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pacificcitizen.org...", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka ED -MOe Confab Comments MfMBERSHIP...

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", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka MfMBERSHIP PUBLICATION: JA PANESE AMERICAN CITI ZENS LEAGUI ED -MOe Confab Comments C CIT ZE Ther arc t nnd else .where COLUMN LEFT Integri1ion Day For more than 3 year. "In· tegralion Da)" (A ug , 30) in Atlanta was anxiously antici· pated by those who remember "hal hapIX'ncd at Little Rock and I'eII' Orle3"". The significant (amI wei· come 10 u I a peel of Integra· tion Day \Va: the quiet man· ner Atlanta II1tegrated rune at four prt!viou 'Iy all,white hi::h schools this past ,·cek. 111al evcning. in front of rpporter •• onp of the 'egro girls who had enrolled in one of the four schools said that "it was a very normal day'" lIer reaction W3S .that of the \ Uanta city and school offi· ctal and well as thousands oC lIs dtilen' who must have ex· pres. cd keen pride in the fact th:lt Atlanta had lived up to their There had been a letter· \\Titing campaign by "hate" groups tr;ying to persuade parent to boycQtt integrated schools. but that fell flat to thp s31isfaClion of school offi· cials. Enrollment at the four in· tegrated high schools wa' equal or exceeding estimates. "Atlanta is proud to demon· stra e 10 the world that we be· Iieve in upholding the law," Mayor Hartsfield said that evening PreSident Kennedy al f) complimented AUanta at his press conference on the pea c c f u I Ultegration 0 f schools. Atlanta sta nds out as a (osmopoiJtan city with a Soulhern way of life The ex· am)Jle set in Georltia may eve n t u a I I Y be followed IhrfJughout the Soulh Racial extremi who sought to in· flame Ihe $ituation found they were dealing with a well· preparpd law nlorcemenl of. ficial as \\,,,11 a well.pre. parNI (llIhlic. who 5aw the fUlilt ty of \. Orleans and ullle ROI:k ;I nll t h(l progress of Nil hVIIII.!. "It was a H!Ty normal day." Anr( Of'W of this kind is one v.e cannot igoore in this pub- Iicalifm '/'hI' l)[ At· l.mla, Its mayor. police chi(·f and chO<J) off!clill hould feel pruud of Integration [Jay, 10111. tr Ihe yrJU lIg nalloM of Alr/f'a ,In,) 13 wonrtPr about Llttl,· Rock and New Orleans. Allanl;. ;md Nashville are Ihere 10 ,'ounlprhalallr',' the , ales of hlJW wllnt to "bl(ll' the United <)IJ[lfl'me ('ollrt d"ci- t'lII Ilr Illy 17, 1!1:).t 1111, TFJE Judd ·ech "'as tho cU· ma. mo t 'hr Nin)" {"onvcotion .tt which 'leg.ttt Ir)m thco EJ l and the 'lHI\Vc. t c\,.1tu· at,j th" J,\CL in term 01 th" 1960-1910 ;)Iunn,ng "dopl<-d at :'l:ltional Cou' ..... nlwn In .... u·- rrnnll'nto la't 8umm,: .lOd urgoo more "Action on 0 (' (' I S l 0 n" 10, th uSh National P ... ·sldcnt Chuman ... n l'ffecti\'c summary If progr.. Illude (,\n the ten·lold decade "bject!\'e, 10 the at the Con· \ ention Luncheon, Among thl' more appropri,\ 'e "louche." of the wpH plnnned lind e ccutcd Con\ l'ntion wa lht'.:-Jn- Illg ot tho ,·\n:hem Dod the JACL Hymn to "pt,n •• nd close the Sundar Com'entlon 3'IIquet by Gloria Florcnl, n ;'\legro An;)ther highlig It W3l PI'''' ot the J,\CL s'h'cr pin for dlstingul>hoo JACL service on a chapter level to Howard mura, who was th·.! ;>rc ·id .... nt c,r the Portland J AU. Ch.1Dt',r w'lell it hostoo Ihe F'lht UI,mnla' :-i," :JOnal Convention in I!).lO and who sen-cd on lht., and ae!.l",l- tie In this COIlCU\.-e, CJcvel.1nlf'.s am"',,'u well (ir .. g.n, ',-d .1.\(;t. l·h>l'ter. '" h I c h 5prnd, 3 third ,f I burt)!.,t I)n TclaU(,n. earned co"ete<! Chaptor 01 :h" BiennIum "lIollrd, 'ucc,'l'dlng SeabrOlJ:'. in 3 battle ,,,,ith thri"e '..Ithef oUl- fh· or 5th Biennial Jolnl EDC-;\tDC JACL CoD\ention to be h Id in l !1t>l wo s the deserving ,,'In!lpr '\'ltb an ac· tlve, "ell·rounded lw'grnm of ,-. IlVlly and organinU", thai COuld well serve Oo!O 'i modt!l and 9. Insplrallon to otner; In Ihe ,IACL. DcU'oil. ho t to lit,· 1964 (hicago JACL's you th Commission plans revealed CHlC,\CO Chairman Llnc.,ln Shlntldw h.. unnounced thl' Chi- J ACt. Youth Commle,lon's plnn, fnr th,' lorthrominll <c' on., Amonll the acti"ttl.· 11'111 be o' rt'pell of IUJt ,)'l'nr, mo. t UCCI' - lui ba kctbaU clinic lor boy 10 to 15 \'CIITS of 1\i(L'. 11w cHI,lr I und"r the lendor.hlp 01 m H.I) ". .hl ,mel hiM ;\llIr8(>, will hl'ld lit th· Oli",,1 Iwlltut,·. lilt 1'1 Clcvclllnd Ave, with Ihe Inninll I dOh.' to bL' .mnoun 'l'd Tht.: WW5 will han' instruction' lrom '1"1 paforml'r. 01 Chlc,I!!) )/lSel ba.· kcthuli. .\ mi ed bow'l(.. 101' tecllager;. hIgh • hllol a.!' to 20 Yl'ars" IS bl.:lnR ;1lI\i,lt ... ct \'C'ftr at 8:>.\'hng ,\Heys under the ""idance o[ !l iro Uch; I" Tentallveh'. und.). Oct. I a 2 pm., has· been scl AS the _,tart· Illg date anrl limo 10.' an Sunday «hodul... Prize' will be pven and bowli 1«:{ ' nirt s will be [urnhbl'd, prbr lo the .start of U1C ICaijllc bt! given !>)' topnotch NI:el OJIJ 10 {or 'orne ac- th-lt" ftlr the gi I'J. the "rr Sun· of the bowlinJ Ip"g".. n ("harm (or te.-nl lS:! ·' girls wll1 b<' of(eroo under ' he dlre:'ion o[ :\lrs. will tnriurit! make-up, n4.l;r ar..d fa hions, with l,::ul1lliii in t!ath fiold as in struc lors l'lfol'm;ltion PI! a ., date and IlIlle regl:.- tratiml WIll be i a:\ dell- nile plans ha,e b",n mOlde. Shimidzu polnls '1lII tha. are being olfel'ed lhe courtesy 01 ,he Chicago JACL Youth Commis;ion. (ree "I tharge except for bowling lees. hr.opes that parent.s will ..!nrIIUf.lge their children to parlici.Hte. Vol. 53 No. 10 C g 125 Wollor St., Rm, 302, Los Angeles 12, Calif. , MA 6-4471 10 CEN1S Friday, Sept, 8, 1961 SSI ecord inks IDC confab na NIJI IIIU1ly JACI. durricl co .. • vf!flliun. have Ihe flOOd l/TTtu .. e 01 bl'lro" rI"'ITT,wd I" tile Cent· Ilr,' ,,;ollal RI'cord . Th!' rerent 1"lrT'lIIt>unlltln Out net COImcil 20th cOlwrutiorl at PoratellQ was ,lulV "oted In II .. f!.t'tcy"fOfl 0/ ff'mark. of Rep. lIaiph R, ilardi"" (0" Idaho) 0/ Blackfool In thl' Altg, 23 Record h. th" oS}( ' nll1U remark oJ COt..gre'l t man HaTdLr1fl, mt"utio1'L U made 0/ Hlc HIITTU K NOloda lamUy and "'" Leo, Utho 1.a Ida- ho F'all. J I\CL prelirlrot lind roelt'!ll els'e1ed fOr Irr<auT..,.. B,'(" auIP Wt" [Pfl t rhl? rP1't'larJ.- n,.d tnf' e d ItO Tf al bll OMiTII Brow" 01 !lIP Blad</oot New. sh(wld (I ( '. ' e ou.r "-W'-rTlPPT.h.iV .olllethit<D to b,' proud 01 and jlhlstrate. how lforftP uOfl·Nut( lerl about JACL, II i. />rp'''lIled In fILII In thl. week', Pacific CIt- izen Editor Mr , H!'IRDING Mr. Speaker, I recently had the prtvllege of read· ing ou\;·t.nding n',wopaper edi· torial that wa In;pil'ed when the .<lllor a distrlct confer· pnre 01 the J "pane'" Amerloan Cltiuns League This edilorial cau ,ed me to remember some of Then we were u. her "d inUl Ihe banqu et hall of the Student Union Building and the ban'IU"! began A ma s ler of ce remool es who per· hap; might be de 3crl:,,·d a.: an AngIo·Saxon took over the ml>ro phone to welcome tite meml)PTS and gue.r... I A moment Inter ooe 01 hp s peaker, he had Inlroduced In .n a 'ide UI the audience : ald "YI'U may wonder about the I'ca"oo for a pero;on not 01 Japane'c anceury pre. ldlng at a JACL Tho an""'er I: that we a. J ACL m, .,., bers do not believe In lion," Award.3 were made to members who III the a"d senior dIvision of the .organoz"tlon had pertorrnt'CI. dlsUnguLhed ice. A ODC speaker aCLer anoth.r Ulld how the J ACL has served 115 people In the Urne of their trava:t you began UI undeuu:od the de- votion 01 it.. memberahll'. Stirring mom en! came .. Ith tho awards b) Hero .• akl of pia. 'lues to three no,· ,a;l3nele men who unntnchingly by the Japane .•" people wb.o It not popular to do so. the wond"r/ul experiences that I One so recognized "''' C)Url. I bave had with Japanese Am"rican geou. bl hop ot the Church 01 !lllke Masaokn nddress('s the gathering at the Imal bnnquet, 20th Annlver.ary II th BIennial IDC con vention, al which he was c.peclally honored. citiz.cn J""u. Christ. LOS. S.m A, ::lunn. I remember;ome 20 year' Tybee. who In a communlt, where when my father wa, the high a number of Japaae.e lived a,ld school toothaU coacb 10 the belutl· where. because ot It. anti·Japane!e rul lillie town of SI. Anthony, feeling ran higb. endured persecu· Idaho, and the Ir!"nd,;hlp thaI ""p lion and threats while Solemn high mass celebrates 50th Maryknoll birlhday E I W t (I av Is report AS 'Ian had ,,1th the Harry K Host.da ing the Japanese people and pe" as" es en er s an lamily. Flarry's son, Leo. wa,' an mltUng them the use 01 the church I IO 'lblandlng hIgh chool fullback. I over which he presided nall 'ons keenly I'nterested In program even he wa'n't a big as There was a plaque preseatod '" , most ",,,Ierboy.,. What lacked Edwln A. Volker. a courageo'U . th Ph'U I lIn size Leo certainly m3de up - motor.<fealer 10 Pocat.eJID who ""t- J!O;.lOLULU.-Two E" ,t· We ·t Crn· appllcant> on e I pn ne;, ,in courage and enthuoia,m, sisted In hirlog Nisei 'ct' reprc.:cntallv('s wbo returned III the olher areas Dr. Then there wa.' Paul. ano:her war started despite threats and 'rom \ 'in thl month agn'ed thew l :w·od,. >choiar.hlfely ;on, who lollowed in th,· lootsle!>-' boycott.;. aDd who foODv.·oo on a In commemoration 01 the :l>lary· l gr.'at deal o( interest thero "'ere up so. . ot hL, brother Leo a' an athletE pin.pointed map the ,Jrog:-es:; in knoll Foreign :III. ,Ion In Ule C,n:er and both "id onor, grants IDltwl selec\lons "'In. be Paul was also ven' act,ive in the Italy ot the 442d Regiment Com. fitlicth annlver3nry. a Solemn High nl cooperation were teodered In An made by bl·nallonal commlt.ees swimming and recreJtlontl pro· bat Team In which the boys he :'.Iass was celebrated on Sept. 7 12 coulltlles \b.ted, with the in the communl;y aDd lias had known were at the ",lth F ather J Dr M,F He lScr, acting EWC un er a .g p . I a inend to aU. . cost ot their blood. as the celebrant. Father Foil I direolor of stud e n I scre g, " Just a year abeaa 01 me In A Sansei Speaks Up as deacon a nd toured India. PakL tan, Burm " Dr ,\leUer made school was a dau!tl:tlu. Mabel. 1 There was the plaque presented ther Howard C, Geselbra 'hI as the Neool and Ce)lon Former in a 01 countrle, to COil' wiII always rememi,er -'1abel aE In absentia to the blli>d U,S. Attar· sulldeacon The guest 'PC!ke was EWC deputy director Norman Mel· Iinue furDl:ihing the Center with a very pept,y girl who al. n/!y. Jolm A. Carver, by Tommy Bishop Hnr" Clinch r am .be IeI" s sch ,dule Iocludoxl the PI IIp- mfOl'matlon rdatlve to their on· ways lookoo exc:c;>. 'nall) clean dio"csc 'NO h Br.· pine,; Tnailand. Vtetnam. ,\1&1 ,yo, fulng manpower need" >0 tb,y ""n and neat and waS' " -, the service of his counu;;. Tbe hop :vIannlng presl,ling. Hong Kong anJ Singa· be consideroo as the universl'-Y ex· and klnd-somethlog that a grade citation stated that wluIe the Gm'. the mass a pore. I to h school student didn't alway' ex· erDor of the Stale of Id3h<. prompt. wa. sen'ed by the :\olarrk'",li Jr. . Dr. MeUer said llis !lve·week e ln erths c Dr peet from member; ot tlle cltss 1) Iorgot bis prom!;e, m3de before trip revealed val'I,.ble n e. ". ImmooiaLely abead of him. P I H bo to th J h L3dles Society. M05ter "f cere- h toured. he saId he met WIth much Dur'lllg the el'ght ,-ear- ou-. t-In. ear ar r e t e h I h af" and "".lOUI'ces "hie Ce U S now JusUce Can'er monies [or t e lInc co., wa:, , II the same inleres.l in, t he nte ··s n .. I' IV"" Ill' St. An·tbon .... i- wa " ." Father Arthur Lirette 01 St. AI, program and obl"ctlves, ;;;; ann';;'a1 ritual (or FI.arry Hosoda Dever wavered. B\' ,\ BTHl'R ,\ . I 01 phonso's PlIi'i gh, who Introduced leclion for Center .tudent.s and He saId also that every unlver· to bring around a bIg, ceautlfuJ One was stirred as l!l".! heard PracUclnc MlnI.lcr show the AmerIcan pubI;e thai speakers Bi.,hop TImothy :\lannmg. I·t h d be OD 'I ed wa< ex b h I r! I h Thanks the stOIT ot the birth 01 the 41:ld Wlnt.rsb urcPr •• b vtrrla nCburch lhe" or" )U-t a" aood an.vone Auxiliary Bishop 01 Los Angell". scholars . <IIY , e ;c j ;;; Ole n;; Regiment Combat Te3m :he ' - - Father MoKillo:>, P>stor Dr Meller said he illso Iound reme .. In,e. s.l', .' • . gtYlng am sure . a .,.," " Endo is .. r-oirl eI'c, Fortunately thi$ vision ha; of the :'.Ial')'knoli 0:1 He',\llt mUd; in various A$lan .;,Ibilit)' o( never been a family UVlDg, m outfit !moWD UI the eldest son 01 Arthur En I,. P3st, ennbled the Ni3ei to overcome AU St.. Father Fran cis J. arod universities in p,laoli;hing l x. manuscripts and, (loc.II! .. n "" 10 America to whom TlI'lDk.-tnvlflg Army as the "Go tor -oke president 01 the JALL· 1 ' handicnps ID order to tulfill his Father Harold V, Lauba'k.r, as. chanoe relationshIps with f3CUlt:'laugment lOlllt holi'"g< on a.e3. meant any mote than It did to \Ision. The fight has been w:lged sistant director 01 the Propugat lon mb.r' 01 the 01 SCII!Dce. cultor,e and the Hosoda$. TI.ey were th' :ype The N'lSei aIler deciding that tbe -- and won, 50 We Sansei, no me e 5 "For eXiJmple.· Or. HelSel' salJ, of lamilv that made the Japanese .Japanese people could prove their Ha . the SanseI genl'ration failed' longer a part 01 Ihis stl'ugg:e. It 01 the Faith Society. The U,H, prolessor 01 ·'there's aD n"zd (or American Citizens wbat It loyalty only through the shoodlng Why MD't they have the ;ame is no longer a vilal conCl'rn. IOi Entertainment Was b:- ment arranged lor preIimlllary a mi.:rolilm om .. ',1 (>1' Ih" in is today, ot their blood, a;koo :0 be re- e< ncern as the :-li;ci' These and we have the advanlagl' o[ being the Maryknoll Boy's ChoP', Girl', student $creeulng to, be conducted filming pre.ci)us m ,nu;erl!,!; 1111 W in Idaho are ",-ctrP'll .',. proutl leasoo trom their conCEntration ... I ed d (b . bil' G CI d Ih' I d tim by the U.S, Educal",n,,1 Found,,· S bId' Ih" '\Iv insurln" e _. ". many Slml",r quest ons are con· accepl an " avmg a leo ub. an ell' am'· ... r ti n (USEF-Fulbl'ight) for all 1962 ern. n 18 1 "r;:' to have thousands of to fann an aU.,)'apanese fronting the ,Tapanese·Amcrican lies recognized.. 1t lS no longer a and Bugle Corps. 0 - thelr pre,::,el 00.. lurn\ Ameri can farmer.s. bUSinessmen. UDlt. No assignment -vas too commuolly loday. These are "ital question 01 being a represe nla tive wou:d enah." Ihe cent. I' and laborer.. They ife some 01 ardous fur them. que,Uons . need to be an 01 the Japanese-American heritage, (h" If to build up Its 0'·", colleotlon. of the finesl citizens in "ur ,w""Lod. II we arc to have an), but it is a question able to prove 0 h JACL seeks Icago we are Indian material." , I Speaker, 1 would Uk., t, in. Some of the_ young men wbo Idea concerning the luture 01 the our individual worth. It is here ma a He said that t,e I'l "C'lt !!o<<l elude this thought.provo"'n5 edJ. SUl'Vlved the J apanese·Amcr!cans in the Umt<d I that our cultural be- k in the P uona dist ...-t In Soutb·,r" torial by Drury Brown editor 01 suffered by ':1e State; today. 11 I for this reHon I comes 10 For ;q this end to Nebraska agency see s India rie",(ro),,,d ",a'v p·ep.ous the Blacklool News. With my r,,· thnt I have decidoo to u,e thiS' age 01 skepticism, half·tl'ulhs, and " d' t manuscripts and documenl. "bleh marks today rest 10 Arllogtoll Nallo;a! Ceml' <opportunity. not to brlDl! a Cbrb· partial truths we have not reen " I' I execullve Irec or had never been cO:)lcd and JAPANESE.AMERICA.' Il.ln challenge. but arllculll!! a Irained to be doubters In the lee· mlscegena Ion aw lore can never ::Ie replac.oo. . CITIZENS KNOW WHY tery.) Co tin ed P t general ron cern that Is 01 Into'ro,t j ture hall while our Cnuc,"",,! J A Dr Hm'er arnnjt'J for prelim I' (Bv Drury Bro"u ) a u on a_g_e ___ _ to.U Thi s concera. I belle, e. dnc; cla.,mates arc que.tlonlng the CHICAGO - The .mer· , , - . ou Ute withm the Ame,·icJ.n· lure We ha\e no for currently In, ".0 is . eeking an exec.Jtive dln"ct.. menb It> be .:In. p to be a guest at tho? con- SF 1000 (lubbers com munity, for II 15 con· We 'have learned to q respect au. Slgll up nnm", 10 p. t Itl'n Ihe dllD!' \0 coordinate opelBt(ons m 1.le it: Indln. Pakl.tan. Ct\ .J" and eluding. 01 th" [ntermoun. eventually affect the luture re:l· pro[e>""r at the end 01 the leo· O'\lfAHA, - The Om .h .. ;' ican en Ice Committee III C.llC,'IP nal,' st_de,\: J{,u th - "b 1's!F: Saturda.' evenmg It was 01) I <orned wnh Ihc proolelD 01 "xi':' thortt\', Dl'n·,pert 01 "uthodt" I o( <to;e which Communlly Fund Age n c" lha ;-.Icpal. t81ll Dlslrlct CODI"len:" ill enee II elf. a wh ,rh .. ma" be on,· o( the rca! problems pl'ohiolLs >CI yes the Ja panese Amerl, on I Accol dmg 10 , Dr one 01 JapaDese American t; I tI z" n > plan barbecue b_! Icalh' reHSI',UI, 01 but In this I A letter sl!tned .':',,11: populallon In the Meu·op.;:l\ltall Chi' Ihe most !,1'a'l(),I"J "arb ,,( L"a!(ue In PocateU, 'I day nd age when 'thlng ' are nabe. prl'sodent 01 til" C hl P.'" ho, I cago al'tla ,trip "' •• dOl'lng a IlIltht Inelud<:<l amOllg the .parklmc N V II SUing elC one of .1 g,.,,""ng III lerm, of pr:babilitles been se nt to every .Japdne." laln;!v The duties include r"n.uerllll; pare when sea:·m"',, ,a welJ.<fJt>Ssoo, culturoo ppopl,' \\'ha in apa a ey mysell cf)n(ronted "Ilh many situo· I-Iace for and dogma!lc those who are ,,v "pathetl" 10 Ule dovelopmg workshops alld dISCU,· abou t the Center 1.ld II, ,""- lor grand time ',,"e a numb"r 01 SA...'1 FRANCISCO. _ The S 3.\ number of S,.nscl·Amcrlcan., 1 lind and relauvlue< thore Is very Illtle In the state asking (or of I .ervlces to glOUp5 and ond,vldUJI"j n"ssman irom Th,,:1311U, :ne" tU \ en obviou,ly were hS\lng a \Jon! whtch I had DO part ID Iruth The I'nds drive and lor JI'11,1. f) caEes $Ions. ndmlOl.tratoon, public edu· mUIIIRI understand'l.g Ihl'uu;:n 111'1 Ili"nd., and of Blaoklovl Francisco JACL Cbapter will hold hlm,cU in an American cult"re affected by the ,1·ltut· cation and referrals to speciDI"eJ ter ch'lOge .. The penple attending aP.l'eareri a 1000 Club outing and barbecue creating, Let's put It thIS WilY, whicb h,,' lo;t its 01 ethIc II The stalute 1'" .. 6 as re,ources (or those ner.lIl1ll such I . H,,, a"un-d , 01'" •• c to be. another ero.s 01 on Sunday. Sep:. 17 at the s,:""mer Take. look "t the recent Il:!t ot ·tandard , and he I. unprepalcJ to "Marriages Ilrc ',01 i • II wh"n one Old saId, that hiS Intel , . \\ 8, ,h,il ed the s'.'rt that ou nllght h'.'me of the George Aoder,ens In ""iJelte graduate. and try :n dIs· cope with it, lor within the Japl' parly t. a IVhlte I "r "n a·.d Ih. Applicants ,hould b,' by many ThaiS "I IllS aC_II",·nl· see at a district 01 picturesque Valley rO\'l'r how many made Phi h" hac been s hie:ded from other IS posse>sed II 0'''' '"l!hlh 0: male, bilingual With :In, 1\1 ,1 \. m ance" Kh,ani:; or Rotary .lmeruatlonal Activities planned are swim. Kappa or some other h-:ln· thIs ethIcal uncertalnl.v-"s u ell more Negro. Japm,·.,p 01' Chllle"j sorlal 1V0rk or allied held and I In the youth seCl!on you mlng. mirtiature golf. hole-in-one things Ju st aren't done!' When d blood" hav" al least five 01 (ull able to recognize 01 tl:e coDtest, volleyball. songlests, tnr. or Not toomany was Fur· so-called scandal occur., within the > , '., time. professlo?aI Ill: SF JACl auxiliary young>;ters excel 10 .choIar- bershop quartet CODtest. baseball. Ihermorc. the Ie ... were jn r : •. Yet ,lal,ane.e·Amerlcan ,o,;ctv It h The chapter 10, mb, I' l." cludmg demon,lrnted .IS nn ship, In mUSIC. urt, ,1,ld .student biking over 360 acres. or Just n!. In June 01 W:;;j Imm 11 0.; 1- A hu hed up so that the I e:t of 'he lend to. contact m,-'!' minlslralor and ,uper' 's"r or tne I fashion show slated in Bloed""t. Snake Ia.'<ing 10 the sbade of an 811me there were 4 "Pnl Betas". lamlly wouldn't "10,0 hc,," IHend. In the milve to lepeal tho equivalent. River, Pocalello and Idaoo FaUs A sIzzl!oS steak barbecue is siatoo .11) "I whom wer" word lIel8 out, r,,,II"ell,IO" upon stalutp The sainI,), range is Irom 7,000 I Saturday, Sept . 23 High Schools to cUma" the afternoon, All 1000 Where iJ the Sansei? IIlV have teenage youth are tlghLerH J - --- to $9,000. '\ SAN FR.!u'lCISCO. _ Nisei ",."\men It a uroud anJ Clubbers are urged to bring Lhf:lr come through high 5c/l(,,1 111 recent they urc unexposed, "xcc"t through Applications be son: from throughout No, Collf'1I'I.la ,:c happy group whose only conCern I "bellto" and arrive early. yedr and achieved gre;ot h'>Dors. the gralJ('vine whICh ex.gi'· .. ·I'", San Franc'lsco Dnnlel Kllzuhara. C D lrman" I.e again iD\.itl'<l to allend tho' an wa. that their guest mizbt enNY Tbe purpose of this altatr i, to but wh,le In <011 ell" ot and on;atlonallzc. m,' I,el '. until board, or Mrs, MalY Francisco JACL AuxIUJf\' IUllch. themsehe. to the degree acqulnt all 1000 Clubbers witb tneil' grn! Imporl.;once .Cem to occur. Ihey leave home. th I I" con·la.hlun show Saturcld". Selll were. . lellow members and to .. I ,\ a. ,1nd am " p"rl o( Ihl' In other word. S,1n 0)( have you assocla Ion Chicago 10, lll, 23, ,.t FaIrmont HUld The Japanese American Citizen" even greater "esprll de corp;' RrOUI) which falle'l to h',e up t'J I To laclllt"ln rcservutl,n. :0 "'-1m. must be aD unu.uni ,' r.- the local chapler. hI h h 1 h' t not been elCflCccd to th· Ille of , '"""0' I /( Ie 00 ac ICvemen . conference held ber ot local area ticket 10 Inspire ,uoh enth" ... Mr. Andersen. the hos:. ls s Whnt'. th,' "mbll!m" SfIP,kln.: Amerlclln .ot·iely wit .. Its good and Tashima confirmed hove been num"", and ",a)' oe lsm among people ",1}0 Iii " ns 1000 Clubber aDd promloen loes! I"'" ,,"ally. I 1".1 it I partly due bad "vlnts: w" ... ,," not "·.rned contacled up 10 Sl'pt I';. TICklllS II ,' )' li"e' as 1 know thcy do. 1 atUlroe,y with GladsleJl, Ander. to thp. !net that our gIJ.II UI Mt V> cop" with 115 protlems un. I SAN F'RA:-lCISCO - Th< antlllni as postmaster .1 SI.50 or" a\'nilllble from tbought seD, Leonard and Slb"ett. Hls wile. .(rcat "nlJulIh tIl overC'Jme I h" It I ortl'n too bu', Yel. this i. leader, hlp conlerence of Ill" SIlD following Dr, Frances Foster alld 1000 Clu!>- handlea\> or b ·Ing rnl ld In .1 Japa. th •• socre!y In whlen w" lIlust )1\'(' F'r:mclll'o Youth As·n. WII. Iwld In in Livingston Alamctia .-B<tl)' \\':11. I h ber. Dr. Kazue Togasaki art asso- nee-American lubcullJrc ] n d Mo1l1" "I U5 will nnl "'1.11" to Lo Honda 28-31 Honnh· K,,· \V.\SHI". GTON Ta. nut, LA 3·1245. .. rSoalneSsei"nqirsaSn aOv,.eego/s cl .;n;l;e;s::;; . ;;=;;:;;;;;;:;:-_-;::;;;:-::. cl.mpctlng In Dn u ... IIN·mlddle cl:I" t'U\",mll wa the hDII· .... Am"ri,,, Ann Takagi. 2600 Ellswo .' lh, TH Cau ' Ian lor elY One <01 the /lrlJ"t the J"p'Uleie·Am·nrll oci !t.v In con high ehool .tudent :"un.orcd ycJd Toshlmu of Llvlng"ton, CallI .. 1-3957; Hayward-A I)' c.. FujII. II ... hloh " .. ",'m' f I' .,1 dlhl'" b.· by the Son I··runchro J.'\CL I hn bl'un appointed PONtnlDster ill 2500l Wu\,. I,U " Flower Orum Song Four underwri te rs at sales Iraining ,,\:, fRA·,(CI!i(:O. frnlr };I.tl IJnd"r I,'rlter )"'ith W,.. t elM t l.1f'! In UTanc. ·,rt' In Vh:tnrll f;.C, lhl w"t·k p .rt1ClPbtln.: In thl' tf)m •• 0 It.· 1flttnarUl ("'Jot,..rC'nl'" The')' are H ruo J hlm_. I uf SIn Frund '-'fl. WIHwm:\1 urno,u f)' 5,1 crU"llt'lI t(I. T. tJ '-01111.10 Iku rf 8 mb, 1\-loni '0, lind (j,,,,,,,c,. . t.IIi ... 1 1>1 Tacom , 1"U1 " we r .. ,lilll· Ih.", , I, no lulurl Inl'1o Kurlhlll''', San 1"1" '''1'1 ' .. ", ,hL city Montcrc\'-Mr.' Alic .. ;;:.Imoku , 50 1 DIEGO evel'aI SUlIsri JACL advl,,,,· lind mcrnl ... r of Tht· Scnutl' hilS con((l'med Cnll· W Fron'leiin, PR Olll<l"nd· h S II ht 0 WIt h I nth., ,)up,,'t.;u-Amcl'j['un SF'VA adllit ,.dvl ory boar,t. lnl'nh PO" lmo. tel' ",",Innllons by Moilv KltnJlma, . KE ('ommunlty Thl la. t IlItf!mont, I , .. II 1"110"1' Proslrlent Kl·Ml·dy Salurday 2.71192 . n,'\\' eut "nnll,·. I .'In nV"I',' 1'.utTI,'n., blot Tt lsh1mu hn bt'un serving u. . ,. h Balb I' k' .... r .. "'" who pnrUd ItI-" 'AI'n' HeLinx IXHtmltstIJr (Of thl' PHst J::tt'd \lOod ('lb' . i\-1I'!'i . J""hn Ene:- 10 at t t! on \ :" $. ou"",oo It points rJUt r hU)t thlL "homul Hc-H·. l'cttvP cllructOT • . "t'UrB. l u klnS( C1Vf,'r lh(' LivlnK. hm moto, l201 Rl"CIwood - \v , .... ,1'1 lr SUlgl' The pl'oduction Is the "nest Nhef·S!lnJlt" communll. IOU. ttl: eo H[JJ rieL Ald,'n, hJ5lunt .t.n;..·'ul" or r (lirC' nth. 'r many ),lOI' !" ,I.' Lt- Saernmt:nto. ·'\11" r ,' unce" Hod rinnl pl"t!st"ntation of the II 1(101 look fll , flU .nrj it trldt. (,.irl S ·flut (If Jo r Hl f' 1 I: 111 I nnl !MtllSUlll1mt. 5101 SlIt,on . \Va\", G."' on e !I,,,, 01101 h",lI11u", 111 nl d". to .\:: ,'1'1 R"nb. II 1, Ilnt d' I'Pctor 01 Ill- "'" flr.t nomlnulL-d fOI the I Son .los< :\11', (Inrk. :-lUI' d .. JewJ h Cornmuuh ... CUll n 1'1 I po. tmn t -r" hip L) fo rnh.' l klr, 11"\ .1Il In-, v • .';,;:; I ot thl' children nnd L: 3bo un cor- m[)kl· IH'J\I tml'nl , whu I ",til hct.. Hnnni K.Il I Hlynmn gn\" ,' j tu lk rt .. nt 1-11 :"nho " 1'" 1;, t ,n I: wUh 1 '·lfth. CY 5-:Ult\t) San L( }I ,dro- fC'lr part of J...inda Low , I.·r IIfC, L ITI U ... m ,Ir,d fJu-lt ('hU· ()Up or thl' finnl RTOUlh , POj t. Mr 1\ . 'ruk" Bur ol, .s09 ,1" l ll'"' '\\ ' orlginall ;y plu .. "ed bs Pat SuzukI ell. n tor 11ft .. '",, 'Hhln I "lIInpl. x ul hl$ H' ("*lI\ tllp t -, ,; II un .. lth In" h:r appointment muth, hy 'h., NE B'll"k\ Ul' l U8 i' on, 0' -h \. "h H ",.'1 U' 10 , Id\-' o Nh &." It, I' e 'h." l':xplol PJ It Po t :;'" 1(1111" rormt'r ('hlp( E, 'f' ' u'h'l h'Jt ' 1" . Inou\'l' 2 S. Gr u nt t'1 3. 1)R \. ,I drcn in thl.' play Wil H- o\d£'l r snd I \J) , but whkh 1 h pl.I ' ( horH JlwVO U t l(Ju If" 1 H1I' h 1<'IUl'l' , ,.1.1 nul Crt.',,"k- Mrs Honft Yu "\.tn , Yfl:hloka bave t o:. 01 our t:)Cl tt!ntl .. 1 III volv eo mcnt. d'·\o't!Jupml'nl. c,l \eI u "l 011 Uu: l'uLI1 t} II t, UHO ::i ! lU Lui Kd Vi:!,; . WLU dl\11Ct>1 :i Chapters. wblch bave submit- ted arUcles in this week's are as CoUows : Support Our Advert1sec$
Page 1: pacificcitizen.org...", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka ED -MOe Confab Comments MfMBERSHIP PUBLICATION: JA PANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUI C CIT ZE Ther arc t nnd else .where


