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0 Preached On 18 th December, 2011am Cape Town, South Africa Bro. Vin A. Dayal THIRD EXODUS ASSEMBLY From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt. 1



Preached On 18th December, 2011am

Cape Town, South Africa

Bro. Vin A. Dayal

From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire

Pt. 1


This book titled From The Open Book To The Censer of Fire Pt. 1 is a sermon preached by Pastor Vin A. Dayal on the 18th December, 2011am in Cape Town, South Africa and is published through the freewill offerings of the members of the Third Exodus Assembly.

It is intended to edify the reader and make clear the Bride-Promises of God, which were revealed through the ministry of God’s Prophet-Messenger, Bro William Marrion Branham, for the Elect in this Day. It is not meant to promote any special doctrine or person, save, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Divine Word. 

This edited version is to assist in the readability and translation of the sermon.  The original video and audio recording can be accessed through our website www.thirdexodus.org

We pray the blessing of God upon each reader and may illumination by the Spirit of God be each one’s special portion.


All the world was—He brought the Age into an Age of globalization. And what was the next thing? They set up the image and forced the world to worship the image. But I’m going to show you this evening how in that very time the Book was found. And I’m going to show you all the things from 1963 to 2011, how they had been happening, coming down.

The crash of the stock market, the calling and sealing of the Elect, intercession coming to an end, the priest with the fire-filled censer casting it into the earth, the loosing of the slaughtering angels coming to destroy the church that united to reject the Message of the Son of man. (Page 38 & 39)

From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt. 1Cape Town, South Africa18th December, 2011 Am




We certainly thank the Lord to be here this morning. God richly bless you. I want to bring special greetings from my family and the rest of the church, which is in Trinidad. They will be streaming this evening, so they will get a chance to participate in this great wonderful day that God has given unto us. I want to greet God’s servant Bro. Edgar Roscoe, (also in the congregation, our precious Sis. Shelia whom we love very much), I preached together with him in many places in the world. And God’s servant who has been such a great influence, amen, all around the world, our precious pastor, your pastor, our pastor, our beloved Bro. Beckett and Sis. Earnestine.

We are staying in the home with them, they’re so gracious, so lovely, made us feel at home because my wife, my family, my children, most of them are at home. Three of the boys came with me but you know, you come in among friends, you have a little place there in the home, you feel so welcomed, so relaxed, and such a wonderful time we have had since we arrived here, in Cape Town. Amen.

We were first in Harare. We had a wonderful time there, then Johannesburg, then coming to Cape Town here. We have seen God’s people, the Bride making Herself ready – just the last few finishing things. It is such a great thing. We know by what we are seeing, what we are experiencing, the fellowship that we can have, the way God is moving in the meeting, seeing what is in the hearts of the people, we certainly know it is going home time very soon.

So may God bless you all today and may God certainly do something very special for all of us. Not because we are here but because this is the time for a special God to do special things for a special people. This is what is promised. This is what God wants to do whenever His children gather, that He could draw near.


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

When we would draw near to Him and He could have the preeminence, when we could be in one mind and one accord; when we know that Jesus Himself is the attraction, this mighty God Who has been unveiled to us, this One Who is in plain view; our eyes are anointed with eyesalve to behold Him, to see Who He is, to see what He is and then that sets the law for a power of transformation, to change you into what you behold – because whatever you behold that is what you’re going to be changed into.

But when He was unveiled in this Day, when He broke the Seals off of Himself and exposed Himself to us, then the things of this world grows strangely dim in the Light of His glory and grace, then we behold Him. The Prophet said, “Look away to Jesus.” Amen. And that’s the One that we are looking unto, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

We want to do a couple of songs this morning. I would call them: The Greatest Love Story – if they would come. I think we have Bro. Norman there, all ready to do the interlude. He’s already set. We are certainly glad that we have a gift here, a saxophonist to play that. Normally we would have to play the recorded one that our own does but we have great confidence that he is going to do it just right, by the grace of God.

As Bro. Beckett was saying about the songs; every revival produces its own hymnology. This is not just, you know, like you have people writing songs, this is part of the Message. The Message came in a way that God gave this to keep it in our remembrance, that we can worship Him day and night – not just in services but wherever we are. Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.

[Sis. Elizabeth Bishop and the saints sing, The Greatest Love Story and Sis. Leslie Kalambaie, Bro. Oba Walker and the saints sing, This Is The Hour. –Ed.]

Oh, praise His wonderful Name. That’s not just a song to us, that’s a confession of our faith, that’s the expectations in our hearts, that’s the realization this Message has brought to us since the opening of the Seven Seals. Amen. That’s the Word that has filtered our thinking to see Jesus and His Program; to understand the Hour that we have come to – that’s that reality. Amen. Glory be to God in the highest. That’s the continuation of the Book of Psalms (Glory be to God!) because this is the time of the worship of King Lamb. They could sing now the song that they could not sing in the Ages. Amen.


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During the Ages they sang from a closed Book, they could sing as much as the Reformers could make known to them (amen) but at Evening Time, there shall be Light. There is going to come a prophet at the End-time that the Word of God can come to, and when these Seven Seals are opened, (amen) we can sing the new song, because we see this great, mighty God unveiled, we understand the great Secret that He had in the back part of His Mind, how it has unfolded down to this present Hour. What a great thing that is.

We certainly appreciate being here once again and it is such a great thing to be in the Presence of the Lord and to be gathered in unity with believers of like precious faith, amen. Praise His wonderful Name. South Africa is a place we know, where many people love the Lord with a passion. They love to worship and sing, dance and rejoice, and that is what we expect when we come, (amen) to see this great Presence of the Lord among the people; this great Quickening Influence that has been released through the opening of the Seventh Seal.

May we stand to our feet. I certainly enjoyed the little children singing this morning, singing It Is The Rising Of The Son. I just thought that I would hear the other part, “the Son has risen in Cape Town,” (amen) to take that Son that rose and is moving across the face of the earth, quickening seeds. The song is written in such a way, every person who believes that song, could write their own self into the next verse. We wrote our self into the verse because we have been quickened to recognize these things and you can do the same, by God’s grace. Praise His wonderful Name.

I’d like us to bow our hearts for prayer as we commit the rest of the service into His great mighty hands. Gracious Father, we are so thankful today to be in company with Your servants; men whose influence has gone into the face of the earth. Lord, because You raised them up in this country and used them mightily, to sit in this service today, dear God, and to—it would have been such a blessing because Lord, God, You have eagles here who could take the Word and even give greater sense to It than what we can. But dear God, it falls our lot and we desire to represent You and we know a gift is not so much an ability that we have but it’s an availability, Lord, that we can yield and make ourselves known to You, that we can come out of the way that You can come in.


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Remember your Prophet said Job had a channel of communication which he received by inspiration. And dear God, You have moved Your Bride into that very channel, by opening up the part of the Word that She is in this very Hour. And dear God, as we walk in this channel and the Dove leading the eagles, Lord Jesus, You, the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, You could keep our feet in the path, You can keep us in the bloody footprints; You can keep the Word reflecting from the Throne, right into the hearts of Your children.

And dear God, they can be quickened and sensitized to the great Hour that we are living in. That Lord, God, as it is promised, these Seven Thunders will show us how to prepare for great translation faith and this is what we desire Father, that even as the Word would be ministered today, we could be led in a plain path, Lord, as David said, “When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, [oh] LORD, will I seek.”

And we ask, dear God, that You would minister such an entrance abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom and faith would be quickened and inspired into the hearts of Your children, Lord – faith to overcome in this evil Age – faith, dear God, to walk in victory and live in the power of the Spirit, that the same harmony that existed between the Father and the Son could now exist between the Bridegroom and the Bride, even as it is prophesied it shall be so, in this Hour. And we claim these things, dear God, and we pray that You would get glory and honour in the service and You would bless all Your children and all Your ministering servants for the glory of God, we pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Amen. I’d like to invite your attention to the Book of Revelation, chapter 5. Amen. Praise the Lord. Revelation, chapter 5. I’d like to read just a couple places – pick the places that I need so I can get your thoughts aligned with your minds and what is in my heart. Revelation chapter 5, verse 6.

Breaking right into the scene on the call for the Kinsman and this great Seven Seal Book had to be opened in that Hour. Revelation 5:6

6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having


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seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

That Book was now in the hand of the great High Priest. He had stepped out from His mediatorial office, where He had been interceding back there. Amen. And He came forth because it was time now for redemption to be revealed. Intercession was coming to a close; judgment was at hand and redemption was being revealed between intercession and judgment. Amen. Redemption in the present tense was being revealed at the end of the Seventh Age, where He interceded for Seven Church Ages; where the Elect in every Age who had overcome was sealed unto the day of their redemption. And now that Book was in His hand. Chapter 6, verse 1:

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

And He opened all the way until—I want to get Revelation chapter 8. He had opened the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and under each Seal there were Mysteries. When John saw It, It was in symbol form but when that Lamb truly stepped forth at the end of the Seventh Age, and that time has come in reality in which we are living, in that time and He takes that Book, then those Seals are to be opened in reality form, because the Seventh Seal Book will be opened at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10. We know that you are well taught and established on these things.

It is very easy to preach in a church like this where you know people have been established in the present Truth. And now He has come to the last Seal here:

1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer;


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

And that’s an instrument that belongs to the Holy of Holies. You’ll find it in Hebrews 9, verse 4. Paul was speaking about all those articles and those things that were in the Most Holy Place. And this Angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer. That was an instrument used by the high priest. This same great High Priest Who had the Book in His hand, now we see Him not with the Book in His hand here but a golden censer in His hand.

…and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints…

We are coming to the end of the Seventh Age here. All these things have been manifested down through the Ages. They lived out their Age; they lived out their portion of the Word. They are all in glory tonight, this morning rather. Paul is there with his group of overcomers. Ireneaus, Martin, Columba, Luther, Wesley, Brother Branham – Seven messengers; seven groups of overcomers on the Other Side; a little group of the true seed here – the family in Heaven and the family on the earth. Amen. And this One...

