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005 Release 5 a Higher World

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  • 8/14/2019 005 Release 5 a Higher World





    Full Moon of August 2007

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    Full Moon of August 2007


    This is my last public release. I have gathered those who answered to thecall. From the next moon on, I will start working with them.

    Each one of my releases looked for a purpose that I have alreadymentioned and that I would like to repeat now:

    The first one was to make the call.

    The second one served to confirm things to doubtful ones.

    The third one was to call those who had something to say and those whohad to listen.

    The fourth one was a calm talk in your selfs center. The purpose was towake you up to the light of your inner power.

    And there this phase ended.

    This fifth writing is totally different from the others. This is not addressed tothose who answered; this one is addressed to those who hold the spiritualpower in the mens minds.

    This is, I am not going to talk to the masses. I have already spoken to

    them and they answered what they had to. In this writing I am going toaddress to the spiritual leaders of the world.

    These words are dedicated to them.

    If you are not a school leader, a spiritual or spiritualist groups, religious oresoteric orders, these lines may be empty for you or too rough, butunderstand that they are not addressed to you.

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    I will be straight with the leaders, because I know they understand me,though the understanding does not imply acceptance. Sometimes I will talkto your conscious and sometimes to your souls. Some parts will seem toyou as confusing, non-sense, but they have another addressee; I amtalking to your souls. And the soul does not communicate with the commonlanguage. To talk to the soul we use symbols, so that it cannot beinterferred by the mind that is afraid of losing its hegemony.

    There is a space for the mind and another for the soul, both of themcoincide within the human being, but many times they do not touch eachother for the mind does not allow it.

    This writing will do it.

    So do not be afraid of reading what will open your soul. If on the path you

    feel you cannot finish the reading, do not worry, it means that it will not beyour time. It means that the words carry a major power than that whichyour mind can resist

    But if you finish reading it and after some time you enter in crisis with yourfaith or your path, do not worry either, it will mean that the time for you todecide if your commitment is with the truth or with the institution your servefor has come.

    I am Melchizedek, the keeper of the light.

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    There was a time when the highest service to God was to guide His sheep.

    That was long time ago, when the man was different, when his needs weredifferent and there was no way that the spiritual education reached to all. Itwas before the printing and books, the computers and televisions wereinvented.

    Now is different. Men are not sheep.

    But many spiritual guides still are shepherds.

    And the shepherds only know how to talk to sheep. They guide them withrods in order for them to take the path that the shepherd wants, otherwisethey will receive corrective actions.

    Sheep pay attention to the shepherd and they cannot be away from theflock, for they have not freedom, they belong to that shepherd.

    Only he can guide them wisely and gets mad when someone wants totake them away from him.

    The sheep cannot be given the reasons why they asked for some thingsand, also, sheep cannot understand their shepherd, they only know how to


    But the ones that were not sheep end like that. And the ones that alreadywere, live along their shepherd who frightens them at first and then hegives them shelter when they are afraid.

    That is why the shepherds do not serve God, they serve only to their egothat needs to feel itself useful by trying to offer a service, according to him,noble and pleasant to God. When in reality, the only service they do is toenslave the minds of his followers and create them a dependence towards

    his being.

    If you call yourself a shepherd in between your flock, be careful of notfalling in that category of leaders for you are in the wrong way.

    There was also a time when the guides had to prevent their people of notfalling in temptations. And they spoke about the seven capital sins. In theworld there were many temptations that there was so difficult to pass clean

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    through the valley of sins.

    You were born from the sin and so you must be purified. The tiniestthought emerged from your impure and terrestrial mind condemned you.But thanks to the churchs existence, you could have the forgiveness of


    Nothing could save you except from your unconditional devotion to Godand his church.

    The paradise was already kept by the church. No one reached the Fatherbut only through his son and, of course, the church, as his Sonsrepresentative, could forgive anyone on his behalf.

    A sad world of men and women who since they were born they were

    condemned to the sin and hell unless they choose the church, the onlyone that could save them from the eternal condemn.

    It is sad the heritage from a church that covered itself with layers inspiringthe fear and trying to win control over the mens minds.

    How many of the parishioners go to church with the joy of listening to thedivine Word and how many of them do it due to the fear of falling in sin?How many more do it as a habit?

    And is this the church that looks for mens salvation?

    If you are part of a church that inspires fear in order to gain control over itsparishioners, it would be better if you think it over and take up again thepath of love, because the time will come when you will be asked to settlethe accounts not for the number of people you talked to, but the number ofpeople you inspired to the love for God.

    If you are one of those who is part of the religions that talk more aboutdemons than God; if in your speech you call more to the devil than God,then do not be surprised if in your final day the one who comes to you is

    neither me nor one of my envoys, but the devil himself. The one youmentioned so many times.

    Churches are full of good will men and women that had dreams ofservicing God, but they ended serving their church.

    They yearn for serving men and women of town and they ended obeying

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    their hierarchs.

    That is the tragedy of the religious institutions: they emerge one dayserving God and His creatures, then grow and mature, and those whopreviously loved service, now feel that they have to love the church that

    allowed them to give that service.

    Then, that love for the institution leads them to take more care of it thanthey service. The institution grows from the influence of those who werebenefit from it and now they defend it to death, little by little the real senseof church is lost and the day comes when the institution has grown somuch that it is necessary to take care of it in order to keep it strong. Thenthe priest or pastor has two masters: the God of heaven who is alwayspraying to, and his church that now needs him more than ever.

    But the ecclesiastical hierarchy is formed by men and women that betterserved to that institution not to God.

