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01 Minutes 7 February 2018 - City of Kalamunda · The DFES issue was raised with the Minister...

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City of Kalamunda Minutes KALAMUNDA AGED CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5:00PM, 7 February 2018 City of Kalamunda Administration 1.0 OPENING OF MEETING: 1.1 The Chief Executive Officer opened the meeting at 5.03pm and welcomed welcomed Brenton Downing, Project Director ‘The Hales’ Satterley Group and Kim Lawrance, General Manager of Development WA Satterley Group. 2.0 ATTENDANCE AND APOLOGIES 2.1 Attendance Members Rhonda Hardy CEO, City of Kalamunda Cr John Giardina City of Kalamunda Cr Margaret Thomas City of Kalamunda Cr Michael Fernie City of Kalamunda Ian Tarling Kalamunda Community Learning Centre Ray Maher Community Representative Malcolm Roberts Aged Care Today Kalamunda (ACT) Helen Dymond Divisional Manager Aged Care, RISE Beverley Love Aged Care Today Kalamunda (ACT) Matthew Hughes (ex officio) Member for Kalamunda Sarah Griffiths (minutes secretary) City of Kalamunda Deputy Members Cr Lesley Boyd City of Kalamunda Observers 9 Beverly Giumelli Iris Jones Neil Pember Heather Fitzgerald Sue Bilich Collette Wainwright on behalf of Hon. Donna Faragher MLC James Hansen Ross Leighton

City of Kalamunda



5:00PM, 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda Administration


1.1 The Chief Executive Officer opened the meeting at 5.03pm and welcomed welcomed Brenton Downing, Project Director ‘The Hales’ Satterley Group and Kim Lawrance, General Manager of Development WA Satterley Group.


2.1 Attendance

Members Rhonda Hardy CEO, City of Kalamunda Cr John Giardina City of Kalamunda Cr Margaret Thomas City of Kalamunda Cr Michael Fernie City of Kalamunda Ian Tarling Kalamunda Community Learning Centre Ray Maher Community Representative Malcolm Roberts Aged Care Today Kalamunda (ACT) Helen Dymond Divisional Manager Aged Care, RISE Beverley Love Aged Care Today Kalamunda (ACT) Matthew Hughes (ex officio) Member for Kalamunda Sarah Griffiths (minutes secretary) City of Kalamunda

Deputy Members Cr Lesley Boyd City of Kalamunda

Observers 9 Beverly Giumelli Iris Jones Neil Pember Heather Fitzgerald Sue Bilich Collette Wainwright on behalf of Hon. Donna Faragher MLC James Hansen Ross Leighton

Aged Care Advisory Committee 2 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda


3.1 The Chief Executive Officer received no nominations prior to the commencement of the meeting for the positions of Presiding Member or Deputy Presiding Member.

Nominations were called.

Cr Giardina nominated Malcolm Roberts to the position of Presiding Member. Malcolm Roberts accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations for Presiding Member Malcolm Roberts was appointed to the position.

Cr Giardina nominated Ian Tarling to the position of Deputy Presiding Member. Ian Tarling accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations for Deputy Presiding Member Ian Tarling was appointed to the position.

The Presiding Member took the chair.


4.1 That the minutes of the Aged Care Advisory Committee held on 23 August 2017 be confirmed as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Cr John Giardina Seconded: Ray Maher

Vote: Carried Unanimously


5.1 Disclosure of Financial and Proximity Interests:

a) Members must disclose the nature of their interest in matters to be discussed at the meeting. (Section 5.65 of the Local Government Act 1995)

b) Employees must disclose the nature of their interest in reports or advice when giving the report or advice to the meeting. (Section 5.7 of the Local Government Act 1995)


5.2 Disclosure of Interest Affecting Impartiality

a) Members and staff must disclose their interests in matters to be discussed at the meeting in respect of which the member or employee has given or will give advice.



6.1 Correspondence In

6.1.1 Brenton Downing, Project Director, Satterley The Hales Email – 18 October 2017 – Invite extended to expand on the email about the aged care site in the Hales development.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 3 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

6.1.2 David Stroud, Manager Corporate Development Hall & Prior Karingal Green Aged Care Facility Update on the development in High Wycombe

6.2 Correspondence Out

6.1.1 CONFIDENTIAL – Letter to Hon Matthew Swinbourn MLC – Wilkins Road Scheme Amendment

The CEO noted that this item is highly confidential and not to be shared.