… there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints…

Those saints have prayed. Go in the Book of Ephesians, you see the prayers of Paul. You go in the Gospels, you see the prayers of Jesus. You go in the Message, you see the prayers of the Prophet, amen. As the Word was opened in each Age and men caught that Word and they begin to understand what God desired to bring to past – they prayed for these things and these prayers were fulfilled in part. Many of Paul’s prayers have not yet been fulfilled. Amen.

Just read Ephesians 1, he’s praying there. He’s teaching about this glorious Church without spot and without wrinkle that is going to be here in the last Days. Amen. And you see even the prayers of the Prophet, how he prayed, may there come forth the revival of the just. And a great power come to the Church just before its going. And that Third Pull that shall do great things for us in our midst. Amen. Fish will be multiplied when the Squeeze comes. Amen. How these things will start the rapturing faith to the going away of the Church. How he prayed for many of these things: a Super Race, a Super Church in the last days, an invincible army


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that not even death could harm Her, when hell is being created on the earth. He prayed for these things.

He made the people also pray, “Just once more Lord.” That there is a new crop to come out of the head, in the days after the eyes are gone for a quick short ride, amen. The last great kill where he did more than he did all down through his life, in the hour of judgment, when the Philistines came together to make sport to bring a persecution and a humiliation in that Hour, amen. He had come back to his Nazarite vow.

He did more after the eyes were gone than when the eyes were here. Hallelujah! The Prophet said what you see temporarily will be manifested in the fullness of Its power. There will be a Bride around the world. They will come marching onward Christian soldiers, breaking the law of gravity and going up into glory. Hallelujah! We are in that time.

… the prayers of all saints…This One was going to offer this prayer of all saints. They gave

Him the incense and He’s going to offer it with the prayers……upon the golden altar which was before the

throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with

the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

Now know something here. You don’t offer that incense—You don’t burn that incense and offer that up without the sacrifice. You know that? There was a morning sacrifice and there was an evening sacrifice. And the same sacrifice in the morning was the same sacrifice in the evening. The same Son of man revealed in the morning was the same Son of man to be revealed again at Evening Time; everything except the corporal body. Hallelujah! Glory.

And like Ezra waited until the time of the evening sacrifice, and like Elijah waited until the time of the evening sacrifice, so the Son of man has been revealed. We have been restored to the original Atonement. We have come out of Pentecostal traditions. Is that right? Because this Gentile Prophet was to turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of the fathers, at Evening Time. Is that right? Taking us out of that Jezebel system, when Ahab and Jezebel, a Vatican-Washington alliance is in union. Glory. But


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Elijah came to call a people out, in a time of great economic recession. Now watch.

5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire…

Notice, after the prayers are offered, all the prayers are coming to remembrance now. When prayer is to be fulfilled, it comes into remembrance before God. Isn’t that what the Angel told Zachariah? “Thy prayers have been heard.” He had prayed for so long but when that Angel, Gabriel, descended at the time of the evening incense, (hallelujah!) now it was time for the fulfilling of those prayers.

Wasn’t Cornelius there praying at the ninth hour? That’s the time of the evening sacrifice – three in the afternoon. Hallelujah! And God said, “Thy prayers have been heard.” He had prayed for so long but now it was to be answered. Whenever prayer is to be answered, it comes into remembrance before God. It may go for a long time and many of you might pray many things. May this morning, you know that the Blood still speaks better things (hallelujah!) and the Evening Sacrifice has been restored. The Evening Altar has been rebuilt. Amen. The Sacrifice has been divided according to vision. “Father,” Elijah said, “I have done all these things, at Thy Word.” And the very proof that God accepted the sacrifice, a cloud appeared. Is that right? To bring rain for restoration.

Did a Cloud appeared after the Evening Sacrifice was accepted? Twenty-seven miles high, thirty miles wide, bringing former and latter Rain in the same season. Glory!

5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

You’ll find that under the Seventh Seal, under the Seventh Trumpet and under the Seventh Vial – lightning, thunder, voices and earthquake. Remember when that whirlwind of fire came down, after he threw that rock up in the air? That’s lightning. Then it made three blasts. He said, “The men heard the blasts but I heard the words. I didn’t know if to tell them. I went and prayed – God said I could tell them. I said, “It is a judgment sign.


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Judgment striking West Coast.” And what happened? Alaska almost sunk – lightning, thunders, voices and earthquake. Watch.

6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

This little portion about this Angel with the golden censer, at the golden altar offering all the prayers of the saints, and that’s at the end of the Seventh Age, so that’s the time of the Evening Sacrifice; that’s when Elijah is promised to be here; that’s when the hearts of the children are to be turned, back to the faith of the fathers; that’s when these Seven Thunders will utter their voices, which are the divinely revealed Mystery Truths contained in the Seven Seals that will literally turn the hearts of the children, back to the faith of the fathers – showing them how to prepare for great translation faith.

So watch here, we are seeing this end of intercession and the censer to initiate judgment is placed between those trumpet angels getting ready to blow the trumpets, and before these great judgments hit the earth, because the Trumpets are woe, woe, woe – two are already past and the last one cometh quickly. But between that time the Seventh angel came, Elijah came, pulled the Bride out and taking us up before Armageddon.

The earth is to burnt after this Elijah and Armageddon cleans off the earth. Is that right? Okay, so you see the picture here. My little title, I’m calling it, “FROM THE OPEN BOOK TO THE CENSER OF FIRE” – the open Book in the hand of the Angel, the hand of the great High Priest, because that Angel is not just an angel, that is Christ. Because that’s the functions of a priest, to offer incense, to intercede. Amen.

And He’s the great High Priest interceding for Seven Church Ages and then there is a little group here, under the Seventh Seal. Amen. God pulled back the Seal and showed him the seven thousand, marching, onward Christian soldiers. Is that right? Glory be the God. Let’s pray.

Father, take Your Word; break the Bread of Life as only You can break It. May You make Yourself known in the breaking of the Bread. May You open the Scriptures, open our understanding, open our eyes Lord, release Your Holy Spirit. May the Inside Teacher teach us. May we hear the way of the Holy Spirit today and may faith be created in us – the living faith of the Son of God.


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We pray and we ask it for Your glory and for the edification of Your children, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. God bless you. You may have your seats.

Just so beautiful. I’d like to read as we have read there out of Revelation Book Of Symbols [1956-0617 –Ed.] I want to read one or two little places to create a little background here for you out of the message called, Invasion Of The USA, [1954-0509 –Ed.] a little quotation. And the prophet says,

And the Old Testament to me, is always a shadow or a forecasting of the New Testament. And the Old Testament to me, is always a shadow or a forecasting of the New Testament. [Bro. Vin repeats the statement. –Ed.] Many times someone has said, “Brother Branham, why is it you always take the Old Testament? Nearly always, taking a text, you’ll go back to the Old Testament.” I do it because I like typology.

My education is very limited, as all know. And the only way that I know to be somewhere near right, is to see what the pattern was, the only way that I know to be somewhere near right is to see what the pattern was, [Bro. Vin repeats the line –Ed.] to look off the blueprint and see what it was. And then I know what that was will be something similar to what this is here, because it’s just the shadow.... And I always look back to the Old Testament to see what the children of Israel did, see what the punishment of sin was, see what the justice of the prophets was, see what all those things were; and then I’ll have an idea what this is here, which has foreshadowed what will be in the general wind up at the end.

Then another place in Questions and Answers, in Conduct, Order And Doctrine, he is speaking here. He says:

And notice, I could state something here that would shock, ...if it is... Listen, .... Watch how Babylon... What taken place in Babylon, when the force was brought on the true worshippers?

He’s talking about Daniel chapter 3 when they brought a forced worship on the true worshippers.

Remember, just a little handful, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and Daniel, of the true worshippers that went down into captivity, when God called them to really show their colors, [of] what they were... They were forced into worship an idol. Is that right? Idolatry, they was force into worship an idol, and they had


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to bow before an idol. And if they didn’t do it, they were persecuted.

And he said: Oh, what a picture you could pull out of Daniel, Revelation, tying those together and show by the Scripture that the Church is coming into the same type of persecution before She’s called out.

Because we know Revelation 13 is going to be a forced worship. The whole of Revelation 13 is worship. All those whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world will worship the Beast. Is that right? And then it goes on to tell you, how – except you have the mark of the Beast you can’t buy or sell and these things, and that they would kill those who refuse to worship the image. Amen.

So we see these things are there in Daniel and Revelation because Bro. Branham said Daniel wrote the first Book of Revelation; it’s an apocalypse. It’s the mysteries of prophesies sealed up in symbol form. It is written for a prophetic Age, because when Moses and Elijah come under that Seventh Trumpet, he’ll go back to Daniel. He’ll open up those Things. He will show them how it was prophesied that prince that shall come is going to make that covenant; how he’s going to break that covenant and trap them. He is going to show them how sixty-nine and a half weeks were fulfilled and there is a half week left – and that’s one thousand two hundred and three score days. It will show this great little horn that grew out of that fourth beast will be given a mouth and will speak blasphemies against the Most High. And they will show that Revelation 13, the same thing is there. See?

So when they look there, they will see and understand that all those things are coming back, and just like Shadrach, and Meshach and Abednego and Daniel and them who stood their ground there in an hour when their nation was in captivity, so they have faith and confidence. Because Jezebel is a Gentile, Nebuchadnezzar was a Gentile, Pharaoh was a Gentile who took the Jews and took them into captivity. Do you understand? Because Moses and Elijah will bring them out of what – Roman hands, bring them out of that Jezebel system. Elijah brought them out of that Jezebel system. Moses brought them out of Egypt from Pharaoh’s hands. Pharaoh was a Gentile. Jezebel is a Gentile. Nebuchadnezzar,


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natural Babylon is a type of Mystery Babylon and the man of sin coming is a Gentile. Amen.

