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Alignment of Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment - 2 and Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention- 2 with Kansas Early Learning Standards

Alignment of

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment - 2and

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention- 2with Kansas Early Learning Standards

®This document aligns the content in the Kansas Early Learning Standards with the objectives, dimensions, and indicators of Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment 2 and Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention2 (Linder, 2008)

In the following document letters in Column 2 correspond to the domains of TPBA2

ES = Emotional and Social DomainSM = Sensorimotor DomainCM = Communication DomainCG = Cognitive Domain

ReferencesLinder, T. (2008). Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment 2, Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Linder, T. (2008). Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention 2, Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Kansas State Department of Education. (2014). Kansas Early Learning Standards, Topeka, KS: Author. Retrieved from http://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/Early%20Childhood/Early%20Learning%20Standards/KsEarlyLearningStandards.pdf

Created by Toni Linder (2015)2

Approaches to Learning

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

Persistence & Engagement in Learning

Engagement and AttentionATL.i.1: Demonstrates awareness of happenings and surroundings. CG: 7 mos. Inspects objects for long time periods.

8 mos. Follows what someone points to. Listens selectively to sounds and words.

ATL.i.2: Controls caregiver’s attention by babbling, looking at face, smiling or at times looking away to disengage.

ES: 7 mos. Will “woo” caregiver with sounds, smiles, and gestures.

ATL.i.3: Shows interest in other children. ES: 9 mos. Tries to get attention of other babies.

PersistenceATL.i.4: Tries to reproduce interesting and pleasurable effects and events (e.g., swats at mobile, reaches out for objects).

CG: 8 mos. Combines different actions into new problem solving attempts. Repeats past actions and has goal directed behaviors.


Curiosity and InitiativeATL.i.5: Shows preferences for certain toys or activities. CG: 7 mos. Shows attentional preferences.

ATL.i.6: Lifts arms toward caregiver to be picked up; explores own fingers and toes.

CG: 5 mos. Plays with own hands, feet.CG: 6 mos. Reaches to get to parent and toys.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)3

Sense of Competence

ATL.i.7: Repeats an action to get more effect (e.g., kicking in crib to shake mobile or smiling and cooing to get attention).

CG: 8 mos. Moves body to get what is wanted.CG: Remembers short sequence of actions if series involved his/her own actions.

ES: 4 mos. Has ways to sooth self.


Problem SolvingATL.i.9: Begins to exhibit response inhibition (e.g., waits briefly if instructed not to touch something).

ES: 8 mos. Learning meaning of “no” through tone of voice.ES: 9 mos. Beginning to respond to tone of voice with “no,” but may not stop actions

ATL.i.10: Looks for caregiver response in new or uncertain situation. ES: 8 mos. Responds to parent’s facial expressions to help moderate emotions.ES: 9 mos. Looks to adult to see if s/he is in trouble.

Creativity and FlexibilityATL.i.11: Shows interest in looking at, feeling or exploring new objects. CG: 6 mos. Attends to new objects for up to 3 minutes.

CG: 7 mos. Inspects objects for extended time.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

Persistence & Engagement in Learning

Engagement and AttentionATL.mi.1: Focuses on an activity, but is easily distracted. CG: 18 mos. Attends for 2-5 minutes to books and preferred actions.

ATL.mi.2: Actively participates in social games with adults, anticipating own turn (e.g., peekaboo).

ES: 12 mos. Enjoys turn-taking games such as peek-a-boo.

PersistenceATL.mi.3: Repeats actions intentionally to achieve a goal (e.g., drops food on the floor so adult will engage in the ‘pick it up’ game).

ES: 12 mos. Plays “hide” games.CG: 12 mos. Experiments with heights, distances (e.g., dropping, throwing).

Created by Toni Linder (2015)4

ATL.mi.4: Executes simple 2-step plan (i.e., means-to-end task). CG: 11 mos. Experiments with means-ends (e.g., pushes chair as a walker).CG: 12 mos. Experiments with actions/reactions.

Curiosity and InitiativeATL.mi.5: Explores the environment through a variety of senses. CG: 18 mos. Shows purposeful exploration of toys.

CG: 12-18 mos. Moves, shifts, rearranges, modifies things as desired.

ATL.mi.6: Chooses toys/things for play. CG: 11 mos. Attends to action toys.CG: 12 mos. Picks up preferred books.

Sense of CompetenceATL.mi.7: Shows a sense of satisfaction when making things happen (e.g., claps with delight after touching a toy to make the music play).

ES: 8 mos. Claps when does something s/he likes.ES: 9 mos. Repeats actions if applauded.ES: 12 mos. Shows delight when making a toy perform.

ATL.mi.8: Points or protests to indicate likes and dislikes. ES: 7 mos. Vocalizes attitudes and emotions of pleasure and displeasure in play.ES: 15 mos. May throw temper tantrum to get his/her way.ES: 15 mos. Says “no” to assert independence.

ATL.mi.9: Expresses and responds to a variety of emotions. ES: 12 mos. Expresses most emotions, including surprise, shyness, fear, confusion, and interest.ES: 18 mos. Self-conscious emotions emerge, including pride, shame, and jealousy.


Problem SolvingATL.mi.10: Seeks out trusted adult for comfort or support and/or accepts adult assistance.

ES: 7-12 mos. Separation distress and anxiety with strangers.ES: 12 mos. Needs to be near parent in play.ES: 12 mos. May want help from adult even if not needed.

ATL.mi.11: Tries to do things on own. ES: Persists in accomplishing complex tasks.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)5

Creativity and FlexibilityATL.mi.12: Makes discoveries about self, others and the environment through play (e.g., loudly bangs a spoon on the table, notices the sound and does it again).

CG: 7-10 mos. Combines two objects functionally (e.g., putting things in).CG: 10 mos. Likes exploring cause-and-effect toys with actions and noises.CG: 15 mos. Likes water play, caring for baby doll.

ATL.mi.13: May apply something already learned to something new (e.g., bangs spoon on table, then bangs spoon on overturned bowl).

CG: 12-18 mos. Adapts familiar actions to new situations.CG: 13- 17 mos. Uses variety of actions in trial and error to operate toys.

ATL.mi.14: May test caregiver’s response to new or uncertain situation (e.g., reaching for forbidden object and then checking adult response).

ES: 12 mos. Understands what “no” means, but may not always cooperate.ES: 15 mos. Looks at adult before doing something out of bounds.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

Persistence & Engagement in Learning

Engagement and AttentionATL.t.1: Begins to maintain focus, despite distractions, during brief delays in task.

CG: 24 mos. Highly variable attention span depending on stimuli; has a preference for play.CG: 24 mos. Needs help shifting attention from one thing to another.

ATL.t.2: Plays side-by-side with another child, at times observing, and imitating or engaging child in play.

ES: 15 mos. Imitates actions of another and can take turns.ES: 18 mos. Parallel play with same toys, but not with other child.ES: 21 mos. Turn taking in play with peers is common.

ATL.t.3: Continues to play when a caregiver leaves the area. ES: 24 mos. Alternates between clinging and resistance to familiar adult.ES: 30 mos. Isolated play relates to nurturing, care, control, and independence.

PersistenceATL.t.4: Engages in self-initiated activities for a sustained period of time.

ES: 30 mos. Isolated play relates to nurturing, care, control, and independence.

ATL.t.5: Returns to an activity after being distracted. CG: 30 mos. Attends to more than one stimulus at a time.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)6


Curiosity and InitiativeATL.t.6: Explores materials in the environment to cause a result (e.g., takes things apart, turns faucet on and off, pours water in sand box to fill a hole).

CG: 19-21 mos. Combines two toys in dramatic play (e.g., stirs in bowl, pours from pitcher into cup).CG: 25-30 mos. Likes block play (e.g., stacking, knocking down, simple construction.

ATL.t.7: Expresses preferences for familiar people, books, toys and activities; often insists on some choices.

CG: 10 mos. Deliberately chooses and attends to preferred toys.CG: 12 mos. Attentional preferences shift from favorite people to favorite objects.

ATL.t.8: Asks questions about items/objects. CM: 25-28 mos. Asks “what that” questions.CM: 30 mos. Asks “who” questions.CM: 30 mos. Asks “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?

Sense of CompetenceATL.t.9: Refers to own abilities when communicating with others (e.g., “I’ll do it!” or “Watch me!”).

CM: 24 mos. Uses early pronouns (e.g., me, my, I, you).ES: 30 mos. Has categorical knowledge of self (e.g., knows physical characteristics, good or bad behavior, and competence).

ATL.t.10: May show assertiveness (e.g., giving orders to others). ES: 15-24 mos. Wants to control others and orders them around.ES: 19-24 mos. Sense of omnipotence and capability.CM: 24 mos. Produces variety of 2-word combinations.

ATL.t.11: Feels comfortable in a variety of places with familiar adults. ES: 30 mos. Can deal with more complex wishes and feelings, including separateness, exploration, and assertiveness.


Problem SolvingATL.t.12: Seeks alternate method when first attempt fails and/or seeks adult assistance.

CG: 13-17 mos. Use s adult to activate toy if unsuccessful.CG: 24 mos. Can solve simple problems mentally without trial and error.CG: 24-30 mos. Experiments with putting together and taking apart.CG: 36 mos. Tries alternatives when first solutions don’t work.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)7

ATL.t.13: Observes and imitates how other people solve problems (e.g., blows on warm cereal after seeing someone blow on cereal).

CG: 15 mos. Imitates adult’s actions with toys.CG: 21 mos. Can follow the lead of others (looks at what others look at and does what others do).

ATL.t.14: Sometimes remembers and follows simple rules and routines, with adult guidance, stops doing something when directed by an adult.

ES: 18-21 mos. Follows singe-step directions.ES: 15-24 mos. Complies about 45% of the time.ES: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, values of family.ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.

Creativity and FlexibilityATL.t.15: Imitates others in using objects in new and/or unanticipated ways during play (e.g., imitates child who puts basket on head as a hat).

CG: 21 mos. Can follow the lead of others (looks at what others look at and does what others do).

ATL.t.16: May change behavior based on previous learning. ES: 36 mos. Tries to “right” a “wrong” or “fix” a situation.

Pre3: (By 48 months)Persistence & Engagement in LearningEngagement and AttentionATL.p3.1: Sustains attention to task, especially when adults offer suggestions, comments and questions as a means of support.

CG: 18-24 mos. Can solve a problem with verbal instructions.CG: 36 mos. Talks about how to solve a problem while working on it.CG: 33-36 mos. Understands questions about “why” and “how things function.

ATL.p3.2: Ignores distractions briefly when engrossed in an activity. CG: 48 mos. Sustains and controls attention on interesting activities.

ATL.p3.3: Remembers and follows one or two-step directions. CM: 30 mos. Follows two-step related directions.CM: 42 mos. Follows 2-3 step unrelated directions.

PersistenceATL.p3.4: Practices an activity many times until successful. ES: 36 mos. Prefers challenging tasks.

ES: 48 mos. Can initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)8

InitiativeCuriosity and InitiativeATL.p3.5: Investigates environment with purpose during play (e.g., opens, closes, fills, empties, builds up and knocks down objects and containers).

CG: 36-42 mos. Puts things together: shows imagination.

ATL.p3.6: Initiates play with other children. ES: 36 mos. Engages in associative play (playing together with same materials, but not same goal).ES: 36 mos. Involves other children or adults in play sequences.

ATL.p3.7: Explores, practices, understands social roles through play. ES: 36-42 mos. Sociodramatic play with cooperative, goal-oriented play.

Sense of CompetenceATL.p3.8: Recognizes own abilities and expresses satisfaction when demonstrating them to others.

ES: 36 mos. Talks about all the things s/he can do.ES: 48 mos. Proud of accomplishments (boasts).

ATL.p3.9: Knows self as part of family, culture, spiritual group or community.

ES: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, values of family.ES: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors

ATL.p3.10: Begins to be able to release and or redirect emotional tensions, becoming more relaxed and cooperative afterwards.

ES: 36 mos. Has capacity for self-control and shows effort.ES: 48 mos. Wants to feel in control; talks to self and others about feelings and how to feel better.


Problem SolvingATL.p3.11: Identifies a problem and attempts multiple ways to solve it, including working with others as part of a team, with some adult assistance.

CG: 36-48 mos. Asks about and identifies “why” and “how”.CG: 48 mos. Understands other people have feelings, attitudes, beliefs different from their own and can discuss them.

ATL.p3.12: Recognizes making a mistake and sometimes is able to correct it.

CG: 48 mos. Uses past experience to decide how to act in specific situations.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)9

ATL.p3.13: Remembers and applies two rules simultaneously (e.g., books go here, trucks there).

CG: 48 mos. Categorizes by size, type, color, and shape in problem solving.ES: 48 mos. Can do errands unattended.CM: 42 mos. Follows 2-3 step unrelated instructions.

Creativity and FlexibilityATL.p3.14: Creates own ideas for play, using imagination and inventing new ways to use everyday materials.

CG: 36 mos. Develops a theme in dramatic play.CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.CG: 48 mos. Builds 3-D representational structures.

ATL.p3.15: Identifies questions and situations that are puzzling or interesting and has ideas for possible solutions.

CG: 36-48 mos. Asks about and identifies “why” and “how”.

ATL.p3.16: Identifies ways to change behavior to respond to desires and needs of others.

CG: 24-36 mos. Realizes others needs may be different that own.CG: 30 mos. Knows one can feel different in different situations.CG: 30 mos. Shows empathy.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

Persistence & Engagement in Learning

Engagement and AttentionATL.p4.1: Sustains attention to task despite distractions. CG: 48 mos. Sustains and controls attention on interesting tasks.

CG: 60 mos. Attends for long periods to difficult tasks.

ATL.p4.2: Gathers information through listening. Remembers what was said in brief group discussion.

CM: 42 mos. Understands what others are saying in a group.CM: 60 mos. Shares conversation and play related to a wide variety of topics.

PersistenceATL.p4.3: Stays with a task for at least five minutes. CG: 60 mos. Attends for long periods of time to difficult tasks.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)10

ATL.p4.4: Carries out tasks, activities, projects or experiences from beginning to end.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

ATL.p4.5: Remains focused on the task at hand even when frustrated or challenged.

CG: 60 mos. Attends for long periods of time to difficult tasks.ES: 60 mos. Uses self-talk to control emotions.


Curiosity and InitiativeATL.p4.6: Seeks new and varied experiences and challenges through play.

CG: 48-54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and other materials.CG: 48-54 mos. Builds on other children’s play.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate sociodramatic play.CG: 60 mos. Makes up costumes.

ATL.p4.7: Chooses activities to do alone or with others. CG: 42 mos. Prefers play with peers to play with adults.CG: 48 mos. Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.

ATL.p4.8: Invites other children to join groups or activities. CG: 42 mos. Prefers play with peers to play with adults.CG: 60 mos. Coordinates actions with other players.

ATL.p4.9: Makes and follows plan for games or activities with other children.

CG: 48 mos. Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.CG: 48 mos. Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.

Sense of CompetenceATL.p4.10: Shows pride in family composition; recognizes self as important to family and friends.

ES: 48 mos. Proud of accomplishments.ES: 60 mos. Judges own characteristics.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)11

ATL.p4.11: Recognizes and respects similarities and differences between self and others (e.g., gender, race, special needs, cultures, languages, family structures).

ES: 60 mos. Issues reflected in play may include connectedness, physical well being, and power or control.ES: 60 mos. Judges own characteristics.

ATL.p4.12: Associates emotions with words and facial expressions. ES: 54 mos. Asks questions to understand what another person thinks and feels.ES: 60 mos. Considers others’ thoughts, feelings, imagination, and knowledge based on verbal and nonverbal communication.


Problem SolvingATL.p4.13: Identifies a problem, demonstrates flexibility in solving it and changes plans if a better solution is proposed.

CG: 36-48 mos. Asks about and identifies “why” and “how” of a problem.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.CG: 54 mos. Asks questions to see what another person thinks.

ATL.p4.14: Can delay gratification for better payoff later; anticipates consequences of own behavior.

ES: 60 mos. Judges right and wrong by what gets punished.ES: 60 mos. Can modify actions in different situations.

ATL.p4.15: Understands what is real and what is ‘make-believe’. ES: 48 mos. Can usually distinguish between what is real and pretend.

Creativity and FlexibilityATL.p4.16: Invents new activities through play. CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with sand, clay, and so forth.

CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate socio-dramatic play.

ATL.p4.17: Begins to enjoy games where must adjust response to changing rules (e.g., Simon Says); adjusts behavior to different activities/settings.

ES: 60 mos. Has good understanding of rules.

ATL.p4.18: Begins to hold an arbitrary rule in mind and follows it to produce a response that differs from natural instinct (e.g., sort animal cards by color rather than by animals).

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)12

Physical Health and Development

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.i.1: Crawls through and around objects. SM: 8 mos. Crawls, climbs.

SM: 10 mos. Can crawl, creep on all fours.

PHD.i.2: Demonstrates strength and control of head, arms, legs and trunk using purposeful movements (e.g., rolls from stomach to back, holds head and torso up on two hands, rocks back and forward while on hands and knees, sits steadily unsupported).

SM: 8 mos. Doesn’t like supine, rolls to tummy; rocks head and chest, limbs extended, back arched; sits unattended; transitions through many positions; may pull-to-stand.

PHD.i.3: Reaches for objects. SM: 8 mos. Reaches for objects with fingers extended.

Fine Motor SkillsPHD.i.4: Transfers objects from one hand to other. SM: 11 mos. Cooperative use of both hands.

PHD.i.5: Grasps and releases object using entire hand. SM: 6 mos. Grasps objects with whole palm and all fingers. Releases objects during mouthing or bimanual play.

Physical FitnessPHD.i.6: Interacts with caregivers in physical activities (e.g., tummy time, reaches for toy, kicks arms and legs when on back).

SM: 5 mos. On stomach, moves by rocking, rolling or twisting on back, moves by kicking against flat surface.SM: 8 mo. Crawls, climbs; transitions through many positions.

Nutrition/Healthy EatingPHD.i.7: Communicates hunger and when full (e.g., eagerly accepts bottle, turns head or pushes away when full).

SM: 6 mos. Helps bring bottle to mouth.

Personal HygienePHD.i.8: Signals need by crying (e.g., wet, hungry, tired, etc.). CM: 3 mos. Crying becomes differentiated.

CM: 7 mos. Cries or shouts for attention.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)13

SafetyPHD.i.9: Shows preference for major caregiver. ES: 3 mos. Recognizes caregivers on sight.

ES: 5 mos. Preference for familiar faces.ES: 3-8 mos. May cry if caregiver leaves or stranger is close by.

PHD.i.10: Stops/waits when caregiver says “no” or gives a nonverbal cue for alarm/danger.

ES: 7 mos. Learning meaning of “no” through tone of voice.ES: 9 mos. Beginning to respond to tone of voice with “no,” but may not stop actions.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.mi.1: Creeps up/down stairs. SM: 10 mos. Very active, exploring. Climbs up and down from chairs.

PHD.mi.2: Takes independent steps. SM: 12 mos. Active and independent. Walks with hand held or may take several steps independently; some children use walking as a primary means of locomotion.

PHD.mi.3: Throws ball and other objects independently. SM: 9-18 mos. Flings ball.

Fine Motor SkillsPHD.mi.4: Coordinates the use of arms, hands and fingers to accomplish tasks (e.g., drinks from bottle, cup by self, holds a spoon).

SM: 10 mos. Helps hold cup and spoon. Tips bottle to drink. Feed self-whole bottle. Pincer grasp on finger food.SM: 11 mos. Grabs spoon in fist.

PHD.mi.5: Coordinates eye-hand movements (e.g., putting things in a box).

SM: 10 mos. Searches for missing objects.SM: 7-10 mos. Combines two objects functionally (e.g., putting things in).

Physical FitnessPHD.mi.6: Participates in active physical play (e.g., crawls and climbs over and under).

SM: 11 mos. Creeps, stands, climbs.

Nutrition/Healthy EatingPHD.mi.7: Eats during regular meals and snack times; anticipates routine meals and asks for more if still hungry.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)14

Personal HygienePHD.mi.8: Indicates when pants are wet and need to be changed. SM: 18 mos. Indicates by actions that s/he is wet.

SafetyPHD.mi.9: Follows adult interaction/guidance regarding safety (e.g., walk, gentle touch, climbs in car seat, holds caregivers hand).

ES: 18- 21 mos. Follows single step directions.ES: 21 mos. Conscious of adult approval/disapproval.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.t.1: Maintains balance when performing actions (e.g., squats and stands back up, bends over, picks up objects and stacks back up).

SM: 15 mos. Stands, squats, stoops.SM: 18 mos. Picks up toys from floor.

PHD.t.2: Catches a ball with both hands. SM: 30-35 mos. Catches ten-inch ball against chest.

PHD.t.3: Begins to run. SM: 25-30 mos. Comfortable with running.

Fine Motor SkillsPHD.t.4: Coordinates the use of arms, hands and fingers to accomplish more complex tasks (e.g., uses a spoon to scoop up food and bring it to mouth, uses scissors to snip small cuts on a piece of paper).

SM: 24 mos. Uses spoon well with minimal spilling.SM: 28 mos. Holds fork in fist. Spears and shovels food with fork.SM: 30 mos. Begins to nip with scissors.

Physical FitnessPHD.t.5: Participates in active physical play (e.g., runs, uses playground equipment).

SM: 30-36 mos. Climbs nursery apparatus.

Nutrition/Healthy EatingPHD.t.6: Makes simple food choices and has food preferences, demonstrates a willingness to try new foods.

ES: 12 mos. May refuse new foods.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)15

Personal HygienePHD.t.7: Washes hands and face with assistance. SM: 30-36 mos. Assists in washing hands and face.

PHD.t.8: May begin to initiate interest in self-toileting. SM: 21 mos. Indicates need to go to the toilet (maybe too late).

SafetyPHD.t.9: Follows adult interaction/guidance regarding safety (e.g., walk, gentle touch, climbs in car seat, holds caregivers hand).

ES: 24-36 mos. Needs adult support to control impulses.ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.

PHD.t.10: Alerts adults to potential harmful situations. ES: 36 mos. Tries to “right” a “wrong” or “fix” a situation.

Pre3: (By 48 months)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.p3.1: Uses locomotor skills with increasing coordination and balance (e.g., runs with a stride, jumps, kicks a ball, uses alternating feet when climbing stairs).

SM: 23-36 mos. Walks up and down stairs with alternating feet.SM: 30 mos. Tries to kick a moving ball.SM: 30-36 mos. Jumps forward.SM: 48 mos. True running with truck rotation and arm swing.

Fine Motor SkillsPHD.p3.2: Uses classroom and household tools independently and witheye-hand coordination to carry out more complex activities (e.g., uses fork and spoon to eat, manages large buttons, uses scissors to cut out simple shapes).

SM: 18-24 mos. Uses simple tools, such as a hammerSM: 42 mos. Uses scissors, snipping with alternating full-finger extension and flexion.SM: 36 mos. Unties laces; Opens front buttons; and closes front snaps.

Physical FitnessPHD.p3.3: Participates in active play exhibiting strength and stamina. SM: Rides and steers tricycle around obstacles.

Nutrition/Healthy EatingPHD.p3.4: Eats a variety of foods. Not addressed in TPBA2

Created by Toni Linder (2015)16

PHD.p3.5: Drinks from a cup without spilling and takes bites from whole foods.

SM: Lifts open cup to drink with one hand. Chews with grinding movement.

Personal HygienePHD.p3.6: Follows basic health practices (e.g., puts dirty tissues in trash, washes hands, covers mouth when sneezing) with occasional reminders.

ES: Has internalized rules about “do’s” and “don’ts”.

PHD.p3.7: Completes personal care tasks with increasing responsibility (e.g., bathroom routines, brushes teeth, etc.).

SM: 42 mos. Dresses and undresses self.SM: 48 mos. Does most toileting tasks independently.

