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Unraveling the US Stance on Depleted Uranium Weapons William Henry Long PSCI 272W The War in Iraq, 2003 - 2011 Spring 2015

Unraveling the US Stance on Depleted Uranium Weapons

William Henry Long


The War in Iraq, 2003 - 2011

Spring 2015

While the US has repeatedly asserted its right to use depleted uranium (DU) weapons

and resisted pressure to regulate them, it has also grown increasingly hesitant to employ them.

This paper will explain why the US has adopted its current stance on DU weapons. This topic

has become controversial due to increasing allegations that DU contamination harms civilians,

primarily in the context of Iraq where the largest amount of DU contamination exists. Although

the highest usage of DU rounds occurred in the 2003 Iraq War, the weapons were also used in

significant amounts during the Gulf War and in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Including the

US, the largest user of DU, 20 nations are believed to possess the weapons, making the

acceptability of using DU weapons relevant to future conflicts.

After explaining what DU weapons are and why they are militarily useful, I will present

the allegations of their harmful effects. After detailing US policy on the use of DU, I will explore

the factors affecting the country’s stance on the issue. I conclude that despite ongoing

incentives to continue the use of DU weapons, outside pressures have caused the US to curtail

the use of such weapons. A lack of alternatives as effective as DU has driven the US to resist

pressure to regulate the material, while a lack of conclusive scientific data has allowed it to

dismiss legal arguments against the weapons. At the same time, increasing pressure from

international organizations and other states, NGOs, and the media have caused the US to

hesitate to use DU rounds and to begin to seek alternatives. The combination of these factors

has caused the US to take the contradictory position of defending its right to use the weapons

in principle while avoiding their actual use. This case study demonstrates that the US places

little emphasis on precaution regarding safety regulations. It also shows that international law

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and disapproval from activists and other states can restrict the US’s actions, even when it does

not explicitly agree to abide by a particular rule.


Uranium exists in several isotopes, or forms of the element that vary by mass. Uranium-

238 (U-238) is the most abundant, comprising 99.275% of natural uranium found in the Earth’s

crust (World Nuclear Association 2014). U-238 is relatively stable and minimally radioactive. U-

235, which accounts for 0.72% of natural uranium, is used for nuclear fission reactions in both

nuclear reactors and bombs (World Nuclear Association 2014). DU is created as a byproduct of

the process of enriching natural uranium to the 3-5% U-235 needed for nuclear reactors (United

States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2012). DU contains about .2% U-235, and is

consequently about 60% as radioactive as natural uranium (WHO 2001). For every 1,000kg of

natural uranium used to create fuel enriched to 5%, 85kg of enriched uranium and 915kg of DU

are produced, leaving the US with an immense supply of the material (United States Nuclear

Regulatory Commission 2012).

One of DU’s most distinctive and useful properties is its density. With a density of about

19.05g/cm3, it is about 1.7 times as dense as lead (11.35g/cm3) (Schmid and Wirz, 2001).

Consequently it has been used by civilians for radiation shielding, particularly for containing

nuclear waste and use in radiation therapy, and providing counterweights in aircraft, boats, and

satellites (Betti 2001). DU can also be hardened through a thermal treatment and alloying with

2% molybdenum or .75% titanium, rendering it as hard as tool steel (Schmid and Wirz, 2001).

For these reasons, DU has been used by the military to create armor plating in some Abrams

tanks (United States Department of the Air Force 1998). DU is integrated into layers of steel in

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Chobham armor, yielding plating that is significantly more resistant to penetration than steel

alone (Genys 2006).

DU has also been prized as a material for armor-piercing projectiles due to its

pyrophoric and self-sharpening qualities. After a DU projectile is fired, the outer coating begins

to rub off due to the friction with the air, causing the round to ignite. Most of the round stays

intact until impact, when the shedding of the outer layer accelerates (Packard 2010). Because

the material is so hard, the outer layer is shed in a pattern that maintains the taper of the

projectile, thus keeping it sharp and improving its penetration. In contrast most projectiles

“mushroom,” or expand and flatten at the point of impact, limiting penetration (Hambling

2003). The ignition of DU rounds also creates an aerosol of vaporized uranium that can cause

fuel and ammunition in targeted vehicles to explode. Unlike high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT)

rounds that rely on explosive charges encased in the shells, DU rounds avoid the potential

hazards of exploding in the barrel of a gun or leaving unexploded ordinance on the battlefield

(Packard 2010). The United States military mainly uses armor-piercing DU rounds for equipping

“Tank-Buster” A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft and M1 Abrams Tanks (Franzen 2001). DU was also

used in 25mm rounds for Bradley vehicles before the US military moved away from using DU in

medium caliber rounds in 2010 (Cullen 2010).