So all those things are already there in the Book of Daniel. And Daniel and Revelation really makes one book because you can’t fully understand one without the other, because Daniel heard the Seven Thunders and John heard the Seven Thunders. Is that right? The Prophet said it many times. I have it here but I won’t take time to read it, it is not where my emphasis is. So follow me closely, I’ll try to be as clear as I can but I’ll try to move as quickly as I can, too. If I could, I’ll pick it up later but I’d like to finish.

A brother told me, he said, “We’re on vacation, man.” He said, “You know, sometimes we get throw off with the accent so you just feel free; take your time. Just go slow and nail it down, you know, we are going to get it by God’s grace.” So I trust it is that way already. You’re understanding me, amen.

But the church, Shadrach, and Meshach and Abednego... Daniel being the leader as Christ being the leader of the church.

And they was to bow before this image and do worship before the image. [Now] And you notice in those times Daniel was silent, [amen.] He said, Oh, I hope you get this. Daniel was silent, letting, [them] make their own choice.

In the day, in the going out of the Gentile dispensation, there’ll be an image, and everybody will have to bow [to] that image. Though it be holy as ever, you’re not to worship an image (image-worship). Amen.

So he said, Oh I wish [I] could get that right down good. I only have about a week on that one subject… so we could thoroughly search it through the Scriptures.

So I read those two things there to show you how Daniel in the Old Testament, all those things, its counterpart is in Revelation. And then the Prophet is saying, he said, “The only way I know to be near right is to see the pattern of what it was; to look off the Blue Print and see what it was and then I know what that was would be something similar to what is here. And both Daniel and John, the visions that they received and the things that they wrote were actually describing this Age.

Because the great powerful prophecies of Daniel that was going to deceive the Jewish people in the End Time is speaking about that fourth beast and that little horn that is going to come out of


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that fourth beast. And how he’ll destroy the holy people and scatter the power of the holy people. You see? But how the wise will understand in the last days. That the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation was going to come back to the church.

And so when we look at this here, we see then how God Who laid the Word out here for us is bringing us to a place where we can really catch these things and understand the time that we are living in. Because this is what I want to bring to you and I’ll have to teach this a little bit. So, because I’m reading Revelation and show you where at the end of the Seventh Age when the time of intercession was coming to an end and the Lamb stepped forth to take that Book to reveal redemption, because there are names in that Book. That Book pertains to an inheritance. Amen. And that intercession in Revelation chapter 8, verses 3 to 5, we see where intercession comes to an end. All the prayers are offered up and then the censor filled with fire, and when the fire is casted into the earth, it’s lightnings, thunders, voices and earthquake. Because that Alaskan earthquake, the Prophet calls it the beginning of the signs of the time. Amen. And with the going down of California, millions will die.

And then that brings in some very powerful earthquakes in a very short space of time, because after Moses and Elijah are killed preaching three and a half years, there is a very great earthquake. And then we go on unto—under that Seventh Vial where this great—the cleaving of the Mount of Olives when Jesus appears and His feet are on earth when He comes to fight for Israel. Because God will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone and a cup of trembling, and He will bring them there to the Valley of Jehoshaphath and He will judge them there.

And the Scripture tells us how they’ll get there. Out of the mouth of the Dragon and the Beast and the false prophet; it’s three unclean spirits like frogs going forth to the kings of the earth – that’s political power, (amen) to gather them and their armies – that’s military power. Amen. And He will bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphath into a place called Armageddon.

And between there, that little interval between the Sixth Vial and the Seventh Vial, God puts that gathering there, where out of a mouth is coming unclean spirits like frogs, a Trinity doctrine gathering the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth and


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their armies and bringing them there for that great final showdown, when Michael and Lucifer is on the battlefield again. The battle that started in Heaven will end up in Armageddon, (Hallelujah! Glory) where He will feed them to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air.

So it is a time there we want to notice and understand, because as we look and we see these things, then it is going to bring us to the place where we can see how this intercession is about finish. And he that is filthy will be filthy still, he that is righteous will be righteous still and he that is holy will be holy still. Only Noah and his little group knew when the door swung shut. The rest of the world didn’t know it until the flood came – and they knew it not. But Noah who was in the old world, who could received a revelation from God to take a people out of the Old World, the science civilization that was fixing to be destroyed by atomic power. He was a prophet that God had sent before that great and dreadful day of the Lord. God was fixing to smite the Antediluvian world with a curse.

The scientific inventions were going to push the earth away from the sun and bring rain. Nature was going to take a tumble under that Sixth Seal. It was going to bring the end of all flesh. But before that could happen, God sent His prophet and He opened a threefold Mystery to him of the Ark, “Prepare an ark.” Seven things: By faith, Noah; being warned of God; of things not seen as yet; moved with fear; prepared an Ark; for the saving of his household; by which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness of God, which is by faith. Seven things Paul puts there in that one verse.

And Noah catching that Mystery – the Ark is a type of Christ, you know that. Because that’s God provided plan of salvation – one door, three stories; a window at the top. Is that right? Glory! It had to be pitched within and without. The word there is kaphar, means atonement. Where did they get the sap from? It is not asphalt, it’s a tree that was cut down. Is Christ a tree that was cut down? And did the Life of that Tree that came forth was the Holy Spirit? Does that seal the believer in and give him peace, eternal security, rest? Noah means comfort and rest. It’s a Mystery.

Why didn’t Jesus say, “As it was in the days of Enoch and as it was in the days of Abraham?” Why did He say, “As it was in the


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days of Noah and the days of Lot?” Why? Didn’t Jesus know the Mystery? No, no. You see, it was to remain a secret. He gave it as the Seventh Trumpet. He gave it as the Seventh Trumpet. Hallelujah!

But when the Prophet came and he began to opened up the Scripture, he said, “Look Abraham was already called out. The angels came to Abraham. He got a new name, he got a new body; he received the Hidden Manna.”

“Shall I hide from Abraham what I’m about to do.” Abraham called Him the Judge of all the earth. He had come in a time of Investigation Judgment. Hallelujah! Abraham threw himself in the gap, the revelations of what His Program was, of what God was fixing to do; that it was turning from the Son of man in the clouds, He was coming to the Ancient of Days. Hallelujah! He had convened His court. He had come down in investigation to hear, to see what He had heard – the cries of Sodom had come up unto Him. The cries have been so loud in the Senate, in Congress, in the White House – the cries of Sodom – that they legalized them. That’s right.

They gave them same sex marriages. They gave them that they could adopt a child and that child could see two men marry and it is lawful, and that’s their child. And they could raise that child to be like the parents. The Law gave them that. Amen. Why? Because in there, you have these who are big in their arts and in their culture, in the field of Education and Science. Amen. The nation is honeycombed with this. Amen. And here they are, they have been pressing at that door; they’ve been trying to break that door down. And now the door is opened – Mr. Clinton and then he gave the baton to Mr. Obama. That’s right. Because they have a homosexual agenda: the homosexualization of the world (amen; that’s right) had been loosed and is happening.

Bro. Branham said there are three things: Elohim came to Abraham, the Son of man being revealed, showed him the last sign before the change of body; opening the Mysteries, the Voice of the sign to give the faith to be changed. Is that right? He said: Lot the lukewarm church in Sodom and the third is the Sodomites. Abraham was the eagle, Lot was the hawk and the Sodomites were the vultures. That’s right. And you see the condition there in the world, that’s the Age. Amen.


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And so, all of this and Abraham was standing in the gap. He was pleading; he was offering the evening incense while the Judge was there with the Book opened. When he began to see the Program, that Investigative Judgment was coming to an end, because Lot was the first pull, went down to Sodom, and the angels were the second pull and Elohim was fixing to go down for the finish – that the censer of fire, fire and brimstone, was to be poured out when intercession came to an end in Hebron. Hallelujah! Oh, thank You, Lord! Abraham and Sarah were young! Amen. The promised son was on the scene! Glory! To see how those things unfolded down. Amen.

Abraham had moved into that new name; Sarah had moved into that new name. Elohim had come on the scene and wasn’t calling them by that old name anymore more, “Abraham, where is thy wife, Sarah?” Hallelujah!

“She is in the tent behind You.” Amen! Glory! My! Here, we were seeing God’s plan in

shadow and type in that Seventh Seal, the appearing of the Lord unto the coming of the promised Son. Hallelujah! And here we are in between that time, receiving faith to be changed. Transformation working in you and me; changing us from glory unto glory, He’s changing me. He’s still working on me. Amen. Hallelujah! Glory. But as She nears the Headstone, She is in His Image! She will be the Super race, the Super church! She will see what God has made Her in Christ! Her thinking will be filtered; She will have a holy man’s taste! She will be a thinking man—a thinking woman! Glory! The Bride, a thinking people!

What is a thinking man? A man in the Mind Age. In the Age of the mind where the Mind of Christ, the Intelligence; the great Secret in the back part of God’s Mind is being put into the heart of the Bride and She knows what He wants done with the Word! Hallelujah! She understands Her position, that She has been left back, anointed Messiahettes! We have had the Messiah but after, it’s Messiahettes – those sons of God in the last days! Hallelujah! Those sons of God in the last days, the eagles of God, in the Eagle Age! A group of eagles between the Gentile eagle Prophet, amen, and the two Jewish eagle prophets!

Where the Carcass is, there will the eagles, God’s eagles, be gathered together! The family, eagle sons and eagle daughters,


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gathered in the only provided place of worship! I will meet you in there! I will meet you in there, in the family! You have to be born to get in there! You have to come in by the call of God, the foreknowledge of God and the plan of God in this Hour! Where there is Spiritual Food; where there is Hidden Manna, you have to come in there! Hallelujah! Where we worship the I AM! Not just I was or I will be; the Lord Who is, Who was and Who is to come, Eagle, Lamb and Lion: Prophet, Priest and King – Son of man, Son of God, Son of David. Hallelujah! Worship Him in that place! Hallelujah! Glory! Thank You, Lord!