ED -MOe Confab Comments


Ther arc t nnd else .where


Integri1ion Day For more than 3 year. "In·

tegralion Da)" (Aug, 30) in

Atlanta was anxiously antici·

pated by those who remember

"hal hapIX'ncd at Little Rock

and I'eII' Orle3"".

The significant (amI wei· come 10 u I a peel of Integra·

tion Day \Va: the quiet man·

ner Atlanta II1tegrated rune teena~crs at four prt!viou 'Iy all,white hi::h schools this past ,·cek.

111al evcning. in front of rpporter •• onp of the 'egro girls who had enrolled in one of the four schools said that "it was a very normal day'"

lIer reaction W3S .that of the • \ Uanta city and school offi·

ctal and well as thousands oC lIs dtilen' who must have ex·

pres. cd keen pride in the fact th:lt Atlanta had lived up to

their ex~ctations.

There had been a letter· \\Titing campaign by "hate"

groups tr;ying to persuade parent to boycQtt integrated

schools. but that fell flat to thp s31isfaClion of school offi· cials.

Enrollment at the four in·

tegrated high schools wa'

equal or exceeding estimates.

"Atlanta is proud to demon· stra e 10 the world that we be·

Iieve in upholding the law," Mayor Hartsfield said that evening PreSident Kennedy

al f) complimented AUanta at his press conference on the pea c c f u I Ultegration 0 f schools.

Atlanta stands out as a (osmopoiJtan city with a

Soulhern way of life The ex· am)Jle set in Georltia may

eve n t u a I I Y be followed

IhrfJughout the Soulh Racial

extremi who sought to in· flame Ihe $ituation found they were dealing with a well· preparpd law nlorcemenl of. ficial as \\,,,11 a well.pre.

parNI (llIhlic. who 5aw the fUlilt ty of \. Orleans and

ullle ROI:k ;I nll t h(l progress of Nil hVIIII.!.

"It was a H!Ty normal day." Anr( Of'W of this kind is one v.e cannot igoore in this pub­Iicalifm '/'hI' ~ople l)[ At· l.mla, Its mayor. police chi(·f and chO<J) off!clill hould feel pruud of Integration [Jay, 10111.

tr Ihe yrJU lIg nalloM of Alr/f'a ,In,) 13 wonrtPr about Llttl,· Rock and New Orleans. Allanl;. ;md Nashville are Ihere 10 ,'ounlprhalallr',' the , ales of hlJW Amnncan.~

wllnt to "bl(ll' the United late~ <)IJ[lfl'me ('ollrt d"ci­t'lII Ilr Illy 17, 1!1:).t 1111,

TFJE Judd • ·ech "'as tho cU· ma. ~o mo t ~\'I , .1l1u"il 'hr Nin)" {"onvcotion .tt which 'leg.ttt Ir)m thco EJ l and the 'lHI\Vc. t c\,.1tu· at,j th" J,\CL ;>1\)~I"nt in term 01 th" 1960-1910 ;)Iunn,ng "dopl<-d at th~ :'l:ltional Cou' ..... nlwn In .... u·­rrnnll'nto la't 8umm,: .lOd urgoo more "Action on 0 (' (' I S l 0 n" 10,

th uSh National P ... ·sldcnt Fr"n~

Chuman pr~~ent ... ~ n l'ffecti\'c summary If tJH~ progr.. Illude (,\n the ten·lold decade "bject!\'e, 10 the d~legatc$ at the SJturdu~' Con· \ ention Luncheon,

Among thl' more appropri,\ ' e "louche." of the wpH plnnned lind e ccutcd Con\ l'ntion wa lht'.:-Jn­Illg ot tho NQtion~1 ,·\n:hem Dod the JACL Hymn to "pt,n •• nd close the Sundar Com'entlon 3'IIquet by Gloria Florcnl, n ;'\legro ~tnger,

An;)ther highlig It W3l th~ PI'''' .ent.~t1on ot the J,\CL s'h'cr pin for dlstingul>hoo JACL service on a chapter level to Howard ~'" mura, who was th·.! ;>rc ·id .... nt c,r the Portland J AU. Ch.1Dt',r w'lell it hostoo Ihe F'lht UI,mnla' :-i," :JOnal Convention in I!).lO and who sen-cd on lht., profl.!,~10 and ae!.l",l­tie ~ommiUc(' In this COIlCU\.-e,

CJcvel.1nlf'.s am"',,'u ~!,:.' well (ir .. g.n, ',-d .1.\(;t. l·h>l'ter. '" h I c h 5prnd, 3 third ,f I J.I:~! burt)!.,t I)n ~ublk TclaU(,n. earned ·~I."

co"ete<! Chaptor 01 :h" BiennIum "lIollrd, 'ucc,'l'dlng SeabrOlJ:'. in 3

c11)~" battle ,,,,ith thri"e '..Ithef oUl­w;tandln~ chapter~. fh· ho~t or th~ 5th Biennial Jolnl EDC-;\tDC JACL CoD\ention to be h Id in l !1t>l wo s the deserving ,,'In!lpr '\'ltb an ac· tlve, "ell·rounded lw'grnm of ,-. IlVlly and organinU", thai COuld well serve a~ Oo!O 'i modt!l and 9. Insplrallon to otner; In Ihe ,IACL.

DcU'oil. ho t to lit,· 1964 ~.\\Iona)

(hicago JACL's youth Commission plans revealed

CHlC,\CO Chairman Llnc.,ln Shlntldw h.. unnounced thl' Chi­ca~o J ACt. Youth Commle,lon's plnn, fnr th,' lorthrominll <c' on.,

Amonll the acti"ttl.· 11'111 be o' rt'pell of IUJt ,)'l'nr, mo. t UCCI' -

lui ba kctbaU clinic lor boy 10 to 15 \'CIITS of 1\i(L'. 11w cHI,lr I und"r the lendor.hlp 01 .~ m H.I) ". .hl ,mel hiM ;\llIr8(>, will b~ hl'ld lit th· Oli",,1 Iwlltut,·. lilt 1'1 Clcvclllnd Ave, with Ihe Inninll I dOh.' to bL' .mnoun 'l'd Tht.: WW5

will han' instruction' lrom '1"1 paforml'r. 01 Chlc,I!!) )/lSel ba.· kcthuli.

.\ mi ed bow'l(.. 1~.'Klle 101' tecllager;. hIgh • hllol a.!' to 20 Yl'ars" IS bl.:lnR ;1lI\i,lt ... ct iht.~ \'C'ftr at ~IJI"IIIOld 8:>.\'hng ,\Heys under the ""idance o[ !liro Uch; I"

Tentallveh'. und.). Oct. I a 2 pm., has· been scl AS the _,tart· Illg date anrl limo 10.' an Dlt'rnat~ Sunday «hodul... Prize' will be pven and bowli 1«:{ 'nirts will be [urnhbl'd, InSlrUl"flOn~ prbr lo the .start of U1C ICaijllc \\ Jl~ bt! given !>)' topnotch NI:el h~wlers,

OJIJ 10 d~mandf {or 'orne ac­th-lt" ftlr the gi I'J. ~n the "rr Sun· d'\'~ of the bowlinJ Ip"g".. n ("harm ~ch"ol (or te.-nllS:! ·' girls wll1 b<' of(eroo under ' he dlre:'ion o[ :\lrs. l<:I~' Kuwah.r~. Coursil~ will tnriurit! make-up, n4.l;r sl,..Hn~, ar..d fa hions, with pro~,,1;j l,::ul1lliii in t!ath fiold as instruclors l'lfol'm;ltion PI! a ., date and IlIlle [~l' regl:.­tratiml WIll be 3n,'0Il1H.'~ i a:\ dell­nile plans ha,e b",n mOlde.

Shimidzu polnls '1lII tha. thes~

~"ti\'iUes are being olfel'ed throu~h lhe courtesy 01 ,he Chicago JACL Youth Commis;ion. (ree "I tharge except for bowling lees. ~nd hr.opes

that parent.s will ..!nrIIUf.lge their children to parlici.Hte.

Vol. 53 No. 10

C g 125 Wollor St., Rm, 302, Los Angeles 12, Calif., MA 6-4471 10 CEN1S Friday, Sept, 8, 1961

• SSI ecord inks IDC confab na

NIJI IIIU1ly JACI. durricl co .. • vf!flliun. have Ihe flOOd l/TTtu .. e

01 bl'lro" rI"'ITT,wd I" tile Cent· Ilr,' ,,;ollal RI'cord . Th!' rerent 1"lrT'lIIt>unlltln Out net COImcil 20th a"" . tr"~r8aTJ/ cOlwrutiorl at PoratellQ was ,lulV "oted In II .. f!.t'tcy"fOfl 0/ ff'mark. of Rep. lIaiph R, ilardi"" (0" Idaho) 0/ Blackfool In thl' Altg, 23 Record

h. th" oS}('nll1U remark oJ COt..gre'ltman HaTdLr1fl, mt"utio1'L

U made 0/ Hlc HIITTU K NOloda

lamUy and "'" Leo, Utho 1.a Ida­ho F'all. J I\CL prelirlrot lind roelt'!ll els'e1ed fOr Irr<auT..,..

