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Page 2: 0112/2. Malachi Malachi Where is God? What Kind of God is He? What Will He Do? Gods Messenger SUMMER SERIES 2012.


Where is God?

What Kind of God is He?

What Will He Do?

God’s Messenger


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C. 1:6-2:16 Leaders and Followers — Some Straight Talking:

• 1:6-2:9 — The failures of the priests — the leaders

• 2:10-16 — The failures of the people — the followers

A. 1:1 Title: What, who and howB. 1:2-5 Introduction: God’s covenant love for Israel affirmed

D. 2:17- 4:6 The Lord will Come:

• 2:17 — God’s ways had been misunderstood

• 3:1-5 — The promised Messiah would come

• 3:6-18 — God’s covenant demands remained unchanged

• 4:1-6 — The Day of the Lord

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Summary of 1:1-5 — Title and Introduction

• God still loved his people …

• God spoke again to his people …

• God still remembered his covenants …

• God still reigned in the world …

this time through Malachi

even when their faith failed

being faithful to his word, both in blessings and in curses

despite the failures of his people

• This was a message for people who had been through tough times … when many had lost their faith

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The Passage for Today

C. 1:6-2:16 Leaders and Followers — Some Straight Talking:

• 1:6-2:9 — The failures of the priests — the leaders

• 2:10-16 — The failures of the people — the followers

A. 1:1 Title: What, who and howB. 1:2-5 Introduction: God’s covenant love for Israel affirmed

D. 2:17- 4:6 The Lord will Come:

• 2:17 — God’s ways had been misunderstood

• 3:1-5 — The promised Messiah would come

• 3:6-18 — God’s covenant demands remained unchanged

• 4:1-6 — The Day of the Lord

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1. The Failures of the Priests — the Leaders (1:6 to 2:9)

1:6 “It is you, O priests, who show contempt for

my name.”

• A son honoured his father

• A servant respected his master

• The priests (God’s sons and servants) showed contempt for their Father and Master (no honour or respect)

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1. The Failures of the Priests — the Leaders

1:6 — “It is you, O priests, who show contempt for my


But you ask, ‘How have we shown contempt …?’”

Their response to the statement came as a question …

Answer …

• 1:7 — “You place defiled food on my altar”

• 2:8 — “… you have caused many to stumble”

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1. The Failures of the Priests — the Leaders

Lev. 22:20 “Do not bring anything with a defect, because it will not be accepted.”

(a) 1:7 “You place defiled food on my altar”

• v. 8 — They wouldn’t offer blemished animals to the Persian

governor, yet they offered them to

God.• v. 10 — Better to close the temple than offer unacceptable sacrifices. Perfect animals pointed to the coming perfect sacrifice — Jesus.

• Compare vv. 6 & 14: God was their Father — to be honoured, their Master (Lord) to be

respected, their King — to be obeyed.

. . . but they failed

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1. The Failures of the Priests — the Leaders

Moses said, “[Levi] teaches your precepts and your law …He offers … whole burnt offerings on your altar.Bless all his skills, O LORD”

Deut. 33:10-11

Jacob said, “Simeon and Levi … have killed men in their anger … Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel.” Gen. 49:5-7

• v. 3 — Life would be like the garbage tip … blessings turned to curses.

• 2:1 — “if you do not …”, “if you do not …” disobedience resulted in


• v. 4 — Yet for Levi the way had been …curses turned to


God is unchangeably God

He is to be honoured, respected and obeyed, and his laws cannot be disregarded.

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• 2:7 — “A priest ought to preserve knowledge…because he is the messenger of

the LORD Almighty.”

• 2:8 — “But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant

with Levi” says the LORD Almighty.

Scripture is God’s word to humankind,and must not be neglected.

(b) 2:8 “… you have caused many to stumble”

1. The Failures of the Priests — the Leaders

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2. The Failures of the People — the Followers (2:10-16)

• God was Father to his people …their status as the family of


• God was Creator of his people …their origin in the purpose

of God

2:10 “Why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another?”

(profane = misuse, defile, treat with contempt)

• This unique relationship was formalized in covenants

But …

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2. The Failures of the People — the Followers

2:14 “You have broken faith with … the wife of your marriage covenant.”

• They broke covenants with each other by distorting God’s requirements to suit their own ends

2:11 “Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the LORD loves, by marrying the daughter of a foreign god.”

• They broke covenants with God by distorting the use of their God-given sexuality

How did they “profane the covenant”?

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2. The Failures of the People — the Followers

(a) They broke covenants with God by distorting the use of their God-given sexuality

• Detestable = revolting or vile. Desecrated = violated or profaned.

• Such behaviour desecrated God’s temple and so disgraced God.

• God did not condemn marriage, but marriage to someone who served a foreign god (idol).

• The practice seems to have become widespread.

2:11 “Judah has broken faith. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the LORD loves, by marrying the daughter of a foreign god.” Marriage does not only involve

two people…it matters to God as well

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2. The Failures of the People — the Followers

(b) They broke covenants with each other by distorting God’s requirements to suit their own ends

2:13 “You weep and wail because [the LORD] no longer pays attention to your offerings …”

2:14 “You have broken faith with … the wife of your marriage covenant.”

• Some had divorced their Jewish wives to marry foreign women.

• Marriage was a significant covenant between people, with God as a witness — but that covenant had been broken in those


• Covenants depended upon exclusive, loyal and consistent love.

• These people tried to adapt God’s laws to suit their own ends.

2:15-16 “Guard yourself in your spirit,and do not break faith …”

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SUMMARY — of this Section

The ineffective Leaders —

• failed to obey covenant requirements about sacrifices …

they had a low view of God

• failed to teach the law …

they neglected God’s word

The disobedient People —

• failed to understand their sexuality …

and tangled up their marriages

• failed to follow God’s ways …

and slipped into ugly self-centredness

But that was in 450 BC …What does it mean today?

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SUMMARY — of this Section

• Under the New Covenant …

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength.”

“Love your neighbour as yourself.” Mk.


• What we believe and how we behave …

depends on our worldview, and marks us out from others

What About Today?

• God seeks our exclusive, loyal and consistent love

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WORLDVIEWS — One With God, One Without God





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SUMMARY — Challenges for Us

• Pray for them as those responsible to God for us.

• Assess their work in the light of the bible.

• Gladly follow them.

(a) Regarding our Leaders

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SUMMARY — Challenges for Us

• Understand and express our God-given sexuality in the context of God’s creative purpose for us as his people who bear his image.

(b) Regarding us as Followers

• Resolutely resist the insidious pressures of humanistic worldviews to twist God’s purposes to suit our own desires.

• Commit ourselves to wholeheartedly love God and each other, particularly with respect to

our marriages, our families, and God’s family.

• God loves (and so disciplines) his people, but hates the tactics they use to try and get their own ways.

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Malachi God’s Messenger

Part 3:






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Personal reflection and prayer . . .

Our leaders …

Ourselves …

Our marriages …

Our families …

Our church family ...

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