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úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put...

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Page 1: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into
Page 2: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 3: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 4: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

10 Ways to Inspire Chnge

We have the power, with our words, our actions, our thoughts, our beliefs, and our very energy to help our Selves, and one another rise higher. How do we do that? The quickest and

easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into practice. Promise to speak and act with these energies toward your Self and

your sisters, and the rest will come.

List 3 things about your Self that you or others love about you?

For example: Your smile lights up a room, your laugh is contagious, you stand up for others, you are kind, generous, smart, make others feel at home, make a mean carrot cake, etc.

Now put each one on a post-it to place around your home, or put on a list you carry in your bag.

Take that high vibrational energy with you wherever you go!

Now, think of a woman in your life that you find challenging - perhaps a family member,

colleague, boss, friend, or neighbor and let’s repeat this exercise about THEM. List 3 or

more positive characteristics about this person. For example: She is a wonderful gardener, she has great style, she is highly respected, she

volunteers at the school, she makes a mean carrot cake (what can I say, I like carrot cake!)

Now, find a time to tell her one of these things you have listed. You might be surprised that she’s never had this compliment before!

TAKE THE PLEDGE: I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by

being more kind, grateful, and loving to my Self and other women.

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 5: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

What are some ways that I am unkind to myself, and to other women, that I want to change going forward?

For example: I call myself hurtful names in my mind like loser, fatso, failure, stupid OR I gossip and say hurtful things about other women in our circle or at work, I act out with

mean words and know I have hurt people because of it, etc.


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by refusing to say negative or hurtful things, or behave in negative or hurtful ways, to my Self or to

other women.

How have you, in the past, perhaps not provided safe space for the women in your life?

For example: In the past, I have betrayed a confidence, not been responsible for my own

energy, been selfish and/or self-involved, been more concerned with being “right” than being supportive, made every situation about me, have an explosive temper, am a bully.

And what are ways that you can provide safe space for the women in your life now? Your friends, family members, colleagues, even acquaintances …

For example: I can listen without speaking, I can bring love and kindness to the room, I can stay calm and communicate without anger or making others fearful, I

can be supportive without judgement, I can send and BE love and kindness with my thoughts, feelings, and actions, I can forgive.

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 6: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by providing safe space with my thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs for my Self and other women.

What does “listening with an open heart” mean to you?

What are ways you could listen with an open heart more effectively?

For example: I could listen without thinking of what I’m going to say next, I could seek to

understand … no matter my feelings on the topic, I could look into the eyes of the person speaking and stay present on her words, I could ask gentle questions to learn more, I could

refrain from judgement and opinion, etc.


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by taking the time to listen, with an open heart, to my Self and to other women.

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhoodcopyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 7: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by encouraging learning, in all its forms, for my Self and other women.

Growth, no question, is a kindred sister to learning. It is very difficult to have one without the

other, and unlike growing taller, or physically stronger, the effects of spiritual growth, or emotional growth, can be subtle and hard to see.

Imagine if I were to throw a party, with all of the people you love, admire, respect and adore in attendance, where music is playing, confetti is flying, champagne is flowing, there is

laughter and joy everywhere … (can you imagine it?)

Now, I have stepped up on stage to say “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are all here today to celebrate someone we love,” (that’s you by the way) “and to celebrate the inspiring growth she

has experienced this year.”

(cheers and whistles drown me out for a moment)

“Won’t you come up on stage and share your story o f growth with us?”

What do you want your story to be?

For example: I came upon this amazing teacher who taught me ____________ and Itook that teaching and ____________, I change a lifetime habit of ____________,I realized that there was more that life had to offer me, so I'm getting to know who I

am again, I spent time alone - something I was terrified to do and __________________, I decided to trust and love again by ______________.

How could you encourage the learning of other women in your life?

For example: I could share the books I’m reading or teachers who inspire me, inquire about interests and passions,and discuss topics of interest, be patient and tolerant, excited

and celebrate milestones small and large.

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 8: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

Now who can you “throw a party” for (metaphorically speaking). Whose growth can you champion and support, celebrate and acknowledge? And how? It can be as easy as sharing a cup of coffee and making a “toast”, sending a bushel of balloons with

a note, it is not the gesture, it is the act of “being seen” that makes it significant.

What do you want next year's story to be?


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by championing growth, in all its forms, for my Self and other women.

How are you at asking for help? How are you at receiving help? How are you at GIVING help? I’m going to make a wild bet that the first two questions are met with a response similar to “not great”, while the third … the giving part of the equation … you find easy, and do often.

Am I right? Here’s the thing. You know that awesome feeling you get when you help someone? That

warm glow inside, that smile on your face, the powerful positive energy you put out as a result?

Well … when you refuse to ask or receive help from others you are denying them that same experience! That same warm glow, that contented smile, that positive

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 9: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

energy. You’re keeping it all for yourself. Kind of selfish when you think about it isn’t it?

