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CTS LIVE TRAINING WEBINAR NOTES December 18 th , 2018 o Now, lets go our “Main Presentation” this evening, ““Getting Ready for 2019.” If you’re not totally satisfied with how you’re finishing up 2018, and you really expect 2019 to be different, it doesn’t take a giant intellect to figure out you’ll need to change some of the things you do for the coming year. We all know the definition of insanity, “Keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.” Tonight, we’ll review some strategies and actions that, if implemented, and that’s the key phrase, can totally change your results for 2019. This finally CAN be the year that really does put you on the path to complete Financial Freedom, and as we get to the end of this presentation, you’ll realize just how simple this process is. Cartoon o I Want to share a cartoon with you- o Guy in easy chair, chips, beer, TV Remote. o Wife picks up list – Eat junk food, Sleep more, get less exercise, watch TV Regularly. o The wife asks, “What are these?” He says, “New Years resolutions I can keep.” I just love that one. This Happens to Many People 1


December 18th, 2018

o Now, lets go our “Main Presentation” this evening, ““Getting Ready for

2019.” If you’re not totally satisfied with how you’re finishing up 2018, and you really expect 2019 to be different, it doesn’t take a giant intellect to figure out you’ll need to change some of the things you do for the coming year. We all know the definition of insanity, “Keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.” Tonight, we’ll review some strategies and actions that, if implemented, and that’s the key phrase, can totally change your results for 2019. This finally CAN be the year that really does put you on the path to complete Financial Freedom, and as we get to the end of this presentation, you’ll realize just how simple this process is.


o I Want to share a cartoon with you- o Guy in easy chair, chips, beer, TV Remote.o Wife picks up list – Eat junk food, Sleep more, get less exercise, watch TV

Regularly.o The wife asks, “What are these?” He says, “New Years resolutions I can

keep.” I just love that one.

This Happens to Many People

o Although this is pretty funny, at least with my sense of humor, it’s kind of tragic when you think about it, because this is what actually happens to a huge number of people at this time of year. They get so sick and tired of making resolutions and setting new goals that never get attained or accomplished, that they just stop making them at all. And when we do that, we resign ourselves to mediocrity, and we ensure we’ll never improve. The


thing is that you can’t make progress unless you PLAN to make progress. So what’s the secret? I’m so glad you asked.

You Must Grow YOURSELF First

o First, here’s the key “starting point” for all of us. Whenever I think about improving my results for next year and growing my CTS organization, there’s one statement that always comes into my mind. “You can’t grow your organization until you grow YOU!” The reality is that if you’re waiting for things to change in your “outer” world without making any changes “internally,” you’re in for a long wait. And since this is a pivotal step, and it ALWAYS must be the FIRST step, that’s where we’ll begin tonight’s training.


o There are two fundamental things you need to do, and you need to do them RIGHT NOW if you’re even remotely serious about improving your results. You must DECIDE and COMMIT to better results. These are two HUGE steps, so don’t treat them lightly. How serious you are about both of these two things will determine what you will improve and how far you can go in 2019. Since these are both so critical, let’s talk a little about them individually.

Decide What You Want

First, lets’ talk about the decision. Here’s something that is an absolute certainty. Most people never get want they want in life because they never really DECIDE what it is that they want. Now that sounds so simple it may be hard for some of you to believe, but it’s completely true. How many of you, right now, have already made a firm and clear DECISION on what your “ideal life” will look like? I’m willing to bet not many. How can you ever expect to get someplace that you have never really defined, and you’ve


never made a clear DECSION to get there?

It Always Comes Back to Goals

o Well how do you do that? This is something we have been training on seemingly forever, and that’s how to set meaningful and attainable goals. We have a fabulous Goal Setting Training Module in the CTS Training Center that’s under the “Self Improvement” tab. Every member in CTS has access to that professional, proven model you can use to decide what it is you really want in life, and then learn exactly how to build and execute a plan to get it. That incredible training has been there for over 8 years, and readily accessible to everyone that’s a member of CTS. But the key is to learn those techniques and make a FIRM decision RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, that you’ll follow those guidelines and actually execute the plan you create.

