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01-00187 CCWauk 10 10 2021 final

Date post: 03-Dec-2021
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BienvenidoIf we are truly in love with God, then the basics are not going to be enough. That love is going to want to be expressed in going above and beyond, in leaving the comfortable and familiar, in stretching and growing, and in following a voice other than our own. St. Teresa of Calcutta rightly instructs us that for “love to be real, it must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self.” Being in love with God requires more than just checking the boxes of the commandments. It requires a sincere and unconditional self-investment. Desiring God with our whole heart, mind, and soul means that I must also desire a relationship with my neighbor with that same degree of fervor.

Biases and prejudices usually occur when people are kept at a distance and treated as objects. We cannot truly know our neighbors, especially if they are different than us, if we keep them in boxes and do not listen to their stories. When we open ourselves to listen to another person’s story, we begin to realize more how similar we are than dissimilar. Being overly attached to our possessions, ideologies, agendas, lifestyles, and personal needs are absolute barriers to achieving the type of personal investment love demands. This is why following Christ can be difficult. It is less a matter of intellect and more a matter of heart and soul. It requires that we transfer our treasure from an investment in tangible secular things and move it into the Kingdom of God. It is only the gift of wisdom and discernment that can help us decide what to do and how to do it.

Contemporaries of Jesus would know that a camel could not enter through the portal of a city weighed down with the baggage it was carrying. In order to enter, the baggage must be removed so that the animal could fit through the entry way. The same is true for us. We carry a lot of excessive baggage around with us that keeps us tethered to our past histories, wounds, myopic world views, prejudices, fears, and suspicions. To invest ourselves in the Kingdom of God, do God’s work and live out our love relationship with God, we need to shed the extra weight. While it may seem that a lot of that stuff is necessary, it really is not. We are much more than the things that we think define us and more secure than we think. The more there is to hold on to and the more that we carry with us, the harder it will be to leave it all behind. Many choose not to and walk away sad because they are not ready to trust.


Hemos vivido en estos dos años experiencias inimaginables en nuestras vidas. Si hace tres años nos hubieran dicho que esto de la pandemia pasaría, no lo hubiéramos creído. Sin embargo, el tiempo de confinamiento en casa, el cuidarnos los unos a los otros, el distanciamiento y la limpieza, junto con el ser vacunados, nos ha llevado a apreciar y creer lo que escuchamos hoy en la liturgia de la Palabra. La primera lectura describe con lujo de detalle lo que es apreciar lo más importante: “Oré y me fue dada la inteligencia; supliqué, y el espíritu de sabiduría vino a mí. La preferí a los cetros y a los tronos, y estimé en nada la riqueza al lado de ella” (Sabiduría 7:7-8). ¿Qué nos enseña está lectura con referencia al tiempo que estamos viviendo? ¿Qué debemos de apreciar ahora?

Bueno, para seguir reflexionando, Jesús en el Evangelio lo pone clarísimo con un mensaje exigente y radical, poniendo en contraste la riqueza y la sabiduría. Su mensaje: “Sólo te falta una cosa; vete, vende todo lo que tienes y reparte el dinero entre los pobres, y tendrás un tesoro en el Cielo. Después ven y sígueme” (Mateo 10:21). Más claro que el agua no puede ser. Seguir a Jesús es el siguiente paso. ¿Cómo? Dándonos unos a otros hasta que duela. Los pobres son el gran camino para el cielo y creo que durante el confinamiento que hemos vivido todos somos pobres, porque a todos nos falta de alguna manera la salud, el trabajo, y todos hemos perdido a algún ser querido durante este tiempo. ¿Qué opinas de la invitación de Jesús? ¿Crees que es actual o está pasada de moda?


