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0 .. !I 0Director of F.nviruruMntal Man&&ement from • u.acutiD& elK reaponaibilititta of the...

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WILLIAM DAVl!: II l 12 JULY 25. 19<:0. 0 13 ,: .. !I .. ' 'i ,, 1: 16 !! j: 17 D;.t-:!!::L , J. :it:l!;.'TZ. ,. \i .. :i I 20 ! 21 22 !, i; " li ·I II ,. jl 0 " i\ 1 £..:..!.\.· NO. 7R-102'7 FOR ,!S Pl.AiftlrP ;;ht!rry ;,. Pierce COU!'t St •H' U)C)Z'apher ,()()


    l ~


    JULY 25. 19

  • I l . ~ 1 ~f I ol t:

    " ·

    8 ~;

    \ I !


  • ")

    TltE COURT : This prucaeding caM to the

    tuurt initblly un the orisinal coa~p~aint that val

    filt:d. by the then Mttomey general, and proc:aeclad for

    aome prohibitory and 1011e ..ncialtory relief, the State

    ueking to enjoin the DefeDdantl froe illpodiD& tho

    Director of F.nviruruMntal Man&&ement from u.acutiD& elK• reaponaibilititta of the dir..:ctor i~~poaad upoo hial bJ

    atat\lt4:, apecifically Cbapter 12 o[ Title 46i aDd al.o1: i aeeking p~~trmiuiun for the cliractor to proceed oato tbt

    , I' property of the Defondantl in ordoT to !.Datall _.tor·12

    13 I ill& walla, purauant ta the inv"atiptoi'Y power vb1ch :

    14 Chapter 12. Title 46 gnntl to tho director; uul at ell<

    11 cloae of all the eviddDce and prior to arau-ent, the

    :1 State moved that the coaplaint be a.endacl, the ...-.n

    17 conaiatln& of th~ addition of certain praJara to dw

    11 comphint da.a:!.gnated .-a Paraarapha C, D, E ud r. Aftt. 11 hearin& COUDiel, th~ COurt &ranted tba aMndad ~lain

    20 'ftaa Court will proceed to diapoaa of thia uttar oa the

    basis uf th~ IIIK!U..I~d ,._waplaint.

    22 Oru: mic,hl chllracteri:u tha evidence by

    23 indicating that tbere'1 very little diapute hera,

    24 bctw.lly.

    Ttu: Defendants art= ownera of real aaUtE



  • • 3 lut'ah•d in Smith( lt· ld t.h;•L h:u• h1.:'1..'n uttl·d , at leaat tn paTt, for the llhpu,;al of liczui!l waatc. 1t waa dUIOD•'

    atrated thruugh the: State'a caae that the dlapo..l of

    theae wastes on the D~fendant'a property 11 in the

    vicinity of certain reaidencea which were d~llneatad

    by the witn~u Stcvttnson by circling thaae arua on

    Exhibit 1\io . lt w"' toatified to by hia that tha drinkin& water aource for thaae raaideac~a 11 iacl1vidua~

    aroundwater walla. 'l'he State concluc:tecl, over a perio4

    10 of time and on different datea, caruin taatin& tbzrouab

    the 111.edium of a aurface water MIIPlina, and alao aro-d 11

    water a&~~Plina,. "lb11 reaulta of thoae taau a,..r ill 12

    13 part throuah Exhibitt Six, Seven and lti&ht, and la pan

    14 I throuah tho toatiooonal evid.,.co &ivon by the 111-a.u.

    Specifically, one: might recall Dr. Janlr.owaki, vbo

    " tettified about thv reaulta of the teata cODducced •11

    behalf of the O~..:f~:n~~n~s by the Nt!W En&land TaatlD&

    " 11

    Laborator1ca. Th~! t,;ourt wUl point out .,ra tplcifi•

    11 cally thoae exhibits and that teatt.ony l'eve&l ad

    eatablilh that there are contardn.anta in the vaate vbict 20

    ha~ L c ...·:1 Uispo~o;ct.l u f.

