lnegn.r or lemon, to tnste, tossi ng with the snlncl for·Jc until t11c 1ircsHing Is nil through tho snhul, Dec· OI'!Lio with n horclet· of lettuce Jeo \·es nn<l n ring- of oll\'es, nml set on the h.!o until ready to scr\"c.-N. \"", 'rrii.Junc.

Unte Crt•tun t•le,

Bnlcu ll slng"lc rich cruRt In n 'lcup pic plate or t in, wh ich Is bet fer, pi'!< k i ng It thiel<l)' to prm·cnt ri•lng or· hll>;t.rlng. To ench t!lg-hL-lnch plu vlntc nllow 1 1� cupfulK of Rtonctl nml chOflPC'l dn.tcH, mbwfl with �ufllclt!nt.swcl!tlllllHl uml fln­,·m•c,l whlpJlCil crcnm to n il. f.:onr thtl tn1• with me!'Jnuuo browuecl l h:htly, nrul wl>ea col1l •lotted with l>lts of bright red ,1cll,\', This h ns uoocl n8 lt lonl<s.-Jio





----N'cmrl•laml'ht In llol \\'•ntl•e•.

"Jt I• 11 ml•tnke," solo] 11 l>hy•lclnn during tlto recent pcrlcul of ��trernc lwn.f, "to l'nt too I Itt lc tu hot went her, Ju•t n• tt I• 11 ml•tnlco to •nt too much 111111 tl>c wrun!f thini!M- "xtrerno hot W1111tl1cr I• In ltot�lf •·cry •�hntutlng, nml plouty of nourl!hmont IR nceclecl to Mll8llllrl tile R,\'Mhm, ThiM nourl•hment •honlil he of 11 •lmplo nnc1 e111111 dlrea� ed klnci,"-N, \', l'olt.


ARE DIFFICULT TO •AX& Ptoee•• of Taklna Life --•k• &:::aaPe

••e 8abjeel• Haeb J�oa­•·•nteoee. It fo not often that men desire that

o life musk be taken of their feature11 . they prefer to wait till after death be­fore undergoing such nn ordeul. Yet serernl residents of Chicago hnre pusscd through this unplcu.ennt process, and tlJelr musl<s ndorn thelr parlor or uf• fic�s. Mn15ks frorq life nre t.a.ken al• mo;;t precisely i n the same way as after deuth, sure tJmt much g·reater care hal tu be used, us the suuject 's life hangl on a •rery U1in thread, or to be more precise, two smull qui lls. It requfrel a. great denl of nen·e Ull(l patience to uuderg·o, the sensation being most dis• ngrccuUle. \Yhen a mnsk from life i1 ubout to be securPd the subject recline• on n long table unO tow�ls are placed around his neck nod forehead to pre­"fent the pln!o\ter going where not in.; tenoled. 'l'hc face Is slightly gren•ecl, but not enough to till the pores of lhe skln., Cu.re has to bE especially mken with the eyelashes, ns otherwise, iD. the t�:ubse<JUent opern.tions, these_ are likely to lie pulled off. A small qufll la now Inserted In either nostril to nllow the subject to breathe through and cot• ton wool ligbtl�· pres•ed around . the base to keep the liquid plaster from In• truUing. A pair of scissors is nlwa..ya kept bundy so os to he able to cut of! the tops of the quills should by an;r ctumce the plaster splash up and corer them.

All being ready the plaster Is care­fully poured over the features. The following operations hn1·e then to be performed with sl<lll nnd celerity: Dl• rectly the plnster lightly covers tho face u ti.mull but strong thread is lnid on el the.r cheek running from the top of the 'hend do\t-n to the neck and pressed into the plaster until it ulmoet touches the skln. ,\tltlitlonnl plaster Ia

nu\\" placed on until the whole is nbout nn inch in thickness. Ere this baa quite set the heforementioned threads nrc pulled up through the mold w as to cut the rlaster, other";se it would be irnp"tssible to remoTe it from the fnce. '1'11e subject whose mask Is being token Is now having a ll'<'ely time. '!'he pia&• ter presses and burns hls cheeks. He thinks of nil the horrible things that might happen should those two little quills get choked. Kot n sound of the outer world can he benr sn ve aorne in­distinct rumbling o.nd the thud, thud of his bentlng heart almost den fens him. Houl'8 seem to pass and he is pO\Yerleu to know what Is going on, He lies helpo Jessly there and, perhapa, out of curiosity, tries to ralae o.n eyelid. That •ettlea hlm, os by this time the plaater hos . hardened and holds the lid In an fmmomble grip. .� elckly sensation comes o"er him-he feels paralyzed and unconsciously g:lve8 a. long groan. Thlo, by the way. oan only come through the quills In his noaU'IIs, and It naturally alarms the operator, who lm• mediately •houts ns loudly no he can to know It anything fa the m&tter. The &ubject Is just nble to, hoor hie ro!ce and eo rol&es his hnnd, o. preananged signal that .. nll't "•ell."

The plaster, through bslng mlxe4 with warm woter, quickly hardens and In the coune of about fi'<'e minutes the mold Is strong enough tD he taken oil. -chicago Chronicle.

ENGLISH IDEA OF AN INDIAN. A. Chlenco ,,·ntteP PnPnhhe.a nn Os•

tord Man wtrh Food for TbOOII"ht.

There nre two or tbre<> people In Chi· cngo who would be much interested Ju!;t now if some one woulU. enlighten them as to how much tnstructlon upon general mntters is given o.t the Univer­sity oi Oxford, ElJg!un<l. These Chi· cngonns, whose mincls rlcubtlcss n.re l.JeuighteU, have, lwwc,·er, a. lurking suspicion Umt Oxon iun teneblng must be specific r1lther tlum hrond. They ur" williug to Uc uncleceiYed, but perhupa e,·en gruduntcs from tlu? grent English university will n('knowledge that their thoughts hn\'e some basis for exist• euce.