    That is why, sooner or later, every priest must decide between followingthe God he feels within, in his soul, and the church that asks him for doingthings that he does not want to. There the crisis of the new priest begins.

    But the church has centuries of tradition and it has a vast experience inattending these crisis. It has answers for every possible crisis that canappear in the poor, sad soul of a humble priest that only wants to serve


    Soon his mentors will appear, the elder and the noble priest that will adviseto fret his soul in order to put away from him those mortal doubts that onlycan come from the devil who is subjecting him to a test.

    Again the fear to gain control.

    That is why I am telling you today: do not be afraid; within any church thereare guardians of the true tradition, or the true faith, those who know in theirheart the nonsense of his organization. And they are who I am talking to:

    Before the church is your God, before your church is the everlasting truth.Before the church was, there already was the Human Being in the world.

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    The human has wanted to honor God in many ways and in his/her desireto simplify the things he/she has delivered his/her innocence to thechurches.

    Religions are institutions created with the purpose of bringing God closerto humanity. They were all born inspired by very spiritual beings, whoappeared before the world, like children of God, that they made greatthings and showed a path.

    They created the path. They were the path. They were a role model of

    how one must live on Earth. How God must be loved, and how one mustserve other men.

    Then came those that defended the prophet the follower of the Messiah,that was who showed them the way).

    Later came the experts, which were interpreting everything, which wrotewhat the prophet said or those who interpreted what the prophet wanted tosay, or those who adapted the prophets teachings to the time they wereliving, or the philosophers, theologians and thinkers who shaped a system

    of life, of thought, constructed a faith and felt the need for his teaching notgetting lost, that it could be received by all the children of the Earth in theyears to come and in this way, little by little, the churches were created.

    And the church was healthy, until there was someone who wanted toimprove the church, he adapted some passage, some teaching thatseemed to be beautiful and necessary, in a rule. But this rule took otherand another one. And in the justifications that were given, it was necessaryto speak about what would happen if the rule was not respected, then theadmonitions were born and from there the code of ethics and the

    regulation the human beings were starting to take care of "God's church". And at the same time, men and women started forgetting "God's Work".

    And at some time the dissatisfied appeared, who motivated by theinjustices that they saw inside the institutions, were separated, ofteninspired by their soul and others by their dissatisfaction alone and foundednew currents, new ways of adoring God and the cycle started again.

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    This has been a repeated history again and again. Human beings are thesame beings even if they speak Italian, Arabic, English or French.

    But time has come. The silent revolution has been initiated. For now, weonly ask you to make changes in your interior. Do not do anything that will

    uncover you as part of this movement. Only meditate. Meditate a lot; listento your soul. I will be there. This is my promise from the firstcommunication; I will be waiting for you there.

    I promise you that soon, sooner than you imagine, you will receiveinstructions there, in your interior. Our revolution is made of soulsdedicated to service, that love to God and know that he listens to them.

    Understand in your soul that above the institution to which you belong, it ishumanity and above that is God.

    This writing is for you, who still vibrate with love. I am calling you.

    But, if you read this, and you are part of those that defend the church; ifyou are one of those who think that this writing is inspired by the devil, letme tell you that a long time ago, the devil already got hold of you. And heis the one who prevents you from seeing the light. He is the one who tellsyou that by protecting your institution you protect the world; he is the onewho moves your lips when you speak and makes you afraid, and then youspread it in your speeches to those who have the mishap of listening to


    Answer me some questions:

    Where the hundreds of regulations come from (in some religionsthousands) that protect your church? Were them inspired by God?

    Where the disciplines, with which you enslave those who follow yourbeliefs, come from? Are they from God?

    Explain me how the simple and loving life, lived by the one you base allyour teaching, got transformed in the complex institution, full of power andwealth, in the middle of mafias and perfidies where you work today?

    Observe your life: how much of your time do you dedicate to God's workand how much to your church?

    Then... who do you serve, to God or to your church?

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    Dont be deceived. A long time ago you decided to serve your church andyou allowed your personal worries to be solved by time.

    You already stopped being the novice who was seeking to be near humanbeings and to serve God by serving others.

    You have turned into a leader. You are a part of an old institution that gottwisted.

    Certainly, I am speaking about all religions. Since all of them have morethan 200 years of being created.

    This will be my last public call. You still have time to reflect and to submit tothis silent revolution. Nobody will even realize ; the appointments are atyour heart. Nobody will listen what you say or what you think, nobody will

    know that inside you, the spark has re-lived, and returns to illuminate thepath of your soul.

    If you decide to find me, only look for me inside your heart. Every night, Iwill be there, be patient, I will speak to you.

    I Am Melquizedek the one that knows all religions because I have seenthem to be born, grow up and get twisted.

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    Not only religions have gotten hold of the world. Monastic orders havegrown teaching to service God and promoting to love humanity.

    I have some words for them too.

    Men easily lose the difference between what is the spiritual way and theneed to keep strong the institution that makes it possible.

    One, is the way that it is felt in the heart of the human being and that takeshim to find to God and a very different one is what institutions offer,interpreting in a particular way that necessity and they have built a meansof serving Humanity.

    Every service institution needs managers. They are there to manage theinstitution, to assure its existence, its permanency, its healthy economyand other requirements dictated by each country. But they cannot dictatethe actions that must be taken in the service path, which originally inspiredtheir creation. These actions must be inspired in love to God, in thosemystical deliveries that only them are moved by the fire of the passion toserve God.

    The first ones serve to the institution, the second ones are those who canbe guides to those who just joined the institution, those are the real Godsservants.

    We cant serve to two masters.

    The manager should have his mind in the organization.

