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Abbey News Sheet 1st Feb
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1 S T F EBRUARY 2015

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There were two choices for young

people at St Andrew’s, Aylestone in

Leicester, where I grew up. You

could either sing in the choir and

experience the grumpiness and

circular conducting of Tommy

Moulds the choirmaster, or you

could risk the ferocity of Miss Wini-

fred Carter who ran the Sunday

School. Winny and Tommy were

probably very faithful, flawed hu-

man beings just like the rest of us,

but they have become Disney-

esque villains in my memory over

time. I opted for the choir rather

than Cruella; better to sing about

Jesus in Latin rather than risk any

Christian discipleship in the church

hall. (Youth club had Vimto, so I

briefly gave discipleship a shot at a

later point.)

The Church of England recently

commissioned evidence-based re-

search on why, in the midst of over-

all decline, certain Anglican

churches are experiencing growth.

(From Anecdote to Evidence 2011-

2013) Last year the Abbey PCC had

a good look at these findings and

were encouraged that certain fac-

tors associated with growth are

present to some degree at Malmes-

bury Abbey: having a clear purpose

and vision for growth, be willing to

change and learn, sharing ministry

together as the Body of Christ, ac-

tively engaging with people out-

side the church community, a prac-

tical commitment to welcome and

discipleship, and a leadership that

motivates and inspires, or at least

blogs occasionally. But there was

one other biggy: church growth is

found where there is a high ratio of

children to adults. Here’s a further

quote from the report: ‘There is an

urgent need to focus on children,

young people and their parents

and a challenge to identify how the

church can best invest in people,

programmes and strategies which


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will encourage young people ac-

tively to continue exploring faith.’

Free Vimto just won’t do the trick.

The research teams also found a

positive association between

church growth and employing a

children’s & youth worker.

1 Corinthians 3:6 is clear, God

grows the church, not us. But what

is often missed from that verse is

that Paul planted and Apollos wa-

tered. We labour for His glory, but

we do labour. So it is a profoundly

encouraging thing that Andrew &

Jude Beebee join us this Sunday as

Andrew (seen on the front cover

with his new line manager) begins

his work as Children’s & Youth Min-

ister at the Abbey. It’s hard work,

it’s so important, and the Spirit just

strengthened the team.


THIS SUNDAY: February 1st

9am BCP Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

4pm Celebration & Commis-

sioning of Andrew Beebee

by the Bishop of Bristol,

with Junior Church

5.30pm Party!


EACH DAY 9am Morning Prayer

TUES 3rd 2.30pm Prayer for the

Persecuted Church

(Eilmer House)

WED 4th 10.30am Communion

THUR 5th 10.30am Time for Chat

2pm Prayers for Janet

Parke (Eilmer House)

7pm Choir Practice

FRI 6th 10.30am Creative Response

SAT 7th 10am The Meeting Place

NEXT SUNDAY: February 8th

9am BCP Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

4pm Informal Worship, the

Grid & Junior Church

6.30pm Choral Evensong

6pm The Mix at the McAdams

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Now the main point of what we are saying is this: we do have such a high

priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in

heaven, 2 and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by

the Lord, not by a mere human being.

3 Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it

was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. 4 If he were on

earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the

gifts prescribed by the law. 5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and

shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was

about to build the tabernacle: ‘See to it that you make everything accord-

ing to the pattern shown you on the mountain.’

6 But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the

covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new

covenant is established on better promises. 7 For if there had been nothing

wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for an-

other. 8 But God found fault with the people and said: ‘The days are com-

ing, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people

of Israel and with the people of Judah. 9 It will not be like the covenant I

made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out

of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I

turned away from them, declares the Lord. 10 This is the covenant I will es-

tablish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put

my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God,

and they will be my people. 11 No longer will they teach their

neighbours, or say to one another, “Know the Lord,” because they will all

know me, from the least of them to the greatest. 12 For I will forgive their

wickedness and will remember their sins no more.’ 13 By calling this cove-

nant ‘new’, he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and

outdated will soon disappear.

Additional Reading: John 6:41-47

HEBREWS 8 :1 -13

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DA I LY READ INGS 1. Read verses 1-2. Now read it

again with a richer translation

‘crowning affirmation’ replacing

the words ‘main point’. What is

the ‘crowning affirmation’ to

which the writer is referring?

2. Hebrews 8 is divided into 3 para-

graphs on the previous page.

They describe: ‘the mediator of a

new superior covenant,’ ‘the old

high priestly ministry’ and ‘the

new high priestly ministry.’

Which is which?

3. The passage contrasts the earthly

sanctuary as a ‘copy and

shadow’ (v5) of what Christ has

entered in heaven (v2). Describe

some things you have experi-

enced in everyday life that are a

shadow of the real thing? De-

scribe experiencing the real

thing for the first time.

4. Heb 8:8-12 quotes an ancient

prophecy of Jeremiah. What are

the two main qualities of the

new covenant prophesied?

5. A child asks: how do we know

God? What is your answer?



Psalm 1

Hosea 9

Hebrews 10:1-18


Psalm 5

Hosea 10

Hebrews 10:19-39


Psalm 119:1-32

Hosea 11:1-11

Hebrews 11:1-22


Psalm 15

Hosea 11:12-12:14

Hebrews 11:23-31


Psalm 19

Hosea 13:1-14

Hebrews 11:32-40


If you would like to give regu-

larly to the mission and minis-

try of the Abbey as part of your

discipleship, please e-mail

[email protected].

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Ash Wednesday marks the begin-

ning of Lent, which for many is a

reflective season of prayer, renewal

and fasting before the celebrations

of Easter. In the Malmesbury & Up-

per Avon Group there are two peni-

tential services of Holy Communion

with Ashing on Ash Wednesday:

10.30am at Eilmer House, and 7pm

at All Saints, Corston. (The morning

service is moved to Eilmer House

because of the Skate Park.)

Two more prayer meetings coming

this week: Pray for Persecuted Chris-

tians in Eilmer House on Tuesday 3rd

February at 2.30pm. And Prayers for

Janet Parke, praying for her work in

Zambia, Thursday 5th February in

Eilmer House at 2pm.


See next page! In case you haven’t

noticed the small print on the

poster and are pretty desperate to

be seen looking good in a MAS T-

Shirt or Hoodie, you need to order

yours by close of play Monday 2nd

February. Contact MAS2015 on

[email protected].

Tickets for MAS2015 are selling out.

So go to the Abbey website and

follow the link to buy on line a.s.a.p.

The Abbey organ is being tuned

on Monday 9th February, all day.

To preserve the sanity of our staff,

stewards and visitors the Abbey

and the café will be closed all day.

Our apologies. Morning Prayer will

be in Eilmer House at 9am.

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Enquiries 01666 826666 // Box Office 01666 824339 [email protected] www.malmesburyabbey.com issuu.com/malmesburyabbey

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Monday (10am-12noon)

Tuesday-Friday (9.30am– 3pm)

Tel: 01666 826666

[email protected]



Staff members can be contacted

by [email protected]


Tuesday-Saturday (normal)

9am– 3.30pm

Sunday & Monday closed all day

[email protected]
