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0/ - Alameda County, California...Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event. The USS Hornet...

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I, PLw , i-W! 1,:ILc)jdc Drive. 12'" Floor, OakLlmL C:A CJ461. I,'OS I ,J Con,ncr - Public Adl1linistr, lOr - .\'larsh.ll [)j eC[l r of El11crgenc\' Services AGENDA ITEM __ July 21,2009 July 16, 2009 Honorable Board of Supervisors County Administration Building 1221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Board Members: SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR SERVICES RELATED TO URBAN SHIELD RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully requested that your Honorable Board 1. Authorize a purchase order, Procurement Contract No. 4357, in the amount of$28,175.00 for photographic services provided by Denevi-Video Reflections, Hayward, Califomia (Frank R. Denevi/President). 2. Authorize a purchase order, Procurement Contract No. 4355, in the amount of$54,925.00 for catering services provided by Miraglia Catering, San Leandro, California (Cheryl Miraglia /Owner). SUMMARY/DISCUSSION/FINDINGS: Urban Shield will be a three-day regional tralmng event held on October 24, 2009 through October 26, 2009. The training will assess first responder's preparedness for ten-orist attacks or critical incidents. Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event. The USS Hornet will be used for vendor displays and as the location for the final briefing, awards presentation, and banquet. The banquet will be attended by dignitaries and participants. The USS Hornet's primary catering company is Miraglia Catering, a ceJiified Small, Local, Emerging Business (SLEB) vendor. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection 0/ Denevi-Video Reflections was based on researching the County's database for qualified vendors. Bids were requested from Denevi- Video Reflections (Hayward), Pro Image Studio (Dublin), and Robert Arnold, Photographer (Oakland) Denevi-Video Reflections
Page 1: 0/ - Alameda County, California...Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event. The USS Hornet will be used for vendor displays and as the location for the final briefing, awards

I, h..:~idL PLw , i-W! 1,:ILc)jdc Drive. 12'" Floor, OakLlmL C:A CJ461. I,'OS

I ,J

Con,ncr - Public Adl1linistr, lOr - .\'larsh.ll [)j eC[l r of El11crgenc\' Services

AGENDA ITEM __ July 21,2009

July 16, 2009

Honorable Board of Supervisors County Administration Building 1221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94612

Dear Board Members:



It is respectfully requested that your Honorable Board

1. Authorize a purchase order, Procurement Contract No. 4357, in the amount of$28,175.00 for photographic services provided by Denevi-Video Reflections, Hayward, Califomia (Frank R. Denevi/President).

2. Authorize a purchase order, Procurement Contract No. 4355, in the amount of$54,925.00 for catering services provided by Miraglia Catering, San Leandro, California (Cheryl Miraglia /Owner).


Urban Shield will be a three-day regional tralmng event held on October 24, 2009 through October 26, 2009. The training will assess first responder's preparedness for ten-orist attacks or critical incidents. Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event.

The USS Hornet will be used for vendor displays and as the location for the final briefing, awards presentation, and banquet. The banquet will be attended by dignitaries and participants. The USS Hornet's primary catering company is Miraglia Catering, a ceJiified Small, Local, Emerging Business (SLEB) vendor.


Selection 0/ Denevi-Video Reflections was based on researching the County's database for qualified vendors. Bids were requested from Denevi- Video Reflections (Hayward), Pro Image Studio (Dublin), and Robert Arnold, Photographer (Oakland) Denevi- Video Reflections

Page 2: 0/ - Alameda County, California...Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event. The USS Hornet will be used for vendor displays and as the location for the final briefing, awards

Honorable Board of Supervisors Page 2 of2 July 16, 2009

submitted the lowest cost complete bid packet. A request to use a non-SLEB contractor was completed and approved by GSA on July 13. 2009.

Selection of Miraglia Catering was based on researching the County's database for qualified vendors that were authorized to provide catering services on the USS Hornet. Bids were requested from Miraglia Catering (San Leandro), McCall Associates Catering (San Francisco), and Global Gourmet Catering (San Francisco). Miraglia Catering is a certified Small, Local, Emerging Business (SLEB) vendor and submitted a bid that while higher than the lowest bid, was within tolerance for awarding contracts to SLEB vendors.


