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01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka...

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Page 1: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper


Page 2: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper


gleams on

the rain-


streets- AN

/S Gjfwiet: the

CWy a r^r

rwo^es iff the



in to the

squa re p

. , . stepping in front of the

Museum of OceanographyJwo men get out

a narrow

AnyymUMTJ Dpitirlmy

,Harry boy ! Cut « circle

mtHe g\a$s tshove a hand

through^, emd bob ‘s your uncle 1-



... A guard pn his roundsGet out af sight, guick!

Look at the

i r *


Page 3: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper


15 this ? There's

Whdt the,.,7 I could have sworn


*U p? 1^/ ^ ,• 1 f

Jr .- jfii

i‘ ,•


» J

No, wait ! , ..This has happenelsewhere. IVe heard aboutit from callsagues in othermuseums.,.

Page 4: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Blistering barnacle#! Idiot#!

Just a Pew harmless gelf clubs


Oh i sorry !

treat snakes! Thomsonand Thompson! What onfiflrtb are they doing m^ ' J—

jfl ?

Page 5: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Are you here art holiday too?'

We're off to see ProfessorCalculus, on Lake ?o\\\shof? f

Holiday ? No! Quite theopposite! A secretmission !

Ta be precise : dumb'sthe word far us *

Transit passengersTintin

j. Snowy andCaptain Haddockplease report to

desk numbertwenty for details


[ Thundering vans


you coming

It >

1 M1 i X x j

VI "US* aa IF


Soon the travellers are highabove the fierce Syidavianmountains ...

You have a friend Ywim byLake PolUshoff ? Howstrange...

Page 6: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

The starboard engine begins

to spiu t ter. , . coughs , . * and

finally ... dies

? Us? Wi thout parachutes?)Ye crflxyf „.Hi! Yew!,*. I

Tin tin keeps his head. In a flash

he is in the pilot's seat ...

Tin tin Fights desperately to regain

control... and dodges betweenhuge mountain peaks... lower andlower, past towering crags...

I'm going to try

Her in that wifeto

her 7h that valley . Under-carriage down .


. Han# on,

here we go !

Wheels slam into the rockyground

ttyres scream and burst.

One wing torn away, the plane

hurtles on to destruction ...

Skidding wildly towards a

precipice. .. it stops, poised over

the abyss ... WOOAH!WOOAH


Help ! The plant's recking

... tVc're going ever !


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No t Two ivetl-

aimed ropes

are suddenly

Hung over the

battered tail.,.

—fa the nick

of time !

Two children,


in 0

donkey -cart,




and Come

to the


To be precise;youfi

my dear Thompsonou, myw^ison.

The plane plunges Forward . As it goes,

the detectives are flung through the door..

into the ravinescatters in

all directions.

Lucky for us you were here !

My name is Tintin. Theseare my friends



,Mr Thompson and

Wc were on our wayto visit a friendCutbbert Calculus,.,He lives In the Villa

, by the iak t.

Page 8: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Despite the

warning the

tra tellers

climb into the

cart and set

off with the


towards the

Villa 9prog...

But, high on a

cliff, Someone

is watching


Their pilot i

re Fourcalling Neptune.,.Operation Sardineunsuccessful

heading forrendezvous twoOver and out j

Winding their way through the hills the travellers come at fast

to the Villa Sprogtbuilt on the lakeside,

pertbarnacles, it's

good to seeiQU

The Captain doesn't wastetimet he heads for the bar . ..


Billions of bilious blueblistering barnacles,,,Wbat's this?,,. An indoormiraae ?


The bar was just a three-dimensional image. Ymtrying out this machine,,,rif explain everythingwhile we have supperMadame Flik.my house-keeper has prepared aSpecial savoury szlasxek, , , Bo come and Sit down.


t?foHsso r, te 1 1 us abo u t

lycur phantom furniture.

Certainly not,,,just simple Hd i a post t ives . What I m



trying to create are sortof photocopies in relief.

But its absolutely topsecret there are greedpeople about.,.

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More ond wore works of art are beingStolen, all over the world... Thieves to he anoriginal

'and \eave behind a forgery.,.

But in recent monthsit's taken an expertto spot the Pokes,they’re so good .

At first, they usednothing but crudecopies . ,


You must be very tired.

Modome FKk will

Show you your rooms.