B,'("auIP Wt" [Pfl t rhl? rP1't'larJ.­

n,.d tnf' e d ItO Tf al bll OMiTII

Brow" 01 !lIP Blad</oot New. sh(wld (I ( '.' e ou.r "-W'-rTlPPT.h.iV .olllethit<D to b,' proud 01 and jlhlstrate. how lforftP uOfl·Nut(

lerl about JACL, II i. />rp'''lIled In fILII In thl. week', Pacific CIt­izen Editor

Mr, H!'IRDING Mr. Speaker, I recently had the prtvllege of read· ing ~n ou\;·t.nding n',wopaper edi· torial that wa In;pil'ed when the .<lllor "tl~nded a distrlct confer· pnre 01 the J "pane'" Amerloan Cltiuns League This edilorial cau ,ed me to remember some of

Then we were u. her"d inUl Ihe banquet hall of the Student Union Building and the ban'IU"! began A masler of ceremooles who per· hap; might be de3crl:,,·d a.: an AngIo·Saxon took over the ml>ro phone to welcome tite meml)PTS and gue.r...

I A moment Inter ooe 01 hp speaker, he had Inlroduced In .n a ' ide UI the audience :ald "YI'U may wonder about the I'ca"oo for a pero;on not 01 Japane'c anceury pre. ldlng at a JACL b~nque:. Tho an""'er I: that we a. J ACL m, .,., bers do not believe In dl.sLrlml"~. lion,"

Award.3 were made to lb05~

members who III the J~nlo: a"d senior dIvision of the .organoz"tlon had pertorrnt'CI. dlsUnguLhed ;cr~' ice.

A ODC speaker aCLer anoth.r Ulld how the J ACL has served 115 people In the Urne of their trava:t you began UI undeuu:od the de­votion 01 it.. memberahll'.

Stirring mom en! came .. Ith tho awards b) Hero S~lo .• akl of pia. 'lues to three no,· ,a;l3nele men who unntnchingly s~d by the Japane .• " people wb.o It W~ not popular to do so.

the wond"r/ul experiences that I One so recognized "''' ~ C)Url. I bave had with Japanese Am"rican geou. bl hop ot the Church 01

~Ir, !lllke Masaokn nddress('s the gathering at the Imal bnnquet, 20th Annlver.ary II th BIennial IDC convention, al which he was c.peclally honored.

citiz.cn J""u. Christ. LOS. S.m A, ::lunn. I remember;ome 20 year' ~.o Tybee. who In a communlt, where

when my father wa, the high a number of Japaae.e lived a,ld school toothaU coacb 10 the belutl· where. because ot It. anti·Japane!e rul lillie town of SI. Anthony, feeling ran higb. endured persecu· Idaho, and the Ir!"nd,;hlp thaI ""p lion and threats while eham~lon-

Solemn high mass celebrates 50th Maryknoll birlhday

E I W t (I av Is report AS'Ian had ,,1th the Harry K Host.da ing the Japanese people and pe" as" es en er s an lamily. Flarry's son, Leo. wa,' an mltUng them the use 01 the church I IO 'lblandlng hIgh chool fullback. I over which he presided

nall'ons keenly I'nterested In program even t~ough he wa'n't a big as There was a plaque preseatod '" , most ",,,Ierboy.,. What b~ lacked Edwln A. Volker. a courageo'U

. th Ph'U I lIn size Leo certainly m3de up 1~ - motor.<fealer 10 Pocat.eJID who ""t-J!O;.lOLULU.-Two E" ,t·We ·t Crn· appllcant> on e I pn ne;, ,in courage and enthuoia,m, sisted In hirlog Nisei ~/t.u 'th~ 'ct' reprc.:cntallv('s wbo returned III the olher areas Dr. ~"n"r Then there wa.' Paul. ano:her war started despite threats and 'rom \ 'in thl month agn'ed thew l :w·od,. >choiar.hlfely C07.:~'I~~~C ;on, who lollowed in th,· lootsle!>-' boycott.;. aDd who foODv.·oo on a

In commemoration 01 the :l>lary· l ~ gr.'at deal o( interest thero "'ere .~t. up so. . ot hL, brother Leo a' an athletE pin.pointed map the ,Jrog:-es:; in knoll Foreign :III. ,Ion Socie~' In Ule C,n:er and both "id onor, grants IDltwl selec\lons "'In. be Paul was also ven' act,ive in the Italy ot the 442d Regiment Com. fitlicth annlver3nry. a Solemn High nl cooperation were teodered In An made by bl·nallonal commlt.ees swimming and recreJtlontl pro· bat Team In which the boys he :'.Iass was celebrated on Sept. 7 12 coulltlles the~ \b.ted, with the g~\'e~n::;~nts re~m~~~ gra~s in the communl;y aDd lias had known were adv3Jl~in~ at the ",lth Father ~lIchQel J ;o. lcKiI!~p Dr M,F HelScr, acting EWC ~oun~~i~ un er a .g p . I a inend to aU. . cost ot their blood. as the celebrant. Father Foil I direolor of stud e n I pro~!'a"", scre g, " Just a year abeaa 01 me In

A Sansei Speaks Up

;o.U~haZU) as th~ deacon a nd F~· toured India. PakL tan, Burm " Dr ,\leUer made arra~~"mcn:s school was a dau!tl:tlu. Mabel. 1 There was the plaque presented ther Howard C, Geselbra 'hI as the Neool and Ce)lon Former "ctln~ in a num~er 01 countrle, to COil' wiII always rememi,er -'1abel aE In absentia to the blli>d U,S. Attar· sulldeacon The guest 'PC!ke was EWC deputy director Norman Mel· Iinue furDl:ihing the Center with a very pept,y liltl~ girl who al. n/!y. Jolm A. Carver, by Tommy Bishop Hnr" Clinch r am .be IeI" s sch ,dule Iocludoxl the PI IIp- mfOl'matlon rdatlve to their on· ways lookoo exc:c;>. 'nall) clean ~~:tkiT.!m v~~a::,~~f bl~ef~ Monterey·Fle~no dio"csc 'NO h Br.· pine,; Tnailand. Vtetnam. ,\1&1 ,yo, fulng manpower need" >0 tb,y ""n and neat and waS' " -, friendl~ the service of his counu;;. Tbe hop :vIannlng presl,ling. 1ndo~esia Hong Kong anJ Singa· be consideroo as the universl'-Y ex· and klnd-somethlog that a grade citation stated that wluIe the Gm'.

FO~OwiDg the mass a J\lnch~on pore. I gan~5 to h (fcll~ale pr~;"a~·WID6 school student didn't alway' ex· erDor of the Stale of Id3h<. prompt. wa. sen'ed by the :\olarrk'",li Jr. . Dr. MeUer said llis !lve·week eln erths

c o':~~t:res Dr HelS~r peet from member; ot tlle cltss 1) Iorgot bis prom!;e, m3de before trip revealed val'I,.ble do~umeDI· n e. ". ImmooiaLely abead of him. P I H bo to th J h

L3dles Society. M05ter "f cere- h toured. he saId he met WIth much Dur'lllg the el'ght ,-ear- ou-. t-In. ear ar r e ar>ar.es~. t e h I h af" and libral~ "".lOUI'ces "hie Ce • • U S ·ttorn~ now JusUce Can'er monies [or t e lInc co., wa:, , II the same inleres.l in, the nte ··s n .. I' IV"" Ill' St. An·tbon .... i- wa " .~ ." •

Father Arthur Lirette 01 St. AI, l'~~'V!~? ol~ H;~~,~n~cs':.al~~I~I~r. program and obl"ctlves, ;;;; ann';;'a1 ritual (or FI.arry Hosoda Dever wavered. B\' ,\BTHl'R ,\ . ~~'DO I ~~.<i~~~r 01 h~~e b:~elth~f d~n,~rela~ phonso's PlIi'igh, who Introduced leclion for Center .tudent.s and He saId also that every unlver· to bring around a bIg, ceautlfuJ One was stirred as l!l".! heard

PracUclnc MlnI.lcr show the AmerIcan pubI;e thai speakers Bi.,hop TImothy :\lannmg. I·t h d be OD 'I ed wa< ex b h I r! I h Thanks the stOIT ot the birth 01 the 41:ld Wlnt.rsburcPr •• bvtrrlanCburch lhe" or" )U-t a" aood a· an.vone Auxiliary Bishop 01 Los Angell". scholars. <IIY I~a , e ;c j ;;; ex~lol·jnJ!th; ~l!c Ole speeer;he~cth n;; Regiment Combat Te3m :he

' - - '~.- Father ~IicllOlel MoKillo:>, P>stor Dr Meller said he illso Iound reme .. In,e. s.l', .' • . gtYlng am sure . a .,.," " • Youn~ Endo is I"~ 25·v~ .. r-oirl eI'c, Fortunately thi$ vision ha; of the :'.Ial')'knoli ~!j,; .io n 0:1 He',\llt mUd; Int~resl in various A$lan ~ .;,Ibilit)' o( exohan~ln;' ~s. never been a family UVlDg, m f~med outfit !moWD UI the ~es: o.~

eldest son 01 Arthur En I,. P3st, ennbled the Ni3ei to overcome AU St.. Father Francis J. Call~ry. arod universities in p,laoli;hing l x. manuscripts and, (loc.II! .. n"" 10 America to whom TlI'lDk.-tnvlflg ~L Army as the "Go tor -oke president 01 the Ho~y\\ooJ JALL·


' handicnps ID order to tulfill his Father Harold V, Lauba'k.r, as. chanoe relationshIps with f3CUlt:'laugment lOlllt holi'"g< on a.e3. meant any mote than It did to \Ision. The fight has been w:lged sistant director 01 the Propugatlon mb.r' 01 the unl"~rslty. 01 SCII!Dce. cultor,e and l"nguJg~ the Hosoda$. TI.ey were th' :ype The N'lSei aIler deciding that tbe

-- and won, 50 We Sansei, ar~ no me e 5 "For eXiJmple.· Or. HelSel' salJ, of lamilv that made the Japanese .Japanese people could prove their Ha . the SanseI genl'ration failed' longer a part 01 Ihis stl'ugg:e. It 01 the Faith Society. The U,H, prolessor 01 .~o~ern· ·'there's aD imm~dlatc n"zd (or American Citizens Lea~"e wbat It loyalty only through the shoodlng

Why MD't they have the ;ame is no longer a vilal conCl'rn. IOi Entertainment Was pI'~v;cicl b:- ment arranged lor preIimlllary a mi.:rolilm om .. ',1 (>1' Ih" in is today, ot their blood, a;koo :0 be re­e< ncern as the :-li;ci' These and we have the advanlagl' o[ being the Maryknoll Boy's ChoP', Girl', student $creeulng to, be conducted filming pre.ci)us m ,nu;erl!,!; 1111 W in Idaho are ",-ctrP'll .',. proutl leasoo trom their conCEntration

... I ed d (b . bil' G CI d Ih' I d .~ tim by the U.S, Educal",n,,1 Found,,· S bId' Ih" '\Iv insurln" e _. ". many Slml",r quest ons are con· accepl an " avmg ou~ a I· leo ub. an ell' am'· ... r ti n (USEF-Fulbl'ight) for all 1962 O~I ern. n 18

1 "r;:' th.~ to have thousands of Jap~Dese ca~ps to fann an aU.,)'apanese

fronting the ,Tapanese·Amcrican lies recognized.. 1t lS no longer a and Bugle Corps. 0 - thelr pre,::,el ~'"tll 00.. lurn\ ~::) American farmer.s. bUSinessmen. UDlt. No assignment -vas too baz~ commuolly loday. These are "ital question 01 being a represenlative came~a wou:d enah." Ihe cent. I' and laborer.. They ife some 01 ardous fur them. que,Uons . whi~h need to be an 01 the Japanese-American heritage, (h" If to build up Its 0'·", colleotlon. of the finesl citizens in "ur Stat~.1 ,w""Lod. II we arc to have an), but it is a question able to prove 0 h JACL seeks Icago we are Indian material." , I ~Ir . Speaker, 1 would Uk., t, in. Some of the_ young men wbo Idea concerning the luture 01 the our individual worth. It is here ma a He said that t,e I'l "C'lt !!o<<l elude this thought.provo"'n5 edJ. SUl'Vlved the 3(".perc~~ c~a1tle, J apanese·Amcr!cans in the Umt<d I that our cultural back~l'ou"d be- k in the Puona dist • ...-t In Soutb·,r" torial by Drury Brown editor 01 suffered by ':1e ~m~~. ~m ar~ State; today. 11 I for this reHon I comes 10 handic~p. For ;q this end to Nebraska agency see s India rie",(ro),,,d ",a'v p·ep.ous the Blacklool News. With my r,,· ~:::n:rr:~~~ur ~m~~~~th~S thnt I have decidoo to u,e thiS' age 01 skepticism, half·tl'ulhs, and " d' t manuscripts and documenl. "bleh marks today rest 10 Arllogtoll Nallo;a! Ceml' <opportunity. not to brlDl! a Cbrb· partial truths we have not reen " I' I execullve Irec or had never been cO:)lcd and 1h~!"'j JAPANESE.AMERICA.' Il.ln challenge. but arllculll!! a Irained to be doubters In the lee· mlscegena Ion aw lore can never ::Ie replac.oo. . CITIZENS KNOW WHY tery.) Co tin ed P t general ron cern that Is 01 Into'ro,t j ture hall while our Cnuc,"",,! J A Dr Hm'er arnnjt'J for prelim I' (Bv Drury Bro"u) a u on a_g_e ___ _ to.U This concera. I belle, e. dnc; cla.,mates arc que.tlonlng the CHICAGO - The apan~sc, .mer· , , - ''''~i''' .UTa,,~. .

ou Ute withm the Ame,·icJ.n· lure We ha\e no ue~uonb for currently e n ga~ed In, ~ dl1V~ ".0 is . eeking an exec.Jtive dln"ct.. menb It> be .:In. p r.::llI.~ pnvil~ge to be a guest at tho? con- SF 1000 (lubbers fDPan~e com munity, for II 15 con· We 'have learned toq

respect au. Slgll up nnm", 10 p. t Itl'n Ihe dllD!' \0 coordinate opelBt(ons m 1.le it: Indln. Pakl.tan. Ct\ .J" and eluding. se~sh>n 01 th" [ntermoun.

eventually affect the luture re:l· pro[e>""r at the end 01 the leo· O'\lfAHA, - The Om .h .. J.~CL ;' ican en Ice Committee III C.llC,'IP nal,' st_de,\: J{,u th - "b 1's!F: Saturda.' evenmg It was 01) I <orned wnh Ihc proolelD 01 "xi':' thortt\', Dl'n·,pert 01 "uthodt" I natl~!'. o( th~ <to;e "t~lule which Communlly Fund Age n c" lha ;-.Icpal. t81ll Dlslrlct CODI"len:" ill 'h~ enee II elf. a probl~m wh,rh .. ma" be on,· o( the rca! problems pl'ohiolLs mi~cegenal".~ >CI yes the Japanese Amerl, on I Accol dmg 10 , Dr :\Iell ~r one 01 JapaDese American t; I tI z" n > plan barbecue b_! Icalh' reHSI',UI, 01 'A meric~n .O~'"t~·. but In this I A letter sl!tned b~ ;\hk~ .':',,11: populallon In the Meu·op.;:l\ltall Chi' Ihe most !,1'a'l(),I"J "arb ,,( ~. L"a!(ue In PocateU, ' I

• day nd age when 'thlng ' are dL~ nabe. prl'sodent 01 til" ChlP.'" ho, I cago al'tla ,trip "' •• dOl'lng a IlIltht "~IIIP'I Inelud<:<l amOllg the .parklmc N V II SUing m~ elC one of .1 g,.,,""ng sciib~ d III lerm, of pr:babilitles been sent to every .Japdne." laln;!v The duties include r"n.uerllll; pare when hl~ sea:·m"',, ,a ~ ' "'' welJ.<fJt>Ssoo, culturoo ppopl,' \\'ha in apa a ey

mysell cf)n(ronted "Ilh many situo · I-Iace for rert~lntv and dogma!lc those who are ,,v "pathetl" 10 Ule dovelopmg workshops alld dISCU,· about the Center 1.ld II, ,""- lor grand time ',,"e a numb"r 01 SA...'1 FRANCISCO. _ The S 3.\

number of S,.nscl·Amcrlcan., 1 lind and relauvlue< thore Is very Illtle In the state asking (or ~~me; of I .ervlces to glOUp5 and ond,vldUJI"j n"ssman irom Th,,:1311U, :ne " tU \ en obviou,ly were hS\lng a

\Jon! whtch I had DO part ID Iruth The Sa~ >e l:Amencan I'nds drive and lor JI'11,1. f) caEes $Ions. ndmlOl.tratoon, public edu· mUIIIRI understand'l.g Ihl'uu;:n 111'1 Ili"nd., and nei~hbor, of Blaoklovl Francisco JACL Cbapter will hold hlm,cU in an American cult"re affected by the ,1·ltut· cation and referrals to speciDI"eJ terch'lOge .. The penple attending aP.l'eareri a 1000 Club outing and barbecue

creating, Let's put It thIS WilY, whicb h,,' lo;t its se n~e 01 ethIc II The stalute 1'" .. 6 as 1 ~llow.' re,ources (or those ner.lIl1ll such I . H,,, a"un-d m~ , 01'" ; 1 .'~ •• c to be. another ero.s .~,'::on . 01 on Sunday. Sep:. 17 at the s,:""mer Take. look "t the recent Il:!t ot ·tandard, and he I. unprepalcJ to "Marriages Ilrc ',01 i • II wh"n one Old saId, that hiS Intel , . \\ 8, ,h,il ed AmeTl~a. the s'.'rt that ~ ou nllght h'.'me of the George Aoder,ens In ""iJelte graduate. and try :n dIs· cope with it, lor within the Japl' parly t. a IVhlte I "r "n a·.d Ih. Applicants ,hould b,' prelel'3b~ by many ThaiS "I IllS aC_II",·nl· see at a district confer"nc~ 01 picturesque ~apa Valley rO\'l'r how many made Phi Bel~ n~ $c h" hac been s hie:ded from other IS posse>sed II 0'''' '"l!hlh 0: male, bilingual With :In, 1\1 ,1\ . m a nce" Kh,ani:; or Rotary .lmeruatlonal Activities planned are swim. Kappa or some other ~Imlla~ h-:ln· thIs ethIcal uncertalnl.v-"s u ell more Negro. Japm,·.,p 01' Chllle"j sorlal 1V0rk or allied held and I In the youth seCl!on you w~re mlng. mirtiature golf. hole-in-one

things Just aren't done!' When d blood" hav" al least five ~.~," \ :., 01 (ull able to recognize so~e 01 tl:e coDtest, volleyball. songlests, tnr. or Not toomany was therc~ Fur· so-called scandal occur., within the > , '., • time. professlo?aI eon,J.oYID."~'t Ill: SF JACl auxiliary young>;ters \\'~o excel 10 .choIar- bershop quartet CODtest. baseball. Ihermorc. the Ie ... were jn

r: •. Yet ,lal,ane.e·Amerlcan ,o,;ctv It h The chapter 10, mb, I' l." ~n cludmg demon,lrnted ,.b!llt~ .IS nn ship, In mUSIC. urt, ,1,ld .student biking over 360 acres. or Just n!.

In June 01 W:;;j Imm 11 0.; 1- A hu hed up so that the I e:t of 'he lend to. contact m,-'!' ~auraSIaI! minlslralor and ,uper' 's"r or tne I fashion show slated acli\'IUe~ in th~ Bloed""t. Snake Ia.'<ing 10 the sbade of an o~k. 811me there were 4 "Pnl Betas". lamlly wouldn't "10,0 hc,," .~. IHend. In the milve to lepeal tho equivalent. River, Pocalello and Idaoo FaUs A sIzzl!oS steak barbecue is siatoo .11) "I whom wer" X15~1 Ictlcw~ word lIel8 out, r,,,II"ell,IO" upon stalutp The sainI,), range is Irom 7,000 I Saturday, Sept. 23 High Schools to cUma" the afternoon, All 1000

Where iJ the Sansei? ~r IIlV ha ve teenage youth are tlghLerH J ~D - --- to $9,000. '\ SAN FR.!u'lCISCO. _ Nisei ",."\men It wa~ a ~e1f-as::;ured, uroud anJ Clubbers are urged to bring Lhf:lr come through high 5c/l(,,1 111 recent they urc unexposed, "xcc"t through Applications ShoU~d. be son: t~O from throughout No, Collf'1I'I.la ,:c happy group whose only conCern I "bellto" and arrive early. yedr and achieved gre;ot h'>Dors. the gralJ('vine whICh ex.gi'· .. ·I'", San Franc'lsco Dnnlel Kllzuhara. C Dlrman" I.e again iD\.itl'<l to allend tho' an wa. that their guest mizbt enNY Tbe purpose of this altatr i, to but wh,le In <011 ell" n "lhl ll ~ ot and on;atlonallzc. m,' I,el '. until board, or Mrs, MalY ~o~n, ~"'. Francisco JACL AuxIUJf\' IUllch. themsehe. to the '31n~ degree acqulnt all 1000 Clubbers witb tneil' grn! Imporl.;once .Cem to occur. Ihey leave home. th I I" 1Il,"~' te~Sf"noIS ~~v7c~' bo';;ml~~~: con·la.hlun show Saturcld". Selll the~ were. . lellow members and to pro~ot .. I ,\ a. ,1nd am " p"rl o( Ihl' In other word. W~ S,1n 0)( have you assocla Ion ~cli>; 'L~Sarll~anSt.~ Chicago 10, lll, 23, ,.t t~c FaIrmont HUld The Japanese American Citizen" even greater "esprll de corp;' l~r RrOUI) which falle'l to h',e up t'J I To laclllt"ln rcservutl,n. :0 "'-1m. 'AU~le must be aD unu.uni , ' r.- the local chapler. hI h h 1 h ' t not been elCflCccd to th· Ille of , '"""0' I

/( Ie 00 ac ICvemen . conference held ber ot local area ticket ~hull'lnen ~aDlznUon 10 Inspire ,uoh enth" ... • Mr. Andersen. the hos:. ls s Whnt'. th,' "mbll!m" SfIP,kln.: Amerlclln .ot·iely wit .. Its good and Tashima confirmed hove been num"", and ",a)' oe lsm among people ",1}0 Iii " ns 1000 Clubber aDd promloen loes!

