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UNIT 18 1

Our Future Home Marg. - Tom! I often think about the home that we will have

when we are married. A nice, big house with a lot of big

windows... and beautiful antique furniture…

We will be so happy! Tom - Of course, dear. But why a big house? We can have a

pretty little house in the suburbs... with a nice big

garden... in a street full of trees... far from traffic, shops

and noise - Marg. - Oh no! I like to live near the shops. Tom - Very well, dear. Marg. - We will need a drawing room, a dining room, a kitchen, a

bathroom, and four bedrooms. Tom - Four bedrooms! But why will we need four bedrooms? Marg. - One will be for us, dear. One will be for guests. And two

will be for the domestics. Tom - Two domestics!!? Marg. - Yes, dear. We will need two. Two will be absolutely

necessary: a cook to do the cooking, and a maid to clean

the house and to do the washing up. Tom - But Margaret! You will do the cooking, dear! Marg. - Oh no! I can’t cook at all. Tom - You will learn to cook dear. I will buy you a nice big

cookery book. Marg. - But at least we must have a maid, Tom. I can’t do the

washing up. Strong soap will spoil my hands. Tom - I will buy you a pair of rubber gloves. Marg. - Yes, dear. You are right... And now we will talk about the

garden. We will have a nice, big garden - Tom - Of course. With flowers of every colour, and fruit trees,

and vegetables.


UNIT 18 2

(continuation) Our Future Home

Marg. - It will be a nice hobby for you, dear, in your free time. Tom - What will be a nice hobby for me? Marg. - The gardening, dear. I can imagine you there, digging,

and watering the flowers, while I am doing the washing

up. Tom - But we will have a gardener, of course. Marg. - But why, dear? There are good books about gardening. I

will buy you a nice book about gardening for your next

birthday. Tom - You are absolutely right, dear! We certainly must have

a maid. Marg. - And a gardener, Tom. Tom - Yes, Margaret. I see that we will agree very well.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 18 3

temporal conjunctions = congiunzioni temporali when = quando

if = se

before = prima di

after = dopo di

as soon as = appena

Nelle frasi subordinate introdotte da una “congiunzione

temporale” si usa il presente al posto del futuro.

when = quando I will telephone you when I arrive home. (Ti telefonerò quando arrivo a casa.) arriverò

> Margaret often thinks about the house that she will have when she is married.

When Abel has enough money, he will go to Brazil. When he is old enough, he will buy a motorbike.

if = se I will buy a Ferrari if I win the lottery. (Mi comprerò una Ferrari “se vinco” la lotteria.)

as soon as = appena I will write to you as soon as I find a little time. (Ti scriverò appena “trovo” un poco di tempo.)

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> old = vecchio antique = antico antique shop = negozio di antiquariato Margaret wants a big house with beautiful antique furniture. Con l’aggettivo “antique” si indica qualcosa di vecchio, ma allo

stesso tempo che abbia valore e che sia artistico e raro.

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UNIT 18 4

Fino ad alcuni anni fa, dopo i pronomi “I” e “we”, si

considerava corretto usare “shall” nella formazione del futuro. I shall go = io andrò

you will go = tu andrai

he will go = egli andrà ecc. we shall go you will go they will go

Oggigiorno la maggior parte delle persone usano “will” dopo “I” e

“we”, e non è considerato errore.

I will go = io andrò

you will go = tu andrai

he will go = egli andrà ecc. we will go you will go they will go


- For her birthday my mother doesn’t want any presents. She says that for her, the best present is a good promise.

My father promises that he will not read the newspaper at the breakfast table for three months. - He also promises that he will help her in the garden.

Debra says that every Sunday she will clean all the window panes. She also promises that every Saturday she will dust all the furniture.

I make a lot of promises, but I don’t know if I will be able

to keep them:

I will never play any rock and roll records in the morning.

I will make my bed every day.

I will not leave my clothes all over the room.

I will never come home late on Saturday night.

I also promise that I will keep my promises. ===

window pane = vetro della finestra to dust = spolverare

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UNIT 18 5

home - house = casa Si usa “home” nel senso di “focolare domestico”; “famiglia”. Si usa “house” nel senso di “edificio” dove uno abita. Abel Seville is my home town. As you know, I was born there. Now we live in a nice house in the suburbs of Florence.

I have a pretty and comfortable room, nice neighbours (the Wilsons), but still, I don’t feel at home. I miss my ex schoolmates, my two Chinese friends, “Hoi Pui” and “Hoi Min”, and of course, my house in Seville.

