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0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc

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  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc


    Big Data

  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc



  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc



    Reading Data:I Terabyte :

    Hard Disk : 100 MB per second160

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    Data Increasing Why ?

    Transactional Systems : Burgeoning volumes of transactional dataaround customers, suppliers, partners, employees, operations

    IoT / Millions of Networked Sensors .

    Digital Exhaust data generated as a byproduct of other activities

    Web 2.0



    US Library of Congress600 + MUSD Budget3000 + Employees

    WalmartDatabase Size : 2.5 Petabytes167 times that of US Library of Congress

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    Difficulties in capture,storage, search, sharing,transfer, analysis and visualization.

    Is much beyond Relational Databases

    Data : Analogue Data is out, Digital is in.

    Unstructured Data

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  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc


    Big Data Distributed Computing

    Storage is a smaller challengeas compared to reading and

    crunching data 4 / 40

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    Big Data - Distributed File System

    Physically at different placebut logically look like atone place.

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    Big Data - Hadoop Hadoop is a

    framework thatallows fordistributed

    processing oflarge data setsacross clusters ofcommoditycomputers using

    a simpleprogrammingmodel.

    Human Genome Project : 10 years / 1week.

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    Big Data 3Vs

    V : Volume Volume of Data

    V : Variety Range of Data and Data Sources Data, Voice, Videos, Structured Data / Unstructured Data etc.

    V : Velocity Speed of Data IoT , Digital Trace,

    Additional Vs V : Veracity

    Truthfulness and Quality of Data V : Value

    Value that data brings

  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc


    Big Data Competing on AnalyticsNext frontier for innovation, competition

    and productivity.

    Gives Competitive Advantage.

    Benefits Companies and Nations alike.

    Traditional users of data driven analytics stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities.

    Predictive Analysis and Optimizations

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    Big Data Retail Predicting What Will sell and How Much

    Combine Enterprise Data with Web Browsing Patterns Social Media Sentiment Industry Advertisement Buy

    Predicting Areas where demand will be greatest Customer Transactions Shopping Patterns

    Local Buzz Demographic Data Research Data

    Deliver the Right Number to the right Channel On Line your website, 3 rd party website Off Line ..

    Advertisement Spend Where When

    Price Optimization Customer Demand Competitive Prices

    Synchronize Supply Chain Customer Demand Competitor Activity

    Inventory Your Price

    Pinpoint Customer Who Will Buy Social Media Browsing Patterns Customer Loyalty Data Purchase History Gaming Forums Demographics

    Contacting Them Right Emails Text messages Social Channels When they are close to you / walking In

    Other Likely Purchase Online browsing Social Media Purchase trends Forums and reviews


    Make the right Promotional Pitch Bundle with the other likely Purchase

    Potential toIncrease Margins by

    60 %

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    Big Data Creates Visibility Enables Experimentation Segmenting Populations Replacing Human Decision Making Innovating Products, Services

    Application Areas: Customers Supply Chains Cost Management R & D / New Product Development Strategic Planning Human Resources

    Co Value Creation


    Macy and real Time Pricing

    Morton Steakhouse and Brand

    Tesco and PerformanceEfficiency



    LHC / CERN

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    Big Data

    Forrester WaveBig Data Predictive AnalyticalSolutions Q1 2013

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    Digital Marketing made possiblebecause of Big Data

    Digital Marketing Refer Earlier Class Digital Media

    Radio, TV, Internet, E mails, Social Media, SMS, Mobile . More and more internet based marketing Radio / TV also

    going over Internet. Listen, Engage, Build . Digital Data getting generated + Data Crunching Capabilities

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    Annexure (Earlier Class)

    The IMRB report


  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc


    Internet Marketing

    Internet Advertising : Globally 100 BUSD (Varies on

    Source!) India :

    Total Ad Spend of GDP 0.3 % ? Digital Spend : 7 % of Ad Spend

    and is growing as a percentageevery year.

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    Internet Marketing

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    Internet Marketing

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    Internet Marketing - Trends

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    Internet Marketing Industry wise

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    Internet Marketing - Conversions

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    Why Internet Advertisement Traditional Advertisement

    TV, Radio Newspapers, Magazines Billboards, Hoardings etc

    Internet Advertisement Picking Up Internet as a medium is picking up TV, Radio, Newspapers etc are moving to Internet.

    Mobiles and Internet Internet Users are generally affluent, educated with higher

    incomes. Internet penetration is increasing ..

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    Advantages of Internet Advertising Precise Targeting Rich Format

    Grabs Attention, Text + Audio + Video, Graphics Addresses temporal elements better Location Specific Convenient linking between Advertisement and

    Storefront / Purchase Action Digital Branding / Internet is a elitist medium .

  • 8/12/2019 0000002689-Slide Pack Big Data Etc


    Disadvantages of Internet Advertising

    People have started conveniently ignoring it Can be a nuisance if it obstructs what a person is

    reading Privacy Issues Click Fraud

    Consume Marketing Budgets Mislead Competition

    Measuring Effectiveness .