An Engllsllmnn of rank nnd· mone1 visit€d Chiengo re<'ently, and with him came his prh·nt e !i�cretn.ry, n young, fresh·fuceol , jully fellow just out of Ox• lord unh·ersity. The secrctnry brought letters of tntrolluctlon to n Chtcngo runn from n. wp]J.knnwn J.nnclon actor nml n.n equully prominent mnn of letters. The };ngllshmnn come direct to Chi· cngo, mnklng no stop in Xcw York. The sccr·ctary culled upon the Chlcngo mnn to whom he luul lett ers nnd who d!d a little e-ntertaining, hniting three city fricntls to meet the privltte f;ecrc­t.ru',\' nt lnnchoon nt n uotucl rcstnurnnt.

It wns nfter llw clgo rs were llgh tecl thnt the C'Ou\·ert;nlion turtwd upon things .American. The Chlcngouns lmc\1' tllfit the Urltons were ercditecl with bciiC\·Ing thijt they <•onl<l shoot lmH'nloes umler the slnutL' of tin� Amll­torlum nml shoot E-rtlzzlles nlong the 81wltll•, but. thf'�' were not qtlite prc-111\l'ed fnr whut wnR to C'onw. The lit• t le lunchflon pnl't.r h1ul b(lt.ltl wul1(><1 upon by n l'llltl lllnck Jl('Jp·u with l'r!tip hn l r t•urll'd t l�rht to hiH !J<•1ul. 'l'hc """" n l ll l'�· t h roughttut t l i t! rcpm.t hntl eyrd the l l t 1 emlnnt with tntt•rL'Ht. 'Yhen tho w u ! t t·r 1tnnl l�· hurl ldt the room thtl 1-:ng-ll'"'h f.:"11C'�-'t turnl·1l to hh• hod nml "''ill :

"-Mr. Sl'lt-�nn. It tH't'lnR to nw thnt [ l'l'ltcl fiOJll(.'Wllt'l'l' tl1nt the A rnwrh.•nn I n• • I I II I I H hll<] HII'IIIJ.rht hnlr. 'l'lill hn lr oP t ill' u11c wl1o witlt t'rl 011 lUI cllrls l lko J\Htl'nlmn,"-('lllcnun Trllntne.

Antllh! lh·Mtont'•,

ui Khnnhl I I I<e• •nnoe c•·hlcnce, )'OUUII' mnn, l1111t rour Ju tr11tlons llr<J •erlou&," •nhl Ill<' oil! !l"lltlCI!lflllo ·

.. 1�\'l rh1Hl!�l " t'xululmL•d tlte younl' num. "llm'tm't I hought t11ree hoxe�tof Clll l{ly ut t\0 rt�BIM n pmnu11 two rnntlnee tloki!h nml •Ix pint�• nl f<o or�nm In h••• thnn two W••·kn? !low rnuch HJ. tiPII.P clo :fllll fXJ .. Ct from n man In' JRod• erato clwumotnncca ?"-Chlc .. o l'OII. .6

Page 8: ; VOL. XVI. NO. WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., … · the·union semi-weekly· .county standard. tuesday friday, ; vol. xvi. no. 42. westfield, union county. n. j., friday, august


FANWOOD. GARWOOD. 1\IbB 1\liuuie Stp1ire, uf R<:�hway, lms F. W. llor�� h� joinetl hii w i f� H.t

reto:.. ... H:�d borne aft�r a pleP"iant ' :�it Babylon , L. I. , when� th�y wil l !SpenO. a witll frieuth; ln:�re. few tlays.

� Standard is on sale Tuesday a11tl Fr:da at the Union 1\eu•s Co. 's stand.

Artlmr G ere antl l\lr. Pickel L, of Brooklyn . hafe heen spen<ling several days with l\lrs. '1'. l\1. Puff, Jr.

Any person or per:;;ous who posts bills on the trees or feuceo within the to\\ . • :;;hip of Seotch Plain:; hereafter wi1l bnve to pay a tine of �; if canght.

The voun!{ (l�-'OJlle 11f the Scotch Plaiu:i }� s. George Littell i.s�pending a shot � �[etho!liHt ch urch t�rHl�rt>cl a rect�Jltion

time at Harvey LakH. to Re \-. Chll euce Woo<11 ,1Jf ut the home llrs. Frank S\\""Hckhamtnl?r i� vi5itiug of )lr. nwl l\J r:;. T. S. 'Vhitenack on

frieu<1� at W aterford, C'ouu. �Jonrlay e...-euiu�. Sowe boys ha\·e hrokt-n a nnrnh�r of

"Windows in the Shennan Bchool hou�e. llisses Lottie and Jennie Watson are

vi?iting frient.ls u.t the Delaware W ater Oap.

A large party of Cran!orclites went t 1 Doyntoo Bench yestenlay in Henry Cook's big stage.

POBtmaster Derby has engaged L. R. .J<ssell to number the houses for the fr£ e delivery system. The work Is to be com· pleted on Tuesday- The postmaster i•

making reqnisilion for the necessary furniture needed for the postoffice iu c:oouection with the free delivery system which will start on October 1. Postoffice Civil Service Board will meet at the poo.toffice on Th ursday, September 7, at 9 a. m-. to examine applicants for the position of carriers, two being needed, with a substitute carrier.

lth·er Can1hml To-morrow •.

Eve; ;thing iij now ready for the river carnival which takes place to-morrow

tlYening. The Crauford Boating A•so­<lia: ion held a meeting last evenivg nn<l

completed arrangements. The interest taken in the carnival this

year indicates that the atf11ir will excel all former efforts. There " :11 be sixty boats aud canoes in the par11de aud the docoratious " i l l he el•horate. Each owner i� endeavoring to decorate his boat to win li prize. A silk penuiint will be the first 11rize for the heHt decor· ated boat aucl a sih-er loving cnp will be the pr;,e for the best <lecor•ted canoe. Prizes wi11 also ba award · ed for the best decorated residences, and H St:t of engrosseLl resolntio�l� for the best decorated la\\ u. Preparations are being made to entertai11 the several thot,'!aud visitot·s expectea.

The town will be policecl on Satnr<lay evening by forty fireweu who wiJI he

swo111 in us r;pecial officers, besides reAt11f!r police force.

I•r ce�e of rai ll the cmnival will be held one week later th11n the above <late.