I can never forget the orange trees that there were in the garden, the slide and the swings.

My mother says that I mustn’t worry. She says that little by little this house in Florence will become a home too, like that in Spain. - I hope so!

=== home town = città natale

as you know = come tu sai

neighbour = vicino di casa

to feel at home = sentirsi a proprio agio

to miss = sentire la mancanza di

slide = scivolo

swing = altalena

to worry = preoccuparsi

I hope so. = Spero di sì. (lett. Io spero così.)


1. Davanti alla parola “home" non si usa “to”. I am going home. “I am going to home.” Errore! (Sto andando a casa.)

2. Con il verbo “to be” si usa la preposizione “at”. In the evening I am always at home. (La sera sto sempre in casa.)

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UNIT 18 6

1. frequency adverbs = avverbi di frequenza always = sempre usually = di solito often = spesso sometimes = qualche volta seldom = raramente never = mai Gli avverbi di frequenza vengono di solito (ma non sempre) posti

prima del verbo.

> Tom always drinks red wine with his lunch. Margaret usually drinks mineral water. Tom and Margaret often visit picture galleries. They sometimes go to the theatre. Tom seldom listens to classical music. Margaret never drinks alcohol.

* * *

to be Con il verbo “to be”, gli avverbi di frequenza, vengono di solito

(ma non sempre) posti dopo del verbo.

> When Abel gets up in the morning, he is seldom happy. When he comes home from school, he is always hungry; and

he is usually thirsty, too. When he finishes his homework, he is often very tired. When he is with Barbara, he is never bored.

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UNIT 18 7

2. frequency adverbs = avverbi di frequenza

Gli avverbi di frequenza, di solito si mettono dopo “will - can -

must”. (Tom and Margaret) When Margaret is married, she will live in New York. She

will often visit London, of course, because her parents and her relatives live there. But her visits will seldom be long. She will never leave Tom alone for a long time.

When she is in London she will telephone him every day. And she will always write to him... beautiful long letters... full of news... and full of love.

Tom will usually telephone her, too. But he will seldom answer her letters, because he is so lazy.


Two Lovers

(Due innamorati) she - When we are married, we will often visit foreign


he - Of course, dear.

she - And you will often buy me expensive presents.

he - Of course, dear.

she - And you will always love me.

he - Of course, dear.

she - We will never quarrel.

he - Of course not, dear. she - And we will always have a servant to clean the house and

do the cooking.

he - Why, dear? You can do the cooking. she - All right. But I will never wash the dishes and I will never

clean the house.

he - Then I’m afraid you will never be my wife.

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UNIT 18 8

near = vicino (avverbio) George goes to the station on foot because it is near.

far away = lontano (avverbio) But he can’t go to London on foot because it is far away.

near = vicino a (preposizione) Margaret wants to live near the shops. far from = lontano da (preposizione) But Tom wants to live far from the shops.

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> to need = aver bisogno di Debra

Some people need a lot of things to be happy: expensive cars, elegant clothes, delicious food...

Other people need very few things to be happy: a home, a job and some friends.

I am a person that needs only two things to be happy: love and affection. And I have got both. So I don’t need anything else.


anything else = nient’altro


you don’t need - you needn’t You don’t need another pair of shoes. (Non hai bisogno di un altro paio di scarpe.) You needn’t get up early tomorrow, because it is Sunday. (Non c’è bisogno che ti alzi presto domani, perché è domenica.)

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UNIT 18 9

drawing room = salotto sitting room = soggiorno; salotto living room = soggiorno; salotto


There is a room in our house that my father calls the “drawing room”, but my mother calls it the “sitting room” or the “living room”.

I am afraid that this time my mother is right, because I looked up the word “drawing room” in the dictionary, and it says: “A drawing room is a room, especially a large room in a large house, where people sit, talk or watch TV.”

And as our house is not large and our “room” is not big, it should be called a “sitting room” or a “living room”.


to do the washing up = lavare i piatti to wash the dishes = lavare i piatti dishwasher = lavastoviglie


After each meal I help my mother with the washing up. To do the washing up means to wash the pots, pans,

plates, cups, glasses, knives, forks and spoons that have been used for cooking and eating.

When my grandparents come from America to visit us, my grandmother says that we should buy a dishwasher and a microwave oven. - When my father says that we don’t need a dishwasher because there are two women in the house, my Granny gets irritated and says that he is a male chauvinist.

