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0 moreI araua - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · moreI relievedIfmrrp that ha is allowing o...

Date post: 21-Mar-2021
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° > Co 4- y 111 a if > 1 7tJL t tt4j 1p p 1- o + J Jr H r6 i W 1J 0 ot b Lrw- 4 dl t t 01rI1 t i L J4 i t < ti j T 1 n J or II V I PRICES TALK SESHSH 5HSHS3- OUIl 1W STOCK OF CLOTJ1ING 1SC1- IAitGEIIIAT i Ill WEKE UNABLE j i TO MA11K THE CUT PRICES ON j I Arr OUR GOODS IT WILT PAY I YOU TO WAIT C o i r KELMAN t It 1 Jackson Kentucky C s y JIa i rttt t < > x OT I ri 8 t u t 4 If Ii i7 i t If 1 JII 1 aI t q- a j I T The rCAth1tt eWS = l illiHli l Uvcry rhll1 = rij PPE Nq qP MJL Circulation inure tlu 1kItundred copies tre selling lit 16 coifs dozen t lrlmrt mll i s le- rttla rev tog comt GI sang le l tioietlai rr anti p6 0cf yr rolIId IIfIIii l lluratl mil Olmpton11I- hfro allvltlii I PNTI Call ontqr thl bolt meats nnd vegetable eiigwvlnu to du i t jf you IIUVP nn > ft U Flcenor W ft Eubank of KhldvIUetis tentllnji Qour tide week > and fitted > tested have your eyes B D leenor Jewelar and ptiplan John Brown of JambruT va here- on tlusluese Irst week Voa cartgot the belli banji und Intho con at Edward k Son came from Uoie Hill IllVa Thursday morning when he returne W J Gibson of Norton Va Is the market lor limber lends Write him what you Love 82fl2m John M Snowden wllo Is located Vanceburg with A tie company is Y itln g Isis family at homo loin fn da ysAll See S D Fleeiior for ul kinds of watches clocks arid Jewelry repairing i prices reasonable II Lynch line moved io Slate llranlohto r on Quicksand whore he and his eon engaged ht tho lumber business Pure bred 1ekln Ducks I ¬ dian Game chickens and Belgian lIure1 for sale by M k M HAOIWK Jackson Ky r a Mrs B J Ewen has purchased of Copt Henry Collins his house and lot 1wtime depot Consider 1 1600 S D Fleenor hoi just received the nicest line of 1817 Rogers Bros bUvoI1 J ware ever brought to Jackson Ing of knives forks tea dessert table end souvenler spoons Call and exam ¬ i ine them In a difficulty between Curt Qrous i end Zoke Spencer on Mill Creek last Tuesday evening both were killed Gross was shot and Spencertut with a knife J MBF f f I at tffm 01 l elemta t1 ln aci ton precise No 2 nnd 0 kdale had not been received by the County Clerk on Friday morning although the law re quires that they should be received within two dajg otter tho electlun One red iH VljIWuI elf pow with ono eye opt Ise a telfer abput 18 monthf old Fipijef will pease no tify o Uoll ackdcyly- tit rill IYii IIuvoTIiein Tho bqlllllulIO tq lsn o bonds tq tho amount of 4SOQO to pavo tho streets the town of Jackson carried almost unlllllll1045ly It is now up to the Board Trqstpdt o issue and sell tho band peyo QtF 6trpots We an kllOw- how inuddy our tre 0t Ret In A inre nlti fur Homo Ono A ncp small Form In Lee county for sale PuFkl SamP0r place Illlflijingry i gr foiling water well fenced Price tlonallte and terms easy For particu ¬ lays ppy to SAM JETT byWln nster Kv D c cla oil o 0 D C Edwards has been declared the Republican nominee for Congress In 11th Dlstrjot by 0 Ih lull tary of State He tornjery declared Hunter tho nuinluee but he says that 1 he thinks the decision of the Commit ten of the Uth District should prevail and they have decided In favor of Ed Inwards Vajrons Por Sno J tWe have received a p r load of Weber wagons King u and before you buy eUewhera w e would respectfully ask that you and examine our wagons Mr N Combs will be pleased to show you at iii y time COMIJB PO nra- CnAh Cmuhlimtlon Offer By our llmrnl IIMHI with tho b Ushers of otlmr p1IRrs we pre to furnUh you two pup ic4 fur a little more thnn the prior of one Weaau ensaVe you money on tiny paper you wish to iBku 110 will furnlnh ynu TIIJ3- BRBATIIITT COUNT NfiWS nnd either of the following ColirinrIourntl et1euleville Herald Chicago InterOcean Cincinnati Enquirer Lexington Lender 111110 and Farm or New York TribuneFarmer One Year For Only V 125 No one should be without a paper when he can buy two of the bust In the country for io little money I T Ir IcU II1lnt iryTJHiiiHbirliiHn imiieli 1I1II11hIIlIlills Ihpy ivll wt mnltilt Ijie Itnpirslakru in r ntt I tllllj Leeti lllmrlK 1 I ibis Isciiu will In fniiiid Jilt ad- Verliremeill lit LeelC v7Rtill Iivil engineers lId nirrcyorit ttho Inivo 1111fil of time firm It from HiinUuKlun W Vn nod Ills work In Wet AfiKiuin nud In this vicinity ha + linen ntl fuclorj Mi- r H Beurl needs no