SafetyPHD.p3.8: Knows common safety rules that have been discussed or taught. Not addressed in TPBA2

PHD.p3.9: Alerts adults to potentially harmful situations. Not addressed in TPBA2

Pre4: (By 60 months)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.p4.1: Demonstrates loco-motor skills with control, coordination and balance in active play (e.g., hops, jumps, runs with control and direction, climbs ladders and pumps swing on outdoor play equipment).

SM: 60 mos. Mature running pattern. Likes to race.SM: 60 mos. Skips with coordination, hops on one foot (36-60 mos.), climbs ladder (48-60 mos.).

PHD.p4.2: Demonstrates coordination in using objects during active play (e.g., riding a trike, catching a ball, throwing, balancing, pushing).

SM: 36-60 mos. Throws smoothly, releases on time and in line with target and moves body to align with ball to catch it, elbows at sides (54-59 mos.).SM: 60 mos. Strikes ball with bat with body away from object, arms extended.

PHD.p4.3: Explores, practices and performs skill sets (e.g., throwing, pushing, pulling, catching, balancing).

SM: 36-60 mos. Throws smoothly, releases on time and in line with target and moves body to align with ball to catch it, elbows at sides (54-59 mos.).SM: 60 mos. Strikes ball with bat with body away from object, arms extended.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)17

Fine Motor SkillsPHD.p4.4: With fluency and accuracy uses classroom and household tools independently and with eye-hand coordination to carry out activities (e.g., uses scissors to cut out shapes, zips, snaps and buttons to dress self).

SM: 48-60 mos. Uses scissors to cut out shapes.SM: 48-60 mos. Draws shapes, stick figures, and writes names.SM 60 mos. Dresses self, including zippers, buttons, snaps, belts.

Physical FitnessPHD.p4.5: Participates in active play exhibiting strength and stamina. SM: 36-60 mos. Throws smoothly, releases on time and in line with target

and moves body to align with ball to catch it, elbows at sides (54-59 mos.).SM: 60 mo. Strikes ball with bat with body away from object, arms extended.

Nutrition/Healthy EatingPHD.p4.6: Demonstrates basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow and be healthy.

Not included in TPBA2

PHD.p.4.7: Demonstrates increasingly complex oral motor skills (e.g., drinking through a straw, blowing bubbles)

SM: 24 mos. Can suck and use straw.

Personal HygienePHD.p4.8: Follows basic health practices (e.g., puts dirty tissues in trash, washes hands, covers mouth when sneezing).

Not addressed in TPBA2

PHD.p4.9: Completes personal care tasks with increasing responsibility (e.g., bathroom routines, brushes teeth, etc.).

SM: 60 mos. Completely cares for self during toileting and dressing.

SafetyPHD.p4.10: Identifies and follows basic safety rules with possible reminders, guidance and support (e.g., does not talk to strangers, recognizes when someone is doing something unsafe, with reminders goes down the slide feet first).

ES: 60 mos. Has a good understanding of rules.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)18

PHD.p4.11: Demonstrates an ability to follow emergency routines with adult support (e.g., lines up to exit building during a fire drill).

ES: 60 mos. Has a good understanding of rules.

PHD.p4.12: Identifies how adults help to keep us safe (e.g., roles of doctor, dentist, fire fighter, police officer etc.).

CG: 36 mos. Can play more than one role in dramatic play (e.g., fireman, doctor, etc.).CG: Makes up costumes in elaborate sociodramatic play.

Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

Large Motor SkillsPHD.K.1: Demonstrates the ability to move using a variety of loco-motor skills.

SM: 72 mos. Skips effortlessly landing on balls of the feet.SM: 72 mos. Gallops with full coordination.

PHD.K.2: Demonstrates clear contrasts between slow and fast movements traveling in different directions (e.g., sideways, backward) and in personal and general space.

SM: 72 mos. Kicks to a target.GC: 72 mos. Likes structured outdoor games and sports.

PHD.K.3: Maintains momentary balance in a variety of positions and levels.

SM: 72 mos. Skips effortlessly landing on balls of the feet.SM 72 mos. Hops in a straight line.

PHD.K.4: Projects objects through space using various means (e.g., rolling, sliding, throwing).

SM: 72 mos. Kicks to a target.GC: 72 mos. Likes structured outdoor games and sports.

PHD.K.5: Catches a self-tossed ball after it bounces. Not included in TPBA2

PHD.K.6: Strikes a balloon repeatedly with different body parts. Not included in TPBA2

PHD.K.7: Performs a simple rhythmic pattern. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

Physical FitnessPHD.K.8: Participates in a variety of games that increase breathing and heart rate.

GC: 72 mos. Likes structured outdoor games and sports.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)19

PHD.K.9: Demonstrates sufficient muscular strength by supporting body weight in various activities.

GC: 72 mos. Likes structured outdoor games and sports.

Social and Emotional Development

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

SED.CD. Character Development

Foundations of character development

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.i.1: Initiates and engages in reciprocal (i.e., mutual give and take) interactions with familiar adults.

ES: 6 mos. Responds with enthusiasm to familiar social games and routines.ES: 4-8 mos. Intentional two-way communication or turn taking.

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.i.2: Begins to form relationships with consistent caregivers. ES: 6 mos. Calmed more easily by familiar caregiver

ES: 7 mos. Will “woo” caregiver with sounds, smiles, gesturesES: 3-8 mos. May cry if caregiver leaves or stranger is close by

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.i.1: Initiates interactions and seeks close proximity to familiar adults who provide consistent nurturing.

ES: 6 mos. Calmed more easily by familiar caregiver.ES: 7 mos. Will “woo” caregiver with sounds, smiles, gesturesES: 4-8 mos. Explores own and caregiver’s face and body parts.ES: 8 mos. Intentional two-way communication or turn-taking

SED.PD. Personal Development

Created by Toni Linder (2015)20


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.PD.i.1: Expresses a variety of emotions through facial expressions, gestures, movement and sounds.

ES: 6 mos. Shows pleasure with gurgles and coos; growls and grunts to show displeasure; squeals with excitement.ES: 7 mos. May show “pout face” or sadness; displays true anger.ES: 8 mos. Anger, distrust, disgust expressed more intensely; “knit brow” interest.

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.PD.i.2: Begins to understand self as separate person from others. ES: 6 mos. Turns to own name and smiles at own image in mirror.

ES: 8 mos. May try to kiss mirror image.


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.PD.i.3: Comforts self by rocking body or other simple ways. ES: 4 mos. Has ways to soothe self.

SED.PD.i.4: Communicates needs for help through vocalizations and gestures.

ES: 7 mos. Cries or shouts for attention.ES: 0-8 mos. Produces gestures and vocalizations that get interpreted by the parent as communicative intent.

Reflect on perspectives and emotional responsesSED.PD.i.5: Imitates the expression of feelings of those around them. ES: 6 mos. Imitates facial expressions and actions of others in play.

ES: 6 mos. Responds to the meaning of specific emotional expressions in others.

SED.SD. Social Development

Social Awareness

Created by Toni Linder (2015)21

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of othersSED.SD.i.1: Reacts to emotional expressions of others. ES: 6 mos. Responds to the meaning of specific emotional expressions in


Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differencesSED.SD.i.2: Responds to people and objects in their immediate environment based on past experience.

CG: 6 mos. Can remember and imitate actions performed by adults on toys.CG: Recalls past events and actions on his/her own.

Interpersonal Skills

Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.i.3: Shows interest in other children. ES: 3-4 mos. Babies look at and touch each other.

ES: 7 mos. Cries in response to another infant’s cries.

SED.SD.i.4: Repeats actions that elicit social responses from others. ES: 6 mos. Imitates facial expressions and actions of other.ES: 9 mos. Repeats actions that got laughter or applause.

Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.i.5: Initiates and engages in reciprocal (i.e., mutual give and take) interactions with familiar adults.

ES: 6 mos. Responds with enthusiasm to familiar social games and routines.ES: 4-7 mos. Plays social games.ES: 4-8 mos. Intentional two-way communication or turn taking.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

SED.CD. Character Development

Created by Toni Linder (2015)22

Foundations of character development

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.mi.1: Participates in routines and experiences that involve give and take interaction with familiar adults.

ES: 8-12 mos. Begins to imitate actions of caregiver or other child.ES: 8-14 mos. Capable of turn-takingES: 18 mos. Can engage in 20-30 circles of communication with verbal, gestural, and physical communication.

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.mi.2: Demonstrates a secure relationship with at least one consistent caregiver.

ES: 12-18 mos. Pushes for autonomy and exploration, but still needs to stay in touch with caregiver.ES: 18 mos. Vocalizes to caregiver from a distance.

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving

Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities and short-term and long-term goals

SED.R.mi.1: Shows emerging signs of responding positively to limits and choices offered by adults to help guide behavior.

ES: 15 mos. Understands simple “right” and “wrong”.ES: 18 mos. Uses conscience-like verbalization (“no,” “don’t”) before doing something out of bounds.

Organize personal time and managing personal responsibilities effectivelySED.R.mi.2: Anticipates and participates in some familiar routines with adult assistance.

CG: 15 mos. Remembers previous actions of others for months (anticipates what will happen or recreates actions).

Created by Toni Linder (2015)23

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.mi.3: Explores environment in the presence of familiar adults with whom they have developed a relationship over an extended period of time.

ES: 12-18 mos. Pushes for autonomy and exploration, but still needs to stay in touch with caregiver.

SED.R.mi.4: Shows emerging signs of responding positively to limits and choices offered by adults to help guide behavior.

ES: 18 mos. Shows awareness of caregiver’s wishes and expectations.ES: 18 mos. Brings things when requested.ES: 18 mos. Uses conscience-like verbalization (“no,” “don’t”) before doing something out of bounds.

SED.PD. Personal Development


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.PD.mi.1. Communicates a variety of emotions purposefully and intentionally.

ES: 12-18 mos. Expresses happiness, pride, shame, guilt, anger, fear, jealousy, frustration, rage.

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.PD.mi.2: Recognizes self as separate person with distinct characteristics.

ES: 18 mos. Assertive and independent.ES: 12-18 mos. Is able to represent self and others in dramatic play.


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.PD.mi.3: Comforts self in a variety of ways. ES: 18 mos. Beginning to move away from source of distress and seek out

adult for comfort.ES: 15-18 mos. Beginning to gain self control.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)24

SED.PD.mi.4: Seeks close proximity to familiar adults for security and support, especially when distressed.

ES: ES: 12-18 mos. Pushes for autonomy and exploration, but still needs to stay in touch with caregiver.ES: 18 mos. Beginning to move away from source of distress and seek out adult for comfort.

Reflect on perspectives and emotional responsesSED.PD.mi.5: Demonstrates an awareness of others’ feelings (e.g., cries or grimaces at the discomfort of others; matches facial expression of caregiver).

ES: 12-15 mos. Moves from showing signs of awareness of another’s pain to doing something to help.

Set, monitor, adapt and evaluate goals to achieve success in school and lifeSED.PD.mi.6: Seeks to achieve a specific goal (e.g., stretches to reach toy).

CG: 15 mos. Makes plan to achieve a goal.ES: 18 mos. Persists with tasks of moderate difficulty.

SED.SD. Social Development

Social Awareness

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of othersSED.SD.mi.1: Demonstrates awareness of feelings expressed by others.

ES: 12-18 mos. Possesses an understanding of self and others as communicators of emotion.ES: 12-18 mos. Shows concern when someone is in distress and makes offer of support.

Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differencesSED.SD.mi.2: Identifies similarities and differences in objects and people by showing and pointing.

CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.CG: 18 mos. Recognizes and points to body parts.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)25

Interpersonal Skills

Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.mi.3: Briefly engages in simple interaction with another child. ES: 8-14 mos. Likes to be around other children.

ES: 15-18 mos. Engages in parallel play with another child.Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.mi.4: Participates in routines and experiences that involve mutual give and take interactions with familiar adults.

ES: 8-14 mos. Capable of turn-taking

Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflictsSED.SD.mi.5: Shows emerging signs of responding positively to limits and choices offered by adults to help guide behavior.

ES: 18 mos. Shows awareness of caregiver’s wishes and expectations.ES: 18 mos. Brings things when requested.ES: 18 mos. Uses conscience-like verbalization (“no,” “don’t”) before doing something out of bounds.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

SED.CD. Character Development

Foundations of character development

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.t.1: Interacts with familiar adults to communicate about experiences, ideas or to solve problems.

CM: 30 mos. Communicates previous experiences with prompting from adult.

SED.CD.t.2: Feels comfortable in a variety of places with familiar adults.

ES: 9 mos. Moves away from adult and looks back to “check in” (showing understanding of separateness).

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.t.3: Begins to more easily separate from caregiver. ES: 15 mos. Starts to enjoy moving away from adults.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)26

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving

Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities and short-term and long-term goals

SED.R.t.1: Demonstrates increasing capacity to manage actions and emotional expressions with guidance from adults.

ES: 7-12 mos. Maintains security through social referencing.

Organize personal time and managing personal responsibilities effectivelySED.R.t.2: Remembers and follows expectations for familiar routines some of the time, but may find it hard to transition from preferred activities.

ES: 18 mos. Shows awareness of caregiver’s wishes and expectations.ES: 15-24 mos. Gets upset if s/he cannot meet standards.ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow them part of the time.

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.t.3: Feels comfortable in a variety of places with familiar adults nearby.

ES: 9 mos. Moves away from adult and looks back to “check in” (showing understanding of separateness).

SED.R.t.4: Continues to play when familiar adult leaves area. ES: 24 mos. Alternates between clinging and resistance to familiar adults.ES: 24 mos. Begins to enjoy parallel play with other children.ES: 30 mos. Able to be both a leader and follower in play.

SED.PD. Personal Development


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.PD.t.1: Shows awareness of own emotions and uses verbal and nonverbal ways to express simple (e.g., happy, sad, mad, afraid) and more complex emotions (e.g., pride, embarrassment, shame and guilt).

ES: 12-18 mos. Expresses happiness, pride, shame, guilt, anger, fear, jealousy, frustration, rage, embarrassment.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)27

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.PD.t.2: Shows awareness of self as belonging to one or more groups.

CG: 11mos. Identification with same sex.CG: 24 mos. Understands categories, such as plants, animals, people.

SED.PD.t.3: Identifies own feelings, needs and interests. CG: 18-24 mos. Has categorical knowledge of self.CG: 36 mos. Offers concrete description of self; talks about all s/he can do.


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.PD.t.4: Anticipates the need for comfort and tries to prepare for changes in routine.

ES: 36 mos. Has capacity for self control

SED.PD.t.5: Seeks close proximity to familiar adults for security and support, especially when distressed.

ES: 9 mos. Moves away from adult and looks back to “check in” (showing understanding of separateness).ES: 24 mos. Alternates between clinging and resistance to familiar adults.

Reflect on perspectives and emotional responsesSED.PD.t.6: Demonstrates increasing awareness of others’ feelings. CG: 18 mos. Looks to see how others are reacting to their actions.

CG: 18 mos. Knows his/her actions cause feelings in self and others.CG: 12-24 mos. Shows genuine concern for another’s distress.

SED.PD.t.7: May respond to peer’s distress by doing something to make him/her feel better (e.g., say “hug” to crying peer; offer peer their blanket or toy).

CG: 12-24 mos. Shows genuine concern for another’s distress.CG: 15-24 mos. Comforts another child.

SED.SD. Social Development

Created by Toni Linder (2015)28

Social Awareness

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of othersSED.SD.t.1: Begins to identify own feelings, needs and interests and show awareness that others have feelings.

CG: 18-24 mos. Uses words relating to mental states for self and others (e.g., happy, sad, want, like).

SED.SD.t.2: Responds in caring ways to another’s distress in some situations.

CG: 12-24 mos. Shows genuine concern for another’s distress.CG: 15-24 mos. Comforts another child.

Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differencesSED.SD.t.3: Expresses preferences for familiar people, books, toys and activities.

CG: 18-24 mos. Highly variable attention span depending on stimuli; has preferences for play.CG: Will attend to books for several minutes independently.

SED.SD.t.4: Uses previous learning to inform new experiences with people and objects in their environment.

CG: 18-24 mos. Remembers strategies seen or used previously.CG: 36 mos. Relates detailed sequences of experience from recent past and can remember events fro up to 18 months in the past.

Interpersonal SkillsDemonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.t.5: Plays side-by-side with another child, at times observing, and imitating or engaging child in play.

ES: 15-18 mos. Parallel play (plays with same toys, but not with other child.ES: 21 mos. Peer play involving turns is common.ES: 21 mos. Imitation of peer is common.

Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.t.6: Seeks out trusted adult for comfort or support. ES: 12-18 mos. Pushes for autonomy and exploration, but still needs to stay

in touch with caregiver.ES: 18 mos. Vocalizes to caregiver from a distance.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)29

SED.SD.t.7: Shows interest in unfamiliar adults with support from familiar adults.

ES: 18 mos. Pushes for autonomy and exploration but still needs to stay in touch with caregiver.

Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflictsSED.SD.t.8: Demonstrates an increasing capacity to manage actions and emotional expressions with guidance from adults.

ES: 18 mos. Beginning to move away from source of distress and seek out adult for comfort.ES: 18 mos. Uses conscience-like verbalizations (“no,” “don’t”) before doing something out of bounds.

SED.SD.t.9: Seeks adult assistance when encountering a problem. CG: 13-17 mos. Uses adult to activate toy if unsuccessful.

Pre3: (By 48 months)

SED.CD. Character Development

Foundations of character development

Develop, implement, promote and model core ethical and performance principlesSED.CD.p3.1: Responds to positive and negative feedback from familiar adults.

ES: 24-36 mos. May show shame at not being able to do things.ES: 36 mos. Needs adults to suggest actions or sequences.ES: 48 mos. Proud of accomplishments.

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.p3.2: Becomes increasingly aware of effects of own behavior on others.

ES: 36 mos. Begins to understand harm to another and demonstrates understanding in play.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)30

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.p3.3: Shows awareness of feelings of others with adult guidance and support.

CG: 18-24 mos. Shows genuine concern for another’s distress.CG: 42 mos. Is aware of people’s wants, feelings and perceptions.

Create a caring community by taking steps to prevent peer cruelty and violence and dealing with it effectively when it occurs whether digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.SED.CD.p3.4: Expresses interests, acceptance, affection for others. CG: 48 mos. Understands other people have feelings, attitudes, and beliefs

different from own and can discuss them.CG: 48 mos. Can differentiate others’ point of view from own.

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving

Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities and Short-term and long-term goals

SED.R.p3.1: Begin to understand consequences of own actions with adult support.

ES: 24 mos. Displays some rudimentary self-control to stop self from wrong behavior.ES: 24-36 mos. Needs adult support to control impulses.ES: 48 mos. Has internalized rules about “do’s” and “don’ts”.

Organize personal time and managing personal responsibilities effectivelySED.R.p3.2: Follows predictable classroom routines and manages transitions positively most of the time when supported by an adult.

ES. 24-36 mos. Is able to request adult’s help to handle emotions.ES: 36 mos. Has capacity for self-control.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)31

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.p3.3: Demonstrates confidence by participating in familiar classroom routines.

ES: 24-36 mos. Talks about all the things s/he can do.ES: 36 mos. Involves other children or adults in play sequences.

SED.R.p3.4: Interacts with familiar adults with varying degrees of comfort.

CM: 24-36 mos. Some generalization of rules across time and setting occurs.

SED.R.p3.5: Begins to work with others as part of a team, makes decisions with other children, with adult assistance.

CCM: 24-30 mos. Cooperates in games.CCM: 30 mos. Communicates previous experiences with prompting from adult.CCM: 36 mos. Talks about how to solve a problem while working on it.

Develop, implement and model effective problem solving skillsSED.R.p3.6: Manages (i.e., expresses, inhibits or redirects) emotions, impulses and behaviors with support from an adult.

ES: 24 mos. Attempts to control feelings through verbal, physical, or social means.ES: 24 mos. Redirects actions when upset.ES: 36 mos. Is able to request an adult’s help to handle emotions.

SED.R.p3.7: Uses simple conflict resolution techniques (e.g., seeks adult assistance, asks for a turn or finds something else to play with) with adult modeling and facilitation.

ES: 24-36 mos. Needs adult support to control impulses.ES: 36 mos. Needs adult to suggest alternative actions or sequences.ES: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.

SED.PD. Personal Development


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.PD.p3.1: Recognizes and identifies own emotions and starts to recognize and identify the emotions of others, with adult support.

ES: 12-18 mos. Possesses and understanding of self and others as communicators of emotion.ES: 18-24 mos. Onset of emotion language: begins to label emotions; plays emotion games.ES: 24-36 mos. Uses pretend play to act out and talk about feelings.

SED.PD.p3.2: Begins to express and respond to a range of emotions in socially acceptable ways.

ES: 24 mos. Attempts to control feelings through verbal, physical, or social means.ES: 24 mos. Redirects actions when upset.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)32

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.PD.P3.3: Describes self by using several basic characteristics. ES: 30 mos. Has categorical knowledge of self (e.g., knows age, sex,

physical characteristics, good or bad behavior, and competence).

SED.PD.p3.4: States basic personal information (e.g., name and age). ES: 30 mos. Has categorical knowledge of self (e.g., knows age, sex, physical characteristics, good or bad behavior, and competence).

SED.PD.p3.5: Displays awareness of own thoughts and feelings. ES: 24-36 mos. Is able to talk about emotions and what elicits them.ES: 30 mos. Uses words “think” and “know” to refer to thoughts and beliefs.


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.PD.p3.6: Makes known personal needs and desires. CM: 24 mos. Communicates needs, wishes, and feelings with gestures and


SED.PD.p3.7: Begins to be able to release and/or redirect emotional tensions, with adult help, becoming more relaxed and cooperative afterwards.

ES: 12-21 mos. Uses cues that assistance is needed to calm.ES: 21 mos. Uses objects to distract or calm self.ES: 24 mos. Attempts to control feelings through verbal, physical, or social means.Reflect on perspectives and emotional responses

SED.PD.p3.8: Recognizes own positive and negative feelings when an adult labels them.

CM: 21 mos. Understands some emotion words (e.g., happy, sad, mad).CM: 24 mo. Communicates needs, wishes, and feelings with gestures and words.

Set, monitor, adapt and evaluate goals to achieve success in school and lifeSED.PD.p3.9: Completes own goal-directed activity and recognizes accomplishments while learning rules and values of family and culture.

ES: 18-24 mo. Displays sense of pride in accomplishment.ES: 24-36 mos. Talks about all the things s/he can do.ES: 30 mo. Knows rules, standards, cultural values of family.

SED.SD. Social Development

Social Awareness

Created by Toni Linder (2015)33

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of others

SED.SD.p3.1: Expresses concern for the needs of others and people in distress.

ES: 15-24 mos. Comforts another child.ES: 30 mos. Shows empathy.

SED.SD.p3.2: Describes situations, which can elicit various emotions (e.g., tells a story that is supposed to make listener sad).

ES: 36 mos. Ascribes thoughts and feelings to play figures.ES: 24-36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.

Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differencesSED.SD.p3.3: Compares own characteristics with those of others. CG: 24 mos. Knows others have different emotions, likes, dislikes.

ES: 36 mos. Offers concrete description of self.CG. 24-36 mos. Realizes others’ needs may be different from own.

Interpersonal Skills

Demonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.p3.4: Follows rules and simple directions (1-2 steps). CM: 18-21 mos. Follows single-step directions.

CM: 30 mos. Follows two-step related directions.ES: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, cultural values of family.CM: 42 mos. Follows 2-3 step unrelated directions.

SED.SD.p3.5: Begins to display socially competent behavior with peers (e.g., helping, sharing and taking turns).

ES: 24 mos. Begins to use prosocial behaviors in interaction.

SED.SD.p3.6: Begins to participate in conversational turn taking. CM: 24 mos. Takes one-to-two turns in conversation.CM: 24 mos. Initiates a topic and responds with new information.

Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.p3.7: Shows interest in having a friend. ES: 25-30 mos. Able to be both leader and follower.

ES: 36 mos. Sociodramatic play with cooperative, goal-oriented play evident.ES: 36 mos. Begins to form friendships.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)34

Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflictsSED.SD.p3.8: Begins to resolve conflicts with peers, given adult assistance.