I"'" ,,"ally. I 1".1 it I partly due bad "vlnts: w" ... ,," not "·.rned contacled up 10 Sl'pt I';. TICklllS II ,' )' li"e' as 1 know thcy do. 1 atUlroe,y with GladsleJl, Ander. to thp. !net that our gIJ.II UI ~ Mt V> cop" with 115 protlems un. I SAN F'RA:-lCISCO - Th< antlllni as postmaster .1 SI.50 or" a\'nilllble from th~ tbought seD, Leonard and Slb"ett. Hls wile. .(rcat "nlJulIh tIl overC'Jme I h" It I ortl'n too bu', Yel. this i. leader, hlp conlerence of Ill" SIlD following Dr, Frances Foster alld 1000 Clu!>-handlea\> or b ·Ing rnl ld In .1 Japa. th •• socre!y In whlen w" lIlust )1\'(' F'r:mclll'o Youth As·n. WII. Iwld In in Livingston Alamctia.-B<tl)' Aka~1. 1 8~·1 \\':11. I h ber. Dr. Kazue Togasaki art asso-

nee-American lubcullJrc ] n d Mo1l1" "I U5 will nnl "'1.11" to Lo Honda Au~. 28-31 Honnh· K,,· \V.\SHI". GTON ~orl,vuJ(1 Ta. nut, LA 3·1245. Bor~,,! .. ~-lIIl1l'.\· rSoalneSsei"nqirsaSn aOv,.eego/s cl .;n;l;e;s::;;. ;;=;;:;;;;;;:;:-_-;::;;;:-::. cl.mpctlng In Dn u ... IIN·mlddle cl:I" t'U\",mll wa the hDII· .... Am"ri,,, Ann Takagi. 2600 Ellswo.'lh, TH • Cau ' Ian lor elY One <01 the /lrlJ"t the J"p'Uleie·Am·nrll oci !t.v In con high ehool .tudent :"un.orcd ycJd Toshlmu of Llvlng"ton, CallI .. 1-3957; Hayward-A I)' c.. FujII. II

... hloh " .. ",'m' f I' .,1 dlhl'" b.· by the Son I··runchro .J~ J.'\CL I hn bl'un appointed PONtnlDster ill 2500l PI~nsont Wu\,. I,U 2.8~5Q "Flower Orum Song Four underwriters

at sales Iraining ,,\:, fRA·,(CI!i(:O. frnlr };I.tl

IJnd"r I,'rlter )"'ith W,.. t elM t l.1f'!

In UTanc. (~ ·,rt' In Vh:tnrll f;.C,

lhl w"t·k p .rt1ClPbtln.: In thl' tf)m

pnnv ~ •• 0 It.· 1flttnarUl ("'Jot,..rC'nl'"

The')' are H ruo J hlm_. I uf SIn

Frund '-'fl. WIHwm:\1 urno,u f)'

5,1 crU"llt'lI t(I. T. tJ '-01111.10 Iku rf

8 mb, 1\-loni '0, lind (j,,,,,,,c,. . t.IIi ... 1

1>1 Tacom ,

1"U1 " we r .. ,lilll· Ih.", , I, no lulurl Inl'1o Kurlhlll''', San 1"1" '''1'1 ' .. ", ,hL city Montcrc\'-Mr.' Alic .. ;;:.Imoku , 50 1 A..~ DIEGO evel'aI SUlIsri JACL advl,,,,· lind mcrnl ... r of '~t Tht· Scnutl' hilS con((l'med Cnll· W Fron'leiin, PR 2.138~ : Olll<l"nd· h S II ht 0

WIt h I nth., ,)up,,'t.;u-Amcl'j['un SF'VA adllit ,.dvl ory boar,t. ~tlL'J1d· lnl'nh PO" lmo. tel' ",",Innllons by Moilv KltnJlma, ~6t7 . "'u ~ ,' , KE t~ls p=ue~ont ~t '~;~o~er D~.J~ ('ommunlty Thl la. t IlItf!mont, I , .. II I'nllleren~" 1"110"1' Proslrlent Kl·Ml·dy Salurday 2.71192. <;On~ " n,'\\' tlIR"ln~ lhr~ u gh eut "nnll,·. I .'In nV"I',' 1'.utTI,'n., blot T t lsh1mu hn bt'un serving u. . ,. h Balb I' k' .... r .. "'" who pnrUd ItI-" 'AI'n' HeLinx IXHtmltstIJr (Of thl' PHst lW~ J::tt'd \lOod ('lb' .i\-1I'!'i . J""hn Ene:- 10 at t t! on \ :" $. ou"",oo It points rJUt r hU)t thlL "homul Hc-H·. t· l'cttvP cllructOT • . "t'UrB. lu klnS( C1Vf,'r lh(' LivlnK . hm moto, l201 Rl"CIwood -\v , .... ,1'1 lr SUlgl' The pl'oduction Is the "nest Nhef·S!lnJlt" communll. IOU. ttl: eo H[JJ rieL Ald,'n , hJ5lunt .t.n;..·'ul" or r (lirC' nth.'r many ),lOI' !" ,I.' n ~ Lt- ·)?lti~ Saernmt:nto. ·'\11" r ,'unce" Hod rinnl pl"t!st"ntation of the cur~ II 1(101 look fll , flU .nrj it trldt. (,.irl S ·flut (I f ~an Jo r Hl f' 1 I : 111 I nnl !MtllSUlll1mt. 5101 SlIt,on . \Va\", G."' l'O~~n~~so~n ~ hlmoto port1 ' D~ '~ one !I,,,, 01101 h",lI11u", 111 nl d". to .\:: ,'1'1 R"nb. II 1, Ilnt d' I'Pctor 01 Ill- "'" flr.t nomlnulL-d fOI the I ~f)'\4 Son .los< :\11', (Inrk. :-lUI' d

.. th~ JewJ h Cornmuuh ... CUll n 1'1 I po. tmn t -r" hip L) fo rnh.' l klr, 11"\.1Il ~linch, In-, A \l~ n ~ v • .';,;:; I ot thl' children nnd L: 3bo un cor-m[)kl· IH'J\I tml'nl , whu I ",til hct.. Hnnni K.Il IHlynmn gn\",' j tu lk rt .. nt 1-11 :"nho" 1'" 1;, t ,n I: wUh 1'·lfth. CY 5-:Ult\t) San L( }I,dro- ~ tud , \· fC'lr th ~ part of J...inda Low , I.·r IIfC,L ITI U ... m ,Ir,d fJu-lt ('hU· ()Up or thl' finnl RTOUlh , POj t. Mr 1\.'ruk" Bur ol, .s09 ,1" l ll'"' '\\' orlginall;y plu .. "ed bs Pat SuzukI ell. n tor 11ft .. '",, 'Hhln I "lIInpl. x ul hl$ H'("*lI\ tllp t -, ,; II un ~ .. lth In" h:r appointment muth, hy 'h., NE 2.-I660 ~ nn~rfltl-'O-~l~ ~ Frt!'~ B'll"k\ Ul' lU8 i ' on, 0' -h \."hH

",.'1 U' 10 , Id\-'o Nh &." It, I' e 'h." l':xplol PJ It Po t :;'" ~l ' ''lJ ls, 1(1111" rormt'r ('hlp( E, 'f' ' u'h'l h'Jt ' 1" . Inou\'l' 2 S . Grunt t'1 3.1)R \ . ,I drcn in thl.' play WilH - o\d£'l r snd mitn~ I \J) , but whkh 1 h pl.I ' ( horH JlwVO U t l(Ju If" 1 H1I' h I ~ nl'mQ~r ; ltlc ~C1ntl"olh-d 1<'IUl'l' , ,.1.1 nul Crt.',,"k- Mrs Honft Yu "\.tn , Jnnnn~ Yfl:hloka bave rolt~::> t o:.

01 our t:)Cl tt!ntl .. 1 III volv eo mcnt. d'·\o't!Jupml'nl. c,l \eI u "l 011 Uu: l'uLI1 t} II t, UHO ::i!lU Lui Kd Vi:!,; ~ .WLU It'U[ , Il~d dl\11Ct>1 :i

Chapters. wblch bave submit­ted arUcles in this week's lssu ' ~.

are as CoUows:

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Page 2: pacificcitizen.org...", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka ED -MOe Confab Comments MfMBERSHIP PUBLICATION: JA PANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUI C CIT ZE Ther arc t nnd else .where

~_PACIFIC CITIZEN FrIday. S"pt. 8, 1961 c •• CCOC-Selma JACl placob first road slyn

--Ji r ilon.a

Freewheeling on the Freeway:


Th~ Srlmn J CI. ("Impll'r h~tI w~r. honored. '1~e" hRVP bp~n It b<!glnnlnl! In April. IOSO wh'·J1 I Ih., major project.. (.1 Ilehlpve We rc ..lHZl"d Ilqt' ncP!l (ur the C'ln· menL uf lW" chnptcr durintt tht· crt.-.d cilprt the Nl\thmnl .J/\CL pa! de 'n y( ar ur O ~r U( U. ll~tl~1I;

'. d ftcr·tI 1\5 n"''''~''rs With lite 'l ... Uy '\.rlcullul'al .rOIU~ Clln\ ilIon thot we would

• I ,',. n g \ h ,\ n Ill'll flTganlzaUon S. ,1m, I. " ,mull communlly In lhrollj(h ou' m mbe .. hlp by l>IIrll- lbe h .. "rt 01 the San Ju.lIll1ll1 V.I. clPilllng III th,· NuU,,,,,,1 Prngl' III. "'Y wllh ., populullon 01 approx,. th,) Ilrst or~"nlT.ntllll1ul mccunlf mlltcl,l' 1f),OOO w 12,O()O In the Cit\'

Wu held on A~rn 27. 1I1S0, rCOUll'lol Soclm" anti the OUIIYln.g dlal"I,·t , IIlR In Il. th 'rlt'r mcmllcr hlp "r III \\ hkh III ludt-d S sJl<'cJol m, m· Thl'.1 "pont" population I ap. ber p"oxirnutl'l,\' 100 famUic. nnd till'

bt'tur.:. n pTt.:domln,tntly !If.':rlcultllrrJI Un ~13l' 27 I!I,,(J the flI',t In· community, mO'1 ul the ,I ACL

tl.i\lral dmnf'1' W3'i hl·lJ at ,;\1 'c· m~rnbr-r~ nrc l'nf(ugcd In lannlop, [) loa).."") C ,fl- wtth l'lly. 1=..:1'001, ThC're ;Ire, howe ·~r. " fl.-'w lJu I~ l'l\'le knril'f .In trlC'Iu;h n1 RUt ... nOumen arnOnK U! such nB Gt.:urgl' Bm O.Kubo ~a'rvL'<1 01 )-tn tt"~- "r Abe. who tI~n and opurntcs tb! C"crrmonh onu ,foe ~1!.l dok.1 wnl) Sclmn ="'ur lory ttnd wl1'l OrVf.of!:)· \:ttS lb., n rc "!on 1 (IIrt l t IT d '. I LlIJT Urat Ill'esldl'nt hllck 'n 19~fl H\l·tc.i u '\.'0' Iml'Jl'{' s\vc kc·'not· and .'cr\.'l.'d u~ .alenin In 1951 nnd ddn' .1 'hU~J1 Kt·w. who \\.1' I l!,.>i He I'll 0 ",l?rVl'd u .. CeDC

CeDC" Chl.'01.II1, In"lnllvLl t!ll! m· Chu'''ntlln in 1958. Th.'rc ,. l)al~ IlI,lI L~j\bJlH't .. 1 10110;\; Gt:or'l '\ Okozaki a at'olnl c(-rllrnl.t. who ;\",. pt, , e" rgc Oknznkl, 1 I owns hi, own bll In~~5, lI10dern \ ,j', 1311l Okub<>o 2nd V.p, Shlloll D<:ntnl C"rnrnt"" wh 'I'rI<,<1 u' • aRno. tn:a!'>,. :\lusnt:) :\lori him'" in 1958 and who t· prt' cn:.l; '''il)~rt·

>ll I!,c' urI. Tal"",,1 1\I11,0kt, ,lit, d,'I,: in;( Ibe gll~"1. (,1. Pre Id ~ Fr nk WL' h" " Y"III wlll n I,: II Sc,hi I \:lmu,'lI, h",t,; Bllll N"d:o. ,

• 1 oJ tru w rc nc.c- i\r) m IT he -at -e ' ) ul "] hus lh~ Selma Chnptf'r aC Other pa .... t prc!'llde"h~ flrt; Gl orl:(C" II lI·rl , ur Illh nlll' ''To a sl t 'L u III :',. I' _ r."-::~ , Ph,.",T,\CI. WIU bol n amI has gro,\'n B"b".la5~, ',"d. tU56, ,\109.0') Mo~.

'ed by DR I r th Jdpan " nh· C 1'1 (Itl .• ' j f d with Ih,' 1m ' hIli ,·cur. 1(, a pre eJlI ,hltnu·lns3. Gl'1rgl' Ok,1 uk ·lD •• I • j 1~n: .. Y..c 1 U' f,,'r nlj .UU '11 cf ... ~" apanese 00 nt"lnbt'T:'lbp, t 130 member and 1955. Alan :"tIn umotl .... 1959 itn.!

I jlftll mell 0' Ir'" monu'llt>, ..., ~!,," Kaw:lIlo.19tiO. "II ,,1 whom n.' h, i I am n.1 ,. ,J> 'Ill ,I ,on I f 3enl<r Club nrco/l'nlUuu engaged In lannlog.

_t. ' ]1 ~~d ~)~'JT(I ) 'l f;::L~ll~n ~1 ~'I!: may accoun or \\'\' havC' g,'in~d ;a Jilact of ,'Mn.w 'l'1~. t- arc lJut a ft.\,,· n( tht' many

J tn the .. ) nl.;trna h' h t th d y n"i n'JP~ct in our cornmunf~y :mj whu hav{' hotpl!d 1·) uDport our

\' 1 You I 01 In h }' i tho t Ig 00 e a nre I"e ogntlt' i 'J~' tilt: CI~:. ·Jf chaploT in ordl.'r th"jl .\'f' might '-I" fc\\ J ne • A 'In en· ,St'lIllB U onc ", th. ·I'."'c,' duns; be "[kU"r .>.ml·' Ican~ In a gre,,,"'r

• c,oft! an.) ~ I J rn 'orY H'), 'OLULU J"',, n 'I S':I$ I sho"o b: our parllclnauon Amcrlca" All woaltl b~ too nu.

Your B1I,rine.. ClITd Ploced In eneh Ia."p ftyr 26 week. at:

idJ1TNf? (Mini"","" ... , ...... $21 9 LrNEgne UII to 8th line .... $5 per

Add'L LIn'; 'iii> iO 'lSt;' ijn.":: .. I4 ' ~

?t~t prt.~I~y~t~I~~c:. r::: ~,:o \f~::' ~

Greater los Angeles ~

ASIATIC FILMS DISTRIBUTING CO, J apanl!~t Jnd FHi~ino Films for Rtnt

811 II B'cod..., it M4 8-7711

Financial Industrial Fund A Mut .. 1 Fu nd ~"OlJttltt lAg ...

Gtorg. J. 'nag.a1<1 • ',,",10. U ... te 110 N S.n Pedro '(12) 1A4 8.4688

flowers lor Any 0",,,100 • Mtmber FTD Flower View Gardens 4RT ITO Cl3th 'f~r 1000.r)

5149 los F.lfz BIJlI., 110 3·3146

FUJI RWlL DRUGS P,eserIptlon Sjltclallst •

STEPHEN H. OKAYAMA 300 E. l.t SL 021 • MA 8·5197

KIYOSHI D. KAG4WA S,. Undo ... t1ttr O""donul Lifo In.u",.co Co, 01 C.lllf.

Suitt 301. 3460 Wlllhlrt BI,d., L..4 , , OU 5·3211. (rH) EX 8.2854

HEW JAPANESE AIoIERICAH NEWS B1IJ"'Juil Daily - Sabure kid.. publi.htr

345 E. 2nd SL tl2) lolA 4.1495 01 th! ~rob3blY ae. HI ~ • lj' til(' .htr,h~r 111 ci\'ic nUair 5uC'h u the Sl'lma mafOUS to ml-'Illinn.

wh.' ,r C1t

)() h dt rny r,,·e J'lt)~.'( NJ't' in I DI' tru:t f'atr , Sclmn Guc~l L,lY. C"tcdJt must go. h1wC"\'cr. t thC' thl type I fTO'A III ':"$ '" d nlll .lctlltb Ih.~ I sL'""holatshJp to ~l gradunUng .;.an vi Women's Auxiliary, for they ,Ire

r I:'~n claJi. I. rp.gMdlc; oC r,.c". and purtielpa- lite bnckbonc of OJr org II,i?at on.

Smoke Signals DR. ROY M, NISHIKAWA SPI!<I.Ilt11)1j In tonucl Ltns6

, rn ctmg. :-'lanu.'1 G W '<:. II, .,l ''1., H \"all I tinn in Ci\ II D"fcrJ:;~ (Cro'.mn Ob· Eth .. 1 OU.IIno, now :I>1r<. K"n ,I Ta. NII'merle:>1I 1\11\ gt.d to Hel.11I1 Dep".tm.·" D, IIt,1 H, '1th "'rv('I' C<:>r.' I. shiro of the Tulare County ClllP. .. .j. IJ In Y Ill'(' l,t pI t lm .. Divil;lon, told dt.·I~I1:·H· t J tltp lOlh Other majrJr Pl'ojt!'c~ j hu\'~ 1)1! ~' n t{'r. was in-:lrumental in or~~nlz­

mU'lI'atJr.tr., b, r "'.,' R,eHl SriI'm',' CO"':I'~~ th.' JQ. the spons",·.;hlp ot a e\til~n'i\lt> inj( our Women', Auxllbr,' nnn is • (::rl.:.~df ... lLOl t "ak r for.: mmtUlI m' l!,,! panesc chi Jrcn h:l\'~ :ttl.8 ver "~_nt r:la~s Uu-ough the SlJH'na AdUlt one of thet staunchest 01 J.\(:L

;.. y .·':h ',(>llr~rC~""~, I' 100'" c~\'Jtles thaa C""C.lS'dn ehll- &lucation and tho ,'onl. il,ulioL "f: members, Sh" .crvcd <IS Auxlllary , I h • n n,;! k" 'I " m \. r.,,' 'reu " hIS dr ... , 40 Jar •• n".,~ cl1el'ry 'r~cs to !lIC pr~,ldeDt in Ihe Sclm~ Ch~pt.er in

~ .1I'"\.> ml.ng "r fl' ,-, I" ? or 're: 'tc' ~01'1ll • n"ri . The J" 'n~je c:lIlur, ,1 hw (he n<'w ('amp'" ol th,· :!elm., Union 1952. Other Auxtllary prc',;idont, to. RONpLULl~ 1-- Expe{t~h on rl~,e

World's rice supply could be doubled in 1 S years on existing knowledge

'I th • D .3 I k olU - th .. rna er 01 poore't t<'dh, t,c 11.1, III;) the JLgh S hoot. contribution 01 money dat" are Jean :-'1Jyatn.W;;J, Shlzuko I grow ng sal a,t wee . e <u ,,' n I rr \' n{r";~' ,1.1; d Jllp 0_ ' Amett· Cnuc3s13n, 'h~ be'! Thul" "II"lron' IONard the new High 'cho ,\ Alhic· Kol.rashi.19~4 and 10&7, 1I"':n. y". : 0 r most pop~larb C~C8~1 r ~? d In

h Quahf,,~. n c ,pur < nla '(; II'. n hi II men!. ,·xc"pt at thr dl!lnCr ISble. tic Fieldl"3cht.'l'. wl~h ",allp,,,, er mamot<r19,S, Yo :o.lb,,~1-19.,~, " .• n t~e "':'TI~ ~~u I~ C .. oul

e k"th'r Utt_~ I.' unlur c HCR 111 ot.'Icr l<lentic.,I, he ·.Id to a"emble thl: .ll.'lehcr; alld Abe-1958. "'licke), Baba·1959, Kath, !:t y~,ar. w ex.lsi ng uow·

t.11· '"." "'0'11 as In p'lh:" tJJn~ KJU ,aid ~ SUr\' • of SO,Q30 th" contribution or \<\'0 tables anti erme Okal.aki.19GO and Herky V.... ge. t • or !lnlla -n" Hawuli chlHrcn ~r ~.,".l\! "'~I1I~ chairs to the City Par.<. mamoto-19G1. Dr. Na"aJpakkam P ~1.thdsara .•

W' t 'e' A :t, t lr jon d .. '. "~kgr und -h)w .) 1)3rt-Ii.1"''''' I,' The S~lma Chapter ~rccte'l th" thy: Food and Agrlcultur~ OTltalll' E.1 ~d ~, c r " '0" wn.oh Youngster, ho,"" Int> "onO ;"I~h .. st fi,st JACL signs on Hlg',w"~' 99 zatlon ,ot the Uoltoo Nat!'"". rcpr~-

·l~ d "merlc n n mndl.· "\ . ., ~ l deo,,\' ralt' ',m,...,': ;0.: ""i. m 1::-/ rlh and South, shnrl~ 10 tho,. Regl'onal dl'reclor 5entnuve at the 10th Pacll,c Coo. . , .. I !tv In· t Y FIUuln,,,- unll xed Hal\'~1lan \01 oth~r se",'ice clubs of the com. gress, said I",ge . cale mccbnlza.

~ ro.,:.n 1na,. 'l Ie u.~; J In ilt- and Chmc$e munity, lion a.s known in the UnJtc.;i State_.