    The server should have his mind to serve God.

    The first ones must be under the seconds, because God is first and thenthe institution, which serves to him. Changing the order would mean thatGod responds to his church first and to their children second and nobodycan set a priority to God.

    It will always be first humanity and then the organizations. First is thephysical entity, then the moral.

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    Each religion and monastic order has a religious board, a group whodecides in the highest level the actions to be undertaken. But inside thatmaximum governing body is easy to see that those who dominate it havethe desire of power, and control. It is normal that those souls moresensitive to the radiation from Gods love, those ones who "know" Godswill and can perceive it, are not the souls with a strong character, thatcontrol those Councils. It is natural that the one who holds the highest postis the person of strongest character, who cares that things are carried outunder the established order, the problem is that it is always "order as hehas understood".

    This is a natural consequence of the way organizations are built on Earth.Always, it will be dominated by those who can speak louder, which iscapable of taking more radical actions and that somehow has acquired the

    power under any type of maneuvers, not always very honest.

    At the end the leader is appointed, either as coordinator of a board ofcouncils or a maximum director of an institution, but always he will be anManager. One who takes care of the institution, he/she will be alwaysconcerned first for the institution, then God.

    But those managers, when they end up alone, in the corner of his room,when the lights go out, when they only have left their own thoughts andtheir prayers, they will justify themselves saying that everything they did

    was necessary for their church, that if they made some sin they havecommitted was for Gods love, and His Work and they will wait andwait for a sign, something that indicates to them that God had listenedto them.

    but they will only receive silence as an answer.

    Because God is not interested in a church that in order to be kept alivebetween men it has to violate their rights, or construct intrigues, raise falsetestimonies and so many things.

    Thats why its required a silence revolution.

    The churches are in crisis; the large religious organizations are in crisis,because the time has come to humanity wakes up.

    If we could compare the human history with the seasons of the year, wewould say that spring is near and the new shoots begin to show between

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    the branches.

    Thousands of men, women and children start to wake up in the wholeworld. They do not need spiritual education, not like way of the churchesgive. What they need is a world of love and peace, a world of connected

    hands, working to solve the conflicts of the past.

    We are going to assemble this silent revolution for them. This is amovement of social transformation.

    This is a movement free of borders, of selfishness, of fanaticisms, of socialclasses. A movement that departs from the most fundamental thing: TheHuman Being, with all his needs and wishes.

    This is the new society who has waked up and it is prepared to appear

    with such a fullness that nothing exist in the world that could stop the greattransformations that will be generated simultaneously like waterfalls in allparts of our life.

    But it is necessary to speak about the superior world, the world where lifecomes from.

    And thats why I am sending this writing.

    To tell to the world what it must listen and what it must identify as a lie.

    What it must recognize as a human invention that seeks to gain followersand recognition.

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    The human being always have required spiritual instruction.

    But he look it outside instead of inside. That is the mistake

    Here is where the religions, the religions orders, esoteric schools and otherspiritual organizations confuse him.

    The spiritual world does not reveal him in a total and simultaneous way,the revelation is gradual and depends on the development on the one thatperceives it

    The humanity is an entity in evolution, from the beginning of the times thehuman being has been approaching God and little by little he has gonereveal His Mysteries. For this reason there are differences between thefaith that was guiding to the Caveman and the faith that inspires themodern human beingtoday. For the same reason, the religions have hadto go transforming their teachings to adaptthem to the most current needs

    But in this search of comprehension, the human being has developed aseries of options that have allowed walking in peace with himself andothers. These paths are serious and very necessary, since theycorrespond to the truth that gradually the human being goes reveal of thedivinity. It corresponds to the following chapters of the permanentrevelation that the heaven grants to the Human Being.

    But also there are options that only are looking for the spectacle and thesurprise, and to catch the attention of the believers and to keep themattentive to any information that they express. Groups and organizationsthat do not teach anything, they do not develop to their follower and onlythey fill them with dreads and worries. They do ostentations of a pseudos

    scientific language and only they confuse those ones who do not have thesufficient training to unmask them or to discover the falsehood of what theyaffirm.

    I am referring to the spiritual masters who appear with strange names andas belonging to high dimensions of existence that they speak aboutimpacting things and events that are never realized but support the

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    attentive believers to all their words

    Some of them speak about events that can never be demonstrated or togive explanations of things that newly never happen but with possibility ofdemonstrating them.

    I want to address them. And not so much to them (that so-called spiritualmasters) but to the men and women who are said inspired by them.

    Firstly, I want to remember that all of them (the disciples and channelers ofthat called spiritual master) are seeking to serve. In effect, all of them havethe firm desire to serve the humanity, but they have not had the right guideto understand what is happening to them.

    They (the channelers) have great skill level to connect with a part of their

    brain that is capable of generating this type of information and with thesufficient independence of their conscious mind that makes them believefirmly that they are receiving information belonging to other entities beyondthemselves. The reality is that their own mind is the one that makes tothem experiences those conditions.

    There is not a problem when someone is looking the spiritual truth in asincere way. The problem is when in to walk, the person feels with skilllevel to teach others that path and both he (the channeler of themessages) and the followers they are cheated by the same phenomenon.

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    The human being possesses in his mind capacities that do not stop beingstudied yet. One of them is the skill to live through several stock in aloneone.

    The human mind can create other realities inside their head and thinkfirmly that they are so valid as the one that is experimenting physically.

    The human being can create other beings with apparent independence ofyour own mind and make the whole series of experiences that shape aphilosophy of the spirit. For him, everything what he or she affirms will be

    valid and royal, he or she will not have the aptitude to see what for aforeign and objective observer will be obvious.