Introduction to time people of Umitlilu aunty Mr Leele fnnilly will jutu him here and iliosit vim hud the pleasure jr meeting MM Leal and her Interesting little diitiglittrVlrKlnln will bo glad to know tint she will niiiku Jackson her fiiino li me The West Jtomcdy For Croup Till it Iliu mliMtn when the wnninn tlu knows time beet remedies fur croup U In deiiuind In livery neighborhood One of lilt most torrribla thing In the world lii to bo awakened In the middle of Ilia night bII wlmOji the children The croup as n IuvlliverI le sure to bo lout in CII ttf burglor There used to be an out fashiouKd rem edy for cnnii known UK hive syrup and loin but tome mudlrn mothers any SuetChnnmberlulns Cough Kemedy Is helter nud duet nut cost mo much It onuses the patient to throw up the phlegm quicker nun glvo relief In nI shorter lime Give this remedy nt 101111 as the croupy hough appears and it will prevent the attack It never fails and Is pleasant and sure to lake Fur smile by Day Bros Co Who Was Ho It Is roported thnt an attempt was made to nnflimip Until HIf IJwen at ieItig aims liU fupwlny night nbQlI1I 0 ocluuk Ile find JndgH here down nt the llemld suffice readlnp limo elections rettiriM nud lut about 9 oclitnk On their rot urn dome b Judge Uaimfoii Walnut utreet where Oipt Eweii boanled and when they had reached n dark nlley about ICO yard from Judcn Maiing house Onpt Eiven trail Hrrd on by n roan secreted Ltih I ml n pot la the alley Ono bullit plerclug his lint nml untidier time Inpel of his coat weti rei11p the fire IiI t Ile4 resijlti Is imknown as nstaisin Ilns qut been found rout a hiuidkercllet tritil blood oil it win found IIT tile police in file Ilh y thlch lends then1 tq elieyo lqt hp nssas stn iTh lllI1drI11 JUST V1IAT YOU EID- ClhsulhcrinlnMStomneh nod LIv cr Tablets When you fuel dull after eat Ing When you have tio 1111111J lteI When you have a bud taste In your a incuihMlien your liver la turpti Minn yoW bowels are constipated Wlioii you bae n headache When you feel blllctis v They will Improve your nppelltoj cleanse and Invigorate Vnur stomach arid regulate your liver nnd bowels Fur sale liy Duf Urns h > Plrqilt Cqurf Oircut Ooqrt began here last Mon day Tile following Grand fury was eiipnneed John B Hays QI Hack Usury Sheuherd LO Piilhoun Hu runi Mulljns ir Williams Henry Hoiu hell Vm Johnson Pearl Comb I Johnf AfterttielnstriioUons to tho Grand Jury Oourt adjourned till Wednesday morning on account of the election On Wednesday morning the follow IrIng petit Jurors were empaneled Wm Uelcher John Anderson W H May Robert CundlfT Alex Herald W 11 Gabbardr Sam Davidson Leo Stron- gn M Ifirbes lid Stamper Tell Chambers Jolla Taqlbee Miles Hack Van Mar tin II It qlbrook Pud Howard J M- la ItUnec Le + rl4 WnJWH Calvin White James 1atrlckJack UrYltl1t Will Oonly Muck Fletcher and Alfftd Sprang Notliiniltit mlsdemeniioicascs have bqan trlqi A F Byrd pommotiv wealths Attorney being absent TT Cope wens ajipoiuted Commonweallhd Attorney pro tout goodIr will sop cheap IOn4IN COMBS A Co I wnnh tk Sun sell sliced haUl IJ pound 11t 5f IfBRlna are iov prepared to furnish Eqmo line pair trios or Intlilinhe costaf no more to keep piro bred towels IpunII i mweigh moon six to eight ppundi the roosters front seven to eleven pounds IjJOQ to I oan on good real estate security Pull tin nr ndilte + AHREn IlonunTS bleInt Creek Ky We buys received cnr load of tin naulm Suit apd pro selling bushels tort U5 ORAIX noun 3 Co S2525252525il52525252 IEETE BKURIS r CIVIL KNGINKKUS AND SUIIVEVOIW trompt AitHiitlou Bivfii io all cluissHj of work Md SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OFFICE I JACKSON II 1 N1UOKYc SSSSSt 11I j BLACKDRAVGMT FORCONSTIPATION moreI relievedIfmrrp that ha is allowing o poisonous filth to his dam ho would soon jjet relief Constipation invites all kind of Headaches bilious ¬ ness colds and many other ail- ment when consU patedbowelsarorelieved Thed JJ1ackDraughtthoroughlrcleana and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio ¬ orlglnal JlcdidnoCo 25 cent lUd SIOO packes LtekDraaghtlaohlahly1keepllnm n cird It hr helmit Un JAn 1 never gave my children any other laxttlit 1 think 1 tll14- enr If able to Mork irlthoat It I tb letroubledeuhSoar t + keepaCeap HeFARUSD A The Weekly Inter Ocean ti + n member of the K oolated Press the only Western New pnper receiving be entire Telegraphic News Service1 ol tliw New York Sun nnd Special Cabe vi- I lit New York World dnily repair fnnn over 2000 special corregpi t throughout the country YEAR = = ONE