1 ,:II AI~ -~ t I-g IJ ;\'"'?~I r,<",~~.g :"r:::alt"o ~",,~III't't 'nl"d ~.''.: m~it~~. ~~~~;i~t;"dar:~ll~~~~' ~ Selma Chapter organ,te<\ th<l named to L.A.- ;::l.0ot necessary to achle,'1,! this t~rmmc It 0 n nl!< t' • ""' d lirst Women's Allxilh I'.V In the

... t' d not . v m n.. pp. 1 I I' lI.un of ',11''':' .1":- nc,j CalhoUc srhaol5, h .. , ,I , Central Canrol'nla District C,unci, And Dr. Robert F. Chanclier, dt. • ,·X, .: ur .engl,!, n' con r, n';ent ':anag.!"~ 01 l»onh Rau n~lro till; r"cl~I.!oods are N c mm'llee rector of the newly fOl'med !.nt~!. , c" '- I ) ~ \\' " e Am,: jY.. n arc also \ I~hl~ ~Ir stUl populnr to !lnw'lI, s multi· Lasl Octob"r the Selma Chapter agoya 0 I 1 naHonal Rice Reser,reh Instltu:e '"

Y"·JI' 11 'Ip •• m .( .. ~ m r, ':f1 aled ;h •• t he \\Illl,d rscial population. I'hl< · ... 'Ilt.on celcbraled its 10th Arullv"r.arv. . Ihe Phillpplnes. said "The yields ,r the Ja ncs ..... ",.c,. Zb-

Ok b~;Ot~n ,~~!~ct other ;u~cr~it in dl"t pl'oba')ly ,< ,.,un~s 1('1' the, with a dinner at Bruc~'s Lodj!o! at P ac.ille 5?uthwest regIonal dlrec·1 can be easily doubJed Ir w,,: get

• I.) u th~m· m g .111~, to se~ure .pc. " ) \ i1ryl~g looth d~ '''J' ra.~, umong wbicll time the hsel "","\ber; oI lor Jun HIgashI has be~Jl n.omed (armers to use ordinary good cul--l,r 1o ' • th, ethnic ltToUj.!:. h, <aid lbe cornmuh.'y 70 yeur, '!In over a member of the p~rmancnt L?s tivaUon practices alr<'ady k~own

"".-:1 - Angeles.Nagoya Sister CI!,y C?'n to us." Chandler said io ITaditicl' mittee, ~Iayor Yorty revcl!cl la51 boWld Asia this was ":>articular!), week. difticull to get across," But !Ie

and back bending burd"" oUt 01 rice- !3rmink.

Parthasarath>' said rice "ro.iu~· tion in A -da no...... ranges from. low yield in the tropical bel" to as' low as 800 {y'>und. .n acre 10 around four and f1\'~ thousand pounds aD acre in temperate zones ,'iuch as Japan \'Iht!re modern methods hav .. been in:-oouced to meet small farm situation~.

Chandler said the Philippines Was cho,en by the HO)"keteller and Ford loundation.' as tbe site f.-r the International Rice Instilute be· cause il of(ered a centrally located! place in the A3la ri"e belt "he~e ciimafic, polilical l"d language conditions were (a\".., .. ~u!·~, He s:nd more importantly ":hc:;rc were ar. abundance or coU~~e grad,nte, upon whom we coul::! draw tnr highly competent stalling o( me institute."

234 5 o.l.rd (4) DU 4.7400 ~ ...... """ ... ~~ ... ~

Sacramento ~~ ...... .......,."....~ .....

Histl Dwned

City Center Mofel .12th & D Sts. - GI 3·7478

S"immln9 P~l!oom Phon .. Rd,Ig.",led Alr .CortdltlonlO\l


'FIawffS (e, All Occa,lons'

East Sacramento Nursery AHD nORIST

58111 8. Fol .. m BI.d GL 5.8298

Royal Florist 'WIItn it's besL .. III- by fI ..... rs •• say It willi ours:- Roy Higashln.

2221 • 10lh SL, GI 2·3764

Tru·Time Watch Shop Guannlet<l Repair . Diamond Sptt/a/l4t


1128 • 7111 5'r. GI 2·6781

Wakano-Ura SukiraJri . Cltop Sut)'

Ojl<n 11 • 11. CIostd Monday 2217 • 10111 SL ~ GI 8.6231 Cheay T !u!s~mida I'eaches top rung

in Gle~!~a;er Ariz, health department Carl Rundberg, who repre.;e ,ts I said J,t was imperative "bc~=u-,e

the 11th Councilmanic Distri"!, has our bIggest problem toda," 1.< 10 been namoo chairona n of the r"m· I increase r.'ce product'on !o kup mifte" wht'h alro bas Frank G<>'<a abreast \\~th the !>Op'l!s.lon 11I. and ~1rs. Toy Kanegae, members I erea~e."

Stockton ~ Calif. (human and family ."...... ........... __ ....... ........,.. A A .... ""'"

CLElI.'DALE, ARlZO;oJA - Cherry it had pl.yed such an important 01 the his Qlstr,ct, as committee The subject o( ri'''' was con. TsutslLmida b r lngs an Oricntol role~ tn her O\\n life members. ~idered so im porta,lt to ~ngTes~

I bCIUty and a crisply eCficlCn! .ad. To1ls bc~ ... me h~r Illllor .. ~ ~c Other" initially nam ~d to the business that it eon.umed two min 1st rat ive tnlent to ner Urn\,. or Callforrua (1'001 19,3'05. bQPy are; days "I reports and discussicil in

invited 10 Hollywood I LEH ln ~~~IH

JACL iteak outing 1~ _11_ ~a~ :,,:q~ n sa.:.. ~~~dA 6.:~I:e Nalional J_>'CL president Frank I ~-~- - ~ ~-

Chuman and his family have been Seattle, Wash. ,.,. Tok'lo Topics: by Tamotsu Murayama j"b 3S Diree,",r of the Hellrh Edu· Stu; was grad.ua!ed w!~h a bache-, , Japanese Chamber or Commerce the soU science $e<'lion 01 the invited 10 the HollYWOOd JACL

I ~a!!on division, a post ,ht!', he!d le·r s degree lD thIS Ildd.. of Southern CaUlornla Elji Tana. meeting. It also w~, d,scussed a' steak hake this S.mday at 4. p.m.

Wh G S F ' C F 'he p~st monlh. . Bac~ h~me she told l?apn, or h,!r be; Japan Amerlca' Soeie:.v or length in other sections suc~ &. which will honor the chapter'. ere reaf an rancIscans orne rom Bu in bt'r travels Into the ,dId,. !-nte~tlOn 10 go ,nto fore.'gn ,e~fc"Southern Calilornoa. Victor Cll'l~ c ; weoo control symposiums "'Il,ro :,asebaU pI.yers and coaches at I lot !\ri,.<>na or in ddil't de.lin;, InavlO!:. pa.scod all prelimm~", ~x · Japan Traders' Club Narum; Va. Dr. Alden S. Cr3!:S, Unh'. "I GrilIith Park aTea 4, Just sou:h

,0 a,'If d of me WIth the m'ale bus:ness '.vor'd, sn~ Ilmlnahon~ at the uru;'cr;l.),. n:>; and Consttl Cen~ral 01 J!ll>,Ul, California VI~>cd coo~rol e'pert, ?l the Greek Theater, ~; ,I.;ol's s:~n- Is ~'": inl~r~ ' . asks no "on~e;;lon for lemininlly How~"er, falller "clod ~h" plan, yukio Hasumi. sai~ the art would he!p "TI,te lllrge Also in\llted to the e'.-cnt i,; JIm


ing, f'N ul· rJ,y tor '1\ 1 " \\00 PIC and givtes !lOne. saying she was the V·):lllge.~t and AI'o one member each from th" maJ0rlly of people 'L~ As.a' Irae Higashi, regional office tlirec~or I lr1.nlt t ~ )",ntll th~ ; l!laneS, hJ· · At home in a jee:> or uehind already had "been away too long," LcF' Angeles City &ard or Edu. themsollves of the. d~~dg"r~' of and Cearge Fujiita, coordinating luI') in Amel"l".l. her desk in the stale '.It" build· ~-"aUse 0" the Ja~anc"e fam.l.,' cation Board of Harbor Commis. ha~d or hoe. ,,:'eecling, a eh:>!'" coune.il cbairman. I ., =- y .' •• 1 which was dn\'lDg 'Ilan~' 01 them

• I He 1_0 man' lP..l..!""S. a. O~e inS( annex. Ch"ITY appll'.·5 he" per· tradltk)IJ. Cherry said. I: ne\ier Sl~ners, and the L.A In,ernatlOoa oft the farm to the bi;: ""y. :Io!rs. B!anche O;<amo~.> and Bob L~:rr ~. h'll ol '" l,~~ >r anolller _tudled . .J. u,',1',,1I ,!,O'¥I kno .... ledge of ""I!uru <tiff"f' c.ccurred to her to d,sobey the AU',x>rt .w'll be named. "W c rtainJ,y have to !nlke :he tInJ are in charge 01 the event,

j t m 0;1' HI h S hlY.>1 pn >r to th II' r·.o•e. '<I . (·nces to the probiems of persuad· father's declo,on, He ".n ,,'3s th"l Councilman Rundberg \Va' au· f e village ore a'''act ve 1'" which will hooor the :hl'e~ te~m.

• '1 m;; t) 1.1P East", I, ~ 'el' •. 'stttu· mg peorle to keep nca:th,·. head of t. .... e household. thorlzed Tue,day by the City C o)~ n· ar~. ti ~ I"" A'" d Trollltie3 bave been obtain • .) lor I L. n of Jeammg 011 1'1(' Paclf:c "I155 TsutsumjdR w:ts born in cU to attend a meetin~ 01 -t!('In.: Wor lD, par c ar y lJl !:'l~. an the outstanding pIa.yeTs, ~~.~ordin.:;

w ht t J • C· So she got a Job in S~cret.lry. . 00 • j - the work easier" P~lTtha~arat.h:. ' II ·'1 , Santa )lan .. , Calil. ,,( Slate Wesley BQJ:., > "trlee'l sentatl\1es o( the slstcr CIty pro- said. "And it can DC dOlle ',vlthaot t.o vouth c~,~bairmen J " hn Endo

)1) • r ~Jr ore -, K~r,ek. ·o.Takabl. .1"p"n. out· Her late lather, Soyomat;u T;u· Aiter two months sh" decide-:l to gram with J.apan at P ..... \land , upsetting the economy wit~ .Il out and' ffide lzumo. Gr ,n..! L , It C" - .:.ndmg Imanola1 .X;)"rt ~nd ft· ':umlda. owned and ',er,ll, ... i a ~'Y for the )Ob o( 1l1("I'malwn Ore., Sept. 17 21. m~c:bnofzation. We can unpro',e The father.son games bef o r~ the

1.1 nfin:c '1l!nt.tcr In ., "r,,1 C1?,nets , produc<, farm. But und~r "\m~ri· writer in the state health ';Ol""t-\ The Portland parley well bl'ln~ the tools now be;-,~ used, ~dd steak leed is in cbarge or '\.oshl w > btol,cveJ I", !la.(' $~ ' .d,d at can bw Ihen Orleota;S could nol ment .~nd _,he gol .1. ~get h er J a.panese and U.S. om· some tractors and take the stoop 3himogaki ,


uJwell tlllen B.... IlIgh SdH)ol) uecome citizen". . . . . . Ci,als to discuss va~IOUS aspects of :':';;':"';~;';';'~';"_"'; _____ ;"" __ "';; ___________ .I

In !:'.m f'rand" '0 'I. t Ji . 'lid :.Itat The lather had )'ournc'!etl froon In l;'ns .lob, s~e .got. ~ ,bas dl .~ I SIster C,ty relations. T J<.hd hI did n,.1 complete h~ . educatIOn In the .aruus ILal·h ~ ~ t th~ .'h 'hool. H, ,.1',. Japan alone at the age of 16 to ~ision' and who was who In An., • •

mcnLpnld that ,nt -n"t,~na: ]31\'- join an un de in Callfom'1. Later zona. She wrole, new; r:!~ases and Tulare county NISClI )ur _,I"ea. anr! mil" :.Iter p1'Q cni' hp pIcked h,s wHe from b pictur~ ediled t."c d~partm"n" officlal . r.c. r.,; ro In ,I ",'1! ~ Iwd a Jib m and sbe arriveJ In Amcrica 'lubllcntion. wins nursing award

'.0 C :lnblhh Illeir homl'. ., h Ilh ... ' at .n,· tomc', an,,:h"r Then. she was prnlOo!e;< ea VlSALIA. _ J o 'ce Ichinag' of

When World Wor 11 broke out. ooucahon consultant alia so oJ n . ) .• ,H~nr.r KilIanl, 0:'''' ,t J"pan S '.he Tsutsumlda Iamily •• long ""h 1 ed great dedI about Arizona I Pixley h~s been awarded tour year

r.~ flr· )r)m neill. '-' lmcram sr ... ('ame", Jwusancle: oC J apanese American ear~ a ..,~ 5500 National FoundatIon scholar-~ Tolo'r, Iw,!, II,,' YW)I)(l, H, is cltiz~ns. wt're roun:l~d u;> and SP.lII and.t.; conflictmg ~u"ures , travel· ship in nursing and occuuational

• r"'~ Jekr.T j JA)\\cd ~r 1 iu tc ,,,d .• tlll tm-I to Arizon] to an inte:'nmt!'lt caJnp ing wid:JY lhrOUg~ut ~e. stn~e. ~ therapy, The presentation w a~ s " • de • g~IC ill pn lngr ,"'In' n roky". 'ln Pinal County. In 1958 she agrun r".u, nea to I made bv Robert Moore chairman

- " -lilY. Ihe Uni·,'. of CalHo),II'" a~d ob- of the Tulare C<>un(y ;""i\ 01 the


911 VeDiC(' Blvd., Los Angeles 15 - RJ g..l~ Funeral nioeclors: Seiji Ogala - Eddl.e 1. Shlmabu

Yutaka Kubota

Fukui Mortuary -" ~ 't 'n Io'rful''l .~ no t .• ,,1 I Cherry was just 'evetl 11lcn, but lamoo a ma~tcr's degree III pub· I Foundation. Two other girls also

the City o!!\d CoUII.y ut S~n Fr,1n· ·he. tUl remembers 'h,' dismal lie health eduoation, Dr. Cldren~c I won similar awards

ret -" Judy r. '''':0'<''. t .Jwn nn-'bnrr,,~ks hou.,ing, t"" un"avo)')' Sal,bul')', who resigned as health I Joyee Is the daughter of ;\Ir. (HI(KJ£/S BEAUTY SALON L ". 00. ~ jill ,UC,l "r~1 109 ;;ord... lc.od and Ih" hl!milJal.Jl,:'1 or ;,(,1' commiss!ooer la~t month: named a nd Mr,. J nhn Ichinaga and is a

In lUI" plone 'r d.li , I ,~r,lCr Call· r ar~nts at being. regardd as I»' her to I ,ll the dlrectcrsh.? I graduale of Delano High 'ch )01.

~._ ...... w....,. • "Three Generations 01 Experienc .... t"tcm FUK.UI .IAMBS HAIt-'GAWAI 70'7 Turoer St.. Los Anlele. MA $.S8Z5

:ornru ,,:' our l~rh""'r mldt .. entl~ll enemy a~ents. 10 guldln~ health cducatlnn (li-

r.I ' eontrlbu'iCIl to t. J\I'~n, I "\! w·j.n't ?d lor co,ld.rn A' torts, Chcrt'Y's policy is 1(0 hl'''. N' 'U hi' .nd"." I dS '::ell a. ~~~ ~~lVed~~~:;ala~~s~e~~Pt~:~: ~~P~~~~~~, h~',,"seur;~~n~/~~v:!'i';~ r 15el p 0 5ten ng

I good" ,'/1<' recalle:!. of a well rounded statt. I Reslytlng. Rebuilding • Repairing , Cherry "helv recogn!,es thai She say. Arizona's bi.1.gc,1 prob. , hind<t((ht I always clc:tr~r n an~' 10m Is the lack of tr lind prole'. KIKI CRAFT I 'rlsi$ and <) doo.n'\ re~lJ1 anv sionals in the henltherviec and I

Dltterness. too low salnrlcs to aUI,let c')mpe~ I I Arter three 'enr' in th·, comp, tenL l)e()plc trom othe~ 'to~es.

"'" ty Ao~·,:mtnl. HE (,·0724


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rOT Thing. Japanes.

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~he famflk:; were ft. .. ·h, •• l .('1-'. ~.hc:

,f'r u~. ~ \lmjda3 b("mg the l.l ~t to 1 ka',c Having lo.t th"lr c,,;rrorn", ,rarm. they t1ccted to scllie In

FIF declares 103rd consecutive di~idend




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"lOf' 01 "'h Pkt'hec\ C., rid QI pll.~·up bUh 0"(- tnt! fOf IIJ ',dur. f1t.~ 1n~,Hm.IJ:nt pav .. orll It m h n $0% /10 tmb."u&m.nr or Uolt ."~'-I dt~~ "'"al's Clu"k. '-G~fttOUS_ and

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Thpu hilI' ra Ih!'r ()bla IOCr! a Imall pl'orIur.e {arm a",\ Ch, ... ry ,·nlm·cd the c,'cnth gr."le at lilt'r. t,I,Ilc Elem"nt~ry SC,10 ,I, So)'o. mtlUU pt'ou'dh' bf.'":".am.: fin Aml'ri· ';jn dh,r...., n III 1953, t.W I ,)'(ta:'s .1 rtt r

I !fle Ill'" .... dS chang,..j

At ~:.,rlh Phoen,x I h S~h .... ,I. C'hfOrry pr,)·tf4..'d an I'lC"ellc It .... tu .. Jeot. wlnnin~ ,ch{J! .f hi .turf bk ..

Ilnll 1, l"aner hlp < " in .~hoo: I tlctivi4("S

Int, rc ted jn v.:rftifiJ. (c",k louTnall.n, c"ur,' t "1,r'.h Wgh lind later ilt Ph,,,'~' < ('Ollell", :1hc wa n VI, L'<IttoJ' 'I t ,lh .- 'h -,I ""pcTJ

I But all th, 11m". Ih,' l'ln, olN';Jly enr,m .cd ill thc ubl,.,'t or lot-.r. n!'ltwnal 1('·,tlon I n dUfftl'J

When in Elko

On Aug. :U,' the S250 million f'lnancinl Induslrlal Fund, lnr, dc· c\IIred Its l03rd cOD~ecu·.h 'e q"ar· tcrly div!dend of $0.026 h,m in· ve·tment Income. Algo :lnnoun,'cd wac r~alil.ed oupllal gal"" tn b,' II trlbuh-d at the r!lle of SO.IIG

pc.,. Fir' shAre, Both dlslrlbutions ar" pavable Sept. 18 to th,' Fund' , morl) than 120,001] shar"hold~rs of rt'cortl AUK. 31, It W.l.< announcd by 1.0. Angule dl.lrict co·m.n· "~C1'l Georg~ Inngakl nnd :o.hlJO U",nlu.

The currenl dividend dl>trohu· tlon wtll IImount to over :n,290,OOO n,tal In .... tmunt Income \IYld"n~

tor th,.. PII t t ,I,.'! h'c m(Jn~h~ ha ,I t; IImounted II, SU 101 Pt'r Ih~r', jllr

n tolnl or m~rlJ thUll 55 millioll,

Stop at the Friendly Stockmen's


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322 "0 " St., Sacramento 1<1

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>tOM ES • . :. :. 1 N'SURANC r • , '" 1 II'" '

Ont of the LAfJt'J1 le1eeUou 1Ia$l: 3Ul!~ W. IIlnrly RA ,·Uft Wl:t ~t: ZU:l \V. Jd[t"t50D 1\8 l-u!l

John 1) Salt" &\ AssoolUea

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' 20 E. 1, ( St., Los ,lngtltl

Phone Ordel's Taken

MA 4·2953 -S'lPport I •• 1 Story ProJecl



Page 3: pacificcitizen.org...", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka ED -MOe Confab Comments MfMBERSHIP PUBLICATION: JA PANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUI C CIT ZE Ther arc t nnd else .where

3-PACIFIC CITIZEN Frid~y , Sept, B, 1961

By Bill Hosokawa

Venice-Culver (Ify Japanese American communiiy Gvercomej great odds to be re-established f early M)'orv recalled

Froid ,he

Frying Pan

Denver, Colo.


to rememoer the hungI',l' 'thirties-it's distressing hoI\' many

people aren I-you probably had hlO. three or a half doze~

J'isei friends who packed a spare shift anll bought thirCl

class passage for Yo 'ohama. Tbey were searching for some­

Ihmg, and it \\'3sn'l alway fame and ,fortune.

orne I\ere looking for an educahon. ome wanted no

more than a Job. -orne went at the insistence of parents

\\ ho felt thaI opportunity awaited in the ancestral home·

land_opportunity that was denied in the United . tates to

Ameri<ans \\'jth Oriental faces. And of cour e some Just went

10 visit relati"es and gi\'e the old country the once·over,

Whatever the indilidual reasons, 1 think it can be saicl

\\'itb hOlle,,'y Ill"t most OJ Ihe travelers were looking in part

for a society in which they would be accepted without social

or economic rrejudk". where racial craracteristics would not

bl' 3 handicap, where they would not stand out 111 the crowd.

..\. number of the Nisei (ound what they were looking

for Olhers discovered that racial kinship was not enough

-tbal their American education, tastes and outlook made

them Forever strangers in the ancestral land, And so they

hurried home to America if they could, or stayed reluctantly

if [or one reason or another they could not.

For most J 'isei the problem of whether to seek their

future in Japan ceased to exist on Pear) Harbor Day. Since

then the decline of discrinunation against them and the open­

ing of the doors of opportunity is a matter of history .

* BLACK AMERICANS-All the above came to mind again

the other day when 1 picked up an old. ell' Yorker maga­

zine in a waiting room, IWhere else does one find old maga­

zines~l It wa the :\Iay 13, 1961, issue, and in it was a lengthy

report about :unerican Negroes in the young natio~s of

\Vest AirIca,

So far only a relative handful of them have gone back

to their anceslIal homeland. Practically all, says the author.

Harold R. Isaacs, "had come looking for freedom from racism

and prejudice. or at least for a racial situation that counted

them in insteld of out-that provided solace and a sense

of identity in a world where anyone was black, They had

also looked for a chance to share in the new pride of achieve­

ment stemming from the black man's reassertion of himself

and his 'African per.sonality',

"In ' .... est Africa. in a small way and for a short time,

the 1 egro pilgrim can find some of this. But it does not last

long-hardly past the first flush of the sensation of being

in a place where tlie white man is not master, Almost invari­

aoly, Ihe Negro pilgrim in Africa soon finds himself not

free at all. more tban ever without solace and a sense of

identity. fighting new patterns of prejudice, and suffering

the pangs of a new kind of outsiderness.