    The Man can be cheated easily by his own mind and make him think that itis being guided by top intelligences. This way is as the whole series of so-called spiritual masters appears who have come guiding the sincereseekers of the truth. Sincere but ingenuous.

    that's why, in this occasion I want to address to these brothers and sisterswho have come canalizing these communications that are circulating over

    the world between the believers and followers of the spiritual philosophy

    Im not going to address to the followers; my words are addressed for thechannelers, contacted, mediums or persons who feel touched by thesehigher being.

    I have said to you that the mind has an enormous skill to create differentrealities from those that normally we perceive. I have said that you can bevictims of your own mind on having made them believe that they havebeen contacted by spiritual beings who bring announcements and

    messages of important things that the world must know

    I affirm that really these contacts exist, but nowadays the majority of thosewho are said contacted really they are being cheated by their own mind.

    I ask you in honor to the truth and to your commitment with the service thatyou have decided to give to the humanity that you do the following tests toyour so-called spiritual masters

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    First: you observe the type of communications that you have beenreceiving. Read them in such way summarize the whole education thatthey have communicated to you. Search between lines and see if thesewritings contribute "teaching", check if those really contains truths thatmake you wiser, that allow you to understand better the life and that leaveyou more in peace with yourself.

    Second: now see if the essence of the messages or realize areannouncements. The majority of the supposed messengers please ofannouncing things as if they were newscasters of the spiritual wold: aboutof new energies that come, gifts that grant you, spiritual being arrivals tothe Earth, important beings ascensions, mysterious conspiracies that arenever revealed in the reality, etc. If it is the real nature of your writings,wonder if perhaps you will be being cheated by your own mind that looks

    for recognition. Because this type of communications, the only thing that itdoes is catch believers who always are waiting for that say to them that theworld is going to be ended or that big contingencies and spectacularevents are about to happen, but they do not contribute teachings.

    These are the newscasters of the spiritual world. It is never possible todemonstrate or to check their statements, usually are wrong, they neverannounce the big events that they affect to the world but they explain themto the perfection as soon as they have happened. they just predict thatcannot be demonstrated.

    If you are one of these generators of announcements. I want to tell yousomething.

    You are not being contacted by a spiritual master. All this time hasbeen your own mind the one that has had you working creatingannouncements to feed all these followers who have come believing inyou. Now you feel engaged with them because somehow you owe themmuch of the recognition that they have given you, without to be rightanything of that you have affirmed

    I know that you feel the need to communicate with this "higher intelligence"to know his opinion about this that I am saying to you Do not do it yet.Let me say to you slightly more

    I want that you remind what I affirmed originally of this chapter. The humanmind has the skill to create alternative worlds, your own creations, inside

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    your mind. In advance I affirm you that "your spiritual master" is going todefend saying that he is so real as you or like me. The mind works todefend your own vision of the reality, and it will do what is necessary to notmake any change in its own way of thinking. But that you have done, havedemonstrated that you have the skill to accede to this mental faculty thatfew human beings have developed: it of disconnecting your consciousmind and entering to another mental reality where new mechanisms workand where your possibilities are great, since I will mention you later.

    First: I have to say something to you it should seem to be hard but, it istrue. Stops already losing the time creating messages that do not comefrom any spiritual being but from your own mind connected to anotherreality and starts to investigate what your mind can do of this another way

    Since you could have created this new reality, your possibilities areinfinitely major to connect with the real one to know of the Earth and of thehumanity. Is in the mind where there resides the possibility that the humanbeing connects to the wisdom accumulated of all the generations whohave proceeded. The above mentioned knowledge resides in theseregions that still are not discovered but that the science starts studyinginside the brain.

    Do the following test. Relax and speak to this so-called master that nowwe know that he was created by your own mind, he will take you up until

    where one finds the real knowledge of the humanity, to the so calledcollective incontinent for some currents of psychology but that summarizesan infinity of knowledge accumulated by the wisdom of the centuries livedby the humanity

    Ask this master to speak to you what you already know, your history. Thathelps you to initiate a series of writings or recordings, uses any way tomake formed what he speaks to you and where you are going to puttogether everything what you know of the life.

    Begins for whom are you, where were you born, those who are yourparents, your family, etc. keep it up!, gather together all the information.That your master helps you, suppresses the temptation of this master givean information that you could not verify, this can be the inertia of the samething that today you want to correct.

    After several meetings, you will observe that you start discovering things,

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    reminding things that already you had forgotten. You will start realizing thatyou can understand the persons in such a way that you will impress, willbe initiating your own path towards the self-discovery and what is moreimportant, now yes, youll be acquiring new knowledge of yourself and theothers.

    Continues with these practices for several months, make it daily, It is wortha sorrow. You will be being called very soon in order that you do thepassage to the following internal circle of conscious brothers of yourspiritual nature.

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    As in previous occasions when I have affirmed that the human being looksfor outside what bring inside, the same way the human being has startedtesting to develop an entire series of contacts with supposed spiritual

    beings who are filling rapidly the reality that the Man constructs in his life.

    Angels, wizards, magicians, masters, mythological beings, gods andgoddesses of ancient times now are a part of the reality that the humanbeing has formed. They are seen on TV, in movies, in magazines, inopened and closed courses, they are everywhere and now they are theprotagonists of the teachings that will lead the human being to the newsociety.

    But the human being is prone to confuse the wonderful world with reality.

    He wants to believe that life is like he imagines it. Faith and hope of abetter world are been the engines of many of the teachings of the newspiritual currents.