DOLLAR Subserlbo for THE BREATHITI COUNTY NEWS and The Weekly Inter cJcoen onq year both papers for I12S eAM tRI qI f3 Ttb C IWtatIally Pcnrless Conslstentlj Republican News from allot the world Wellwrit ¬ ten original Stories Answers to queries Articles on Health the Home New Hooks and on Work abop iie Fnnn and Garden z2I hull Fuzes and qualities ot walnut loge Also poplar and white rak logs 2i Molt 9i nnd up Delivered la the railroad and on banlof rifer Wm Inspect and measure at potty fhc and pay spot cash Addrei JAS W THOMPROX Station N Oinotnnntl Ohio FARMS FOB SALE We have for ache mnny desirable I arms In Central Kentucky especially u Unrion nnd adjoiniiip counties To + e farms range In acreage from II 5o to 509 Acres nnd in prices from lo to 60 Per Acre Some of these places aro Itich Itl Gras Farms and others hirer and Creek Bottom lauds We here excellent facilities for how ing these farm and would be glad to show theta to those who are Interested If you are thinking of guinto Oklahoma Texas Arkan ¬ sas or to the West in Search of a Home Write us and we will forward you in- formation ¬ regarding these different States Wo are In a position to obtain the very lowest railroad rates and to go along with you show you any of tIe u coimtriu Your correspondence III solicited and will Lave our prompt at ¬ tendon Cpntrnl Ky Real EstntoCo Lebanon Ky Rj Lr YOUNG i Secretary ant Treasurer lo 2 1rt Idnv person or persons cutting down Chestnut treys for the fruit nr usher wine cutilnu timber or ir nin < hIR on the lands of ilifi Kentucky Union Com pagytin fliT Lnml OIIPHHV tlip OftirRpV Uiniipli Oniinel 0inl 0 iinpany or the Lot Creek Coul iiiipnnyin Breathilt Perry Powell Iep Wolff or othnr countlus In the State that IIUlIr hove properly Inc will be Indicted for suck plteiiies IIII profecied to the extent Ilr tilt law b1G rutG fIIIj11111 IInilrerTalnll WIU1h41 i 1tourtaihipulifrjutnniw u- t I ciul audltTtitblIiand + ln lisatrn- trut ah8 pt II 1 j rnI In Ky i szs s szsisa5rT3asrs2 2 r = Criterion j J mof Fashion M The Liitcst and n Best It Wo Ilnvo Now a hull and Complete Lino of araua znwaaewwmi READY TO WEAR HATSI f Also Some of tin U HANDSON1ESTDRESS HATSoil u MJI Ever bllOII in Jtleksoll Tho Choicest gt Line of Notions you will Hud by Call r ing bli US Boforo Buying Elsewhere RES1E1FI LJYID E PETERS RAMSEY f IllxitKYN W c522575cS I n How It Is to Be Spent at the Worlds Fair MAQNIFICENr STATE BUILDING Kentucky Only Wuiiti One Tenth as Much UK lI rr Uuu hter to Ad Vertl e a Wealth of Prodnota and ICesourocs Quite us Great I Missouri Is spending one million dollars upon tho State exhibit at tho Worlds Fair The State Commission well organized Is pushing the work in every department The State will appear at Its best lu all tho great ex ¬ hibit palaces of the Exposition Since Missouri is to act as hostess to all states the Commission experts to have the finest state building ever erected at an exposition It will cost with Us furnishing and landscaping about 9230000 The building is over 300 feet long and has a magnificent site on a hill Southeast of the United States Government building Work was begun on thli building early In MayThe collection of exhibits has been in progress somo time Specimens of this years crops throughout the state will be carefully stored until ho true for Installation Oar of corn for example gill bo wrapped In tissue paper that It may lose none of Its valued qualities before It Is placed OT display Fruits will be placed i1 cold storage as the soaon progresses In order tha ply Varieties may be Includ ¬ ed In 1 exhibit next yen In mho Wvo StwK department the Missouri W11l wilt take a prominent part Among the mules will be seen the largest mulo en earth a thyee yearold mare belonging tQ Michael Murry of Heyefors She Is 18 hands n ISOUII SHTI tunno a xmese4 J high ur six feet at the shoulders and weighs 1705 pounds A fine display of horses cattle hogs and poultry Is also being provided tom In this department Specimens of tho mineral products ande the most extensive as Missouri pro ¬ duced threefourths of the worlds out ¬ put of this ore Tho prospects for an exhibit of fish from the streams and lakes of Mis ¬ souri are excellent the exhibit will be confined to native fishes and to those varieties which have demon strated their adaptability to the wat- ers ¬ and conditions ot this latitude Fish are now being caught and being placed In aquariums fen which they will be transferred to the State sec lion of the Fisheries building Schools ant colleges throughout