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to Obtain the Strata One Degree



Student Number : 0805020045








1.1 Background of Study

English language teaching, for more than six decades of research and

practice, has identified the four skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing

as the most important parameter in the textbooks or curriculum development,

the textbook or curricula used tends to focus on one or two of the four skills

(Brown, 2001). The teaching process above is used in the English TOWARDS

STUDENT ABILITY language teaching from elementary to the high school

curriculum development.

In fact, many senior high school students still cannot explain certain

procedure fluently in English when they are asked to do or make something.

So, the teacher should be smart to choose an approach or technique of

teaching that is suitable with the condition and the needs of the students. As a

result, the goal of teaching and learning can be achieved. Therefore, this issue

has become a dilemma for most English curriculum developers in finding the

best approach to teach English in order to enable the students’ competence to

communicate in English both spoken and written successfully (Burkart, 1998).

Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy in which small teams, each with

students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to

improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is

responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates

learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the

assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it

(Kagan, 1994).

A three-step interview is defined as a cooperative learning technique

which enables and motivates members of the group to acquire certain concept

deeply by students’ role. It is an adaptable process in the classroom. The aim

of this technique is to gather students in a conversation for analysis purpose

and new information synthesis (Kagan, 1994). Regarding to the explanation

above, there should be a technique which is effective to improve student’s

mastery of English language, especially speaking ability. Due to what most

English teacher of senior high school or vocational school deliver the

materials which is dominated by grammar focus, student cannot speak

fluently because lack of practice and use of spoken English itself. In line with

it, this study is expected to prove whether a cooperative learning : three-step

interview is effective to improve students’ speaking ability.

1.2. Reasons for Choosing the Topic

The researcher chooses this topic to examine the effectiveness of the

cooperative learning: three-step interview in improving students’ achievement

especially on active speaking ability. So far as the researcher knew that there

had not been a study about this issue. This study would be undertaken

through experimental study.

To measure the effectiveness of Three-Step Interview in this research, the

writer would use speaking test as the research instrument. Florez &

Cunningham (1999) stat that speaking is one the important skill in language

learning. Inside the classroom, it is used twice as often as listening and the

most often used skill (Brown, 2001).

In line with it, Dawson (1975) states that speaking is truly basic skill in

language learning. Oral language or speaking is truly basic in the preschool.

Furthermore, speaking is basic because in the everyday affairs of life, it is use

more frequently than written communication. Moreover, speaking is

fundamental aspect of spoken language that similar to those of written

communication. However, people speak first instead of both reading and


On the other hand, three-step interviews still rarely used in the English

teaching process. It can be an alternative strategy instead of classical teaching

model. This technique would be tried to be applied to the students of senior

high school and whether it was effective or not to improve their ability on

active speaking.

1.3. Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, in the government’s plan on the nine years basic education,

English has been thought at some elementary schools. The function of

learning English in elementary school is as follows; by studying English,

students are expected to have a means to develop their knowledge of sciences,

technology, and culture so that they can grow up with Indonesian personality

Later the students are expected to be able to support the development of

tourism industry (GBPP Mulok SD, 1995.1)

In the Elementary school, English is to be thought as on of the local

contents The aim of teaching English in Elementary school is to motive them

to be ready and self confident in learning English at higher level of education.

The Elementary school students learn English for the first time. So, they just

learn the simple English pattern including vocabulary, grammar, etc.

Vocabulary is one of the most important language components of

language, which has to be mastered and acquired by students by students in

learning a new language. By learning vocabulary first the students, will be

able communicate in English.

The role of English teacher in elementary school is very important

because they have the task to give the basic introduction of the first foreign

language. Later the students’ preference over the English lesson will depend

on how the teachers teach. The teacher, in this case, have got challenging ask

to motive them.