'l ne be 1d •t�'l<l is locatetl on Central avenue, lJetween EHstma-J street nod Splingfield avenue. Concert from 7 :30 to 8:30 by entire baud of �4 pieces. Pro· <!ession of boats nt 8 :30 from dam Beadle's bridge and retum. 'l'befollow· ing proA,·aw wi'l ue rendered by W. N. Dartow ·s �lilitary Bnud :

llurcb-''Smokr Uokes" . . . . . . . . . . Holzmann !! 0\·crturtO-''.Mof-nlng, Noon !lnd !':l�ht" \ ouSuppe n Cornet �ok -"Polka de Cuuc�rt,"Hurtmann

\V. S. Bartqw, 4 Im ·tatlon-"A Ia Yl'''ic" . . . . . . . . . . . • . • ""etJCr 5 a. ""o.tcr Sccrw�''!'o;arclsbll:.'' • . . . . , . . . Ne\ :us

IJ. Two :;tep-"P• .de of the Pf'"k" . . . . HtU't')W tl Graml Fanttt�la-"GYllS}" L.l(e", • • • Le'l'hlere 7 Polish Dan� . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Scbnrwauka ti :\[o�r•c-} .. rorn "'I'bc Fol o.une Tollt·t"'"

VIctor IJerhcl't !l :JI•uch-"\Yl1'stllng Rufu�·· . . . . . . . . • . . . . �tills

ROSELLE. :\lr9. H. T. Bert'}� is entertaining 1\.Ii�,;

Lizzie Dreggs, of Brooklyn. l\li�H I\lu.wl� !t-Iurr:""�, of First avenue, i�

speotliug a few days at Asbmy Park �lis• �I. L. Hobbs is visiting at the

home of her cou•in, �!iss Eva L. Green, at Granby. Cono .

The trolley question will again be dts· cussed at a meeting of the borough conn· cil this evening.

:1!Iiss Nellle Roblus and �If'!!! Blanche L. Dilts are spending a two weeks' vaca­tion at Asbury Park.

RAHWAY. The common council meets on Monday

evening. TLe letter bo5es abou� the lo\'o " r •e

being repainted. The Rahway public schOols will ra·

ar >n for the fall te1 m on September 5. The Methodist churches of this place

"' .11 uuite iu ��� excursion to Asbury Pnrk on Tuesday.

The scholars of tte Ge1 .nan Lutheran Sunday school he lei their annual picnic at Gibson '• fllrm in Clark township T uesday and all report a fi rst cla�s time.

--------·-------­l"lllCilnic .t:rntJtioll!i

Are grnn<l. IJUt •kiu eruptions rob Ffe of joy. Bnckleu's Arnica Salve, cures them ; also old ·rnuniugo awl fever sores, ulcer�. boils, felous, cOrns, warts, cnb. b1 11iSAS, httl"VB, HCPltl!!, dlll[lp�d hands, c bil blniuH. Best pile cure on eru:th Drives ont prliU!-:1 and ache�. Only 2.jcts a hox. Cure b(Uaranteed. �Jtl at the Bayunl drug store.

"Pot l&ullnr�t t.:nlflrSIDI(o" After weeks in the forest of Fontaine­

bleau it is flitncul t to rcaliw its monoto· nuo:f wnp1itmlc, its endless repetition of simihlr prospects. .And yot ns f• for­e:-t H has no surpass:ing beauty. One m•Y compare it with Dartmoor--Dart­ruoor parr�rl of itH higha�t tors and Ret thickly wilth young trees, growing close �s tile moS« on n bowlder. It is a roll­lug upl:lnrl with a scanty Wllntle of soli, through the frequent gaps in wbich tho broken gray uowldcrs of tho naked earth sometimes rise in fantaRtic heap.q, somo­tiulf'..S line conca,·itie� a milo across, or

fringe tho !{aping lips of I aug ravinO& Like Dartmoor, the sunace is IU'id, and you may tromp milos aud see novcr a pool, and yet, on every side you may <lescend from tho forest by green valleys iut.o gn.•u pluinl'l aucl tlml brookM leap· ing miraculously from the clusty rocks to dip under fringing willows.

It is to thef'O huppy skirts of the for­est that the painters' villages clin!l: Barbizon, advertised by Stcveuson and now abaudoned to the oultured tourist; Cernay, with its great ,.H)ngo sqnare ; �larlottu, smothered under mus:;es of li-AII weak places in your system e!I.ct- hoes like 11 child luughlug iu uew mown

nally closed Hgainst <llsease by D�Witt's buy; lllorot, on the Seine, with its tow­Little Early Risers. They clenuse tlw or tlanked, steop pitched bridge, its bowels, ptowptly cure cl•ronlc constilJH- mills aucl rulnl�l castles llDd spreadiug tion, regulate the li\·er, aml fill you with I river, and a rlozcn others. 'fho simplest new life and �igor. Small pleru;1111t of them turn austero fllCes to the 110lemn sure ; ne\'er gripe. w. H. T;encbur<l . ' spaciousuess of the forest, but their

Rweet gardens gi vo acces:t to tho green

RIIPJ"'• �f'Rt COJI)", Jamc:s \\"111tcum1J IUl,!y wrote n lou�

J)o{!Jll fur a �ew York Ut�WHJllllH!r. I t \\'fiR orJ�rL'fl h t n•h·nw!H uud \\'IL� t o 11• • eent in upon u e•�rUtlu dr1y. .,ow. mu:it writers, e.o;[ti!Ciull.r poets, nre tltlatol'.\". Jlut tlm Ilo•J.-iiPr hnrtl lit nu excuptit.n to the rule. If(!; (JOt!lll aJTIVt'iJ .the t!U;'t' U wns IU'tJml.o�etJ. It emuu lJy t!XlH'e:ls Jn ll formltl:tl1l11 [mrel!J. J•�lrfit WCI'e the outer Wl"ll{J!JIUJ;:i of l�t·a vy hrowu ptl· (1£!1', t1wn ROJIII! Rot't [Jadilll.t=" stull', nn1l bmwath thnt til'• l �lnt'd l.'o\'eJ"H wit hlu ;'\VhJcll WUH t1JL1 l!lll lllHH�rJpt, tlt!d to· gethcr with n Rmnll rlhiJfJll, un1l ton BPHt thnt the 1�dltor wu� ahuost nfJ'o ld to turu the lnn v�H.-l'hllu!li!IIJhllt J·;,·enln� Post.