tho State are preparing specimens of their work for the Educational exhibit Tho public school system wll > bo fully ex ¬ emplified To do this successfully all the educators of the State and thoso Interested In education arc working Industriously In the collecting of other branches of Missouris large display the work Is being vigorously pushed doleJ Jars at er of Missouri certainly will bo able to raise 100000 for milking a display of herr products and resources WASHINGTON AT MORRISTOWN New Jersey Reproduces Revolution ary Heros Headquarters as Her State Building at the Fair Fords old tavern nt Morrlitown which at one tlmo during tile war of the Revolution was General WasUlnjfi tens headquarters wm ho rep lucet1 at 41 i Worlds Fair St Louis as New Jerseys State building The historic structure which will be reproduced with fidelity will cost 20i oo0 New Jersey has already appro prlated J10000Q and Is arranging for f liberal Increase leer Industrial tLd educational exhibits will bo as inter eating In their way as tho old Ford tavern ll In the States history The famous men of early days who were sheltered by the old tavern when the colonies wr Inlfngolln Hthfl memorable strugijlp for freidorai ¬ eludes Alexander Hamilton Lafayette and Kosclusko Israel Putnam Chlllp Wuyler tied others DIQ I JIOWS THIS SUIT YOU i iit i Sold by I Day Bros Co u I Jackson Kentucky r = l = I I Do GoodIt Pays A Chicngri innn ni observed that Ciuod Jfril are better llnui teal et tote deeds nine of the latter are wi rilile > a Act kindly and gently 8hW sjinimtliy and lend a lielpiiiR hand You CHiinut possibly Juno it Must metro appreciate a kind word and encnuragemenl more Ihun Kiibstnntml hilp There are persons in this com ¬ munity who Wright truthfully say3Iu giiKl friend cheer up A few dusts Cliiinberluint Cough Remedy will orI you of your cold and there Is no ¬ i ger whatever from pneumonia YID yi u use tint medicine It always cures I know it ror it has helped me out many a time Fur sale by DAY linos Co We have just received our load of bed steads opriug nuilrisses olmirs claims tilt sizes and kinds uhioh vn respectfully Invite the public to cell and examine Prices are cheap Grain Combs L Co on And theforinatiiinsin tvlilnh It to found end 25 ets for the Oil lro + peotor8 Guide w II FAOIKNBKFalrileldItfua For Salo I luivf H good line harthorn bull iniilrj Veti red tilten yanrs old nd detire io sell L tAHKOTJKobbiiu Ky I wS- or IUOKKMHIOXA OAKJKS WISE IlAOtxXe Htnritso IFAGINS BOWJ1NG ATTOKNKYSX ILAW Olllec over IostOfHcc n JACKSOX KexnoKr I All busings Inlrmled In thrum 111 receive prompt and cnrdlllul n I 1 i TIIOS T IIINKR A H PATTiiJt M INEIiPArrTO1 LAAVYEUS J L JACKSON KENTUCKY i 1 orI r c 1 1 ItnnnnrrnnnnrrnnnnnnnnlrilllLL I LAWYER JACKSON KENTUCKY 3- Xlill Itencti ce r n Ilreatldtt and 3 i 1 llIg tUn Counlle 11 mimuuiiiiuuuimuuuujiiiiui tIIID = == 1 John Dean Stone Mason iJ 1 w Foundations Stones Pillars i = RAILROAD TABLES Lexington < Eastern Ry 1OUAL TIME TABLE Kffpctive October 17 1903 ifi East Bound No3 DallyCiII Jy 4- Daily PM AM- 1v Lexington 225 7J1i Winchester 310 825 11 City 860 917 Stanton 106 923 Natural Bridge 485 9 54 Torrent 449 10OR Heultyville Jun 511 1029 0 ft K June 611 t 6 Ar Jackson 615 1180 West hound Not Dally lix Sunday E Sunday Clay NOJ Dally x Sunday AM PN Ar Lexington 1010 005 520J Natural Bridge 801 401 Torrent 747 347 Beattyville Jun 726 326 O functIon 629 280 raidNos for Cannel City and points Oh ng Kentucky Railway Division datita SundayNos 2 connect L E Tune time with Chesapeake Ohio for Mt pointsNos Beatty ¬ ville Junction with L A for Beatty vllle dAily except Sunday J It BARR Gen Mgr ClIASiScOTT G P Ai O K ItY Effective Septembet 11902 East Bound West Bound 4 L STATIONS R d1 Mo Ca K n on at nt 030 235 Jackson 1120 380 925 230 OAK Juno 1120 335 843 1581VIIhurst 1152 417 SSO 152 Hampton 1158 480 750 128 Lee City 122 610 5 741 122 Helechawa 1228 518 715 105 Cnnuel City 1245 B45 Alt IV PM IV PM AR IM AB Westbound Passenger Train connects nt O IC Junction with train which leaves Lexington nt 740 am Eastbound Passenger Train connects at U K Junction with train which arrives at Winchester 520 and Lex- ington ¬ at 605 pmM CONLEY Supt t 52 525urt S25252525252525 SE mHere We Are The Celebrated r 9 HANAN S HOE s ft The Best on Earth- S PRICE SBSOO PRICE
Page 1: 0 moreI araua - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · moreI relievedIfmrrp that ha is allowing o poisonous filth to his dam ho would soon jjet relief Constipation invites all kind