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    Mass Marketing, 1-1 Marketing

    Mass Marketing More like Newspaper ad splashed across the front page Roadblock Approach run the ad on all TV channel at

    the same time Place concurrent ads on all leading Portals, Search

    Engines, Top Alexa Ranked websites . Market Segmentation

    For a segment www.indiaparenting.com , 99acres.com One to One Marketing

    Where the Internet has advantage over other mediums

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    Alexa Ranking

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    Behavioral Advertisements Matching of Advertisement to a individual & his preferences.

    User Profiles created (Demographics, preferences etc.) Based on collection online information on individuals using

    cookies, registration information on affiliated sites etc. Capturing Behavioral Data

    Cookies Deposited when user visits a web site. Logs activity of User even when not connected to Website Next visit to Website, cookie helps customize ads / personalize

    website etc depending upon the activity history Amazon Welcomes you by name, gives book list DoubleClick - Develops Dossiers.

    Legal and ethical IssuesOne to One Marketing

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    Capturing Behavioral Data Web bugs:

    Tiny Graphic files embedded in emails / Webpages Monitors who is reading E mail / Webpage, time spent etc Transmits Information Online E mail campaigns

    Spyware Gets installed on a Computer by piggybacking on a larger

    application Calls out to the Host Website to send ads etc Can report and log user activities


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    Collaborative Filtering Market research and personalization method that uses customer data

    to predict, based on formulas derived from behavioral sciences, whatother product or services a customer may enjoy, predictions can beextended to other customers with similar profiles.

    Not Manual but through software agentsMagnify360.com


    Also boughtAdvertisements that follow youWebsite personalizationDeal CustomizationE mails personalization

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    Contextual Advertisements Ad is linked to the context or the content of the WebPage

    getting displayed Looks for keywords etc. Page on Education Amity University E mails are also not spared

    Google adsense uses this ..Search Engine Advertisement ! In Text Advertisement In Image Focus Area

    Semantic Advertisement Makes sense out of the content and then places Only Keywords can be deceptive

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    Click Stream Analysis Clickstream Analysis

    Where was the visitor before she reached my website?What webpage did the visitor first access on my website?What pages did the visitor access on my website? In what sequence?

    How much time did the visitor spend on each page?When and where did the visitor click the "back" button on the web browser?What items did the visitor add to (or remove from) her shopping cart?What was the page at which the visitor exited my website?

    Read Click Type

    Where should you be puttingadvertisements ?

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    Advertising Network

    Advertising Networks or Ad Server Networks Specialized forms that offer customized


    Central Ad Server to deliver Ads, track, reportviews, clicks etc. Delivery based on

    Temporal Element Geography Elements

    Ad restrictions (Alcohol & Country)

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    SEO / SEM SEO: Search Engine Optimization

    Web Site Optimization so that it gets qualified traffic Attracting Traffic

    On Page SEO Primary Textual Content of Webpage etc.

    Off Page SEO Optimizing for search rankings without making changes to primary web content

    The number of links linking to you The quality of sites linking to you Themes of the websites linking to you

    SEO Copywriting Relevant writing with the ecology of expressions related to search term

    SEO Keywords Keyword density etc is passe.

    Link Building Organic SEO / Paid Traffic by Advertisements

    Search Engine Marketing

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    PPC / CPC

    Pay Per Click (PPC) / Cost Per Click (CPC) Adwords, Keywords

    Search Network and / or Content Network (Adsesnse) Bid per Click , Higher the CPC bid, higher the ad is placed Set Daily Limit Positional Preference or No Display

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    Cost Per Impression

    The fee an advertiser pays for every 1,000 impressions

    Click-through rateThe percentage of visitors who are exposed to a banner adand click on it

    ConversionsThe percentage of clickers who actually make a purchase

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    PPC or CPC Math Cost per Click (CPC) Conversion Rate (CR): Say of Visitors make a Purchase Yield Per Conversion (YPC) Yield Per Visitor (YPV) = YPC * CR

    CPC < YPV Cost Per Click < Yield Per Visitor CR as low as .02 - .01 (2% - 1%) CPC (0.2 USD 1 USD)


    CR= Visitor Percentage making a purchase say 2 % Yield per Conversion 10 USD Yield per Visitor = 10 *.02 = .2 USD per Visitor i.e. YPV So CPC should be less than YPV

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    Social Networking Viral Marketing

    Permission Advertising Explicit Opt in for receiving advertisements Mobile Advertisement - aversion

    Admediation : Advertisement intermediaries Running large / focussed campaigns Server Scales Up Generate Co-branding Options

    Ad Exchanges Marketplace for need of advertisers to advertise and these

    willing to offer advertising space Doubleclick AppNexus: Realtime Ads / Instant Ads / Mobile Ads Advergaming

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    Social Marketing Advertisement Demographics Information is a part of it Preferences etc. in great detail FB, Orkut etc. eWOM (electronic Word of Mouth)