All correspondence noted and accepted. No questions were received from the Committee.


It is noted that due to the confidentiality on item 7.2, this will be presented at the end of the meeting

7.1 Presentation - The Hales’ Sattlerly Group Development Brenton Downing, Project Director and Kim Lawrance, General Manager of Development WA.

Discussion ensued with Iris Jones requested a motion be moved:

That the Kalamunda Aged Care Advisory Committee express its bitter disappointment to the Satterly group re the groups decision to ignore a request for an aged care component in their proposal and that the group be asked to please reconsider and include such a component in terms of the clearly demonstrated needs

7.3 Presentation – Valencia Nursing Care (Roshana Group) Natalie Martin Goode – Director Development Services – City of Kalamunda

Discussion ensued.

8.0 Reports from the City of Kalamunda

8.1 KACAC 01/2018 - Wilkins Roads Update and Judicial Review

The CEO Spoke to the Item. Discussion ensued

Voting Requirements: Simple Majority


That KACAC consider the efficacy of undertaking a judicial review on the Wilkins Road revocation and provide Council with their advice.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 4 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda


That KACAC recommends that Council undertake a judicial review on the Minister decision to revoke the approval for a rezoning of the site.

Moved: Cr Margaret Thomas Seconded: Helen Thomas Vote: Moved 5 for and 1 against

8.2 Site Matrix

Discussion revolved around Pomeroy Road being heritage listing

9.0 General Business

9.1 Change of City of Kalamunda Member


That KACAC request Council to appoint Cr Lesley Boyd as a Member to the KACAC and Cr Michael Fernie as the Deputy Member. Moved: Cr John Giardina

Seconded: Cr Margaret Thomas

Vote: Carried Unanimously



That KACAC request Council to appoint Beverley Guimelli as a community member who are carers of seniors or people with senior’s interests to the KACAC

Moved: Cr John Giardina

Seconded: Cr Margaret Thomas

Vote: Carried Unanimously



That the Kalamunda Aged Care Advisory Committee request Council to express its bitter disappointment to the Satterley group re the groups decision to ignore a request for an aged care component in their proposal and that the group be asked to please reconsider and include such a component in terms of the clearly demonstrated needs

Moved: Ray Maher

Seconded: Ian Tarling

Vote: Carried Unanimously

Aged Care Advisory Committee 5 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda


Wednesday 2 May 2018

Observers were then asked to leave so that the Confidential Presentation could be given

7.2 Presentation – Cambridge Reserve – Natalie Martin Goode, Director Development Services

Natalie provided the presentation and discussion ensued.


The Presiding Member closed the meeting at 6.46pm.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 6 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Aged Care Advisory Committee 7 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda



1 Calophylla Way, High Wycombe – Hall and Prior 3

2 Carmel – Valencia Nursing Home 3

3 Gavour Road – Ross Leighton 3

4 Lot 106 Hale Road Forrestfield – City of Kalamunda 4

5 Wilkins Road Walliston – State Government 4

6 The Hales Berkshire Road Forrestfield – Satterley 5

7 Forrestfield north – Private ownership 5

8 Pickering Brook Town site – Private ownership 6

9 Bougainvillea Road Forrestfield – Ex DAFWA site – State Government 8

10 Villa Maria Lesmurdie – Mercy Health 9

11 Parry house – Lesmurdie – Amana living 9

12 Cambridge Reserve Forrestfield – State Government 10

13 Pomeroy Road Carmel – City of Kalamunda 13

14 Kalamunda Hospital - Chaucer Road & Byron Way, Kalamunda – Department of Health & City of Kalamunda 14

15 Alpine Road reserves – Kalamunda - State Government 20

16 Lots 23,24, 50 Schmitt Road Kalamunda – Department of Lands 27

Aged Care Advisory Committee 8 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Hall and Prior – High Wycombe

1. Calophylla Way,

High Wycombe

Hall & Prior 160


2008 City of Kalamunda Planning approval was granted in 2015. Hall & Prior recently advised the City they are required to reapply for bed licences given their allocation will expire shortly. The City has provided letter of support to Minister Ken Wyatt requesting expeditious approval of the licenses. Hall & Prior have also requested an extension of the Development Application and minor amendments from the City for another 2 years. The City issued an extension of time and amended DA in November 2017.