    But life does not adjust to peoples caprices. It is not necessary to aboundin this unquestionable fact. The power of the "decrees" has beenexaggerated and the simplistic philosophies that affirm that a person cancreate the world like he/she wishes in spite of only wishing it, they cannotdemonstrate their affirmations, even thought they call for an immensemajority of people who seek to believe what in their opinion is true.

    The human being is playing at becoming God. The latest philosophicalspiritual currents are making emphasis in the human powers to create amore identical reality to the spirit principles. I agree that the direction iscorrect, but the methodology is a mistaking the path.

    The need of recognition on behalf of the guides of these currents, has ledthem to falsifying the truths and to exaggerate them to make them morespectacular and attractive to humanity. The disciples lose the seriousnessof their investigations to be wrapped in the glamour of the easy conquests

    and the magic of the decrees.Let's understand once and for all. The power of the realization of the verb,the creative visualization and the intelligently will focused to influence thephysical world, are achievements granted from the path only to those whohas done with their life a congruent act of harmony with the spirit. They arenot toys given only because the person attended a class with someone (achanneler, a contacted, etc).

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    Some of the big prominent figures of the history have belonged to thishierarchy of beings, but none of them has publicized it.

    The constitution of this hierarchy constitutes the guarantee of which thehumanity is neither lost nor left. They are who from time to time appear inthe middle of the world and do it to remember to those that they hold thepower that the humanity is not alone and that they are observedpermanently.

    If fits the term, we can say that they are the real guardians angels of the

    humanity, but they are far from to be the mystical or etheric angels withthat sometimes there are identified the visions of the disciples involved inthe glamour of the spirituality

    I do not seek in this brief release to dictate a chair that explains why somesincere disciples turn aside of the way, already others have explainedwidely this topic, but I seek to call the attention of those being that arebeen seized by pranks of their mind or ego, enrolling other persons in theirmadnesses and create big movements that for saying it softly, are makingto lose the time to big groups of persons

    All those who assume the responsibility of guiding a group of beings,already be personally or across psychic communications they must knowwhat they are spreading. What they must verify is if they spread confusionor wisdom, if they spread light or dread, truth or lie, if they are cultivating inyour followers the desire of overcoming or simply the illness of knowswhich is the conspiracy that at this moment is in preparation, or which arethe announcements that in a spectacular way are going to be revealed inthe following message.

    All the channelers or messengers of the spirituality know that the publicwho follows them wait a big announcements from them, big promises, bigrevelations that there should allow them to satisfy their curiosity, theirdesire to learn or simply their morbidity. They know also of the distress thatthey themselves feel when their guides are quiet. They know that manypersons look forward the following instruction to know them (the follewers)what it is necessary to do.

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    They (the channelers) know of the great satisfaction that they experimentwhen they receive some great message and also of the distress that itcauses to give some advertisement that is not realized.

    Is under this pressure that the channelers, mediums or messengers must

    take a great decision: or they are sincere and face their followers to informthem that their guides in occasions decide to be quiet (though actuallythere are different reasons that have to see nothing with the guides, topicinto which I am not going to penetrate), or, they continue forcing a bit toyour imagination, even at the cost of to misrepresent someannouncements and sacrificing their spiritual development in exchange forsatisfying this guide's need that motivates to the masses that follow them.

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    8. THE RISKS

    For this reason this release is being addressed to those people who livethrough those decisions everyday.

    I am addressing them to tell them that the phenomena of the mind areinfinitely greater than they imagine. The so-called spiritual guides aresymbols created by the mind of the channeler, and by that human need ofreceiving hopes from an upper world which he does not understand and ofwhich he has always wanted to make an idea.

    This was understood long years ago, since Moses times, when the order

    was given the human being should not form any image representinganything that is in Heaven. This was roughly translated and interpretedas not to build images neither in stone nor in wood, when in fact thewarning was meant to avoid deviation from the path which was beingmarked by these beings of the internal government.

    I am coming to tell you that this capacity of being able to work in themental levels obtaining information from zones in the mind which canperceive extracts of the universal knowledgement and I am referring tothe knowledge which lays in the psique of Humanity as mankind, is an

    advantage that, if well employed, can conduct Man along the correct pathof spiritual evolution.

    The entrance to each inner circle is guided by one of our envoys, whocontacts the person in order to guide him. Little by little Man will be gettingin touch with this reality and he will be leaving the psychic seek of realitieswhich are not verificable and which the only thing they do is to deviate theattention from those things which are really important for the evolution ofHumanity.

    Today I am inviting all those who have been contacted by upper entities toobserve and study their writings in a critical and analytical spirit.

    You must dissociate from yourselves and see what you do looking with theeyes of somebody who comes for the first time to read what you receive.

    Now ask yourselves: is that person really learning?, does that information

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    make him wiser?, does it invite him to be better?, does it place him in theproper place in order to take the next step in his evolution?, does it freehim of the fears which bother him, or do they rather fill him with fear?, doesit make announcements which cannot be demonstrated?, does it givedetails of new and mysterious energies which are arriving and causefeelings of anxiety, uneasiness and sicknesses among the sensitive peopleof this world?

    It is clear that these phrases will always be fulfilled, no matter in whichmoment they are pronounced; there are so many people in the world, thatto some of them these announcements will be believable, no matterwhether these forces exist or not. This is what I am referring to when I saythat the capabilities of the mind are so many that even the channelers maybe cheated by their own words.