ES: 36 mos. Needs adult to suggest alternative actions.ES: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

SED.CD. Character Development

Foundations of character development

Develop, implement, promote and model core ethical and performance principlesSED.CD.p4.1: Responds appropriately to positive and negative feedback from adults most of the time.

CM: 24-36 mos. Some generalization of rules across time and settings).CM: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.ES: 60 mos. Judges right and wrong by what gets punishment.ES: 60 mos. Begins perspective shift/understanding others’ points of view.

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.p4.2: Recognizes effect of own behavior on others most of the time.

CG: 18 mos. Knows his/her actions cause feelings in self and others.CG: 24mos. Anticipates the consequences of actions if naughty.CG: 24-36 mos. Recognizes that s/he can cause emotional distress in others.CG: 48 mos. Describes causes and consequences of emotions.

SED.CD.p4.3: Recognizes examples and non-examples of words and actions that are helpful or hurtful.

ES: 36 mos. Begins to understand harm to another and demonstrates understanding in play.CM: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.p4.4: Shows awareness of and responds to feelings of others with adult guidance and support.

CG: Understand other people have feelings, attitudes, and beliefs, different from own and can discuss them.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)35

Create a caring community by taking steps to prevent peer cruelty and violence and dealing with it effectively when it occurs whether digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.SED.CD.p4.5: Demonstrates an understanding of what it means to be a friend (i.e., someone who cares, listens, shares ideas, trustworthy, provides comfort).

CG: 36 mos. Beginning to form friendships.CG: 48 mos. Formation of attachments to peers, making friends.EM: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem Solving

Consider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities and short-term and long-term goalsSED.R.p4.1: Anticipates and usually accepts consequences of own actions.

ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.CG: 48 mos. Uses past experience to decide how to act in specific situations.

Organize personal time and managing personal responsibilities effectivelySED.R.p4.2: Follows predictable classroom routines, manages transitions positively most of the time with minimal adult support.

ES: 48 mos. Has internalized rules about “do’s” and “don’ts”.ES: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.CG: 60 mos. Has play rituals with peers.

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.p4.3: Demonstrates confidence by participating in most classroom activities.

ES: 24-36 mo. Talks about all the thinks s/he can do.ES: 48 mo. Can go on errands unattended.

SED.R.p4.4: Interacts easily with familiar adults by engaging in conversations, responding to questions and following directions.

CM: 30 mo. Follows two-step related directions.CM: 42 mo. Follows 2-3 step unrelated directions.CM: 48 mo. Takes 4 turns in true conversation.CM: 48 mo. Responds to requests for clarification.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)36

SED.R.p4.5: Works with others as part of a team, make decisions with other children, with adult assistance.

C CM: 24-30 mo. Cooperates in games.CCM: 30 mo. Communicates previous experiences with prompting from adult.CM: 36 mo. Talks about how to solve a problem while working on it.

Develop, implement and model effective problem solving skillsSED.R.p4.6: Manages (i.e., expresses, inhibits or redirects) emotions, impulses and behaviors with minimal guidance from adults.

ES: 24-36 mos. Needs adult support to control impulses.ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.ES: 24-36 mos. Is able to request adult’s help to handle emotions.ES 36 mos. Has capacity for self-control.

SED.R.p4.7: Attempts to solve social problems independently, by negotiation or with adult assistance.

ES: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.CG: 54 mos. Discusses and negotiates roles and actions in dramatic play

SED.PD. Personal Development


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.PD.p4.1: Recognizes and identifies more complex emotions (e.g., frustrated, disappointed, jealous) in self and others, with accuracy, with adult support.

ES: 12-18 mos. Expresses happiness, pride, shame, guilt, anger, fear, jealousy, frustration, rage, and embarrassment.ES: 30 mos. Knows one can feel different in different situations.ES: 24-36 mos. Is able to talk about emotions and what elicits them.

SED.PD.p4.2: Expresses and responds to a range of emotions in socially acceptable ways.

ES: 30 mos. Show empathy.ES: 24-36 mos. Is able to talk about emotions and what elicits them.

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.PD.p4.3: Describes characteristics of self and others. ES: 30 mos. Has categorical knowledge of self (e.g., knows age, sex,

physical characteristics, good or bad behavior, and competence.CG: 42 mos. Is aware of other people’s wants, feelings, and perceptions.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)37

SED.PD.p4.4: States more complex personal information (e.g., names of family members, names of neighbors).

CM: 24 mos. Identifies and points to extended family members.CM: 30 mos. Understands terms for family relationships.


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.PD.p4.5: Expresses preferences in a socially acceptable way a majority of the time.

CM: 24mos. Communicates needs, wishes, and feelings with gestures and words.

SED.PD.p4.6: Develops strategies to express strong emotion and calm self, with adult help.

ES: 24-36 mos. Is able to request help from an adult to handle emotions.ES: 48 mos. Wants to feel in control, talks to self and others about feelings and how to feel better.

Reflect on perspectives and emotional responsesSED.PD.p4.7: Recognizes and accurately describes own feelings a majority of the time.

CG: 18-24 mos. Uses words relating to mental states for self and others (e.g., happy, sad, want, like).CG: 42 mos. Describes own feelings.

Set, monitor, adapt and evaluate goals to achieve success in school and lifeSED.PD.p4.8: Demonstrates age appropriate independence in decision-making regarding activities and materials.

CG: 42 mos. Self-initiates, plans, and organizes problem solving without assistance.

SED.SD. Social Development

Social Awareness

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of othersSED.SD.p4.1: Demonstrates an understanding of and responds to needs of others and people in distress.

CG: 15-24 mos. Comforts another child.CG: 30 mos. Shows empathy.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)38

SED.SD.p4.2: Demonstrates an understanding of which forms of emotional expression are acceptable for a given environment.

ES: 36 mos. Refers to needs, emotions, and mental states.ES: 36 mos. Shows effort to control emotions.ES: 36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.

Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differences

SED.SD.p4.3: Recognizes and respects similarities and differences between self and others (e.g., gender, race, special needs, cultures, languages, family structures).

CG: 24 mos. Knows others have different emotions, likes, dislikes.ES: 36 mos. Offers concrete description of self.CG. 24-36 mos. Realizes others’ needs may be different from own.

SED.SD.p4.4: Treats others with respect when conflict or differences occur, given adult support.

SE: 36 mos. Needs adult to suggest alternative actions or sequences.SE: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Interpersonal SkillsDemonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.p4.5: Displays socially competent behavior with peers (e.g., helping, sharing and taking turns).

CG: 48 mos. Builds coordinated dramatic play among several children.CG: 54 mos. Discusses and negotiates roles and actions in dramatic play.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate sociodramatic play.

SED.SD.p4.6: Participates in conversational turn taking by listening and responding to what was said.

ES: 48 mos. Silly boisterous humor.ES: 60 mos. Starts enjoying jokes, even when not understood.ES: 60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to wide variety of topics.

SED.SD.p4.7: Demonstrates strategies to join a playgroup with adult support.

ES: 36 mos. Involves other children or adults in play sequences.ES: 36 mos. Beginning to form friendships.ES: 48 mos. 90% of pretend play is cooperative.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)39

SED.SD.p4.8: Invites other children to join groups or activities. CG: 42 mos. Prefers play with peers to play with adults.CG: 48 mos. Plays simple card or board games with adult assistance.CG: 48 mos. Play group games.CG: 48-60 mos. Plays board games, but may change the rules.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate sociodramatic play.CG: 60 mos. Like chase games.

Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.p4.9: Develops friendships with one or two preferred peers. ES: 36 mos. Beginning to form attachments, friendships.

ES: 48 mos. 90% of pretend play is cooperative.ES: 48 mos. Preference for same-gender peers.

SED.SD.p4.10: Demonstrates an understanding of which forms of emotional expression are acceptable for a given environment.

ES: 36 mos. Refers to needs, emotions, and mental states.ES: 36 mos. Shows effort to control emotions.ES: 36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.

SED.SD.p4.11: Adjusts behavior to different settings (e.g., “inside voice”).

ES: 24-36 mos. Has difficulty transferring rules across time and settings.ES: 48 mos. Has internalized rules about “do’s” and “don’ts”.

Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflictsSED.SD.p4.12: Resolves conflicts with peers, seeking adult assistance when necessary.

SE: 36 mos. Needs adult to suggest alternative actions or sequences.SE: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

SED.SD.p4.13: Demonstrates flexibility in solving problems; will change plans if a better idea is thought of or proposed.

CG: 36 mos. Tries alternatives when first solutions don’t work.CG: 42 mos. Self-initiates, plans, and organizes problem solving without assistance.CG: 36-48 mos. Asks about and identifies “why” and “how”.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” an understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

SED.CD. Character Development

Created by Toni Linder (2015)40

Foundations of character development

Develop, implement, promote and model core ethical and performance principlesSED.CD.K.1: Recognize and celebrate the natural beneficial consequence of acts of character.

ES: 72 mos. Understands concept of equality or equal distribution as standard fro fairness.ES: 72 mos. Has values of what is right.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.CD.K.2: Identify community needs in the larger community, discuss effects on the community and identify positive, responsible action.

ES: 72 mos. Understands concept of equality or equal distribution as standard fro fairness.

SED.CD.K.3: Learn about ethical reasoning by giving examples of what makes some behaviors appropriate and inappropriate.

ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.

SED.CD.K.4: Exhibit clear and consistent expectations of good character throughout all school activities and in all areas of the school.

ES: 72 mos. Understands concept of equality or equal distribution as standard fro fairness.ES: 72 mos. Has values of what is right.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.CD.K.5: Learn about, receive and accept feedback for responsible actions in academic and behavioral skills.

ES: 72 mos. Understands and accepts punishment for doing wrong.

Create a caring community by considering it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff and the community.SED.CD.K.6: Recognize characteristics of a caring relationship. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.

ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.CD.K.7: Recognize characteristics of a hurtful relationship. ES: 60 mos. Tattles on others and recommends punishment.ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.

Create a caring community by demonstrating mutual respect and utilizing strategies to build a safe and productive culture.SED.CD.K.8: Demonstrate caring and respect for others. ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)41

SED.CD.K.9: Describe “active listening” CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

Create a caring community by taking steps to prevent peer cruelty and violence and dealing with it effectively when it occurs whether digitally, verbally, physically and/or relationally.SED.CD.K.10: Recognized and define bullying and teasing k-2: illustrate or demonstrate what “tattling” is and what “telling” or “reporting” is.

ES: 60 mos. Tattles on others and recommends punishment.ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.

SED.CD.K.11: Model positive peer interactions. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.R. Responsible Decision Making and Problem SolvingConsider multiple factors in decision-making including ethical and safety factors, personal and community responsibilities and short-term and long-term goalsSED.R.K.1: Identify and illustrate safe and unsafe situations. Not addressed in TPBA2SED.R.K.2: State the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors.

ES: 60 mos. Judges right and wrong by what gets punished.ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.

SED.R.K.3: Explain the consequences and rewards of individual and community actions.

ES: 60 mos. Judges right and wrong by what gets punished.ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.ES: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.

Organize personal time and managing personal responsibilities effectivelySED.R.K.4: Identifies activities scheduled for the day and how much time is spent on each.

CG: 48-54 mos. Recognizes day and night and relates to experiences.CG: 72 mos. Knows morning and afternoon activities.

SED.R.K.5: Identifies and performs steps necessary to accomplish personal responsibilities in scheduled activities.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)42

Play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school governanceSED.R.K.6: Participate in individual roles and responsibilities in the classroom and in school.

ES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activities.ES: 72 mos. Can organize group play.

SED.R.K.7: Recognize the various roles of the personnel that govern the school (all staff).

ES: 54 mos. Describes how to do something.ES: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Develop, implement and model effective problem solving skillsSED.R.K.8: Develop self-control skills (e.g., stop, take a deep breath and relax).

ES: 60 mo. Able to think about emotions and use discussion to help calm.ES: 60 mo. Self-talk helps child control emotions.ES: 72 mo. Can think about emotions and make conscious changes to responses

SED.R.K.9: Identify and illustrate the problem. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.10: Identify desired outcome. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.11: Identify possible solutions and the pros and cons of each solution.

ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.11: Identify and select the best solution. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.12: Put the solution into action. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome

SED.R.K.13: Reflect on the outcome of the solution. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)43

SED.PD. Personal Development


Understand and analyze thoughts and emotionsSED.R.K.14: Identify and describe basic emotions. ES: 48 mos. Describes causes and consequences of emotions.

SED.R.K.15: Identify situations that might evoke emotional responses. ES: 48 mos. Describes causes and consequences of emotions.

SED.R.K.16: Identify positive and negative emotions. ES: 48 mos. Describes causes and consequences of emotions.

Identify and assess personal qualities and external supportsSED.R.K.17: Identify personal likes and dislikes. ES: 48 mos. Describes causes and consequences of emotions.

SED.R.K.18: Identify personal strengths and weaknesses. ES: 60 mos. Judges own characteristics.ES: 60 mos. Begins to compare own performance to others, but still has high self-beliefs.ES: 72 mos. Developing a sense of own abilities compared to others across many areas, including social, physical, academic skills, and appearance.

SED.R.K.19: Identify consequences of behaviors. ES: 60 mos. Can modify actions in different situations.ES: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.

SED.R.K.20: Ask clarifying questions. CM: 48 mos. Asks “when,” “why,” and “how” questions.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

SED.R.K.21: Identify positive responses to problems (e.g., get help, try harder, use a different solution).

ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.22: Identify people, places and other resources to go for help (e.g., parents, relatives, school personnel).

ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)44


Understand and practice strategies for managing thoughts and behaviorsSED.R.K.23: Describe and practice sending effective verbal and non-verbal messages.

CM: 48 mos. Carries on true conversation.CM: 72 mos. Communicates actively in group activities.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

SED.R.K.24: Describe and practice sending effective verbal and non-verbal messages.

CM: 48 mos. Carries on true conversation.CM: 72 mos. Communicates actively in group activities.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

SED.R.K.25: Recognize behavior choices in response to situations. ES: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.ES: 72 mos. Understands and accepts punishment for doing wrong.

Reflect on perspectives and emotional responsesSED.R.K.26: Describe common responses to failures and disappointments.

ES: 60 mos. Begins to compare own performance to others, but still has high self-beliefs.

Set, monitor, adapt and evaluate goals to achieve success in school and lifeSED.R.K.27: Define success and the process of goal setting. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a

goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.28: Identify personal goals and home goals (e.g., dreams, aspirations, hopes).

ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.R.K.29: Identify factors that lead to goal achievement and success (e.g., confidence, motivation, understanding).

ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)45

SED.R.K.30: Identify specific steps for achieving a particular goal. ES: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

SED.SD. Social Development

Social Awareness

Demonstrate awareness of the thoughts, feelings and perspective of othersSED.SD.K.1: Identify a range of emotions in others (e.g., identify “sad” by facial expression; identify “mad” by tone of voice).

CG: 48 mos. Understands other people have feelings, attitudes, and beliefs different from own and can discuss them.CG: 54 mos. Asks questions to understand what another person thinks or feels.

SED.SD.K.2: Identify possible causes for emotions (e.g., losing dog may make you “sad,” your birthday may make you “happy”).

CG: 54 mos. Asks questions to understand what another person thinks or feels.CG: Understands that both beliefs and desires determine behavior.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters: their actions, beliefs, and behaviors, and their influence on each other.

SED.SD.K.3: Identify possible behaviors and anticipate reactions in response to a specific situation (e.g., sharing candy may make your classmate smile; taking pencil may make your classmate yell at you).

CG: 54 mos. Asks questions to understand what another person thinks or feels.CG: Understands that both beliefs and desires determine behavior.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters: their actions, beliefs, and behaviors, and their influence on each other.

SED.SD.K.4: Identify healthy personal hygiene habits. Not addressed in TPBA2

Demonstrate awareness of cultural issues and a respect for human dignity and differencesSED.SD.K.5: Describe ways that people are similar and different. CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between objects,


SED.SD.K.6: Use respectful language and actions with conflict or differences of opinion.

ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.ES: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)46

Interpersonal SkillsDemonstrate communication and social skills to interact effectivelySED.SD.K.7: Follow rules that respect classmates’ needs and use polite language (e.g., wait for their turn, stand in line, let classmate finish speaking).

ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.ES: 72 mos. Justice and rules are unchangeable; may be rigid with rules for others’ behavior.

SED.SD.K.8: Use “I” statements. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.SD.K.9: Pay attention to others when they are speaking. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.SD.K.10: Understand the importance of respecting personal space. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.

SED.SD.K.11: Recognize how facial expressions, body language and tone communicate feelings.

ES: 6-9 mos. Understands that adult’s signals communicate information and emotions.ES: 12-18 mos. Understands how self and others communicate emotions.ES: 36 mos. Full range of emotions evident.

SED.SD.K.12: Take turns and practice sharing. ES: 21 mos. Peer play involving turns escalates.ES: 36 mos. Begins to form friendships.ES: 72 mos. Is capable of waiting for a turn.ES: 72 mos. Play show increasing awareness of others thoughts and feelings.

SED.SD.K.13: Practice sharing encouraging comments. CG: 54 mos. Asks questions to understand what another person thinks and feels.CG: 60 mos. Compares and negotiates ideas with others in play.

SED.SD.K.14: Identify and demonstrate good manners. ES: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.ES: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.ES. 72 mos. Can play fairly.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)47

Develop and maintain positive relationshipsSED.SD.K.15: Recognize how various relationships in life are different. ES: Play may reflect separation, sibling relationships, discipline, and so on.

ES: 60 mos. Issues reflected in play may include connectedness, physical well being, and power or control.ES: 72 mos. Plays themes of power, control, and loss.

SED.SD.K.16: Identify and practice appropriate behaviors to maintain positive relationships (e.g., personal space, voice volume).

ES: 60 mos. Wants to please peers to keep them near by.ES: 72 mos. Play shows increasing awareness of others’ thoughts and feelings.

Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflictsSED.SD.K.17: Identify conflict. SE: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.

SE: 60 mos. Tattles on others and recommends punishment.

SED.SD.K.18: Identify what actions cause conflict. SE: 60 mos. Judges right and wrong by what get punishment.SE: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.

SED.SD.K.19: Identify appropriate and inappropriate ways to resolve conflict.

SE: 36-48 mos. Attempts to solve conflicts independently.SE: 60 mos. Knows what behavior is needed to make friends.SE: 72 mos. Shows respect for others.SE: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.

Communications and Literacy Standards

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.L.i.1: Sits on adult’s lap while being read to and gazes at pictures in books and pats individual pictures.

CG: 6-8 mos. Explores and manipulates books.CG: 8-10 mos. Sits on adults’ lap for extended periods of time to look at books.CG: 7-10 mos. Vocalizes while pointing to pictures.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)48

Craft and StructureCL.L.i.2: Shows interest in books, pictures, songs and rhyming (e.g., cuddles and looks at caregiver’s face while being read to, follows caregivers gaze to look at a picture in a book, babbles while being read to).

CG: 6-8 mos. Explores and manipulates books.CG: 8-10 mos. Sits on adults’ lap for extended periods of time to look at books.CG: 7-10 mos. Vocalizes while pointing to pictures.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.L.i.3: Shows interest in photographs of familiar people/objects. CG: 9 mos. Looks at pictures when named.

CG: 7-10 mos. Vocalizes while pointing to pictures.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.L.i.4: Listens briefly to stories being read by an adult. CG: 5 mos. Listens to adult while attending to pictures.

CG: 8-10 mos. Gestures to request repeated reading of a book.CG: 8-10 mos. Sits on adults’ lap for extended periods of time to look at books.

CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Craft and StructureCL.IT.i.2: Shows interest in books and pictures (e.g., cuddles and looks at caregiver’s face while being read to; follows caregiver’s gaze to look at a picture in a book; babbles while being read to).

CG: 6-8 mos. Explores and manipulates books.CG: 8-10 mos. Sits on adults’ lap for extended periods of time to look at books.CG: 7-10 mos. Vocalizes while pointing to pictures.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.IT.i.3: Randomly points to pictures in a book. CG: 7-10 mos. Vocalizes while pointing to pictures.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.IT.i.4: Listens briefly to texts being read with an adult. CG: 8-10 mos. Sits on adults’ lap for extended periods of time to look at


CL.F. Foundational skills

Created by Toni Linder (2015)49

Print ConceptsCL.F.i.1: Explores books by touching, patting and mouthing. CG: 4-7 mos. Brings book to mouth to chew or suck.

CG: 6-8 mos. Explores and manipulates books.

Phonological AwarenessCL.F.i.2: Plays and experiments with sounds through cooing, babbling and simple sounds (e.g., “ee, ah, da, pa, ma”).

CM: 6 mos. Makes different vowel sounds (e.g., ah, eh, ee, oo) and early consonant sounds (e.t., p, b, t, d, m, n).CM: 6 mos. Imitates playful sounds.

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesCL.W.i.1: Shows ability to transfer and manipulate an object with hands (e.g., grasps a rattle, lets go of it and tries to grasp it again).

SM: 6 mos. Releases objects during mouthing or bimanual play.SM: 7 mos. Transfers objects from one hand to the other, releases against a resisting surface.

CL.W.i.2: Grasps objects using entire hand. SM: 6 mos. Grasps objects with whole palm and all fingers.

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and CollaborationCL.SL.i.1: Reacts to adults through vocalizations and/or facial expressions in response to social contact and sounds produced by others.

CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalizations in response to other’s sounds.ES: 4 mos. Show interest by smiling, reaching, and touching.

CL.SL.i.2: Listens to and begins to respond to familiar words (e.g., own name, bottle, mom).

CM: 8 mos. Listens selectively to sounds and words.CM: 8 mos. Responds to own name with head turn, eye contact or smile.CM: 9 mos. Understands some words.

CL.SL.i.3: Uses gestures, movements or vocalizations to gain attention of a familiar person.

CM: 4 mos. Vocalizes to initiate socializing.CM: 5 mos. Fusses to demand attention.CM: 7 mos. Shows desire to be included in social interactions.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)50

Presentation of Knowledge and IdeasCL.SL.i.4: Uses gestures, movements or vocalizations to communicate wants and needs.

CM: 6 mos. Resists actions or objects s/he does not want.CM: 9 mos. Uses gestures paired with vocalization in 50% or less of communicative acts and uses contact gestures with object or caregiver (e.g., sowing, giving, pushing away).CM: 9 mos. Communicative intents: requests actions, requests objects, and comments on actions.

CL.SL.i.5: Uses differing cries to signal various needs. CM: 3 mos. Crying becomes differentiated.

CL.SL.i.6: Uses some consonant-vowel (CV) combinations (e.g., ba, pa, ma).

CM: 7 mos. Produces syllable chains (e.g., “bababababa”; reduplicated babbling.CM: 9 mos. Produces nonreduplicated or variegated babbling: varied syllable and sound structures (e.g., “badebu”).

CL.LS. Language Standards

Vocabulary Acquisition and UseCL.LS.i.1: Recognizes the names of familiar people and objects (e.g., looks at mommy when someone says “where’s mommy?” reaches for bottle when asked “do you want your bottle?”).

CM: 12- 16 mos. Responds to “Where is …?” by searching for object or family members.CM: 12 mos. Identifies common objects when named.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.L.mi.1: Responds to a verbal prompt by pointing to requested picture (e.g., “Oh look there is a cow, can you show me the cow?”).

CG: 8- 9 mos. Looks at pictures when named.CG: 8-12 mos. Points to individual pictures when named by adult.

Craft and StructureCL.L.mi.2: Actively participates in book reading, story telling and singing (e.g., reaching for the pages of a board book when a caregiver is reading a book and looking at it with the child, points to picture of a dog and makes a barking noise).

CG: 10-13 mos. Makes animal sounds when looking at pictures of animals in book.CG: 14-15 mos. Helps reader turn pages of books.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)51

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.L.mi.3: Randomly points to familiar pictures in a book. CG: 8-12 mos. Points to individual pictures when named by adult.

CG: 11-14 mos. Shows a preference for a favorite page of a book by searching for it or hold the book open to that page repeatedly.