You Must Commit

o This is where COMMITMENT comes in. The dictionary defines commitment as “The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity,” and that’s exactly what you must be. You must absolutely COMMIT to creating and executing your plan no matter what. This means working on CTS when you don’t feel like it. It means pushing through obstacles that will definitely be placed in your path. It means enthusiastically and consistently working your activity even when your results aren’t there yet. And it means hearing the word “no” so many times you think you’ll go crazy, but you continue on, because you KNOW that with every person that says “NO,” you’re that much closer to a YES! And it means you’ll continue to work to improve your process every day so you’ll begin to hear fewer “No’s” and a few more “Yeses.” Many of you will be unable to survive that journey unless you have made an unwavering COMMITMENT to it. That’s why this step is key for all of us.

How do we Begin?


o OK, we’ve decided and committed. That’s a great start, and right now having done that, you’re ahead of about 90% of the general population that will never take the time to get that far. But now, how do we begin the process of getting “better” so we’ll be able to execute better strategies more efficiently to produce more positive results? Well, let’s start with a few things.

Education is Always First

o First on my list is Education, and this is something that is a daily practice with me. I set aside two hours of every day exclusively for education. I know that seems like a lot and it probably is, but it’s really an obsession of mine. The only way I can keep to this is to break it down into two segments, 1 hour first thing in the morning, and another hour just before dinner. But let’s take a look at less of a commitment. Let’s suppose you each DECIDED and COMMITTED to blocking out just an hour of concentrated, focused effort each day to getting better at what you do, and you would commit to doing this for 5 days of every week. At the end of every month, you would have spent 21 or 22 hours absorbing information that would produce better results for you. That also means that by this time next year, you would have spent about 240 hours solely on educating yourself on getting better at what you do. What kind of an impact do you think that would have on your results? Think about that for a minute!

Huge Cumulative Effect

o Are you beginning to see how by simply setting aside a specific amount of time each day to education, what the cumulative effect will be over a month or a year? It’s astonishing how much improvement you can make when you dedicate some specific time to learning new things and improving your skills on a regular basis.

Begin Smaller if Necessary


o So you say you can’t dedicate an hour a day? Start with 30 minutes, or even 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter as much about how MUCH time you decide to devote at first. What’s MOST important is that you simply GET STARTED! You can adjust later as you go along, but right now you don’t want to give yourself an excuse to get started, such as “I just can’t find the time.” Like all productive habits, none of us HAS the time to create them, we MAKE the time.

6WAC is a Great Starting Point

o And there’s no better place for you to get some incredible training on how to be successful in CTS than the upcoming “6 Week Action Course.” That’s an event where all of you can get some great “structured” training that will not only force you to be “consistently learning,” but it will provide you with an incredible “road map” to get CTS “jumpstarted.” Again, all it takes is a “decision” and a “commitment.” That’s the most positive choice many of you can make for the new year. Next, let’s talk about a few things that have made an enormous difference in my life and my productivity over the years.

Practice Meditating

o The first is meditation. When I first began practicing just “taking some quiet time” for about 10 minutes each day, I was astonished at the effect this had on me. I always felt refreshed and had a lot more clarity. Then, I progressed into studying some meditation techniques, and now this is simply an indispensable part of my morning routine. And I practice this twice a day, once first thing in the morning and again later in the afternoon, but it’s ONLY for 10 minutes at a time. That’s something that’s really easy for me to stick to.