Walking in this reality. When is it happening? Between Him taking the Book to break the Seals and before the censer of fire burns the earth. Hallelujah! It’s holding back; the winds are holding back. Why? He’s sealing the Eleventh Hour Gentile workers who will get the same penny. Amen. Hallelujah! He has some, the Holy Spirit is moving through the churches, (glory!) because their names are in that Book. “The world will not see Me but you will see Me. I’ll come to you. I’ll manifest Myself to you. (Hallelujah.) I’ll take your amnesia away. I’ll break the seals of your life and introduce you to yourself.” Hallelujah!

You are like the little eagle. Amen. He thought he was an ugly chicken. Amen. Because the seals on his book of life weren’t broken. He had amnesia. He tried to fit in the chicken family but he couldn’t eat the diet. Hallelujah. He tried to be like the rooster. Oh my. But when he lay down like Jacob, he’s only dreaming about ascending into a higher order. He dreamt of flying. Glory! But when he wakes up, they’ll say, “You ugly chicken, come here. Come and get your worm; get your cockroach.” Oh my! But one day, at Evening Time, when that Seventh Seal was being pulled back and off that mountain came Jehovah Eagle – Revelation 10:1 and Revelation 10:8 to 11.

Thinking he’s a chicken; still among Revelation 3:15 to 17 in that Laodicean condition. But Quickening Power struck him and began to break the seals on the book of his life and let him know he was in the thinking, back there on Eagle Mountain to be expressed but he bypassed being born on the Mountain.

We bypassed coming in the Eden. We should have come in the Garden of Eden but we came in Satan’s Eden instead. Hallelujah! We came living by the Tree of Knowledge, in the midst of the


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Garden but there is part of the Tree of Life down inside of us, (hallelujah!) and our identification is in that Tree. But when that Tree came flying, when Mama Eagle came flying at Evening Time and made Seven screams, (hallelujah, oh my!) something struck him. Like when Elijah waved that mantel over Elisha, something struck him. Like when Jesus manifested that Word to those apostles, something struck them. It moved them out of the humanistic realm, into the realm of Revelation.

He began to understand, (amen) he was way in Mama back there on that Mountain. Hallelujah! He began to realize that he was built to possess a law to fly. He had hidden resources; hidden potentials that the rooster couldn’t lead him to discover in his own life. But when Papa Eagle came, He said, “Junior, inside of you—you dream about flying. Is that right?”

He said, “Yes!” He said, “And you thought you were a funny chicken because

you have these big talons and this long beak. Is that right? And you never enjoyed cockroaches and worms. Is that right?”

He said, “Yes!” He said, “Junior, where were you when the Morning Star sang

together and the sons of God shouted for joy?” Hallelujah! Oh my! Hallelujah! Oh, thank You, Lord.

“Before you were formed in your mother’s womb as an egg, I knew you. I knew you, and I am come this day to break the seals on the book of your life and wake you up!”

Hallelujah! Glory. He was being led. He was being led to discover hidden resources; hidden potentials that they were part of him. He was always eagle. His Father was eagle. His grandfather was eagle. His great grandfather was eagle. He came from a long line of eagles. Like Paul and Ireneaus and Martin and Luther, (amen) you come through a long line of Eternal Life. Part of the Book, (amen) all the way back into Jesus. Hallelujah! Glory! You begin to discover, what a great thing.

Oh, I’m just getting happy here. I said I wanted to teach a little bit but that is what preaching does, when you get happy preaching. Amen. Hallelujah. But I want to put some things down in there so we can catch this. Turn with me to Jeremiah, Zephaniah rather, 1.

So that’s our experience, isn’t it? That’s right. Revelation 10, that Mama Eagle came flying. Amen. Then He made those Seven


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Screams; (glory) began to wake you up, Revelation 10:8 to 11. You began to discover you have a law to fly and then you began to get airborne, yourself. Amen. You are flying just like Mama and Papa. You have the same pedigree; you have the same potentials. You have like precious flying and precious eating just like them. Amen. All the chicken mentality is gone from you. Amen. You come through a thinking man’s filter – the Waters of Separation, that all that denominationalism is filtered out of you. Glory.

Zephaniah chapter 1, great Book in the Bible. You know, I was making a statement, sometimes they say, you know, everything has been revealed but not everything has been explained. And that’s where people get confused. They think that it is not revealed because it is not explained. But you see, He reveals specific Truths that you would be able to dovetail all Scripture. Amen. Because, that’s why he preached Key To The Door [1962-1007 –Ed] and then Doors In Door [1965-0206 –Ed].

Now people just come as far as Key to the Door and they come to the Message there and they see the Prophet, but when you open the next door to go in doors, you begin to find things about yourself. You begin to find out what God made you in Christ and what He left to be fulfilled in you.

And then you begin to understand the Mystery that the Prophet held and how he walked with this Revelation, knowing who he was and why he could master all circumstances. Teaching you, leaving footprints for you to come behind that you would know how to face the same things. He was tempted in all points and yet he overcame. Is that right? He overcame and stood in a place where all things were under his feet.

He said, “Brother Branham, we dreamt you were overshadowed by a cloud on a mountain.” He said, “What does that mean?”

He [Bro. Branham –Ed.] said, “Oh, Matthew 17, “Hear ye Him.” You remember the message I preached to you – Hear Ye Him.”

He said, “There was a Voice saying, ‘I give My Prophet power to speak things into existence. Brother Branham, and we saw you talking like you didn’t understand. This Pillar of Fire picked you up, took you westward and brought you back; you were white all over, and placed you at the head of the Lord’s Communion table. And when you spoke, you commanded; everybody understood.” See?


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What’s that? He’s at the head of the table, that’s the one who blessed the bread and broke it. That’s the Lord’s Communion table in Jerusalem. That’s in the Bride, where the restored fellowship is through the Blood; where He’s at the table. Amen. Supper Time, Evening Time – not the Lord’s lunch or the Lord’s breakfast, the Lord’s Supper – Evening Time; placing him positionally.

They said, “Brother Branham, we dreamt you. You were on this big white charger with a military prance, dressed like an Indian chief and dressed like a chief Texas ranger.

He said, “You see all this [Blank spot on tape.—Ed] ...into that pyramid of Seven Angels. He sent me back to open the Seals for God.” Amen. He said, “Now, not the Seventh Angel is the Son of man but the Seventh Angel is revealing the Son of man to the public, because this is not the gifts of the Life; this is the Life of the gifts. This is the Giver of the gifts. This is the Person. This is Revelation 10:1 veiled in Revelation 10:7 – the Super Sign, God and man united; (amen!) the first of the Super Race in the last days. Hallelujah! Praise His wonderful Name. Zephaniah 1. Let’s read quickly:

1 The word of the LORD which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.

Sometimes you read verses like that in the Bible and you stumble over something like that. When you’re a close observer, you realize it is telling you what Day this is, because every jot and tittle is inspired. And God is saying:

2 I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the LORD.

3 I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked; and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the LORD.

Drop down to verse 7. I’m just picking places here.7 Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord

GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.


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Like when He says, “Come to the Supper of the great God,” in Revelation 19, to feed the fowls of the air – the Supper.

… the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.

But when is that? The Day of the Lord. What is the Day of the Lord? Not Saturday or Sunday. It was a future day that John was transported to – “I was in the Spirit in the Lord’s day.” – where he saw Him with a white wig. He was the wigged Judge. Is that right? He was Judge between His Priesthood and His Kingship. The Day of His Priesthood was in the Seven Church Ages, where He had been interceding, doing the mediatorial work. The Days of His Kingship is in the Millennium, the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. The Day of His Priesthood is the Feast of Pentecost. The Days of His Priesthood, in the Seven Church Ages, in the Feast of Pentecost, He’s Son of God. The Day of His Kingship, in the Millennium, in the Feast of Tabernacles, He is Son of David.

But Son of man was promised to be revealed again at the end of the Seventh Age between Son of God and Son of David. Because John saw One like the Son of man in the Lord’s Day, because all judgment is committed unto the Son of man. The Son of man will come in the clouds of Heaven, and He will come to the Ancient of Days. Is that right? Genesis 18 is your shadow there; Daniel 12 is your prophecy in symbol form. Amen. Well watch. Verse 10.

You read the rest when you go home. I’m now introducing. I’m sure half the time is gone, but if the Brother gave me a true testimony there, you aren’t tired; you aren’t even getting tired. Praise God, amen. Praise the Lord, my brother. I like this kind of encouragement. Amen.

10 And it shall come to pass in that day ...This Day of the Lord. This Time that we’re living in. See?

The first part of the Day of the Lord, He’s coming in investigation judgment. God doesn’t bring man into judgment without first warning him. Warning him of judgment. Then when He brings him—He brings indictment, He’s laying the charges because they have been accused of committing serious criminal offences. And even though you arrest somebody and you suspect them, you have to bring them to trial, because the purpose of a trial is to come to a verdict.


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“What shall you do with Jesus called Christ?” Jesus on your hands. See? The Word on trial. See, on Trial, it was Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Unbelief and Mr. Impatient, the prosecutor, prosecuting God, trying to prove that He is guilty of making promises that He didn’t keep; He’s guilty of a breach of promise, but Indictment, [1963-0707M –Ed] is God trying man. That’s two court trials in this Age: man tries God and then God tries man.

The Prophet said, “I will be His attorney today and I will prove that this generation is guilty of the same crimes like the people in the days of Noah and the people in Sodom and in the First Coming of the Lord. And if they are guilty, then God will have to bring the same judgment. And if He doesn’t, to prove He’s the same yesterday, today and forever, He’ll have to raise up the people in the days of Noah, raise those up in the days of Sodom and forgive them because He did a wrong thing.” Is that right? And he said, “The mind is the jury, because that’s where decisions are made. That’s where you deliberate in your thinking, in your mind.”