Honoring your Grieving Heart, Walk & Talk4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00pmWalk with other adults who are grieving and receive support, resources, and share stories. Refreshments and snacks will be provided after the walk. Meet at Village Green, corner of Main St. and Wisconsin Ave., in downtown Oconomowoc (look for the red balloons). To register, call/text 262-751-0874 or email [email protected]

October 10 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time SW 7:30am Healing for Mel

SJN 8:00 am † Robert Trester

SM 8:30am † Mikey Riesch † Carol Thur

SJ 9:00am Condon Family † June Needles

**SW 9:30am † Don Marx † Dennis Kysely

SJN 10:30am † Donald M. Wagner

SM 11:00am † Christine Exner-Horton

+**SW 11:30am † Queta Mora

SM 5:30pm † Dorothy Daganhardt

October 11 St. John XXIII SW 7:45am † Cleo Leonard

October 12 SM 8:30am † John Franckowiak

Health of Christina Brant

SW 5:30pm † Marianne Auer

October 13 SM 8:35am † Marianne Auer

SJN 8:30am † Dennis Hulen

SJ 6:00pm † Dick & June Needles

October 14 St. Callistus I SJN 8:30am † Marianne Auer

October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus SJ 8:00am † David Michaelis † Christine Janny

October 16 St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque SJ 8:00am † Dick & June Needles

SJ 4:00pm Michael Gunther † Judy DacQuisto

SW 4:00pm † Audrey Liesenfelder † Melvin Johnson

SJN 5:00pm

October 17 29th Sunday on Ordinary Time SW 7:30am † Betty Vissers

SJN 8:00am

SM 8:30am For all the Living & Deceased Members of the Catholic Community of Waukesha

SJ 9:00am † Tomas Camacho

**SW 9:30am † Daniel Kostrzewa † Joseph Moro

SJN 10:30am

SM 11:00am The Sigifredo Gomez Family † Eleanor Kandziora

+**SW 11:30am † Francisco Javier Medina † Bertha Alicia Navarro

SM 5:30pm † Joseph & Michael Winters

To schedule a Mass Intention, please call 262-547-2763. **Livestream Mass +la Misa español

SJN - St. John Neumann SJ - St. Joseph SM - St. Mary SW - St. William


PRAYER INTENTIONS We remember in prayer all who are sick or suffering. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this list, please contact Janet 262-547-6555 x 1362. To maintain privacy, please confirm the person submitted is aware their name will be published. St. John Neumann Christina B., Pat B., Pat C., Sandy C., Bob Flanagan, Nancy F., Diane J., Mary P., Tonya, Janet Sullivan, Judy T., Shari S. Call or write to Bernie Overkamp, 262-547-4231, [email protected] to add someone to the list. St. Mary Pat Bain, Joseph Cummings, Kris G., Clarice Gerbasi, Wiltrud Hubbard, Geri Kneser, Delanie Landorfer, Andrew Martin, Leah Przedwiecki, Jolie Ann Ruekert, Isaac S., Jim Truog, Rosemarie Villa, Bren Villeneuve, Margaret Weidman, Melody Weinkauf, Roberta Koepp, Michael White, Pat Chambers, A.J. Corona, Mary Jo Repath, Roberta Koepp, Peggy Black, Jane Mignone, Emanuel and Maria Curcio and Members of the Military.

St. William Jackson Amick, Paul Bowey, Christina Brant, Tina Brehm, Esther Gallagher, Marie Grigonis, Mary Hood, Agnes Kircher, Richard McHalsky, Lorena Macholl, William Macholl, Mike Schmitz, A. Symkowski, Jennifer Trad, Sister Rose Ulman, Cam Richards.

St. Joseph - Prayer Chain The following were prayed for during the month of Sept. by St. Joe's Prayer Chain and Franciscan Sisters of St. Rose Convent: Eric Burton, Margaret Demmer, Jake Rusche, Katie, Judy T., John Lovelien, Janine, William M., Joan Staub, Monica, Kristin Saccomando, Ray L., Bernie Feldmeier, and Elsie Adams. Your request will be forwarded to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration who will pray for your intention for one week. Our St. Joseph Prayer Team will also pray for your intention. Call Rita Feldmeier, 262-547-3718 or [email protected].