• • • • "He had thought that he was alien in America, but be

discovers that he is much more alien in Africa. Whether he

likes it or not he is American, and in Africa he becomes an


One young man went to Africa to see if there was any

relief from the anger he carried in his heart against Amer·

ica and tbe whole world of white men. This is what h e foUnd:

"I came to Airica feeUng like a brother, but there I was, I was not a brother. 1 was not Senegalese or Nigerian or Ghz­

naian. 1 was American, an American Negro from an Anglo­

Saxon cultuTe, or as much of it as filtered down to me, de­

termining what I am. what I think, what 1 feel. I could come

back, and color might not be a problem. but I would always

be an out.~ider coming in,"

Soon the AmE'ri~Jr NegrI> finds himself resenting loss

of idnntit·, as all Ami'rican.

FULFILMENT-There are as many dissimilarities as

parallels between the plight of lhe American Negro seeking

his identity in Africa am,' the Nisei in .Japan , But the experi·

ence or the 1 'C'gro is ~omething the Nisei can understand

with depl!l and sympathy Soon the American Negro must

find fullilment in his native land, even as the Nisei have.


\',~ICl·.Cllh tl·r C,tv rcs-idrtlts oj Japnnt"se tlJl("csrTll UI"rt" plt'(Ul'd

r"ccllrlv r" /i"d a "nl/-roar dc­l'otl'cI to ,,he locn! Japoflr.'lt! Arn­l~ricQn comnwnifll in till' Cur· ,,,'. City Slnr Neu,.. /r .• writ .. r D"Il"b J<>plin had corllacl"d the JACL rllapr,'r Jor nul.lOnec 0" tht- f"'OL,,r(' pubU.$Jwd JIWl' 15.

BY DE:'<r.II1- .JOP(,IN "lor·. t\\l~- 3.nltuuTd \\'rUcr "

CUI",'r City On C~nlln"la Boul~I"II'1i ju; b~­

low Vonicc Boulevard. tilC!1'!" k a group 01 9tor~ •. oHie," nnd nUr· serlcs wllb .i~()s prlnted in ~nt!. Ush and Japan" (' sCllpl. These bulldlngs form thc nuclcu. 01 thc .. I npnnc. e ,\murteMi comlnunUy In

thl> Venice·Culver City nr,.1 Tht..... cummunit.v 1.; b 'J U n d c d

roughly by the occall nntl Sepul· veda Boulev;)rd. ani by \onl<o and Jelfersolt l3oul(',·onl.. Tole peo~!c who make u;> the J.lp:m,S(, communI!,)' range from the old gl!Jleration. whieh hns k~pl 01"" t:i~s with its Japanese culture. tu Ihe youngsters who dre;., nct and tl1lnk "American"

Among tl1e <?arly setll 'r; ot the L. Bollona Vallev were Ih,' Issei who ('3IllC as Sllgar bOl't f.lrmcrs and then turned to celery (armIng as the lnnd was d1scove7cd to be good lor that crop, Later, tun!!us dlsease and com(letitlon irom Flo· rida hurt tbe larming industry, Then land value weill up and sub­divIsions encroached on the larm land, Some 01 th" larmers lI)"ved 10 Oxnard 01' to Ventura. but m.,sl of them stayed on and "'C1t lr.t.o some other occupation.

Belore World Wnr IT Ihere IV""" about 100 Nisei lamfIle. In thi$ area, but since then the nwnber has increasod t.o about 5.10 Illml!les,

One reason Cor thl! inCfl.!'ll:i.a lS

tl1a! persons from Southern Cnlllor­nia who were in WQ~lu War n relocation camps spru3d word of the merits 01 tl1ls r<,gllln to olher Japanese famllle. In tl1a camps,

Many from Se.utl;! and Norlhern CaUIornia who 11 • ..t tost tileil' lann. during the war heard 01 lhe oppor \unities Jor '",ork hc-iC and d~cided to settle in Soutbem CaIUornla be­cau~e it docsn'l raquir~ capita] and, of course, the climnte is Id~aJ for that occupation,

Nearlv S4oo.ooo.ooD in land was lost by Japanese Americans at tne time 01 their evacu.ticn to relr. cation camps. Tbe (arm, were put up for sale and 111 many cases opporlunists bought them (or a Iraetion of tl1eir real value, Th;s was partly remedied alter the war when the gov~rnment return'Jd S125.ooo.000 t.o those who had sur· fered losses.

T'ne compensation from tl1e gov­ernment and the passage o~ a naturali2ation law for Japlr.ese immigrants were largely due to. the efforts 01 the JACL IJapanese

,,>-\mllricnn Chizl'n~ Lt!-41{U' \. £111 or ~nnlzQllon whkb work, I" cl\'1l rillhL. lor U ,So ellllen. 1.11 1'.1-Ot:OC(, nnm.' try , Primnry JlllTjto!a vi

JACL I to make It, memher • "'nrc 01 thl·ir ""spon '. lolll It" J: olUzen. 01 the contmllllHy "nu lh" notion,

Accordln~ 10 O,or/lc [Il' I!okl. vicc·preddcnt I't J.\C}" Uw t.r'"ani· zation lobbbd I" W.I III:l,.lon, D.C. tv gel thi! W:lf D 3'p \L't -ntml II

'pen tI", dr.llt 10 t.l~ Nt 'i This wn nccom;lIL.h.,r! in I~U , .4 11 ulI· ~Il.t'l combot t';lm, tile ~ ' 12nd, I'ID'

e,tubll.hed ,",I ,t dJ<UtI,{u ,o"d !\­seU In (ir:h'ln~ in Tt l l,\' ulld lOll lh­ern F'l'ul1cc. -\ conshJ~r'lble num­ber or m(On In lhl..; 'H'C,l ;))'.~ amOll~

Ih" 10,000 NL.cl vcternn, oi eombal In Europe and Ul~ Po ~Ihl". whC'~'(:

they wen' u.·cd in int..!l1i~;encc and Intcrl'l'ettug,

For ~xample, Ike MU"Jo)C:I 01 Culver City and !/lur 01 hi, lIve broUlel's volunteel'c'<l for mlllt.ll; service, Four of them louVllt with Ule 442nd: onQ WO!; l(Hlt~u, one l'C·

celved the Silver St~l'. on> Ihe Legion of Mertt nnd .tU received the Purple Hearl.

SUU a cel'taln amount o( prejU' dice toward tl1c J JP1Ue,,~ .\ "\lerl· caDs lln~PI'cd alter th~ wur, To counter lhls. 011 eflort was Illnde to get awa.I' Irom thIng • .]apnt1c,e And to emphasize their Ameriodll way or Ute. "As a 1·1;:5U.t:) snys Inagoki, Uthe averng~ Nlsl!i does not know RS much noou!' JUj>onc:e culture a, people cxr.,ct twn 10 know. More tl1an 80 ~'2r cent can· not rend <>1' write JapllleMe,"

One of the reo. illS rQr ihe operation "f the Jal>~l\esc 1,all­guate School I~ to Ifive the YOW11I­er generation some lW\,1w)eoJc or tl1eir cullllrul heritage and lr.n­!luage, 'file school, on Braddock Dr;"e, holds classes C\'ct; S':U1'­day !rom 9 a.m, to :!:30 ;).11'. 1M 170 students.

II is one ot the operations of the Japanese CommUllh1 Ct2n .. (·1"

which a130 sponsors the Judo Club and a flower arrangement class.

Chicago linkste~s await big tourney

CmCAGO. - Chicago Nisei goU­ers are now anxiously w Ilti:l,!! lor the Sept. 10 ieeoU ume t?r the All·City Chicago Goll '::uUDcil lucr· nament al beautiful 51. Andrews Country Club.

A labulous trophy ha , been do­naLed by the Cons ul Geneml '~hich will be presented ~t tLte oanquct that eveniug at G !"II!,

This is the tournament of the

year as lar as Ni~ei goll~rs are concerned and In t ere s t among them Is reported high.

High rate of Japanese youth suicides linked 10 "Examination Hell"

HONOLULU, - Possibility or a [<>r men alter 40 jumpeu to 62 connection between the high rate ner hundred thousand, of suicide. among Japanese youlh . DeVos .said competitive pres· and the "examination hell' tl1ey sures on youth could possibly Pal' must endure t.o gain entrance to tiaUy account for some suicides good schools was suggested by a but "the lact such social conditious Yale psychiatrist in his report to exist, however. is not sufficient t.o the 10tl1 Pacific Science Cong,-ess ,,:<plain the suicide rate." . TOr WO$

meeting here this past week, tl1e theory that Japan as a nathm Ezra S, Vogel. Yale Universily "seems unclear as t.o where it :s

psychiatrist. based hi. findings on goIng." fleld studies eonducted In Japan DeVos said it couldn't be bl.'med during 1959·60, on big city Iffe frustrations . either,

Vogel said the "crucial enll'anoe He said Ule great majority o( sui­examination is whal counts in Ja- oides in Japan were among ia,m pan. Once In. you are accepted. hoys. Then you have it made tor nre. He said "it also is necessary to You don't even have to get guod recognize that suicide has been grades to be assured 01 a good traditionally in Japan a condoned image," fol'Il\ of behavior,

Thus. Vogel said, "the suicide "As such it does nol have the rate and tl1e period 01 d~ICl'mina- type of sanctions 01 hOTTO" and tion 01 an entire career seems to relection that have been more colnclde" in Japan. characteristic in reaction t.o this

Dr, George A, DeVos, lInivprsity acl in the west. So it therelore of Callfornla Japanese sl"dleJ cen- is more psychologically avaUable teT. told the symposium 01 J apa· t.o Japanese youth," nese cuI I u r a I and personallly Cites Molher Complox trends since World War II. Vogel suggested that the "in-

"By 1959. suicide In Japan h"d tense motl1er-child" relationships become lhe single most comlllon from childhood to adulthood might ;ource 01 death lor Indlvldunls UTl- be a iactor In the male suilllde jer 30" alter having been ,eco .. d rate because 01 a bullt·up gullt to tuberculosis for many years, he complex OVer falling to lJve up to said. expectations,

DeVo, saId suicides in Jap~n 01 Dr. Takeo Dol, chleC p;ychiatrlr.t men under 30 "has now reach.'<l at St. Luke's Hospital, Tl)kl·O. s~lcI. the astounding .taUstic 01 SO per a "dosire to be loved Is the· most hundred thousand" •• comlJJl'ed universal emotion" In Jap,nes" with 36 per hundred (housand, in term "amse" meaning "to depend 1920 and 40 per hundred thoU',lOd Rnd presume upOn somebody at ,;'s

Bonded Commission MeTchants In 1050, benevolence." Wh 1 I F'ts d V t bl JIIghest in World Dol said "Japan as " whoh' still

- 0 esa e rID an ege a es - Nowhere else in the world wa. i.' searching for somctntug Ih,l It

929.943 S. Sin Pedro St. MA 5-2101 the under 30 male suidlde l '~.~ so ebn identlfy with" alt"l' losing the hIgh, DeVos sajd, dUng JI lor Emperor as a god·llke Imllge, He

Los Angeles 15 Finland, 21 for Au.tI'ia alld 25 tor said anolher dcflnilhn of "a mae"

r _....:===~=::;;:::=::::::::=======:::====::::==~D: e :n:m~a~r~k::. , ~w~h~ e~r ~e~h:.e~ s~a ~ld~ ! ~h~ U ~r ~:t~e ~1 WOuld be "to induce bdng tr,ken care 0(.11

Dol stlld no olher Inngua!Jl! seem· cd t.o have a sIngle word to cover the condItion. but thflt he nbo

AUTUMN SALE had tound the symptom and n 1_

Utude In Amerlcn and "Isewbf'rc.

Hel"n f:iln. prcfildc!ll or t h r !\Ioth,'r Cluh CI' Iho .Inr,.""'_, Llln­gun!!c School soy. Ihe llnw .. r ;oT'

r.tngl'ml'ul clo.)s and l;Cl'tlMl hU\'f;; t'nucuslnn u.~ well ~I JiAl'nnc ~L'

members . In addition 10 UIP"", Ihe r .... m­

munlty hos u FIshllllt ClIO. a nnr· dOlling Club .• 1nd ~c Communlly Youtl1 Coullcil ",hi 'h trgun:l,',; i'thl~tlc progr:]rn" lor chlldrl'" ;mel t(·ona.it{'r~. The Youth Council usc., :'vlilrlnu del Roy .1 !:lint' H I ~ n 8chOCI)'·; pln)'IU'Ound whtar,,· ontl cnll pc as ,many Os :~iJ( baNebilll

g;lInes In JlrrJgre~~; a f_ onr Um(', 'l'he l"mphn.J on youth rro"lmn.s

in the Jnpanc::.e community :-t­rIeets the <ollcern oJ th ud'JII. lor thl' new A'eneraU" .. , Shl oyn<hl Mlyo~hl. pr .. ddent ul th,' Venice Jnpanese Communf·y Center. ~1y!.

a morn purpO!iC of hI!' of,qUtll7.n· lwn', lunell"".! i. to build g",od ~Itlzen$ among Ihe J ap,neJC Am~r­lcan youth.

The Japanes" A-n"ri~nn' br'r" hnve not yet been tl'oubled much 'wltl1 juvenile dellnqucncy. BUI a; lnnJlukl aI'S, "Th" community l. acutely Inlerested in Ihe k 'n~I!"r We wonl to avoid ev<,.. hnvlng lhot problem, That' •. I'hy we have 'I) many plograms tu: the your.;; people,"

A qulok glimpse. of the In;>ancse Aml'ricon children In iocal ale· mentnry schools wOIJld "cern to in· dlcate thaI the older 1l""~I'atl"n has llWe to fear III 1'c<tad to future dellnquency, A gootl ma"y children ot Japan".;e ancestry gc t.o tl1e Short Avenue Elementary School.

Mrs. Caroline Blackmon, princi­pal. "ays the dceply-root ~d respecl (or autl10rlty at home is rcner.tc·d In Ihe I'espect tl1ese ~hllellel1 how tor school.

"They are mo:;t co pl!rative," she observed, "They ,,".ve a hlgh sense of academic V:L.Ul!S, and thc inner drive lor academic a,:hie\'e· ment doesn't bave to be m'lti\'ated by the school; it is g~ tner! m theIr home b'alnlng and their basic philosophy 01 lile.

"I do not tbmk 01 the Japllne. ~

pupils as separ&le bu: as n I'" I't d the whole grour-," sbe added, "They do not lorm separ'lte IIroups among themselv$s. The,v a"~ wull accepted and they 'l:ccpt eJerYOl)e (;'L~e."

Inaeakl ,ays he th!nks J ,p~nn .

resident; of thls re~io .. have met less prejudirr in t'l~ir elf"!'t. to find work th&D most Ot.'~i; nl!no .. :tv groups. A~ide from th03~ who arc in gardening or ()~h ~'r busin~ssps.

quite a Ie\',' are engineers) Dl"rhi~

teets. de .. t i<ts and doctors, ~lJ"y N i s e i. especially wom~n, have lound gond jobs in (:,e civil sen·lee and as privale scc'retaries <'r reo ceptionists,

Fowler J4C1 slates 'Issei testimonial on 10lh anniversary

FRESNO, - The American Loyal­ly League, Fresno chapter of thp­J' ACL. has decided that the 1'>oog­nitian dinner for the pion"er Is;ei Of this area \vould be held. sub­j'ect to the approval of the r.hunh board, at the new Fresno Buddhist Hall, Hugo Kazato will be ch .. ir· man,

This magnificent new builtH,lg \vill be completed in Octo:'"r a l an estimated cosl of 5200,00).

This event will take pllC" at 5;30 p,m, Sunday evening. Nov. 12.

The honored guests will be all Issei, 65 yeal's of ,,{e or old"r, who came to the United Stat~s

before 1925. and who now reslde i:n the jurisdictional area o( the American Loyalty League.

The following committees were appolnled:

Ken Mayeda, Mike !watsubo, ass I. ehmn.; Lily Suda, sec,; Ben Nakamura, fin,; Dr, Henry Kaza­to, Mike Iwalsubo. b1nquet pro­gram; Dr. Robert Yabuno. Jall1~s

Kubota, gen. arrangements: Mrs. Sophy Ozaki, recep.; K<!n ·lI1ayeda, Masao Araki, entertainlnen.; l'rt'd Hlrasuna, pub,; Jill Ishik3W~ sou· venir program: Nancy SlIdn. dec,; Jack H a r a d a, Hiram GO,va Iransp; Mrs. Shiro Ego, !'iIrs, Chest~r Oji, John Kubotl, Inv.; 01'. Henry KalJto, lieke!s; and Dr. Otto Suda, George Umamolo, cleanup,

Toyo Printing Co. Offsel - Lelterpress - lIn.typlng


MAdIson 6-8153

KADO'S Completo LIM of Oriental Foods: Tofu

Age, Maguro and S~a Bass . Free O.IIycry In City· UN 2-0658

3:l10 FCllkeU, Detroit. l\lich.

RAFU BUSSAN CO. 8225 Sunset Blvd" Hollywood - Ol 6·f'50


344 East 1st Street, Los Angeles MA 8-3837 SAN KWO LOW


Stock Reduction Sale. Bi 9 Bargains And Savings

On Hundreds Of Itoms.



228 Ent FIrat Stroet • L.os Angeles· MA 4-2075

SWALLEY'S RESTAURANT Why nat 1,M'" VOllr ,,,',rt bam/llet wW, w?

tINI'!''l' JJ~J;lS'I/';:~8 ,~ \,);JW.~.zgl rllIOI:S

C LL AN 8-0881 1 1~ 1I S. BoylO AVI· .. Los Anll'olM '\011089 .."onr HRAnS

Rey Maeno to study for foreign ervice on U.S. scholarship Roy Maeno lcav"~ thl e weel<' f'Jr

HonolUlu wh~re h, .... ill .:u(I" ,,' the Ullh'cr,lty 01 Haw.lli lor t-.,'o ym~r under n 9cholur",Mp flran! Irom tl1e U.s. Stllte D ~p, Il 'I, m unt .

Ma"no. 23, I. th,· ""n "f M,. lind ~lrs. John Macno. HI1 COJn-

1'1l>led on" yc~r at USC bw .choot but abo.e to ,'ntcr the fielr! 01 Inlornntlonol low and dl')'um"i'Y Illstend 01 Joinln/! hIs (ath,'r in lhe legal proC,·sslon.

The grant incillde, all t".Yel "nd living e~pens". (or two yellrs Itlld ·tudy tilur o( Japan '1U'1 A';lutlc countries before hIs re'u:'Il.

Thl, advanced p.raduar,' work I. assigned In Univcr Ity 01 1I0N •• Il·, Inlernntlonal Coll"liIe ,nd it re· contly est"bllshed En,t-W,o.~ CCrl'

l"r (or Cultural and Technical in­terchange.

A graduate 01 Occldcn!~1 (,~l1eg."

he has a ma:vtcrl.!\ deUf'!e in in­ternational ",lations Irem Clare· mont gradUate schoot.

Maeno In his u"'I('r~raduJte work at Ox), w," It~ WO Il·nnls player 101' three ,years nnd won many honors In Ihe !JI " .. -t JllegiJte forensics,

Fresno wins state

Nisei Ball crown

with Mayhew win LOD!. - The Fresno team won the annual Stotc Nisei b,se!)oU toumament on Monday Ly defeot· ing Mayhew 16-2 lor lis tl1lrd straight victory in the toum a m~nr.

Mayhew went int.o the lin"L by delea tillg lhe LI'1 T·}kio Giants of Los Angeles 13·8.

The Giants went intn a 7.0 lead in the first Inning In the Mayhe-w game, but their op"onents e3mc back with 5 runs i.'1 ~h ~ serond, 1 in the third inning and sc"en in the seventh Wng t.o win. The Giants managed to score a run in the filial inning,

Gable Matsumura ,tarte:1 lur (;1<'

Giani. and was relided by Yo­• hilo Kido and Yo;h Arimn

Fresno pitcher Fr~nk Hashimoto went the di~tance in wmnln!! t'1-:~

champIonship. Fresno gained tbe Ilnals by taking Ga.cte'tm 111-1 !l1

the lirst round and PIncer 4-1 in t.'>e semi.

Mayhew also defeatoo the Nisei Trading 01 Los Ao.gale~, ;;.4 in the opening game, :Mako 'r,.him:l of Trading thrilleit Ihe lans b/ hitti!lg two home runs.

Hollywood JACL holds cage signup Signup [or the Hollywood JACL

;';1 i d get and .Junior ba sk~lba!l

teams for the 1961-1962 Comm:l!lity

Youth Council seaSon was held on T'nursday evening, Sept. 1 at 8 p,m. at ihe Hollywood C~mmil­

nity Center, 2939 :.\fiddlebllry SI. At that Bme, lhe chapter's youth

co-chairman Joh.'l Endo also met with parents and explalned the program.

Plans fer 8 splash party is beiug

planned by tl1e baseball coaches to climax tl1e hectic year fur the players. The Hollywood ~,lidget

Aye team copped th~ CYC Aye

loop and wound up as consolation champs In the Gardena FOR lour·






Quallty Available at YOM Favorite SLtO(Jplng Cenler



.. -............. -...... -................ -.......... ~ .. .