Captain Haddock and the Thompsonsare soon asleep, but Tintin lies awakepaziling over the day 's events.

Hello!, ..Whot's th<at

noise?... Some sortof night owl, [suppose

But the sound is coming from the

well-head, where someone is turningthe handle , Madame Ffik{

The backet brings up a strangeload,., a walkie-talkie 1


Page 10: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Agent Rameses report

mg . .. Custowers havearrived after aJJ.,,

King Shark receivingyou, Rameses. Vulturereported arrival. Operation

Crab will commencetomorrow, Proceed asarranged... Overwind cut!

Madame FUk signs off,

She tofts her orders i

Next morning Nika and Nushka come

to the villa, to take Tintin exploring.£7h

ryes. No one ever

Corner this way


laitqhing and talking, Tintin and thechildren make their way along a path

leading to the cliff top. Snowyand Oastav prefer to go down to

the lake.

Meanwhile, at the Villa Sprog,

Captain Haddock visits the

professor in his laboratory.

Very odd ... I could havesworn f left my notes onthat table last night..* You

Bat in another room,downstairs " ,

Ha! ho! Our clever professor

Shouldn't leave things lying

about! I'll hide the bottle

here, with his papers inside

Crab will soon take cartoF them

Scarcely has

Madame Flik

turned her back,

before the bottle

papers and all,

vanishes into

thin air /

But it soon reappears.,, in

the hands of a frogmanclimbing out of the well...

There we are! Jobdone, no problems


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f Thundering typhus ,1 What

(was the pjrate up to 1

A pirate?.,. I thought l

he was a frogman,. I VrfKHj j*i 1 ' ’**3^ JH

4m| /



r ttJLa,


I wg&t nrj ViewShooting now

Meanwhile, not very faraway , .


Ah I Excel fent camera -work!,?q there yoware, my dearTintb... 3r only you knew what lies in

Store for you! ... Ha/ ha! ha!


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Beside the mysterious observer two

Vcu saw thew?,. F The one with thetuft of Hair is Tintin... He is extremely dangerous ! , Operation Crabgoe.4 ahead. You have your orders.

Use the new laughing !

Tintin returns to the Villa 9prog


Immediately Captain haddock cells

him of the morning's events.

Tintin listens carefully.

Now we've got this bit

of rubber, perhaps thedogs ran track thefrogman s route , m .

Tin tin follows Snowyf


leaving the Thompsonsto guard the villa,

The Captain goesafter Gustav, whoalso seems to havepicked up a trail ...

Snowy makes thefirst discovery : a

metal ring half

buried In theground. Tense with


pulls. Slowlyt

quietly,a section

of rock slides open,

to reveal theentrance to a cave.,.

Great snakes


A secret passage»> with a stair'

Pawn the first

Few steps, then

suddenly ...



The door'sshut ... I can'tget out ! „ OutSnowy managedbo escape..A II

have to go on.., nothing the I can do-

frt the foot of the staircase, anama2ing sight

Light 1 I in Sure this

cave must be connectedto the lake


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Tintin wrestles desperately

with the metal strands,

the air draining slowly

from his lungs. Just in

time Snowy sees bub-

bles on the lake surface

and dives to the rescue.


what doesyowr funnymachine make?.

Creaw cake ? No, it's aspecial paste, which Lpu there,with the detectives' hatsthere on the other side.

At last the wires give way


old Snowy! Thatwas a near thing \

] switch on the current,and . .. hey presto!

stuck wpE

Yes, I'm afraid you are, I

haven't yet discovered howto stabilize the reproducetions but...




Tmtifl and Snowy are

on the way home. *

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They're kidnapping Ni'ko and Nushkaf ...Quick, Snowy !

1 7jra F, 4

ok*“ h|V JW

., |


\ -i'-I 1

' /*• Tr|*% F

Ah, there yen are, Captain, Tmnrraid we're too late.

Yes, by thunder! Their bunchis already well offshore.

Greetings, my dearTin tin. Your youngfriends will come tono harm, provided of

course you obey myorders precisely!

so capoa] know the Professor^machine is nearly com-

g kidnappers f J pteted . | Wflrtt thatmachine

(Tin tin * . . and you are going

to hand it over to we!