R O 10, 2021 Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [14]/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

Monday: Rom 1:1-7/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [2a]/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [2a]/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11/Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9 [13]/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Rom 3:21-30/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [7]/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Rom 4:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18/Ps 105:6-7, 8-9, 42-43 [8]/Lk 12:8-12

Next Sunday: Is 53:10-11/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45

We, the Catholic Community of Waukesha, transformed by the Holy Spirit, worship God; follow Christ through Gospel-centered lives; celebrate our diversity; welcome, love, and serve all.

Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de Waukesha, transformados por el Espíritu Santo, alabamos a Dios; y seguimos a Cristo a través de la vida centrada en el Evangelio; Celebramos nuestra diversidad, acogemos, amamos y servimos a todos.


Jesus Christ’s mission for the church is clear: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” A disciple is someone who knows Jesus Christ, who has made a firm commitment to their faith and who desires to share that faith joyfully with others. Are you a disciple? Has Christ’s mission been fulfilled In you? Our community is committed to Christ’s call to go and make disciples. Stewardship is defined as the grateful response of a Christian Disciple who recognizes and receives God's gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor. Living a life as a steward requires us to be intentional disciples on the road to holiness. Will you join us on the road? Will you be Committed to Christ? We all have to start somewhere in our faith journey and these reflections have been created for you. They help you reflect on where you are today, what you desire in your relationship with Christ and what it will take to develop that relationship. Committed to Christ is a six week process focusing on the six traits of discipleship: prayer, Mass, formation, financial giving, evangelization and service Committed to Christ is an opportunity for every single person to ask themselves where they stand in their faith journey. It is a challenge to reflect on our growth as a disciple. We care about you, we love you and we want to walk with you on this road. Over the next month, there will be reflections to guide you through the process. Monica Cardenas Director of Stewardship and Communication

Stewardship— the call to be Committed to Christ.

Interview with Larry Maginot, Custodian of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue

I took the opportunity to sit down and spend some time with Larry Maginot, the custodian who was present on Tuesday when the IPVS visited St. Mary Church. Larry is the author of, The Marian Manifesto: How Devotion to the Immaculate Heart will Renew the World. To say Larry’s life is fascinating is an understatement. He has traveled with the statue all across the world. He has been throughout the United States, and even to Guam. He became a custodian in 2015 and, yes, the RV is home for normally 21 days at a time. Larry has witnessed thousands of people coming, engaging and being moved by the presence of the statue. He retold an encounter with a man at one visit. The man was from Vietnam and asked if the statue had been in Saigon in 1967. Larry confirmed the statue had been

there at that time. The man shared during that time, he was a child, and sick with malaria, and the doctors told his father he was going to die. The father heard of the miraculous healing power of the statue and went to pray for his son’s recovery. The man wept as he relayed when his father returned home, he was healed. He was alive because of his father’s faith. The man went on to have his own family, and he returned later with them to pray and rejoice in thanksgiving. When I asked Larry what he hoped for us, he remarked: “Pray to Our Lady, she will bring people back to Jesus. The message has not changed, pray the rosary and pray for peace for our world.” By: Monica Cardenas

Arraigados en Cristo/Llamados para servir La misión de Jesucristo para la iglesia es clara: "Vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones". Un discípulo es alguien que conoce a Jesucristo, que se ha comprometido firmemente con su fe y que desea compartirla alegremente con los demás. ¿Eres discípulo? ¿Se ha cumplido en ti la misión de Cristo? Nuestra comunidad está comprometida con el llamado que hace Cristo de ir y hacer discípulos. La corresponsabilidad se define como el gesto agradecido de un discípulo cristiano, que reconoce y recibe los dones de Dios, y en respuesta los comparte con Dios mismo y con el prójimo. Vivir una vida de Corresponsables requiere que seamos discípulos convencidos de que vamos en camino a la santidad.

¿Te unirías a nosotros en este camino? ¿Te comprometerías con Cristo?