ASSOCIATION -Complele Insurance Proleellon-

AIHARA INS. AGY. Alhnrn.O",atsu-KakILl 114 S. 5." Pedro. MA 8-9041

ANSON T, FUJIOKA, Room 206 :H2 E. lSI, MA 6·4393, AN 3·1109

FUNAKOSHt IllS. AGY. FlIn~k",~I,

Mon.ka-M.sunak", 218 S. San Pedro MA 6·5275. HO Z·740~

HIROHATA INS. AGY., 3S4 E. ~It MA 0·1215, AT 7-8605

HIROTO INS. AGY, 318', E. lIt MA 4-0758. NO 1-0439

INOUYE INS, AGY .. Norw.lk-15029 Syl'MlVooli Av' .. UN 4-5774

TOM T, ITO, Pn."deM-669 0., Monte SY ~·7189 . MU 1·4411

MINORU 'NIX' NAGATA, Monterey Pnrk-1 ~q7 Rock H.wen, fiN 8-4554

SA'TO INS. MY., 3&6 E ht 51. MA 9-1425, NO 5·6797

~~~ .... ------------.. --..

ED YAMAMOTO, "one moo. ch"ptcr" from Mc.s .. Lake, Wash" who pled"t~d [or ~Imsel! and his I"'~i parents (all lite 1000 cJub­bers) the slim ",r $1,000 towards the 1"*' StOl)" at Ihe Oregon meeting or the PNWDC m"etinl( las\ Sunday. is shown wHh Frank Hattori. Nationul '000 Club chairman; aud J,m MatS1Jokn, '62 Convention gener,,1 chairman at tl1a Windser Hotel's Hawaiian banquet room n the PNWDC meeting last Sunday.

"" Northwest Picture: by Elmer Ogawa Sea',!l"

Once again bad the plea.,urc to i1ltend a PN::>C meeilng 9'

Ol'cohom, Oregon, lut Sundol By now have attended se"eral in Seat­tle, one in Tacoma. and the ':'vbe, Lake confab loot winter, Each one. especially those to which we h 1<1 to travel. ha , left us wIth the teeling that the time and e(l,,.t were welJ spent; w.:n an ~rlward

feebng or exhillratlon and 3 boost to me morale,

are reminded that Ed and h" l.lSol parent, have tw"n Life 1000 Club m"mber5 tor several yeaTS. The ,'tay·at·home ("mil.... ct)f",ish 01 Edward ;o.L 10d h!. motl1er and lather, ~rrs. Mal'lu. lnd Mr. Tom ShojI. One br"'.h~r Floyd ...,~s a member ')1 Ih~ s.,..in~ B,mbers, the Nbel Bowllnll! learn which lirst drew nntlonal at!eation In 1S4~. to the ABC "whlle$ only" d!,c.iml­nation claUJe. A "('~!h!'· brother. I belle .. ·e, W~5 the on" tl1at ,1J,cov­ered and brough: :0 ti,e a~I'llItfon

of Ihe J l,CL tl1e lac tl1at !he State 01 Idaho bas. a 11'\1 which pl'Ohlbll< per,on< 01 ":.\I.mgelian ance~try" the right to vcte. Iun tor oltlce or t.o "ervl: as luran, The referendum lor ra""al will appear vn ',he Ida ho lJ)(j~ haUnt.

Tne June 30. orll!lnal dab r.f the meeting. had been pu$tponeo because 01 the h'lwl that S ... ttl'ite. eo.,ld not attend on the Op<!Oll1l'

dales of Spalair, with t,.e noat in the Grand Parade, t,;o n'! 01 hon odori ;"0 ol.!iciatc. "'~C. Then late last. Salurday eveDlO~ wh.,,~ Tak Kuoota cal"'d and sdld tl11t E<I is !lie oach",,,,· of tl1e family tl1e Seattle delegd'iu. W3. 'Illl WOj sta'" at hOff,e .... 1ll1 h" par­short because 01 V.1Clt:ons. ".e ents In Moses Lake and v;>erates chucked oth"r plans I1ml jo:ncd lbe EI Ronoho ~,Io,~1. :Mose' L'.1ke Tak on the Sunday morninc: plane L about 190 mil~s ~a 01 Se":",, to Portland. The bu, .. gUY had to -a good ~'ing (or m·':.:lrJl1 JACL­catch a 4:30 returnin:, (i:;h~ to cr. to remember wbe;] !hey are attend a ::'>1:.:'01"5 Con!e' "nce bar.. SeatUc·",und in ;.6:; 100"2 quet; the speaker, gu~st Ge,'er- One ineldent in conn~ction with nor Rockeleller, the meeting that .... ~ all rcmem-

The availability of lola S .. :ow t~ b.:'. and he came in IN a lot attcnd Ihese district ''<lUnOnS I; of kidding bl<:,-P,,'1)C chairman somelhing that we all c, n be George Azurnaoo Is a fir" Duff . thankful for. He ex,,!~ine \ the We WeT" all proce~djnz In several signlficaIlce and the pro!:l:"ms c::>r.. cars to the ver), scrumptious itt!3k nee ted with galherin ~ th 2 Is. i dinner tor lunch .. ,' up by the Story to the 27 ddegatt::i p!etent_ ho~t Gresham-Troutdl\l~ chaptex


His eloquence was Cl),wincins: and or Jack pucrudl. Suddenly" "Nowhere is tl1ere suen a docu· dense dou. <>f smoke mushroomed mental history-the pubJ: c should I into the sky on the outski~ts .. I know of the Issei co'l~;ibut:Qn :.0 Gresium. "'ben tb..: car I was America-we owe a trIbute to OJr I riding passed the scene I debated "are-nts-and to show '0 aU !'Imeri- ;0 myself whetl1er t.o ask t!le driver ~2ns. OUI apPT~cjBtion for our }.l:.h- ~ stop for r the ~nefit of m,]

ents." Speed Graphic. Th~ fir" WB spea-10 aLtendance with the gyoup ta~u1ar from, a jlictori:,1 stand·

was a dedlcau:d CL"r wh'~m we pomt, but ununpo,·t<lD~ l!1 regard I' t ~. Se til'· ~.< t " . t.o monetary 10s5. Det'.ded not to Irs ffi\:10 lfl a e a..,...su a. e~J ~ sboot because it \'. a~' still 1.1 miles

ago wheo. he came '? help us· III to the nearest daily. Th~ FD badnt several. phases conne~t"d. I~'I~ the llrived and th~=" W'!re onlv ;; or Ann-Alien Land Law [zulla"v",,: I G persons watchtng the fire "'lIFn our_ one man chap,.!r f"'~ II!,,,e: ';\'e pa.;sed. What I d::ln t no~ce Lake. Ed Yamamoto. Aft:r .. ea'-I!lIld soon beard abollt [rom the lIlg the st.ory 01 how ,ne ,\\'0 others was the fa"t tha: GeorgE' banks and several n.llaJ!la

1 .• , ~.rnm- I was ahead o( us in the early

ment J ACLer: caeil v r u; up d a gro"p-rlght up clos~. mouth open, grand to the 1.se1 Star • b~ pledoed I and almost eating tlJo> sm. ok~. Only tbe same, thing 1 know is IDat George mn>"t

Later, Ed remind"d me Ib:>t ha'le waited unt'J the volunteer. ao..1>iliing he does :, a family pUI i, out. be:au.e he "':l~ ::.l)e project. not just tl1e dnings of last to arrive at tl;e rest.aurar t the "one. man chap"r." Readers for lunch.

E.c/l DepOllllnsund Up ro $10.000

lIembar F«I.w D.po,1I In'l/f4JIN CorpontlClf J


way for


save .. •



-e4- Sutter Stroet Sa"; F'1lnclaco 20, C.Ofomla'

I &01 ~w... UoCI so. .lAJrrr.f '(010 LUDtHA ... IQ. wtSf'Ullit


• • • , -. Dean Witter & Co.

50 West Adams St., Chicago, III.

RAndolph 6-7200

Mcmber of New York Stock Exchange If: olher principal exchange.


Page 4: pacificcitizen.org...", Washington Newsletter: by Mike Mauoka ED -MOe Confab Comments MfMBERSHIP PUBLICATION: JA PANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUI C CIT ZE Ther arc t nnd else .where

4-PACIFIC CITIZEN Friday, S.pt. 8, 1961

Architect Learn 1 000 Apt. Trade Secrets CLUB 1\\' TOOIII K \ ;\Z \\\ \

Now York

N f ~ rDm Ih" drawIng banrd 01 o e5 C'OI'II" C;cntoku ShlmA",oto come blu"pl'llIl lor th" rcnllullon 01 drellm •. ~o . pilI kvol dreum. but dream l co tlnll million. 'Tho loll'ol

• '.It/<ln.,I.IACI. Hl'ai,"mrl~r 5 Ihl will cost. qUA .. ter 01 :I billion Wl'l"k nekno" Icdgl.:d J~ Ilt!W nnd dollnrs to put Into -tee! .-.nd con· rellc.,.1 m"mb,'r5hlp In th., 1000 I CHtC. All will be dl Ilncll"" I,,.· Club 10' Ihtl tlc .. nd hall of Augu I ture. 01 Ihe Iremendous lac,,-lIIl1ng

<II r member hlp tor Aug 31 thol New York City I, unde .. g<>-1.401··,. drop "I II Irom Inll 31

T.llltTt.L~TII , I: \It

~~~in; ' !lI~ 1 ,,1ft °l~hn T SI,ItU. lIton Lon uluJ K,," V""hlda

rll.\ tSlll ' F')t ,Mile HI Jam... Jm.tant PIIU.Il'h.'lphtA JtI<-k K 0 Will . Wuhlnl'1ulI . 0 ( tluc: Taka ••

TF:NTII "f: \R

f·;!~~'~ ~k~o,,' "l'IiTIl , -t: \It

G.lnJ,"oa \I.111(1) Ron.lId I ~I\luukl.

• . Utlllil '". ~ ,u S"JllIh - Jam('- ., :\lctUuoka. Chlt.".Co - Paul T St·to D C - John Y Yll hlno

SE'"."'T II \. h ,\lt 1)0\\ nto'" n I. "nneh, tiC' H. AkU.1

\'allll 1M! KIVo ,f()tnda o C Mre £U: .. bC'lh Mun,t.1 -l l.out Dr :\1 •. IQ Oiunoto

Mr himnmoto, ol former rt~S·

dr-nt or San F'r:tnei.sco, I. nn aSSt)­clo\<' 01 Kcllv & Gruzen In char 'e oC Urban Renewal and 1I0u!llni/ The flrm's lale.1 mujor und~rtilk­Ing will be the conslructlon of Litho Centrol City 10 be built above Ihe Nl'W Y rk C,'nlral ra,l­road t ... ck.> on lhl' We.1 SI ie. The p .. ojecl '-' und,·.. :\1r Shlmltmola' supervision.

:::=~:.:.._________________________ ~?~L~~"\\ c~u~t~ ri~"t \'f:t:I':!~~ 01

Lllho Cenlral I being pon.orcd b~' Ihe Amul~omal"d Llthogrnl'h· en oC America. Locol I. Edw·"d Swn"buck, prc Ident. II I. 1"0-VO·iL-'<I a nn economically ~mt..'"

/lrntcd, seU-sumclenl "ommu"II'{ pl'O\ldinll hou sing for 25.000 11<:01'·.·. II will hltve lulf commllluly. "dll-


• • •

t\( Tit \ . t: \Jt ell",. v II ~'r"'n" 1( ttlhlno Venl("\.~·Cul c c: r4t' T. ttodn .'"nfL"' \ Pt, In .lInt;, II·.CO Kndalnb .-"Un3.1 \' 11".\ . uk £ T11rdJt.

... ·t ll \ t: \u 1 ,\ Shlr Ibn J{/ll:llUmD

Mike Masaoka I I I

'Continued from Ironl pagel

appear cl for Sc~t Ie in m02. Dl'-11'011 In 1964 . and San DIego ir. 1966.

01 TOG.\S.\KI. e,leemc'(\ or glnl:311onol ddel' ·1.,lcmon who '.q nne M thc foundcl' of thp JACL movement In Ihe late Iwen· hre: and who Is r,!ft'roo :t!' th

Consul Genera! Hasumi donates $100 to Japanese American Community Servo

"Alexander HamUn'," 01 the or­ganization because 01 his conlrlbu· tions to de\'eloplng the finanCIal resources In the early day, 0'

national development. was a \\el­come ~urprise guest Irom San

1I0oorabie Yuk <' H

In a conference ..... J .\CS lead­en, the Con.;u1 Gfon • I d 'dared, "It IS rea urUlg Itnu ... that an orpnlzallOa 5U_h,' J \<:5 has ~.n e.' 'Dlub-t. I .. , 0 jC :uves wllltb will ~ervc 10 m~t thr in­aca Ing problcm 01 a g:OOllllg community.

• I wwld III<" 10 p,nicular'y urge Jr I 5el to app»rt~" mem­benhJl' drhe 01 JACS !nce thl~ orgaDlZJltlon 13 Ji ..... tcC:,' develol>­In« a program II' ,,~ the wei­fa rt' and bealth need 01 our agej In cooper.twn With Ih.· f1lamber

R~cial Bias Ruling

In Nevad~ Reversed CARSO_' CITY "- A y <'.­,IDO operator Tuuod llUII'y of rOCI I dllmm.n .1Ie;n mat be pUn" bed by the Nevada Gamlnr Commls on. Atty Gm Rnger FOlpy d F:-.­day In re>er 1 of ~ prev.oU$ opUUt.n

Fo," 1.11" j>TeJudi-e on gambling Ind the reque t ot the NUlIon.t1 Aloe.­ell n for the dv Cobred People 5 La. I r ft said a _ Tdrch on the que n "Wol-

I eoncl -Ion_"

Fol y said h t~If'1/ 0' !lie legal problem h~d (Oe," :lned hIm the 1959 Gamlni Cont<ol Act

.ne<:! enoulh IJulbority.

Ur.d r tile broad la .... ll" a'''. the eomrnl Jon may d e:::> 1\ an lilt "I.able m hod 01 (, ~lIon for a " m at: IIr.en e to d. '''m.n~!~ ai In t perlO !l<-CdUSC 01 c ,lor or croro

f Commerce. J -\C~ and ol.,er Francisco In his capacity as 1:-:nmunt\y orGantz",llons_" nance chairman of Ihe Hi slory 01

'\amoto added. toat JA~ ad- Frank HattorI. National 1000 _ I the Japanese in America p.-ojeel

vance mrunber bl,> drl\'e IS now Club Chairman. c h ar m e d the (·nterlng I third '·leek. and those Whing Dinlt participants with his "I hUlg to make ;, Mnlrlbutlan are commentaries. ~specialJy those in

sked 10 send lh~,,:,. 10_ Ihe JACS his "fractured Nisei-esc". H" did oillce a! 1815. Redcld S, • Lo.>.n- much to genera Ie an "On t" Seat­gele 2". Calif. tie" spirit lor the :.Iatlo!lnl Con-

Engle to preside at aged confab in Los Angeles

'· ... ollon to be hold there next sum­mer. with Ihe annual Sealalr and the Century 21st WorldFair as side attractions.

And. Ihe Inlermis<lon pn'erlaincr al the Sayonara Ball. a native Minnesolan 01 J apanes" anci Fin· nish anceslry. brought d('wo tbe house wIth his wi.zardry on the accord ian and his acc..>mpli,;hcd,

W HJXGTO~. !) C Senalor prolesslonal artislry as comedia n Cia" Engle Il).Clld. j '.\,111 prt',ide and musician. at field hearing ot a S'lbc'Omittee I . AS AT the rec"r.1 mc Conven­ot th(· Senale ->8- ,~I Comll'Ittee lion In Pocalello. Idaho, the YOUlh on ACing to be :-t~1<1 in Lus An- dominated over Ih· L,bor Da)' gcles un Oct. 24. weekend. wilh more ' ban a hU:J­

dred regislered fOl' the Jr. J ACL program 01 activiti" •. They added the sparkle a nd th" e'lthuslasm that served 10 Inspire the older delegates.

'Th" CaWornl3 Senalrr Slid 'he hearing will c \ c:' lede" .. 1 ond .!ate actlvltieo in the field o{ aging and Ihal ~Int officla~ •. or­garuzal!onal repre:J~"!.8li\"e~ anti scnJor dllzens '_,em ~:\'e~ WIll be In. ilA!d to le,UiY.

Senalor Engle' ~I·J Ihe mornmg hours wlU includo Ie • ",ony lrO!" C liforma olficlat.. in ~harge 01 ~ rograms alfecUn,: .. Ider cillzen. and (.om poke m, n for org:.ni::.oo "roui> of .enlor _

In the aflernoon, .ctlng on be­'loll 01 tile lu:. ,-It '" COlJlmitl·.c df "hie Sen"tor Pat ~lc'lamalJ

04l\h.:-h. t rs ('halrmrtn~ Senator Eng:" will hear te. timen" ',f In­

"',vldu,J eitlz~n, th~m.e.·,e",

Though not org.1nized into a Jr. JACL district council. the Connn­lion served 10 empha~i," the need lor such an "IMation. 'JIJI~I­

IOwners were dom.dled in dorm i­torips on the Univ.:>-rsitv of ;\lan· nesola campus_ fhc hosl youth club. Ihe )llIlneaj>Oli~ CommunIty Youth Council. nas a. It>· aOle chairman a Chlnl! ~c Amt!ricao. Richard Luke.

Greal c"'(lit Is Oll'~ te; co-ohalr­men Tomu Ko:ob.I." '101 and DI' Sunpey Kuramoto "ml I h ~ mem­bers of Ihe Con'; tllio~ Board. a. ..... ell 9$ 10 Twln CIties United

"I want L> hear ~'h It our enlor Citizen, League president Ted :via­..: .. Uzens tb~m clve, hd"-ot: to :-.i,lV L uyama Clnd his chapter member ... , about whal they 11111". I th~ pro • • r ,for spon.'oring the well plannc<l. ro e 01 government In dealinll .... It" orgamzed. and execuk-d conVel1-Ihe muIUlude .. ' pr,,~I.m -hul co .. - lion that was relaxed, Ir",~dly. Iront O",T older ~'fJ,)le'" he said. and heart·warming in atmo~pherc.

though clock-work In Its opera­tions. "Of cour e .... C' vallJl! th~ test-l­

mon" of expert wllne se"'orklng In the 1i,·ld. Sc.13lor gn~le s~! d "But. we also wanl \J) talk U;

n or citIzens :"l"m.lel\'e:"

Scr,1tor Engle " Calilornl,,·. rL'1)rei"nlauvc on thr Sl'nt\~c S;:Jt:~

cal Comm,Uec "n ,\~Ing which 81 C IDbll hed ,,' lie .. thl. ye r Further delDlI on 'he tim ~nd

plac~ 01 the Lo. ,\ngel's h"aring w'lI be ann(jullc d In the nuxI tew WCtoY..I.

This :.1inne"polis Convention will go do .... n m JACL annal a: among th( be. t of Ihose held on ,he d.I·lrl council level .

ArTER lh~ Convention proP<'~ wa. over. on Labar Day morning . :-<allonal .JACL President Frank Cbuman of Lo. Angeles conven.d asp e c I a I, unofficial Nntionul Board meelinll 10 consider maUer­of concern to th~ Notional Organ,. Ulhon. Attending thaI 'esalc.:l were Pdt Okura, Iir.1 nollonal vlo:c pre ,_ Ident {rom Omaha. Nebr."~ka. Ku­meo Yoshlnorl, naUonal Irca'Urer trom Chicago. Hallur!. N"llonal 1000 Club Ch.lrman. Shig W.ka­mat u. Immedlale p;J I N 11I01UJ1 Pre,ldent alltO Irom Chi e ago. F'ronk SnknmolO 01 Chlc'II0 an1 John Yo hlno of Wa hlnilton. DC" ncwly elocled chairmen c.t Ihp :.1ld4C t lind r,,, I .. rn dl:tncI COIlIt­('tis. r .. pecllvely, and Jo., K.d ... ' .... kl lind Bill :l.lnrul.lnl ot Cleve lind nnel PhIlHdpl"M.1. r., po~I·.'e· Iy. chaIrmen lor th,· ,. : NO til trlct c<>uncll dllrln)! Ih,' P" I blPnnlum. ='I ... tlonal Olrertor l\fu S:Uow (rom Sun ~-ra",,1 "0 ~.'" W 1 hlngfln Reprt ,·nl.i.II",(: 1ikf'l ~f.1 ft ,I I) ~ II Nrre ubo PH6 ('Ill

R1 .. c utt· n( thr ¥ rcut ,".tt.'(('5' In 'h, HI tory fir t,le J P.1llt" I' 10 Amerie" I''''je. I Cr, T S~,)It:.11 vak ',1, 8 Jr &1 lon ... rulctot dJrt'cu,I', Dr G ,Ilyo I hIJ.. from fil 've 11

11 ,Int , WIIl'on "in. 1'1r1 'r"CI'u"'I\rI.

fa nee tfJtrHllill'o ( II ,'rrfl WI II J

.. ~rUdp I~,I,

1lJonol, Wl'Uart! .1Ild commer lal f""lIl1ie, on u 35-"c,,, It· ere.lt·:I :>y Ihe leasing of «.r rlghl. lover the trnC'k.~ of thl' ="~~\' York Ccn. Iral Rallroad's GOII, Streel freighl yard tl·acks.

Located w",t of L,neol" Center. '1 ",II exlend Crom ~'Jlh to 70th "Jlreet. J.ulTull,,1 to the \V ~sL Side >lighway. Tbe cost IS esl'lnnt<'<I a l ,250.000.000 .

It is the hope :>1 Ih' unloll. lccordlng to Mr Swoyuuck. to :omplement the cultural oasIS 01 ~incoln Cenler. The project is to ,nclude schools. ho".;os 01 wor. h,,,. 1 graphic arts center and nrUsts' ;Iudlos

"Our goal" :lIr Swaybuck .;ald. "are homes lor 25.000 people with • range 01 carryIng charges Irom ;26 10 $36 per room POI' month. rhls would permit working men. reUred pensIoner. aoo.! othcr mid­ile income groupS to rcaliz~ melll nousing within their Inc 0 m e range."

Mr. Shimamolo. who was born ·n Japan but brought up in thn oounlt)'. Is a natural~rd clhzer.. He lives In Wesl New York on :he New J ersey bank of lhe Hud­;on because he gOI llrcd 01 look­IIlg at black asphalt anti wanld to gIve bls childrcn breathing space.

However, he does nol live in B private huuse but 1,1 an aparl­ment becau..e he wan Is ~) learu 01 aparlment dwelle r.' p .. ilblen:. at first hand. This helps him Incor­porale practical living designs into apartment projects which ne is asked to blueprint.

His phUosophy Is cor.lain~ in an article by Helen S!ix '''hich lYe reprint Irom the Aug. 16 Issue of the Herald Tribune.

BY HARRIET snx George Shlmamoto Is an archi­

lect who. from the ivory low"r 01 an apa rtment In New Jersey. looks across Ihe river al Manha :­tan and wonders "why'"

He appreciates this man-made island-and he has made pal': of it himsel l But at the same time be recogni.ze. that it is hldeou51v congested. that for blocks th ~ only spot of green wlU be fake IVY IrallIng from a window box.