MY Method

o There are all kinds of instruction you can get by just Googling “Mediation


Techniques,” but let me share how simple my method is. I sit in a very quiet spot, my favorite place is in my gym on a stretching mat, and I clear my mind. That was particularly difficult for me at first, but it became a lot easier when I began simply focusing on my breathing. That’s something I do daily in my Tai Chi routine anyway, so it was pretty natural. I simply sit and focus on breathing deeply, and think of something positive with each breath I take. It’s kind of like repeating a “mantra.” For example, breathing in I might thing of “abundance,” and breathing out I might thing of “gratitude.” I repeat these words, and I probably have a dozen more, with each breath I take. This definitely helps still the “voice” in my head, which we all hear non-stop all day. But it also gets me focused on simply being quiet and still, and it turns into quite a spiritual experience. This is something I recommend each of you try and see what the results are. Come on out on our next Members Q&A call on Thursday and let us know how this worked for you. For those of you that are more “technical,” there are some interesting meditation “apps” that are available for Apple and Android devices.

Repeat Affirmations Several Times Daily

o The second thing I highly recommend each of you get in the habit of doing is writing and repeating positive affirmations several times each day. I know, this may sound like “Psycho Babble” to some of you, but I can’t think of anything more powerful than positive affirmations when done regularly and properly.

Update Your Programming

o Remember, your “Mental Programming” has been ingrained in you from a very early age, and much of it can be the “culprit” that is still holding you back. The good news is that you can completely “update” that programming, and that’s exactly what repeating positive affirmations do for you. By repeatedly telling yourself who you want to be, what you want to


accomplish and how you are going to accomplish it, your subconscious mind will “shift” your beliefs and behavior. You’ll automatically believe and act in new ways, and eventually manifest your affirmations into your reality.

Create Your Own Affirmations

o You need to create your own affirmations, and that in itself is an extremely enlightening task, and here are some tips that may help you. Start by writing down a specific extraordinary result or outcome you’d like to achieve. One that challenges you and would significantly improve your life, and one that you’re are ready to COMMIT to creating. Then, reinforce your commitment by including your “WHY,” the compelling benefits you’ll experience by attaining that result or outcome. Here’s an example I used when I first started with CTS: “I’m committed to doubling my Cash Receipts in the next 12 months from $15K per month to $30K per month, so that I can become totally financially free and provide long-term security for myself and my family.”

Clarify The Specific Actions Required

o But this is only the first step. You now need to clarify the specific action, activity or habit you need to acquire to achieve that ideal outcome. And you must clearly state when and how often you’ll execute those actions. To proceed with our previous example, you might add, “To ensure that I double my Cash Receipts, I am committed to doubling my daily prospecting calls from 20 to 40 calls five days a week from 9:00 am to 11:00 am – NO MATTER WHAT!”

Repeat Them Several Times Daily

o For me, I repeat these affirmations aloud when I first wake up in the morning, and also just before I fall asleep each night. Your subconscious mind is most susceptible to input just before sleep and just after awakening, so I make


sure I capitalize on those times. I also repeat those affirmations mid morning and mid afternoon, and again, they are repeated aloud.

Remember to Add Emotion

o And the WAY you say these Affirmations is important. Remember, your goal is to imprint positive thoughts and images in your subconscious mind, and that’s a lot easier if you SOUND like your sincere and you have the necessary belief. You must repeat these affirmations with EMOTION. Remember, these written statements are strategically engineered to program your subconscious mind with the beliefs and overall mindset you need to achieve your desired outcome. You need to attach emotion for that result to be achieved.

Your Affirmations Should Evolve

o As you continue to grow, improve and evolve, so should your affirmations. When you come up with a new goal, a new dream or any extraordinary result you want to create for yourself, add it to your affirmations using the process we just outlined.


Visualization is a Powerful Tool

o Another technique that I think is extremely important is Visualization. Visualization is a technique for using your imagination to create what you want in life. It’s a well known habit of top professional athletes, who use it to enhance their performance. If you’ve ever watched a Professional Golf tournament, you’ll see each golfer standing behind the ball and looking down the fairway before they hit each shot. During that moment they aren’t simply admiring the view, they are “visualizing” the exact shot they want to produce, and “seeing” themselves execute that shot flawlessly. When you see a professional tennis player bounce the ball over and over again before he or she serves, they are “visualizing” the perfect serve that their opponent will be unable to return. It’s one of the most powerful tools in every athlete’s arsenal, and in ours as well.