    lt is the contention of tho State,



    through it& tc~timouy, that che contaminantl are leav1n~ 23

    the l)avi i property by surface watwr, bu.t it' 1 not bawn

    " i whcth~.:r they arc l t::aving that prop~rty throua,h the.. ·I


  • .., ,, ground w.1tcr. Sni~K.' monlturiu•~ wdh have bcea lnatall'

    . " by the State, but the State contend& that .,re &'fa needed , and thi_tt i6 .a part of the relief which the

    State is seekin~ .

    lt was testifiud to that vella which

    would be established or sunk at the ed&e of the Divia

    property would tell when the contaainantl ruched that

    locality . Dr. Kelly toatified that tha orpnic vaatu•which were dumped in tho Davia proporCJ in tha liquid

    dispot al piu, which, aa the Court. racalla, .-. ·._..

    doaianatod in a drawina •• Pita A ...d 1, that tbe

    orcanic wasttts which were du.p~d in cboaa pita reaultel

    in &round water coatuinatioa. H11 tutS..O)' vu elliot

    Lat~m Brook is the only dralna&• outlot with ,...,.

    to tho Davh r ..l eotato. Ho indicated that tile Dnia

    lend lieo in Lh• Wuonasquatucket livar laoin 8114 Ia ·

    order to elimina~e, perbapa, any inference tbat the .

    contaminu tior. ::u ,,:h:.:.ch he testified lli&ht be attribut•

    able from aoae other landfill or diapoaal alta, be · · '

    said that ~estern Sand. and Cravd, which apparmtly 11

    also involved in t.hh kind uf a buaineaa, and upoD tthicl

    22 liquid w3&l:es .tlppar~o.-ntly hav~ bt!tm dilpoaed of, he Mid

    23 that. site is i1' the Branch River Baain and that it 11

    24 di5conn~ct~d !rom the Davia r\:al estate, and be aaid th

    same: thing about the: site that was deai&nated in25

  • - · -~-- ·-·-··- ----------· --· I~J .., •

    t ·v ioh·tll"o• ;1:: lht · l :wtlfll) rt'!JOIIUI"t:l' Dud r,•('\IVCry' dllpoUJ t

    That, too, hv aaid wea in the Branch llvar lallA t


    and dhconncctt.'d from the Davis lite, and dilcOI'UMcted. I

    from the WniJrw,.qua tuck~t Riv.:r Balin.

    Or. Kdly W'-!nt on to aay that the Devil

    contaminants will Ukdy now in an eaaterly diractlon

    until thollie c.ontaminantl are diacharaed lD the' I IWoonaaquatucket livet' with 1ome &OinJ to the•

    becSI"ock ad!·, !

    thon into the IIW&IIIp and

  • ,.... u~o1 t~~r1z11 ~. hut It,.. .-u i d Llu.•:y prc1wut ll IKi

    K"iflcant haalt'

    risk. lh: s a l.! that with c.:rtain dueue, injury can be •

    had tu the k i dlh:yfi uncJ tu tlw liVdr and to the central

    n~.trvous t;)'lt~o.'lll . In hil opinion, he aaya, in thaory ·at

    l c Dat, un~ mulc~o.·uh: t~C tiUlt kincJ o£ o ch•lcal can

    cau!H..' a chan~': . in om l ndividual't cvll. He uid that

    virtually all canct:!r that we knuw abO\It beaiDa with a

    aingl~ c4.:11 , and tiul.t thia chan&• •1&ht not be ._•

    •aerated, excvpting in the period of 1.5 to 40

    JMra afm, I

    He aaid that all the ...s.ct.ca·.·ia

    the ceil is a f f ected .

    the case, that any in&••tlun, nu Mtter haw -11,

    incrt:.u~s the. risk u! cancer. He then vea.t on to tell

    ua about the varioUI c"-icalo that llbibit Six

    .. r~f!(:ct

  • l



    ........ .