Thank God, Abel often helps us to wash the dishes. === meal = pasto knives = coltelli

pot = pentola have been used = sono stati usati

pan = padella; tegame microwave oven = forno a microonde

cup = tazza granny = nonna

knife = coltello

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UNIT 18 10

di a da per Le preposizioni “di - a - da - per” seguite dall’infinito, in

inglese non si traducono.

di > E’ ora di alzarsi. It is time to get up. E’ ora di andare a scuola It is time to go to school. Sono contento di rivederti. I’m glad to see you again. It is time of to get up. Errore! a > ”If we have a big garden, you must learn

to dig.”

a zappare “And you must learn to cook,” says Tom. a cucinare “Please don’t begin to quarrel,” says

Margaret. a bisticciare

But Tom only begins to laugh. a ridere da > I’m hungry, but I’ve nothing to eat. da mangiare I’m very thirsty too, but I have nothing

to drink.

da bere. I am very bored, because I have nothing

to do.

da fare.

per > We need a maid to do the cooking. per cucinare We need a gardener to do the gardening. per fare We need a teacher to teach us English. per insegnarci We need a canary to sing for us. per cantare

We need friends to joke and laugh with us. per scherzare

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UNIT 18 11

the cooker = la cucina (i fornelli)

the kitchen = la cucina (la stanza)

the cooking = la cucina (l’arte culinaria) Debra As you know, I like to get up early. So, very

often I make breakfast for my parents and for Abel.

I’m not a good cook, but it isn’t difficult to get

breakfast ready for my family.

First I prepare some toast. That is simple: I cut

some bread into slices and I put it in the toaster.

When the toast is ready, I spread some butter

and some jam on it. Then I put a pot of milk on

the cooker, and wait until the milk gets hot.



fette >

tostapane >


I don’t like to make coffee, because my father

wants it Italian style: very strong, and in a small

cup. And my mother wants it American style:

very weak, and in a large cup. So it is impossible

to satisfy both.



Abel wants some chocolate powder and some

honey in his milk. So I put a tin of chocolate

powder, a pot of honey and a packet of cereals

on the kitchen table, because besides the toast,

Abel likes to have cereals too.




As you can see, to get breakfast ready is quite


My mother knows that I love cooking, so one of

these days she will teach me how to use the

oven. Fantastic! I want to make an apple pie

for Mr Wilson. He is crazy about apple pie!


pazzo ===

He is crazy about apple pie! = Va pazzo per la torta di mele!

I make breakfast. = Io preparo la colazione.

I have breakfast. = Io faccio colazione.

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UNIT 18 12

not at all = affatto - per nulla I don’t like it at all. = Non mi piace affatto.

I can’t cook at all. = Non so cucinare per nulla.

Alla fine di una frase negativa, at all significa “affatto”, “per


> - Do you like my dress? - No, I don’t like it at all. Why don’t you buy a new one? - Because I have no money at all.


(In a train compartment) > - Do you mind if I sit next to you? - Not at all. - Do you mind if I smoke? - Yes, I do. (Si, mi importa.) - Do you mind if I open the window? - Not at all. ===

compartment = scompartimento

Do you mind …? = Ti importa…? - Le importa…?

Ti dispiace…? - Le dispiace…?


at least = almeno; perlomeno

Tom and Margaret

Marg. - When we are married, Tom, we will need at least two domestics: a cook and a maid... because I can’t cook at all.

Tom - But at least you can do the washing up. Marg. - If I do the washing up, you must do the gardening. Tom - Oh, no! I have no time for that. Marg. - Well, at least you can water the flowers.

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UNIT 18 13

to agree = concordare; essere d’accordo; andare d’accordo Margaret says, “we will agree very well.” George and Lydia don’t agree about many things.

to agree with = essere d’accordo con; andare d’accordo con I agree with you. = Sono d’accordo con te. I don’t agree with you. = Non sono d’accordo con te. > Margaret says that they need a cook and a maid, but Tom

doesn’t agree with her. He says that she can do the cooking and the cleaning.


to do the shopping = fare la spesa to do the washing = lavare la biancheria to do the washing up = lavare i piatti to do the cleaning = fare le pulizie Millie’s life isn’t easy. In the morning she must get up early to give Robert his

breakfast. Then she must go to the market to do the shopping. When she returns, she must do the cleaning.