En nuestro peregrinar hacia la fe todos tenemos que comenzar en algún lugar, y estas reflexiones han sido creadas para ayudarte. Podrás preguntarte en dónde te encuentras hoy, qué relación quieres con Cristo y qué necesitas para establecerla. Comprometidos con Cristo es un proceso de seis semanas que se centra en las seis virtudes del discipulado: oración, misa, formación, desprendimiento/ofrenda, evangelización y servicio. Comprometidos con Cristo es una oportunidad para que cada persona se pregunte en el caminar de su fe... ¿Dónde estoy?. Será todo un reto reflexionar acerca de cómo convertirnos en discípulos.

Nos preocupamos por ti, te queremos y queremos acompañarte en este caminar, es por eso que durante el próximo mes ofreceremos herramientas para guiarte a través de todo este proceso de formación. -Monica Cardenas Directora de Corresponsabilidad y Comunicaciones

Celebrating the Future: Our Faith & Our Community

Members of our community attended the 19th Annual Seminary dinner and celebrated with over 1500 parishioners, priests, religious and seminarians. They were touched by stories of these men who are discerning the call to the priesthood, and learned that the seminary is full and needs to renovate another building in order to accommodate increased growth. An inspiring and moving video can be viewed on the Seminary’s YouTube and Facebook pages.

Almost 700 people visited St. Mary church to see the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima on September 28th. The day was filled with prayer, adoration and stories. The custodian spoke to Waukesha Catholic students about the history, message and miracles associated with Our Lady of Fatima and then the children spent the hour praying and singing.

Around 80 parishioners enjoyed the first Fire and Prayer night at St. John Neumann. It was a stunning experience to pray together on a beautiful Fall evening. Everyone enjoyed this night of fellowship, prayer, s'mores, and more! A special thank you goes to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring this event.

Did you miss an opportunity and wish to stay up to date? Make sure you are on our Flocknote, a weekly email, like the Catholic Community of Waukesha Facebook page or visit our website, ccwauk.org.

19th Annual Seminary Dinner

Pig Roast… Thank you!

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima Visitation

Fire & Prayer

On October 3, we had our Annual Pig Roast. It was great to see everyone who came out and supported our parishes and community. The event was filled with fun, laughter, fellowship, and some amazing food. We want to give a special thank you to all those who helped put the event together, and all the volunteers. See you next year!

8:45am-5:00pm Saturday, November 6 Washington County Fair Park Doors open at 7:00am For more information, or to register, please visit www.womenofchrist.net or call 262-689-9725.

Widows & Widowers Learn to Laugh Again The group Widows & Widowers Learn to Laugh Again will continue meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month throughout the fall at St. John Neumann, after the 8:30AM Mass for an hour of conversation and tips on coping with your loss through smiles and laughter. Call Mary Fortier for more info and a warm welcome 262-547-2650. For the time being, you will need to bring your own coffee along to remain compliant with the Covid protocol for meetings.

Bingo Please join us Tuesday, October 19th from 1:30 - 3:00 pm in the Parish Hall at St. William to play some Bingo. Dessert and Coffee will be served. Please RSVP to Mary Thiel at (262)547-6555 ext. 1300 or [email protected] by Monday, October 18th at 10:00 am.

Devoted Marriage Retreat

November 13, 2021 | 9:00am-3:00pm Schoenstatt Retreat Center W284n698 Cherry Lane Waukesha, WI, 53188 Every Catholic marriage needs moments of enrichment, renewal, and a deeper understanding having Christ at the center of your marriage. This retreat is designed to help engaged and married couples (of all ages) encounter Christ in a deeper way through the great gift of their sacramental marriage. Register here: https://archmil.regfox.com/dmr.

Our Lady of Good HelpTuesday, October 26$45/person

Join Fr. Pat Heppe as we go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI. We will meet at St. John Neumann, and we will have coffee and donuts while we wait fort he bus to depart at 7am. We will journey to the site

where the Blessed Virgin appeared to Adele Brise in 1859. There will be prayer, Rosary, and confession. Fr. Pat will concelebrate at the Mass. Lunch is included, and we will depart at 3:30pm.