)n two days' time, atmidday, on the southernshore.., You win comealone, and unarmed.And yo u won ' t go to the police f

j Ve hea rdthat voice before,


rWe have a powerful adversary... andt Vn sure we're being watched ! Wemust comb the house from top tobottom. There's bound to be a secretpassage somewhere.

A frantic search begins... all

join in the hunt...

WQOAH U The cictk.SrtOwy?

iv£>OAH !II think £0?


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Our visitors are gettingtoo inquisitive, I mustwarn King Shark. Wh trt

Great snakes ! The bottom of thewe H I „ , W7 t$i a transmitterSitting in the water- bucket*

r changedquite a bit since thedays of Mata Had


eh Madame flik?.Come oh! BucktotkeviJIaf

1 jf

i* y



k >V*A 1

Can't raise acheep out ofRamcees\ wonderwhat's aping

Madame Flik ? Abelieve it’s true

Now then, who do you work For

.-.iSpilJ the beans, you snoopingold sea- trout ( or you II,,,

Its mo good, Captain


Madame FJ fk certainty won'tknow her boss's red name.There's only one thing to


Page 16: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

And while



his plan,

Niko And


are taken

by their





Don't you dare toy 4finger on my sister!

Big words!.. A properlittle Tintin',.. A]] right

rtiJr 1 TLnAuj t L «<;. J

The frogmen drag the children

to a damp cellar and lock them

in. No escape!

Boohoo No £MIoneever MSw

flwfuJtb S te-rn

Don9s In Nwshkg t cry

Trust Tint He (1 Save-

Iyou see

Sitting in the control roomt

King Shark issues his orders..._j\

mj Sever their5 communications

We'd better get busy:

we must cut thetelephone wires.

Take care of yourself, Tintin,

Provided the Thompsov1 s

keep things rolling, it'll golike clockwork \

On the hill,the

maintain their watch ...Tell the boss they're

still there, marchingup and down like

toy soldiers.

Phew! ,,.5orthis is wh^t

meant by "&et down to it

To be precise, he certainly meantto get gs down !

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I get word to thepolite somehow 1

That tramp is stil/

outside, Ladislasz Hello T

Hello 7 ,.. Hello?.By Ottokari The

They've ewe the

wires, that's for

Sure*.* Come on,

Bnowy, we mustmove J

Before hngiTin tin md Snowy reach

tkejMaiwonri to blow,

A car'B coming]wS \ k Jf " "

p *


* i

n ^rll- jM

f ‘i1


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S tgnora

My dear young friend ! What are

you doing, All by yourself irr the,

middle or" nowhere ?


I need yourkelp, Signora

J must getto the near-est police


Speeding along with the opera star, Tintinsoon reaches the town . Ever cautions, hesuggests parking in a side street near thepolice station.

i just want to make surethe coast's clear-,.

As f thoughtTwo men watching the entrance

Hi never get

past them.

F What can we do?] Simply must

Wait, 1 have anidea..,. Myaccompanist,Mr Wagner,will help youout ,,,

A few minutes later .

That's him?,.. Lock at the shape,.. And the

dog !... Come on. Pumkfuk, let s tail him !

• -

Tin tin is soon telling his storyto the police chief, wholistens carefully „



But hair thewater lies

within thefrontiers of0c?rduria So

4 a

) see possible diplomaticcomplications.., Look, give

me a free hand, and alittle practical support,..This Is what \ plan to don h A







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My friend ProfessorCalculus once made apocket- submarine* weused it to hunt For

Sunken treasure , .

Two days later, at KingShark'* headquarter*

A trwok bending for the

i# villa, boss,, .Do we stop rfc?

No, wo, let it go, ft’fl be Wf/equipment for Calculus Hi

and for us ! m£Halha'ha* n7


is worried

No new* is floocTL

news 1-



barnacles,where cmhe be t

Captain - . •

Come quickly!his truck . , * it

just appeared

My submarine!

Tintin £X'

plains his

plan to

save Nika

and Nashka

... He'll

keep the


with the


white the

Captain fot


At fast, preparationsare complete ,


Ia scale modelmachine.


Taking the box. Tin tin sets offFar the prearranged meeting-place.

They ll be here soon . . . fl/hichh

way will they come %

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Calling King Shark \

Calling King Shark!T/nfcivi is at the rendez-vous. Tokina him aboard

A Submarine!Just as I thought!