And then, when they had the vindicated Word, thoroughly proven and vindicated, doing everything that Jesus did, demonstrating it night after night before them, and then they rejected It, then it showed that they didn’t use the mind that it was given for. So he said, “He will give them over to a reprobate mind. Because they didn’t have the love for the Truth, He’ll give them a reprobate mind that they will come under strong delusion and believe the lie and be damned by it, because they didn’t have love for the Truth.”

Like Cain, they loved their religious works more than the vindicated Word of a prophet-shepherd. Abel was a shepherd and the Mystery of redemption is in shepherd and sheep. And Abel’s slain lamb reflected the Lamb that was slain in the Mind of God before the foundation of the world, and it was foreshowing Calvary also, and that’s God’s only provided way of worship; to come by the shed Blood of the slain Lamb. It is the only grounds of fellowship. And Cain refused that for his own religious works. He built his own altar. He was the first false prophet. He was the first person that built a denomination.

Abel was preaching Why Am I Against Organized Religion. [1962-1111E –Ed.] Abel was preaching Impersonation of Christianity. [1957-0120M –Ed.] Is that right? Abel was preaching


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Tower Of Babel there, [1958-0128 (The Oneness Of Unity) –Ed.] and Cain started to get angry. Amen. So watch.

10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.

Zephaniah is prophesying. The fish gate was the market place and there was to come a great crash there. And it says:

11 Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, And that word there means depression. Because where they had

the fish gate where all the—they would set up their stalls and their stocks, and their market and they would haggle over the prices. It was like a big depression geographically in the earth, right there. But it was symbolic of the great crashing that came from the stock market. Do you understand?

In other words, let me make it a little clearer for you. Are we in the Day of the Lord? Is the present day money system to be destroyed in this Hour? Would they demand gold? Is that right? Would they bring it to a place where you can’t buy or sell? That market has already crashed, you know, but because of the media, they could keep the people diverted. The amount of homeless people there is. The amount of people losing jobs and homes and can’t pay their mortgages, because in 2008, that subprime mortgage crisis shook the world. Right now, they still can’t overcome their troubles. All the seven hundred billion bailouts and eight hundred billion bailouts continually. Where was the money coming from? Because it went into fourteen trillion dollars now, until the US, France, Italy, all these have been degraded and taken down from that credit status that they had before. Now there are nations that are saying that you can’t enjoy that because the place where you all are, you can’t pay your debt.

Now watch. I’m talking FROM THE OPEN BOOK TO THE CENSER OF FIRE. I’m showing you from 1963 to 2011, where we are, and I showed you in 1964, when that rock was thrown up. Do you remember in 1965, when the priest handed him the book, the page had stuck in the Bible? He had taken the Bible the wife gave him. What for? God was getting ready to bring a sign that we’re in the time for the Day of Vengeance. Then It Is The Rising Of The Sun, [1965-0418M –Ed.] he turned that Cloud.


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What was it? Jesus wigged. It was there all the time, in the picture but God had him looking at the picture at the wrong angle, and God knew when to turn it. And when it was turned, he realized, “But this is what I started when I opened the Book of Revelation. I couldn’t understand how Jesus, thirty three years old, will have hair white like wool.” He called up Jack Moore.

Jack Moore said, “Oh Bro. Branham, that’s Jesus in His glorified condition.”

He said, “That sounded good for a theologian but to a prophet, it didn’t ring a bell.” He said, “I began to pray and God showed me a vision of the ancient judges, how they wigged themselves, speaking of experience, maturity and wisdom, qualified to judge.

Why? Because here we are, we were between the Book being opened and time running out for the Gentiles. Because when that Angel came with that opened Book and Seven Thunders uttered their voices, what was the next thing? Revelation 10:3 and 10:1, the next announcement comes from Heaven. He said, “Not the earthly man, this One is coming from Heaven.” Then, Revelation 10:3 and 4, Seven Thunders uttered their voices – the last part of the Word to be interpreted, that light had never shined on. Could this be a mystery, that these vile, old, marred bodies could be changed? Is this something coming, that we would leap over walls; we would jump over a troop. Is this that Headstone coming? It never did come.

Revelation 10:3 and 4, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. Revelation 10:5 and 6, “And He lifted His hand and swore by Him that liveth forever and ever.” In chapter 1:17 and 18, He tells you, “Who shall live forever and ever.” He said, “I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore. And I have the keys of hell and death.” Is that right? He swore by Himself because there was no higher one to swear by; giving a sworn affidavit, a sworn oath, “Time shall be no more.”

Well that would be indicated by that fire. Then he that is filthy is filthy still; he that is righteous is righteous still. So watch. How close are we? Where are we? We are looking at these things here and I want to show you, taking my quote. Do you remember my quote that I read? To know if I’m right, I have to go back in the Old Testament. So I’m reading Revelation but I’m going in the Old Testament here now to show you that in the Old Testament,


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there is a place where the priest has the Book in his hand, and it’s a place where the Angel throw the fire on the earth.

Then I want to show you the things that happen in between there. Because Revelation 6, He has the Book in His hand; Revelation 8, He has the golden censer. What is Revelation 7? Do you remember? The calling and the sealing of the Elect. He is sealing their names in the Book! He is dealing with names in the Book. When? Between the opening of the Word and the end of intercession where that fire falls on the earth. It is placed between there. But how many know Revelation 7 and 8 is parallel to Ezekiel 9 and 10? Did Ezekiel 9 have a sealing before the wrath? Then you find Ezekiel 10, that same One, that Man with the clothed linen Who was doing the sealing, that same One throws that fire on the earth. Do you understand? So let’s watch it because there are some things there. [blank spot –Ed.]

We have been coming down through these last forty-eight years, walking exactly step by step in the revealed plan of God laying in the Scripture that we don’t have to guess what is happening. We don’t have to try to claim things are happening. We can go to the Word and find what is to happen, and then prove and find who are the people that have this experience, that carry this identification in their life, because there is nothing new under the sun – what was, is and will be. So we can come to a place where we can tie our soul to the Absolute of His Word, His unfailing words of promise. Then we can have faith, because faith is based on the proven Word of God. That is something you know, something you experience; something that is real to you. Isn’t that ‘the Word interpreted in you is the manifestation of the Name’? To show that you are part of that elected group, part of the Family. That’s right. Well look:

11 Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, [verse 11] for all the merchant people are cut down; all they that bear silver are cut off.

These are the bankers, the ones who bear silver at the market place, at the fish gate where the great crashing comes. Zephaniah was living in the days of Josiah (I drew your attention to that), the son of Amon. Because it was in that time of Josiah that the lost Book was restored. In that Hour, the Babylonian power in the


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earth went forth deceiving the people in the earth with their false teaching and bringing them into idolatry. [Blank spot on tape. 2:11:09]Many were in idolatry. Even Manasseh the king had put idols in the Holy of holies. Even when God showed Ezekiel 9 and the slaughtering angels were going to come, men were secretly weeping, women weeping for Tammuz [Ezekiel 8:14 –Ed.]; all kinds of things in the church. Is that correct? Then, when you see how this takes place, you—Let’s drop down to verse 14.

14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, In other words, when Zephaniah was giving this prophecy, he

was prophesying about the Day of the Lord. He was prophesying about the Day of the Lord, and there is going to be a crashing of the stock market.

The Babylonian power on the earth, going forth deceiving with false doctrine, first Seal – bringing them to idolatry; taking them from the Word of God. What was the second Seal? War – taking peace from the earth. Is that right? They were breaking the nations. What is the third Seal? Economics – capturing the wealth of the world: resources.

What is war fought for? War is fought always for resources. You don’t go and just kill people and in the end you get nothing.

What did the war in Iraq produced for those who won the war? What did the war in Libya do for those who won the war? And how did they go to war? They deceived the people to give themselves a pretext to go for war. Taking peace from the earth, shedding blood and then using the media to cover it up. Why? What is it? Because Babylon is taking control of the world. She is going to come in.

Now, then what is the last thing? Unite – fourth Seal is uniting the powers. What did Nimrod do after he began to make war—Because remember when they came out of the ark, eight people: Noah and his three sons – Ham, Shem and Japheth and the four wives, they all had one revelation. They all had one God. They had one faith but then Cush went forth and began to divide the speeches of men. Is that right? And then Nimrod, he began to take war and conquered the people. Is that right?

So from one God, a monotheistic religion, it came to a polytheistic religion, one of many gods. In the first Age, did it go to a trinity doctrine? Was it at Pergamos? That’s right. Did it end


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up in Babylon—Thyatira? Correct. Then what happened? He united the world. Did Nimrod unite the world? Genesis 11 – after Genesis 10, the war, is Genesis 11: And the whole earth was one language and one speech. And he had a space program; he wanted to go up into Heaven by science and technology, linking Heaven and earth to escape the wrath, if it comes again.

Then what happened after that? He made himself god. Did he do it? He made himself god and he forced the whole world to come to Babylon and worship. But out of there, God call Abraham to walk by faith, Genesis 12. Hallelujah!

Genesis, like Luther—follow with me now. Then Genesis 15, God confirmed the Covenant by blood: kill a three year old heifer, a three year old ram and two turtle doves – Abraham’s Covenant confirmed. The message of the Blood, Wesley. Then Genesis 17, God came as a nursing mother, “I am the El Shaddai.” A nursing Woman coming to the fretting Abraham one year before the promise; exposed the breast: “Can you nurse?” Hallelujah! Revealing to him a Supernatural Power to get him ready for the Promise – gave him circumcision; gave him a new name. The Pentecostal Age, the New Birth.

But Genesis 18, God in human flesh in a man like a prophet Who could turn His back and discern the heart in a day like Sodom. Hallelujah. In a day when you had two angels in Sodom blinding the people and the Sodomites were trying to break down the door, but God: “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am fixing to do?” And He began to open the Word to Abraham, to reveal to him – from the opening of the Word to the censer of fire. The fire and brimstone turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes.