Another advantage of DU is that it is quite inexpensive, because supply far exceeds

demand. In 2000, the US possessed 480,000 metric tons of DU (WISE Uranium Project 2008).

DU cost a mere $5 per pound in 1998, compared to $25 - $45 dollars per pound for tungsten,

the closest alternative to DU (Bradley and Blaschke 1998). Furthermore, using DU for military

purposes negates the cost of storage of the substance. Almost all DU (95%) in the US is stored

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as uranium hexafluoride, UF6, in 14-ton cylinders (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

2012). The annual cost of storing, inspecting, and maintaining these cylinders was $15 million in

1998, with costs rising over time as the stockpile grows and the cylinders age (Bradley and

Blaschke 1998).

History of the Use of DU Rounds

The first documented use of DU rounds was during the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991,

when 320 tons of DU rounds were fired (Pike 2011). US aircraft later fired 3.3 tons of DU rounds

in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1994 and 1995, and 10.2 tons of DU in Kosovo in 1999 (Pike 2011). By

far the largest amount of DU to date was fired during the Iraq War in 2003, with 1000-2000

tons of DU rounds estimated to have been used (Al-Muqdadi and Al-Ansari 2011). Over 300,000

DU rounds were fired, primarily by the US military, while UK tanks contributed to a smaller

portion of the total (Edwards 2014). Although only the US, UK, and NATO have openly

employed DU rounds, 20 countries in total are believed to possess them including China,

France, Israel, and Russia (Thompson 2006).


Critics of DU weapons claim that the substance is a radiological and chemical hazard

that has caused severe damage in Iraq and elsewhere, and have pushed to ban the weapons.

Over 300 contaminated sites have been reported by Iraq’s Radiation Protection Center (RPC),

concentrated in Basra Governorate in southern Iraq and Fallujah (Zwijnenburg 2014). DU

weapons have been blamed for a significant increase in the rates of cancer, congenital birth

defects, and leukemia in Iraq, among other illnesses. According to statistics provided by the

Iraqi government, the cancer rate was 40 out of 100,000 people before the Gulf War started,

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grew to 800 out of 100,000 in 1995, and increased dramatically to 1,600 out of 100,000 in 2005

(Reese 2014). Those figures are purportedly too low, because the private healthcare sector

failed to sufficiently report statistics yet accounts for about half of the healthcare in the country

(Jamail 2013). Another study found that the rate of birth defects in Al Basrah Maternity Hospital

increased from 1.37 per 1,000 births in 1995 to 23 per 1,000 in 2003 (Al-Sabbak et al. 2012).

Furthermore, a study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and

Public Health found that the birth-sex ratio in Fallujah was 860 boys to 1,000 girls, differing

significantly from the standard 1,050 to 1,000 (Busby, Hamdan, and Ariabi 2010). The authors

concluded that the anomaly supported claims of genetic damage to the population. Although it

is clear that rates of illness and genetic damage are unusually high in Iraq, a causal link between

DU contamination and illness has yet to be proven.

Radiological Effects

The first proposed method by which DU harms humans is by emitting dangerous

radiation. Although the radioactivity of DU is often highlighted by the press, the danger posed

by this radiation has been found to be insignificant. The radiation dose rate of someone 1 meter

away from a 30mm DU round is 7nSv/hour, which is not much more than the typical dose rate

received from natural background radiation of about 100 nSv/h (WISE Uranium Project 2004).

For comparison, the dose rate from background radiation in Colorado is 300nSv/h (Conca

2013). However, critics who claim DU is dangerous due to its radiation assert that people

receive much more significant doses of radiation when the substance enters the body, either

through ingestion, inhalation, or entering a wound.