A Tender for construction has been issued for the construction works, which are planned for early 2018. Email was sent in January 2018 asking for a process update and the response indicates that construction is scheduled for March 2018.

Valencia Nursing Home - Carmel

2. Carmel Valencia Nursing Home

60 bed licences granted


2015 A DA has been submitted to the City for assessment and approval. The development is of significant height and scale and has been referred to the Design Advisory Panel for comment. The development will be required to go out for public advertising and referral to relevant agencies.

The referral will be submitted to DEFS for comment and will likely not be supported given the stringent position DFES takes towards development in fire prone areas.

The DFES issue was raised with the Minister Saffioti in December 2013 who advised she has initiated a review of the State Planning Policy on Bushfire prone areas but she is not hopeful the policy position can be lessened given the seriousness of bushfire risk.

The application will be determined by a Development Assessment Panel (DAP) and not the City.

Gavour Road Integrated Aged Care centre

3. Gavour Road,

Wattle Grove

Mr R Leighton 100 2009 The Minister gave approval in August 2017. A supreme court judicial review of the approval has been issued by Mr Ian Johnson naming the

Aged Care Advisory Committee 9 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Private ownership 2019 DoP and the City of Kalamunda as respondents to the writ on 1 December 2017. The City’s General counsel is working through the writ with the SSO.

Lot 106 Hale Road Forrestfield – City of Kalamunda site

4. Lot 106 Hale



1.75 hectare site

City owned land

To be determine

2011 Local Planning Scheme amendment for R60 site was approved and gazetted in November 2016. A letter was sent to all aged care providers in December 2016 to gauge level of interest in this site. 4 providers responded and 2 expressed interest.

City Officers are currently investigating options, costings and preparing a report for site development to seek direction from Council on how they wish to progress the site. It is proposed to seek Council’s guidance of the matter at the February 2018 strategic retreat.

Wilkins Road Reserve, Walliston

5. Wilkins Road

Reserve, Walliston

State Government ownership

City initiated rezoning



2011 In August 2017, The Minister for Planning revoked the decision to approve Wilkins Road site made by former Minister Donna Faragher in January 2017. The City of Kalamunda has spent over $200,000 preparing the site with the required planning reports on the basis that the former Minister John Day and the Department of Planning had supported the site as being appropriate for aged care. The community has lodged a petition to the parliament supported by Donna Faragher MLC. The city responded to the Legislative Council Committee in January 2018 supporting the petition. The only option left to the City would be to challenge this decision through the Supreme court.

Satterley – The Hales Development

6. Western Power corridor,


Satterley Group Will not be progressing

2015 Satterley Group have advised the area proposed under the Local Structure Planning is too small for integrated aged care. The City requested Satterley to revise its current structure plan and look to consolidate pocket parks into one larger community POS and set aside an area for small aged care facility and the City would support their increase in zoning.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 10 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Satterley agreed on this basis and the final plan included a 1.8ha site for aged care. The local structure plan was thereby approved by the City of Kalamunda Council in December 2016 and was lodged with the DoP for final approval. The Local Structure Plan submitted to the WAPC for the Satterley development has recently been approved by the WAPC and the aged care site was not included in the final structure plan.

The City is disappointed in this outcome given it had provided Satterley Group with a higher zoning in return for an aged care site and this was removed during the WAPC approval process. The City will need to consider it options for:

1. Raising this issue with the Minister for Planning. 2. Writing to Nigel Satterley expressing our disappointment with his organisation. 3. Identifying a suitable planning mechanism that can stop future structure plans being amended without consultation with the City.

City of Kalamunda senior planning staff met at the WA Planning Commission in August 2017 to discuss their thoughts on a policy framework to avert future situations that have arisen with the Satterley Hales structure plan through the development of appropriate policy framework. The City of Kalamunda put forward the following key objectives a policy should entail:-

• Ensure local planning strategies, local housing strategies District and Local Structure Plans, activity centre plans and local development plans provide for integrated aged care.

• Ensure planning delivers an adequate supply of land or redevelopment opportunities for integrated aged care in appropriate well serviced locations.

• Ensure aged care developments sites provide for aging in place through appropriate distribution of independent and assisted care accommodation with appropriate access to care and support services.