The teachers are expected to be imaginative and creative in developing

and teaching technique to make the English lesson more exciting. As stated by

Allen (1983:33), the teaching of English to the beginner and should need the

technique to make the English lesson more exciting. The best technique is

using an approach, which still has relation to their world.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

The vocabulary is very important aspect in teaching a language, and

the vocabulary is also important element to be used to communicate in written

or spoken language. The students also have to know the structure in relation

with the vocabulary usage in the simple sentences or in passage.

Picture is one alternative technique enriches students’ vocabulary

because picture can direct students to move their motoric system that fill their

cognitive, so that can memorize the vocabulary for longer period of time.

Based on the explanation of background of the study above there can

be some problems that can be identified as following:

1. Is any influence on the teaching vocabulary using picture media

toward the students reading achievement?

2. Can students reading skill get increasing after getting much additional


3. Can students’ vocabulary mastery get increasing by teaching

vocabulary using media picture?

4. Can teaching vocabulary using media picture increase students’

vocabulary mastery?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Relating to the identification of the problem above, the writer would like

to limit or focuses the problem in the influence of teaching vocabulary using

picture media toward the students reading achievement for the 3 th grade students

of SDN Tuis II in Sukadiri Subdistrict, Tangerang in academic years 2011-2012.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Based on the identification and limitation of the problem as mentioned

above, the problem of the research is stated as the following: is any influence of

teaching vocabulary using picture media toward the students reading achievement

for the 3th grade students of SDN Tuis II in Sukadiri Subdistrict, Tangerang in

academic years 2011-2012?

1.5 Objective of the Problem

The objective of this study is to collect information and to answer the

research problem as formulated and related with the teaching vocabulary using

media picture, the writer hopes that this technique will give a better way for the

teacher in teaching materials.

1.6 Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the result of this research will be useful for many people.

The significance of the research can be explained as the following:

1.6.1 The researcher

The study will give a deeper understanding and accurate information to the

researcher about influence of teaching vocabulary using picture media toward the

students reading achievement.

1.6.2 The school

The result of this research will make aware the school with their

responsibility and increase the school quality.

1.6.3 The teachers

The teacher, especially English teacher will be aware to teach the students

by using the best method when they teaching in the class room.

1.6.4 The students

The students will get increasing not only in reading but also in other

English competencies.



2.1 Theoretical Framework

The explanation is about vocabulary, picture and reading. The writer tries

to gives the explanations about them. Vocabulary is necessary in real life when

people speak because the vocabulary is base of words for speaking and studies

language. According to oxford dictionary (1890:461), list of words with their

meaning ,esp. at the back of a book used for teaching a foreign language”. So the

vocabulary is the basic material for teaching foreign language.

Picture is very useful media in EFL teaching, they can be used to teach all

language skill as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pictures are also used

effectively for teaching structure, vocabulary and cultural content. In teaching

reading and writing, the roles of pictures as media of instructions are same as

those pictures drawn ion the blackboard. However, pictures may provide more

variety from blackboard drawings. Lado (1964) say that picture can be used

effectively to teach language and cultural content.

As Lado Robert (1964 : 132) stated that reading is grasping language

pattern from their written presentation.

2.1.1 Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Broadly defined, vocabulary is knowledge of words and word

meanings. However vocabulary is more complex than this definition

suggests. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary

includes those words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking.

Print vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in

reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in two forms,

receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that we

recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes

words that use when we speak or write. Receptive is typically larger then

productive vocabulary, and my include many words to which we assign

some meaning, even if we don’t know their full definition and

connotations – or ever use them ourselves as we speak and write ( Kamil

& Hiebert in press)

According to Harimurti Kridalaksana (1993:127) ”Kosa kata

adalah sebuah komponen bahasa yang mengungkap semua informasi

tentang makna dan penggunaan kata dalam bahasa”. Based on statement

above vocabulary is all the words that someone knows, learn, or the words

that are typically used when talking about a particular subject or a list of

words with explanation of their meanings in a book for learning foreign


The teaching of vocabulary has been studied for many decades,

there are still many uncertainties regarding: a) what constitutes a

vocabulary item; b) which vocabulary items should be thought and

learned; c) how vocabulary can be thought and learned most effective.

b. Kind of Vocabulary

1. Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary is the words they use .Is also called as

productive vocabulary , students must know how to pronounced it

well, they must know and be able to use grammar of the target

language, and they also must be familiar with collection and

understand the connotation meaning of the word.