He moved his family out of Manhallan. he says. beca'J.e he got sick a nd tired of looking at black pavement. He wanted his two daughlers to have a chance to at least glimpse something green and growing and to have some place besides the s treet 10 play.

He chooses to continue living in an aparlment for what he c~lI~

"tbe obvious reason-Io know how people live there. Oth.!I·wl.>e !low can I cure the ailmenw'!"

Mr. ShlmamolO is presentlv working on Ihree mIddle-income cooperative housing devel~pment •• which ara going up under the auspIces 01 the Fund lor Urban Improvement, a non-pro/It outfit.

The basic leeling hll want< to create In all 01 Ihem is one of neighborliness.

This he has done in va.rious ways. In Luna Park, nt.'ilf Coney Island. he has deslgn<d five wind­mill-shaped buildings Clc01 wllh lour wings Iwenty slOrl~s high There arc only four dl>a.rtmen:s on each floor. so evp.ryon~ has a corner and no one can get Ihal rabbit-warren teeHng.

The ccnlral core 01 eden buiJd­Ing Is a hundred-tool-I ... ng terrace, or "Sidewalk in Ihe sky" <m each noor Al the back of th~ lerrace are lhtl elevators. stairways nod Incinerator chu tes. 'The Iront looks oul over Ihe ocean. Mr. Shlmamo-10 hope.; Ihat the ienanL, will bring oUI their deck chair': here on flne days. u.e It ror alnnlil the bubl... He poln~ oul th.1 whcn women have 10 /10 len IOrles down to do Inls. all 100

often they jusl don'l UJth .... Older children will plJ' thcre ·.

too .. 0 a fine curlain 01 . Ialnles:. Iccl mesh rcaches Ir",n 1I00r 10


Mr Shlmamolo nys "Unlllrtu. nately In thl. country WI! hove lalk>d to ('(Iucilte our l'hlidr,'n 10 b.hDve. In Europl·. wjwr' Iher~

I: no lenc,· poople r"Collnlztl dan­ger lind ~cl ,Iccordlnilly

Al thl' bock of Ihe " Idewnlk" concrl'le preca, I IIrlll.'" wIll 01 0 r<'"rh floor to ceIling The'" lire

both dl'corallV<' and luncuoMI In th" I Ih,·.v will bl'cak lilt' Slrhll~ ,'.1 bTI-j'lt'" Wind tunnel tel'tl Wlrl

made t.1) I ' lnbJl h h.,\\· In .. I' t!1 Qvcnfnal hould bt-nnrt lhf'n' Wll tmalhe-r rac,or tnvo l\'(' I In duttJr mlnlnJ( Ihl

:'.!r Shlm.lmol .. '1' "It I 1.1' 1'1'1 lll~ hu· ... , Jim .. n .1 lI),h'r 1 chll(, c,'n .tlck hI h,·.,d 1,,10,. Wu W"',\,

10 dl.co.Tnll'· Ihl In~ "

lind 01 0 cllmo·

'I'lIere I·' opnoe In Ihe '>uJld'nll ror community room" l.mndrlc5. for it co·opt·rullve HUl'. l'ry 0" dtJy CJlre cl'nler Bul Mr Shtm"moto b cow,lInR on hi, ·lde\,/ulk. In the sky to be ouxlllnry cummunll)' centers on a humon !liCD.~'

Lunn Park I su rrounde I by c;reen And In o"olher p .. ojecl. :'>11 Shhnamoto ho. de:lgneJ " gardelt II . econd floor level UlIlJurnealh will bl! parklnll spnc~.

lie L, v~ry lond o( bllronlc_'i, whIch he ICJls Idealll' hould b,· no smaller thon "'1 n by ten ref.1t-blll enough ttJ hay II !ililnd· bax In the corner In on,· 01 the oroje~b he 1< workIng nn. Chalha'TI 'rowe," In DivI sion Slrool. he ha s deslgn<>d "Indoor holeo:>le, ' A:t Ihi. mean. reaUy I, Ih .. t Ihen Is no panltlon bet,'/cr, Ihe living room nnd balcony. Sliding glolS Jour.. arc set lJy Ih,' .. "lIInrl< 10 keep the oUldoor. oulsld" when necc ~ "ary

Mr Shlm"molo 'y. Ih.ll his own apartment !I-!ju.1 hu" gIven him a numbor 01 )lol hU·.e.' he ocllevc:-. can be.: ellmln.lted no mat,. ler how budget-m:n,kd th,· h"i1d­crs arc. Some 01 Ih~nt-I n uflleic,,1 clo. el spilce. lack of In"ullliion be­tween aparlmenl.. I n a '1 e q u ute work pace In the kllchen. poor design whIch makes tho livIng room a corridor to bedroom.. On~ problem for whIch he IllS nol yet come up wilh a solutloll: how 10 design an elevnlor so Ihat children \\ill Dol delace It.

But he does believe thaI young people will respect som"thuli Ihal Is good and Iresh and menIally stimulating. He poin's out Ihal some 01 our new 3chool.. which are beautiful. do Itol have the usual problems of lalldali:>m. Pre­sumably when a .. ully ueautlful elevator Is designed, It will Slop there too.

Mr. Shlmamolo Is recogniz.ed on both sides of the Pacific. Educated al California Technical College, where be received his B'lchelor 01 CIvil Engineering Degree 10 192;. hc Is speclal cons'III.II.t 10 t"e Architeclural Inslllute 01 J apan. He is also licensed 10 practice ar­chitecture in that country.

In the U.S. be Is a F'ell"w ul Ihe American Sociely. of ClvU En­gineering and a member of the New York Cbapler of Ihe Ameri­can Instltule of Archlte~.

Before the war, from 1~:19"'0 h ~ served as Tecbnical Consultant to the Colden Gate Jnler~ation :d Ex­pe~ition Authority In S~n Fran­cisco. During World War J[ he was asslstanl Projecl Engineer for Ibe War Reloca tion Autinl'll.v. Dr·­partment of the Interior. Utah, In cbarge 01 design. con sl:ucllo~ and maintenance.

These included low rent, middle income and privalely spo n sor~ d

housing. He direcled the first Re­development Project to hz unde:­laken in the East under the 1949 Housing Act.

He also represented the firm In the design and Construcllon (If the $30.000,000 Family Housing (Cape­hart) project at the P !at1;~b ur ;: h AFB. N.Y .• one 01 the largesl Air Force Housing Projects in th.a U.S.

In 19S9 he traveled exlensiveh­as a member of a specia l hous ing lour visiting and inspeclll,g the rc­newal and housing probl~ms 01 eleven European countr'e.;.

He has written severa I articles relating to coUecUve IivlOg.

Last spr,ing I\e made an p.xtended lour 01 Japan at the tnvilation of Japanese archilects and urban re­newal oUlcials. The trIP was also made in connection wi!h Ihe pla,l­nlng of a proposed J ap~IIe.-;" tourist center to be erecled i:l upslate New York.

A reglslered archlt~cl and li­censed prolessibnal engine~r in the stale of N.J .• be Js 3 member of the:

New J ersey Society 01 Archl­lecls; National Assn . 01 Hou.lng a nd Redevelopment Offlcilis . Ur­ban Land Instilute; Am<:ncan Con­crete Institute; the Soclell' 01 American MllIlary En gin~er$' .. nd the Architeclural League or :.lew York.

Oran(le County JACL plans talent show in mid-November

ORANGE COUNTY.-Thc Orange CounlY JACL Chapler. under tn~ chairmanship of Mrs. Karlc Alhn­ra. wlU plan, manage and produce a professional type talent show In mid-November.

All who have abilities 01 e nl ~r­lalnment value, arc asked to con­lacl Mrs. Karie Alharn at LE 9-5210 lor appearnnces on t he show. Mr~. Karle Alharn. as Karle Shlndo toured Ihc Unllc<l States and HawaII wIth the MiUs Brolhers. sang wIth Harry James band, and recorded with LIonel Hampton.

She has also mode several ma­lion plelures and recorded mnnv \Veil known platters with h ~r ':>l'Other. Tok Shlhdo, ot Capllol Record.

Fowler JACL names scholarship winner

FOWf.,ER - Michlyu Taniguchi. c1aughl"r 01 Mr. and Mr, Sunltlo I'nnlRuchl. bocllmc the winner 01 he 1!lG1 F'owler J ACL cholll"lclp ,I Ih~ Jocol hl/lh school Ilrlldlllltlon ,·xerolse. She rec,'lved .100 rrom he ch~pt"r

Rl'nl T uchlguehl. d·'"l1hll·r 01 \11 Y T. uchlleuchl, w .. Ih· It·

Iplcnl 01 Cenlrnl C ,hro"niu 01-rlci rOllnrJl '125 chohr hi" nnel ,2!)o I' ()wl"'I' Llolt Clu J S~holRt


"" Living with JACL: by Saburo Kido

first Nisei Lobbyist Part VIJ/ ; ontluucc.1

An arUrle which apPcllrl'd In thr mpg,,,lnc l"lbll. h.·d by Ih,' Mo onie urdor 01 New York called "The Vlgilnnl " "Ivp.. , review 01 the ~ntlre Slocum alory In relallon 10 the IIghl In Congre" to grdr,1 nnluroll7';llIon privilege. undl'r lhc 1111,· of "A Broken Promi e."' Ex­corpt. are a. follow. '

• _ A vcry /0:00 I fdend 01

ours, To$c:utnro N Slocum. l Jnpu ...

nt!.:C:. came to th! cO:JlIl,. at .. nc

age of l<!"O. He wa lni: (!d b~.' an

Amerlcnn lomlly and h.' .Idople I their numc .. Hc hUd th . .' greal"·t

rcsp"cl and admiration lor hi. fosler parent> and lor Am('rica

He longed 10 beoome an "merlcan

clUzen. bul our law.' prevcnt.:d

that To our mind. ." we ha,'" come 10 known hIm. h" W"., RnJ

.IUI Is a far b~Ll"r cllIl.(·" th.~n

many who enjoy Ihl! Ir.lnchl""

Along came our cnlr.v Inlo In. war In 1917 The draft aCt Went Inlo operation. bUI all .1I.·n. were ex em pi from crvlce andp.: il. Our frIend. howeve ... did nJI hesl­laic 10 joIn the color. '.nd "erve<! In Ihe Elghly Sec<>nd Olv15lon . In

IDC makes Record I I

I Continued from Iront page)

Tbell It was time for ,h sppaker ollhe evening. "Mr. JACL .. oilier­wise. Mike Masaoka. JACL repre­.entatlve In \Va. hlnglon .

For sheer "rcsenta!:"n DI what palriotism Involves dnd how cill­zenship is earned, (ev' nave bctt(Or underslandlng ..... acUlly 01 expres­sion than he.

He congratulated Ihe h ear~r;

with havIng won acc"'>llnce as citizens and for hav inz proven their patriotism_ "Bul now thaI you have a rrived how :10 you t"pl aboul other minorllles." he .aid.

What about the struggle of the Negro for citizenship?

"Are you willing '0 _tand up and be counled" he a.l:ed.

He recounled how d'Jrlng \\,:u­lime he knew the inside of a Louisiana jail and knew how il WillS to have a howiillg mob on the outside clamoring for hiS blood

"How do the Negro", lecl' Whal is happening to the Ireedom rider once happened to u;_ How many of us in their tlmc "I Il'3vail or in Ihe time of travail of an. ... olher minority group are willL'lg 10 make our voices heard?

"Let us never forjl!et that thc7e were Americans wbo in our hou: ot darkness lighted ~e palb for us.

"Are you willing to e><1c·od !!> every other American the right;; of citizenship thaI you now de­mand? Are you willing 10 light to extend it It> aU oth.. Ameri­cans?"

He recounled bow duriJlg Ibe ;ate war J apanese American dnd ~"llrO American troops were denied the rlgbt to eat with other American lroops while the enemy. German prisoners~(-\Var sat at th~ table

He reciled bow discnrr ination remains in America; the discrimi­nation in Colorado employment laws. the miscegenation law in Utah ; the alien land h,v In Was~_­Ington ; the anti-MongOlian law I'ro­hibiting the right 01 non-Callca· sians to vote or ser ..... e on juri~~

in Idaho. the repeal af which will be voted on in the next g~neral


" Regardless of wh~1 ol h ~rs may say. do the right lhinl(. There \\'3S

only one Buddha : there lVas ,.nly one Christ: there ar..! 'n the N~llion only 25.000 Quakers. !)"I all have had an influence ~1I1 o[ 311 I>ropor­tion to their "umbers," he con­cluded.

To at least one ob.'i~rvcr who always has taka'l his citi.ze.lship lor granted along with the circum­stance of ha'/in3 '>ee:J barn wi!!1 a Hght skin, l~le- ron(~r"'n.:e W3:.;

an enlightening experience.

Here were people wbo knew what It meant to b~ holed, who had proven themsel"e< to be rili­zens 01 the high~;t order. 'l'h<y combined pride 10 an::~stry with pride In their 9ccomplishmonts They knew how tl)dr clliz~nsllip

had been bought.

How many of the rest of u, do'

Fugetsu-Do Confectioner'll

W E . Flnt St .. Ln. Anlroles U MA 5-8595

I and ~.lur"II'alloD. Th, Hon . Sam­uel Dick'teln 01 1'.''N y.,rk b Chairman '.f thl. Comm'H"" nn I on April 2lrd Mr. Lei •• Bill wn. given a hearing b .. ",,, thls Com­mlttec. Our Irl.ntl ·Tokl .. · wo, pn enl and Ii: till .. d . A leiter I .... m Ihe Editor of tho '!lgll,nl 10 the Hon Dlc:kotoln. In pupper t 01 tJt bill was r ead. He 'lV' th ,t he has every hoPe tllll I1vor',ble ~c' tion wlU be laken al Ihls c3;1"", 01 Con~re ..

:'Slnc<: the abov wn " .. nll~n mlghly llood np",. ha. come fr(Ton Wuhlogton. On .run~ 2:;th Pre I_ denl Roo.e,·elt IR' 2d lito )lYe-Le. BUI granting Al'!'erlcln C'U'I!n:hIJ'l 10 aboul 500 Orlenhi who '~ rvr.d bonorabl - WIth the Am. r I •• n armed force . durln~ th,· Wor!;1 War A copy of the Wa hln~'''n PO,I 01 Jun(' 30 ~how a r(ond

Tokularo N_ Slocum 1 !Ize pic lure 01 our Iflont! ·Toki.-and In 1I- write-up. the Po~1 note

Ihe same regimen I .. tho lam" 15 thaI. 'much 01 the Eucce3S toward S .. rg",'nt York 01 T cnnc. ee. H" a~hlevl ng Ihe enactmenl nl the. was the only Orlenl,,1 .eql'c~nll law" attrIbutable to Toklr Slocllm major In Ihe A.E.F. lof North Dakota. a n lll\,' >on .. r

"In 1918 Congress palled an a t Japan. who emilCra!pri wllh h I 'provldlng that any arl'n ,,~o rarenl· .. to Ihe Unll" 1 Sioles III servrd honorably with :he color. NOO4• taking up re. ldrnc.' In :.1m"t. should. Jub)ecl to ccrl.I." IImlta- th~ Dakota He was educated In lions, be ~ntllk-d 10 n3turlllz3tion,' Unlv~bllc <cboo!:·. Awl .,1 Ihe Qultc n nllmber 01 cerllllc:1lt .• ,.f lumbia slllt!$ of :Wlnne~la ~nd Cn­naluroll7.allon were gnnled under Ma' r FIe served ai. Serge.,1 thIs act to aliens. who w~, ,olher- yo~ of Tthe same oulht ~. ~~t_ wis" ineligible 10 cllll'" hIP. b .. mg pated In u."~ne"s~e. t and parlJ~l­Chinese or Japan~se m ,.:Iv_ Final- 01 the !l4eU5e-~~o~neenf~It~;r I' Iy Ibe malter came berorc Ihe a weU a. in .everal othe ~ ~ ~ • U S. Supreme Court. wherl'by • r e c.rs deCision Was rendered to Ihp df<'ct " " :~e all Ibal. '11 Was not the m!crotlon of • ay. aod we ·t.tnd po' Ihls act to grant clti;<"n ,t.lp to upon this. that America no' galn<·d Ihose Ineligible. under ~ur law," fh loyal !IOn m Tokle·. 'lile·elore. Therefore Iho;e certltlcates which e ~Uant sends Greeting:. and had been granled. in end.ng th .. 1 ~~~ta~n:r/caO Cltiz.en 'Tokle' SIo-01 our trlend Slocum "'l're Invali-' n Citizen. Man. ~Ia dated Our friend 'To':ip,' aJ .'e son, Gentleman. and Scholar" call him, had gloriou Iy and lin-I We are not gOlDg InIO <:,C t!~­.el/lshly earned his mo_t ~h~rlEh!d taIls of how he WOn over Ihe de. ire. promised him by :I,e r.~~t leaders ofthe American Le~lon nation 01 America. onlv ,0 j'Le and the Veteran: of Foreign W~'" It taken away from him I bow the resoluhon was pa>led In

.. . the national conventions whioh , Th~ only way. no·... open t" r meant that the power anll 10-Tokie to obtalO hIS A., .... rlc-.n c:t·- I fluence of these two grou"" pushed

zenshlp lay through r..Jr,~r"'; eJl-1 the bill 10 passage. acting another law or pecial act :w h be • that would grant the., O"~nlll~ • uc more can . wrlUen abc.u. who .erved with the color. anj the story of thts period ",h'eh ~'a< who slill reside '''''. Ihe "rlvil~ e the real foundation tor the 1",.1 of being natorallz>J g I push In Conaress

~ . It took many years tor th> prr-"Our f r i end ., . ." cr~ 1f~lIell; paraUon; but since the 6I'Oun~­

beaten. but unbow\<c. f!~cdll h,. work wa. ,0 well "repared. ev(!'\

had been a good "nldi~r H.a could the California Joint Immis(l'ati".l not falbom SO grr2t a 'o'mlrv 3< Committee Was not able 10 bltXk ours running out O:l 1 pro'lli'e the passage-. After aU, when U. 10 a few alien.. wh" nad lI\'ed two most powerful groups coml"'­up to Iheir part of Ihe bargaIn. ing this committee wa. in flVII', There musl be 3 WW to 'eclllY lbe rest could not ~ on the thl.; mislake_ He realIZed the ~ol; opposing side.

way toward a re'n-'<ll lay ID or- ==============". duly . action. rea;on and apP2al. He dId not sit by the wa)"sid~ C LAS S I FIE DAD S and cry. He slar:,'<i 0'11 nimseU and has Spenl ,e\'e~ years going aU over the counl:y at a s,c.!rice 10 time and poslli .. 'l. ;0 cnlist the aid of the American Legion. Vet­erans 01 Forei)m Wars :md olher bodies 10 have I,,; suggeslions approved. and a bt!l introduc~d

Into Congress. P~:'h'". iew \\ill know the privations ~nd .etbacks be has put up with c, accom;:f.Jsh­ing Ibis

"Finally Congres""lan Clarence F Lea of Callfor'lia iatrodu.::ed a bill known as HR 1170 .• nd U.S. Senator Gerald _ -yc "I )Ior!h Da­kota a similar !Jill kn'''''n a< S 2508. These bills Wore relerred to the Committee 0" Imrr.igratlon

Sop •. a (P,ldoy)

&ltea~r:.m~:!;le Bow~lZ~ M~';'.ID~ p.m.

PblladelphJa - Board meeUD8 Dr

~~v.J;<YO~:g~~lta~::nchnn!~ ~~ Satow, SpkT,

Oranse co~~t · 9_(~~t\·:;~ Jap.n..., Presbyterian Church, WlntenbW'lf:. 2 p.m.

RoUywood S.~ lJ'te~tWtg:k!. GrIftlU "Park Are:. 4 3 D.m

D Z'~estd~C::~3mp~~~' Yosh YosbJ-

Sopt. 1% (Tuud"'Y)

~~s tn~~~~J~.rer~i~~~Un.& Opl. U (Frltloy)

S~¥i~h\\~Wt L.'iaoo &OO~~l:la::;rg:f..· 7 .30 p .m.: Frank Kamlmura. lnsL

Sept. l6 (Sarur·day) Long 8e3ch - General meettne. San Diego - , FamUy bowling toumD­

ment. PaCiflC Recreation. 7 p.m. Pasadcma - Bazaar booth.. Presbyter­

Jan Church. Sopt. 11 (Sunday)

W::~\~u.n~~!:.S Im~~vare;D~s:': SOPI. ~I (TbunUy)

Pasadena - Ceneral me~tlrur. Presby· tertan Church.

t'pt. :!J ( aturdAy)

So~o:'~t~~~n~ ta~~~':t~t fn~~:r 1:!:30 p.m.

Sept. '!-4 (Sund V) Cincinnati - 'TrlP to Japan" proll'am.

YWCA. Sop\. ~O

Sonoma County - Benefit movJu. Sept. 30 (Saturday)

f'~!rt Lo~ Angelcs - t (If App~IDUOD Nl~ht IntcrnaUon ,.l Institute,

Berkel .... ,· - Tftlent-VlIlon bene1J~ Burbank jr. Bi.ab.

e HOUSEKEEPER COOK _ Housekeeper-cook S150 per moutb

51.. days private room. Tw" grown cmfdren. References re­quired_ Call GR 9-5867 .

Cl&oslflod Rates ( Casb with Ordor) 4e per word per lnsf>rtlon

10e peT word per 3 lftftrtlor\a 32e per word l)e1' 10 (m'r({tlna Mm.lmum: $1 or 2.S words


Real Estate Investment

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NO OBLIGATION 614 Moynl,d St. 121 SW 4th St. .598 Bush St.

TROUBLED!: with debts with heavy paym.nts with many small payment! with any kind of Money Trouble,


NATIONAL JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE CREDIT UNION Ita W. tsllloulh, s.1I l .alte ('117 t . Utah-Phone 1'.14In ~



235 E. 2nd, Los Angel.,

MAdison 6-7163

220 Montgomery St.

San FrancIsco 4

YUkon 1-3120


Room 1616. 2S Brvod SL N ... VOlk CIIY 4. 01 4-7110