When the cleaning and the sweeping are over, it is time to

go to the kitchen and do the cooking. After lunch she is often very tired, but she can’t lie down,

because she must do the washing, or some other housework.

In the evening, after dinner, while Robert watches TV or

reads the newspaper, Millie must do the washing up. She must wash all the dirty pots, pans, plates, cups, glasses, forks, spoons and knives.

No, Millie’s life isn’t easy at all. ===

to sweep = scopare, spazzare

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UNIT 18 14

Future Husband and Wife Husband - When we are married, we will visit foreign

countries every summer. Wife - And we will have a big splendid house with at least

a dozen rooms.

Husband - Then we will need at least two servants.

Wife - Of course, dear. Husband - In winter, we will go to expensive night clubs

every evening. Wife - Oh yes! And I will put on different clothes every

time. Expensive, fashionable clothes... Husband - And I will buy you beautiful jewels. In the night

clubs all the people will say: “Look at that woman! - The woman with those beautiful jewels!”

Wife - How wonderful! And when the waiter brings the

bill, you will say, “Keep the change! - and the waiter will be so happy!”

Husband - Yes, dear... but... but... we are forgetting a very

important thing...

Wife - What, dear? Tell me!

Husband - I don’t know if we will have enough money for all these things...

Wife - You will earn the money, dear.

Husband - Yes... but... I don’t know if I will earn enough.

Wife - Of course you will, dear, if you work from morning to night.

Husband - You’re right, dear. I agree with you. But... too much work is bad for the health, you know.

Wife - Don’t exaggerate, dear. You will only be a little tired that is all. And remember! - You will give me so much happiness!

Husband - You are right, darling. I am stupid. Forgive me!

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UNIT 18 15


- My husband says that I am an extravagant woman. He

says that a poor man’s wife must be careful with money.

How ridiculous! Why is he poor? Because he doesn’t earn enough money!

And why doesn’t he earn enough? Because he is silly! Other

men earn enough. Why can’t George? I want to be a rich woman! I want to travel. I want to

visit foreign countries. I want to buy a beautiful car. But the

only things that interest George are football matches and

watching his new colour television. Oh yes! He had enough

money to buy a television, because he loves television. But

it doesn’t interest me at all. George always says that I spend too much money. He says

that I buy too many clothes. He doesn’t understand me at

all. All women cannot be the same. Some women like to

work in an office. Some like to do the cleaning, the cooking,

the ironing, the sweeping and the washing up. Some like to

work in the garden. Some like to watch television. Some like

to go to boring football matches! Well, I like to spend money

and enjoy life. That is all. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. I just like to buy things. Pretty things. Expensive things.

It gives me so much happiness. But of course, if I buy

things, I must spend money. And George can’t understand

that at all. He always says that he has no money to give me.

And I answer, “Well, if you have no money, George, please

earn some! You had enough money to buy a television!”

Then, of course, we begin to quarrel. George is an

impossible person! Oh, why do beautiful, charming women always marry

stupid men?

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UNIT 18 16

“Home, Sweet Home”

Very soon Tom and Margaret will marry. Margaret

is already thinking about their future home. She

has many charming ideas. She says that the

drawing room must be all light green with light

yellow cushions. For the dining room, she prefers

red and dark brown. For the bedroom, she thinks

that blue is a nice colour. For the kitchen, she

wants to have only white.




Tom also thinks about their future home. But

they haven’t the same ideas. They don’t agree at

all. Margaret wants to have at least eight rooms,

while Tom thinks that four will be enough: a little

living room where they can receive their friends or

watch television in the evening, a bedroom, a

bathroom and a nice big kitchen.




“But where will we eat?” asks Margaret.

“In the kitchen,” says Tom. And then he tells her

his ideas about the kitchen. It must be very big,

with nice big windows. Half the kitchen will be for

doing the cooking and the washing up. The other

half will be their little “dining corner”. They can buy

a little round table and two nice comfortable chairs.

They can also put some nice pictures on the walls...

But Margaret says that she doesn’t like the idea

at all. She says that she wants a real dining room.


Tom answers that they can make their little

“dining corner” very pretty. The table and the

chairs can be white... the plates, dishes, cups etc.

can be red. They can always have flowers on the

table, too... But Margaret doesn’t want to listen to

him. She wants a real dining room.


UNIT 18 17

(continuation) “Home, Sweet Home”

“Yes, dear. All right, dear,” says Tom.

