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000272 - American Civil Liberties Union · Lesson Name: HVE Topic Name: HVE Who are they Screen...

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Page 1: 000272 - American Civil Liberties Union · Lesson Name: HVE Topic Name: HVE Who are they Screen Name: HVE Lost or Damaged Cluster Content: Lost or Damaged Cluster Graphic Notes: Individuals


Page 2: 000272 - American Civil Liberties Union · Lesson Name: HVE Topic Name: HVE Who are they Screen Name: HVE Lost or Damaged Cluster Content: Lost or Damaged Cluster Graphic Notes: Individuals


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Table of Contents Revision History ............................................................................................................................................ ii

Module 1: Course Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1


November 14, 2014 Version 1.0

Page 3: 000272 - American Civil Liberties Union · Lesson Name: HVE Topic Name: HVE Who are they Screen Name: HVE Lost or Damaged Cluster Content: Lost or Damaged Cluster Graphic Notes: Individuals


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1 M. Casanova 11/ 14/ 2014


November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 ii

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Course Design Document {COD} - Storyboard

Module #: Identifying the Threat

Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE Transit ion Screen

Topic Name: HVE Transit ion Screen

Screen Name: HVE Transit ion Screen


Screen Graphic Notes: Transit ion screen



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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Int roduction


Homegrow n violent extremists (HVEs) are a diverse group of individua ls that can Graphic Notes: include U.S. born cit izens; naturalized cit izens; green card holders; and other long-t erm residents.

These individuals intend to commit terrorist acts inside Western Alt t ag:

• countries or aga inst~~r~r<~j\t_ a'fOdFEMA

• They have rejected Western cultura l values, beliefs, and norms .

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 2

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Ideology


Ideology Graphic Notes:

HVEs encourage, endorse, condone, justify, or support the commission of a violent crim inal act. This is done to achieve polit ica l, ideological, religious, social, Alt t ag: or economic goals.

HVEs are inspired by but noR~RAlth"f@e~Mflspon of an FTO

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Clusters


HVEs tend to "cluster" into five identifiable motivational pathways w hose Graphic Notes: members share motivating factors, characteristics, and simi lar life experiences.

1. Lost or Damaged Alt t ag:

2. History of Violence

3. Foreign Policy-Drive~EFERRAL TO FEMA 4. Terrorist Wannabe

5. Violent Nat ionalist

Individual HVEs engage in violence for a variety of reasons and may belong to multiple clusters simult aneously or over t ime.

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/31/2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Cluster Model

Screen Name: HVE Cluster Model


Individual characteristics outlined in the following clusters by themselves are not Graphic Notes: indicative of an individual's involvement in t errorism. However, they may be

useful in identifying and document ing suspicious activity in suspicious activity report s (SARs) when done in accordance w ith existing information-sharing Alt t ag:

environment SAR criteria.


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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Lost or Damaged Cluster


Lost or Damaged Cluster Graphic Notes:

Individuals who join vio lent extremist groups to fulf ill a need t o belong, establish Footnote: DHS's Office of

a personal identit y, be seen as successful, or fulfi ll a desire to be part of a larger Intelligence and Analysis'

"Assessment: A Model for cause

Understanding the Mot ivations Common Characterist ics: REFERRAL TO FEMA of Homegrow n Vio lent

• Driven by a strong need t o belong Extremists" Alt t ag:

• Suffers from one or more diagnosable psychiatric disorders

• Has a history of invo lvement in mult iple or diverse groups unrelated to vio lent extremism (prior to t ransition)

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 6

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE History of Violence Cluster


History of Violence Cluster Graphic Notes:

Individuals with a pattern of violent behavior who used ideology to justify violent Footnote: DHS's Office of Intelligence and Analysis'

acts. "Assessment: A Model for

Common Characterist ics: Understanding the Mot ivations

• History of vio lent a~~~~~ J;Q £' ~Aation of Homegrow n Vio lent Extremists"

• Former gang member or criminal w ho was radicalized in prison Alt t ag:

• U.S. born convert with little t o no grounding in nonviolent theo logy or interpretations inconsist ent with mainst ream religious doctrine

• Uses vio lent extremist ideology to justify vio lence, either consciously or as an unconscious psychologica l pretext

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/31/2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Foreign Po licy Cluster


Foreign-Policy Clust er Graphic Notes:

Individuals who, out raged over U.S. or Western foreign policies, adopted and Footnote: DHS's Office of

justified a violent ext remist ideology. Intelligence and Analysis'

"Assessment: A Model for Common Characterist ics: Understanding the Mot ivations

• Driven by persona l ~fel;.e~iohOef~Avestern foreign of Homegrown Vio lent

policy Extremists" Alt t ag:

• Adopted an ideology that provided a framework for understanding and taking violent action based on t heir ident if ied grievances.

• Radica lized based on opposit ion to part icular policies-no previous

exposure t o crim inals or violent extremists

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 8

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/31/2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Terrorist Wannabe Cluster


Terrorist Wannabe Cluster Graphic Notes:

Individuals who were more attracted t o the perceived glo ry of fight ing for a Footnote: DHS's Office of

cause than to t he specific dictates or ideas of any particular ideology. Intelligence and Analysis'

"Assessment: A Model for Common Characterist ics: Understanding the Mot ivations

• Motivated more by ~t;ft~ij.fhler;IQ fc~M~n desire to of Homegrown Vio lent

adhere to the strict, day-t o-day rules of terrorist organization Extremists" Alt t ag:

• Seemingly well adjusted, but then reject the religious or ideological t raditions of their fam ilies and communit ies

• Tend to be young, male, and of average or better socioeconomic status

May be referred to as "Jihad Cool" in academia, mainstream media, and other agencies and organizations

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 9

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Who are they

Screen Name: HVE Vio lent Nat iona list Cluster


Violent Nationalist Cluster Graphic Notes:

Individuals whose radicalization w as originally prompted primarily by nationalist Footnote: DHS's Office of

rather t han other ideo logica l reasons. Intelligence and Analysis'

"Assessment: A Model for Common Characterist ics: Understanding the Mot ivations

• More strongly attac~f~~~;hQo~r&~related national of Homegrow n Vio lent

group than to violent extremist ideology Extremists" Alt t ag:

• Ident ified with and desired to support a community or national group embroiled in a conf lict outside the United States

• Traveled to participate in violent conflict

• Avoided targeting U.S. persons or propert y

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 10

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Why are they Important?

Screen Name: HVE Why are they Important?


CVE programs developed w ith an understanding of the behaviors and indicators Graphic Notes: of HVEs are more likely t o be successful.

Alt t ag:


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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Why are they Important?

Screen Name: HVE Recruitment


Extremist s often t ry t o recruit youth, w hom they see to be the most vulnerable Graphic Notes: for adopting their ideology and engaging in violent extremist behaviors.

• Law enforcement's attempts to engage communities and yout h in Alt t ag: posit ive relationships provide an opportunit y to counter the message offered by HVE.

REFERRAL TO FEMA • Offering programs such as police athletic leagues, youth police

academies, and youth advisory councils and sponsoring youth-specific events help law enforcement t o potent ially offset the allure of radicalization to violence for some vulnerable youth.

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Version #: 0 Date: 3/ 31/ 2015

Module Name: Ident ifying t he Threat

Lesson Name: HVE

Topic Name: HVE Why are they Important?

Screen Name: HVE Blend Factor


Radica l recruiters use a combinat ion of mainstream and specialized social media Graphic Notes: sit es and websites to encourage individuals and groups already in the West to

rise up and use the " blend factor" to their advantage.

The "blend factor" refers to the notion that there are no visual or Alt t ag:

• physical cues, such ~~~~t~fn~"j~~tQnf~~matica lly identify someone as a le e r t w e ent, making it easier for homegrown vio lent extremist s t o blend into t he general

population in disengaged communit ies.

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November 14, 2014 Version 1.0 13