A 5 soon as Tintin has fw-barked, the submarinedisappears beneath thewaters of the take.

Meanwhile, in a nearby\


cove ' ,


All right... You understand ? HI be

back os soon as Yve Pound theirhideout. Wait for me here !

Full ahead !

The Captains manner cansometimes be a triple... er

The Captain follows the mysteriousto be observed. But he loses his quarrythe drowned viiiaae.

ns, taking care notthe ruins of

* .

Blistering barnacles!

iYhere's that baehi-bazouk gone to l

There are dozens of

hiding places downh ere


But the submarine has at-

ready reached its destination.

Quite a set-up! Sou gangsters areobviously on to a good racket ...

L the moment i

Tintin is escorted to the controlroom... A shock awaits him. From

armchair comes


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The same, diear boy.And very much aliveas you sec 1

All right, yeuVe gotthe mdchirte,..wfoereare the children ?

y^s, indeed, thoseCharming childrenmi Fetch themhere, Ralph.


M eanwbite , ,


\ think ] can get us out oF here rNuskka

. Listen ; th is i $ what w&'\ Ido...

tot him \ Quick, NushkalI'll hold him while y^uM*.9rab His keys!

Let me go, youlittle fiend *


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Oh, they 'J I aitch usE The oil spread* over the floor,

and the pursuers execute $&weimpromptu gymnastics.

re coming

the underwater tatiklLook out

HELP! Thefrecowing at us ! ho le q\ass \s

cracked l


Page 23: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

With a frightening crack theglassdissolves in smithereens. The

take Floods in. More by luck than

judgement, Nike pilots the tankout of its dock ,

this myself} ^.Little ruffian!

Rastapoponies monitors the

movements of the underwatertank from the control room...

What s happentug ? The tankwont steerany more.,.Its turningrow itd . < - a® i f> _ _ . . . I,

Diavolo l Where did thatcome from*

Captain Haddock, cruising down a street,

almost collides with the tank...

Road -hogs! ...ft's wyfight of way !


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Hi ! hH ! Vi going to enjoythis . . , too good ft chance tom\ss\.

Grabbing the submarine captain,

hurls him over his shoulder, , ,

Dozens of light slgmbwhirl on dials. ..With

a single flash the

pictures vanish from

the television screens.

AH King Shark's mechanical marvets suddenly go mad - . Chaos

A second gangster aims his gun at

Tin tin > . ,

,, . automatically the tank fires

a salvo of torpedoes,. .


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the torpedoes still come. Ageneral is rudely unhorsed f

Meanwhile, in the control room

Hal hal There she is.

steer the tank ... ju~uso-o-o-0\ ... Bang on... PI ftE ! [



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Disabled, the submarinefettles helplessly an tbe bedof the lake.

Hooray! That's taken rare

of & \uebeard ! . . < Now \

your turn, my clever litfcJe

tadpoles i

There you are !

(?ood ! ComeflJoHfl now,..He l he\ Ourtittle game is

over !

While we waitfor oar boirf buc-caneer arid h if

sister, I want to

Show you mylittle collection.Come, my dearTtntin i




by the


pop aulas

Tin tin is

taken to

a vast


What do you think c?f them t ..

Every one an rj^in.al, all authenticSimply waiting for ProfessorCalculus's machine ...

\g»i•Ni 'M*

... to make thousandsmore authentic originalHa ! ha f ha


ft* V*k*M *



!d «h‘


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At that moment, the underwatertank returns to its hangar.

Oh, poor CftptAmHaddock ! ,,, Whateverwill T i“ n t


m say ?..<

simplti a box of clears,Far example.

\ pubit here... Ohthe other side,some of thespecial paste...

Rastapop&ubs presses a button... and the rays begin to dotheir wark .

Br . . . the copy seemsa bit big, to we. ,



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Help ! ! I t's block

wagiclSorcery !

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listen tD that \

The boss doesn't-Sound in a verygood temper l

f What ... what’s happening

[ - . , Boss 1. , ,, Spe&k to we



Maddened with wye, Rastapopoulos hurlsthe children into a dark cellar , . -

Oh yes, there's yourprecious Tihtin , andthere he stays !


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On the Isake, boss.Polite launches...they’re petrel ling thesurface [

that ?...

Thepphte.?..-LVW p-i? 1

Hn ! hsv. The sharks are about to

be fished from their lake!