    11 ~


    .J' II




    17 i

    II '




    ~ 22 l :: \\ ~ I

    l (' w•n· ill rv idcuo·o· , t.ul ll wmold "l'l'"or fruol hh uatt.DJ

    almo&t nt t\u: '"'"" u( hil di.rec.:t examlnatiun, and t clearly in hi& cruu cx_aminatiun, tMt the eondltlon of\

    the J)avilll ,,ropcrt)' pr~.:acnU a au.:rlova baz.ard to the 1

    health Lo Lhc \H:upl~, at lc;tHl ln the ar

  • :,--., on behalf of l1r. uavis, conducted teau on that lite


    and the Court "''ould acem to believe that Mr. Davi1'1 i

    2 '

    concern about thv hed th and wcUare and aafaty of the I

    i citizens of Smi thfiold wao 1>rubobly prOOiptod by wh

    at th~I

    New England l'c :>li n~ Laboraturica found, and probably ·~

    prompted his c.-lli•l& Dr. Jankowaki and later Dr. ~~J bccnu.sl! t\tW Ent;land t

  • ------------· ______...,._ ______

    I .,

    :n s01id :it al-.o fln,.· ..- d downward. and 'bo!eauae the water 13 ~1 I

    ::::n:;:l::~l::: ~:::c•::.::~·-:,:·:::: :::•~: aloo I I I , I I•

    wby the wuter ""'t1h tr10V; "') in thi11 fa11hion. He aaid,t I I ' 1

    "I do not h&VP. enough infonaation at .y 4iapoaal BOW 10

    ·j why the water il flowin




  • ---------· ------ ------·- . --~ · · · · ·- · - - 10

    to Lathan'l Brncll;, Hnd h(!' ""'id wh oat wi \1 h.:appen uncler

    t ho ci rc~ I1TI Rt;. nr..,:: is that tht:> woat.e-r tabht wi 11 then be

    ftt a t.opnrJr~&phi c:a 1 low rathor thin a torotraphica1

    hi rJh . arul t h ;.d t:h r• fl n .... wH l b e .t""'3rd to tM travel

    s ysl mil ill tlwt: u . .. . rathoJ r th..n outward. lie aaid that 1

    the r c !'i u lt, I th iu~; 1 c;uDtc h i m OJ('curately, •Moat of

    tho wate r -- moat -- can be clea~d up. • 'fhoae wre• hia word": thon he 8b ic1 that the re~~at will be a

    1110nitorin1] well• ehould bit ...tabliahod. He wa pita

    eo•toin . ho ooid , that tha -0111' ox! to 1>~ Lat-~I and that the cont...U.nated vat•r .ov•u to t.at"- ~. ·

    Mo lt of thr: cc-: nt .:,tr.i nzo t ion, he aaid. i11vac! to the ai..J

    flow. in hh C"lpin io~, l'm1 .oved very rapidly.. t:t ••

    his t e stilnony that t.o oecuratco ly fjx tbe eonteaift&tion 20

    I plume . it \o.'J. ti n·.: · ·~o; H-•··rry tn 1;jn)r. b ... t:we~n 16 to 18 wlll.

    ~nd hi:.' r.ho"''t!

  • .... ..· ...•. - ---~---"'" -- -~------ · · · -...:.-_:._......._---·-·· .. . .. ·J I

    in ·~f'l·l ·r· ~. d ':'ll!i ~ · · t "''1 ;.1' th·· prt:~po~al 1"· I ;n •: ol q,,_. l'"''"t ..,, n·Jitl.,rcc.1 important wa• \

    his ot•·oo c· ,-,, ' '•·· n•• • ·~ t~

    11.; ., .; :: •: : 11:' ., r:: , -~ •j . •r; \. i •,· ·.




  • : I

    :,!.I (\ I•

    : 1\

    ' :1 10 ~ II i 12 ~~

    :: \\ :: \1

    , I\






    \i" i, I

    : .11 ' I

    ~rffli t. t. in

  • l~-

    1 - · ----- · ______:_._I -- --~~ . - - _ ·______________ -lJ

    I 1

    evur a tilftl•. '""" r:.:~IMdy that. th...• ti1r10 h now.