° > Co 4-y 111


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i r KELMAN tIt 1 Jackson KentuckyC s

yJIa i


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I ri 8 tu t 4 If

Ii i7 i

t If1 JII 1aItq-





The rCAth1tt eWS =l illiHli l Uvcry rhll1


rij PPE Nq qP

MJLCirculation inure tlu

1kItundred copies

tre selling lit 16 coifs dozen

t lrlmrt mll is le-



tog comt

GI sang le ltioietlai rr anti p6 0cfyr rolIId

IIfIIii l lluratl mil Olmpton11I-

hfro allvltlii I PNTI

Call ontqr thlbolt meats nnd vegetable

eiigwvlnu to du i tjf you IIUVP nn >

ft U Flcenor

W ft Eubank of KhldvIUetis

tentllnji Qour tide week >

and fitted> testedhave your eyesB D leenor Jewelar and ptiplan

John Brown of JambruT va here-

on tlusluese Irst week

Voa cartgot the belli banji und Inthocon at Edward k Son

came from Uoie HillIllVaThursday morning when he returne

W J Gibson of Norton Va Is

the market lor limber lends Writehim what you Love 82fl2m

John M Snowden wllo Is located

Vanceburg with A tie company is Y

itln g Isis family at homo loin fn daysAllSee S D Fleeiior for ul kinds of

watches clocks arid Jewelry repairingi prices reasonable

II Lynch line moved io Slate llranlohtor on Quicksand whore he and his eon

engaged ht tho lumber business

Pure bred 1ekln Ducks I ¬

dian Game chickens and Belgian lIure1

for sale by M k M HAOIWK

Jackson Kyra Mrs B J Ewen has purchased of Copt

Henry Collins his house and lot

1wtime depot Consider 1 1600

S D Fleenor hoi just received thenicest line of 1817 Rogers Bros bUvoI1

J ware ever brought to JacksonIng of knives forks tea dessert tableend souvenler spoons Call and exam ¬

i ine them

In a difficulty between Curt Qrousi end Zoke Spencer on Mill Creek last

Tuesday evening both were killed

Gross was shot and Spencertut with a


J MBF f f

I at

tffm 01 lelemta t1 ln aciton precise No 2 nnd 0 kdale had notbeen received by the County Clerk on

Friday morning although the law requires that they should be receivedwithin two dajg otter tho electlun

One red iH VljIWuI elf pow withono eye opt Ise a telfer abput18 monthf old Fipijef will pease no

tify o Uollackdcyly-

tit rill IYii IIuvoTIiein

Tho bqlllllulIO tq lsn o bonds tq thoamount of 4SOQO to pavo tho streetsthe town of Jackson carried almostunlllllll1045ly It is now up to the Board

Trqstpdt o issue and sell tho bandpeyo QtF 6trpots We an kllOw-

how inuddy our tre0t Ret In

A inre nlti fur Homo Ono

A ncp small Form In Lee county forsale PuFkl SamP0r placeIlllflijingry i

grfoiling water well fenced Price

tlonallte and terms easy For particu ¬

lays ppy to SAM JETTbyWln nster Kv

D ccla oil o 0

D C Edwards has been declared the

Republican nominee for Congress In

11th Dlstrjot by 0 Ih lulltary of State He tornjery declaredHunter tho nuinluee but he says that 1

he thinks the decision of the Commit

ten of the Uth District should prevail

and they have decided In favor of Ed

InwardsVajrons Por Sno J

tWe have received a p r load ofWeber wagons King u

and before you buy eUewhera w e

would respectfully ask that you

and examine our wagons Mr N

Combs will be pleased to showyou at iii y time



Cmuhlimtlon Offer

By our llmrnl IIMHI with tho b

Ushers of otlmr p1IRrs we preto furnUh you two pup ic4 fur a littlemore thnn the prior of one Weaau

ensaVe you money on tiny paper you wishto iBku 110 will furnlnh ynu TIIJ3-


either of the followingColirinrIourntl

et1euleville HeraldChicago InterOceanCincinnati EnquirerLexington Lender111110 and Farm orNew York TribuneFarmer

One Year For Only V 125No one should be without a paper

when he can buy two of the bust In thecountry for io little money


Ir IcU II1lnt iryTJHiiiHbirliiHnimiieli 1I1II11hIIlIlills Ihpy ivll

wtmnltilt Ijie Itnpirslakru in

rnttI tlllljLeeti lllmrlK

1I ibis Isciiu will In fniiiid Jilt ad-

Verliremeill lit LeelC v7Rtill Iivilengineers lId nirrcyorit ttho Inivo

1111filof time firm It from HiinUuKlun W Vnnod Ills work In Wet AfiKiuin nud In

this vicinity ha + linen ntl fuclorj Mi-

r H Beurl needs no Introduction totime people of Umitlilu aunty MrLeele fnnilly will jutu him here andiliosit vim hud the pleasure jr meetingMM Leal and her Interesting littlediitiglittrVlrKlnln will bo glad to knowtint she will niiiku Jackson her fiiinoli me

The West Jtomcdy For Croup

Till it Iliu mliMtn when the wnninntlu knows time beet remedies fur croup

U In deiiuind In livery neighborhoodOne of lilt most torrribla thing In theworld lii to bo awakened In the middleof Ilia night bII wlmOjithe children The croup as n IuvlliverIle sure to bo lout in CII ttf burglorThere used to be an out fashiouKd remedy for cnnii known UK hive syrupand loin but tome mudlrn mothersany SuetChnnmberlulns Cough KemedyIs helter nud duet nut cost mo much Itonuses the patient to throw up thephlegm quicker nun glvo relief In nIshorter lime Give this remedy nt101111 as the croupy hough appears andit will prevent the attack It neverfails and Is pleasant and sure to lakeFur smile by Day Bros Co

Who Was Ho

It Is roported thnt an attempt wasmade to nnflimip Until HIf IJwenat ieItig aims liU fupwlny night nbQlI1I0 ocluuk Ile find JndgHhere down nt the llemld suffice readlnplimo elections rettiriM nud lut about 9

oclitnk On their rot urn dome bJudge Uaimfoii Walnut utreet whereOipt Eweii boanled and when theyhad reached n dark nlley about ICO

yard from Judcn Maiing house OnptEiven trail Hrrd on by n roan secretedLtih I ml n pot la the alley Ono bullitplerclug his lint nml untidier time Inpelof his coat weti rei11p the fire

IiI t Ile4 resijlti Is imknown asnstaisin Ilns qut been found rout ahiuidkercllet tritil blood oil it winfound IIT tile police in file Ilh y thlchlends then1 tq elieyo lqt hp nssasstn iTh lllI1drI11


ClhsulhcrinlnMStomneh nod LIvcr Tablets

When you fuel dull after eat IngWhen you have tio 1111111J lteIWhen you have a bud taste In your

a incuihMlienyour liver la turpti

Minn yoW bowels are constipatedWlioii you bae n headacheWhen you feel blllctis v

They will Improve your nppelltojcleanse and Invigorate Vnur stomacharid regulate your liver nnd bowelsFur sale liy Duf Urns h >

Plrqilt Cqurf

Oircut Ooqrt began here last Monday Tile following Grand fury waseiipnneed John B Hays Q I HackUsury Sheuherd LO Piilhoun Huruni Mulljns ir Williams HenryHoiu hell Vm Johnson Pearl Comb IJohnfAfterttielnstriioUons to tho GrandJury Oourt adjourned till Wednesdaymorning on account of the election

On Wednesday morning the followIrIng petit Jurors were empaneled Wm

Uelcher John Anderson W H MayRobert CundlfT Alex Herald W 11

Gabbardr Sam Davidson Leo Stron-gn M Ifirbes lid Stamper Tell Chambers

Jolla Taqlbee Miles Hack Van Martin II It qlbrook Pud Howard J M-

la ItUnec Le +rl4 WnJWH Calvin WhiteJames 1atrlckJack UrYltl1t Will OonlyMuck Fletcher and Alfftd Sprang

Notliiniltit mlsdemeniioicascs havebqan trlqi A F Byrd pommotivwealths Attorney being absent T TCope wens ajipoiuted CommonweallhdAttorney pro toutgoodIrwill sop cheap


wnnh tk Sun sell sliced haUlIJ pound

11t 5f IfBRlna are iov preparedto furnish Eqmo line pair trios or

Intlilinhecostafno more to keep piro bred towelsIpunII i

mweigh moon six to eight ppundithe roosters front seven to elevenpounds

IjJOQ to I oan on good real estatesecurity Pull tin nr ndilte +

AHREn IlonunTSbleInt Creek Ky

We buys received cnr load of tinnaulm Suit apd pro sellingbushels tort U5

ORAIX noun 3 Co

S2525252525il52525252IEETE BKURISr


trompt AitHiitlou Bivfii ioall cluissHj of work Md







moreIrelievedIfmrrpthat ha is allowing opoisonous filth to his

dam ho would soon jjet reliefConstipation invites all kind of

Headaches bilious ¬

ness colds and many other ail-ment when consUpatedbowelsarorelieved ThedJJ1ackDraughtthoroughlrcleana

and natural manner without thepurging of calomel or other vio¬

orlglnalJlcdidnoCo25 cent lUd SIOO packesLtekDraaghtlaohlahly1keepllnm

n cird It hr helmitUn JAn 1 never gave my childrenany other laxttlit 1 think 1 tll14-enr If able to Mork irlthoat It