CL.L.mi.4: Names familiar people/objects in photographs. CG: 11-14 mos. Names objects pictured, points correctly to a familiar object when asked.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.L.mi.5: Listens to stories being read by an adult. CG: 15 mos. Sustains interest for 2-5 minutes while looking at named

pictures or books.CG: 12-24 mos. Enjoys a variety of interactive books.

CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.IT.mi.1: Responds to a verbal prompt by pointing to requested picture. (e.g., “Oh look there is a cow, can you show me the cow?”)

CG: 8-12 mos. Points to individual pictures when named by adult.CG: 11-14 mos. Names objects pictured, points correctly to a familiar object when asked.

Craft and StructureCL.IT.mi.2: Actively participates in book reading, storytelling and singing (e.g., reaching for the pages of a board book when a caregiver is reading a book and looking at it with the child, points to a picture of a dog and makes a barking noise).

CG: 10-13 mos. Makes animal sounds when looking at pictures of animals in book.CG: 14-15 mos. Helps reader turn pages of books.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.IT.mi.4: Listens to texts being read by an adult. CG: 15 mos. Sustains interest for 2-5 minutes while looking at named

pictures or books.CG: 12-24 mos. Enjoys a variety of interactive books.

CL.F. Foundational skills

Created by Toni Linder (2015)52

Print ConceptsCL.F.mi.1: Explores a book by turning the pages (may be more than one at a time or back to front).

CG: 11mos. Turns pages, but not necessarily one at a time.

CL.F.mi.2: Plays with objects with letters on them (e.g., alphabet blocks).

CG: 21mos. Notices print, rather than just pictures.

Phonological AwarenessCL.F.mi.3: Shows a varied response to sounds in the environment. CM: 4 mos. Differentiates and responds to different sounds and vices.

CL.F.mi.4: Demonstrates enjoyment when listening to nursery rhymes, finger plays, jingles, songs and books that are read to them (e.g., smiles, laughs, pats pictures with hand).

CM: 7 mos. Responds to playing games such as Peekaboo and Pat-a-Cake.ES: 9 mos. Repeats play that got laughter and applause.CG: 15 mos. Sustains interest for 2-5 minutes while looking at named pictures or books.CG: 12-24 mos. Enjoys a variety of interactive books.

FluencyCL.F.mi.5: Begins to vocalize as if reading when looking at a book. CG: 13-14 mos. Uses “book babble” (jargon that sounds like reading).

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesCL.W.mi.1: Picks up objects between thumb and finger (i.e., pincer grasp).

SM: 11mos. Grasp is changing from three fingers to a neat pincer using thumb and first finger.SM: 12 mos. Tip of thumb and forefinger used in grasp. Complete thumb opposition.

CL.W.mi.2: Uses a full-hand grasp to hold a writing tool to make scribbles.

SM: 15-18 mos. Static grasp, holds crayon, and makes scribbles.

Created by Toni Linder (2015)53

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and CollaborationCL.SL.mi.1: Interacts with caregivers and peers using gestures, sounds and words (e.g., waves, shakes head “no”, reaches to be lifted up).

CM: 15 mos. Uses gestures coupled with vocalizations; uses “dada” and “mama” meaningfully and has a few words.CM: 15 mos. Makes verbal protests; Response to a yes/no question (shakes head “no”).CM: 15 mos. Gestures paired with vocalizations constitute the majority of communication acts.

CL.SL.mi.2: Shows understanding of simple requests and of statements referring to people and objects around him or her (e.g., shakes head for “no”, says “mama”).

CM: 15 mos. Uses gestures coupled with vocalizations; uses “dada” and “mama” meaningfully and has a few words.CM: 15 mos. Makes verbal protests; Response to a yes/no question (shakes head “no”).CM: 18 mos. Follows single-step directions.CM: 18 mos. Understand the intent of questions.

CL.SL.mi.3: Uses gestures, movements or vocalizations to initiate interactions to get needs met (e.g., reaches to be lifted up, points to desired item).

CM: 15 mos. Uses gestures coupled with vocalizations; uses “dada” and “mama” meaningfully and has a few words.CM: 15 mos. Makes verbal protests; Response to a yes/no question (shakes head “no”).CM: Gestures paired with vocalizations constitute the majority of communication acts.

Presentation of Knowledge and IdeasCL.SL.mi.4: Demonstrates an understanding of a few simple concepts (e.g., puts hands up to indicate they are “so big” or pulls hand away when something is hot).

CM: 15 mos. Gestures paired with vocalizations constitute the majority of communication acts.

CL.SL.mi.5: Speaks so that familiar adults can understand about 50% of what child says.

CM: 30 mos. Produces speech that is 50%-75% intelligible by familiar listeners.

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CL.LS. Language Standards

Vocabulary Acquisition and UseCL.LS.mi.1: Shows understanding of simple requests and of statements referring to familiar people and objects around him/her (e.g., looks toward door when caregiver says, “Your daddy’s here”).

CM: 18 mos. Follows single-step directions.CM: 18 mos. Understand the intent of questions.CM: 24 mos. Understands action words.CM: 24 mos. Identifies and points to extended family members.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.L.t.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers simple questions about story content using pictures.

CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.

CL.L.t.2: Retells some events from a familiar story with close adult prompting (e.g., T: Tell me what happened to baby bear’s chair?” C: “It broke”).

CG: 30 mos. Fills in a word in the text when the reader pauses, says the next word before the reader does, or reads along with the reader when a familiar/predictable book is read.CG: 36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.

Craft and Structure

CL.L.t.3: Shows an appreciation for reading books, telling stories and singing (e.g., initiates reading a book, telling a story or singing a song, listens as caregiver reads a short story).

CG: 18-30 mos. Enjoys nursery rhymes, nonsense rhymes, finger-plays, poetry.CG: 36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.CG: 36 mos. Listens to longer stories.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.L.t.4: Given a familiar repetitive and predictable story, anticipates what comes next based on pictures and begins to fill in words in the story.

CG: 30 mos. Fills in a word in the text when the reader pauses, says the next word before the reader does, or reads along with the reader when a familiar/predictable book is read.CG: 24-36 mos. Coordinates text read (words) with pictures.

CL.L.t.5: Relates characteristics or actions of the characters in a story to self (e.g., Daddy has a big chair like that).

CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.

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Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.L.t.6: Engages in reading activities with an adult and possibly one or two peers.

CG: 12-24 mos. Engages in reading behavior by verbalizing while looking at books.CG: 36 mo. Listens to longer stories.

CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.IT.t.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers simple questions about text using pictures.

CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 25-28 mos. Asks questions using rising intonation.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.

CL.IT.t.2: Retells some information from a familiar text using pictures or props as a support with close adult prompting (e.g., T: Here is a picture of a fire truck, what do you know about fire trucks?).

CG: 24-36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.CG: 24-36 mos. Coordinates text read with pictures.

Craft and StructureCL.IT.t.3: Exhibits curiosity and interest in learning new vocabulary. CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”

CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 48 mos. Exhibits metalinguistic knowledge (i.e., ability to think about and comment about language).

CL.IT.t.4: Identifies the front cover of a book in order to orient the book correctly for reading.

CG: 11-15 mos. Turns an inverted book right side up or tilts his/her head.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.IT.t.5: Draws meaning from pictures, print and text. CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.

CG: 30 mos. Recognizes some familiar environmental signs or symbols.CG: 36 mos. Understands what print is.CG: 36 mos. Names action when looking at a picture book.

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CL.F. Foundational skills

Print ConceptsCL.F.t.1: Holds book right side up to look at pictures. CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.

CL.F.t.2: Begins to demonstrate an understanding that print conveys meaning (e.g., pretends to read a favorite book).

CG: 17-25 mos. “Reads” to dolls, stuffed animals, or self.

Phonological AwarenessCL.F.t.3: Differentiates between sounds that are the same and different (e.g., bell vs. drum), C and G.

CM: 18 mos. Imitates sounds and words.

CL.F.t.4: Participates in saying words in nursery rhymes, finger plays, jingles, songs and books that are read to them.

CG: 18-30 mos. Enjoys nursery rhymes, nonsense rhymes, finger-plays, poetry.CG: 15-18 mos. Fills in a word in the text when the reader pauses, sys the next word before the reader does, or reads along with the reader when a predictable/familiar story; typically offers correct word.CG: 24-30 mos. Recites whole phrases from favorite stories if adult pauses at opportune times.

FluencyCL.F.t.5: “Reading” may capture the tone of voice and stress on words the caregivers have when reading a book.

CG: 32 mo. Moves finger or hand across a line of print in a favorite book and verbalizes test exactly or accurately paraphrased.

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesCL.W.t.1: Uses thumb and fingers of one hand to hold writing tool. CG: 36-39 mos. Holds pencil/crayon using 3-finger grasp.

CL.W.t.2: Begins to use drawing to represent objects and ideas (e.g., scribbles a picture and labels it after the fact, pretends to write own name, draws a circle and straight line after watching someone else do it).

CG: Imitates vertical strokes; imitates circular scribble.CG: 24-36 mos. Engages in early scribble writing: makes organized marks (pictures/writing).CG: 24-36 mos. Can usually indicate which is a picture or writing in own productions.CG: 30-36 mos. May label and talk about own drawings

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Research to Build and Present KnowledgeCL.W.t.3: Participates in conversations about past events. CG: 21 mos. Attempts to tell about experience using words and jargon.

CG: 24 mos. Talks about the recent past (gist of events within last 6 mo.).CG: 36 mos. Relates detailed sequences of experience from recent past and can remember events from up to 18 months in the past.

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

CL.SL.t.1: In a conversation with a peer or caregiver:CL.SL.t.1a: Answers simple questions and begins to ask questions using inflection and intonation.

CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.

CL.SL.t.1b: Sustains a conversation with two or more turns. ES: 18 mos. Can engage in 20-30 circles of communication with verbal, gestural, and physical communication.CM: 21 mos. Takes one or two turns in conversation.CM: 21 mos. Initiates a conversation and responds with more information.

CL.SL.t.2: Confirms understanding of information presented orally through verbalizations of one or two words or actions.

CM: 12 mos. Uses gestures in response to words.CM: 12-16 mos. Responds to “Where is…?” by searching for object or family member.CM: 15 mos. Uses gestures coupled with vocalizations and/or 4-6 words.

CL.SL.t.3: Uses language to seek help, get information or clarify something that is not understood.

CM: 12 mos. May ask for help.CM: 18 mos. Recognizes and identifies objects and pictures by pointing.CM: 18 mos. Requests desired objects with a word.CM: 21 mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 21 mos. Begins to request clarification (e.g., “huh?”).CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).

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Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

CL.SL.t.4: Uses words to label actions. CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).

CL.SL.t.5: Expresses wants and needs, likes and dislikes. CM: 18 mos. Requests desired objects with a word.CM: 18 mos. Produces “no”, “more”.

CL.SL.t.6: Speaks so that familiar listeners are able to understand ideas, feelings and needs.

CM: 30 mos. Produces speech that is 50%-75% intelligible to familiar listeners.CM: 36 mos. Produces speech that is 75% intelligible.

CL.LS. Language Standards

Vocabulary Acquisition and UseCL.LS.t.1: Shows an understanding of requests and statements referring to familiar people and objects (e.g., when asked “Where is your bear,“ child is able to retrieve the bear and show it to the caregiver or friend).

CM: 12-16 mos. Responds to “Where is…?” by searching for object or family member.CM: 18 mos. Follows one-step directions.CM: 30 mos. Follows two-step related directions.CM: 21mos. Responds to “What…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Answers “What…doing?” questions.

Pre3: (By 48 months)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.L.p3.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers simple questions about the story content.

CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.

CL.L.p3.2: Uses pictures and illustrations to tell and retell parts of a story.

CG: 18 mos. Shows familiarity with the text on seeing illustration (says some of the words in the text).CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.

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Craft and StructureCL.L.p3.3: Asks and answers questions about unknown words/ pictures in a book.

CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.

CL.L.p3.4: Interacts with a variety of common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems, songs).

CG: 36-48 mos. Knows that different forms of text are used for different purposes

CL.L.p3.5: Understands that books have both illustrations and print. CG: 15-20 mos. Notices print rather than just pictures; may point to labels under pictures when pictures are named.CG: 36 mos. Understands what print is.CG: 36 mos. Names action when looking at a picture book.CG: 24-36 mos. Coordinates text read (words) with pictures.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.L.p3.6: With prompting and support, makes connections between self, illustrations and the story when taking a “picture walk” of the book.

CG10-14 mos. Relates an object or an action in a book to the real world.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

CL.L.p3.7: With prompting and support compares and contrasts the adventures and experiences of the characters to self (e.g., “I have a red cape just like Goldilocks!”).

CG 10-14 mos. Relates an object or an action in a book to the real world.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.L.p3.8: Actively engages in small group reading activities with purpose and understanding (e.g., asks for a favorite book to be read, giggles when hears something funny read in the story).

CG: 16-20 mos. Shows empathy for characters or situations depicted in books.CG: 21 mos. Makes associations across booksCG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.

CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Created by Toni Linder (2015)60

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.IT.p3.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers simple questions about the text.

CG: 20-26 mos. Talks about characters and events in books in ways that show understanding of the story.CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 25-28 mos. Asks questions using rising intonation.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.

CL.IT.p3.2: Retells some details of the text using pictures or props as a support.

CG: 24-36 mos. Coordinates text read with pictures.CG: 42 mos. Understands relationships between related pictures.CG: 42 mos. Tells story when looking at ta familiar picture book.

Craft and StructureCL.IT.p3.3: Exhibits curiosity and interest in learning new vocabulary. CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”

CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 48 mos. Exhibits metalinguistic knowledge (i.e., ability to think about and comment about language).

CL.IT.p3.4: Identifies the front and back cover of a book. CG: 11-15 mos. Turns an inverted book right side up or tilts his/her head.

CL.IT.p3.5: Understands that books have both illustrations and print. CG: 15-20 mos. Notices print rather than just pictures; may point to labels under pictures when pictures are named.CG: 36 mos. Understands what print is.CG: 36 mos. Names action when looking at a picture book.CG: 24-36 mos. Coordinates text read (words) with pictures.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.IT.p3.6: With prompting and support, engages in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations and the information presented.

CG10-14 mos. Relates an object or an action in a book to the real world.CG: 20-26 mo. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

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CL.IT.p3.7: Answers simple “wh” questions about the topic presented in the text (e.g., what, where, when, why).

CM 36-48 mos. Questions and comments demonstrate understanding of literal meaning of storyCM 48-60 mos. Answers literal questions about stories (e.g., who, what, when, where).CM 60-72 mo. Answers interpretive answers about a story (e.g., why, what if).

CL.IT.p3.8: With prompting and support identifies similarities between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions or procedures).

CG: 42 mos. Understands relationship among related pictures.CG: 48 mos. Questions and comments demonstrate understanding of literal meaning of story.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.IT.p3.9: Actively engages in small group reading activities with purpose and understanding (e.g., asks for a favorite book to be read, says “I have a car like that” or responds when appropriate to text, with a comment about “my house”).

CG: 12-18 mos. Gives book to adult to read.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.

CL.F. Foundational skills

Print Concepts

CL.F.p3.1: Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print.CL.F.p3.1a: Demonstrates an understanding of how print is read (i.e., left to right, top to bottom, front to back).

CG: 32-36 mos. Moves finger or hand across a line of print in a favorite book and verbalizes text exactly or accurately paraphrased.CG: 48 mos. Scribbling goes from left to right in lines across the page with repeated patterns.CG: 72 mos. Tracks print when listening to a familiar story or when reading own writing.

CL.F.p3.1b: Demonstrates an understanding that print conveys meaning (i.e., environmental print).

CG: 15-20 mos. Notices print rather than just pictures; may point to labels under pictures when pictures are named.CG: 30 mos. Recognizes some familiar environmental signs or symbols.CG: 36 mos. Understands what print is.

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CL.F.p3.1c: Recognizes letters in their name. CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies about 10 alphabet letters, especially those in own name.CG: 48 mos. Recognizes own name in print.

Phonological Awareness

CL.F.p3.2: Plays with the sounds of language.CL.F.p3.2a: Differentiates between sounds that are the same and different (e.g., environmental sounds, animal sounds, phonemes).

CM: 4 mos. Differentiates and responds to different sounds and voices.CM: 8 mos. Listens selectively to sounds and words.CM: 18 mos. Imitates animal sounds and other environmental sounds.CM: 36-48 mos. Indicates enjoyment when hearing alliteration in stories.CM: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.CM: 48-54 mos. Begins obtaining phonemic awareness through rhymes, poems, songs.

CL.F.p3.2b: Distinguishes whether two words rhyme or not. CM: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.

CL.F.p3.2c: Blends compound words and syllables in spoken words (e.g., base + ball= baseball; /d + ad= dad).

CM: 48 mos. Begins to break words into syllables.

CL.F.p3.2d: Identifies two words that start with the same sound (e.g., ball and bat both start with the /b/ sound).

CM: 36-48 mos. Indicates enjoyment when hearing alliteration in stories.CM: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.

Phonics and Word Recognition

CL.F.p3.3: Knows and applies age-appropriate word analysis skills.CL.F.p3.3a: Begins to identify own name in print. CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies about 10 alphabet letters, especially those in own


CL.F.p3.3b: Begins to recognize and “read” familiar words or environmental print.

CG: 30 mos. Recognizes some familiar environmental signs or symbols.CG: 30-36 mos. Reads some environmental print.

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FluencyCL.F.p3.4: Displays emergent reading behaviors with purpose and understanding using a familiar book (e.g., pretend reading).

CG: 17-25 mos. “Reads to dolls, stuffed animals, or self.CG: 15-18 mos. Fills in a word in the text when the reader pauses, sys the next word before the reader does, or reads along with the reader when a predictable/familiar story; typically offers correct word.CG: 24-30 mos. Recites whole phrases from favorite stories if adult pauses at opportune times.CG: 32 mos. Moves finger or hand across a line of print in a favorite book and verbalizes test exactly or accurately paraphrased.

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesCL.W.p3.1: Uses drawing, scribbling, letter like forms, random letter strings and/or dictation to express thought and ideas.

CG: 24-36 mos. Engages in early scribble writing: makes organized marks (pictures/writing).CG: 48 mos. Dictates words, phrases, and sentences for others to write.

Production and Distribution of WritingCL.W.p3.2: Uses consistent marks to represent name when writing. CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and

starts to produce own symbols.

CL.W.p3.3: With guidance and support, imitates shapes and strokes. CG: 18-24 mos. Imitates vertical strokes.CG: 20-24 mos. Imitates circular scribble.CG: 24-36 mos. Imitates a horizontal stroke.CG: 24-36 mos. Imitates a cross.CG: 30-36 mos. Draws recognizable forms.CG: 3-36 mos. Copies a circle.CG: 48-60 mos. Imitates drawing triangle.CG: 48-60 mos. Begins to write alphabet letters or close approximations in combinations with scribbles.

CL.W.p3.4: With guidance and support, explores a variety of digital tools to express ideas (e.g., asks for help searching the internet for pictures of animals to illustrate a book “My Favorite Animals”).

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.

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Research to Build and Present KnowledgeCL.W.p3.5: Participates in shared writing projects (e.g., contributes to class chart about a topic of interest).

ES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activities

CL.W.p3.6: With guidance and support from adults, collaborates with peers to recall information from experiences.

CM: 24 mos. Begins to narrate past events with adult help.CG: 36 mos. Relates detailed sequences of experience from recent past and can remember events from up to 18 months in the past.ES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activitiesCM: 48 mos. Takes 4 turns in true conversation.

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

CL.SL.p3.1: Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about preschool topics with peers and adults in small groups.CL.SL.p3.1a: Beginning to follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topic under discussion).

CG: 24 mos. Initiates a topic and responds with new information.CG: 24 mos. Takes 1-2 turns in conversation.CG: 24-36 mos. Some generalization of rules across time and settings occurs.CG: 24-36 mos. Can follow discourse that contains more than one idea.ES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activitiesCM: 48 mos. Takes 4 turns in true conversation.

CL.SL.p3.1b: Continues a conversation through three or more exchanges.

CM: 48 mos. Takes four turns in true conversation.

CL.SL.p3.2: Confirms understanding of information presented orally or through other media by answering simple (e.g., what, where, who) questions and asking questions if something is not understood.

CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…” “Is…” “Do…” “Where…” questions.CM: 36 mos. Regularly requests clarification.

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Presentation of Knowledge and IdeasCL.SL.p3.3: Uses some basic qualitative (e.g., wet/dry, hot/cold) and quantitative (e.g., more/less, empty/full) concepts to describe familiar people, places, things and events.

CM. 18 mos. Likes to use “all gone” or “more.”CG: 36 mos. Understands concepts of “all,” “none” relating to number of objects.CG: 54 mos. Can do simple analogies (e.g., “the stove is hot,” “the refrigerator is cold”).CG: 54-60 mos. Compares weight (e.g., “light,” “heavy”).CG: 60 mos. Meaningfully uses words, “equal,” “more,” “less,” and “”fewer.

CL.SL.p3.4: Able to describe objects and actions depicted in pictures. CG: 12-18 mos. Performs an action shown or mentioned in a book.CG: 18-24 mos. Identifies objects in pictures.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CM: 30 mos. Identifies actions in pictures.

CL.SL.p3.5: Speaks so that unfamiliar listeners are usually able to understand ideas, feelings and needs.

CM: 42 mos. Produces speech that is intelligible to unfamiliar listeners.

CL.LS. Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

CL.LS.p3.1: Demonstrates emerging understanding of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.CL.LS.p3.1a: Begins to make letter like forms and print some letters (e.g., letters in their name).

CG: 48 mos. Differentiates between letters and numbers.CG: 48-60 mos. Begins to write alphabet letters or close approximations in combination with scribble.CG: 48-60 mos. Gradually, letter-like forms and actual letters replace scribbles in writing.

CL.LS.p3.1b: Uses frequently occurring nouns and verbs when speaking.

CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).

CL.LS.p3.1c: Beginning to form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or/es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes).

CM: 24-33 CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).CM 24-33 mos. Produces regular plural –s (e.g., “dogs”).

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CL.LS.p3.1d: Understands and uses some question words (i.e., interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).

CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…” questionsCM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questionsCM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions

CL.LS.p3.1e: Uses some prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with).

CM: 30 mos. Produces prepositions “in” and “on”.CG: 24-36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up, down, out, in, over, under).

CL.LS.p3.1f: Communicates using at least 3-4 word sentences. CM: 30 mos. Produces 2-3 word combinations.CM: CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.

CL.LS.p3.2: Demonstrates a beginning awareness of writing by using strings of letter- like forms or a series of random letters.

CG: 24-36 mos. Engages in early scribble writing: makes organized marks (pictures/writing).CG: 48 mos. Dictates words, phrases, and sentences for others to write.

Vocabulary Acquisition and UseCL.LS.p3.3: Provides a label when given a “child-friendly” definition of a familiar word (e.g., what is round and bounces: a ball).

CM: 30 mos. Identifies objects by their function.CM: 36 mos. Produces spatial, comparative, contrastive, and temporal concepts.CM: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.CM: 36 mos. Understands categories.

CL.LS.p3.4: With guidance and support from adults, explores word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

CM: 36 mos. Produces spatial, comparative, contrastive, and temporal concepts.CM: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.CM: 36 mos. Understands categories.CM: 36 mos. Regularly requests clarification.

CL.LS.p3.4a: Demonstrates an emerging understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (e.g., up, down; stop, go; in, out).

CG: 54 mos. Can do simple analogies (e.g., “the stove is hot,” “the refrigerator is cold”).CG: 54-60 mos. Compares weight (e.g., “light,” “heavy”).CG: 60 mos. Meaningfully uses words, “equal,” “more,” “less,” and “”fewer.

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CL.LS.p3.4b: Distinguishes among a few verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.

CM: 24 mos. Understands action words.CG: 24 mos. Can dramatize simple action sequences.

CL.LS.p3.5: With prompting and support, begins to experiment with new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to and responding to texts.