Please make checks out to St. William Parish, and have the re line marked: “Shrine of Our Lady trip”For questions or reservations, please contact Mary Thiel at 262-547-6555 or [email protected]

Catholic school students, parents, teachers, alumni and friends will gather together on Saturday October 16 for the annual Soles for Catholic Education Walk.

Donations made to our school stay right here at Waukesha Catholic to help us reach our school’s fundraising goal of

$10,000 for athletic uniforms and other program support, playground updates, and tuition assistance.

The impact of your donation will do even more to help our school. Generous Soles Walk sponsors have stepped up to match a proportion of donations that Waukesha Catholic receives.

Donate today by texting Soles1277 to 71777, or visit catholicschoolswalk.org. To donate with cash or check, contact Development Director Lidia Sobierajski at (262) 896-2929 ext. 1325 or [email protected]

Gospel of Luke PresentationsDelve into the Gospel of Luke, filled with marvelous stories and many parables totell the story of the Messiah to those who are not Jewish.

four weeks is just an overview so nothing really deep!

Join Pat Knuth Monday, November 15th, 22nd, 29th and December 6th from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm in the Vercelli House at St. William. Contact Mary Thiel at [email protected] or (262)547-6555 ext. 1300 to RSVP.

Day of Remembrance

November 2, 2021

The Day of Remembrance is also referred to as All Souls Day. A reading of the names of those who passed over the last year will take place during the Faithful Prayer at these Masses. The names will be parish specific. Below are the Masses dedicated to this day, followed by the prayer service schedule for each Parish.

St. Mary: 6:30pmSt. Mary will be doing a couple of things in honor of those who passed. For starters, there will be refreshments after Mass. Also, a table of remembrance will be up throughout November. Parishioners will be able to place photos of their loved ones who passed away (regardless of when this was) on the table. Lastly, the Liturgical Committee at St. Mary makes a Remembrance Board displaying the photos of the people who had a funeral at the parish within the last year. We list their name, date of birth, and date of death under their picture. We obtained the photo from the online obituary. If there is not a photo, we will insert a picture of a candle.

St. Joseph: 7:00pm-Bilingual Mass A keepsake memorial card will have all the names of the past year’s deceased members of St. Joseph. If you have lost a family member this past year who was not buried at St. Joseph, and would like their name included on the memorial card, please call Geovanna Salazar, Worship Committee Member at 262-720-2160 or email [email protected] no later than Monday, October 26, 2021. Also, a candle will be lit at Mass for each of the deceased. After the Prayer of the Faithful, their name will be read, and candles will be distributed to present family members.

St. John Neumann: 6:30pm-Prayer ServiceInstead of Mass, there will be a lay lead prayer service. We will be praying, singing, lighting candles and announcing the SJN members who have passed in the last year. There is also hospitality following this service.

St. William: 5:30pmAll those who have passed in the last year will be honored at St. William during Mass with their names read. We invite you to come pray with us as we remember our loved ones.

Upcoming Events

II Elizabeth Bigus & Jacob Rzeznik St. William

II Amanda Schlimgen & Thomas Krause St. William

II Joe Lottes & Emily Paukner St. Mary

III Danielle Bundy & Jason Koziczkowski St. Mary


October 10/16: Soles for Education 10/17: Christian Women Panera Fundraiser 10/18: Archdiocese White Mass 10/26: Our Lady of Good Help Pilgrimage November 11/2: Day of Remembrance– All Souls Day 11/6: Women of Christ 11/12: Annual Auction Dinner 11/25: Thanksgiving Day Mass

Adult Ministry

Volunteers Needed

Formation Youth Mission Trip Current high school teens are invited to join us on our annual mission trip during the week of June 19. We will travel with Catholic Heart to Montague, MI for a week of home repairs and community service. Watch for detailed information soon, or contact Erin Erickson at [email protected] to express interest. Confirmation Retreats Our first retreat is coming up October 16 and 17. Please be sure you have reviewed all materials and that all items are turned in to the Formation Office on time. Parents of teens who will attend our November retreat have also received materials, so please keep an eye on the timeline and be aware of when materials are due. Sacramental Preparation In the Catholic Community of Waukesha, children in second grade receive both First Reconciliation and First Communion. Faith Formation and Catholic school families have received information on registration, parent meetings, and upcoming events. Our first event is a parent and child meeting on Tuesday, October 5 OR Wednesday, October 13 from 6:00-7:15pm. Please attend either session with your child in St. Mary in the Community Room. If you have an older child who has not yet received these sacraments, please call Dawn Van Dorf at 262-547-6555 x1364.