The truth is, I am being a partly a little cheeky, and partly flat out serious but there’s also more to this. I am a huge believer in the mantra “It takes a village”. It is the foundation of our Wild and

Wise Sisterhood Subscription Box project, and the accompanying Wild and Wise Setu Projects, as well as Wild and Wise Women community.

We need each other. We are meant to be IN community as women, and studies have shown over and over that we are stronger, more powerful, and happier that way. But somewhere along the

line we were taught differently.

We were taught we were weak unless we stood on our own. We were taught to stop depending on one another, to stop trusting one another, to stop taking care of each other, and to stop looking

out for each other. It is time now for this to change. The world requires it.

What is one thing in your life right now that you need help with and have not asked for it?

For example: fixing something in my home, learning something, finding a job, feeding my family, getting clients, being lonely, writing a resume, losing weight, meeting people

Who do you know that could help, even if you are too afraid or have other reasons for not wanting to reach out?

What would it take to be able to ask for the help?

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 10: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by learning to

lean on, and be leaned upon by, the women in my life. I commit to looking for responsible opportunities to help and receive help, and to sharing the warm glow and powerful

positive energy that results.

When was the last time you sat in judgement, blame, shame or accusation of your Self, and how did it make you feel?

For example: I was up all night long with an endless tape playing of blame and shame over … having dessert when I’m trying to lose weight, not getting work finished “in time”, my

messy office/kitchen/house, just not being “good enough”. It made me feel horrible,

exhausted, hopeless, sad.

ho in your life needs your help and how can you help them accept it easily?

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 11: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

When was the last time you sat in judgement, blame, shame or accusation of someone else?

How do you suppose it made them feel?

What can you do next time, instead?

For example: I could choose high vibrational energies and emotions such as love,

kindness, compassion, gratitude and appreciation rather than low vibrational energies

such as blame, shame and judgement. I could “not sweat the small stuff” and choose a breathing and/or meditation ritual to use when these situations arise to shift my

thoughts and feelings.


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by no longer using blame, shame, judgement or accusation in my interactions with my Self or other


Have you ever noticed, how hard it can be for women to accept a compliment? This too is a trained response, molded into us as children and reinforced through social conditioning as we

enter adulthood. But how crazy is this?

We ARE brilliant, gorgeous, amazing, light and love filled beings and that energy just grows every time we share it and pass it on!

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 12: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

Do you know someone you would describe as filled with “beauty and light”. Maybe you don’t know her, but you’ve seen her in the neighborhood, or on TV. How would you

describe her?

For example: sparkling eyes, kind heart, beautiful skin, loving and caring, lit up from within, makes me feel special, makes me feel loved, filled with grace, beautiful laugh, healthy, is

loved by others.

Who in your life can you reach out to and celebrate the beauty and light that they bring? It could be in gratitude, in appreciation, or in celebration as you let them know how they

ARE brilliant, amazing, gorgeous, light-filled, loving and have impacted you as a result. Make this a habit.


I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by celebrating the beauty and light that I see in my Self and other women. I commit to giving and receiving compliments with love, generosity and grace, and accepting them for the

celebration that they are.

Do you have any idea how powerful you are? Just you. On your own? Probably not. None of us really do. But now, do you have any idea how powerful we are together? Standing hand in hand in strength for what we believe in? Rising each other up through love, kindness and support? It

is beyond my imagination that is for sure!

This is the #10, the final “Way to Inspire Change”. The final exercise, the final pledge. And the most important one. There is room for all of us. Room for all of us to be loved, to succeed, to be.

There is no lack. It’s a lie. There is only being “held back”. Now, it is time to reach back instead. Reach back for each other. Reach back to pull each other through. Reach back to give love and support, safe space and an open heart. Wild and Wise Women, and Wild and Wise Sisterhood,

are all about that. Leaving no one behind … we reach back. Because my beautiful sisters, “it takes a village.”

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

Page 13: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

Write 5-10 statements below that will help you own your power.

For example: I am powerful. I am strong. I am fierce, I am brave. I will not be broken. I will not be tamed. I am wild. I will succeed. I never give up. I have everything I

need. The universe will provide.

Now like the first exercise, put each one on a post-it to place around your home, or put on a

list you carry in your bag. Take that high vibrational powerful energy with you wherever you



I, ____________________________, commit to inspiring change in our world by owning my power and knowing that combining that power with other women in positive and

empowering ways - large and small - we can change the world.

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood

n the following page we ha e pro ided for you a printable poster of the ays to Inspire hange. erhaps you want to display this as a reminder of the pledges you ha e

made, or as inspiration for others.

hate er you do with this poster, we hope it continues to inspire you and remind you that the small steps you take, are meaningful, and along with others all around the world, add

up to big changes.

Page 14: úñ ú ? - Wild and Wise Sisterhood … · 10-09-2017  · The quickest and easiest way is to put high-vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness into

copyright: Wild and Wise® Sisterhood