CG: 48 mos. Displays reading and writing attempts to others.CG: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.CG: 48 mos. Dictates words, phrases, and sentences for other to write.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsCL.L.p4.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers questions about key details in a text.

CG: 36-48 mo. Questions and comments demonstrate understanding of literal meaning of the story.

CL.L.p4.2: With prompting and support, retells stories with increasing detail and accuracy.

CG: Tells story when looking at a familiar picture book.CG: 48 mo. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

CL.L.p4.3: With prompting and support, identifies characters, settings and major events in a story.

CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

Craft and StructureCL.L.p4.4: Asks and answers questions about unknown words in a text. CM: CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”

CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.

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CL.L.p4.5: Students interact with a variety of common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems, songs).

CG: 36mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes from books, movies.CG: 36-48 mos. Knows that different forms of text are used for different purposes.CM: 48 mos. Is interested in sequences of events in stories.CM: 48 mos. Enjoys hearing alliteration in stories.CM: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.

CL.L.p4.6: With prompting and support, can describe the role of an author and an illustrator.

CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.CG. 72 mos. Can name some book titles and authors.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas O9CL.L.p4.7: With prompting and support, uses the illustrations to retell major events in the story.

CG: 24-36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.CG: 42mos. Names actions when looking at pictures in a book.CG: 42 mos. Tells story when looking at a familiar picture book.

CL.L.p4.8: With prompting and support, begins to compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to predict what will happen next in an unknown story.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.L.p4.9: Actively engages in large and small group reading activities with purpose and understanding (e.g., asks for a favorite book to be read, participates in reciting rhymes and finger plays using accompanying gestures).

CG: 36mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes from books, movies.CG: 36-48 mos. Knows that different forms of text are used for different purposes.CM: 48 mos. Is interested in sequences of events in stories.CM: 48 mos. Enjoys hearing alliteration in stories.CM: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.

CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

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Key Ideas and DetailsCL.IT.p4.1: With prompting and support, asks and answers questions about key details in a text.

CM: CM: 21mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story, connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.

CL.IT.p4.2: With prompting and support, retells key details of a text. CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

CL.IT.p4.3: With prompting and support, describes the connection between two events or pieces of information in a text.

CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When reads a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

Craft and StructureCL.IT.p4.4: With prompting and support, asks and answers questions about unknown words in a text.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.CG: 48 mos. Begins to make sound-letter matches.CG: 48 mos. Begins to break words into syllables.CG: 72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter sound correspondences.CG: 72 mos. Applies letter-sound correspondences to read words.CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemes

CL.IT.p4.5: Identifies the front cover, back cover and title page of a book.

CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.

CL.IT.P4.6: With prompting and support describes the role of an author and an illustrator.

CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.

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Integration of Knowledge and IdeasCL.IT.p4.7: With prompting and support, use the illustrations to identify key details in the story.

CG: 12-18 mos. Performs an action shown or mentioned in a book.CG: 18-24 mos. Identifies objects in pictures.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CM: 30 mos. Identifies actions in pictures.

CL.IT.p4.8: With prompting and support answers “why” questions based on information presented in the text.

CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

CL.IT.p4.9: With prompting and support, identifies a similarity and difference between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions or procedures).

CG: 21 mos. Makes associations across books.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityCL.IT.p4.10: Actively engages in large and small group reading activities with purpose and understanding (e.g., asks for a favorite book to be read, makes appropriate noises for different animals or vehicles).

CG: 10-13 mos. Makes animal sounds when looking at pictures of animals in books.CG: 12-18 mos. Gives book to adult to read.CG: 16-20 mos. Shows empathy for characters or situations depicted in books.CG: 21 mos. Makes associations across books.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 24-30 mos. Recites whole phrases from favorites stories if adult pauses at opportune times.CG: 42 mo. Recalls one or two elements from a story just read.CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.

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CL.F. Foundational skills

Print Concepts

CL.F.p4.1: Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print.CL.F.p4.1a: Follows words from left to right, top to bottom and page-by-page.

CG: 32-36 mos. Moves finger or hand across a line of print in a favorite book and verbalizes text exactly or accurately paraphrased.CG: 48 mos. Scribbling goes from left to right in lines across the page.CG: 60 mos. Writes messages left to right, top to bottom of page.

CL.F.p4.1b: Recognizes that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letter.

CG: 32-36 mos. Moves finger or hand across a line of print in a favorite book and verbalizes text exactly or accurately paraphrased.CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and starts to produce own symbols.CG: 48 mos. Begins to make sound-letter matches.CG: 48-60 mos. Gradually, letter-like forms replace scribbles in writing.

CL.F.p4.1c: Recognizes that letters are grouped to form words. CG: 48 mos. Begins to make sound-letter matches.CG: 48-60 mos. Gradually, letter-like forms replace scribbles in writing.CG? 60 mos. Puts spaces between written words.

CL.F.p4.1d: Recognizes and names some upper: and lowercase letters in addition to those in first name.

CG: 36-48 mos. Knows that alphabet letters are a category of visual graphics that can be individually named.CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies about 10 alphabet letters, especially those in own name.CG: 54-60 mos. Labels/names most uppercase letters.CG: 60 mos. Independently writes capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.CG: 72 mos. Recognizes and names all upper- and lowercase letters.

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Phonological Awareness

CL.F.p4.2: Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (i.e., phonemes):CL.F.p4.2a: Recognizes and produces rhyming words. CG: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar

words.CG: 48-54 mos. Begins obtaining phonemic awareness through rhymes, poems, songs.CG: 60-72 mos. Produces rhyming words and distinguishes rhyming from non-rhyming words.

CL.F.p4.2b: Blends and segments syllables in spoken words (e.g., /f/+/i/+/sh/= fish; or clapping or snapping out syllables ap-ple= 2 claps).

CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies, segments, and combines syllables in spoken words.

CL.F.p4.2c: With prompting and support blends and segments initial sounds (i.e., onset) and ending sounds (i.e., rime) of single syllable words (e.g., /d/+/og/= dog).

CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies first and final sounds in spoken words.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies, segments, and combines syllables in spoken words.CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemes

CL.F.p4.2d: States the initial sound (phoneme) in consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words (e.g., cat starts with /c/).

CG: 48 mos. Begins to make letter-sound matches.CG: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies first and final sounds in spoken words.

Phonics and Word Recognition

CL.F.p4.3: Knows and applies age appropriate word analysis skills in decoding words.CL.F.p4.3a: Demonstrates basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondence by producing the sound of some letters.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to make letter-sound matches.

CL.F.p4.3b: Identifies own name in print. CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies about 10 alphabet letters, especially those in own name.

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CL.F.p4.3c: Recognizes and “reads” familiar words or environmental print.

CG: 30 mos. Recognizes some familiar environmental signs or symbols.CG: 30-36 mos. Reads some environmental print.CG: 48 mos. Identifies simple high-frequency words.

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesCL.W.p4.1: Uses a combination of drawing, dictating or emergent writing to express thoughts and ideas.

CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and starts to produce own symbolsCG: 36-48 mos. Reads drawings as if there were writing on them.CG: 48 mos. Dictates words, phrases, and sentences for others to write.CG: 48-60 mos. Begins to write alphabet letter or close approximations in combination with scribble.CG: 48-60 mos. Gradually, letter-like forms replace scribbles in writing.

Production and Distribution of WritingCL.W.p4.2: Recognizably writes a majority of the letters in their name. CG: 48-60 mos. Traces own name.

CG: 48- 60 mos. Writes names.

CL.W.p4.3: With guidance and support, responds to questions and suggestions and adds details to drawings or emergent writing as needed.

CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

CL.W.p4.4: With guidance and support, explores a variety of digital tools to produce and publish emergent writing (e.g., uses the class camera to record the growth of the class garden; asks for help searching the internet for pictures of animals to illustrate a book or directions for a task).

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.

Research to Build and Present KnowledgeCL.W.p4.5: Participates in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explores a number of books by a favorite author and expresses opinions about them).

CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

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CL.W.p4.6: With guidance and support from adults, recalls information from experiences or gathers information from provided sources to answer a question.

CG: 72 mos. Remembers a large number of songs, finger plays, details of books, movies, et.CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

CL.SL.p4.1: Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about preschool topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.CL.SL.p4.1a: Follows agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).

CM: 72 mos. Communicates actively in group activities.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

CL.SL.p4.1b. Continues a conversation through multiple exchanges, staying on topic.

CG: 60 mos. Begins perspective shift/understanding others’ points of view.CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

CL.SL.p4.2: Confirms understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering reasoning questions (e.g., why, how) about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.

CG: 60 mos. Begins perspective shift/understanding others’ points of view.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).CM 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

Presentation of Knowledge and IdeasCL.Sl.p4.3: Uses some basic spatial (e.g., front/back, top/bottom) and temporal (e.g., first/last, before/after) concepts to describe familiar people, places, things and events.

CG: 42 mos. Knows spatial relations.CG: 48-60 mos. Uses relational words (e.g., forward, then, when, first, next, backward, behind, in front of).

CL.SL.p4.4: Able to tell another person about what they have drawn. CM: 48 mos. Combines 3 verbal sequences to describe an event.CM: 54 mos. Describes how to do something.CM: 60 mos. Relates experiences with detail, without adult prompting.

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CL.SL.p4.5: Speaks understandably to express ideas, feelings and needs.

ES: 30 mos. Shares feelings about own and others’ emotions.CG: 30 mos. Uses words “think” and “know” to refer to thoughts and beliefs.CM: 36 mos. Produces speech that is 75% intelligible.

CL.LS. Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

CL.LS.p4.1: Demonstrates an emerging command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.CL.LS.p4.1a: Prints some upper-and lower-case letters (e.g., letters in their name).

CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies about 10 alphabet letters, especially those in own name.CG: 48-60 mos. Gradually, letter-like forms and actual letters replace scribbles in writing.CG: 48-60 mos. Independently writes capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

CL.LS.p4.1b: Uses frequently occurring nouns and verbs. CM: 21 mos. Names objects.CM: 24 mos. Understands action words.CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).

CL.LS.p4.1c: Forms regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes).

CM 24-33 mos. Produces regular plural –s (e.g., “dogs”).

CL.LS.p4.1d: Understands and uses most question words (i.e., interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).

CM: 21 mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.

CL.LS.p4.1e: Uses the many frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with).

CM: 30 mos. Produces prepositions “in” and “on”.CG: 24-36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up, down, out, in, over, under).CG: 33-36 mos. Understands position words (e.g., in, on top of, on, under).

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CL.LS.p4.1f: Produces complete sentences in shared language activities.

CM: 42 mos. Produces 3-4 word combinations.CM: 42 mos. Uses and, but and because to combine sentences.CM: 48-60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to a wide variety of topics.

CL.LS.p4.2: Demonstrates a beginning awareness of the conventions of writing by using some letters to match sounds in words (e.g., uses the beginning letter to write or represent a word or “trk” for truck) and usually writing from left to right. May reverse some letters.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.CG: 48 mos. Begins to make sound-letter matches.CG: 72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter sound correspondences.CG: 48-60 mos. Frequently reverses letters when writing.CG: Independently writes capital and lower case letters of the alphabet.CG: Writes messages left to right, top to bottom of page.

Vocabulary Acquisition and UseCL.LS.p4.3: Determines or clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words with assistance or cues from an adult (e.g., providing a frame of reference, context or comparison).

CM: 36 mos. Regularly requests clarification.CG: 36 mos. Asks a variety of types of questions.

CL.LS.p4.4: With guidance and support, explores word relationships and nuances in word meanings.CL.LS.p4.4a: Demonstrates an understanding of some frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (e.g., up, down, stop, go, in, out).

CM: 36 mos. Produces spatial, comparative, contrastive, and temporal concepts.CM: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.CM: 36 mos. Understands categories.CG: 54 mos. Can do simple analogies (e.g., “the stove is hot,” “the refrigerator is cold”).

CL.LS.p4.4b: Distinguishes among some verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.

CM: 24 mos. Understands action words.CG: 24 mos. Can dramatize simple action sequences.

CL.SL.p4.5: With prompting and support, begins to use new words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to and responding to texts.

CG: 48 mos. Displays reading and writing attempts to others.CG: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.CG: 48 mos. Dictates words, phrases, and sentences for other to write.ES: 60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to wide variety of topics.

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Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

CL.L. Literature

Key Ideas and DetailsRL.K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

CG: 36-48 mos. Questions and comments demonstrate understanding of literal meaning of the story.CG: 72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.

RL.K.2: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

CG: Tells story when looking at a familiar picture book.CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When reads a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.

RL.K.3: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings and major events in a story.

CG: 48 mo. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 36-48 mos. When reads a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 48 mos. Begins to predict what will happen next in an unknown story.CG: 60 mos. Tells suitable ending to a simple storyCG: 72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.

Craft and StructureRL.K.4: Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. CG: 48 mos. Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to make sound-letter matches.CG: 48 mos. Begins to break words into syllables.CG: 72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter sound correspondences.CG: 72 mos. Applies letter-sound correspondences to read words.CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemes

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RL.K.5: Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). CG: 36-48 mos. Knows that different forms of text are used for different purposes.CM: 48 mos. Is interested in sequences of events in stories.CM: 48 mos. Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words.CM: 72 mos. Recognizes several different types or genres of text (e.g., poems,Newspaper, expository text, labels, etc.

RL.K.6: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.

CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.CG: 72 mos. Can name some book titles an authors.

Integration of Knowledge and IdeasRL.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).

CG: 42 mos. Names actions when looking at pictures in a book.CG: 42 mos. Tells story when looking at a familiar picture book.CG: 60-72 mos. Uses picture cues to support reading comprehension.CG: 72 mos. Makes predictions based on illustrations or portions of text.

RL.K.9: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.

CG: 48-60 mos. Answers literal questions about stories (e.g., who what, when, where).CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloudCG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityRL.K.10: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

ES: 60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to wide variety of topics.ES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activities.

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CL.IT. Informational Text (Non-Fiction)

Key Ideas and DetailsRI.K.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

ES: 60-72 mos. Able to identify causes of emotion in characters from stories.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

RI.K.2: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 48-60 mos. Reconstructs/tells stories.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.

RI.K.3: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text.

CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 48-60 mos. Reconstructs/tells stories.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.

Craft and StructureRI.K.4: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.

CG: 48 mos. Begins to break words into syllables.CG: 72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter sound correspondences.CG: 72 mos. Applies letter-sound correspondences to read words.CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemes

RI.K.5: Identify the front cover, back cover and title page of a book. CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.

RI.K.6: Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.

CG: 60-72 mos. Knows the parts of a book and their functions.CG: 72 mos. Can name some book titles an authors.

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Integration of Knowledge and IdeasRI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing or idea in the text an illustration depicts).

CG: 60-72 mos. Uses picture cues to support reading comprehension.CG: 72 mo. Makes predictions based on illustrations or portions of text.

RI.K.8: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.

ES: 60-72 mos. Able to identify causes of emotion in characters from stories.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

RI.K.9: With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions or procedures).

ES: 60-72 mos. Able to identify causes of emotion in characters from stories.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

Range of Reading and Level of Text ComplexityRI.K.10: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

ES: 60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to wide variety of topicsES: 48-72 mos. Participates in group activities.

CL.F. Foundational skills

Print Concepts

RF.K.1: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.RF.K.1a: Follow words from left to right, top to bottom and page-by-page.

CG: 60 mos. Writes messages left to right, top to bottom of page.CG: 72 mos. Tracks print when listening to a familiar story or when reading own writing.

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RF.K.1b: Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.

CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and starts to produce own symbols.CG: 60 mos. Begins to build a repertoire of conventionally spelled words.CG: 48-60 mos. May use a group of known letters (often consonants) to form a word.CG: 60-66 mos. Prints name and simple words.

RF.K.1c: Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. CG: 60 mos. Puts spaces between words.

RF.K.1d: Recognize and name all upper: and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

CG: 72 mos. Recognizes and names all upper- and lowercase letters.

Phonological AwarenessRF.K.2b: Count, pronounce, blend and segment syllables in spoken words.

CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies, segments, and combines syllables in spoken words.

RF.K.2c: Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words

CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemesCG: 60-72 mos. Able to switch for oral to written language.

RF.K.2d:Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel and final sounds (i.e., phonemes) in three- phoneme (i.e., consonant-vowel-consonant or CVC) words.

CG: 60-72 mos. Blends and segments one-syllable spoken words into phonemesCG: 60-72 mos. Identifies first and final sounds in spoken words.CG: Applies letter-sound correspondences to read words.

RF.K.2e: Add or substitute individual sounds (i.e., phonemes) in simple, one- syllable words to make new words.

CG: 60-72 mos. Demonstrates understanding that spoken words consist of sequences of phonemes.CG: 60-72 mos. Understands alphabetic principle.CG: 60-72 mos. Produces rhyming words and distinguishes rhyming from non- rhyming words.

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Phonics and Word Recognition

RF.K.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.RF.K.3a: Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

CG: 60-72 mos. Understands alphabetic principle.CG: 60-72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter-sound correspondences.

RF.K.3b: Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.

CG: 72 mos. Knows many, but not all, letter sound correspondences.

RF.K.3c: Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).

CG: 60 mos. Recognizes frequently occurring words and environmental print.CG: 66-72 mos. Reads simple three-letter words paired with pictures.CG: 60 mos. Begins to build a repertoire of conventionally spelled words.

RF.K.3d: Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.

CG: Applies letter-sound correspondences to read words.

FluencyRF.K.4: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding. CG: 66-72 mos. Reads simple three-letter words paired with pictures.

CL.W. Writing

Text Types and PurposesW.K.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).

CG: 60-72 mos. Begins using symbols for representations as well as pictures.CG: 60-72 mos. May begin printing or copying letters or numerals.CG: 60-72 mos. Draws pictures of three or more objects.CG: 60-72 mos. Dictates messages and stories.

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W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.

CG: 60-72 mos. Begins using symbols for representations as well as pictures.CG: 60-72 mos. May begin printing or copying letters or numerals.CG: 60-72 mos. Draws pictures of three or more objects.CG: 60-72 mos. Dictates messages and stories.

W.K.3: Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred and provide a reaction to what happened.

CG: 60-72 mos. Begins using symbols for representations as well as pictures.CG: 60-72 mos. May begin printing or copying letters or numerals.CG: 60-72 mos. Draws pictures of three or more objects.CG: 60-72 mos. Dictates messages and stories.

Production and Distribution of WritingW.K.5: With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.

CG: 60 mos. Compares and negotiates ideas with other in play.CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

W.K.6: With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy material to solve a problem.CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters; their actions, beliefs, and behaviors; and their influence on each other.

Research to Build and Present KnowledgeW.K.7: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them).

CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters; their actions, beliefs, and behaviors; and their influence on each other.

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W.K.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy material to solve a problem.CG: 60 mos. Shares clear and explicit verbalizations of memories.CG: 72 mos. Remembers a large number of songs, finger plays, details of books and movies.

CL.SL. Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

SL.K.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.SL.K.1a: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion).

CM: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.CM: 60 mos. Begins perspective shift/understanding of other’s point of view.CM: 72 mos. Communicates actively in group activities.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

SL.K.1b: Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges. CM: 60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to wide variety of topics.CM: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.CM: 72 mos. Is capable of waiting for a turn.CM: 72 mos. Playful conversations are typical.

SL.K.2: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.

CG: 60-72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 60-72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.CG. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

SL.K.3: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information or clarify something that is not understood.

CG: 60 mos. Compares and negotiates ideas with others.CG: 72 mos. Asks questions and exchanges information with others.

Presentation of Knowledge and IdeasSL.K.4: Describe familiar people, places, things and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

CG: 60 mos. Gives detailed descriptions of past events.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters: their actions, beliefs, and behaviors, and their influence on each other.

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SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.

CG: 60-72 mos. Draws picture of three or more objects.CG: 60 mos. Makes costumes up.CG: 72 mos. Creates and acts out own stories.CG: 72 mos. Makes up characters and costumes.

SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. CM: 72 mos. Produces all sounds in all positions by age 7.CG: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.CG: 72 mos. Play shows increasing awareness of others’ thoughts and feelings.CG: 72 mos. Remembers and makes up jokes for others.

CL.LS. Language Standards

Conventions of Standard English

L.K.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.L.K.1a: Print many upper: and lowercase letters. CG: 60 mos. Independently writes capital and lowercase letters of the


L.K.1b: Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. CM: 21 mos. Names objects.CM: 24 mos. Understands action words.CM: 24 mos. Produces two-word combinations (e.g., agent-action; action-object; agent-object, action-location, possessor-possession).

L.K.1c: Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes).

CM 24-33 mos. Produces regular plural –s (e.g., “dogs”).

L.K.1d: Understand and use question words (i.e., interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).

CM: 21 mos. Asks, “What’s that?”CM: 26-32 mos. Asks “Where…?” questions.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.

L.K.1e: Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with).

CM: 30 mos. Produces prepositions “in” and “on”.CG: 24-36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up, down, out, in, over, under).CG: 33-36 mos. Understands position words (e.g., in, on top of, on, under.

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L.K.1f: Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.

CM: 42 mos. Produces 3-4 word combinations.CM: 42 mos. Uses and, but and because to combine sentences.CM: 48-60 mos. Shares conversations and play related to a wide variety of topics.CG: 72 mos. Can negotiate actions and consequences.CG: 72 mos. Remembers and makes up jokes for others.

L.K.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing.L.K.2a: Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. 60-72 mos. Uses conventions and punctuation in writing.

L.K.2b: Recognize and name end punctuation. 60-72 mos. Uses punctuation in writing.

L.K.2c: Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (i.e., phonemes).

CG: 48-60 mos. May use a group of known letters (often consonants) to form a word.

L.K.2d: Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound- letter relationships.

CG: Spells words phonetically.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

L.K.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content.L.K.4a: Identify new meanings for familiar words and use them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck).

CM: 60 mos. Requests definitions of words.

L.K.4b: Use the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.

CM: 72 mos. Produces past tense and future tense verbs appropriately.CM: 72 mos. Produces irregular nouns and verbs.

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L.K.5: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.L.K.5a: Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

CG: 48 mos. Names examples of objects, animals, and so forth in a class (e.g., fruit).CG: 60 mos. Can identify a class when members of the class are names (e.g., apple, banana, pear are fruit).

L.K.5b: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (i.e., antonyms).

CG: 54 mos. Can do simple opposites (e.g., “the stove is hot,” “the refrigerator is cold”).

L.K.5c: Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful).

CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between objects and people.

L.K.5d: Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.

Not addressed in TPBA2

L.K.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to and responding to texts.

CM: 60 mos. Understands approximately 13,000 words.CM: 60 mos. Requests definitions of words.

Mathematical Knowledge

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Compare NumbersM.CC.i.1: Holds an object in each hand. SM: 6 mos. Simultaneous, symmetric, bilateral approach with one-or two-

hand grasp.

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinking

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Understand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking fromM.OA.i.1: Initiates repeated movements (e.g., makes cooing sound repeatedly when interacting with an adult, kicks repeated times at an object).

SM: 3 mos. Supine: Head in mid-position and posture symmetrical. Kicks with both feet. Moves limbs reciprocally or arms together, legs together.CM: 2 mos. Coos (i.e., throaty sounds with vowels).

M.MD. Measurement and DataDescribe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.i.1: Explores properties of objects (e.g., looks for what is making a sound, drops a toy and watches it fall).

CG: 4 mos. Turns head to find source of sounds.CG: 5 mos. Can reach, grasp, mouth to explore objects.CG: 4 mos. Searches for vanishing object.CG: 12 mos. Experiments with heights, distances (e.g., dropping, throwing).

Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.i.2: Notices the difference between familiar and unfamiliar people, objects and places (e.g., looks back and forth between people or objects as if comparing them; explores objects by banging, shaking or hitting them).

ES: 4 mos. Responds differently to different people.ES: 4 mos. Shows interest by smiling, reaching, and touching.CG: 5-6 mos. Enjoys banging and shaking.

M.G. Geometry

Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.i.1: Exhibits some sense of size, color and shape recognition of objects in the environment.

CG: 12 mos. Combines and matches several objects (e.g., stacks objects, fits piece in puzzle).CG: 18-24 mos. Compares and matches form, size, and color.