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), coordinating with the United Nations

Environmental Programme (UNEP) and World Health Organization (WHO), addressed this

concern in a study conducted in 2010 based on soil samples at battle sites in southern Iraq. The

report considered several possible methods of radiological contamination from DU rounds,

including inhalation of contaminated soil carried by the wind, inhalation of dust inside vehicles

that were struck by DU rounds, direct contact with DU rounds, and ingestion of contaminated

soil, vegetables, and water. The authors concluded that all radiation received from DU

contamination was too small to be significant, with the possible exception of dust inhaled inside

damaged vehicles (IAEA 2010). In addition, a study concerning veterans of the Gulf War who

have pieces of DU shrapnel embedded in them due to friendly fire found that the maximum

lifetime radiation dose incurred would be .06 sieverts (Sv), which is over the limit of .05Sv for

members of the public set by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements

but under the limit of 1Sv for employees at nuclear facilities (Squibb 2006). It can therefore

reasonably be concluded that all radiological effects resulting from environmental

contamination from DU, and even most forms of direct contact with DU rounds, are not

significant enough to warrant public concern.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

While DU may not pose a serious radiological threat, it is known to have significant

chemical toxicity. According to meta-analysis from 2010, high dose exposure to DU causes

renal failure, as the kidneys are the primary target of the substance at this level of exposure

(Briner 2010). As no one who comes into contact with the substance through combat or the

environment receives this high a dose, the more important concern is the effects of chronic low

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level exposure. There have been studies with animals suggesting that this type of exposure can

cause brain, kidney, bone, and developmental problems as well as an increased risk of cancer,

but there have not been sufficient studies with humans with environmental exposure as found

in Iraq (Briner 2010). The IAEA determined that, despite the lack of significant radiation, levels

of DU in the soil and water in southern Iraq were large enough to pose a threat from chemical

toxicity (IAEA 2010). Other studies have found problems with the nervous system, liver, and

heart, while genetic mutations have been found during in vitro experiments (Reese 2014).

Although scientists have yet to determine whether the rising rates of illness in Iraq are caused

by DU contamination rather than other factors, enough evidence exists to suggest that the

repeated low-level exposure to DU in Iraq constitutes a valid cause for concern.


While the US military has recognized that DU can be chemically toxic with enough

exposure and taken some precautions, it has downplayed its effects and maintained ineffective

cleanup protocols. The US Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) runs a DU follow-up program for

any veterans concerned about exposure to DU (USDVA 2014). The US government has also conducted a

long-term study on a group of veterans of the Gulf War who were wounded by DU rounds, reporting no

ill effects (Squibb 2006). However it should be noted that this study, which is often referenced to allay

fears of DU, has serious flaws. Although the report and subsequent public statements announced that

no cancers were found among the participants, one veteran had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and another had

a bone tumor (Fahey 2008). When asked to explain the discrepancy, Dr. McDiarmid who worked on the

study attributed the omission to the word limit of the report (Fahey 2008). The study also included a

mere 33 participants, which is too low a number to obtain accurate statistics of cancer and other

illnesses. It also excluded veterans exposed to DU who did report health problems, including two

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soldiers who reported children with birth defects and two men who developed serious kidney problems

during the war (Fahey 2008).

According to the Department of the Army’s Guidelines for Safe Response to Handling,

Storage, and Transportation Accidents Involving Army Tank Munitions or Armor Which Contain

Depleted Uranium as well as its Handling Procedures for Equipment Contaminated with

Depleted Uranium or Radioactive Commodities, all accidents involving DU are to be approached

as potential radiation hazards, following the army’s typical radiation protocols (1996, 2002).

Considering that the radiation levels of DU are negligible, approaching it primarily as a

radioactive threat during clean up is unnecessary and ineffective. While this may simply seem

overly cautious, the manuals lack instructions to clean up DU as a potential chemical toxin,

which is its main danger. This is in spite of the fact that the 2002 manual states that “the

radiation from DU is only slightly stronger than the ionizing radiation normally coming from the

soil and from the air… Heavy metal poisoning is the main health concern with DU” (Department

of the Army). Areas affected by DU incidents “are to be decontaminated to background levels”

of radiation (Department of the Army 1996). Considering DU barely emits more than

background radiation, decontamination outside of vehicles is likely to be considered

unnecessary in the field. This leaves open the possibility of chemical contamination of soil,

water, and air at the site.

Asserting the Right to Use DU

Despite a recent hesitancy to employ them, the US has repeatedly asserted its right to

use DU weapons. The US has vetoed every UN resolution concerning DU, although they have

been cautionary rather than regulatory, maintaining that there is no proof of their harm. In an

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explanation of the vote on the UN resolution on DU from 2012, a representative of the US, UK,

and France said that “given the lack of tangible evidence to the contrary we do not recognize

the presupposed potential risk to health and the environment and therefore do not support UN

resolutions that presuppose Depleted Uranium is harmful” (Pollard 2012). In 2011 the US

maintained the possibility of using DU rounds when it deployed A-10 aircraft to Libya. Although

DU rounds had not been used, a US Air Force spokeswoman said she refused “to speculate on

what may or may not be used in the future.” (ICBUW 2011). In October of 2014, the US announced

that it was deploying twelve A-10 Thunderbolt IIs armed with DU rounds for the fight against

ISIL (Swanson 2014). Master Sgt Hubble of the 122nd Fighter Wing told the press that “should

the need to explode something arise – for example a tank – they will be used” (Swanson 2014).