Throul(h ll¥t' lll'ful, "Bnghy gPtli ! Jilt ol' IIIJ jJIIt li!IH!H With

Ills wlt'P, l II' �l YH �lw enn't gl't n thing tll i'OUJ.th lwr lwuc)."

u'rllllt'H fUUIIy. lit.• told !II(! t!\'t�ry­t1Jifi,!.C lw said to lwr \\"Pilt In oru• l'fil' nncl out uf tlw otlwr•."-- I'IJIItulelphln Jlullotlu.

OIIIJ" flu• HI IIN'I'r1 111 l+'t'l',

llm!H slrrgltu-' tlJt• Hollg "011, PrqmiHu lfct" Hf 11 \\'l'ddl rl.l-:'1 JII'OIIIhU: U llyho'-lY anytlrtng-?-AI<•hb;uri Ol!llJe.

l l l �o� 1.1 1'11 \\"liM Sil\•ul,

.T. E. 1�111,\'·, n JII'OI I Ihr uuf, elt bwu nt' Jlnuulhnl. 1\lo . . l11tlll\' lu11l n wou <l•·•·fnl clt•IIVI!l'IIIWO from " l'rll-(hlf'nl <l111 r !h . lu tAtllln� of I t 1 11 1 Hll)'H : " I w"" tnlcl'lr with t)"IJIJolll f'uvur, tl 1 11t l'tUI Into I 'IIUI IIJICIIIIU. My hlllj.{H l 1t•muu" lurnli ,I II'C , I WH/4 t!O w"uk I CIIHI<lu't CIVou •it. Il l< l u l11•!1 Nothill� hi!IJ IIHl lllll. r t!X IIf'f�lt•c1 tu l-!01 11 1 t11(1 of COfiHI 1 111)1tiou, wlum I lwnl'cl of 1J1·, Kiu�'H Nuw DltH:m·uy. (Jun hot.tJ-, 1-(n Uff11lt, rAliflf, I l�onthi1W11 to !Hilt I t , 11 filii Willi 111111 Hti'Ou�. I C!UII't. Hll\' to lllllllh Ill IIH )ll'IIIHH ." 'l'lrt• lllflrVI'IIII ru�<ltdnu I• thu Hllri!Ht 11111 1 <Jilluku<t In thu worl<l for flit tlu·o01t '""I luu� l.rCII!blo, Jt�f.!ll)tU Mb.IIH ftCJ lltlltH IIIHJ I!i J . Trllll hottloM rr�u lit t.llll HCI)'IIfli <trill! •toru 1 uvery llott111 !!<11\I'IIIIWo<l.

comfortH of the plain ; au imago mtiybe of the artists themselves; high uuproflt­a.ble nirus iu tho salon; pot bailors emerging and red wino corning in by the studio doors.--Saturday Review.

Stllf JuducluK :Ue&hods.

Au article iu Tho Lnncot gh•os some hlut.a on the inducing of sleep which wlll bo of iutemst to all victims of in­eoronia. So vital I� the necessity for sloop that uny method by which it mu.y be secnrml i� worthy of attention. Tho nwans £li11Jlloyed is to prod nco woariuess by muscular exorcise t&ftor J"utiriug. "Lyinl! on his bacl<, the patient first r<!llchM for tho foot unrl hoad hoards at tho snow timo. Ilo thcu ruiroH hiH huucl hulf nn hwh. At tho HIUuu tluw lJu breathes td0'\\'1,.. flUtl 11eoply '"bout ciHht inRpirutious to tho mtuutu, which nro oouutud. After uhout 20 iWIJliratinn� tho. hcll<l, which bo�ln• to t'O<ll h'"'lvy, is <lnlJIJX>cl. 'rho riHI It t'not i• th"n rull«.'cl (thu rer•Jh illf.! for tlw lJOilrclM uml conut­hlf( b<Jillf.! CJonthtum\) ""'I Hlmilarly dJ'tJ}Jperl wlwu futigm.!"l. 'I'ho loft foot uouH tllrough the HIUIIO prncoH� '11)10 nmHclua ,•.:hioJr uro u!-lrHl iu rcuuhhlR for t.hu lwml uml ftKJt hnarrlH nro thou ro. l levrxl, 111111 tho ltncly Is olovnl"'l •o tl:"t h l'iJHtH ou tho huml UJHl h(lulfi. If11 tlwn turuH ou :lm rluht Alcl11 urul reuchoH for tiHJ IH•tHl !UH1 fnot hoarrlH UJ.rUin 111111 nLI HnH tlr1-1t thu hl·Htl urul t J wu th{J ((ult, Uri bd'oru. 'l'hu HHIIHJ vroot1HH IIi �cnw tln·ough 011 t.hu 11t hor Altlu. 'l1huH oif,1ht }JCJMitlrli!H lmvu lJI 'c •l l l lHHUIIIot!tl uwl n J"rlo(o IIUIIIIHtr of muw:h:H ""'"1. If <loop huH rwt lmf'H huluuud, tlw MtUJiuuyol'' iN; J.(OUfl tr.·or u"miu.

- · ­ll l !ll lllltl'l''" 1 1 111 1 Sl'l ''''

Wn• thu roHII II, of hi• Hplon<ll<l hc•nlt l r . J wJ c, �uttnhln will uwl f,J't•motulouH t'llfli"UT Il l'(! lll lf. ro1111tl Whfttll Hfl llllllfllr, J l vm•, ldd HU)'H Ullll howu}fl 1 1 1'0 OUt or OtlliJf. J r ynt1 wunt, thm111 quullt.t•M IUul tlw HI H!t!nfolfi t l wy lrrllll(, "'" llr. Klnf.!'H N11w lrllo PI1 1H. 'l'huy tluvHIOIJ UVIJty IIOWI•r ol' hr11l11 111111 lm<ly. ()uly �llu ut tho Buy. 11 ' 11 <h•l� Mllllll.

i\lro. R. H. B�rl }r, of Scranton, P • . , : , tire g .test o! �lr. and nrs. Holtz nt t'•e Oakland Honse.

William McCrea}., the watcbwau at the C & C Works , is e11joyhrg a weei<P ,-,.cation with friends iu Brookly n.