RpstupppouJos is notdisposed pf 5P easily* J'vi

plenty of time to slip

through the net, Butbefore f do that, 1 havea little surprise,especially rpr ypu l

The gangster returns to his control

panel, presses hard on a button . ....and returns to the cellar.

th p Will reach that

switch and, ., BOOM!


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You cflilj yanrself King SharkRastapopoulosi Lord ofthems, more likely! Yot*prewired to free the children }

Yes, but inexchange f<

the genuine-invention


Pool me, eh? Howwrong you were ! , * ,

Goodbye t.„ Anddon't forget: in anhour s ti rue


My poor young friends 1

, f

fcVii'HK we re done for. Wecan't reach the switch, orimmobilise the batl - cock .


M eantvhttG

You understand ? 5wiiwirMi'r

treasures back to the cave

1 11 ’ rmJk.

1 1

Jbk __ -ViW?Tih V K.



,1 tr~ n

^ 1 **. MLw

Rastapopoubs 9 orders are swiftly carried out. The frog-men go to work, having the secret lair with theirpreaoas cargo ,

Not far away

Ten thousand thundering typhoons]! Theconfounded engine won't gol. 1H What's tobecome of ms now, ^nowy P old fellow?!...

\ ill

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The Captain pushes the start-

er desperately. The propeller,

jammed by the damagedrudder, shakes violently bat

refuses tv badge


Suddenly, the twisted metal

breaks loose and the propel-

ler whirls into action.

^ —

- - — —Hooray * Up she rises! ... Vite're sailing

upside-down, but never mind l— 77 Blistering barnat\e$\ What are thosesea- gherkins doing ?.*. Out of wry way, you

duck- billed platypuses* you!

Can you sea

^ Captain 7Nat a sign,,. He r5drunk without a Fact . . er , ,


funked without a race... tr . ..

bunked to outer space.. .


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r _ .

&ood q ra ci pus \ Jt's ProFesso rCalculus's submarine! But look !

The cabin’s missing ! Those gang-sters must have stolen it!

To be precise; it (ooks asif we have something

Captain 1 Where have you been ? !

In Davey Jones's looker, blister-[

mg barnacles! Phew! Fresh

air! J thought we’of never getout of that lobster- pot!


BylHavian River Police !


Which of you is CaptaiHaddock



Me ! t


" And I knowwhere Tintin is f


Page 34: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Tin tin. Niko grid Nushka arebeing held prisoner by a gangof sharks! The pirates, ..

they've got a secret lair in

the sunken village,.. Yen'll

need divers to rescue them


But v o\a'W have to be quick.


... Piotr, sendcat a redalert!..- Andfoor


these mm

O-o-o -m ! . .. it's no goodThe chains won t break !

Try to pall the pipe


r- i I

In the control room, Rastapepoulos writs ...

That's it, boss, £?urmen haveShifted aJJ the treasures. It's

time we were going, A signal s

come through: the police aremean ting a tremendous operation

Good, good... Pm comingat once. But first I mustchange . .

fn the submarinedock the sluices areopened ...

Ship ready to depart, boss

The dock fills withwaiter, A lock-gateopens, and the sub-marine slinks outinto the depths ofthe lake,..

Hooray! ... Tint in,

vou're free


Yes!! ...

But, quick ... we mustget out of here beforethe whole place blows up]

Page 35: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

must Hurry? RastapoppwJjjs wasn'tbluffing, that's for sure


He? locked the doct,,. I should haveguessed ! , „ But wo must get out of thecellar. We’U he blown to bits if wedon't


for our clever Fettle friend and, . , WHQt?£H ! Hundreds of tonsof water down on th at smarth'fcfcle head!

/« irh# submarine > -


Done it \


! Ve picked theOut we go.

There,,, wear the jetty where the submarinebrought me in.,, there's an air-lock*

That's our only way out tothe surface of the lake.

Well never wakeit, Tintiri !

Page 36: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

The heavy door seated behind themTirt tin starts to open the sluices . ..

the chamber floods rapidly.,.


We've wtade it... I'm sure . . . By a

matter of seconds ...

How, take a deep breath. I 'm going to

open the gates \

A tremendous explosion rocks every

corner of the secret hide vat ...

