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02-06-2010 Experiencing God Through Sharing Our Faith

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Experiencing God Through Sharing Our Faith
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Experiencing God

Through Sharing

Our Faith

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Experiencing God

again and again,

will developgreat faith,


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Acts 1:8

But you will receive powerwhen the Holy Spirit comes

upon you. And you will bemy witnesses, telling

people about meeverywhere—in Jerusalem,

throughout Judea, in

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Isaiah 43:10-1210

“But you are mywitnesses, O Israel!”

says the LORD. “You aremy servant. You have

been chosen to knowme, believe in me, and

understand that I alone

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Isaiah 43:10-12

(cont.)has been, and there

never will be. 11 I, yes I,am the LORD, and there

is no other Savior. 12 FirstI predicted your rescue,

then I saved you and

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Isaiah 43:10-12

(cont.)this. You are witnesses

that I am the only God,”says the LORD.

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A Witness …1. Is Chosen by God

2. Knows God3. Believes in God4. Understands who God

is5. Is Saved by God

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Witnessing…An act of attestation to a

fact or an event; givingtestimony.A person who has seen or

knows something and istherefore competent to give

evidence concerning it.

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Witnessing…Greek word – Martyr

Was a legal term forsomeone giving testimony ina trial. A witness.

Later took on the meaning of 

giving up one’s life – a

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A Christian’s life is evidence 

of God’s work.

Our witness is the testimonyof who Jesus is (He is God)

and what He has done -historically and in our lives.

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A Christian’s life is an

example of God at work.

1. Peaceful in difficult times2. Loving others

3. Blessing others4. Forgiving others

5. Not compromising beliefs

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A Witness …

It begins by


God …… then we tell 

others about God

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John 9:1-341

As Jesus was walkingalong, he saw a man

who had been blind frombirth. 2 “Rabbi,” his

disciples asked him,“why was this man born

blind? Was it because of

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

because of his sins or hisparents’ sins,” Jesus

answered. “Thishappened so the power

of God could be seen inhim. 4 We must quickly

carry out the tasks

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

 The night is coming, andthen no one can


But while I amhere in the world, I am

the light of the world.”6 Then he spit on the

ground made mud with

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

man’s eyes.7

He toldhim, “Go wash yourself 

in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means

“sent”). So the manwent and washed and

came back seeing! 8 His

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

blind beggar asked eachother, “Isn’t this the man

who used to sit andbeg?” 9 Some said he

was, and others said,“No, he just looks like


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John 9:1-34 (cont.)10

They asked, “Whohealed you? What


He toldthem, “The man they

call Jesus made mud andspread it over my eyes

and told me ‘Go to the

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

washed, and now I cansee!”


“Where is he now?”they asked. “I don’t

know,” he replied.13 Then they took the

man who had been blind

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

“This man Jesus is notfrom God, for he is

working on theSabbath.” Others said,

“But how could anordinary sinner do such

miraculous signs?” So

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

the Pharisees againquestioned the man who

had been blind anddemanded, “What’s your

opinion about this manwho healed you?” The

man replied “I think he

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)18

The Jewish leaders stillrefused to believe the

man had been blind andcould now see, so they

called in hisparents. 19 They asked

them “Is this your son?

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)


His parentsreplied, “We know this is

our son and that he wasborn blind, 21 but we

don’t know how he cansee or who healed him.

Ask him He is old

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

parents said thisbecause they were afraid

of the Jewish leaders,who had announced that

anyone saying Jesus wasthe Messiah would be

expelled from the

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

they said, “He is oldenough. Ask him.” 24 So

for the second time theycalled in the man who

had been blind and toldhim, “God should get the

glory for this  because

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

know where he comesfrom? 31 We know that

God doesn’t listen tosinners, but he is ready

to hear those whoworship him and do his

will 32 Ever since the

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

to open the eyes of someone born blind. 33 If 

this man were not fromGod, he couldn’t have

done it.” 34 “You wereborn a total sinner!” they

answered “Are you

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John 9:1-34 (cont.)

him out of thesynagogue.

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Being a witness begins with

experiencing God.

1.His transforming – lifechanging – power.

2.His love and grace.3.His peace and hope.

4.His miraculous power.

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“The person with an

experience is never 

at the mercy of a person with an


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The“Evangel” … The gospel or

“good news”about the

redemptive work of 

Christ – His life and

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Romans 1:1-51

This letter is from Paul,a slave of Christ Jesus,

chosen by God to be anapostle and sent out to

preach His GoodNews. 2 God promised

this Good News long

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Romans 1:1-5 (cont.)


The GoodNews is about his Son.

In his earthly life he wasborn into King David’s

family line,4

and he wasshown to be the Son of 

God when he was raised

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Romans 1:1-5 (cont.)

Holy Spirit. 

He is JesusChrist our


Through Christ,God has given us the


and authority asapostles to tell Gentiles

everywhere what God

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1 Corinthians 15:1-41

Let me now remindyou, dear brothers and


of the GoodNews I preached to you

before. You welcomed itthen, and you still stand

firm in it 2 It is this

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1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (cont)

to believe the message Itold you — unless, of 

course, you believedsomething that was

never true in the firstplace.  3 I passed on to

you what was most

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The“Evangel” …Practical helps:

1. The ABC’s2. The Four Spiritual

Laws3. The Three C’s


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Acts 1:8

But you will receive powerwhen the Holy Spirit comesupon you. And you will be

my witnesses, telling

people about meeverywhere—in Jerusalem,throughout Judea, in