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.i.2: Explores the properties of objects by reaching for and grasping a toy or by mouthing the object.

CG: 4 mos. Uses kicking, reaching, grasping to explore objects.CG: 4 mos. Mouthing is primary way to explore.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

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M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequenceM.CC.mi.1: Names some number words but not in sequence. CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.

CG: 21 mos. One-to-one correspondence with two objects.CG: 24-30 mos. Counts two objects, knows “one more”.

Count to tell the number of objectsM.CC.mi.2: Attends to quantities when interacting with objects (e.g., communicates “more” and “all gone” when eating from a bowl of cheerios, fills containers of different sizes with objects).

CM: 18 mos. Likes to use “all gone” or “more”.

Compare NumbersM.CC.mi.3: Places objects using one to one correspondence, but does not fully understand this creates equal groups (e.g., child places one toy in each container during play but doesn’t understand there are the same number of toys and containers).

CG: 21 mos. One-to-one correspondence with two objects.

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinking

Understand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking fromM.OA.mi.1: Imitates adult-initiated movement patterns (e.g., copies adult movements such as clapping, puts hands near eyes during a game of peek a boo).

SM: 4-9 mos. Plays peek-a-boo games.ES: 8-12 mos. Begins to imitate actions of caregiver or other child.

M.MD. Measurement and Data

Describe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.mi.1: Shows awareness of the size of objects where the size difference is great (e.g., communicates “big ball”, shows a preference for the bigger over the smaller toy).

CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.CG: 27-30 mos. Recognizes size differences (e.g., pointing to little, big).

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Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.mi.2. Matches two objects that are the same and selects similar items from a group (e.g., matches two identical toys, points out all the blue plates at snack).

CG: By 15 mos. Places objects into categories (e.g., food, animals, plants).

M.G. Geometry

Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.mi.1: Explores geometric shapes through manipulating objects (e.g., blocks, containers, other objects).

CG: 15 mos. Can place circle in puzzle.CG: 18 mos. Can place circle and square in puzzle.CG: 18 mos. Moves, shifts, rearranges, modifies things as desired.CG: 18 mos. Enjoys stacking objects.CG: 18-24 mos. Puts circle, square, triangle shapes in puzzle.CG: 30-36 mos. Can put together 4-5-piect interconnected puzzle.

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.mi.2: Uses trial and error strategies to fit objects together (e.g., experiments with how objects fit in space: stack, sorts, dumps, pushes, pulls, twists, turns).

CG: 24-30 mos. Experiments with putting together and taking apart.CG: 36 mos. Tries alternative when first solutions don’t work.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequenceM.CC.t.1: Verbally counts in sequence to 3. CG: 19-30 mos. Counts first three count words.

Count to tell the number of objectsM.CC.t.2: Shows understanding that numbers represent quantity and demonstrate understanding of words that identify how much (e.g., uses words such as “one, two, more, little, a lot”).

CG: 24-30 mos. Counts two objects, knows “how many” up to two.CG: 36 mos. Counts 1-4 items with one-to-one correspondence.CG: 24-36 mos. Subitizes, or instantly tell how many with groups of 1-3 items.CG: 36 mos. Visually identifies the same or more by making a visual comparison (may be wrong).CG: 36 mos. Understands concepts of all, none relating to number of objects.

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M.CC.t.3: Matches large pegs to holes using one-to-one correspondence.

CG: 15 mos. Likes putting things in holes.CG: 24-30 mos. Experiments with putting together and taking apart.

Compare NumbersM.CC.t.4: Demonstrates an understanding that one collection has more than another when the collections are quite different in size (one collection is at least twice the other).

CG: 36 mos. Visually identifies the same or more by making a visual comparison (may be wrong).

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinking

Understand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from

M.OA.t.1: Demonstrates an understanding that adding to a group increases the number of objects in the group (e.g., adds more blocks to their collection and indicates “I have more”).

CG: 24-30 mos. Counts two objects, knows “one more”.CG: 36 mos. Visually identifies the same or more by making a visual comparison (may be wrong).

M.OA.t.2: Copies and anticipates a repeating pattern (e.g., follows and remembers movements in familiar songs or rhymes, recognizes a repeating pattern in a storybook (e.g., “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?”).

CG: 18-30 mos. Enjoys nursery rhymes, nonsense rhymes, finger plays and poetry.CG: 15-28 mos. Fills in a word in the text when the reader pauses, says the next word before the reader does or reads along with the reader when a predicable/familiar book is read.

M.MD. Measurement and Data

Describe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.t.1: Starts to use words to describe measurable attributes (e.g., big, heavy, empty).

CM: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.CM: 36 mos. Produces spatial, comparative, contrastive, and temporal concepts.

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Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.t.2: Groups two or more objects by one attribute (e.g., labels all the big animals “mama” and the small animals “baby”, puts all the red items in one pile and the non red items in another).

CM: 15 mos. Places objects into categories (e.g., food, animals, plants).CM: 21 mos. Makes collections of things that are alike in some way (e.g., puts toys with wheels together.CM: 18-24 mos. Compares and matches form, size, and color.CM: 30-36 mos. Understands most common descriptors.

M.MD.t.3: Names groups of 1-2 items (e.g., shown an pair of shoes says “two shoes”) (precursor to subitizing).

CG: 24-30 mos. Counts two objects, knows “how many” up to two.

M.G. Geometry

Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.t.1: Demonstrates an understanding of simple location/position words (e.g., under, in, out).

CM: 30-36 mos. Understands spatial concepts (e.g., in, out, on, off, under).

M.G.t.2: Matches basic shapes with different orientations and sizes (e.g., point to a group of various size circles and communicates that they are all circles).

CG: 18-36 mos. Makes spatial designs with blocks or shapes.CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.t.3: Manipulates shapes to place in a form board or simple puzzle.

CG: 18-24 mos. Puts circle, square, triangle shapes in puzzle.CG: 30-36 mos. Can put together 4-5-piece interconnected puzzle.

Pre3: (By 48 months)

M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequenceM.CC.p3.1: Counts in sequence to 10. CG: 36 mos. Counts 1-10.

M.CC.p3.2: Demonstrates an understanding that number names can be represented with a written numeral.

CG: 54 mos. Writing differentiates between letters and numbers.

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Count to tell the number of objectsM.CC.p3.3: Places objects in one to one correspondence during play situations (e.g., gives each doll a plate in the housekeeping area).

CG: 15 mos. Combines related objects (e.g., dress on doll).CG: 21 mos. Searches for objects to “go with” other toys (e.g. spoon for bowl, driver for car).

M.CC.p3.4: Spontaneously counts for own purposes. CG: 36 mos. Counts 1-10.

M.CC.p3.5: Uses number words to indicate the quantity in small sets of objects (e.g., 2, 3).

CG: Count 1-4 items with one-to-one correspondence.CG: 36 mos. Counts 1-10.CM: 42 mos. Understands “how many”.

Compare NumbersM.CC.p3.6: Identifies whether the number of objects in one group is more or less as compared to the number of objects in another group up to 5.

CG: 36 mos. Identifies the same or more by making a visual comparison (may be wrong).CG: 48 mos. Informally compares amount of items with clear discrepancies.

M.CC.p3.7: When shown a collection of up to 3 items creates another collection of equal amounts, not necessarily by matching (precursor to subitizing).

CG: 24-36 mos. Subitizes, or instantly tell how many with groups of 1-3 items

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinkingUnderstand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking fromM.OA.p3.1: Demonstrates an understanding of addition by using objects in practical situations (e.g., has one slice of apple on a plate, adds another slice of apple and communicates “Two”).

CG: 24-30 mos. Counts two objects, knows “one more”.CG: 24-36 mos. Subitizes, or instantly tell how many with groups of 1-3 items.

M.OA.p3.2: Uses concrete objects including shapes to copy simple patterns.

CG: 18- 36 mos. Makes spatial designs with blocks or shapes.CG: 48 mos. Copies simple repeating pattern.

M.MD. Measurement and Data

Describe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.p3.1: Demonstrates an understanding that objects can be compared by one attribute (e.g., weight, capacity, length) and begins to use words such as bigger/smaller and longer (e.g., Attempts to pick up a big block and exclaims “That’s heavier!”).

CG: 27-30 mos. Recognizes size differencesCG: 54 mos. Uses terms longer, shorterCG: 54- mos. Compares weight.

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Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.p3.2: Sorts objects into two or more groups by their properties or uses (e.g., sorts blocks into 2 piles; sorts by shape; indicates that pizza, ice cream and hot dogs are all foods but a doll is not).

CM: 30-36 mos. Understands most common descriptors.CM: 42 mos. Knows what objects go together functionally and how they are used.CM: 48 mos. Names example of objects, animals, and so forth, in a class (e.g., fruit).CM: 48-60 mos. Sorts wide variety of shapes

M.G. Geometry

Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.p3.1: Describes objects in the environment using names of shapes and uses actions and words to indicate relative positions of these objects (e.g., over, inside, close to, far away).

CG: 36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up down, out, in, over, under).CG: 48-60 mos. Uses relational words (e.g., forward, then, when, first, next, backward, behind, in front of).

M.G.p3.2: Correctly names shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.CM: 42 mos. Knows several shapes, colors sizes, textures

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.p3.3: Analyzes and compares shapes in different sizes and orientations and uses informal language to describe their similarities, difference and part (e.g., number of sides and corners) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).

CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.CM: 42 mos. Knows several shapes, colors sizes, textures.CM: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between objects, people.

M.G.p3.4: Decomposes shapes (i.e., “take apart” into smaller shapes) by trial and error.

CM: 54 mos. Recreates complex patterns with blocks.CM: 60 mos. Creates or recreates a picture or pattern using shapes.CM: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

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M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequenceM.CC.p4.1: Counts in sequence to 30. CM: 48 mos. Count 1-30 with emphasis on the counting pattern (e.g.,

“Twenty-one,” with emphasis on parallel to 1, 2, 3).

M.CC.p4.2: Represents a group of objects with a written numeral 0-12 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

CM: 54 mos. Writing differentiates between letters and numbers.

M.CC.p4.3: Counts forward beginning from a given number (under 10) within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).

CG: 60 mos. Discusses pattern of adding one and gets the next number.

Count to tell the number of objects

M.CC.p4.4: Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10; connect counting to cardinality.M.CC.p4.4a: Uses one-to-one correspondence when counting objects, says the number names in the standard order pairing with each object (e.g., counts out napkins for snack time, saying the number aloud as they put each one on the table).

CG: 60 mos. Counts with one-to-one correspondence up to 20.

M.CC.p4.4b1: Understands that the last number name said tells the numbers of objects counted (cardinality).

CG: 48 mos. Counts 1-10 items, knowing the last number stated is the total number of items.

M.CC.p4.4b2: Understands that the number of objects remains the same regardless of the order in which the objects were counted.

CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math; such as if you add 1 you get the next number.

M.CC.p4.4c: Demonstrates an understanding that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.

CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math; such as if you add 1 you get the next number.

M.CC.p4.5: Counts to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 10 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array or a circle or as many as 5 things in a scattered configuration.

CM: 42 mos. Understands “how many”.CM: 48 mos. Counts 1-10 items, knowing the last number stated is the total number of items.CM: 48 mos. Subitizes up to five items without having to count each item.

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Compare NumbersM.CC.p4.6: Identifies whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10 by using matching and counting strategies (e.g., compares the number of letters in their friend’s names and indicates who has more or less).

CG: 36 mos. Identifies the same or more by making a visual comparison (may be wrong).CG: 48 mos. Informally compares amount of items with clear discrepancies.CM: 48 mos. Counts 1-10 items, knowing the last number stated is the total number of items.CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.

M.CC.p4.7: Perceptually subitizes to 5 (e.g., instantly recognizes briefly shown collections up to 5 when presented in a variety of arrangements and verbally names the number of items).

CG: 48 mos. Subitizes up to five items without having to count each item.

M.CC.p4.8: Compares two numbers between 1 and 5 when presented as written numerals (e.g., 3 is more than 1, 4 is less than 5).

CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and starts to produce own symbols.

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinking

Understand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking fromM.OA.p4.1: Demonstrates an understanding of addition and subtraction by using objects, fingers and acting out practical situations (e.g., if we have 3 toy giraffes in our block area and add 2 toy elephants, how many animals will we have all together?).

CG: 60 mos. Solves simple word problems involving small numbers using fingers.CG: 72 mos. Begins adding and subtracting simple numbers.

M.OA.p4.2: Composes and decomposes numbers less than or equal to 5 into pairs in more than one way by using objects.

CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.CG: 72 mos. Begins adding and subtracting simple numbers.

M.OA.p4.3: Identifies patterns in the real world and in numbers (e.g., +1 pattern where one more than 3 is 4, one more than 4 is 5, written numerals follow a definite number pattern as the ones digits repeat, 100’s chart).

CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math; such as if you add 1 you get the next number.CG: 72 mos. Can count indefinitely, using tens, hundreds, and thousands.

M.MD. Measurement and Data

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Describe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.p4.1: Describes and compares objects using measurable attributes (length, size, capacity and weight).

CG: 60 mos. Informally compares amount of items with clear discrepancies.CG: 60-72 mos. Sorts by size.

M.MD.p4.2: Directly compares two objects with a measurable attribute in common to see which objects has “more of ”/ “less of ” the attribute (e.g., compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller or shorter).

CG: 60 mos. Compares lengths using another object.

Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.p4.3: Sorts objects into categories; counts the numbers of objects in each category (limit category counts to less than or equal to 10); makes comparisons between the categories based on quantity.

CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.

M.MD.p4.4: Collects data by categories to answer simple questions. CG: 48 mos. Categorizes by size, type, color, and shape in problem solving.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

M.G. Geometry

Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.p4.1: Describes objects in the environment using names of shapes and describes the relative positions of these objects using terms (e.g., above, below, beside, in front of, behind and next to).

CG: 36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up down, out, in, over, under).CG: 48-60 mos. Uses relational words (e.g., forward, then, when, first, next, backward, behind, in front of).CG: 48-60 mos. Sorts wide variety of shapes.CG: 60 mos. Creates or recreates a picture or pattern using shapes.

M.G.p4.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.CM: 42 mos. Knows several shapes, colors sizes, textures.CG: 48-60 mos. Sorts wide variety of shapes.

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Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.p4.3: Analyzes and compares two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/“corners”) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).

CG: 48 mos. Builds 3-D block structures that are representational.CG: 48 mos. Creates 2-D and 3-D constructions with symmetry.CG: 54 mos. Can explain similarities and differences between objects, people.

M.G.p4.4: Creates shapes during play by building, drawing, etc. CG: 48 mos. Builds 3-D block structures that are representational.CG: 54 mos. Recreates complex patterns with blocks.CG: 54 mos. Draws circle, copies a square.CG: 48-60 mos. Imitates drawing a triangle.

M.G.p4.5: Puts together several shapes to make a picture and fill simple outline puzzles.

CG: 48 mos. Puts complex puzzles together (8-12-piece interconnected).CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).CG: 54 mos. Draws simple pictures.

Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

M.CC. Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequenceM.CC.K.1: Count to 100 by ones and by tens. CG: Counts to 100, with emphasis on the patterns (e.g., 20,30,40 plus the

numbers 1, 2, 3, and to 13 to 19 add “teen”.CG: 72 mos. Can count indefinitely, using tens, hundreds, and thousands.

M.CC.K.2: Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).

CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math; such as if you add 1 you get the next number.

M.CC.K.3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0–20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

CG: 42-48 mos. Begins to realize that written symbols convey meaning and starts to produce own symbols.CG: 54 mos. Writing differentiates between letters and numbers.CG: 60-72 mos. Prints or copies numerals.

Count to tell the number of objects

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M.CC.K.1: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.M.CC.K.1a: When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.

CG: 60 mos. Counts with one-to-one correspondence.

M.CC.K.1b: Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.

CM: 48 mos. Counts 1-10 items, knowing the last number stated is the total number of items.CG: Counts to 100, with emphasis on the patterns (e.g., 20,30,40 plus the numbers 1, 2, 3, and to 13 to 19 add “teen”.CG: 72 mos. Can count indefinitely, using tens, hundreds, and thousands.

M.CC.K.1c: Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger.

CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math such as if you add 1 you get the next number.

M.CC.K.2: Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array or a circle or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects.

CM: 42 mos. Understands “how many”.CM: 48 mos. Counts 1-20 items with one-to-one correspondence, knowing the last number stated is the total number of items.CM: 60 mos. Subitizes up to six items visually.

Compare NumbersM.CC.K.1: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group (e.g., by using matching and counting strategies).

CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.

M.CC.K.2: Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.

CG: 60-72 mos. Prints or copies numerals.CG: 72 mos. Begins using symbols for representing numbers.

M.OA. Operations and algebraic thinking

Understand addition as putting together and adding to and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking fromM.OA.K.1: Represent addition and subtraction with objects; fingers; mental images; drawings; sounds (e.g., claps); acting out situations; verbal explanations; expressions or equations.

CG: 60 mos. Solves simple word problems involving small numbers using fingers.CG: 72 mos. Begins adding and subtracting simple numbers.CG: 72 mos. Begins using symbols for representation as well as pictures.

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M.OA.K.2: Solve addition and subtraction word problems and add and subtract within 10 (e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem).

CG: 54 mos. Understands “same number as”.CG: 72 mos. Begins using symbols for representing numbers as well as pictures.

M.OA.K.3: Decompose numbers less than or equal to ten into pairs in more than one way (e.g., by using objects or drawings), and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1).

CG: 54 mos. Understands “same number as”.CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.CG: 72 mos. Begins adding and subtracting simple numbers.

M.OA.K.4: For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number (e.g., by using objects or drawings) and record the answer with a drawing or equation.

CG: 54 mos. Understands “same number as”.CG: 72 mos. Discusses patterns in math; such as if you add 1 you get the next number.CG: 72 mos. Begins using symbols for representation as well as pictures.

M.OA.K.5: Fluently add and subtract within 5. CG: 72 mos. Begins adding and subtracting simple numbers.

M.MD. Measurement and Data

Describe and compare measurable attributesM.MD.K.1: Describe measurable attributes of objects (e.g., length or weight). Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.

CG: 54 mos. Uses terms longer, shorter.CG: 72 mos. Knows relationship of size, weight.

M.MD.K.2: Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of ”/“less of ” the attribute and describe the difference (e.g., directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/ shorter).

CG: 54 mos. Uses terms longer, shorter.CG: 72 mos. Knows relationship of size, weight.CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.CG: 72 mos. Uses numerical reasoning to solve problems.

Classify objects and count the number of objects in each categoryM.MD.K.3: Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.

CG: 60 mos. Uses counting to compare amounts in different sets.CG: 72 mos. Uses numerical reasoning to solve problems.

M.G. Geometry

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Identify and Describe ShapesM.G.K.1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms (e.g., above, below, beside, in front of, behind and next to).

CG: 36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up down, out, in, over, under).CG: 48-60 mos. Uses relational words (e.g., forward, then, when, first, next, backward, behind, in front of).CG: 48-60 mos. Sorts wide variety of shapes.CG: 60 mos. Creates or recreates a picture or pattern using shapes.CG: 60-72 mos. Sorts by size.CG: 60-72 mos. Can use “in the middle” concept.

M.G.K.2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.CM: 42 mos. Knows several shapes, colors sizes, textures.CG: 48-60 mos. Sorts wide variety of shapes.

M.G.K.3: Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”).

Not addressed in TPBA2

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapesM.G.K.4: Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/“corners”) and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).

CG: 48 mos. Builds 3-D block structures that are representational.CG: 48 mos. Creates 2-D and 3-D constructions with symmetry.CG: 54 mos. Can explain similarities and differences between objects, people.CG: 72 mos. Knows right from left.

M.G.K.5: Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.

CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).CG: 48-54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.CG: 54 mos. Draws simple pictures.CG: 60-72 mos. Begins using symbols for representations as well as pictures.

M.G.K.6: Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes (e.g., “Can you join these two triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle?”).

CG: 60 mos. Creates or recreates a picture or pattern using shapes.CG: 60 mos. Creates patterns with symmetry.

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Young Infant: (By 8 months)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsS.i.1: Occasionally uses simple problem-solving to reach objects (e.g., pulls on blanket on which object lies).

CG: 8 mos. Combines different actions into new problem solving attempts.CG: 8 mos. Uses fingers in play to poke, pull, and push.

S.i.2: Repeats behaviors to figure out cause and effect (e.g., shakes a rattle to make the sound; toy released from up high always drops down).

CG: 6 mos. Can remember and imitate actions performed by adults on toys.

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesS.i.3: Shows interest in animals. CG: 8 mos. Recognizes objects and people based on sensory

characteristics.CG: 11 mos. Associates properties with objects (e.g., sounds of animals, location of objects).

Earth’s SystemsS.i.4: Turns head toward or away from weather. CG: 7 mos. Distinguishes near and far objects in space.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsS.mi.1: Purposefully initiates actions on objects to make things happen (e.g., banging on pots /pan, touches different parts of a musical toy to make the music start again).

CG: 10 mos. Experiments with causal actions on objects.

S.mi.2: Notices objects in motion and acts on that object to replicate the motion (e.g., pushes button on pop up toy, dropping items).

CG: 12 mos. Experiments with actions/reactions.CG: 12 mos. Displays goal-oriented behavior.CG: 12 mos. Remembers a strategy that worked on one object and applies it to another.

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesS.mi.3: Shows interest in living things and observes and/or engages with them in a respectful way (e.g., is gentle with animals, plants).

CG: 15 mos. Cares for doll, teddy, etc. (feeds, cuddles, covers).

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Earth’s SystemsS.mi.4: Demonstrates a variety of responses to changes in weather. Not addressed in TPBA2

Toddler: (By 36 months)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsS.t.1: Demonstrates an understanding of basic cause and effect. CG: 13-17 mos. Uses variety of actions in trial and error to operate toys.

CG: 18 mos. Likes toys that activate or “do” something.

S.t.2: Acts upon objects to see any novel movement their action causes (e.g., throwing a ball hard vs. soft, kicking a ball, hammering, push toys on sloped surfaces).

CG: 9-18 mos. Knows what to do to get a reaction (e.g., happy, mad).

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesS.t.3: Names familiar objects, animals, body parts (e.g., arm, hand, arm).

CG: Names pictures.CG: 24 mos. Names almost anything s/he has daily contact with at home, outside and in childcare.CG: Names body parts.

S.t.4: Begins to identify traits of living things (e.g., the sound a duck makes).

CM: 18 mos. Produces animal and other environmental sounds.

S.t.5: Demonstrates an understanding that people and animals need food and water to live.

CG: 42 mos. Understands functions of body parts.CG: 54 mos. Can explain similarities and differences between objects, people.

Earth’s SystemsS.t.6: Beginning to identify weather occurrences (e.g., sun, rain, snow).

CG: 24 mos. Names almost anything s/he has daily contact with at home, outside and in childcare.CG: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.

Earth and Human ActivityS.t.7: Demonstrates an understanding that people and animals can live in different places (e.g., fish live in the water).

CG: 36 mos. Understands spatial concepts.CGL 36 mos. Answers “where” and “what…doing”.

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S.t.8: Enacts animals’ activities (e.g., eating, sleeping) in pretend play. Moves toy animals to mimic animals in the wild.

ES: 21 mos. Acts out things others do.CG: 21 mos. Understands when someone is pretending to eat, drink, sleep, etc.CG: 24 mos. Represents experiences and feelings through dramatic play, primarily nurturing and self care.

Pre3: (By 48 months)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsS.p3.1: Explores and experiments with familiar and unfamiliar objects to examine how objects move when acted on by force (e.g., pushing, pulling, throwing, twisting, gravity).

CG: 12 mos. Experiments with actions/reactions.CG: 48 mos. Sensitive to the effects of gravity in block and ramp play.

EnergyS.p3.2: Makes simple observations of the characteristics of the sun (e.g., “The sun is bright!” “ It’s hot out here in the sun.” “At night it gets dark because the sun goes away”).

