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0(1,(20-0#-&% 12345 - TC Life Safety · 0(1",(20-0#-&% 12345...

Date post: 11-Aug-2020
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MacurcoCombustible Gas Detector GD-2B For use with alarm control panels Methane and Propane Gas Detection The GD-2B is a low voltage electronic detector of combustible, heating type gases. The GD-2B is designed for connection to Fire Alarm/Burglary Control Panels. The GD-2B is intended for installation in buildings in non-hazardous locations such as residences, retail stores, office buildings, and institutional buildings. This combustible gas detector has been calibrated for detection of methane (natural gas) and propane (LP) gas. It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire or carbon monoxide. Features 'HVLJQHG WR PHHW 8/ VWDQGDUG IRU WKH 6WDQGDUG )RU 6DIHW\ IRU *DV DQG 9DSRU 'HWHFWRU DQG 6HQVRUV 6HQVLWLYLW\ EDVHG RQ 8/ 6WDQGDUG IRU 5HVLGHQWLDO *DV 'HWHFWRUV 6XUIDFH PRXQWV WR D ZDOO XVLQJ WKH VXSSOLHG HQFORVXUH UHDU KRXVLQJ )OXVK PRXQWV LQ D [ LQFK GHHS PLQLPXP VLQJOH JDQJ VZLWFK or handy electrical box 6PDOO ORZ SURILOH DWWUDFWLYH XQLW LQ D ZKLWH SODVWLF FDVH &DQ EH VHOIUHVWRULQJ RU ODWFKLQJ 7HVW 5HVHW VZLWFK FRQGXFWV LQWHUQDO WHVWV DQG DFWXDWHV DODUP UHOD\ 6ROLG 6WDWH (OHFWURQLF VHQVRUV QR PDLQWHQDQFH RU UHFDOLEUDWLRQ 12 RU 1& 6367 $ODUP 5HOD\ DQG 1& 6367 7URXEOH UHOD\ WR FRQQHFW to Alarm Control Panels 2SWLRQDO %X]]HU 3URGXFHV UHSHDWLQJ ORXG WRQH EXUVWV GXULQJ DODUP DQG FKLUSV LI VHQVRU WURXEOH LV IRXQG 0DQXIDFWXUHG E\ $HULRQLFV ,QF 5RXQG 5RFN 7; ± 3KRQH ± (PDLO LQIR#DHULRQLFVLQFFRP ± ZZZPDFXUFRFRP
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Macurco™ Combustible Gas Detector


For use with alarm control panelsMethane and Propane Gas DetectionThe GD-2B is a low voltage electronic detector of combustible, heating type gases. The GD-2B is designed forconnection to Fire Alarm/Burglary Control Panels. The GD-2B is intended for installation in buildings innon-hazardous locations such as residences, retail stores, office buildings, and institutional buildings. Thiscombustible gas detector has been calibrated for detection of methane (natural gas) and propane (LP) gas. It isNOT designed to detect smoke, fire or carbon monoxide.Features��'HVLJQHG�WR�PHHW�8/�VWDQGDUG������IRU�WKH�6WDQGDUG�)RU�6DIHW\�IRU�*DV��DQG�9DSRU�'HWHFWRU�DQG�6HQVRUV��6HQVLWLYLW\�EDVHG�RQ�8/������6WDQGDUG�IRU�5HVLGHQWLDO�*DV�'HWHFWRUV��6XUIDFH�PRXQWV�WR�D�ZDOO�XVLQJ�WKH�VXSSOLHG�HQFORVXUH�UHDU�KRXVLQJ��)OXVK�PRXQWV�LQ�D���[����������LQFK�GHHS�PLQLPXP��VLQJOH�JDQJ�VZLWFK� or handy electrical box��6PDOO��ORZ�SURILOH��DWWUDFWLYH�XQLW�LQ�D�ZKLWH�SODVWLF�FDVH��&DQ�EH�VHOI�UHVWRULQJ�RU�ODWFKLQJ��7HVW��5HVHW�VZLWFK�FRQGXFWV�LQWHUQDO�WHVWV�DQG�DFWXDWHV�DODUP�UHOD\��6ROLG�6WDWH�(OHFWURQLF�VHQVRUV��QR�PDLQWHQDQFH�RU�UHFDOLEUDWLRQ��1�2��RU�1�&��6367�$ODUP�5HOD\�DQG�1�&��6367�7URXEOH�UHOD\�WR�FRQQHFW to Alarm Control Panels��2SWLRQDO�%X]]HU��3URGXFHV�UHSHDWLQJ�ORXG�WRQH�EXUVWV�GXULQJ�DODUP��DQG�FKLUSV�LI�VHQVRU�WURXEOH�LV�IRXQG


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GD-2B Specifications��6L]H��������;�������;�������LQFK�������[�������[������FP���$ODUP�5HOD\��6367�����P$����9'&��7URXEOH�5HOD\��6367�����P$����9'&��%X]]HU�5DWLQJ�����G%$�DW����)HHW��6KLSSLQJ�:HLJKW�������SRXQG��2SHUDWLQJ�7HPS��5DQJH�����)������&��WR�����)�������&���$ODUP�6HWWLQJ������/(/�3HU�8/�������)RU�XVH�ZLWK�D�)LUH�$ODUP�%XUJODU\�&RQWURO�3DQHO���6HQVRU�0DLQWHQDQFH��QRW�UHTXLUHG��9ROWDJH�������9'&�������9$&��&XUUHQW��QRQ�DODUP������P$�#����9'&�����P$�#����9'&�����P$�#����9$&�����P$�#����9$&��&XUUHQW��LQ�DODUP������P$�#����9'&�����P$�#����9'&�����P$�#����9$&�����P$�#����9$&��Installation:LWK�WKH�*'��%�IDFHSODWH�PRXQWHG�RQ�WKH�HQFORVXUHV�UHDU�KRXVLQJ�WKH�XQLW�FDQ�EH�VXUIDFH�PRXQWHG�RQ�D�ZDOO�$�WKLQ�PLG�SODWH�HQFORVXUH�FRPSRQHQW�LV�DOVR�VXSSOLHG�ZLWK�WKH�*'��%�WR�PRXQW�WKH�*'��%�RQ�D���[���LQFK������FP�[�������FP��VZLWFK�ER[���VLQJOH�JDQJ�RU��KDQG\���SURYLGHG�E\�WKH�LQVWDOOHU�LocationA GD-2B is usually located in each room (except kitchens or bathrooms) where there are gas appliances orthrough which gas pipes pass. Do NOT mount the GD-2B in a corner. Do NOT mount the GD-2B in kitchens orbathrooms - alcohol’s, ammonia, cleaning solvents, paint thinner, gasoline vapors, and aerosol propellants(aerosol cans such as hair spray usually contain a combustible gas) may cause alarms. Do NOT mount the*'��%�ZKHUH�WKH�QRUPDO�DPELHQW�WHPSHUDWXUH�LV�EHORZ�����)�����&��RU�H[FHHGV������)������&���,I�WKH�JDV�XVHGis natural gas (methane) mount the GD-2B on a wall about one foot down from the ceiling. If the gas used isSURSDQH��/3���PRXQW�WKH�*'��%�RQ�D�ZDOO�RU�FROXPQ�RQH�IRRW�DERYH�WKH�IORRU��8VH�WKH�VDPH�VSDFLQJ�DV�IRU�VPRNHGHWHFWRUV�����IRRW�FHQWHUV������VTXDUH�IHHW�SHU�GHWHFWRU�



Macurco is a trademark of Aerionics, Inc.

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