RtJhert. N11 L r h rejoicing o\�t!r nn e\-·ent of g aeat ;mportl•uce \Vh ich took pl ace at hiOJ home on 1\Jonday. 'l'hH uew an ivH\ i� n boy ani\ i!i :strong p�u\ heH.lthy.

---- · ----Brok� Ill• lleorl und lit• t•ur .. e.

�lr<. \\.hlte told till' rolluwln� stat')' on lJer hushan1l : Home years ago Fre� Har\'f�Y �are )1 r. ""hit� a pas�, g'l}Otl at t lw Unrvey P:Ltirtg- house:-4 uloug U.w Sauta J·�t>, aml :\(r. awJ )Irs. \Yhltt! started on a trtv to Colorarlu to taltL' o.c.l\·nntnge ot' � I r. 1-lllrvey'� �cuero:;i­(y. .At L'\'ery u:uln;.( stat ion �Ir. ""hlte atl! enormously nod thl'll proudly pro­<lucc'll his fr "' tlc lwt. He ba<l hall It a vear a11<l 11�\·er before fouutl O!Jl>ol'tU­�lty to u�e tt. Ml's. \\'hlte, wlw was compelletl to llUY ror her meal•, 11te \'ery sparingly, an<! some of the other passenger� remarked bow much the bus!Jan<l ate un<.l how daintily Ills "1fc n lbbk..t.

When they rea.chc'<l tile last station where the fl'\.>e ticket wns good, llr. White ortler..,J everything In sight an•l simply stul!e!l blwself. lll'll. White re· malned In the car and ntbblc'<l a little lunch sbe ha<l brought 11long. Wheu

�Jr. White returnL'll to the cur, bls wife notlc._'<l that he lookc'l mighty uubup­PY cousltlertn!( that he llatl prm-lously been t.}Dormously enj.Jytng the PrNl Harvey t'rec ticket. Uc continued looli:lng unhuppy, und his wtfe feared thnt t.os�lbly he h:1tl foundered him· self ant1 tlre�sQd him for au CXlJlana· lion.

"Well, Snllle," he tinnily said, • J might a s well mnke 1 1 clean hrellst 0 f tt. That last ono wasn't a l,.,rt.•d Hnr­vey eat lug ltouse, untJ I was comJ>eiJe�I to pay �2. �� for my breakfast."--\tch­lsou G lolJl'-

We offer One Hundre•l Dollp•s Re · v.•ard for nny <.•a:� Cutarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cntarr!J Cure.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We tllli nudersil{ned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. anti he

liAve hiw pel'fectly ho'lorulJ]e in 11ll busi· ues:1 trausac. :or� and firmnciftlJy able to carry out ''"Y obligations wade by their tirm. '

We� t & T1 'Jax. Whol�sa1e Drng!!L · €> Toledo, 0. Waldh1g. Kin111m & lfat·­vin. Whole"lale DrnL!f!bcs, 'l'oleclo. 0.

Hall'< Cat ··rb Ctire i• taken int�r· n&.lly, uctin•I di rect'y npou the hloo<l t�.nd wncous snrfH 'li of the "'Ystem. Testimot&iniR . mt free. Price 7;3c. per bottle. Sold by nll Drnggists,

Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Chin¥"" J•nrentql .-\nthorlty. A remn.rkuhlc event occutTc·d at

'l'sinr:-1\.laug--Pu. .A man hy the name of KinA" bnd n Ron who mncJu hh! f:t· ttwr antJ mottwr "lo:;;e facu" heeause oi the wlhl, raltlsh life he k'll- II" gambled, lual'Pd, 81llolicl1 opium. ct<:. lf he stole, h\s fn.ther wou\1.l h� tnk�n to tho yn muu , a tlll tlw wholco fnm!l�· would sutl"er for the son':;; vtlla.ln�t. au•l the \'ltul rjm•sliou wus, !low eouill 1 1 1" fumlJy h._. JH'otet'ted ? A t lust tlwy ut· rtn�l at the eoJu:ln�lon that t he mal�· way to 11roteet tlw flltlll1r nnd motlwr 't':nH to tlll\.e extreme 1114-:IHl\ll't.!S wltlr the sou, whh·Jr t hey tlttl \VIth n \"CII�P· nnee. 1'he fnther und UIH:Ie tnok him out among the gra \"c:i, followed hy a crowd of curious nel;.rlrhol':oO nn•! friends, nne!, vutttng n roJw tu•ouml hiM uecli, each relation {Hilled on n n encl. an <l the sou w a • !JUt beyond ruin­lug the family lu this worl<l.-:Xorth China llor·:Jhl.

1..'•'11" .�ur the Cub1o1t"cft. The colorwl or u Ci!rt:t ln l'eglnu:!n1

who wns \'ul'y !-itrlct ou his young of. flcer:i wn!'l continually hlSJn>cthlg thctr ttooproorn:-; to st..•e If eYPl'�·Urin"' was ch•an nwl ul$0o to �t�e it' he coul<l find fault with nn>·th In g. One <lay he Ill· spech.•t1 tlw r·uom of au ollle12r who was noted t'or his wit. lin Iuul neurly tin· lslrL"�l hi:;; lUl'i(Jf'Ctlon when he notlc<'tl n cohWt!h In one of the em·npJ·s and tlwnght to hlms�tt, 11!'-:uw 1 hnvc ,;ot him."


"\\"hut t10t1S tltl� nwnn 't" n:;;kt._'(} thu coloael.

TIJe �·oun{{ oflll''!r coolly N!plled, '1""u ttlwnys IWt'l) Hill.! in CUJ-lU U llliiU CUtri h1• 1111);1'1"."


Gtli!Ht-\\"lmt han! ycm J.:"ot? 'YILH . . r•-l'\'e ,.,•ut 1 1 \•cr, �nlf'H lwuln9,

plg'!'l fl'l!t"-OU(•:>�t-1 don't wnnt a dt>)';C'I'ltJtlou of

,}'(ltll' [1l1:.·�l<·ul tu·cullarlt lt·:-. "'hat you hu \'o nnt to 1!/Lt IH wl lnt 1 wn ul to knnw.-London 'lt l t - J\It�.