The US has withheld the coordinates of most DU rounds fired during the Iraq war,

limiting the effectiveness of researchers investigating the effects of the substance on the

environment and civilians. Without these coordinates, international observers have been

unable to accurately map all of the locations and concentrations of contamination, and

therefore have been hindered in comparing the concentrations of contamination with rates of

illnesses. The lack of coordinates has also impaired cleanup efforts, which are estimated to cost

$100,000-150,000 per site with a total of $30-45 million (Edwards 2013). The Iraqi government

bears the responsibility for cleaning up sites of DU contamination, with little help from coalition

forces. The US and UK have not released any information about cleanup efforts undertaken by

them (Zwijnenburg 2014). Although DU contamination is currently spreading via the military

scrap metal trade, destroyed vehicles (which the US military identifies as more serious hazards

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due to the high concentration of DU) and scrap metal collection sites are not being properly

monitored or managed (Edwards 2013). According to Zwijnenburg’s report, “DU destroyed

tanks and other military wreckage [are] being left in city centres, towns and villages, with local

people stripping them for valuable parts and children using them as playgrounds” (2014, 7). The

report also estimates that the Iraqi government lacks a coherent plan and is unable to properly

fund or devote much attention to the issue, especially as the conflict with ISIL continues. The US

has not announced any plans to aid cleanup efforts in the future.

A Step Back

In March 2015 a public relations officer from the Pentagon announced to the press that

“U.S. and Coalition aircraft have not been and will not be using DU munitions in Iraq or Syria

during Operation Inherent Resolve” (Trevithick 2015). Another official at the Pentagon said that

“A-10 aircraft [in the region] are not equipped with PGU-14 armor piercing incendiary

ammunition,” which is the specific name of the DU rounds used by that aircraft (Trevithick

2015). While this is by no means a binding declaration, it does indicate a significant softening of

US policy on DU weapons. The US had already begun to take steps in this direction in 2010,

when it announced plans to phase out medium caliber DU rounds used by Bradley vehicles and

A-10 aircraft, although the timescale was open ended and large caliber rounds were retained

(Cullen 2010). In 2011 the US chose not to load A-10s deployed in Libya with DU rounds,

although it did not rule out their future use (ICBUW 2011). This recent hesitancy to employ DU

rounds can be attributed to several possible causes including legal arguments and increasing

pressure from international organizations and activists.

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Overall the US has downplayed the issue of DU weapons, maintaining that the health

risks are minimal while refusing to cooperate with research efforts that may show otherwise.

The US has insisted that it has the right to use the weapons, and has not developed cleanup

procedures designed specifically to contain potentially toxic DU contamination. The US has also

not helped Iraq with its cleanup efforts, likely because spending millions of dollars on cleanup

would be tantamount to admitting that DU contamination presents a problem. Over the past

few years however, the US has quietly been phasing out the use of DU weapons.

A Lack of Alternatives

The primary factor driving the American objection to following a precautionary

approach to DU weapons has been the lack of effective alternatives. The main substance which

has been considered as a potential alternative to DU rounds is tungsten, which is another heavy

metal that has been used in armor-piercing rounds. Tungsten is denser than DU and still

penetrates armor relatively effectively. However, it lacks the pyrophoric and self sharpening

properties of DU, which makes it both less effective than DU at piercing armor and safer for the

environment and civilians because there is no dust created by the rounds which could cause

contamination (Rowlatt 2014). Although reports vary dramatically, the UK government

estimated that DU rounds were 15% more effective at penetration than tungsten rounds while

the US military reported an average of a 52% increase in penetration (Cullen 2012). However,

Cullen argues that improvements to the barrel of the gun, weight and shape of the round, etc.

could more than compensate for any loss of penetration caused by switching to tungsten, and

that tungsten alloys have a stronger potential for improvement as a material than DU (2012). A

key disadvantage of tungsten is that over 80% of the world’s supply is controlled by China,

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which has recently been restricting exports of the material and driven prices up (Rowlatt 2014).