The Search Join us for a dynamic Evangelization Series called “The Search”. The Search leads people to the deepest questions of the human heart, exploring the meaning and purpose of life. With seven video episodes and small group discussion to follow, The Search examines life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith, all pointing to one big conclusion: Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Monday nights November 8-December 20 6:30-8:00pm St. Mary’s Community Room Cost: $10 (includes participant guide) Please RSVP to Mary Thiel: 262-547-6555 or [email protected]

CCWauk Picture Directory It's time to create a Catholic Community of Waukesha picture directory. I am looking for volunteers from each parish to plan and coordinate. My last directory from St. John Neumann is from1998, and St William is from 2012. I was trying to figure out what someone looked like and the pictures were so old it didn't work. Who can I get to help? Please contact me if you would be willing to be a part of the planning team. Sincerely, Louise Adams, 262.751.5995 [email protected]

Catechists Needed We have in-person formation classes this year, and in order to provide the most welcoming and safe environment for our teens, we are in need of additional catechists and catechist aides for grades 8, 9, and 10 on Sunday evenings at St. Mary. Lesson planning materials are provided. All adults who assist with Faith Formation must be Safe Environment Certified. Those interested in helping should contact Erin Erickson at 262-547-6555 X1350 or [email protected], as soon as possible.




Ext. 6 Ext. 1306

L :St. John Neumann 2400 Hwy 59, Waukesha, 53189St. Joseph 818 N East Avenue, Waukesha, 53186St. Mary 225 S. Hartwell Avenue, Waukesha, 53186St. William 440 N. Moreland Blvd, Waukesha, 53188

S B H52 C R W

$10 Breanna Berg

$25 Charlie Kinateder

$100 Rick Drolet

2021-2022 P C E C

Rev. Matthew Widder, PastorJason Pechloff, Chairperson

James Ebben, Vice-chair Lori Lochen, Secretary

Questions? Concerns? Email Pastoral Council:

[email protected]


ST. JOHN NEUMANN262-549-0223 EXT 115

ST. JOSEPH262-522-0386

THRIFT STORE262-547-3281

ST. MARY262-832-1444

ST. MARY FOOD PANTRY262-832-1445

ST. WILLIAM262-547-2763 EXT 204

C M E P !

Financial giving is a work of God’s grace in us and should be voluntary and generous. The impact of our churches for families and the community cannot be accomplished without financial contributions. Support the mission through weekly, monthly or annual giving.

Here are five easy ways to give:Online: Visit ccwauk.org/giving for a one time contribution or set up recurring contributions Text: Text “give stwilliam” to (833)741-5698Text “give stmary” to (833)740-6975 Text “give stjohn” to (833)741-7677 Text “give stjoseph” to (833)245-5281 Download the PushPay mobile app: search for your parishOffertory Basket at Mass: check or cash contribution Check: Mail to your Parish or Vercelli House at St. WilliamStock, IRA, Donor Advised, etc: contact Monica Cardenas at 262-547-2763 or email [email protected]

Community Info


8:30pm on CCWauk Facebook pageVisit facebook.com/ccwauk


WednesdaySt. Joseph - before the 6pm Mass (5pm - 5:45pm)

Saturday St. Joseph after 8am MassSt. William Church - 11am

ATuesday SM - after 8:30am Mass until 11am SW - after 5:30pm Mass until 7pm Wednesday SJN - after 8:30am Mass until 10am Thursday SJ - after 5:30pm Mass until 8pmA SSM-1st Sunday of the month after 8:30am MassSW-2nd Saturday of the month after 4:00pm MassSJ-3rd Saturday of the month after 4:00pm MassSJN-4th Saturday of the month after 5:00pm Mass

Please continue to support the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry located at our parishes.