\\'Ill ' I I I l l ,\" WI rt! hns t:UiliiJflfiY, Hhe n pn1n�ti�P� !'Ill' t•\"(•J',\' 1 1 1 111� H)w )mtN Clll tlw tnhiP, hut wlrl•ll no !HIP IH ttHH't! llllt IIIYH<!Ir HIW <lc:feiiCJH lt.-- Laoon llulll6 .Tourunl

-----�·�------Su UIJ,;ht tu IJWIIIII'<t"io

Tlw woman who iH lo\'1•ly In f.w1•, furru IUHl tfOII I J IUI" will 1LiwnyM lul\'f' f'l"luwlt-�, hnt. fllllt wlw wonl t l 1m nUml't. · I n• IIIIIH!. kemp hC!I' lu•nlth. If Hllo I • W<mh, Hlol<ly uu cl ul l 1'1111 <lowu, Hho wil l IHJ llf!I'VI IIIH n w l lnlta!Jin. ( f t dw IIIIH elHJHtiJtUllou or khl uuy honl 1lt•, hf'l' i 1 1 1 · put·u hlo(J1l will c·uUMil Jli r l l �d··�. 1Jiole1u•H1 H lcl ll l!l' l l j lf.JOIIH lllld ll Wl'llfUhl•!l (�llltl plf1X• fou. l•:l••<·lrlc ll lt.f<:I'H IH 111 1 ! llf•Ht 111<!111· drut Ira thu wor1 rl to r'•�-tlllllfl! HtJ JUHH'h , l l v••r• n w l lclthll'y� n w l t o pur·lt'y t h " blo1�tl. If. UI VI•H t1hong lllli"Vt•iol, b'a·ll-{lrt.

•ul< toth, volvc•ty Hltln, l'lc:h mill• , lt. Will lllllhu II UCt<lfl luol< iu�,

1 !11" \YOJIIIUI CJ( IL filii t)OWfl ifiYIIJI!), r,[) (ll�lltH ut UJtt BIL.)'/11'11 tlrllK Hf.OI"(I,

liard un the L'a•tomerL

Guy Duval toltl the followlug stor.• to tlw Xew i"ut'l{ Trlbuue as un illu�­tmtlou or the lrl'e<vousi!Jillt)" of tbe 11\'eruge Frencl.J mun:

"! wus rllllu� �mt� anernuou lu the Huis Ue lloulo_iue." lw said, "wlu•n I notlct:d a trcuteUt lou:; tll:�turLu.ucc ju:-;t uheutl of my carrla�e. Two thorough· ly ungry toUJ•has Wt.>l'l' !o;tnwling In the 8ti'L"'t:t ru btJtug thei r· hl'udti awl :;wear­ill� wit h au t�Usl' and force which cull· v lnct•d me n t �.wee thu t they wer•J Amm·IL•uns. Two eiiiiJty ealls, whtCll had �\·ftll!UtJy hPt'll Uf..'C'll!IIL'tl fly the tourist:;, were stnudlu.:; IH·at· llY1 awl the dri ver� Wt!re lturl lu;.;- lndl:;tirlJ.I;ttsll­ahlc jargon at t•aeh otlll'l", ttJ tht• ddt•t· ­ta tluu of u eruwd of ouloul;:en.;. �1.'" t..h•h•tn• imuwdint�l:r stol'l)l'd to join In the excltemeut. \Vl tll :.�umc ditlicultY I ver:m:ult�d him to IH'ueet."l· urhl wlwu Wt1 W�!re out of souud uf tlw uprnar I u�l,;eJ him 1\"hat the trouble was.

" ' "·hy, mon� ll•Ur/ he �:t itl, '.1:1!-iiJ:ti"J ruu into I'tent..•'s eah u ntl �cr·:tJJctl l':iouw ur the !Jaillt frum the \\·heel. t•h!JTt' wa:-4 mLturally very angry and swore at .Ja�pal'tl, whcreUIJ•)D .JusJ,ortl sultl, "If you tlou't shut up, I'll l!!t your cu�­tomer· ou the head wtth my w hlp !'' autl Plcn·e returtt.."(], .. If you hit m;r customer, I'll htt your customer!" 'fheu .Jasp:ud strucli: Pierre's customer, ant! Pierre re!!t!nted tile lu8ult by blttlug .Tastlard's customer.' "

He Waated lu Tqlk. .A sol�mn looklug lrlsbnuul entered :1

buslne8.8 house the other clny untl, walltln!!'.Ull to one of tile men cmJIIO)'­l.�l hu tho lower tloor, uskLlotl :

"h <lheJ'\! unuy cbaust fer a moo t' get u job a v wur-rk here?"

"I don't know,., answered the mnu atltlrc'!IS<.'tl. "You'll 1111\'U to see �lr. Hobart."

"Au ptwere is he?" asketl the Irish-lUU.U.

"U(> on tlw second ttoor," \'\'U.S tb� answer.

"Simll 01 wnlt 1111 nn talk t' him·�· qu,�rletl the seelwr for employmcut.

"l\'o need of tbnt," replil'd the mnu. ''.lust whistle In thnt tube, uml he'll speak to you," JlOin tlng at the same time to a �peakln.t: tuhe.

'flw oltl lrlshmllu walli:t.•d ovm· to the tuhe uml hlcw 11 ml�ht;r hlJL-;t In lt. :\11'. Hobart lwurd tl lu whh;tlu, cnnw to t he tulle allll lurtnlr-ed:

''\\"hat's wnnte'l down thlll'H1" .. 'Tis Oi, Pudtly .. PI�·nn !" uiiswor·o,l

the Irisllmnn. "Ar' ye th' bmHi�" ' "I 11111," l'epllecr )I I·. Hol>urt. "'Yell, tbi u,"' <n�IIL•d I•�l�·un, "stlricli:

yer Ileal! out :n· ur· secoull stllor·y wtn­<ly whol le 01 Sthep out on th' solcJe· wulh:! 01 wtult to tulk t' yc!"- .Cin­ctnnntl l�uqutrCr.

A Lt1t�l·ifln Gotham,

'rtw neure"t IIJlJil'oacll to n system e\'er yC!t made hr u New York deputy assessor of personal taxes wus lnveut­e<l lJy oue who wns somew1u1t or n cnl"d playm·.