    When mankind decided to go on walking while satisfying its externalsenses instead of looking for satisfying its spiritual needs, it defined a pathwhich has taken it to greatly develop its science, its technology and itsrational mind. But it has made man unbelievably insensitive to spiritualneeds; Man is still an illiterate in terms of spiritual world. And in thesespiritual paths it is where the human being should re-study ancienttraditions and some of the indian peoples which grew in a natural wayfollowing the needs of thier inner being. They could develop capabilitieswhich are now unbelievable to scientists, but which are nothing but the

    natural consequence of responding to the call of the inner being.

    And these calls are the ones I would like to remark now.

    As leaders of crowds or of little groups, you must understand that you aresatisfying the needs of learning and of knowledge of those who follow you.All you say or publish, either you may be stating as coming fromyourselves or from your guides, is going to be followed and listened withattention by those who are eager to receive the information coming fromyour voices and your pens. You must understand the responsibility you

    have in this process. I know that many of you are sincere in what you do,and I also know that many of you are not.

    Now I am going to explain the responsibility of these facts in clear terms sothat you bear it in mind each time you publish what you receive.

    Whatever you have received may be, either invented or imagined, you are

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    responsible of everything which is sent to the minds of the rest of thepeople. Each idea coming out of your minds (regardless of whether it maybe your own or not) entails the responsibility of the person who expoundsit. You are sowers of ideas, and no matter who signs what you say, youhave been the messengers and this carries your responsibility, in the sameway as this what I am writing gives me the responsibility because I am theone who is saying it.

    This responsibility unavoidably entails consequences in your own personalevolution. If you sow confusion, you will collect confusion; if you spreadtruths, you will get truths; if you sow light, you will collect light.

    I insist one more time: I am not stating that all the spiritual releases or thatall the etheric guides are false; In no way . I am stating that in more than90% of what is distributed all around the world as messages from spiritualauthors, the real author is not the one they mention as such. Whateverthe message may say may be false or not, but the authors most of thetimes will be the same channelers or mediums using this special skillwhich has not been properly used.

    Now I wish to comment about the spiritual world and about its hierarchy,both in the higher worlds and in our world.

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    The human being is the maximum creation manifested on the Earth. Hehas in his inside great faculties he does not know of, and he has onlystarted to glimpse now that the conscience of mankind has turned moreopen and in need of interior guide.

    Religions have in their majority failed to satisfy these urgent needs,because they have detour the path in their intent of serving the institutionin the first place, rather than serving Man.

    The new spiritual philosophic currents have grown in a great extent,

    disorganized, and led by human beings who have rejected the disciplinesof traditions, to throw themselves alone along the path and they haveawaken in a wild way, without the guide of somebody who could share withthem the experiences typical of the spiritual awakening. They have failedwhen thinking that any message coming from their own spirit is true,without making a halt to think that the awakening is gradual and full ofrisks, which must be carefully assisted by someone who has alreadyexperienced them.

    Nowadays many people consider it being a reason for pride to declare

    themselves as free-thinkers and not belonging to any school ororganization. This way of thinking is naive and it only reveals a wish ofwalking along without accepting responsibilities.

    There are traditions which have conducted the human being duringmillenniums towards the doors of his inner being, to the true and uniqueInner University, the one formed by the human beings who have gonebeyond their physical limitations and meet in the etheric levels in order toreceive orientation about the needs of the human family, as well as to learnwhat may be required so that he may become a true server of the world.

    But these traditions are not shining in the spotlight. They do not makecampaigns in order to gather pupils, they do not affiliate whoever maywant to be affiliated; one can only reach them by invitation of someonewho is already inside them.

    These spiritual men and women have been serving in a silent way in theworld since millenniums of years ago, and they only appear in public from

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    time to time in order to accomplish some particular mission which has tobe carried out, but they immediately return, if possible, to shelter insolitude in order to take up again that path which is a thousand times morevaluable than any spotlights in the exterior world.

    I have stated that the path to the center of the world is formed byconcentric circles of conscience. In each one of them a group of beings islocated; they have reached a level of conscience necessary to keep onworking from there on. It is from that point from where they exert theirinfluence. It is from there that the work is done in order to conduct nations.It is there where the decisions related with the future of the world aretaken. There is where the crisis are assisted and it is from there that thehuman being is kept watched.

    I know that your minds are wondering why there are so many problems inthe world if it is being managed by wise and spiritual beings. The answeris simple: We cannot contravene the free will of each human being, weare the conscious portion of mankind which knows the consequences ofeach act and decision which are taken; we take part through advisers wehave in may political parties, and in some occasions even throughpresidents of countries who we have been able to locate in the middle ofsociety, but we compete against other human beings who also have theirown ideas and even when we propose specific actions, Humanity maydecide doing another thing. Our work is divided into projects which we are

    planning according to the priority assigned in each of the communities inwhich we participate, but we do not decide everything which is done in theworld.

    Our concentric organization is similar to the hierarchy which exists inHeaven, where the spiritual guides of Humanity, at the top of which is theCosmic Christ, take decisions regarding the best way of guiding the world.They cannot take part in Humanity due to the fact that they are not part ofit; they act only through us, who are their reflection and hands working inthe world.

    They give guide and instruction to groups of brothers all around the world;they have their own pupils, but their releases always have the purpose ofguiding and educating Humanity. The leaders of Humanity who do noteducate are working with specific purposes in special missions, and neverwaste neither time nor energy revealing announcements which onlydistract the attention of human beings or fill them with doubts which have

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    no elevated purpose. Furthermore, they withdraw as soon as their missionhas been completed. There are no important reasons to remain on Earth ifthere is no specific purpose aligned with Gods Will.