Truck Pick-up/Delivery: Antonio Slade, 262-569-0763, [email protected]

St. Vincent De Paul

S U N ! R A ! C . .R E U

Monthly Newsletter

Boletines mensuales

Funeral Notifications

Cierres de Iglesias

Church Closings Cadeno de oración

Upcoming Events Próximos

& More! Funerales y mucho más!

Donations Contact Us [email protected]

Our Community


A 262-547-2763 X 111 Fr. Matthew Widder, Pastor

X 107 Robert Olejniczak, Dir of Operations & Administration X 102 Kirsten Rose, Finance Manager X 105 John Lechner, Finance Assistant X 106 Michelle Herbner, Finance Assistant X 202 Pat Sennott, Admin. Assistant, Facilities & IT X 101 Wanda Roth, Admin Assistant

P /W /M 262-547-6555 X 103 Rev. Patrick Heppe, Priest

X 1309 Bob Gallagher, Director of Liturgy & Music X 1365 Jim Baenen, Associate Director of Music X 1371 Karen Flesses, Parish Musician

F 262-547-6555 A - Y A - Y - C X 1301 Fr. Chuck Wrobel X 1350 Erin Erickson, Director of Formation/ Youth Ministry Coordinator X 1363 Peggy Lanser, Adult and Family Ministry Coordinator X 1364 Dawn Van Dorf, Child Ministry Coordinator X 1300 Mary Thiel, Formation Assistant X 1361 Julie Dennert, Formation Assistant

F M 262-547-6555 X 1391 Andy Dejewski, Director of Facilities X 1310 Tony Gorzalski, Facilities 262-547-2763 X 226 Jack Piotrowski, Facilities W C Lisa Kovaleski, Principal: 262-896-2932

H M 414-522-7706 hablar con alguien en Español 262-547-6555 X 1352 Fr. Jorge Perez X 1373 Mario Perez, Director of Hispanic Ministry X 1302 Annel Soto, Hispanic Ministry Assistant

S , C , T 262-547-2763 x104 X 104 Monica Cardenas, Dir. of Stewardship & Communication X 104 Lynn Rose, IT Support Specialist X 104 Cassie Duck, Communications Coordinator Bulletin deadlines on ccwauk.org/bulletin Email bulletin requests to [email protected]

O P M 262-547-6555 X 1362 Janet Yahnke, Director Outreach and Human Resources

D Dcn. Jorge Benavente: 414-769-3492 Dcn. Scott Campbell: 262-547-2763, ext. 401 Dcn. Aristeo Ortiz: 262-751-7880 Dcn. Antonio Palacios: 262-844-2039 Dcn. Gary Stephani: 262-893-0584 S Dcn. Pedro Ruiz Denny Jacob

***Staff emails are first initial last [email protected]

Fr. Matthew Monica


Selling or Buying? Call Martin Larson, Parish Member

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Cell: 262-844-0067


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Associated Bank Building 100 E. Sunset Drive, Waukesha

(262) 542.4420 www.JaneLWalker.com


Furnaces - Air Conditioners - Sheet Metal


Financial Services & Member Benefits

Rick Kremel, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, FIC Advisor (262) 796-1212

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Catholic Community of Waukesha, Waukesha, WI B 4C 01-0187

Catholic Financial Life ofrece una variedad de servicios y productos financieros

• Seguros de Vida • Planificacion de Jubilacion/(Retiro) 401(K) Rollovers/IRA’s • Planificacion para Gastos de Funeral • Proteccion de Hipoteca

Servicios y productos no estan disponible en todos los estados.

Con sede en Milwaukee, WI Para mas informacion, contacte a: Dalila Diaz Dirnbauer Advisor(262) 527-337915-0061-10/20

Lindner Bros. Sewer & Excavating, Inc.