The Secret Behind The Science

o Here’s the secret behind the science of visualization in the most basic of terms. The human brain and nervous system can’t distinguish between a “vividly imagined” stimulus and an “actual” stimulus. This has been scientifically proven over and over again, but here’s an example of this in action. When I was a youngster, we took a family trip to Yellowstone National Park where we had rented a cabin for several days. The Park Rangers cautioned us to watch for bears at night, particularly around the garbage cans. My dad sent me out to the car to retrieve something after dark, and I was startled when two of the garbage cans suddenly tipped over. Well, terrified is more like it. I immediately thought, “a bear,” and my heart began to beat rapidly, I began to sweat and the adrenalin began pumping through my body. I’m sure I set the land speed record getting back to the cabin. But there actually was no bear, it was only a stray cat. But that “vividly imagined” experience was just as real to me, and caused my body to


react just as IF the stimulus WAS real. I reacted just as I would have if an actual bear was present, and the natural “fight or flight” response took over.

Creative Visualization is Our Advantage

o So knowing this, how can we as marketers use this tool to our advantage? Simply by using” Creative Visualization,” just like the pro athletes do. Most people limit themselves by visions of their past, replaying previous failures and disappointments over and over again. However, Creative Visualization enables you to design the vision that will occupy your mind, ensuring that the greatest “pull” on you is the future – a compelling, exciting and limitless future.

Visualize Specific Actions

o During my “early morning” routine, after I’ve read my affirmations, I simply take 5 to 10 minutes and visualize myself performing the SPECIFIC ACTIONS that are necessary for me to achieve my short and long-term goals. See how important that “goal setting” task is? I don’t visualize the results, but rather I visualize the ACTIONS I need to take to get those results. This way, I’m using Creative Visualization as a “practice session” for improving the skills I’m currently working on. Envisioning success will prepare you for, and almost always ensure, a successful day.

Visualize AFTER Affirmations

o Directly after reading your affirmations is the perfect time to visualize yourself in alignment with them, so my daily visualization is always done during my morning routine. I also engage a Visualization routine after verbalizing my affirmations just before falling asleep as well. Whether you believe in this or not, it just works, and it’s one of the most effective tools you can use to help you move towards your goals every day.

Develop an Unwavering Focus


o Next, it’s important to learn how to develop an “Unwavering Focus” with everything you do. Bruce Lee, the world-renowned Martial Artist and actor said, “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” I’ve come to learn over the years that the real “power” behind the incredibly productive people in any walk of life is their remarkable ability to Focus! Focus is the ability to maintain clarity about your highest priorities, take all of your energy and channel it into what matters most, and keep it there, regardless of what’s going on around you or how you feel.

Focus on Priorities to Accomplish More

o When you focus on your highest priorities, and you do the right things and do them in the right way, you get a lot more done with less effort. To often we confuse being busy – that’s engaging in activities that don’t produce results - with being productive. No, you don’t need to be a “superhero” to accomplish this. Anyone can learn how, and here are 3 steps you can take to get you on that path.

Create The Most Productive Environment

o First, find your best environment to focus, and you need an environment that supports your commitment to unwavering focus. It’s really simple logistics. If you work is scattered from the trunk of your car to the kitchen table, you simply can’t be effective. Having a place where you can easily focus triggers the habit of focusing. Trying to work at your kitchen table or make prospecting calls while sitting on the couch leaves you susceptible to being pulled into non-productive activities, like grabbing a bite to eat or watching television. Sit at the same desk to do great work at the same time every day, and soon enough you’ll find yourself slipping into “the zone” by just sitting down in that place. I experience that every time I walk into my gym or my home office. These are great places reserved exclusively for my


fitness and my work, and just being in these spaces now energizes me, and I just want to get down to the task at hand.