Margaret also thinks that Tom’s idea about only

one bedroom is absolutely ridiculous.

assolutamente “If we have only one bedroom,” she says, “where

will our guests sleep?”


Tom answers that for the first two or three years,

they won’t invite people for long visits. They will

invite them only for lunch or dinner. Often it will be

enough if they offer just tea and cakes, or cocktails

and a few snacks.



After an hour of arguing, Margaret agrees about

this, but then she says that if there is only one

bedroom, the domestics must sleep in the garden.


“What domestics?” asks poor Tom, whose head is

beginning to ache.

la cui


“The cook and the maid,” says Margaret.

“What cook? And what maid?” asks Tom, who

doesn’t understand what she is talking about.

“The cook who will do our cooking, dear, and the

maid who will clean the house and do the washing

up,” answers Margaret.

Tom says that they won’t need a cook or a maid.

He says that she can do the cooking and the

washing up. They have another argument about that.

discussione Tom begins to understand that a husband’s life is

not so easy. He looks into the future and he is

afraid. He still loves Margaret very much, of

course, and he still wants to marry her, but he now

understands that when people say that married life

is difficult, they are not exaggerating.

ha paura


UNIT 18 18

(continuation) “Home, Sweet Home”

After another hour of conversation, Tom

understands that if he doesn’t want to quarrel, he

must agree to buy a house with at least eight

rooms and a big garden all round the house. The

garden must be full of flowers and fruit trees and

there must also be vegetables. All the furniture in

the house must be beautiful and artistic

(expensive, too, of course!). They must also have

two domestics.

per lo meno


deve esserci

“You see, Tom,” says Margaret happily, “I was

right. You agree with me. You understand that we

will need eight rooms - and two domestics. I

was absolutely right, wasn’t I?”

“You’re always right, darling,” says Tom.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 18 19

Ricardo Sanchez

My name is Ricardo Sanchez. I am a young man of twenty-two.

I am from a little town near Seville, but I work as

a waiter in a restaurant in Barcelona.


I live in a small flat in the suburbs of Barcelona, together with my cousin Manolo. He and I work in the same restaurant. But he is a cook. A very good one!


assieme a

The restaurant is big and elegant, with air conditioning, of course, and beautiful flowers on all the tables. The table cloths and the serviettes are made of pure linen. The plates, the soup bowls, the cups and the cutlery are of the best quality. The glasses are made of crystal.


puro lino



On weekdays there is less work, so we put

coloured candles on all the tables, so the place looks

more comfortable and intimate.




Many rich and elegant people come here, and

many tourists too, especially in the summer months.

I like working in this place, because lots of

foreigners come here. So I have many chances to hear lots of different languages, too. - What interests me most at present is English. And most of the tourists speak English, even if they are German, Japanese or Chinese. Because they know that wherever they go, there is always somebody that can understand English.


principalmente >

adesso >

anche se


My work is very hard, because I work many hours every day, and I am always standing. So when my work is over I feel very tired. But it doesn’t matter! I am young and strong!


in piedi

Non importa!

=== serviette - napkin = tovagliolo >>>

UNIT 18 20

(continuation) Ricardo Sanchez

Today, at lunchtime, there was a very nice couple in the restaurant. They were sitting at the little round table on the right, in the corner. I think that the young man is American, but the girl has an English face. She is very pretty and elegant, with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Throughout the evening, she had a sweet smile on her face. She is about twenty-one or twenty-two years old. The young man must be about twenty-five.


durante tutta

They were speaking English, of course, so I could understand much of their conversation because I know some English. I have a free evening every week and I go to an English school. I am already at Unit Seventeen, and so when people speak slowly, I can understand them very well.


The girl’s name is Margaret. The man’s name is

Tom. They are in Barcelona for their summer holiday. They told me that they like Spain and Spanish people very much. They also said that they find us very kind and sociable people.

mi dissero


I think that the young man was very hungry. He

certainly had a very large dinner: onion soup, fried fish, and a big steak with lots of fried potatoes. He also had fruit, cheese and an ice cream. He was very thirsty too, because he had three bottles of beer and half a litre of red wine. But the girl wasn’t hungry at all. I think she had a headache. She had only some chicken soup, some fish and a tomato and lettuce salad, with oil, vinegar, and salt, of course. I was sorry about her headache. She was so nice, so pretty.


mezzo litro

mal di testa

lattuga – olio -


I have a good idea. If they come again tomorrow

evening, I can speak English to them. I can say,

“Good evening, sir! Good evening, madam! Do you

feel well this evening?” And then we can have a little

conversation in English. Yes, my idea is very good!

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UNIT 18 21


1. Traduci oralmente.

2. Copia tutta la pagina.

1. - We will have a pretty little house in the suburbs.

2. It will have a nice big garden.

3. We will need four bedrooms, a drawing room and a

dining room.

4. A kitchen too, of course, and a bathroom.

5. The cook will do the cooking.

6. If she doesn’t cook well, I will buy her a good cookery


7. - The maid will clean the house and do the washing up.

8. And if she says that the strong soap is bad for her

hands, she can put on rubber gloves.

9. The gardener will take care of the garden.

10. He will water the flowers every evening.

11. We will often go to the theatre, and my friend

Caroline will often visit us.

12. - Beautiful long visits of two or three weeks.

13. - That will be splendid! And my cousin Mary wants to

live with us!

14. - That will be wonderful! Darling! I have an idea!

15. We will not need any domestics.

16. Mary can do the cooking and Caroline can do the

washing up.

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UNIT 18 22

Translation 1. Traduci per iscritto.

2. Traduci oralmente.

1. - Avremo una carina casetta nella periferia.

2. Avrà un carino giardino grande.

3. Avremo bisogno di quattro stanze da letto, un salotto

e una sala da pranzo.

4. Una cucina pure, naturalmente, e un bagno.

5. La cuoca farà la cucina.

6. Se lei non cucina bene, io le comprerò un buon libro

di cucina.

7. - La cameriera pulirà la casa e laverà i piatti.

8. E se ella dice che il sapone forte è cattivo per le sue

mani, ella può mettersi guanti di gomma.

9. Il giardiniere si prenderà cura del giardino.

10. Lui annaffierà i fiori ogni sera.

11. Andremo spesso al teatro, e la mia amica Carolina

spesso ci visiterà.

12. - Belle lunghe visite di due o tre settimane.

13. - Ciò sarà splendido! E mia cugina Mary vuole abitare

con noi!

14. - Ciò sarà meraviglioso! Caro! Io ho un’idea!

15. Non avremo bisogno di domestici.

16. Mary può fare la cucina, e Carolina può lavare le


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UNIT 18 23

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 28 a 32.

1 Rispondi alle seguenti domande:

1. What kind of house does Margaret want to have?

2. What kind of house does Tom want to have?

3. Where does Tom want to have the house, in the centre or in

the suburbs?

4. How many rooms does Margaret want to have in her future

home? - Write the names of all the rooms.

5. Why does Margaret want to have four bedrooms?

6. What kind of book is Tom going to buy her?

7. What kind of book is Margaret going to buy him?

8. When is she going to buy him the book?

9. In which room of the house do we sleep?

10. In which room do we eat?

11. In which room do we do the washing up?

12. In which room do we receive our guests?

1. Where is Ricardo Sanchez from?

2. How old is he?

3. Where does he live?

4. Whom (who) does he live with? (with whom = con chi?)

5. Is Manolo a waiter or a cook?

6. Describe the restaurant where Ricardo and Manolo work.

7. What are the glasses made of?

8. On which days is there less work at the restaurant?

9. Why do they put coloured candles on the tables?

10. Why does Ricardo like his work?

11. Where were Tom and Margaret sitting?

12. Could Ricardo understand Tom and Margaret’s conversation?

13. What did Tom have for dinner?

14. What did Margaret have?

15. Why did Margaret eat so little?

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UNIT 18 24

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 28 a 32.


2. Volgi le frasi seguenti al “futuro”, usando “will”. Esempio We have a pretty house. = (We will have a pretty house.)

1. The house has a big garden.

2. There are many fruit trees in the garden.

3. In summer we eat the fruit.

4. We have a gardener.

5. We also have a maid.

6. The gardener waters the flowers.

7. The maid cleans the house and does the washing up.

8. In the evening we go to night clubs.

9. We dance all night.

10. We sleep all day.

11. Our life is wonderful.

3. Trascrivi le frasi inserendo gli avverbi nella posizione giusta.

1. Abel wakes up at seven o’clock. usually

2. He stays in bed for twenty minutes, thinking. always

3. For breakfast he has chocolate milk and



4. For lunch he has fried eggs and cheese. never

5. In the evening, he watches T.V. seldom

6. He listens to classical music. seldom

7. He goes skating with his friend Barbara. often

8. He helps his sister with the housework. sometimes

9. His parents allow him to go to the disco. never

10. He is an obedient boy. usually

11. Debra gets up early. always

12. She prepares breakfast for Abel. often

13. Abel is willing to help her with her homework. always

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UNIT 18 25


absolutely AbsE lu : t l i assolutamente

to ache t u e ik dolere

to agree t u Eg r i : andare d’accordo

alcohol AlkEhØ l alcol

antique Ant i :k antico

anything else en i † iN e l s nient’altro

to argue t u a :g ju : disputare

argument a :g jumEn t discussione

as Az come

at all At Ø : l affatto

at least At l i : s t per lo meno

at present At p rezn t adesso

bedroom bedrum stanza da letto

certainly sE : t En l i certamente

chance t Sa :ns opportunità

to clean t u k l i : n pulire

cleaning k l i :n iN pulizia

to cook t u kuk cucinare

cookery book kukE r i buk libro di cucina

cooking kuk iN cucina (arte culinaria)

crystal kr i s t l cristallo

to cut t u kú t tagliare

cutlery kú t l E r i posate

to dig t u d ig zappare

dining room da in iN ru :m sala da pranzo

dishwasher d iSwØSE lavastoviglie

domestic doumes t ik domestico / a

drawing room drØ : iN rum salotto

dust dús t polvere

to dust t u dús t spolverare

especially i speSE l i specialmente

even if i : vEn i f anche se

far from f a : f r Øm lontano da

flat f lA t appartamento

full fu l pieno


UNIT 18 26

Vocabulary furniture f E :n i tSE mobili

gardener ga :dnE giardiniere

gardening ga :dn iN giardinaggio

generally dZenE rE l i generalmente

gloves g lúvz guanti

headache hede ik dolore di testa

home houm casa

honey hún i miele

to imagine t u imAdZ in immaginare

in spite of i n spa i t Øv nonostante

intimate i n t imi t intimo

to keep t u k i :p mantenere

lazy l e i z i pigro

less l e s meno

lettuce l e t i s lattuga

light l a i t chiaro / luce

linen l i n in lino

litre l i t E litro

living room l i v iN ru :m soggiorno

to look t u l uk sembrare

luck l úk fortuna

maid meid cameriera

to matter t o mAtE importare

meal mi: l pasto

microwave maikrouwe iv microonda

to mind t u ma ind importarle a uno

to miss t u mi s sentire la mancanza di

most mous t principalmente

motorbike moutEba ik motocicletta

necessary nes i sE r i necessario

to need t u n i :d aver bisogno di

neighbour ne ibE vicino (sost.)

oil Ø i l olio

oven úvn forno >>>

UNIT 18 27

Vocabulary pan pAn tegame; padella

pot pØ t pentola; barattolo

promise prØmis promessa

to promise t u p rØmis promettere

pure p juE puro

real r i E l vero

to receive t u r i s i : v ricevere

rubber rúbE gomma

I said a i s ed dissi; dicevo

to satisfy t u sA t i s f a i soddisfare

seldom se ldEm raramente

sitting room s i t i N ru :m soggiorno

slice s l a i s fetta

slide s l a id scivolo

sociable souSEb l socievole

sometimes súmta imz qualche volta

soon su :n presto

to spoil t u spØ i l sciupare; viziare (un bambino)

to spread t u sp red spalmare

stove s touv stufa; fornelli

suburbs súbE :bz periferia

swing swiN altalena

table cloth t e ib l k l Ø † tovaglia

throughout † ruau t durante tutto

toaster t ous t E tostapane

together with t EgeTE wiT assieme a

unlucky ún lúk i sfortunato

usually j u :ZuE l i di solito

vinegar v in igE aceto

washing up wØSiN úp lavare i piatti

to water t u wØ : t E innaffiare

wherever weErevE ovunque

window pane windou pe in vetro di finestra

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UNIT 18 28

Soluzione Esercizi Exercises

1 Rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1. What kind of house does Margaret want to have?

She wants to have a nice, big house with a lot of big

windows, and beautiful antique furniture. 2. What kind of house does Tom want to have?

He wants to have a pretty little house in the suburbs,

with a nice big garden, in a street full of trees. 3. Where does Tom want to have the house, in the centre

or in the suburbs?

He wants to have a house in the suburbs. 4. How many rooms does Margaret want to have in her

future home? - Write the names of all the rooms.

In her future home she wants to have eight rooms. A

drawing room, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and

four bedrooms. 5. Why does Margaret want to have four bedrooms?