262-547-2245 4235 South Racine Avenue, New Berlin



We Pride Ourselves with Great Rates

Jerry & Judie Couri

379 W. Main Street 262-548-8077


Church & ChapelFuneral Home

262-549-0659Bluemound Rd. at Hwy. J (4 Blocks South of I-94)

SEAN FORBES, AGENT3351Zion Road Henderson KY 42420270-826-2949

NEHS FAMILY VISION CENTER Dr. J.J. Hillmann & Dr. A.E. Bartels


Steve Nehs, Certified Optician100 Arcadian Ave., WaukeshaAcross from St. Joe’s Church • 542-3676


Service • Repair • Remodeling Residential • Commercial


1720 Dolphin Dr., Suite A Waukesha, WI 53186

www.schoenwalderplumbing.com [email protected]

Jonathan Brzeski Financial Representative Principal Securities Registered Representative Financial Advisor 262-312-4321

Investments* IRAs * Annuities* Wealth Management

Principal Life Insurance Company. Securities and advisory products offered through Principal Securities Inc., (800) 247-1737, Member SIPC, Des Moines, IA 50392. 936872-082019

ROMAN ELECTRICPlumbing, Heating & Cooling

Residential Work

640 S. 70th St. 414-471-8565


& ENGLISH, S.C.Attorneys At Law

Thomas G. Schmitzer, Parish Member

720 Clinton St. • 262-549-8181

Ken Riesch Parish MemberKen Riesch

Waukesha Catholic Parish Members

MyKnowledgeBroker.com 262.574.7000

Bill Katzfey Tammy Perez



Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! [email protected]

or (800) 950-9952 x2513

414.367.4488 [email protected] KrickebergGroup.com

2665 S Moorland Rd #104 New Berlin, WI 53151

DISCOUNT LIQUOR, INC.Daily 9-9; Sunday 10-2

Beer - Wine - Soda - Liquor919 N. Barstow, Waukesha • 547-7525

5031 W. Oklahoma Av., Milw. • 545-2175 WWW.DISCOUNTLIQUORINC.COM

121 Park Park Ave.Pewaukee


Parish Member

“Waukesha’s Community Funeral Home”

WaukeshasFuneralHome.com 237 N. Moreland Blvd. • 262-542-6609

When Service Matters

Choose Smart. Choose Mared MechanicalPhone 414-536-0411 | Fax 414-536-0534

4230 W. Douglas Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53209

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Catholic Community of Waukesha, Waukesha, WI A 4C 01-0187

www.duffekconstruction.comMike & Kristin Duffek, Parish Members



Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire and CasualtyInsurance Co. © 2018 Allstate Insurance Co.

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Tjugum & Associates Inc.Angela Tjugum Marketing SpecialistBus: (262) 521-1111

Funeral, Cremation & Pre-Planning ServiCeS

Affordable & Detailed Service1110 S. Grand Ave. Waukesha, WI

www.randledable.comLee & Cathy Brisk & Thomas Ribbens, Parish Members - Owners

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Office Furniture WarehouseNew and Used office furniture at deep discounts:

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Pat Walters (262) 424-7364416 Bluemound Road, Waukesha

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Dave Hinkley, President901 Sentry Dr., Waukesha, WI 53186

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Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2513


6th Grade expansion with dual language option Creciendo a 6° grado con opción de Lenguaje Dual

Dual language offered K4-2nd Grade and 6th Grade Ofrecemos lenguaje dual K4-2° y 6° grado

We continue to offer/ Seguimos ofreciendo: Small class sizes Clases con grupos pequeños

Full day for K4 Monday-Friday Servicios de dia entero para kinder de 4 años de lunes a viernes

Early Enrollment for K4, October 1st cut off Matrícula temprana para alumnos de K4– con fecha limite de 1° de Octubre

Uniforms / Uniformes

Before and After School Program Programa de antes y después de escuela

La Casa de Esperanza Charter School

410 Arcadian Avenue Waukesha, WI 53186


Michael MoroParishioner