It was a time of intercession between Redemption and Judgment. Hallelujah! The hidden Truth that is sealed in the Word. The hidden Secrets of redemption. He said, “I always thought it was something outside of the Book but He revealed you can’t add or take away; it’s hid in the Book.” But through the opening of the Word, we see the Things that was shut up in the Word. Amen? Glory!

Quickly… So this is happening in the Day of the Lord. All I’m reading here is to identify that Zephaniah’s prophecy was in the hour when the Babylonian power was taking the nations. Then the


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next thing that Zephaniah saw was, He’s coming to Jerusalem and when He comes, He will take Jerusalem. It is a type of America.

You know Israel is a type of America – you know that, and America has Republicans and Democrats; you know that too. That’s right. Dividing the two kingdoms. One has idolatry and one was trying to stand for Truth, for Christianity but Jezebel was so smart, through Athaliah, she got into Judah. So she had both Democrats and Republicans.

So whether it is Clinton or Obama or Bush, it’s all the same; it is in the hands of Rome – if you know your Bible, if you understand. You see?

Now you find in Third Exodus [1963-0630 –Ed.] Bro. Branham explained how Israel was divided into two. You see? He said, “I’m not Republican and I’m not Democrats. I’m a Christian.” Hallelujah! Glory be the God in the highest! Because Jezebel will take the two and she has. See, because Israel's history in the time of Jezebel and Ahab is repeating in this Hour and that’s why Jehu is anointed to root up and bring judgment that Elijah prophesied on the United States and on the Vatican. A Washington-Vatican alliance – Ahab and Jezebel – a beast that came out of the earth and a beast that came out of the sea. See?

It is wonderful, don’t you think? It is good when we teach some of this; crystallize it that you could see and you could grasp it. Sometimes I go too fast so I’m trying to pause a little bit so you could get it down; so when the next one comes, you could get it down too because sometimes it is coming so fast it puts the mind in a whirlwind almost, to try to—You hear this, you hear this, you hear this, you know, but if we take our time, you could get it because it is not so much how much we could say, it is how much we could help (amen), and this is the objective and motive to help you. Amen.

We love your pastor very much. He is a man who has been such a great blessing to us. Amen. God’s servants here in the meeting this morning, you know, they are men whose influences have gone into the earth, people know them around the world. And to see that a meeting like this, both of them are here and little old me from a little old island get up here; I don’t even know what I get up here to do. I feel like I’m in my seersucker trousers [Bro. Vin chuckles –Ed.] and my little old T-shirt, you know, and the old


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man who came down the horizontal rainbow, you know, is there and you have these great servants of God but nevertheless, I’m just going to put in my two little bits and I’m sure it’s going to help you by God’s grace.

14 [This] great day of the LORD... even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.

That’s Revelation 6 – the great captains, the great mighty men were crying to the rocks. Zephaniah seeing that sixth Seal—under that sixth Seal. Watch!

15 That day is a day of wrath, [verse 15] a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,

16 A day of the trumpet and [the] alarm... Did you catch that? What is trumpet – political disturbance.

Woe in the earth – wars and rumors of wars. and alarm against the fenced cities,

Every one of them so highly sophisticated. They weaponize space now. They put up missile shield and everything else.

… and against the high towers. 17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they

shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: ...

When those bombs go off and that radiation begins to eat out their eyeballs and that blast, that light will throw them blind. Under your fifth Seal the kingdom of the beast was full of darkness in that day when the Vials of God’s wrath were being poured out.

Friends, that is why if you can catch what I’m saying here, ‘FROM THE OPEN BOOK TO THE CENSOR OF FIRE’, and I’m showing you the crash of the market here, coming in, in the Day of the Lord. It is a day when the Babylonian power has conquered the world. The last thing the Babylonian power conquered was Israel. When they conquered the kingdom of Judah, they became the head of gold. Is that right? And when Daniel interpreted the vision, he said, “Thou, oh King Nebuchadnezzar, thou art that head of gold.”

In 1959 October, when Khrushchev took out that shoe and beat it in the United Nations meeting and the Holy Spirit revealed to the


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Prophet, “Look there, Khrushchev’s leading five eastern nations and Eisenhower’s leading five western nations.”

And Bro. Branham said, “Did you catch that sign in that conference?” Nobody saw it. No minister was preaching about it. He said, “Did you catch that?” He said, “Eisenhower in English means iron; Khrushchev means clay.” Here was the End Time Daniel, the Prophet, at the end of the Gentile dispensation, who was preaching The Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation [1955-0109 –Ed.]

He was saying, “And thou, oh Eisenhower, you are that iron and thou Khrushchev, you are that clay. And here we are in the days of the ten toes; it had cut right down. And a prophet was here— because It said, “And the days of those ten kings, those ten toes, the God of Heaven will set up His Kingdom.” And the setting up of that Kingdom is the Coming of this Rock. And the Prophet said, “The next thing to come is the Rock cut without hands. It shall appear.” Hallelujah!

1962, December, he got this vision: Is This The Sign Of The End? Is this the Rock? Is this the Mystery of the Thunders that will bring down the Headstone? Seven Angels in the form of a pyramid coming after the toes have been identified, after the iron and clay. Russia, one of the big toes, with Khrushchev; Eisenhower, the next big toe, holding the balance of world power. In those days, the two super powers were standing there, but the Rome, the iron in both of them.

Now watch. Then, when that happened and that Stone appeared, Bro. Branham came, “The world is again falling apart.” We have received a Kingdom and he goes into this Kingdom and he began to give testimony of how the Word was made Spirit and Life in him. “What removed that tumor from my wife?” He asked, on Testimony [1963-1128M –Ed.] He preached, The World Is Again Falling Apart [1963-1127 –Ed.] He was getting ready to go to Shreveport, to drive his car. He was praying for the last time.

The wife was in Arizona; she was in the doctor’s office and he knew the time of the appointment. He stood there under the Hoffman Head and said, “Oh God.” He’s praying and he’s crying on his knees. God said, “Stand to your feet.” (Hallelujah!) “Whatsoever you say.” And the word from the mouth of the Prophet went forth from Jeffersonville straight, zeroed like a


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guided missile and the wife is there, and in her earth—you talk about weaponization. Hallelujah! When that prayer was loosed, friends, it had radar on it, heading, moving, tracking; reached down into Tucson, got in the doctor’s office, found her inside the doctor’s office and they begin to chat, “Oh Sis. Branham, which side is it on?” Oh my! It went right through there. It was gone. They didn’t know what happened. Hallelujah!

He came back the next night, Testimony and begin to give testimony. He came back the next night, Token, [1963-1128E –Ed.] He said, “It is the Voice of the Blood that spoke there. (Hallelujah!) Greater works than these shall you do because I go to the Father.” Hallelujah! He said, “I always translated that more because I thought you couldn’t do greater.” He said, “But then He showed me.” He said, “Not even Jesus when He was on the earth did that out right.” He did it as Melchisedec when He created everything but when He was on earth He took water and made it into wine. It was potentially wine being water.

When He multiplied the bread and fish, it was already bread and fish, He just multiplied a creation. Hallelujah! But he said, “That day in the woods, there was nothing there, when he said, ‘Let there be.’” Hallelujah! Oh, thank You Lord. And he’s showing it to us. Look, while we are coming in and that Book is being opened and he’s walking in his position; went west, came back and was put at the head of the Communion table, on the mountain standing there, overshadowed by the Cloud, on that white charger. Glory!

He’s standing there speaking these things. Amen. And God was confirming, “Here is a son.” God had put the King’s Sword in his hand. Hallelujah! He stood there that day, this great mighty Prophet and he’s giving testimony, “Look how this rock had appeared.” When he turned that Cloud to the right side, it was the smiting Stone. It was the Judge, (hallelujah!) coming to bring judgment; the One Whom all judgment is committed onto.

Oh, let me just say something here. I’ll have to maybe put a pause and come back later. I’m not even really getting near where I’m going. But I like it. I like it. I’m not finished but I like it because I’m sensing the Holy Spirit wants to do something special, increase your faith, stimulate your faith, (amen, hallelujah) and confirm to us, we are at the end, friends. We can’t even measure that.


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To say like it’s late – it is very, very late. It is so late, friends, even while we speak, who knows if that door will close. That he that is filthy—It is that late. That’s why I watch the things that He put on my heart when I came to Cape Town here, to speak; to go and pick this up and begin to speak this, to show you how we have come, to confirm to you how we have come, how you can sit and get the confirmation from the Spirit because your minister believes these things. He preaches these things. I’m here just connecting dots because it’s the kind of ministry I have. I’m a good dot connector.

You know. I’m just connecting some dots to show you those things are in the Word there, and then as It begins to crystallize—this is the value of the five-fold ministry. God’s gifts always their places. And just when God knows maybe it is time to connect some dots, you know, you have the parts there and I come to connect some dots and then you say, “My goodness,” and then you see in a greater way what the Spirit has been teaching and opening in you, and the great oneness that we should be experiencing. Amen.

The same harmony between the Bridegroom and the Bride, as it was with the Father and Son, and She has THUS SAITH THE LORD or keeps still; prisoners that He could have the preeminence in; the oversight, the leading; sons of God led by the Spirit – the Spirit of Truth leading us into all Truth. Amen. Christ the Mystery of God revealed Who was sealed with Seven Seals is no longer a mystery. Christ is revealed in His own Word. Hallelujah!

We see Him from Genesis to Revelation. We see His Program. We see the time that we are in. And Zephaniah was seeing this and Zephaniah was prophesying this. And Zephaniah was putting judgment that in that Day of the Lord’s wrath, how they wouldn’t be able to deliver themselves. Zephaniah was prophesying things that will happen in the Day of the Lord and this is the Day we are in since the Lord, the righteous Judge had appeared to judge the quick and the dead.