• Recognise that integrated aged care development contributes to housing choice and diversity in residential and semi-rural areas. • Recognise that aged care site sites need to be incentivized to be attractive to aged care providers, ratio of independent to assisted care

accommodation. • Acknowledge that from built form/design perspective integrated aged care in a residential, nonresidential location will have a different outcome

in respect to height, scale and massing.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 11 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

• Acknowledge that integrated aged care facilities are best located in urban areas with close proximity to commercial centers with access to services and public transport.

• Acknowledge that in some instances consideration will be given to non-urban locations through the Scheme amendment process where it can be demonstrated that development can respond to the site and its spatial context.

• Ensure integrated aged care development will deliver a high quality built form outcome in the context of its setting. The Commission acknowledged there is a lack of policy direction regarding the provision through the planning process, of well-designed and located integrated aged care facilities. They have no plans to implement any policy initiatives in respect to Aged Care, however they are willing to assist the City in developing its own policy. One of the major challenges in meeting the abovementioned objectives is ensuring the structure plan process is able to deliver aged care sites on privately owned land for aged care. Traditionally land has been identified and effectively sterilized by the planning process until such time as an aged care provided has been able to fund the land acquisition and construction of the site. This can take many years to achieve. One option would be for the DCS to be required to acquire the land for that purpose – this is policy position that has been put to the Minister and the Department for consideration. Satterley have be invited to address the KACAC regarding its decision toward withdrawing the aged care site.

Forrestfield North

7. Forrestfield North

City approved district structure plan

100- 120 Forrestfield North

City approved district structure plan Currently City Officers are preparing Local Structure Planning stage which will identify 1-2 hectare site suitable for aged care. The LPS documentation will be finalised for public advertising in 2018 once the public land acquisition strategy has been agreed upon between the State and the City.

Pickering Brooke town site structure plan

8. Pickering Brook

City of Kalamunda 80-100 2015 Refused by the WAPC

The Pickering Brooke town site structure plan aims to identify a suitable site for aged care.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 12 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

The Council's request in March 2016 to initiate an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to rezone and expand the Pickering Brook town site was referred to state agencies for preliminary comments by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) in June 2016. In response, the City was requested by the WAPC to prepare a Bushfire Management Plan to support the proposed Amendment (September 2016) The City was provided the preliminary comments by state agencies and provided responses (December 2016). The City’s planning staff met with Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) in December 2016 to discuss their concerns with regard to bushfire risk. The City’s planning staff met with the Department of Planning (DoP) in February 2017 to discuss the preliminary responses from all agencies and discuss the timing of presenting the request to the WAPC for formal consideration. An additional submission from the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) was provided in April 2017. The City responded to the additional submission and requested DoP staff to present the MRS amendment request to the WAPC for formal consideration (May 2017). The primary constraint to progressing the MRS amendment request is bushfire risk. The DAFWA have also expressed a view that the area should be retained for agricultural purposes, they also provided this objection when the City prepared its Local Planning Strategy in 2010 which showed a reduced Pickering Brook investigation area. Next steps: 1. Receive formal decision from WAPC on MRS amendment request. 2. If approved, continue to monitor through approval process and provide technical information to the WAPC as requested. 3. If refused, report back to Council on WAPC decision. The City followed up the request to DoP staff to present the MRS amendment request to the WAPC for formal consideration (July 2017). The WAPC refused to approve the amendment in October 2017 for the following reasons:

1. The proposed amendment are is not identified for urban expansion purpose in the draft North-East Sub regional Planning Framework; 2. It does not comply with the requirements of State Planning Policy 3.7 – Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas as an extreme bushfire hazard exists

making the location unsuitable and inappropriate for intensification; 3. A District Water Management Strategy has not been approved by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

Progressing the PB Town centre structure plan may require a concerted advocacy approach by all stakeholders. On 28 November 2017 a Notice of Motion was passed at the Ordinary Council Meeting that states: Request the CEO

1. To continue advocating for the inclusion of areas of urban expansion with the City of Kalamunda, including Pickering Brook, areas of Wattle Grove and Forrestfield and Maida Vale, as outlined in the City’s Local Planning Strategy to be included within the Perth and Peel North-East Sub-Regional Planning Framework that were not identified within the draft May 2015.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 13 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

2. To clarify and resolve issues raised by the WAPC with regards to a District Water Management Strategy presented in the City’s application to develop the Pickering Brook Townsite.