An enormous waterspout pours skywards


•r w jr -v r “ P 1 i

Rflstu popyou have


revengefli In

Page 37: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Tike blast of the explosion, bossI've righted the submarine.Everything's 0>K r m?*v,

Huge waves lash the surface ofthe fake. The water boils in asadden storm.,. Then, three headsdre bobbing in the water...

? Look Tintin' Mtko!

Nushko! . They'refflive!.., Quick ! Thertib ber dinghy


Hang on\ Vw\ cowung \ , ,,

CoptfliH Haddock tp therescue, blisteringbarnacle* !

A second explosion woreviolent than the first, shatlets the waters of the take ...

A monstrous wa ve, a wait of water, loomsbefore the h aerified eyes of the swimmers* ¥ +

- i $asking them under , ,


« . - and with a deafening roar breaksover the helpless police launch . <


Page 38: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

For what

seems a


the tiny

vessel is



the churn-

ing water

. t * then,

miraoab wsly,

she shakes



Billions of blue blistering barnacles'

Ah, were «JJ

washed ap[Jobe precise- were acomplete washout 1


fti Ir




Here? And there's Tin tin]f

All present and correcteverybody l

Hey! Help us to open the door !

It's jammed !

J Ti

That's the inspectors





..., But at least

weve picked upsame of the sharks.One of our patrols

fished out severalhandsome, sped -

mens, and anothernetted somemore *ben theytried to dumptheir loot in a

Page 39: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

RnstapopoMlos has made agetaway m hi s submarine.His beat's been seen nearthe bordiArian short.

Szplutj!can' t gothere l



What ? ! Let him go 7

That shpperyh


slithering, slubberdegatlion son of a Gea-serpent?* Never!

No question of that .

We aren't 5yldaviansare we? Will you lendus a fast motorboat


l nspeotor ?



A short while afterwards , ,


W W~- [

We're castaways! J

Page 40: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper


^Hear thrtt/TiUttKiTS

The engine'smnkmg a veryOdd HOIS®.

Tin tin goes about and comes to therescue of the involuntary skiers.

Good gracious, no., . Dutycomes first. You carry on ...

We're getting quite used to

this sort of thing .

We don't wantto miss that

breaks surface*

White theves swim

for the shore.Tint in and theCaptain continuetheir hunt for

King Shark.



There's the

shore!... We N

U keepc\ear of the Frontier

posts, and steer

straight for theTrident Rooks.


Page 41: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

r ] know a II a bciJt the reefs*.,well go under them - l worked

it oil out beforehand,^Fteur^e!


At reduced speed.the submarine,crawls into the passage . .


IVm sure !Ve

something ,

can it be!

j Swt wheat



f ve Forgotten tolower the periscope!

Meanwhile . .


• je-


Page 42: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

It was

in thephere is

!w, the


Idiot 1 It's all your fault 1

Wily didn't yon tell mesooner aPoat the p&rktvpeeh H

Shut upi , . .You ‘re- a fool ! Andwhat's mere, you're Firedf


s happened m>w?

$o that's how it is, eh?.,. 0.K.,

Sea get yourself out of this messVmvtn

Hands up!



Page 43: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

Yoia haven't me yeti


Raztapopoatos and his seamen aresoon tied up and taken to the boat.


The prisoners are taken mvay to Khwtwhere the rest of the

gang is already in gaai

Page 44: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper

The village\

wish to hoi cl

jle ore coming„ sir. They

estival in your honour!

News travel fast in these

ports, eh 7

You come and doneeo blwshtiko \

The blushtiko ?l I ,.,er

don't know these hblv-

fongkd dances!

Come, Tin tin. ] will teach you.It is

Page 45: 01 Tintin In The Land Of The Soviets - Internet Archive...Tintin outline's hisplan, NikoAnd Nushka aretaken bytheir captors before King Shark. Don'tyoudaretoy4 fingeronmysister! Bigwords!..Aproper


>ho \ Here comes theMilanese nightingale



H Every man for HimselF!H Slue blisteringbarnacles!.^ The

ML Ca tast raff ore



VJk-^l J’Mjri) - i J|

1 «T > * >

Dear, dear Captain Bedsock!What a joy to Find you safe randwell ! . ,

. Com&f come my pet,IA nl J-1 I .-1 rf- J i J J 1* I ja !* Jf I


To be precise:


