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$0 of Land, the otdigilib.clueslibs.org/virt_lib/newspapers/pdf/whig/09-18...Monarch, soon followed...

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cbscriber is considei-ed at liberty to with- is name. whikt inarrears. rtisements will be inserted at the uspal 2' PURLlC VEND of Bushland, conlaining about ithin three miles of Antuxet iand- ibtr on the land was cut ow about iven. The sale will take place at three p.'jM, when the coiiditions will be made by ' HENRY SHAW, Administrator. ' ort, Septenlbk 11, 1820. eri facias to me WM. R. FITHIAN, Sheriff- of the above property io ad il Tuesday the 8th diy of Au e sale of the above property i journed until .Tuesday the 5t ptember next, at the same tim e township of Downs, thd first, the property with the wharf store- o dwelling houses, said to contain ore or less; 8. farm of sixty acres Camblos and others, fiftj id, Eoins lands of Jonathan a ldt near Newport, said to uarter acres, together with ndant.-Seized as the and taken iu ex- Jt !he same,time 'and place, ' ot of Land, Do-wns, ioins lands 01 s,'said to contain ont icre more qr 'less, together wit tr ail The lands If tlie , defendant.--Seized as the proper9 )f Sam;iel'Blizard, and taken in execution at the ,uit of William Whitecar, assignee, &C. and to )e sold by ' WM. 12. FITHIAN, Sheriff. At the same lime and place, Fhe following pesmibad Lahds, We first a fhrm, situate in tl!e township of Mill- rille, joins lands of David C. Wood, and others, aid to contain fifty acres more or less, 'L farm, ituate in the township of Deerfiel2, joins'lands )f Peter Sleesman and others, said to contain one iiindi*ed acres more or less, together with all he lands of the defendmt.--Seized as the pro- Ierty of Jonathan Coney, and taken in execution li ihGsuit at' Eiiz's Y. ~edey, ~srrisofi XI!!! zhC! fosiali Sayres, Exe'rs &c. and to be sold by WM. R. FITHIAN, Sheriff.' .Rt the same time and place, irst a tract of land said to COllta~ll fifty acre2 nnreop less, a lot of lalid, said to contain fifteen cres inorc or less. joins laids of Abraham Jones sd otIiei*s, together 'with all the lands of the lefendan t - Seized as the property of David less, aiid taken in esecution at the suit of Tho. nas Lee, aih LO be sold by WM. E. PITH+N, Sheriff. August 21, 1820-4 - SHERIFF'S SALE. ' Y 'Virtue of two writs' of Fieri Facias, to me 5 directed,.will be exposed to sa!e, at Public fendue, on 'I'liursday the fifth day of Octobei lerr, between the bows of 12 and 5 o'clnck in lie afternoon of said day iii the county OF Cum. perland, at the hin of Philip Souder, in Bridge. 011, A SMALL FARM, ituate in the township of Maurice River, said o contain seventy fit e acres more or less! joins ands of John Hess and others, together wlth all he lands of the defendant; and a better descrip. ion given a: the timc of sale.4eized as the iroperty of John Hesq, jun. and Liken in CSWU. ion at the suit of Tliunias Lee, and Mark Strat. on, and to he srrlil by Sep tember 4th, 18ZO4t 1)hN SIMBINS, late Sheriff. Gape-May Orphan7s Court. . ITERIII OF AUGUSY, 1890. PR ESENT.--C resse ow nsend, E'~II rai m Hildreth, Isaac Smith and others, Es. quires, Judges. III)EHED, On applicatioo of Spicer TIughes 0 Esq. administrator of the estate of Richarc Zooper. deceased, Hannah Eldredge, adniinistra trix of the estate of A3ron Eldredge, deceased that the creditors of the estates of said dece Ients, brii3g In their debts ciemands and claims igainst the same, on 91' before the first daj o May A D. 1821, or tlie said cieditors shall bc ticever barred of an action therefor against saic administrators, tlie said Spiccr Huglies 3nc Haniiali Eldred$e, giving notice of this order, b! setting up copies hereof in five of the most pub lic places in the coiinty of Cape-May? for thc space of two months and alao advertising thi same for tlie like space in the newspaper prmtet io Bridgeto:). By the Coilrt, JEHU TOWNSEND, Clk.' Allgust 2,-A~g. 51,1820-21n' - From the Village Record. The following piece is from the pen o otic whose ~ilhzppii~ss iti!;as been :G s.;! fer temporary derangement. To rnuc. originality, is added a sweetness whici plays around .the heart, and induczs it d carest sympathy. ' Tis sweet, when viewing some nobl ruins, to see, through its dilapidations, th sdendnr of the setting sun; or to have con iasted with its roughness the softness o distant landscape." Such is'the feeling nduced by the perusal of tliese lines. Tht iuman mind in ruins is an' awful and niel $0 fell the Chief of Erie, in the morning of 'lis gI&y, . ' Serenelg bri ht, calmly great, as the kst beams d.%e sunr when lie sinks in .he west, so su,nk the Chief on the bosom )four mother earth. -Arid art thou gone, Oh! mighty-chief! ny4eart mourns ID anguish, and the dew if sorrow fills my eyes. when I think thou irt no mbre, OIi!Ch'ieTnf Erie. POCAHONTAS. ' The following Address was presented o tlie Queen, signed by seven thousand 'ight hzindrod feiaale inhabitants, of Not- ingham, and published in the Loiidon rraveller: '' We your Majesty's niost dutiful arid oyal sdjects, the female inhabitants of Vottinghaai, beg leave to congratulate y ~ u 10 your safe xr'ivai in- this couniry, afiei ioflongan absence, and to hail you Queen If these Kingdoms! . '' Beldved 3s ysu are bfa 'great people, aho have long preserved for you a faith inshbken, we dare not boast an unrivaled ift'achnent; but we can truly say,'that, lone love ydu' better, and none pray oft- icr for your present or future happiness, .han tlie females of Nottingham. Vl'hen you were far distant, we reniembered the inhappj exile, and when the accusors of pir honor rung in our ears (as they fond- y hoped) the death-bell of your inno- ience, -we never for a' moment believed he slanders; but felt at every charge, os se are sure we shall always feel a morv lian common'indtgnstion. rC You bring with you such powerful're- :ommendations to protection, as no gene- -oug bosom can resist. Your father is nv nore, your brother fell in hatt!e-tW :liiefaolace of your cares, your amiab:<. Jaughter, was soon snatched away-anu your great protector, our late venerable Monarch, soon followed tier. 6 ' We would not wring anew your feel- nga-they have been too often wrung; yet. idar,tlJs, we are not surpri- gh you are not defended by res of the militarv, vou are ntled' by your g&rds; thus imitating the example of the rnagnanir~~us Queen Elizabeth, trustiiiTyour defence to i brave people, who will not be induced q~ any power under heaven to forsake you n the day of peril. ,411 in whom the spirit ,f the days of chivalry is'not utterly ex. iinct-all who would not iinmolate the )est impulses of our -nature on the altar of modern policy-will rally round their Queen, and save her alike frnm foreign Zinisaries and spies, and domestic perse. tu tors. 6' W e desire to arsure you of our conti. nued fidelity, and to express a hope that, ere long, you will have defeated the ma. chi'natiuns of your enemies-be restored to all the honors of your enemies-be re stored to all the honors of your illust riou! station- and that neither sea tior lanc wi1.I again sepcrate you. fcom an admicinl people. " if sudi'are the fi?di~gs and sestirnent! of the People of England generally, thc deposition of the Queen- will be speedilj followed by that of!he King. From the Baltimore morning Chronicle, Aug 3( - - ~iow avtonisiiing does the'inteltigenc appear, that a printlng pressdkould be es tablished in tlie Island of Otaheite, am the,Holv Scriptures published in that Ian guage. Let those who. doubt tlmpractioa bility of converting savages to christiani ty, pause before they venture to pronsunc !t i.mpegsih!e. T!x gods hefore shem th natives of this Island prostrated them selves in ohomsge, have been presented t tlie Britidi museum, where they may no' be found, dangling with great dignity for I the graiificatmn of the CU~~OW. 'rhesl I former savages were the most amiable o tncho!y object; but w!ier? in its a&er:: .ions goodness of heal t is evinced, and thi nobler passions are elicited, it softens the the savage ;ace; their color is that of i roughness, .and ealms the ruffled feelings bright and. shining copper; they are clean ly in their persons, perhaps beyond al bf those who syr:Ipathkr. other beings, civilized or savage. If the, And art t50o p:e, Ut! ntrrtity Chief! are even polluted by a fly, they irnmedi and art tbow goire, Uii! Chief orErie! ately resort- to the water. So frequent1 Terrible as the cvhislpind in the forest, 'do. they.. bathe, that they -may almost b wast thou in the day of batll~. But calm denominated an- amphibious race, Thei and gentle as the still lake .on e sum- abliorence f.0 flies. is proverbial. Som mer% eve wast thou io the day of peace. years since the King of that Island wa As a comet among the stars, so shone presented with a monkey;,this.animal, hi the Chief of Erie among the sons of the majesty conceived belonged to the hums north. fan~ily,~ although. somewhat inferior i As tile taii oak that i! feiied in midsum- size. fie was walted upon by servants an mer, green in lcavee and rich insfoliage, 1 treated w!tb estraordipary respect, H * . as. noticed by the grandees and cliknita- 6 ?S of t h e real, a t which he seemed high- delighted, and ,chattered his ideds of ch hospitality aifh all. the.sincerity and setige of a courtier bred iri the 1est.erfield.sy.stem of .etljics. But-while, us guest., was' receiving such AI 'red intended in the act - hospitality, of devouring lie flies was fw disco-, .ub- jtence. This was ,a sin among the na; res of Otaheite, ahsolutFly unpardona-, e, The stranger was immediately hunt-, down,'driven from tree to tree, and he. iaily paid ,the forfeitwe of his life for ch remerity. They observed a singular custom. that iy he proper to mention; as it was diffi- It for otie of these savages to remember e name of a'civilized man, for whom he nfessed friendship, he would call that :!3 by his nrvn name? and eniorn upon at Friend to do the selfsanie tl;in%. In 8 former letter I mentioned, that ths, mrnissipners, appointed under the trea- at Glient, were to meet in Nett-York October next. The day fixed is the 23tl. le AmPrican surveyor, attendants, kc. rived here on Friday last, via. Quebec. the British and American wrveyo'rs- a- ee on the dividing high lands, tlie Arne- :ans will have a largt accession of terri- ry between tlie St. Croix and St. Law- nce; an extent of county 110 'I? 75. ilrs, which will reach within ahitut 14 iles of the river St. Lawrence. The wth-twst angle is in lat. 48. Quehec. you ill reco!lect, is in 46, 56. A gie.!t por- vn of this country IS uncultivated, and om the nature of the soil, ever will he. n some of the streams there are a few habitants. Perhaps the whule number iy amount tu 130, W!,IO are annually vi - ted by a priest from Quebec. We rnust ait for further intbrm'ation, until 'your resident makes his next commuiiication I Coqgress. From what I can learn; it is ou'ght, that the,Americans will nut con- der the abanilonment.by the British OF e territor! near 45 (Rouse's Point. &c.) sufficient equibalent for what they claim . 1 the eastern boondarx. A distressing event occurred in our har- ir yesterday forenoon. Mr. Robert Cur- s, of the house of Curtis and Walker,' " ? . erchants of this city, wae on board of sail boat, returning from the ship James loaroe, to which he had been fur thp: irpese of taking a passenger for Liver- 101. Soon after leaving the ship'oo. his ay back to the wharf, as he wau- set- I rig on the side of tlie boat, somethin ive cvay, and he fell into the water; aiib iough every possible excrt4on was iiiarle, lth from the boat and by Capf. Ibgrrs , f the James Monroe, he sunk and was rowned.-N, Tr. Gac. -* - &fOlltlY?dI, Sept. 4, 1820. ' I - - . e' - Grasshoppers- There ate greater nun$ . *' ers of these insects in diKerenr parts of le country, than have ever been knuwn efore; and in the town of Bern, in this ounty, in particular, 'have 'done exien- ive mischief; besides destroying . Inlost very kind ul' herbage, they have robbed everal. orchards-of every vistage of their . oliage; a thing, we believe, never experik . nced before. 'I'hej are seen niaking their . - vay froi:i place io pitice ilii numbers iiiat larken the air, and remind' one of the vast warms of locusts in the &ut. Wdi it Bot be prudent for farmeis to delay sowing heir fall crops until the'frost shall rid us rf these destroyers.-Jlb. Jlrg. L case tried bcfiW8 'Justice 06 the Peace n Connecticot, bL!\iLt 'a one iiorse wagon laving in a inan abd his wire, *with a tra- , telling trunk, is 861 e,qpty wagon, and riot i landed one, ia the meaning; of the char- tec ' of the Hartford and New London I'umpike Company, which grants a toll Of 62 cents for empty and 124 cents fur had - ed wagonB.-Bost. P). ddv. A singularly. extraordinary snake- wa9 recently ,killed in. Monsan. It Wis first discovered bssking in the sun,.and after much exeriiw, although his astonishing agility baffled fora coosi rahle tirnr, his pursuers ,effdrts, was talc$* It meahurcd &o faei in length, had two heads iind t legs. 'JI'tie:legs were neady threr incl long, were placed irbGUt f \ 1'1. the iieaiis:anti apprare ' uitriidir to assist the aniaeLia rwnisg; , - , - &E CGSK-Zt !Xis $22:'. &kri3iijeb, iij Springfield (Mass.).40gust 33. I I ,
  • cbscriber is considei-ed at liberty to with- is name. whikt inarrears. rtisements will be inserted a t the uspal

    2' PURLlC VEND

    of Bushland, conlaining about ithin three miles of Antuxet iand- ibtr on the land was cut ow about

    iven. The sale wil l take place at three p.'jM, when the coiiditions will be made

    by ' HENRY SHAW, Administrator. ' ort, Septenlbk 11, 1820.

    eri facias to me

    WM. R. FITHIAN, Sheriff- of the above property io ad il Tuesday the 8th d i y of Au

    e sale of the above property i journed until .Tuesday the 5t ptember next, at the same tim

    e township of Downs, thd first, the property with the wharf store-

    o dwelling houses, said to contain ore or less; 8. farm of sixty acres

    Camblos and others, fiftj id, Eoins lands of Jonathan a ldt near Newport, said to

    uarter acres, together with ndant.-Seized as the

    and taken iu ex-

    J t !he same, time 'and place, '

    ot of Land, Do-wns, ioins lands 01 s,'said to contain ont

    icre more qr 'less, together wit tr ail The lands If tlie , defendant.--Seized as the proper9 )f Sam;iel'Blizard, and taken in execution at the ,uit of William Whitecar, assignee, &C. and to )e sold by

    ' WM. 12. FITHIAN, Sheriff.

    At the same lime and place, Fhe following pesmibad Lahds, We first a fhrm, situate in tl!e township of Mill- rille, joins lands of David C. Wood, and others, aid to contain fifty acres more or less, 'L farm, ituate in the township of Deerfiel2, joins'lands )f Peter Sleesman and others, said to contain one iiindi*ed acres more or less, together with all he lands of the defendmt.--Seized as the pro- Ierty of Jonathan Coney, and taken in execution li ihGsuit at' Eiiz's Y. ~ e d e y , ~srr isof i XI!!! zhC! fosiali Sayres, Exe'rs &c. and to be sold by

    WM. R. FITHIAN, Sheriff.' .Rt the same time and place,

    irst a tract of land said to COllta~ll fifty acre2 nnreop less, a lot of lalid, said to contain fifteen cres inorc or less. joins laids of Abraham Jones sd otIiei*s, together 'with all the lands of the lefendan t -Seized as the property of David less, aiid taken in esecution at the suit of Tho. nas Lee, a i h LO be sold by

    WM. E. PITH+N, Sheriff. August 21, 1820-4 -

    SHERIFF'S SALE. ' Y 'Virtue of two writs' of Fieri Facias, to me 5 directed,.will be exposed to sa!e, a t Public

    fendue, on 'I'liursday the fifth day of Octobei lerr, between the bows of 12 and 5 o'clnck in lie afternoon of said day i i i the county OF Cum. perland, at the hin of Philip Souder, in Bridge. 011,

    A SMALL FARM, ituate in the township of Maurice River, said o contain seventy f i t e acres more or less! joins ands of John Hess and others, together wlth all he lands of the defendant; and a better descrip. ion given a: the timc of sa l e .4e ized as the iroperty of John Hesq, jun. and Liken in CSWU. ion at the suit of Tliunias Lee, and Mark Strat. on, and to he srrlil by

    Sep tember 4th, 1 8 Z O 4 t 1)hN SIMBINS, late Sheriff.

    Gape-May Orphan7s Court. . ITERIII OF AUGUSY, 1890.

    PR ESENT.--C resse ow nsend, E'~II rai m Hildreth, Isaac Smith and others, Es. quires, Judges.

    III)EHED, On applicatioo o f Spicer TIughes 0 Esq. administrator of the estate of Richarc Zooper. deceased, Hannah Eldredge, adniinistra trix of the estate of A3ron Eldredge, deceased that the creditors of the estates of said dece Ients, brii3g In their debts ciemands and claims igainst the same, on 91' before the first daj o May A D. 1821, or tlie said cieditors shall bc ticever barred of an action therefor against saic administrators, tlie said Spiccr Huglies 3nc Haniiali Eldred$e, giving notice of this order, b! setting up copies hereof in five of the most pub lic places in the coiinty of Cape-May? for thc space of two months and alao advertising thi same for tlie like space in the newspaper prmtet io Bridgeto:). By the Coilrt,

    JEHU TOWNSEND, Clk.' Allgust 2,-A~g. 51,1820-21n' -

    From the Village Record.

    The following piece is from the pen o otic whose ~ i l h z p p i i ~ s s iti!;as been :G s.;! fer temporary derangement. T o rnuc. originality, is added a sweetness whici plays around .the heart, and induczs i t d carest sympathy.

    ' Tis sweet, when viewing some nobl ruins, to see, through its dilapidations, t h sdendnr of the setting sun; or to have con iasted w i t h its roughness the softness o distant landscape." Such is'the feeling

    nduced by the perusal of tliese lines. Tht iuman mind in ruins is an' awful and niel

    $0 fell the Chief of Erie, in the morning of 'lis gI&y, . '

    Serenelg bri ht, calmly great, as the kst beams d . % e sunr when lie sinks in .he west, so su,nk the Chief on t h e bosom )four mother earth.

    -Arid art thou gone, Oh! mighty-chief! ny4ear t mourns ID anguish, and the dew if sorrow fills my eyes. when I think thou irt no mbre, OIi!Ch'ieTnf Erie.


    The following Address was presented o tlie Queen, signed by seven thousand 'ight hzindrod feiaale inhabitants, of Not- ingham, and published in the Loiidon rraveller: '' W e your Majesty's niost dutiful arid

    oyal sdjects , the female inhabitants of Vottinghaai, beg leave to congratulate y ~ u 10 your safe xr'ivai in- this couniry, afiei ioflong an absence, and to hail you Queen If these Kingdoms! . '' Beldved 3s ysu are bfa 'great people,

    aho have long preserved for you a faith inshbken, we dare not boast an unrivaled ift'achnent; but w e can truly say,'that, lone love ydu' better, and none pray oft- icr for your present or future happiness, .han tlie females of Nottingham. Vl'hen you were far distant, we reniembered the inhappj exile, and when the accusors of p i r honor rung in our ears (as they fond- y hoped) the death-bell of your inno- ience, -we never for a' moment believed he slanders; but felt at every charge, os se are sure we shall always feel a morv lian common'indtgnstion.

    rC You bring with you such powerful're- :ommendations to protection, as no gene- -oug bosom can resist. Your father is nv nore, your brother fell in hatt!e-tW :liiefaolace of your cares, your amiab:

  • REVOLU T I ON'IN NAPLES. On the night. a f t he 1st o63uly,'some o

    6cers.aad soldiers left the Garrison at Nc Pa, atid proceeded to Avelllno, a9short dii tance from Naples, accompanied by sm

    p f the people, shouting C b live the constiti tinn!by They were soon joined bg the m litia&f the province. Regiment.after reg menta weat,o er to the patriots, and, a t tt e:~d of thr#!&?p, their strength was irrc &istible. T g p k i n g called! his council 80 proinised to give them a constitution : the end of eight days-as soon as he COUl digest its provisions. The patriots we1 - not. satisfied with this-they demand€ Qha1 the 6 6 constitution of 1812'' shtluld 1 signrd in $24 hours. Some time was spel in neqocibtiods. OW the 6tb, the king abd sated' in favor of his son Francis-wh the"next day,.issued the following pro^!^ m'a tion::

    $6. By vhtue of the act dated yesterda by which his majesty, our august fathe %as transmitted to us, with the unlirnitr clause of the Alter Ego, the exercise of a rights, prerogatives, pre-eminence and L cuItiesI in the samemanner as they ca be exercised by his majesty::

    66 I n conseqpence of the d'ecision of h majesty to give a constitution to the stat

    6' Wishing to manife'st our sentimen t o all'his subjects, and to S C C O ~ , at t! Bani@ time, their unanimous wish:

    (6 W e have resolved t a decreerand ( decree, as follows::

    6' Art. 1. The constitution pf the k i q don, of the Two Sicilies sha!l be the san t h a t was adopted for the kingdom

    . Spain in 1812, and sanctioned by his Cat . olic majesty in March 1820, saving tl modifications which the national repr sentation, constitationally convoked, 5 h ~

    - consider i t suitable to propose, in orde to adapt it to the particiilk circumstance of the states o f his majesty

    6 9 2 . We reserve to ourselves to adq a n d m k e known all the arrangement wh~ch rrray be necessary- to faciliate 811 act-leiatc the erecytirln-of the present dt &re.

    *k3. AI1 our ministers and secretarie of state are charged with the esecution u the y e s e n t decree.

    Ndple-, 7th Julv. 1820. (Signetl), ~~PRXNCIS, lieat. e n . " 0 7 tiie Same evenfhg Sii intt of the regi

    - p h ~ . I I :-rtirned to Naples, an& on the 9tt gev I't~pe entered the city at the head ( ahr. ct,rrstittitional tzrrny- HGe was very; re spr~~fully received by the' prince, and pwCisionat junta *aH speedily arranged thv c h i ministers dismissed arid new one pp!n*iiG cd, arid the whole aflair organize!

    . wi~lwiit the conimission of'an act of VIO &emu!

    The patriots have discarded the rer .cockade, hitherto used in Naples, and es

    I s . tabTisHeda tri-coltired nne, red, black rani h e . Theprincre himself had mounted i as the natioznZ'cockade. &!any of tlios

    . whti %!*ere in liigli office under f i l~ i ra t nor 411 the most responsible stati*ms-arnon, them is genera?"lTeIanqjire. A now arubas c d n r . [M, Pign&etJi,. secretary of stat! under Murat,] had' arrived a t Parisfrm Naplei, and a g r a d cabinet otwncil wa' iminediately called, The whole affair s p pears to have been so sudden and anex per-ed, as to make i t difficult yet to ob tain a history of it. 'l'lw king has beer treated with respecl-and, too inibecilc to oppose, he has quietly yielded to all tlic

    A Paris article, allud'ing to (hie grea event, says, '4 The constitutioaal spiri which has revolutbnized Naples, wi l l per vadc 'all Italp; gain Sardinia, which i! ripe for it; nay, perhaps, reach Au3tria.- W h o can say or calculate where i t ma! end, or how? The fg!lowmg state papers map shew

    the reality of the things, briefly meDtionec above- $ct of cession of the king to the duke 2

    Cnlalrria. 4' Ferdinand, &c. &c.

    " My very dear arid well beloved son, . Frmcis, duke of Caiabria.

    " ln consequence ot indisposition, and the &vice of my miniaterg being obliged to abstain from a14 serious application, I

    3 '


    -< requisitions of the-people.

    ment, until the moment when it shall please God to restore me to a state of

    .hPalth.neceMary to support it, f cannot do bettet. than-confide i t to you, my very

    'dear and well-beloved son, as w d , be cause p a we my kgitimate ~ U C C C ~ S S ~ , as

    * otl iiccountof the knswledge I have ac- ;quired of yaw rninaand aapacity. I\'' '- 1 make you in cuo*equenae, and f con-

    Ititclte "flu, of mp full anrj,entire wi.11, i!, my kingdom of the T w o Siciliw, my lieu.

    . . ~ , I ~ ,

    , . .. , . , ' .', .;, . .'

    :iiicd9 d ~ y d e r fhzt thispaper, signed wit ny own hand, and sealed witl) my roy leal, shall be kept and registered by ut iecretary of state, ministei, chancelfa nnd that you cause to be transmit4ed a CI py of it to all the counsellors and secret; ries of state, in order that they mny mak known-to whom i t concerns. - '

    (Signed) 6' VEitDINANB.. '' Naples, 6th $u!y,.1820- :

    N e w Proclamation.of tlre k iq 'q f the 71 of Juty.

    (6 W e , having given to our well, belove son all 'the faculties necessary to provic for the government of our kingdotti, E declaring him our lieutenant general wii the ./liter Ego . he ha8 already arrange the basis of the constitution which we prt mised,.taking.&w a model that adopted t the kicgdoni of Spain in 1812, which \vi sanctioned by his Catholic majesty in ti month OF March last, saving the motlific, tions which the naticinal representativ I constituticrnaily convoked, niag t h i d i expedient to propose,in.ordec to adapt to tiie partieubr ai'rcurnstasces 'of '01 states. W e confirm this act of-our welt-bi loved son, and we promise t o ohserve tk constitution on our Faith and royal wort reserving to ourselves toiswear to it in soleitin manner, in the prese'nco o f ti proo i si o n al j u n ta , iv h i c h conform ab1 J ' that established in Spain, sh,:ll heappuin ed hy ow well-beloved son andlieutenan ienersl.. and: afterwards in the preseoc )r tlie general parliampnt', a6 soon as i , h d k h&Ia.wfuliy assembled.

    '6 We ratify, also, Dy those yresents, al lie subseqwnt acts which shall be don IV our wellr6eloved son, for the eracutiol ;f tlic 'constitution, and afterwards of th acuities and full powers which w e hav wnfidedlto him. We tleclarc :hat all' tha hall be thus doae shall be regarded. as i lone b j ourself, and. of our uwn prope

    '6 Ferdinand, &c. &C.

    no;mn. ('Sign erl) 6' FERDIXAND,

    44 Kardes. 7th Julv. 1820, Vrecrebfor #!e fw&iic?rL of t\ze Provis


    Lr ?Ve, Francis, hereditary prince an ieutenant-general OF tbe kiogdom, in vi r ue of the autho:ity which has been give o us hg our august ftiiher and sovereigt

    '* Having, irr our act o f the 6th i!isbnl ~raclainied for our states, and promised t wear to the constitution in 1812 fo ipain;.

    6b FVkhing solemnly to fulfil iise. and to cotwoke, &!h t h iomihle delay, the na?ionaJ par f o u r kingdom, arwrdi i ig tu the forma o he above cited cnnstitution:

    ' 6 Wishing t h a t all the acts which shoulc irecede the con1 ocaricin of parliarnen lay emnamate li.nm persons honorec pith the p b l k canfirtrnce.

    '6 We Imve twolved to gecyee, and di leerre, as foi1ows:- "Art. 1. 'There shall be a provisiona

    3nf3, composed of fifteen memhers, an( efore whom we, and all the princes o ur family, shall.take the oath to the. nev onstitntion of- the mmn;~ichy--ar~ oaf1 rhich shall be repeated bbbe ' the nation I parliament aftep i t i legit' 1 ilnate convoea ion.

    (6 2. Until the installation ofthe nation

    6' Ferdiaartd, &c. CCL.

    rho a r a t o compose that junta may fa1 pon persons the most eligible by theii ierit,, and the most capable of -fulfill~ng ur wishes anti those of the nation, .we ap )int the lieut. gen. D. Giusefpi Parisi, !e chevalier R. Melchios Lklfico, ,the :ut. men. D. FI wistano Pepe, the bsrnri . I l a h e Winapeare, aird the chev. U.

    Giacinti Martucci, who, assembled in com- mittee, shall present to us a fist of twen- ty other persons, from whom me dial) chouse! ten, uho, joined to the above nam-- ed, dial).; form the junta'chargeable with

    charged with the execution of the present

    41,- b:sn. ~~.~-.s-aLa>sra inA.fia *.I*-,".." I.,..* .."------- ---- t

    6' Our ininister OF' fore ' .

    facts:-- Gen. Ciirossa is ii fij&ij e$' 55 yexs ::f

    age, of known bravery; in the year 1798, he was a merchant, and partner in the firm, Michel Largenella & CL'.

    cat knowledge, of known' integrity, an perhaps one o f the greatest political ecor omists of the age.

    Reciardi is a prufaund lawyer, and ni body denies.him the boast of iategrity.

    Ax AUSCPRIAN. - XapZes, Jut9 6.-On the night of Suntla

    2tl July, a &mall corps of ca.valcg inarche out 01 Nola, accompanied hp some officer They dispylayed the tri colored cock;d The;! %at movement was upon Avelini where they were fired upon by a battaliu o f the Tamnite regiment, I n the COUI'I of the day the~lnsurgents were reinforce bv great numbersofpeasantry and the tot &- was taken, the battalion disarmed, an the civrl authorities ohliged fo swear al!! giaoce to the constitution. 'i'he Neap?l tan gosernmeiit was altoge ther unprep red for'such events, and, being perhaps dc ficient of the troops in the garrison at N: ples, they delayed any attack upon the ii surgents, uniii the Istier bad ed!ec?ed imposing force.

    'The royal troops a t lenth made RON movements; one column took a position E the Nola r d ; -,nother of those ninrchc to Nocera, and the whole were put 11ntIc the conirnand of' General Cacascora. The{ arrangements led to an expectation, t h an attack would he made upon the, irisu gents, bot the spirit of the troops oppw to tlrem rendered a ret.rop;ade movernee necessary, and a vnera l Prpe set'ofl'clar destinwy from d i p ~ e s , and put liirnselfz the head of the clisnifrcted iroops fk drc ded the a#air, Minchini, a canon of Noli und a riian o f considerable anility, is a Icac ing character among the insurgcnta. -

    W e time rcceivetl letters from St He~c na to the 20th April; the? annouiice th;: durink the races, whrch were. conclucte with great spirit in the neighborhoo? ( lamestown, intelligence \vas t ecrived h I collier froin Shielcls of the death sf th late kin;: antl',duke of ' Ken!. The spur1 were o f rourke imiirrdiately terminatrc even before the c10se 4 the races L)r 11) lay, and mourning was put iin by all t h Er;glislt re-idents uf respectability. Tli walrh of Bonapar te continued a5 good a isual; he has r&ntly, njore frequentt< khan usual, appeared i n the open air.

    W e have inserted, in another part c iur paper, ber majesty's answer toth iddress from the towD oh akefrefd. w ?otreat those, if there be any such, wh :onscientiously thidk that no factious at :einpts are inaking to cotinrct this ques ion with the. most mischievous designa :o read that atfswer carefully and dispas iouately. The proceedings which hav ieen instituted are violently decried-ma ice and falsehood are imputed to her ac :users--an assuniption or power is de ioanced which spurns all Imitation--an< he House of L d s are invidiously select !d as a i m ~ n g to "dethrone their lawfu peeii!"-Lastly, thew is an hppothesi which goes a step farther than her majest: bas yet ad?anced i o any of her aiiswers 6 If1 a:;: ronileinraed without justice-ant lethroned against ai l law-the liherties o rvery individuak will rrceiir afataf stab- ind the c!iaracter of the highest judica ure which mill be blasted t o the lutes mterity." I f ! A ' h y is such a colitingen :y iwagined for a nmient? England 'i tot !he aouotry, British nobleeien iln( jr i i ihh geaileme:; are not t ! ~ Tersons vhere, and by whom, the meanest indivi Ius1 can be (6 coademried wi thou t justice.' l o w then can England' Queen stand ir hat peril? We .are sorry to observe a1 1is;antl we are still more sorry to gee er majesty dwelling upon "an eventual Gumph in ihe n$&iaits ojs thg pmple.': ler only triumph must be tlie proo.f of her inocence before her judges. i f+she fail iere; whieh we pray she may not-what w.f-oftrimq& does s l t ~ anticipate through te ntians oftbe people?

    New Pork, Sept. 4. We are o3icially informed that eig ckpockets, lately discharged from the hiladelpl~ia prison, are now io this city, id have, thus far, had .pretty gund luck. A large and new emission of counterfeit

    bank paper isdaily expected from Cankla. Look out! Strarigers'in town keepan eye to windward, ant1 then to 1eewai.d. A softly moving gentleman

    detected in robbing the entry of8 ;n Liberty-street, of Zlats. He red e d handed over to the prop ties,bp a gentleman residitig on the other side dEtlie street, w ! p e testimony I T I ~ S ! convict him,-&'. 2: Gaz.


    .-- __



    head, it would fractured 11

    From' the Americm daily A d k r t i Etsract of :I letter from a gentlewan is

    tn a friend in P h ~ l d ~ l p h i z , datcd 12th 2 o'clock, A. M.

    promised' myself to writ il after IIW piesect; 1 ail( ,se with much sorrdw an1 d feelings. At this hour, 1'8 city i s smoking in ruins, :

    ny nho were conifur.tali!p situated I to-povetty, by the sad effects 4~f $ und trein&zdozis $fir?, .w hjch began v'cluck, P. 31. & h i s destroyed SO (all stores,) and most -of their CI had the wind been high, the y h o l i t o w n would have gone. It orgrna Cottiin Gin € h s e , i n the vcrycenh. city, no doubb by design. 1. drta& I 5equenee to maay at this inhctspita sou--the place i s uausr;aily~heaitl,; tear :he rubbish, &c. created by : w i l l prove unwhi)lesrme had our I Ier fine regalatiotis,but all is prost I time." -

    From the naltlrnore Patriot. SeT An account.appears in theNoi!fo

    dd, stating, that a certain captain rick Hall had confessed, that he ee :he Richmond Theatre in Deceinbe rnct thus was the agent in that tfisl :stasstrophe. We do not republish 'ails of the tale, because we untl !he man who gives the details is in If mental derangement, ind that I lis state, and no eredit for h'is coni s due him. I t is presumed it wil l t ike the story of the Eiew Orleans .elatisre to the murder o f Mrs. Alstc

    HORRID T CTiON Hsltimore County, S-ept,. 9th

    JIY. ~ ~ ~ u n r o e . ~ I was callid u p norning tu sunirnon ajury o f i q u e s witnebsed one of the. p o s t sk

    ,Ceiies t ever beheld-Helen W o o vidow lady,'on the turnpike, iibo iiiles below Wrstrninste md a daughtm 9 Sears

    ive o'et'ock i n the inorniiig,thr farm

    was severed from the body, with the 4

    &em--.-- PP i:


  • Y not only frequent i i i its at- ery maljgnant in its nature; and is i ime confined to aiiy partic-

    r from the late mayor of Plriln- The magistrates of the village of

    cation appekrs in the Detroit Ga'z th Arigust, after a jusL philippic ban of our trrritoikd goveiume t,

    ocpedings of the legisla- ntlysigried withoriteveli ei. enactment, different- to the opinion of the o what oug t to be the

    Jrllt. intel.

    said L i e d Jones be cas11iered;,which sen- tence has been approved by the President oftl..o U ~ k ! St2dP$, ...Ed .!?$is Seer! cecrien' In ti erect accoidingiy.-Bost, Pat. -

    J OIiN B U L G A N D U1S PASI'IM Whitley Wood Fair, May 22d? 1820.

    On Monday there will be given agoldlacedhnt, to be played for a t Codgels, of tlie value of twenty-five sliillings, by old gamesters; the win. iier must break three heads and the blood from thence north westerlj seventy-one degrees seven chain3 to a black oak for a.corner; thence south FVesterly sixty degree! nineteen chains to a white oak for a coriier thence southwestedy .thit*ty:cwo deg ees fifteer chains to a white o?k fin. A corner; thence soutl easterly forty eight degress eleven chains to 2 beach and gum .tree fur a corner, skinding on thc sc;uth-east corner of a tract of land formerly sur

    and SWAMP, be the santr: more or less, witf the us1131 PIlowance for roads; the second. trac the said Joseph Whitaker became seized at' bl deed fi~6m'S:cnuel Dallas, on the cast side d Gravelly ' R h , and begins at the old poplar, thi beginning corner of the first tract, and runs, fron thence about east supposed to ,be about tweiit! acres be the same more or less,

    Seized as the property of Jusrph Whitaker.8 others defendants, and taken into execution a the suit ofDaniel Wells, complainant, and to bi

    * - '

    t e.4.


    Lots of.ll,xnd, ~itiiatc in ti12 xcin?tv of I>nr.r.Eili?abetll. in'the to\vps1lip ot blauric; ~ t v e r , Ciim her-' land; s;ud lots are iiumberecl i n r k t t I f . ' t. and J. on the returii of the oners :ip- pointed to divide the Un,on Glass \\'oiks 'I Ile irst lot is marked 11. and bounds on Ilenrq- Reeves' line cotttaining fiftv-two square perches. rhc second lot mark& 1.6egins IH the centre of Uilion fiirnice conlainiiig thirteen sqiiare per- :ha . The third Lot marked J. on which is one ioiirtli of the mill and pot house, also the l o t narked K. adjoining h'oX%.'lot .No. 2, on Man- imuskin creek, containing two square perches- .he whole being ONE FOURTH P-4BT of the UNION GGASS \VOI?KS. . Sold as property of .limes Elliot Jr. at the suit Jf Robert' M'Clenachan, a d to be sold by

    W M . H. VI'I'HIAX, Sheriff. August IS, 1820;

    * SheriRss Sale; I n Chuizceiay $New Jemey. ~

    Y VIR'I'UE of a Writ of fieri facias, to ine directed, issused out of the Court of' Chan-'

    rery of the state of New-Jersey, will he exposed to sale a t Public Vendue; on Tuesdav the -24th day of October next, 1820, between &e hours of 12 and 5 o'cl ck in tbe afiernoon ofsaid dny, in the county o f Cumberland, at the inn ol: Jarvis- Brewster, in Bridgeton, All that certain

    Situate in the iownvhip of Fairfield, in tl;e couri- ty and state aforesaid, and bounded as follows:-' Beginning a t a stake standing in the old runp which was formerly the main branch of tlie creek near AmosFitluan's mill dam; thence north eight degrees west six chains to a stake ftrr i~ corner; thence west eighty two degrees east three chains, and eighty-two links to a stone for a cor- ner, standing in the main r o d ; thence mr!h oiie degiee and three quarters east lhree chains and four ami a lialf links to a stone for a corner; thence south eighty-eight and a half west four chains and twenty-one links to a stake f, r i cor- ner; tlience south one arid a half degiees east two chains four and a half links to a stake 1i)r a corner; thence south forty-sin and three qiiarter degbees west forty three cliains and eigh1T tbvo links to a stake for a corner; thence south'sixty degrees and three quarters east four chain- wid forty links to a steke standing in Cedat Cieek,: a t low water mark; thence tip said creek to llie place of beginning, said to contain t senl j five acres more or less.

    Seized as the property of h r e n i o Laireace' and Ann his wife,. defendants, and taken .n exe- cution at the suit of Norton.0. Wrence, cow-

    T F w t of Laud,>

    plai ant, and to be sold by WM. R. FITHIAN, Slmif .

    Atlgust 16, 1820.

    fiz Chm2rety of New-Jersey-. BY VIRTUE o f a wp',t of fieri fiicius trime di- rected, issued out of the Court o f Climce-.

    I y of the State of New-Je: sey, wil l be txposwi' , to sale, a t Public Vendue on Tuesday the 25th . of October next, 1820, between the h(.up o! 12th 5 o'clock in the afternoon of' said dai, & n die county of Cumberland, at the inn ;f J a y i s Bi emster, in Bridgeton, All that certain

    situate in the township of Uowne, and in Turkey Point, bounded as folioups: Beginning ,"t t h e mouth of a small gut that putsout oii tlte west side of a creek called lilaple creek and runs u p the said gut, the several course-, thereof to i t s head being on the south side of said farm, thence runn,ng a direct course from the head of the gtlt to a small sassafras stump foi. a corner, stand- ing in the line of a tract that wa< piirch:iscd o f Auon Gandr, dec'd. and rims thence n d f h about nine digrees west one hunrli ed and fifty rods to a post for a corner; thence north e:gIlty-* four degrees and twenty minutcsv:est to llie ma- ple ere& aforesaid; thcncr clown the same the several courses thereof to the place of' beginning, containing eightv acises of land and marsh'. be

    Tract of Litn d and' iU e ;idow,


    the same more-or less; reference beirg h a i t o deed Robert Lake to William Tornlinson'and William Davis, dated March 16tl1, 1818, may more fully a h e a r . And also,

    Situate ;n the village of Dividing Creeks and op-' posite to Esq. hl'Intosh; house and rot dontains half an acre and six perches of* land, reference map more fully be had by deed George Scott. t o said William 'fomlinson and Davis, dated Nov. 19, 1817. 31 A house aiid Lot of one acie of laird, joining lands of Daniei Heaton, and others. 415. Also, ^P EWi%LL FAHM conkicing sipty acres more or less; reference for Sd and 4th lots may fully be Iiad by deed John H. Be* nett to William Tomlmson and William? Bav s, dated sixth day of March 1818 Fifthly, Store House . and tavern stand, situate on the lower side of Dividing Creeks,,beginning a t a stor e in :he cen- tre of therozd leading from DiviJing Creeks B_lli_dF.e..to Maitrice River. & is a corner o maior HenJersal;'s land, thence along said road south 68O 45"'east seven rods 4 links to a stone for a cor- ner in said road; thence north 133 degrees east nineteen rods to a stone for a corner ill major Henderson's marsh.liae;' thence south 72 &leg1 ees' ,west to a stone for a corner; thence s o d twen- ty two degre s 40,minutes west to tlie placc of beginning, be thc same mnre or less.

    Seized as the property of William Tomliilson, William Davis and others, defendants,and t&,y in execution at the suit of h'athu>iel Potts a~$

    ents, $hnp la i~n_ t s , and to he soIP

    A House and Lot,


    . . ' :

  • education, $150 per annum. >Iusic, per quarter, $10

    , Draii'inp; 40 $10 pupils to find h e i r own bed and bedding. una

    exceptionable references will be glven.-APPlY at the ctirne