CG: 48 mos. Pays attention to specific visual, auditory, and tactile aspects of objects and situations.CG: 48-54 mos. Recognizes “day” or “night” and relates to his/her experiences.

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesS.p3.3: Notices and asks questions about what is the same and what is the difference between categories of plants and animals.

CG: 24 mos. Names almost anything s/he has daily contact with at home, outside and in childcare.CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and difference between objects, people.

S.p3.4: Understands that living things need air, water and food. CM: 42 mos. Understands functions of body parts.

Earth’s SystemsS.p3.5: Identifies weather occurrences (e.g., sun, rain and snow). CG: 24 mos. Names almost anything s/he has daily contact with at home,

outside and in childcare.CG: 36 mos. Understands descriptive words.

S.p3.6: Makes observations and communicates findings with others (e.g., look this tree has big, green leaves).

CM: 42 mos. Understands descriptive concepts (e.g., hard, soft, rough, smooth).CM: 48 mos. Takes four turns in a true conversation.

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Earth and Human ActivityS.p3.7: Comments on an animal’s appearance, behavior or habitat. CM: 42 mos. Understands descriptive concepts (e.g., hard, soft, rough,


S.p3.8: Acquires and uses basic vocabulary for plants, animals and humans (e.g., some names of parts, characteristics).

CM: 42 mos. Understands functions of body parts.CG: 48 mos. Names examples of objects, animals, and so forth, in a class.CG. 48 mos. Categorizes by size, type, color, and shape in problem solving.

S.p3.9: Makes comments about the weather. (e.g., it’s cold; it’s windy).

CM: 42 mos. Understands descriptive concepts (e.g., hard, soft, rough, smooth).

S.p3.10: Participates, with adult direction, in activities to preserve the environment (e.g., disposing of litter, saving things to be recycled).

ES: 36 mos. Needs adult to suggest alternative actions or sequences.ES: 48 mos. Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsS.p4.1: Describes and compares the effects of common forces (e.g., pushes and pulls) on objects and the impact of gravity, magnetism and mechanical forces (e.g., ramps, gears, pendulums and other simple machines).

CG: 48 mos. Sensitive to the effects of gravity in block and ramp play.CG. 48 mos. Categorizes by size, type, color, and shape in problem solving.

S.p4.2: Recognizes and describes the effect of his/her own actions on objects.

CG: 36 mos. Talks about how to solve a problem while working on it.CG: 54 mos. Describes how to do something.CG: 60 mos. Can modify actions in different situations.

EnergyS.p4.3: Demonstrates an understanding that the sun provides light and warmth.

CG: 48 mos. Answers “how” questions.CG: 48 mos. Answers “What happens if…?” questions.

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesS.p4.4: Asks /answers questions about objects, organisms and events in their environments.

CG: 42-44 mos. Asks “when,” “why,” and “how” questions.CG: 48 mos. Answers “how” questions.CG: 60 mos. Answers, “What happens if…?” questions.

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S.p4.5: Understands and is able to explain why plants and animals need air, food and water.

CM: 42 mos. Understands functions of body parts.CG: 48 mos. Answers “how” questions.CG: 48 mos. Answers, “What happens if…?” questions.

Earth’s SystemsS.p4.6: Observes and discusses changes in weather and seasons using common weather related vocabulary (e.g., rainy, sunny, cold, windy).

CM: 42 mos. Understands descriptive concepts (e.g., hard, soft, rough, smooth).

S.p4.7: Observes and explains how plants and animals respond to changes in the environment and in seasons.

CG: 48 mos. Pays attention to specific visual, auditory, and tactile aspects of objects and situations.CG: 54 mos. Can explain similarities and differences between objects, people, and events.

S.p4.8: Understands:(1). How actions people take may change the environment and Not addressed in TPBA2

(2). The impact actions have an on the environment for better (e.g., watering plants) or for worse, (e.g., stomping on plants).

CG: 60 mos. Understands that both beliefs and desires determine behavior.

Earth and Human ActivityS.p4.9: Demonstrates an understanding that living things exist in different habitats (e.g., fish can live in the ocean because they can breathe under water).

CG: 48 mos. Pays attention to specific visual, auditory, and tactile aspects of objects and situations.CG: 54 mos. Can explain similarities and differences between objects, people, and events.

S.p4.10: Demonstrates ways in which the environment provides natural resources that are needed by people (e.g., wood for lumber to build a shelter, water for drinking).

CG: 42 mos. Knows what objects go together functionally and how they are used.

S.p4.11: Demonstrates an understanding that different weather conditions require different clothing/accessories (e.g., boots, mittens, rain coat).

CG: 42 mos. Knows what objects go together functionally and how they are used.

S.p4.12: Recognizes the difference between helpful and harmful actions toward the natural environment and demonstrates ways that individuals are responsible for protecting our planet (e.g., recycling, mending broken things instead of throwing them away, etc.).

CG: 60 mos. Understands that both beliefs and desires determine behavior.

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Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

Motion and Stability: Forces and InteractionsK-PS2-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

ES: 48 mos. Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

K-PS3-C: Relationship between energy and forces. A bigger push or pull makes things go faster.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-PS2-2: Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or directions of an object with a push or a pull.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-PS2-A: Forces and Motion- pushes and pulls can have different strengths and directions.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-PS2-B: Types of Interactions- when objects touch or collide, they push one another and can change motion.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

EnergyK-PS3-1: Make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-PS3-2: Use tools and materials to design and build a structure that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight on an area.

CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

K-PS3-3-B: Conservations of Energy and Energy Transfer- sunlight warms the Earth’s surface.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesK-LS1-1: Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

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K-LS1-C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms- All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals. Plants need water and light to live and grow.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

Earth’s SystemsK-ESS2-1: Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patters over time.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-ESS2-D: Weather and Climate- weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-ESS2-1: Construct an argument supported by evidence for how plants and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs.

CG: Gives detailed descriptions of past events.

K-ESS2-E: Biogeology - plants and animals can change their environment.

CG: Gives detailed descriptions of past events.

K-ESS3-C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems-Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them, but they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air and other living things.

CG: 60 mos. Understands that both beliefs and desires determine behavior.CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters; their actions, beliefs, and behaviors; and their influence on each other.

Earth and Human ActivityK-ESS3-1: Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-ESS3-A: Natural Resources- Living things need water, air and resources from the land and they live in places that have the things they need. Humans use natural resources for everything they do.

CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters; their actions, beliefs, and behaviors; and their influence on each other.

K-ESS3-2: Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for and respond to severe weather.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

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K-ESS3-B: Natural Hazards- Some kinds of severe weather are more likely than others in a given region. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so that the communities can prepare for and respond to these events.

CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perceptions to figure out how to solve problems.

K-ESS3-3: Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air and/or other living things in the local environment.

CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

K-ESS3-C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems- things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. But they can make choices that reduce their impacts on the land, water, air and other living things.

CG: 72 mos. Thinks about multiple characters; their actions, beliefs, and behaviors; and their influence on each other.

Social Studies

Young Infant: (By 8 months)

GovernmentSS.i.1: Shows awareness of self and of other people. ES: 5 mos. Discriminates between self and others in mirror.

ES: 5 mos. Knows parents, siblings, and who is a stranger.

EconomicsSS.i.2: Demonstrates beginning awareness of objects in the environment.

ES: 3 mos. May voluntarily hold and wave a toy.ES: 3 mos. Tracks a slowly moving object.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)

GovernmentSS.mi.1: Prefers familiar adults to strangers. ES: 5 mos. Preference for familiar faces.

ES: 5 mos. Responds differently to stranger (may withdraw).ES: 3-8 mos. May cry if caregiver leaves or stranger is near by.

EconomicsSS.mi.2: Identifies objects as “mine.” CM: 18 mos. Produces “my/mine”.

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GeographySS.mi.3: Demonstrates an understanding that objects and persons exist when not in sight.

CG: 9 mos. Retrieves fully hidden object.

Kansas, United States and World HistorySS.mi.4: Recognizes and anticipates familiar routines. 9 mos. Responds with expectation to repetition of event or signal.

Toddler: (By 36 months)

GovernmentSS.t.1: Identifies family members by name. CM: 15 mos. Uses “mama” or “dada” meaningfully.

CM: 15 mos. May produce 4-6 different words, including names of objects, family members, and activities.CM: 21 mos. Refers to self by name.

EconomicsSS.t.2: Shares with others and takes turns with adult guidance. ES: 8-14 mos. Capable of turn taking.

ES: 18 mos. Spontaneously shares food, toys.

GeographySS.t.3: Talks about objects and people in familiar environments (e.g., home, grocery store).

CM: 18 mos. Produces 5-20 words (mostly nouns).CM: 21 mos. Attempts to tell about experiences using words and jargon.CM: 24 mos. Names almost anything he or she has daily contact with at home, outside, and in childcare.

Kansas, United States and World HistorySS.t.4: Identifies routines and common occurrences in his/her life. CM: 24 mos. Names almost anything he or she has daily contact with at

home, outside, and in.

SS.t.5: Recognizes the start and end of an event (e.g., clapping at the end of a song).

ES: 8 mos. Claps when does something s/he likes.ES: 9 mos. Repeats actions if applauded.

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Pre3: (By 48 months)

GovernmentSS.p3.1: Names family members by relationships (e.g., dad, sister, cousin).

CM: 24 mos. Identifies and points to extended family members.

EconomicsSS.p3.2: Trades or exchanges materials or objects with others. ES: 18 mos. Spontaneously shares food, toys.

SS.p3.3: Discriminates between “yours” and “mine.” CM: 24 mos. Uses early pronouns (e.g. me, my, I, you).

GeographySS.p3.4: Uses words to indicate direction. CG: 24-36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up, down, out, in, over,


SS.p3.5: Creates representations of familiar places through various materials (e.g., builds a fire station with blocks, draws a picture of a home).

CG: 36-42 mos. Builds, constructs primarily enclosures.CG: 48 mos. Builds 3-D block structures that are representational.CG: 48 mos. Creates 2-D and 3-D constructions with symmetry.CG: 48-54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.

SS.p3.6: Demonstrates an emerging understanding that helping with home and classroom routines improves the quality of the environment.

ES: 24-30 mos. Shares toys, helps others, cooperates.ES: 24-36 mos. Begins to internalize rules and follow part of the time.ES: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.

Kansas, United States and World HistorySS.p3.7: Questions why and/or how people are similar or different. CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.

CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between objects, people.

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SS.p3.8: Uses word or phrases that differentiate between events that happened in the past, the present and the future (e.g., “when I was a baby…” or “before I moved into my new house... ”).

CG: 36 mos. Relates detailed sequences of experiences from recent past and can remember events from up to 18 months in the past.CM: 36 mos. Produces spatial, comparative, and temporal concepts.CM: 42-48 mos. Answers “when” questions.CG: 54 mos. Talks about past, present, and future time.

Pre4: (By 60 months)

GovernmentSS.p4.1: Identifies leaders at home and school (e.g., parents, guardians, teachers, principal).

ES: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.ES: 48 mos. Enjoys pretending to be someone else.ES: 60 mos. Issues reflected in play may include connectedness, physical well being, and power, or control.

EconomicsSS.p4.2: Recognizes that people have wants and must make choices because resources and materials are limited (e.g., offers to take turns with scissors when only one pair is available).

CG: 42 mos. Is aware of peoples’ wants, feelings, and perceptions.CG: 42 mos. Understands what to do in specific situations.CG: 48 mos. Can do “if-then” with regard to others (e.g., “If I do this, then….”).CG: 60 mos. Compares and negotiates ideas with others in play.

SS.p4.3: Demonstrates an understanding that money can be exchanged for goods and services.

CG: 60 mos. Knows penny, nickel, dime (not their worth).

GeographySS.p4.4: Identifies and correctly uses terms related to location, direction and distance (e.g., up/down, here/there).

CG: 24-36 mos. Knows directional words (e.g., up, down, out, in, over, under).CG: 42 mos. Knows spatial relationships.

SS.p4.5: Creates simple “maps” or drawings of familiar places. CG: 48 mos. Learns a simple route from a map placed in direct relation to the child’s space.CG: 60 mos. Creates a map using toy objects to recreate a space.

SS.p4.6: Matches objects to usual locations and identifies features of familiar places (e.g., tree in a park, bed in a bedroom).

CG: 60 mos. Creates a map using toy objects to recreate a space.

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SS.p4.7: Identifies the four seasons and relates each season to basic clothing choices (e.g., shorts verses mittens, swimsuit verses heavy coat).

CG: 42 mos. Understands what to do in specific situations.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perception to figure out how to solve problems.

SS.p4.8: With adult support, participates in activities to preserve the environment (e.g., using the trash can and saving items that can be recycled).

CG: 42 mos. Understands what to do in specific situations.CG: 60 mos. Uses “rules” and understanding rather than perception to figure out how to solve problems.

Kansas, United States and World HistorySS.p4.9: Describes some of the holidays, foods and special events related to his/her own culture or acts them out in dramatic play.

CG: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, cultural values of the family.CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.

SS.p4.10: Names city and state where he/she lives. CG: 60 mos. Is aware of strategies to help remember things, such as repeating words aloud.

SS.p4.11: Demonstrates an understanding of time in the context of daily experiences (e.g., tells parent that her friend was sick yesterday).

CG: 48 mos. Shows understanding of time concepts (e.g., before/after, yesterday/today).

Kindergarten: (By the end of K)

GovernmentSS.K.1: Identifies leaders at home and school (e.g., parents, guardians, teachers, principal).

ES: 48 mos. Discriminates appropriate roles and behaviors.ES: 48 mos. Enjoys pretending to be someone else.ES: 60 mos. Issues reflected in play may include connectedness, physical well being, and power, or control.

EconomicsSS.K.1: Understands that a person cannot have everything he/she wants, so a choice has to be made (e.g., play video games or watch television; play on swings or play soccer).

CG: 42 mos. Is aware of peoples’ wants, feelings, and perceptions.CG: 42 mos. Understands what to do in specific situations.CG: 48 mos. Can do “if-then” with regard to others (e.g., “If I do this, then….”).CG: 60 mos. Compares and negotiates ideas with others in play.

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SS.K.2: Explains what he/she gives up when a choice is made. CG: 60 mos. Can modify behaviors in different situations.

SS.K.3: Understands the use of money to purchase goods and services. CG: 60 mos. Knows penny, nickel, dime (not their worth).

SS.K.4: Discusses the benefits of saving money. CG: 60 mos. Share conversations and play related to wide variety of topics.

SS.K.5: Gives examples of types of jobs that he/she does within the family.

CG: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, cultural values of the family.

GeographySS.K.6: Identifies and correctly uses terms related to location, direction and distance (e.g., up/down, left/right, near/far, here/there).

CG: 26-33 mos. Asks “where” questions.CG: 36 mos. Knows directions words (e.g., up/down, out/in).CG: 48 mos. Understands spatial concepts.CG: 72 mos. Knows right from left.

SS.K.7: Locates major geography features (e.g., Equator, North Pole, South Pole, his/her Hometown, Kansas).

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.

SS.K.8: Describes characteristics of local surroundings (e.g., classroom, playground, neighborhood, city, school).

CG: 60 mos. Creates a map using toy objects to recreate a space.

SS.K.9: Describes seasonal changes and how they affect an individual. CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between people and objects.

SS.K.10: Identifies ways people can maintain or improve the quality of their environment.

CG: 60 mos. Describes how to do something.CG: 60 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.CG: 72 mos. Makes a plan to solve a problem, monitors progress toward a goal, changes approach as needed, and evaluates outcome.

Kansas, United States and World HistorySS.K.11: Identifies and explains how tools and technology used in the home/school meet people’s needs.

CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.

SS.K.12: Explains how each individual has a personal history.SS. K.12. (A): compares and contrasts his/her own life with life in a city and/or a rural community.

CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between people and objects.

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SS.K.13: Identifies family customs and traditions and explains their importance.

CG: 30 mos. Knows rules, standards, cultural values of the family.CG: 54 mos. Can explain the similarities and differences between people and objects.

SS.K.14: Understands that Kansas is a state in the United States and the significance of Kansas Day as the celebration of the state’s birthday.

CG: 60 mos. Is aware of strategies to remember things, such as repeating things aloud.

SS.K.15: Locates the state of Kansas using a map of the United States. CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.

SS.K.16: Recognizes important Kansas state symbols (e.g., state bird – meadowlark, state flower – sunflower, state animal-buffalo).

CG: 60 mos. Is aware of strategies to remember things, such as repeating things aloud.

SS.K.17: Places events in sequential order. CG: 36-48 mos. Is interested in sequences of events in stories.CG: 48 mos. Creates dramatic play based on pieces of remembered evens and stories from different times and different places.

SS.K.18: Uses information to find main idea. CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 72 mos. Answers questions about stories read aloud.CG: 72 mos. Identifies story problem and plot.

SS.K.19: Scans historic photographs to gain information. CG: 72 mos. Uses literacy materials to solve a problem.CG: 72 mos. Uses picture cues to support reading and comprehension.

SS.K.20: Asks questions, shares information and discusses ideas about the past.

CG: 36-48 mos. When reads a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 54 mos. Talks about past, present, and future time.CG: 54 mos. Gives descriptions of past events with support.

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Creative Arts

Young Infant: (By 8 months)


CA.i.1: Physical:CA.i.1a: Moves body parts (e.g., sits with support). SM: 5 mos. Sits supported 10-15 minutes head erect and steady, back firm.

CA.i.1b: Can focus on an object and follow it with focus. CG: 2 mos. Tracks objects horizontally.CG: 3 mos. Tracks in objects moving in circles.CG: 3 mos. Can remain focused for 2 or more minutes at a time.

CA.i.2: Responding:CA.i.2a: Responds to sounds, visual images and motions. CG: 3 mos. Definite listening to sounds.

ES: 3 mos. Discriminates among voices, people, tastes, proximity, and object size.CG. 4 mos. Turns head to find source of sounds.CG: 4 mos. Attends to individual fingers.

CA.i.3: Creating:CA.i.3a: Reaches for caregiver and objects. CG: 4 mos. Shows interest by smiling, reaching, and touching.

CA.i.4: Understanding:CA.i.4a: Moves body when happy and excited. CG: 3 mos. Has physical enjoyment of kicking, arm waving (birth to 3

mo.).CG: 6 mos. Responds with enthusiasm to familiar social games and routines.


CA.i.5: Physical:CA.i.5a: Attends to sounds. CG: 3 mos. Definite listening to sounds.

ES: 3 mos. Discriminates among voices, people, tastes, proximity, and object size.CG. 4 mos. Turns head to find source of sounds.

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CA.i.5b: Begins to make vocal sounds. CM: 2 mos. Coos (i.e., throaty sounds with voices).CM: 3 mos. Vocalizes in response to familiar voices.CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalizations in response to others’ sounds.

CA.i.6: Responding:CA.i.6a: Moves body to music. CG: 7 mos. Remembers short sequences of actions if series involve his/her

own actions.SM: 7-9 mos. Sits unsupported and moves body different ways.CM: 9 mos. “Dances” to music.

CA.i.7: Creating:CA.i.7a: Demonstrates shaking or banging objects or toys. CG: 5-6 mos. Enjoys shaking and banging toys.

CA.i.8: Understanding:CA.i.8a: Attends to music and rhythm patterns through caregiver touch and music exposure.

CG: 6 mos. Responds with enthusiasm to familiar social games and routines.CM: 7 mos. Likes complex sound stimulation.CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythm.


CA.i.9: Physical:CA.i.9a: Responds to sounds. CG: 3 mos. Definite listening to sounds.

CG. 4 mos. Turns head to find source of sounds.

CA.i.9b: Expresses needs with different sounds. CG: 6 mos. Shows pleasure with gurgles and coos.CG: 6 mos. Growls and grunts to show displeasure.CG: 6 mos. Squeals, giggles, belly laughs with excitement.

CA.i.10: Responding:CA.i.10a: Responds to voices. CM: 3 mos. Vocalizes in response to familiar voices.

CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalizations in response to others’ sounds.

CA.i.10b: Repeats sounds vocally and physically. CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalization in response to other’s sounds.CM: 5 mos. Imitates sounds.

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CA.i.10c: Responds to songs, chants, nursery rhymes, rhythms, pictures in books.

CG: 5 mos. Listens to adult while attending to pictures.CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.CM: 21 mos. Listens to short rhymes with interesting sounds, especially with actions or pictures.

CA.i.11: Creating:CA.i.11a: Begins cooing, babbling. CM: 2 mos. Coos (i.e., throaty sounds with voices).

CM: 5 mos. Babbles randomly.

CA.i.12: Understanding:CA.i.12a: Listens to stories, books, etc. CM: 15 mos. Sustains interest for at least 2-5 minutes looking at names

pictures.CA.i.12b: Looks at pictures and points. CM: 9 mos. Sustained interest (up to one minute) looking at pictures shown

by adult.CM: 8-12 mos. Points to individual pictures when named by adult.

CA.i.12c: Recognizes songs and specific books or pictures. CM: 6-12 mos. Prefers pictures of faces.CM: 11-14 mos. Shows a preference for a favorite page of a book by searching for it or hold the book open to that page repeatedly.CM: 18 mos. Recognizes and can identify pictures and objects by pointing.

Visual Arts

CA.i.13: Physical:CA.i.13a: Responds to light, color. CG: 9 mos. Interest in details of objects.

CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.

CA.i.13b: Explores sensory materials. CG: 7-12 mos. Learns characteristics of objects through observation and actions.

CA.i.14: Responding:CA.i.14a: Responds to various textures and sensory materials - fabric, water, sand, etc.

CG: 7-12 mos. Learns characteristics of objects through observation and actions.CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.

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CA.i.15: Creating:CA.i.15a: Splashes water blows bubbles. CM: 6 mos. Makes raspberries.

CG: 5-6 mos. Enjoys shaking and banging toys.

CA.i.16: Understanding:CA.i.16a: Beginning to imitate sounds. CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalization in response to other’s sounds.

CM: 5 mos. Imitates sounds.

CA.i.16b: Favors objects/sensory materials. CM: 5 mos. Can reach, grasp, mouth to explore objects.CM: 6 mos. Uses fingers to explore and grasp.

CA.i.16c: May attach to a special object – blanket, “lovey. CM: 21 mos. Uses objects to distract or calm self.

Mobile Infant: (By 18 months)


CA.mi.1: Physical:CA.mi.1a: Pulls up to standing. SM: 8 mos. May pull to stand on support surface.

SM: 9 mos. Pulls to stand, shifts weight; may rotate; may remove one hand from support.

CA.mi.1b: Sits without support. SM: 7 mos. Hands free while sitting.SM: 8 mos. Good balance can be left alone in sitting.

CA.mi.2: Responding:CA.mi.2a: Reacts to vocal or observed cues. CM: 1 mo. Responds to voices by quieting.

CM: 1 mo. Can be comforted and calmed by touching and rocking.CM: 1 mo. Stares at faces and responds by quieting.CM: 3 mos. Stops sucking to listen.

CA.mi.2b: Responds to movement that has a beat or rhythm. CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.

CA.mi.2c: Follows some observed actions. CG: 8-14 mos. Imitates actions of another person.

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CA.mi.3: Creating:CA.mi.3a: Starts and stops with music cues with adult guidance. SM: 5 mos. Remembers patterns of sounds (e.g., song, story).

ES: 12 mos. Can obey requests.

CA.mi.3b: Explores bending, stretching, small and big. SM: 18 mos. Picks up toy from floor.

CA.mi.4: Understanding:CA.mi.4a: Controls some body movements. SM: 5 mos. On stomach, moves by rocking, rolling or twisting; on back,

moves by kicking against flat surface.

CA.mi.4b: Demonstrates following simple directions. ES: 12 mos. Can obey requests.ES: 15 mos. Follows simple directions with cues (e.g., “Give me the ball).ES: 18-21 mos. Follows single-step directions.


CA.mi.5: Physical:CA.mi.5a: Responds physically to various rhythmic patterns in sound. CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.

CA.mi.5b: Vocalizes in response to rhythm. CM: 12 mos. Vocalizes in response to others.CM: 15 mos. Imitates words.CM: 18 mos. Attempts to sing.