Clear The Clutter

o Next, clear the clutter. Stuff is a “focus killer.” There are two kinds of clutter, mental and physical, and we all have them both. There are things we carry around in our minds that need to be done, such as my sisters birthday is coming up and I have to get her a card. And there are things we carry around in our physical lives. Stacks of paper, old magazines, sticky notes, clothes we never wear, the pile of junk in the garage. Clutter of either type creates the equivalent of a heavy fog, and to become focused, you need to be able to SEE! Here’s a simple process to help you clear the fog and create the clarity you need to focus.

Create a Master To-Do List

o Create a master to-do list. You probably have lots of things that haven’t been written down yet, start with those. Put those notes and action items on your master list. Put them all into one central location, whether that’s a physical planner or a list on your phone or other mobile device, so that you can completely clear your mental storage.

Purge Your Workspace

o Purge Your Workspace. Schedule a half or full day to to go through every stack of paper, file folder stuffed with documents, and tray full of unopened mail. You get the gist. Throw out or shred what you don’t need. Scan or file the ones that matter. Note in your planner any items that need your attention, that you cannot delegate, and pick a time in your schedule to complete them.

De-Clutter Your Life


o And de-clutter your life. Clean up and clear out every drawer, closet, and cabinet that doesn’t give you a sense of calm and peace when you see it. Schedule a short time each day until everything is complete. Saying, “I just need a weekend to de-clutter” is a sure way to never get started.

Organizing Encourages Focus

o Getting Physically and mentally organized will allow you to focus at a level you would never believe possible. It leaves your energy nowhere to go except to what matters. Once you identify your focus place and begin the process of de-cluttering your life, you should experience a remarkable increase in focus simply from clearing the fog in your mind.

3 Questions

o Now it’s time to take things to the next level. Here are 3 questions you can use to improve your focus every day.

# 1

o 1) What’s working that I should KEEP doing, or do MORE of?

# 2

o 2) What do I need to START doing to accelerate my results?

# 3

o 3) What do I need to immediately STOP doing that’s holding me back from going to the next level?


Take Action on The Answers

o If you can answer those three questions and take action on the answers, you’ll discover a whole new level of productivity you likely never thought was possible. Let’s take a look at each of these items individually:

Write Down What’s Working

o What do you need to KEEP doing or do MORE of? If you already know the things you’re doing that are working, write those down. Perhaps you’re constantly broadcasting or calling lead lists and that seems to be working for you, write that down. Make sure you are choosing things that are actually moving you TOWARDS your goals. Remember the 80/20 rule, which states that 80 percent of our results come from 20 percent of our efforts. It’s easy to continue the things that you LIKE doing, but you must ensure that the activities you’re doing from day to day are directly related to finding new “financial freedom” partners and will result in a visit from the FedEx truck. Everything that’s on that list is a “keep doing” item until it’s replaced by something even more effective.

Your Cash Flow Will Increase Proportionately

o Remember, any percentage that you improve your process, over an extended period of time, can result in that same percentage increase in your cash flow. For example, if you tangibly increase your effectiveness in moving prospects through our system and following up effectively by 50%, it’s only a matter of time before your Cashflow will increase by 50% as well. How would THAT result impact your life? That’s the “law of averages” at work. Just keep doing what’s working, and depending on how much CASH you want to receive, simply continue to do MORE of what’s working.


What Will Accelerate Your Success?

o What do you need to START doing? It’s time to decide what else you can do that will accelerate your success. First, organize your “Prospect List” for targeted follow-ups with your current prospect list and circle of influence to ensure you maximize every prospect you encounter. I use the “Prospect Manager” function in the CTS Power Dialer every day, but you can simply use the “Prospect Template” that you can download from the “Lead List” training module in the CTS Training Center. You can find that under the “Prospecting” menu. Plan every week and every day in advance with a “time-blocked” calendar so that every day when you wake up your highest priorities are already predetermined and planned. Then, make any adjustments on Sunday night for the upcoming week.