    In the same way, I can state that the guides who give instruction on Earth

    through the minds of brothers who have reached this skill, always presentteachings which will elevate gradually the vibratory rate of those whofollow them. There will always be a purpose of transcending throughinstruction. In the case the group is not obedient or malleable whenreceiving the instruction, the guide withdraws in order to give time for thegroup to mature its purposes and reconsider its willingness to work; youwill unlikely find a true guide who has worked for more than 30 years witha particular pupil, though there have been in the past.

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    The Human Hierarchy has been gathering since the beginning of times todecide the best way of guiding humanity in the discovery of their abilitiesand the fulfilling of their mission as a race. In these gatherings they havewritten many times the worlds destiny. In them, there have been attendedsome crisis that the humanity itself has generated basically due to theirnaivety and wish for power.

    We are who have kept the wisdom of the world; we are who have begunthe true spiritual traditions of humanity and we keep the link with many ofthem through the guardians we have sent with that purpose. We act from

    behind the public scene, we do not look for recognitions and we do notneed to certify nothing; we do not demonstrate who we are, we are notinterested in debate our ways of working either, for there is no need. Fromtime to time, someone of us goes to the world to remind that there is ahierarchy of conscious beings who are watching the world and we ask youto reconsider something. That is the way some books have been written,and they talk about contacts with us.

    This time is different.

    This time, the times have indicated an important moment that we shouldrecognize, and it is for this reason I am present today to tell you this in aclear way and without doubts.

    In these five releases I have mentioned what I consider more important forall of you. All of them have the purpose of orienting certain groups ofthinkers and influential people in society, all of them together make a wayfor consciousness. Upon them has been poured all the meaning of thespiritual path in a very synthetic way. All the students, guides and spiritualleaders of the world should study them with carefully because each word

    has been measured in its consequences and has within it certain keyswhich reveal all of its plenitude when are put into practice.

    The Higher World I am talking about in the title of this last release has todo with the Cosmic Hierarchy that leads the destiny of this planet.

    We are the reflection of them to the Earth, and as I have mentioned many

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    information about us, there is no need to repeat the same to talk aboutthem. I must say, however, that in this work that has been doing since thebeginning of times, each one of you who read these writings have a role toplay. Each one of you is responsible for a thread within the great cosmicweave that has been weaved by all of us. We are a great family that hasbeen growing in number and consciousness. The growth is natural due tocertain cosmic laws that must be accomplished; the awakening of theconsciousness is inscribed in the spiritual DNA that each human being haswhen is born and, in the same way it domains the body, it governs thetimes when the human organism has to develop such and such function.In that way, the human race decides the very moment when the humanitymust awake to any knowledge given.

    The human species evolution has been ruled since the Genesis by cosmic

    laws that are beyond the human comprehension; only because the humanbeing decided to study the world of senses instead of studying the innerworld. That is the only reason; times mark that human being is nowpreparing for a consciousness quantum leap; though I would like to makeclear the meaning of the quantum leap.

    The human species evolution is gradual, I have stated it and in that senseis easy to see that in the societys evolution. However, in the same way ithappens in the mutations of Biology, suddenly some species appear andthey are different from the previous ones in something meaningful: that it

    was not gradual. We call this a quantum leap of evolution; it is said by theScience that not all of the mutations are beneficial for the species andmany of them die. We say that those are not quantum leaps, but they justare failed trials.

    The humankind has had many of these trials which have failed inreproducing leaps in evolution. They have been present in the history; thelast one produced what you called the Second World War. But the timehas already produced the adequate experience, the preparations arecoming to an end, this is in fact, one of the last preparations.

    Mi arrival and my five releases are already part not of the manyannouncements that were given since the beginning of the last century, buta sign of the change has certainly begun.

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    Many things will be happening that will remember you of these

    communications. The humanity is living through special moments ofimportant decisions. Inside the laboratories, inside the governments thereare decisions that today more than ever will never define the courses thatthe humanity takes as a human kind.

    The researches in the genetics and the investments for the search anddevelopment of new fuels will be establishing the new paths that thehumanity will be taking in the immediate future. This type of decisions thatare given in the shade of the small cubicles of some government office, orin the obscurity of private lounge of the chiefs of big laboratories, are those

    who determine the courses and the history that the humanity will be writingin the future. It is there where we seek to influence. As soon as thedecision takes, the rest is a simple bureaucratic step.

    Our envoys are all over the world, become present in the middle of manycompanies that are employed at creations that they will define to thetomorrow and in governments that look for solutions for the bad of theirpeoples. We act at the heart of the matter, often before the properprotagonists suspect at least that they are going to have to decidebetween two important options for the humanity. It is because of thisdifficultly we go out to the public scene, the reflectors point at the matureripe fruits and we seek to sow the suitable seeds or to withdraw the badfruits before they make any damage.

    Id like to dedicate my final say to the real seeker of the spiritual truth.Beyond if he dresses a plain sackcloth of coarse wool or a luxurious tunicof sedates and linen.

    The path is the same for the sandals that for the slippers of crystal

    The challenges are the same for the pilgrim than for the leader ofmultitudes.

    The elder brothers and sisters do not make any distinction for the public orprivate life that everyone of the brothers realizes, we are interested in theprivate conquests that they have realized in their heart and that arereflected in the soul.

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    There is not special merit in to guide a world organization if it is not donewith the light inspired by the soul and the obedience which is born from thehumility.

    We are your family and are waiting for you. The task already began in its

    final stages, and we are just waiting for your heart, your feet and yourhands.

    The appointment is in your soul. There we are and there we will be. Do notworry if initially you receive only loneliness and silence. Those ones arethe first chambers that lead into the soul light, it is necessary to cross themto come up to where we are waiting for you.