Before these restrictions, the price of tungsten was already over five times that of DU (Bradley

and Blaschke 1998). Ultimately tungsten could be at best an imperfect substitute for DU,

because although it has less potential for spreading contamination via dust, studies have shown

it also has toxic and carcinogenic effects. Imbedded shrapnel has been shown to cause tumors,

and tungsten rounds have been shown to be quite soluble and able to contaminate

groundwater (Hambling 2009). As a result, the Undersecretary of Defense advised weapons

researchers in 2007 to consider alternatives to tungsten.

There are currently no other clear alternative materials for effective armor piercing

rounds. Steel, the original material used for armor piercing rounds, is not toxic or carcinogenic

but achieves much less penetration than DU or tungsten (Santonen, Stockmann-Juvalla, and

Zitting 2010). DU and tungsten rounds are classified as kinetic energy penetrators, or rounds

which pierce armor through their velocity and shape. HEAT shells, which contain an explosive

charge surrounded by copper, can also breach tank armor but some types of armor have been

designed to explode the charge before it reaches the core layer of armor (Ankerstjerne 2014).

Sadarm (Seek and Destroy Armour) is a smart weapon that is fired like a normal artillery shell,

but deploys a parachute, scans the terrain, and fires a projectile of liquid metal at the most

valuable target’s weakest point (Hambling 2000). However the material used in the projectile is

tantalum, a toxic heavy metal with little previous scientific study, which offers no improvement

to the risk of contamination compared to DU. It is clear that switching from DU rounds would

require a great deal of research into alternative materials and weapon designs, and likely

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changes to the US military’s tactics. It is therefore not surprising that the US has resisted calls to

abandon, even if temporarily, DU rounds.

Weak Legal Arguments

One reason that the US has been able to maintain its right to use DU weapons is that it

has thus far been able to dismiss the validity of legal arguments against DU rounds (but not

their possible acceptance by other countries or groups). Although no treaty currently exists

banning or regulating DU weapons, opponents argue that DU is already illegal under existing

laws of armed conflict. Arguments claiming DU weapons should fall under bans on chemical and

nuclear weapons fall flat, as radiological and chemically toxic effects are not the primary

purpose of the weapons but are secondary to their primary use as projectiles (McDonald 2008).

Similarly, they are not restricted as incendiary weapons, because the Geneva Conventions

excludes rounds designed as projectiles with additional incendiary effects (McDonald 2008).

The most popular legal arguments used against DU weapons, laid out by groups such as

the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW), center on the prohibition of

indiscriminate attacks, the prohibition of unnecessary suffering, the principle of proportionality,

and the principle of precaution (ICBUW 2010). According to Article 51 of the 1977 Additional

Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, indiscriminate attacks include “those which employ a

method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this

protocol” and thus harm civilians (International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC] 2015). They

also include “attack[s] which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to

civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in

relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated” (ICRC 2015).

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To assess how the use of DU rounds could constitute an indiscriminate attack, the radius

of DU dust from an impact should be considered. Upon striking a hard target such as a tank,

approximately 20 percent of a DU round is aerosolized, and a typical burst of fire from an A-10

aircraft can create 300g to 960g of aerosol (Fahey 2008). About 90 percent of DU dust falls

within 50 meters of the impact point, and later spreads to about 100m (Fahey 2008). This poses

a significant exposure risk for people within close proximity at the time of impact. As previously

mentioned, burning vehicles struck with DU pose the most serious risk of exposure, followed by

physical contact with metal fragments that can lead to hand-to-mouth ingestion. There is a

potential but unconfirmed risk of groundwater contamination which could increase over time

as intact rounds dissolve (WHO 2001). Although there is a risk of exposure for civilians,

particularly when DU rounds are used near urban areas, the current uncertainty about the

health effects in real conditions makes it impossible to prove that the use of DU rounds

constitutes an indiscriminate attack. This argument has therefore has had a limited influence on

US policy making. If significant effects are proven in the future however, this argument may

lead to future treaties banning DU weapons. The US acknowledged some risk of indiscriminate

effects from DU several years ago and advised caution, but later disregarded the advice. While

concluding that DU rounds were legal, a 1975 memo from the US Air Force’s Office of the Judge

Advocate General advised that DU weapons should only be used against hard targets like

armored vehicles (Edwards 2014). The memo also stated that “Use of this munition solely

against personnel is prohibited if alternative weapons are available” for reasons “related to the

prohibitions against unnecessary suffering and poison” and noted that the incendiary effects of

the rounds could be hazardous in urban areas (Edwards 2014). It concluded that “Precautions

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to avoid or minimize such risks shall be taken in the use of this weapon or alternate available

weapons should be used” (Edwards 2014). According to Zwijnenburg’s report however, the US

military fired at least 1,500 rounds directly at troops during the Iraq War (2014). While the US

acknowledges some legal basis for caution regarding potential indiscriminate effects of DU, it

has not taken steps to formally ban or restrict the use of DU rounds.