    'T'h • court f .i nd111 horr.- that the State ba•

    m.Jt'l•• (•U I j 1 ~ t'l~~·~: t.h.!t :lt. O'hJht t(J be~ penrd.ttod to 90

    it feel~ ouC)ht to 00 loent~d nn th;;at land , in whatever

    locationo thl~ u ~ r ector r(' t~ l• thaty ought to be located

    at. and it woul•J saern ther@ ahould not l:Mt any que•tion•

    about tha Oir~ct.t)t''• ~r to do thia.. The court

    reads s~ction 4fi-12-ll a• l]iving the Director aD4 U•

    offi.e.;rs the P" ....''! '" tn go UlX'In lan·l of thia 'kind, to

    conduct invoat.i~'ltjon·~~ . t o • .,. to it that that

    0.•inveatiqot.Jon in tl\ia are01.." 'ftl wre tallting ~t ,. ! qround wator. ~Mana, ineofar aa thia evidence ia

    " · ,. il difficult to er;m~~ive how Uu, Director could fully

    :: \1

    contamination und t 'h ; P.Xt

  • .,, ·) the- [)t!fo•n·lanl '!'l pl:m. Tht• Pn11Tt ~~··••r. it: ia D

    oi.\lut;sry mov•.·mo::nt . b\lt it nu .:;ht not to prevent the:\I Diructl")r nf Envh'o1'\fti~Jnta 1 Manil~JI.liMnt from proceedi1193 ~

    II ... r-. lv· t.h.inlu. h•"'t: uncl.~ r t.ht~ eircum"tanco"·

    1'hl s .t :1- not to say that the Court ia

    boar tho\ coata nf tho:t aetiv.i ty "lllhich tbe State will

    uruSertl'li(. nor. tha.t the court to date aanct:iona any• 'kind of cleanup !)T.'O'Jram. Jt would aeea that if thiH

    program!'& Copt:r :ttn in hndem that tbfrl leaat expenM

    will r~l'lult: t'hat ia tn aay. thl'lt. ev.ntually ._.

    cooperi.\tion "'i th t.he Plainti ~f and tM DefeiMtut, llatCJ what that cleanup pr"IJrP'I ou9ht to be the cavt ._.

    not doe.td~ tod01y. tbe CO\Irt \lllde~a~a JSC'Io •• far aa

    'l"h~ Co"L: ~t dl:\rl~·- t'l.!e'.d(ts the stato baa ..

  • Q. ,


    . . ·------------- - ~ -- -------- ________.., __)

    _____ . I~

    land a To .lUthori 7.P.cl t.o dn so in accordance with the

    totO\t.ut .:;: t.h.,l. ~h ·~ rnurt ha,; c.i tad in the court •a

    judqliiUnt. tod.l.y.

    -rh-1 eourt will \:njoin th'it Defen4anta,

    Mr . and Mru. Duvis. from interferring in any way vitb

    • thf: act ; ·d. t~, ,.,.h~. ch the OiTector and hil agentl aDd

    11orvan.ts eonaider noeeaaary to carry out the aD~Satea'

    of thF= sta~ute ...,hich thtt court cit~d. an4 the eouzt

    grant!\ t:h :~ _;nod:stoey injunc:tion. that the Dincto&' .ay


    rt~quirec~ to 11ct ui' euiDO ayst.. by which thaH ,......

    vho will \-.e &\l t.horizt~d tt' ()C• Uf'O!'I t.he 18ft~! NJ' lie

    identifi,r tht• DefencS&nta • ..t\at •tho48

    17 etf i~..:nt:ifieation will be ••plo,.c! by thoH in41Yidaak

    eelected b-.t tho Otroct_or to IJO upon the Defendaatl':: ~ :I

    lancl to carr:: t'"\lt tho objective• of the atatute.

    oavi~. of""'

  • '

    ?·~R. SCUI\.T'~ : Than'k ~ou, your Honor.

    T!:O: COUP'i': t Yn\1 ..::ty withdraw the

    ought ~ n !'le t l.h • ~ tn:ttt\"!'r dnwn fot' • day certain ao that

    w w.i ll qiv•'l h .~- h uiduf' an upportunity to do whatever

    • they ph.ls'\1 on tl1at" land. anct then report to the court



    12 .. "!"Ui-: COtlr.: !:hnpl~· tor the ptqOM of

    tho partj ~• to .:ooport to t'he Court what progn•• laae

    " " 11




    20 would ai~ woel