    Do not try to look for those who have spread these communications, theyhave been only the diffusers, I entrusted them with this task. They are not

    working directly with me, have other missions. I am who approached themand have asked for this work to be done. They have realized it and verysoon they are going to leave this project to continue with their own way.

    Do not ask any more vain questions to yourself, simply you must meditateand start crossing the way.

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    Now I'm going to speak to you about the immediate future.

    Nothing special will happen in the next days coming. I do not to speakabout spectacular announcements or about prophecies that get you leanout of the window or pay to close attention to TV. Not I am going to speakabout your immediate future.

    I am not interested in the events that happen outside your being. I aminterested what happens inside you.

    Your future, it is the only one that matters for me. If you are really in thesearch of the God's Kingdom I have already left to you instructions to find

    it. If your mind is wounded by death I have sowed seeds that will transformit. Little by little, these seeds will be growing up as you are seeing thesigns. Signs that always they have been but that now you will startobserving.

    The world will seem to you to be different. The spiritual truth will appear toyour life and soon you will find a different sense from each of the trivialthings that you were doing.

    The spiritual world is not already a mere intellectual adventure to become

    in a reality close to you but invisibly for others. You will recognize yourselfas a spiritual wayfarer who travels for the world following the interior light,knowing that someone waits for you. You will recognize yourself an actoror actress of many roles that now you will play amusing yourself becausesuddenly you start savoring the freedom of knowing that what you do isoptional. That you have the decision to be kept in this work or to chooseanother one. You will see your brothers as traveling companions, maybeslept, because they do not target to discover that everything what one livesin the world is the mind fantasy that it (the mind) has created it (the reality)and then it has transformed it into the unique world that they see. They areslaves of their own creations.

    This it is the freedom that you will start to taste, and with this consciencelittle by little you will wonder if all that you have read actually really it canbe to get in your life. You will start thinking that maybe, which the releaseswere saying the true and there is someone waiting for you. Little by littleyou will be approaching this mystical appointment that only those who

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    walking can enjoy it. Your mind will start analyzing possibilities, then therewill become an immense desire to become in reality, maybe you will gotobe obsessed with the fact that we are brothers who observe you waitingyou to make the definitive step to come up and to stand in front of realbrotherhood of the light.

    I want you to know that if all this happen to you you will be close.

    I am going to ask you for patience. The mind plays also an important rolein the moment that you are approaching. Remembers that everything is aquestion of vibration. The door is touched with a correct note, only if thenote is right the door is opened. that's why the attitude is important, as wellas the firmness, the preparation, the disposition to work and not so muchthe desire to come.

    There is a moment in which one is a spiritual child that seek to father Godthat give all by love. In this stage, God is looked in the dreams, in thefantasies and in the prayers. There is another stage where the spiritualadolescence is reached, the being feels capable of changing the world,feels impatient to start the project, is overestimated in his abilities andthinks that he is necessary to the inner brothers, does not understand whythey do not open him the door. In this stage the answers that he receivesare that already almost he comes and that he does not despair in hisattempt. Later a stage of ripeness comes, is the adult age, is when thebeing feels that he is not necessary to be inside the door to be working forthe humanity, is just here when the door is opened. When the desire toenter has been moved to the desire to work, this it is the right note, this isthe access code that opens the door. This is why I explain you today. thatyour future is in this return journey towards your inner being.

    Now do you see why I am not interested in speaking about externalevents? Do you see why I am not interested in predicting wars,discoveries, earthquakes or tsunamis? These events are opportunities topersons like you could demonstrate that already they are ready to serve inthe internal circles of the humanity.

    I speak you with all my love and with the huge desire that you could takefrom these lines everything what you need to resume your way.

    As you have observed this one has not been a work as others. This one isa work carefully planned from the inner world to deliver to the humanitywho seeks to be conscious of the spiritual reality. It is a message that give

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    guidances and marks courses. It defines what must be made and it did notspare no in repairing words when they were necessary.

    I leave. The message is finished by this final release. I leave to go to workwith those who answered. The follow will be communicated to those ones

    which have dared to look for me in their interior. There is a brothers andsisters' group that in the external will be coordinating jobs and spreadingsome things that I have sent. But the real job will be inside you.

    The silent revolution is working, already in these moments lots of the haveanswered and my people has started to come. With them I will begin towork. The preparations for the great Ascension has initiate, which does notmeans that next week it will be realized. Do not confuse the times of thespirit with the times of the calendar, even though it grieve you this what Iam going to say, nothing is extraordinarily if in a date as meeting several

    numbers 7 or 11. The calendar is a human creation that is not related withthe cosmic moments; again you have been caught by the caprices ofmind. The spiritual time is marked by a clock that advance according to thedecisions that the humanity takes. The time that really is important, is theone that is governed by the changes in the vibration level of the humanity.The needles of the spiritual clock, are moved when someone of thehumanity awakes, takes an important decision or make a renunciation thatchanges its vibratory rate, it is there when the sky dresses holiday and it ispossible to say that the humanity has done progress in its return journey.

    Let's separate the human holidays that happen in the dates that you like,be it because the dates combine certain numbers or because theycoincide with some special event, of the heaven holidays that arecelebrated every time the world makes something really important. If bymeans of special dates the world can be closer to God, welcome theseholidays, but it is not necessary that you give complicated explanations to

    justify a call that since your perspective seems suitable.

    I send my love and my promise that I will be waiting for you. Do not getconfused. I will no longer send any more communications through bythese platforms.

    My love and my peace be with you.


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