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Community Reading Program Facilitator Handbook

Community Reading Program

Facilitator Handbook

Community Reading ProgramThe purpose of this program is to invite community to interact with our students, break down barriers and

allow them to learn about the various organisations/service providers that they can access for support.

Join our students every Monday from 1.10pm for a 1.15pm start in the school library:

Listen to our students read some of their books Share a laugh and yarn over a board game Share information about your job or workplace

It would be deadly to see you there. Please direct

Community Reading Possible Interview Questions

Get settled and have a yarn together. When you are ready you may use the below questions to shape your conversations.

Questions from guest to student: What is your favourite thing about being a students at this school? What is your favourite subject and why? What do you hope to be when you get older? Do you want to travel anywhere else in Australia or the world? Where would you love to live when you get older?

Questions from student to guest: Where did you go to school? What was your favourite memory about school? What do you wish you had done differently when you were at school? Where do you work? How did you get your job? Did you do any study after you finished school? What do you enjoy best about the work you do? What type jobs do you do every day as part of your work? How can you support school students as part of your job? Why would someone like

me come to your work?

Community Reading Listen to students read

Students will arrive with their individual “Reading Boxes”. Have a yarn and settle in together before suggesting that you listen to them read from one of their books. After listening to the student write a comment about

the experience in their reading log.

Before reading questions:

What have you been reading lately? What do you enjoy about reading? What do you enjoy reading about?

During reading:

Support students if they get stuck on words by asking them to sound it out, looking at the pictures or giving the student clues

Encourage students- “I like how you are being persistent”, “Great sounding out of that tricky word”

Ask questions about the page or students experiences on the topic

After reading:

Thank the student for their time and for reading to you Fill out the reading log

Community Reading Play a board game and yarn

Students will join you for a board game for approximately 10mins. during which time you can yarn, tell stories or have a laugh with the students

and get to know them.

1.Invite students to choose a board game to play2.Read/explain the rules of the game to each other3.Play the game and yarn 4.Pack up the game ready together

Community Reading

Interview Station

Community Reading

Interview Station

Community Reading Program

Monday 1.10pm-2pm in the school PAC or library building

Community Reading Student Council or WLP/CS-Student Job List

Welcomer x2

1. Greet guests at the door2. Explain how the process will work

a. Choose a spare seat in a rotation that you would like to do for the day- reading, board games or interviews

b. Students will move from one rotation to the next approximately every 10mins on a small bell sound. 3. Ask guests to sign in on our Guest Register4. Once it appears that all guests have arrived you may walk around and join in rotations- but you must keep an

eye on the door and get up to greet any new guests as they arrive.5. At the end of the event, thank guests at the door, ask for any feedback and invite them back next time

Rotation Specialist x3

1. Set up your table for the rotations with the instruction sheet, place card and the equipment2. Sit at your rotation table (reading, board games and interview stations)3. Read the instructions to the guests and new students when they arrive4. Help the guests and students do the activities if they get stuck5. Join in 6. At the end of the time help pack up your rotation

Chef x2

1. Arrive to Community Reading earlier than other students2. Help prepare the food3. Serve the food from 1-1.15pm4. Help pack up the food and equipment5. Join in the activity rotations

Communications x2


1. Create and put up posters in school and community2. Write letters to teachers and organisations/services informing them of Community Reading. 3. Speak with teachers to invite them to their designated Community Reading session

On the day

4. On the day, go with Michelle Martin to organisations/service providers to invite them personally to attend our function.

5. Go down to the designated primary class and walk with them up to our Community Reading venue

After the program

6. Write up an article about the program for the school newsletter and local paper.

Community Reading ProgramGuest Register

Date Guest Name Organisation

Invitation to participate in our Community Reading Program

Dear__________________ ,

The Student Council and Year 9/10 Work Place Learning and Community Service students would like to invite your class to participate in the school’s Community Reading Program and snacks in the library/PAC on Monday of week ___________.

The purpose of this program is to invite community to interact with our students, break down barriers and allow them to learn about the various organisations/service providers that they can access for support.

Your students will need to bring their Reading Boxes as they will participate in three rotations with community members: reading, board games and interviews. You will also need to discuss expected behaviours and the schedule with students so they are prepared for the lesson.

If you would like to take up this opportunity with us, please let Ms. Hakea know ASAP or we will offer your place to another class.


Student Council and Year 9/10 Work Place Learning and Community Service students

Invitation to participate in our Community Reading Program

You are formally invited to attend our Community Reading Program every Monday in the library/PAC at 1.10pm for a 1.15pm start. Guests will be provided with snacks at after school and have the opportunity to yarn with our student facilitators.

The purpose of this program is to invite community to interact with our students, break down barriers that might exist for students with certain service providers and organisations, and allow them to learn about the various organisations/service providers that they can access for support.

Please direct enquires to


Student Council and Year 9/10 Work Place Learning and Community Service students

Invitation to participate in our Community Reading Program

To whom it may concern,

We would like to formally invite you and your Frail Age residents to attend our Community Reading Program Monday ________ in the library/PAC at 1.10pm for a 1.15pm start. Guests will be provided with snacks at after school and have the opportunity to yarn with our student facilitators.

Your residents will have the option of what activity they would like to do with the students:

Listen to the students read Play card or board games with students Be interviewed and share their Dreaming or personal stories

Please direct enquires to


Student Council and Year 9/10 Work Place Learning and Community Service students

Frail Age Interview Questions What is your name? What is your skin group? Do you have an animal totem? Who is your family in town? What year were you born?

What was life like when you were a little child? What did you like about the old days better than today? What do you like better about today than the old days?

Do you remember any Dreaming stories that you can share with me? What did you used to do when you went out bush with your family? Did you live in town when you were a child or somewhere else? How has Halls Creek changed since you were young? How has Halls Creek District High School changed? What was school like when you were a child?

What is one piece of advice you have for young people today? What do you wish you did differently with your life that you would encourage me

to do? What is your hope for our town and next generation?

Classroom Teacher GuidelinesPre-participation

Speak with your students about expected behaviours around guests Run students through the types of rotation activities they will be doing with us

every 10mins- reading from Book Boxes, asking interview questions and playing some games

You might like to have students generate their own interview questions- however there will be some generic question prompts provided.

Group your students into groups of approximately 4 for each rotation (we are able to have more than one rotation of each type to support larger classes)

Walk your students over to the PAC/library

During Supervise your class students Encourage participation of your students and support them in rotations Assist our student volunteer to manage transitions between rotations tables Manage behaviours of your students as they arise

Management of student volunteers will be the responsibility of Community Reading teacher/AEIO- feel free to mention any issues to this staff member to deal with if they arise.

Post-participation Students might like to write a thank you note to the community volunteers or

student volunteers Teachers feel free to communicate feedback/constructive criticism to improve

the event in the future!