CA.mi.6: Responding:CA.mi.6a: Identifies sources of sounds (i.e., dog, cat, car, etc.). CM: 4 mos. Turns head to source of sound.

CM: 8 mos. Listens selectively to sounds and words.CM: 12 mos. Associates properties with objects (e.g., sounds of animals).CM: 18 mos. Produces 5-20 words (mostly nouns).

CA.mi.6b: Moves to music-rhythm. CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.

CA.mi.7: Creating:CA.mi.7a: Chooses from variety of objects (instruments/toys). CG: 10 mos. Deliberately chooses and attends to preferred toys.

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CA.mi.7b: Explores bringing objects together to make sounds. CG: 9 mos. Experiments with objects in different ways.CG 10 mos. Likes exploring cause-and-effect toys with actions and noises.

CA.mi.8: Understanding:CA.mi.8a: Follows and tracks various types of music through movement, facial expressions, verbalizations.

CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.CM: 18 mos. Attempts to sing.

CA.mi.8b: Creates rhythmic patterns (e.g., rhythmic poems, simple songs, etc.).

CG: 18 mos. Likes toys that “do” something.CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.


CA.mi.9: Physical:CA.mi.9a: Imitates words. CM: 15 mos. Imitates words.

CA.mi.9b: Responds to another voice. CM: 4 mos. Produces vocalization in response to other’s sounds.CM: 5 mos. Imitates sounds.CM: 12 mos. Vocalizes in response to others.

CA.mi.9c: Follows simple directions. ES: 12 mos. Can obey requests.ES: 15 mos. Follows simple directions with cues (e.g., “Give me the ball).ES: 18-21 mos. Follows single-step directions.

CA.mi.10: Responding:CA.mi.10a: Enjoys listening to stories, songs. CG: 15 mos. Selects books on the basis of content.

CA.mi.10b: Understands and responds to pictures in books that create story.

CG: 10-14 mos. Relates an object or an action in a book to the real world.CG: 20-26 mos. Relates pictures in stories to own experiences.CG: 24-36 mos. May recite simple stories for familiar books.

CA.mi.10c: Initiates interaction with familiar people. ES: 9 mos. Initiates intentional interaction (e.g., reaches for nose, hair mouth).CM: 10 mos. Initiates social games.

CA.mi.11: Creating:CA.mi.11a: Uses vocal intonation. CM: 10 mos. Babbles with intonation of language.

CM: 15 mos. Uses rising intonation to request information.CM 18 mos. Produces jargon.

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CA.mi.11b: Demonstrates simple character/animal sounds with motions.

CG: 10-13 mos. Makes animal sounds when looking at pictures of animals in book.CM: 18 mos. Imitates animal sounds and other environmental sounds.

CA.mi.12: Understanding:CA.mi.12a: Responds to favorite stories. CG: 15 mos. Shows a preference for a favorite page of a book by searching

for it or hold the book open to that page repeatedly.CG 12-18 mos. Gives book to adult to read.

CA.mi.12b: Repeats repetitive phrases of stories at appropriate times or anticipates and verbalizes action of story.

CG 18-24 mos. Recites parts of well-known stories, rhymes, songs.CG: 17-25 mos. “Reads” to dolls, stuffed animals, or self.CG: 24-30 mos. Recites whole phrases from favorite stories if adult pauses at opportune times.

Visual Arts

CA.mi.13: Physical:CA.mi.13a: Scribbles with crayon. CG: 13-18 mos. Scribbles spontaneously.

CA.mi.13b: Crawls on textures - fabric, wood, and bubble wrap. SM: 9 mos. Crawls on belly.SM: 10 mos. Can crawl, and may begin to creep on all fours.

CA.mi.14: Responding:CA.mi.14a: Examines small objects and details. SM: 9 mos. Grasps small objects between thumb and lateral border of index

finger.CG: 9 mos. Interest in details of objects.CG: 9 mos. Experiments with objects in different ways.

CA.mi.14b: Grasps objects with thumb and pointer finger. SM: 9 mos. Grasps small objects between thumb and lateral border of index finger.SM: 11 mos. Grasp is changing from three fingers to a neat pincer using thumb and first finger.

CA.mi.15: Creating:CA.mi.15a: Explores sensory materials - non-toxic paint, finger-paint, paper, play-dough, and sand.

CG: 30 mos. Likes filling, pouring, dumping.CG: 30 mos. Breaks things apart, unwraps, tears, and so forth, investigating.

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CA.mi.16: Understanding:CA.mi.16a: Repeats actions, sounds, activities, etc. CG: 4 mos. Enjoys repetition of actions and sounds.

CG: 4 mos. Repeats newly learned activities.

Toddler: (By 36 months)


CA.t.1: Physical:CA.t.1a: Moves head, arms, legs, knees, elbows, fingers, and toes in isolation.

SM: 18 mos. Increasing strength and dissociation of fingers and two sides of hands enable child to use tools and manipulate objects.18 mos. Can perform sequences of alternating two-hand movements.

CA.t.1b: Walks, runs, jumps. SM: 18 mos. Walks well; pulls toys; begins to run.SM: 19-30 mos. Jumps from bottom step.SM: 18 mos. Walks well; pulls toys; begins to run.SM: 19-30 mos. Jumps from bottom step.

CA.t.2: Responding:CA.t.2a: When asked, moves forward, backwards, up and, down. SM: 18 mos. Walks well; pulls toys; begins to run.

SM: 18-30 mos. Walks up and down stairs with no support.SM: 19-30 mos. Jumps from bottom step.

CA.t.2b: Begins to balance on one foot. SM: 36-60 mos. Hops on one foot.SM: 60 mos. Stands on one foot for several seconds.

CA.t.2c: Bends, reaches, stretches, rocks, sways, shakes, kicks, different parts of the body.

SM: 18 mos. Picks up toys form floor; flings ball.SM: 21 mos. Moves ride-on toys with no pedals.SM: 20-24 mos. Kicks ball forward.

CA.t.3: Creating:CA.t.3a: Stops and starts with music cues. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.3b: Improvises movement to fast and slow music. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

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CA.t.2: Understanding:CA.t.2a: Stops and starts with music cues. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.2b: Improvises movement to fast and slow music. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.


CA.t.5: Physical:CA.t.5a: Begins to verbalize words to simple songs. CM: 12 mos. Vocalizes in response to others.

CM: 15 mos. Imitates words.CM: 18 mos. Attempts to sing.

CA.t.6: Responding:CA.t.6a: Responds to tempos presented in a variety of ways: physically, verbally, with instruments.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.7: Creating:CA.t.7a: Follows simple rhythmic patterns with musical instruments. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.7b: Explores simple music -concepts: tempo, music scale-up to 5-note scale.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.8: Understanding:CA.t.8a: Follows and tracks various types of music through movement, facial expressions, verbalize.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.t.8b: Creates rhythmic patterns (e.g., rhythmic poems, simple songs, etc.).

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

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CA.t.9: Physical:CA.t.9a: Beginning to follow more complex directions. CM: 30 mos. Follows two-step related directions.

CM: 42 mos. Follows 2-3 step unrelated instructions.

CA.t.9b: Initiates conversation. CM: 24 mos. Takes 1-2 turns in conversation.CM: 24 mos. Initiates a topic and responds with new information.

CA.t.9c: Asks questions to understand order of world’s story. CM: 36 mos. Asks “Who…?” “Is…?” “Do…?” “Where…?” questions.CM: 42-48 mos. Asks “When…?” “Why…?” and “How…?” questions.

CA.t.10: Responding:CA.t.10a: Participates in acting out nursery rhymes, finger plays, or songs (e.g., Jack Be Nimble, Jack in the Box).

CM: 18-30 mos. Enjoys nursery rhymes, nonsense rhymes, finger plays, poetryCG: 36 mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes form books, movies.

CA.t.10b: Recreates plot of familiar stories or movies. CG: 48 mos. Creative dramatic play based on remembered events and stories from different times and different places.

CA.t.11: Creating:CA.t.11a: Talks in play situations. CM: 24 mos. Takes 1-2 turns in conversation.

CM: 24 mos. Initiates a topic and responds with new information.

CA.t.11b: Moves inanimate objects (e.g., toy characters) in a play situation.

CG: 19-22 mos. Can direct dramatic play to self, doll, and adult.CG: 24-30 mos. Dramatizes roles in familiar routines using realistic toys.CG: 42 mos. Uses miniatures in dramatic play (e.g., doll house, garage, people).

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CA.t.11c: Changes voice, emotion, body in play situations. CG: 21 mo. Communicates needs, wishes, feelings with words and gestures.CG: 18-24 mo. Onset of emotion language; begins to label emotions; plays emotion games; pretend play and object substitution emerge.CG: Represents experiences and feelings through dramatic play, primarily nurturing and self-care.

CA.t.11d: Likes to wear costumes to pretend to be other than self. CG: 30-36 mos. Likes to dress up in role playCG: 42 mos. Develops a theme in dramatic play.

CA.t.12: Understanding:CA.t.12a: Participates in acting out nursery rhymes, finger plays, or songs (e.g., Jack Be Nimble, Jack in the Box).

CG 18-24 mos. Recites parts of well-known stories, rhymes, songs.CG: 36 mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes from books, movies.

CA.t.12b: Recreates plot of familiar stories or movies. CG: 36 mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes from books, movies.

Visual Arts

CA.t.13: Physical:CA.t.13a: Grips paintbrush, crayons, pipette, or spray bottle. SM: 18 mos. Holds crayon and makes scribbles.

SM: 18 mos. Static grasp on spoon.SM: 18-24 mos. Begins to use simple tools (e.g., hammer).SM: 24 mos. Begins to snip with scissors.

CA.t.13b: Makes random and disordered scribbles. SM: 18 mos. Holds crayon and makes scribbles.

CA.t.14: Responding:CA.t.14a: Explores variety of art media: painting, gluing, printing, finger- painting, clay, etc.

CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth

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CA.t.14b: Shows control of paint, brushes, markers, etc. SM: 48 mos. Colors within the lines.SM: 60 mos. Spreads with knife.

CA.t.15: Creating:CA.t.15a: Explores and manipulates sensory materials. CG: 12 mos. Mouths, waves, bangs, shakes, drops, bats, throws objects.

CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.CG: 24-30 mos. Likes filling, pouring, dumping.CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth

CA.t.15b: Demonstrates self-expression with art materials. CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.

CA.t.16: Understanding:CA.t.16a: Explores and manipulates sensory materials. CG: 12 mos. Mouths, waves, bangs, shakes, drops, bats, throws objects

CG: 15 mos. Attends to specific physical characteristics of objects.CG: 24-30 mos. Likes filling, pouring, dumping.CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.

CA.t.16b: Demonstrates self-expression with art materials. CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.

Pre3: (By 48 months)


CA.p3.1: Physical:CA.p3.1a: Explores moving all body parts in isolation. SM: 18 mos. Increasing strength and dissociation of fingers and two sides

of hands enable child to use tools and manipulate objects.SM: 18 mos. Can perform sequences of alternating two-hand movements.SM: 30-36 mos. Climbs nursery apparatus.

CA.p3.1b: Explores cross lateral movements. SM: Begins to pedal tricycle.SM: 30-36 mos. Climbs nursery apparatus.

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CA.p3.2: Responding:CA.p3.2a: Moves one body part in response to a simple rhythm pattern.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p3.2b: Demonstrates the difference between still and moving. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p3.2c: Moves over, under and around objects. SM: 8 mos. Crawls, climbs, transitions through many positions.

CA.p3.3: Creating:CA.p3.3a: Creates high, medium and low shapes. CG: 48 mos. Creates 2-D and 3-D constructions with symmetry.

CA.p3.3b: Explores and creates patterns. CG: 36 mos. Notices simple repeating patterns, such as long-short, long-short in block sets.

CA.p3.3c: Combines axial and locomotor movements together. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

A.p3.4: Understanding:CA.p3.4a: Listens to musical cues and teacher instruction. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p3.4b: Dances with purpose attentive to music and instruction. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.


CA.p3.5: Physical:CA.p3.5a: Repeats sound and rhythm patterns. CG: 11 mos. Moves to rhythms.

CM: 18 mos. Attempts to sing.CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.

CA.p3.5b: Sings simple songs. CG: 48 mos. Silly, boisterous humor (silly naming rhyming, dancing).CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.

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CA.p3.6: Responding:CA.p3.6a: Moves to traditional music: march, gallop, hop, and tiptoe. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

SM: 48-72 mos. Gallops with coordination.SM: 60 mos. Skips, hops on one foot, and jumps forward.

CA.p3.7: Creating:

CA.p3.7a: Repeats song patterns and rhythmic movements to music. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p3.7b: Sings 5-8 note scales. CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.

CA.p3.8: Understanding:CA.p3.8a: Demonstrates understanding of concepts using vocal and physical movement and instruments: soft/loud, high/low, fast/slow.

CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.


CA.p3.9: Physical:CA.p3.9a: Recites nursery rhymes and simple songs. CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.

CA.p3.9b: Recalls familiar stories. CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.CG: 60-66 mos. Makes up and tells stories of real or imagined content (plot, structure).CG: 60-72 mos. Reconstructs/retells stories.

CA.p3.9c: Memorizes words in books and stories. CG: 24-30 mos. Recites whole phrases from favorite stories if adult pauses at opportune times.CG: 30 mos. Fills in word in the test when the reader pauses, says the word before the reader does, or reads along with the reader when a predictable/familiar book is read.

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CA.p3.10: Responding:CA.p3.10a: Identifies feelings - happy, sad, mad, etc.

CA.p3.10b: Beginning to differentiate between real and pretend.

CA.p3.10c: Participates in songs, stories, finger-plays, chants with voice and body together.

CG: 18-24 mos. Recites parts of well-known stories, rhymes, and songs.CM: 18-30 mos. Enjoys nursery rhymes, nonsense rhymes, finger plays, poetry.CG: 36 mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes form books, movies.

CA.p3.10d: Beginning to take a role in dramatic play. CG: 24-30 mos. Begins fantasy and make-believe play.CG: 24-30 mos. Dramatizes roles in familiar routines using realistic toys.

CA.p3.11: Creating:CA.p3.11a: Follows simple instructions to recreate story and dramatic movement.

CG: 18 mos. Pretends to feed doll, mother.CG: 24-30 mos. Dramatizes roles in familiar routines using realistic toys.

CA.p3.11b: Uses costumes to disguise self and become a character in everyday environment.

CG: 24-30 mos. Dramatizes roles in familiar routines using realistic toys.CG: 30-36 mos. Likes to dress up in role playCG: 42 mos. Develops a theme in dramatic play.

CA.p3.12: Understanding:CA.p3.12a: Creates action and verbalization with costume prompt. CG: 30-36 mos. Likes to dress up in role play

CG: 42 mos. Develops a theme in dramatic play.

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CA.p3.12b: Creates story with props/manipulatives. CG: 19-22 mos. Combines 2 toys in dramatic play (e.g., stirs in bowls, pours from pitcher into cup).CG: 30 mos. Has dolls or action figures “perform” sequences and interact.

Visual Arts

CA.p3.13: Physical:CA.p3.13a: Begins use of scissors. SM: 30 mos. Begins to snip with scissors.

CA.p3.13b: Explores with natural and recycled objects. CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

CA.p3.14: Responding:CA.p3.14a: Explores more complex art activities. CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects,

animals, and designs.

CA.p3.14b: Mixes two basic shapes - abstract rather than representational.

CG: 36 mos. Matches shapes, first with same size and orientation, then with different sizes and orientation.CG: 42-48 mos. Makes designs.CG: 48 mos. Creates 2-D and 3-D constructions with symmetry.

CA.p3.15: Creating:CA.p3.15a: Creates work that requires some planning - usually a person with head and 2 vertical lines for legs.

CG: 42 mos. Draws person with head and at least one feature.CG: 42-48 mos. Draws person with head and at least four features.

CA.p3.15b: Works independently. CG: 36 mos. Talks about how to solve a problem while working on it (verbal mediation).CG: 36 mos. Tries alternatives when first solutions don’t work.CG: 42 mos. Self-initiates, plans, and organizes problem solving without assistance.CG: 48 mos. Can go on errands unattended.

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CA.p3.16: Understanding:CA.p3.16a: Mixes colors to create a new color. CG: 36-48 mos. Identifies primary colors.

CG: 42 mos. Puts things together, shows imagination.CG: 42 mos. Asks about and identifies “how” and “why”.

CA.p3.16b: Names shapes. CG: 42 mos. Knows several shapes, colors, sizes, textures.CG: 48 mos. Recognizes and names variations of the circle, square, triangle, and rectangle.

Pre4: (By 60 months)


CA.p4.1: Physical:CA.p4.1a: Explores one body part in conjunction with other body parts, balance on one foot.

SM: 36-60 mos. Hops on one foot.SM: 60 mos. Stands on one foot for several seconds.

CA.p4.1b: Skips, slides, leaps. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.SM: 48-72 mos. Gallops with coordination.SM: 60 mos. Skips, hops on one foot, and jumps forward.

CA.p4.2: Responding:CA.p4.2a: Dances to music with varying tempos. CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p4.2b: Creates simple rhythm patterns and is able to repeat them. CG: 66-72 mos. Marks time by beating rhythm.

CA.p4.2c: Moves through combinations of pathways, straight, zigzag, diagonal, curve.

SM: 48-72 mos. Gallops with coordination.SM: 60 mos. Skips, hops on one foot, and jumps forward.

CA.p4.2d: Expands movement vocabulary by exploring words (e.g., suspend, swing, point, burst, float, droop, carve, creep, open and close).

CG: 48 mos. Answers “how” questions.CG: 25-48 mos. Uses past tense.CG: 54 mos.

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CA.p4.3: Creating:CA.p4.3a: Creates movement based on imagery from pictures, books or other ideas.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.CG: 54 mos. Describes how to do something.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate play from remembered stories, movies, past history, and so forth.

CA.p4.3b: Improvises a dance that has a beginning and an ending that uses 2 or more locomotor steps.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.CG: 54 mos. Describes how to do something.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate play from remembered stories, movies, past history, and so forth.

CA.p4.4: Understanding:CA.p4.4a: Able to listen and carry out instruction. CM: 30 mos. Follows two-step related directions.

CM: 42 mos. Follows 2-3 step unrelated instructions.

CA.p4.4b: Able to create movement and discovery. ES: Can self-initiate, plan, and organize problem solving without assistance.


CA.p4.5: Physical:CA.p4.5a: Participates in more complex songs and involves physical movement - finger plays, chants, etc.

CG: 60 mos. Recites verses, short passages, songs.CG: 72 mos. Remembers large number of songs, finger plays, details of books and movies.

CA.p4.6: Responding:CA.p4.6a: Demonstrates movement without prompting: march, hop, tiptoe, skip.

SM: 48-72 mos. Gallops with coordination.SM: 60 mos. Skips, hops on one foot, and jumps forward.

CA.p4.6b: Vocally repeats a note pattern using an eight-note scale. CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.

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CA.p4.7: Creating:CA.p4.7a: Creates own songs and movements, includes musical instruments.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.CM: 54 mos. Produces songs/nursery rhymes.SM: 60 mos. Skips, hops on one foot, and jumps forward.

CA.p4.7b: Vocalizes and uses instruments in more complex music/songs.

CG: 31-36 mos. Enjoys making music and likes to dance.

CA.p4.8: Understanding:CA.p4.8a: Demonstrates an understanding of music vocabulary: loud/soft - forte/piano, fast/slow - staccato/legato.

CG: 72 mos. Uses rehearsal to remember facts.

CA.p4.8b: Identifies basic notes and patterns: whole notes, ½ notes, ¼ notes.

CG: 72 mos. Uses rehearsal to remember facts.


CA.P4.9: Physical:CA.p4.9a: Takes a role in acting out a story. CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children

with complex themes.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate dramatic play from remembered stories, movies, past history, etc.

CA.p4.9b: Creates dialogue specific to a type of character. CG: 48 mos. Enjoys pretending to be someone else.

CA.p4.10: Responding:CA.p4.10a: Anticipates story plot and structure of story. CG: 48 mos. Begins to predict what will happen next in an unknown story.

CA.p4.10b: Assumes roles in dramatic play situations. CG: 36 mos. Dramatizes simple songs, scenes from books, movies.CG: 36 mos. Plays more than one role (e.g., mother-baby; doctor-patient).CG: 48 mos. Enjoys pretending to be someone else.

CA.p4.10c: Interacts with others in listening and responding in dramatic role.

CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.

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CA.p4.10d: Demonstrates feelings with body and voice. CG: 24-36 mos. Uses pretend play to act out and talk about feelings.CG: 36 mos. Pretends to be a variety of characters with a variety of feelings.

CA.p4.11: Creating:CA.p4.11a: Dictates a story. CG: 60 mos. Dictates messages and stories.

CA.p4.11b: Repeats dialogue and movement to tell a story. CG: 36 mos. Formulates dramatic play scripts based on remembered routines and events.

CA.p4.11c: Creates roles for self and others in dramatic play situations using body and dialogue.

CG: 36 mos. Formulates dramatic play scripts based on remembered routines and events.CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate dramatic play from remembered stories, movies, past history, etc.

CA.p4.11d: Uses costumes to create character with dialogue. CG: 30-36 mos. Likes to dress up to role playCG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.CG: 60 mos. Makes up costumes.

CA.p4.11e: Creates and executes complicated plot with conflict and resolution verbally and physically.

CG: 60 mos. Creates elaborate sociodramatic play.CG: 72 mos. Creates and acts out own stories.

CA.p4.11f: Uses props/objects in creative ways to promote and create story.

CG: 36 mos. Symbolic play with unrealistic substitutions for props.CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

CA.p4.12: Understanding:CA.p4.12a: Retells stories. CG: 24-36 mos. May recite simple stories from familiar books.

CG: 42 mos. Tells story when looking at a familiar picture book.CG: 48 mos. Recalls 3-4 elements from a story.

CA.p4.12b: Uses imagination to create dramatic roles. CG: 72 mos. Creates and acts out own stories.

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CA.p4.12c: Creates whole characters using imagination, puppets, and inanimate objects (e.g., stuffed animals).

CG: 30-36 mos. Likes to dress up to role-play.CG: 36 mos. Symbolic play with unrealistic substitutions for props.CG: 48 mos. Begins coordinated dramatic play among several children with complex themes.

CA.p4.12d: Critiques drama experiences and finds meaning/moral in story.

CG: 36-48 mos. When read a story connects details, information, and events to real-life experiences.CG: 60-72 mos. Answers interpretive questions about a story (e.g., why, what if).

Visual Arts

CA.p4.13: Physical:CA.p4.13a: Uses a variety of materials to create art. CG: 36-42 mos. Puts things together, shows imagination.

CG: 42 mos. Uses diverse materials to create something.CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).CG: 54 mos. Creates representations with clay, sand, and so forth.

CA.p4.13b: Shows skill with scissors. CG: 48-60 mos. Uses scissors to cut out shapes.

CA.p4.14: Responding:CA.p4.14a: Recognizes and describes various art forms - sculpture, painting, printing.

CG: 48 mos. Categorizes by size, type, color, and shape in problem solving.CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

CA.p4.14b: Drawings suggest real life. CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects, animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).

CA.p4.14c: Drawings becoming better defined, more detail. CG: 60-72 mos. Draws pictures of three or more objects.

CA.p4.15: Creating:CA.p4.15a: Tells stories/works out problems with drawings. CG: 42-48 mos. Makes visual representations of people, scenes, objects,

animals, and designs (recognizable but not precise).

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CA.p4.15b: Combines multiple media (e.g., builds sculpture then paints sculpture; paints paper then prints on it).

CG: 36-42 mos. Puts things together, shows imagination.CG: 42 mos. Uses diverse materials to create something.CG: 54 mos. Thinks up new uses for objects.

CA.p4.16: Understanding:CA.p4.16a: Demonstrates understanding of art vocabulary and concepts. CG: 46 mos. Asks about and identifies “why” and “how”.

CA.p4.16b: Discusses own artistic creations and those of others. CG: 60 mos. Begins to compare own performance to others, but still has high self-beliefs.

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