He took 'l puck of cants. gave a vnlue to euch card :uul then dt't:!W !1 cart! from the undt t'or ench uame on his !1st. A deuce menut $2,000, 11 tmy �3.-000, :1 tour $-1,000 nutl so on up to t lw knave, which was vuluPtl nt :;1!!0,000, tlw 1!11<.'<!11 at �30,000, the kin;: nt �40,-000 nn11 the ace ut $W,OOO. If unything less tlmu :t nve spl)t was tlmwn, l l•� ern.�ed the name frnm tlm l1st, OH 1t ls customary to a�Sl'�S only tlro:o;e wl10 ure supvost...>d to Jlossess $.1,000 or mort• of twrsonnl Ps.tnt£!o. ·

The Cf'llt�clally amusing Lldng nhout thiH muu's work wns thnt tlwre wt•rt1 fc._lwor ohjnctions mntle to his assp:;�· meuts thun to tlwHe of uuy other tll•jm­ty. II(! ga lrwfl n rt!pntntlon for hnrtl '"orll , nod htf' :mlnry Wtll':i ra lsetl twice lu one yenr.-Un!Talu l�XJiress.

'l'he Cur11te•,. Trou.•erN, .A clergyman who has hP(m nn lc1enl

rector to one cougw;.;ntlou for mor·u than ::!0 �.-ears ha:-:� had tl wtde cxp�­rtence tu curntcs. lie linows them lilw n hook, a..� thu !'ill)'fng Is, lowws just 'vhut etfect an nnliluitetl com·se or utter·nonn teas, committee meetlug-!oi, little d lnuerH nnd gl•twrnl tlnttPJ"Y will haYe on a gl\'('11 tL'Illf't!l"amvnt 1111�1 how It will he mllnlfestecl.

Tlwrofore, he tutH e\'oh·t�1 thiH gener­al ln w : l f the ('lll"llPt twfon:! n �·urnte's mirror ls tbi'£':Hlhal'e nntl the <'I'('Jl�e In hts trOU!;erH uhorc l'crn·onch, you mny IJL• :mre thut thl' worltl Is too 111\Wll wttJr him : If th� Clli'IH�t h;\· hts hetlsfc1u 1H thrt.•tul hn.r•o n ml hiH tr·ousl.'J"S hag n t thH lm�12. he Is nll rlght.-\YMhhrgton Post.

Couldn't I�<'�P n Secret.

'rlw�· wc1·e tllfll'URHing tile ttu�stlon us to wlu.!tlwr n womun cnn ket..•p tl $>�· cret.

Little .Johnny hau not nvJwnr"l to bn ll!o!h1Hing-, hut he 1-1wlthmly with� I hili coutr·lhutlon to the Htocl\ ut' !;l'lll'I'UI lu· telllgence b�· �xclahuln�: "\\'t•ll, 1 Joww ura en n't I<Pt!ll n HecJ't;'t! g\'L'n'· th i ng I do �lm g-ot•H l l ll41 t1•1lH It to l;fl n l rl lo,;;;t tht• llr�t min ute hu gPtH Into the trotiHl• !" Ho�toll 'l'r·nuHt:J'ipt.

\\'ur1u• l•1n h.•,

J lt•-l!-1 tlwr•t• nt l ,\"thln�-t wot':·w In t1ru ''.'orltl tlmt hut'P."I ,\'Oil mur·e thull lint• tPI'I' '/

:.;'Jw--Oul.l' """ I hill\: thnt I now th !uk nt',

II<' - \\'hnt Is ! hu t ? �!w- · !\ot

I•�t'l 'l' l't'I'HH.

•ln r l h•��tl 11 . .. 11. 'rhl•rt• l!i 11 l • lt·d, t•u lh u 1 thu 1-!"l'tll'U

1111<'11 , whl1•l : .�PI S liP I l l I ::til II. Ill. Of l'OII I'.-tP, ' h1• IH lin• c•lul llllJioll wor'tl l C'Utt•lu•l'; hut, l lu•n, tl l l r l l\ ut' l l lH t.•HHP t;f I W�IIl l l l l ln ... _ ��lll!'l f i i iU t t noli i i iHII't'lnl 'l't•IIHIIIP,

,\ 111/lll'M l l l l l l i i'P I'IIIIH t•lt l 1 1 1r to IIHriH� Ill' Yt'lll• i)!'l, 'l'I I I ' I'Pf'tH'I', lftf 1 1 1 111 /.ftlllt-1111111 • hi�· wn tt•r t i ro etlut 1111d th!lilJ'ny t i ll ' ot llt•l',

Albert E.

North Ava., .. pedal Acwmmodatlons_f()� doardlna Horses. FIRST C&.AS 9




CURTIS M. THORPE, 3•0·31:11 Park Avenue, Plainfield,


Acoo--IMlatloa• lor + Tl'a:&�oloat lloarllen. IXCILENT STASLI AND SHED •ooM.

Oppo•lte l!lt:l•ndord DulldlDII'o


& Weell or Su.ooeHhe Feaata a.ud RnJJick• It•• •·eltiiFttte ..

Christmas in Gennany is not limited to oue ilay, t1tit extends o\·er 11 ·'week'of· !Uccei!Stve feasts and festh1tles. The family gatherings nre n•nnlly very large !Uld the merriment oorrespondlngl)' great. The observnuces are usually In· augurated on Christmll.!l eve with a snpo per.

The tree, which is comJ•arutively small , is place<l in the center of the ta­ble, where it stands nutil after the Now Year, ret11.\uing its tinsel decorations. fhe gifts are not suspcn<le!l from tho tree, but are placed tu parcels 11 bont It antl nnder the table. The 1•resents nre 11stributed nmid !,'TOOt hilarity by an el­ier son or bruther , who makes u p us a fo•tinl St. Nicholas. The children, like �hildren eYerywhere, enjoy their toys, �·hich are le.s� Bxpensi"e nml more prnc· tical than ours, au<l their el<lers rejoice In additions to their personal wardrobes l.lld househol<l belon!,<ingo.