The funding for this training exercise will be provided by the Super Urban Area Security Initiative (SUASI), sponsorships, donations and exhibitor fees. This action will not increase net County costs in fiscal year 2009-2010 or in future years.


~~L~,4-;{; hit.- Gregory J. Ahem

I {/~ Sheriff-Coroner


cc: Susan Muranishi, County Administrator Richard Winnie, County Counsel Patrick O'Connell, Auditor-Controller

Page 3: 0/ - Alameda County, California...Denevi-Video Reflections will photograph the event. The USS Hornet will be used for vendor displays and as the location for the final briefing, awards


For Reguesl5 over $3,000 to $25,000: EITHER complete 1-8 below and submit, wilh supporting doeumentallon. for approval to GSA Purchasing Procurement Spcciali51, QIC 26026 OR e-mail justification, with supporting documellialioll. for approval to Ihe appropriale GSA Purchasing Procurement Specialist. Upon apprOVAl, lhe Specialist will process the procurement(s),

For Requests over $25,000: Complete 1-10 below and submit wilh slgna/ures and supporting documentation, for approval to GSA-OAP Business Oulreach Officer, QIC 26021 AND email sort copy (pDF or WORD) to nakla.neal@acgov,org. Upon approval, a SLEB Waiver Number will be issued. (This number is now a mandatory neld in order to enter a Procurement contract inlo ALCOLTNK.) OAPwill emaH signed Request approvals (with Waiver Number) and denials 10 Requesting Departments and GSA Purcbaslng.

J. Please check. appropriale box and complele deparllnenVcontact information below. (El Requesling Departmenl 0 GSA Purchasing managing Ihe compelilive process

Departmenl: Sheriff's Offiee Contacl: Susan E. BunlinlL- Email: [email protected] Telephone #: 2-9814 _ 2. Recommended Vendor (Name): Denevi-Video Refiections _

(Street Address): 21091 FootltiU Blvd (City, State & Zip): Hayward, CA 94541~-;-----==-J. TOlal Conlmct (or POIBPO) Ve.lue:$ 28,155 Contraci (or POIBPO)TenTl: or One-Time Purchase (El

4. Dale Goods/Serviees Nceded: September 21,2009_

5. Bnef explanation of why goods/services are required: Pbolographic documentation of Ihe Urban Shield event _

6. What are lhe consequences iflhe dale goods/services needed (in 114 above) is nOl mel? No photographic documentallon of the event

7. Explain whal altempts were made (0 locale a SLEB prime or subconUllclor(s), inclUding: a. Detailed statemenl of e(forts made to conlacl and negoliale with c<:flifted businesses, including list ofcertified businesses

contacled with namcs of individuals, addresses, phone numbers and dates contacled. See allached b. List of ilems or selecled portions of work proposed 10 be perfonTled by certified business in order 10 increasc the likelihood of

achieving the staled goal. c. Reasons for cOnlmclor's conclusion Ihat a eertiflcd subcontraClor is nol qualified 10 perform. d. Descriplion of infOnTlalion provided to certified contraclors/subcontraclors regarding the plans, specificalions and anticipated

lime schedule for portions of the work to be performed.

8. Department Certif,calion for reaueSIll over $J 00010 $25.000: J certi fy to lhe accuracy of the preccding statemcnts,

Signature 01 Agency/Department Head' or Designee Prlnl Name Pale

9. Hthe conlracl is OVer $100,000, is the recommended vendor able 10 comply wilh the Fin;l Source Program? Yes: 0 No: 0 If No. explain: _

ion for requests over $25.000: I certi fy 10 Ihe~he ~g~emCnls,

Signature 01 AgeDcylDeparlment ad or Designee Print Name \ or GSA Purchasing Manager (ifCSA Purchasing managed the proccss)

OAP 10 complelc below, lor urchases over 25000:

A. Requesl Approved: Waiver Valid Throu~,2-dO /~SLEB Waiver Number:

Reason: No.s.t8?J fi;~h/~ - ~s-f~~ B. RequcslDenled:D Reason _

Approved by GSA-Office of AcquiSition Policy