The next argument, suffering from the same flaw as before, is that DU rounds cause

unnecessary suffering. Critics claim that DU rounds cause serious illnesses that harm people

long after combat, but because this has not been proved, claims of unnecessary suffering are

unsupported. Furthermore, the US military can argue that the use of DU rounds is necessary

because there are no alternatives as tactically effective (Shah 2004). Claims that DU rounds are

disproportionate can also not be proven while the health effects on civilians cannot be verified,

let alone quantified for comparison with the military benefits. While these arguments are often

brought up by the media, they are unpersuasive and lack enough weight to affect US policy on


The Strongest Legal Argument Against DU Weapons

The strongest case that can be made against DU weapons is that the use of these arms

violates the precautionary principle. This principle calls for states to refrain from using weapons

when there is reason to believe they may harm civilians or the environment, even when

scientific evidence is inconclusive. The reasoning behind it is that it is far more costly to repair

damage from weapons after harmful effects are proved than it is to delay using the weapons

until they are proven to be safe. The process of obtaining scientific certainty is too slow to

create timely laws and policies to effectively safeguard the environment and civilians (Shah

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2004). Consequently the burden of proof is placed on states which possess the weapons in


The precautionary principle has a disputed status in international law. Article 57 of

Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions states that commanders should “take all

feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding . . .

incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects”

(ICRC 2015). Article 58 directs that “the Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent

feasible [emphasis added] . . . take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian

population . . . against the dangers resulting from military operations” (ICRC 2015). Opponents

of DU argue that refraining from using DU rounds constitutes a feasible precaution to protect

civilians because the benefit of protecting civilians from possible harm outweighs the cost of

using less effective rounds against armored targets. However, this section of the Additional

Protocol I is open to interpretation. While it does imply that militaries should be prepared to

accept some decreases in tactical effectives in order to protect civilians, it does not address

uncertainty about these adverse effects on civilians. The precautionary principle was first

explicitly supported by international law in the United Nations World Charter for Nature, which

states that “where potential adverse effects are not fully understood, the activities should not

proceed” (UN 1982). It has been included in other environmental treaties since then, such as

the Montreal Protocol and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.

The precautionary principle has a few variants including strong and weak precaution,

and principle and approach. The strong precautionary principle “requires risk creators to

research and justify the risks they impose on society” and “suggests that some precautionary

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regulation should be a default response to serious risks under conditions of scientific

uncertainty” (Sachs 2011, 1285, 1295). Strong precaution only applies when there is some

credible evidence suggesting harm, and that the risks are serious rather than trivial. According

to this principle, DU weapons should undoubtedly be regulated because there are allegations of

harm and supporting studies as well as significant potential for harm. In contrast, the weak

precautionary principle allows regulation in the face of uncertainty but does not require it

(Sachs 2011). The importance of the precautionary principle in US law has declined since the

1990s (Ashford 2006). The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 and the 1996 amendment

to the Regulatory Flexibility Act require agencies to justify any costs imposed by major health,

safety, and environmental regulations and to default to the cheapest forms of regulation

(Ashford 2006). Because the burden of proof has shifted to regulatory agencies to show that

the benefits of regulations outweigh their cost, regulations in the US based on the

precautionary principle have become increasingly rare.

There is also a distinction between the precautionary principle and precautionary

approach. The precautionary approach was first laid out in the 1992 Rio Declaration on

Environment and Development which states:

in order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall be not used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. (UN Conference on Environment and Development 1992).

Some key points here that distinguish the approach from the principle is that according to the

approach states are only urged to mitigate risks when doing so is financially feasible and there

are plausible alternatives to the action in question. States are therefore not as strictly bound to

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regulate risky actions under the approach. The term “principle” is distinct in that a “principle of

law” is a source of law. For this reason the US has opposed the use of the term “precautionary

principle” when negotiating international treaties (Recuerda 2008). While numerous

international treaties have invoked the precautionary principle and the EU has gone so far as to

consider it a source of law, its status as customary international law is disputed (Recuerda

2008). If not all states, particularly the US, accept the precautionary principle why does it

matter? There is a precedent set by several international treaties that incorporate the principle,

so it is plausible that given the serious allegations against DU other states will create a

precautionary treaty regulating the weapons, even without ratification by the US, which will be

a binding part of international law.