Have Whatever You Need Handy

o And make sure you have whatever tools you need handy at all times. That means an updated “prospect” list sorted with your follow-ups for the day, your lead lists if your calling prospects, and make sure you’ve blocked off the appropriate follow-up time if you have a Voice Broadcast scheduled. Your “Follow-Up” time should coincide with your broadcast time, and you should have your 800 Link back office open and ready.

Stop Doing Unproductive Things

o Once you identify which activities you’re spending time on that do NOT directly impact your growth, you either need to STOP doing those activities or delegate them to someone else, such as a Virtual Assistant, someone on your team or your spouse. Be careful here, as you don’t want to get overwhelmed. Keep in mind that Rome wasn’t built in a day. You don’t need to identify 50 action items and implement them by tomorrow. Only schedule what you can realistically get done.


Where Will The Time Come From

o If you’re now wondering where the time will come from to get all of this stuff done, this might be the best step of all. It’s time to let go of some of the things you’ve been doing up to now that don’t serve you, to make room for the ones that do. For example, do you REALLY need to reply to texts and emails instantly? Do you need to answer every phone call? I don’t think so. To dramatically improve your focus, stop responding immediately every time you’re buzzed. When I’m totally focused during my prime prospecting or follow-up time, I turn OFF my email and text notifications, and I turn off the ringer and let my phone go to voicemail. ALWAYS! Technology exists for your benefit, and you can take control of it this very minute.

Schedule Specific Times to Reply

o I schedule specific times during the day that I check my voicemail, email and texts and see what needs my attention. This is done only AFTER I have completed my “Prospecting” or “follow-up” times that I had scheduled. I find by setting proper expectations within my organization, prospects and team members understand that many times it may take several hours for me to respond to them.

Focus is Like a Muscle

o Focus is like a muscle that you build up over time. And like any muscle, you need to show up and do the work to make it grow. It might take you a little time to learn how to properly focus, but every day that you try, you’ll continue to get better at it. Most marketers would be astonished to discover just how little time they spend on truly important activities that are relevant to their success and growth each day.


A Powerful Philosophy

o Now, I’d like to introduce you to one of the most powerful philosophies that drives my life right now, and that’s 212. This philosophy is so deeply embedded into my psyche that my license plate reads “212 Guy.” Every time I approach my car I see that plate, and it’s a physical reminder for me to live that philosophy every day. Here’s what 212 is all about, and it originated with Sam Parker and my friends over at inspireyourpeople.com.

Just ONE Extra Degree

o At 211 degrees, water is very, very hot. But at 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam, and with steam you can power a train. And all it took to power that train was one extra degree. Just one! 212 serves as a motivating and focused message that constantly reminds us that seemingly small things can make a tremendous difference in our results.

A Message of Persistent Action

o 212 is not only a message of action – it is a message of PERSISTENT and ADDITIONAL action – the continual application of effort to whatever task or activity you undertake in order to achieve not only the primary objective you seek, but to reap the EXPONENTIAL rewards that are possible by applying just one extra degree of effort.

A Little Extra Effort Goes a Long Way

o How many opportunities have you missed because you weren’t aware of the possibilities that would occur if you applied a little more effort, a little more attention, a little more patience, to what you normally do? Too many people develop personal habits toward action but rarely attempt to develop them further and continually. Unless we engage in frequent self-review, most of us will continue throughout our lives without making any significant improvements to attain our goals. I truly believe this is what Emerson meant


when he said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” The 212 philosophy challenges you to not simply do what is required of you, but to apply that extra effort to attain absolutely anything that you WANT to achieve.