Teaching active vocabulary is very important for

students ,and teaching many techniques to teaching active

vocabulary, according to Julia Dobson (1972:5), there are many

special technique to help the EFL/ESL students enlarge their

English vocabulary quickly. Here is a sampling of those techniques

that are especially helpful:

a) Make a meaning of new vocabulary word clear through definitions,

synonyms, antonyms, analysis of the part of the word (prefix, stem,

and suffix),dramatization, picture, or other devices.

b) After teaching new word , briefly describe related vocabulary

words. For instance, if you have thought the word envy, list and

explain other words describing emotions ,such as jealousy,

melancholy, and so on.

c) Have the students memorize up to 10 new words a day. Some may

think that this technique, a favorite in the classic grammar-

translation method, has no place in the modern classroom.

Recent studies have shown, however, that it remains one of the

most effective devices for vocabulary building-as long as the

number of new words does not exceed 10 words per day.

d) Ask students to make up an original sentence, using a given

vocabulary word. The sentence should relate to some aspect of the

student’s life. This usually reveals whether or not he

understands the word and gives him additional practice in using it.

e) Give vocabulary quizzes or tests frequently to determine student

progress in mastering vocabulary items.

That the explanation above is technique to teach active

vocabulary, and teaching with those technique makes students

more understand and easier to study vocabulary.

2. Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary is the words they know .Passive vocabulary

refer to language item that can be recognize and understood in context

of reading or listening and also called as receptive vocabulary.

A vocabulary is defined as “all the words known and used by a

particular person”. However ,the words known and used by a particular

person do not constitute all the words a person is exposed to By

definition, A vocabulary includes the last two categories of this list:

1) Never encountered the world

2) Heard the word ,but cannot define it.

3) Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice

4) Able to use word but cannot clearly explain it

5) Fluent with the word – its used definition.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocabulary# Reading vocabulary date of

downloading on November 25 in 2011

2.1.2 Picture

Picture is nonverbal sources information .the non-verbal help us to

predict what the text might be bout, and this ability to predict to predict help

us to recognize meaning quickly than if we had to sport it out solely from what

we hear and read.

Pictures are very useful in teaching English: they can be used to teach

all language skill as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Pictures are also

used effectively for teaching structure, vocabulary and cultural content. In

teaching reading and writing, the roles of pictures as media of instruction are

same as those pictures drawn on the blackboard. However, pictures may

provide more variety from blackboard drawings.

According to H. Sabrony, Andy Muchtar, and Moch, and Moch

Sudja’i (2002:7.34) picture can be printed in the books, for individual student.

If it is designed for groups, or the whole class picture should be large enough

so that everyone could see it clearly, or they could be shown on a bulletin

board for individual or group observation.


a. Pictures are relatively cheap and widely available.

b. They give the experience to the students

c. They enable students to study complicated subject because of their visual


d. They can to prevent and correct misconception

e. Pictures can be stimulating further studies

f. They can focus student attention and develop critical judgment.

Base on statement above studying using pictures is very interesting and

easily to understand for student especially in elementary school.

Meanwhile according to Andrew Wright (1989:29), picture is not just an

aspect of method but through its representation of place object, and people, it

is essential part of the overall experiences.

2.1.3 Reading

According to Robert C. Put (1983: 3), reading can be defined as a process

that that is physical process. Timothy and Nancy (2004:113) repeated that

reading is a simple instructional procedure in which students are asked to

practice reading on passage several times until they achieve a

predetermined degree of fluency, usually defined in terms of rate or word

recognition accuracy.