I tb letroubledeuhSoart + keepaCeapHeFARUSD


The WeeklyInter Ocean


+ n member of the K oolated Pressthe only Western New pnper receivingbe entire Telegraphic News Service1 ol

tliw New York Sun nnd Special Cabe vi-

Ilit New York World dnily repair

fnnn over 2000 special corregpi tthroughout the country


Subserlbo for THE BREATHITICOUNTY NEWS and The WeeklyInter cJcoen onq year both papersfor I12S

eAM tRIqIf3 Ttb C

IWtatIally PcnrlessConslstentlj Republican

News from allot the world Wellwrit ¬

ten original Stories Answers to queriesArticles on Health the Home New

Hooks and on Work abop iie Fnnnand Garden

z2Ihull Fuzes and qualities ot walnut loge

Also poplar and white rak logs 2i Molt

9i nnd up Delivered la the railroadand on banlof rifer Wm Inspect andmeasure at potty fhc and pay spotcash Addrei


Station N Oinotnnntl Ohio


We have for ache mnny desirable I

arms In Central Kentucky especiallyu Unrion nnd adjoiniiip countiesTo + e farms range In acreage from


5o to 509 Acresnnd in prices from

lo to 60 Per AcreSome of these places aro Itich Itl

Gras Farms and others hirer andCreek Bottom lauds

We here excellent facilities for howing these farm and would be glad toshow theta to those who are Interested

If you are thinking of guintoOklahoma Texas Arkan ¬

sas or to the West inSearch of a


Write us and we will forward you in-


regarding these differentStates

Wo are In a position to obtain thevery lowest railroad rates and to goalong with you show you any oftIe u coimtriu Your correspondence III

solicited and will Lave our prompt at ¬

tendonCpntrnl Ky Real EstntoCo

Lebanon KyRj Lr YOUNG i

Secretary ant Treasurer lo 2

1rtIdnv person or persons cutting down

Chestnut treys for the fruit nr usherwine cutilnu timber or ir nin < hIR on

the lands of ilifi Kentucky Union Com

pagytin fliT Lnml OIIPHHV tlipOftirRpV Uiniipli Oniinel 0inl 0 iinpanyor the Lot Creek Coul iiiipnnyinBreathilt Perry Powell Iep Wolff

or othnr countlus In the State thatIIUlIr hove properly Inc will be Indicted

for suck plteiiies IIII profecied to theextent Ilr tilt law

b1GrutGfIIIj11111 IInilrerTalnll

WIU1h41i1tourtaihipulifrjutnniw u-



ciul audltTtitblIiand + ln lisatrn-trut ah8 pt

II 1 j rnIIn Ky

iszs s szsisa5rT3asrs2 2r =Criterion j J

mof FashionM

The Liitcst andn

Best ItWo Ilnvo Now a hull and Complete

Lino of

araua znwaaewwmiREADY TO WEAR HATSI

fAlso Some of tin


Ever bllOII in Jtleksoll Tho Choicest gt

Line of Notions you will Hud by Call ring bli US Boforo Buying Elsewhere



IllxitKYN W

c522575cS I


How It Is to Be Spent at theWorlds Fair


Kentucky Only Wuiiti One Tenth asMuch UK lI rr Uuu hter to Ad

Vertl e a Wealth of Prodnotaand ICesourocs Quite us Great


Missouri Is spending one milliondollars upon tho State exhibit at thoWorlds Fair The State Commissionwell organized Is pushing the workin every department The State willappear at Its best lu all tho great ex¬

hibit palaces of the ExpositionSince Missouri is to act as hostess

to all states the Commission expertsto have the finest state building evererected at an exposition It will costwith Us furnishing and landscapingabout 9230000 The building is over300 feet long and has a magnificentsite on a hill Southeast of the UnitedStates Government building Workwas begun on thli building early InMayThe

collection of exhibits has beenin progress somo time Specimens ofthis years crops throughout the statewill be carefully stored until ho truefor Installation Oar of corn forexample gill bo wrapped In tissuepaper that It may lose none of Itsvalued qualities before It Is placed OT

display Fruits will be placed i1 coldstorage as the soaon progresses Inorder tha ply Varieties may be Includ ¬

ed In 1 exhibit next yenIn mho Wvo StwK department the

Missouri W11l wilt take a prominentpart Among the mules will be seenthe largest mulo en earth a thyeeyearold mare belonging tQ MichaelMurry of Heyefors She Is 18 hands

n ISOUII SHTI tunno a xmese4 J

high ur six feet at the shoulders andweighs 1705 pounds

A fine display of horses cattle hogsand poultry Is also being provided tom

In this departmentSpecimens of tho mineral productsandethe most extensive as Missouri pro ¬

duced threefourths of the worlds out ¬

put of this oreTho prospects for an exhibit of fish

from the streams and lakes of Mis ¬

souri are excellent the exhibit willbe confined to native fishes and tothose varieties which have demonstrated their adaptability to the wat-


and conditions ot this latitudeFish are now being caught and beingplaced In aquariums fen which theywill be transferred to the State seclion of the Fisheries building

