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02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213

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  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    "FLT3-ITD and FLT3 Inhibitors"FLT3-ITD and FLT3 Inhibitors

    in the Setting of Allogeneic Stem Cellin the Setting of Allogeneic Stem Cell

    Transplantation for AML"Transplantation for AML"

    Pr. Mohamad MOHTY

    Head, Clinical Hematology and

    Cellular Therapy Dpt.Universit Pierre Marie Curie

    H!pital "aint#$ntoine

    Paris, %rance

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213





    &a'ao M, (eu'emia )**+ -hitman "P, Cancer es /00) Thiede C, 1lood /00/

    2ottaridis PD, 1lood /00/ 3ale 4, 1lood /005 1reiten6uecher %, 1lood /005


    FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3

    - $ %& of patients 'ith AML

    - (igh incidence in AML 'ith

    &PM) m#tations )*+&,

    t)!%!.,)/!/!,0PM(-$$ )*+-*%&, t)12,)p3/3*,0D42-&UP/)8).%&,

    - Associated 'ith inferior prognosis

    Allelic ratio )m#t0't, ITD insertion site

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    %(T7-ITD - 4egati5e 6rognostic Impact

    in the Conte7t of 8ther 9enetic Aberrations

    M#lti5ariable Anal:sis on 85erall S#r5i5al

    n;32< =C89 =!2++

    Total cohort (> p-5al#e

    %(T7-ITD !?%2 +?++3


    (> p-5al#e%(T7-ITD ?%* +?++!

    Patel 9P, et al. & 4ngl 9 Med. /0)/7++:)0;*#5*.

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    6;+?.! 6;+?++3

    Donor n;1+

    4o-Donor n;!*FS and 8S according to insertion site

    2ayser et al., 1lood /00*))8:/75+#*/.

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    T:rosine inase Inhibitors

    Selecti5it: and 6otenc:

    Sta#rosporine Midosta#rin Sorafenib S#nitinib K#iartinib

    2araman M-, et al. &ature 1iotechnology /005/+ A)B:)/;#)7/arrin'ar PP, et al. 1lood. /00*))8A)8B:/*58#/**/..

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    Sorafenib in >elapsed 6atients 'ith

    %(T7-ITD positi5e AML

    Metelder et al., (eu'emia /0)/ epu6 05.0?./0)/


    n;1% patients )n;13 relapsed0refractor: n; in C>,

    T'o cohorts

    a, n;2 pts? after allo-(SCT

    b, n;31 pts? after intensi5e chemothera:

    Treatment Sorafenib starting dose 7 *++ mg

    Median d#ration and dosea, .1 da:s )!*-2+*, 1++ mg0d

    b, .* da:s )!-.+, *esponse cohort-a cohort-b

    CM> . )*&, 3 )

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    Sorafenib in >elapsed 6atients after

    allo-(SCT 'ith %(T7-ITD positi5e AML

    Me*ian treat+ent *,ration (" *ays #1-2(0 *ays)

    +e*ian *ose 600 +g*

    Metelder et al., (eu'emia /0)/ epu6 05.0?./0)/

    .ora/eni treat+ent

    Allogenei H.'T

    Ti+e to treat+ent /ail,re



  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    K#iartinib in >elapsed 6atients 'ith

    %(T7-ITD positi5e AML

    (eEis et al., $"H /0)/ F+;7

    6op#lationn;22 patients )relapsed0refractor:,

    T'o cohorts

    a, n;% pts? after allogeneic (SCT

    b, n;.* pts? after intensi5e chemotherap:

    Treatment K#iartinib starting dose 2+mg0!3%mg

    >esponse cohort-a cohort-b

    C>0C>i !* )%1&, 3+ )*!&,

    6>0(>0GM> 1 )*&, !. )3&,refractor: % )+&, . )31&,

    Median response d#ration !!?3 'ee@s

  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213


    .ora/eni Maintenane Terapy /or atients 4it AM5 A/ter Allogenei .te+ 'ell

    Transplant )4CT+!32

    'o+pletion Date: Dee+er 201%

    A *o,le-lin*7 plaeo-ontrolle*7 ran*o+i@e*7 +,lti-enter pase II trial to assess

    te e//iay o/ .ora/eni-+aintenane terapy in FLT3-ITD positi9e AM5 in o+plete

    e+atologial re+ission a/ter allogeni ste+ ell transplantation ; =#draCT 4#mber


  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213



    %(T7-ITD is fre/#entl: present in ad#lt AML 'ith

    highest incidence in patients aged !< to 1+ :ears

    In normal car:ot:pe AML important cooperating gene

    m#tations are &PM)-m#t and D&MT7$-m#t

    M#tant0'ild t:pe ratio and insertion in the !-sheet are

    important prognostic mar@ers in %(T7-ITD positi5e


  • 7/24/2019 02 Mothy Hkg Flt3-Inhibitors 22 Feb 2013 030213



    Allo-(SCT in first C> in %(T7-ITD positi5e AML res#lts

    in impro5ed o#tcome especiall: in those patientslac@ing a high m#tant0'ild t:pe ratio and0or insertion

    in the !-sheet

    TIs sho'ed remar@able acti5it: as single agent in

    relapsed0refractor: %(T7-ITDpos AML especiall: after


    Dr#g-Dr#g interactions ma: hea5il: infl#ence TI

    metabolism 5ia C:tochrome 6*%+3A*

    TIs can bloc@ gl#c#ronidation of dr#gs e?g?

    paracetamol 'hich ma: lead to se5er hepatoto7icit:
