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Findings, Page 1

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Findings, Page 2

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Page 8: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

National Total (Includes Territories)Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances





$137,753,882,000 $443.0

1,774 $77,651,568

Bi-Partisan 37%

Republican 30%

Democrat 33%

Bi-Partisan 70%

Republican 8%

Democrat 22%

Republican 41%

Democrat 59%

Page 9: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

National Total (Includes Territories)Build America Bonds by Political Party of State Governor in 2010

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Red States, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue States, Bond Value per Issue:

Territories/Districts Bond Value per Issue:

National Political Composition by Party of Governor in 2010

Bond Issuance, by Party of Governor of State Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of Governor of Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances





$137,753,882,000 $443.0

1,774 $77,651,568

Republican 39%

Democrat 61%

Territory 0%

Republican 53%

Democrat 46%

Territory 1%

Republican 48%

Democrat 52%

Page 10: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

AlabamaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances

Bob Ray (R)

Richard Shelby (R)

Jeff Sessions (R)







$335,185,000 $71.2

Bi-Partisan 18%

Republican 64%

Democrat 18%

Bi-Partisan 49%

Republican 33%

Democrat 18%

Republican 71%

Democrat 29%

Page 11: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

AlaskaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances

4 $59,531,250





Sean Parnell (R)

Lisa Murkowski (R)

Mark Begich (D)



Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Republican 100%

Page 12: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

ArizonaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances

36 $52,825,278





Jan Brewer (R)

John McCain (R)

John Kyl (R)



Bi-Partisan 42%

Republican 0%

Democrat 58%

Bi-Partisan 80%

Republican 0%

Democrat 20%

Republican 37%

Democrat 63%

Page 13: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

ArkansasBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Mike Beebe (D)

Blanche Lincoln (D)

Mark Pryor (D)



2 $17,360,000




Bi-Partisan 50%

Republican 0%

Democrat 50%

Bi-Partisan 56%

Republican 0%

Democrat 44%

Republican 25%

Democrat 75%

Page 14: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

CaliforniaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

Dianne Feinstein (D)

Barbara Boxer (D)



119 $235,098,908




Bi-Partisan 49%

Republican 14%

Democrat 37%

Bi-Partisan 75%

Republican 2%

Democrat 23%

Republican 36%

Democrat 64%

Page 15: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

ColoradoBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Bill Ritter (R)

Mark Udall (D)

Michael Bennet (D)



47 $60,822,872




Bi-Partisan 34%

Republican 11%

Democrat 55%

Bi-Partisan 41%

Republican 13%

Democrat 46%

Republican 29%

Democrat 71%

Page 16: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

ConnecticutBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jodi Rell (R)

Chris Dodd (D)

Joe Lieberman (I)



12 $97,012,083




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 17: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

DelawareBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jack Markell (D)

Tom Carper (D)

Ted Kaufman (D)



2 $99,085,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Page 18: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

District of ColumbiaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances







4 $276,572,500




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 19: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

FloridaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Charlie Crist (R)

George LeMieux (R)

Bill Nelson (D)



59 $82,192,203




Bi-Partisan 69%

Republican 19%

Democrat 12%

Bi-Partisan 84%

Republican 9%

Democrat 7%

Republican 60%

Democrat 40%

Page 20: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

GeorgiaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Sonny Perdue (R)

Saxby Chambliss (R)

John Isakson (R)



15 $232,511,667




Bi-Partisan 54%

Republican 33%

Democrat 13%

Bi-Partisan 97%

Republican 2%

Democrat 1%

Republican 54%

Democrat 46%

Page 21: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

HawaiiBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Linda Lingle (R)

Daniel Inouye (D)

Daniel Akaka (D)



5 $187,565,000




Bi-Partisan 80%

Republican 0%

Democrat 20%

Bi-Partisan 89%

Republican 0%

Democrat 11%

Republican 50%

Democrat 50%

Page 22: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

IdahoBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Butch Otter (R)

Mike Crapo (D)

Jim Risch (D)



5 $26,642,000




Bi-Partisan 80%

Republican 20%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 84%

Republican 16%

Democrat 0%

Republican 50%

Democrat 50%

Page 23: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

IllinoisBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Pat Quinn (D)

Dick Durbin (D)

Roland Burris (D)



180 $52,773,922




Bi-Partisan 56%

Republican 17%

Democrat 27%

Bi-Partisan 92%

Republican 4%

Democrat 4%

Republican 37%

Democrat 63%

Page 24: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

IndianaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Mitch Daniels (R)

Richard Lugar (R)

Evan Bayh (D)



29 $61,645,483




Bi-Partisan 52%

Republican 10%

Democrat 38%

Bi-Partisan 51%

Republican 4%

Democrat 45%

Republican 44%

Democrat 56%

Page 25: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

IowaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Chet Culver (D)

Chuck Grassley (R)

Tom Harkin (D)



35 $15,931,571




Bi-Partisan 9%

Republican 37%

Democrat 54%

Bi-Partisan 45%

Republican 21%

Democrat 34%

Republican 40%

Democrat 60%

Page 26: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

KansasBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Mark Parkinson (D)

Sam Brownback (R)

Pat Roberts (R)



51 $29,513,137




Bi-Partisan 26%

Republican 47%

Democrat 27%

Bi-Partisan 41%

Republican 37%

Democrat 22%

Republican 75%

Democrat 25%

Page 27: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

KentuckyBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Steve Beshear (D)

Mitch McConnell (R)

Jim Bunning (R)



81 $26,174,383




Bi-Partisan 16%

Republican 73%

Democrat 11%

Bi-Partisan 63%

Republican 29%

Democrat 8%

Republican 67%

Democrat 33%

Page 28: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

LouisianaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Bobby Jindal (R)

David Vitter (R)

Mary Landrieu (D)



9 $105,461,667




Bi-Partisan 44%

Republican 56%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 36%

Republican 64%

Democrat 0%

Republican 86%

Democrat 14%

Page 29: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MaineBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


John Baldacci (D)

Olympia Snowe (R)

Susan Collins (R)



1 $22,765,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 30: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MarylandBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Martin O'Malley (D)

Barbara Mikulski (D)

Ben Cardin (D)



34 $90,382,794




Bi-Partisan 44%

Republican 12%

Democrat 44%

Bi-Partisan 78%

Republican 5%

Democrat 17%

Republican 12%

Democrat 88%

Page 31: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MassachusettsBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Deval Patrick (D)

John Kerry (D)

Scott Brown (R)



10 $311,352,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 32: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MichiganBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jennifer Granholm (D)

Carl Levin (D)

Debbie Stabenow (D)



65 $35,749,923




Bi-Partisan 31%

Republican 40%

Democrat 29%

Bi-Partisan 59%

Republican 19%

Democrat 22%

Republican 47% Democrat


Page 33: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MinnesotaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Tim Pawlenty (R)

Amy Klobuchar (D)

Al Franken (D)



93 $10,311,677




Bi-Partisan 16%

Republican 31%

Democrat 53%

Bi-Partisan 39%

Republican 18%

Democrat 43%

Republican 37%

Democrat 63%

Page 34: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MississippiBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Haley Barbour (R)

Thad Cochran (R)

Roger Wicker (R)



4 $80,811,250




Bi-Partisan 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 0%

Republican 25%

Democrat 75%

Page 35: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MissouriBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jay Nixon (D)

Kit Bond (R)

Claire McCaskill (D)



87 $24,426,943




Bi-Partisan 37%

Republican 44%

Democrat 19%

Bi-Partisan 76%

Republican 16%

Democrat 8%

Republican 56%

Democrat 44%

Page 36: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

MontanaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

NA - No Bond Issuances

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances

NA - No Bond Issuances


Brian Schweitzer (D)

Max Baucus (D)

Jon Tester (D)



0 NA




Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Page 37: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

NebraskaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:


US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Dave Heineman (R)

Mike Johanns (R)

Ben Nelson (D)



36 $19,419,028




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Page 38: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

NevadaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jim Gibbons (R)

John Ensign (R)

Harry Reid (D)



20 $113,573,050




Bi-Partisan 55%

Republican 40%

Democrat 5%

Bi-Partisan 85%

Republican 7%

Democrat 8%

Republican 33%

Democrat 67%

Page 39: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

New HampshireBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


John Lynch (D)

Judd Gregg (R)

Jeanne Shaheen (D)



4 $74,385,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 40: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

New JerseyBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Chris Christie (R)

Frank Lautenberg (D)

Bob Menendez (D)



25 $153,188,720




Bi-Partisan 88%

Republican 12%

Democrat 0%

Unknown 0%

Bi-Partisan 97%

Republican 3%

Democrat 0%

Republican 38%

Democrat 62%

Page 41: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

New MexicoBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Bill Richardson (D)

Jeff Bingaman (D)

Tom Udall (D)



6 $23,821,667




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Unknown 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 42: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

New YorkBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


David Paterson (D)

Chuck Schumer (D)

Kirsten Gillibrand (D)



47 $318,722,872




Bi-Partisan 53%

Republican 2%

Democrat 45%

Bi-Partisan 56%

Republican 0%

Democrat 44%

Republican 7%

Democrat 93%

Page 43: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

North CarolinaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Beverly Perdue (D)

Richard Burr (R)

Kay Hagan (D)



21 $52,046,190




Bi-Partisan 57%

Republican 14%

Democrat 29%

Bi-Partisan 83%

Republican 7%

Democrat 10%

Republican 38%

Democrat 62%

Page 44: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

North DakotaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


John Hoeven (R)

Kent Conrad (D)

Byron Dorgan (D)



6 $9,681,667




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 45: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

OhioBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Ted Strickland (D)

George Voinovich (R)

Sherrod Brown (D)



98 $54,658,765




Bi-Partisan 48%

Republican 28%

Democrat 24%

Bi-Partisan 83%

Republican 9%

Democrat 8%

Republican 44%

Democrat 56%

Page 46: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

OklahomaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Brad Henry (D)

Jim Inhofe (R)

Tom Coburn (R)



29 $28,137,586




Bi-Partisan 14%

Republican 72%

Democrat 14%

Bi-Partisan 27%

Republican 63%

Democrat 10%

Republican 80%

Democrat 20%

Page 47: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

OregonBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Ted Kulongoski (D)

Ron Wyden (D)

Jeff Merkley (D)



6 $155,315,000




Bi-Partisan 50%

Republican 0%

Democrat 50%

Bi-Partisan 88%

Republican 0%

Democrat 12%

Republican 20%

Democrat 80%

Page 48: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

PennsylvaniaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Ed Rendell (D)

Arlen Specter (D)

Bob Casey, Jr. (D)



49 $86,338,980




Bi-Partisan 45%

Republican 24%

Democrat 31%

Bi-Partisan 82%

Republican 5%

Democrat 13%

Republican 37%

Democrat 63%

Page 49: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

Puerto RicoBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Luis Fortuno (I)





4 $164,320,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Unknown 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 50: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

Rhode IslandBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Donald Carcieri (R)

Jack Reed (D)

Sheldon Whitehouse (D)



1 $12,000,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 51: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

South CarolinaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Mark Sanford (R)

Lindsey Graham (R)

Jim DeMint (R)



27 $28,140,370




Bi-Partisan 11%

Republican 48%

Democrat 41%

Bi-Partisan 15%

Republican 44%

Democrat 41%

Republican 67%

Democrat 33%

Page 52: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

South DakotaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Mike Rounds (R)

John Thune (R)

Tim Johnson (D)



18 $15,161,944




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 53: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

TennesseeBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Phil Bredesen (D)

Lamar Alexander (R)

Bob Corker (R)



32 $45,912,656




Bi-Partisan 31%

Republican 44%

Democrat 25%

Bi-Partisan 76%

Republican 15%

Democrat 9%

Republican 44%

Democrat 56%

Page 54: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

TexasBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Rick Perry (R)

Kay Bailey Hutchison (R)

John Cornyn (R)



78 $178,164,731




Bi-Partisan 55%

Republican 30%

Democrat 15%

Bi-Partisan 88%

Republican 10%

Democrat 2%

Republican 62%

Democrat 38%

Page 55: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

UtahBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Gary Herbert (R)

Orrin Hatch (R)

Robert Foster Bennett (R)



39 $66,231,026




Bi-Partisan 57%

Republican 28%

Democrat 15%

Bi-Partisan 87%

Republican 9%

Democrat 4%

Republican 67%

Democrat 33%

Page 56: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

VermontBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jim Douglas (R)

Patrick Leahy (D)

Bernie Sanders (I)



2 $24,900,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 57: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

Virgin IslandsBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances







1 $37,330,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Page 58: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

VirginiaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Bob McDonnell (R)

Jim Webb (D)

Mark Warner (D)



34 $81,108,824




Bi-Partisan 38%

Republican 30%

Democrat 32%

Bi-Partisan 74%

Republican 10%

Democrat 16%

Republican 45%

Democrat 55%

Page 59: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

WashingtonBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Christine Gregoire (D)

Patty Murray (D)

Maria Cantwell (D)



65 $76,631,385




Bi-Partisan 26%

Republican 20%

Democrat 54%

Bi-Partisan 58%

Republican 10%

Democrat 32%

Republican 33%

Democrat 67%

Page 60: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

West VirginaBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Joe Manchin (D)

Jay Rockefeller (D)

Carte Goodwin (D)



1 $37,950,000




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 0%

Democrat 100%

Republican 33%

Democrat 67%

Page 61: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

WisconsinBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Jim Doyle (D)

Herb Kohl (D)

Russ Feingold (D)



119 $15,201,975




Bi-Partisan 16%

Republican 39%

Democrat 45%

Bi-Partisan 62%

Republican 18%

Democrat 20%

Republican 37%

Democrat 63%

Page 62: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value

WyomingBuild America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress


Senator #1:

Senator #2:

Total Population:

Total Value of Bonds: Bond Value per Capita:

Total Bond Issuances: Bond Value per Issue:

Multi-District,Multi-Partisan Bond Value per Issue:

Red Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

Blue Districts, Bond Value per Issue:

US House of Representatives, 111th Congress, by Party

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Total Value of Bonds Issued

Bond Issuance, by Party of District Benefited by Bonds, Number of Issuances


Dave Freudenthal (D)

Mike Enzi (R)

John Barrasso (R)



6 $23,636,667




Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Bi-Partisan 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Republican 100%

Democrat 0%

Page 63: 0$12#*&3)$%4-0, · 2019-01-29 · National Total (Includes Territories) Build America Bonds by Political Party of Congressional District, 111th Congress Total Population: Total Value





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