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002 Zodiac

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  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard1

    We are the stars who sing, we sing with our light;We are the birds of fire, we fly over the sky.

    Our light is a voice.We make a road for the spirits, for the spirits to pass over.

    ...Lakota Sioux Song...

    The Night Sky

  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard2

    The NIGHT Sky

    The Entire Year

  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard3

    Lets briefly tour the ZodiacalConstellations.

    The Zodiac comes by its *astronomical*importance because during the course ofthe year the Sun passes through these

    areas of the sky.


    Whats YourWhats Your


  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard4





  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard5

    The Babylonians, theEgyptians, the Greeks andthe Persians all agreed on

    this constellation's name ofthe Ram.

  • 8/14/2019 002 Zodiac


    Dr. Joseph W. Howard6

    The Greeks saw Taurus as Zeus indisguise. The story went that Zeus

    fell in love with Europa, the daughter

    of Agenor who was King of Phoenica.

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    7/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard7

    Castor and Pollux, the "twins"of Gemini, were Greek heroes.

    They were among the menJason led on his voyages on

    the Argo.

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    8/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard8

    Cancer, the Crab, plays a minor role inthe Twelve Labors of Hercules. WhileHercules was busy fighting the multi-headed monster, Hydra, the goddess

    Hera, who did not like Hercules, sent theCrab to distract him.

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    9/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard9

    Leo is the Lion which was killed byHercules on one of his great quests.Legend says that the lion had a hide

    that could not punctured by iron,bronze or stone. Since he couldn't

    reason with the ferocious beast,Hercules strangled it to death and the

    local people were very grateful.

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    10/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard10

    In Roman times, the constellation Virgo wasknown as Ceres. Ceres was the goddess of

    harvests, particularly corn. Her festival wasthe second week of April, the same time thatthe constellation appears in the Spring skies.

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    11/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard11

    Libra wascommonly thought

    of as the scales ofbalance but

    eventually becameknown as Hades'golden chariot.

    Hades used hischariot every timehe wished toemerge in theupper world in

    search of women.

    The Chariot is

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    12/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard12

    Scorpius is an ancientconstellation and is one of the

    original six constellations of thezodiac.

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    13/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard13

    Sagittarius's origin is unknown.Some believe that is a centaur with a

    bow, while others believe that it isan archer. Others claim that the

    constellation was invented by theSumerians

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    14/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard14

    Capricornus has beenrecognized as a goat sinceBabylonian and Chaldean

    times. Usually, it is depicted

    as agoat with a fish tail.

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    15/16 Dr. Joseph W. Howard15

    Aquarius is a rather faint constellation whichwould not be famous if it weren't part of the

    Zodiac. Aquarius, as its name suggests isuniversally associated with water. In most

    cultures, it is drawn as a man pouring waterfrom a bucket. This may arise from the fact that

    the Sun enters Aquarius in early winter when therainy season begins in many parts of the world.

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    16/16 Dr Joseph W Howard16

    Pisces was named after Aphroditeand Eros. The story of Pisces

    originated from the destructivemonster, Typhon. Typhon was the

    son of Gaia and Tartarus.