3. To resubmit at an appropriate time a new application to develop the Pickering Brook Townsite with an amended area for consideration. 4. To advocate to the State Government to change State Planning Policy to enable opportunities of sub-division within the eastern rural portion of the

City of Kalamunda and amend the local planning strategy and local planning scheme accordingly.

Action Update: The Mayor and CEO met with Minister Saffioti in December who advised she could not override the SPP 3.7 and the bushfire risk associated with development in the Pickering Brooke area – the fire risk issue is the major impediment in approving development in high fire risk areas. State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7) was gazetted on 7 December 2015. State planning policies provide the foundation for land use planning. SPP 3.7 directs how land use should address bushfire risk management in Western Australia. It applies to all land which has been designated as bushfire prone by the Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Commissioner as highlighted on the Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas.

Ex - DAFWA Site, Bougainvillea Road Forrestfield

9. Ex - DAFWA Site,

Bougainvillea Road


State Government

Owned and initiated



2014 The site is zoned public purpose – Agricultural Protection Board Conservation under the SoK Town Planning Scheme.

Landcorp appointed Colliers International in 2015/16 to undertake a market sounding exercise for the DAFWA site situated at Forrestfield. It is intended the Government will rezone the site to residential which allows for a discretionary use for aged care development. This approach allows delivery of the preferred outcome (aged care) whilst not restricting uses should a suitable proposal for aged care not be received. This information was provided by Minister for Lands Terry Redman, on 7 September 2016. . Tuesday 13 June 2017 the City Mayor and CEO met with the Minister for Planning Rita Saffioti regarding the progress of the scheme amendment on the ex-DAFWA site, the purpose of which is to facilitate an aged accommodation development.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 14 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Landcorp’s planning consultant advised that the MRS amendment has already undergone pre-initiation consultation in 2016 however the formal initiation of the MRS amendment is pending a survey in spring of 2017 and the resolution of bush fire issues which are both the responsibility of Landcorp to undertake The status of the amendment as recently advised by Landcorp indicates that they have engaged a planning consultant to progress both the MRS and LPS amendments concurrently, with the intent of reserving a portion of the site for bush forever and to excise a developable lot for disposal on the market. A meeting with Minster Saffioti in June 2017 requested an update on this site, No response has been received to date. This was followed up in the meeting in December 2017 and still no response has been provided.

Villa Maria, Lesmurdie Road Lesmurdie

10. Villa Maria, Lesmurdie

Mercy Health Existing 32 beds plus

90 bed licences granted


A meeting was held with Anita Ghose, National Director on 26 July 2017.

The issue with no sewage connection has delayed progress and investigations are now focused on whether the State would be prepared to fast-track and bring through the sewage connection of whether an on-site AWT system will be required.

The revised timelines now being proposed:

- Sewage systems planning and approvals – 2017-2018 - Master planning – 2018 - Design and town planning – April 2017 - Construction – July 2019 - 2021 - Opening – 2021

Aged Care Advisory Committee 15 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

The model being proposed for the site is based on European models based around creating small households whereby a number of single houses are constructed. Each house will have 8 bedrooms and these residents will have a centralised kitchen and living facilities with access to a house carer who has ongoing responsibility for supporting that particular house. The site in Lesmurdie is planned to be designed under this concept and will contain up to 15 separate dwellings that will create an open neighbourhood environment.

A presentation on the concept was provided by Anita Ghose to the Aged Care Committee in October 2017.

Mathew Hughes has been investigating the sewage issue with the State government.

Parry House, Lesmurdie Amana Living

11. Parry House, Lesmurdie

Amana Living

74 Warlingham Road Lesmurdie

60 bed licences granted

N/a The City has written to Parry house in July 2016 and been advised they have agreed to fund a feasibility concept design by the end of 2016 for the allocation of additional 60 beds.

A letter was received from Amana in July 2017 advising the Board had approved a feasibility concept in March 2017 and a selection was underway for a consultant to prepare the schematic design stage.

This will then complete the feasibility stage and a decision will be made thereafter as to whether to pursue development.

Cambridge Reserve, Forrestfield

12. Cambridge



R34364 Moira Ave, R31348 York

Street and R27559 York


To be determined

2016 On 28 November 2017 Council resolved at the Ordinary Council Meeting: That Council:


Receives the confidential report Cambridge Reserve Community

Enhancement Project.


Supports progressing further technical investigations for the

Cambridge Reserve Community Enhancement Project based on the

direction outlined in the Vision and Principles Document in

Attachment 2.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 16 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Current Status: A community visioning workshop is planned for march 2018.