It’s How You Achieve Exponential Results

o Success in anything has one fundamental aspect, effort. Achieving exponential results requires ADDITIONAL effort. Sometimes you’ll have immediate exponential results and sometimes you’ll realize the benefits of your extra effort much farther down the line. But in many cases, it may only be that one extra push that gets you ten times the results you were originally attempting to achieve. You may not always be able to turn up the heat and hit the boiling point, but if you make the attempt in all of your endeavors, you’ll be absolutely amazed at your improved results. For more information on 212, simply visit inspireyourpeople.com.

Back to Resolutions

o Now that we’ve reviewed some very important skills and techniques you can work on to dramatically improve your performance, let’s finish up be getting back to those “Resolutions” we talked about earlier. I know most of us will be making a few of those over the next few weeks. Let me share with you The BIGGEST SECRET in keeping those resolutions every time. This is something I’ve been doing for decades, and it’s REALLY powerful.

My Main Planning Time

o I use this time of year, the week approaching Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Years, as my main PLANNING TIME for the upcoming year. This is the PERFECT time to plan, since you can really put into perspective what you did over the past 12 months.

A Time For Reflection


o How have you IMPROVED since January of 2018? What major goals did you have for last year that you attained? What didn’t you accomplish? Why didn’t you achieve those objectives you set last year? It’s this type of reflection that really produces some great insights into what definitive changes you need to make if you really want to get better results for the upcoming year.

You’ll Lose Motivation if You Wait

o The Big Secret is NOT to wait until January 1st to set and begin working on those goals, start RIGHT NOW! Today, December 18th. If you WAIT until New Years, you’ll keep thinking about how HARD all of this will be. You’ll be thinking about how much of a SACRIFICE you’ll have to make, and you’ll LOSE much of the motivation, incentive, positive energy you have about those goals right now.

Start NOW!

o The trick is to get started RIGHT NOW. Make that list RIGHT NOW! Develop that action plan RIGHT NOW. Begin putting it into action RIGHT NOW! This is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself, start NOW! You’ll be amazed at the results. Remember, you can have excuses in your life, or you can have results. You can’t have both, but YOU get to decide which you’ll have. Remember where we started from; this all begins with a DECISION and a COMMITMENT! But as always, it’s your choice!


New Years Sizzle Audio

o We’d like to remind you about our “New Years “Sizzle” audio, AKA the Remote Voicemail message.

Use This During January

o We developed this terrific tool for you a few years ago, which is a “Sizzle” audio you can use on your 800 Link Remote Voicemail number for the entire month of January. As we discussed earlier, going into a new year is a time of reflection for most people, and this audio will allow you to take full advantage of that as new opportunities present themselves through your prospecting efforts.

Involves The Emotions of Improving

o Personally, I will be loading this audio on Monday, December 26th onto my 800 Link number and I’ll be using it right through to the end of January. This is a very powerful audio, as the message pulls on the emotional strings of people wanting to improve their lives, and this is the one time of the year where most of us pay attention to that. This is one of those “opportunities” that successful people capitalize on, and you can too.


o This audio is available for preview and order at recording.cashtrackingsystem.com. Make sure you select the New Years Sizzle” message. You’ll can also download the script under the Voice Broadcasting tab in the Training Center if you want to record it yourself. Or, if you already have that audio but you want it updated for 2019, go to that same site but select the “Holiday Script Update” selection and make sure on checkout you tell us it’s the “New Years Sizzle” you want updated.


Check BEFORE You Use Them

o If you have the 800 Link Professional service the easiest way to use this special audio is to have it loaded onto your SECOND 800 Link number. So when you do a Voice Broadcast, or if you’re advertising, make sure that SECOND number is the one that is connected when prospects “Press 1” for more information, or that appears in your advertising. If you’re using “drop cards,” you may want to load that audio onto your regular 800 Link number, but you’ll need to remember to “switch” back to your regular Remote Voicemail Audio on January 31st. When you order the audio make sure you specify the correct phone number on which you want the audio loaded, and that’s the one it will go onto. And as always, whenever you receive confirmation that an audio has been loaded, ALWAYS phone that number yourself and confirm that it plays correctly.