She wants four bedrooms because one will be for them.

One will be for guests. And two will be for the domestics. 6. What kind of book is Tom going to buy her?

He is going to buy her buy a nice big cookery book. 7. What kind of book is Margaret going to buy him?

She is going to buy him a good book about gardening. 8. When is she going to buy him the book?

She is going to buy him the book for his next birthday. 9. In which room of the house do we sleep?

We sleep in the bedroom. 10. In which room do we eat?

We eat in the dining room.

>>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>

UNIT 18 29

Soluzione Esercizi Exercises

1 Rispondi alle seguenti domande: 11. In which room do we do the washing up?

We do the washing up in the kitchen. 12. In which room do we receive our guests?

We receive our guests in the drawing room.

1. Where is Ricardo Sanchez from?

He is from a little town near Seville. 2. How old is he?

He is twenty-two years old. 3. Where does he live?

He lives in Barcelona. 4. Whom (who) does he live with? (with whom = con chi?)

He lives with his cousin Manolo. 5. Is Manolo a waiter or a cook?

Manolo is a cook. 6. Describe the restaurant where Ricardo and Manolo work.

The restaurant where Ricardo and Manolo work is big and

elegant, with air conditioning, and beautiful flowers on

all the tables. 7. What are the glasses made of?

The glasses are made of crystal. 8. On which days is there less work at the restaurant?

On weekdays, there is less work at the restaurant. 9. Why do they put coloured candles on the tables?

They put coloured candles on all the tables, so the place

looks more comfortable and intimate.

>>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>

UNIT 18 30

Soluzione Esercizi Exercises

10. Why does Ricardo like his work?

He likes his work because he can meet lots of foreigners,

and so he can speak English with them. 11. Where were Tom and Margaret sitting?

They were sitting at the little round table on the right, in

the corner. 12. Could Ricardo understand Tom and Margaret’s


He could understand much of their conversation because

he knows some English. 13. What did Tom have for dinner?

He had: onion soup, fried fish, and a big steak with lots

of fried potatoes. He also had fruit, cheese and an ice

cream. He also had three bottles of beer and half a litre

of red wine.

14. What did Margaret have?

She had only some chicken soup, some fish and a tomato

and lettuce salad, with oil, vinegar, and salt. 15. Why did Margaret eat so little?

She didn’t eat much because she had a headache.

2. Volgi le frasi seguenti al “futuro”, usando “will”. 1. The house has a big garden.

The house will have a big garden. 2. There are many fruit trees in the garden.

There will be many fruit trees in the garden. 3. In summer we eat the fruit.

In summer we will eat the fruit. >>>

<<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>

UNIT 18 31

Soluzione Esercizi Exercises

4. We have a gardener.

We will have a gardener. 5. We also have a maid.

We will also have a maid. 6. The gardener waters the flowers.

The gardener will water the flowers. 7. The maid cleans the house and does the washing up.

The maid will clean the house and do the washing up. 8. In the evening we go to night clubs.

In the evening we will go to night clubs. 9. We dance all night.

We will dance all night. 10. We sleep all day.

We will sleep all day. 11. Our life is wonderful.

Our life will be wonderful.

3. Trascrivi le frasi inserendo gli avverbi nella posizione giusta.

1. Abel wakes up at seven o’clock. usually

Abel usually wakes up at seven o’clock. 2. He stays in bed for twenty minutes, thinking. always

He always stays in bed for twenty minutes,


3. For breakfast he has chocolate milk and cereals. always

For breakfast he always has chocolate milk and


4. For lunch he has fried eggs and cheese. never

For lunch he never has fried eggs and cheese.

>>> <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>

UNIT 18 32

Soluzione Esercizi Exercises

5. In the evening, he watches T.V. seldom

In the evening, he seldom watches T.V. 6. He listens to classical music. seldom

He seldom listens to classical music. 7. He goes skating with his friend Barbara. often

He often goes skating with his friend Barbara. 8. He helps his sister with the housework. sometimes

He sometimes helps his sister with the


9. His parents allow him to go to the disco. never

His parents never allow him to go to the disco. 10. He is an obedient boy. usually

He is usually an obedient boy. 11. Debra gets up early. always

Debra always gets up early. 12. She prepares breakfast for Abel. often

She often prepares breakfast for Abel. 13. Abel is willing to help her with her homework. always

Abel is always willing to help her with her homework.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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