Cr Canning and Pomeroy Road

3. Cr Canning and Pomeroy Road

13.5608 hectares

Land Vested in SoK Zoned ‘Parks and Recreation’ under MRS Not zoned under LPS3

Unknown 2016

Apporx.1.5km from Lesmurdie Neighbourhood Centre Serviced by existing infrastructure - Canning Road Limited utility service infrastructure (no sewer) Schools are in proximity Proposal does not reduce the overall allocation of POS for the locality below 10%. Studies to date:

• No studies have been conducted to ascertain POS allocation for this locality. Future studies:

a) The City is in the process of developing a comprehensive Public Open Space Strategy for the whole City. The POS Strategy is expected to be finalised by approx. Dec 2017.

b) Resources are allocated to have this work undertaken with the locality POS assessment for Carmel being prioritised. In the interim, the City can prepare a preliminary / desktop POS assessment utilising the same methodology as TPG for York Street. Planning Requirements: The development of this land will require a MRS amendment and also a LPS amendment. Funding - Funding was allocated in the 2017-18 budget and planning work and studies have commenced with a completion date expected in June 2018.

Aged Care Advisory Committee 17 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

14. Kalamunda Hospital - Reserves R44293 30 Byron Way and R24130 25 Chaucer Way


Lot 609 (30) Byron Road

Reserve R 44293

12346.000 m² | 1.23460 ha

MRS Zoned – Urban

LPS – Public Purposes

Land use - Vacant land – Health purposes

Vested with the Minister for Health – Owned by the Health

department – has power to lease for any term.

To support a rezoning of both lots under LPS 3

to allow for integrated aged care the following

strategies would be required: urban water

management plan (drainage), environmental

assessment (flora and fauna survey) and off

set strategy, service and

infrastructure, Bushfire Management Plan,

Traffic Impact Assessment. In order to

coordinate development over the site a local

structure plan would also be required which

the aforementioned studies would feed into.

Lot 610 (25) Chaucer Way 25

Chaucer road Kalamunda

Reserve 24130 12549.000 m² | 1.25490 ha

MRS – Urban

LPS - Public Open Space – Public purpose

Vested to the Shire of Kalamunda by the Department of Lands

Planning Approval Requirements Rezoning of both lots under LPS 3 – 1-2 year process approval granted by the WAPC. Community consultation

would be required.

Environmental conditions – across both LotsThere is no Friends Group working on this site

It is not ‘Pristine’, according to the Keighery scale of bushland condition – City Officers have rated it as a condition of Very Good (level #4 on a scale of 6) Weeds include Eastern States Acacias, Blackberry and Watsonia. There are several large Marri and Jarrah trees, and the area is well forested Slope is extremely steep – more than 1:1 (45-50+ degrees in places) Extreme Bush Fire risk The large trees are likely to be roosting habitat for all three threatened black cockatoos, as well as being confirmed feeding trees the bushland sits within some 200m south west of an identified ‘Regional Wildlife Corridor’ (#34), which forms a link between the Kalamunda National Park, and the Perth Metropolitan Area Ledger Rd Reserve, which is only 700m to the north-east of the site, sits at the nexus of four such regional wildlife corridors

Aged Care Advisory Committee 18 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report

Large amounts of bandicoot activity in the undergrowth – diggings in particular

Statutory Cultural Heritage


The bushland sits across a registered Aboriginal Heritage site; #3758 - HELENA RIVER - Ceremonial, Mythological, Repository / Cache (artefacts)

Water catchment & Infrastructure

Requirements e.g Sewerage etc.

Not in a water catchment area

NO sewage connections to the site would requires AWT system.

Challenges To Be Addressed. Sewage, size, community opposition, topography, environmental, bush fire.

Opponents To Development. Likely to be Aboriginal opposition, Community opposition and Environmental groups opposition.

Proximity to Services - Retail,

transport, services

Approx. 1-2 kms from Kalamunda Town centre

Possibility of Successful Rezoning High possibility of the Lot 609

Low possibility Lot 610 Chaucer way.

Accessibility – Disabled Persons Not accessible

Site map – 30 Byron Road

Aged Care Advisory Committee 19 Minutes - 7 February 2018

City of Kalamunda

Location Proponent Forecast Beds Available

Date Identified Status Report