Teaching reading in elementary school is useful for students because

usually many students are lazy to read all material especially in English

subject. To find out the appropriate method to teach the children in each

level, the teachers need many information to choose the best method to

teach them, in this case exactly is teaching reading.

2.2 Framework of Thought justification

Teaching learning process is one of the activities in the educational

field. every school has the activity that is teaching learning process. From

the statement teaching learning process above ,we can see that there are two

activities in this process are teaching and learning.

Every teaching learning process has some objective that will be

achieved by students. In the learning English lesson consist of the four

aspect, those are listening ,speaking, reading, and writing. To master that

skill we need to know the vocabulary as well ,because in learning foreign

language, vocabulary is very important ,if students don’t know the

vocabulary they can not understand about reading text, can not speak

English and write word correctly and listen words when someone speak in

English, so in the English teaching learning process vocabulary is very


There are many problems when students learning English Lesson.

Students feels that learning English vocabulary is very difficult, bored, and

not interesting. To solve that problem we need the teachers’ creativity in

teaching learning vocabulary ,and the alternative of the problem is by using

picture, because picture can make the meaning clear, memorable, can

express the situation in daily life, can carry of information more effective

and efficient, and make class more active and lively. But we don’t know

whether there is correlation vocabulary using media pictures and their


Teaching English Using media picture can help students to

understand and memorize every word easier so students more enjoy when

learning English .But in teaching English without picture there is not visual

aid and image of the object that can be easier to understand. The students

must use dictionary, but using dictionary is not effective, because need much

time to search one words. In teaching this way will make student feel bored.

So the writer assumes, there will be different in the result of teaching

English vocabulary using media picture and without picture.

2.3 Research Hypothesis

Based on all explanation above we can take the hypothesis that there

is positive influence of teaching vocabulary using picture media toward the

students reading achievement.



3.1 Aim of the Research

The aim of this study is to collect the information and to find out the

answer from research problem as has been stated in chapter one and to relate with

teaching vocabulary using picture media toward the students reading achievement.

3.2 Place and Time of the Research

The writer would like to do the research at 3 th grade of SDN Tuis II

Sukadiri subdistrict Tangerang. It will be done in two months from the beginning

of April until the last of May 2012.

3.2 Method of Research

In this research the writer uses the experiment method and to collect data

the writer follow the quantitative research. The writer will use two variable; 1).

Independent variable (X variable) is teaching reading by using picture media. 2).

Dependent variable (Y variable) is the students’ achievement in reading. The

writer will compare that variables and find out the result.

3.3 Population and Sample of the Research

The writer will do the research at 3th grade of SDN Tuis II. The sample will

be taken randomly and all of them has to has same characteristics. According to

Suharsimi Ariskunto (2006: 134) is the sample can not taken more than 100%.

Due to time and financial limitation the writer limit the sample of research to 30

students of 60 students.

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

In order to get the data accurately, the writer does the following activities :

Pre –test, the writer doesn’t conduct pre –test because the school has only

two classes and they according to the teacher they have the same


The writer teaching vocabulary using pictures to student, to test it student

must answer the blank of the sentence using pictures.

To obtain data of teaching vocabulary using pictures ,the writer give the

vocabulary test. To test it the student must answer the questions that have

been given by writer.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

Data resources will be taken from the students, the writer used the written

test to collect the data. The aim of test is to find out which class has got better

result systematic and objective test. Then the writer divided number of sample

into two classes each class given same treatment but different technique in

teaching English vocabulary, the writer give the test to 3A and 3B class, about

vocabulary using picture and without picture in learning reading English.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer would like to used the data analysis procedure by

getting the average score of two groups then analyze them by using T-test.

Explanation :

T = is the result of T-test calculation

Mx = is the average of experiment class score

My = is the average of control class score

ΣX2 = is the sum squared deviation (X) score of the experiment class

ΣY2 = is the sum squared deviation (Y) score of the control class

Nx = is the number of the student of experiment class

Ny = is the number of student of the control class