Tho Sll)lper is n comparatively pluln >ue. The tallle Is set fortlr \\ith bwkcrei, meat or BILU8age, hcrriug .fialutl, French mke or Gcrnum tu.rt uri'tl lir;-l1t beer or �·ine. After health11 ha.\'e been tlrnulr llld SOUb"S !LtHl cburuses �ung, th.P. final :eromony is to hid every one 11Froeh1iclte Weilmacht," 1111<1 the pnrty disperses.

TheChri'"lttnug,linner is ou u more elab­Jrate scale. The pil'cc clc rc:;istauce cou· :list:� uf ro�tst goose, the ruttioual clish. It lc; stuffed with HJ•plcs or chestnuts aut) prececlcd by a soup u.ml accompauieil by <artoffel (potatoe;), lilutnenkohl (cnuli­�ower) or roseukraut (Bntssols spront.s) mU sauerkraut, the lattt..•r cuuke!l and sea­JOn ell, awl � compote of plnms or other truit cooked with vinegar, sugar untl �pices. The dessert upon so important u in.y may consist of two tlishes beside fruit, l pudding uud npfel krn11fcn. Thi:i will ��·lmps he of rice stewed uutil tcnUer in nrilk, and then hl�tl<le<l while hot with ine choppetl and sifted beef suet, raisins mtl eggs, whites und yolks both well beaten. This is a sort of Germ:m )Jlum pntl<liug, for it is boiled in a cloth or 111old and sen-e<l with hot au<l sweet rdne sance.

These feast.s are renewed every llay ilntil the inception of the NL'W Year, n11d then whotl\'er )"Oll moot, wherever you ;ro, the !.'Teeling Is passed, "Prosit Neu­jahr'' (Hal•I•Y N C\\. Year), and the Christ­Qlus Reason comes to nu eud.

�ot 111M Kind.

Two memhcrli of u well c!'ltabllshetl firm that 1loes hU:Rlnes:i in the who!�· sale dlstr1('t hululg-ull In, the followlug (llnlo,a:uc tlw otlrer afternoon:

,Juntor ParttJet·-,nly !llcln't you gh·e thnt ! I IHII 11 t•hml<·�'/ \\'c uectl 1111othcr elcl'li hel"e, and 1 rather Ilk£! his loult�.

Senior £-at1uer-I lllwtl IIJ� lookg, too, but lw's uo trmul.

Junior I'n.rtncr-llow llo you lmow

than Senior Partner� \\"hen n mau \Yhu 1� looldug t'ur a· jolJ comes to me anU says, "1 snpvose �rou tlou't wnut to

hiro IUlY one totlny, clo you?" thut'!oj lHJ?ugh. H ho hntl nu�·thinJ.t In him, hu d cornu I1J.:ht out 1uul sny whnt he tuC"qnt. It' he supr)Qsell wu tildn't want to hire any ono, Wily dill he wm.te out· tlmo n n<l hi• h)' comlng In to bother us?-{;ltlcllb'" Tlmes-nm,ll<l.

'l'rlnml•hunt. u"'heu you gut In u ca·owd, my (]11111.,"

sultl )1 1', 'rtnltle� to hiH wtrtl, "nlwn\'s lool! nnt ror pJcicpocl<etH."

• �•rm. not !lt't·u ltJ ot' them, rlt'ut't•Ht." UllS\\'l!J•L•Il �(I'S, \\'111 1\h�N. 1 11rlu!y l'lt U't tlJl!){ IllY JIOC]U.'t,11 ""flmt's jUHt 111m J'llU WO!III1tl/' snlt1 �II', \\"lulclm;, "nlwnyN Hn sur,�. p1·u�· tull mu wla,v you c:ouhltJ't hn n� l'UUI'

poclwtR Jtlcl\ml.11 ' .,BOCUUHll 1 hn \'l•n't �nt ll ny," HllHWt•l'· •�I �I I·•· Wml<los lll'olltlly.-fllu·pc•r's


!Urc•fl'hlng fn llt•Nt, \\'II(.III U UllltJ IH t l l•t•ll. h,, �ta·t•ltt))t>H ht�

'"'"'" 11 1 1 < 1 I<·JI� uurl �·nwns. 1\h·cls nne ! llii!IIIIIIH, HC I (Il l' I IH jiOHHJhli.', J'ullow h J H UXIIIIIJll<•, I)J I•<)H Hlll'<'ll<l t l 1 1 • f 1' r,•nfll<'l'" nwt nl�r, �·u wn: 1 1 11 1,,. utu•u 1 1 tt•l t• 11\DII f h H Hlowl�· t i ll tht•r Ill''' l'tl\11111. t i ll• h!liW� , , ,, IIIli hPIIcl t-tt!i 'll l to lnnHt!ll uwl l h o gli1H IIIIL'I\,

Hotut• 111Ul'4il'l;l-;l�-��;j -�����-.;;, Oil l hPII' t•ltf..'tll(, Inti l l tP t'III'IIIHt tl fl ) lt•tuiH nu hh� llpH,- ·· I 'h !li i <Hpi:IH l !ul lolln . ·

'Jllw 11 \"t'I'II\C;, -· n;n l ltl-1�-�

- -·1�11n1• ot' n IH'fl lflt�' l l l l l l l Ill' wuuruu hi H.UIII tu llu 1:, Hl<!jlH II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 <•,

Qnlnlcly t'lll'n !!OUHUIJntlou IUHI I't•hllllll

111111 l l l\'lgomtu Uu1 l ' l t llru H)'Hh•tn- nnvt•t' !Cl'ijlll ur IIIIIIH<•IIIC!-J)11Wlt.t.'• l•lttlu l�nrly ltiMIIn, W, l l , 'l'renclml'<l

Store clol!es at i o'clock ever·y Su.tttrtlay.

Harton's ICE CREAM






etc., etc.

. . . . AT . . . .

Schmitt's Bakery, Wellesi&J Stearns, Trib�;;-e•;o"B•ru••••&· Wolff-American and Eagle . . _. Snn lrl ...

\\�heel� clclt.Uctl l\ml t"itored, SU'(I per \\"IH'el� to rent. ·�hn 8tr�et, Ut!IU' (h•1•nt, \V�itHillil,

fish . . .

Vegetables ... Everything nice Fresh.

Deliveries made to trans.

Prices us low liB best stock .

FRITZ &: LEAR,' . Broaol Street.

Our Brawe Soldiers