Increasing International Pressure: UN Involvement

The most important reason that the US has grown hesitant to employ DU weapons is

that international pressure to do so has been mounting. While the US has dismissed its own

precautionary advice regarding DU, other states have embraced the precautionary principle

and pushed for international regulations. DU weapons were first addressed by the UN in 1996,

in a resolution titled International peace and security as an essential condition for the

enjoyment of human rights, above all the right to life. The resolution stated that the


Urges all States to be guided in their national policies by the need to curb the production and the spread of weapons of mass destruction or with indiscriminate effect, in particular nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing depleted uranium. (UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 1996/16).

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The report also called for the collection of information concerning the use of these weapons by

governments and research on their effects. The commission was “Convinced that the

production, sale and use of such weapons are incompatible with international human rights and

humanitarian law” due to their effects on civilians and the environment (Sub-Commission on

Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 1996/16). Yeung Sik Yuen’s 2002

follow-up report also found DU weapons to be toxic and argued they were illegal due to their

effects despite the absence of specific regulations concerning them at that time.

In 2007 the UN passed a resolution placing DU weapons on the agenda and requesting

reports from states and international organizations. Argentina and Jamaica advocated for a

moratorium and Qatar called for a ban, while most other reports advocated caution and more

research (UN General Assembly 2007). DU weapons stayed repeatedly on the UN’s agenda after

that resolution, with further calls for more information but no regulations or obligations. A

2010 resolution added that the General Assembly:

Invites Member States that have used armaments containing depleted uranium in armed conflicts to provide the relevant authorities of affected States, upon request, with information, as detailed as possible, about the location of the areas of use and the amounts used, with the objective of facilitating the assessment of such areas. (General Assembly 2011).

This provision lacked any teeth, as was demonstrated when the US refused to reveal the

coordinates of DU rounds fired in Iraq after receiving requests from UNEP and the Iraqi

government. Only a portion of these coordinates were indirectly released in 2014 when the

Dutch Ministry of Defense, which had received the information due to worries about Dutch

troops stationed in Iraq, released the information to the Dutch group PAX for a report (Edwards

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2014). There were UN resolutions passed in 2012 and 2014 to similar effect, again recognizing

that research has been inconclusive on possible harm to the environment and civilians. The

2012 resolution passed by a vote of 155 for, 4 against, and 27 abstentions. The United States,

the United Kingdom, France, and Israel opposed the resolution, while most abstentions came

from members of the EU (ICBUW 2012). The US, UK, and France objected on the grounds of a

lack of evidence, but the vast majority in the general assembly supported the cautionary

resolution (Pollard 2012).

Setting Expectations: Other Countries Support a Ban

The first country to ban the use of DU weapons was Belgium, which voted in 2007 on a

law banning the weapons that came into effect in 2009 (ICBUW 2009). In May 2008, building

upon previous resolutions, the European Parliament (EU Parliament) passed a resolution calling

for a moratorium on the use of DU among member states. The resolution stated that the


Urges Member States, within the framework of future operations, not to use depleted uranium weapons in European Security and Defence Policy operations and not to deploy military and civilian personnel in regions where no guarantee can be given to the effect that depleted uranium has not been, or will not be, used . . .[and] Strongly reiterates its call on all Member States and NATO countries to impose a moratorium on the use of depleted uranium weapons and to redouble efforts towards a global ban, as well as systematically to halt production and procurement of this type of weaponry; (EU Parliament 2008).

This was the first significant resolution passed by an international body that explicitly called for nations,

including the US as a member of NATO, to ban DU weapons. A resolution passed in 2014 on the

situation in Iraq expanded on previous resolutions by adding a call for members to support

decontamination efforts in Iraq (EU Parliament 2014).

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In September 2009, the Latin American Parliament passed a resolution calling for a

moratorium on DU weapons (ICBUW 2009). The resolution was widely supported, although DU

contamination had only occurred at testing sites in Puerto Rico and Panama (ICBUW 2009).

Costa Rica later became the second nation to enact a ban on June 9, 2011 (Marujo, 2011).