Genesis 18, the Judge was coming, the Son of man came in the Cloud; Abraham called Him, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” The Prophet called it investigation judgment, (amen) and that was from investigation, to indictment, to trial, to the verdict – guilty.


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When you look at the world today, you are actually on death row and you’re seeing a condemned criminal who has been arrested, charged; the charges have been laid indictably, He brings him to trial, the evidence is produced, he is tied to the crime; there is no way for him to come out, he is found guilty and he’s in prison awaiting execution. Well that’s the world now – souls that are in prison now, because the trial is over; they are found guilty. That’s what it is. And because they rejected the Blood, these demons that come out of the pit, two hundred million, have access to their bodies.

You see, in past Ages, you had to die to go to Heaven and die to go to Hell, but in this Day, Heaven is opened and Hell is opened. And Heaven has come down here and Hell has come up here. And right now, He’s taking His own out of the houses of Hell: “House of Hell, give way to the Name of Jesus Christ!” Taking them out. Why? Because they have to go in to the Marriage Supper and to the Millennium and reign with the King because the Headstone appears. The Rock cut without hands has appeared in that Day.

What is Revelation 3:20? His rejection. Revelation 3:21: to him that overcometh as I have overcome, (is that right?) will sit with Me in My Throne as I overcame and sat in My Father’s Throne. His Father’s Throne was the mediatorial office. He had left His Father’s Throne to take His own Throne. In His mediatorial office, He was Son of God; in His own Throne, He’s Son of David. He’s Son of man being revealed as Supreme Judge between intercession and judgment – redemption is being revealed. He opened Seven Seals to do what? Gather His redeemed subjects together. Seven Thunders will gather the Bride together. They who will reign with Him.

We are in a time of transition. It is an overlap time. The Pentecostal, the Age of Laodicea, has gone into total blackout. God is separating the light from the darkness. Israel is getting ready to receive the last half of the Seventieth Week. The Bride is being called out. He cannot get to Joseph. Joseph’s brothers are gathered and He’s blessing them. He’s speaking to them through Gentile. He is dealing with them in a way that they don’t know Who is dealing with them that way. They don’t understand Who He is yet but He’s blessing them.


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He saw little Benjamin—and when He saw little Benjamin— First, they came out of, after World War II, out of Europe, from the Holocaust; they rushed back there in their homeland. They became a nation in 1948 but then something happened. They have all their brothers but not Benjamin. All of them gathered back under the Feast of Trumpets, but then they had Operation Moses, Operation Solomon; they began to bring those little ones out. Some they didn’t even thought were there. When they came in, into the land now—because remember, all will have to be there, because that’s where He deals with them. He doesn’t deal with that Jew outside of that land and neither does He deal with the two at the same time – in revelation

So they’re there; they’re going blind for a season still. They are sitting under Rabbis, and there are many sects of Rabbis, with many interpretations the Rabbis have. But when those eagle prophets come, (oh my) it’s going to take the Eagle to open the Word. They would go to Daniel. Hallelujah! They would begin to open those Things in the Scripture and begin to place them. They would recognize the Day and the Hour. They would know the Promise, they would see who they are. It would take their amnesia away. It was prophesied to do it. 144,000 will be sealed.

Six Trumpets sounded to rush them back in the Promise Land, just like six Seals opened to rush us back in the Promise Word. But where six Seals only sounded and there is no Eagle Ministry, do you know what happens? You have reformers in the Message, do you know what is taking place? They will sit down there and they’ll organized them again inside the Message. And they’re sitting under all kinds of interpretation and nobody has the Holy Ghost. Why? Just like Israel. They’re in the land. You give them a blood test, they are Jews. They are there but they still have amnesia. Their eyes are still blinded. Why? Because they haven’t begun yet to sit under Eagle Anointing – that’s why you should be the most thankful people. You’ve sat in this church under Eagle Anointing.

All that I’ve preached to you this morning would be confusion to you if you hadn’t sat under Eagle Anointing, but you can rejoice, and I feel so free. Why? Because you’ve sat under Eagle Anointing. Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.


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So watch something. So, the same way in the Message, if that Seventh Seal is not opened in a church, there is no way. They’ll praise God for what was and what will be, because Six Seals reveals what was and what will be but the Seventh Seal brings Him in the present tense. It unveils Him. It shows you your part of the Word, because under the first fold – behold the Bridegroom cometh; under the third fold – the Trump to the Marriage Supper but in between the coming of the Bridegroom and the going to the Marriage Supper, is the Bride – when Romeo was to come for Juliet.

She is Word of His Word, Spirit of His Spirit, Life of His Life, faith of His Faith, virtue of His Virtue, (hallelujah!) predestinated there in that Hour, (amen) to break the seals on the book of your life: to show you, you are the matching piece to the Masterpiece. You come from Him and you’re going with Him. Amen! Hallelujah! Quickening you to this realization, and that’s the purpose of the Holy Ghost to do that.

God wants to give the revelation. That’s why He said, “Seal not up these Things, the time is at hand. Speak It, loose It, say It; they must have It. The Word cannot be suppressed now.” This is the Hour you are feeding on the Word upon Word, upon Word. The Holy Ghost coming baptism upon baptism, moving you into that channel. Hallelujah!

Okay, just let me find a place to put a pause. Jeremiah 1, quickly. I am going to put a pause here in the next five minutes; give you a little interval to get some natural food, get your—because under this kind of Thing here, you’re burning a lot of fuel. You see, the mind can’t get lazy here at all. The mind has to be stimulated because the thoughts are causing you to have to stay up. This is an astronaut Age, isn’t it? Amen.

Jeremiah. I’ll show you in simplicity how the Word is hidden. Oh, praise God, it’s doing good. Do you see where I want to go? I’m seeing it so clearly, and I’m seeing how I can stop here and pick it up later and we’ll be right on.

I thought, you know, it’s like Joseph, you’re seeing the end but God passes you certain places to get to the end. And in there, you’re picking up a few and helping some, you know, move into the channel, because God is interested in them. It is not to show what I know, it is to help you take your place and to understand


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your place in this Hour, and see the Day and help, you know—When you see the time and you see how late it is and you see the focus and you hear the emphasis, you know where you have to prioritize. You know what is important and what can be laid aside. See? Otherwise, if you don’t know the time, then the enemy will have you thinking, you’ll want to do this and you want to do the other but the time clock is striking the Hour. Amen.

Jeremiah 1, verse 1 to 3:1 The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the

priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:

2 To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah...

What does it tells us? Jeremiah and Zephaniah were contemporary, but Zephaniah opened up the Mystery concerning the crash of the stock market and the Day of the Lord and the great sacrifice and how He bids His guests, and the great wrath that would be poured out under that sixth Seal and how the mighty men would shake and cry. And all these things are moving in that direction. Because when that rock was thrown up, that was God by a world tremor, gave a warning though it did not unbalance the earth, but the next time, it would be Hebrews 12: He will shake everything that could be shaken. Is that right?

Well in 2010, He shook Haiti and 300,000 died. Then, within the next month, February, He shook Chile. It went into an 8.8 earthquake with Tsunami; shook the earth even a little further off its axis. Earlier this year, He shook Japan. Is that right? Tsunami, nuclear radiation – between that shaking, they had the worst oil spill in human history. The earth is groaning and travailing, but watch the sons of God flying; watch the Eagles of God in this Hour. Hallelujah! What the earth—one woe and during that time, we see this very year too, they went in there, war – political disturbance.

Look at how they took a ruler for over forty-two, forty-three years and they killed him and they sodomised him and they filmed it and they put it on BBC, and they put it on television. CNN sent it around the world and now they’re rejoicing; having a great time and everything else. And when I saw that, the first thing that struck me was Revelation 11. The Bible said, “The whole world,


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every nation, kindred, tongue and tribe will see those two bodies lying in Jerusalem.”

Have you seen the size of Jerusalem on a map? If you’re in Australia, you’re seeing straight where the two bodies are in the street. How much space these two bodies would take, maybe a little space like this on the platform here? In the city that is called Sodom where all the big gay pride marches are, where our Lord was crucified? And they would say these men tormented us, and they would send gifts around the world and the people around the world would see the two dead prophets, and they would see—the world would be rejoicing.

They would say, “We got two Al-Qaeda leaders, two operatives, two religious fanatics here, posing as religious men playing they are preaching but really they sabotaged the water system, and they came with weapons of mass destruction and they’re using all these earthquake weapons and weather weapons and they shut the Heaven for three and a half years. We realized that they have that technology because they broke into the HAARP system and they stole the secrets, and they made their own and they shut the heavens.”

Oh yes, the Age is ripe for that. The Age is ripe for that. Do you understand? Because remember, when they rejected the Message, they were given over to a reprobate mind; they gave out a strong delusion to believe the lie because they didn’t have the love for the Truth. The whole Age, the god of this Evil Age has smitten them blind. They are brought to the cage where they are caged up in a habitation of devils. Understand.

The world right now is in a virtual world; desensitized. They’re not even conscious of what the real world is and the modern events are being made clear by vindicated prophesies, so fast and with such rapidity, only the Born Again could keep up with it.

That’s why I’m trying to bring a message here to see Jeremiah was prophesying that same Day when the Babylonian power, the king and his army—Do you know who that is? Revelation 6: 7 and 8. Do you know who that is? Revelation 9: a king—a locust king came out with two hundred million, an army started to ride. An army that come into flesh in those who rejected the Message of the Hour, because once you reject the Blood, you can’t be covered; your name would be blotted out and rejection of the Word makes a


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way for the devil to become incarnate. They have access to those bodies because the soul sinned and died.