Schools ant colleges throughout thoState are preparing specimens of theirwork for the Educational exhibit Thopublic school system wll > bo fully ex ¬

emplified To do this successfully allthe educators of the State and thosoInterested In education arc workingIndustriously

In the collecting of other branches

of Missouris large display the workIs being vigorously pusheddoleJJars ater of Missouri certainly will bo ableto raise 100000 for milking a display

of herr products and resources


New Jersey Reproduces Revolutionary Heros Headquarters as Her

State Building at the FairFords old tavern nt Morrlitown

which at one tlmo during tile war of

the Revolution was General WasUlnjfi

tens headquarters wm ho rep lucet1at 41 i Worlds Fair St Louis as NewJerseys State building

The historic structure which will bereproduced with fidelity will cost 20ioo0 New Jersey has already approprlated J10000Q and Is arranging for

f liberal Increase leer Industrial tLdeducational exhibits will bo as intereating In their way as tho old Fordtavern ll In the States history

The famous men of early days whowere sheltered by the old tavern whenthe colonies wr Inlfngolln Hthfl

memorable strugijlp for freidorai ¬

eludes Alexander Hamilton Lafayetteand Kosclusko Israel Putnam Chlllp

Wuyler tied others



Sold by I

Day Bros Co u I

Jackson Kentucky r= l= I


Do GoodIt Pays

A Chicngri innn ni observed thatCiuod Jfril are better llnui teal et

tote deeds nine of the latter arewi rilile > a Act kindly and gently8hW sjinimtliy and lend a lielpiiiRhand You CHiinut possibly Juno itMust metro appreciate a kind word andencnuragemenl more Ihun Kiibstnntmlhilp There are persons in this com¬

munity who Wright truthfully say3IugiiKl friend cheer up A few dustsCliiinberluint Cough Remedy will orIyou of your cold and there Is no ¬ iger whatever from pneumonia YIDyi u use tint medicine It alwayscures I know it ror it has helped meout many a time Fur sale by DAY

linos Co

We have just received our load ofbed steads opriug nuilrisses olmirsclaims tilt sizes and kinds uhioh vnrespectfully Invite the public to celland examine Prices are cheap

Grain Combs L Co

onAnd theforinatiiinsin tvlilnh It to found

end 25 ets for the Oil lro + peotor8Guide w II


For Salo

I luivf H good line harthorn bulliniilrj Veti red tilten yanrs old nd

detire io sell LtAHKOTJKobbiiu





WISE IlAOtxXe Htnritso


Olllec over IostOfHcc nJACKSOX KexnoKr


All busings Inlrmled In thrum111 receive prompt and cnrdlllul

n I





1 1



Xlill Itencti ce r n Ilreatldtt and 3 i

1 llIg tUn Counlle1 1 mimuuiiiiuuuimuuuujiiiiui tIIID= = = 1

John Dean

Stone MasoniJ



FoundationsStonesPillars i

=RAILROAD TABLESLexington < Eastern Ry


Kffpctive October 17 1903 ifi

East BoundNo3

DallyCiII Jy




1v Lexington 225 7J1iWinchester 310 825 11

City 860 917Stanton 106 923Natural Bridge 485 9 54Torrent 449 10ORHeultyville Jun 511 10290 ft K June 611 t 6

Ar Jackson 615 1180

West houndNot

Dallylix Sunday E



NOJDallyx Sunday

AM PNAr Lexington 1010 005520JNatural Bridge 801 401

Torrent 747 347Beattyville Jun 726 326O functIon 629 280

raidNosfor Cannel City and points Oh ngKentucky Railway Division datita

SundayNos2 connect L E Tune

time with Chesapeake Ohio for MtpointsNos Beatty ¬

ville Junction with L A for Beattyvllle dAily except Sunday


O K ItYEffective Septembet 11902

East Bound West Bound4 L


R d1



K n




030 235 Jackson 1120 380925 230 OAK Juno 1120 335843 1581VIIhurst 1152 417SSO 152 Hampton 1158 480750 128 Lee City 122 610 5741 122 Helechawa 1228 518715 105 Cnnuel City 1245 B45Alt IV PM IV PM AR IM AB

Westbound Passenger Train connectsnt O IC Junction with train whichleaves Lexington nt 740 am

Eastbound Passenger Train connectsat U K Junction with train whicharrives at Winchester 520 and Lex-ington

¬at 605 pmM


52525urt S25252525252525 SEmHere We Are

The Celebrated r9 HANAN SHOE sft The Best on Earth-