While the US is not obligated to follow resolutions like the EU Parliament’s call for NATO states

to impose a moratorium on DU, the fact that a growing number of states are denouncing or

banning DU indicates that a treaty regulating or banning the weapons is possible in the near

future. Similar to previous resolutions, the UN may pass a resolution over the US’s objection

that regulates or bans DU. If this were to happen, the US would not want to explicitly violate

such a treaty because it wants to protect the authority of international law and avoid ill-will

from other countries. Violating a treaty on DU could strain current alliances with European

states which support precautionary measures, creating an unnecessary obstacle to cooperation

in future conflicts. Because of this growing possibility of an international ban, the US has

become more hesitant to employ DU rounds and has started searching for alternatives. The

US’s reluctance to use DU mirrors its approach to other controversial weapons in the face of

international pressure. The US Department of Defense announced that flamethrowers (which

were prominently used from World War I to the Vietnam War) would no longer be used by the

US military in 1978, two years before the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons banned

incendiary weapons (Huard 2014). Although the US is also one of the few countries to still

assert its right to use cluster bombs, which 112 countries have banned under a 2008

international treaty, it has refrained from using them since 2009 (Biron 2014). The US’s

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restraint regarding these controversial weapons can be attributed to a desire to avoid

international criticism and litigation.

Bad Press: NGOs and the Media

In addition to pressure from other states and international organizations, the US faces

increasing pressure from NGOs and the media to ban DU. This pressure affects the US in four

ways: it limits investment in DU, supports research by groups more willing to report negative

findings, lobbies governments and international organizations to ban the weapons, and

increases the attention paid to the issue by the public. The International Coalition to Ban

Uranium Weapons is the largest group of opponents to DU, representing about 160 smaller

organizations (ICBUW 2015). A notable member of ICBUW is the Campaign Against Depleted

Uranium (CADU), a UK based organization, that started a campaign in 2007 for individual

supporters to choose not to do business with banks that invest in depleted uranium weapons.

While the campaign did succeed in getting the UK Co-operative Bank and KBC in Belgium to

stop investing in DU manufacturers and Barclays PLC to limit investment in DU, it likely had a

small overall impact on the production of DU rounds as most other large banks did not alter

their investments (ICBUW 2009). The ICBUW also lobbies governments via petitions signed by

the group’s supporters and by advising policy makers in the UN, EU Parliament etc. (ICBUW

2015). NGOs have also supported research into the issue, of which the most notable example is

the report “Laid to Waste” by the Dutch group PAX examining the contamination in Iraq. While

creating the report, PAX successfully lobbied the Dutch government for the coordinates of

many DU rounds fired by the US, over the US’s objection (Edwards 2014). Reports like “Laid to

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Waste” portray the DU contamination in Iraq in a negative light and have increased support for

a ban and given fuel to the media.

An increasingly important yet indirect source of pressure on the US is the media.

Inflammatory headlines such as “U.S. Depleted Uranium as Malicious as Syrian Chemical

Weapons” and “Fallujah babies: Under a new kind of siege; Doctors and residents blame US

weapons for catastrophic levels of birth defects in Fallujah's newborns” along with grisly images

of deformed children have spread in recent years (Considine 2013, Jamail 2012). While many of

these articles are exaggerated and sensationalistic, they do increase how much attention the

public pays to the issue. By doing so, bad press may shift public opinion against the use of DU

weapons. American officials generally wish to avoid violating public opinion, and would thus be

less likely to support the use of DU weapons if public opinion clearly disapproved of doing so.

However, the use of DU weapons is not a very salient issue to most of the public, and no

authoritative polls are currently available regarding public opinion on the matter. It is therefore

impossible to quantitatively measure how pressure from the media affects US policy on DU, but

would be worth investigating in a future report if the issue gains more widespread attention.


Due to a combination of conflicting factors, the United States has adopted a

contradictory stance on DU in that it fights for its right to use DU weapons but refrains from

using them. There is currently no material as effective as DU for kinetic energy penetrators,

causing the US military to be wary of a ban on DU. The lack of conclusive evidence of a causal

link between the use of DU rounds and illness in Iraq allows the US to dismiss legal arguments

against the weapons. At the same time, DU weapons have received bad press and spurred

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growing efforts for a moratorium by international groups. As with the US’s restraint regarding

other controversial weapons like cluster bombs, the US’s reluctance to use DU rounds reflects

its desire to protect itself from disapproval and charges of violating international law.

If an international ban is enacted, the United States will most likely comply. Whether or

not there is a ban and whether or not later studies conclude that DU rounds caused significant

harm in Iraq, the issue of DU weapons will provide an important case study affecting support of

the precautionary principle and evaluations of controversial new weapons in the future. This

case shows that the US gives little weight to the precautionary principle with regard to safety

regulations, which sometimes puts it at odds with other states and activists. This issue also

illustrates that attitudes in the press and emerging norms abroad can influence US policy, even

when it has an incentive to do otherwise. International law and the repercussions of violating it,

even when the US has not endorsed a particular law, can constrain the US’s actions.

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