They committed the unpardonable sin. You can’t pray for that person anymore; he’s gone. They sinned away their day of grace. They loved the lie. Like Cain, they are marked and separated from the Presence of God. Was Cain marked? Was that the first marking of a human being? Was it a mark of Apostasy because he refused correction? He didn’t accept the vindicated Word. God vindicated the shepherd’s message. Abel was the shepherd with the vindicated message of the slain Lamb. Is that right? Two vines – Cain and Abel, because Cain was born by the lie from the womb of a deceived church. Is that right? Eve was a deceived church. Oh brother.

To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah…

The musicians could come for me, please. It will help me here at this stage. I want to step down a little bit.

…. the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

3 It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month.

Jeremiah prophesied in Josiah’s time, in the days of Johoiakim, Josiah’s son’s time and when he died, he continued to prophecy in the second son, Zedekiah’s time and he was still prophesying until the carry away of Jerusalem captive. Who carried away Jerusalem captive? The Babylonian king and his army. When he did that what happened? He became the head of gold. When he became the head of gold he united the world.

All the world was—He brought the Age into an Age of globalization. And what was the next thing? They set up the image and forced the world to worship the image. But I’m going to show you this evening how in that very time the Book was found. And I’m going to show you all the things from 1963 to 2011, how they had been happening, coming down.

The crash of the stock market, the calling and sealing of the Elect, intercession coming to an end, the priest with the fire-filled


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censer casting it into the earth, the loosing of the slaughtering angels coming to destroy the church that united to reject the Message of the Son of man.

Did the Sadducees and the Pharisees and the Herodians come together under political unity and gave their support to Pilate, to Rome because they couldn’t kill Jesus? And they said, “We have no king but Caesar,” and they aligned themselves with the Roman power. That’s right. What Shall I Do With This Jesus Called Christ, [1963-1124M –Ed.] I’m quoting, they will do the same thing again here. And the Prophet said what happened? Titus came to finish them. But before the slaughtering angels could come, the Sealing Angel had went forth.

It’s a dangerous time. Watch from the time when that Book in the hand of the priest, when He began to break those Seals. When He broke the first Seal, what was it? White horse rider, anti-Christ spirit. When He broke the second Seal – red horse rider. When He broke the third Seal – black horse rider. Is that right? As He was breaking those Seals, which came down through Seven Church Ages, bringing the Church from east to west – from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun at Evening Time.

And when this began to take place in the earth, we see it came to the end. Those Seals being broken, it came from anti-Christ to false prophet to Beast; where the Beast is Satan incarnate in the last days; the man of sin who will sit in the temple to be worshipped as God. I want you to see where we are coming to in this Hour.

Meda and Grace, get ready to sing I Feel The Pull Inside. The place we are coming to, we need to understand friends, sometimes our minds are caught up in a church realm. We think about our church and that church and this church, but we weren’t given a Prophet and the opening of the Seven Seals to be caught up in a church realm. We are to be raised above this into a union. Into a union—that Head came for a union – uniting time and sign, invisible union coming down to take the Headship over His Body so He can work in and through His Bride to the fulfilling of His Word in this Hour.

And the value of what I’m trying to bring is to show you, we have not been just coming to services, we are walking in the fulfilling of the Word, and as these prophecies are being pointed


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out to you, you can get an idea of where we are positionally: What time is it? How far advanced are we? And when we look around, these things that Daniel and John described in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation can be pointed out to you, that you can see it is about finished.

Bro. Branham preached a message called Leaning On Your Own Understanding [1965-0120 –Ed.] then Thinking Man’s Filter [1965-0822E –Ed.] A thinking man is the man who has the Mind of Christ. He came to take away our understanding in this great intellectual Age where everybody is seeking higher education, further education; they want to be more learned and these things. But God has a Secret in the back part of His Mind He wants to put in the heart of the Bride, that She would have the Mind of Christ to make Her a thinking people. A thinking man and a thinking woman, where we could be thinking God’s Thoughts, where we could be seeing Jesus and His program; where we could be understanding our alignment with Him.

This uniting time, this invisible union, how the Head is coming down to work in and through you, that in that Day, you would know as I was in the Father and the Father in Me, so I in you and you in Me, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. And it is not I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me and the life that I live now, in this flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.

This reality of walking in a world of perfect faith, understanding what the Bride is, what Her origin is, where She came from, how She was chosen in Christ, how She was promised to be revealed in the last days, how it would be Jesus in Bride form in the Bride Age in the Bride Coming, showing that She is Him revealed. What a great thing it is.

We will see how, before they went into captivity, God was saying, “Don’t pray for these people, Jeremiah.” In that day when the Babylonian power was coming, I want you to watch that Babylonian power just like I showed you the Seals, from anti-Christ to false prophet to Beast, conquering and going forth to conquer, and conquer until they reshaped the world.

He said, “Can you see Lucifer building his kingdom. He is trying to build a more beautiful kingdom than Michael’s and he’s doing it by fallen angels and they are in those men in that


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

Ecumenical move.” He is pointing out to us how they were in hell, how they came out here, where they were loosed in the Ecclesiastical realm, where they came veiled in flesh, the same way God comes down into union and veils in His Bride too, the same way that in that Day you would know I in you and you in Me.

He is coming in through the anti-Christ spirit, the false prophet and the beast, through Nicolaitanism, Balaamism and the Jezebel doctrine and He is coming through Justification, Sanctification and the New Birth coming in – Christ coming to His Bride. Two kingdoms, two heads bringing their kingdom into flesh. All those theophanies beyond the Curtain. Jesus is going to come down and bring them back to the earth; they will pick up that body in a glorified condition to go in to reign with Him. He left the Father’s Throne to take His own Throne.

That Stone came in the days of the ten toes. To see how it came from Nebuchadnezzar to Eisenhower and Khrushchev now to Medvedev and Obama. Could you follow it like that? Yes. You see how that political power grow through a channel. You see how that spiritual power is growing from the Prophet into the Bride also.

We are not just coming to church. You’re sitting here in the Presence of God at your post of duty in the Assembly. God raised you up where He put you to sit under a ministry reflecting from the Throne. And that shepherd, which is the pastor that God gave you, found the Messiah. Why it had to be shepherds – unqualified speakers hastening with the greatest Message ever. Look at him, he goes into Russia, he goes into Brazil, he goes into Norway, he goes into New Zealand and Australia. What is happening? Years ago, he never wanted to travel. You ask him. He says, “No, no, I’m trying to build my church.” He comes back again, “I’m trying to build a house – waiting for his ministry; waiting for his time and season.

You, don’t just come to the assembly because it is near to you or far from you; understand what you’re in. Listen closely and understand who the man is and what he’s bringing to you, where he’s trying to point you, then find your place in the assembly and take your place and refuse to be shaken from your place when you take that place – that the unity of the one God in the one Church


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

could be expressed among you and the Church under the Headship of Jesus Christ. And then you understand, in this part of the world, God is doing something, a place of refuge, a place where people can come in and find Eternal Life, find the Secret; know the way to go back from flesh to Word, to immortality.

The things that NASA is looking for is known by the scientists here. [Bro. Vin refers to the Pastors. –Ed.] They are working with all the wrong material yet, people are so impressed with NASA but the people they are trying to pull from, they never went into Heaven and never found that Civilization. But these scientists here, they are working with one who went into Heaven and came back and told them what lies There. Do you believe?

Come quickly. This is a song, I feel is just appropriate here, a world that is judged, a dying world but you feel something inside that is pulling you to a Celestial Place. Because when that door swings shut friends, you better know that you’re linked to a theophany. You better know that what you’re carrying in you, faith to be changed, like Enoch, you have a testimony that you pleased God before you are translated. You are placed positionally in this Hour. Amen. Just worship Him. Listen to the words of the song. Let it minister to your soul.

[Sisters Meda and Grace Ellis sing I Feel The Pull Inside –Ed.]Hallelujah. The only escape is the faith inside. David, come

and sing Leaving. Just this last song. Leaving is on our minds. May it be on our minds to burst out of this pest house, to leave this world. While we see a Man clothed in linen and sealing up the people, we hear the Lion roaring in Zion, in the time of great destruction. Amen.

[Bro. David Dayal sings Leaving–Ed.]Hallelujah! Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Glory be to God!

Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. Should we all stand to our feet. Praise His wonderful Name as we bow our hearts in His Presence.

Gracious Father, how we are filled with gratitude. Your closeness, the moving of Your Spirit among Your people; making each one feel so free to express their worship back unto You, Lord. As You sensitize us, as You put us in remembrance, as You begin to connect the dots for us, dear God, we can see the rapidity in which Your Word is being fulfilled. How we ask, dear God, that


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

You would make these things so simple and You would make it so clear and so plain that, dear God, You would bring witness and confirmation as the Holy Spirit brings back things to our remembrance, teach us all Things, show us all Things to come.

Is not this the purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit, Father? You said It will do these things. It will take of Christ and It will glorify You. It will lift You up.

Continue Lord, to keep us in Your Presence and under Your Influence. May the Holy Spirit linger with each one. May the Angel of God be encamped around each one, Father. Those things that You’ve been impressing on different hearts and different minds, things that we read, things that we heard preach, things, dear God, that we have studied and things that You have dealt with each one, Father. Giving each one their portion, each one their measure relevant to the needs and where they need to be in this Hour.

Lord, we pray that as You would give us a little space, we would continue this afternoon. The Spirit of God can refresh us and when we come back we would be so refocused, dear God. And You could continue to deal with us. We know it is not by might or by power, it not him that willeth or him that runneth; it is You that showeth mercy. And you know, dear God, how we are depending upon You for every Word; not trying to be preconceived but to be yielded and let You lead us and direct us, having confidence that You know each and every one of us.

You know how to speak the things that we need to hear in the way we need to hear it, Lord, that it might take a grip upon us. Bless all Your children, Father. Bless all the ministering servants, the officers, each one, dear God. May Your Presence continue to abide with us and minister to us. We thank You, Father. We commit all things into Your hands, in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen. [Bro. Vin leaves the pulpit. –Ed.]


From The Open Book To The Censer Of Fire Pt.1 2011-1218am

